immaculate conception parish...2017/10/22  · immaculate conception parish 300 ansley grove road,...

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH 300 Ansley Grove Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4 T: 905 856-2205 F: 905 850-5589 [email protected] TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 22, 2017 Pilgrimage to France, Spain and Portugal Our Parish is organizing a pilgrimage to France, Spain and Portugal under the spiritual direction of our Pastor, Fr. Eugene, from May 27-June 7, 2018. Please contact the Parish office for more information and registration forms. La nostra parrocchia organizza un pellegrinaggio in Francia, Spagna e Portogallo, sotto la guida spirituale del nostro parroco, P. Eugene dal 27 maggio al 7 giungo, 2018. Per ulteriori informazioni e i moduli di registrazione, contattate l’ufficio parrocchiale. Parent Information Meeting for First Communion Candidates There will be a mandatory meeting for parents of First Communion Candidates who have been registered. Please attend one of the meetings on Thursday, October 26, 2017 or Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 8pm in the Parish Hall. Very important information will be given out. Evening Rosary During the month of October, the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary, we will be praying the rosary in the Chapel from Monday-Friday at 7:30pm. Durante il mese di Ottobre, il mese dedicato al Santo Rosario pregheremo il Santo Rosario dal lunedì al venerdì alle ore 19,30 in cappella. TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Evangelization of Nations This weekend, we will be having a second collection for World Mission Sunday. Every Parish across the world will celebrate World Mission Sunday today. It is a global sign of the Universal Church and mission. Your prayers and donations will help support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is beginning, where it is new. World Mission Sunday is our chance to assist Catholic Communities throughout the world become self- sufficient and flourish. By sharing the gift of faith, we can bring hope and love to those who need it most. Questo fine settimana, faremo una seconda colletta per la Giornata Missionaria Mondiale, che è celebrata in ogni parrocchia. Tale segno manifesta l’universalità e la missione della Chiesa. Le vostre preghiere e le donazioni contribuiranno a sostenere chiese, ospedali, scuole e vocazioni nelle zone in cui la Chiesa è nuova o ai suoi inizi. La Giornata Missionaria Mondiale offre la possibilità di rendere le comunità cattoliche disperse per il mondo fiorenti e autosufficienti. Condividendo il dono della fede, possiamo far crescere la speranza e l’amore in coloro che ne hanno più bisogno.

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Page 1: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH...2017/10/22  · IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH 300 Ansley Grove Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4 T: 905 856-2205 F: 905 850-5589 TWENTY-NINTH



300 Ansley Grove Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4

T: 905 856-2205 F: 905 850-5589 [email protected]


October 22, 2017

Pilgrimage to France, Spain and Portugal

Our Parish is organizing a pilgrimage to France,

Spain and Portugal under the spiritual direction

of our Pastor, Fr. Eugene, from May 27-June 7,

2018. Please contact the Parish office for more

information and registration forms.

La nostra parrocchia organizza un pellegrinaggio

in Francia, Spagna e Portogallo, sotto la guida

spirituale del nostro parroco, P. Eugene dal 27

maggio al 7 giungo, 2018. Per ulteriori

informazioni e i moduli di registrazione, contattate

l’ufficio parrocchiale.

Parent Information Meeting for First Communion Candidates

There will be a mandatory meeting for parents of

First Communion Candidates who have been

registered. Please attend one of the meetings on

Thursday, October 26, 2017 or Wednesday,

November 1, 2017 at 8pm in the Parish Hall.

Very important information will be given out.

Evening Rosary

During the month of October, the month

dedicated to the Holy Rosary, we will be praying

the rosary in the Chapel from Monday-Friday at


Durante il mese di Ottobre, il mese dedicato al

Santo Rosario pregheremo il Santo Rosario dal

lunedì al venerdì alle ore 19,30 in cappella.


Evangelization of Nations

This weekend, we will be having a second

collection for World Mission Sunday. Every

Parish across the world will celebrate World

Mission Sunday today. It is a global sign of the

Universal Church and mission. Your prayers and

donations will help support churches, hospitals,

schools and vocations in countries where the

Church is beginning, where it is new. World

Mission Sunday is our chance to assist Catholic

Communities throughout the world become self-

sufficient and flourish. By sharing the gift of faith,

we can bring hope and love to those who need it


Questo fine settimana, faremo una seconda

colletta per la Giornata Missionaria Mondiale, che

è celebrata in ogni parrocchia. Tale segno

manifesta l’universalità e la missione della Chiesa.

Le vostre preghiere e le donazioni contribuiranno a

sostenere chiese, ospedali, scuole e vocazioni nelle

zone in cui la Chiesa è nuova o ai suoi inizi. La

Giornata Missionaria Mondiale offre la possibilità

di rendere le comunità cattoliche disperse per il

mondo fiorenti e autosufficienti. Condividendo il

dono della fede, possiamo far crescere la speranza

e l’amore in coloro che ne hanno più bisogno.

Page 2: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH...2017/10/22  · IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH 300 Ansley Grove Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4 T: 905 856-2205 F: 905 850-5589 TWENTY-NINTH

Let us welcome the following children

to our community through the

Sacrament of Baptism

Gianluca Michael Nigro

Lorenzo Jaxon Marotta

Viola Rosangela Morra

Cruz Rego

Upcoming Marriages

Benedetta Manasseri & Kevin Walsh

Andrea DiFelice & Frank Zuccaro

All Saints Day ~ Tutti i Santi

Wednesday November 1, 2017

Mass Schedule

8:00am: Italian

7:00pm: English

8:00pm: Italian

All Souls’ Day

Commemorazione di Tutti i Fedeli Defunti

Thursday November 2, 2017: Mass Schedule

8:00am: Italian

7:00pm: Bilingual

8:00pm: Italian

Parent Workshop for

Confirmation Candidates

There will be a mandatory meeting for parents of

Confirmation Candidates who have been

registered. Please attend one of the meetings on

Thursday, November 9, 2017 or Wednesday,

November 15, 2017 at 8pm in the Parish Hall.

Very important information will be given out.

Altar Servers Meeting

All Altar Servers are invited to attend a meeting

on Monday October 30, 2017 at 6pm. New

members are welcome!

Celebration of Memory and New Life

A Mass with Candlelight Service in memory of

our loved ones who have died will be held on:

Wednesday November 8, 2017 at 8:00pm in

English and Wednesday November 22, 2017 at

8:00pm in Italian. Please register that same

night by coming early.

Una Santa Messa speciale con accensione di lumini

per i nostri cari defunti sarà celebrata mercoledì 8

novembre 2017 alle ore 20 in Inglese e

mercoledì 22 novembre, 2017 alle ore 20 in

Italiano. Per favore, venite prima a mettere in

lista i nomi dei vostri cari.

All Souls’ Mass Envelopes

During the month of November, every morning at

8:00am and the Sunday Masses will be dedicated

for your deceased loved ones. At the Church

entrance you will find the “All Souls” envelopes

which you may use to write the names of your

loved ones. Leave the envelopes on the Altar in

November and your loved ones will be

remembered in a special way.

Durante il mese di novembre, tutte le Sante Messe

delle ore 8:00am e tutte quelle della domenica

saranno celebrate per i vostri cari defunti. Coloro

che lo desideranno possono scrivere i nomi dei

defunti sulle buste che si troveranno nell’atrio della

Chiesa. Le buste saranno tenute sull’altare

durante tutto il mese di novembre.

Rosary Apostolate

The Rosary Apostolate in the Schools

is seeking volunteers who have great

devotion to the Mother of God and

who are willing to visit our elementary

schools to pray the Rosary with the children.

Training and screening will be provided. Please

contact Rose at 905-856-6035.

Page 3: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH...2017/10/22  · IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH 300 Ansley Grove Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4 T: 905 856-2205 F: 905 850-5589 TWENTY-NINTH

Parish Headcount

The Archdiocese of Toronto will be conducting a

Parish headcount in Churches across the

Archdiocese on October 21/22, 2017.

L’Arcidiocesi di Toronto farà uno conto dei fedeli

presenti alla Santa Messa nelle Chiese

dell’Arcidiocesi il 21/22 ottobre, 2017.

CWL Bazaar

The Catholic Women’s League of our Parish will

be having a Bazaar and bake sale on Sunday

November 19, 2017 in the Parish Hall. Everyone

is invited to attend. If you are a vendor and are

interested in displaying your goods or services

please contact a CWL member.

Le Donne dell’Azione Cattolica organizzano un

Bazaar domenica 19 novembre, 2017 nella sala

parrocchiale. Tutti sono invitati a partecipare.

Contattate un membro del gruppo per ulteriori


Thank you!

The Knights of Columbus are extremely thankful

for your generosity in the Thanksgiving Food and

Clothing Drive. 1,300 pounds of food were

collected, in addition to bags of clothing and cash

donations. The homeless in Toronto are the

beneficiaries through the Good Shepherd

Ministries charitable organization. They said,

“This is an early Christmas for us. Thank you

Immaculate Conception.”

I Cavalieri di Colombo ringraziano tutti per la

generosità verso il Thanksgiving Food Drive dove

hanno raccolto 1,300 libra di cibo, oltre a capi di

abbigliamento e donazioni in denaro. Le vostre

donazioni sono state portate al Good Shepherd

Ministries della Città di Toronto.

Family of Faith Campaign Update

Thank you for your commitment to our parish’s

Family of Faith Campaign. Our current parish

share of funds received for the Family of Faith

Campaign is $36,700. Please continue to

contribute towards the completion of your

pledge. For questions regarding a change to a

payment schedule, method of payment, new card

information or processing errors, please contact

the Donations Processing Centre at

[email protected] or 416-934-3400, ext.


Un’aggiornamento sulla Campagna per la Comunità di Fede

Grazie per la vostra donazione verso la Campagna

per la Comunità di Fede. Attualmente, la nostra

parrocchia ha ricevuto $36,700 dalla Campagna.

Per domande riguardanti come effettuare le vostre

donazioni, si prega di contattare il Donations

Processing Centre: [email protected] o

al 416-934-3400, ext. 555.

All Souls’ Day Mass at the

Catholic Cemeteries

Catholic Cemeteries and Funeral Services –

Archdiocese of Toronto wishes to invite all

familes to participate in the All Souls’ Day Mass

on Saturday November 4, 2017 at 2pm. All

Masses will be held indoors at the following


Assumption Cemetery, Mississauga

Liturgy in English

Christ the King Cemetery, Markham

Liturgy in English

Holy Cross Cemetery, Thornhill

Liturgy in Italian and English

Queen of Heaven Cemetery, Woodbridge

Liturgy in Italian and English

Resurrection Cemetery, Whitby

Liturgy in English

Page 4: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH...2017/10/22  · IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH 300 Ansley Grove Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4 T: 905 856-2205 F: 905 850-5589 TWENTY-NINTH

Employment Opportunity

Janitor/Custodian & Grounds Keeper

Immaculate Conception Parish

Full time – 4o hours per week


Immaculate Conception Parish is seeking a full time Janitor/Custodian & Grounds Keeper to maintain

the Church property and ensure a clean, safe and attractive environment.


Dust and vacuum premises as required after celebrations and special events.

Mop the floors as necessary of the vestibule of the church, basement meeting areas, church hall,

stairs, washrooms etc.

Clean washrooms.

Set up and dismantling of tables and chairs in boardrooms, meeting rooms and Church hall.

Litter pick up from parking lot and church property.

Other duties, as required.

General Requirements:

This position will occasionally require being available to work on Saturdays and Sundays. Hours

of work are based on flex hours as dictated by clean up requirements based on functions and

activities going on.

Fluency in English and some Italian language an asset.

Good interpersonal skills, diplomacy and ability to deal with parishioners and general public.

A faith-based understanding of the Catholic Church, its tenets and culture, and respect for its

leadership and parish clergy.

A criminal background check will be required of the successful applicant.

Fax, mail or deliver resume to:

Immaculate Conception Parish

300 Ansley Grove Road,

Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4

Attn: Fr. Eugene Chianain, Pastor

Fax: (905) 850-5589


Note: Resumes received after November 7, 2017 will not be considered.

Only those qualified will be contacted for an interview.