important information from your human resources team

Important Information from your Human Resources Team

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Page 1: Important Information from your Human Resources Team

Important Information from your Human Resources Team

Page 2: Important Information from your Human Resources Team


Your Local Human Resources

Marty Keith, VPMarket Vice President, CHRO Amanda Jumper, Market Director

Market Director of Human ResourcesEllen Fritz, Director

Medical Group

Sandy Turqueza, DirectorSaint Joseph Berea

& Saint Joseph LondonCynthia Clark, HR Coordinator

Medical GroupTonya Lewis, HR Coordinator

Saint Joseph Berea & Saint Joseph London

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Your Local Human Resources

Kirby Adams, HRBPSaint Joseph East, Continuing Care

Hospital& Saint Joseph Hospital

Mary Rash, HRBPSaint Joseph Hospital,

Saint Joseph East & Flaget Memorial

Tyler Wood, HRBPSaint Joseph Hospital,

Saint Joseph East, Saint Joseph Jessamine, & Saint Joseph Mount Sterling

Winnie Commare, HR CoordinatorSaint Joseph Hospital & Saint Joseph East

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CHI Saint Joseph Health Policies

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Cultural and Religious Consideration: Staff Rights

● It is understood that situations may arise in which the prescribed course of treatment or care for a patient may be in conflict with a staff member's personal values or religious beliefs. In such situations, it is the employee's responsibility to immediately notify his/her immediate supervisor or Department Leader of those concerns and to request to be excused from participating in a particular aspect of the patient's treatment or care.

● The requesting employee is responsible for providing appropriate patient care until alternative arrangements can be made. Refusal to provide care will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. In no circumstances will a request to be excused be granted if doing so would negatively affect a patient's care.

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Standards of ConductThe purpose of the policy is to ensure optimum patient care by promoting a safe, cooperative, and professional healthcare environment by defining a code of conduct, and to prevent or eliminate, to the extent possible, conduct that:● Disru p t s th e op e ra t ion o f th e o rg a n iza t ion ;● Affe ct s th e a b ility o f o th e rs to d o th e ir job ;● Cre a te s o r h a s p o te n t ia l to cre a te a h ost ile work e n viron m e n t fo r o rg a n iza t ion e m p loye e s o r

o th e r st a ff m e m b e rs;● In te rfe re s w ith a n in d ivid u a l’s a b ility to work e ffe ct ive ly; o r● Ad ve rse ly a ffe ct s o r im p a ct s th e com m u n ity’s con fid e n ce in th e o rg a n iza t ion ’s a b ility to

p rovid e q u a lity p a t ie n t ca re .

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Corrective Action PolicySuccessful employee/employer relationships require behavior that is consistent with the mission and values of Catholic HealthInitiatives. Employees are expected to follow standards of conduct and demonstrate performance and behaviors that protect theinterests, safety and confidentiality of patients, co -workers and the organization. Corrective action is used to address and res olve performance issues as they arise so that the performance of any employee does not interfere with the mission of and values ofthe organization.

Progressive: Progressive Corrective Action is used to address typical performance issues.

● Ve rb a l W a rn in g● W rit te n W a rn in g● Fin a l W rit te n● Te rm in a t ion

Immediate: Im m e d ia te Corre ct ive Act ion p rovid e s fo r im m e d ia te a ct ion a s th e re su lt o f m iscon d u ct o r a se ve re situ a t ion in w h ich p rog re ssive d iscip lin e is n o t a p p rop ria te . Con su lta t ion w ith a Hu m a n Re sou rce s re p re se n ta t ive w ill occu r p rio r to a d m in iste rin g im m e d ia te corre ct ive a ct ion w h ich m a y in clu d e :

● Su sp e n sion (w ith ou t p a y, g e n e ra lly from on e to five d a ys) o r fin a l w a rn in g in lie u o f su sp e n sion● Te rm in a t ion from e m p loym e n t

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Personal Electronic Devices

The use of (i.e., talking, texting, internet surfing) electronic devices for personal use including, but not limited to cellular phones, bluetooth phones, laptops, MPC/iPods/iPads or PDAs, are prohibited while on duty, particularly when use may be observed by patient/family members, in the following areas:

● You r w orksta t ion● Ha lls● Ele va tors● An y p a t ie n t ca re a re a● An y d ia g n ost ic a re a

P e rson a l e le ct ron ic d e vice s a re to b e p la ce d on sile n t o r vib ra t ion m od e a n d b e in con sp icu ou s w h ile in th e se a re a s. Exce ssivep e rson a l ca lls d u rin g th e w orkd a y, re g a rd le ss o f th e p h on e u se d , ca n in te rfe re w ith e m p loye e p rod u ct ivity a n d b e d ist ra ct in g to o th e rs. CHI Sa in t Jose p h He a lth e m p loye e s m a y u se th e ir p e rson a l e le ct ron ic d e vice s on th e ir re st b re a ks o r m e a l b re a ks in a u th orize d a re a s.

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Tobacco-Free, Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace

To promote the health and welfare of patients, employees, and visitors, while complying with applicable state and local laws, the organization's offices and facilities are tobacco -free.

● Th e u se or sa le of a ll tob a cco p rod u cts (c ig a re t te s, e le c t ron ic d e vice s, c ig a rs, p ip e s a n d sm oke le ss tob a cco) a re p roh ib ite d in or on a ll CHI Sa in t Jose p h He a lth p re m ise s.

○ "P re m ise s" is d e fin e d a s a ll CHI Sa in t Jose p h He a lth -own e d a n d le a se d b u ild in g s, g rou n d s, p a rkin g a re a s a n d ve h ic le s

○ If e m p loye e s le a ve th e p re m ise s to sm oke , t h e y m u st c lock ou t a n d c lock in wh e n th e y re tu rn to th e workp la ce .

All employees are required to work unimpaired.

● If a n e m p loye e is re a son a b ly su sp e cte d to b e a ffe c te d b y d ru g s or a lcoh ol w h ile on d u ty, th e e m p loye e w ill b e re q u ire d to su b m it to a lcoh ol or d ru g te st in g .

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Solicitation and DistributionThe purpose of this policy is to define the CHI Saint Joseph Health’s policy on solicitation, distribution of literature, and em ployee access to CHI Saint Joseph Health facilities. In addition, the policy should minimize patient disruption and maintain a tranq uil and healing atmosphere. It also limits annoyance, unnecessary expense and disruption of work among co -workers.

● “Solic ita t ion ” m e a n s in vit in g or a t te m p t in g to p e rsu a d e a n y in d ivid u a l to jo in in a n y n on -w ork e n d e a vor, e n g a g e in a ra ffle o r sim ila r con te st , o r p u rch a se a p rod u ct o r se rvice .

● Dist rib u t ion of lite ra tu re m e a n s p a ssin g ou t n on -w ork re la te d m a te ria l to sta ff on CHI Sa in t Jose p h He a lth ’s p rop e rty e ith e r on - or o ff-w ork t im e .

CHI Sa in t Jose p h He a lth ’s e m p loye e s m a y n o t d ist rib u te lite ra tu re o f a n y kin d or so lic it e m p loye e s d u rin g w orkin g t im e or in w orkin g a re a s.

● “W orkin g t im e ” m e a n s th e t im e d u rin g w h ich th e Em p loye e (w h e th e r e n g a g e d in th e so lic ita t ion , o r to w h om th e so lic ita t ion is b e in g d ire cte d ) is on d u ty o r p e rform in g a ssig n e d w ork d u t ie s, b u t d oe s n o t in clu d e m e a l a n d b re a k p e riod s.

● “W orkin g a re a ” m e a n s a ll a re a s in th e fa cility e xce p t th e ca fe te ria , re st room s, e m p loye e lou n g e s a n d p a rkin g a re a s.● “P a t ie n t ca re a re a ” is d e fin e d a s p a t ie n ts’ room s, n u rsin g sta t ion s o r a re a s, op e ra t in g a n d t re a tm e n t a re a s/room s,

e xa m in a t ion room s, a n d e le va tors a n d sta irw a ys fre q u e n t ly u se d to t ra n sp ort p a t ie n ts.

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Dress and Appearance Standards

Employees are expected to always appear professional and neat and must meet safety requirements.

● Th e fo llow in g w ou ld n ot b e a p p rop ria te for th e h osp ita l se t t in g :○ Lon g , a rt ific ia l, o r g e l fin g e rn a ils in p a t ie n t ca re a re a s○ He a vy p e rfu m e /colog n e /lo t ion s○ P ie rc in g s (e xce p t in th e e a rs)

● You r re cru ite r/m a n a g e r sh ou ld h a ve re vie w e d th e d re ss cod e w ith you p rior to orie n ta t ion .● It is ou r p o licy to re q u ire h ig h sta n d a rd s of p e rson a l a p p e a ra n ce w h ile in d ivid u a ls a re on d u ty a n d to e n su re

com p lia n ce w ith h osp ita l in fe c t ion con t ro l sta n d a rd s. Th e m a n y fa ce t s of d re ss a n d a p p e a ra n ce m a ke it im p ossib le to se t sta n d a rd s for a ll situ a t ion s. All in d ivid u a ls a re e xp e cte d to u se sou n d b u sin e ss ju d g m e n t w h e n d re ssin g for m e e t in g s or e ve n ts w h ile re p re se n t in g CHI Sa in t Jose p h He a lth .

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Attendance and Tardiness Policies

Attendance and Tardiness policy provides guidance on when an employee arrives to work late or not at all.

● Absenteeism: any occasion during which an employee does not work his/her entire scheduled shift or work schedule.

● Tardiness: reporting to work seven (7) minutes or more late, but less than two hours beyond the assigned starting time.

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Absenteeism Guidelines:● Four (4) occurrences of active absences within a rolling twelve -month

period may result in a Verbal Warning, in an attempt to correct the problem.

● A total of six (6) occurrences of active absences, or two additional occurrences from the Verbal Warning, within the rolling twelve -month period may result in a Written Warning or the next level of corrective action whichever is applicable.

● A total of seven (7) occurrences of active absences, or one additional occurrence from the Written Warning, within a rolling twelve -month period may result in a Final Warning or next level of corrective action whichever is applicable. The employee should be informed that if the problem continues there will be a possibility of imminent termination.

● A total of Eight (8) occurrences of active absences, or one additional occurrence from the Final Warning, within a rolling twelve -month period may result in termination from employment.

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Tardiness Guidelines:

● Six (6) occurrences of active tardiness in a rolling twelve -month period may result in a Verbal Warning or the next level of corrective action whichever is applicable.

● A total of eight (8) occurrences of active tardiness or two additional tardies since the Verbal Warning, of being tardy in a rolling twelve -month period may result in a Written Warning or the next level of corrective action whichever is applicable.

● A total of ten (10) occurrences of active tardiness, or two additional tardies since the Written Warning, of being tardy in a rolling twelve -month period may result in a Final Written Warning or the next level of corrective action whichever is applicable. The Employee should be informed that if the problem continues there will be a possibility of imminent termination.

● A total of twelve (12) occurrences of active tardiness, or two additional tardies since the Final Warning, of being tardy in a rolling twelve -month period may result in termination of employment.

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Timekeeping and Time Reporting

Employees will use an automated time and attendance system to capture hours worked and time away from work.

● Non -e xe m p t e m p loye e s m u st re p o rt b e g in n in g a n d e n d in g work t im e s on a d a ily b a sis. A th irty (30 ) m in u te lu n ch p e riod w ill a u tom a t ica lly b e d e d u cte d , so e m p loye e s d o n o t n e e d to c lock in a n d ou t u n le ss th e y t a ke a lu n ch th a t is lon g e r th a n th irty (30 ) m in u te s in d u ra t ion ; o r th e y d e p a rt from th e p re m ise s fo r p e rson a l re a son s a t a n y p o in t d u rin g th e ir sh ift . Fo r e xa m p le , if a n e m p loye e le a ve s th e p re m ise s fo r a 10 m in u te p a id b re a k, th e y m u st a lso c lock in a n d ou t fo r lu n ch in o rd e r to b e p a id co rre c t ly.

Some things to remember about clocking in:● Don’t clock in for someone else● Do not clock in earlier than 7 minutes

before your shift begins● Obtain approval from your Manager to

clock in early or out late

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Meal and Break Periods-Reporting Hours Worked

Non -exempt (hourly) employees must report beginning and ending work times on a daily basis. Non -exempt employees must never work “off -the -clock ”.

● Meal Period○ For non -exempt employees who work 5.5 hours or more, thirty (30) minutes of

uninterrupted time off for meal period will automatically be deducted .○ If leaving the premises, employee must clock out when they are leaving and clock in

when they return.○ If 30 minute meal period is interrupted, must request to be paid

● Break Period○ Employees receive a paid break period of 10 minutes during a four (4) hour work


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Name BadgesFor security purposes and as a courtesy to patients and visitors, all staff shall wear their identification badges at all times while on duty.

● Th e y a re to b e w orn a b ove th e w a ist a n d b e low th e n e ck w ith th e p ic tu re visib le , n o t on th e sle e ve or b e lt o r h a t .

● If th e b a d g e is w orn from a b a d g e h old e r or la n ya rd it m u st b e a b re a ka w a y, th e b a d g e m u st b e su sp e n d e d w e ll a b ove th e w a ist .

● ID b a d g e s a re n o t to b e d isp la ye d u n le ss cow orke rs a re on d u ty. ID b a d g e s m u st b e re tu rn e d to Hu m a n Re sou rce s u p on te rm in a t ion of e m p loym e n t .

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Lend a Hand Program

At CommonSpirit, we are dedicated to delivering

humankindness to the newest members of our ministry.

Lend a Hand provides a visual identifier for newly hired

team members by placing a sticker of a helping hand on

their badge. This allows our experienced staff to easily

recognize new team members and to extend a warm

welcome in a nurturing, supportive environment.

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Lend a Hand

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At The 90 Day Mark

Continue our legacy of humankindness by investing in the lives of all coworkers.

For our own success to be real, we must contribute to the success of others.

Your strengths, when combined with the healing skills of your coworkers, can provide a

limitless supply of healing ministry and connection to all.

So pay it forward. Smile, help one another, and allow God to work beside you every day.

Together we are stronger!

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At The 90 Day Mark

Employees receive a CHI pin and a pocket prayer to celebrate the milestone.

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InsideCHI:Accessing Our HR Systems

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Go to Employee Central, Under Employee Quicklinks, you’ll find a link to My HR Information. Click that link to get to the My HR Information landing page.

Note: You’ll find other Quicklinks here

too, including MyBenefits, View My Pay

and CommonSpirit Pathways (formerly

MyKnowledge HUB).

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On the My HR Information landing page , you’ll find a series of tiles. Simply click on the tile and then you can review/update information, plus much more.

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Frequently Used Tiles on My HR Information

Go to the Profile tile to view and update your contact information, emergency contacts, your preferred name and photo.

Go to the Raves tile to tell a colleague “Great job!”

Go to the Growth tile to view, track and update your performance evaluation and goals.

Go to the Pay tile to view your paycheck and direct deposit information.Note: Also available through View My Pay on Employee Central

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The Action Requests and Inbasket tiles are where you receive messages about work items where action is needed.

Go to the Time Off tile to view and manage your timecase. Note: Also available through My Timekeeping System (Kronos) on Employee Central

Th e Benefits t ile t a ke s you to MyBe n e fit s, wh e re you ca n m a n a g e in form a t ion on you r d e p e n d e n t cove ra g e .Note: Also available through MyBenefits on EmployeeCentral

Go to th e Opportunities t ile t o vie w a n d a p p ly fo r op e n p osit ion s.Note: Also available through MyCareer on EmployeeCentral

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Your Pay● Payday is every other Friday and is by direct

deposit .● You are required to set up your direct deposit

information your first week of work to prevent delays in receiving payment. Please work with your supervisor if you have any questions regarding how to complete this step.

● You may view your pay stub on the HR/ Payroll Connection by Wednesday of pay week.

● Review your pay stub carefully to be sure that deductions and time off has been recorded properly.

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2022 Payroll Calendar

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CommonSpirit Pathways

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Benefits Orientation

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Benefit Programs● Medical● Dental● Vision● Spending Accounts● Voluntary Benefits● Wellness Program● Voluntary Benefits● Life Insurance● Disability Plans● Time off● Retirement● Additional Benefits

To learn more about the benefits available to you visit MyBenefits.

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Participation and EligibilityIf you’re new to CommonSpirit or you need to change your benefits because of a qualifying life event, you have 31 days from your hire date or life event to enroll in or change your coverage. Please don’t miss this opportunity so you and your family have the benefits that you need.

● Ma ke you r e le ct ion s on lin e a t Em p loye e Ce n t ra l > MyBe n e fit s > Ma n a g e My Be n e fit s. MyBe n e fit s fou n d on Em p loye e Ce n t ra l a re a va ila b le 24 /7, p rovid in g in form a t ion for you to le a rn a b ou t you r b e n e fit op t ion s.

● If you h a ve t rou b le e n ro llin g , con ta ct th e Com m on Sp irit He a lth Be n e fit s Con ta ct Ce n te r a t 8 4 4 .4 50 .94 50 , se le ct Op t ion 1, Op e n Mon d a y – Frid a y 6 a .m . – 5 p .m . P T.

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Enrollment Dates

IMPORTANT – You will receive a new hire enrollment notificationEnrollment Due Date● You must m a ke you r e le ct ion s p rio r to you r e n ro llm e n t d u e d a te , fou n d

on MyBenefits● You will not h a ve a n op p ortu n ity to m a ke b e n e fit e le ct ion s a ft e r th e

e n ro llm e n t d u e d a te , u n le ss you e xp e rie n ce a q u a lifyin g life e ve n t o r d u rin g An n u a l Be n e fit En ro llm e n t

En ro llm e n t P roce ss● You will com p le te you r e n ro llm e n t p roce ss on lin e th rou g h MyBenefits

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Enrollment Process

You will need your Catholic Health Initiatives user name and password to log on to MyBenefits.

For assistance with your username and password:● Con ta ct you r m a n a g e r, o r● Ca ll th e CHI IT He lp De sk a t 866.236.0 4 4 1

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Enrollment Process (Continued)Learn about your benefits by logging on to MyBenefits at

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Enrollment Process (Continued)MyBenefits has the information and resources you need to learn about your

Benefits programs

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Enrollment Process (Continued)When you’re ready to enroll:● Click on “View and Update My Benefits” and follow the enrollment system


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2022 Medical Plan OptionsWe offer two medical plan options:

● Integrated Health Plan● Integrated High Deductible Health Plan/Health Savings Account (HDHP/HSA)

Both options have three levels of coverage based on the provider you choose:● Enhanced network : The enhanced network includes our facilities throughout the country that have

partnered with local doctors to create what we call clinically integrated networks, or CIN. You will receive the highest level of benefits if you see a CIN provider.

● In -network : You will receive the in -network benefit level if you see a medical provider from the BlueCard PPO network. By using in -network providers, you receive discounted coverage, but not as discounted as the enhanced network.

● Out -of -network: Providers who are not in our CIN or the BlueCard PPO are considered out -of-network providers. You may see an out -of-network provider, but you may pay more out of pocket because there is no contracted rate for these providers.

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Comparing the Two Plan Options● All options cover preventive care at 100%.

● For most other services, you pay a percentage of the cost and then the plan pays its portion. For some services, you have to meet the deductible before the plan starts to pay.

● All options have the same networks of doctors, hospitals and facilities.

● Pharmacy copays and coinsurance are the same for all options, but the medical deductible applies to pharmacy coverage in the HDHP/HSA option only. Once you meet the HDHP/HSA deductible, the plan helps cover your prescription costs. You pay only the copay or coinsurance amounts.

● A health savings account (HSA) is available with the HDHP/HSA option. You can save money toward current or future health care expenses. If interested, go to the Spending Account section to learn more about the HSA.

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2022 Plan Options- PharmacyBoth medical options offer the same prescription drug copays and coinsurance. They differ in how the deductible works.

● Integrated Health Plan: Pay the copays and coinsurance even if you have not met your deductible.● Integrated High Deductible Health Plan/Health Savings Account (HDHP/HAS): Pay the full cost of prescription drugs

until you meet the deductible.

CHI Pharmacy – Available currently at Saint Joseph Hospital and East only

● Lowest copay and coinsurance cost● Retail 30 -day and 90 -day mail order available

OptumRx Pharmacy Network

● Retail 30 -day only – 90 -day mail order must use CHI Pharmacy

Help for Managing Diabetes

● Livongo Diabetes Care program – free to you as part of the CHI Medical Plan● Weight Watchers for Diabetes

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2022 Dental and Vision OptionsWe offer two comprehensive dental plan options managed by MetLife:

● PPO: Plan has higher maximum benefits and lower coinsurance on most services

● Core: Plan has lower maximum benefits and higher coinsurance on most services

You may see any dentist but your costs are lower when you see a Preferred Dentist Program Plus (PDP Plus) network provider.

We offer one vision plan administered through EyeMed

● You will receive the greatest benefit when you go to an EyeMed SELECT network provider.

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2022 Voluntary Benefits

Voluntary benefits increase your protection from the financial challenges that can come with serious health issues or identity theft.

We offer the following voluntary benefits:

● Allstate Benefits Group Accident○ 24 hour protection that will pay a lump -sum benefit for on over 150 covered accidents and

injuries.● Allstate Benefits Group Critical Illness

○ Provides a lump -sum payment directly to you that can be used to help pay for related, but unplanned, potential medical and non -medical expenses.

○ 2 levels of coverage available● PrivacyArmor Identity Theft Protection

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Life Insurance PlansIn the event something happens to you, we provide:● Employee basic life and AD&D: One times your base pay, up to $750,000 ● Business travel accident: Three times your base pay, up to $750,000

You can purchase additional life and AD&D for you and your family:● You: Increments of $10,000, up to $750,000 (combined basic and supplemental life)● Spouse: Increments of $10,000, up to $200,000 (coverage over $50,000 requires proof of good health,

known as evidence of insurability)● Children: Increments of $2,000, up to $20,000

Newly eligible? This is the best time to enroll! You can select coverage for yourself up to three times your base pay or $500,000 (whichever is less) without needing proof of good health (evidence of insurability). After your initial eligibility, you will have to provide proof of good health (evidence of insurability) to be approved for additional coverage for yourself or your spouse.

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Plan Rules to Consider During EnrollmentMedical, Dental, Vision and Dependent LifeDual coverage for employees and dependents is prohibited. This means:● You m a y n o t b e cove re d u n d e r Com m on Sp irit a s b o th a n e m p loye e a n d a

d e p e n d e n t● You r d e p e n d e n ts m a y n o t b e cove re d b y you a n d a n o th e r Com m on Sp irit

e m p loye e● Me d ica l cove ra g e ca n on ly b e w a ive d if you h a ve o th e r cove ra g e

Employee Life Insurance● You ca n n o t w a ive cove ra g e● P roof o f g ood h e a lth m a y b e re q u ire d b a se d on th e cove ra g e you e le c t

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Spending Accounts

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Plan Rules to Consider During Enrollment (Continued)

Health Care Flexible Spending Account andDependent Daycare Flexible Spending Account● Expenses must be incurred during the calendar year (January 1

through December 31) and during the grace period (January 1 through March 15 of the following calendar year)

● You must be a participant at the time the expenses were incurred

● Claims for reimbursement must be submitted by March 31 of the following calendar year

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Plan Rules to Consider During Enrollment (Continued)

Health Savings Account (HSA)● Can save you money since it’s a before -tax contribution, as well as

provide a savings component for current and future health care needs● You can contribute your personal funds into the HSA on a before -tax

basis via payroll deductions● CommonSpirit will make contributions each pay period to help your

account balance grow faster● You must be enrolled in the High Deductible Health Plan and cannot

be enrolled in Medicare, collecting social security or enrolled in a non -High Deductible Health Plan to participate in the HSA

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Benefits Enrollment ChecklistOnce you’ve finished making your benefit elections, be sure you can check these items off the list:● All d e p e n d e n ts a re e n ro lle d in th e in te n d e d b e n e fit p la n s● All e n ro lle d d e p e n d e n ts m e e t p la n e lig ib ilit y ru le s. Docu m e n ta t ion

is re q u ire d to p rove d e p e n d e n t e lig ib ility. If you d o n o t p rovid e a ll re q u ire d d ocu m e n ta t ion b y you r ve rifica t ion d u e d a te , you r d e p e n d e n ts w ill b e d e e m e d in e lig ib le a n d d rop p e d from cove ra g e

● Ve rify you r b e n e fic ia ry d e sig n a t ion s a re a ccu ra te● Com p le te a n d su b m it life in su ra n ce P roof o f Good He a lth fo r

you rse lf a n d /or you r sp ou se , if n e ce ssa ry● P rin t o r sa ve you r con firm a t ion sta te m e n t fo r you r re cord s

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Making Changes After Your Initial Enrollment

You may change your elections during the year if you experience a Qualified Life Event.● A q u a lifie d life e ve n t in c lu d e s:

○ Birth , a d op t ion , m a rria g e , d ivorce , loss o f you r ow n cove ra g e , a n e lig ib le d e p e n d e n t g a in in g o r losin g cove ra g e , o r d e a th

○ You m u st m a ke th e ch a n g e w ith in 31 d a ys a fte r th e d a te th e q u a lifie d life e ve n t occu rre d (60 d a ys fo r b irth , a d op t ion , o r p la ce m e n t fo r a d op t ion )

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Making Changes After Your Initial Enrollment (Continued)

Your change will be effective:● Birth /Ad op t ion : Da te o f b irth o r p la ce m e n t fo r a d op t ion● Ad d in g cove ra g e : First o f th e m on th fo llow in g th e d a te th e

e le c t ion ch a n g e is m a d e● Drop p in g cove ra g e : La st d a y o f th e m on th in w h ich th e e ve n t

occu rre dIf you a d d d e p e n d e n ts, you m u st ve rify d e p e n d e n t e lig ib ility a n d th e life e ve n t u p on re q u e st .

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Processing a Life Event ChangeLearn more about Life Event on MyBenefits.

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Employee Assistance Program (EAP)● Life can be challenging. And even though you can talk with family and friends,

discussing your situation with a mental health professional may be a more effective way to find solutions to your challenges. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is here to help you and your family through a broad range of life issues.

● The program provides up to five in -person counseling sessions per issue at no charge. Per issue means that you could use five counseling sessions to help you deal with work stress, while your child may have a separate authorization of five sessions with a counselor specialized in working with children. Virtual counseling is also available in lieu of in -person sessions. Unlimited telephone and Web support are available if you or a family member needs further assistance. If additional in -person counseling sessions are needed, your counselor can refer you to another mental health service provider. If you are a participant under our Medical Plan , you'll have coverage for these additional services

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Employee Assistance Program

● Administered by Beacon Health Options (877-679-3819)● If you find yourself navigating a personal or work -related challenge, the EAP can help.● This confidential counseling service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at no cost to

you and your family for up to five sessions per issue.● Unlimited access to online resources for issues such as:

○ Stress○ Parenting○ Depression○ Anxiety○ Grief and Loss○ Legal Problems

○ Accident or trauma

○ Financial concerns

○ Caregiving issues

○ Marital difficulties

○ Stage of life

○ Substance use

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2022 Wellness ProgramThe Wellness Program is a free, voluntary program. It includes a variety of wellness tools and activities, so you can achieve you r best self. The program is available to:

● You, if eligible for or enrolled in the CHI Medical Plan.

With the Wellness Program, you can:

● Connect to tools and resources: From lifestyle coaching and wellness workshops to health trackers,

fitness club discounts and health challenges, the Wellness Program helps you stay motivated as you

work toward your goals.

● Earn rewards and gain support: Beyond the benefits of great health, you can earn rewards in the

program. You can track your progress toward your goals on the wellness website, which is provided by

Virgin Pulse, our wellness partner.

For more information about the Wellness Program and who is eligible, visit MyBenefits found on


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2022 Wellness Program

You can earn up to $450 wellness dollars — and you can choose how you want to receive them.

● He a lth a ccou n t con t rib u t ion s (fo r p a rt ic ip a n t s wh o a re e n ro lle d in a CHI Me d ica l P la n ). You ca n ch oose to h a ve th is con t rib u t ion d e p osit e d in to a He a lth Sa vin g s Accou n t (HSA), if you h a ve on e , o r in to a He a lth In ce n t ive Accou n t (HIA). Se e He a lth Sa vin g s Accou n t fo r in fo rm a t ion on h ow you ca n u se th e m on e y if it ’s con t rib u te d to you r HSA. Se e th e HIAta b fo r in fo rm a t ion on h ow you ca n u se th e m on e y if it ’s con t rib u te d to you r HIA.

● Gift ca rd s (fo r a ll p a rt ic ip a n t s). P le a se n o te th a t g ift ca rd s a re con sid e re d t a xa b le in com e a n d w ill b e in clu d e d in e m p loye e s’ p a ych e cks m on th ly.

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2021 Wellness ProgramDownload the APP: Virgin Pulse to help track your goals

How much can I earn? How often can I earn it?

What can I participate in? Anything else I should know?

$20/Once per challenge Track all weeks of a challenge For steps challenges, manual steps may be tracked during

challenges for rewards but will not count toward your monthly

steps tracking reward

$20/Three times per program year

Compete a volunteer activity N/A

$20/Six times per program year Complete a lifestyle coaching You can expect to see your wellness dollars 7 business days

after you completed coaching call

$20/One time per webinar up to six times per program year

Wellness Webinars Watch the webinar, then complete the quiz to get rewards.

One reward per webinar

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WW (Weight Watchers)

CommonSpirit has partnered with WW to cover most of the monthly membership fees. The program is available to employees and spouses eligible under the Wellness Program.

You have four ways to participate, based on your needs: Digital + Workshop, Digital, Digital 360, and WW for Diabetes. Choose the program that works best for you.

If you’re eligible, CommonSpirit will cover a portion of your monthly membership fees, so you’ll pay only:

● $19 a m on th for Dig ita l + W orksh op● $8 a m on th for Dig ita l● $13 a m on th for Dig ita l 360● $14 a m on th for W W for Dia b e te s

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Prenatal CoachingHealthy pregnancy for you and your baby – CommonSpirit offers you an opportunity to participate in our Prenatal Coaching Program.

The program is staffed by Registered Nurses with prior obstetrical experience who provide support to promote a healthy pregnancy, no matter the stag

Prenatal coaching includes information and support about:

● Prenatal vitamins● Eating well● Minimizing nausea● Reducing stress● Physical activity● Improving sleep● Healthcare concerns

As part of your coaching program you will also receive postpartum support:

● Continuing prenatal vitamins● Identifying depression signs and getting help● Lactation support (if breastfeeding

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Family Care BenefitFamily Care Benefit: Our partnership with Care@Work features a Premium Membership to their site that gives you unlimited 24/7 access to, a national company that helps you find local care providers and more. The first step is to sign -up for the program. Care@work by can provide you with Family Care Benefits, which include access to:● Ca re .com m e m b e rsh ip● Ch ild Ba cku p Ca re● Ad u lt Ba cku p Ca re● Ca re Cre d it s

W h e th e r you work a t on e o f ou r ca re sit e s o r from h om e , Ca re .com ca n h e lp w ith : ● Tu torin g a n d d ista n ce le a rn in g fo r you r ch ild re n● Ch ild ca re wh ile you ’re a t work● Afte r-sch oo l ca re● Ca re fo r a g in g p a re n t s● P e t ca re● Mu ch m ore

Eve ry e m p loye e re ce ive s 5 Ca re Cre d it s p e r ye a r (e a ch cre d it is u p to a $50 va lu e ) to u se w h e n you h ire a ca re g ive r on Ca re .com . Ca re Cre d it s ca n b e u se d to h e lp p a y for n a n n ie s a n d b a b ysit te rs, tu to rs, a d u lt ca re g ive rs, p e t sit te rs a n d g room e rs, h ou se ke e p e rs a n d m ore .

To learn more about the well -being benefits available to you visit MyBenefits.

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2022 Time OffWe have three time-off categories:

• Vacation — Will be accrued based on your years of service and your position. You can use vacation time for an actual vacation, or any other reason you need time away from work. The maximum amount of vacation

time that you are able to hold at any given time will be 125% of your annual vacation hours.

• Personal time — 24 or 32 hours annually, depending on location (please refer to your policy). Personal time will be prorated and provided based on your full-time equivalent status in the beginning of the year. These hours can be used when you are sick or need time away from work to attend to personal matters.

Personal time will be forfeited at the end of the year if you do not use it all by December 31.

• Holidays — 48 or 56 hours annually, depending on location (please refer to your policy). Holiday hours are prorated based on your full-time equivalent status. You will receive holiday hours a few weeks prior to the holiday.

You can view the complete vacation, personal time and holiday policy by logging on to EmployeeCentral

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2022 Vacation Accrual

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2022 Holiday and Personal Accrual

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In keeping with our commitment to your overall well -being, CommonSpirit offers a retirement benefit as part of our mission to help you prepare, and have the opportunity, for a financially healthy retirement.

To learn more about the savings plans available to you please visit MyBenefits.

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2022 401(k) Retirement Savings PlanWe designed the 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan (the “401(k) Plan”) with your security and flexibility in mind. You have options in how you choose to save for your retirement:

• Before -tax contributions — You put off paying taxes until you withdraw your account balance at retirement.• Roth after -tax contributions — You pay taxes now and have your earnings grow tax deferred. Withdrawals are tax -free at retirement for qualified distributions.

Our Company MatchAfter you’ve worked 1,000 paid hours in your first year (or any calendar year thereafter), we’ll start to match your before -tax and Roth after -tax contributions with each payroll. Our match equals:

● 10 0 % on th e first 1% of e lig ib le p a y you con t rib u te ● 50 % on th e n e xt 5% of e lig ib le p a y you con t rib u te● = 3.5% of e lig ib le p a y d e p osite d in to you r a ccou n t

Consider contributing at least 6% to receive the full company match

Com p e n sa t ion you e a rn a n d con t rib u t ion s you m a ke to th e P la n p rior to w orkin g 1,0 0 0 p a id h ou rs a re n ot e lig ib le for th e com p a n y m a tch . Th is in c lu d e s th e ye a r-e n d m a tch t ru e -u p .

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2022 457(b) Retirement Plan

To help you reach your retirement goals, we offer another way to save — the 457(b) Plan (if eligible). This is a tax -deferred savings plan where you can make additional salary deferrals over the current contributions to the 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan.

We recommend that you invest in the 457(b) Plan only after you contribute the maximum to your 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan.

Important! The 457(b) Plan is a non -qualified deferred compensation plan available to highly compensated employees whose current annualized base pay exceeds last year’s compensation guidelines of $130,000 (as defined by the IRS). Any contributions you make to this plan are assets of the corporation, subject to potential claims by creditors of the corporation in the case of insolvency.

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Total Employee and Employer Contributions

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2022 Tuition AssistanceOur Tuition Reimbursement program supports you in meeting your education and career

development goals. Whether you are looking to grow within your current job or looking to

move into a new one, this program offers you:

● Re im b u rse m e n t o f tu it ion , b ooks a n d e lig ib le a ca d e m ic fe e s in cu rre d fo r ta kin g cou rse w ork.

● A fu n d in g ca p th a t re se ts a n n u a lly.● Fre e on e -on -on e a ca d e m ic a n d co lle g e fin a n ce coa ch in g to h e lp you d e te rm in e th e

b e st cou rse o f a ct ion to sa ve you b o th t im e a n d m on e y.● On lin e a n d ca ll ce n te r su p p ort th rou g h ou r e d u ca t ion p a rtn e r, Ed Assist .

If you ’ve b e e n th in kin g a b ou t ta kin g cla sse s, g o to Em p loye e Ce n t ra l (typ e “Tu it ion

Re im b u rse m e n t P o licy” in to th e se a rch b a r) to re a d th e p o licy a n d fin d ou t m ore a b ou t th e

p rog ra m . Go to Ed Assist , th e p rog ra m a d m in ist ra to r, to se e you r a n n u a l Tu it ion

Re im b u rse m e n t m a xim u m , a p p ly fo r cou rse s a n d su b m it you r cou rse p a p e rw ork fo r

re im b u rse m e n t .

Page 71: Important Information from your Human Resources Team


Adoption AssistanceFull- or part-time employees who are eligible for benefits can be reimbursed for some of the costs related to adopting a child

The program reimburses you for some of the costs related to adopting a child. These might include:

● Medical expenses for the natural mother (that are not covered by another group health plan)● Court and legal fees● Costs for filing government documents● Fees paid to agencies assisting with the adoption

You can qualify for adoption assistance if you're adopting children younger than 18 or older children who can't care for themselves. This includes relatives and stepchildren. You may also qualify if your spouse adopts your children.

For more details about the benefits available, including the amount of assistance you are eligible for, check EmployeeCentral(Search "Adoption Assistance Policy").

You apply for this benefit after your adoption is finalized. Once the child is legally placed in your home, you should submit the appropriate forms.

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Perks At Work

Our discount program helps make your life easier by saving you time

and money with access to discounts and rewards for over 30,000

brands. You can save on purchases like diapers, groceries, home

items, electronics, travel, and more.

Activate your account today at Click “Register for

Free,” then sign up with your CommonSpirit employee ID.

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For more assistanceMyBenefits● h om e .com m on sp irit .o rg /e m p loye e ce n t ra l/m yb e n e fit s● 24 /7 a cce ss to you r b e n e fit s, re t ire m e n t , com p e n sa t ion ,

ca re e r in form a t ion a n d m u ch m oreTh e Com m on Sp irit He a lth Be n e fit s Con ta ct Ce n te r● Ca ll 8 4 4 .4 50 .94 50 a n d se le ct Op t ion 1● Be n e fit Sp e cia list s a re a va ila b le to a ssist you Mon d a y to

Frid a y, 6 AM to 5 P M P a cific t im e● Afte r h ou rs, you m a y le a ve a m e ssa g e a n d you r ca ll w ill b e

re tu rn e d w ith in on e b u sin e ss d a y

Page 74: Important Information from your Human Resources Team



Page 75: Important Information from your Human Resources Team


Employee Feedback● The Performance Culture Assessment -“PCA”

○ New Hire - 30 & 90 Day Survey○ Quarterly Pulse Survey○ Annual Full Survey

● Additional Forums for Feedback○ Quarterly Town Hall Meetings○ CHI Saint Joseph Health News○ Safety Huddles○ Open Communication with Leaders

Page 76: Important Information from your Human Resources Team


New Hire 30 & 90 Day SurveysSMD administers survey through email invitation

30-day surveys are open for 3 weeks after initial invitation● 1st re m in d e r a rrive s 1 w e e k a fte r in it ia l in vita t ion● 2n d re m in d e r a rrive s 2 w e e ks a fte r in it ia l in vita t ion● Ma n a g e rs a re cop ie d on re m in d e rs

90 -day surveys a re op e n fo r 4 w e e ks a fte r in it ia l in vita t ion● 1 re m in d e r a rrive s 2 w e e ks a fte r in it ia l in vita t ion● 2 re m in d e r a rrive s 3 w e e ks a fte r in it ia l in vita t ion● Ma n a g e rs a re cop ie d on re m in d e rs

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2022 SPIRIT of Appreciation

Page 78: Important Information from your Human Resources Team


Access the program website at any time, on any device to:

● Re cog n ize co-worke rs ● Ge t p rog ra m u p d a te s ● Ch e ck you r p o in t b a la n ce ● Browse th e a wa rd ca ta log or re d e e m you r p o in t s

Ad d it ion a l a ssist a n ce ca n b e p rovid e d b y th e h e lp d e sk: sp irito fa p p re ch e lp @b iworld wid e .com

Page 79: Important Information from your Human Resources Team


Activate Your Account

Page 80: Important Information from your Human Resources Team


Get The App

Page 81: Important Information from your Human Resources Team


Send a Recognition

Page 82: Important Information from your Human Resources Team


Award Points Details

Following are details related to points earned in this and other employee recognition promotions:

● P oin ts a re a u tom a t ica lly d e p osite d in th e a w a rd re c ip ie n t ’s on lin e a ccou n t

● P oin ts h a ve n o e xp ira t ion d a te a n d n o e q u iva le n t ca sh va lu e

● Ap p lica b le sh ip p in g a n d h a n d lin g ch a rg e s a re in c lu d e d in th e p oin t va lu e of e a ch a w a rd it e m

Aw a rd p oin t t a xa t ion :

● P oin ts h a ve va lu e a n d a re con sid e re d a form or in com e , su b je c t to fe d e ra l in com e ta x

● Ta xe s on p oin t s re ce ive d a re ca lcu la te d on on ly 65% of th e p oin t va lu e

● Fe d e ra l t a x a ssocia te d w ith p oin t s w ill b e in c lu d e d in th e la st p a y sta te m e n t of th e ye a r in w h ich th e y w e re

re ce ive d .

● Th e ta xa b le va lu e of p o in t s e a rn e d w ill a p p e a r th e la st p a y sta te m e n t of th e ca le n d a r ye a r a s “Gift Ce rt

Aw a rd Ta x” As a n e xa m p le : P oin t s Re ce ive d Est im a te d Ta x 25 p oin t s < $2.0 0 , 75 p oin t s < $5.0 0 , 150 p oin t s

< $10 .0 0

Page 83: Important Information from your Human Resources Team


Talent Acquisition Refer a friend today to get an additional bonus!

How the Employee Referral Program works:● An y cu rre n t CHI Sa in t Jose p h He a lth FT, P T or P RN e m p loye e m a y re fe r

a n e m p loye e● Both e m p loye e a n d p e rson re fe rre d m u st b e e m p loye d a t t im e of

p a you t● Bon u se s a re p a id th e p a y p e riod a ft e r th e re fe rra ls 90 th d a y● You r re fe rra l m u st list you on th e ir a p p lica t ion a s th e re fe rra l sou rce● On ly on e p e rson ca n re fe r a n e m p loye e (n o d ou b le o r sp lit re fe rra ls)● You ca n re fe r m u lt ip le p e op le a s we ll a n d th e b on u s is d e te rm in e d b y

re cru itm e n t a t th e t im e in wh ich th e p osit ion is p oste d

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Marketing and Communications

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Marketing Resources and Communications for Employees● Inside Saint Joseph

○ Internal news website:● Spirit of Saint Joseph

○ Electronic Newsletter for employees: Sent to your work email!● Spirit of Health

○ Community magazine mailed to your home! ● Our Spirit of Service

○ Employee magazine mailed to your home!● Remember to check your work email EACH WEEK to stay up to date on current

events and everything happening in our facilities!