important events and battles of the american revolutionary war a roadmap to the american revolution

Important Events and Battles of the American Revolutionary War A roadmap to the American Revolution

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Post on 21-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Important Events and Battles of the American Revolutionary War A roadmap to the American Revolution

Important Events and Battles of the

American Revolutionary War

A roadmap to the American Revolution

Page 2: Important Events and Battles of the American Revolutionary War A roadmap to the American Revolution

1st eventFrench & Indian War

Great Britain and France both wanted to claim the Ohio River Valley.

British wanted to move west into territory that France was claiming.

France built Fort Duquesne, and refused to relinquish fort.

Native Americans joined forces with France against British.

The Treaty of Paris 1763 was signed.

Great Britain got all land east of Mississippi and Florida.

Page 3: Important Events and Battles of the American Revolutionary War A roadmap to the American Revolution

2nd eventTHE STAMP ACT

British government had much debt to pay off from the French and Indian War

Tax imposed on colonist was called the STAMP ACT!

Tax on all paper goods! (legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, playing cards.)

Colonists reacted negatively.

They had no say in parliament, they should not have to pay!

"No taxation without representation!"

Page 4: Important Events and Battles of the American Revolutionary War A roadmap to the American Revolution

3rd event Boston Tea Party

East India Co. was in financial distress (money problems).

British government allowed East India Co. to ship in tea TAX FREE.

Colonial tea merchants were not able to compete with low prices, so they were forced out of business.

The Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians.

They dumped about forty tons of tea into Boston Harbor.

British government grew angrier than ever before!

Page 5: Important Events and Battles of the American Revolutionary War A roadmap to the American Revolution

4th EventThe Intolerable Acts

King George III punished defiant colonists.

The Intolerable Acts were a result of The Stamp Act and Boston Tea Party and were a punishment for the colonists!

The Intolerable Acts were a series of laws: The Boston Port Act (closed the Boston Harbor) and

The Quartering Act (colonists had to let the British soldiers in their houses to eat and sleep).

Colonists viewed this as unconstitutional.

Page 6: Important Events and Battles of the American Revolutionary War A roadmap to the American Revolution

1st BattleThe Battle at Lexington and Concord

The battle that started it all!

British military tried to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock in Lexington.

William Dawes and Paul Revere sent to warn Adams and Hancock.

The British arrived in Lexington to awaiting Minutemen.

No one knew which side fired first.


Page 7: Important Events and Battles of the American Revolutionary War A roadmap to the American Revolution

2nd BattleBattle of Saratoga

The British wanted to cut off the New England Colonies from the other colonies.

British planned to do this by taking over upstate New York and Hudson River.

General Burgoyne led British military, but the planned FAILED!

British surrounded by American forces in Saratoga, New York forcing British to surrender.

Turning Point in War! It lifted spirits of the Continental Army!

France became an ally of Americans!

Page 8: Important Events and Battles of the American Revolutionary War A roadmap to the American Revolution

Last Battle of the American RevolutionThe Battle of Yorktown

American Revolution would come to an END at the Battle of Yorktown!

The Americans and French surrounded General Cornwallis who was waiting for supplies in Yorktown, Pennsylvania.

General Cornwallis could not escape and was forced to surrender.

He was overpowered and surrounded.

This was a joint victory for the Americans and French.

Page 9: Important Events and Battles of the American Revolutionary War A roadmap to the American Revolution

The Treaty of Parish 1783

The Treaty of Paris 1783 officially ended The American Revolution.

It stated that:

1. The American colonies were independent from Great Britain.

2. The new boundary for the United States of America was the Mississippi River.

3. Slavery would continue in the southern colonies.