improving patient & client experience measuring the impact mary hinds director nursing, allied...

Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

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Page 1: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Improving Patient & Client Experience

Measuring the Impact

Mary HindsDirector Nursing, AlliedHealth Professions

Page 2: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Why? Negative reports in the press and inquiries Feedback from patients, carers and nurses Targets which focused to date on numbers Pace and complexity of change The need to put humanity back in the health


Page 3: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Quality Issues There are serious problems in quality

– Between the health care we have and the care we could have, lies not just a gap but a chasm.

The problems come from poor systems…not bad people– The question is why have we not sorted it to date?– What is each of our responsibilities?

What difference have we made since last year?

Page 4: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Patient Client Experience Standards Respect – Being valued as a unique individual

Attitude - Feeling cared for as an individual

Behaviour – Feeling valued and safe

Communication - Understanding and feeling understood

Privacy & Dignity - Protected and treated with due respect and consideration

Page 5: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Measurement Approach Obtaining User Feedback Patient Survey

Patient Stories Review of compliments & complaints

Observing the Impact Observations of practice

Staff Feedback Staff survey Focus Groups

Organisations Organisational audit

Page 6: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Priorities for Action Target “By September 2009 Trusts should adopt

Patient and Client Experience Standards in relation to Respect, Attitude, Behaviour, Communication, and Privacy and Dignity, and have put in place arrangements to monitor and report performance against these standards on a quarterly basis”

Page 7: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Process Approach

Survey tool – Acute Medicine

Survey Tool - Acute and non medicine, acute psychiatry, learning disability

Organisational Audit Trust Wide

Observations of Practice

Patient Stories Staff feedback

Observations of Practice

Patient Stories Staff feedback

Observations of Practice

Patient Stories Staff feedback

Observations of Practice

Patient Stories Staff feedback

Observations of Practice

Patient Stories Staff feedback

Page 8: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Engagement Approach Standard Development Membership of

development group


Focus Groups

Pilot Tool Development PCC membership

HSC Trust PPI structures

Targeting specific groups

Page 9: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Progress to date Design of satisfaction survey for pilot Completion of pilot testing December quarter Evaluation, reshaping and rolling programme

Page 10: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Pilot Standard 30 questions Acute medical wards Quarter ending Dec

Page 11: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Pilot What worked well

Regionally agreed questions to measure standards with some flexibility for local targeting Positive feedback from patientsEasy to complete Engagement from all 6 Trusts

What we needed to change? Response rate 19% to 52%Improved involvement of carers Better options for return of survey

Page 12: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Pilot Messages Communications Information Mixed sex wards

Pilot Actions Trust action plans Performance Monitoring

Page 13: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

What Next Comprehensive Action Plan with key

milestones– Roll out revised pilot to acute mental health and non

acute medicine – Working group for learning disability clients– Organisational audits – Observations of practice – protocol, training – Compliments & Complaints

Page 14: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Five Forces for Change Respect Attitude Behaviour Communication Privacy & Dignity

Page 15: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

The Sixth Force.. You

Page 16: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

The Gap What we came in to achieve? What patients and their families tell us we

deliver? Value Gap

What we do? What we do about it? Empowerment Gap

Page 17: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Why is it important? Powerless nurses are:

– Ineffective nurses – Less satisfied with their jobs – More susceptible to burn out– More likely to depersonalization – More likely to contribute to poor patient outcomes.

Page 18: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Independent inquiry into care provided

by Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust – Attitudes of patients and staff – Bullying – Target driven priorities – Disengagement from management – Low staff morale – Isolation – Lack of openness – Acceptance of poor standards of care – Reliance on external assessment– Denial

Page 19: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Independent inquiry into care provided

by Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Privacy and Dignity

– Incontinent patients left in degrading conditions – Patients left inadequately dressed in full view of

passers by– Patients moved and handled in unsympathetic and

unskilled ways, causing pain and distress – Failures to refer to patients by name or their preferred

name– Rudeness and hostility

Page 20: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Myths The perfection myth – if we all try hard enough

we will not make any mistakes

The punishment myth – if we punish people when they make mistakes they will make fewer.

Page 21: Improving Patient & Client Experience Measuring the Impact Mary Hinds Director Nursing, Allied Health Professions

Reality It is in your hands…