implementing an advisory board internship program at your academy - handouts

National Academy Foundation 218 W. 40 th Street, 5 th New York, NY 10009 Floor July 2010 Dear Student Intern: Enclosed you will find important information that should be helpful to you in your summer position. Please read the material and utilize the suggestions to make the most of your internship experience. Remember throughout your internship that this opportunity is unique—not every student is awarded an internship experience. Remember, too, that you are here because you have proven yourself as deserving of the invaluable opportunity ahead of you. Some students create a life-altering internship experience for themselves by trying their best every day in a constant pursuit of excellence. Other interns allow themselves an experience equivalent only to any old summer job. The experience is what you make of it. We hope that you will use your internship as an opportunity to learn and grow as well as to demonstrate your competence and initiative. The positive impression you make will continue to support you when you need a reference or a permanent position. Recognize that you are also creating an impression for your high school through your job performance and professional conduct. We hope that your hard work this summer will help ensure that future interns from your high school will be warmly received by the National Academy Foundation. If you have any questions, problems or concerns please contact Jessica Felix ([email protected] , ext. 859) or Sarah Hickert ([email protected] , ext. 896). Sincerely, Jessica Felix Sarah Hickert

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Page 1: Implementing an Advisory Board Internship Program at your Academy - handouts

National Academy Foundation 218 W. 40th Street, 5th

New York, NY 10009 Floor

July 2010 Dear Student Intern: Enclosed you will find important information that should be helpful to you in your summer position. Please read the material and utilize the suggestions to make the most of your internship experience. Remember throughout your internship that this opportunity is unique—not every student is awarded an internship experience. Remember, too, that you are here because you have proven yourself as deserving of the invaluable opportunity ahead of you. Some students create a life-altering internship experience for themselves by trying their best every day in a constant pursuit of excellence. Other interns allow themselves an experience equivalent only to any old summer job. The experience is what you make of it. We hope that you will use your internship as an opportunity to learn and grow as well as to demonstrate your competence and initiative. The positive impression you make will continue to support you when you need a reference or a permanent position. Recognize that you are also creating an impression for your high school through your job performance and professional conduct. We hope that your hard work this summer will help ensure that future interns from your high school will be warmly received by the National Academy Foundation. If you have any questions, problems or concerns please contact Jessica Felix ([email protected], ext. 859) or Sarah Hickert ([email protected], ext. 896). Sincerely, Jessica Felix Sarah Hickert

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ATTENDANCE, TIMELINESS & ABSENCES Being at Work and on Time In order for you to get the most out of this experience you must show up and be on time

! In fact, it's okay to arrive a little early (10-15 minutes). While not necessary, it shows your supervisor that you are motivated, eager and ready to get started. It's most important that you are there ready to begin at your agreed start time each day.

There may be times when you might be late for an event (See tip #1 to help avoid this situation). If you are going to be late for


any• Call your supervisor or the event coordinator and advise him/her of your situation. If

you don't speak directly to someone, leave a message with the time you called, a brief message and your phone number so he or she can call you back.

reason, you must:

If you must be absent for Absence

any• For an unexpected absence: First call your

supervisor to let her/him know that you will not

reason, you must:

be at work. It would be helpful to provide a note the day you return to work from a parent, or doctor.

• In the event of a planned absence: You should speak to your supervisor as well as send an email detailing the days/times of your absence with a minimum of 48 hours notice.

Remember, you are only paid for hours worked. All trainings, orientations, meetings and events, can be included in your weekly hours. You should not work extra hours without the advance permission of your supervisor. If you do, you may not be paid for the extra hours you worked.



In professional settings, neatness and good taste in your dress and manner contribute to the impression you make and to the morale of all employees. It also affects the business image NAF presents to the community.

During business hours or when representing NAF, you are expected to present a clean, neat, and tasteful appearance. You should dress and groom yourself according to the requirements of your position and accepted social standards. If your Academy has a dress code, you are expected to adhere to it. If your Academy does not have an explicit dress code, you should wear business casual attire to work. Remember, you are setting an example for your classmates

TIP #1:

Tip #2: Make sure you carry your supervisor's and the Internship Program Coordinator's phone numbers with you. Ask for their business cards on the first day.

Tip #4: Clothing should not be distracting. Be comfortable!

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Listed below is a general overview of acceptable casual business wear as well as a listing of some of the more common items that are not appropriate for the office. Obviously, neither group is intended to be all-inclusive. Rather, these items should help set the general parameters for proper casual business wear and allow you to make intelligent judgments about items that are not specifically addressed.

Examples of acceptable casual business wear include:

• Khakis or slacks • casual dresses and skirts (at least knee-length!) • casual shirts and blouses • golf shirts • turtlenecks • sweaters • loafers • deck shoes • flats • dress sandals

Examples of inappropriate clothing items that should not be worn on casual days include:

• sweatpants • warm-up or jogging suits and pants • spandex or other form fitting pants • miniskirts • spaghetti-strap dresses • T-shirts or sweatshirts with offensive messages or images • tank tops • halter tops • tops with bare shoulders unless worn under a blouse or jacket • visible undergarments

For some, traditional business attire may simply remain a more favored option or may be necessary when attending meetings or on other business occasions.

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CELL PHONES, PERSONAL CALLS AND EMERGENCIES Please make sure that a family member has the direct number of your Supervisor, and if you have a direct line at your desk/workspace, make sure they have that number, too. Do not bother giving these numbers out to friends; this is not the time to be chatting on the phone. If you must bring a cell phone to work, keep it on vibrate and keep all calls to a minimum. Make your personal calls at lunch or before/after you arrive at the office.

Make sure that your supervisor has your most up to date contact and emergency information.

Open Communication In order for this to be a meaningful experience, it is important to keep the lines of communication open. This means:

SAVING VS. SPENDING Wages A wage is an hourly rate of pay. Since you’re earning a wage, you'll receive a paycheck once every two weeks. The amount of your paycheck will equal the number of hours worked times your rate of pay. For example, if you worked 30 hours and your wage is $7.25 per hour, the amount of your paycheck will be $217.50 minus taxes. It's a known fact that teenagers have many expenses. However, one of the first rules of business and personal banking/finance is: "pay yourself first!" This means, before you buy your girl/boy friend a birthday present or splurge on new clothes, you put (as a minimum, you can always put in more) 20% of your check into the bank/savings, thereby "paying yourself first." This way, you are guaranteed to have some money at the end of the internship to show for your hard work! Some expenses to budget for: Transportation costs Lunch/Snacks while at work Dry cleaning/Laundry costs

Tip #5: You know those posters on the subways that say: “IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING," the same can be said here. If you're not sure about the directions your supervisor gave you regarding a specific task or how to operate the fax machine, SPEAK UP! The only stupid question is the one not asked.

Tip #6: You can save lots of $$ by making your lunch each week. Also, grab some fruit from a street vendor for an inexpensive and healthy snack.

Ask questions! Ask for clarification! Give suggestions!

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Evaluation Evaluation on the part of the Intern and supervisors will be ongoing: informally on a day-to-day basis, and formally each week. In your weekly meeting with your supervisor, you should collaboratively set goals and evaluate your weekly progress. You should set up a weekly evaluation meeting time during your first week. At the mid-point of your internship and at the end of the summer, each intern will be evaluated by his/her supervisor. Interns will also be expected to complete an evaluation of their experience in the Internship Program. Our goal at is to make this a valuable and meaningful experience for you and for future students. By going through the evaluation process, you can figure out what you already do well and where you have room for improvement. Of course you don't have to wait until the end to make suggestions; they are welcome at any time. Congratulations again. Remember to make the most of your Internship!

Tip # 7: Keep a list of the tasks you accomplished that week; it will be easier to compile at the end of your summer Internship Report this way. It's also like getting a “pat on the back" for the hard work you've done!

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The following list contains some suggestions of things you want to pay attention to during the course of your internship. It also outlines behavior that is not acceptable in any work environment. Before You Begin Working:

• Try to dress as professionally as possible

. If jeans are permitted in the workplace (check ahead with your internship coordinator), please wear dark jeans, nothing too tight or too baggy.


• Do a test run on the subway/bus BEFORE an event that takes place at a location other you’re your Academy to see how long it will take you to get there. Remember you are traveling during one of the busiest times of the day; there are bound to be delays, so make sure you give yourself enough time to get to the event on time.

the organizations that are represented on your Academy’s Advisory Board.

• Arrive early on the first day

, but not TOO early – 15 minutes early is more than enough time to be considered prompt. After that make sure you’re on time, if you do run late make sure you call to let your supervisor know.

While at Your Internship:

• Ask for business cards from the professionals you work with. (You will use this contact information for thank-you notes and follow-up in the future.)

• Keep a copy of your resume at hand (either a hard copy or accessible via your personal email account) in case someone would like to see it.

• Behave as professionally as possible – be diplomatic, polite, and responsive. Do not listen to iPods/MP3 players or play with cell phones or other electronics while in the office.

• Have a firm and confident handshake.

• Maintain good eye contact with office coworkers while conversing.

A Great Intern:

• Asks questions! It shows that you are engaged, curious, and eager to learn. Do not be afraid that asking questions will make you look stupid – coworkers won’t expect high school students to know everything about the way their office works.

• Let the internship sponsors know what your interests are at the beginning of the internship

• If you are asked to do any writing while at your internship, ask someone to proofread

, so the company can try to customize your experience and so that your internship is a diverse learning experience.

your work before it is sent out or circulated

• Write thank-you notes after the completion of the internship. These must be sent out within one week after the end of the internship. (Make sure these are proof-read by an adult. Either your supervisor at the internship, or by a teacher at school if your supervisor is too busy.)

. Even the best writers sometimes make typos, and everyone can benefit from feedback and constructive criticism.

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Other Things to Think About:

• Being proactive. Look for ways to help and activities you can complete. Let your supervisors know when you have completed something and are ready for your next project.

• If you are asked to complete a task that you aren’t perfectly comfortable with (such as working with an unfamiliar computer program, or completing a writing or research assignment), don’t be afraid to ask for help. Communicating with your colleagues will ensure that not only does the project get completed in a timely and appropriate manner, but also that you will learn something along the way.

• Be positive about your internship experience. Try to avoid griping or complaining about the company, the internship or internship duties to your colleagues in the workplace.

• However, remember that more information is better than less. If you are having a problem at your internship, please talk to either your internship supervisor or a teacher at school right away. Your internship should be a positive experience!

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Emails are an integral part of professional communication. Just like all professional communication, emails should be on-topic, efficient, and employ proper language. E-MAIL ETIQUETTE TIPS: 1. Be concise and to the point. Do not make an e-mail longer than it needs to be. Remember that reading an

e-mail is harder than reading printed communications and a long e-mail can be very discouraging to read.

2. Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions. An e-mail reply must answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions. If you do not answer all the questions in the original e-mail, you will receive further e-mails regarding the unanswered questions, which will not only waste your time and your customer’s time but also cause considerable frustration.

3. Use a meaningful subject. Try to use a subject that is meaningful to the recipient as well as yourself. For instance, when you send an e-mail to a company requesting information about a product, it is better to mention the actual name of the product, e.g. 'Product A information' than to just say 'product information' or the company's name in the subject.

4. Use active instead of passive. Try to use the active voice of a verb wherever possible. For instance, 'We will process your order

today', sounds better than 'Your order will be processed today'. The first sounds more personal, whereas the latter, especially when used frequently, sounds unnecessarily formal.

5. Keep your language gender neutral. In this day and age, avoid using sexist language such as: 'The user should add a signature by

configuring his e-mail program'. Apart from using he/she, you can also use the neutral gender: ''The user should add a signature by configuring the e-mail program'.

6. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation. Proper spelling, grammar and punctuation conveys an accurate message and a

positive impression of yourself and the organization. Also, avoid ALL CAPS, as it can confuse the meaning of your email. 7. Avoid abbreviations (BTW, LOL, etc.) and emoticons. 8. Read the e-mail before you send it. Then re-read it. Check first for spelling and grammar mistakes contained in e-mails. Then

re-read your e-mail through the eyes of the recipient. This will help you send a more effective message and avoid misunderstandings and inappropriate comments.

9. Don't leave out the message thread. When you reply to an e-mail, you should include the original mail in your reply, in other

words click 'Reply', instead of 'New Mail'. If you receive many e-mails you obviously cannot remember each individual e-mail. Not including the previous messages, or threads, may not provide the reader with enough information and you may have to spend a frustratingly long time to find out the context of the e-mail in order to deal with it. Leaving the thread might take a fraction longer in download time, but it will save the recipient much more time and frustration in looking for the related e-mails in their inbox!

10. Do not overuse Reply to All. Only use Reply to All if you really need your message to be seen by each person who received the

original message. 11. Do not forward chain letters or reply to spam. Do not forward chain letters. We can safely say that most of them are hoaxes.

Just delete the letters as soon as you receive them. 12. Do not use e-mail to discuss confidential information. Sending an e-mail is like sending a postcard. If you don't want your e-

mail to be displayed on a bulletin board, don't send it. Moreover, never make any libelous, sexist or racially discriminating comments in e-mails, even if they are meant to be a joke.

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218 West 40th Street, 5th Floor ∞ New York, NY 10018 Phone: (212) 635-2400 ∞ Fax: (212) 635-2409 ∞

Advisory Board Internship Orientation

1. Welcome and Introductions (5) Agenda

2. Overview of National Academy Foundation (NAF) (15)

a. What is NAF? b. Advisory Boards c. Work-Based Learning

3. Role of Advisory Board Interns

a. Advisory Board Participation (10) b. Work-Based Learning Events (10) c. Evidence Binders (8) d. Data Entry (8)

4. Logistics

a. Paychecks/Time Sheets (5) -First Submission Date = November 15. Pick up their paycheck two weeks later -Show them how to fill out the timesheets -Tell them to include orientations, trainings, meetings, etc. in their hours

b. Discuss and Divide Work (10) -Fill out contact info if we don’t already have it -Decide who will be responsible for which data spreadsheets and sign-up. -Highlight/write down individual responsibilities -Pass out materials – students have the option to either take home now or on Monday.

-Copies of Position Description Hand-Outs

-Advisory Board Involvement -Steps to Completing a Work-Based Learning Event -Evidence Binder examples and all of the documentation -AMA flier -Template for data entry- can e-mail to the students -Instructions for timesheet submission at NAF (with dates, etc.)

E-mail Interns with: After Orientation

-AB Contact List -Template for their academy’s sign-in sheet -Submit all data to [email protected] by Friday, December 17 and Friday, June 17 (I will include this in the e-mail I send the kids with their AB Data and WBL template).

E-mail Intern Supervisors with an update from the orientation, and the documents that the students received.

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218 West 40th Street, 5th Floor ∞ New York, NY 10018 Phone: (212) 635-2400 ∞ Fax: (212) 635-2409 ∞

Advisory Board Internship

Position Description Position Title: Advisory Board Intern (2 positions per school) Date of Hire: October 18, 2010 Wages: $7.25/hour Orientation: Friday, October 15 2010 from 4 to 5PM

National Academy Foundation Office 218 W. 40th

New York, NY 10018 Street, Fifth Floor Conference Room

Training Requirements: American Management Association Exploring program (See flyer) Mondays at 4:30PM, October 18, November 1, November 8, November 15 Toastmasters program Position Summary: The Advisory Board intern will support the Advisory Board by coordinating meeting logistics, actively participating in the Advisory Board, completing projects to support Advisory Board committee initiatives, such as: member recruitment, internship development, and student enrichment.

The Advisory Board intern will serve as an active member on the Board. The intern will be hired, oriented, and trained in October, and will be supervised by the Academy Coordinators.

Specific Responsibilities: Support Advisory Board members by

• preparing materials for Advisory Board meetings (print and copy agendas, minutes, sign-in sheets, etc.).


• providing student voice/input at the meetings. • writing up meeting minutes. • documenting Advisory Board activities in an “Evidence Binder” • researching and outreaching to potential advisory board members and internship providers.

• promoting and recruiting academy students for Exploring job shadowing programs. Support Exploring program and work-based learning by:

• track membership, attendance in program. • calling students to remind them to attend programs. • hosting an assigned Exploring program. • creating a marketing plan for your school site to maximize participation in work-based learning.

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218 West 40th Street, 5th Floor ∞ New York, NY 10018 Phone: (212) 635-2400 ∞ Fax: (212) 635-2409 ∞

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

• basic understanding of the NAF model as related to Advisory Boards. Intern should possess:

• willingness to work on a flexible schedule and attend offsite meetings. • computer experience – especially Excel and other MOS programs. • well developed organization skills with a solid orientation to detail. • strong communication skills, both written and verbal. • high level of initiative and ability to see tasks through to completion • flexibility of schedule in order to attend Advisory Board meetings.

Supervisor Expectations:

• School staff member serving on Advisory Board • Present when students are working • Sign off on timesheets • Provide consistent and clear feedback and guidance to intern on a regular basis • Review intern orientation materials and reinforce expectations of professionalism

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Advisory Board Intern Workshop Session 1


1. AMA Reflection Ice Breaker

2. Purpose of Advisory Board Intern Workshops

3. Minutes and Note Taking

4. Next Steps

Materials Developed/ Used:

1. Check-in Survey

2. Steps To Taking Minutes

Assigned Next Steps:

1. Practice taking minutes and notes for Advisory board Meetings

Summary Report :

As a part of their training as Advisory Board interns all interns were required to attend a series of workshops with Exploring Job Shadowing at the American Management Association. To start off the fist workshop interns were able to get acquainted by sharing their experiences from AMA. Next the interns were given a presentation by Steve Markbreiter, Director of Professional Development. The interns learned the importance of the workshops and how they will aid them in their duties as Advisory Board interns. After, the interns received a minutes and note taking tutorial from Sarah Hickert and Jessica Felix. Interns were given a specific format to use and key points to make note of while taking minutes at Advisory Board meetings. During this workshop the interns were also given a survey to fill out .This survey consisted of questions that asked interns about work-based learning events, participation at Advisory Board meetings, and communication with their supervisors regarding their internship responsibilities.

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Advisory Board Intern Workshop Session 2


1. Intro and Follow-up

2. Presentation Pointers

3. Work-based Learning Opportunities

4. Recruitment Strategies

Materials Developed/ Used:

1. Check-in Survey

2. Minutes Template

3. Recruitment Strategy Organizer

4. WBL Event- C.A.S.H. Program Flyer

5. Next Steps E-mail

Assigned Next Steps:

1. Begin planning a presentation for recruitment fro work-based learning opportunities

2. Use the recruitment strategy organizer to recruit students for the C.A.S.H. Program

Summary Report :

As a part of the workshop regiment interns were given the check-in survey which will be revisited later in the workshop. Also the interns were given an overview of what the workshop will cover and any follow-ups from the last workshop were addressed. For this workshop there was a follow-up with interns in regards to minutes and note taking and their progress. To start off the workshop interns received a presentation from Steve Markbreiter, Director of Professional Development. Interns were given presentation pointers to assist them with making presentations on work-based learning and recruitment to their classmates. Next the interns were introduced to Travis Smith, Assistant Director of Exploring. Travis gave an overview on upcoming Exploring programs and made recommendations for recruiting students. Lastly the interns participated in a recruitment strategy activity in which they brainstormed recruitment strategies. They also shared their experiences with work-based learning opportunities and were given a recruitment strategy organizer to create an individual strategy for their school

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Advisory Board Intern Workshop Session 3


1. Intro and Follow-up

2. Presentations and Feedback

3. Closing/Next Steps

Materials Developed/ Used:

1. Check-in Survey

Assigned Next Steps:

1. Facilitate a presentation on work-based learning opportunities to classmates

Summary Report :

For this workshop interns took the skills that they learned from the previous workshop and applied them to their own presentations. Each intern created a presentation that would be used to recruit students for work-based learning opportunities. Interns received comments from the feedback panel, Regina Flannery, Rebecca Batterman, Dana Nachbar, and Travis Smith to help with their presentations. As apart of their next steps interns were to coordinate with their teachers and principal to choose an appropiate time to facilitate their presentations.

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Advisory Board Intern Workshop Session 4


1. Intro and Follow-up

2. Work-Based Learning Group Discussion

3. Evidence Binder Share Fair

4. Next Steps

Materials Developed/ Used:

1. Check-in Survey

2. Discussion Questions

3. Exploring Program- Ernst & Young Keys the Campus flyer

4. Evidence Binder Share Fair document

Assigned Next Steps:

1. Make changes and improvements to evidence binders

Summary Report :

For this workshop we followed up with a topic from last session and also introduced a new one. The interns participated in a group discussion with questions about work-based learning opportunities, their presentations, and recruitment efforts. Interns also stated the outcome of the presentations and the effect it had on the students. Following this discussion was the evidence binder share fair. During the fair interns rotated and evaluated each others binders. They received feedback about their binders and were to make any necessary changes to them as a part of their next steps. Also to aid the interns in their recruitment efforts they were given the Ernst & Young Keys the Campus flyer to had out to students.

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Advisory Board Intern Workshop Session 5


1. Intro and Follow-up

2. SWOT Analysis Activity

3. Evidence Binder Check- in

4. Resume Building Activity

5. Next Steps

Materials Developed/ Used:

1. Check-in Survey

2. SWOT Analysis Chart

3. Resume Building Documents

Assigned Next Steps:

1. Update resumes with their current internship position and bring to next workshop

Summary Report :

For this workshop the interns began with a SWOT analysis activity. This allowed them to do a self evaluation of themselves and their position as an Advisory Board intern. With this activity the interns identified and shared what they thought were their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Next there was a follow-up from the last workshop with an evidence binder check-in. Interns shared out the changes that were made to their binders based on suggestions from the previous workshop. After there was an introduction to the resume building activity. Through this activity the interns identified the skills that they have obtained through the internship. They also received a resume building packet with example resumes and action words to use when writing their resumes. As a part of their next steps interns should update their resumes with current internship information and bring resumes to the next workshop.

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218 West 40th Street, 5th Floor ∞ New York, NY 10018 Phone: (212) 635-2400 ∞ Fax: (212) 635-2409 ∞

Advisory Board Involvement

1. About 3 days before the meeting, communicate with the meeting organizer (typically the Board Chair or the Secretary) to determine how many people are expected to attend.

Prior to Meetings

2. Print and bring enough copies (with a few more than the anticipated # of attendees) of:

� Agendas � Minutes from Last Meeting � 1 Sign-In Sheet (be sure to adjust the date to reflect the current meeting!) � Any other materials as requested by committees or officers

You are expected and encouraged to participate and contribute to the Advisory Board meetings when appropriate.

During Meetings (all interns)

Remember to dress, speak and act professionally, as you will be seen as a representative of all of

the students at your school to the Board members. Appropriate attire is either your school uniform, or business casual if your Academy does not have a uniform.

If your Advisory Board has committees, it is best that you participate in the committee that

focuses on Student Enrichment or Classroom Engagement, as this committee’s work will directly relate to your ability to support the coordination of Work-Based Learning Events.

Supporting students at your Academy is the reason the Advisory Board meets, and Board

members sincerely appreciate student involvement. Your active interest and engagement in the Advisory Board’s work and your ability to carry yourself as a young professional can play a huge role in motivating Board members to work hard to bring resources and internships to your Academy!

After Meetings

� Evidence Binder

: Put all documents from the meeting in the “Evidence Binder”

� Minutes: If you are responsible for taking notes during the meeting and/or creating minutes from the meeting, please compile these and send them to the appointed person within one week

of the meeting date.

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Check In Survey:

1. I have set working hours each week.

Please complete the following survey. There is no right or wrong answers.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

2. I meet with my supervisor at a specific time or day of the week.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

3. I collaborate with other interns to fulfill the internship responsibilities.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

4. I have reached out to Sarah or Jessica when I have questions about my internship.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

5. I respond to all emails and phone calls related to my internship within 24 hours.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

6. I record my working hours accurately and submit my timesheet on time.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

7. I voice my opinion at Advisory Board meetings.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

8. I have communicated with an Advisory Board member about my role with the Advisory Board.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

9. I dress professionally for Advisory Board meetings and work-based learning events.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

10. I have developed an outreach plan to recruit students for work-based learning events.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

11. I am aware of upcoming work-based learning events.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

12. I have updated the data spreadsheet after Advisory Board meetings and work-based learning event.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

13. I have organized and added to the Evidence Binder for my Academy.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Absolutely!

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Subject: November Advisory Board Minutes Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 3:27 PM

Hello all. Hope all is well. I am attaching the minutes from the last meeting. Please contact me with any changes or suggestions. See you at the next meeting which will be held at the Academy of Finance and Enterprise on Thursday December 16, 2010. - Rebecca A. Ballie Subject: January Advisory board meeting minutes Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 6:06 PM

Good evening everyone, These are the minutes from the last meeting. Hopefully the weather will permit more members to attend our February meeting which will once again be held at the Academy. If you have not already done so, please follow the link below and let me know what time would be best for you. Rebecca A. Ballie Advisory Board Secretary/ Intern Academy of Finance & Enterprise 30-20 Thomson Ave. Long Island City, N.Y. 11101

Subject: April meeting clarification Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 6:26 PM

Good evening Advisory Board members,

I apologize for any confusion caused by my last two emails. For the month of April, instead of having a meeting on Wednesday the 6th, we will be holding our volunteer recognition dinner which you are all invited to on Wednesday April 13th

Rebecca A. Ballie

from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM which you are all invited to. Once again I apologize for any confusion, I hope to see too all there --

Advisory Board Secretary/ Intern Academy of Finance & Enterprise 30-20 Thomson Ave. Long Island City, N.Y. 11101

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“What do our Interns Need?Planning Activity

Remember to consider training, time, materials and space!

Intern Responsibility: Communicate with Advisory Board Members

Intern Responsibility: Take Minutes at Advisory Board Meetings

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Intern Responsibility: Maintain Evidence Binder

Intern Responsibility: Recruit Students for Work-Based Learning Events

Intern Responsibility: Recruit New Partners/Advisory Board Members

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1. At our workshop, you completed Step 1 for taking minutes (See “Steps to Taking Minutes”). Please use the notes you took and the agenda below to complete Steps 2-4.

Minute-Taking Exercise

Sample Agenda

Welcome and Introductions 9:00-9:05

Review Last Meeting’s Minutes 9:05-9:15

Academy Updates 9:15 - 9:30

Advisory Board Updates Board Recruitment Student Enrichment Internships Fundraising

9:30 –10:00

Committee Work Time


Next Steps Reconvene as a group to discuss next steps


Adjourn 11:00

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Steps to Taking Minutes

1. During the meeting, take notes. Try to capture as much detail on what is said as possible! Be sure to document who attended the meeting, to include in the “In Attendance” section of the minutes.

2. After the meeting, type up your notes, using the agenda document as your guide. Add an “In Attendance” section, and then use the meeting agenda items as section headings. Type your written notes under the sections to which they apply. For example, information on past events that have occurred at your Academy or challenges your Academy is facing would go under “School Updates.” A discussion about planning a job-shadowing or guest speaking event would go under “Student Enrichment or Engagement.”

3. Edit what you have typed to make sure that everything is written in complete sentences that are understandable and easy to read. Correct any grammatical or spelling errors.

4. E-mail your draft of the minutes to Sarah or Jessica no later than one week after the meeting has taken place.

Example of Minutes from Exercise

Academy Updates • NAF Academy’s first class of students will graduate in 2012, which means they have a year and

a half to get the first cohort of 93 students to graduate. • 65.4% of students in the class of 2012 and 72% of students in the class of 2013 have earned

enough credits to be on track for graduation. Jessica’s goal is for 80-90% of her students to graduate.

• There is a need to increase students’ participation in the credit accumulation program, which takes place on Saturdays. Last Saturday, only 6 of the 40 students attended.

• Jessica really wants to increase the level of parental involvement, as she has still not seen or communicated with 15-20% of parents. Sarah suggested implementing a “text alert” system, where important messages and updates are texted to parents and students.

Advisory Board Updates Student Enrichment Mentoring

• Sarah articulated an interest in setting up a mentorship program for students at the Academy, which could enable Board members to better support students whose parents are uninvolved.

• One idea to do this would be to identify the 15-20% of students who don’t have engaged parents, and have each Board member take on 5 students. There is also a network of people that Board members know that might not be able to serve on the Advisory Board, but could potentially support students by mentoring.

• Jessica suggested partnering with a mentoring organization like Mentoring USA or iMentor. Jessica is interested in contracting with a company, as this can bring in more volunteers and a structure to support the program.

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1. Post flyers throughout the school

Recruitment Ideas for Work-Based Learning Opportunities

• Flyers can be posted in classrooms, hallways, and cafeterias.

2. Recognize the students who you are confident will attend work-based learning events

• If you see a work-based learning event that a particular student would be interested in, bring it to their attention and see if they are interested.

3. Promote work-based learning events on the schools website and social networks

• There can be a page devoted to work-based learning events on your schools website.

• Interns can also create an event on Facebook and invite classmates.

4. Work-Based Learning Bulletin Boards

• There can be a bulletin board dedicated solely to work-based learning events with flyers, deadlines, and who to contact for more information.

5. Recruit students through phone calls, text messages, and e-mails

• Send messages or make phone calls to students and parents about upcoming work-based learning events.

• These methods can also be used to send reminders to students.

6. Work-based Learning Calendar

• Create a monthly calendar that will be available to students with upcoming work-based learning events.

7. Announcements in classrooms

• Ask teachers to take five minutes before or after class to discuss work-based learning events.

8. Share with students the benefits of work-based learning events

• You tell students you own personal story and how participating in work-based learning events has effected you in a positive way.

9. Word –of- Mouth

• Sit down with a classmate and have a casual conversation about work-based learning events. They might be interested and can tell a friend.

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218 West 40th Street, 5th Floor ∞ New York, NY 10018 Phone: (212) 635-2400 ∞ Fax: (212) 635-2409 ∞

Steps to Coordinating a Work-Based Learning Event

Below are suggested steps that should be completed by a team including Academy Coordinator(s), Advisory Board members, and Advisory Board Interns, when coordinating Work-Based Learning (WBL) Events. Advisory Board

Interns will be expected to complete at minimum, the items that are bolded.

1. Communicate with school staff member(s) and industry partner(s) to determine the following: Determine Event Details

� Purpose of the event � Event date, time, and location � Contact information (name, company, e-mail, phone #) for all partner(s) who will participate � Number of students that can participate � Expected attire for students (school uniform, business casual, or business) � Whether food will be provided � Agenda that explains what will happen the day of the event


� Determine which students will be permitted participate in the event. Be sure to get approval from any teachers whose classes the event will impact prior to advertising to students. Examples of groups of students events can target include:

Outreach to students to participate

• Grade level (Ex: only 9th

• Class (Ex: students in Principles of Finance, students with math period 4, etc.) graders, only juniors and seniors, etc.)

• GPA (Ex: only students with a 2.5 or higher can attend) Remember, we want to have as many students experience WBL programs as possible, so try to target different student populations at different events.

� Create and implement an outreach plan to ensure that the maximum number of students are invited and actually attend the event. • Create and distribute a flyer or other promotional materials explaining the

event details. • Be sure to include a clear deadline (at least one week prior to the event) and

directions for RSVPs and permission slips, clearly indicating the event’s point-person and their contact information.

In-school events: Prepare for Event

� Determine where in the school the event will take place. � Plan for class interruptions/schedule changes that will occur as a result of the event. � Provide directions and instructions for entering the school building to all partners who will

attend. � Determine what signage is necessary to direct visitors and post signs accordingly. � Determine who will be greeting visitors at the building entrance and escorting

visitors to different locations within the building. � Prepare a sign-in sheet to document which students actually participated the day of

the event. � Follow up with students a few days prior to the event to remind them to attend.

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218 West 40th Street, 5th Floor ∞ New York, NY 10018 Phone: (212) 635-2400 ∞ Fax: (212) 635-2409 ∞

Out-of-school events:

� Gather permissions slips. � Create a list of students and chaperones who will attend. Document which students will be with

which teachers/chaperones. Provide this list to chaperones on the day of the event. � Plan for class interruptions/schedule changes as a result of the event. � Contact event host to see if there are any special instructions for entry. Do students need a

photo ID for security? Does a list of participants’ names need to be submitted prior to the event? Who at the organization should be contacted upon arrival?

� Provide all chaperones with directions to the location. � Ensure students are prepared with clear expectations for event. Ensure students have an

understanding of the purpose and outcomes for event. � Prepare a sign-in sheet to document which students actually participated the day of

the event. � Follow up with students a few days prior to the event to remind them to attend.


� Ensure that students who attended the event write thank you notes and e-mail, mail, or give these to the partner(s) who hosted or participated in the event.

Follow-up After Event

� Use sign-in sheets to document the results of the event in the Work-Based Learning Data Spreadsheet.

This is a working document, and we welcome your suggestions should you find that items are missing from this list, or should be edited. Please send any feedback to [email protected].

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Strategic Action Plan Work-Based Learning Recruitment

Academy _________________________________ Intern Names ____________________________________________

Name and Date of Event

Recruitment Goal

(# of students)

Recruitment Tasks Who’s Responsible

Task Start Date

Task End Date

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Strategic Action Plan Work-Based Learning Recruitment

218 West 40th Street, 5th Floor ∞ New York, NY 10018 Phone: (212) 635-2400 ∞ Fax: (212) 635-2409 ∞

Name and Date of Event

Recruitment Goal

(# of students)

Recruitment Tasks Who’s Responsible

Task Start Date

Task End Date

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“What do our Interns Need?Planning Activity

Remember to consider training, time, materials and space!

Intern Responsibility: Communicate with Advisory Board Members

Intern Responsibility: Take Minutes at Advisory Board Meetings

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Intern Responsibility: Maintain Evidence Binder

Intern Responsibility: Recruit Students for Work-Based Learning Events

Intern Responsibility: Recruit New Partners/Advisory Board Members