“in one spirit we were all baptized into one...

“In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.” “In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.” “In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.” 1 C 1 C 1 CORINTHIANS ORINTHIANS ORINTHIANS 12:13 12:13 12:13A

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“In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.”“In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.”“In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.” ——— 1 C1 C1 CORINTHIANSORINTHIANSORINTHIANS 12:1312:1312:13AAA

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Page Two PENTECOST SUNDAY May 19, 2013

Reflections for MOST HOLY

TRINITY May 26, 2013

The image of Divine Wisdom playing at Creation captures the joy God takes in this great work. This joy leads to the outpouring of grace called God’s plan of salvation which continues to unfold in our own day. The life of the Trinity flows ever outward, embracing us and all Creation in communion.


God of Creation, You sent Your Son, to bring us fullness of life, lead-ing us into communion with You through the

Holy Spirit. May we be a source of delight for You, and be worthy of the Creation You have entrusted in our care.

This is a passage taken from the Last Supper discourse in the Gospel of John. It speaks of the role of the Holy Spirit (here called the Spirit of Truth but in other passages called the Paraclete) who would reveal the truth to

the disciples (For there are truths about God and life that we cannot know through our own efforts). Furthermore, the Spirit reveals these things because the Spirit is obedient to the Father, even as Jesus was obedient to the Father when He died on the cross. There is no jealousy in the Trinity, but rather mutual respect and profound love.

Everything that the Father has is mine; the Spirit will take from what is mine and declare it to you (John 16:12-15).

We begin and conclude most of our efforts to pray with the simple words “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Many times a hurried gesture accompanies these words, touching forehead, chest, and each shoulder. But think for a moment about that gesture that makes a cross on our bodies, as it moves from mind to heart to the width of

our bodies. Reflect on those words. How often our familiarity with this action can become a rote gesture and a hurriedly mumbled phrase. The mystery of the Trinity is central to our faith. Our God is one yet three, three yet one. No matter which way you say it, the mystery doesn’t become any more comprehensive or less baffling. At the heart of this mystery is the reality of our loving God who created our world and all the worlds beyond ours, who has given us gener-ous access by the gift of faith in Jesus Christ, and who has poured Divine love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, the first gift to us at Baptism. What can possibly make sense of this? I would hold up one phrase from these readings for meditation. Divine Wisdom speaks of herself as being the Lord’s delight while Creation was taking place, playing before the Lord day by day. Then there is that beautiful conclusion when Wisdom says, “And I found delight in the hu-man race.” God’s Wisdom delights in us! Can we return the favor?

Readings for the Week May 20th-May 25th: Mon.: Sir 1:1-10; Mk 9:14-29 Tues.: Sir 2:1-11; Mk 9:30-37 Wed.: Sir 4:11-19; Mk 10:38-45 Thurs.: Sir 5:1-8; Mk 9:41-50 Fri.: Sir 6:5-17; Mk 10:1-12 Sat.: Sir 17:1-15; Mk 10:13-16


Before the earth was made, Wisdom was conceived (Proverbs 8:22-31). In the earliest days of Israel, wisdom was a collection of simple folk sayings that taught one how to live the good life. This chapter was written later, after the Greeks had con-quered the Middle East under Alexander the Great. People began to think of God in Greek terms, that God was far removed from every-day events. When this happened, the reli-gious leaders realized that the people needed some way to know that God cared for them. They spoke of intermediaries who brought us

God’s revelation and carried our prayers to God. These included God’s glory, God’s Spirit, and God’s holiness. The greatest of these was Wisdom. Next week we hear a hymn of how she accompanied God on the day of Creation and served Him as an archi-tect in His work. The idea of Wisdom gave the Israelites many of the concepts that would help them understand the Trinity when that idea was revealed.

We have been justified through faith. Justifi-cation means that we are at peace with God. Jesus gave us the opportunity to find that peace through His death on the cross and resurrection. We must trust in Him. Yet, there is still suffering in our lives. Normally, suffer-

ing makes one feel abandoned. This is not the case for us, for we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit fills us with joy when we suffer (for we realize that God’s love can be seen in us when we suffer with trust).

To God, through Christ, in love poured out through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:1-5).




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We remember the sick, infirm, and those recommended to our prayers, that they may experience the healing power of Christ: Guillermo Reyes Donald Richards Jim Bond Andrew Packer Ronald Meyers Ed Bakotic Val Oceanes Andrew Harmata Abigail Rouse And for our deceased: Lydia Siemianowski (Mother to Fr. John Siemianowski) “Heavenly Father, accept the prayers which we offer for them.”

Sat., May 18th (5pm) Evelyn Mniszewski; Art Rogers; Joseph Skorzewski; Owen Lavin; Josephine Tarantino; Henry O’Neill Sunday, May 19th (7:15am) Stanek Family; Kathy Firestone (8:30am) Dennis Corluka; Phyllis J. Minnick (10am) Parishioners (11:30am) Don D’Ercole; John Sayer Mon., May 20th (9am) Nik Samanic; Richard Allen Tues., May 21st (9am) Patricia Bro Wed., May 22nd (9am) Ronald Worblewski Thurs., May 23rd (9am) Robert Olmstead Fri., May 24th (9am) Therese and Steve Strum

Kathenne Gangwer Marcus Marin (Child: Elita Marin) Amber Garcia (Children: Nathan and Andrew Edders) Daniel and Laura Pierce (Child: Michael Pierce)

COLLECTION FOR 5-12-13: $35,000.92 CHILDREN’S COLLECTION: $54.59

Thank you for your generosity.





May 19, 2013

Please pray for those preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony: Katie Bryan and Josh Burnham; 5-25-13 Mary Brennan and Mike Naughton; 5-31-13 Caitlin Burns Bekta and Gregory Palagi; 6-1-13 Andrea Guzzino and Robert Ruglio; 6-14-13 Valerie Andrews and Jeffrey Gossage; 6-15-13 Lindsay Doyle and Shaun O’Farrell; 6-15-13 Theresa Passarello and Ryan Blackwell; 6-22-13 Katie Kokaisl and Michael Farthing; 6-22-13


LUKE DESCRIBES THE BESTOWING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT occurring on the feast of Pentecost. The Jewish tradition of Pentecost was the Feast of the Giving of the Law on Mount Sinai. According to the legend, a mighty wind turned to fire and a voice proclaimed the Law. In a further modification of this legend, the fire split into 70 tongues, corresponding to 70 nations of the world, to convey that the Law was proclaimed not only to Israel, but to all nations.

LUKE EXPLOITS THIS TRADITION. He, too, has the mighty wind and tongues of fire coming upon the group of disciples. But for Luke the universal proclamation was not that of the Law, but of the Good News — a proclamation that has undone the sentence of Babel and re-united the scattered nations.

IN THIS SUNDAY’S GOSPEL, John has the bestowing of the Holy Spirit occurring on Easter Day. Luke and John are saying the same thing: the risen Lord gives the gift of the Spirit, and inaugurates the mission of the Church. That they differ in their dating is due to theological concerns. Let us pray that the gifts of the Holy Spirit continue to enrich all of us.

LAST SATURDAY, 14 couples who will soon be married at our church, participated in a Wedding Workshop. They too need our prayers in their time of direct preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. May the Holy Spirit strengthen their love and allow their union to be an outward sign of God’s love to all of us.

OUR FUTURE PASTOR, FR. BILL CORCORAN, attended our Finance Council meeting last Thursday. Fr. Corcoran was warmly welcomed. He shared with us his experiences as a pastor of St. Linus and his visions for his future pastorship at St. Elizabeth Seton. Let us pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit for Fr. Bill during his transformation process.

God bless you,


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May 19, 2013 Page Four PENTECOST SUNDAY

A reflection from LIVING LITURGY by Joyce Ann Zimmerman, C.P.P.S.,

Kathleen Harmon, S.N.D. de N., Christopher W. Conlon, S.M. and

Catherine de Hueck Doherty, Season of Mercy; Lent and Easter


SPIRIT IS THE WITNESS. For what were we created? For a love affair with God! For a oneness with God that nothing can break. For this the Holy Spirit has come. For this, the symbol of the Wind is lifting us up. For this the symbol of Fire cleanses us and makes our soul afire with love... HERE CHRIST SAYS something fantastic that should send shivers down our spines, that we should hold in our hearts and never let go: “As the Father sends me, so I am sending you.” He said it to the apostles, but what he says is meant for you and me. And it means that we have to go. WHOEVER WE ARE, OLD OR YOUNG, RICH OR POOR—what is our real vocation? Whatever other vocations God might send us, the very essential vocation of the Christian is apostolic. An apostle is one who is sent by someone big-ger than himself. That is you and me. It does not matter if we have any education. Nothing matters, because he has sent us, and he has said, “Open your mouth and I will speak.” On the feast of Pentecost the Holy Spirit, Wind and Fire, came to teach us what to say. We must have no worries, no inferiority complexes, because we are God’s. AS MY FATHER SENDS ME, SO I AM SENDING YOU.” To do what? To preach the Good News. The Good News is the incarnation, life, crucifixion, resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the affirmation of the new covenant: Love

your God with your whole heart, your whole mind, your whole soul; and love your neighbor as yourself. He said, “By this you shall be known as my disciples: that you love one another as I have loved you.” So: “As my Father sent me, so I am sending you. Show them that you are my disciples. Love one another as I have loved you.” THE HOLY SPIRIT COMES AS FIRE AND WIND to cleanse the heart so there is no impediment for God to pass through.


them, appreciate and use them, wear them out or discard them. The Spirit is received in baptism and the Spirit’s presence is strengthened in confirmation so that we might carry on Jesus’ saving mission. The more we respond to the Spirit’s indwell-

ing, the more we are immersed in God’s very love. The choice to love becomes more clear, more focused. The Spirit brings us to a single-mindedness about our love and about our choice to take up Jesus’ saving mission.

S OMETIMES IN OUR LIVES WE MIGHT WITNESS to a powerful presence of the Spirit. Perhaps we must confront another who has done wrong and refuses

to change, stand up to injustice, or challenge another to more ethical and generous living. Sometimes in our lives we might witness to a gentler, relational Spirit. Perhaps we spend extra quality time with the children, or visit eld-erly relatives and bring them some cheer, or help someone pick up the pile of oranges which has come tumbling down in the grocery. In these great and simple acts the Spirit works through us and moves us from “if” to “I can, I choose, I will.”

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, Father, and Mother of the poor! Come, our Sweet Refreshment, our Solace in the midst of woe, our Light in darkness. Healer of our wounds, Dew upon our dryness, Warmth for our cold

hearts. Bring the orphans home that all our gifts of life form one family within the Church. Amen.


“Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him,

and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.”

— John 14:23b

PENTECOST SUNDAYPENTECOST SUNDAYPENTECOST SUNDAY Reconcile Yourself To God And OthersReconcile Yourself To God And OthersReconcile Yourself To God And Others

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Something to think and pray about this week…

TODAY’S FEAST OF PENTECOST rounds off the tremendous mysteries that we have been commemorating since Holy Week – the Passion, the Death, the Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus. These culminate in the sending of the Spirit on the disciples. We are not merely dealing here with separate historical incidents but with one reality – the extraordinary intervention of God into our lives by what we can only call the “mystery” of Christ Jesus. Today’s feast indicates that it is an ongoing reality, which touches our lives every single day.

The Spirit is the way of true freedom not a way of compulsion, addiction, greed or fear. It involves a close, warm, confident relationship with God who can be confidently addressed as “abba” (Father). Filled with the Spirit, we are in the fullest sense people of God, living images of our Creator.

We radiate the Spirit and by our word and example and invite others to share it. The gifts of the Spirit are not only for ourselves: the gifts given to us are to be shared. After the coming of the Holy Spirit the disciples did not stay in that room luxuriating in what they had been given. They burst out to tell the world how much God loves everyone and how God wants everyone to experience that love.

This week let us pray that we may be more aware of the quiet working of God’s Spirit in our lives.

PENTECOST SUNDAY Page Five May 19, 2013

For additional information visit www.catechesis-chicago.org/ccss

Contact: Patricia Malinowski at 312-534-8053 [email protected]



Expand your knowledge and wisdom of Scripture at the official Scripture School

of the Archdiocese of Chicago

June 11, 2013 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

St. Julie Billiart Devine Center

7399 West 159th St. Tinley Park, IL 60477

August 6, 2013 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Cardinal Meyer Center 3525 S. Lake Park Ave.

Chicago, IL 60653

Meet Our New Pope Francis! Father Greg Wojcik from Sacred Heart Parish in Palos Hills invites you to a pilgrimage from Oct 7-17, 2013 to meet our new Pope Francis and visit the Shrines of Italy (Rome, Vatican City, Assisi, San Giovani Rotando, Monte Cassino and more). Limited space. Double room: $3,299; Single room: $3,699 (price until 6-14-13). For more infor-mation please call Fr. Greg Wojcik at 708-974-3336, x217 or email at [email protected].

A Holy Hour for Pope Francis Local parishes are hosting Holy Hours and Inspirational Concerts for Pope Francis with International Irish Tenor, Mark Forrest and Concert Pianist, John-Paul Kaplan. Event format: Praise and Worship; Exposition of the Holy Sacrament; Scripture Meditation; Silent Adoration; Proces-sion and Blessing with Blessed Sacrament; Benediction (Confession optional). Event dates/locations (7pm unless noted): May 19, St. Gerald, 9349 S. Central, Oak Lawn May 21, St. Germaine, 4240 W. 98th St., Oak Lawn May 22, St. Thomas Moore, 2825 81st Ct., Chicago May 23, 126 Herrick Rd., Riverside May 25 (Evening Mass at 4pm) St. Dennis, 1214 Hamilton St., Lockport May 26 (Musical Tribute to the Pope Francis at 3pm ) St. Constance, 5843 W. Strong St., Chicago Call James Gilboy at 708-636-2995 for information.

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PENTECOST SUNDAY May 19, 2013 Page Six

Journey with the Lord and let your heart hear God’s Words….

By Margie Guadagno St. Elizabeth Seton Pastoral Associate

When the disciples

met Jesus

on the road,

they were


and sad.

He walked with them

and listened to

their story.

Then, by opening up

the Scriptures

He gave them hope!

He helped them see

that they were

not abandoned

or left orphaned,

that God

was with them

and would

always be part

of their journey.

The Road To EmmausThe Road To EmmausThe Road To Emmaus The Road To Emmaus The Road To EmmausThe Road To EmmausThe Road To Emmaus

Listening to One Another in the Spirit

I GREW UP IN THE 1950S. During those years I internalized a certain way that families were suppose to look.

Therefore, when I thought of family, I thought of Mom, Dad and three kids because that’s what my family—and most of my friend’s families—looked like. Dad went to work and Mom stayed home and cooked, cleaned, washed and ironed clothes, and always…always…deferred to Dad on important issues. And, every issue was important! As the 60s came round, things began to change in my house. All three of us kids were in school and my Mom wanted to get a part-time job. Well, let me tell you, the days of deference were definitely over! My Mom started working at Edward Minas Company in Hammond, Indiana. Shopping malls weren’t even a blip on the radar yet. So, if you wanted to do real shopping, downtown Hammond was the place you wanted to be. But, I am getting ahead of myself. My mother’s path to her job was not easy. For my Dad, the distance between stay-at-home Mom and working Mom was impassable. I can still remember the arguments and angry words that passed between them for months. And then, the dreadful silence—for months. They could not come to an agreement. Each one had their own reasons for wanting what they wanted. And truth be told, they both had really good reasons. But, they just wouldn’t listen to each other. They were so focused on getting their own points across that neither took the time to hear and evaluate what the other one said or how they felt. They were divided and just could not, and then would not, communicate with each other. However, in the end, a compromise had to be reached because the most important

thing for our family was to cooperate with each other for the good of the whole family.

I T IS HUMAN NATURE TO DEFEND one’s own commitment to a point of view. It’s those very beliefs that help us navigate

the world around us and achieve our goals. But we cannot do that alone. We need to see, hear and communicate with the people around us. God did not make us to live alone in a fish bowl. That understanding of ourselves as communal creatures is made clear by the early scripture writers who put down the story of our creation that we read in Genesis. What is also made clear in scripture is that from the very beginning we were predisposed to misunderstanding, miscommunication and a misdirected sense that we each, as individuals, have the only correct opinion. I think the story of the Tower of Babel says more about our ability to alienate ourselves from one another out of pride than it does about God wanting to serve us a piece of humble pie. It’s not God’s fault that we often choose to close our minds and hearts to the people around us. IN FACT, GOD ONLY WANTS TO HELP US. That’s why God sends the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. With her help we can learn to be understanding of another’s viewpoint. That would naturally lead us to be wise and exercise good judgment. That’s made clear in scripture, as well.

T HE STORY OF PENTECOST SHOWS US what is possible when we are willing to listen and cooperate with others.

It brings good to the whole world. That is our calling as disciples of Christ and members of the community of believers. Angry words or sitting in silence are just not an option for those of us who strive to do what is best for the whole family of God.

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Page Seven PENTECOST SUNDAY April 28, 2013


Are you open to receive and share that love? Is God calling you to spread love through a Church vocation? If you have considered a vocation to the priesthood, contact Fr. Brian Welter at 312-534-8298 or email at [email protected] or visit their website at www.ChicagoPriest.com. FOR INFORMATION ON RELIGIOUS LIFE contact Sr. Elyse Ramirez, OP call 312-534-5240 or [email protected], and for the Permanent Diaconate Program, contact Deacon Bob Puhala at [email protected] or 847-837-4562.


Wednesday, May 22 Frank and Betty Gildea



The Vocation Cross is presented on Wednesday at the 9am Mass. Participants pray daily for one week

and return the cross on Tuesday for the next participant. To sign up, please call 708-403-0101.

Holy Spirit, open the hearts and minds of young women and men so that a new flowering of holy vocations may show forth the fidelity of

your love, and all may know Christ, the true light of the world to offer to every human being

the sure hope of eternal life. Amen.

Parish Vocation News

Newborns in Need The Seton Sowers chapter of Newborns in Need will be meeting Monday, May 20th at 9:15am (please note time change) in the downstairs church meeting room. If you knit, crochet, or sew, we can use your

skills to make clothing and blankets for newborn babies who need to spend time in the hospital. We can also use donations of yarn and fabric. For more information please call Carol Dimer at 708-479-6994.

May 19, 2013

Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass

The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2013 at 2:45pm at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State St., Chicago. Couples married in 1963 interested in attending this celebration should contact the St. Elizabeth Seton par-ish office to register at 708-403-0101. For info visit www.familyministries.org or call 312-534-8351.

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REGISTRATION Ongoing for 3PK – 8th Grade!

Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School continues to accept applications for

3-year-old Pre-K through 8th Grade … and we will do so until all spaces are filled.

Call Mrs. Cindy Devlin at 708-403-6525 extension 127 for information or visit our website at www.cjbschool.org.

3-Year-Old Pre-K: If your child will be three on or before September 1st, he/she is eligible for CJB’s 3PK (Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday) program. The morning session begins at 7:40am and dismisses at 10:40am. The afternoon session begins at 11am and dismisses at 2pm. 3PK tuition is $1,820. 4-Year-Old Pre-K: If your child will be four on or before September 1st of this year, he/she is eligible for CJB’s 4PK programs. New for 2013-14: in addition to a half-day program, we are also offering a full day 4PK program! For our half-day program (Monday through Thursday), the morning session begins at 7:40am and dismisses at 10:40am. The afternoon session begins at 11am and dismisses at 2pm. Tuition for half-day 4PK is $2,317. Our five-day full-day 4PK program (Monday through Friday) begins at 7:40am and dismisses at 2pm. Full-day 4PK tuition is $4,514. Kindergarten: If your child will be five on or before September 1st, he/she is eligible for our Kindergarten program. CJB’s Kindergarten is a full-day program (7:40am-2pm) Monday through Friday! Tuition is $4,514. Grades 1-8: At present, we have some space available in Grades 1-8. Tuition is $4,514 per student (no additional book fees!). In addition to an excellent faith-based and blue ribbon education, Cardinal Ber-nardin School lots of extra-curricular activities, athletics, and an Extended Day program (before- and after-school – opening at 6:30am and closing at 6pm).

Visit www.cjbschool.org for more information.

Page Eight PENTECOST SUNDAY May 19, 2013

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Will You Spend an Hour with Jesus? St. George Parish, 6707 W 175th St., Tinley Park, is blessed to offer the opportunity for private prayer with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament present on the altar. Since 1994 Holy Family Chapel has been open con-tinuously, except Holy Thursday eve until Holy Satur-day eve, and in cases of severe weather. There are 168 hours per week, and each hour requires one per-son (preferably two or more) who come to pray during that hour each week, or arrange for someone to take their place. Would you be willing to spend an hour with Jesus each week in Holy Family Chapel? Open one hour time slots are: Sunday: 1am; Monday: 2am, 3am Tuesday: 3am, 6am, 2pm; Thursday: 10am, 1pm Friday: 8am, 9am, 11am. Call 708-429-2762.

Sacred Heart Church Music Series 8245 W. 111th St., Palos Hills

Music of America, Sunday May 26th at 3:30pm What a better way to kick off Summer and celebrate Memorial Day than to participate in the second install-ment of the Sacred Heart Summer Music Series! Clas-sically trained singer, composer, educator, and writer Cecelia Otto (“Cece”), will present a program entitled “American Songline Travelogue: A Celebration of the Lincoln Highway’s 100th Anniversary”. The program consists of songs either about the Lincoln Highway, or that were once performed at concerts along the high-way in the first decades of its existence. You’ll hear a mix of folk songs, show tunes, operetta and classical numbers. Sacred Heart Music Director James Grzadz-inski will serve as collaborative pianist for the event. A free will offering will be taken.

Jazz/Pops Night, June 4th at 7pm The evening will feature local musicians, predominantly alumni of Saint Xavier University, presenting jazz stan-dards alongside adaptations of rock and pop favorites for the combo. This concert will be held in the McGin-nity Ministry Center Gym, and is open to the public. A free will offering will be taken.


SVDP Used School School Supplies Drive

Saturday, June 8th Sunday, June 9th

The St. Vincent DePaul Society is collecting used school supplies in GOOD CONDITION this weekend. Please deposit your donations in the boxes by the entrance doors of the church. Your donations will be distributed to needy children for their Summer School projects.

Thank you for your support!

St. Elizabeth Seton Men’s Club

presents the 2013 Jim Hofbauer Award

Our highest honor: The Jim Hofbauer Award for Service and

Dedication is awarded to Mark Lippe.

The Lippe Family: Lisa, Donna, Mark and David.

Dave Skrzypiec, last year’s recipient of the Jim Hofbauer Award with Mark Lippe.

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We especially pray for the victims and families of Sandy Hook School in Connecticut.




HEIGHT OF ITS POWER, though France and England were soon to reduce its influence. The 16th century has been called the Golden Age of the Church in Spain, for it gave birth to Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Peter of Alcantara, Francis Solano and Salvator of Horta. Paschal’s Spanish parents were poor and pious. Between the ages of seven and 24 he worked as a shepherd and began a life of mortification. He was able to pray on the job and was especially attentive to the church bell which rang at the Elevation during Mass. Paschal had a very honest streak in him. He once offered to pay owners of crops for any damage his animals caused! In 1564, Paschal joined the Friars Minor and gave himself wholeheartedly to a life of penance. Though he was urged to study for the priesthood, he chose to be a brother. At various times he served as porter, cook, gardener and official beggar. Paschal was careful to observe the vow of poverty. He would never waste any food or anything given for the use of the friars. When he was porter and took care of the poor coming to the door, he developed a reputation for great generosity. The friars sometimes tried to moderate his liberality! Paschal spent his spare moments praying before the Blessed Sacrament. In time many people sought his wise counsel. People flocked to his tomb immediately after his burial; miracles were reported promptly. Paschal was canonized in 1690 and was named patron of Eucharistic congresses and societies in 1897.

COMMENT: Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament occupied much of St. Francis’ energy. Most of his letters were to promote devotion to the Eucharist. Paschal shared that concern. An hour in prayer before our Lord in the Eucharist could teach all of us a great deal. Some holy and busy Catholics today find that their work is enriched by those minutes regularly spent in prayer and meditation.

May 19, 2013 PENTECOST SUNDAY Page Eleven

Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a problem with alcohol and feel a sincere de-sire to stop drinking, you are welcome to attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) in the downstairs St. Elizabeth Seton Church Hall on Thursdays from 7:30-8:45pm. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover. The only requirement is a sincere desire to stop drinking.

Families Anonymous If your life has gone astray due to living with someone who has a substance abuse problem, consider attending Fami-lies Anonymous on Mondays from 7-8:30pm at Palos Hos-pital, 123rd and 80th Ave., Palos Heights (Ambulatory Care Center, Rm. 1, enter Emergency Room to elevator to the Lower Level). For info call Warren, 708-429-2507 or Therese at 708-269-9853.


Seniors of Seton


A Taste of Geneva, Illinois Tour in-cludes: Motor coach transportation, Geneva Driving Tour, Visit the Geneva History Center, presentation and sam-ples at the Spice House, Lunch at Villa Verona, Wine tasting at the Wine Seller and stop at Graham’s Chocolate Shop at the Little Traveler. The tour will leave the Seton parking lot at 9am and return

at 4pm. The price will be $74 per person. In interested, call Phyllis at 708-478-0471.

Golden Opportunities Coupon books offer local restaurants offering discounts of 50% off or 2-for-1. In addition, great savings at movies, grocery stores, sporting events, and more! Many coupons valid once a month.

2013 Golden Opportunities

Now discounted for only $10

available in the parish office!


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PENTECOST SUNDAY May 19, 2013 Page Twelve

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May 19, 2013 PENTECOST SUNDAY Page Thirteen


with Games in June and July SOFTBALL ON THE GREEN 5:30-7PM Any parish teens and their friends are welcome to join the Seton Saints Summer Softball Team.

Sunday, May 19th FAMILY MASS AND DINNER 5:30-8:30PM .Mark your calendars for this traditional end of the year celebration of Mass, dinner, and fun and games with your parents and siblings!

QUESTIONS? Contact Bruce Hall, Adult Co-Leader,

[email protected] or 708-403-7834.

Visit Branches on Facebook for updates/added events!


(For Grades 6-12) Train every weekend and

take your game to the next level. Kick Ball Far Camps are run on the southwest side of Chicago at various loca-tions thru July 20 (no other camp offers this availability) and are DEDICATED to our young student athletes. Cur-rent and former D1 student athletes and NFL players will teach the RIGHT way to kick/punt so you can KICK BALLS FAR just like US! KICK BALL FAR ACADEMY Director Ryan Donahue, former St. Rita of Cascia High School, University of Iowa football player and played for the Detroit Lions in the National Football League To reg-ister call 708-529-KICK. For more information visit: www.facebook.com/KickBallFarAcademy.

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May 19, 2013 PENTECOST SUNDAY Page Fourteen

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PENTECOST SUNDAY Page Fifteen May 19, 2013

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Page Sixteen PENTECOST SUNDAY May 19, 2013

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May 19, 2013 PENTECOST SUNDAY Page Seventeen

Pastoral Staff Rev. Stanislaw Kuca, Administrator Margie Guadagno, Pastoral Associate Pastor Emeritus: Rev. William T. O’Mara Resident Priest: Rev. William Gubbins Deacon: Frank (Betty) Gildea Deacon: Joseph (Nancy) Bishop

Liturgy Staff Claudia Nolan, Director of Liturgy Music Staff Linda McKeague, Director of Music

Parish Office Staff Donna Stolinski, Business Manager Darlene Raila, Parish Publications Joan Nemec, Morning Receptionist Karen Mirecki, Afternoon Receptionist

Religious Education Staff Elaine Pawlak, Coordinator Diana Barracca, Administration

Branches Youth Program Bruce Hall, Coordinator Rick Vlaming, Coordinator Rick Wojcik, Coordinator

Athletics Bob Myjak, Director

Maintenance Staff Raymond Yanowsky, Director of Maintenance Carlos Juarez, CJB Maintenance Coordinator Frank Siwiec, Staff Marie Makuch, Staff Joseph Shake, Staff Michael Makuch, Staff Mark Siwiec, Staff

REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Friday 9am Saturday 5pm

Sunday 7:15, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am

St. Elizabeth Seton Church 9300 W. 167th Street Orland Hills, IL 60487

Parish Office: 708-403-0101 WEBSITE: WWW.STESETON.COM Religious Education: 708-403-0137


Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School 708-403-6525 Principal, Mary Iannucilli Administrative Assistant, Cindy Labriola Devlin

5-25 & 5-26 5:00PM 7:15AM 8:30AM 10:00AM 11:30AM GREETERS R. Gaskey

J. Gaskey C. Labus S. Labus M. Pahl K. Pahl G. Roy C. Roy G. Roy K. Roy M. Roy

R. Dickover E. Briette J. Esposito C. Esposito M. Foley B. Hill B. Majer D. Meyers J. Niemiec

L. Allen D. Biallas J. Biallas J. Biallas S. Biallas M. Crance R. Cubalchini M. Cubalchini S. Giovanazzi C. Bannon

D. Ahern W. Bric J. Grant J. Keller D. Keller M. Pfeiffer R. Warja

M. Hattar S. Ivey R. Ivey S. Klean R. Mitchel B. Mitchel S. Potts B. Ryan T. Waters J. Waters

LECTORS J. Bessette R. Coe

K. McSwain G. Shafer T. Shafer

M. Laska M. Quinn

G. Rekar C. Steckhan


M. Krause D. Berzins M. Reiter

C Stroz M. Walsh H. Smith

S. Walsh P. Maiolo TJ Quinlan

A. Gaspardo C. Buck S. Gaspardo

K. Zufan J. Lazamana N. Zufan


B. DeJonge J. Murphy M. O’Connor M. Miller M. Abbatemarco S. Abbatemarco T. Hanlon J. Harris M. Paluch J. Paluch B. Raymond

D. Nykiel C. Nolan J. Dickover J. Janiak A. Weishaar M. Fundator

J. Kelly J. Austin K. Kelly L. Lopina M. Dziallo S. Weishaar T. Krull L. Austin C. Kirk C. Hayward C. Bannon E. Pawlak

S. Rosinski S. LaCosse R. Laud R. Grill J. Eisenberg G. Chehy M. Schmidt K. O’Sullivan K. Engraffia E. Barin M. Gabrione F. Scellato C. Davis

K. Hall L. Koning M. O’Connor L. Skrzypiec T. Wolski K. James S. Villegas D. Daley J. Mitchel J. Holmquist

Attention All Ministers!

Ministers schedules available at: www.steseton.com Then visit: Music and Liturgy

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ST. ELIZABETH SETON PARISH INFORMATION Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturday, between 4:15-4:45pm.

Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated twice monthly at 1pm. Reserve your time by calling the Pastoral Center early. We are limited to six children per Sunday.

Baptismal Couples preparing for the birth of their child should contact the Pastoral Center to register for a one night seminar, focusing on a parent’s role in his/her child’s faith development. This session is mandatory prior to the Baptism.

Anointing of the Sick is available in the Church every Monday after the 9am Mass. For those who are ill or facing hospitalization, it is appropriate to receive the sacrament once every six months. Please call the Pastoral Center for more information.

Ministry of Care is available to give Communion to the housebound, to visit and pray for hospitalized and/or to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick. Please call the Pastoral Center for assistance.

In the Hospital? Because of HIPAA Privacy regulations hospitals can no longer contact the parish regarding your hospitalization. It is the responsibility of you or a family member to notify our parish. We desire to offer whatever spiritual support we can. Please call the Pastoral Center.

Sacrament of Marriage Couples planning to marry are encouraged to make arrangements at least six months in advance.

Wedding Workshops are offered throughout the year. They provide engaged couples with guidelines and suggestions for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. The workshop covers topics ranging from readings and music to flowers and video taping.

Adult Choir sings at all 10am Sunday Masses, as well as at a number of special liturgies.

Moving? Please call the office at 708-403-0101.