in gear - beaumaris rotaryaug 05, 2019  · dual beaumaris yacht club and the mesac venture, the byc...

In Gear ROTARY CLUB OF BEAUMARIS WEEKLY BULLETIN Number 6. 5 AUGUST 2019 Next Meetings THURSDAY 8 AUGUST SPEAKER: JOY MEEKING - TOPIC: MUSING OF A 10 POUND CHAIR: ROY DOWNES AV SUPPORT: DAVID LEA CASH DESK: MAX DARBY, JAMES GLENWRIGHT THURSDAY 15 AUGUST SPEAKER: ROB HINES TOPIC: WORLD OF DIFFERENCE ROTARY PROGRAM CHAIR: JAN COOPER AV SUPPORT: MARK PERELAER CASH DESK: CHRIS D'ARCY, MEGAN GLENWRIGHT THURSDAY 22 AUGUST SPEAKER: GABE DENEMARK TOPIC: THE NBN - ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW CHAIR: FRED HOFMANN AV SUPPORT: JOHN TURNER CASH DESK: MARTIN FOTHERGILL, BRIDGET HAGE THURSDAY 29 AUGUST FELLOWSHIP NIGHT: TEN PIN BOWLING FURTHER INFORMATION: RICHARD JONES 20182019 Serving the Community since 1985 Presidents Report There are a number of invitations to Rotary events in this IN GEAR for your consideration. On Friday July 26th, as was reported in the last IN GEAR, Adrian, Trish James and I attended the member- ship Seminar where we were asked to say how we achieved 6 new members. What was not reported was that District lost over 60 members at the end of the Rota- ry year and as it has no age demographics it is difficult to predict how natural age attrition will continue to im- pact. We happily have lowered our average age margin- ally and need to keep on attracting members who will do this. The trip out and back in Car with James and Trish was the highlight. I attended Mordialloc Changeover Night on Tuesday 30th July. It is a small Club but it had a great atmos- phere. They clearly have a lot of fun together as we do. I think we should seriously consider following up on the Rebecca Bartlett and Vicki Worland talks last week. Views to Board please through Directors. At the District Indigenous Support Committee on Wednesday the Global Grant Project with RC Felbach caused a lot of excitement and we already look like hav- ing at least two clubs joining in substantially. District are also considering have MITS present at the District Con- ference next year. I had an interesting meeting with Ray Lewis the driving force behind MESAC. The MESAC Project, which is now in its 6th year is a dual Beaumaris Yacht Club and the MESAC venture, the BYC maintaining its current needs and footage, and MESAC sharing some of that space and having its own new top floor, all within the current concreted areas and height. The current situation, after the preparation of a compre- hensive business plan by MESAC, followed up two years later, by a joint Department of Environment/ Bay- side Council funded, independent study, by an Alastair Grounds, (positive outcome), and then another two years later, for State and Government to take a further step in effecting a comprehensive Scoping study. This is well Contents 1 /2 Presidents Report 3 District news / Fellowship 4 Sandy Beach event for your calendar 5 Last weeks speaker 6 Club Sponsors 8 Club Structure / Photo of Week Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

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  • In Gear R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S W E E K L Y B U L L E T I N Number 6. 5 AUGUST 2019

    Next Meetings














    Serving the Community since 1985

    Presidents Report

    There are a number of invitations to Rotary events in this IN GEAR for your consideration. On Friday July 26th, as was reported in the last IN GEAR, Adrian, Trish James and I attended the member-ship Seminar where we were asked to say how we achieved 6 new members. What was not reported was that District lost over 60 members at the end of the Rota-ry year and as it has no age demographics it is difficult to predict how natural age attrition will continue to im-pact. We happily have lowered our average age margin-ally and need to keep on attracting members who will do this. The trip out and back in Car with James and Trish was the highlight. I attended Mordialloc Changeover Night on Tuesday 30th July. It is a small Club but it had a great atmos-phere. They clearly have a lot of fun together as we do. I think we should seriously consider following up on the Rebecca Bartlett and Vicki Worland talks last week. Views to Board please through Directors. At the District Indigenous Support Committee on Wednesday the Global Grant Project with RC Felbach caused a lot of excitement and we already look like hav-ing at least two clubs joining in substantially. District are also considering have MITS present at the District Con-ference next year. I had an interesting meeting with Ray Lewis the driving force behind MESAC. The MESAC Project, which is now in its 6th year is a dual Beaumaris Yacht Club and the MESAC venture, the BYC maintaining its current needs and footage, and MESAC sharing some of that space and having its own new top floor, all within the current concreted areas and height. The current situation, after the preparation of a compre-hensive business plan by MESAC, followed up two years later, by a joint Department of Environment/ Bay-side Council funded, independent study, by an Alastair Grounds, (positive outcome), and then another two years later, for State and Government to take a further step in effecting a comprehensive Scoping study. This is well


    1 /2 Presidents Report 3 District news / Fellowship 4 Sandy Beach event for your calendar 5 Last weeks speaker 6 Club Sponsors 8 Club Structure / Photo of Week

    Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

  • R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N – S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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    afoot and Ray expects a positive response before year's end, and if so, the project will be go ahead. Suggested areas of Bayside Rotary involvement :

    1. A public support programme after the conclusion of the Scoping Study ( End of Year) 2. A ‘fit out’ fund raiser for the MESAC centre ( thousands not millions of dollars) 3. Some future volunteering support with

    others like Bayside U3A for MESAC’s day to day running until we can fund a part time manager.

    I see this as a possible Bayside Rotary project to be discussed with the other Bayside Clubs. I would love to hear more views from our Club. We had a great meeting last Thursday with a num-ber of Partners and Guests to hear Matt Kamienski tell us about 2019 Presidents cup at Royal Mel-bourne. He also brought the Cup and many of us had photo's taken with Cup. Next Thursday we have Joy Meeting on the Mus-ings of a 10 Pound and Poetry. She was a great hit at recent U3A event.

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    RAWCS information day When: Sunday August 18th Where : Ciloms - Tullamarine 9 am to 4 pm Who: ALL Rotarians ALL District and Club Chairs ALL Clubs who want to showcase their RAWCS projects - set up 8 am on the day RAWCS - the future direction, projects, opportunities, communication plan for regions/ districts/ clubs Bookings required by mid July for catering purposes.[m/tea lunch a/tea] Cost $10 on the day Contact Regional RAWCS Secretary Virginia Turner 0414 245 815 Further attached


    DISTRICT EVENTS RAM National Conference Rotarians Against Malaria When: Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th August Where: Ciloms Airport Hotel, Tullamarine from 1 pm Saturday to 2 pm Sunday Pre conference work-shops 8 am Vanuatu Malaria Program review 10 am PNG Chasing Malaria Project Who: All Rotarian's All International Chairs Bookings on Come for one day or two. Join us for dinner on Saturday night. Learn how Australian based RAM projects are be-ing shared all around the world.

  • R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N – S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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    This Weeks Speaker: KMATT KAMIENSKI Matt Kamienski, is a Vice President with the PGA TOUR and Executive Director of The Presidents Cup. Kamienski is responsible for the strategic development, revenue generation/management, operational management and overall leadership of the Presidents Cup event when staged internationally. Kamienski’s 20-plus year career with the PGA TOUR has seen him hold oversight roles of nine previous Presidents Cup events, serving as Execu-tive Director since 2011. He has also been an integral part of some of golf’s most prestigious tournaments, with leadership roles across the World Golf Championships events and with the World Cup of Golf. Matt gave a fascinating talk explaining the significance of the Presidents Cup and gave a glimpse of the organisa-tion happening leading up to the event at Royal Mel-bourne this December. It promises to be an exciting week for Melbourne! Matt has been living in Beaumaris for the past couple of years leading up to the tournament. It will likely be a long time before it hits our shores again.

  • 237 Bay Road, Cheltenham VIC 3192

    03 8535 7980

    R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N – S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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    For details about the latest travel deals follow this link:

  • R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N – S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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    1.5% of any travel bookings from Beaumaris Rotary Club Members, family and friends at Destination HQ Beaumaris will be returned to the

    Beaumaris Rotary Club at the end of the year.

    PLEASE make the consultant aware that you’re from the Rotary Club at the beginning of the booking. This ensures that the booking is tracked

    and reported back to their admin at the time.

    Special Notice From Destination HQ

  • R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N – S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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    RCOB Board Membership, Marketing & Media - Chair James Glenwright President David Hone Peter Flude Megan Glenwright Secretary Trish Smyth Greg Every Mark Perelaer Treasurer Lynda Doutch Mary Sealy Malcolm Sawle Club Service & President Elect Adrian Culshaw Martin Fothergill Adrian Culshaw Max Darby Past President Heather Chisholm Club Service & Administration Community Roy Downes Almoner Mary Sealy International Fred Hofmann Archivist Roy Seager, David Lea Youth Vivienne Zoppolato Attendance, dining & duties roster Adrian Culshaw Indigenous Chris Mara Auditor Tony Phillips Club Photographers Max Darby, Chris Mara Community- Chair Roy Downes Club Protection Officer Ken Mirams John Beaty Max Darby Newsletter, Web site, Facebook David Lea Mary Cunnington Martin Fothergill Fellowship & Vocational Richard Jones Kerrie Geard Chris Mara Foundation John Beaty, Chris D'Arcy Robert McArthur Mary Sealy On to Conference Heather Chisholm Tony Phillips Chris D'Arcy Social Media Officer Mark Perelaer Chris Werner John Turner Speaker Program Administrator Gail Anderson Bridget Hage Jude Kavanagh Speaker Program Assistants Kerrie Geard, Richard Potter International - Chair Fred Hofmann John Manks Geoff Stockdale District Officers Ken Mirams John Sime Assistant Governor for Monash A Cluster Chris D'Arcy Ross Phillips Clem Quick District Compliance Officer Ken Mirams Richard Potter Simon Kavanagh District Community Chair Trish Smyth District Indigenous Support Committee David Hone (Chair) Chris Mara Youth – Chair Vivienne Zoppolato Jan Cooper Tony Phillips Club Fundraising Tony McKenna David Rushworth Antony Nixon Lois Lindsay Bayside Charity Golf Day - Chair Martin Fothergill Malcolm Sawle Chris Martin Peter Flude James Glenwright Richard Jones Jim O’Brien Lynda Doutch Tony Phillips Indigenous - Chair Chris Mara Martin Fothergill David Hone Farmers Market – Co-ordinator Mark Perelaer Robert McArthur Fred Hofmann Chris Werner Peter Flude Chris Mara Charmaine Jansz Geoff Stringer Ken Mirams Vivienne Zoppolato Bridget Hage

    Svalbard, Norway, is an archipelago near the North Pole, with terrain full of glaciers and ice caves. Here, a sci-entist works his way out of a deep verti-cal cave also called a moulin. He and his team map the caves to under-stand how water flows through glaci-ers-- which leads to sea level rise.