imagine 2014: the devil is in the details how to optimize magento hosting to increase online sales


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How to Optimize Magento Hosting

to Increase Online Sales

The Devil is in the Details

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Will Bernstein

Executive Vice President,

Sales and Marketing

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1. Case study: solution engineering

2. Load testing results: lab vs. real-world testing

3. Best practices for Magento-optimized development

4. The link between performance and conversion

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Case Study: Mystery of the Locked DB

• is the first and largest flash sale travel

website in Latin America

• Based in

o Paulo Brazil

• Zarpo’s objective is to provide the best online user

experience to demanding Latin American travelers

• Running a highly customized deployment of Magento

Enterprise Edition

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Case Study: Mystery of the Locked DB

Monday, January 13, 2014 – Catastrophic Event

• 12:37 PM: Critical ticket opened with ZeroLag Support –

“Zarpo is badly down”

• 12:48 PM: Initial trouble analysis complete – MySQL crash

– Extremely high volume of queries locked up the DB

• 1:04 PM: ZeroLag engineer kills queries and restarts SQL –

site back online

• 1:22 PM: Queries continue to pound SQL for reasons

unknown. ZeroLag staff keeps SQL online

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Case Study: Mystery of the Locked DB

Monday, January 13, 2014

• 4:27 PM: Root cause deep dive begins

– Team is assembled: DBA and senior Magento / Linux engineers

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Case Study: Mystery of the Locked DB

Monday, January 13, 2014

• 5:00 PM: DB diagnostics and configuration analysis begins

• 6:18 PM: Test environment is set up to focus on DB cache

under load

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Case Study: Mystery of the Locked DB

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

• 8:15 AM: Root cause identified

– An AJAX call checks a custom cache

– When a travel deal gets sold or updated the cache is cleared

and the next AJAX call kicks off a recache

– If a cache has not been built by the time next AJAX call

happens, another cache rebuild gets launched

– Zarpo had recently released its mobile application and usage

increased 800% causing a massive log jam of cache rebuilds

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Case Study: Mystery of the Locked DB

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

• 9:18 AM: Solution engineering begins

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Case Study: Mystery of the Locked DB

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

• Developer briefing: ZeroLag recommends solution

– Add Ajax code that blocks all rebuilds if a rebuild is already in progress

• The Ajax call puts up a “loading new deals” clock for users during cache rebuilds

• As an added benefit, the clock contributes to the user experience by helping build

customer anticipation for deals, consistent with the flash sale business model

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Case Study: Mystery of the Locked DB

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Zarpo names the successful solution “The McManus Magic Shield”

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Case Study: Mystery of the Locked DB

Skype Room Chat Report from Zarpo

[1/24/14, 9:41:45 AM] Alexis Manach: excellent


[1/24/14, 9:41:56 AM] Alexis Manach: the

McManus magic shield is on..

[1/24/14, 9:42:09 AM] Alexis Manach: and

working beautifully..

[1/24/14, 9:42:43 AM] Alexis Manach: this

morning i triggered this big event recache with

over 550 concurrent users online and site did

not even move a little bit.

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About ZeroLag

Get the power of 1:1

• Magento Platinum Hosting Partner

• Founded April 1999

• Founder, CEO Greg Strelzoff

• 80 Employees

• We never throw developers

under the bus!

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Load Testing Results 02

Cameron King

Linux Manager

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• To observe Magento performance under varying store

sizes, cache configurations, and traffic levels

– Directly relates to questions we get asked on a weekly basis

during the pre-sale process

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Lab and store test setup

• Environment: single load test server – Tool: Gatling

– Method: Blind test (unbiased)

– Tiers: Single web & DB, Dual web & DB

– Code: stock Magento EE 1.13, no plugins

• Test grid: – Cache: Memcached, Redis

– Store sizes: 1K, 100K, 500K products

– Traffic: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 concurrent browsers

• Success rate: 99% to consider valid test

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Environment Response Time vs. Traffic






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At 100 concurrent browsers, the “smaller” environment

performed best…

Environment Response Time vs. Traffic

It depends on where the bottlenecks are!

• At low levels, CPU is not strained

• No benefit of extra CPU power from

two web servers

• 50ms overhead due to shared PHP

sessions (Memcached) and file

system (NFS)

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Cache Response Time vs. Traffic

Redis Memcached

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Lab Load Test Recap

• Environment sizing is important to performance

• Stock Magento is fast and scalable when deployed with

best practices

• Memcached and Redis have similar performance

profiles when under load

• This establishes a baseline on which we can compare

some real-world sites

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Real-World Testing

• Selected 5 representative Magento sites

• Tested during off-peak hours

• Abort testing at >1% failure rate

• Generate Gatling install script for each site

• Same testing procedure as Lab tests

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Client Response Time vs. Traffic

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Client Response Time vs. Traffic

• Performs worse than the baseline

• Enabled Enterprise Edition Full Page

Cache, but not fully utilized

• Replaced stock Magento frontend with

Expression Engine

www www


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Client Response Time vs. Traffic

• Performs better than the baseline

• Enabled a number of custom plugins

• Using Varnish and third-party plugin


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Client Response Time vs. Traffic

• Performs better than the baseline

• Front-end designed for Magento

• Using Enterprise Edition FPC

• Using local HTTP Accelerator

www www www


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Client Response Time vs. Traffic

• Best scalability of all tested sites

• Most consistent performance

• Front-end designed for Magento

• Using Enterprise Edition FPC

• Using cloud-based HTTP accelerator

www www


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Client Response Time vs. Traffic

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Client Response Time vs. Traffic



• Great single-user experience

• Very poor scalability

• A large number of complex plugins

• Significant development issues

• Multiple developers working on the site

• File-based Magento fast cache

• DB-based PHP sessions

• FPC incompatible with plugins/code

• CPU intensive site

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Real-World Load Test Recap

• Code quality is the single greatest factor in determining

performance of a Magento site

– Frontend

– Plugins

– Custom Code

• FPC, HTTP accelerators, clustering, and in-memory

fast cache are excellent ways to improve scalability

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Best Practices in

Magento Development 03

Doug Goldberg

Vice President,

Magento Solutions

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Common Bottlenecks

Poorly Optimized Frontend

– Making performance-impacting changes

– Very large images

– Hundreds of very small images

– Uncombined JavaScript/CSS

– JavaScript/CSS out of order

– No browser caching

– Performance-intensive uncached page elements

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Best Practices

• Reduce the number of HTTP requests, limit external requests

– Base install of Magento has < 40 calls

– Most Magento sites I have seen: 100+ calls

• Compress files

– JavaScript, images, HTML, CSS, etc.

– Images should not be over 50KB

• Minify JS

– Removes unnecessary spaces, tabs, and other

selected characters

– Reduces overall size of the file

• Combine or merge JS and CSS

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Best Practices, cont.

• Load CSS first, JavaScript last

– Page appears to be loaded on the user’s machine while JavaScript is catching

up and loading in the background

• Add expiration headers for static graphic files (Browser cache)

– 80% of page load time is downloading scripts, images, and CSS, which

normally don’t change very often

• Use CSS sprites

– Can cut page load time by reducing the amount of HTTP requests your page

makes to the server, through the consolidation of your CSS background


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Best Practices, cont.

• Avoid redirects

– Site loads a header with a blank page, then loads

new page

– Increases the time it takes to get the user to the

page they actually want

• Use cache very aggressively

– Including Magento FPC if on Enterprise Edition

• Use CDN

– And even multiple zones for parallel downloads

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A Glimpse into the Future 04

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HipHop Virtual Machine

• HipHop for PHP: a series of execution engines

and improvements created by Facebook

– Original motivation: save server resources

given large PHP codebase of

– As development progressed: realization that

HipHop could substantially increase the speed

of PHP applications in general

• Current version open-sourced in late 2011

– Known as HHVM (HipHop Virtual Machine)

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Case Study – Magento and HHVM

• Car Part Kings

• Wanted to run HHVM and fpm on the

same production site to compare


• How do you do that?

– Query parameter strings (?h=1)

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What does that look like?

• fpm




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How did it perform?

• fpm page load time = 2.16 seconds

• HHVM page load time = 1.14 seconds

• On the first day, conversion increased by

500% over the similar fpm pages

• Facebook has seen increases in web

page generation throughput by factors of

up to 6x vs. Zend PHP

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Is HHVM ready for primetime?

• Not quite yet – Car Part Kings, ZeroLag and the HHVM consultant got it working

– But it needed to be restarted 4 to 5 times a day

• Currently deactivated – HHVM consultant working on a solution to eliminate crashes

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The Link Between

Performance and Conversion 05

Aaron Koch

Vice President,

Direct Sales

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How performance impacts your business

Why is performance critical?

Studies show users are more likely to convert on a faster site

− Slow sites subconsciously erode user confidence

− User Experience is everything and there are two components:

• Visible user experience - look and feel of the site along with

information architecture

• Invisible user experience - the passage of time itself

• Front-end innovation combined with back-end performance

optimization delivers the best User Experience possible

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How performance impacts your business

Magento performance can set your revenue on fire…

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How performance impacts your business

But slowing down suddenly can cost you dearly!

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How performance impacts your business

• Consciously or not, visitors expect pages to load in two

seconds or less

• A one-second delay reduces conversions by 7%*

• Even seemingly tolerable delays can add up to substantial

lost revenue

– For example, a site which sells $100,000 per day can lose as much as

$2.5 million annually for every extra second of page load delay*

• Small changes in site speed can have a huge impact on

e-commerce sales

*According to research conducted by Akamai and Gomez Advisors (now Compuware)

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Relationship of load time and bounce rate

Lost Opportunity

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Evaluating your site

Use free tools to analyze your Magento sites

• Knowing is half the battle

WebPagetest (

• TTFB, image compression,

caching, CDN

• Compare web sites’ page load


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Evaluating your site

Use free tools to analyze your Magento sites

• Knowing is half the battle

Gtmetrix (

• Breakdown 25+ page speed


• Provides performance

improvement recommendations

• Also, Magento-specific


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Evaluating your site

Use free tools to analyze your Magento sites

• Knowing is half the battle

YSlow (

• Waterfall chart shows each call

to build the page, with

associated load time

• Open Source; also available as

browser plugin for Chrome,

Firefox, more

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Leave this room with a plan

• Choose a hosting company that you think will best

support your business

• Implement a multi-layered strategy for

optimization and caching

• Communicate with your hosting company

and your solution partner; work together

to improve performance

• Remember that your website is a tool, not a canvas

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Thank you! | 877-ZERO-LAG