immune response studies

BISP.6 - Bressanone - June 18 th -20 th 2009 Mixtures, clustering, spatial [ & dynamic ] point processes and big data sets Mike West Department of Statistical Science Duke University

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Mixtures, clustering, spatial [ & dynamic ] point processes and big data sets Mike West Department of Statistical Science Duke University. Immune response studies. 57.8. 0.79. : CD4 CY55PE. 36.3. : CD8 Q705. cellular phenotypes in vaccine adjuvant studies . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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BISP.6 - Bressanone - June 18th-20th 2009

Mixtures, clustering, spatial [ & dynamic ] point processes and big data sets

Mike WestDepartment of Statistical Science

Duke University

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cellular phenotypes in vaccine adjuvant studies

Immune response studies

Lymphocyte differentiation: Multiple cell types ~ 15 cell surface marker proteins (+)

<V705-A>: CD8 Q705



>: C

D4 C






i. cell subtyping

ii. spatio-temporal response

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i. Cell subtyping: Flow cytometry data




Modest p, large n <V705-A>: CD8 Q705



>: C

D4 C






Cell subset identification

Comparison across times, interventions

Comparison across patients

Comparison across treatmentsTreatment

Patient 1

Dataset 1

Cell subset 1 Cell subset n

Dataset n

Patient nMultiple experiments … - really big data - characterise data distributions - comparisons

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Mixtures for flow cytometry data

mixture models (TDP version)Chan et al 2008,9

MCMC Bayesian EM





<Violet G-A>: CD3 Amcyan<V


t H-A

>: v


e CD



9 PB


Live T-cells

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Non-Gaussian clusters/cell subtypesFlexible mixture model:

Subtypes: groups of componentsModal grouping

Modal clustering for non-Gaussian mixtures

Mode trace: fast iterative id of modes

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Mixtures of mixtures

Cluster mixture models (TDP version)Cao & West 1993; Merl et al 2009

Cluster “anchors”

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cluster locations

data by cluster


CFSE data: 3 of 7 dimensions: MCMC snapshot

helper Ts

cytotoxic Ts

dead cells

other Ts

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Specification & computation

MCMC iteratesa. Reallocate data to components:

One “big mixture of normals”

b. Sufficient statistics: resample normal parameters

c. Probabilities: - Counts of data in clusters

- Counts in components within clusters

BIG data, many components: Exploit parallelisation in modules a, b, c

shared memory multi-threading in multi-core, multi-cpu computer

cluster: MPI interface

Prior control: Anchor cluster locations

Tie component means “close” to anchors

Stickiness: New MCMC - Split/merge? Component swapping between clusters

MAP/Bayesian EM

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Inferences: Comparisons

Common interest: rare cell subsets

(e.g. antigen-specific cells << 1%)

Changes in relative abundance Changes in marker levels

Mouse cell line: HIV adjuvants

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Marker 1


ker 2

Variable selection: Discriminative information

Measure fewer variables? Subtype characterising variables?

Redundant variables? Discrimination confusing variables?


discriminatory information: - high is good - finds useful & useless variables - ranks subsets

- involves “concordances” :

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CFSE discriminative information analysis

Change in information by subtype: Drop one marker

Lose irrelevant markers: no loss in false pos/neg ratesSimpler, efficient marker subset analysis

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Technology adoption: Many routine analyses


HIV/AIDSCancer vaccines

Tropical diseases

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ii. Spatial responses: Fluorescent histology/microscopy

Example: Mice lymph nodes: Compare immune response to various treatments

3 or 4 fluorescent tags – stain cell types: e.g. B220, IgM, GL-7

Many exploratory questions: Regional concentrations of types?

Overall levels of types?Interactions?

Germinal centres: relative concentrations of GL7/B220


Different time points

PA+Alum, day 1

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4 cell types/4 colour channels: several treatments, several dayspixels: grid to small pixel regions

PA alone

B220 IgM


Immunofluorescent histology: BIG data

106 ¡ 108

Cells: model 2D (3D) spatial intensity hugely inhomogeneous

Noisy fluorescence

Flexible model to characterise

... intensity surfaces, … uncertain overall levels,

… noise & signal fluorescence,… compare cell types

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Inhomogeneous Poisson process model

Point process

Measured fluorescence levels

B cells: GFP/B220, day 1

Intensity function


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Spatial mixture & measurement model

Truncated Dirichlet process mixture [ Kottas & Sanso 07; Ji et al 09 ]

Data: noise/background vs. signal Extend “usual” priors:

- random effects- Pareto tails

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Fluorescence intensity signal & noise model

Fluorescence intensity data

Mixture model - noise vs. signal



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Components of posterior

Grid: (small) pixel regions: area

MCMC: conditionals

Gaussian mixture: Signal only observationsLarge K, large NBlock Gibbs sampler for TDP mixtures


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MCMC progression & inferences

Signal/noise events? Pr(Signal/noise events)?

Intensity function …

… estimate…Intensity function …

B220/day 1

B220/day 11

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Posterior summaries and explorations

(b) IgM(a) B220

(c) CD4 (*) B220/(B220+IgM)

Quantified germinal centres

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Computation: Multi-core, multi-thread; cluster

Large K, large N mixture model

Heavy computation: Configuration indicators,

Gaussian component parameter updates

Parallelizable steps within MCMC

Parallel sub-images: conditional mixture in sub-image

a) allocate pixel to sub-image b) … then to component in sub-mixture

… use a) only for pixels “near boundaries” - reduces computation

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Dynamic spatial process

Confocal microscopy: Imaging fluorescence in situ

Model: quantify directional(?) drifts in intensity

Above model at each time:Intensity dynamic

- Dynamic models for Gaussian parameters- Generalized Polya Urn Scheme for random

partitions/pixel-component configurations[ Matt Taddy’s talkCaron, Davey, Doucet, 07, UAIC. Ji et al, 09 forthcoming ]

Sequential MC: Particle filtering

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Dynamic spatial process

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Team & Links

Lynn Lin, PhD student

Quanli Wang,

Dan Merlpostdoc > Livermore

Cliburn ChanImmunology & Comp Bio

Chunlin Ji, PhD student

Tom KeplerImmunology & Comp Bio

Ioanna Manolopolou postdoc

Chan et al, Cytometry A, 2008Ji et al, BA 2009

New & software: