in four us boys so this is reels new york

In Four Reels By R. Throgmorton De Lacey. REEL I. CRASHINTA Zoop, weight 4.96 pounds ringside, only and lovely daughter of N. Oodle (Zoop, the world'a wealthiest bank¬ er, la crocheting lady-fingers on the best horsehair sofa in her papa'a million-dollar mansion. Closeup of Zoop doorbell ring¬ ing. Ctoeeup of Crashinta regis¬ tering expectant nonchalance. Closeup of Van Heuaen Lipeodent, poor but honest Janitor of Zoop's Radium Bank, aa he entera CLOSER CLOSEUP of Crash- (inta and Van Heusen aa roay- flngered love at first sight dawna upon their features. TITLE: "Cupid's sharp darts have pierced their hearts." Van Heusen elnks upon his knees before Craahlnta and says .81???? TITLE: "Tou are the only girl I'll ever love." Crashinta, throwing her arms about his neck, cries.SPOKEN TITLE: "Let ua fly," FADEOUT. REEL II. N. Oodle Zoop, the world'a wealthiest banker, In hia bank¬ ing office peraplrlngly engaged In counting out a million dollars In nickela. CLOSEUP of telephone bell tinging Zoop takes up receiver. Voice at other end aaye.SPOKEN TITLE: "Tour daughter has juat eloped with a commoner. He la Van Heuaen Lipeodent. They are on their way to the Marriage License Bureau." Zoop is stunned, but quickly re¬ covering-, be dashes out to hla purring gold-plated, platinum- lined limousine and drives off like mad. FADEOUT. REEL III. In a southbound subway ex¬ press. Craahlnta and Van Heusen are holding hands, frequently kiss¬ ing each other fervently. Beeide Van Heusen are two rough-looking poorly-clad men, obviously Wall Street broker». The étrangers are talking. Craahlnta la babbling and Van Heuaen puta his mitt over her mouth and says.SPOKEN TITLE: "Sh-h." he listens to what the men are aaying. FADE- OUT. REEL IV. The Marriage Llcenae Bureau. Craahlnta and Van Heuaen do a clasalcal dance up to the clerk'a desk. Zoop, with two men in evening clothes.plainly detectives .»steps up and tears them apart, shouting . SPOKEN TITLE: "Hold, you fiend, you shall not steal my daughter!" Van Heuaen. offering Zoop a Cigarette, replies . SPOKEN TITLE: "I Juat overheard Im¬ portant news for you. Two men are plotting to rob the vault in. the bank." Zoop, tearing hla hair in an¬ guish, trise.SPOKEN TITLE: "And all my liquor la there. Blesa pou my children." Zoop dashea out. closely followed by detectives. Crastflnta and Van Heuaen fall Into each other'a arma. They Stand against the eettlng sun shining through the office win¬ dows and ws an FADEOUT. ROLL YOUR OWN OUTLINE of any modern mur¬ der mystery story: First day."Victim found Brutally slain." * Second day.Witness tells of hearing body tall with a "dull thud." Third day.New witness tells of hearing a "woman'e piercing ecream." Fourth day.Combination of "baf¬ fling mystery" and "latest offi¬ cial theories." Fifth day.Crank letters to of- Slxth day«."Arrest near." Seventh day.''Caae complete.** BSSMBUm say. Eighth day*.All suspects eatab- Beh "satisfactory alibis'' and are "eliminated from case." And so en ad in fin It urn. By filling In the dates, names other minor details any man thua write hla own murder story. Thai's Where the Stars Are. Julia. I think I'll go into the movies. Jack.Fine. I Juat know you'll he a. star. Julia.What makee you think esT Jack."Weil, whenever I get near pou I aeem to be in Heaven. A Warm Discussion. We gather from this Oulf Stream discussion that, Europe ¦earns to he getting all heated up now because they're afraid they won't get heated up later. Explanation. * Bill.Hew Is It that they call a gecond-rate actor a ham* Will.Bocanas, my dear fallow, ths word ham Is always associated with eggsl At Last! "Language Dead 1,000 Tears Is Heard Again.".Headline. « -I'm ringing your party," US BOYS <a«wtot«jr·« o. a ratea« om«a> Skinny Philosophizes THE PIFFLE FAMILY _¦*· (.???? lo«>"j 8 ? persists·«) By Jack Callahan SPECIAL EYTßA W^_^^_a^wa<av*,^WM«.*»*· M Maad )KGIVIUC¡ THE TEUAUTS THEIfc HEAT THE JAMIT02 STARTS TOO b\Q A FIRE. ??F INSTEAD OF K1AKIÜG THE FOLKS lOARM-* PRIMES ???? (X)T DOTO THE COLD.* kJO CASUALTIES. THAMK GOODKÍKS! Lç-»^^ «->_,?.»__!-__». h_ 18-/ THIS IS *- THAU ir« " pea NOO toe , HAVE rmjfiiïj an ?? .7 HOME- JUST WHCW! sice itvss CÛMFV. fbom Fiee- iioe t? our- Sipg 7H-W ue skhed LIKE" Trie Fitte. ipeEL veby much PUT OUT (aus> the WOGST ?. ?ett? cone HATTIES HAT« WILL BE ROlMEP. eur nere* AMVWAY. AWD UJHO UAUTS* TO«*1T wTMemeit 7 ÖMAUXP NICHT/ POLLY AND HJ__R PA1_S s_A> .iiiiiMllliiiiiiinii'ieiiwi .¦¦'".'! (K«»i»i«»ir.i ?. a Patent Offio·.) Iti "Black Friday" for Pa OH'. HOWr r-ASCiA\ATi*i6lJ mav ? fife m r OUTTiaJL·/ MpS. SaIoor Step *ThiS vx/A"/ -1- ?-?,,,,?» t<ni. If»« Gr.t Brinir« rifh». _*__ JERKY ON THE JOB HELPFUL HENRY tKmelmarea ?. a Pat»·»· Oft*»-» » CutY. 5^aß*?t_-" · -p ___*. im w i«»i r. VOO STOP K'r^O-K'l^ T_»oe Oir4X TO tAt- I *5hy tt-'s ftY\ "RttfHT- )'V_. KMOvAJiM ?\?*? Po^, TNOEI4TV VtPtàS \ TE VI. YùO HE HE. WEvifcf*. eoR-T> His ?^t?e?t- 1??___??__ ft _\ ?»* ~J y so J "poSiTWEW KWo>aJ öf ri PERSoKS vOHo Hftfc Him ??tpeμt) thhm, L-i ftHD XWET> mtórg c__a_a.d r Pai-ut Oftlee.i Information DpIhvaH KM -EMBEBER. \NHAT X "fELuVOU· I'M ß?&?a"???>* A OHI VB56E0 8-OC QAKCBt_/ANT> 1 OOrft' tOHtSt WouTt) 1er A*&XN M^lb ars* a?? i Çk-no Guaod ouTSor] i"m. wxä Asp SW», E«_N9CCN /4\>IA*V. tffcfe^ The Outta Luck Club [HAI* (fcSíTUiO AVAIL'S /»V-.3_iXiV40B_e<3-e.^ \N*ÎTÇ Tb SteB Wim». KcrmtvïOoivj- .MES" 8_$?« WS OUT->ÄMD ¿apt+MM WWT Domoo Wkur Tbftr *»a --¦-*S_M HEBE /4*»*M**| ArY>»A*J xitaj OiörowTiKiuro Ort y«9eo_»vjT op^ SiriicE'Î?, Tbo*/* Ttu>N O-EtfTTbBE- MBÏE^*n»B>4. ^___>_J.-i -4Bl -ufi-?? lH1*-infr_i>, lt'i- (HtllittrM U. a r»t«*ni Of fie·., 7 DEAR MC-MtRtrs A LtTTtR FROM UNCLE ANDREW. HS SAYS THA-T THEY «WILL· **JJRlVS __t-OAV FOR A MONTHS v/hUT WITH Urn AMO FOÛ. ^E MOT TO TaMO. ^?>? So -.-y »ÎT WlU. BE A SURPRISE . _?_»?*?*? TWÄT mwJnierrm Luther »Springs a Little Surprise of His uwn ^T foODMCS» h*m\\ IT·* Twetwl 0__?_?? WHAT OO Hl-v . Suppose Har»«atO To UNCLE ANORCM f L Wltfteatasa^a ia-· So This Is New York By Lisle Bell THE AQUARIUM. WHEN the Aquarium first buUt It was called Caatle Garden . probably becauee It didn't look anything like a castle or a garden. Soon afterward, Jenny Lind sang In It .which explains why it was made Into an aquarium. From the high C's to the high seas, as it were. The Aquarium Is a nice, quiet place to spend an afternoon. The fishes do very little talking, while loud laughter and roughhouse la absolutely prohibited. Occasion¬ ally ths seals bark, but their bark is worse than their bita They are really very hlgb claaa seals. One of them haa two children in Barnum A Bailey's circus. There are very few rules to re¬ member In visiting tbe aquarium. You will find that the most Im¬ portant Is the one requiring you to park your fishing tackle in the checkroom. Theee are poor fisi«. and are fed by the taxpayer» They can get along without your worm·. Keep your hand on your pocket- book while passing ths sharks. The attendants ars not responsi¬ ble for the low moral standards of these finny fellows. Avoid poking holes in the glass cases, as the fish haven't any too much water as It is. Likewise It Is not considered gentlemanly to point out the biggest fish in the place and then begin to compare it with the one you caught last .kummer. The best view of the animals can be obtained at a distance of ten feet. If you get any closer, the fish ars apt to turn tall. Remember that the fish are on a diet. Do not feed them popcorn or peanuts. LAFFS IN THE NEWS FRENCH fashion leaders dye pet dogs all colors to match coats.Newa item. Begin¬ nini»· to look like every dog has his dye. The report that women are go¬ ing to show their ears this Fall, It appears, Is ear-oneous. Now that the North and South poles bave been discovered, the average man wants to know what ia going to be done with 'en- Germany won't get on Its feet until the American touriste get their feet on Germany. The average wife aavea ths aver¬ age husband quite a lot of money, at that. She always sees to it that he baa to wear an overcoat four or five seasons. The trouble with tbe new dial telephone la that when you get the wrong number yourself you won't be able to cuss anybody but yourself. The richest man in Iowa died the other day and his heirs are putting up a hot and spirited con test for their share. He left three tona of coal and aix caaea of whiskey. They Played Bridge. The young man arrived at the party and made his way to the hostess, greeting her and apolo¬ gising for his lateness. "Awfully glad to see you, Mr. .iones." said the hostese. "So good of you to come. But where Is your brother?" "He waa unable to come. You eee, we are ao busy Just now that It was Impossible for both of us to get away, and so we tossed up to see which of us should come." "How nice! And you woef "No," replied the young man. absently. "I lost!".National Re¬ publican. A Fairy Tale at That. Six year-old Mary awoke about I o'clock tn tbe morning. "Tell me a story, mamma," she pleaded. "Hush, darling." su id her mother, "daddy will be In soon and tell us both ons.".At¬ lanta Constitution. What. "Gee! I wish I were young again!'' sighed Mrs. Marter, of Martyevllle. "So do I." agreed ber husband, wearily. "I wish you ware Juat about a year younger than whea we got married." . Richmond Tlmes-Diapatch. .1 Our Preecriptlon List. A leay girl Is Carrie C*rowder; She always makes me Lug her powder. Flapper Fairy Tales. Ludwig-- Would you Ilka te aee the "Follie*" tonight? Georgette.Thanks for the invi lation. bat rm going to stay horns and help mother wash ths dishes. The Truth Always Harts Hale.Whet's this story about your coal bin being empty? ' " ' »? Su_..

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Page 1: In Four US BOYS So This Is Reels New York

In FourReels

By R. ThrogmortonDe Lacey.REEL I.

CRASHINTA Zoop, weight 4.96pounds ringside, only andlovely daughter of N. Oodle

(Zoop, the world'a wealthiest bank¬er, la crocheting lady-fingers on

the best horsehair sofa in her

papa'a million-dollar mansion.Closeup of Zoop doorbell ring¬

ing. Ctoeeup of Crashinta regis¬tering expectant nonchalance.Closeup of Van Heuaen Lipeodent,poor but honest Janitor of Zoop'sRadium Bank, aa he enteraCLOSER CLOSEUP of Crash-

(inta and Van Heusen aa roay-

flngered love at first sight dawnaupon their features. TITLE:"Cupid's sharp darts have piercedtheir hearts."Van Heusen elnks upon his

knees before Craahlnta and says.81???? TITLE: "Tou are theonly girl I'll ever love."

Crashinta, throwing her arms

about his neck, cries.SPOKENTITLE: "Let ua fly," FADEOUT.

REEL II.N. Oodle Zoop, the world'a

wealthiest banker, In hia bank¬ing office peraplrlngly engaged Incounting out a million dollars Innickela.CLOSEUP of telephone bell

tinging Zoop takes up receiver.Voice at other end aaye.SPOKENTITLE: "Tour daughter has juateloped with a commoner. He laVan Heuaen Lipeodent. Theyare on their way to the MarriageLicense Bureau."Zoop is stunned, but quickly re¬

covering-, be dashes out to hlapurring gold-plated, platinum-lined limousine and drives off likemad. FADEOUT.


In a southbound subway ex¬

press. Craahlnta and Van Heusenare holding hands, frequently kiss¬ing each other fervently. BeeideVan Heusen are two rough-lookingpoorly-clad men, obviously WallStreet broker». The étrangers are

talking. Craahlnta la babbling andVan Heuaen puta his mitt over

her mouth and says.SPOKENTITLE: "Sh-h." he listens towhat the men are aaying. FADE-OUT.

REEL IV.The Marriage Llcenae Bureau.Craahlnta and Van Heuaen do aclasalcal dance up to the clerk'adesk. Zoop, with two men inevening clothes.plainly detectives.»steps up and tears them apart,shouting . SPOKEN TITLE:"Hold, you fiend, you shall notsteal my daughter!"Van Heuaen. offering Zoop a

Cigarette, replies . SPOKENTITLE: "I Juat overheard Im¬portant news for you. Two menare plotting to rob the vault in.the bank."Zoop, tearing hla hair in an¬

guish, trise.SPOKEN TITLE:"And all my liquor la there. Blesapou my children." Zoop dasheaout. closely followed by detectives.

Crastflnta and Van Heuaen fallInto each other'a arma. TheyStand against the eettlng sun

shining through the office win¬dows and ws an FADEOUT.

ROLL YOUR OWNOUTLINE of any modern mur¬

der mystery story:First day."Victim found

Brutally slain." *

Second day.Witness tells ofhearing body tall with a "dullthud."Third day.New witness tells of

hearing a "woman'e piercingecream."Fourth day.Combination of "baf¬

fling mystery" and "latest offi¬cial theories."

Fifth day.Crank letters to of-

Slxth day«."Arrest near."Seventh day.''Caae complete.**

BSSMBUm say.Eighth day*.All suspects eatab-

Beh "satisfactory alibis'' and are"eliminated from case." And soen ad in fin It urn.By filling In the dates, names

other minor details any manthua write hla own murder


Thai's Where the Stars Are.Julia. I think I'll go into the

movies.Jack.Fine. I Juat know you'll

he a. star.Julia.What makee you think

esTJack."Weil, whenever I get near

pou I aeem to be in Heaven.

A Warm Discussion.We gather from this Oulf

Stream discussion that, Europe¦earns to he getting all heatedup now because they're afraidthey won't get heated up later.


Bill.Hew Is It that they call a

gecond-rate actor a ham*Will.Bocanas, my dear fallow,

ths word ham Is always associatedwith eggsl

At Last!"Language Dead 1,000 Tears Is

Heard Again.".Headline.« -I'm ringing your party,"

US BOYS <a«wtot«jr·« o. a ratea« om«a> Skinny Philosophizes


(.???? lo«>"j 8 ? persists·«) By Jack Callahan

SPECIAL EYTßAW^_^^_a^wa<av*,^WM«.*»*· M Maad




Lç-»^^ «->_,?.»__!-__». h_ 18-/


THAU ir«" pea

NOO toe,

HAVE rmjfiiïjan ??

.7 HOME-

JUST WHCW!sice itvssCÛMFV.

fbom Fiee-iioe t? our-Sipg7H-W ueskhed

LIKE" TrieFitte. ipeELveby muchPUT OUT

(aus> theWOGST ?.?ett?cone






.¦¦'".'!(K«»i»i«»ir.i ?. aPatent Offio·.) Iti "Black Friday" for Pa

OH'. HOWr r-ASCiA\ATi*i6lJmav ? fife m r

OUTTiaJL·/ MpS.SaIoor Step*ThiS vx/A"/


?-?,,,,?» t<ni.If»« Gr.t Brinir« rifh». _*__


HELPFUL HENRYtKmelmarea ?. a Pat»·»· Oft*»-» »

CutY. 5^aß*?t_-" · -p

___*. im w i«»i r.

VOO STOP K'r^O-K'l^T_»oe Oir4X TO tAt- I*5hy tt-'s ftY\ "RttfHT-)'V_. KMOvAJiM ?\?*? Po^,TNOEI4TV VtPtàS

\ TE VI. YùO HEHE. WEvifcf*. eoR-T>

His ?^t?e?t- 1??___??__ft _\ ?»* ~J y so

J "poSiTWEW KWo>aJ öfri PERSoKS vOHo HftfcHim ??tpeµt) thhm,L-i ftHD XWET>


c__a_a.d r Pai-ut Oftlee.i Information DpIhvaHKM -EMBEBER. \NHAT X "fELuVOU·

I'M ß?&?a"???>* A OHI VB56E0 8-OCQAKCBt_/ANT> 1 OOrft' tOHtSt WouTt)

1er A*&XN M^lb ars* a?? iÇk-no Guaod ouTSor]i"m. wxä Asp SW»,E«_N9CCN /4\>IA*V.

tffcfe^The Outta Luck Club

[HAI* (fcSíTUiOAVAIL'S /»V-.3_iXiV40B_e<3-e.^

\N*ÎTÇ TbSteB Wim».

KcrmtvïOoivj-.MES" 8_$?«WS OUT->ÄMD¿apt+MM WWTDomoo WkurTbftr *»a

--¦-*S_M HEBE /4*»*M**| ArY>»A*Jxitaj OiörowTiKiuro Orty«9eo_»vjT op^

SiriicE'Î?,Tbo*/* Ttu>NO-EtfTTbBE-MBÏE^*n»B>4.

^___>_J.-i -4Bl-ufi-?? lH1*-infr_i>, lt'i-

(HtllittrM U. a r»t«*ni Offie·.,



_?_»?*?*? TWÄT mwJnierrm

Luther »Springs a Little Surprise of His uwn^T

foODMCS» h*m\\IT·* Twetwl 0__?_??WHAT OO Hl-v .

Suppose Har»«atOTo UNCLE ANORCM f

L Wltfteatasa^a ia-·

So This IsNew York


WHEN the Aquariumfirst buUt It was calledCaatle Garden. probably

becauee It didn't look anythinglike a castle or a garden. Soonafterward, Jenny Lind sang In It.which explains why it wasmade Into an aquarium. Fromthe high C's to the high seas, asit were.The Aquarium Is a nice, quiet

place to spend an afternoon. Thefishes do very little talking, whileloud laughter and roughhouse laabsolutely prohibited. Occasion¬ally ths seals bark, but their barkis worse than their bita Theyare really very hlgb claaa seals.One of them haa two children inBarnum A Bailey's circus.There are very few rules to re¬

member In visiting tbe aquarium.You will find that the most Im¬portant Is the one requiring youto park your fishing tackle in thecheckroom. Theee are poor fisi«.and are fed by the taxpayer»They can get along without yourworm·.

Keep your hand on your pocket-book while passing ths sharks.The attendants ars not responsi¬ble for the low moral standardsof these finny fellows.Avoid poking holes in the glass

cases, as the fish haven't any toomuch water as It is. Likewise ItIs not considered gentlemanly topoint out the biggest fish in theplace and then begin to compareit with the one you caught last.kummer.

The best view of the animalscan be obtained at a distance often feet. If you get any closer,the fish ars apt to turn tall.Remember that the fish are on

a diet. Do not feed them popcornor peanuts.


FRENCH fashion leaders dyepet dogs all colors to matchcoats.Newa item. Begin¬

nini»· to look like every dog has his


The report that women are go¬

ing to show their ears this Fall,It appears, Is ear-oneous.

Now that the North and Southpoles bave been discovered, theaverage man wants to know whatia going to be done with 'en-

Germany won't get on Its feetuntil the American touriste gettheir feet on Germany.

The average wife aavea ths aver¬

age husband quite a lot of money,at that. She always sees to it thathe baa to wear an overcoat fouror five seasons.

The trouble with tbe new dialtelephone la that when you getthe wrong number yourself youwon't be able to cuss anybodybut yourself.

The richest man in Iowa diedthe other day and his heirs are

putting up a hot and spirited con

test for their share. He left threetona of coal and aix caaea ofwhiskey.

They Played Bridge.The young man arrived at the

party and made his way to thehostess, greeting her and apolo¬gising for his lateness."Awfully glad to see you, Mr.

.iones." said the hostese. "Sogood of you to come. But whereIs your brother?""He waa unable to come. You

eee, we are ao busy Just now thatIt was Impossible for both of us

to get away, and so we tossed upto see which of us should come.""How nice! And you woef"No," replied the young man.

absently. "I lost!".National Re¬publican.

A Fairy Tale at That.Six year-old Mary awoke about

I o'clock tn tbe morning."Tell me a story, mamma," she

pleaded. "Hush, darling." su idher mother, "daddy will be Insoon and tell us both ons.".At¬lanta Constitution.

What."Gee! I wish I were young

again!'' sighed Mrs. Marter, ofMartyevllle."So do I." agreed ber husband,

wearily. "I wish you ware Juatabout a year younger than wheawe got married.". RichmondTlmes-Diapatch.


Our Preecriptlon List.A leay girlIs Carrie C*rowder;She always makes me

Lug her powder.

Flapper Fairy Tales.Ludwig-- Would you Ilka te aee

the "Follie*" tonight?Georgette.Thanks for the invi

lation. bat rm going to stay hornsand help mother wash ths dishes.

The Truth Always HartsHale.Whet's this story about

your coal bin being empty?' " ' »?Su_..