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In a web browser, click to advance (using the space bar or PgDn doesn’t work properly)

Upload: kaitlyn-rodgers

Post on 26-Mar-2015




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Tips for avoiding a visual mess

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N.B. This presentation was created on Powerpoint 2003.

Some of the animation does not work on earlier versions of powerpoint

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Does this typeface remind you of anything?

• Summarise at the beginning and end

• This is not a “whodunnit”

- so tell the audience the plot

- but don’t tell them everything, otherwise they’ll walk out!

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Summary - 2

Does this typeface remind you of anything?

• Take a dire presentation

• Improve it by looking at

- colour

- typefaces and text

- page layout

- common technical problems

• Rules are there so that you think before you break them

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ber, yo

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• White, or lighter colours are usually better for backgrounds

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• White, or lighter colours are usually better for the background

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Comic Sans

Aa Bb Cc Dd

Comic Sans was originally designed for

speech bubbles in comics.

• Is this the image we want to portray?

• May be appropriate for presentations to children• Never appropriate in a business environment

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Banners – 1

• You’re not using paper - so you don’t need margins

• The banner should touch the edges of the page

• This gives you more room, as well

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Banners – 2

• You’re not using paper - so you don’t need margins

• The banner should touch the edges of the page

• This gives you more room, as well

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Banners – 3

• Don’t blend one colour into another

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Banners – 3

• Don’t blend one colour into another

• Especially, resist the temptations of the rainbow fill

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• Instead, use a solid colour with neutral tones...

Banners - 4Logo

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...or a gradient (fade)



s -


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If a template exists, use it!

RAL templates and a “house style” guide areavailable from:

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The official CMS banner is available from

Ever seen it used?

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Basics of Typography

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NNSerif typeface Sans-serif typeface

- best for screen

Century Schoolbook



Times New Roman


Gill Sans



Serif typeface - best for paper


Typefaces - Serif & Sans Serif

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Display, or decorative typefaces


Edwardian Script Pla


Old English Text

- use for titles only - never for body text

Typefaces - Display

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Typefaces - Usage

Page layout for Print What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. Itwas popularised in the 1960s with

the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Where does it come from?Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Fig. 1: Type block

Main title usually serif, sans-serif or display font.

Sans-serif italics for captionsSerif font for

body text

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Typefaces - Limiting Usage

• Maximum of three typefaces in a presentation

• Mixing typefaces just...

• ...creates a mess

• Make sure the host computer has your typefaces, or that PowerPoint embeds them

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Typefaces - WordArt

The WordArt tool does not add class to presentations.

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Emphasis - 1


- out-of-date

- look like you’re SHOUTING

• Underlined

- out-of-date

- looks like a web link if published online

• Exclamation marks!

- use sparingly, if at all

- one is enough - using lots doesn’t make you look like a wacky person!!!!!!

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Emphasis - 2

Emphasis is better served by:

• Using bold type

• Using colour

• Using italics

or a combination of the three.

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Type size

48 point








36 point

16 point

24 point

18 point

14 point

12 point

10 point

60 point


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Arranging Text

Avoid right alignment.

Avoid full justification.

Avoid centering.

Avoid / and ( ).

Avoid omitting word “the.”

Right alignment breaks lines in awkward places.

Justified alignment puts the text at the margins and adds extra spaces.

Centering makes words fall in strange places.

Right-aligned text with undesirable line


Justified text is aligned on both sides. It affects word spacing

Left-aligned text is considered to be most readable

Centred text with awkward line

breaks can look odd

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Same hue, high contrastAcceptable

Same hue, high contrastAcceptable

White on dark colour Acceptable

Black on light colourUsually the best option

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Different hue, low contrast Hard to read, makes your eyes go funny

Different hue, High contrastLegible, but garish?

Same hue, low contrastHard to read

Same hue, low contrastHard to read

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Colour Blindness

Different hue, low contrast Hard to read, makes your eyes go funny

Different hue, High contrastLegible, but garish?

Same hue, low contrastHard to read

Same hue, low contrastHard to read

Previous slide as seen by person with deuteranopic colour blindness

You can check your own slides at

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Similar hue to logo - good

Neutral tone - good

Colour clash

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Ideally, maximum 5 colours per page (photographs excepted)

Too many colours

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Text & Narrative

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Text & Narrative

Text exactly the same as narrative - audience gets bored

Don’t put large amounts of text on a slide and then read it out verbatim. This format is far too wordy; and in any case, your audience will be able to scan read the text far more quickly than you can read it out.

So they’ll be twiddling their thumbs waiting for you to catch up with them.

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Text & Narrative

Text completely different to narrative

She clasped him so tightly to her, she felt that that she might burst with passion in this final embrace.

He looked deep into her eyes. “Stay with me, Cath. We would be hurting no-one.”

“We should only be hurting ourselves,” she stammered, as the tears welled in her eyes, etc etc...

- the audience can’t listen and read at the same time - they’ll choose whichever is more interesting.

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Text & Narrative

• Use key words and bullet points.

• Say the rest.

• Otherwise the audience reads while you talk and may miss an important point

• Beware of grammar pitfalls like the grocer’s apostrophe

• Don’t miss out the definite or indefinite article (“the” or “a”)

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• Make sure you explain unfamiliar TLAs and ETLAs as you introduce them

• TLA = Three Letter Acronym

• ETLA = Extended Three Letter Acronym

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...provided it’s subtle

• There’s nothing wrong with animation...

• This isn’t subtle

• Animation is lost if you convert to PDF

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Aren’t we clever at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory?

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Not when we do this, we’re not...

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Solution A: Leave it alone

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Solution B: Use the crop tool, and enlarge

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Temporarily omit the banner if you need to

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These pictures face outwards which makes them “fall off the page.” There is also some clutter in the background

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By rearranging and cropping the pictures, the slide has better visual integrity

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You can clearly see from the graph that Hg = 5.4pkt









0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4


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0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2

X Axis Title (Units)




le (



You can clearly see from the graph that Hg = 5.4pkt

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Technical Issues

• Ensure the presentation works without a network connection

• Movies in Powerpoint are unreliable- better to use Windows Media Player etc

• Reduce file size by using the “Compress Picture” command in the Picture toolbar

• Make a pdf, just in case

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Powerpoint Hell

Joolz Williams

Particle Physics Department

[email protected]

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• Powerpoint should support your talk, not dominate it

• Don’t re-invent the wheel

• Use the appropriate template

• Limit your usage of typefaces and colours

• Use a sans serif typeface

• Align text to the left (in general)

• Graphics should be clear and simple

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Summary - 2

•Strive for:- Simplicity- Consistency- Elegance

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