improving federal government services

Improving Federal Government Services people. practices. impact. culture. W Sarah Allen 18F @ultrasaurus | [email protected]

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Page 1: Improving Federal Government Services

Improving Federal Government Servicespeople. practices. impact. culture.


Sarah Allen 18F@ultrasaurus | [email protected]

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What is 18F?A brief history...

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to transform how theU.S. Government builds, buys, and shares digital services.


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Put the needs of the American people first.Design-centric, agile, open, and data-driven.Always be shipping.


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Delivery is the strategy.

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Changing Culture

“Most people will shift their thinking only after new behaviors have led to results that matter—and thereby been validated”

—Harvard Business Review

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Delivery is the strategy.

Just start.MVP.Iterate. Learn.Do it again.

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transforming how the U.S. Government builds, buys, and shares digital services.

Think like a designer.human-centered approachdecisions are driven by the needs of the people

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transforming how the U.S. Government builds, buys, and shares digital services.

Agile, measure, repeatquick feedback loops“fail small”

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transforming how the U.S. Government builds, buys, and shares digital services. to support user needsmeasure everythingAPI-first

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transforming how the U.S. Government builds, buys, and shares digital services.

Open by default.working in the openopen sourcetransparency & evangelism

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transforming how the U.S. Government builds, buys, and shares digital services.

Be the change.lead by exampleinstructionhands-on assistance

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Unlike most government programs, 18F does not rely on annual appropriations from Congress.

We recover costs from federal agencies, who pay us for services rendered.

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California has 500,000 allegations of child abuse and neglect every year.

Federal Government provides funds for state child welfare, including for IT systems.

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Estimated cost of upgradingthe legacy CA system:

$400M-$500Mincluding 50% federal match.

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Estimated cost of upgradingthe legacy CA system:

$400M-$500Mincluding 50% federal match.

“Too Important to Fail” High Risk of Failure

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18F’s RFP Ghostwriting team...

transformed 1500-page RFP into two initial 70 page, modular RFPsrevised the state’s Terms & Conditions for greater competitivenesswant to work with us? [email protected]

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State Government leaders, CfA,and others working together ...

want to work with us? [email protected]

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We also make software...

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We start with a problem…

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only 37% of federal employees surveyed believe

creativity & innovation

are rewarded.

Employee Viewpoint Survey 2014

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almost 1M federal employees believe

creativity & innovation

are rewarded.

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almost 1M federal employees believe

creativity & innovation

are rewarded.

These employees are the target audience.

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Cross-team collaboration increases the impact of federal workerswhile providing professional development opportunities.

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Delivery is the strategy.

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Design human experiences.

Software drives scale.


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Cultures Evolve Over Time

“Cultures do evolve over time… the best you can do is work with and within them, rather than fight them…. When a few key behaviors are emphasized heavily, employees will often develop additional ways to reinforce them.“

—Harvard Business Review

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Culture Change

Focus on Key BehaviorsWork With and Within Existing CultureIdentify Positive Culture Traits

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Mission-driven service.

What is our culture?

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Mission-driven service.

Data-driven learning.

What is our culture?

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We need to rapidly disseminate lessons learned from early adopters..., participate in open source communities, leverage public crowdsourcing, and launch shared government-wide solutions and contract vehicles.

— Digital Government StrategyMay 2012

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Stakeholders at Every Level



Supervisors & Managers

Senior Executives

Supporter Senior Administrators

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Supervisors & Managers

Senior Executives

Senior Administrators

It often starts with one person.

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Supervisors & Managers

Senior Executives

Senior Administrators

who forms a team

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Open Source

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What is Open Source?Open source software is software whose source code is available for modification or enhancement by anyone.

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How do we use Open Source at 18F?● We create it● We consume it● We contribute to it● We create a community around it

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We create it● With a few exceptions, everything

we do is open source● We work in the open

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We create it● With a few exceptions, everything

we do is open source● We work in the open● Our projects are available for other

people to modify and use for their own purposes

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Code can be “forked” and reused

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We consume it● All our work is built on open source

platforms: Ruby + Rails, Python + Django/Flask, NodeJS, Ubuntu Linux, Elasticsearch, Postgres, MySQL

● We use hundreds of modules & libraries (gems, packages, etc)

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We consume it● All our work is built on open source

platforms: Ruby + Rails, Python + Django/Flask, NodeJS, Ubuntu Linux, Elasticsearch, Postgres, MySQL

● We use hundreds of modules & libraries (gems, packages, etc)

● We “fork” other civic engagement open source projects

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We contribute to it

We contribute to projects we use,modifying and improving the code.

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We create a community around it

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by the people, for the

Sarah Allen, [email protected]@ultrasaurus