impactmeds presentation in hitlab's healthcare innovation worldcup semi-finals

“Increasing the effectiveness of adherence interventions will have a far greater impact on the health of the population than any improvement in specific medical Confidential - Socially Relevant Inc. IMPACTMed s

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Page 1: IMPACTMeds Presentation in HITLAB's Healthcare Innovation Worldcup Semi-Finals

“Increasing the effectiveness of adherence interventions will have a far greater impact on the health of the population than any improvement in specific medical treatments.”

World Health OrganizationConfidential - Socially Relevant Inc.


Page 2: IMPACTMeds Presentation in HITLAB's Healthcare Innovation Worldcup Semi-Finals

Increases Costs and Hospita l i zati on RiskPoor Adherence

2Confidential Do Not Distribute

Source: Medco, 2005

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The cost to insurers when refill rates for Diabetes patients is less than 80%

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6 2 % o f P e o p l e

W h o N e e d M e d i c a ti o n s f o r

D i a b e t e s

W i l l S t o p B u y i n g T h e m

W i t h i n 2 4 M o n t h

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Source: PHARMA

Page 5: IMPACTMeds Presentation in HITLAB's Healthcare Innovation Worldcup Semi-Finals

Patients often suffer from unnecessary complications including

heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease,

amputations. End-stage renal disease,

retinopathy and vision loss.

Page 6: IMPACTMeds Presentation in HITLAB's Healthcare Innovation Worldcup Semi-Finals

Improving medication adherence by only

25%just for Diabetes Drugs would

increase Pharmaceutical sales by

2.9 BILLION DOLLARS SOURCE: Estimated Annual Pharmaceutical Revenue Loss Due to Medication Adherence, Capgemini Consulting

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The Gold Standard Soluti on

14 years of clinical trials conducted by the American Pharmacy Association demonstrate a

3x increase in adherence

Project IMPACT

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Confidential- Socially Relevant Inc.

Participating Pharmacies Delivering

IMPACT Care Today

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Pharmacists Provide Patients with Education & Simple Tools to Improve Medication Adherence

Confidential - Socially Relevant Inc.


Accepts &




Medication & Service

Adherence &



Doctor Prescrib

es Medication & Adhere

nce Service


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T E X A S & C A L I F O R N I A



How We Scale AdherenceIMPACT Programs Increase Adherence by 3x in Clinical Trials

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The Users’ ExperienceT h e P h a r m a c y e d u c a ti o n , c o u n s e l i n g & t o o l s p r o v i d e d b y p h a r m a c i s t s

At H o m e g e t m e d i c a ti o n i n f o r m a ti o n , r e m i n d e r s , t r a c k u s a g e a n d c o u n s e l i n g o n l i n e

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Improve Patient Adherence with Collaborative Therapy

1. Assess Risks- Algorithms and Automated Questionnaire 2. Build Understanding- Clinical Interview and Chart Review3. Deliver Care- Targeted Action Plan, Monitoring and Follow-up Care4. Sales Increase

Pharmacists’ Experience

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Confidential- Socially Relevant Inc.

Patients Can:1. Find a pharmacist, tools and technology2. Ask medication questions3. Schedule to meet with a pharmacist4. Redeem Med Credits5. Meet online using video or at pharmacy

Easy Access Online

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Prepaid MedCredits

Name:Patient No:


ACO_________________________Manufacturer _________________________

Insurance _________________________

John DoeA987654

Employer _________________________

Date: 04/30/13



Get answers to medication questions for free and receive special care. Redeem Med Credits at your local pharmacy or

Med Credits expire in 60 days. Ask your pharmacist for more.

Special CareProvided by:

Simple for Pati ents & Sponsors

Medicare Part D

Dallas Nephrology Amgen

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Contact information:

Benjamin Bluml, R.Ph.VP Research APhA [email protected]

David Parpart, D.C. CEO [email protected]


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We Provide Pharmacists and Patients with Simple Tools to Improve Medication Adherence

Nidhi Sharma, Nurse, MBAVP [email protected]