impedance matching

Impedance Matching Antenna Engineering Antenna Engineering CHO, Yong Heui CHO, Yong Heui

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Post on 11-May-2015




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Impedance matching is a procedure for obtaining the maximum power transfer to a load. What is a goal for microwave design? If we can give maximum power to a load, we succeed in design. Impedance matching allows us to make that happen.


Page 1: Impedance Matching

Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

CHO, Yong HeuiCHO, Yong Heui

Page 2: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab2

1. Impedance Matching

Basic Concept

Voltage or Current → Ratio is a key factor


Page 3: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab3

Maximum power transfer

1. Impedance matching

Condition for maximum power transfer-

Matching network- Usually source and load are fixed.

Reflection- Conjugate matching doesn’t mean no


No reflection-

*0 )( LZZ


Page 4: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab4

출처 : KAIST

1. Impedance Matching

Variable Phase Shifter

Page 5: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab5

Matching with lumped elements

Compact size Difficulties in finding the proper value of L or C L-network, T-network, and -network

1. Impedance matching

Page 6: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab6

Procedure: L-network



Find to intersect the circle


Find to cancel out

0/ ZZz LL

LL zy /1

jxzL 1

11 jXjxzin



jX jx

1. Impedance matching

Page 7: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab7


Design the L section matching network to match the transmission line,


MHzfZjZL 500,100,100200 0

Smith chart

1. Impedance matching

Page 8: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab8

Single-stub matching

Open stub and short stub

Short stub (L)

Open stub (C)

1. Impedance matching

Page 9: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab9

Single-stub matching

Simple matching network

Smith chart

1. Impedance matching

Page 10: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab10

Procedure: shunt stub



Move to the direction of generator

Find the intersection of the circle

Adjust the length of a shunt stub

0/ ZZz LL

LL zy /1

jbyL 1

jbyS 11


yyy SLin

1. Impedance matching

Page 11: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab11


Design the single-stub shunt tuning network to match the transmission line,


GHzfZjZL 2,50,1015 0

Smith chart

1. Impedance matching

Page 12: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab12

Double-stub matching

Fixed length between the load and stub

Smith chart

1. Impedance matching

Page 13: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab13

Quarter-wave transformer

Easy calculation of the matching network Narrow bandwidth characteristics

4/,01 lZZZ L

1. Impedance matching

Page 14: Impedance Matching

Antenna Antenna EngineeringEngineering

EM Wave LabEM Wave Lab14


Complicated design procedure Broad bandwidth characteristics The theory of small reflections

Binomial multisection line Chebyshev multisection line Tapered line

1. Impedance matching