impact of the industrial revolution

Impact of the Industrial Revolution

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Impact of the Industrial Revolution. Discuss the following slides in your group using the homework reading. How did business owners benefit from the Industrial Revolution?. How did workers benefit from the Industrial Revolution?. How did the reading address the Lowell Girls?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Page 2: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Discuss the following slides in your group using the homework reading

Page 3: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

How did business owners benefit from

the Industrial Revolution?

Page 4: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

How did workers benefit from the

Industrial Revolution?

Page 5: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

How did the reading address the Lowell


Page 6: Impact of the Industrial Revolution
Page 7: Impact of the Industrial Revolution
Page 8: Impact of the Industrial Revolution
Page 9: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Lines 9-10Line 12

Use the reading to identify an example of Marx’s B vs. P struggle

Page 10: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

How would you control your workers

and why?

Page 11: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

1700 Shoemaker (home producing)

Page 12: Impact of the Industrial Revolution


Page 13: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Dad leaves

Page 14: Impact of the Industrial Revolution
Page 15: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

What will be the new system of stratification in the US?

Page 16: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Was the Industrial Revolution positive or negative?

Positive Negative

Page 17: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Gilded Age 1880s



African Americans


Page 18: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Laissez Faire

Page 19: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Why hire children?

Page 20: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Unions BeginAmerican Federation of Labor: Created in 1886 by Samuel Gompers. Union addressed skilled laborer issues.

Knights of Labor: Created in 1869. Allowed women and African Americans. The union addressed the concerns of unskilled laborers.

IWW: Wanted a restructuring of the class and wage system.

Page 21: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Union Concerns

Page 22: Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Business Concerns?