in the end all you really have is 23/st johnsville ny...oy mrs....

oy Mrs. Loo Fopp Mrs. Clifton Holland and Mis..* Edna Cretser spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Mildred Christman in Gloversville, Mr, and Mrs. Mayland Christ- man and Mrs. Gertrude Beard were week-end guests of Mr. ape! Mrs. Henry Wilson and- family in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. The Fireladies will meet at the firehouse, Thursday evening, (X tober 14, to make final plans for a benefit dance and bake sale \o be held at the dance hall, Friday, October 22, for Alberta Duesler and Mary \nn Ahearn? who weif victims ol an auto ac- cident in August. Mr. and Mrs. Charge Blako lee, who moved during the past week, are now at their new residence at 6 Cross Street, Fort Piain. Mr. Charles Mrazz, Sr., and Charles Mrazz, Jr., Keck Center, spent Saturday in Hershey, Penn- sylvania, where they attended the annual Antique Auto Show. They reported it as being very uiiviuiillj, vtllLl CUIlClCML jU>-riU others they have attended in other places. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krum hav^ returned after a trip to Florida. Walter Gleason and Virginia Caswell, Boston, Massachusetts, spent a few days with Edna Cretser and Mrs. Darby, this past week end. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Pumu. Newtorwillo, were Sunday guests of he t parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Popp and family. The Night Hawks Home Dem- onstration Unit, met at the home of Mrs. Grace Decker, last Wed- nesday evening, with ten mem- bers and one guest present. There was an exchange of pat- terns for gift making among the group. Reports were given by officer members who attended the train- ing school. The next meeting will be held November 3, with Mrs. Elizabeth Seeley as hostess. Birthday greetings to Richard Pavlus October 19. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hatch have their first great grandchild in PittslitJd, Mass., Saturday, Oc tober 9, wnen a daughter was born to Mr, and Mrs Robert Blakeney. Mrs. Blakeney is the former Patricia LaDuecuer, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon La- Duecuer. Mrs. LaDuecuer is e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hatch. Personalized napkins for wed- dings, anniversaries, entertain- ing, etc., These make a lovely gut also. See OUT big selection at The Enterprise and News. Call 5151, St. JohnsvUle. Rcbekahs Install Officers Mrs. LaMoyne Manclow wa.-- installed as Noble Grand o' Montgomery Rebekah Lodge, on Tuesday night, at the I.O.O.F. Temple, with the elective offic- ers, vice grand, Mrs. Jessi? Peeler; t-ecording secretary, Mrs. Edna Weaver; financial secretary, Mrs. Eva J. Williams and treas- urer, Mrs. Pearl Carter. Appointed officers named by Mrs. Manclow and installed were: warden, Mis. Irene Smith; con- ductor, Mrs. Gertrude Pontius; chaplain, Mrs. Nancy Sullivan; outside guardian, Mrs. Anna Loucks; inside guardian, Mrs. Millie Smith; left supporter of noble grand. Mrs. Kathleen Lull: right and left supporter of the vice grand, Mrs. DeEtta Davis, and Mrs. Marian Abel; musician, Mis. Eva M. Lamphere; Colo 1 * bearer, Mrs. Frances Collins; right and left altar supporters, Mrs. Freida FiUer and Ms. Edna Mrs. Millie Smith. The installation ceremonies were conducted by Mi's. Fannie Mahl, district deputy, Amsterdam; Miss Mabei Mouiton, deputy warden, Fort Plain; Mrs. Dor- othy Thompson, deputy secretary! Amsterdam; Mrs. Rosina Duesler, treasurer, Fultonville; Mrs. Clara Hesslink, deputy chaplain, Ams- terdam; Mrs. liabette Fiebeger, deputy herald, Canajoharie; Mrs. Gertrude Pontius, deputy inside guardian; Mrs. Margaret French, deputy musician; Miss Frances Rankie, deputy marshal]; escorts, Mrs. Catherine Houghtaling, Mrs. Ida May Bouck, Canajoharie, Mrs. Nettie Nellis, Nelliston, Mrs. Pearl Carter, Mrs. La- Moyne Manclow, and Mrs. Jessie Peeler, St. Johnsville. Mrs. Mahl delivered the mes- sage of the Assembly President, Mrs. Vioiet O. Eberhardt, who will make her official visit to the district at the Century Club in Amsterdam on Thursday night, October 28. ^irs. Mahl was pres- ented a gift from the lodge. Mrs. DeEtta Davis, the retir- ing noble grand, expressed he" appreciation to the members for their mpport during the venr and presented a gilt to each of her officers, who also presented her wilh a gift. A gift from the lodge was presented to her by the noble grand LaMoyne Man- clow. A supper was served before the meeting at 6:30 o'clock. Guests were present from Ams- terdam, Fort Plain and Canajo- harie. The committee appointed for Mrs. Irene Smith, Mrs. Gertrude Pontius and Mrs. Margaret Brown. Grace Church To Have Guest Speaker Sunday The guest preacher in Grace Congiegatioi:ul United Church oi Christ, St. Johnsville on Sunday, October 17th will be the Rev. George O. Walton of Fremont, Ohio. Rev. Walton is a graduate of Ashland College, Ashland, Ohio and Lane Theological Seminal y, of Cincinnatti, Ohk>. He served in the army as chaplain with the rank of Captain during World War II. Upon leaving the army he became minister of the East Siue, Presbyterian Church of Fremont, Ohio. At that time the church had only 72 members. When relinquishing his pastorate of this church recently, the church had 350 members, and has recently dedicated a new church and religious education building, standing on 3 acres of land in a new housing develop- ment in the city of Fremont, Ohio. He has served for the past 15 years as chairman of radio pro- g r a m arrangements for the chuTCUea of Sandusky County, Ohio, a religious activity that in- cluded all Protestant churches of the county. He has also served as delegate to the Synodieal con ventions of the Presbyterian denomination, and as moderator of the Maumes Presbytery of Ohio. He has recently served as supply minister of churches in Toledo, Ohio. Rev. and Mrs. Walton are spending two weeks vacation in the home of his brother and wife, Rev. and Mrs. B. A, Walton of this village. 0.E.C.S Students Enjoy Trip To Capitol Forty-five seventh graders from the Oppenheim-Ephratah Central School visited Albany and Schenectady recently. The first part of their trip included guided tours of the New York State Museum and the Capitci Following these tours the stu- dents viewed Albany from the top of the State Office Building In the evening the group stoppeo, in Scnenectady where they all enjoyed a banquet at Mother Ferros Restaurant. The field trip was taken in conjunction with the "Project Able" program which is a pro- gram to improve experiences of children, fkntv in cooperation with the Bureau of Guidance, New York State Education Department and made possible under a special gram of state funds. Accompanying the group were Mrs. Doris Skapik, Project Ab'e coordinator, Mr. Dommick De- Lucco, Social Studies teacher ard Mr. Kt-nneth Smith, bus driver. Also attending were four parents, Mrs. Virginia Antonucci, Mr*. Lccpoldinc Moore. Mrs. Haze! Klock, and Mrs, Jennie Miller. Daniel Van Vorsts Celebrate 58 th Anniversary o Edward Gray Heads 4-H Club Edward Gray has been elect- ed to head the Golden Hawks 4-H Club for the coming year. Elected to serve with him or«: Allen Reitz, vice-president; Mark Damin, secretary; and Larry Steele, treasurer. Other officer*, ineluue Dennis Gray, news re- porter; song and recreation lead' er, Willie Steele. The council members are Ed- ward Gray and Mark Damin. Meetings will be held each lllol UiiU UUHl vv cUiH'£>uc4y Ik the Redmen's Hall in Oppenheim. It was agreed that should any mem'ner miss three consecutive meetings he would automatically lose membership in the club. As a reward for efforts of th? 4-H members, 4-H jackets wee given. Money was given to those members who already have jackets. T?f*ry» : nrks \x/pr-fi h>\.- -T3V Peeler, past district grand master of the Odd Fellows, and Clyde Fltzer, past grand. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Van Vorst, residents of West Johnsville for much of their married life, observed their 58*1 * wedding anniversary last Satur- day at the Valley View Nursing Home in Fultonville, where they have resided since May. An anniversary party in then honor was given by Mrs. Ken- neth Foody and Mrs Adam Haberek, owners and operators of the nursing home. Residents of the home shared in the festivities, with a large cake as a feature oi the refresh- ments. Mr. and Mrs. Van Vorst were married on October 9, 1907, in St. Johnsville, by the late Rev. Father O'Cunner. Their attend- ants were Mrs. Jessie Rocke- feller of Utica, and Stewart Wa-lrath, now deceased. Mr. Van Vorst is confined t ' bed most of the time as the re- sult of injuries suffered In an accident many years ago. Both The couple had no children, Tho tf have a niece IVrrs l^tarv Castiglionc of Gloversvillc, an I a nephew, Ralph Van Vorst, St. Johnsville. DOLGEVILLE NEWS Mis* It, Guebel Dies Miss Minnie Goebel, 91, Dolge- viile, died October 8, in the Van Allen Nursing Home, Little Falls, where she had been a patient. Funeral services were conduct- ed Sunday t>om the Nielsen Funeral Home, with the Reverend J. Harold Thompson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Little Falls, officiating. Inter- ment was in the Dolgeville Ceme+ery. Personal Mrs Marsden Lyon was guest of honor at a stoik shower held recently at the home of Mrs. George Lyon. Mrs. Lyon is the former Carol Miller. A meeting was held by the //omens Society of Christian ;Vrvice of the Methodist Church, October 5 in the social rooms of tne church, with 23 in attendance. Rcbekahs Meet At the meeting of the Rising Crown Rebekah Lodge, Dolge- ville, October 5, it was announc- eded that the Rebekah Assembly president will make her official visit, November 5, at the Herki- mer Masonic Temple. Those want- ing to attend may obtain their tickets from Clara Jones, local Noble Grand, before October 23. Junior Fhiialhea Class The Junior Philathea Class held their October meeting, Tuesday evening, in the Presbyterian V^llUl C1I. Miss Alice Spencer, exchange student, showed her slides on Ecquador and gave an interesting talk on the country. Advertising for Bids The Dolgeville Village Board is advertising for bids for the new Alfred Dolge Hose Company building Bids are to be return- ed at 8 p.m., November 15. Col. William Feeter Chapter, DAR, will meet tonight at the home of Mrs. Grover Luther at 7:30 p.m. The Clara Barton Chapter will hold a rummage sale in the soc- ial rooms of the church, Octob- er 14 and 15. On Friday there will be a food sale. Engaged Press and Republican Enterprise ami Newn St. Johnsville, N. Y. October 14, 1965 Church Youth Plan Party The meeting of the Pilgrim Fellowship was neld October 1*», at 5:05 p.m. The treasurer re- ported that ' there is $55.15 in the treasury. A Halloween party was dis- cussed and wOl * be held Sunda /. October 31 at 4 i>.m. The following committees were elected: refreshment committee - Lois Thomas, Judy Jones, Denise Richards. Wendy Ocser, Feb."" Nellis; decorating committee - Carol Capara, Joan Kilmes. Anita Richards, Amy Hayes; game committee - Jeanne Snell, Joyce Rockefeller, Sheryl Hart. The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. and refreshment were served. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuster, Crum Creek Road, St. Johnsville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Joanne to Mr. Sieds Bareld Jonker, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Bareld Jonker, RD 1, Palatine Bridge, N. Y. Miss Shuster was giaduated from St. Johnsville Central School and the State University of New York at Canton. She is employed as a legal secretary by Dugan, Casey. Burke & Lyons in Albany, New York. Mr. Jonker is a graduate of Canajoharie Central School and is associated with his father in the operation of Jonker Dairy FaiTOS, of Stone Arabia. An autumn, wedding is plan- ned. ENGAGED HURT IN ACCIDENT O Former Residents Celebrate 50th Wedding Former St. Johnsville residents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mosher, Ilion. were honored nt g 50th. wedding anniversary Sunday, given by their daughters, Mm. Beatrice Johnson, this village. and Mrs. Harold Potter, at the lattor's home in Ilion. The former Goida Hayes and Mr. Mosher, both of St. Johns- ville, were married October 6, 1915, in the Little Falls Metho- .ift; rn u ... . _. t... is... Rev. C. Stock weather. They have resided in Ilion for the past 3S years. The engagement has been an- nounced of Miss Louise Dillen beck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Diilenbcck, Sr., RD 2, Fort Plain, to Michael Neri, Brond- albin, son of Mrs. Thomas Tay lor, Amsterdam, and the late Mr. Neri. Miss Dillenbeck attended Fort Plain Central School and is em- ployed at Beech-Nut Life Sav- ers, Inc. Mr Neri was graduat- ed from Broadalbin School and attended college in Plattsburg. He is employed with the General Electric Co., in Schenectady. The wedding is scheduled for Saturday, November 27. * * * * Mt*. and Mrs. Gerald LaQuee, gagernent of their daughter, Shirley, to Richard Hoffman, St. Johncville. She is a graduate of.Richmond- ville Centra] School and is em- ployed at Canajoharie Manu- facturing Company. mv. nuuman aneiiutru ot. Johnsville Central School and is working in Frankfort. An October wedding is planned after which the couple will re- side at 102 West Main Street, Josephine Ksposito, 50, St. Johnsvillo, was injured October 3, when the car she was operat- ing collided on Route 5, near the Wishing Well, Town of Little Falls, with a car operated by Richard Yerdon, 18, of Richfield Springs. Mrs. Ksposito complained of pains in the left side and said she would see her own doctor. Yerdon was treated at Little Falls Hospital for stomach pains and released. Yerdon was arrested on charges of reckless driving, failure to keep right, and Imprudent speed. He was to be arraigned before Peace Justice Fred Munn, Town Of Little Falls. MIJ.TIF-c teranuc Shop Main St. St. Johnsville Now Open A I U * i for Classes wmin mm i I l!C£cif F@ St. Johnsville FRI. MTE ONLY STARTING 7 P.M. "How to Stuff a i WILD BIKINl'Ifi OLOR Q1965 American International Picture* SUirrlng ANNETTEE FlNlCELLO BUSTEit KEATON MICKEY ROONEY SAT. and SUN. 7 p.m. FOUOWUS... 8Rd find the answer 1o the comedy question •MlfttMlM a^&4~A ±\ Peter Petar Ssilem 0 Toole Cutlass Supreme: lust out! Brand-new hardtop fi MB Oldl iohilef Hi V A NOTICE There will be a meeting of the kindergarten. Mother's Club of Mrs, Maruszak's room. Wed- nesday, October 20, at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. SUtBtS and Mrs. Ressue will be in charge of the refresh- ments. Youngsters Need Parents OUR SINCERE THANKS to ail our friends, relatives, and nelghlHirn for the- many lovely cards, flowers, and acts of sympathy during our bereavement. A sneelnl "Thank you" to Point!no Dye- ing Company, Inc. The Family of I*au! C. Rodrigufcs Romy SohnalQf r Panto ftafrilsg and leatt but notTa«! Woody Alton V^3 and gueai aur c .•.. Ursula Andrsss % They're all lugeiher again! :?or the first time!} Wh^tsNew Pussycat? RititMd !h f u ,, UNITED ARTISTS f ma»««*«• TECHNICOLOR* !*»*««&»_.. ^ _..._.... ,* * J' - U-U ii" SI lulls IViot lor »i5ciit^ ai Inc CANAJOHARIE, NEW YORK 1:1317 r-" -" - " IMUtt* aWHMHIiltdaVtHtW. B*IVl T H f M AT T H l O I T X t M O H I l i t>W A*,«««MI»" NMWItur YOU! For many yenrs, up to a dec- ade ago, there was a scarcity of adoptive children. Today, the situation Is reversed here in Montgomery Ccaffity ^ n « through- out the country. Several factors combined have left numerous adoptive children wanting for parents. The Montgomery County Child Welfare staff believes there are married couples in Montgomery County who do want ic> adopt, Vint Vi-svr* *.**«*» ^|wprvn**r*f¥rtrl fT*/ 5 **^ 5 ! applying. They «rr> victims m half-truths and mlHlnformalion about adoption policy. The Monl- Romery County Welfare Dcpnrt- nu'iii calls Hitsc couples "missing iamilies" and ha» launched a campaign to locale I hem. tiomv of these couples fail to apply because they believe there is still a shortage of adaptable children as in I he past. Other couples have the mis- taken notion they must own their own homes, or that they must have g certain income to niiRllfy for adoption. Some couples think they are too old. Actually, age Is not the strict harrier some people think It »5. The older the child n couple M willing to adopt, the older they themielves may hi* and still qualify for adoption. In other coses, n couple may believe wrongly that they would he turned down for adoption hc- CI.UMC they have children of their own. Contrary to a popular Minf, applications can i>c accepted from husband and wife who are of different faiths, provi Bug they decide on the religion in which the child will be reared after adopt ton. 'Married Couple, who want tO adopt should bet farts about thrtr chances Instead of guessing", aaya faxen Hage, Montgomery County Canmi«shJner of Welfare Interested prnons are urged to contnet the Montgomery (Jotanty Department of Put>1tc Welfare. 1 Crrwe Street, AmittPrdnm, N. Y. and learn about the adoption program. I Midnight Madness f i. JI IJAL Tonight - 7 - 9 p.m AT SCHOLET { FURNITURE, Inc. f MAIN ST, Open Friday Evening* FORT PLAIN I Sofa i Pillows ONLY— $2.59 ! Feather Pillows $ 1 29 Sample Rugs I $1. ONLY— JOIN OUR MKKt HANDIHK CLUB I Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is 23/St Johnsville NY...oy Mrs. Loo Fopp Mrs. Clifton Holland and Mis..* Edna Cretser spent Thursday afternoon

oy Mrs. Loo Fopp Mrs. Clifton Holland and Mis..*

Edna Cretser spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Mildred Christman in Gloversville,

Mr, and Mrs. Mayland Christ-man and Mrs. Gertrude Beard were week-end guests of Mr. ape! Mrs. Henry Wilson and- family in Chelmsford, Massachusetts.

The Fireladies will meet at the firehouse, Thursday evening, (X tober 14, to make final plans for a benefit dance and bake sale \o be held at the dance hall, Friday, October 22, for Alberta Duesler and Mary \nn Ahearn? who weif victims ol an auto ac­cident in August.

Mr. and Mrs. Charge B l a k o lee, who moved during the past week, are now at their new residence at 6 Cross Street, Fort Piain.

Mr. Charles Mrazz, Sr., and Charles Mrazz, Jr., Keck Center, spent Saturday in Hershey, Penn­sylvania, where they attended the annual Antique Auto Show. They reported it as being very u i i v i u i i l l j , vtllLl CUIlClCML jU>-riU

others they have attended in other places.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krum hav^ returned after a trip to Florida.

Walter Gleason and Virginia Caswell, Boston, Massachusetts, spent a few days with Edna Cretser and Mrs. Darby, this past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Pumu. Newtorwillo, were Sunday guests of he t parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Popp and family.

The Night Hawks Home Dem­onstration Unit, met at the home of Mrs. Grace Decker, last Wed­nesday evening, with ten mem­bers and one guest present. There was an exchange of pat­terns for gift making among the group.

Reports were given by officer members who attended the train­ing school. The next meeting will be held November 3, with Mrs. Elizabeth Seeley as hostess.

Birthday greetings to Richard Pavlus October 19.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hatch have

their first great grandchild in PittslitJd, Mass., Saturday, Oc tober 9, wnen a daughter was born to Mr, and Mrs Robert Blakeney. Mrs. Blakeney is the former Patricia LaDuecuer, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon La­Duecuer. Mrs. LaDuecuer is t» e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hatch.

Personalized napkins for wed­dings, anniversaries, entertain­ing, etc., These make a lovely gut also. See OUT big selection at The Enterprise and News. Call 5151, St. JohnsvUle.

Rcbekahs Install Officers

Mrs. LaMoyne Manclow wa.--installed as N o b l e Grand o' Montgomery Rebekah Lodge, on Tuesday night, at the I.O.O.F. Temple, with the elective offic­ers, vice grand, Mrs. Jessi? Peeler; t-ecording secretary, Mrs. Edna Weaver; financial secretary, Mrs. Eva J. Williams and treas­urer, Mrs. Pearl Carter.

Appointed officers named by Mrs. Manclow and installed were: warden, Mis. Irene Smith; con­ductor, Mrs. Gertrude Pontius; chaplain, Mrs. Nancy Sullivan; outside guardian, Mrs. Anna Loucks; inside guardian, Mrs. Millie Smith; left supporter of noble grand. Mrs. Kathleen Lull: right and left supporter of the vice grand, Mrs. DeEtta Davis, and Mrs. Marian Abel; musician, Mis. Eva M. Lamphere; Colo1* bearer, Mrs. Frances Collins; right and left altar supporters, Mrs. Freida FiUer and Ms. Edna Mrs. Millie Smith.

The installation ceremonies were conducted by Mi's. Fannie Mahl, district deputy, Amsterdam; Miss Mabei Mouiton, deputy warden, Fort Plain; Mrs. Dor­othy Thompson, deputy secretary! Amsterdam; Mrs. Rosina Duesler, treasurer, Fultonville; Mrs. Clara Hesslink, deputy chaplain, Ams­terdam; Mrs. liabette Fiebeger, deputy herald, Canajoharie; Mrs. Gertrude Pontius, deputy inside guardian; Mrs. Margaret French, deputy musician; Miss Frances Rankie, deputy marshal]; escorts, Mrs. Catherine Houghtaling, Mrs. Ida May Bouck, Canajoharie, Mrs. Nettie Nellis, Nelliston, Mrs. Pearl Carter, Mrs. La­Moyne Manclow, and Mrs. Jessie Peeler, St. Johnsville.

Mrs. Mahl delivered the mes­sage of the Assembly President, Mrs. Vioiet O. Eberhardt, who will make her official visit to the district at the Century Club in Amsterdam on Thursday night, October 28. ^irs. Mahl was pres­ented a gift from the lodge.

Mrs. DeEtta Davis, the retir­ing noble grand, expressed he" appreciation to the members for their mpport during the venr and presented a gilt to each of her officers, who also presented her wilh a gift. A gift from the lodge was presented to her by the noble grand LaMoyne Man­clow.

A supper was served before the meeting at 6:30 o'clock. Guests were present from Ams­terdam, Fort Plain and Canajo­harie.

The committee appointed for

Mrs. Irene Smith, Mrs. Gertrude Pontius and Mrs. Margaret Brown.

Grace Church To Have Guest Speaker Sunday

The guest preacher in Grace Congiegatioi:ul United Church oi Christ, St. Johnsville on Sunday, October 17th will be the Rev. George O. Walton of Fremont, Ohio.

Rev. Walton is a graduate of Ashland College, Ashland, Ohio and Lane Theological Seminal y, of Cincinnatti, Ohk>. He served in the army as chaplain with the rank of Captain during World War II. Upon leaving the army he became minister of the East Siue, Presbyterian Church of Fremont, Ohio. At that time the church had only 72 members. When relinquishing his pastorate of this church recently, the church had 350 members, and has recently dedicated a new church and religious education building, standing on 3 acres of land in a new housing develop­ment in the city of Fremont, Ohio.

He has served for the past 15 years as chairman of radio pro-g r a m arrangements for the chuTCUea of Sandusky County, Ohio, a religious activity that in­cluded all Protestant churches of the county. He has also served as delegate to the Synodieal con ventions of the Presbyterian denomination, and as moderator of the Maumes Presbytery of Ohio. He has recently served as supply minister of churches in Toledo, Ohio.

Rev. and Mrs. Walton are spending two weeks vacation in the home of his brother and wife, Rev. and Mrs. B. A, Walton of this village.

0.E.C.S Students Enjoy Trip To Capitol

Forty-five s e v e n t h graders from the Oppenheim-Ephratah Central School visited Albany and Schenectady recently. The first part of their trip included guided tours of the New York State Museum and the Capitci

Following these tours the stu­dents viewed Albany from the top of the State Office Building In the evening the group stoppeo, in Scnenectady where they all enjoyed a banquet at Mother Ferros Restaurant.

The field trip was taken in conjunction with the "Project Able" program which is a pro­gram to improve experiences of children, fkntv in cooperation with the Bureau of Guidance, New York State Education Department and made possible under a special gram of state funds.

Accompanying the group were Mrs. Doris Skapik, Project Ab'e coordinator, Mr. Dommick De-Lucco, Social Studies teacher ard Mr. Kt-nneth Smith, bus driver. Also attending were four parents, Mrs. Virginia Antonucci, Mr*. Lccpoldinc Moore. Mrs. Haze! Klock, and Mrs, Jennie Miller.

Daniel Van Vorsts Celebrate 58 th Anniversary


Edward Gray Heads 4-H Club

Edward Gray has been elect­ed to head the Golden Hawks 4-H Club for the coming year. Elected to serve with him or«: Allen Reitz, vice-president; Mark Damin, secretary; and Larry Steele, treasurer. Other officer*, ineluue Dennis Gray, news re­porter; song and recreation lead' er, Willie Steele.

The council members are Ed­ward Gray and Mark Damin.

Meetings will be held each l l l o l Ui iU U U H l vv cUiH'£>uc4y Ik

the Redmen's Hall in Oppenheim. I t was agreed that should any

mem'ner miss three consecutive meetings he would automatically lose membership in the club.

As a reward for efforts of th? 4-H members, 4-H jackets w e e given. Money was given to those members who already have jackets.

T?f*ry»:nrks \x/pr-fi r y i s . i s h>\.- -T3V

Peeler, past district grand master of the Odd Fellows, and Clyde Fltzer, past grand.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Van Vorst, residents of West S« Johnsville for much of their married life, observed their 58*1 * wedding anniversary last Satur­day at the Valley View Nursing Home in Fultonville, where they have resided since May.

An anniversary party in then honor was given by Mrs. Ken­neth Foody and Mrs Adam Haberek, owners and operators of the nursing home.

Residents of the home shared in the festivities, with a large cake as a feature oi the refresh­ments.

Mr. and Mrs. Van Vorst were married on October 9, 1907, in

St. Johnsville, by the late Rev. Father O'Cunner. Their attend­ants were Mrs. Jessie Rocke­feller of Utica, and Stewart Wa-lrath, now deceased.

Mr. Van Vorst is confined t ' bed most of the time as the re­sult of injuries suffered In an accident many years ago. Both

The couple had no children, Thotf have a niece IVrrs l^tarv Castiglionc of Gloversvillc, an I a nephew, Ralph Van Vorst, St. Johnsville.


Mis* It , Guebel Dies Miss Minnie Goebel, 91, Dolge-

viile, died October 8, in the Van Allen Nursing Home, Little Falls, where she had been a patient.

Funeral services were conduct­ed Sunday t>om the Nielsen Funeral Home, with the Reverend J. Harold Thompson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Little Falls, officiating. Inter­ment was in the Dolgeville Ceme+ery.

Personal Mrs Marsden Lyon was guest

of honor at a stoik shower held recently at the home of Mrs. George Lyon. Mrs. Lyon is the former Carol Miller.

A meeting was held by the //omens Society of Christian ;Vrvice of the Methodist Church, October 5 in the social rooms of tne church, with 23 in attendance.

Rcbekahs Meet At the meeting of the Rising

Crown Rebekah Lodge, Dolge­ville, October 5, it was announc-eded that the Rebekah Assembly president will make her official visit, November 5, at the Herki­mer Masonic Temple. Those want­ing to attend may obtain their tickets from Clara Jones, local Noble Grand, before October 23.

Junior Fhiialhea Class The Junior Philathea Class held

their October meeting, Tuesday evening, in the Presbyterian V^llUl C1I.

Miss Alice Spencer, exchange student, showed her slides on Ecquador and gave an interesting talk on the country.

Advertising for Bids The Dolgeville Village Board

is advertising for bids for the new Alfred Dolge Hose Company building Bids are to be return­ed at 8 p.m., November 15.

Col. William Feeter Chapter, DAR, will meet tonight at the home of Mrs. Grover Luther at 7:30 p.m.

The Clara Barton Chapter will hold a rummage sale in the soc­ial rooms of the church, Octob­er 14 and 15. On Friday there will be a food sale.

Engaged Press and Republican Enterprise ami Newn St. Johnsville, N. Y.

October 14, 1965

Church Youth Plan Party

The meeting of the Pilgrim Fellowship was neld October 1*», at 5:05 p.m. The treasurer re­ported that ' there is $55.15 in the treasury.

A Halloween party was dis­cussed and wOl * be held Sunda / . October 31 at 4 i>.m.

The following committees were elected: refreshment committee -Lois Thomas, Judy Jones, Denise Richards. Wendy Ocser, Feb."" Nellis; decorating committee -Carol Capara, Joan Kilmes. Anita Richards, Amy Hayes; game committee - Jeanne Snell, Joyce Rockefeller, Sheryl Hart.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. and refreshment were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuster, Crum Creek Road, St. Johnsville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Joanne to Mr. Sieds Bareld Jonker, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Bareld Jonker, RD 1, Palatine Bridge, N. Y.

Miss Shuster was giaduated from St. Johnsville Central School and the State University of New York at Canton. She is employed

as a legal secretary by Dugan, Casey. Burke & Lyons in Albany, New York.

Mr. Jonker is a graduate of Canajoharie Central School and is associated with his father in the operation of Jonker Dairy FaiTOS, of Stone Arabia.

An autumn, wedding is plan­ned.



Former Residents Celebrate 50th Wedding

Former St. Johnsville residents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mosher, Ilion. were honored nt g 50th. wedding anniversary Sunday, given by their daughters, Mm. Beatrice Johnson, this village. and Mrs. Harold Potter, at the lattor's home in Ilion.

The former Goida Hayes and Mr. Mosher, both of St. Johns­ville, were married October 6, 1915, in the Little Falls Metho-.ift; rn u ... . _. „ t... is...

Rev. C. Stock weather. They have resided in Ilion for the past 3S years.

The engagement has been an­nounced of Miss Louise Dillen beck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Diilenbcck, Sr., RD 2, Fort Plain, to Michael Neri, Brond-albin, son of Mrs. Thomas Tay lor, Amsterdam, and the late Mr. Neri.

Miss Dillenbeck attended Fort Plain Central School and is em­ployed at Beech-Nut Life Sav­ers, Inc. Mr Neri was graduat­ed from Broadalbin School and attended college in Plattsburg. He is employed with the General Electric Co., in Schenectady.

The wedding is scheduled for Saturday, November 27.

* * * * Mt*. and Mrs. Gerald LaQuee,

gagernent of their daughter, Shirley, to Richard Hoffman, St. Johncville.

She is a graduate of.Richmond-ville Centra] School and is em­ployed at Canajoharie Manu­facturing Company.

mv. nuuman aneiiutru ot. Johnsville Central School and is working in Frankfort.

An October wedding is planned after which the couple will re­side at 102 West Main Street,

Josephine Ksposito, 50, St. Johnsvillo, was injured October 3, when the car she was operat­ing collided on Route 5, near the Wishing Well, Town of Little Falls, with a car operated by Richard Yerdon, 18, of Richfield Springs.

Mrs. Ksposito complained of pains in the left side and said she would see her own doctor. Yerdon was treated at Little Falls Hospital for stomach pains and released.

Yerdon was arrested on charges of reckless driving, failure to keep right, and Imprudent speed. He was to be arraigned before Peace Justice Fred Munn, Town Of Little Falls.


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There will be a meeting of the kindergarten. Mother's Club of Mrs, Maruszak's room. Wed­nesday, October 20, at 7:30 p.m.

Mrs. SUtBtS and Mrs. Ressue will be in charge of the refresh­ments.

Youngsters Need Parents


to ail our friends, relatives, and nelghlHirn for the- many lovely cards, flowers, and acts of sympathy during our b e r e a v e m e n t . A sneelnl "Thank you" to Point!no Dye­ing Company, Inc.

The Family of I*au! C. Rodrigufcs

Romy SohnalQf r

Panto ftafrilsg and leatt but notTa«!

Woody Alton V ^ 3 and gueai aur c .•..

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r-" -" - " I M U t t * a W H M H I i l t d a V t H t W . B * I V l T H f M AT T H l O I T X t M O H I l i t>W A * , « « « M I » " N M W I t u r Y O U !

For many yenrs, up to a dec­ade ago, there was a scarcity of adoptive children. Today, the situation Is reversed here in Montgomery Ccaffity ^n« through­out the country. Several factors combined have left numerous adoptive children wanting for parents.

The Montgomery County Child Welfare staff believes there are married couples in Montgomery County who do want ic> adopt, Vint Vi-svr* *.**«*» ^|wprvn**r*f¥rtrl fT*/5**̂ 5!

applying. They «rr> victims m half-truths and mlHlnformalion about adoption policy. The Monl-Romery County Welfare Dcpnrt-nu'iii calls Hitsc couples "missing iamilies" and ha» launched a campaign to locale I hem.

tiomv of these couples fail to apply because they believe there is still a shortage of adaptable children as in I he past.

Other couples have the mis­taken notion they must own their own homes, or that they must have g certain income to niiRllfy for adoption.

Some couples think they are too old. Actually, age Is not the strict harrier some people think It »5. The older the child n couple M willing to adopt, the older they themielves may hi* and still qualify for adoption.

In other coses, n couple may believe wrongly that they would he turned down for adoption hc-CI.UMC they have children of their own.

Contrary to a popular Minf, applications can i>c accepted from husband and wife who are of different faiths, provi Bug they decide on the religion in which the child will be reared after adopt ton.

'Married Couple, who want tO adopt should bet farts about thrtr chances Instead of guessing", aaya faxen Hage, Montgomery County Canmi«shJner of Welfare Interested prnons are urged to contnet the Montgomery (Jotanty Department of Put>1tc Welfare. 1 Crrwe Street, AmittPrdnm, N. Y. and learn about the adoption program.

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