implantable contact lens treatment

Implantable Contact Lens Treatment

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Post on 31-Mar-2016




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ICL (Implantable Contact Lens) treatment is the perfect answer for those patients whose eyes are not suitable for laser correction.


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ICL (Implantable Contact Lens) treatment is the perfect answer for those patients whose eyes are not suitable for laser correction.

It can correct very high short and long sight and astigmatism, with no injections, no stitches – just fantastic vision.

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Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) treatment has become the most popular option for patients who are unsuitable for laser, perhaps because of an out of range prescription for laser or irregular corneas.

At AVC we are proud to say that we are pioneers of ICL treatment and are now the UK leader in this procedure, treating more patients than any other clinic.

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The fact that AVC surgeon Dr Goran Helgason had ICL treatment himself in 2004 speaks for itself.

Permanent and invisible for sharp, high definition vision

ICLs are permanent miniature contact lenses that are implanted inside the eye to correct vision. The type of lenses and the technique we use at AVC means they are undetectable and are cosmetically far superior than any other type of ICL lens available at other clinics.

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To date, over 500,000 ICL implants have been performed worldwide, demonstrating an established track record of safety. In fact, the US Army has approved ICL as their treatment of choice for their recruits who need vision correction.

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Suitability for Implantable Contact Lens

ICL is suitable for prescriptions up to:

-25.00DS (short-sight)

+12.00DS (long-sight)

-5.00DS (astigmatism)

ICLs can help patients who are not suitable for laser treatment due to an out of range prescription, irregular or thin corneas or have been diagnosed with the disease keratoconus.

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The Implantable Contact Lens Procedure

ICL treatment is performed on one eye at a time, anywhere between one day and two weeks apart. The procedure takes about 30 minutes per eye and involves minimal discomfort.

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ICL treatment is performed on one eye at a time, anywhere between one day and two weeks apart. The procedure takes about 30 minutes per eye and involves minimal discomfort.

After numbing the eye with anaesthetic drops, a micro-incision is made and the tiny flexible ICL is folded up and injected into the eye in front of the natural lens.

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No stitches are required as the micro-incision is self-sealing and you are able to leave the clinic the same day. The anaesthetic wears off without any side effects soon after the procedure is completed.

Antibiotic eye drops are also administered to prevent any infection during surgery.