importance of organizational behaviour guna-cresco-milc-carefour

BA 454 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Gopiraj Nadarajan SCSJ-0003734 Reza Mousavi SCSJ -0003500 Kwa Soo Gee SCSJ-0005884 Duraiganesan subramaniam SCSJ-0003731 MR.RAMU 1 | Page

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Importance of Organizational Behaviour within companies


Page 1: Importance of Organizational Behaviour Guna-Cresco-MILC-Carefour


Gopiraj Nadarajan SCSJ-0003734

Reza Mousavi SCSJ -0003500

Kwa Soo Gee SCSJ-0005884

Duraiganesan subramaniam SCSJ-0003731


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Content Page Number1.0 WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? 3







4.0 Company background: Guna & Co 9

4.1 Interview Questions & Answers 9-14

5.0 Company background: Cresco 15-16

5.1 Interview Questions & Answers 16-18

6.0 Company background: HSBC 19

6.1 Interview Questions & Answers 20-22

7.0 Company background: MILC 22-23

7.1 Interview Questions & Answers 23-25

8.0 Company background: Carrefour 26-27

8.1 Interview Questions & Answers 27-29

9.0 Conclusion 30

Group picture with Guna & Co Manager

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Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and

directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leadership is a

process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.

Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership knowledge and skills. This is called

Process Leadership. However, we know that we have traits that can influence our actions. This is

called Trait Leadership, in that it was once common to believe that leaders were born rather than

made. The definition of leadership is the activity of leading a group of people or an organization,

or the ability to do this.

Leadership in an organizational role involves establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision

with others so that they will follow willingly, providing the information, knowledge, and

methods to realize that vision, and coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all

members or stakeholders. A leader comes to the forefront in case of crisis, and is able to think

and act in creative ways in difficult situations. Unlike management, leadership flows from the

core of a personality and cannot be taught, although it may be learned and may be enhanced

through coaching or mentoring.

Leadership is focused much more on the individual capability of the leader .Leadership is

a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among

colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential.

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Leadership is less about your needs, and more about the needs of the people and the organization

you are leading. Leadership styles are not something to be tried on like so many suits, to see

which fits. Rather, they should be adapted to the particular demands of the situation, the

particular requirements of the people involved and the particular challenges facing the

organization. Leadership styles can divide to six.

1)Visionary : This style is most appropriate when an organization needs a new direction. Its goal

is to move people towards a new set of shared dreams.

2)Coaching :This one-on-one style focuses on developing individuals, showing them how to

improve their performance, and helping to connect their goals to the goals of the organization.

3)Affiliative :This style emphasizes the importance of team work, and creates harmony in a

group by connecting people to each other.

4)Democratic :This style draws on people’s knowledge and skills, and creates a group

commitment to the resulting goals. It works best when the direction the organization should take

is unclear, and the leader needs to tap the collective wisdom of the group.

5)Pacesetting: In this style, the leader sets high standards for performance. He or she is obsessive

about doing things better and faster, and asks the same of everyone.

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6)Commanding: This is classic model of “military” style leadership – probably the most often

used, but the least often effective. Because it rarely involves praise and frequently employs

criticism, it undercuts morale and job satisfaction.


Leadership is an important function of management which helps to maximize efficiency and to

achieve organizational goals. The following points justify the importance of leadership in a


1) Initiates action- Leader is a person who starts the work by communicating the policies and

plans to the subordinates from where the work actually starts.

2) Motivation- A leader proves to be playing an incentive role in the concern’s working. He

motivates the employees with economic and non-economic rewards and thereby gets the work

from the subordinates.

3) Providing guidance- A leader has to not only supervise but also play a guiding role for the

subordinates. Guidance here means instructing the subordinates the way they have to perform

their work effectively and efficiently.

4) Creating confidence- Confidence is an important factor which can be achieved through

expressing the work efforts to the subordinates, explaining them clearly their role and giving

them guidelines to achieve the goals effectively. It is also important to hear the employees with

regards to their complaints and problems.

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5)Building morale- Morale denotes willing co-operation of the employees towards their work

and getting them into confidence and winning their trust. A leader can be a morale booster by

achieving full co-operation so that they perform with best of their abilities as they work to

achieve goals.


Employee motivation is a reflection of the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a

company's workers bring to their jobs. All managers want to motivate their employees to do



The fact is employee motivation is directly linked to business profits, and the more self-

motivated your employees are, the more differentiated and successful you will be as a business.

1)Motivated employees look for better ways to do a job.

2)Motivated employees care about their customers.

3)Motivated employees take pride in their work.

4)Motivated workers are more productive.

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The objective of this research paper is to understand the several major theoretical

approaches that address leadership and study how leadership functions. This could help us

develop understanding of organizational contexts and patterns of leadership behaviour through

application of theories. Other objective of this research paper is to understand common and

unique characteristics for leaders in business, health and science, politics and government,

education and student life.

At the same time, we were eager to learn about Concepts of Leadership, Factors of

Leadership, and Most Important Keys to Effective Leadership, Principles of Leadership and

Attributes of Leadership. Next objective is to learn practical steps to improving leadership.

Strengthening your leadership ability can help you improve your capacity to achieve results and

reach personal or organizational outcomes.

Other objective of this research paper is understood and learns how successful leaders are

committed to “creating a world to which people want to belong”. Successful leadership involves

managing relationships and communicating within a team to move towards a specific goal.

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Various methods were used to conduct this research. Resources used were reliable and found

from various sites.

One of the method used included internet-based research. Many website were used to

corroborate data and information obtained. The articles were written by trustworthy authors or


Secondly, interviews were also conducted to obtain further information into the line of

leadership. This includes conversations with people who had experienced working area about the


Lastly, journals were also used to have a better understanding into the life of people involved in

leadership field. For example, acknowledging their various types of challenges and difficulties

faced to be a great leader.

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4.0 Company background: Guna & Co

Guna & Co was formed in June 1989. The firm is involved in the provision of the following

services; Auditing, Taxation, Accounting, Information technology, Business advisory, Corporate

advisory and financial management, and Restructuring. They operate within Malaysia and have 2

Managers, 5 audit seniors, 4 audit juniors and one admin officer. The firm has grown to be one

of established professional firm within Kuala Langat and Klang District.

They requires following qualifications for particular job. Their staffing policy is as following.

To join as audit and tax seniors the minimum qualification is graduates in accounting. Diploma

in Accounting is needed to join as Audit Juniors and minimum Certificate in accounting is

needed for join as Support and Administration staffs.

4.1 Person we interview

Mr.Gunasaiklaran Malayalam

Mr.Gunasaiklaran Malayalam is a chartered accountant by profession. He is a member of The

Malaysian Institute of Accountants and a fellow member of The Association of Chartered

Certified Accountants, The United Kingdom.

In 1989, he set up his own public practice M. Guna & Co a firm of chartered accountants. He

has had more than 20 years of practical experience with a wide-ranging exposure in auditing,

taxation, management accounting and financial accounting. He has also had extensive teaching

experience. He lectured in financial accounting, management accounting, taxation and auditing

at various levels for professional courses and degree programmes in accountancy at private

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colleges and in a public university. Besides being involved in practicing and lecturing, he has

two other minor pursuits: writing and giving talks at seminars. He has contributed articles to

Accountants Today and its predecessor, Akauntan Nasional, the newsletter of the Malaysian

Institute of Accountants, on insider trading, corporate governance and solicitors' accounts.

4. 2 Clients/customers

They have clients who are in start up business, established small and medium sized businesses.

Well diversified clients in:

1. Retail distribution

2. Construction

3. Housing developers

4. Plantations

5. Small localized industries

What is main your role in organization as a leader?

Mr.Guna said all the important decisions are made by himself as a leader of the organization. He

told us that he need to be extra careful during take decisions because he is the man who is going

to take responsibilities for the all the work done by his employees at the end of the day.

According to company law, the organizations are vicariously liable for its entire employees act.

Since he his owner of firm, the burden falls on his shoulder he said. He is made all the important

decision at the end of the day. As a leader he is obligated to do, dealing with outsiders/customers,

employment of staff, running the organization

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As a leader, how you inspire your employees and push them forward?

He said he always encourage his employees to read and learn new things. He conducts a meeting

in every Saturday morning with his employee to teach his employees new things. In this meeting

their also discuss about the latest development in the industry, how an organization can turn in

the efficient manner possible. He thinks as a leader he should aware of what happening in

surroundings and adapt to changes in technology, social environment, and economics situation.

How you manage your employees?

He said he always treat his employees as partners of organization. He always encourages staff to

learn to new things because he believes if staff knows the better thing than him means it’s not a

threat to him. Because if their do the work well it’s definitely contribute for the organization

development. He said he always discuss with his employees and ask for their idea because he

believes different people can diverse way in solving problem. Every time he discuss with his

employees during decision making.

How do you encourage creative thinking within your organization?

Creative thinking is very important element in organization. Mr.Guna said he always encourage

his employees to think creative solve a problem but within the framework. The creativeness of

employees should not destroy the organization but their creativeness should make them work in

best manner as possible. He only encourages the creativity that improves the productivity of

organization. He discourages creativity in unethical manner, gives wrong advice to the clients.

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How you improve the relationship between your employees and customers?

Mr.Guna said, as accountants they are obligated to solve the customer’s problem efficiently. He

believes they have the same criteria as a doctor. If clients comes to you threat them as the patient

and diagnose their problem. He urgent his employees to give the best service to their employees

and satisfy their needs. Its make them to come back again to you and give business.

How you handle the criticism from your employees?

According to Mr.Guna, criticism is an important element in an organization. He said he always

hear to criticism. He always has meetings with employee to allow them to reveal their opinion in

these meetings. He also had faced some case of employee criticize the way he manage. He

believes without critics, he will don’t know his weakness and may be bias on what he does.

When people criticize, he manage to identify his problem and focus on eliminate his weaknesses.

But he always evaluates the criticism whether it’s good or not because some criticism may be

useless and destructive criticism. Criticism which improves the organizational productivity is


How do you follow up responsibilities you have delegated to employees?

He said employees have to submit weekly report and monthly report on what their doing. This

reports used by Mr.Guna to monitor the employees work. Every week he check the report to

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identify how far is the employees has completed the accounting responsibility given to them. As

a leader I always go through their work and how much time they should spend. If employees

unable to solve their problem means then, mr.Guna help and teach them to solve the problem.

Which type from employees you hire?

He gives high concern on English language. He doesn’t bother if one candidate comes up with

less qualification. As long as that candidate speaks good English, he hires that person. Because

he believes person who have strong English language communication skill he can continuously

learn because lot of excellent accounting books was written in English. He also will look into a

persons personality and ethical behavior like good discipline and so on.

How you fire people?

For the two times he will set a meetings with the employee that having problem and tell them the

seriousness of offense and the way to overcome the problem. If the problem still continuous

means he will just fire that employees by giving one month notice.

What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time?

He believes a leader cannot be dictatorship. Leaders should be democratic. They should listen to

employees opinions. They need to flexible and take decisions according to the situation. As a

leader, they cannot think self benefits only. They should bring all those employees and

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organization forward from where they are positioning now. A leader should be good at

communication skill.

As we can see above interview, mr.Guna is a critical thinker, give high concern to discipline

and morale. He is the leaders who have high visions and coaching leadership style.

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5.0 Cresco Background

Cresco Home Construction Group founded by Mr.Hossein Mousavi in 1989. He went to Canada

1980 and studied English in Toronto for six months before entering StFX with about 25-30 other

Iranian students that year. He graduated in 1984 with a biology degree with dream of becoming

doctor, the Iranian native had very little in the way of worldly means. With a war on between Iran

and Iraq at the time, his family could not send him any money. “I got a job working in a

restaurant as a dishwasher, got enough money to buy a car,” he recalls. “Then I went to work at

a pizza shop, then as a taxi driver.” He then started work in construction, and in 1989 co-

founded a construction company that has grown to become one of the largest in Atlantic .In

1987, Mousavi built his first home on Roy Crescent in Bedford. During the 90’s when the

Recession was scaring off other builders, Mousavi saw an opportunity. “People were telling me,

‘You’re crazy! This is a hard time.’ I said, ‘Nobody’s building so we will do it.’ I believe always

when the economy slows, you have to put out a positive energy,” he says. It was during that

early 90’s Recession that Cresco started to expand by building homes in Paper Mill Lake. It’s

also where he set up his first office in a trailer.Now with another economic slowdown in the

headlines,Mousavi is more than ready to handle it. His strategy: tune out the media and stay

positive. “I believe I work harder than anyone else during slow economic times,” he says.

“During that time in the 90’s and recently, I have had some of my best years. Why? Because we

believe in the power of optimism, knowing full well that the down times will always return to good

times. History proves it!” It’s that strong vision and keen business sense that has led to his

continued success and growth. In 1994 idea expansion the Cresco with joining Mr.AbidaliTaleb

as co-owner, he brought more than an exceptional work ethic to the table. He also offered a

very successful and diverse background including careers as a school principal and physical

education teacher in Iraq, as well as ownership experience in a successful construction

company in Kuwait, and a food production company with business throughout the Middle 15 | P a g e

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East.Amongst his peers, he is widely revered for his business- savvy approaches to building

communities. An original member of the Urban Development Institute, organizations such as the

Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the Greater HalifaxPartnership regularly seek

his advice and input on industry trends.

Cresco has won numerous honours including the national R2000 award for Canada,

Technology Builder of the Year 2010, Most R2000 Homes Built 2010, and the Home Builder of

the Year from the Nova Scotia Home Builders’ Association.

Interview Questions

Interviewed Mr.Hossein through email, we asked some question about his leadership skills

inside organization and how his behavior can change the employee’s performance.

1-What type of management skills and experience will you bring to enhance


Mr.Hossein sees his management skills base on personal experience as a general contractor

which allows him to manage all contractors.  Importantly be aware of the challenges that they

face in and how to improve their efficiency.

2-Describe how you foster a highly motivated and productive work environment?

Involve in various staff members in decision making process so that they take ownership of the

decision and strive to meet their goals.

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3-What type of information you look into during hiring/firing?

Hiring – look into a good resume and good working skills, past experience and references.

Firing – lack of workmanship, slow work process, unsatisfactory employee

4-Describe a situation when advising or recommending a course of action where

the employee did not follow or did not accept. What happened -- what did you do?

He state that: I told them; It should not happen again, if repeated they will not be working on the

work site again.

5-Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do. How did you prioritize

your time? Were you able to get everything done?

He mentions that he always has many things to do so he prioritizes based on its value to the

business and deadline.

  6-Describe a situation in which you and another member of a work group had

different opinions about a topic/situation. What happened?

We each present our option we discuss in detail and eventually agree on course of action.

7-What types of monitoring devices do you use to track and control activities in

your job?

He state that ;We budget all construction activity and monitor their related costs as they come

into use, and not to go over budget.

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8-How do you follow up on responsibilities you have delegated to employees?

I check regularly to make sure it’s running smoothing.

9-How do you track the effectiveness of your employees’ efforts?

Based on financial result of their activities

10-What do you do to separate fact from rumor in the workplace?

What I look to address the rumors by explaining the fact.

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6.0 HSBC Background.

HSBC stand for Hong and Shanghai Bank Corporation .HSBC was born from one small idea a

local bank serving local needs. In March 1865 HSBC opened its doors for business in Hong

Kong and today it welcomes customers across the globe as the World's Local Bank.

HSBC is named after its founding member, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Limited, which was established in 1865 to finance the growing trade between Europe, India and

China. The inspiration behind the founding of the bank was Thomas Sutherland, a Scot who

was then working for the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. He realised that

there was considerable demand for local banking facilities in Hong Kong and on the China coast

and he helped to establish the bank which opened in Hong Kong in March 1865 and in

Shanghai a month later.

Soon after its formation the bank began opening branches to expand the services it could offer

customers. Although that network reached as far as Europe and North America, the emphasis

was on building up representation in China and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region. HSBC was a

pioneer of modern banking practices in a number of countries for instance, in 1888 it was the

first bank to be established in Thailand, where it printed the country’s first banknotes.The first

bank introduce the ATM’s machine globally on his branches. HSBC Holdings acquisition of

Midland Bank gave HSBC Group a substantial market presence in the United Kingdom which

was completed in 1992. As part of the takeover conditions for the purchase of Midland Bank,

HSBC Holdings plc was required to relocate its world headquarters from Hong Kong to London

in HSBC’s truly international network of approximately 7,500 offices spans 87

countries and territories across the globe .

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Interview Questions

During my interview, I asked some question about his leadership and position inside

organization and how his behaviour during meeting and communicating with customers.

1. What is your current position? Describe your ideal job? Briefly explain?

Mr.Choong Yuen Fong Alfred is a senior officer at HSBC is checking on performance, auditing,

compliance and communicates with HSBC customer every month. Likewise is more on

recovering debt that owed by group of customers

2. How the customers behave when you calling them for reminding of their Debt due


The customers sometimes misbehave because they don’t like anyone to call them from the

bank and I as the officer stay calm and try to understand them and giving the advice and

solution to them. Likewise the benefits of paying your debts on time. Alfred Believes your

behavior can affect another one on other side.

3. When it comes to employee and customer which one is rolling important at

HSBC?Which one is important to HSBC?

Mr. Alfred answered that both are rolling important but HSBC more looking into his employees

because good employee generates income to organization. Employees are a company most

valuable asset and training them is key to driving business goals.

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4. What do you do to separate fact from rumor in the workplace?

Rumour is something that is not true and is not right base of this he is not believes in any

rumour in workplace. He state that what people say about you cannot be control by their mouth

in reality ,what you react in that situation is very important. In the first place when you know

about yourself and you know that you did not do any wrong; it’s wise to ignore it.

5. Have you ever had to confess or admit to a mistake /breaking rules in the work

place? What actions have taken when you observed others breaking rules?

He state that human sometimes do the mistakes and he was the victim of it by giving wrong

information to other party so he has to confess his mistake to his superior. He avoids breaking

any rules in organization but if he sees others breaking the rules he will definitely report to


6. How HSBC supervised employees who did not achieve their program goals?

HSBC by providing counselling team and provide training/solution program to help and motivate

employee to achieve their goals. HSBC is committed to looking after its employees' well-being in

the belief that a healthy body and mind will have a positive impact on their professional and

personal lives. In addition the Bank also offers a number of recreational and educational

activities to help employees pursue their interests and find ways to unwind.

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7. How HSBC follow up on responsibilities that delegated to employee’s goals?

HSBC every half year check on employee performance and activity. Management look into

performance appraisal of the employees. Performance appraisals actively involve employees in

understanding what is expected of them. Equally important employee do not well in his

performance get warning letter from management.

7.0 MILC Background

MILC is stand for Multiple Intelligence Learning Centre as a tuition centre and it was set up in 2

and half years ago in puchong.It was a subsidiary company from Delta hyper education

camp.Ho Le Ting”Citrine” is one of the managing director of the company is doing the managing

and directing the company towards the company goals. She has two other partners which they

are rolling important part of organisation and management decisions with background of finance

and IT. She is one the key in the organization on marketing, consultant, program development

and business strategy inside organization. There is four part time staff working as lecture which

most of them are student from colleges. The responsibility of training is taking place by Citrine.

Not giving up hope, Citrine was 18 start to teaching as freelance .On the contray her passion

and dreams for reaching to student comes realistic with joining in big tuition centre palni at

Selangor.she gain her experience through working outside as a hotel management and tuition

centre. The MILC starts with 8 classes.four full-time staff and another 5 part time were

employed to teach various classes from primary one till form five. The key subjects offered

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include Mathematics, Science, English and BahasaMelayu for primary and lower secondary

school pupils in addition to Additional Mathematics, Physic, Chemistry for SPM students.

The response towards the tuition had been very encouraging in the sense that MLICis trying to

hit the number of intake for the the year by ringing innovative idea of Citrine. However, there is a

uncertainty to accept her idea from other two partners.

Today, MLIC is a brand name in a market particularly in relation to providing tuition classes for

primary school and lower secondary school. As it is now, MLIC is managed by a 3 member of

the founder peacefully.

Interview Questions

During our interview, we asked some question about her leadership inside organization and how

her behaviour can change the employee’s performance.

1. What is your current position? Describe your ideal job? Briefly explain?

Manager Director of the company and her job is the managing, directing and training the

company towards the company goals

2. Describe a situation in which you and another member of a work group had

different opinions about a topic/situation. What happened?

She sees that as industry to improve and development whereas other partner looks into profits

more. She has the idea of camping education for primary students and secondary students. she

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has the proposal to the company after her graduation that she will not continue as tuition centre

anymore but she will continue in other field such as education training camp and seminars to

build up future characters. Citrine Idea conflict with her partner which more on money business

minded. She more communicates with them and try to understand their goals as well.

3. What type of management skills and experience will you bring to enhance


She sees herself as a good communicator and value the employee’s .Inspire a shared vision

inside organization. above all she has a good motivation skill and understand different


4. Describe how you foster a highly motivated and productive work environment?

She sees from different perspective of the employees personality and bring training ,lectures a

long brainwashing them to work for sake of the company. As matter of the fact she mix with

them during lunch and dinner time to understand their problems.

5. Describe a situation when advising or recommending a course of action where the

employee did not follow or did not accept. What happened -- what did you do?

There was the employee that she was joining the organization before Ms.Cristine which she is

not happy with the position that she has in terms of the long term commitment to the

organization. She was making trouble for students and parents inside organization with her

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action.Ms.Cristine was in charge of her counselling and follow employee was not happy with

that and did not take it as serious counselling and continued her action which later on she put

on resign from the organization.she feels that she is not fit inside this organization culture.

6. What do you do to separate fact from rumor in the workplace?

In this organization has not see any rumours until today but if there is ,they try to more

communicates with employees about the goals company and each month they have meeting

and try to separate rumour in working environment.

7. Describe a stressful situation you were involved in such as a project with time

pressures, on extremely difficult projects, or dealing with an irate client or


She state that the more stressful situation is with her employees and students so she is a good

listener, stay calm and patient. She state that by reading and spiritual faith can release your

stress as well. In other hand she said that talking with friends can release your stress level by

giving you solution.

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8.0 Carrefour

Carrefour S.A. is an international hypermarket chain headquartered in Boulogne

Billancourt, France, in Greater Paris. It is one of the largest hypermarket chains in the world. In

the year 2009, Carrefour owns 1,395 hypermarkets all around the world, making it the second

largest retail group in the world in terms of revenue and third largest in profit after Wal-Mart and

Tesco. Carrefour operates mainly in Europe, Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Dominican

Republic, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, but also has shops in North Africa and other

parts of Asia (for example Malaysia) with most stores being smaller size than hypermarket or

even supermarket. Carrefour means "crossroads" in French.

 In Malaysia, Carrefour is a leading hypermarket chain selling a wide range of household

grocery products ranging from frozen goods and fresh products to textiles, garments and shoes,

as well as electrical goods such as home kitchen items and audio-visual appliances. Carrefour is

widely recognized as a convenient one-stop shopping centre that caters to a mix of consumers

from housewives to students and working professionals.

In my interview, I have approach Mr. Alex Tung Jee Kin, Marketing Executive for

Carrefour Malaysia and a team leader of 15 employees. Mr. Alex has only been in Carrefour for

4 years with a qualification of Diploma in Hospitality Management. He has never expect to be

working for Carrefour, but acknowledged that working in Carrefour offers better opportunities in

furthering his career in the future compared to Hospitality field. He deals with any marketing

efforts and also events for Carrefour. He is also deal with 2 advertising company to handle

advertisements for Carrefour's products. Such as the catalog printed out in the newspaper or the

mailed version that reaches directly to your house. I have asked him several questions regarding

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his leadership and experience in Carrefour to understand how leadership can affect the

organizational performance.

8.1 Interview Questions

Question 1: What do you do to maintain trust and unity among your employees?

Mr. Alex believes in getting the job done smoothly. He also stress on that his employees

needs to understand what is their task and role in the organization. By doing so, each and

everyone is clear on their role and know when is the urgency of their job and will get it done

quickly and in time to prevent delay and hiccups. This then trains the employees to have trust

and unity in order for their work to be able to perform smoothly.

Question 2: Describe how you foster a highly motivated and productive work


Mr. Alex does not believe in shouting and scolding to get good results. In fact, the way he

approaches this situation is to tell his employees in a nice way but at the same time firmly. It is

crucial to let your subordinates know that there is a position difference in the office. This is

important because it is to prevent your subordinates to take advantage of that and climb over

your head. You can be the nice guy and the bad guy at the same time. But you can't be too

heavily leaning on either side.

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Question 3: Describe a situation when advising or recommending a course of action when

an employee does not follow or accept instructions.

Sadly Mr. Alex does not the authority to decide what his fellow subordinates can or

cannot do. But according to him, there will be a team meeting every week to voice out opinions

or solutions to incurring problems. Through that channel, the upper management will decide the

next course of action. But let say during an event, Mr. Alex will be given an event management

team to run the event. If one of the member did not perform as requested or did not achieve

desirable standards, he or she will be reprimanded to the team's manager for further course of

action. This included fellow not understanding instructions properly or not acting professionally.

The managers are well informed about their work performance frequently and can keep track on

their a work efficiency and performance.

Question 4: Describe a situation in which you and another member of a work group had

different opinions about.

In the situation Mr. Alex mentioned, he and his manager had different opinions on the

location to set up the event. He wanted Tropicana City Mall and his manager wants MidValley to

be the location. The matter than was brought up to the team meeting. In the team meeting,

majority had chosen 1 Utama to be location of the proposed event and the decision was made

there and then with the team. In Carrefour, it is more of a team discussion rather than individual.

Even though the project was to be lead by Mr. Alex, the team still has decision making power on

certain aspect of the event.

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Question 5: How do you follow up on the responsibilities you have delegated to your


In Carrefour, they practice a check list of all the work you are going to do or done and it

will be submitted to the person in charge. This way, Mr. Alex can cross checked on the task

given and make sure it is done correctly and then pass it on his superior for references. If a task

given is done not up to standard then it is Mr. Alex's duty to reject it and ask his employee to

redo it again.

Question 6: How do you keep track the efficiency of your employee's effort?

Mr. Alex gauge his employees work performance by once in a while giving them harsh

dateline to complete their work. For example Mr. Alex ask employee A to do some data entry

and is required to be done in 2 hours. If employee A manage to complete it in time then

employee A have prove that he or she is efficient when is given a task to complete. Through that,

he will know which of his employee can he entrust to a much more heavily weighted task and

expect it to completed perfectly.

As we can see from the questions above, Mr. Alex belongs to the sensation-thinking type

of leadership. He is precise, orderly, careful about rules and procedures, dependable and


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Leadership is a process in which an individual influences the progress of group members

toward attainment of a goal. Types of leaders vary by method of selection and the roles they are

expected to perform. The person who emerges as the leader of a team may not be the one best

suited for the role.

Leadership is a topic most people believe to be very important; it has been the subject of

an immense amount of research. However, we do not understand leadership very well. Problems

in studying leadership cause this dilemma. The fact that people believe leadership is important

does not make it true. Rather than an optimal leadership style, different types of leaders are

useful in different situations, and leaders are more important in some situations than in others

. Leadership can be centralized in one person or distributed among various roles. Teams vary

in types of leadership, selection of leaders, and delegation of leader powers. Teams rarely exist

without leaders, since leaders emerge through a team’s interactions. Leaders may be designated

by their organizations, or teams may select their own leaders and be self-managing.

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6.0 Appendix

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