in class writing exercises ted goertzel. instructions each slide will contain a sample sentence or...

In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel

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Page 1: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

In Class Writing Exercises

Ted Goertzel

Page 2: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation


• Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

• You should rewrite this paragraph following the principles of Effective Style and Language

• You can then compare your work to that of the original writer

Page 3: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

In the entire long history of conflict and warfare between human beings, this is the first time that a tremendous number of people have owed their very survival to a quite small number of brave men.

Page 4: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.Winston Churchill

Page 5: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Instead of being self-centered and asking what you can get for yourself, focus your energies on making a contribution to the country as a whole.

Page 6: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Ask not what your countrycan do for you; ask what you can do for your country.John F. Kennedy

Page 7: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

It is not so important what we say as what technology we use to say it with.

Page 8: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

The Medium is the MessageMarshall McLuhan

Page 9: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

The biggest mistake a teacher can make is to try to shove material down students’ throats when they aren’t ready for it.

Page 10: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

10/18/2003 3

The Whole Picture

“The fatal pedagogical error is to throw answers,like stones, at the heads of those who have notyet asked the questions” –Paul Tillich

What questions are there to ask?

Page 11: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

A woman can live a perfectly happy and successful life without a man.

Page 12: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.

Page 13: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Cigars are better than sex.

Good food is better than sex.

Or try...

Page 14: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

A woman is only a woman, a good cigar is a smoke.

Kissing don’t last,cooking do.

Page 15: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

We aren’t finished yet, we aren’t even close to being finished, but at least we may be finished getting started.

Page 16: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.Winston Churchill

Page 17: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Life is boring and dreary, it’s just the same thing over and over and over forever.

Page 18: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,

Creeps in the petty pace from day to day,

To the last syllable of recorded time.William Shakespeare

Page 19: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

None of us can really be free to enjoy our own lives while other people are suffering, such as poor people, criminals or people in jail.

Page 20: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element I am of it; while there is a soul in prison I am not free.Eugene Victor Debs

Page 21: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

We really do not need to be afraid of anything except our own irrational tendency to be afraid of things.

Page 22: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation
Page 23: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

About 33% of our people do not have enough to eat or adequate clothing or a decent place to live.

Page 24: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished.Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Page 25: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

All the nations of the world are going to disarm, convert all their weapons to civilian uses, and not fight any more wars.

Page 26: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.Isaiah II, 4

Page 27: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

He loved to work in local politics where he was able to keep close track of everything that was going on understand and manipulate all the power relationships.

For this exercise, make an analogy to a watchmaker who enjoys working with watches.

Page 28: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

He took a watchmaker’s delight in the close, the intricate, the small, the tensely sprung; he liked to feel power ticking in his hands.

Edmund MorrisDutch: A Memoirof Ronald Reagan

Page 29: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

His mind had a fundamentally childlike, bipolar quality...a tendency to see all moral questions in terms of opposites.

Make an analogy using a magnet and iron filings

Page 30: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

His mind was like a magnetamong iron fillings, it either concentrated acceptable facts in a tight cluster, or repelled them and kept itself clean.

Edmund Morris in Dutch

Page 31: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Now let’s try some sentences from student papers.

Page 32: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Desperate Housewives has an affect on how body images are portrayed because all the main characters on the show are attractive.

Page 33: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

All the characters on Desperate Housewives are slender and attractive, so women believe that is how they should look.

Page 34: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Through watching sporting events and sports shows, my life has transformed into a motivated lifestyle with aspirations of wealth and happiness.

Page 35: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Watching celebrity athletes on television made me believe that wealth and fame were the royal road to happiness.

Page 36: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Social Conflict goes on all around us everyday, so television is good because it helps people to deal with situations that they are experiencing by relating to what happens on the show

Page 37: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Watching people work out their conflicts on television programs helps people learn how to solve their own problems.

Page 38: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

News Radio overtly reports the Presidency as neutral bystander; however, covertly, the news station exhibits the Presidency and itself in a hidden agenda to indoctrinate Americans.

Page 39: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

News radio appears to be neutral and objective but it subtly indoctrinates listeners with a biased view of itself and of the Presidency.

Note: this would have to be followed by an explanation of what the bias is.

Page 40: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

1. Individualism and Personal Choice2. Absence of Social Conflict3. Traditional Gender RolesI feel these three ideas are relevant to my topic because each of them exist in all television shows..

Page 41: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Each of the television programs accepts traditional gender roles and assumes that people’s problems arise from personal choices rather than from problems in society.

Page 42: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

All of these cases have shown different ways to deal with situations at different stages in a person’s life, and have shown traditional roles, diversity, and individualism throughout each case.

Page 43: In Class Writing Exercises Ted Goertzel. Instructions Each slide will contain a sample sentence or paragraph which is a paraphrase of a famous quotation

Each of these cases posits that individuals can resolve their problems with personal effort, without having to challenge traditional gender roles or ethnic stereotypes.