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Immune Deficiency Foundation of Australia Ltd Annual Report 2012-2013

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Immune Deficiency Foundation of Australia Ltd Annual Report 2012-2013

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Immune Deficiency Foundation of Australia Annual Report 2012-2013

Christine Jeffery, Executive Officer

Immune Deficiencies Foundation Australia - PO Box 969 Penrith NSW 2751 – ABN 99 117 585 976

T: 1800 100 198 M: 0409 945 114 E: [email protected]


Immune Deficiencies Foundation Australia 3

Chair Summary 3

Governance 4

Executive Summary 7

Operations 7

Strategic Plans 8

Vision 8

Mission 9

Goal 9

Values 9

Key Performance Indicators 10

Strategies to achieve Goals and KPIs 11

Major Achievements 12

Finance 15

Finance and Audit Chair Summary 15

Marketing Growth 20

Appendix 22

Financial Statements 22

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Immune Deficiencies Foundation Australia IDFA supports people affected by Primary Immune Deficiencies in Australia. IDFA is committed to raising

awareness about primary immune deficiencies and improving quality of life for patients.

Chair Summary

I am pleased to present the 2012-13 Annual Report for the Immune Deficiencies Foundation Australia (IDFA).

The past twelve months have been extremely successful for the IDFA. Our key achievements during this period

have included:

increasing our membership by more than 100 per cent

introducing more sustainable long term staffing arrangements, including recruiting a new Executive


hosting a successful national conference attended by more than 100 IDFA members

delivering a modest budget surplus, positioning the organisation well to face the challenges of 2013-14

and future years.

General Manager position

The most significant changes in the IDFA’s operations during the 2012-13 were changes in the position of

General Manager/Executive Officer.

Our previous General Managers, Cathryn Baker, resigned at the end of September 2013. The IDFA Board of

Directors took the opportunity presented by this change to restructure our staffing arrangements, creating an

Executive Officer position with more sustainable long term cost arrangements. Initially, the Board co-opted an

existing Board member, Christine Jeffery, to act in this new position.

Following the end of the 2012-13 year, Christine has subsequently (August 2013) been confirmed in the

Executive Officer position after an external selection process, and has been appointed for an initial three year

contract. Christine will remain as a non-voting board member during this time.

Board membership

The Board appointed two new members during 2012-13 – Linda Holdaway (appointed 09/02/2013) and Dr David

Gillis (appointed 29/04/2013). The Board also had one departure this financial year, with Dr Karl Bleasel, who

retired from the Board in November 2012, following the conclusion of his term on the Board. More information

on the Board of Directors is provided under the Governance section of this Annual Report.

Key directions

At its February 2013 planning meeting, the Board of Directors confirmed its existing strategic planning

framework for the IDFA. The key organisational goals in the strategic plan, as outlined at last year’s AGM, are:

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increasing PID awareness in the general and medical communities

increasing our membership with the aim of reaching all Australians with PID

advocating/supporting our members and their families

communicating with our members, their families, our stakeholders, partners and key alliances.



IDFA Board of Directors

Governance Board of Directors 2012-2013

IDFA is governed by a Board of seven Directors. Adam Friederich is the IDFA Board Chair.

Adam Friederich


Richard Price



Dr Melanie Wong MEDICAL


LIinda Holdaway


Lara Alexander


Dr David Gillis

Jackie Murphy

Christine Jeffery EXECUTIVE

OFFICER (non-voting)

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The following persons were directors in office during2012-2013:

Adam Friederich Dr Melanie Wong

Richard Price Jacqueline Murphy

Lara Alexander Dr David Gillis (Appointed 29 April 2013)

Dr Karl Bleasel (Retired 26 November 2012) Linda Holdaway (Appointed 9 February 2013)

Christine Jeffery (non voting)

Information on Directors



QUALIFICATIONS: Grad Cert (Mgmt), Grad Dip (Sc, Com), CIII Public Sector Admin, CIII Public Sector Qual

Mgmt, BSc (Hons)

EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE: Adam has 20 years’ experience with not for profit boards, and has been a board

member or office bearer with numerous NFP organisations. Adam also has more than 15 years’ experience

working with the Australian Public Service, where his responsibilities focus on governance issues, such as

strategic and business planning, performance reporting, and financial and HR management.


SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Deputy Chair, Company Secretary

QUALIFICATIONS: BEng (Mining, Hons), MSc (Mineral Economics), M AusIMM

EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE: Richard is a mining engineer with 10 years’ experience in the mining industry

and 5 years’ experience in financial services. Richard has a Primary Immunodeficiency (PID) and lives in Perth.


SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Chair Audit & Finance Committee


EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE: Lara has worked in the NFP sector for over 15 years, working in various senior

management and executive roles with organisations such as St John Ambulance, Cancer Council, Save the

Children, Bethesda Hospital and more recently in the aged care sector with Presbyterian Care Tasmania. Lara’s

expertise is predominantly in areas such as finance and budgeting, management, human resources and payroll

and fundraising.

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SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Director (non voting), Executive Officer

QUALIFICATIONS: Adv Dip Bus Mgmt, Cert IV in Training & Assessment, SA Sustainability

EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE: Christine has 20 years’ experience in Management and 10 years’ experience in

Education & Training. Christine joined the IDFA Board in 2011 and became Executive Officer in 2012. Christine

is also a Board Member and Asia Pacific Representative of IPOPI (International Patient Organisation for Primary

Immunodeficiencies). She has an adult daughter with complex immune and autoimmune diseases.


SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Chair Medical Advisory Committee, Director


Senior staff specialist, Department of Allergy and Immunology, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Director of the Immunology Laboratory and Head of the Immunodeficiency Service

President Elect, Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA)

Board member, Allergy and Immunology Foundation of Australasia (AIFA)




EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE: Linda is a qualified Chartered Accountant with 16 years’ experience in

accounting and finance, including 7 in professional practice and the last 9 as a finance executive across various

industries, including fashion, media, retail, cosmetics and not for profit. Linda joined the Board in 2013.



QUALIFICATIONS: CPE Level 1 (Clinical Pastoral Education), Assoc Dip Christian Studies

EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE: Jacqueline has spent a number of years working as a sub-contract moderator

online as well as establishing and facilitating self help support groups and community groups. She is also a

qualified Chaplain. Jacqueline has Primary Immunodeficiency (PID) and other complex medical issues.




EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE: David is an Immunologist with 27 years’ experience in the clinical management

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of primary immunodeficiency in adults. He is also a pathologist with extensive experience in the testing for

primary immunodeficiency. David was a previous chairperson of the primary immunodeficiency committee of

ASCIA and was chairman of the South Australian IVIG Users Group for many years .


SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Director – retired 26 Nov 2012




In 2012-2013, IDFA had 2 staff:

Executive Officer Christine Jeffery (Fulltime)

Support Services Officer Kim Atkinson (7 hrs p week)

Executive Summary

IDA has had a busy year of professional development and growth. We have increased our visibility and built our

brand. Our achievements this year have successfully aligned with our Vision, Mission, Goal and Values. The key

achievements this year have been:

IDFA National Conference, attended by 114 members

Membership doubling

Production of a new member pack with resources and booklets about Primary Immune Deficiencies

Launch of a new website


Operational growth included:

Change in leadership with new Executive Officer

Addition of two new Board Members

Development of IDFA’s Strategic Plans

Reporting now centred on the KPIs developed with the Strategic Plans

IDFA Executive Officer admitted to the International Board of IPOPI (International Patient

Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies)

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International Campaigns

IDFA participates in:

Rare Disease Day

World PI Week

Industry association

IDFA is proud to be associated with:

ASCIA (Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy)

IPOPI (International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies

NBA (National Blood Authority)

Red Cross

IDFA is grateful to all blood donors.

Immunoglobulin (made from plasma) is the main treatment for our members.

Strategic Plans


A future where Primary Immune Deficiencies are diagnosed early, communities are more aware of the signs and symptoms of PID, and those affected by PID feel supported.

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Supply information and resources to promote an understanding of Primary Immune Deficiencies by linking members, their families and medical teams.


Promote an understanding of Primary Immune Deficiencies within both the general and medical communities through:

Awareness We work to increase PID awareness in the general and medical community.

Membership We acknowledge that unity is strength and our aim is to reach and support all Australians with PID.

Advocacy We will act for our members and their families.

Communication We will continue to develop and maintain our communication with members, their families, our stakeholders, partners and key alliances.


Courage PID can get you down but we get back up together.

Strength Sometimes, just getting through the day can be tough. We understand.

Engagement and Collaboration We seek to involve PID affected individuals, families, medical staff and the wider community.

Determination Our members, volunteers and staff work tirelessly to give those with PID a better quality of life.

Our members We can all learn something from someone, and those affected by PID have a story worth listening to.

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Key Performance Indicators

Focus areas

IDFA has a Board approved Strategic Plan focusing on three main areas –




Performance Measures and KPIs

IDFA uses the following Kaplan Norton Balanced Scorecard Indicators:


Growth and Development

Business Processes

Financial Strategies

The Focus areas and Balanced Scorecard Indicators were used to develop Key Performance Indicators based

around the IDFA Goals. The performance measures are outlined in the table below.


Balanced Scorecard

Indicators Customers

Growth &

Development Business Processes Financial Strategies



Membership Increase membership Increase Fundraising volunteer force

Increase Member events (Public Speaking, fundraising)

Fund improved resources for member services

Awareness Increase direct communication with Health Professionals

Increase alliances with rare disease groups

Update Procedure Manual - Increase number of Business and IT processes

Fund improved resources for awareness


Increase member access to practical advice and general coping skills

Continue face to face meetings with stakeholders relating to Advocacy issues

Increase applications for fundraising and grants

Fund improved resources for advocacy (Counselling costs, pumps etc)

Communication Increase communication to existing members

Continue face to face meetings with stakeholders

Review effectiveness of recently established communication tools (brochures, surveys, Facebook)

Fund improved resources for communication (member pack, brochures, conference and media promotions)

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Strategies to achieve Goals and KPIs

The strategies for achieving IDFA goals are through:


□ visits, phone calls, emails, new website, newsletters, membership packs, IDFA information and membership brochures, booklets about Primary Immune Deficiencies, media releases, member stories, speaking at events and seminars, maintaining contact with Industry and government organisations and other Rare Disease organisations


□ IDFA Conferences, Industry Conferences, Rare disease meetings, Media stories, website


□ with government and regulatory authorities

Member Engagement

□ teleconferencing, PID Chats, picnics, social get togethers, Mentors and Buddies, encouraging volunteers, seminars, conference


□ Immunologists, Hospital infusion wards, Immunology Nurses, Industry Conferences, Allied Rare Disease groups, ASCIA (Australasian Society Clinical Immunology and Allergy), IPOPI (International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies)


□ trade events – ASCIA, IPOPI, PPTA, IPPIC, Nurses Education days, Immunology Seminars

Fund raising

□ IDFA uses a Fundraiser, International Entertainment, to raise funds on our behalf. This is through the selling of tickets to Shows (Magic Show, Razzamatazz and Circus Quirkus). Corporate clients purchase tickets for disadvantaged children to attend the shows.

□ Funds are also raised by members and volunteers.


Seeking sponsors (corporate or government) continues to be a priority and an important part of the

Executive Officer’s role.

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Major Achievements

Membership increase of 107%

National Conference for 114 members

Production of Member Pack with Resource booklets

New website launched

Increase in Grant Revenue

KPI Achievements

Performance against the KPIs are shown below.

KPIs Goal Balanced Scorecard Indicator

Strategic Focus Area

LFY 2011-2012 TFY 2012-2013 % ↑ Membership

338 698 107% Increase membership

Customers Marketing

260 501 93% o Members

35 68 94% o Professional Contacts

8 19 138% o Rare Disease Alliances

35 110 214% o Stakeholders

2 8 300% Increase Fundraising volunteer force

Growth & Development Marketing

24 47 96% Increase Member events (Public Speaking, fundraising) Business Processes Operational

Increase Funding for improved resources for member services Financial Strategies Finances

$ 3,523.00 $ 6,041.02 71% o Total Donations Revenue

KPIs Goal

Balanced Scorecard Indicator

Strategic Focus Area

LFY 2011-2012 TFY 2012-2013 % Awareness

0 175 Increase direct communication with Health Professionals Customers Marketing

8 29 263% Increase alliances with rare disease groups

Growth & Development Marketing

14 35 150%

Update Procedure Manual - Increase number of Business and IT processes Business Processes Operational

Fund improved resources for awareness -

Financial Strategies Finances

$ 3,000.00 $ 5,200.00 73% o Total Speakers Network Revenue

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KPIs Goal

Balanced Scorecard Indicator

Strategic Focus Area

LFY 2011-2012 TFY 2012-2013 % Advocacy

16 50 213% Increase member access to practical advice and general coping skills Customers Marketing

14 41 193% Continue face to face meetings with stakeholders relating to Advocacy issues Growth & Development Marketing

2 9 350% Increase applications for fundraising and grants

Business Processes Operational

Fund applications for improved resources for advocacy (Counselling costs, pumps etc) Financial Strategies Finances

$ 276.00 $ 1,879.90 581% o Total Fundraising Volunteers Revenue

KPIs Goal Balanced Scorecard

Indicator Strategic Focus Area

LFY 2011-2012 TFY 2012-2013 % Communication

8 37 363% Increase communication to existing members

Customers Marketing

8 41 413% Continue and increase face to face meetings with stakeholders Growth & Development Marketing

Review effectiveness of recently established communication tools (brochures, surveys, Facebook) Business Processes Operational

293 o IDFA Member survey

168 o Hospital infusion wards/ Igi.V Educational Bear and Kit sent out

90 362 302% o Email membership

0 612 o New Website hits March to June 2013: 612

70 117 67% o Facebook closed group membership


o National Conference held - 114 participants sponsored to attend

3 5 67% o No of PID brochures produced

1 3 200% o No of Immunologist/Nurse/Allied Health professional Resources produced:

8 7 -13% o SN Events

1 4 300% o Fundraising events

4 22 450% o Members stories in media

4 3 -25% o Media releases

1 3 200% o Participation in research studies/surveys

Fund improved resources for communication (member pack, brochures, conference, media promotions) Financial Strategies Finances

$ 24,500.00 $ 50,565.62 106% o Total Grants revenue

$ 937,545.00 $ 988,986.21 5% o Total IE (Fundraiser) revenue

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Alliances Alliances have been formed nationally with

□ hospitals

□ Immunologists

□ Nurses

□ CSL Behring

□ Baxter

□ Octapharma

□ Other rare disease groups

Increased communication with Peak Bodies

□ ASCIA (Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy)

□ NBA (National Blood Authority)

□ IPOPI (International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies)


□ Financial recording improved

□ Building Policies and Procedures Manual

□ WH&S compliance

□ Compliance with financial and regulatory bodies


□ Executive Officer co-opted onto IPOPI Board

□ Attended IPOPI Conference Florence Italy

□ Attended PPTA (Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association) Conference in Dublin

□ Attended the first IPOPI Asian NMO Professionalization Workshop in Bangkok to assist forming a

National Member Organisation in Thailand

Workplace Health & Safety

□ WH&S compliant

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Finance and Audit Chair Summary

During the financial year 2012/13 the Board’s decision to restructure the position of General Manager replacing

it with an Executive Officer role, translated in increased efficiencies in our spending and excellent results in

attracting additional sponsorship and donations.

Christine Jeffery worked very closely with the Board and the Audit and Finance Committee in controlling

spending, maximising the value of every dollar spent and applying for sponsorship, donations and funding for

our National Conference. This resulted in IDFA delivering a very successful event to its members and

supporters, mainly covered by the funding and sponsorship sought and with minimal contribution from within.

In addition to the organising of a major event some of the positive results include:

A Revenue increase of 6.44% in 2012/13 compared to previous year, whilst expenditure increased by

only 5.59%.

Net Profit increase from $462 in 2011/12 to $8,726 this Financial Year.

The Net decrease in Cash Flow during the year has been reduced from ($39,409) in 2011/12 to ($7,677).

This is a positive result considering the organisation had to pay approximately $23K in employee

entitlements and redundancy, which was above the regular business cash activities.

Increase in grants, donations, sponsorship from $32K in 2011/12 to more than $62K this Financial Year.

Other measures adopted in 2012/13 include:

The transfer ‘in house’ of the bookkeeping activities. This has resulted in better controls, more

accountability and reliability on the financial information.

Better management of our investment bank accounts with the Executive Officer seeking from Westpac

the best option for maximising our interest received on the longer term deposit account.

Better scrutiny and increased diligence by the Executive Officer in checking the reports and invoices

received from IE for campaigns. A general, overall increased communication with IE.

Setting specific budgets for proposed activities which are outside the operating budget of the


Future financial performance will continue to be the subject of close scrutiny by the Audit and Finance

Committee, looking at maximising the benefits derived from spending our funds. With the support of the

Executive Officer, it is planned that major events and/or initiatives will be budgeted before committing to

spending and endeavour to obtain funding and sponsorship for majority of costs, with minimal contribution

from within.

Overall, IDFA has improved its result from previous Financial Year whilst also delivering on its commitment to

members. It is also significant in the context that the overall not for profit climate has been quite uncertain in

2012/13 with community members having fewer funds available to donate or support charities.

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Additional details on the financial performance of the organisation are available in the audited Financial



Chair, Audit and Finance Committee

IDFA Board of Directors

Fundraiser - International Entertainment

To assist us in Fundraising, International Entertainment run shows for IDFA. Purchasing tickets for the shows provides opportunities for those who are sick, have a disability or impoverished and their carer to enjoy a great afternoon of entertainment and fun! These shows include Razzamatazz, Circus Quirkus and World Festival of Magic. Tickets are $55 ea or $110 for a child and their carer. They are tax deductible. By purchasing tickets to a show, sponsors enable children and families whose lives are difficult due to illness, disability or poverty, to have a great few hours of fabulous entertainment.

IDFA members attend these shows and are very grateful to those who purchase tickets. International Entertainment run 3 types of shows:

World Festival of Magic

World Festival of Magic has been touring Australia since 1988. It features the great Illusionist Michael Boyd. The show features acts of interactive magic, acrobatic cyclists and circus acts. The IDFA show is run in:

Wagga Wagga


Razzamatazz has been touring Australia since 2008. It is a mix of circus, magic, comedy and dazzling dancers in spectacular costumes. It is a great variety show and fun for everyone. The show runs for about 1 hour with no interval. The IDFA shows are run in:




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Circus Quirkus

Circus Quirkus has been touring Australia since 2002. is a contemporary take on traditional circuses of ages past. It is an eclectic and entertaining mix of Circus acts brought to you from all over the world. Internationally renowned Clowns, Jugglers, Acrobats, and more deliver funny, hugely engaging and sometimes death-defying acts of unbelievable skill. The IDFA shows are run in:







Bendigo Burnie

Major Sponsors


□ Baxter

□ Octapharma

□ CSL Behring

Other Sponsors and Donors


□ Rotary Club of Waratah

□ Bowens Health Services (Chemist Outlet)

□ Nekon (Waratah Shopping Village)

□ Lions Club of Swansea

□ Chemist Outlet

□ Rotary Club of Merimbulah

□ Saddington and Sons

□ UHY Accounting

□ Paul Richardson

□ GJ Davies and Sons

□ Mathieson family

□ Jenny Tyrrell

□ Robyn Lamont

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Fundraising Volunteers

Building IDFA’s Fundraising Volunteers is also an area of priority for 2013-2014.

Financial Statement 2012-2013

IDFA retained a surplus income before tax expense of $ 8726. This was an increase on last financial year ($ 462)



International Entertainment (fundraise on IDFAs behalf)

International Entertainment income $ 947,828.37


IE Telemarketer Share $ 377,767.67

IE Producer Share $ 377,622.81

IE Show Share $ 20,810.46

Merchant Fees $ 6,284.69

Late fees paid $ 292.00

Westpac Charge Back $ 1,018.19

TOTAL COST OF SALES $ 783,795.82

Gross Profit from Fundraiser International Entertainment $ 164,032.55

Tracy Kleef Leanne DeGroot Waratah Rotary Trivia night Raised $5700 towards National Conference

Karen Stackman Raised $500

Michael Daniel Raised $500

Annette Farrugia Raised over $2,000

Maria Chatfield Raised over $1,000

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Gross Profit from Fundraiser International Entertainment $ 164,032.55


OTHER INCOME Grant Income $ 35,209.65

Donation/Gift Income $ 27,632.01

Income From Fundraising Events

$ 154.55

National Conference Deposit $ 3,772.69

Other Income $ 2,330.00

IE Merchant Fees Charge Back $ 1,530.08

$ 70,628.98 $ 70,628.98

Total Gross Profit

$ 234,661.53


Accounting/Bookeeping Fees

$ 3,622.28

Bank Fees

$ 2,205.86

Audit Fees

$ 6,054.55

Postage & Courier

$ 3,473.81

Travel & Accom Expenses

$ 7,744.57

Office Expenses

$ 3,698.01

IDFA Members Functions

$ 1,665.56


$ 12,333.17


$ 640.88

Computer Expenses

$ 249.07

National Conference Expenses

$ 47,929.57

Telephone Expenses

$ 6,538.50


$ 603.12

Licence Fees & Subscriptions

$ 409.00

Total General Expenses

$ 97,167.95

Wages & Salaries Expenses


Work Cover Premiums


Travel Kms Expenses


Total Payroll Expenses


Pro Indemnity Insurance


Public Liability Insurance


Total Insurance Expenses


Total Expenses

$ 222,740.86

Operating Profit

$ 11,920.67

Other Income

Interest Income 5878.03 $ 5,878.03

Other Expenses

Interest Expense


Other Expense


Bad Debts

5507.12 9072.46

Totals $ 1,024,335.38 $ 1,015,609.14 $ 8,726.24

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Marketing Growth

Mounted successful advocacy campaign for SCIg

Subcutaneous immunoglobulin treatment has now been funded in Australia



□ IDFA information and membership brochure

□ Our Immune System S. LeBien

□ IPOPI PID in adults

□ IPOPI Diagnosis of PIDs

□ IPOPI PID Treatments

□ IPOPI A guide for Schools

□ IPOPI Transition - moving from child to adult care


□ Card holder and PID Business Card for Health Professionals

□ Large postcard for Business Professionals

□ Certificates of Appreciation

□ New banner

□ Badges

□ Folders

□ Wristbands

□ All in an A4 and A5 IDFA Presentation folders

PID Patient Social events

□ IDFA members have been successfully running PID picnics, lunches and social get togethers throughout




□ Report on website


□ Presented as a Guest Speaker

□ Also answered questions as a parent of a transition child

□ Positive feedback

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□ Report on website


□ Very successful! Positive feedback

□ Profit made

□ Report on website at:


□ Organised by Noelene Davies and IDFA

□ 28 attendees (4 members, 1 new patient member) + nurses

and Immunologists

□ Saturday 6th July 2013 at The Womens and Childrens

Hospital Adelaide.

□ Excellent presentations were made by the Guest Speakers:

o Dr Damien Chan “Historic events and discoveries in

primary immunodeficiency”

Dr Jovanka King “Keep calm and make antibodies …

A Cook’s tour of the immune system”

Professor Antonio Ferrante “Milestones in cutting edge technology in diagnosis of


o Presentations are available on the website at

PID Chats

□ The most successful PID Chats were:

o CVID over 50s

o CVID 30-50

PID Connections

□ The most successful PID Connections were:

o Entitlements and Benefits

o Noelene Davies Transfusion Nurse talking

immunoglobulin treatment and care

o Being a Carer


□ New website launched

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Appendix Financial Report

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