immune system defense

Immune System Defense Patrick Clements, University of South Carolina Jeremy Pesner, Dickinson College

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Immune System Defense

Immune System Defense

Patrick Clements, University of South Carolina

Jeremy Pesner, Dickinson College

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Introduction• Dr. Zheng drew parallels between OO

programming and biological systems in a published paper

• Also wanted an educational game to have interested students play. Should be fun, but also educational and factually accurate

• We were called upon to merge all these ideas together

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Educational Games• Have been in existence about as long as

computer games

• Educators tried to capitalize on the “magic of Pac Man”

• In 1981, Thomas Malone set out five main characteristics that he believed educational games should possess

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Malone’s Five Points• Clear goals that students find meaningful

• Multiple goal structures and scoring to give students feedback on their progress

• Multiple difficulty levels to adjust the game difficulty to learner skill

• Random elements of surprise

• An emotionally appealing fantasy and metaphor that is related to game skills

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Previous Educational Games

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Educational Games Today

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Our Game and CompetitionImmune Attack Immune System Defense

• Developed by the Federation of American Scientists, Brown University, and University of Southern California

• Modern looking graphics

• Fairly complex controls to non-gamers

• Little replay value, no difficulty setting

• Player is educated through a fictional scenario

• Developed by two college students with XNA Game Studio Express

• Simple graphics

• Very simple controls, anyone can pick them up easily

• Medium replay value (through randomized enemy actions), no difficulty setting

• Player walks through the realistic biological process

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The Immune System

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Software Process• Early Ideas:

– Real-Time Strategy Game (Turn-based combat)

– Shooter game (Shoot pathogens down)– Multi-faceted game with different mini stages– Tower Defense Game

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Software Process• How a Tower Defense game operates

• Our game– “Towers” = immune system cells– “Attackers” = pathogens– “Citizens” = generic body cells– Extra controls for user

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Software Process- Gameplay• Points

– Used to “buy” more cells after a stage– Cumulative– Earned based on the number of “citizen” cells

remaining after each stage

• Score Calculation– Number of cells remaining each round– Total number of pathogens destroyed

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Software Process• Implementation

– Cells derived from base class with multiple interfaces such as Bindable, Dividable

– Update and Hit Test for each object type– “Vicinity” targeting by immune system cells

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Future Works• Randomly Generated Levels

– A vein network created from branching nodes

• Various Types of Pathogens– More biologically accurate and entertaining– memory based immunities

• Different Degrees of Difficulty– Suit wider range of user abilities

• Framework?– Scripting for use with several different biological


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Conclusion• Without formal testing available, evaluate with

regards to Malone’s elements of good educational games

• The Steps:

1. Clear, Meaningful goals

2. Multiple Goal Structures, immediate feedback

3. Multiple Difficulty levels

4. Random Elements of Surprise

5. Emotionally Appealing fantasy

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Conclusion• Game loosely adheres to Malone’s

elements• Some games are successful without many

of the concepts (Simulation games for example)

• Real value comes from actual testing– How entertaining is it?– Does the entertainment lend itself to the

learning process?