in - evols at university of hawaii at manoa:...

m m F I m W MI aBhUKHBtflLlA Off'CE COP. in - t ' 'A -- r .e. t a. Jr. . . - - ' - J--: - Ftftbll4tiel Jaly , 1848. VOL. XXXI., NO. f4!2 IIONOLfl.r, HAWAIIAN ISLAM'S. YVi:iNLSIAY. MAliTll 14, 1900. -- TWELVE i'AUEd. i'h'UiK F1VK (JLNYt. PKUr I .sMOYaL ttnty m;Is fr.uu;;h The n.tUty had in uctioa TiieJay, dl.u l!)v rui J.) Ll.l.t.t.ti tiott U.r roj ; ia sending te heavy UDYSMITH " RESCUED rn'.arg'eT.'nt rf the mar, lut 8.000 tru i; and a cf batirries are a 1 '.. .1 ti Iho.r r. d fori. Bat rrol-.i- ! y th l'.rs hre grievously c1 ijvur-1- . as the irkj-- . to ca;;ure whlwh MUSIC. COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. Love Bldg., ATTCrtNEYS. ATKINSON & JUDD (A. L. C. Atkin- son and Albert F. Judd. Jr.) Office Tcr Bishop & Co. 's bank, cor. Mer- chant and Kaahumanu St3. FBOMJHE BURGHERS ACHI A JOHNSON W. C. Achi and Inocn Johnson). Office No. 10 Went King Ht., Tel. 884. rRANCI3 J. BERRY. Attorney-at-La- w General Buller Wins a Substantial Removed to cor. King and Bethel ..: Rooms 2 and 3. Victory. if, ' TRANCIS M. BROOKS. Room 9, Ipreckels bulldinn. Fort St. LTLK A. DICKEY. King mid Detael g-j- .; TtL 800; P. O. box 786. TRXDlilllCK VV. JO. Suite 81. Mar- - defend tutte Bldg., Chicago, III.; Hawaiian Conul General for ritates of Illinoli, Mlcbigaa. Olilo, Indiana and Wtcon- - CHAS. F. PETER ON. 15 Kaahuma- - Fort St.; Piano, Voice Culture, Sing ing and Harmony; especial attention i Mill to touch, muscular control and musical an-lys- is. ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER. Vocal Studio. "Mlgnon." 720 BereUM St. OPTICIANS. S. E. LUCA3. Love Did?., Fort St.. upstairs; cam?n a full line of ALL KINL3 OF GLASSE3 from tae CHEAPEST to the BEST. Free ex amination of the eyes. w''ARCrinricTS. ilAfiDc LEE PAGE. Architect! atn UjiMera. Olce Roonn 2-- 4. Arlln? 'on Annex. Honolulu. H. I.; ktcno ai corrert eofimate furnished ai hort notice; TeL 229; P. O. box 778. OWARD A THAI., ArcMtect. Jrjir 7. Model Block, Fort St.; MISCELLANEOUS. HONOLULU MERCANTILE AGENCY Room 10 Spree ktls Bldg., Fort St.; J. II. MacPherson, Mgr.; Collections a Specialty; PROMPT REMIT- TANCES; NO FEE CHARGED UN LESS COLLECTION 13 MADE. MRS. B. F. McCALL. Latest deelgns In Tailor-Mad- e Evening. Dinner Gowns, and Wedding Trousseau, 73 Beretanla St. DR. A. C. POSEY. Specialist for Kye. Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases and Catarrh; Masonic Temple; hours t to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 and 7 to I ?. a P. SILVA. Agent to take acknowicdg- - ment to Instruments, district of Ko- - na, Oahu; at W. C. AcM's oSScs, King St.. near Nauann. TOURISTS' GUIDE THROUGH HA WAII. Price 60c: beautifully Illus trated. For sale by all neirsdeaJors PLAGUE IN SAN FRANCISCO. A Suspect Brought to Light la Chinatown. SAN FRANCISCO, March 7. What la thought to be the bubonic plabue, ac cording to Health Officer O'Brien, has been discovered la Chinatown. One OF BL0EMF0NTEIN! j Dutch Colonists at the Affects London Situation. anion;: the troona a salvage at Iei4!l. e applied to the relief of the wld phaU9 of lhe fi;len. The Joy of Britain. IX!NDON, March 2. 4: CO a. m. Bri- - tct'.s iet'1 that they are living In the jre of momentous event. Torna- - ilou if pat.-ioti- c excKement are whirl- - s tl roiiK3 the countiy. Even the daiasl. boul xuuht have been etiiied by the motions of )esteiday, and Lon- don ti,Uoo,0o0 weie raised to a high pun of patrittic exultation. Jt was a wonderlui ittgUi.- Uni men havo iiothing In memory with which to compare the day. Some lisentd it to Lucxncw; others talked of the fall of Seb&atopol. It was a lime of singular abandon. The usual conventions of so- ciety ceased to control, and every one knew evervlf dv else, all Joining In tralJcii o- - l o.i'-wing- s, as their disposl - lions mvd them. (rear guard la the port. on where the Lord Lanrdowue chose the psychol-- ! linf a to lhe yr(.e stale and the Trans-oglc- al moment to announce estimates V3aj r,art If possible Lord Dundona.d, exceeding 61.0UO.O0 pounds, wj,Q js already on the move, will rut and rather startled the public. by tin- - une l0 tne north at the Junction folding the programme of the War which the Boers' temporary rai.way Oniee to send out, in addition to the behind Dulwana and Lonards Kop ".MM.i tfoops now afloat. r.tM0 fresh makes with the main '.Ine. If he does soidlers. this he may c aplure ome of the Bjers' Lord Roberts will ultimately have a ,ig guns, force of a quarter of a million. An or- - From the meag' r accounts received dcr has reached Woolwich for the con- - j j: the fiirge ai raised none too btruction of ZZ i new guns, from 3- - foon. as the garrison was In gnevoin pounders to 12-In- guns. Of thes? 140 mraits. General Duller reports that are to be naval guns. Alreidy 25,000 they subsisted ur-c- half a pound ef workmen are employed at the arsenal.! meal a day per mar, supplemented by and ."'mo more will be eneatred. The hor.'e an(i mule flesh, and that a long decisions to send cut more troops and period of re-s- t will be reTilrrd before to Increase the home armament meet General White's soldiers are asjain ft w..u ui iversal approval. The Boers for the field. The relief of Ladysnith seem to have Eot quite away from ' U the greatest British surre Mined around Iadysmith without losing a in the war. and Is of Immense impor Chlnaman living at 1004 Dapont street provised and Its execution negun uur a ii rr ti m Kiwi f .iiarnaa l.ifA lastlinz the armistice of Sunday. In pro- - I .as lo t 4 alt-- l luc i.gnter ouca ttij Uie Frte Nlat'. Dr. Ia--j J f.t lijat (' -n- -ral J. itw-r- t in a.-.-i nio.ii.s vv. i:: a at f i.i-e.g- . teventy units mi tha?t of ltiemfon-U.n- . c'o.ui.el AiLutht, a.coitl.i. Ut a d.t patch ln..n. Paauieberg. a::i.nia that ;Le l.ers have tutu Kit. WLeiLer K.rd Kuwu 1 at P.lm-foiiUi- u ttciw or not. be doubtless njn wi;i be dating his iii.iat( t th. le and iu;i.g trie town s u.s a.ivaintu r.u-e- . Ij; 1 K:tch ni r rui.-Mn- ii i u - ni-L.- the furies ut-.lo- r Geinrl l'l merit ill lit ru ral tlatatie aud to udvAUii a.or.g the' 'f tiie to M. ra.'tm em. The ru.lway will im- - tiari.i;fjrt. 1 ho lond.tior.s at Ln 1 n'; h n t inh eie x:a:r.d ly t'liarles Wil-;,a;i- ,j arid i.i.U'd to tlu- - I 1 . ie i.ow I tter iindTrto.)d. a the mitl- - iirv auinorniej nu lou'-- r i iiu uh-.- i ltiial lnfurtn..:iun. It npi'-a- r that the midd'.e f January the horirs have ltt u halfftarvf d and altogether t.o weak either t dras guns or carry itv a'i. iu n. Hi rue the imj y of dashing cut. The Great Lotses. LONDON, March 2. Yesterday wai General BuHer s day. Iord Dundona'.J reached Idysaiith on Tuesday night .ml yesterday Sir RMvers himself ed the city and reported that the jjuntry around It was c.ear except for i mall rear guard of Boers oa Sur-j.r- e Hili. This great British succes on the one hun.ln.l and Lir;y-fi-- st d-- y of the war anl the one hun- - died aiul eighteenth day cf the s.e Ii was aceoniDlished oniy after four previous attempts to fight the way tioin the banks of the TueU hal fail ed. The siite and relict of the city have cot the British no lt-- s than j2 men In General While' and G.ner-a- i Bailer's forces, made up as fallows: Kil.ed, 1 .0 4 i ; wounded, 3.IS3; mUing, l..V"s; died from dieas 513. The bat tie cf the 27th and seizure of the back bone of the ma.-- a of bills between Co- - lensoan.1 Iadysmlth really relieved the city. The main relieving force has licit ended the northern slope of the Pietera range of hills at far as Nel- - h T ii;H.r. nly left a weak tance to them rn:n every ioini i view. Not only.are they rid of a great of La lysmith. I 5 s-- i i r-- , r 4 z U J i : v r-- l 'A 1 i t- .- - 5 ft- -t FTTTTTTTTTTTf TTTTTTTTTTTTn mm. I:.: ' f tV'VVlJ u:. .'.'"i'.V.vl 4 it I' I SIR REDVER3 BULLER. thry ri.-ke- -l everything, has w'si onatch. d from the ir gra.-- p at the lt L.xiutau lhe reiitf ot LMjysuiUh . tub.t-- i the Britinh to begin a scien- tific freheme of cainjulgu iu their ad vance u 1'retorl.i iliiuugh the Fre .s.uc, w.iirn tne iH.eagUiruitai ei me uty anl Klmbericy prcvcntrJ. The Ki.t-;di:- e cf this plan, Iu a. I proUt-b.i.i- y, I d mueh to do wua the JJoera g.VtUK up the i Rei. This cannriiud tk iram llrasse.s puhiisiieel lis which was luspired by Trans- vaal aKtut 13 the thai Ge.itraJ Jtul n viil ho.)-- e the ne ighb.u iiooel of Wuidburg. nil.t ufiawenl of B.( lulonielu. astoe first line of de- fence arid will coi iht-i- e the uucieus of u army of i.Odo men. The territorial conditions at WindJum re-t..iit- those at Ladysmith kiid oitrr a poofcibllity of long Saould the British arrive by the beginning of the week, BieM;ufontelu wU. b evacu- ated wutiout tiiou r i lancet. The Boers are already ae.ivei I.."! Rol-er- ts and B.oerutome In. la fact, the Por t's correnpondent sas that at the urue Crunje a iurrtii;tr -- s be-l- ng loasummatcd an action was atout lt begin, but Ixrd Roberts dc.ayed IL The Boers are said to number 7,000 to the eastward of Paardcburg. An- other- forte Is reported to be to the ou:btt toward 1. Uls Drift. There Is a rumor present In ludon that Lord Roberts' eavalry had reached Bioe-rufontel- but no confirmation has be-- t n liitiVU. Boers Confront Roberts. LONDON, March 3. 4:15 a. m. Iord Roberts, at Osfiueln. tlx or eight miles of Paardeberg, f ae c the ref ormed Bor army, from live to six thou-ui- i l strong. 'Ih.s luay te lucrt-l- a torts of oljse-- r vatl aa, itudy to iture oa pre iiared po.i:l on. U,ui)tl It la re iv.ii; aein-.iun- a from the Juie be-fcitg-t.1 of Iidm:th uud irom ather pji..t. Whatever the fuue u.ay be L.ud K'jberts has amp.e tr.-e- . to cope w.tu I;. A a b.av ru;n U railing oa the e dt aad the' g:.t. i Hu.uoviLg th.s wi.l l e a pol luiug te i,orariiy Ir the Ue-rii- . Lord ltctj l..n sirrrl-e-- d oerry- - Ifj iy tie e Xi 1.. i. J4 ll.S trull!" port ,; ,i ii.- - "i 1 i v .i - u..-- .ie Is , , a. ..i i i, a jui.i.ary , ... .1- t it 1. ... -. W :i. SwiUi ... , . .... i ...: i..u. .i I i . i u ". i .i i. . . . , i a .. t . w ... u.- e this i t : . w nu ;.;... a. .r .!.'.. r. It. I.- - jla ,, . . .;. ... ... t H.... '' . a i .!..' e A, .. I. as - 1 V, i . .... 1 1 ..ft - r . d t j n ;r 1 tl !.e: tJ- - 1 L 1 it . u j ilie t i: ... 1 I.' .1 . .. , . e r; ,,3 !.. r.r it .. . J l ...t .1 . ... . r 1. r i i. ... e a - . : .. : .ir .ii i .'. ne y t (..'., r il.ut i aa. a .' .i.i- I.i .1 e I . . it .... i,,u: i.::.' h-- I f .r-k.- e i .. i. . .' '.. t ' ' i a i: f.f t..e u.-.- I r i A la..ra. y l. 1 a t" ! sr.'ph-.- . fit, : :, (..; :.:; r a j pr-s-.- fc. .:i ' . ...!:. i.r.i i i.'l ! t. r. oa t be ;..:t ' . : - t i.i..: j.ty t ... :i.get . i.d i.i i.'iti' r r 4- -! .i i i .' 1i - - a w ...i .i 1 !e 1 to ja: . ; a.r.i-:iS- . r. - lirbii.l' it;; i ; . M ir. r j i - , ., ' .'s C . j1.1j1 i 1 n ;: .: I.i- - i 1 f"i:n -- ' - j .v a . : v. : i : j : ii . t r. y t .' li-.e- : l:r t c 1 1 w r; ti.'V. Af-'- . .0 . t z lit.-- r n.Kht (Continued cn Pge 9) ; bors massing to THE CITY Reported Uprising of Cape How Victory The Natal i nvidiv vm i, 1 a. m. It U of- - flcially announcrd that Lad) smith h-- . been relieved. LONDON. Mar h 1. 9:52 a. m The War Office has received the following dispatch from General Buller: Lyttleton's Headquarters. March l. 9:03. morning. uenerai I'untuuu wi:h the Natal Carbineeis and a com posite regiment entered Ladysm th la.-- t night. The country between here and iajfcmith U reported clear cf the enemy. I am moving on Nelthorpe. LONDON. March 1. 4:13 a. m. Oen- - wml iinller a tliatintt tsuccea In Btorm- - t tr u.ii Lriua tne rescue oi LaUyn.ith near, but tne war unite iu iiii.ittd i;ue Udt t veuiliz inai u n.u.irrt uunouuctuient of relief need net be expei ud. 1 be goings to auu iro at uiiduii;nt of official aud meiengers sugtistca that important news ua.u beta received. II tnis were me c Lord Landowne obvioualy desired to s.eep on it btloie taking the public into his confidence. Aa hU mesr.aae reveals, General uui lers Kucceo.sful aUack came after the I aard flgating cf Friday, and It was Im- - miKine the amistice the British com dr .tinulated that both sides nou J 1m ,'rte to move i.Mt)hii ne.ther snouia uo any 7"- - tnerciore w uu.u y - mediately beginning to transfer his ops. . fome w; ,h ed with a long list of casualties. His lossc In the four attempts to get 1 General unite . . out assresaie . . .vw. I Ladvsmitti is in uesperaie ...... . . l l.liarit'9 n uiiduin. j I - t , . vah ,,thnritV sajs ne "'f Wnls" nresumab.y that of ev I at Its last gasp." .... i ,. ,,VA1 . . . . . . I J : ' t - .l 4 It ii ITT- 1- 'r WiMinu a.iil4 that w.iea U''s like this passes und. r the thumb of Hie '.ettscr It mure than o!Tso:s whatever news may be hcli orapacd irom L.idysmlth. There is no authoritative ia.l.e ilion ytt oi uoru it.j;it'i t3 w ..i h.j .vt. I; Mtnis Iike.y that a branca rai-wa- j will be bui'.t acr.js the veld: ta a the d. If. cu of transpjr.a'.ion. to.o-u- el Girou.ird, whj b.u.t th-- Saa-li- rai.way. is wi:h Ur 1 Roberts. Tne s:raia on the western rai.way U foc-.- from the fact that the population of Klmbericy, twj weekj thj relief, continues on reduce 1 ra;ion. L )rd Roberts troo;s thus far have Leea on- ly partially fid. It Is quite clear to th tcchttiea. headi that thoe who talk of an I .n me- diate and rapid a far into th" Free Suite do n:-- t realize the transport ccndi'ions. The Boers, as it now ap- pears, have built a railway from Harri-rin.t- h tv Kroomstad: to facilitate the novemettt of their troo;s between Na- tal an 1 the Free State. Mafekir-- g was ho. ding out on Febru- ary 16. At that time the Bo-t- s were ahowine unusual activity and Crin? shells. The Boers who hold positions sou.n of the Orange River have teen vrcak- - t'eutenant r.arrn'zen. writing o-- i I a'f of himself ar.d of other ar. 'iai-v.u- n prisoners, affirms that there 3re no mercenaries in the Boer army and r.o vo'.unfers l.o receive a pcnr.y for the !.r Gi'von Bow'.e-s- . C.n'frvat'.Te n'n-Ic- r cf Parlian.- - rt f..r K' Lyr.n. was rn-- ch struck ly the statement o. Ccrll Rhrdes th? ether diy. th r. tne 1' of th? D" Il-r- s .is-vo- r were 2.f-00-- pounds ?:cr.;.r.g. "ir.1 that there are diamonds in K:m- - v i ii.-- . p.x 1 '.i.e.'"' b Tie v r. r"w ster'.inr. Intends to sug-'- to .Mr. it ii- - four. F.rst Ird cf t'ie Trea?u"y. tm. gun or their bagtrage. Van Reenans Pass Is only about 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAaAAAAAA GENERAL WHITE. PHYSICIANS. nR. GEO. J. AUGUR, Homeopathic practitioner. Special attention giv- en to chronic diaeaaei; office and res- idence, Beretanla St., nearly opp. lietaodlat church; omce hour 10 to 12 a. in.; 3 to 4 p. ru.; 7 to 8 p. m.; lundayi, 9:30 to 10:30 a. m.; Tel. 733. LUTCLLA S. CLEVELAND, M.D.-Ot-- tcm 1082 King St.; hours 8 to 12 a. xn., I to I p. m.; Tel. 639. DR. W. J. GALBRAITH Practice lim- ited to eurgery and gynecology; office and residence. Hawaiian Hotel. OR. A. GORDON HO DG INS. Office and reoldence. Gedge Cottage, corner Richards and Hotel Su.; office houre I to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Tel. 953. DR. T. MIT AMUR A. Office 630 Nuu-ao- a St.; Tel. 654; P. O. box 842; resi- dence 624 Nuuanu St.; office hours t o 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. T. B. CLAPHAM Veterinary Surgeon and Denilot; office King SU Stables; Tel. 10H3; calla day or night prompt- ly answered; specialties, obdtetrica and lameness. DsL TOMIZO KATSUNUMA. V-e- rt- try Surgeon. Sklu disease cu all . lads a specialty. Office room 11, Spreckels Bldg., .our 9 to 4; Tel. 474; residence Te 1093. DENTISTS. If. K. GROSSMAN, D.t'.S. Alakea St, three doors abore Masonic Temple, Honolulu; office hours 9 a. m. to 4 j. to. FSL C B. HIOIL Philadelphia Dental College 1892; MaaotJc 1'empie; TeL tU. arc. H. HUDDY, . .D.a Fort SL, op- posite Catholic Mlsaion; hours from a. m. to 4 p. m. Dr. R. I. Moore, Dentist Office 210 Ho- tel St.; office hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 4. DR. A. C. WALL. DR. O. E. WALL. Office hours 8 a. ni. to 4 p. ru.; Love Uidg., Fort St.; Tel. 431. BROKERS. a- -J CAMPHKLU rnce Queen St, T5lf Union FeAd Co. C. J FA LIC Member Honolulu Stock Exchange; No. 310 Fort St., Mdner-n- y Bid. WILLIAM SAVIlXiE. Real Esau la aM Part cf the Islands bought or sold; 210 Merchant St.; Campbell Blk. CONTRACTORS. f a nitTTPUk'ir.Ln. Contractor and Biillder. Store and office fittings. shoD and repair work; Bell Tower Bldg.. Union St.; TeL 702. IL K. ME EM A NO CO. Contractors and Builders. Painters, Paperhangers and Deorators; all work neatly done; office Fort St, back of High School, Honolulu. WM. T. PATY. Contractor and Balld- - er. Store and office ntung; Dnca, wood or stone building; shop Palace Walk; residence Wilder Are,, near Kewalo. ENGINEERS. CATTON. NEILL & CO.. LTD. Engi- neers. Electricians and Bolleraiak- - r. Honolulu. CIIAS. V. E. DOVE. C.E. Surreyor and Civil Engineer; office Campbell Mock. nDsUire (next to Bishop ft Co. bank) P. O. box 421; orders taken for typewriting. ti ura . T TATIillL M. Am. Soc C. E. - - Conslt'r,g Hydraulic Engineer; r t rv inr i r ns.1 iL. it ini i.i hum w - i possible, because of the V.r-- f sc.irci o. fuel. r U is thick with putrid animal matter. ( Tea made of I a Pu.-p.n-- hr. . .)methir.g li r cftea. l 4 l,,y- w j , . . , f v a II . r - i :n:i-t- . . . nignt. immediately aiier n was io iniei oi ruiuu ouwt- - van thrchief detailed all of the avail- - able officers to exclude the whites from Chinatown. Strict orders were also given to police officers to carefully guard the various streets leading to ?!5e,QAa.r':r " prCCUt By these means the head of the Po- - n n.n(n,.n( oa 4 ih health lit C LfriHU lUKUii MO -- ...u i rx anv cr.rp ni . - .1 : UL iue u.Bcaoc. . That the plague existed In th-- j cm- - . ir a ,rrt nnti! .ii Unniv iimiui aiir lclou a ui.ii, u-i- u w-- r . m & i & frt v. A ice omcer, suspecung iuai uc was I victim of the disease, at once n tilled Health Officer O'Brien. Dr. O'Brien examined the body and came .,-- t y , n-- ,, !u!.m th u the offi.-- r's sus- - - - - - . niclor.3 itrut quarantine of the hou.-e- . after which he proaipi.y telephoned to Chief .? iliivan. The health authorities are satificd that they will sine ted in wiping out plague bet'ore it can claim another victim. A strict q i.irantine wi.l be today and every p.tvaiKi.m wi.l be taken to prevent a spread of the disease. The lodging-hous- e where the unfor- tunate Chinese succumbed to the ef- fects of the so-cal- .e 1 plague will be thoroughly fumigated this morning mil the occupants wi.l not be allowed outside. Realizing the necessity for prompt I irf inn in nreventine the dl.-eas- e from I srrcad!ns;. Chief Sullivan Intends. If .he gravity of the situation req iires it. !.- - iiftall every member of the depart ment to guard the entrances to China- town and prevent the Mongolians from leaving. Surgeon General W. K. Van en of the navy Is an authority on the bu- bonic platcae. In discussing the proh-lbi.I- ty of its reaching San Franciaco , ,n "The climatic conditions of tbe i'ted States preclude the po-iM- l- .,y ot tnP plague ever getting '..;- -' this country. It Is a d.sease pecu.iar to the Orient, and seldom, u ever, at-T- he bubonic rl.ig'ie with refcremc to the United States Is like berl-bcr- l. A Japanese vessel once brought a nurabrr of caes of thi dis- ease to New York. The aff l were and wn recovered There Is absorely no. dinger of the plague ever getting here.' of the The actmc S'irce.-'- 4 The Defender 4 I. 4 4 4 - 4 i 4 , Co:oac, Charles II. Allen srirs: 0 n.iatan:lre service Is so elT.cient !th.u hi? plaeue rcuM never joMAla a for.0-- j in United States. even thoush the conditions were fa- - voraVe I don't know of :i sing'e ca.e ' of rlacue In the United Stares. It is -- Li., r ii(u in v uu .i ti j dUtrlhutcd j vtvtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT be the rescued property (there Is dirt and filth. 10 Judd Blk., Honolulu.

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m m F I m W MI

aBhUKHBtflLlAOff'CE COP. in

- t''A -- r.e.

ta. Jr. . . - - ' - J--: -

Ftftbll4tiel Jaly , 1848.

VOL. XXXI., NO. f4!2 IIONOLfl.r, HAWAIIAN ISLAM'S. YVi:iNLSIAY. MAliTll 14, 1900. --TWELVE i'AUEd. i'h'UiK F1VK (JLNYt.

PKUr I .sMOYaL ttnty m;Is fr.uu;;h Then.tUty had in uctioa TiieJay,dl.u l!)v rui J.) Ll.l.t.t.ti tiott U.rroj ; ia sending te heavyUDYSMITH


RESCUEDrn'.arg'eT.'nt rf the mar, lut 8.000tru i; and a cf batirries area 1 '.. .1 t i Iho.r r. d fori. Bat rrol-.i- !

y th l'.rs hre grievously c1 the irkj-- . to ca;;ure whlwh



son and Albert F. Judd. Jr.) OfficeTcr Bishop & Co. 's bank, cor. Mer-

chant and Kaahumanu St3.


Inocn Johnson). Office No. 10 WentKing Ht., Tel. 884.

rRANCI3 J. BERRY. Attorney-at-La- w

General Buller Wins a SubstantialRemoved to cor. King and Bethel..: Rooms 2 and 3.

Victory. if, 'TRANCIS M. BROOKS. Room 9,Ipreckels bulldinn. Fort St.

LTLK A. DICKEY. King mid Detaelg-j-

.; TtL 800; P. O. box 786.

TRXDlilllCK VV. JO. Suite 81. Mar- - defendtutte Bldg., Chicago, III.; HawaiianConul General for ritates of Illinoli,Mlcbigaa. Olilo, Indiana and Wtcon- -

CHAS. F. PETER ON. 15 Kaahuma--

Fort St.; Piano, Voice Culture, Singing and Harmony; especial attentioni Mill to touch, muscular control andmusical an-lys- is.

ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER. VocalStudio. "Mlgnon." 720 BereUM St.

OPTICIANS.S. E. LUCA3. Love Did?., Fort St..

upstairs; cam?n a full line of ALLKINL3 OF GLASSE3 from taeCHEAPEST to the BEST. Free examination of the eyes.

w''ARCrinricTS.ilAfiDc LEE PAGE. Architect! atnUjiMera. Olce Roonn 2-- 4. Arlln?'on Annex. Honolulu. H. I.; ktcnoai corrert eofimate furnished aihort notice; TeL 229; P. O. box 778.

OWARD A THAI., ArcMtect.Jrjir 7. Model Block, Fort St.;


Room 10 Spree ktls Bldg., Fort St.;J. II. MacPherson, Mgr.; Collectionsa Specialty; PROMPT REMIT-TANCES; NO FEE CHARGED UNLESS COLLECTION 13 MADE.

MRS. B. F. McCALL. Latest deelgnsIn Tailor-Mad- e Evening. DinnerGowns, and Wedding Trousseau, 73Beretanla St.

DR. A. C. POSEY. Specialist for Kye.Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases andCatarrh; Masonic Temple; hours t to12 a. m., 1 to 4 and 7 to I ?. a

P. SILVA. Agent to take acknowicdg- -

ment to Instruments, district of Ko- -

na, Oahu; at W. C. AcM's oSScs,King St.. near Nauann.

TOURISTS' GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII. Price 60c: beautifully Illustrated. For sale by all neirsdeaJors


A Suspect Brought to Light laChinatown.

SAN FRANCISCO, March 7. Whatla thought to be the bubonic plabue, according to Health Officer O'Brien, hasbeen discovered la Chinatown. One


Dutch Colonists at theAffects London


anion;: the troona a salvage atIei4!l. e applied to the relief of the wld

phaU9 of lhe fi;len.

The Joy of Britain.IX!NDON, March 2. 4: CO a. m. Bri- -

tct'.s iet'1 that they are living In thejre of momentous event. Torna- -

ilou if pat.-ioti-c excKement are whirl- -

s tl roiiK3 the countiy. Even thedaiasl. boul xuuht have been etiiied bythe motions of )esteiday, and Lon-

don ti,Uoo,0o0 weie raised to a highpun of patrittic exultation.

Jt was a wonderlui ittgUi.- Uni menhavo iiothing In memory with which tocompare the day. Some lisentd it toLucxncw; others talked of the fall ofSeb&atopol. It was a lime of singularabandon. The usual conventions of so-

ciety ceased to control, and every oneknew evervlf dv else, all Joining IntralJcii o- - l o.i'-wing- s, as their disposl -

lions mvd them. (rear guard la the port. on where theLord Lanrdowue chose the psychol-- ! linf a to lhe yr(.e stale and the Trans-oglc- al

moment to announce estimates V3aj r,art If possible Lord Dundona.d,exceeding 61.0UO.O0 pounds, wj,Q js already on the move, will rutand rather startled the public. by tin- - une l0 tne north at the Junctionfolding the programme of the War which the Boers' temporary rai.wayOniee to send out, in addition to the behind Dulwana and Lonards Kop

".MM.i tfoops now afloat. r.tM0 fresh makes with the main '.Ine. If he doessoidlers. this he may c aplure ome of the Bjers'

Lord Roberts will ultimately have a ,ig guns,force of a quarter of a million. An or- - From the meag' r accounts receiveddcr has reached Woolwich for the con- -

j j: the fiirge ai raised none toobtruction of ZZ i new guns, from 3- - foon. as the garrison was In gnevoinpounders to 12-In- guns. Of thes? 140 mraits. General Duller reports thatare to be naval guns. Alreidy 25,000 they subsisted ur-c- half a pound efworkmen are employed at the arsenal.! meal a day per mar, supplemented byand ."'mo more will be eneatred. The hor.'e an(i mule flesh, and that a longdecisions to send cut more troops and period of re-s- t will be reTilrrd beforeto Increase the home armament meet General White's soldiers are asjain ftw..u ui iversal approval. The Boers for the field. The relief of Ladysnithseem to have Eot quite away from ' U the greatest British surre Minedaround Iadysmith without losing a in the war. and Is of Immense impor

Chlnaman living at 1004 Dapont street provised and Its execution negun uura ii rr ti m Kiwi f .iiarnaa l.ifA lastlinz the armistice of Sunday. In pro- -

I .as lo t 4 alt-- l luc i.gnter oucattij Uie Frte Nlat'.

Dr. Ia--j J f.t lijat (' -n- -ral J. itw-r- t

in a.-.-i nio.ii.s vv. i:: a at f i.i-e.g- .

teventy units mi tha?t of ltiemfon-U.n- .c'o.ui.el AiLutht, a.coitl.i. Ut a

d.t patch ln..n. Paauieberg. a::i.nia that;Le l.ers have tutu Kit.

WLeiLer K.rd Kuwu 1 at P.lm-foiiUi- u

ttciw or not. be doubtless njnwi;i be dating his iii.iat( t th. le andiu;i.g trie town s u.s a.ivaintu r.u-e- .

Ij; 1 K:tch ni r rui.-Mn- ii i u - ni-L.-

the furies ut-.lo- r Geinrl l'l meritill lit ru ral tlatatie aud to udvAUiia.or.g the' 'f tiie toM. ra.'tm em. The ru.lway will im- -

tiari.i;fjrt.1 ho lond.tior.s at Ln 1 n'; h n tinh eie x:a:r.d ly t'liarles Wil-;,a;i- ,j

arid i.i.U'd to tlu-- I 1

. ie i.ow I tter iindTrto.)d. a the mitl- -

iirv auinorniej nu lou'-- r i iiu uh-.- i

ltiial lnfurtn..:iun. It npi'-a- r the midd'.e f January the horirshave ltt u halfftarvf d and altogethert.o weak either t dras guns or carryitv a'i. iu n. Hi rue the imj y

of dashing cut.The Great Lotses.

LONDON, March 2. Yesterday waiGeneral BuHer s day. Iord Dundona'.Jreached Idysaiith on Tuesday yesterday Sir RMvers himself ed

the city and reported that thejjuntry around It was c.ear except fori mall rear guard of Boers oa Sur-j.r- e

Hili. This great British succeson the one hun.ln.l and Lir;y-fi-- st

d-- y of the war anl the one hun- -

died aiul eighteenth day cf the s.eIi was aceoniDlished oniy after fourprevious attempts to fight the waytioin the banks of the TueU hal failed. The siite and relict of the cityhave cot the British no lt-- s than j2

men In General While' and G.ner-a- iBailer's forces, made up as fallows:

Kil.ed, 1 .0 4 i ; wounded, 3.IS3; mUing,l..V"s; died from dieas 513. The battie cf the 27th and seizure of the backbone of the ma.--a of bills between Co--

lensoan.1 Iadysmlth really relieved thecity. The main relieving force haslicit ended the northern slope of thePietera range of hills at far as Nel- -h T ii;H.r. nly left a weak

tance to them rn:n every ioini i

view. Not only.are they rid of a great

of La lysmith.

I 5



r-- ,r4

z U J i : vr--




.-- 5



mm. I:.: 'f

tV'VVlJu:. .'.'"i'.V.vl

4 it I' I


thry ri.-ke- -l everything, has w'sionatch. d from the ir gra.-- p at the ltL.xiutau lhe reiitf ot LMjysuiUh .tub.t-- i the Britinh to begin a scien-tific freheme of cainjulgu iu their advance u 1'retorl.i iliiuugh the Fre.s.uc, w.iirn tne iH.eagUiruitai ei meuty anl Klmbericy prcvcntrJ. TheKi.t-;di:- e cf this plan, Iu a. I proUt-b.i.i- y,

I d mueh to do wua the JJoerag.VtUK up the i Rei. This cannriiud tk

iram llrasse.s puhiisiieel which was luspired by Trans-vaal aKtut 13 the thai Ge.itraJJtul n viil ho.)-- e the ne ighb.u iiooelof Wuidburg. nil.t ufiawenlof B.( lulonielu. astoe first line of de-

fence arid will coi iht-i- e theuucieus of u army of i.Odo men. Theterritorial conditions at WindJum re-t..iit-

those at Ladysmith kiid oitrr apoofcibllity of long Saouldthe British arrive by the beginning ofthe week, BieM;ufontelu wU. b evacu-ated wutiout tiiou r i lancet. TheBoers are already ae.ivei I.."! Rol-er- ts

and B.oerutome In. la fact, Por t's correnpondent sas thatat the urue Crunje a iurrtii;tr -- s be-l- ng

loasummatcd an action was atoutlt begin, but Ixrd Roberts dc.ayed IL

The Boers are said to number 7,000to the eastward of Paardcburg. An-

other- forte Is reported to be to theou:btt toward 1. Uls Drift. There

Is a rumor present In ludon thatLord Roberts' eavalry had reachedBioe-rufontel- but no confirmation hasbe-- t n liitiVU.

Boers Confront Roberts.LONDON, March 3. 4:15 a. m. Iord

Roberts, at Osfiueln. tlx or eightmiles of Paardeberg, f ae c theref ormed Bor army, from live to sixthou-ui- i l strong. 'Ih.s luay te lucrt-l-

a torts of oljse--r vatl aa, itudy to itureoa pre iiared po.i:l on. U,ui)tl It lare iv.ii; aein-.iun- a from the Juie be-fcitg-t.1

of Iidm:th uud irom atherpji..t. Whatever the fuue u.ay beL.ud K'jberts has amp.e tr.-e- . to copew.tu I;. A a b.av ru;n U railing oathe e dt aad the' g:.t. i Hu.uoviLgth.s wi.l l e a pol luiug te i,orariiyIr the Ue-rii- .

Lord ltctj l..n sirrrl-e-- d oerry- -Ifj iy tie e Xi 1.. i. J4 ll.S trull!" port,; ,i ii.- - "i 1 i v .i - u..-- .ie Is

, , a. ..i i i, a jui.i.ary, ... .1- t it 1. ... -. W :i. SwiUi... , . .... i ...: i..u. .i I i . i u ".

i .i i. . . . , i a .. t . w ... u.- e thisi t : . w nu ;.;... a. .r

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A la..ra. y l. 1 a t" ! sr.'ph-.- .

fit, : :, (..; :.:; r a j pr-s-.-

fc. .:i ' . ...!:. i.r.i i i.'l ! t. r. oa t be;..:t ' . : - t i.i..: j.ty t... :i.get

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li-.e- : l:rt c 1 1 w r; ti.'V. Af-'-

. .0 . t z lit.-- r n.Kht

(Continued cn Pge 9 );

bors massing toTHE CITY

Reported Uprising ofCape How Victory

The Natal

i nvidiv vm i, 1 a. m. It U of- -

flcially announcrd that Lad) smith h-- .

been relieved.LONDON. Mar h 1. 9:52 a. m The

War Office has received the following

dispatch from General Buller:Lyttleton's Headquarters. March l.

9:03. morning. uenerai I'untuuuwi:h the Natal Carbineeis and a com

posite regiment entered Ladysm th la.--t

night.The country between here and

iajfcmith U reported clear cf theenemy. I am moving on Nelthorpe.

LONDON. March 1. 4:13 a. m. Oen- -

wml iinller a tliatintt tsuccea In Btorm- -

t tr u.ii Lriua tne rescue oiLaUyn.ith near, but tne war unite iuiiii.ittd i;ue Udt t veuiliz inai u

n.u.irrt uunouuctuient of relief neednet be expei ud. 1 be goings to auu iroat uiiduii;nt of official aud meiengerssugtistca that important news ua.u

beta received. II tnis were me cLord Landowne obvioualy desired tos.eep on it btloie taking the publicinto his confidence.

Aa hU mesr.aae reveals, General uuilers Kucceo.sful aUack came after the

I aard flgating cf Friday, and It was Im- -

miKine the amistice the British com

dr .tinulated that both sidesnou J 1m ,'rte to move i.Mt)hii ne.ther

snouia uo any 7"--tnerciore w uu.u y -mediately beginning to transfer his

ops. . fomew; ,h ed with a long list of casualties.His lossc In the four attempts to get

1General unite. .

out assresaie. ..vw.

I Ladvsmitti is in uesperaie...... . .l l.liarit'9 n uiiduin. j

I - t , . vah ,,thnritVsajs ne "'f Wnls"nresumab.y that of ev

I at Its last gasp."....i ,. ,,VA1 .. . . . .I J : ' t - .l 4 It ii ITT- 1-

'r WiMinu a.iil4 that w.iea U''slike this passes und. r the thumb of Hie

'.ettscr It mure than o!Tso:s news may be hcli orapacd iromL.idysmlth.

There is no authoritative ia.l.e ilionytt oi uoru it.j;it'i t3 w ..i h.j .vt.

I; Mtnis Iike.y that a branca rai-wa- j

will be bui'.t acr.js the veld: ta a

the d. If. cu of transpjr.a'.ion. to.o-u- el

Girou.ird, whj b.u.t th-- Saa-li-

rai.way. is wi:h Ur 1 Roberts. Tnes:raia on the western rai.way U foc-.-

from the fact that the population of

Klmbericy, twj weekj thj relief,continues on reduce 1 ra;ion. L )rd

Roberts troo;s thus far have Leea on-

ly partially fid.It Is quite clear to th tcchttiea.

headi that thoe who talk of an I .n me-

diate and rapid a far into th"Free Suite do n:-- t realize the transportccndi'ions. The Boers, as it now ap-

pears, have built a railway from Harri-rin.t- h

tv Kroomstad: to facilitate thenovemettt of their troo;s between Na-

tal an 1 the Free State.Mafekir-- g was ho. ding out on Febru-

ary 16. At that time the Bo-t- s were

ahowine unusual activity and Crin?shells.

The Boers who hold positions sou.nof the Orange River have teen vrcak- -

t'eutenant r.arrn'zen. writing o-- i I a'f

of himself ar.d of other ar. 'iai-v.u- n

prisoners, affirms that there 3reno mercenaries in the Boer army andr.o vo'.unfers l.o receive a pcnr.y forthe !.r

Gi'von Bow'.e-s- . C.n'frvat'.Te n'n-Ic- r

cf Parlian.- - rt f..r K' Lyr.n. w.iowas rn-- ch struck ly the statement o.

Ccrll Rhrdes th? ether diy. th r. tne1' of th? D" Il-r- r

were 2.f-00-- pounds ?:cr.;.r.g."ir.1 that there are diamonds in K:m- -

v i ii.--. p.x 1 '.i.e.'"'b Tie v r. r"wster'.inr. Intends to sug-'- to .Mr. it ii- -

four. F.rst Ird cf t'ie Trea?u"y. tm.

gun or their bagtrage.Van Reenans Pass Is only about




practitioner. Special attention giv-

en to chronic diaeaaei; office and res-

idence, Beretanla St., nearly opp.lietaodlat church; omce hour 10 to12 a. in.; 3 to 4 p. ru.; 7 to 8 p. m.;lundayi, 9:30 to 10:30 a. m.; Tel. 733.


1082 King St.; hours 8 to 12 a. xn.,

I to I p. m.; Tel. 639.

DR. W. J. GALBRAITH Practice lim-

ited to eurgery and gynecology; officeand residence. Hawaiian Hotel.

OR. A. GORDON HO DG INS. Officeand reoldence. Gedge Cottage, cornerRichards and Hotel Su.; office houreI to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Tel. 953.

DR. T. MIT AMUR A. Office 630 Nuu-ao- aSt.; Tel. 654; P. O. box 842; resi-

dence 624 Nuuanu St.; office hours to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p. m.

T. B. CLAPHAM Veterinary Surgeonand Denilot; office King SU Stables;Tel. 10H3; calla day or night prompt-ly answered; specialties, obdtetricaand lameness.


try Surgeon. Sklu disease cu all. lads a specialty. Office room 11,Spreckels Bldg., .our 9 to 4; Tel.474; residence Te 1093.

DENTISTS.If. K. GROSSMAN, D.t'.S. Alakea St,

three doors abore Masonic Temple,Honolulu; office hours 9 a. m. to4 j. to.

FSL C B. HIOIL Philadelphia DentalCollege 1892; MaaotJc 1'empie; TeLtU.

arc. H. HUDDY, . .D.a Fort SL, op-

posite Catholic Mlsaion; hours froma. m. to 4 p. m.

Dr. R. I. Moore, Dentist Office 210 Ho-

tel St.; office hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 4.

DR. A. C. WALL. DR. O. E. WALL.Office hours 8 a. ni. to 4 p. ru.; LoveUidg., Fort St.; Tel. 431.

BROKERS.a-- J CAMPHKLU rnce Queen St,

T5lf Union FeAd Co.

C. J FA LIC Member Honolulu StockExchange; No. 310 Fort St., Mdner-n- y


WILLIAM SAVIlXiE. Real Esau laaM Part cf the Islands bought orsold; 210 Merchant St.; CampbellBlk.

CONTRACTORS.f a nitTTPUk'ir.Ln. Contractor and

Biillder. Store and office fittings.shoD and repair work; Bell TowerBldg.. Union St.; TeL 702.

IL K. ME EM A NO CO. Contractorsand Builders. Painters, Paperhangersand Deorators; all work neatlydone; office Fort St, back of HighSchool, Honolulu.

WM. T. PATY. Contractor and Balld- -

er. Store and office ntung; Dnca,wood or stone building; shop PalaceWalk; residence Wilder Are,, nearKewalo.


neers. Electricians and Bolleraiak- -

r. Honolulu.

CIIAS. V. E. DOVE. C.E. Surreyorand Civil Engineer; office CampbellMock. nDsUire (next to Bishop ft P. O. box 421; orders takenfor typewriting.

ti ura. T TATIillL M. Am. Soc C. E.- -

Conslt'r,g Hydraulic Engineer;

r t rv inr i r ns.1 iL. it ini i.i hum w - i

possible, because of the V.r-- fsc.irci o. fuel. rU is thick with putrid animal matter. (

Tea made of I a Pu.-p.n-- hr. .

.)methir.g li r cftea. l 4 l,,y- w j, . . , f v a II . r - i :n:i-t- .

. .nignt. immediately aiier nwas io iniei oi ruiuu ouwt- -

van thrchief detailed all of the avail- -

able officers to exclude the whites fromChinatown. Strict orders were alsogiven to police officers to carefullyguard the various streets leading to

?!5e,QAa.r':r " prCCUt

By these means the head of the Po--n n.n(n,.n( oa 4 ih healthlit C LfriHU lUKUii MO-- ...u i rx anv cr.rp ni

. - .1 :UL iue u.Bcaoc. .

That the plague existed In th-- j cm- -. ir a ,rrt nnti!

.ii Unniv iimiui aiir lclou aui.ii, u-i- u w-- r

. m & i & frt v.A ice omcer, suspecung iuai uc

was I victim of the disease, at once ntilled Health Officer O'Brien. Dr.O'Brien examined the body and came.,-- t y , n--

,, !u!.m th u the offi.-- r's sus- -- - - - .niclor.3itrut quarantine of the hou.-e- . afterwhich he proaipi.y telephoned to Chief.? iliivan.

The health authorities are satificdthat they will sine ted in wiping out

plague bet'ore it can claim anothervictim. A strict q i.irantine wi.l be

today and every p.tvaiKi.mwi.l be taken to prevent a spread of thedisease.

The lodging-hous- e where the unfor-tunate Chinese succumbed to the ef-

fects of the so-cal- .e 1 plague will bethoroughly fumigated this morningmil the occupants wi.l not be allowedoutside.

Realizing the necessity for promptI irf inn in nreventine the dl.-eas- e fromI srrcad!ns;. Chief Sullivan Intends. If

.he gravity of the situation req iires it.!.-- iiftall every member of the department to guard the entrances to China-

town and prevent the Mongolians fromleaving.

Surgeon General W. K. Van en

of the navy Is an authority on the bu-

bonic platcae. In discussing the proh-lbi.I- ty

of its reaching San Franciaco, ,n "The climatic conditions of

tbe i'ted States preclude the po-iM- l-

.,y ot tnP plague ever getting '..;- -'

this country. It Is a d.sease pecu.iarto the Orient, and seldom, u ever, at-T- he

bubonic rl.ig'iewith refcremc to the United States Is

like berl-bcr- l. A Japanese vessel oncebrought a nurabrr of caes of thi dis-

ease to New York. The aff l

were and wn recoveredThere Is absorely no. dinger of theplague ever getting here.'

of theThe actmc S'irce.-'-


The Defender




4 -4 i



Co:oac, Charles II. Allen srirs:0 n.iatan:lre service Is so elT.cient

!th.u hi? plaeue rcuM neverjoMAla a for.0-- j in United States.even thoush the conditions were fa- -

voraVe I don't know of :i sing'e ca.e'of rlacue In the United Stares. It is

-- Li., r ii(u in vuu .i ti j dUtrlhutcd j vtvtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTbethe rescued property(there Is dirt and filth.10 Judd Blk., Honolulu.


15 Y AUTHORITY.DAYS HOW:22. ci.ii.. fr.ia r.:-- k No. Cre--

at 1.

January 7 M:.h: n.. age 22.J,., ai-- .- P.. i.'.-- a.--:. a uv.v . !.. at d.

... J.i:..i.tiy 0 -- lir....i. r.!.. u- -- I.

Ape would likely !- - frum.liber of the method t.cuiluin d. mar

hip; I w.tho i; further treattuent..irovidol they are k.;t in t!;. b- -t a r,ra:it at a l :u; era: ..r- - f 2. ,t J.

F. fvr one ar. I a c. a. e t1. .t t.a.( a. iu:.i; a'.y ' e d. tr..U- -

r to 1. mad or. . . r I dj..s t

b..rf.t. B. WOOD.

..." Pr- - .,.: lit p. ef U. al.h.

BICYCLES iiie duo on tii' Au-bal- i.i this week.Over L"0 will come if our orders are all shiprnl. We will

tell you all alout them when the strainer frets in.tSfColumlias and BamMcrs occupy the top round of the

bicycle ladder. You want the best, we have the le-- r.

E. O. HALL & SON., LTD.Bike Department, next to Bulletin Office.

ON ICE! P Australia;

Cauliflower. Celery. Turnips.Cheese. Butter. Etc.

II ALL & IIEItltI(i'SCooked Sauerkraut, Etc.


SALTER'S GROCERY.Orpbcum Block. 'Phone 60.



The Ihi; B iey. t n the (ntranc toHonolulu harbor, t.m repia.cltemporarily ty a con'. ai hucy nipport-- ,ing a circular target ub ut t.x -

.i.l.t s in t. r.

AI.EX. YiU'M;.Minis'., r of the Imei i. r.

Marth l., 1 y.n. rS3


STOCKHOLDERS ARE HEREBY,notiliel that the ftutk Uks t.f thabove mentioned company are tl.-e- d

to transfer from the 13th of March totie ICth of March, inclusive.

J. P. COOKE.Treasurer Kihel Plant. C-- i

Honolulu, March 13. r..'0.5191 21is-2- t



of Cue Klhel Plantation Co., L'.d..only those sto. khohb is who have paidthe fifth assessment leled on theirstock, and which was delinquent onthe 1st Instant, are eligible to vot atthe forthcoming adjourned annualmeeting, on Friday, March Kth. nt 10a. m. J. P. COOKE.

Treasurer Kihil Plant. CoHonolulu, March 13, 1900.

5191 215S-2- t



THERE WILL BE A SPECIALaiecting of the utockholders of theAmerican Sugar Company, Limited, atthe office of C Brewer k. Co., Ltd., inHonolulu, on Wednf sday, the 14th dayof March. 19u0, at 11 o'clock a. in., forthe following purposes:

1. To act on an amendment to iuArticles of Association, granted by theMinister of the Interior, giving thecompany express power to mortgageits property.

2. To consider suthorlring a mort-gage of all Its property to C. B.cwerit Co., Ltd., to secure advances not toexceed Four Hundred and Twenty-fiv- e

Thousand Dollars.(Signed) CHAR. M. COOKE.

Vice President.Dated, Honolulu. March 5, 1900.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATassessment No. 7 of 10 per cent becamdelinquent March 21, and must be paidAT ONCE.

F. W. McCHESNEY.5488 Treasurer.


THE ADJOURNED ANNUALmeeting of the Hawaiian Sugar Co. w illbe held on Monday. March 19th, 10 o'clock a. m.. In the Chamber ofCommerce rooms.

W. L. HOPPER.5459 Secretary.


THE STOCK LEDGER OF THEabove company will be closed to trans-fers from Tuesday, the 13th Inst., toThursday, the 15th Inst- - Inclusive.

GEO. 1 1. ROBERTSON.5190 Treas. Walluku Sugar Co.


NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THATthe second assessment of 5 per centon the capital stock of the Maul Sugar Co. will bej due anl payable toWong Kwal, treasurer. Nuuanu street,in the 15th day of February to March15. 1900. T. KAT POO."i4.13 Fee. MavS Sugar Co.. Ltd.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATthe ninth asye-saie- nt of tea per


LinimentFor Rheumatism. Sprains. Hrulses,Iaim Backs, Etc.


Castor OilNo trouble to take It.

No New Case of PlagueYesterday.

Complete List ta Date cf Deaths

Aid Recoveries Frcn theDisease.



.. . . ., o2 a. in. N'j plague eaeS v.-.--

t r.I.iy an. I n :isp-.-ts-

Levy is about the ram- - asat this time. .

Ah Jan i.i worse, pul..e lr.n.


j There wore no plague r.o

plague eases and no suspicious ca.-r-s

J reported yesterday. Two days havei passed since the lart ca.--e that of AhJan, from Iwilel.

! Tb rail doctors at th Board ofHealth had a few of the usual scarecalls. Ir. Peterson was summonedpost haste to a place on tue "west sideof Kallhi road." He did not go for thesimple reason that the west side of Ka- -

lihl roa l is to comprehensive a prop-

osition to rush at blindly.Dr. Jobe attended a Japanese wom-- ,

an, Toyo by name, at Mrs. J. E. Hig- -'

Kins' house "in the district bounded bySchool, Emma, Vineyard and Fortstreets.' He had some difficulty infinding the house from th descriptiongiven. The sub-inspect- or of the dis-trict, in his report, said:

' "The patient is slightly feverish; thename of the doctor la attendance 's unknown oy Mrs. Higgins. He is de-scribed as having red hair." On thebottom of this document appears Dr.Jobe's report, as follows: "I saw thiscase yesterday and reported on it; itwas simply fever. I deny Mrs. Higgin'allegation In regard to red hair."

H. M. Levy, the Hawaiian Hotelclerk. Is reported as being In abnur.the same condition as he was at thistime yesterday morning no better andno worse. Dr. Hoffmann has not yetdecided whether Levy has the plague.

Ah Jan, the Chinese plague patientfrom Iwilel, Is considerably worse; hispulse Is 150; it U Impossible to get histemperature at this writing, as the pa-tient la In a violent state.

Noah Hiram, who Is In the suspectward at the pesthouse, though no lon-ger a plague suspect. Is reported nobetter. He Is fcuffering with fever.

There was no Board of Health meet-ing yesterday on account of PresidentWood's Illness as a result of Inocula-tion with the prophylactic. The reportof Dr. Wood's sickness Is published Inanother column. A large numter ofpeople, anxious to leave for the otherIslands, applied for the prophylactictreatment. None were treated yester-day.

This morning the Oee Fow s ableson the Iwilel road, from which Ah Janwas taken, and which have been con-

demned by the Board of Health to beburned, will be fired by the departmentabout H o'clock.

List of Plague Cases.The following is a complete lUt of

the cases of plague in Honolulu sinceDecember 12, IS'J'J, the day when thefirst case was reported. The d it pre-

ceding the record of each case 'pre-sei- us

the day on which the case wasreported:

I. December 12 You Chong. ni., age22, Chinese from Wing Wo 1'ai s store,Xuutuu street. Body cremited.

2. December 12 Makauaila, in., age2T, ou.h Sea Islander tioin jueeustreet near Mililaiii stre-- t Body cre-

mated.3. Deceuber IS Ethel Johnson, f.,

ai;e 14, Noivegian Iiom Iwilei. Cre-

mated.4. December 2i Chung Mow Dow,

m.. 21, Chines from i'awua. Cie-mato- d.

5. December 2". Ah Fong, re., age27, Chinese from I'alama. Cre.mai.eJ.

ti. December 27 Chaug Tal Cheung,ni., age 1. Chinese from outsidj oiChinese hospital. Body cremated.

7. December 27 Takedi Shogiro,in., age U2, Japanese from Kobajaahi's.Hotel and Smith streets. Kecove; ed.

a. December 2S MaunaUna, Hi-

nt ge 17, Ha a aiiau froM Kilia. Budyere mated.

!. December CO Kon War. in., ageli Chinese tror.i Pauahi aud Smithstreeis. Cremated.

10. Doeccber Ut Ah Pow, in .

2. Chinese Hum Nuuanu stre-rt- . Cre-mated.

11. December CI Quan You Quan.m.. nz , t,i;r,t.--e irom King sdcet,KapiiUkolo. Cremated.

12. December 27 Ko Chung, m.,ag Co, Chi:.eio from rdauLaka street.Cremated.

l,t. li. icmler Wong Hlng. m.., age Ct. ChiUia-- i fruui Maunakea. street.Cremated.

14. January 2, ID'.'V Toroka, m.,ae 17. Japanps.? from Nit hid Ida'sn.te. Cremated.

T. January 2 ?hir.n, f., aeroJapanese from Merchant stree, ''Blae


.ei overt d.j 15. January hina's chibl, ri , ago; 5 nion.ii. Kecuvered.

17' JaEUary Chun, m.t 22.!

c-i- a?' frorl JcA "ou.--e on Pauahi"ir" ' KocovereJ.

lv hrr.g i urn J!n. ri ,I fre '' Chir- o- :o? Y

L-- re tar., a s net. mat-- d.

i:, January L-.r.s: Yet. n , rr?I

4- - ch;r'i-- 1 f.'oa Maunakvi stte-.t- .

! Cur..aN d.'

J- - n-- r 3- -Ai r.i. r.v. nr- - 21.'rt Harlan fron P.ird cf II alth5 L'k.Vrto. R.r.v.-.rcl- .

21. Jar.'iarv lP:i Dv n n- -.- Cfrom VcrUn. Cr

January 6 Kaheklll. m.. a; 19.Hawaiian iron a 1 Vll.l ni

sealed tendersWill n-;- t 1 at th e :T. e f theM:r.;: r f the In: ricr uat.l Ta - lay.

f.M.trvh 2'th. I'.' ' at 12 u M nk :s..::Lr ;ri:.t.;.g an! l.'.z th ;" BReport of il:" of th. la l.

r fo,-- the r. 1 -- .'.. r.g Dv :.r. r

21.The- - bids niu: b as follow?:Pain matter, p. r prin:J paS'-- .

i".e irfs ar. 1 radl.:s r.Atter ui ii, per pace.

Rales and figures, per pice.The alove is ti iiuiul- - pa, r e. vtrs

with t.t'.e. Eiition l Tpe.:t. Tables, long primer. Pap r to

be b'tt.T A. bo.:.k 41 lb. j

No bid, xcept In w ithI

the alK)e, will considered.Any further information may be ob-

tained upon application to the ChiefClerk of the Department.

The Minister of the Interior does notbind himself to accept the lowest orany bid. ALEX. YOUNG.

Minister of the Interior.Inteior Office, March 13. 19. n. 5192


Soaled tenders for printing 5.uu0 cop-

ies of the Biennial Report of the Min-

ister of Public Intrnctl n, consistingof approximately 150 pages of letter-press and 50 ing.vt of tabular work,will be received at the office of the De-

partment until 12 o'clock noon of Mon-

day, March 19, P.miu. Bidders willplease state their prices by the pagefor each kind cf work, the size of typeand quality of paper they propose; touse, and the limit of time within whichthey are willing to bind themscdvts tocomplete the Job. Pages to b of theusual size for uch reports. The Min-

ister does not Mud himself to acceptthe lowest or any bid.

HENRY S. TOWNSEND,Inspected General of Sc hools.

Honolulu, March 12, 1D0. 5191

The Board of Officer appointed toexamine into and report upon the pro-posed modification of the existing har-bor lines at Honolulu will be at the De-

pot Quartermaster' office, Honolulu,from Monday, March 12, to Friday,March 16, Inclusive, between thehours of 2 and 4 p. m. All InterestedIn the proposed change of the harborlines are Invited to give to the Board,either orally or In writing, their viewsregarding thewime,

ALEX. YOUNG,5430 Minister of the Interior.


Holders of water privileges, or thosepaying water rates, rre hereby notifiedthat the hours for irrigation purposesare from C to 8 o'clock a. m. and fromI to o'clock p. m.

ANDREW BROWN,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved by:ALEX YOUNG,

jllclster cr Interior.Honolulu, June 14. 1893. S25S


Office of the Board of Health, Honolu-lu. H. I , March B, 19 JO.

Shipments of goods to the other Isl-

ands may be made under Ihe followingconditions and

1. The "Kln.iu" and I. I. S. N. Com-

pany wharves shall be kept as quaran-

tine wharves.2. Goods of American and Ens'.i.-- h

production or manufacture may bo

shipped if in original unbroken andtight wood or metal containers, saidcontainers to be rjbjected to disinfeclion by acid solution at sai l wharves. i

13. God Is of Anicric.n .nd Lng.I.-- n

production or manufacture in originalpackages, or in containers,providing such containers have open-

ings left equal to one-eigh- th the sur-

face, may be taken to the P. M. S. S.

lock for famigatiu by sulphur fortwelve hours.

4. Machlii'-r- and ecrrug ited 'r"n' j

alter at t.i n.

5. Coin, which r.nut hive beenboiled, after acid disinfection of con-

tainer.6. Rice, if prepared clir't '.f rn

paddy under supervis! n of c.u attentof the Board of Health at Ilii p'-r'-

rice mill, packe 1 In r. w sa.ks an 1 de-

livered in co r 1 dr.tys .ll.--e. t tj thewharf, w'thou; further tre.itmer.

7. Flour, fe d, f I V r. f.-c--h ea-

tables an 1 fruit- - from new qua ran 'Jr. - 1

iharf. or fro-- a cl an v- in thehnrbor, enly.

S. Ca'. in bulk cr 1. .c, brb k. z.'. t.r-- ? lay, ar. 1 ar: 1 ; -

ithout tr a .r:- - nt.:. 1. r, t V., m

'.th va',r at :

c .l r - t 1 11- - :- - 1 it; j t'.'

A r:- - t.T d.-ir- .r ::r, :. r. 1 j

f.imlratir.? ts I'E .v.c J cay b mid- -

by the trar.-port.itio- n rcrr-anl-M.

'11. No rcspcnrlbllity U a.- - im d r

Jimae arising in e or. withtreatment of g3L. i

12. Goods cf suf.h nature that 'am-- 1

I 1. i .1 II . I( 111 l.. .1.1 C 1 I 'I . I.. ...I

1 i K." n

Ha A jr ' H, n. c. h

TU. a - 1 12.ii l. Ill I.. i ."a. I if

til"! c i . il.Jar.u.-.r- 11-- Ah t n . c. o

I' :rom ti nt. O.l i .1!:: ;. r....i.-IT.!: ". January 11 Keol i, ni.. ag- i-- .

t.j'Aaiian fnen I'eretar.ia strr-1- . ;id- -'

nli.g .Kaumakapi'L B dy reia.i e 1.

:',1. Jar.u.try II Ah Ci r.i. in, a.e,!.::.'.. fn iu Ki:: stie- - t i.Mf 1;.. ii-- a

I -: re t. Be. u r !.

C2. Jar. 12 No.h Kin p'i,'an from (Ju. n s:r :, C;ty

M 11 C. Body cremated.2. Jan. l:; Luni Wir.g Siti'. m..

are 4", C!iines found dying t Kauma-nuwa- i.

Body e reir.atevl.jju. J J .iakaeiia, m..

frora Moanalua Protest-ant church. Body tremated.

C. Jan. 12 Ka!a, f . ag- - 13. Ha-waiian from Kewalo, Peck's preniis.Body cremated.

Jan. 14 Woi g She, f., age C3,Chinese from King and Uiver streets.Ibdy cremated.

37. Jan. 14 Mrs. O. E. Boardman.f., ag" 4"., American from corner Kapio-lan- i

and Luaalilo streets . Bdy cre-mated.

Cs. Jan. 1". Okuba Ichl. f., age 30,Japanese from Arlington Hotel.

Jan. li' Albert Kapahi. ni- - ageIT. Hawaiian from Uiver street. Bodycremated.

4 . Jan. 17 Ah Kce, m., age 47, Chin-

e.-; from near B.ien.i ista Hospital.B.x!y cremated.

41. Jan. 17 David Kuikul, m., age4, Hawaiian from Beretania near Uiv-er street. Body cremated.

42. Jan. 17 Pang (lee Cheong. m-a- ge

CI, Chinere from Maunakea nearBeretania street. B.xly cremated.

4".. Jan. is Fo Sew, ni., age 4G, Chi-ne- .e

from Block Cremated.41. Jan. Is Hermina Franz, f., age

IS, (lerman from Punchbowl and Ho-

tel streets. Recovered.45. Jan. IS Yen Fook, m., age 3.".

Chinese from la rear Beretania nearNuuanu streets. Body cremated.

4'i. Jan. B Kaaua, f., age So, Ha-

waiian from Kakaako detention camp.Bly cremated.

47. Jan. 2'i Ahl. ni- - age 20, half-Chin- es

from Achi lane. Body crema-ted.

4S. Jan. 21 Min Chong, m.. age 8months, Chinese from rear of Chinesetheater. Body cremated.

4'.. Jan. 21 Nono. m., age 23. Jap-anese from near Kaumakapill church.Body cremated.

50. Jan. 22 M'.zuno Sakewichl, m.,age 27, Japanese from corner Nuuanuand Kukul streets. Boely cremated.

51. Jan. 23 Ng Uee. m., Chinesefrom Mrs. Roth's. Kinau street. Bodycremated.

52. Jan. 2'" Quon Fat Man, m., agei, Chinese from Wyllie and Liliha

streets. Body cremated.53. Jan. 25 Emily Bisling, f., age

42. Hawaiian from Kaimukl near (!. I

Pump. Byly cremateel.51. Jar. 2S Assagura. m.. age 33.

Japanese from Kalihl camp. Body cre-

mated.55. Jan. 29 Wong Chin, m.. age 23.

Chinese from Chinese Hospital. Bodycremateel.

56. Feb. 2 J. Weir Robertson, ni.,ace 41, American from Nuuanu street.Bo ly cremated.

57. Feb. 4 Gee Mul, f.. age 1. Chi-

nese fi-o- Kalihl-ka- l. Cremated.5s. Feb. 5 .1. H. Hartman, in., age

35. American from Punchbowl street.Recovered.

5i. Feb. 5 Yamaoka, m., age 20,Japanese from corner South and Ka-waiah- ao

si n ets. Body cremited.;o. Feb. 19 Mary Kaaihue, f.. age

21, Hawaiian-Chines- e from rear of U.3. Government cualsheds. Body cre-mated.

61. Feb. 19 Ah Chong, m.. nge 21.Chinese from King street near Waiki-k- i

road. Body cremated.2. Feb. 19 Ah Hung. m.. nge 31.

Chinese from Hotel ttablts. Body cre-

mated.fc3. Feb. 2t Ah Sing, m., nge IS,

Chinese from Hotel stables. Body cre-

mated.f,4. Feb. 2S Kcr Mung, m., age 4?.

Ch'nese from rear of U. S. Governmentcoalshe.l. Body cremated.

f.5. March 2 Lee Ling. m.. age 25,Chinese from Kamehameha IV. road.Body cremated.

:;. March 11 Ah Jan. m.. ago 20.Chine?"? from near Oahu Jiil.

Review Chinese, 31; Japanese, 12;Hawaiian, It; white, 5; South Sa Isl-

ander, 1. Number of deaths, 57;9. NumV r of male cases, 51;

female, li'.

There wa3 no Bnard of Health met- -

yesterday aftrrnooi on account offir Woo.l's indispositio: resultins from..1.3 prophylac-ti- Inocul ation.




cf the A. HarrUm Mid Co.. Ltd ,

held this day the following officerswere l fcr the year:I. Sharp Pre-- i lentF. C. Betters Vice PresidentA. Harri oa ManagT A: Trea?arerW. E. BarnKt Secretaryid. Johansoa An litor

These of-rc- rs to cor.s.itre the li ardof Directors.

March 1", ll"".W. E. BURNETT.

51.'0 Secretary.



:s of th-- Il-r-. jlul l Chirr ? - C:;r n-- 1.

Co.. Ltd , h-- M at th- - Vr.. ' I Cl:'.- --- e S hill on the 1" h ly

M .n';. A. i. II""1. th f wlr.g effi-,:- s

w- - re c te I fr th- - e.v uir. y. ;r:C:.-- j G -- i 1 Pr . 1 titW. C. Wc Vice Pr.I. in Slj-- a ChoA S- .r.rtaryill I on Treasurer

V.'o.i? Leor.t-- . L. Ahl , AlexanderGarvie. Directors.

LIN SHEN CHOW.Secretary.

March 12, ISM. 5491

Try Our Headache TabletsWill relieve tiia most obstinate head ache In fifteen minutes.

Sold only by HONOLULU DRUG

By the Barks Paul Isenberg and II. F. Glade

Wo Havo Received aLarijo Assortment of

Morton's and Crosse & Blackweirs

Hardware, Filters, Crockery,Glasware, Iron Bedsteads;Carborlineum, Stockholm Tar,Demijohns, Etc., Etc., Etc.

tour compound

Cough SyrupFor Coughs and Colds. None Better.


Anti-Bilio- us PillsFor a gentle laxative; they won't gripeyou.

CO. Von Holt Block, King St.

& 6. Ltd.Telephone 398.P. O. Box 441.y, February 17'h J S rtVTTrvDiS riUHC TOlt 'for MORCOi0:;j rubl) carriage and Paeuaat'c

8 on the way with a General Stockr5t M j-- ce;elj,a.0i foP tneiras' fe9 Saa Francls-o- . where Baker &0e !s.n renew!r. Tires for Carriages at thei l be appreciated by hack owners anla the future move oa Rubber Qa:et



Also, by recent arrivals, a new line of

American Groceries. cent on the caphal to-- of th H kio-jlu- lu

Rapid Transit & Land Company

H. Mackfeld

will be due and payable to J. H.Fisher. Treasurer, at 411 Fort Hrot(upstairs). Honolulu, on the 1st dayof March Inst. The shares upon whichan nt may remain unpaid aft-er thirty days from sail date, will btb flared delinquent.

J. A. OILMAN.Secretary H. R. T. ic U Co.

Honolulu. March 1. 19f'0. r.JSl


AT O'.R ANNUAL MEETING ol'the rrpcra! Ion of th.? S' Yu; B

i nt So. ley, J.cll on the 10: h .1 y 1

March. 19. f. .lion . r. i,1; "i e bf ' n 1' o f tlo :i -

suing year:e- d. r.t ( v.u (',' ':i

Pre.! ! ;.t L in Tol. J r r . . . . T.i I II n

s . : ry Ei-- i Ng. r 1 - 7 ' ry E: lit r n (J i' CI, :;rii r..'.:-.- : i m. h 11, 1'.' V

LCM NG..Mi S .



Power of A'.t .rroy f .r all ray per? .r.aland b'li-Inc- s afTairs.

II. W. SCHMIDT.Honolulu. March 1, 19"".


Mis.DT MAIL RECEIVED on Sat.irda

ppotnted WHOIE3ALE GENEltALWKIQIIT. Chlca?. manufacturer, orBicycle Tires nd Rubber Goods.

f rrlTA lf.V V;tS,by

C"hiliMorgan J1!

maiform exrellene.This puts Honolulu on the sine b

naml.t.n are dlstrlbutora for these gwin ' no diracu'.ty t

-- .Ttu''ffs Francisco, which w

hi if,.i 1 tJd 'or'4 wl'1 1

l'en,- -

'T1R E a u d Sn' A UN 3'BI C YC LE ET"

Baileys' Honolulu Cyclery. strrt. Crcma'ed.23. January 7 Klwara. f.. as-- 4",

Japaree from Nurani Rtrert. Cre-mated.

24. January 7 rang Chon?, m , a?e

22S AND 231


's'"'- - - V -R, WOOD SICK

fxPacific lmport Co1NCORIMRATED

Dr. Day bow he IV1; ai': r his inocula-tion. It. Day u;.se.-.-.- i t j t he fe.t"urii onifortai.i-.'.- " Iir. Wood attendedto a litt. b !:. -s a:.d thu w rut u :eaa.n .i uctount tl uia "'n-ait- ..t

No Hoard i::e:;.rg Uus h- -i l a:.d thei.--t f." the in- - niL'-rs- ; w r.t ; aNo.

It is ,tal-- d that th. d.vs noti -- :'.; htve ra ,i h .f an oo,- - timi.t.e

;.' t j:i.d that Dr. Wood's u..i o.i.f ort-a!.'- .-

iond:tii-- ri..--t lf a. cu;:t-- d t rby th- - fact tha: the do to.-- engaed now for a Iog timein work X..l rot only has; an imra-n.- -'

nmour.t of arduous labor utta hd toit but r'siAll agree that Dr. Wood is d lr.g Jutalfout as much as it is po.-.-ib- le for aman to do, in fa t the dot tor has beenoverworking himself and it is only nat-ural that a man in his position should


be considerably affected by an inj-rti- on

of the temporarily ig prophyl- - j

actic. His associates and other well as the people at large, aremanlfr.-tin-g a d'-e- interest In his ex-- :periment with the serum. They realizeand appreciate the conscientious andsteadfast work of Dr. Wood as the head '






n o

J rioccs




Zj Pieces



at .V


We have placed on sale a large In-


ported direct from the Loom of Belfast.The prices we put on all the grades we

know cannot be duplicated again, andwe therefore call your attention totake advantage of this sale.

We guarantee the goods to be PURELINEN. 3(5 Inches wide.


at Z'tcg

On sale at a great reduction 2S0pieces VICTORIA LAWN, regular 1

quality, now on sale at T3 cents a piece.40 Inches wide.



She'a only 5,wearing glass-esm Ob to put onstyle. . . .

Erer Lear any one make thisremark? We ha?e, and lota, oftimes, and always wonderedbow any one could accuse an-ttb- er

of such stupidity.Don't you know that every

wearer of glasses would gladlytake them off and lay them aside

M forever. If their eyes would onlylet. them?

No one ever comes to be fittedbut what there la a hope thatglioses really will not be neededat all. The trouble la to makepeople wear them when theyshould. That glasses are theonly relief for eye trouble ofseveral kinds la established be-

yond a doubt. Certain eye trou-bles are entirely beyond cure bytreatment; glasses only are therelief. This being the case. Is Itnot absolutely necessary thatyour glasses should he the rightkind for you, beyond everydoubt? The carciul examinationof eyes and the making of cor-

rectIt glasses to overcome theirR defects is on of our specialties,

to which we devote much timeand attention. Thousands ofpeople all over the Islands havebeen fitted by us during the pastyear-?- , and to their everlastingcomfort. We prescribe onlywhen glasses are needed, and not v.otherwise. -








9 V.

BetterThan Ever

Information regarding the HawaiianIslands of value to Residents and VisItors cannot bo found more completethan In the





Price 75 cents,Or mailed to any address abroad forEighty-fiv- e Cents.


! GreatJ

Reduction Sale

I Hitsall






T. Murata,THE HA11ER.

113 Nuuanu. Tel. 814.P. O. box 8C3.

Result of InoculationExperiment.

Temporary Indisposition Caused by

The ProphylacticSerum.

The first man la the Hawaiian Islands to take the prophylactic of plagueis Dr. C. H. Wood, president or theBoard of Health. As was announcedla yesterday's Advertiser, the Doctortook an Injection of the preventive serum on Monday evening, together withDr. Day, who first brought the matterof Inoculation before the Roard ofHealth.

It will hf remembered that theRoard of Health decided at the Monday meeting that persons desiring to

if isrm

lllllDR. c. n. WOOD.

First to Take the Prophylactic.

leave Honolulu for any place need notgo Into quarantine, but would be al-

lowed to depart if they would submitto an Injection of the prophylactic andremain In town seven days. Dr. Woodthought it was only fair that hedhould be the first man to undergo thetreatment and In this manner demon-strate to the public that the serum washarmless and unobjectionable, and atthe same time ascertain In the Interestof science and an inquiring populacejust what the effect of taking theprophylactic would be. On Mondayevening, therefore, he went into thebacteriological laboratory at healthheadquarters in company with Dr. Day,who inaJe up his mind that, as a wor-shipper of science, he was not goingto be left behind by his fellow-piactl-tion- tr.

Professionally the two doctorswere not In the least aTraid of anyill effects from what they were aboutto do, but under their physicians' non-chalance there was just the smallestamount of trepidation.

The serum was ready, the hypoder-mic syringe was loaded, and then Justa moment passed in indecision as towho should receive the prophylacticfirst. It ended by Dr. Day inoculatingDr. Wood, after which the latter uedthe hypo oa Dr. Day.

As a result of this treatment Dr.Wood passed a most miserable twenty-fou- r

hours yesterday. Realizing thata vast amount of business awaited hisattention at the Hoard of Health of-fice, the Indisposed medico struggledout of bed In the morning, though hefelt as If he had swallowed all the ba-

cilli in the dictionary, and made hisway to headquarters whi.e his kneeswere shaking together beneath himand his head was hot with fever. Atthe ollice Dr. Wood sat at his desk fora short time, reading his correspond-ence and doing his best to handle thevarious important inat;ers brought tohis attention. To look at the man cas-ually one would not have Imaginedthat anything was wrong with him; h;.--

natural grit and ntmade him ioth even to acknowl-

edge to himself that lie v. us feelinganything but well. People came intothe Hoard olllce and bt.-,ug,- d him withihe usual qutstions and applicationsrelative to p as.-port-s, permits ta o; eabuildings, travel, freight, q lanntiiieand an e:ulli -s nuaiber of routine mat-ters. The Doctor's able assistant. K.R. Hendry, bore the brunt of this on-

slaught ;. far as possible and rea if redhis usual tllielent services. Everybodywanted to ask the Doctor how ne f.tafter taking the serum, and he waspestered with such interrogations as-- How do you feel. Doctor?" "Does ithurt?" "Aren't you afraid?'" and "Tellme all about It."

Then a crowd of would-b- e travelersswooped down on the overworked Doc-

tor and wanted him to fill them upwith prophylactic right away, so thatthey could book their bunks for theother Islands. Here Hendry came tothe rescue and told the e erum-sceker- s

to come again. Dr. Wood managed toget through a pile of work by noon,when he felt that his experiment wasgetting in Its fine work a little morethoroughly than before and it wasabout tia'e that he went homo.

Ily this time the prophyUitlc pioneerwas hot around th eyes and felt verydrowsy. So leaving things in chargeof Mr." Hendry, the Doctor took a hackand went home, saying that he had .1

headache." That is a 1 he would sayabout himself, declaring that h? wasall right and refusing to acknowledgeany unusual indisposition, though itcould be easily seen that he was suf-fering.

Just before the usual time of theHoard meeting yesterday afternoon. Dr. I

Wood was again on do k at hea iyiar-- jters. Several members of the Iloarl j

wer present ready for the meeting.Dr. Wood talked with them ar.d Ji

of th fighters against the plaeue, andmany were the questions asked all overtown yesterday in regard to his health,after it was known that the serura washaving Its effect.

At a late hour last night Dr. Woodtelephoned the Advertiser, faying thathe felt a great deal better. Dr. Day Inanswer to a message concerning him-self reported that he was still uncom-fortable.

At the Orpheum.With the exception of the gallery

there were but few seats vacant 'it theOrpheum last evening. The pragramwas fully up to the high standard fetthe last two weeks and the large auJi-enc- e

seemed to enjoy every minute ofit "Prof. Robinson" went o ft well,though more might have beta madeof it had Mr. Rockwell been more con-

fident of his lines. Allan Djnn wascleverly funny as the curate and Rog-er. as the acrobat. Hearde and Herts-for- d

were all that had been anticipat-ed, bringing several encores to theirnet. Pirrl went well and Haxter gain-ed the welcoming approval of thehouse. The quartette this week is gen-

uinely funny and withal clever. TheRichards, man and wife, gave a comic-al eketch as two Dutchmen, Mrs. Rich-ards being very fetchy and funny inher male attire. Miss Dixon intro-duced her enjoyable ballads. Tonightthe house 13 dark, but today with theAustralia comes new talent Murrayand Apple with another soubrette.Murray is one of the best singers andcomedians on the Western Coast andbis voice Is well known to many cf usthrough the phonographic record., tofill which he has been almost univer-sally selected to sing. Uoth the ladiesare represented as pretty, clever andaltogether charming.

Ohayo !

4$:Everybofl' is

in vitel to call atour store and in-

spect the

GreatBargainswe are offerm- - THIS WEKIC


CH1YA & Nuuanu andHotel Street. Tel. 9S3


Fort Street.First-rlas- a In every detail, Only

white help employed.


Harry Klemme,MANAGER.

Sugar FactorsAND

Gommission Merchant;


in1111 H i108 KING STREET

3. J. vvALLfcK

m Tcr rx--o x--x inAND


m& htt m m kLIMITED

Erplisade, Cor. Allen and Fort St.HOLL1STER & CO AGENTS


at 35c

kkw J. HOPP & C0.noo9

X oa. Ti bet at tf lowNt TJo...Pr!c at HOrp-a- . Ifoo

4sOf Your Life is

jj Spent in Bed. ZJ2aa. T3a. --ao? Wire f


I Mattresses IMakes sleeping easier and

five that refctful feelinj somuch desired.

We mak mattresuMi to nr- -der, any ;z. Sr



Closets o

House andOffice Hat Racks f--

OOH f irr,:v r looks like a "U

bright M..v Day aftr leavlacur r ; l.op. --j

j. m i jLexer- -








Your choice in quantities to suit at

OctsPer Dozen.

This Is an opportunity for you tostock up on a necessary article. Theregular r rices of thep tumblers arefrom 73 cents to 50 cents per dozen.

See them piled up la our Exa win-


w. w.M0ND


IMTOHT-KIi- OFCrcctsry, Glass, lm, Hoesj Fcr

Disliri Mi

ClevelandIead all others. Thisis especially true of 1900

V.V Ai. v jut Molina TVin'f hnv tin- -

.cieveun-t- til you fee them.

J". 'IT. .r Honolulu Bike Co


"290!""290!" "290!"

Is strikingly In It when it comes toup-to-d- Livery Turnouts, Surreys,Buggies, Phaetonf, with Stylish andGentie, but Speedy Horses.

Leave your orders at the "230" of-fice. King and Fort Streets, next toE. O. Hall & Son.

Castle & Cooke,LIMITED. :



ic-i-r tr,r,:vA Untisul li!d li?; r--







Commission Merchants.


The Exa Plantation Co.The Walxlua Agricultural Co., LtdThe Kohla Sugar Co.The Waimea Sugar Mill Co.The Koloa Agricultural Co.The Fulton Iron Works, St. Loul

The Stacdard Oil Co.The George F. Blake Steaa PunpsWeytcn'a Centrifugals.The New England Mutual Life In

iurance Co. of Boston.The Aetna Fire Insurance Co.

Hirtford. Conn.The Alliance Assurance Co. cf





0 ?5t&ZZiSVi5$z?






A special invitation i- - extended to overyl ody tovisit Honolulu's most delightful residence site.


' KAICLAM PlilVK Ap- -

Ym Maxima. ''una or drand Houlevard,

and in itself an artistic piece of engineering all'ords ea-- y

acce-.-- H to all ioint, as also scenic and niaiine views ofexquisite Knmdeur at every turn.


00 Electric Railway.

Cpntracts have been let for material, and tho workof construction, equipping and intallation placed in thohands of a competent electrical engineer to he fully com-pleted by June 1st. Having an independent powerplant wo are prepared to furuMi electric poer forlighting, heating and other purposes, to our homo build-ers at most reasonable rates.

Good 00


Health. I






- r - v.--...

'fW s



"S? For Your Attarsjr? Vcur FtrCS. 00

Patriotism is ztzuj-j- s ccni-tncxdab- le,

bt vx every breastthere z'oll be net cnlj thedesire to b: a goeJ citizen,luttJ be siror.e. able bodiedand well fitted for the battlecf life, lo do this, pureblood is abzoluteVj neces-sary, and Hood's Sarsara-rill- a

is the one specific whichcleanses the blood thorough-ly. It acts equally well forboth sexes and all ages.

Humor " f. I ncJ a L'.cJ r---f cr I tjke s ;u' I: cj'cd

eicc"crt s jl r.rTtjr.:c" Is Ed'i-- .. Stafford Zpri-- g. a.

II -- wl I'i.h cur- - r i) lh ivii irr:tTli r ndOil rtll..irt:C t mith r lmr:...




It is cheaper and more EFFECTIVEthan any other preparation.

Sprinkled about cesspools, stablesand outhouses it will thoroughly disinfect.

It does not lose Its strength by com-ing in contact with the soil, but

t Kills

Germs !


Put up in all sizes. Pint bottles, 2Zc,which will make a pail of the surestgerm-destroy- er.






Commercial Advertiser.

Walter o. smith - - .

i;;.v.;.; ..: t;.., I:

... t

li'tr . ! :.,r :

Ail;...: j U- - 1

ri;w ir I f'.r t'.- - i.'wLl h ; 1 !;..'. ; '

oUiter l.i t !. ''

i.'.t r it. M'J ui.t.l : ' 1 t '. A tii.morna. In.t i. ui-- i I " J.' I V !"

CKiupi'-'- ' h'.iii ri. irynew, liiLi.i' .i.' ail iriijioitant

Tli:r ar; hir. of iow:i. bo-.UIi-

Lftt.' ii kiis.-i-i i uiil J i;.in whi. h nuyprodjte a war ii noon as tl watlrcondition; in Cor ar; fcu.t. .!; fjr


cam jia! Kill rig. I.oth il ar la re ull-ne- a

and a ta-iu- . b lll aKI no' L tl

to find.


More utaMed mum x t!ii. morning.Cen'itnu-- n lnter-.-t- in livery barn .

property might have mori'-- by giving c

It a daily tW'UiiriiiiK and Lirius white '

men to do th: Utah:; work. Too mucri j

economy at on nd tnu irud; verybavy lush d at the other.

No one will bKrud;. thoannuity which Cou;;ms may give theforuu-- r Qu--- of Hawaii. I iik r pis- -

eut tondi.iond th' ie Id no room for old ;

reaentmt.iiU ui:d all j)artlM hire willunite in touratidatini' oar f Jim-.-- r kov-ereJ-


ou th pro.p'ct of Kood foi tun1.

Thrrw are no Klgnd of plague at Hilo.It Lj ovtr a month since ilrn. S. rraodied and the bill of public health, bofar ait the buboalc malady Li conovne 1,

i cian. The bl Island had ktpt i t : I

In sanitary shape and ought to bo ableto pa-s-a through the pr-;e- nt ernorgonryuni:athfcd.

Our Ilrltlah frlendd are Kt-tllr- goodnewa by every mall. That of chief Im-

portance thin morning la ttio relief ofIjtdyniUh after a siege of four months.The next bulletins will probably an-

nounce the proximity of a decisive flgntbefore IJloemfontein, towards whichpoint Lord Robert la marching inforce.

The presence of plague In San Fran-cisco is not surprising nor Id it likelythat the cajto now reported la the firstone. Iietween the cunning of theCelestials and the Indifference of thepolitical doctors the black scourgemight have been prewent in the Coantmetropolis for months without knowl-edge of It reaching the public.


Dr. Wood made a bold experimentwith the plague serum and anxiety aato the outcome was common yeaUrdayamong all citizens. Last night Dr.Wood, though feeling badiy, had hope3of being ab'.e to report for duty today.1IL) reappearance in hid customaryJicalth and spirits will be weL-on-

when it corned, on both personal andpublic grouedd.

The attention of nuildlng InspectorPratt Is called to a small shack whichIs Just being rompleted at the Chinesevegetablo gardens on Deretanla streetbetween Kceaumoku and Makiklstreots. It la an addition to othershackd and bid fair to become insanitary. Theie premised are crowdedwith Asiatics and a bad smell lingersabout them CHpeclally at night.

The OKi squatters have heard fromvashlngton again and as a result are

putting costly improvements on theirland. Agent Little sings a hypnotic

ong and the squatters respond likepeople In n trance. It is not knownhow much the latest Information costthem In caah transferred to the Nation-al Capital, but it is ta be presumedthat they did not get off cheap.

Now that Justice Frcar, Mr. Hum-phreys and Mr. Neumann are fairly en-

tered in the race for Judicial hjnor3the public may have something inter- -csting to talk about bcsLlej th p.nj;ue.Thes thre centlemen are nil :

backed and are not subject to th? han- -

dicap of belns J

The chancer are good at prtsen: th.ittwo of them w ill win ia the .vep-'takes and that the third will com, ua- -

Ucr the wire a Ions way of anyct the scratch entries.

Inc lack of water la tho

Our reservoirs aro now

HS PrOmiSed. completed and watermams laid so as to sup-

ply each lot. Permits for making water connectionswUl be granted on application.

An inspection of the attractive homes now building,or the names of purchasers of lots, will convince anyonethat PACIFIC HEIGHTS is tho choicest and most selectof all the residence sites of Honolulu.


Pos ;ble Er y Outbreak of

; i i , . ( A.':

) A .:. 'i i:I v ;.!- - : ( .

' i.. j.


1' A:

i..' .r.1 il'Ji'KA.

'. .' L.i

;t I.1. a:- i.l

1. fcaVtrV . j.jiilij.-!-' tli-i- t

C J.i- -1 i. I;.-- - t.ruov aLd

i ' :i..i:i' i::i;ijriaLil eat.'f-i.'- j'

j.i. a: jjro.-oLui.i-- in K. --

...:,i a:i I t . i'. ' o;..u t..- - way fr t:;er.i'i iji :ia. a of a Ji jro- -

M... VOHK. M jn.ii 7. A '.'i - i I 1 j.l irjui Vokjliama lays:

N o:h- - ol t.i.; iaii n i ia T oki j ora.y .f i'.i- - J.tjtan ?.--e olii wi.l ac-- ;kaowled-:.- ' that war witti is im-m:n-

It id weil known ia d.piaaiat-- Iic c;ic.h that at pp-sen- Japaa andU .lAai.t are working secretly to ob'aiaoni in Kor-- a aaint other na-- :

tions, but tliid does not mean that acla.--h beiwea Ku.-.-i- a and Japan id not

ini!Jg in the future.Japan i:s t.e only herio'.id obdtac! !n

the way of th- - Kudsian Casiern poiicy.Jajian mu-- t hive Kora, which al-

ready Li flooded With Jajiaiide ure real.y so. d. era.

Ilus.slan tran.ajiortd through Na-- ;coiidtaiitiy, load'.! with troojis

for I'ort Arthur.The J.ijM.i-.i- common pe:jp!e hive a

grtat hatred for Uusia and woul 1 wel-come war without counting the coat,but they have little power.

Japan had not moi.ey for war and1 1 will yield to Japin a3 long ad

tli" '1 ran.-i-Sib.ria- Itai.roa l id incom-plete.

An American engineer who has beenover the road rcjmrus that it cannot beuf.ed effectively for nine months.

Humors of an Impending war origi-nated in Shanghai, not in Japan, andwere ba.-w-- oa generalizations, not onfacts.

Husfla is now changing her repre-sentatives throughout Japan and wouldnot do ho it siie expected an immediateoutbreak.

As during the last three years, acrisis resulting in war might arie atany moment, but for the present it ianot at hand, and in my opinion Russiacan prevent It until she is ready.

Telegrams from Peking to Japanesepapers say it is reported that Russiahas sent war.-hli-ci to the mouth of Ya--lu river.

A Crisis in China.CHICAGO. March 7. A ppecial to

the Record from Victoria, B. C, sayg:According to Asiatic advices by the

steamer Km press of India, the recentcoup d'etat of the Empress Dowager ofChina, in which the Emperor, KwangSu. was dethroned and theson of Prince Tuan named as his suc-cessor, bids fair to embroil the Celes-tial Empire In civil war. At Swatowthe Chlne.-- e are already in revoit andIn many other part3 of the empire theyare taking up arms against the Em-press and the Manchus. The reformpart which is at the head of the move-ment to foment rebellion is in receiptaf a telegram from Kang Yu Wei, sentfrom Singapore, In which he says hecan raise an army of 40,000.

The China Gazette says the EmpressDowager and h?r advisers, be ng afraidof a revolution in Peking, have appliedto the Russian Government for helpand that the Japanese Government hasprotested.


Trouble in the Fleet Leads to theLatter's Retirement.

NEW YORK. March ".(AfternoonService.) A special t ths Hra.d fromWashington says: It is said that therehas been some friction between RearAdmiral Watson and oKljers of hisflcei. Commander IT. D. Taussig wassummarily detached from the commandof the Benningum and ordered noaiefor al.eged enticL-u- of the command-er In chief, though it is said that Com-mander Taussig was not insubordinate.There has also been friction betweenthe Rear Admiral and the Bureau ofNavigation relative to his chie! ofstaff.

Koar Admiral Watson severalmonths ago de.-dre-l Commander C. C.Cornwall to act as his chief of staffand assigned him U th-- ? duty, but theDepartment didjjurovi j hii a lion.Only recently the Department oniertdCaptain Claries M. ihrnas to coin- -

mand the Itroak.yn. Rear AdmiralWatson tr..r.ft rre Cip.ain James M. '

Forsyth from the Ba.ti.nore to theI'.rooklyn, anil. It is sa.d, gave aa ex-

planation of hia action in compliancewith a ren lest maJe liv th, -

meat..e bachoior ofTiecrs cf the flee t have

ais.i coniplaiae! because the marriedo!luers who; wiei were ia Manila

out pro'curins permii.-io- n from thecommander ia chKf one or two n.nhta

w hile tho ord.r of the Rear'iXZZ "fc'ried nun to be oa sh.paor ,) c;,ltk a. nii:ht and no: to romaiaoa share without written permw.ioa.

i Admiral Wats ia"s htalth was

The 15 sliimore wi.l prbih'.y rturaunder the c mm and of Capiaia

F. F. Wilile, wh.) now commaa I':he Or-'on- . and wh hi.' twoyeirs o.i the Asiatic st.itija. Cat:ln

1 wi.l pro;a'...y b? trati.--' tt-- : I

' t..f. !'.r .v.klya a:. 1 Cap:aia FJ.'-syt-

: the Orfjn. ClViv rs wins-- ; cfd;ry at are aluut cxpirir.5 will bebr..u,:'.K home in the I'.i. t.more. The.-;- ?

1 ha r. res will not be determined uponuntil Rear Admiral U. my reaches Ma-n- il

1. lie wi.l vacceed Watson in com-mand.

New attractions at the Orpheuai to-alg- ht.


U. S. Gold Bonds,i;;jr; cent iLter

Estates TakenCare of.

We are fj orrr:-!z- e

J for the cf t ikir.gcare cf funis or property, andcaa leaiiy act as Trustee,Gairdian. Administrator orExecutor.

Safe DepositBoxes,

Fire and Lurglarrroof, to rent.


iliB Soiiii Tresl S isiesfmeci ca


, GEO R. CAfTt P. Treasurer.403 Fort Street, Honolulu.

'Telephone No, 184.

Price Reduced!

Make an offer for that elegant lo-wit-

improvements, situate on Thurston avenue, possessing a magnlflcnmarine view which cannot be obstructed, and located adjoining the new re(dence of II. C. Austin, Eq., and ad

Joining other substantial and fine lmprovements. If you are desirous oj

purchasing an elegant residence althere it the opportunity. NO RKAIONABLE OFFER REFUSED.

Will E. Fisher,Real Estate Agent



Corner Fort and Merchant St



Pompadour Rolls,ETC., ETC.. ETC

Shampooing andScalp Treatment



HOTEL iTREET, text to Y. M. C. A.

1 H. F. LDCAS 1

Moneyi o :Raising

Sale. ::

We Must Raise Phoney on6


o IISj

moo llllll

srt Miloo Th'.- - ?a h and !a cr- -

d.-- r to ire oa gv.z It lato call early.o


205 Hotel Street.liEXr 10 SEMCN, iL"a 4 CO


The Advertiser Ls delivered to anypart of the city for 73 cents ir month.

For further information, prices, terms, etc, applyat oflice of0


jt jr ' e

0 ?4&!?!??5'000


Progress Block.


I' ' We Have on DisplayPart of the Large .Shipment

FURNITUREStylish andUp-to-D- ate

Which just arrived ex.

Bed Room Sets,IN C0LDLN OAK. ASH ar.J ELM.

A unit system whereby abook case can be enlarged atany time. A limited number instock. Inspection Ls Invited.

I HHTTDumivrypnisinn iin uuiuucL a

Wakefield, coni--in- g of

China Closets,IN C0LDLN OAK.

Nunanai"? ;u he WJ tmp.?ran.y several min;h. a 4"),

riotii raitter at any rhn-M-- s m., t,,r a--i t, - tu.i.. i,.,1,

Cheffoniers, Sideboards,Dining' Chairs, Book Cases, Etc.




Wood and Coal.ALSO

While and Black SandWhich we will sell at the

Tery lowest market rates.TELEPHONE NO. 414.

reservoirs 1

time, notatdy w when fires break out.W have already snirzi-.-t- c 1 tb.t themountain r.ince Kw a of t'.i" re.i- - rvoirsbe tes:rd wif.- - a d'.amon 1 drill to see ifa tunnel flow cannot b easi'.v andci-ri- u ly secured, which wl.t k- -. p th- -,

rciorvoir-- j full at all hmsoih. f'u h anexperiment would bo worth tr!n. '

Tho other waya to g. t a perma-nent Nuuanu surpiy ar-- ; to build big!storaze reservoirs further up the val-- jley or go to the expense of pumpingwater from artesian wells on the lowerleveL.



Progress Block. Fort St.


iJltEyd, W



Kx Xuuur.u, Conway Cattle, County of c In your own home

I Just Arrived Meri'Mi'h. IV i'lori, ati'l ctl. ft? 4t h4 O. t inSt'i. .

0 FKOn NEW YORK AND fciGLANP. Kaiii-awn- sc Mandamus Suit Nov; In 'Carriage Almost Runs1 c.l

CVf.o... (.


; i i... 1


J iSlJl


c A r t 4 ,t - - J t Jh t rtmDown . . . '0 Court. Wheelman.c Supreme ) - f rM T t ftA

.0 9 t,K. -i t A."vir.h r i. i rriiM

1 I -- !.. Cj Cak.4

Jicient Bavitz Net Guilty cf Man-cciie- r,t Points the Need cf Hu!rs cf! Hi.Try 'K

0 sir. enter Mi rico-ir- t Case The Rjad Lareless Dr.vers In 3 lvn- -

FRANCISCO . I " iniiF"JOEV3 OXPsI At Falt. Itri li. t' i it rr' ;t iW

Ex Manna Ala, Santiago, ?. S. Australia anil other viels.Al r.a: r Y

t ) !

Larqe Line PSurrabifi' Ci ;:i.i:.:.l 1 1 1 k . - ti. .

if: t.i it. i lit.' ..t ; i;t; .i.j..e ai.d j io i.f

.ilui. t't 1 .l.s :

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... .t at I a.t 1 I t . .

.U.ll.19 t. U ill'' 1.11..1. t .!'

i it I .:'.dr.y t! 1 . r& of

s la t i 1 - --

..i i. . .... v. .1.1 n

.1 W . I i ll- -

t. i ti. i atl . I 1 tl

; . w.t . a r v a.

r v:...... d: l.- -

th.a 1 th.. .Tl t







u,:U..H Hi til.lHulcitwi.- - ;t'.i.; ( f the .. A of ill,- - c .ir ::iyis s. il. M. r Y .;::'

N--vv j;;.-- s Ai- XJH ! r Y.UI.-'- , M.n- -

Hardware in all Lines, House Furnishing Goods,

Haviland Ware, Lubricating Oils, Gasolineand Distillate, Mechanics' Tools, Cordase, Nails,

And general a.-ortme- nt of goods in gieat variety.

tiui'.in' li-u- is iar.ii in i.l.t.A 1 oU'igut of dii.i.4 a a.ta li- -

d ' a . y iu.'i.f.i ilit ilit i 1 ft i 1 1

ii.a: i- l .'t.e. t ho s .dut I hat ai.i yti!t toiiiiiig a.o..g liote. w n.ti ijn. '1 in v. a fiiu.n wasI'll t".e r.;lit euK of II ile. Mlo't I lostto the', iiri' !! an. I the carr.a-- . couiii.g

'Aii r j t.ii- - l.-.i- .i i, ;.s: it.-,""-"' "1:v i j - liwii.ta I'.ia-i'- , au.l 'i rony

i.s i..:i.-- i;' u j i ; .i ; , .tLl in-r;-


-- -jiii'.i.'.r ol a; tli; Ium ;iriu

up uu ttit left oi Hi;t fctroi t lu.idothe tnin liitu llottl on the .in.e ide,sj that the wheelman hat! no warningwhatever of ihe ait io..h id tt.e

- -- -:.' :,t I.

--"Hi M, i

friii.i tli- - ,Utr o luriia n r.a. .1

i by IlJ.iorab.-- ' A.lvrrv. r.ifi J'.jii- -' oi caul r.nut, a and onlv ti,iu- - if from Injuryi',ia.i,i,ei- - o-- i ilit: lu.i ijjy ot M ire'a. by throwing h ui.-c- lf fuua his bit-ycli-

1;"'0. .,,1 uivrl or. siM Jj'. oril-ria- ;. The driver who was at coinp n ed byPacific Hardware Company!LiniTED 2 0

aijiitl'.:.'. aii'l .InMi-i- ; tiiat i iT a i.i.n woman Paul im ion.!.,.urv wrii. of ls.n ia the wheel man's i l.chl a I'd l.arrow cs

ilirfrtina AI x.indtr Yo;i3! cape but continued at a rapd pace iiownM,;iis;cr of liu laurior. tli1 re.: h. I IL.trl t.tret. 1 lie I lt Ked himnt a' r. to file the ariUi s oi" as- - self ii.d his niiuhlne from tho nrid and

ar.l aiii lavii of tae Waniawa hal to content himself with telling his?o,o.oooooooooooooooooooooooo0:, i'on.patiy,-Limited.- " feelir.i:s to the bystanders. .None ofthese knew the name of the hier




Jacit iu Ilanavitz. a youth, was Pie-vente- d the bruised victimfrom ha vine him arre.-fe- ddol gull'- - oi nsaris:aui:hi r ly a Jury

in JaJi Siilimaa"i ci)L.ri. U.mavUz This Is but one of a il zen cues daily.? "L was thaigd with killing a t;y, J- - of erimiiiiil neglect by drivers. The

gentle ex errs as often In proportionUarKos. toni. raoaili s ai;tj. DanavitzXT u r to the number as do the men. w tnie nU the drivers eif tiuhlic vehicles whohad gone shoo:ini; ia the I'auo.i v a y

,n.l auiiod iiv a irowd of lioytt.II;? IS Joftenest cause Injury to bicyclists and Silk and Cotton!!,. ! Ui'iri! tnrii. WIU'Il Hl

i eneil part of our line of iriiii uvnt off and b.ew oil hta.l pedestrians ty their wild driving amipersl.-t"- nt Ignoring of the recognizedWe Have Ytstprd.iV Jad:,'e Siilirnan and a Juryrule of thf road, vet a woman at tne

luard the u.--h of A. ('. Mencoiirt KIMONOS,he'm of a cirriaie not steers itagainst the Nrwalk lnsaraiue with a lack of respect for others thatCompany. Merii-our- t suj for .""", to more than e.n-dines- s

thf nmji,nt of aa insurance iuiH--y ouHonolulu's mee ts are narrow and in

the contents of a dwelling at Kaiihi.Spring Golfs.

If you want to see them, take a look in our window.The balance will follow on the return of S. S.

business hours ol htrueKd by s andingami f i ji- - tl :i:A) for the lusn of the dweii

vehliles and the flow of travel, uniyini It slf. The fire o.curre.l Noveni- -

Grass Cloth,Table Cloths, Etc.

Creilly Reduced Prices In Ttesi Liaacoition and a love of fair dealing with

i, r 7. lS'JS. The dertndant auegfsnno'n ffliow. can K! drivers and

fr iud Kinnpv. Halloa an ! McC lana- -wheelmen from being Injured or Injur

inn arripir for the defence anil Hum" i , Ing others.nhrpv and AndHWM ami J. 1. ue tk i.l

Kren to the riiiht.lor the plaintiff. The following l. thean- - also advised that our When von turn a corner keep alwaysxlr' in ihe (Um-- t . .M. ICWIM. U . 1

on the right siile of the street. ThusDL-ne-y. C. M. Forster. Maul rosta. j. S. OZAKI,thoe approaching you will have warn- -C. I'atzlg. E. M. Marpaall. . li. .o,i

lne of your coming.V. Covne. U. A. (;i!e. J. C. Cluney. J

WIYEILIT BLOil, EOTELSrtOl3 P'V--f H 1$ IS iiiwifrUirk. W. I. tJrieve. Don't turn corners at a Tast gait,ivin't trv to iass thoe in front if u

I aim Kou. a Chinese, p.eaded guiltyon their right side. Pass them on their

SPRING NESKWERRwill be here. Hold off for a while if you want pcmethirpchoice. Delayed in manufactory is the song of our CLOTHING;but when they do come, you will fee some "Jim Dandies."

Jij3jtjjijijijJanto a charge of larcrny in tne t.rcuaCourt yesterday. He was entenc'4 toeighteen months' Imprisonment at uard

left side. Don't cut In to the cun-in-

on their left. w. hit i,it nlaried omrThe twillfK mlnht Klve discourteousli... r I.nm Kou h rim was iue a ThV nn and tV SOW bKtSTdrivers lessons In personal rights.s:ra!lnz of a horf e. prepared than ever to supplj tnvou withThursday morning at 9:30 o flock In

the tim set for a hearing of argumentsin tho r.-ii-e nf C. I. Helm against F. IJ.Have MrS.oekpr and T. W. Hobron.

Thp rae8 of Cporxe I'eggott and Piano IBREADROLLSCAKESPASTRY, etc.

Fred. Hausler, hargd with burglary,will not be tried this term. One ofthe chief witnnes for the pro-cmio-

tikrn to nuaranitne fntm iwi ei. Satisfaction!Z mKNOX HATS. Lai Fui. a Chine-- e. acrusel of assault

Orders l.v telephone will btand battery, will also wait tl.l nextterra for trial, oa account of quarantine promptly attended tJ







Interference.Iji Kmn. a Chinese, was tried on a BT! ThPr ir. it he natisfactlon In 5

charge of vagrancy yt.-ttTd- by a Jury- -

2 nuying a piano nrre wu-- u juuin Judze Perry s court.



The Ecru MeshIS ONLY

S5.00Per Suit, all Sizes.Llren Mesh EOX make

tli frrt nore.

more nreljr itnlinl Un-

der tli lilif ill liittiiiop of

Delmel's Linen-Mes- h ttinnumli-- r tin U'tittintr rtfect

Claims for losses by th sanitary Z find new InstrumenH every time pyou come, even If you come now. 9vrT 5firra arc Ft ill coming In. James WA Full Line

of ChristyJUST RECEIVED fir!u!l wanlK 1131.0." and Manuel lUrirtlnn InCansilfz 112 for ncronal effect"". Z buv:nz a ulano where yoj are

The foreign jury today will considerthe cases of Frank I.iilis against JanusPANAMA HATS prices, and the latent

irodela and deslcns.11 A iirl (till rotiit Ixxlr willtarty. Hawaiian Trus; Invf.unentCompany aeainst A. A. ISarion andothers, and Hattie P. I. wls agnnst J. Most of our grandparentsin TiiitEK ;kaii: P tnv nliniit th eoodnei of the 2J. llvrr.e and others. Z Kinher & Smith & BarneB rl

anos all of our grandchildrenA .... .. . . - A O

Mil Wm BAKERY. 1, 823 Fort Strett. Wcphose 577. u


After you receive your pbot"- -

graph! from this studio. ft

Perfect SatisfactionMeans a whole lot in ttenecs of Art Photognphy, btI believe I have reached VtrApfilnt. or m rear it ry:s!t!to get.

Ask Your FriendsWho have had our Photorrsj b

how they like then. t

IN CONSULTATION. x win snow me risner nuiuu t p0 Barney pianos. They are Amer- - S; ..:::;;;::;z;..,s

Sold In Ha--lea's bent productsP;orrinent Lawyers Discuss Court ofii w. v w

CUin s At.i ter Witt. Cabinet.0 0 nnum unit iinirn nrAt the inviuiik.-- of th. Kvcutive:i niiri-.l.- . r .f i rorii i i) 1 1. 1 lawyers and

For the balance of this month we will give you TEN PER CENT

on all goods purchased in our stores beginning from this date.i.idr. n t Pi t Hi ilcr.: !) and nuni- -

;,ts i t iiic (iLl'H i io i:isul t at i.j.i yes- -LIMITED.


To Keep Tour Ca Btraljbt.Call and See

We also asi you to ple?.e cilland hear the

S Monarch Eleclric Piano: The Cne collection of wiir

color of Hawaiian Typ1 nowon exhibition at V

-- FOR-

It Is CheaperTo pay a fair price to tavfyour watch repaired by

An Expert WatchmakerThan to risk having It minedIn order to save a few cents.

tcr;i..y rr.ornin at l' o'clock in i.afdto tii" C ourt of ( l.tini-i- , wh.jt-- e

are th.;r:ly to he ; l ';:- - t t un. .!.--lately rtc Ivcd Iroai Pr si-di- n:

McKIaley.V.hen sen af-- r th iiifetir.? y (

Pi- ni.K r.t lole tald to tho Aiver-tl.-c- r the ronferenfe h.-n- l h."-- In-vit- t'l

bt caw? e there .. difficult le:alrju"-- . c mnittnl with the niitterwLiJi thj Executive yvi.-h- d to havefiii.u-pcl- . Th" main qut'un wnwhether the court would he limitel hythe j rovir--- jr.n of th? Hawaiian t ) the lezal principles apr'iyirz tothe court?: hemu.-c- . if we are ltmitrdto s ti ll ru, tli' y run-- -: !? cons.dTed

V AIM1 1 It'll I f 1 1 f cGroceries i9

I I 1 1Does the Business.



C f I fMfkt11 II t i II. 1'J.U.FORT STREET.

Golden Rule Bazaar.316 FORT STREET.

M. R. COUNTER,Practical Watchmaker

507 Fo-- t Street.

Gives personal attention to repairingdne and complicated watches.


- ETC., ETC., ETC.

ooLevis & Co.


Telephone 444.americanmessengerSERVICE

F-- Quick an! r.r.c'.nl Pervlr, I

I. i.vf r.r.g Pacl.-tr'- . ItiVitations, Zie.





U. E. HENDRICK, PROP.141 Klug Street. Thone 602.

WB'n-- LYJLt&l . u ,V

in the claiass wnlc.i my,be flifnl. j

Th" quctj-i- n .v.k il!- - 1 wli"th-- ,

the Govfinni'.'it could raolify si li

rults cf liw in tl".' way rf '';?- .

thn. Tl. ili-- i .i. l'rt-.- i! nt lcthv:cV,.w:t v;;u ;.'. to the Givrrri-- ji:.( r.t. ar ! he f i:.S he l 'l vfil i? wa. j

the of th - jr-- jest tl.t: it w.i ;.)uh:fiil if the Givem- -

rvrt h id a't-- ci'v. ' r th-- . le- - ;

t-- I'rii r'r.iv! fr Pr : j

y Kinl.-y- , to r fy : - :.

l;;'? if Ii-- a- - f:- 1 -" : i

A v v ; : h t . t ,:. i ' i ' f t tl." .

Books andStationeryLOWEST PKICKS

Consistent With

GOOD AVOKKMANSIIlt; 111 Fort St. -:- - Teiepho:.- Ji .



Wm. Q. IRWIN & CO., LTD.

. .i- - t''. - '

: . . ri r :

y . Tl i 1 .. s

t ! ' n ... : v v

THE CLUB STABLES LIMITEDWa O. Irwin.... President MaavtClaus Spreckels Flr?t Vice Prei :is For;T sTr.CHT.W. M. C.iffard Second Ice PreII. M. Whitney. Jr Treas. & Sc J p.,...- --

SEATTLE BEER--at Tin- :-

mm saloon.'v ' t w

x - ;Aarn j Rom . Auditor io run

BUSINESS. : fa-- !!.,r '. - t'i 'i v i

1 a: !

AT.V.'W.- - ne'.v:t .' !'. . .k .r an i:;r..;-- r

r; -- r 1'.;.: !

..-.- . -'. rj !

. ,r' f-- FrV'Ci.-r--- V".-- '!

F..'.. Hi-- . arl C ::! :



DAR!" Mill" 1 to any aiireti.CO Cent!

w.-.-.e- a, i '. t'.

KEEP THE HEAD 000L and tbfet warn is the alrlce given by allUi3 doctorn In tlrr.e of epidemics of anykind, racheco's Dandruff Killer Is thebest to use on the head. It Is refresh-lnr- .

Invigorating and stimulating, be-

sides posting cooling propertiescontained la no other preparation lathe market.PAC3IIEC03 DANDRUFF KILLERU tor sale by all druggists and at tUtUnion Barber Shop; Telephone 63s.


SLcIesaTe Grocfrs izl Lsi.krs la LmII-c- r

aid Sole fl:dis.Airers Ilonolali Koap Works C33r-psc- y,

Ilonolula. ar.d Tsntscr.


Commission Agents.AGENTS FOR THD

Oceanic Steamship Compan)Of San Francisco. CaL

' Tourist?, a well as our bim r"'"-r'- e



CTIAS. BELLINA. ilanaer.StaMes Telephone 477.Hackstand Thone 313.

Drl.-.-V a litt whUker f'-- t' t?r.Y.o nnd thin offn Inf.rrrH '.The fnr.--i r.l ! J. Mo-- .: "A A"

Whiskey is the r-.- r-t an. Left. Sold?y Lovej-v- y & Co.. Honolulu.

ft 1 o

HiI 5

: AI 'i


il! ar. 1 II.ikal.ij are l.iai; 1

' rt- - da..y a- -I a; uua ;.aa.:-d-Fulton hngineerin NEWS CP OLAA i


.I- - rt . o . . ;. ft i k iti ilu JjiMUt?,i t ...i... ;:....-:..- .. a ji ;t t'J

" h N D . , ........ ...i. , - ... j..,.!. 1 har- -

Ship Building Works. jTh 1 f ' of a Gr XTRA pURu i u. r it i

- i a !j ..iia.4 O.aa.

o:i 01: a is fai'.yPlantation.SAN FJ?ANCI.wCO, CI,lFOI.M . 'ary adj a:u.i. 1 .iei i.1. c a

t.r a J., .' it e iaatc r.a

x&d.. i --raw:as eou.'te J bet a Ina it e aEngineers and Builders ied j:fd--l- - $:cnm'ri?--Tr- .3 H: mo

e.j pa-- : Wtt it aa i oariTc a.; CjTTf V Foci Fi

stead at..e :.(..- - ire sj; a.artns.I ijzars are pa a; b.:t-:- r caaaat bi; a j.'O.ati is a rar.ty; caused vct

bi s aa 1 fa.s axe at K.on Jyke1 vii. and taro and pai vtry sere-1- .

1 1 ii ; 1 1 dutv il'mpin(j i:n;ini:s,CULILLSS, MAIILVK at. I MILL KN' SINKS.


Many of thi ar.iraais oa the way to mmF 1:

i.a are- - Iro.a various nii- -Ma:


J.a- -




Estimates furnislie-- l for all - of machinery anl for n .11 - n:s ani w..! nat be tnovtJ uat.l it





OI.A A '!. NT AT.'OX. M.r.h- this a ye.r h.u cl.j-.- d

the irn: rn.i:.;.L-.'ia-n- t was i:.t:.I ! j iu ii it;-- a. u'.u i. Al thaiHi t'l Ijtt. r j. a: t f J kio la-t- .

were i lac c 1 la to fai e wi .h a i

iv t.rt iszz. k tlira v 1 r-l- l- r; i : : tii..; thy are d ciaa

gr.i,i .'.. Iir.sir.g. now ira the employ othevthe equipment of complete power plants.

ooo i..ta O.aa compmy, was yestor il wi:h a ton ani h ir. This isttrthii of for..-:- . te.-:..n- - .t:i th

h? piontfr ia this line on the p;anta- -lax. iiiui:s r.out;m or' .ho p:o et, andOFFICE: Fort Strccl, between Merchant and Kin?, tic-n- . wt!u- - : ay.r.i; U Lr.a of th. ja.--:. On aThe olT.icrs and men of the trans- -

r ".r:s now in Hiio bav are 5:ien linzHONOLULU. H I e.utd. where for(.:: was lacking, lavarui-ia:.-- tli. ir th.ta: nii: l.aaii.l !. Itarice l all the ar:.--, of

their time an 1 money in excursions to:he o.cano and other parts of theI.siand.agrirulture. The vvi.s acr-- we.e lud The arrival of the locomotives for

in mir tnat tlu:e wan one :he Hiio Hallway Company will be theR1SB0N IRON WORKS tlc-ce- rt that touM not be nia.le f Lit ni. signal for an awakening from the it:h-arc- v

of plague Bcares. Everythlnz butor tiloascm, tcafful at the ofroliing-toc- k Is ready.San Francisco, California. pioneers as they fctojd on the vjtrpe of The locators of homestead lands In &C0.Ltd.the Olaa district have heard fromtheir undertaklus.

Tne Oia of Today. Washington and are advised that their HONOLULU. H.I. " 'atuis will soon be determined. At

Since then L.aiiu and muscle cn- - any rate, they are clearing their landsr rrA , 1 faith on 4 a rtt v r i Vt i - ajoinod in perfect ha:moi.y have un - ill t oun iiiiii! auij m i u i la o i. i

houses built and crops under way. Theyinsly. uiiiiiu.ttiLgiy toiled; and Inhave confidence in the outcome of theirc'alms and are doing all the lawplace of the de.-e-ri of a year a?o can be

ioiiiid a laa,; aitio-n- t domain, ii.tioo Ocean View Cafe- -atics in cxu'u;. tn nn coi..s:ar.r pm- - DAN I. PMNN.jloyincnt K ZOvO laboiers. fckiilcd amiunakiiled, with nearly half a tiioaand


i fi




The Advertiser la delivered to anybcau of burd-Mi- . ai.d all we.l p.ovided


Pumping Hachinsry, Heine Boilers,

Plain Tabular Boilers, Corliss Engines,

Cane Gars, Vacuum Pan

And all Machinery for the complete equipment otSaar Mills.

part of the city for 73 cents per month.JUST OPENED 1 1

WAIKIKI BRIDGE, at the end of the car line.with at'coiniiiodatun and the.ter.Where was once a waste of nt !e.--sferiia, now are villages and ha.n'.etj

JUST ARRIVEDidiuiLK .i.e. aitivity and co. t.nt;anil instead cl vtate and

of hill and dale, are piccs and n:o- -ductive furrows of cane, alieaJy in evidence lovci unnei s of the harvestthat i.s to be. FRESH LOT OF

At the inception of every enterprl-- e

RefreshmentsSODA, ICE CREAM, CANDIES, SAND-WICHES, COFFEE, ETC, served at all hours.


Oi moment th necessary preliminaryextend. fares re ljrye, and have prob-ably been t,o in tha !)rireins of f)l laOFFICE: Rooms 5 and 6, Progress Block.

HONOLULU. EL L hrough the chrysalis s:ate. AcainatSpaldingPunch Bagsthe iock-ribbf- d and anc.ent obitatle.s

of natuie, were presented the mostmodern and complete labor devira ofthe pieaer.t era of mechanical wondersft Great Variety of and they have prevaiKd. The reckshave yielded water at the Ftroke of theMoses 01 science; piths have been WITH A . .9 Indian9made throuch the t a"klva forettmaking the hardline of 'he productsStoves of the lmd a comparatively easy mat eiubstr. and now all that remains Is n Complete Plant

j j iawait the acMon rt nr-.-t ire en 'he thousandj of acres under cultivation.

Tne Piuning Knife. ana cxpen worKmen,AND The present month marks an epochKM6fryr"'- V1- -in the nisioiy of thU new eatt. So




rL, LU111 UUl WUlliaiS.uuaiii.y have ah the worki cecebaiy 10 ptiitct older, in the p. an ofUcVeloUiea., Lv.u picscd. tu- -t the thnt rnnnnt hpRanges .o.ii.d Kacif in a10 niine iiioii, ami pac iu otia

SURPASSED X1. ja, a redact.oa of extUiesiand tne coming lajntu and thoe following, will chow a inate.ial deire. sa 111 IU

Manu-fjauri- ns

Company.oa the ex; tn.--e ide of the ledger, i h.s.Farm:rsf Boilers ani Extra Castings for all oves. anywhere.act. 011 ia the of a survey

No Bookof the who.e field, and the man3s-aiea- tare confident that tha lopnins-oi- l nroc Ehlers' Building,cs cin in no manner regard the coarse is too old to beoJOHN NOTT, tl tfiady devcloj nict. L mis arri.iKcnunt neir.y ail laborers, not unne No. 31. i!er term contracts, have b e:i

'1 vitn and only tho.--e rttain d whohue bhown abni;y in the:r several P hotogra- - mylines. This action 1. not an etreil See us about it benici.t. it is a scultd prdii v, de e' minedaftr the must ccmplcte aad full con- -HENRY R. WORTHINGTON,

-(- INC.)- mys:lerati(jn tf all exi t ng da'a.Man-'gr- McS;o kcr sta:d. a few fore you throw yourphicd ys a- - . tba- - ih c rd t o , o." the p an- -Engineers and Builders old books away.tit:on was now fi:,ly i:p ro t'le .:jni atnle; r titior-- - of the mra fn:c nf. and

thr't he 1 o-- i r; d t co on with 'he'"k a- - orlir'rn'lv d trm!r.l. The

ii urn h t v a PortraitsMmmm tBiiacs ijf eief arofji; cno loijJi O" y work "n hard i t'.e p o'iir'tr andrl'rfirr r' th - leir'd lan.j and' thiswill f rr ("'' ?;nrfa in lv.

oooHawaiian Gazette Co.



1 Pump- - for all kind, of ,,r h rvU

"'J P"nP. "fc. Wtber with a tc.rk of ,1,is:r.s;.:5,,M- - Car'f,l, u-- t,on ki- -d rrprC?TJTFlc! IRRIOATION PUM PINO

Hawai'an Carriage Mfg. 0soli: auknts

Uubbcr Tire Wliccl Co.Mr. Davey does not wish his si'terto accept work unless perfectly satis

The Food Supply of Hawaii.The f, sM.-rl-

y a troublous mat-ter f r a t:i.i", aft, r it was aa

fact :hat the pin if. w;:s a rcai.tyin IL,n lu'.ii. What a, at fi.-.--t ;o.ik.lnpi

"n as a r.inn-- :, has i ed

rt io f.i tii a. liana. i w.i dep.-- i t

i.oa Jloi ob.Pi for ail forc'sa ini; ortsar.d ten-ivc- ln.t lew that d.d not comethrough that .hu.nel. Vh n cut ofT.( y the ironclad ,e ms f q a antine,from her ba-- e of siuT'i-.s- . her peoplefu the f;rit tin? awoke to their pos-sibilities, ard d frm.ned t becomepurveyor?, thronch channels iir.d-- rtheir own .c"n hof the fra ns ti)C Hhod rt. k Iau, Fallsof Clyde and Annie J)h.13 n. were.harteied ar.d pent forth, to re urn Inrar'd order, loaded to the jrunwnleswith prd-'c- wh;h stayed the threat-ening hard of famire.

--oofactory.Tlio only iluralile Tire inthe market

CAKRlAdi: I!KI'AIIMX(f neatly1

: i.lono with prompt ussutxl ilip.itch.--oO-

121 Q.ioon St Tel. 47.

a5NOLVunHFLrt QUePa St3' WWEE: Cirner Qa-- ei ail --


Honolulu Tobacco Co., LtdIMPORTERS OF


Fine Grades of Smoking Tobacco.Co-n- er fort and Merchant Ms.. Honolulu.


MOTT-SMIT- If P.LOCK.Corner Fort and Hotel Stress.


Make Your Roof Water Proof

No Signs of Plague.Over a month passp since th?

loath of Mrs. Serrao, and no sign ofthe p ,a?;ie has been discovered on thisIsland, althmgh rumor has located itn Pana. Kan. Waiakea. Halakau. ej

and oihcr districts, to the dis- -rcss of ail. Iavvsti? ation has failed to

lir.d any trace o.' the scourpe. aal a

. J. HOLI IMSEH101 King Street

ctar Bc' of re irf I? genera.. The causeor (Hath of M.-- . btrrao wiil never be

and liinfect your premises at the same time with

Rogers' Combination Hot Paint.


Dresbmaking:ParlorsNative and Panama

HATS LADIES' TAILORINGAll of the Late Fashion Plates al-

ways ca hici ti fhoie to cur1 - jv Telephone i6.

satisfactorily d?termine.l: and le-!o- i,3 who believe that some doc-tors in Hiio wru'd not rfcoga.z abubonic microbe if it had ia theircompany for a week.

lon the Furrows.The demand for rice Is steady and a,

?n!l Vll SJCk l A

If rrrs.-n- t rordit!-- n nTlnu sh

cP?enSS ar. ''; ' V' ,C ay has bnfn "Tlon'y IIIthe gr!rr,e. lut now u bcivedhave passe j th? dangpr ,Q.Many of rh- - hinVi . t

AGENTS.At Reduced Prices for a few days only. H. W. FOSTER & CO.,

Gold and Silver Smiths.AT Read the Advertiser.

75 Cents a Month.FINE WATCH REPAin'vn pv.K. ISOSHIMA kigsipeet


W"1 "ieStOtkho.cJers, and their stack la not oi.he market. Why not? Av ,hGRAVING &nd DIAMOND-SETTIN- G.

Wagoaloads of tase from' Pe- -All Goodt nd Work OtiArateL


I I il


t h vpr-- -

IHE FIRST n m(tr. ..



Social Hilo EntertainsU. S. Officers.

Items of '.teres Ffu.-- the Ra;n CityWith a Spice cf Polit-

ical Advice.

The f., n- - t ik' :i f:He-ra- ! 1 of tl t !i ar. 1 th,. Tr.S

1'ith in.--: a:hn tf'.iti-r-- '! th- - of U'eTS

friiia the iran-por;- .- ("oneriM'.igh andLt ;.iri.i'.v on Friday r.intf la. t a;.th' lli!o H.)tl by the citiz-n- s of Hi!owas at: n !t .l t.y ui- - Aar !s of two hua- -lrt'l .sn ;t-;- jivjj;e anil a pranl

s lai siici-f-- i aii'i was consi-.u-n-i- by ;

tho-- e attending to lie one of the le?tewr given nere.

The hi'el is most a;;iro;rlatlv situated and adapted f ir filiation andopportunities for d c oration un ijual'd. j

On this weasion the cunimitt ;mr-e- d

ni pains In arranging tlaes andcreens in a manner most attractive tothe eye. The hotel was ablaze withelectric nzhts and over the entrance tothe lol.hy hur.i; a largo American Has.The co'ors of (irf-a- t Britain adornedthe wall ov.r the arched entrance tohe reception room and in the latter

Hawaiian and American flags were ar- -ly draped. Tronical r auts.

and uottcd Mini were everywhere primped in abundant;. In thelai;roiTu flags were festooned fromthe four corners to the tenter columnind over the many entrance to the la- -

nai. large palm branche Interwovenwith taro b'aves were artu-ticail- y arranged.

The gK.ts were received bv Messrs.Wilson. Forrest. Hitchcock. Rice. Raym l Winter and escorted to the reception room and welcomed by the com-mittee of ladies: Mesdamea Cruzan,Wilson, Forrest, Raldwln. Winter, F.1- -

liot an.l Misses Harriet C. Hitchcockand Klvlr.i Richardson and introducedto the officers standing near them.

Iurin the reception hour dreamyHawaiian imicdo was rendered ly thefjiintette club hidden in a bower ofstately palms.

The magnificent gowns of the ladies.the dainty dresses of the debutantes,the officers respendent in their uni-forms, together with the handsomefloral decorations of the hotel, formeda bewildering scene that will not oonbe forgotten. Manager McDonough'aefforts in the banquet line were suc-cessful to a marked degree and the re-past formed a happy half-ho- ur lnter- -mlsslon'durlng the dancing.

The ladies and gentlemen who worked so earnestly to make the affair asuccess are to be congratulated; theymay well rest on their laurel. Herald.

Advice From eems to le the general Idea thatJ

Mr. Dole is to be the first Governor oHawaii. At least Mr. Dole and his ll3ilp'.es think so; and that Is practicallythe force of the recommendation in theHouse Bill on Territories reported byChairman Knox. The governor has apretty wide range of appointive powerand with Mr. Dole at the helm we shallexpect to see a clean sweep of the present personnel, beginning with Cooperand Rowell and ending with the. lasttwo-spo- t. Mr. Dole will then doubt-less fill the vacant chairs with a well- -chosen assortment of statesmen, amongwhom Hilo will be well represented byits absence, and things will be different from what they used to be, to theman with a good faculty lor Imagin-ing what isn't so. As nearly as wj canmake out, after everything l& settledand we are fairly launched on ourcourse or American citizensnip, weshall be about a.s well oft as we werein the palmiest days of the "Republic,"with the additional pleasure of havingthe reciprocity treaty repealed and paying an export duty on sugar. Tribun.

To Belt the Island.Some time before the end of the

present montn the entire Island r.r Ha-

waii will be encircled by a belt of tel-

ephone wire, which, when completed,will furnish a most satisfactory serviceto the whole Island. The last ee.-tio-

is now being connected from liolua- -loa to ilonokaa after which, the littleinconveniences arising from h-- v'nonly a single line to Hilo, will be removed. Material is now here ou vessels in the harbor to construct a newline from Hilo to I.aupaho hoe an 1 onefrom Hilo along the Volcano road for


about nineteen miles. This is preparatory work to making a ni"MS;:c i m h . t . ;

Tribune.Is Home Again. j

L. V. Canario. the young hi of J. i


l arano, who lett si hool in the M ites tobecome a "soger," is home a;ain aftera thrilling experience in the Philip- -

pine, it wi.i lie remembered tnai xne;young man enlisted without the con-- isent of bis paren:s and passed throuehHonolulu with the C.'nd United statesInfantry just a day before bis fatherwent down to intercept him. While inthe Philippines young Canario was infive tkirniish'-- s receiving a woun 1 in ;

the last one. He re eived hi di' hargaftf r being wounded and was sent ba kto San Francls o. He reached Hilo byth3 Bax-e- r and 1 es n war.t any morewar. Herald.

Cook Suicides.When two days out from San Fran

cisco tne coon or t:.e Ar.n:e jor.n.-o-n

Jumpfd overboard. I. if- - preserverwere thrown to h'ra but he pushed themaway. A boat was then lowered butbefor" h could b- - h disip-peare- d.

He is believed to have'.e ni r.t' ii. 1 - ra. :.

( Riding Party.Miss Harriet C. Hit. hi o k gave a ri -i

ity party to some or me o: b rs theC ir.f ma-ic- h on inursaay ia?t ir. ir.p. n iir. g t o Oniwx nbh. Th" ctT.- -

cer v'r r.tnus:.i-i.- c in i.i-- .r adn;:ra- -

tioa of the mazT . er.t tropical sceneryin hat vicinity. About an hour wa

up tt.e s: s J.e in t!r.t ury. t n c a ; itii

I .ipta.a S . rr . f i '

ir.L. . . irily ow r ; ; r .: :.t'ii s ;n e:. :.r.g tr ir..--; to 11. He

-- iv -. ::.av l- - :ha: v, c d . s -ilutpi I th Ir in thr

it ; was due : s ip. Ui.t':.e ft the s Is V ;er.l- -

s iv , rather th n to ar.y t :. i . rity ,

.n ;. r::il a IvaLt.ig- - s.'

An i:n; l and ijuit.. In'.-Hot- . rm.i!I.i;..e ;..k. place at th.- - H;l I onV ;:;es.;.,y f nlr.C. TIiom"" 'vtlt I

:. Me.dame Winter, May Iw.-ll- .

i'l'.dAin. Forr.T-t- ; M:s. Broderick.Illve. Pa-set- t, lliton atid H. Hitchi o k;Lieut. Kstcs. Dr. Black. Mr. Clam of;transport ar.l Messrs. Mav- -lill, Kagsl.ile, Wititcr,,Ih'inirs 'a, W. H.

Kasak-i- seem tj be afT'.ictel withan epide mic of ia..;ng c.n linlge-s- .

Daring the la-- t week two have tikeniii h a tumble, one at Onomca anl theth- - r a: the Wailuku. To the ordinary these tiriuges prove iecpie.i:y aifer means of creasing gulches thanhe method of the coun

try, but they seem to prove a snare andpitfall to the native Hawaiian.Mis F.Isa Crubbe, who ta.s le n ma

tron of the Hilo Hospital fince 1's e- -ablishment, receive-- this we k a purse

of f) as a testimonial by the cn-tributo- rs

of tlieir appreciation of hrwork. The pulmi riptions were securedwithout ditf.cuity by Mrs. I. A. An- -

Irews. and the fund will be u'l byMlss tlrubbf upon a vacation trl; toth-- ? Coast, where she hopes fully to re- -over her health and strength.




Incorporated Under the Lnws of theRepublic of Hawaii.

CAPITAL 1100.000.00


C. Jones Vic PresidentC. H. Cooke Cashier

C. Atherton Assistant CashierDirectors Henry Waterbous. Tom

May, V. W. Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney,A. McCandless.Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor

porations, Trusts, Individuals and willpromptly and carefully attend to allbusiness connected with banking en-

trusted to It. Sell and Purchase For-eign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit

SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.Ordinary and Term Deposits received

and Interest allowed In accordance '

with rule and conditions printed Inpass books, copies of which may behad on application.

Judd Building, Fort street

Hawaii Land Co.LIMITED.

Capital Stock $50,000.Capital, paid up $39,520.

OFFICERS.W. C Achl President & ManagerM. K. Nakulna Vice PresidentJ. Makalnal TreasurerE. Johnson .SecretaryGeo L. Desha Auditor

BOARD OP DIRECTC R3.Jonah Kumalae.

J. Makalnal.J. W. Biplkane.

The bove Copmany will buy. lease.or sell lands In all parts of the Ha-

waiian Islands; and also haa houses Intho City of Honolulu for renL


BISHOP & CO,Bankers- -


Commercial and Travelers' Letters fCredit issued, available In all the

Principal Cities of the World.INTEREST allowed after July 1st.

IS 8, on fixed deposits: 3 months 3 prent; 6 months 3V4 ier cent; 12 monthsper cent.


KEI HIN BANK, LTDVineyard 5treet.

Transact General Banking ana exchange Bufi'.nees.

HEAD OFFICE TOITO, nmDraw Ex"hasre on





The publisher of "Hawaii Sh!npt."The only dally Japanese PapT puh-Mrh- M


HAWAII SHINPO SHA.t th rir of Yong llrtg s'ore. carWaikahalu'.u brli?-?- , SchI ftreK.eity.



Kii Machinery ef every decrtptlotmad to order. Particular attent'.ot

at t .htD'a tlackumlthlng. Jorork executed on the shortest ootlee

' v t t a :t."ft

r v. v

y : ' y:i i i w ! ,

11.- i I

Lar ' Ir.erae.W.: t. r ( ;

r i in i! ;

ii ) ,1 ;ri J.i:.- -

r t -1 r : i o

lvoi; y . si. ". 77:;.try

f l.".:7cl;

.1 17:.;"r, i. : y

11.712..":Ir. i' a - 1: otJ.33

Herald.Recent Arrivals.

The following p.-o- j le have arrived bysailing vessel dire, tly from the tb' pa.--t week:

By Ai;n Johnson A. W. Hobson,Mrs. t'aiter. Mr. Sturms. Miss (I.M.iv.Uell. J. V. Kay. W. Avers J. J.Bniody.

By Mirth a Davi-- Dr. A. ('. Walkerand wife. ( (;. Woodman and wife. IIK'on. John McAndrews.

By Co. C. IVrkins C. Reilly. L.s.w ansen. m nry .Mcl)ona:iI. CarenceMirtin. I.o Mix. I,. J. Benoit. R. J.fiiace. Win. Mi K. eves. Frank S'evens.S. Lerotio. J. Adanir. Elmer Hill. JohnAll'ini.

The S. S. B!oenifont;n from Seattlebroiigl.t no p.iss-iiK-r- s. Tribune.

Death of Portuguese.Both the Portugue-e- . who were vic-ti- ns

of the explosion caused by theirca -- elessness in tamping giant powderwhile blasting rock, have died fromthe results of their injuria. The onesupposed to be the If a at injured diedear y In the present week, probablyas the result of wounds in the abdomen.The other, who suffered the loss of lxtheye and an arm suffered from bloodpoisoning. Tribune.

Chas. Spencer Fined.Charle Spencer, the

was tried by Judge Hapai early in thewek on the charge of shooting Ka-haukl- io.

A verdict of guilty was rend-ered on Tuesday and Spencer wa3 fined$lix and costs. The pronecutlng wit-

ness testified that he had shot himselfbut expert testimony was adduced toshow that this was impos.-ibl- e.

Herald.News Boiled Down.

Hilo was declared a clean port onSun la ,1 by the Government physi-cian.

New stump-puller- s for Owen & Rob-erts. Olaa land-cleari- ng contractors.arrived by the Johnson.

Mrs. Luther Severance gave a teala.t Saturday to the ladies who havebeen sewing for the Hilo Hospital.

The first line of the Kohala-Hil- o railway lias reacneu .Maunia. a secondsurvey is being run mauka from Hono-hln- a.

The formal reopening of Halllchurch will take place on Sunday.March IS. An elaborate program Isbfing prepared.

Mr. Ed. Koons, an expert telephoneoperator, arrived from San Franciscoon the Annie Johnson, to take chargeof the telephone office at Waiohlnu.

Joseph Pritchard, late in charge ofthe telephone office at Naalehu, hasbeen transferred to the Honokaa officeas manager, vice Fred. Clinton, re-

signed.There have been four deaths at the

Hilo Hospital during the past twoweeks against one death during thefive months previous. Three of theseresulted from injuries caused by ac

Mr. W. S. Terry has been confined tothe Hilo Hospital for about a weekwith typhoid fever. He has a veryhigh temperature, and is apparentlysuffering from a Revere attack of thismalady.

The new mill at Ookala plantationwas turned over to Manager Walkeryesterday. Owing to the oa

of one of the large vacuum pans,the mill will not start grinding for sev-

eral days.Between the time of leaving San

Francisco and weighing anchor a H.- -. . v. - . i ....! m mi l.j' : rt een..'O 1 11 uaii"i"'ii i'ijuj .v.ow

aninia.s, .mum ui ' .hum t cpneumonia contracted by the horses.luring the trip.

The Conemaugh-Leelana- w min?trelshow at Spree keU Hall last Saturdayn'.sht was a big financial success. John( who dil buck and wing .lanc- -

and "coon" sincing. carried the tn- -through.

On the who'e the people of Hilo arerather forry th it they re to. g o? 1 for

la I1J.'.""J postot'.i'e, and that th.-- Go.--- i

eminent insists on giving them oneistm Ijo.ovo or n. thins; the crime

are to. min ti in lavor oi ine r.o.a.iik..Th.. work of refurnishing the H.u'iireh with te pews

to modern theology as well as conve.

alert for th w orshipprs. has bet n

complete d. Ihis adds dec i.'.eily to thinterior ap; arauce of this old llawali- -

an church.It 1 quite cTtain that both the train

inir shin Adams and the PathSn 1- - r w 11

!. in Hi'.o harbor before long. I tterrt'h.-- th:ife for li.jth V 3 hive

.en forwarded here anl r-- iti th'hands of Mr. Furneaux. the U. S. Consular Agent.

ntiin Se-r- ao an l sons 1 ft fjuiran!r'p e,n Sunday last. II" rays a month


:n nil co-il- not hive t 'fn wor.--e -a

the thirte.-- days on Ci- - a"-r-. I .'. in !

Mr. wish- - to thir.k hi i. n i

anl those who wf re k.r. i to h d it--

irc his trouble.Th-- - voir.; son "f Mr. an M

Fiihr with An a- ;u--1 IfKv hi.h almost r suite 1 fi a..y H

eiv 1 abt a -- ionfruai a hor.-- - a:: 1 r-- i

the which r. ?u".t-- d in I k t v. H

has s far recovfreJ a to be on.-i'l- - r

e I out of dagger.The lowering of the water pipe

::pper WaUnuenue stre.-- t is n w

on the new ten-lnt- h pi;-- V-in- ; it :np .oe This will not or com

"n to Jr.rreas- - the p; rer. firn. v

it w ill j revent the neceseS ty of dig-

or HAWAII, LTD.incorp-irit- ruder the Iaw

Republic of lUwslL

AuthorticJ C4flll. $1,000,000.vntsritJ Cspltal. 750.000.Pall Lp Capital. 500.0OO- -

orncnus and DIRECTOIUJCet U Brown .... Prs:SmlMark P. Robinson Vie PrtMiaMW. C. CocpTE. M. Boyd

Director Cecil Brown. Mark ft.Robinson, Bruce Cartwrlght. W. M.Cooper and H. M. von HolL

DRAW EXCHANGE ON:San Pranclfco The Ang

man Bank. Limited.Chicago The Merchants'

Trust Company.New York-- J. & W. Sellrman

rany.London The Ang!o-Cllforlft- B

Bank. Limited.Paris Soclete Generale.Berlin Obruder Meyer.Hamburg M. M. Warburg Jk OM.pany.Hongkong snd Yokohama TilChartered Bank of India, Australia

nd China.Australia The Union Bank of Aus-

tralia, Limited.Canada Bank of Montreal.

Exchanao bought and BOiiand Letters of Crodlt Isauod onall parts of tho world.


Clcas w X CO.. BittenHONOLULU, H. I.



tlc-na- l Bank of San Francisco.LONDON The Union Bank of Last-do- n

(Ltd.).NEW YORK-Amcr- lcan Exchanr na-

tional Bank.CHICAGO Merchants National IUft.PARIS Credit Lyonnats.BERLIN Dresdner Bank.HCNGKONO AND YOKOHAMA

. Hongkong and Shanghai BanAUflCorporation.


VANCOUVER Baaof Brltlah North America.

Deposits Received. Ioins made aApproved Security. Commerc.aJ aa4Travelers Credits Issued. Bill miEichinre Boucht and Sold.



Subscribed Capital . . Tea 2l,C0O,C:i

Paid Up Capital ... Tea 12.000.CC3

Resetted Fend .... Tea 7.C0O.OCO


On Fixed Depcjslt for 12 months !,,p. a.On Fixed Deposit for months i p. .

p. a.On Fixed Deposit for 3 months t f. l

p. a.


On Current Deposit 1 0 sen pe dajr.Oa Fixed Deposit for 12 months, f)i

per cent p. a.The bank buys and receives for el-lectl- on

Bills of Exchange. lsseaDrafts snd Letters of Credit and trans-se-ts

a general banking business.

Agency Yokohama Fperle Bank:New Republic Bblg., Honolulu, IL


SAVINGS BANK at bank bulldir.g on Merchants'reeL

' Savlncs Deposits vlll be rclve4 at4Interest allowed by this Bank at ftmand fjn-ha- lf rir cent per snnum.

Printed copies of the Rules and Regulations may be obtained on H'P"tlon.

BISHOP & CO.Honolulu. September 7. 1M'8.

C. BREWtRS6CO L'DQueen S ret Honolulu, IL L

AGENT3 FORHawaiian A.r ..rural 0mpany, 0e- -

tiiei .-- igir Oin.any, Honomti Buj Cou.i.Any, Wi.iuku Sugar Crap?.

Ame rican S .Kr Co &Lake BugMfompany, 0aala Sugar PlaataUesiCoti.pacy. HalAka: Ranch Oo- s-

j pany. Kapapxa luach. ilolokailusch.

PlantATs L!n, San Francis Packsfta,Chars Brewer efc Co.'s Una mt h- -tn Parke's.

jAg-n- ts IWes-o- n B arl of Cn.erwrttsra.A.ents for Phlladel; hla B-ar-d of Ca--i

derwTltT.j Standard Oil Co.

LI3T CF OFFICERS.C. M. Cooke Presllent: Orrs IL

n jn.on. Mar.sger; E. F. BUho.' Trasurer and Scretary; CM. W. W.

' A.Ien. Auditor P, C J-c- IL Wit.i bonse, O R. Carter, Director.

vj' ti!' I3

--..RAINIER- 14


L., s, ; ,rT--,-:.r.r-, 4 J

UlALIT- Y- - -r- -Jl



It's i Icvl for home use aTill A L CONVINCES!

I air-Showin-g

This morning a eplendid assort

ment of Unbleached. Bleached and Col-




With Napkins and Dollies to match.

E.W. Jordan,10 Fort Street.


Just Arrived from San Franclseo.

A Large Assortment of


Bradley & Hubbard Hanging Lamps.Hall and riano Lamps.Bracket Lamps with Reflectors for

same.Hand Stand and Hand Fort Lamps,

assorted sizes.Burners, Chimneys and Wicks to fit.Victor Hand Sewing M chines.Werthelm Easy Sewing Machine.Lantern Globes, Lamp Chimneys.Water, Beer and Whiskey Olasses.Solid and Silver Plated ware.Havllandware In sets or by piece.A large assortment of Agateware.Red Velvet Rubber Hose, assorted

sizes.Garden Black Rubber Hose, assorted

sizes.Pennsylvania Lawn Mowers, assort

ed sizes.





Supported by Voluntary Contributions.

FREE TREATMENT to the Poor ofall nationalities.

For Information as to cards of admission and to the service, etc., etc.apply at the

INFIRMARYThird Flood. Progress Block.



JewelerT mis to Order 03 scon hilia

AT- -r O RT


The Instruments Used laThe Silent Barber Shop

Are Thoroughly Disinfected BeforeUsing:.



Lots In Kin? Street Tract from

$1.3r0 t- $l.r00 a lot, formerly known

as O. N. Wilcox's premises.

Twenty lota la Manoa Valley, for-

merly Montano'a Tract, 3,000 a lot.

Four hundred lota In Kalulanl Tract

from $200 to $230 a lot.

Fifty lota In Kekio Tract, opposite

Makee lalaad, $oOO a lot.

Twfnty lota In Piiunul Tract 100x200

$1,000 a lot.


For further particular! apply to

W.C. Achi& CO.

Real EstateBrokers.



Offer for Sale:


Cube and Granulated.

PARAFINE PAINT CO.'SPaints, Compounds and BuildingPaper.

PAINT OILS,Lucol Raw and Dolled.Unseed Raw and Boiled.

INDURINE,Water-proo- f cold-wat- er Paint, In-

side and outside; In whits an4colors.

FERTILIZERSAlex. Cross & Sons' hlgh-gra- ds

Scotch fertilizers, adapted for su-

gar cane and coffee.

N. Oh'.mdt A. Co.'a chemleal Fertil-izers and finely ground BonemeaL

STEAM PIPE COVERING,Reed's patent elastic sectional pipsCovering.




San Franclseo, Cal

BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS.Philadelphia, Penn., U. S. A.

NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO..(Manf. "National Cane Shredder")

New York, U. S.

OULANDT k CO.,San Francisco, CaL




IlMo'.ulu. H. I . 13. 1'""). WEEK OF MAR 1?IiSEAANOrpheum.OR 'SALE CHEAP



tCil firKAE OF STOCK. B'J. ti

C Brrr A C..., 1.T.1V 1J ,

Ctt.a.tcer can u(r( .. 1 '

R Si1riimna .... ITS.'"

Tie Mlrabla property, bounded oy Beretanla, Punahou and King etrceu,

41 U Ufi add o! the McCully Homestead. Is now offered for sale. Tee ex-lta- ja

f Tonof aireet paaaea tLro jgh the land. An artIan well on the

ralM aaipllea the purest water. The breeiea from Manoa Ta'.Jey render

fk UwUUr extremely healthful. The property la on the line of cars, and

Ek flLaali Trrnalt cars will run through or by It.

Tkcre is no tetter or more refined neighborhood in Honolulu.

Tn tsrsu. te., apply to' F. WUNDENBERO.

At J. A. Maroon's office, next to P. O.

Or to J. LIGHT FOOT, on the adjoining premises.

f vi a 5. t ....Jl l(

a. j

! s!) .

vo 1

tOrtf in ....IM lit



vl.'KI.IXI 'fit

vkjaiu :o 15 pi',in

t 14riO.OOn lo. .... ii

iftii .. .! ....tVi.ntf 101 JTiiUC III 1A ...

2,l J.'jt .12

1. w.nm .w id .....( ip,

e,oi iw .1102r9.' Ki i

liS.lM) WO IIJIIT.',MT.OO im, iio22VO inn ... 1:0

A'.0O 101) ....! ....'

l.W 2."'

moo 1.1 ... . ...l'l'

M.'mn luu2.f."0 1i Ih5

' 1W.0O' 10c ....loo.....w ....:s ....


Entire Change


'and Original Sketch, "The

Coon's Jamboree."

ANTONIO PIRRI.In Sensational Feats of Strength.

SID BAXTER.Equilibrist and Juggler.

ETHEL DIXONAnd Her Animated Song Sheet.

Edison vs.EDISON LAMPS, 3.5 WATT3 J

CandlePower. Hours. Watts.

1-- 16 Incandescent lamp.burning 1 U

10-1- 6 Incandescent lamp.burning 1 CIO

10-1- 6 Incandescent lamp,burning 4 S1C0

10-1- 6 Incandescent lamp,burning 4 hoursper night for 1month 61S00

COST OF CURRENT.64S0O Watts G 23 ccnta per M, 16.20.


DIFFERENCE IN FAA'OR OF EDISONLamps and reduce your bills.



J & T vJ


!, fv. ' , . J Jr It

Benson, Smith & Co.,LIMITED


The S. S. BloemfonteinFrom Seattle.

Kelles PetsCapt. Jgssi

Trip- - Hilj. Matte rs-- The



j Ye.-- r !. w.i n of th.- -

days that the 1 al m-h- eomp.i- -

n'.t have f'-- f r a ions? ii;i.e. Th?shipping f( hi a." in full Mas:

(and a: li;h the WE !r and Inter-l.-d-an- d

wharves thinjrs rushed. There waa 1 ;ns line of drays and delivery w.u-joa- a

of all kinds loadtd with freight atea n oi me waarvcv. I ney were wan-ing their turn to enter the quarantinefence, have their gjod.4 deliver 1 andchecked, aad loaded upon the steam-ers. The Kinau and Claudine were re-

ceiving freight prt paratory for depart-ure today, and the Kauai and JamesMakee were lioth well loaded whenthey left last nijfht. There was quitea delegation of relations and friendsof the men who went out on the Moko- -lii yesterday down on Like'.ike wharfto see the steamer off for quarantineThe little boat, which has had a thor-ough overhauling, made her first trijiye.-terda-y. hhe took aboard the menwho g into quarantine, about sixty- -seven in all. Her departure was eryniu-- iiKe mat or an ocean teanierleaving. Many farewells were said anlthre was much waving of hand asshe pulled out of r he slip t. lay f irseven days on Kakaako. The men wibe put on the different steamer andsailing vessel as their services a:e re-quired. The H'.oemfonteia arrivingfrom Hilo yesterday early in the afternoon, was taken to be the Mam. duefrom the Coast. The big Ilrltish-Nort- h

American liner comes hf re with a largecargo of freight for the Governmentand private firms. She reports that everything is booming in Hilo. there leing sixteen foreign vessels in the har-bor there. The Bloemfontein lefttons of general merchandise at HiloShe left Seattle on the 25th of February and had to refuse a great deal offreight, as she could not provide spacefor all of it. Mr. Hissell, the agent forthe steamer, states that she will probably take a!Kut five days to dischargeher cargo for thw port. She discharged her M0 tons at Hilo in Ave days.The better facilities for handling targohere will make five days' time amplysufficient to discharge some 1,737 tonsof freight besides 130.000 feet of lumber. The freight consists of the pumplng machinery for the Kalihi pumpingplant and furnishings for the Castleresidence and Moana Hotel, at Walkikl. There are 5.0OU barrels of lime forT. H. Davies and Hackfeld & Co. andlumber and .".000 ties for the O. H. &L. Co. There I also a great amountof grain, hay. bran and some. HourHer cargo this trip Is not near so largeas last trip on account of the great bulkof the gcxxls carried. She will begindischarging at Irmgard wharf today ifarrangements can be made.

James Kelley'a Cats.Jameg Kelley, who has charge of the

bonded stores of the Custom house, Hthe proud possessor of two cats whichare great favorite with the men Inthe warehouse. Both the cats came tothe place. They were sick and werevery disreputable felines wheu theyarrived, but were taken in and fedand grew to be great pets. Dewey isso called because he arrived the daythe news of the Manila victory came.The other cat Is called Mrs. Kr.iegeron account of her figluing qualities,which Mr. Kelley declares are quitewonderful. Mr. Kelley iy Dewey Isa very mild cat and good-nature- d.

"Just like a big boy," says "Jimmle.""He tries to Impose on Mrs. Kruegeronce In a while and then there is trouble. She really treats him shamefullyat times and when she gets her danderup the fur flies. Dewey always takesrf fuge in the waste paper basket whenshe gets cantankerous. The cats arefed resrularly once a day and they bothcome into the ofTire about the timemeals are expected."

From the account given of the prow-ess of the cats as ratters, one may eas-ily account for the scarcity of rats andmice on the waterfront. This pair ofcats have held their jobs lonytfr tlnnany others. It fa thought that it willnot be nece.,?ary to let Mrs. Krtvccrand Dewey out of the service nn ac-count of lack of fund.-- .

Capt. Jcsselyn's Trip.A letter has been received from Cap-

tain Jos-ely- n of th bark Na tanu.which left here for Kihului m timenro. He state. that when he arrivedoff the port of Kahului he v.u to d bythe pilot that he could not enter there,a the bay was too fall of ships. TheCaptain invited to lay ouride ortake a trip to sea for a week. T!:l3 hedid and, returning, was anchored Inthe harbor. H writes that ho laidthere a week, beir.g unable to cot su-gar on account of some quarantine reg-ulation and he says he is very sorry-h-e

did not spend the two wee'ks lx-- tm this town.

XOTES.lae .oeau d; 1 net cet away vc.--r-da-

She will sail today.The transports Conemaush and I..----


(lanaw. rr Manila, left Hilo on theS:h and :;h. respectively,

j The little laun. h Fern is in coniruis-- ;s;on. She Ls propelled by stam-pow- f r

jz-atra- by keros---n- . which i- - usedI for f.i'M. Sh. is quite fast.

I n!ess or - rs to the contrary arfrom San Fraticiso on "the Au.-jtral'- a,

will b-- ' anthor- - l i:i an. 5 i:si.iarte a j.m rly.

The Highlands, at Da, if.e Mail whirf.cos Into the stream early this morn-ing to make room for th Warrimoo.due to arrive today. The Habeock willbe pulled out from th wharf aNow .en the Warrimoo la s:2hte!.


of Program.

THE RICHARDS,In a New Sketch "Think. n Tl atik


THE ORPHEUM MALE QUARTJTla an Original Sketch. "Tramp. '

From Trampvllle."

THE ORPHEUM STOCK CO.In a Srcamirg One-A- ct Comely.

"Professor Robinson."

Cheap Lamps!CHEAP LA Mrs, 4 5 TO 5.2 WATTJA.

'Candlerower. Hours. Watt

1-- Incandescent lamp.burning 1 71

10-1- 6 Incandescent lamp,burning 1 7!9

10-1- 6 Incandescent lamp,burning 4 2S80

10-1- 6 Incandescent lamp,burning 4 bourarer night for 1month 86409

COST OF CURRENT,SC100 Watta Q j centa per M, 121.60.

LAMPS, 13.40. Use Edlton

55 SewingMachinesCelebrated for easeof running anddurability; the hotmachine in them r

V W 1

market; for salooneasy tcrm.


CO. LTD. Imtertrrs A fnmm'tt'oa

For heavy work operated bytho mos.t skillful highest class

rrr.. .v. ....... 1

Cures whil- -

fS von SIpph- 1- -

I:i iii'.twn f in '1 g ve in-i- 1 i.. r ir- r

i.,!(tj:,(i(,,i. l,f r evr'.t.r u tit ii

1 1

... . -- fnH Mm ,,)


Carriage and Faddlenorf en will m-e- t

the arrival and departure cf every KJ-na- u

at Kawaihae; al.o for any etherpoint.

SHERIFF ANDREWS OF HAWAIIsiy: "The only way cf reaching ttpresent lava Cow by wagon road Itvia Wa'mei carrlaeeg; can go wlthia

m!ls cf the Cow."l or particular apply to

II. AKONA. Proprietor,54D3 Waimea, Hawaii.


Home Made PoiAT

WOMEN'S EXCHANGEFrsa Tueodaya and Frldayi.

Wholesale and Retail

KdtinfcUkHin o n. Co I1 i

Id tip tKIm IF:;! Co. Ut.i'n- pd. np(C'pabulaK i

Kni t Bijif Co. A. I-- Fd.Di-l

Mcn!,-- i (

i'd op(McPryUe fiiro.l.i a. i- xtlm.iN.l'iku ?iiif ir to..H ufOstn, P'J P ...Or 'in e- -.

o ;Vim t. o.Ln. Hi ,

pd. op )

Olowa'iaFnbo Sag. Pln.fcpc'.ac

fcVkeoPlouerWi;la Atr Co. .s.(

" pd. DpiWllllMWnlakiWtimtn&loW AlRlft .

TiHir CO.slider 8. S. CoItitr I.nd ri. 8. Co...

MiK'UjjKiari.Haw D E'.-ft- . Co ......Hon. Kpd Trn. & L Ct

g'b ( c ltdM aiuil Te.epbone Co.MkLCof.Co. L.- -.

.. " P'd up....O. R. A L. Co1'eop.e' A Itef.Co

onon.Hiw'n Gov't per ct. .

Hiw'n ta't 8 per ct . .

Uw'n O. Pot fl iTlEgfi4 per ct

Ewb 1'laiitation . ....6 per rt

Ealxiku 1'lautation.Pt ct .

O K. L. Co 101

Session1 Sales Morning Session-O- nehundred and sixty Kihel, assess-

able. 16; CD Kihel, assessable, 116.25;i: Oahu, I ISO.

Between Board- - One hundred andtwenty-fiv- e Oahu, J177..10; 50 Olaa, paidup. $13.30.

Band Concert.The Hawaiian band will give a moon-

light concert this evening at 7:30o'clock at Makee Island with th fol-

lowing program:

PART I.Overture "The Mill on the Cliff" ..

KeissigerCavatina "Siege of Harlem" .. Verdi"Reminiscences of Rossini" ...GodfreySongs

(a) "Ko Leo" "Milihal lua."Miss J. Keliiaa.

b "Inuwal" "Kuwillwiliiho Aj."Mrs. N. Alapai.

PART II.Selection "The Rivals" PetteeSerenade "Love in Idleness" (by re-

quest) MacbethWaltz "Golden Shower"

WaldteufelBallad "Alice, Where An Thou"

(by request) Asher"The Star Spangled Banner."

Your physician will be pleased If hesees that you have a bottle of the fam-ous old Jesse Moore Whiskey In yourmedicine chest.

New bill at the Orpheum tonight.

Cattle RanchFOR SALE.

THE UNDERSIGNED ADMINIS--.rato- rof t'ae Estate of Antone Fernan-le- s,

of North Kona, diseased, offerfor sale all the leaseholds, chattelsind property comprising the cattleranch of the caid Antone Fernandeg,is at present carried on In North Ko-a-a,

Hawaii, consisting chiefly of theleaseholds of the Ahupuaas No3. 1. 2

nd 4, In Holualoa, N. Kona, whichrun to September 5, 1D07, at an annualren'al oi Also all those portionsit the lands of Kaumalumalu, la N.Kora, lying west (below) and east(raiuka) of the upper Governmentroad, letsed for twenty years from theNth day cf May, 1SLS; rent, $300 perannum.

There are estimated to he from 1,Z('0to 2.000 head of cattle and aoout boaorses.

BldH will be received by the under-signe- dup to the 1st day of April, 1300.

(2 m. for the entire rroperty as avhole, or separately, that is, cattle atio much per hd, horse at so much;er head, and so much for all leaseholds.

J. A. MACOON.Administrator Estate of Antoae Fer-nande- s.

6472 2ir2-l- m

Aloha Collection

Hawaiian SongsFor Sale at the

Hawaiian Bazaar,MASONIC TEMFLH.

Corner Hotel and Alaka Htre'a


or nt3 under the Doard of Health3re rcq-JCitc- to send In their approve!blV.3 to the Finance Committee at once.

A!l merchants tire that thoFinance Commitfe will accept at ItsofT.ce cn!y bills that are already ap-



ROGGSST JESeLtyy CarriagesWITH RUr,aCR TIRESA fine assortment of ilieo have jut arrived; olFercd to

the public at Wholesale Prices.

THE VON HAMM-YOUN- GChemical and Plantation,Glassware and Laboratory


Office NMlh the Pdcific Hardware Co., Honolulu II. I.

Estimates piven and contracts made for wells on any oltho Islands.


Eight New Plantsdrilllers.


tniwbr..i., www. .1.1

n v- r.

ll.t. t'V t- - v ' It1; i .i. j. .. i rv .;?...4.-l:.,.- .




Fine EmbroideredDealers



mmT. GTS. up


Grass LinenCenter Pieces



,v,..u.l,,e t, , r. t.t,..KOLL'.CTZft CfJUC CO.. Honolulu. . 1. . 1


-I- N-

MewSprtag GoodsjaiJ BmG01

GOO lVllTi.






LANDO'S,The Outfitter and Furnisher.


Only the tlghest grade cf RED RUB-BER i ased In the Stamps made bythe HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.

Have ju-- t oncl a Now ami Kite Line of


Clothing made- - to order on ahortea t notice.TU ahore goods tare just been op enM and are of the latest patterns.Telephone CL3 112 Holtel Street



RESCUEDLADYSMITHv.;?.!- - northward turd trie Orangr.ver.

Th-r- - Is r.o r.v.r in fn.r.: of Vmand I.-o- K h..-- . :...;r ln.'ut.iry

: w h r- -- artil.e rv. wuta


News c.f If iir Al brevitd lU-aiiug- .

CULLOM BILLsaid, however, that th Hawaiian billw.ll b- - i :n n ! I ia the II - - u.s topermit a'.l ve-s.- -i now Kyle; th- - Hi-- w

utan Ma-- '. Int-ludn- the r.uni- -l,iii-;Vi'- , t AruTU'iaa:i I the an-ri'!:i-

t the b;.l g ., eveatu- -

f'T':n ..Uitii.t.-- - eif

Contract La lor A uudme'.t.Washington. f o. -- 7. Con.-i-v-T- i-

I. ;n hi th ? 1! await g r.tni.i. 'iit lu:; w a!' d. 1 co:.tru.--t ; .. r q -

oa wis pre-;pua;- aiiti byI i .uf ii a, ii i i,i,'. Ii'ij all a ..i' ....... o k

prov.d.i.g thai a.i contra.-- .r abor

eiiteiel lato S.Ilie .Vti:U.-- .., . . ,i i i i

.viu.i. i l.e nu.. a;.'i o.'i. ui s,.-.- a supporting th- - aau.4.a-.- tIV; i. grew a-.- -. it d : Uie aa- -

exatioa ot lia A.iii ta..;y iho ' !

tract la;.-- rs .ai ! - a lai.o. ci lo ,


(Continu- - 1 fr ora r.i-- e 1.)

I :.e tea I .4 "

.1 i" ..V . i "

. 1 ; '.- - .

;..e oi :s.te hi... I'h- - I,; a w .. r -

a. lai.iga t:. I' . s lo .,

;:i.u ai : jni a;.-- l ;. . . -

fjr'.s t' p-L- ;; "1 i.i'. s are r.. k a.. I

wuuii'led.DoKin.KCH T. Mar. h 3 t e i.r.iiiuut, w.ta tt.e c..;....i.

thir g ius aad as ual u;n.g puraue.l.

Mafekiug to be Relieved.CAI'K TOWN, Mo.nh Z A tror.g

force of Iiruir-li- . iie hiding the Kiuiher- -

Light Hj: s.', i3 nia.i :i.t.a U'.Ttu- -

Hawaii, th-- .r c j.i. rai - ;t ovr j ij;vi.--. (.ii. h is a t.ju;p.c v v. --

p.i .iyis of 2'ro:ir thr ' t' ten years. Uoty. '1 h. liters j;re ia iu 1 r..r. a;.

. . .. ,



.g 4 -- .1 1.--1

... II. ....I 11.4.. .: .i is

r t. 1 111- -

K- - II. ;.- -

. n-- !l1

At; r - irta i i:lal

a M. h . 1

.i a ar.ti t... :.-- it.

v .' at.. i. .ti. a- -

1 : vmu auu. ho: . l.i..a of

I 4 .

; i::.sf u t;. lo.U i . w .. h t a

: i.i... t1 I I t-- i.e 1 i g elder

. lie' i ..i il l .Wil.1 O I. t it.

1 Fi.. tl x. : r.i. ..I., .! : b-,- 1

. F.ia... . ; i e w I.i I. in. i, a uis:. a . :. , i;.d. .4 i.;e- -

M. at.d M R - i t J. I! .r Je;:oW i f : . 1 t a S i a 1 t a.'.ci o. The h J-- .1

:i.. W..S tliJile I;, h tif 1 y ..j. ictyfolk.

N.lii.-- e tl will o ;. I. land to makeh J .11 HI. ..ii s(...l.. i l..r b.s ,oelIl-l'- e

ii.. 1. 1. iU l.O h of Alidi. e ur-

I hi Prop iganda will r hs .I.t theippi.ntu.ent o.' Mgr. Stiairfi asI. ..--in p nt llai ana 1. ti a of C'uh.lUopposi: Ion.

l II. Vent, who coiched the I'nl- -vciKf.y of K.ui.'.o foot ball teaai laste..r, has been e ngaged by S.aa'oid for

n xtThe ciiriency bill hi b.en niece.

ful In the Senate, the confere re portl it.g adopted by a vote of forty-fou- r

to twenty-tdx- .11. E. Hiuitincjon. nephew of Collltil.ilitllH loll. Ii lit bee-- al'pollited kiC- -

ond vice prcxbleiii of the Southern fic

Railway.The rece nt disovery of Russian and

I'olish Mhili.--t plots has I.mI to renewed police precaution in St. P. terburjfor the proie-ctlo- n of the Cur.

A l.ilor organization ba b.'e-- f rrnedIn New Yoi k to control the menialwork connected with the build. ng oftne underground railway system.

The members of the California Con-gressional ileleivtaiion have forwojeJedto the Senate Committee on ForeignRelations a protest against the Jamaican treaty.

News comes from Sydney by mij ofVancouver that disaMroii boeli at'In the Warramoo district In Victoria,Australia, have destroyed 11,W,WQworth of property.

A dispatch to the S. F. Call fromWashington. March 6. says that MajorGeneral Wheeler is llkeiy to be coa-sldere- el

persona non grata by the Houseof Representatives.

A bill provldinir that Cuban war ex-

penditure be reimbursed from thIsland's revenues ban lee-- Introd uevdIn the House of Representative, byLevy of New York.

Prof. Moses has been appointed tothe Philippine Commission. JudgeTaft, who is preside nt of the body, op-pose- the acquisition of those (alandby the United States.

Jack Cooke, a boy preacher 13 yearsedd, made many converts In a revivalIn Oakland and I Angeles. In theformer city a thousand people pro-fessed conversion at bin meetings.

Sugar Raw, quiet; centrifugal, 9itest 4 fair reflutng. 3 H-lG- c; mo-

lasses tuigar. 3 e. Reflne.l irregu-lar; crushed. o.&O; powdered, ..t;granulate-d- , fi.10.

i ue Senate Committee on Appropria-tions authorizes a favorable icorl outhe House bill providing that therevenues collected from I'oito Kico bexpended In that Islam!.

Chief Engineer William M Donah! orthe l nited Slate trausport Mannaiense,tried by a naval court appointed bythe RrkUh Cutmul in San Franfls.o,was found guilty of dnmkcunc andfailure to kee p Hie .hlp in K'xxl order,and was fine d f 1 .

In the Victoria Parliament a resolu-tion of want of confide nee in PremierMartin was pass.! on March 1, andthe members of the House walked outin a body. In the excitement the Lieu-

tenant Governor foritor to do wlMt hohad come to d f irmal'y prorogue theIa eislaturc.

A l.iHioa-.lolh.- r tru--- t unbr wny.It will be a combination of Iron sndeteed IndufTles with a cipLtal of

and will Inelii'1.4 the Ameri-can Tlnp!a Company. National SteelCompany, Hoop an 1 WireCompany, National Sheet S'cel Com-

pany, ar.d anitlur cjiupany now firm-ing.

Sorri cf the nci'iH of the Amer-ica Maru came aj.hire In the tug 1 wtnicht. Mor--t of them will eomr In thismorning.



Beaver Lunch Robins.

H. J. NOLTE. Prc;rictcr.

JUST ARRIVED,Ne Icp'jrUtlon cf


un.-;- : eoD.s are thf: hnl- -


WING VO CHAN CO..::0-21- 2 Nuuan-- i



r'f''., Ercployment Agn.-y-, next Iil-sr- t'.

Jwelr, and w will eaj yoxEood and reliable fcelp of U klnl".Tel. -

A. ;. r Ha ry L is ia-o- .v iTc:.lj ; r J .. ele 1: ;

........ 1 ' a 1.; t i.) 1 . ; . C- - :,

a t:...4.-1"- : rr...a t. ;

1 S. ..:.-1- - 11. .ll-.-.

11 :..j I ' . . 1. . .

d...1.. th- - t:. .. d U .

r. 1 v ,.1 ... 1.

....- - . 1l.1t.;;ii. .. 1


a i..ta 1.1 .. r a .1.

A . ..l .i

. ; !'.....,.. ... i, Ai . .4 1 . t.

i.i-- - l'i.:..e ..; Wah tliat t.i....... i i , i i i. ia i.t i i'i ; a r . .i

- i. .i.e Iv..r t..e c in ; :;g vif Lo:i'don ilua..

.1 4 a inel.-.n-- . h.iv e ! Mi b ati U bji.M.aa tr;..;-- ia a j .t In d battle' C'll

the 1. ..!' r. . ijltl' 1 ej billedl w uuii ied.

i i i.i !ia; k: y ..d 11 i.l rit.-lllltllo...- -r

t.a ' e t ... U a i . 1 - t' a I v. . ii! - ti v i-

i.ii.d lo ! I.a.i ii'.tiag t..e :i; -- ;

v . . iv ia A a g ..6-1- .

Thj la.veir.ty of California wilmi.i1 a e rai k oi uth'.- - ti-.-- . La-- t to

Ii.p te with Yale. PriLeetoll, I'cUll.-)!- -

au:a a.. o'.hei s.l..ia:c d war cloud hi sad b illyap; .arid and the i. ,..ia.i.'an S;.i;i'

uatiiorities Lave htupped .ne aipuicnlarm to London.Ieputy District Attorney Meli'.le of

Oakial.d. C l.ful ma. t:e.uiy lost .liahi eje l,y dropping eai t.olic add la

it m.-'ea- d uf a lotion.The cxeiutive committee of the Ger

man C oiniuen lal l oa . Ii t .oil Iiavcadopted btrung resolutions tigaiiiil a

Ii.o lit.. atiou of the bill.Handsome Alice Murphy of Oakland,

California, put a barcotu- - Iu her mother's Leer and clop, d with a love r afterstealing the parental purse nmta.nlug

i a.The National Republican league will

gathe r in Si. Paul on Tuesday, July 17,to consider their future policy andchooae new cdh. er the organization.

The first Lafayette souvenir dollarhas been piesil.ud to l'rcsi-li-n- t IOUbet in Pans by I'. S. CommissionerThompson.

Swaml Vivekanan.'i. the Hindu, whorcpresente.l the religi.uis of ludia atthe Worlds Fair, is proselytizing inSan Francisco.

ai Ferrouh Ley, Turkish Ministerat Wafhington, has received penuistvioufrom the Cnited States to bring bisharem to Washington.

A smallpox epidemic 1 raging InCentralia, Wash. One hundred andfifty citses In a mild form have been reported. The town is quarantined.

ileut. E. F. Koheler of .ne .Mntn infantry was shot by Filipinos six inileffrom Tarlac. He was led Into an ambush. Twenty-fou- r riiiplnos werekilled by the soldiers.

Senaational charges are made atWashington In relation to the cruiserCharleston. It is mated that her off!cers were under the Influence of liquorwhen the cruiser struck

A rich gold region claimed by bothItaly and Abyssinia may cause warMene'.ek is Maid to be se eking a quarrel. declaring that the whole auriferousregion is in his territory.

Ferdinand W. Petk. the r. S. Commissioner to the Paris Exposition, andMrs. Peck have been Introduced inthe House of Ird in lyondon and havealso met the Prince of Wales.

A Provident e, R. I., .Route h Matesthere is much wre-eka- in the wakeof the recent norm on that coast andthat vessels have probably been lost;how many ha not et bee n learne

Crown Princfvs Stephanie, daughterof the King of Lclgium and widow ofCrown Pria.e Rudolph of Austria, wasmarried at Miratnar. on the Adriatic,to Count Elemer Laiiyay, a Hungariannobleman.

t nderwood cf Alabama lias been aptrfdiittd to the va. amy oti the Wajs andMeans Committee wbih wasfor Genl. Joe Wl.eel. r bad he returnedto Congress.

Sir I icb-rb- Ilowker TertlngtonCarter, former Chief Justice-- of New-

foundland, is .bad at St. Johns, agedi2. He was the fi:t colonial stales-ma- n

upon whom Victoria con-

ferred kn!ghthK)d.A bill has be.-- a Introduced In the

House prohibiting the tale of dsMil'.edor intoxicating liquors In the Philip-pines In quantities of less twentygallons, except on a phynh pres-cription fur iti da al puipo.-e- .

jfiicral l!at s-- f.r e of J.ttou men h is

scattered the in the south-ern part of Luzon, capturingtowns. At L biuanau the Filipinosw.t" tharg.d the bay. net. andaixty-fou- r i ft .lead on the tied 1.

Agon. ilio. the Fill j .no foreign rchiims that the insursjemu

united an Aim man .iluli.n in Ratan-.a- -.

He sas tie y t'K-- 4 pri-oner- s.

in. l id.i.g otlii'is and apiurd 1"'l. jr.--e s, i gun at.d pruv is r i.s.

Evide-- cf th.' trc-rm- . nt of Fe deralj r. .u.e is in the- - "bull p. n at War l- -

le r. Idaho, d i: ir.g th- - re :.t lali--r

ti'O ..' -. t.lii. fl l 1 1 .se Cofll- -

mi ' ..ii .M ..iu. y . ;;. ii i s. h.ei eii uui-i.- s

r.i eoi.du.t on th- - ja.t of UnitedState trot ps.

. :..:tor D iv I a Mlr.n- -- ou orrr-- tan na.e :. la. t the p ..--

;. Ricin!. It.-- .fi'- t - t i h iv- - the tarittth- - I 1 S" .i t - a; ,1. d 'ii l'n.-- ;

' ; ' ! e . I. 1 :;..- -. t- -. b .t to a. I..-..-

li.;.- - l'r . t;:.!! i t a : I .- - I tlt. s ar 1 V ' Rh- - 't i l y

G . ,. ::. r D rt.i - .

A I. . i n . or .' :.i .'.

i.i. i:.for:.r..' r 1 y

. ;. ":u t i

i:'f x- -

r i.

..i i"t...v

b ra ...3( .

? i.u'o t re-

fuse 1 to pass the War:' n cr h:r pas-h-:- ,c

rs until th-- y had V-e- f imlzMt' d.on account of Major General Jogeph

:,. .. ;.. r ;, r.e , ia tar;,' d. T.vv :.:h !.. o:;. u;..:r (i w r 1 T.i k-- :.

:. h.:s l u T4 iu a ; i ,u w. i

:. ii. .'. a i r : ;

5 r s ;h -ia-n- a.. a

; j...... :.:u:.-- ,! ::t ;t is p.-- ;,.

tr :i..'. a;-.-.

i w :.; l... tJ i. . ! an!. ;.:-.- ; .. i. .IT : s w...r. a c.i 1 r i a t

. .: a r- - - Yet r.v r.'i ;.- - I) i a r t .'eat' 1. W.,1

.:. ht k ::- :i W : d the hUh.. s h- - :.v:. :. V. Lt.

.1 tl;- - .f a: 1 ; V . :

I ts .v., r;',. I iv S in:": ; the ::;.-- 1 f t. e- -

' in the I": t.1.' T. a J S .1 1 u ; !;e'l .

i t h :u .'t.'i Kr-rs- t.. 1. Tr.v - r a ng d..-'.i- " i hi:

.m:.;..i d; - ho; j. s an ! t a- W rwa- -

r. rrar.d r . f w h.c'i .1 h 1 Hie;s rh-- ' key l.e h t the n art h.

If Lord R ,her;s !i !. s t t a s' r sr. --

r!y of infantry tuT.- 1 Yryhirg an I

Maf'king. it wil. natur lllv be rt itlfeTc- -

d and converted in die time in;o.rning o.unm ;ti--' iln- - that org p 1- -

ti r..Britlsh Enter Transvaal.

LONDON. 7. 4:l'i p. t:v A

pecial h from D irhan sas aliving column of P.rltish tr.m;is fr :nZalu'and has enteiel the Transvaal,and has la-- daily withMji.ill parties of Doers.

The f jrrp consists of mounted infantry. Natal scours and artii.ery. at.ommanded by Major Prenderg.i-l- . The

lOlumn f.rst cro.-s-e d the border on Fe lilt a ry 2. It now occupies an en- -

trene.'Kd position on Catasa iii.i. ninemiles within the Transvaal.


March C (Afternoon Service).The Federal have fallen back on the

Liggertberg chain that crosses Natalsouth of Dundee. The retreat fromLadysmith was due to the mistake efa certain commandant. In ordering hismen to retire from the key of the position without any reason for the move.On the receipt of bail news from theModder river Wednesday it was resolv-ed, to send the wagons back to Diggrs-ber- g

and poon long strings of oxwagons lined the road. Over a thous-and wagons took the westerly route tothe laager southwest oj Ladysmith.Another convoy was sent to the foot oiDrakensberg. A large number of tentscaptured from the Ilritish at Dundeeand alio the ammunition were aban-doned. The chief difficulty was In dis-

mounting "Ixing Tom."

Natal Situation.LONDON, March 7. (Afternoon Ser

vice.) For lack of news from FieldMarshal Lord Roberts' attention turnsto Natal. It Is reported that GeneralDuller has pushed forward a forcealong the Harrismlth line of railroadtoward Van Reenan's Pass, using therailroad freely for communications. Itappears that the Doers Intend to takeup a strong position in the Hiitgers- -berg rang and contest Glencoe Passes,although it hardly seems likely thatGeneral Iinifer will attempt to forcethese for he present. His plans, how-ever, are kept almost as secret as thoseof Ixird Roberts.

While waiting for the importantdevelopments which are dally expectedto occur ! the Free State, rumors, ofpeace recur. The second edition of theTimes today contains a dispatch fromCape Town which nays there Is a cry-ing need for an explicit statement bythe Pritish Ministry tnat nothing shortof annexation is Intended In "order todampen the mischievous agitation thatis going on under the pretext of a demand for peace."

Another list of the casualties sustained by General Ruller's forces from February 14 to February 2. shows:

Killed. 123: wounded. a7.1; mining04. Of these the losses of the InnLkll-len- s

were as follows: Killed, HI;wounded, 12: missing. 22.

Dublin Fusiliers: Killed, Li; wound-id- .

97; missing. IS.Connaneht R.incers: Killed, 13;

wounded. lu.--; missing. S.Royal Fusil.ers: Killed. 11;

vnnr.di'd. 61.: mis-in- e 21S.-ot- s Fusiliers: Kilb d. i; wounded,

mijsing none.Vith the list of cas'ialtb s Issued

Monday this makes the total cost to th"rank and file in the final relief of Lidy- -

fruith 1S.7. men.


of the War Condensed forQuick Reading.

rrineess Acre Von S.ilm Sa!m 1 InChicago raLing money for the Doers

M.inv women reporte.l to be goodshots are among the I'.oe-- r prison rs ar- -r.vir.g at Cape Town.

Surgeon Treves cables from Lady-- iFmith that th'-r- are S"o ca- -' of

itvphoid fever In that town.In Montreal students tore down the

I'.ritish flag and creeled the tricolor ofFrame on the oITue nf La I'atrie.

Captain Hugo de Rathe, husband r.fMrs. Lir.ctry, is dar.cerously ill in theRritish nr.lit lry ho.-pit.- il ; t Cap Town,

A d.sjatih fr.-- Osfor.tein via I n-- I(h n says: 'C ti' ral JouV-r- t 1 : t- - 1

to be in supre-rr.- ( of the R.ertes hre."

v r A;r,.,j ytTlfT hls ,e, !.ire 1 rair- -t;.ii law in th-- - distrhts of Prie-k- n.

. . .l.- I I. ,;. 1'i .. i.:;;iown ai.'i ii.-t. ,is n t api town d.. ; a n.

p r ! rit Fnis! .v f th" 1 r-- n

Dallv l.avt. a ' - kl.b-- ' u Nov. 2M lf.-- .va.s m r. d 1 y Lt

r.' t M i: , tl f :

n i".- v i' .ft i nt i

At Va: v - th'" : I. : :. - Ir.

ir.l.1 the

t day

tl i

I I... i, r- ; 'yir. - " rr ':. t- -1 : - -. 1 I f w ir

1 ' xp-- e - y ff..-- ; I I IT'--- '' t i :.--

1 .:r.' a. w ;.e-- e o.1 1. v-- ,- .l - .'ia. . ..o;. - a

rr.e ar.e.the-r.- ar. 1 h'1; th-- wo-jl- d

?.n r.;e,.t and embrace la the kiss cfpeace.

Passes Senate WithoutDivision.

Teller's Amendment Adopted Estab-

lishing District Court and Trial

By Jury in Hawaii.

WASHINGTON. Mar. h l.-- Tbe hillproviding a form of g.ive mm-- nt fur theTerritory of Htwuii wan ja.-s- l hy theSenate today without division. Clay ofGeorgia delivered a carefully preparedupeech on the Philippines.

When Clay had oiicluded hi speechconsideration of the II iwaiian hi.l waresumed, of pe nnsylvan.a stat-

ing that he would not call up the Quaycase on account of the imouagreement as to the final vote on theHawaiian Government hill.

The pending question was the amend-

ment of Teller relating to theof a District Court with a

District Judge In Hawaii, carrying withIt the right of trial by Jury before thucourt. Morgan of Alabama. r hiiniedbid Hpctcli, begun yeter.lay, antag-onizing on 'technical ground. the pro-jiob- fd

amendments.He averted In connection w ith a dis-

cussion of the Judicial features of themeasure, that the bill as It ood nowwould legislate out of olll. e everyDemocrat In Hawaii. Hp declared hisbelief that om Senators were de-

termined to give a political complexionto the Hawaiian Judiciary.

Foraker, chairman of the Committeeon Paclflc Islands and l'orto Rico, In-

terrupted Morgan to report back theHouse, l'orto Kican tariff bill, with thepreamble- - and all after the enactingclause of the liou.w bill htrlcken outand the Senate bill providing for a gov-

ernment for l'orto Rico substituted.Certain amendments to the Senate billwere also reported. Including one fixingthe tariff on l'orto Kican products at13 per cent of the tariff fixed by theDlngley law.' When the consideration of the Ha-

waiian bill wia resumed. Teller'samendment was adopted.

Clark of Wyoming proposed anamendment appropriating JJ.'.O.ooO tobe paid to Llltiiokalanl. late Queen ofthe Hawaiian Islands for all Interestshe may have In the crown lands thesum to be repaid from the revenuesfrom the crown lands. Clark maintained that It was only the part ofequity and Justice Ihat the Queen whohad been deposed by the lnited Statesforces should bo reimbursed for thelosses she had sustained. Mr. Cullomoffered an amendment holding that thelate Queen hail no rights In the matter.She was here now, he said, consultinglawyers as to her claims against theGovernment, and his understandingwas that many of them had Informedher that she had no good claim.

The amendment precipitated a gen-

eral discussion of the deposition of theQueen, participated In by Jones of Ar-

kansas, 1'ettlgrew of South Dakota andothers. 1'ettlgrew said he was opposedto the bill and to any effort made bythis Congress to provide a governmentfor the Islands. He favored turning theHawaiian Islands back to their people,and permitting them to make the bestof them.

Quarles of Wisconsin followed 1'ettl-grew, making his maiden speech In theSenate In opposition to the propositionto pay to the former Queen any sum ofmoney. Referring to the dark picturedrawn by Peltigrew of the result ofthe annexation of Hawaii and the ac-

quisition of other territory by theUnited States. Quarles said: "I hadthought that the Senator from SouthDakota had exhausted his means ofchasing ghosts out of our insular pos-

sessions, but here he brings up a bogleman from the Sandwich islands andsets him to gyrating before the Senateto frighten somebody."

1'latt of Connecticut opposed theamendment, declaring that the rightto the crown lands ;n In the peopleof Hawaii and not In the Queen.

The amendment was laid on theiible without division.

Plait of Connecticut offered anamendment providing that the territory of Hawaii should n t at any futuretime be admitted to the l nlon as astate or be attached to any state of theVillon, but it was ruled out on a pointof order. The measun was then pissedwithout div Islon.


Vessels May be Permitted to Fly theUnited States Flag.

WASHINGTON. March 1. SenatorNelson's attenn.t to Include In the gen

eral Hawaiian bill, which pased theSeriate today, a provision extending thenavigation laws of the United Sta.testo the Islands, failed when SenatorCullom withdrew the proposed aiaendnient at the Instigation of Senator IV ttigrcw. Under the amendment, seven

essels that were granted Hawaiianregistry after annexation and supposedly for the purpose of coming un.lerthe American Hag with the rest of theHawaiian merchant marine, wore notdiscriminated against, although thaCommittee on Commerce ha I reportedadversely on such act.'.ui as coatemplated ia a separate bill.

Tho vessels arc owned by J. J- - M'o.i Co., Jvhn IU .isenfeld's S ns and Captain William Matson. al. of Sin 1'r.iacis.-o- . They are the S'ar of Italy, starof Ku.-.-i- a. Star rf Star cfI'r. lluttr;e. 1'al.s ot Clyde, andWill S.Mt. It U said tli it th- own. rscompile I with the Hawaiian laws prioto January. The d.tlie ilty nri-- e

froai the fact that the 1 .lands were annexed In July. 1 '.. and were n.n .ligihle ta American rojtlry. When thmatter was called M the attent'.m oAttorney General (Trigg he decided i

was acainst tho policy of the Unite 1

States, and further granting of Arnerlcan registry to vessels of Hawaiian

Ia to q i s: i.ji- -s is t- i

whether Aniatie (on;r.i t .a: rers U.s- - i !,... . f. ..t.. . ...i,na.eii local ia.j'r rs, ixanif ip.4-- a

ihat to some th- y .il l. He wenton to siy thit the coi;..e Jan. Is, ofwhi(h we have heard s, min i), practical. y iial Le.-- nangei niio MU'.ir

t !"-

iiiitiuii.-et- y prouuettve. liiese ugar u

,) ioii.s were control. ed by a : thesugar Interests, which during th- - pas.yer had been jt-i- by this G)verr- -

iii' nt in remitted duties Jl.oo'i.o. ... theThese great interests would control thelegislature of Hawaii and, consequent-ly, he wanted such an amendment tothe bill as would meet every contin-gency.

The amendment was adopted with-out


di.--c ussion.The Pacific Cable.

WASHINGTON. March C The Sen-

ate Committee on Naval Affairs to-

day ordered a favorable report uponthe bill to construct a cable to Manilaby way of Honolulu, Midway L!andand Guam. It is to be under the direc-tion of the Navy Department, and is tobe a Government cable.

Hale, chairman of the committee,was authorized to prepare a bill andreport It to the Senate. The bill willprovide for Immediate construction ofthe cable from San Francisco to Hono- -

i ia I it only, but It contemplates an ulti-mate extension to tho l'hilippines andalo to Hongkong. It Is estimated thatthe cable to Honolulu will cost between$:i.too,ou) and J 1,000,000.

The House Committee on Commercetoday ordered a favorable report onthe bill for a Pacific cable connectingthis country with Hawaii, the Philip-pines and Japan. The measure hasleen under consideration for a longtime and two sessions were held today inin order to bring the matter to a con-

clusion. The bill of Representative aSherman of New York Is the one fa-

vorably acted upon, with a number ofamendm ?nts. This provldees for pri-vate construction of the line, the Government paying $:.oo,ioi) annually fortwenty years for the fatusmission ofmessages.

The amount of this annual paymentwas tne last question ueeiaei. 1 neoriginal provision was for 0,000,but, after extended discussion, the re--luctlon to $.100,000 was made. Thecommitter had previously Inserted aclause that the cable be of Americanmake and the cableships shall be un-

der the American flag. Another provision calls for the completion of theline to Honolulu by January 1. 1W2,and to Japan by January, 1903. It wasoriginally estimated that the cost ofthe cable would be JS.0o0.otM). but recent estimates submitted to the committee show a rise in prices of mate-rial

Itwill make the cost about $13,000,- - of

Ooo. The Government s obligation.however, is confined to the annualpayment of f.lOO.tM'ft.

Queen Lil May be Oiven a Fortune.WASHINGTON. March Senator

Hoar today Introduced in the Senatean amendment Intended to be proposedto the diplomatic and consular appro-priation bill, providing for payment toLlluokalanl. former ljueen 01 tiiwaii.upon warrant of th Secretary of Statefrom any moneys not otherwise appro-priated. $2."0.0(Mi.

WASHINGTON, March 7. me 'ii-i- te

Committee on Foreign Relationstoday authorized the reporting of anamendment to the Diplomatic Appropriation It ill appropriating $:ooo toie paid to ex-Que- Ialiuokatanl ami

nrovi.llnc for an annual donation of'$ I oaioo to her as long as stie may nv'

Terrible Mining Accident.HILTON. W. Va.. March 7. It is al-

most a certainty that forty-tw- o liveswere lost In yesterday's explosion atthe Red Ash mines. The cause o! the t

explosion h unknown, but It i sup-pose,! to have been caused by a minerentering an unused room In the minedw th an open lamp. There were farty-tw- o

nun in the mine at the time of theexplosion and If U had occurred twentyminutes later the lo of life wouldhave been l.'.o or more.

A Victoria, lb C. d;.-pitc- h saysLeung Kay Ting, one of the farmittChinese reformers connected with themovement of Kang Yu Wei. far Ihoverthrow of the Empress of China andthe establishment of a new celestialempire, has arrived there. He is a ;

l.r.-l.f.- nf Kuv CheW. 110.V atHonolulu looking after the intere-t- s of j

the revolutionary party, who 1 expect- -

ed to come northward s.n.Admiral Dewey an 1

- t . I '..- - C.. -4 1

nu men irom me .i.uu en i.i-- . vo.e.;. ... . . . - . . . . . l, . i.i...n v-- lOl t 1.1 i 111 SJ IU I"'.' Ul.loCi OI I.l'" Li I,..'.ue for the destruetian of tne tp.iEis.i .

Ile.t at Manila has been fi'.d lu theFnitel States Supreme Court.

Defect have been in th' canal survey, a m'.ta'i-.- '

having been ma le by the Wa'k- - r com-niir-sio- n.

The rock fatir. but ;n at I'. m

Sua Carl.s 1 nit;. !t r thi.tmate d. Work on th cnal wil t


Comtitroll'-- r Coler h.i n:u s oi? I

charges In New lorrt (.t y. Hosav.s that citv f i:id are system iiVe'i'.'.y

h)ed and that municipaliot.wI went to Al!any t work:i gainst the reform measure.

Secure your tickets for Orpheun

..ill u.i.i i.. t i ...!... i r ia t'Xpet. 4 .1

cro.-.x.i.- g of the Va.iJ iir will be

d..puUd at Fourteen stie.iias, whuerailway bridge has U eu wivek. d.

I.ONImjN, Man a 0 ' a. ta. Ma.'e-kil.- g

is t. be relieved as ,oo;i Ua theHiititdi force already on thj way tokimberley can raise the fcieg1'. Thisfor. e is (it seribul vaguely as 'Strong."

he Kiinlerli--y Light Hors-- e U men-

tioned as a component. In view of thefact the Kimberley Light Horae isunder the control of the De. Leer Cum-lan- y.

Lord Roberts' vi.sit to Kitaberleyprobably had to do with an arrange-ment with Cecil Rliod't to usv this,company of troops.

Rhodes and Colonel Kekewich havehad dilTcrcLces of policy, it appears,which did not nd with tho relief ofKimberley. "What fchall I do withhim?" Colonel Kekewich is said to haveWired to Lord Roberts, who half humorously replied, according to a taorcirculated at the clubs. "Put him inchains."

Fresh Intelligence as to what LordRoberts Is doing has ceased again.This silence is taken to mean thatsomething has happened or is about tohappen.

Boers Masterly Retreat.I.ONIW)N. March fi. The Standard

has the following from Lidy.-mit-a,

d.r'ed Saturday, March 3d:

"The IWrs conducted their retreatmost masterly fashion, without the

loss of a single wagon or an ox. Onlyfew small companies have fallen into

our hands. In point of fact, we wereable to make only feeble efforts to Interfere with their retirement.

"Stores are porin In today Theprogress of relief, however, Is slow, asonly sixty carts a day can cross thepontoon bridge."

Cape Dutch Rising.CAPE TOWN, March 6. Nearly the

whole of the Dutch population of thel'riefika and Kenhardt districts are inrebellion. Many of the Dutch fromneighboring districts are reported tohave Joined them, notably Piet Mool-ma- n.

who will lead the rebels toRrandbles. Lucas Steinkamp, com-manding the Roers, is reported marching on Carnarvon. It Is believed thatGordonia and Victoria West will rise

Is thought that the total numbermen In arms will exceed COOO.

The general opinion of loyalists Isthat a strong force of llritish will berequired, as a reverse would spread therebellion.

LONDON. Marc h 7. A di.-pr-.t h fromOsfontein, dated Sunday, March 4th,to the Standard, say

"General Joubert is reported to br insupreme command of the Hot forceshere."

Robert' Latest Report.LONDON. March 7. (Afternoon Ser-

vice.) Fiel l Marshal Ird Roberts hatelegraphed as follows:

"OSFONTEIN, Var.h 7, .Z) p. m.Our operations to lay promise to le aHl'eilt roiece-r.- . The n my occupied aposition four miles iuutii and clevtnmiles south of the Modder rivr. I

placed General Colville's tliviaioa onthe n rth bank and General Kelly-Kenny- 's

and Tucker's division withcavalry, on the south bank. The cav-a.r- y

d:itdon Muceeded in turning theneniy's left I'.ank, opening a road frhe Sixth division, whUu is udv.ittcing

Without being obliged to fire a shot upthe rreient tin.-- . The enemy uiej

in f ill retreat towards the i.orth an 1

e.u--t. Tney are being closely fallowedby cavalry, horse artillery and noar.t- -

el mt.mtry, wn..e luinera uivtaio 'Colviili s Ninth and t!


Guards brigade, unil-.- r IV u:i

making their way across the river atlVplar's Drift, where I propose toplace my rs this tvtr..r.g. '

"Our casaalti.s will, 1 trust, be fv.v,as tlie e ;i :i.y ate quite unprepate i f rbeing atta 'e-- l by the :la:.k and h.r. itgtheir com.n'ir.h at! T. ii'n L'.o.'o:.-tei- n

tr.rtv.t. t.ed.!

Bioemfontein Covered. j

NEW YORK. March 7. (Aft-rr.oo:- :

S. rvi. e.) A dispatch to the Tribafro:n L nJ :i The extent to,whUh Gen- - rai Joubert ar.d iTei b::.t ,

ey n h ive s !,. 1 t ,.'t- - .. r

:t . is r. y( e . ..r. t it areo V I ti.tiot'.ti ly ; -

fe:i.Vf .ir. a the hi.. r the j

Moiihr r.i ' h i i r taCov te ,

..s th wh,. li Were e d

the Ttt-.l- wh ti the i. ti c s i,n. r. d '

jlilC--- . 1 Ut the ,..-a fav

tor iheirTi.e re.-u.-- .s u c,v.,'. :

ti-'-- are- - dt-- i :

w l..,li the d.--- ; e : i ) . :: .r.ver !.a be. a lb-- A G-- .-;

..ere' arn:y Is r. t . .. V otiro ln;a.:-- t 1 . ,H ii t.Lrce Lord R crta' corr?, jet pas

.ea fll le to ta.-i- e ; se'SS.on i i a tori'.-r-g w Ithou: a struggle. The L-- -

had retreated from that rat't-a- i ior.-re- ss

to Rooikop and left the road cp--- n

to Hurghersilorp. The cccupat'a ofStormberg gives to General (Pitacrethe control of the railway westvard toMiddleburij and enable? him to ad- -

r.'L'Ufrv nnhiblt d. It 1 HOW


AS. F. ,M0CAN Due By Today's Australia:NCENDIARISM ,i n iooioft

r nnn wn inr ;

IvIlRHlUllM. II! U U.Ulb .

S Mysterious Fire at the: 33 Queen Street.bishop House.

Kerri Co.

0n Ice.All S inabl- - Prch Kru;!. an I VcgtaMts.

TurkeysPu k an 1 0!ck..a. TliY oni: 01- - oni Ti:xni:u mtoilivu.

Fresh SalmonAnl Klo-ar.Jer- , Smoked Sjlaioa and Halibut.

Fresh PotatoesAnd Onion.. Sau-ac- e tin full). "And la S-.- 4"

Njuanj Valley Residence Totally


Destro)ed While the Fami.yWere Living at Waikiki.LIMITED.


I Incendiari.--m a rare crime in Hono- -

j lulu is ou.--i (1 in the burning earlyAre as usual trvinerJ Frozen Oysters.i a.triuy Mioi n.iig or tt.e residence oltl. t axoa Liaaoi on Nuyaiiu avenuejut Leiow the liuena Vista hospital, j

A niua has been arrested by the polite,Doth California and Eastern. Cram Che (in foin

Gruenhagen's Bon BonsIv 111 CL r C i UUI 1 1 IWi Liiuu J

J new stock that is ar X

A, And Marshmallows.

1 riving by every steam- - J

wait is eiippo.-e- d to know somelningot tne orsiu oi the tire. He is held atthe siatiu and wi.l be detamed untilinvestigation of bis actions has beentompje.ed.

'ine L.ishop was completely de-etioj-

noining oeing faved but and two Mnail pictuies. TheliieiucQ wuo caiue mimcO.atiy upon

H. MAY St e.f LTD.2-B-


The Waterhouse Store, ' Th: flldntyrc Store,uwit.. o i nuL I t cor KiNr, iNn rnnr ctRitrc. r . . v V. rf.Telephone 24. Te'ethone 22.

To do this their prices whichare always the LOWEST havebeen further reduced and nowprices are less than wholesale.

Full and complete lines of thevery newest in


utiifj euiiiiiiouea were Luee spcctato.s.,ol a uiup oi water was avu..aoie onaccount oi tne emptmeas oi tne .Nun-an- a

rtbeivoiis, ai.a it was too laie tobae any oi tne contents oi tne home..Nouuuy was in tne noue at tne time oitne me tne isuup lami.y Oemg tem-porarily comic. itu at Waikiki.

.Nigut aicniau iiuem u

of tne uei.a Vista iiosp.lai urs.Uiscovtiea tne o.tze. He was takingii iS usual uouny ruunds wheu he sawuainea and cluukj noni theuoub'j. lie loused stewardiLaipa Jones ai.a otheis ot tne hoap.taiots.ue .Mis. Ua.Ker, tne uioinei- - 01 i.ving tu me uext uoase. iic.anu lis. lishop were teiepnoaed atNtaikiKi and ine liie Ueparant-u- i called.

Mt-wiu- il Joiit'a fcavs liia I wheu he

We are offeiing: at Rock-Bottj- m Prices:

DRAFT ANDLADIES' (BUSESfirst came on the scene tne biaze wi:uut iaiKC and he caieLia o.l sLroniv.In a few moments the whole building 0wja ene.ob.U in tlaiues ai.d when tueeugints canie thc-i- was no nope of re- -

raALSOcovtt an tninr. 1 he taoits aLd oic- w tr-- . tL)tt-i- i ou daring the minuteor so befoie the Lie spica.i to the en-tire residence.

'iwo Japanese servants occupied asmall cottage on the grounds and they Young, Sound Mules.

UNDERWEAR,Dress Goods, Gloves

and Hosiery.

did not awake until alatnied by tne

Two Fine LotsAT makiki

FR SALE. Honolulu Stock Yards Co.,offers at Prlva:The underslJTied


neighbors. It is supposed that theblaze started In a storeroom near theKitcheu. A Japanese servant was dis-charged by the family some time agoand it is taid that he expi eased i.l-wi- il

tow aid thtru when he left. The housewas an old one known as the Holies'premises and had been occupied for-merly by Chief Justice Allen, AugustusWilliams and C. LioUe. It was in goodcondition and contained valuable fur-niture, pictures, etc., the household fur-nishings of the D.sliop family. Thepictures saved weie especially prized asthey were portraits of Charles H.Uishop and the late Judge Iee. Themoney loss Is placed at $10,000 andthere is insurance on the property ofver $0,800. In the Manchester Insur-

ance Company, Is a policy of $3,000 on.he house and $1,500 on the furniturevhi'e in the Royr.l Insurance Company


W. S. WITHERS, Manager.Maklkl adjoining the residence of Mr

The leading line3 of SOAPSat the cheapest prices everasked for same in this city.

P. Wilder. Iot 2 has a frontage oia reei on .Maklki street. 223 feet oiIa!ng street, and 212 feet along thvilder property; containing about on

acre. Receixh i nas a frontage of 227 fet otMakikI street and the proposed exten

PER CYKUS WAhEFIELD.'ion of MaXikl street. 22S feet a!onot 2. and 263 feet along the Wilder

300 on the a poncy lor property.These lots are terraced and are It.

the fine residence smioa of MakikiHAWAII FOR SURE.For price, etc., apply to LATEST

STYLEThe Cable Must Come by This

JhS F morgan,23 QUEEN STREET.


Rjute.A bill ha3 Leen inttoduccd into Con-

gress for the laying of a telegraphictaoie from the United to the' on a route starting from

the Washington coast anl runningalong the Alaska coast out to the tipend of the Islands, theme to

ToothPowders urreys AND

Kucian ten i.o.j'. iher.e to Japn, andiu.iniy to UUI 011 wave iiu.ii.Tiu t.;i.s.a. td tnU plan. PHAETONSa.u tt..t d MLai setiu to be ln- -

iiipeiabie ojitucn.i io it. It id a rounuaoout luute, on wlmh tne caJ.e wouluETC., ETC. e exposed to tLe K.iateit lioba.oe daneia ironi ancho.s, uitan tuiren.s and

what not. In tune of peace, lor com les andI at equally great bargain prices. Ii:ercial purpi;.-:-. the operation of thet otliercaUe would Le fc.;w. Anl in o;

war oi.r uxe of it u with Vx"7 ve','' , lii'li mo offerour own possets. ens woa.d he depen7 V to the public at Mrock i)nce".

The very latest novelties in Oo SCHCMANAT THE PREMISES OF


JEWELRY of all kinds.And for the gentleman there

is no more extensive and com-plete line of Shirts, Collars,Cuffs, Ties, Socks .and Under-wear in the city to choose fromat prices that are bedrock.

Plantation Agents,Managers, Buyers

dent te 1 aiie of a iea ai d pos-w- iy hostile powers, and it would he

exposed at numerous points to cuttingcy Lel.igerens or by pirates.

Ibtpphy. at the same time with theintroduction of this L.-coa- ct ived meas-ure, the survey veel Nero has arrivedfrom her cruise across the Pacific. Thereport of her commander is not yetaia.le knjwn. but there i little doubtthat it wi.l show the en:ire feajibhiiyof laying a cable across the I'acinc byway ct Hawaii an.) Guam directly tothe Pal.ippiaes wi.hout touching uponany other than Cniud Siaies soil. Sucha cable will be free fram the oojeciionsnoted against the other rou;e. It willLe safer from injury from naturalcauses, and quicker cf operation latime of peace, and la time of war itwil. be far more eaii.y protected fromhostile attack, and will provide th.scountry with exclusive communica.ioa,under Us own tlasr, whh ai. ua pjs,e-sion- s

la the Pacific. That Is the kindof cab.e that i wanted.It is to be ohserved that the advo-

cates of the hybrid northern roate coa-ced- ethe necess.ty of a cable to Uiwaii.and propose that one be laij separate-

ly from the one acra;s or around thePacific. So we may concede that a ca-- le up the com of Alaska is desirable.Why not lay it as the independent andseparate line? The line from theLnited fatates to tie PhL.ppines snoj dfo.low as nearly possible the greatane o. ship travel, and shou d touchat and connect the chief ports of cahon that line. To do so k must cer-tainly po by the way of niwaii.-N- ew

ork Tribune.

I bate on haad ready for Immediate dellrerjr - r

Plantation Work HarnessOf IDT own manufacture wh!r .nrn4a TPIM tT on hintneinii . -OTHER HARNESS, uaually employed for HEAVY WORK.

THIS HARNESS Is of the aaae STANDARD OF' EXCELLENCE thathas been maintained for years, md 13 IN USE ON THE PRINCIPALf f ft V "T ft T t i ' 3 V . a .

LMERR CO, LdQueen Street. Honolulu.

i a oi io icroup. wjce u nas givon Kneral satisfaction.OnlT the REST STF!ri. ri-Af- l IHMra itnvv tt-- t . xt-r-

TRACL CHAI.N3 aLd No. 1 TEAM COLLARS used in the abcre HARN-"i- i.



The cew pame cf indoor baseball Is2mi becoming vtry popular la the Y. M C

I'r'avfne.r.T from:J;tvln!lf.vthe Next SaturdayIlliK IIill3

llllliiiiii Played' la ther

rvmnaiexnir.:f!-- k.I willi .5: 33 Queen Street TELEPHONE 66J. t J tt str. 0. fcOX 507.Buslne.3 Men" and the evening cIam? P, 01 Box 594. Tdejlione 72. KINO STREET, NEAR KUUANU.


Niiup ar.d Panama hats a Th eo'. H. Davies & Coill UlUUOllilUlU UiiUU uuI

LI M tT i n1

THE "HARVARD."Oini tonight.(if?.im Hr.iy lit-- t l,n a;;n

maiLAK"-- Hil.orV II ,:ii

Koiii'-- iir': l ;:x iii'jvm! o:Krtift.a j ;.--

! in K.uiui ili. r

The Ai:,-i- l' a Mini wm

Herchanls andn in t L i f.ur rej

'k tti r.Be- - to call theI nee the trr. of

j ri for a f w 'i.tys "ri'.v .: K. I h. : --

Kin s r"t above I'.- -.

An in.-an-e man wn brn'j-h- t to the. i. i.i .i .tiu,. it Kjk'.ino

by a varltary in-- ; - for h fi.und b.tnia the Kh',i.i) d..-tr- ; :.

Tvo ihiid.':i v.rr born 'i? Kir iako(I u lition i arn; ,: nlay. 1: th li"lc jn alter birth. Th- - .r rath-- ! a wt- - thf I'll p'-oj,-- frjjl.t friu

1 a il i on Sur.ilay.A weil-d- i ..'I m in u h. Is a ton

I JOito tr.c--i Irfir ('?won J. I .

last tiir l.t K k 1 1 m1oV.ork.

T he 4 .f ; i'. I inlr iry i

wi!i tart w';:a la irida y next.

Soif.riuj's r; i i a i r- i '. w.

m i imm i to's.I. I I lit : MR p.


t r r nniJliU U J

.r.a; a.fro:i 'J ally y n ab .at th" ll.rva.ian

ai.d t t;io:'!.t t I a r ' 'Mh'ie has Lei n r j. r t d t t tl." i- '"Tk Harvard"

in j . ... .... . PAINTS AND OILS.SliOr.rt wLcrev. r nl...:Vd.

tO 11 OL.Oik.9. J. S.i.u r wi'.l n ' v t V- - ii i i'. lin"

of in:-- L ).!. k 1. o.i .i. S. Ai,,4 til 14 VHITU.I.K.

niack c.iHh;ii. r, ); (.'xinrt?'!tiin t 2 !;! .i ji.i.r u lAaka-:n- i,

1 Iiri street.Mr. anI Mrc N. H. S.n h.i xprt to

for Sari I' j ly th Hong

faoriie w .i.k is o:j I: : f . i aThree f.remen are i ff d ity on a.-.- :ni

'f , t i' ,.t ..( ; it , r o; e.!.i:aNo. 1 Ls laid up with a c d an 1 a s ve' er; K-l.- l)iivr da ;lt lias au al

troubbi ar:d Hi enrt D.iverIVat.-o- n b is th same afTction as

GEN M I LAN i AT10N l l'I'l IH X1 LIU'

kong Mam on t tine assortirer.t of Kitchen Furnishings.

CRAY AGATE WARE a Spicltltyark your w:n; s,v runx

We lme;i full line of tlii IHK in tan, luown iiinl 1 ;n k

roloo. An ;il-ol- ut'!y p'TfWt lit t inr. an-- l t li-- h SI 'I lieweaiiri'r jii;litie hip totiticl i tln-- . who lav,' i i . t 1 thelIeaant experieiu-- tf wearing:: lfANMS'lKK SlIuK.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.SOLE AGENTS.





( ffi'rs fur the fn.-uin-T yfr will beelected by the Young Mn's ChristianAssociation on the evening of April2. A nominating committee was rd

t ihy a-- 'o to report at thatdate which is the time of hiding theannual meeing of the association.

The Foreign office will ser.d out abo'itr.oo copies of the I nt report of the Co-llector General of Customs by the nextmail. Thei-- wi'.l go to Washington, tothe Hawaiian consulates abroad, topublic libraries and to prominent in-

dividuals on the official exchange lUt.Many people who listened to the

charming rendition of selections fromthe Uohemian Girl by Miss Keliiaa andMrs. Alapai Monday night, are anxiousto hear the.--e singers and the chorus

nil orchestra again In the Rame opera.Pamlmaster Ilerger achieved an artis-tic triumph in his arrangement of thef election.


of Tarix n i for inl in e, inv.i:.l, a dpeople uu'l elyapf-l'- t Uh.

The gu-amr- r Au.ralU will Le In thisniorniriK. having the name daywith tk America Maru.

A Jtoanl of Health mlln; will Li

hfll at th'i usual time this afUrnoonIn the Judiciary ImlMinR.

The family of Mrs. John I'a'y Is mov-ing into th former Iikpy fsiilernenar W. O. Smith's hom

Chun YanR was flnrtl t--0 anl costsyfMenlay for BPllinir oleomargarinewithout tho proper Ii.b-!- .

Tho Pacific Import Co. lavt a xpe-ci- al

a: of brown less in-a- s andvWioriii lawns for tiis wek.

Mynt Ile No. 2. K. of I, willmeet tonight at the usual tlm; andplaco. Work In the first rank.

Scald tenders are called for print-ing and Mndlni? thp biennial report ofth Itepartment of the Interior.

Thero will bo a rtnn'ar monthlymHlnj? of the Honolulu Chamber ofCommerce at 10 o'clock this morning.

0 ClearanceAskYourNeighborWHAT SHE THINKS OF


SERGESBroad Clothsand Novelties.

0000ale ofri:it S. S. AUSTRALIA

f)ranKed Lemons, AppTes. (!c!ery.Cabbage, ibarb. Asparagus. Cauliflower, Potatoes, Salmon. Halibut. A new line Just opened.Crabs, Eastern and California Oysters, TAROENAin tin and shell, Turkey. Chickens.Ducks. Htc. Ktc CAMAHIN'OS"


oThere Is only one Jesse Moore Whis-key In the world and that is old andpure. Lovejoy & Co., Honolulu, makea specialty of It. Prompt

ServiceShorthand andTypewriting

The Pacific Cycle Co. have Just re-

ceived a new lot of pounding hags andIndian clulM and other f porting goods.

If. W. Schmidt has given Edwin II.I'arla hia full power of attorney forall personal and business transactions.

Drop into Noite's after the arrivalof tho S. H. Australia ami get a dishof freh California or Eastern oysters.

Th raJe of a block of 127 shares ofOahu stock at $177..r0 per ehare wasthe principal transaction In Bugar re-

ported yenterJay.I'rlTJitrt Secretary Hendry of the

Hoard of Health has handled. In roundnumbers, nearly 2,000 letters since De-

cember 12th, 1899.

A dray on King trect, plied highwlt-- casta of Kerosene oil, attracted asmuch attention yesterday afternoon asa load cf Klondike gold.

Thft rpu'ar annual meeting of theutockholders of the Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co. wi.l be held at thecompany's ofllce March 2kh.

A cottage of four or five rooms, fur-nished or unfurnished, is wanted byman and wife with no children. Ad-

dress K. T., Advertiser office.A Hat of the names of officers who

were elected at the annual meeting oftJie Ste Yup Henevolent Society, heldon the 10th Inst., appears In this Issue.

II. May & Co. will receive per theS. S. Australia this morning freth,

vegetables, game, fish and

(A nature-mad- e food.)

For the sick room orthe nursery.

Nothing but the kindest ofKind words for the strength-givin- g

qualities of

THROENftThe Best Food For





Is the Rule JVJ Our New


Department under the management ofMISS IIAMERSCIILAG.

To make room for new stork comi up from tho EnLwe offer for one week our ENTIKK STOCK of Plain andFancy U.bboiu at OIJEATLV 11 EDUCED PHICES.

Thi- - is a penuino sale, call iii and comparo thoprice?. EVERY rihhon relucctl.


One Lot, retluced from 0,7,8 and 10 cents to 5COne Iot, reiluccil from 12 J, 15 and 20 rent to. . . .IOCOne Lot, mlucctl from 20 ami 2 cent to 15C.One Lot, reduced from 2" anl .'0 cents to 20C.One Ixt, reluccd from ."0 am! .".. cents t 25U.One Lot, reduced from '0, 00 and "." cents to. . .. 35C.One Lot, reduced from 7" cents and II t. 50C.One Ixt, 75 centc, 1 nnd 1 1.2" to G5('.One Ix.t, reducetl from 1.2" to 75C.







(s) We Shall Offer the WHOLE of.) Our Stock of

Silks, Black CrcponsLADIES'

MUSLIN UNDERWEAR.poultry. Send order early; telephone2Z-2- 4.

lien F. Napthaly. well known at the TABLE DAMASKS ANDNAPKINS





IMPORTERS OF DRY C.OODSJapanese Silks33c Per Yard. RIBBONCor. King arl Fcrt Sts.




' Coast and In Honolulu, is no v residingIn Hawaii, where he has lately beenappointed storekeeper of the Olaa plan-

tation.Sam Pedro was yesterday fined $6

and costs for cruelty to animals.Though cautioned several times, hepersisted in riding a sick horse havinga very sore back. ,

Men who drink to excess and grownoisy or demonstrative ruuttt bewareof the police. Since the terrible recordof Saturday and Sunday, the authori-ties have Issued orders to search allIntoxicated persons for deadly weaponsand to arrest those ho seem disposedto make trouble.

A nhorthand an l typewriting schoolhas been opt-ne- in the Prognvs block

All Wool Crepona73c Per Yard.

French Taffeta Silks7.'c Per Yard.

Unbleached Damasks40c to 60c Per Yard.

Bleached Table Linens45c to 11.25 Per Yard.

Table Napkins (pure linen)11.63 to 13.33 Per Doz. ALEARGAIN!3 0






0teachers. They are DON'T FAIL TO

SEE OUR BIG STOCK OFby professionalti receive a limitednow prepared

number of pupils for day and nlfiht OcLadies' HUM Gowns and Underwear.POCKET KNIVES,




ciasa. Tho-- e deslrlnfi lessons snouiusend In their application at once and


THE STORE...:o:- -




045cl o.o.o.o.'o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.os. saens or mi a BELLS





Stocks and Bonds.

insure appointments.All women who are graduates of any

college, university oc normal schoolare requested to leave their names andaiMiessea at the office of the Y. M. C.

A.; also the name of the college andyear of graduation. Some of the col-le- se

women are d.slrou9 of brlnini;together all others for mutual helpful-ness.

Tho infant daughter of Captain andMrs. Henry Berger died yesterdaymornlnK between 1 and 3 o'clock, aftera short Illness. The little sufferer wasbelieved to be jit the crisis tho daybefore, when It suddenly became worseand died, as stated. Captain Burgerand wife have the sympathy of all intho community.

Jas. F. Morgan's sale of lots onProspect street, which was advertisedto take place on March Ulh, had beenpostponed until further notice. Theconditions are as follows: Upset price,51,(i0i $.",0 cah; In six monthsand In twelve months from daleof sale. Balance In two. three and fouryears. Interest at 8 per cent per an-

num.Another accident was caused by the

steam roller on Fort street yesterday.Horses attached to a carriage belong-ing to Theodore Richards and drivenby Dr. bishop, a Los Anr,eles visitor,became frightened and overturned the

fcm:illc-- t Lamp Manufacture!. J Financial:o:--

35TSee our window display of BargainsM-A-U-R-- E-R


week.for this Real Estate Boughtand Sold.

Custom House Broker.



312 Fort Street Telephone 55.The name MAURER has be-

come so identified with GOODMandolins that the two mean

I Loans Placed andNegotiated.

CO TO Til1 TLlF0"!ilA 3NE5 SHOPvehicle. The doctor was hurled to theirround ar.d badly bruised on the h-a-

ihe same.

They Need noAdvertising.

It is cn!y necessary to statewhere they are to be fouad.

.He was given medical aid and removedto his residence. A vouns lady whoaccompanied him w as unhurt.

Cantaln Bower3 of the Merchants' i

POi EV iF-- Y T M I C .r HOM A

Hame Strap to theHeaviest Dump Cart Harness Fire Insurance.

j all our o'.vu lmtkf.HEPAIKINVi neatly and romi tly execu- -

f.l nt Hock Bottom 1'iices.nrnflpmn MUSIC WW !

Patrol wishes to inform th? thathe has no Intentions of resigning thebusiness of the patrol, but, on lh-- con-

trary. Is better ab to serve hn pa-

trons than ever. He states that allrepresentations to the contrary arefalse. Captain Bowers has been fornearly four years conducting his Agen-

cy and la extending Its usefulness ev-

ery month.

: DUIUO nUf Notary Public.Telephone IG0.




JClassified Advertisement: iheOveriandOceaiiio bteainsnip Company

Lifllited 1 M iTTa B LE:

Ui Pstl!!iF:fi53 'M 1 il l


IaY. E-Y- Morning. Except2u;tiJaKby tile

WaW.riAN G AZVrTE CUM i'A.. i .

K:ng Street.A. W. PEARSON.

I; n'a-- H Manager. Tli Fiue Pas-eng- tr Steamer ofport a hreuader:

Thli Line will Arrive at and 1"t f

oiiiiajSii(iyo.'s::siiP"T,,jC tidic jLacciLrf. Rr. .p.. Chapman. Svdaey.









In connection with the balling of the ah.ive steamers, the Aftnts arsprepared to issue, to Intending passengers coupon through tickets by atjrailroad from San FrancNco. to all points In the United States, snd froavNew York by any steamship line to all European Porte.

For further rrticulars apply to


General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

Pacific Mail Steamship Go.

Occidental & Oriental Steamship (V

AND Toyo Kisen Kaisha.Steamers of the above companies will rail at Honolulu and leive tiport on or about the dates below mentioned:









For general Information apply to


Fr-d- . L. ni 3 S""3,Port TtwK. S. Redf.' i. Ate. kh.. Ta

coma, IVu-JT- i. (

0a.vM::n. 'fir. p.. Prif chard, Ne- -

ca.-:!e-. iVLarT 12.Ca'.hois. u

p'r.'i-i-.- ,.i. h ebi ii'iry 7.

Hishian.!. N. II. bk., 3.:.l'bt.-- , F iruary 23.

!! i I. any. t;. I k.. M.h ki11

i January 2S.

Am. bk. I'ar.olus. Walts. Nanaisr.o,January 12.

rrofj.-r- . Am. srh., Jobannt-ssen- .

ratl. f?. 26. .UuNy A. CaM-in-- ". An. P'-h- r V. al'.oi:, Francisro, M.m h S.

Roy 8omTS. Am. schr.. Soltloo, SinFrancUfO, March 7.

rtovtr. Am. rhr. yacht, Lilian, ba- -

nia. Marrh VI.s. N. Cast!, Am. l.krn., Lanfeldt, San

FranciHfo. Fiiruaiy 2.

5r mlnolp. Am. Lk., Taylor. ewcastie.Ffb. 17.

Sebastian Bach. Ger. bk., Wooley, Na-

gasaki. Feb. 17.Star of Hawn. P-- . H?nderfon,

Newcastle, Feb. 26.Haw. bk Santiago. Engalls, San Fran-

cisco, January 21.Tillie E. Starbuck. Am. sp.. CurtUi, San

Francisro, Ft b. 25.W. F. Babcock. Am. sp.. Co'.len, N. Y.,

February 23.U'. O. Irwin. Am. bar., Williams, San

Francisco, March 5.


From San Franci.sco. per T. K. K.America Mani. March 13. H. A. Big-elo- w,

C. F. E kart. C. P. Grlrawoodarid wife, the Mis.-e-d Hartwell (3). Mrs.C. J. Hutchinea and child, Chis. H.H'irline, V. W. Macfarlane, wife andtwo children. Mrs. J. Met3on. Mrs. E.M. Marshall and daughter, Mrs. E. A.White, J. S. Spitzer, 43 through paj- -engprs.


I'w'ii cameras have a reputation.Quality and results made It.

Fred W. Macfarlane, wife and familyif turned on the America Maru.

Mrs. C. J. Hutching and child werepassengers on the America Maru.

The ML-wt-' Hartwtll aie home again.They arrived laat night on the AmericaMaru.

J. A. Magoon was fined J5 on each ofthe three charge of breaking sanitaryregulations.

The board fence enclosing the Hotelstreet side of the old Pantheon corner1 being moved bat k no that the sidewalk will be available for pede&triau.

The Iwi'iel stables from which AhJan, plague patient, was taken on Sunday, will be burned by order of theBoard of Health at S o'clock this morning.

The kerosene warehouse now holdcase of tuberculosis, typhoid fever,pneumonia, beriberi, branchial pneumonia and a scrofulous complaint. Dr.Bowman ha hi hands full.

The formaiia generator Imported bythe HoliisUr Drug Company andtested by the Board of Health, haproven a great succrs. The action ofthe formalin vapor on plague bacilli isfatal.

Tho statl-ti(- show typhoid fever tobe chiefly among the Japanese ia thicity. Insanitary condition and cer-tain fermenting and rotting food prep-aration re supposed to be the causeof the disease appearing particularlyiu the above race.

Dr. A. B. Carter of Mak.10, on theother side of the Island, who ha beensuffering with an alivosi over hi rightknee, has d.Ktored the ailing memberhimself with such good result thatDr. Wayson. who had been summoned,wa notified th.rt it would not be i;ec-.-a- ry

for h'.ui to go to Makao.

N0TE3.The ?chooner F. S. RtdfitJd and ship

Glenn sslia were take a tJ the yvrcaaiy e.--t. rday k fumigate.

The Aspl, e w ill fiui.-l-i discharging to-nig- lit

and go out in the stream earlyin til-- - morning to fumigate.

The Janus Makee and Kau ii left latela.-- t evening for Kauai. The Kauaitook some heavy rn.u hinery for Mc-Urj- de

plantation. 1

Captain E. V. Uol-rt- -. S. S. Cou;-maug- h.

reports o'.-ta-i ling Mippllf-- . it-c- lu

ling I(e, at Hilo. of a better quali-ty and consi leraMy c!oapr than atHonolulu. Hilo Tribune.

The barks Martha Davis and from Sin Francisco, the brig-antin- e

Geneva, from Tacoma. and thebarkentine- Geo. C Perkins, from Eu-

reka, arrived in Hilo on the fith. Thech(xncr Spokane, fron the Sound, ar-

rived on the tth.It I probable that if arrangements

can be made to have the Bloemfonteinioadod quickly at Kahului. that thebig steamer will take a cargo of Ha-

waiian Commercial and Wai'.uku s:i;arto San Francisco. The cargo willamount to about 3.?00 tons of sugar.

Among the vessels in rort at Hilo.according to latest advices, are thefollowing: Schooner John D. Tal-lan- t.

ship John McDonald, ship Failsf Clyde, schooner A. M. Baxter, bark

Martha Davis, bark Annie Johnson.;

' rttrantlne Geneva, barke-ntin- Geo. C.Perkins.

The America Maru.The Am. rica Maru whb h arrhed lxst

ni;ht from San Fr.incis.-- was detainedUy bal weather ar.d head winds. SheI'M or.e tiour after th Australia. TheAustralia has the mail Captain Goingof the An:e;ii a Mara thinks the Aus- -tialia Will t. iw her ttil aboutIk, on to'.ay. ill" Ani'T.ia Mam sails

! at a. m. She w ill take pas.-enger- s.

MELROSE Just Opened.King street, adjoining Governmentnursery. Handsome rooms with boardEverything new and first-clas- s. Ele

tr!c lights, mosqulto-proc- f. Termsmoderate. Cars pass the door.

i I

r. l v.

r. T..

all MAN A ii.aii h lr.a I .rii.-j::.-t-xp- er

Apply Ly ietter I

ng rfit-rt-i.c- :i f. 1

( orre-;.!- ) ier;t e tre itedfideatial.

A FAITHFUL YOUN'fi JAPANESE::i:.n. w- -o t ho ru k h '. y i; r. ! ? ' a :W. --

s .i pu.-i:i')- n ia c;U. orAiJre., J. II. M., this o:Ii c.


FRIDAY ruornin frjm a carriage alarge Lundie of rd tWii. Suitablereward will be r-i- d for rtiurn ofsame to this oCke. 549


THERE WILL BE A R23ULARconvection or tne aoove louge mis(Wtdne.lay) evening. March 14, at7:20 o'clock, at Castle hall. Fort street.

WOHK IN THE FIRST RANK.Members of Oahu Lodge No. 1 and

sojourning brethren are fraternally In-

vited to attend.By order C. C. S. J. Salter.

A. E. MURPHY, P.C.,K. of R. and S.



of the Honolulu Chamber of Com-merce will be held at It room onWednesday, Marc h 14. KnO. at 10 a. m.




of the stockholder of the ml

Steam Navigation Company.Limited, will be held at the ofMce ofthe Company. Queen street, Honolulu,on Monday, March 2Gth, 1000. at 10o'clock a. m. N. E. GEDGE.

Secretary.Honolulu. March 12, lDuo. 5132


170. Beautiful shade trees; nice lawn;water laid on. I C. Aoles, Real E.taieDealer. J4S7


street, 100x200, will be fold as a wholeor in lots (50x100); also 1 large inte-rior lot, 80x180. Apply to Mr. E. R.Hendry, Pensacola street. 5130


horse kind and gentle; safe forlady to drive. L. C. ABLE3,5487 Real Estate Agent


$5,000 HOUSE AND LOT AT PU-naho- u,

near carline. House contains3 bedroom, parlor, dining room, kitch-en, servant' quarters, etc. Large lot.A bargain.

WILLIAM S AVI DOE.20G Merchant St.


$3,000 HOUSE AND IVT ON WTAIklkl road (on car line), 100x100; housecontains parlor, dining room, two bed-room- n,

kitchen: pantry, etc. Apply toWILLIAM SAVIDGE.

20f, Merchant St., Campbell Blk.



(opposite the Oahu Lumber Co.'syard). Inquire of 1 C. Abies. 51S'J



klkl beach, unfurnished cottages, twoand one rent reas

onahle to desirable parties; bathing fa--illtli and stable accommodation;

personal applications retjuested. 5335


Fort Street. Opp. Wilder & Co.

First Class Lunches ServedWith Tea, Coffee. Soda Water. Olnge-Al- e

or Milk. Open fromS s. m. to 10 p. n.

Smokers Hequlsitee a Sofwta'ty.


OCc : Op?Oftite W. G. IRWTN ft CO




Fire S ViewsOn Sale at Oti Sale at

&a fi:crc:s i co." Kim News co.51 Kir- Bros.

RED J ri34 . KCDAK WOXK... .

R. Lewers F. J. Lowrey C. M. Cook


fmporters and Dealers la Lumber andBuilding Materials. 03c

414 Fort St.

A dJ W:;hti!cJI rain ia the

m - a a a a. ax a 1

Lea?S Saa Fraccbca Cdiij at 8:30 A. M. Served ia Din'.rg Cir.

3 Days to Cliicagowithout change.

One Day Quicker than anyOther Line.

13?" The Favorite Iloute forIsland People and lourits.

Finest csxlera Pullman equfpsect,Including Library and cuUci tarsand Dining Cars, a la cane.

J. II. LOT II RO P. General Agent.35 Third street. Portland. Oregon.

U. W. HITCHCOCK, General gent,No. 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco.

E. L. LOMAX. G. P. & T. A..Omaha, Nebraska.


frcm 2 to 12 quarts, 1 large containerwith double strainers, 1 large farmer'sloi!er, 2 very good horses, well brokento harness and saddle, will drive singleor double. Apply A. A. Montano, ManoaValley. 5131


TWO FINE LOTS ON KINAU ST..between Alapal and Kaplolani streets,lots graded, terraced, water laid; readyto build, sidewalk curbed; price reas-onable. Apply to N. S. Sachs, tele-phone 979. &1!S


street; lot &Cxl23, with neat cotta&e of9 rooms; modern improvements; elec-tric lights. Grounds nicely planted.Easy terms. L. C. ABLES.3JS7 Real Estate Agent.


$3,000 LARGE LOT ON THEslopes of Punchbowl nar LuuahloHome; splendid location for a healthyhome. Apply to

WILLIAM SAVIDGE.206 Merchant St., Campbell IV.k.


HOUSE LOT (WELL FILLED) ONK&walahao street, Kewslo; cheap forcash.5411 J. H. SCENACK.


A CITY CORNER LOT. SUITABLEoffice and store site.

Apply to J. II. SCHNACK.


A 2-- 5 ACRE LOT, HIGH GROUNDS,at Kfcllhl; easy terms. Inquire of

J. H. SCHNACK.Eiv Mrrtant SuU


jj.srMiNEW MODERN COTTAGEof seven room, kitchen, bath, etc.;eorner lot on Bcrefania. near Puna-ho- u;

elze of lot 63.4x110; beautifulhome. App!y to

WILLIAM SAVIDGE.20-- 5 Merchant St., Campbell Dlk.



street; cheap for rash; a coodbargain. J. H. SCHNACK.



$3,730 WILL BUY A NICE CORNERlot (91x125), with new residence, atPunahou. Easy Terms.

Apply to J. II. SCHNACK.E473


FOUR LOTS, 60x100 each, frontingmain street; ready for building; Jutpat Kamehameba Schools, at 1300each on easy monthly installments.6411 J. IL SCHNACK.


A LARGE. WELL-IMPROVE-D COR-te- rlot with residence on Hotel street.

Inquire ofJ. H. SCHNACK.

6401 Merchant Street.



lots at Manoa; town side of A. A.Montano'a.5441 J. IL SCHNACK.


MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.Steamers of the above line, running In connection a 1th the CAN ADL4J1

PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, II. C. and Sydney, XS. W., and calling at Victoria. D. C Honolulu and Brisbane (Q.) are:

iD"criE3 jjt nonsroiL,"cr3i-"u- rOn or about the dates below stated. Tlx:

From and After Jan. 1, IfeW.

Dally Dally Dally Dally Dally

iutlon ex. ex.(Outd) Sun. Sua. !

a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.

Hono ..7:10 9:15 11:05 3:15 6:10Pearl C..8:03 9:48 11:40 3:47 5:50K Mill. .8:23 10:08 12:00 4:05 fi:10

Walanae ... 10:50 4 45

Walaiu ... 11:55 5:40Kahuku .... 12:22 :15

Stations. Dally Dally Dally Dally(Inwd) ex. Sun.

a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.

Kahuku 5:35 2:08

Walalua 6:10 2:50

Walanae 7:10 3:55

Ewt Mill 5:50 7:45 1:05 4:32

Pearl City .... :15 8:03 1:30 4:52

Honolulu 8:50 8:35 2:05 5:26

O. P. DENISON. F. C. SMITH.Superintendent. O. P. & T. A.



3 1 zX i5-- r

5 k:.-- t b - ?

f ami p m mMou 12 1' I " i IIThm. U '! I 1.1 i 47

mL li 14 nil U' rt.iiu 4 & ui! I

i.J IV) . tt It. l10 I K,

i in am1 -r

f rt.L M I 4 4 II H ID ' (7 rt.l" ))

Hmt, V " 1 r 4 i'i i n 11 ii.ih it 11 7. m

1.1. t inii un 5.i,.ii;i ii s v

Von It J) 1.'' ' II U V 11 v 4- -

Full mxn on the 15th at 9:42 p. in.Tides from the United Slate Cot

zl Geodetic Survey tables:Tao tide at Kahulul and IIllo occur

imK one hour earlier than at Ilono-tt- l.

ilawtlian standard time Is 10 hourstO minutes slower than Greenwichtime, being that of the meridian ofU7 degree 30 minutes. The timewhmile blows at 1:30 p. in., which Isthe same aj Greenwich, 0 hours 0 mln-ate- s.

Sun and moon are for local timefor tb whole group.


DIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STA-TION. March 13, 10 p. m. Weather,cloudy; wind, light, S.

ARRIVED AT HONOLULU.Tuesday, March 13.

H. A. S. S. Iltoemfonteii), IJlelloch,from Seattle via Hilo.

T. K. K. America Maru, Going, fromSan Francisco.


Strnr. Kauai, Unihn, for Kauai ports.Ktmr. J.lni'd Maker, Tullett, for Ka-

uai ports.

MOVEEMNTS OF STEAMERS.Steamers du and to sail today and

for tbe next lx days are aa follows:ARRIVE.

Hteamers F'oia DueAustralia S. F. . March 14Warrlmoo Sydney March 14Hongkong Maru Yokohama March 16Aorangl Victoria March 17Peking S. F M.wch 22China Yokohama March 21Alariposta S. F. March 2.3

Gaelic S. F . ...March 30ttfoana Sydney ...March 30

DEPART.Steamers For SailsAmerica Mani Yokohama .March 11Warrlmoo Victoria March 14Hongkong Marti S. March ISAorangi Sydney . . March 17Pekinv? Yokohama March 22China S. F March 24Australia J. F. . . March 2'iMariposa Sydney . March 28Gaelic Yokohama . March 30Moan S. F. March 30


ARMY AND NAVY.U. S. tu Iroquois, Pond, cruise.

MERCHANTMEN.(This list does not Include roasters.)Aloha, Am. sch.. Fry, Sa.a Franclsoo,

January 29.Aplce, Br. sp., Bremmer, Newcastle,

r ebruary 14.Albert, Am. bk., Griffiths, San Fran-- !

Cisco. Feb. IS.Arnold, Ger. bk., Techter, Bremtn,

February 25.Amelia. Am. bkt.. Weller, Port Blake y,

Feb, 17.Archer. Am. bk., Calhoun, San Fr-Cisc-

January 26.A'.dcbaran. Ru.-i-. bk., Douglass. New-

castle, March 7.lUo.Mnfon'eia. i;r. ftmr., Rtel'ooh, Se-

attle and Hi:,,, March 13.Chas. E. Moody, Am. Bbp., Anderson,

Feb. 9.Cyrus Wakefield. Am. up.. Macloon.

San Francisco, February 2.caa. n. Kenncy, Am. bk Anderson,

Chemanus. February 4Br. p. Drummulr. Armstrong, Nw

cvtip, January 30.Eat African. Br. tic.. Decent. New- -'

caotle. Feb. IS.Endeavor. Am. prhr., McA'.Iup, Port

Town.-en- d. Mar 8.rorthhante. Br. Ik., Young. Newci

January 25. '

FKOrt VANCOUVER AD VICTOtHA, b.CFor BrlitsoctQ.) sod 8ySocr:






,'ci. Agsiti

TOm SYDNEY. BUSBAKP. 'Q.I FO Yttorts acd Vancouver B.C.)!




New York Line.Ship "Challecg'T" wi!l sail froi

New York for Honolulu on or about

April 1900.

For freight apply toCHAS. I) R EWER ft CO.,

27 Kilby Street, Potoaor CHAS. BitEWER ft CO.. LTD..




expense and to the dlay Inci-

dental to the handling of goods, an ex-

tra charge, depending upon the delayIncurred, will be roede on freightsfrom Honolulu to othr ports In thenIslands during the continuance cf thepi a rue.INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAVIGA-

TION CO., LTD., by Ka President,J. ENA.

WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO., by C. 8.WIGHT, President 6441



that we are In a position to furnishgood and reliable help.


The magnificent new eerTlce the "I mperll Limited" Is now running dally

BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND MONTREALMaking the run 100 houra without change. Tbe finest Railway serTle

In the world.Through tickets Issued from Honoltlu to Canada. United Statea aaS

Europe.For Freight and Passage and all gir.eral information, apply to

Tim H. DavietT & Co., Ltd, Gen'l Agts.



of the d'.rectora cf the Olaa SugarCompany. Limited, all shipments offreight from Honolulu to other Is.andsbe prohibited, with the exception ofmachinery. This shall not apply tomrchai dise which arrlf es fromabroad und is trsnsferred Into cleansteamer without being landed In Ho-

nolulu. 6437


UNDER ORDERS FROM THEBoard of Health, our a'.eamra willnot be allowed to lard or dischargealongside of a wharf during the con-

tinuance of the plague. It will be nec-essary to lighter all freight to andfrom steamers. In addition to regularrates of freight, a further charge forlighterage sufflclent to cover the actualexpepe of the eame will be made. Nofrigftt will be received, except it beubjvt to this charge for lighterage.(Signed)



Its President. C. L. WIGHT.6417


PEERLES3 PRESERVINO PAINTCOMPANY have rettoved to Foristreet. Of poalte Club 6tablea.

IL P. WALTON.6441 Uanagsr.