importance of vaccination

The Importance of Immunization By: Misty Moser ADNS and Cynthia Hill ADNS

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Post on 20-Jun-2015



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Page 1: Importance of vaccination

The Importance of ImmunizationBy: Misty Moser ADNS

and Cynthia Hill ADNS

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What is a Vaccine?

A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or

several diseases (Merriam-Webster)

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Basically, a vaccine is a substance used to prevent the spread of disease, usually using a

killed or weakened form of the disease.

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How Do Vaccines Work?

First, a little about the immune system: Antigens

These are foreign invaders, such as bacteria, that enter the body Antibodies

When the immune system detects the antigens, it begins to produce protein substances called antibodies to fight the antigens.

Memory Cells Are produced and help the immune system to activate much

faster. These cells have a long life span and the ability to remember

intruders. These are stockpiled so they are available to fight off the disease

should you be exposed again.

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How Do Vaccines Work?

So... The vaccine introduces a weakened or dead form of the

antigen, or foreign invader.

The antigen isn't strong enough to produce symptoms, but is strong enough for the immune system to produce antibodies.

The immune system then stock piles these antibodies for future defense.

Now it's armed and ready should it be exposed to the disease.

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Spreading the Disease!!!

You can be contagious BEFORE you have any signs or symptoms of the disease!

Some diseases, such as tetanus, are not spread from person to person, but are found in the dirt!

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Safety of Vaccination

Risk vs Benefit

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Risk Side Effects

Pain at injection site, muscle aches, rash, fever are normal and should not cause alarm.

“Nearly 90% of adverse events following vaccinations are categorized as non-serious.” (CDC)

Rare serious side effects

Most are allergic reactions to ingredients and not reactions to the antigen

Benefits Prevention of deadly

and debilitating diseases.

Keeps child from suffering through a preventable illness.

Saves money Less doctor visits No hospitalization Less time off work

Herd Immunity Those who are

vaccinated keep it from spreading.

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Herd Immunity

“When a critical portion of a community is immunized against a contagious disease, most members of the

community are protected against that disease because there is little opportunity for an outbreak.” - NIAID

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Credit: NIAID

Healthy, unimmunized

Healthy, immunized

Unimmunized,Sick and


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Testing and Monitoring

Before vaccines are licensed, the FDA requires testing to ensure safety.

Once a vaccine is in use, the FDA and CDC monitor it's adverse events Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or

VAERS If an adverse reaction is experienced, it can be reported

to VAERS, any hint of a problem with the vaccine prompts further investigation by the CDC and FDA

Research will be performed to investigate the vaccine and see what action needs to be taken

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It is true vaccines are not 100% effective...

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Mumps out break in NY and NJ in 2009

77% of those who contracted it were immunized!!!

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But wait!

Let's look at the math... For example, if we have...

Population of 1,000 people According to the World Health Organization 95% of people are

vaccinated So... 950 people vaccinated 50 people not vaccinated

Out of this 1,000 total population 100 people contract mumps 77 vaccinated contracted it 23 unvaccinated contracted it

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The Population as a Whole

Immunized Population (950 people) Only 77 contracted mumps

That's about 8% of those immunized

Unimmunized Population (50 people) 23 contracted mumps

That 46% of that part of the population!!!!

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Let's Put it in Perspective

Taking that same 1,000 people, imagine it the other way around... 950 unimmunized (95%)

437 people would get the mumps 50 immunized (5%)

4 would get the mumps

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Vaccines and Autism Two different types of Mercury

Methylmercury Found in fish Tends to accumulate in the body Is tied to developmental delays and neurological

impairment in babies Ethylmercury

Does not accumulate in the body Was used in vaccines as a preservative to prevent

bacterial and fungal contamination However, mandated by the FDA to be removed from all

vaccines, except the flu vaccine Vaccines must be free of ethylmercury or only contain trace

amounts (less that one microgram). Despite removal, autism rates continue to climb.

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Why Get Vaccinated?

The Importance of Immunization

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Communicable Diseases

Measle, Mumps, Rubella - MMR Chicken Pox - Varicella Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (aka Whooping

Cough) - DtaP Hepatitis (A and B) – HepA, HepB Polio – IPV Rotavirus – RV Pneumoccocal – PCV Haemophilus influenzae B- Hib

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Rubella (German Measles

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Chicken Pox



Whooping cough

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Hepatitis A

Liver cancer caused by Hepatitis B

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If Everyone Else is Doing It, Why Should I?

Won't herd immunity protect me anyway? Technically, yes it does help the community as a

whole But what if everyone thought this way? Then no one

would be immunized Risk of exposure to those who also think this way and

don't get vaccinated Not everyone can get vaccinated

Exposure to those who aren't

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“An ounce of prevention...”

PREVENTION!!! This is the key to public health Disease is easier to prevent than treat

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” - Ben Franklin

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More Information

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