images glasgow-barren county, ky: 2012

SOUNDS GOOD Musical talent draws rave reviews BEST IN CLASS Education Center enrolls right along Home to Success Local economy shows growth, diversity KENTUCKY GLASGOW- BARREN COUNTY SPONSORED BY THE GLASGOW/BARREN COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2012 | LIVABILITY.COM/GLASGOW/KY

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Barren County is one of the most beautiful counties in Kentucky, thanks to its rural location and rolling farmlands. The county was founded in 1798 and was actually named for the barrens and meadlowlands that grace its topography. Barren County was recently named the No. 1 rural place to live by Progressive Farmer magazine, and remains one of the state’s top producers of milk, burley tobacco, hay and cattle. As for Glasgow, it is the county seat established in 1799, and is well known for its annual Scottish Highland Games.


Page 1: Images Glasgow-Barren County, KY: 2012

SOUNDS GOOD Musical talent draws rave reviews

BEST IN CLASS Education Center enrolls right along

Home to Success Local economy shows growth, diversity


glasgow- barren county


2012 | LIvABILITy.COm/GLASGOw/ky

Page 2: Images Glasgow-Barren County, KY: 2012

City of GlasgowCome visit us in Glasgow and discover a great place to live,learn and build for the future.

Page 3: Images Glasgow-Barren County, KY: 2012

All or part of this magazine is printed with soy ink on recycled paper containing 10% post-consumer waste.

Please recycle this magazine

ON THE COvEr Historic home in Glasgow Photo by Antony Boshier


4 Almanac

18 Biz Briefs

20 Chamber report

21 Economic profile

23 Health & wellness

26 Local flavor

28 Arts & Culture

30 Sports & recreation

32 Education

34 See the County

39 Community profile

40 membership Directory

43 Business Guide

2012 EDITION | vOLUmE 18




8 SOUNDS GOODMusical talent draws rave reviews

12 BEST IN CLASSEducation Center enrolls right along

16 HOmE TO SUCCESSLocal economy shows growth, diversity



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See more great photos of Glasgow in our online photo galleries

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Digital magazine

SOUNDS GOOD Musical talent draws rave reviews

BEST IN CLASS Education Center enrolls right along

Home to Success Local economy shows growth, diversity


glasgow- barren county


2012 | LIvABILITy.COm/GLASGOw/ky

Facts Get the most up-to-date info on cost of living, top employers, schools, population demographics and more

living hereLearn the basics about local neighborhoods, schools and health care providers

viDeoWatch quick videos of local attractions

What’s online

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Page 5: Images Glasgow-Barren County, KY: 2012

Digital Edition

share with a FrienDeasily share an interesting article, stunning photo or advertisement of your business on Facebook, twitter or via email.

have a Blog or weBsite?embed the digital magazine in your site to add compelling, local information.

Do more than JUst reaD aBoUt itexperience the community through video and find links to other sites for additional information.

Getting out to see live music in Glasgow and Barren County can be a little difficult, unless

you’re good at picking and choosing.There’s no shortage of musical

talent here, as well as plenty of showplaces and special events to hear it. In fact, there’s probably something for just about every musical taste here, according to the folks who put on the shows and perform in them.

Strings of ErinMaking a name for themselves

on the local folk and music scene, Strings of Erin comprises two talented sisters.

“My sister is a classically trained violinist, and I play the harp and sing and tell stories to music,” says Katie Daniels, who along with sister Bethany make up the group. “Bethany is concertmaster of the Bowling Green Youth Orchestra, and we also have performed at the Glasgow Musicale. There are a lot of opportunities here, and I think we’ll continue to have a lot of chances to perform.”




Right: Katie Daniels plays harp on stage at the Plaza Theatre. Left: Katie and Bethany Daniels make up the duo Strings of Erin.







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Glasgow-Barren County is published annually by Journal Communications inc. and is distributed through

the Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce and its member businesses.

for advertising information or to direct questions or comments about the magazine, contact

Journal Communications inc. at (615) 771-0080 or by email at [email protected].

fOr mOrE INfOrmATION, CONTACT:Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce118 East Public square, Glasgow, Ky 42141-2602

Phone: (270) 651-3161 • fax: (270) 651-3122


©Copyright 2012 Journal Communications inc., 725 Cool springs Blvd., suite 400, franklin, tn 37067,

(615) 771-0080. All rights reserved. no portion of this magazine may be reproduced

in whole or in part without written consent.

Member the Association of Magazine Media

Member Custom Content Council

Member Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce

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Page 6: Images Glasgow-Barren County, KY: 2012

Welcome to GlasgowAn introduCtion to thE ArEA’s pEopLE, pLACEs And EvEnts

the show Goes onopened in 1934, the Plaza theater

started out playing the show The Cat’s Paw for the low admission price of 25

cents for adults and 10 cents for children.

over the years, the Plaza has undergone

several changes in ownership and physical

appearance to continue offering a

contemporary theatrical experience.

in 2001, the city of Glasgow purchased

the Plaza for $200,000 and renovated

it with government grants, city funds

and individual contributions. today, the

Plaza presents events, either booking

performances that will be successful or

renting the venue to groups to produce

their own shows. the Plaza also rents out

its Marquee, dressing rooms, inner and

outer lobbies, balcony and more.

Where fishermen flourishbarren river Lake is the perfect location for all kinds of

aquatic activities as it encompasses more than 10,000 acres. barren river is home to several popular camping areas including bailey’s point, the narrows and tailwater. All three campgrounds offer amenities such as individual water and electrical hookups, playgrounds, volleyball areas and more. boating is another beloved activity on barren Lake as it offers boat ramps at all recreation areas including barren river Lake state resort park, peninsula Marina and walnut Creek Marina, to name a few. while camping and boating are popular, fishing is the most enjoyed activity thanks to the Lake’s fishing piers and its variety of fish. Among these fish are striped bass, crappie, brim, largemouth bass, hybrid bass and numerous kinds of catfish.

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Fast Factsn barren County is one of the state’s top producers of milk, burley tobacco, alfalfa, beef and dairy cattle.

n glasgow and barren County enjoy an average temperature of 60 degrees.

n the glasgow highland games celebrate the scottish and irish heritage of glasgow each year on the weekend following Memorial day.

n glasgow has been recognized as one of the 100 best Communities for young people by America’s promise Alliance.

Embracing the WildCovering more than 180 acres next to the

Barren River Reservoir, the Brigadoon state

nature Preserve in Barren County offers

visitors a natural retreat. the land donated

for the Brigadoon state nature Preserve

originally came from a land grant dating to

the American Revolution, and the Preserve

derives its name from a mythical scottish

village that appears out of the mists once

every hundred years. the Preserve’s unique

origins are surpassed only by its natural

wonder as it offers rich woodland scenery

filled with numerous types of trees, more

than 120 species of resident and migratory

birds, a mile-long hiking trail through ridge

tops and open ravines, and an array of spring

wildflowers, many species of which are rare. PHoto CouRtEsy of BiLL dEARMAn

Milking successGlasgow is home to some of the finest dairy farms in the southeast. Among these

farms, Kenny’s farmhouse Cheese and Bluegrass dairy and food, inc. stand distinct.

Kenny’s farmhouse Cheese began in the 1990s out of Kenny Mattingly’s concern that

milk would decline in value as a commodity. summoning an entrepreneurial spirit,

Mattingly decided to use the farm’s milk to produce cheese using handmade techniques.

since the beginning of this venture in 1998, Kenny’s has gone from

producing 4,000 pounds of Gouda annually to 70,000 pounds

of a variety of cheeses today such as Colby, Asiago and Havarti.

Bluegrass dairy and food inc. is a primary supplier of

specialty ingredients to the food industry including

cream powders, churned butters, butter powders and

cheese powders. Bluegrass’s extensive production

capabilities enable it to produce ingredients

with numerous physical characteristics.

Bluegrass’s commitment to quality has

earned it numerous awards including

tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen’s

Award and Best in Class in the 2010

World Championship Cheese Contest.

Working for a Better futureEstablished in 1880, the Ralph Bunche Community Center originally opened as a

Barren County school unit. in 2005, the Glasgow Board of Education voted to sell the

former school to the Liberty district Association, which transformed the school into

the Ralph Bunche Community Center. the Center operates to educate and empower

high-risk youth and at-risk adults through various means including mentoring, career

consulting, academic tutoring, and behavioral and financial counseling for individuals

and families. the center provides a safe and stimulating atmosphere for everyone in

the community to enjoy recreational and educational activities that foster a greater

appreciation for cultural diversity, intellectual achievement and active, healthy living.


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Farmers Livestock Market of GlasgowCattle Auction Every Monday

3031 New Bowling Green Rd. Glasgow, KY • (270) 678-2118

3581 Scottsville Rd. Glasgow, KY 42141 (270) 678-3324 local (877) 678-3324 toll-free

Large Showroom

PartS & ServiceLocated just minutes away from Barren River Lake

Family Owned and Operated Since 1994

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Park City



Horse CaveeH








Main City Name312




To City

pOpULATION (2009 ESTImATE)Glasgow: 14,272

Barren County: 41,747

LOCATIONBarren County is in south-central Kentucky,

about 90 miles southeast of Louisville and

90 miles northeast of nashville, tenn.

BEGINNINGSBarren County was founded in 1798 and is named for

the barrens and meadowlands in the northern part of

the county. Glasgow was established in 1799 and

named for the city in scotland.

fOr mOrE INfOrmATIONGlasgow-Barren County Chamber of Commerce 118 E. Public square Glasgow, Ky 42141-2602 Phone: (270) 651-3161

glasgow at a glance

What’s online Check out photo galleries and videos of Glasgow at

GlasgowA Buried treasure

Mammoth Cave national park is home to the world’s longest known cave system with more than 390 miles of this underground wonderland explored. visitors have flocked to Mammoth Cave since 1816 to tour its winding, subterranean labyrinths and enjoy the cave’s majestic limestone formations. today, Mammoth Cave receives more than 300,000 visitors each year. to better accommodate these visitors, Mammoth Cave has begun a $14 million project to renovate its visitor center, which is more than 40 years old. this new 12,000 square-foot visitor center will be three times the size of the original and will provide cave tour ticket sales; interactive displays teaching the cave’s history, ecology and geology; an exhibit space; and a local tourism information center. the new visitor center is slated for completion sometime in 2012 after it receives proper LEEd gold certification.

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8 gL Asgow

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Getting out to see live music in Glasgow and Barren County can be a little difficult, unless

you’re good at picking and choosing.There’s no shortage of musical

talent here, as well as plenty of showplaces and special events to hear it. In fact, there’s probably something for just about every musical taste here, according to the folks who put on the shows and perform in them.

Strings of ErinMaking a name for themselves

on the local folk and music scene, Strings of Erin comprises two talented sisters.

“My sister is a classically trained violinist, and I play the harp and sing and tell stories to music,” says Katie Daniels, who along with sister Bethany make up the group. “Bethany is concertmaster of the Bowling Green Youth Orchestra, and we also have performed at the Glasgow Musicale. There are a lot of opportunities here, and I think we’ll continue to have a lot of chances to perform.”




right: katie daniels plays harp on stage at the plaza theatre. Left: katie and bethany daniels make up the duo strings of Erin.

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Glasgow Big BandFor more than a decade the

community’s music lovers and performers have come together in the Glasgow Community Band, which performs on the square in downtown Glasgow, holds an annual Christmas concert at the Plaza Theatre, and puts on other performances as its members’ schedules allow, says Bill Brogan, the band’s current director.

“We play for the Veterans Day banquet, and provide music for the ceremony downtown at the parade,” Brogan says.

Many band members are current or retired musicians as well as

current high school students who take top honors for their abilities. There’s also some crossover with the Barrens Big Band, which plays at retirement homes and various civic-group events.

“We’re up to five doctors now, three attorneys, six band directors and some other teachers, so we’re an unusual bunch,” Brogan says.

Concert on the SquareClassical music aficionados get

their fill when the annual Concert on the Square brings well-known regional symphony orchestras to town for a concert on the Friday night before July 4. Begun in the

late 1990s, the concert has gotten so popular that it brings several thousand locals and visitors to town for what has become a summertime must-attend event, says Randy Edwards, who chaired the event from 2009 to 2011.

“Every year it’s just gotten to be more of a tradition for folks,” Edwards says. “We keep pretty strict guidelines about the music, which is light classical that’s easily recognizable in the first half, and then patriotic for the second. The orchestras have been great to work with. And we try to add one or two new things every year just to keep it fresh.”

Where to go?GeorGe J’s on the square 144 e. Public square GlasGow, KY 42141 Phone: (270) 651-2161 hours: 7aM - 2 PM

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Southern hoSpitality at itS beSt

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554 S. Lucas Rd.Lucas, KY 42156 (270) 646-2957

1 mile from Barren River Lake

The Narrow Way Bed & Breakfast

George j’s on the SquareLocated in downtown Glasgow,

George J’s on the Square is known for hosting a variety of talented performers and musicians such as the Kentucky Ridge Runners, Steel Country Band and Jenny Lu’s Klassic Krew, to name a few. New owners Daniel and Angela Neukomm have plans to make the legendary local eatery a hub for entertainment, and are well along on their way to making that happen.

“We are endeavoring to become a regular nightspot,” Daniel Neukomm says. “Our goal is to have every Friday and Saturday

night full with a live band, and so far we’re booked up well into 2012. We will be featuring local bands, but also get some bands in from the Nashville area and elsewhere so we can bring in some outside talent as well.”

The Neukomms have built a stage and installed new sound and lighting, so look for George J’s to become a touring stop for not only local talent, but regional and national up-and-comers as well.

Top left: brionna Jordan plays guitar on stage at george J’s on the square in glasgow.

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Thanks to Glasgow’s Regional Post-Secondary Education Center, area residents can count easy

access to higher education as one of the many benefits of living in Barren County. Opened in 2002, the center houses satellite campuses for both Western Kentucky University (WKU) and Bowling Green Technical College (BGTC).

“Residents place a high value on our center because it truly does meet a need,” says Dr. Sally Ray, director of WKU-Glasgow.

feeding the Community’s Growth

Both WKU and BGTC offer a variety of academic programs at the Glasgow location. Nursing, elementary education and agriculture are the most popular of WKU-Glasgow’s 20-plus degrees and certificates.

BGTC-Glasgow students can earn a degree or certificate in one of eight industrial-maintenance fields, and the school offers custom training for local businesses.

Thanks to a joint-admissions agreement signed in summer 2011, students also have the option to earn an associate’s degree with BGTC, then transfer to WKU to complete a bachelor’s degree.

With so many options on the table, it’s no wonder that both campuses are seeing tremendous growth.

“We’ve added several degree programs and recently expanded our evening course offerings,” says Ron Baldwin, coordinating administrator for BGTC’s Glasgow Technology Campus.

To accommodate WKU-Glasgow’s growth, Ray is adding


faculty positions and degree programs as well as food service for students.

Both administrators attribute their schools’ growth to a reputation for personalized education.

“Our faculty genuinely care about students,” Ray says. “They’re interested in what’s going

on in students’ lives, and they’re approachable and helpful.”

The same holds true at BGTC.“We make teaching and learning

a top priority,” Baldwin says. “We have small class sizes and faculty and staff who are committed to student success.”

But the schools’ presence

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Left: wku-glasgow regional Center right: students work with microscopes at wku-glasgow.

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doesn’t just benefit students.“WKU-Glasgow and the

Glasgow Technology Campus are the primary pillars of economic development in our community,” says Dan Iacconi, executive director of the Glasgow/Barren County Industrial Development Economic Authority (IDEA). “They make the local environment more conducive for existing industries to expand and future industries to locate here.”

Leading outsourcer Sitel,

for example, opened its newest contact center near the campus in March 2010. The facility provides customer support for retailer Best Buy and employs more than 700 people. Many of those employees are students, but Sitel has also hired a number of people from the community at large.

“Sitel has helped to diversify our economy and provide employment for individuals who are looking for something other than traditional

manufacturing jobs,” Iacconi says.For WKU-Glasgow’s Ray, it’s

not surprising that the college’s presence would facilitate this kind of community-wide benefit.

“While we’re here primarily for our students, we also provide a connection to the community in terms of economic development,” she says. “Whether it’s offering educational opportunities or attracting new companies, a university provides tremendous benefits.”

diana paczosa (r) helps an employee with a call at the sitel facility in glasgow.

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The slowly recovering national economy has made for challenging times in Glasgow-Barren County, but thanks to economic development efforts, the future of the

local economic scene is brightening.While the past several years brought layoffs and

a few losses, new industries are locating in the area while existing businesses are expanding.

“We have been slowly coming back and we haven’t lost any of our major industries,” says Dan Iacconi, executive director of the Glasgow/Barren County Industrial Development Economic Authority (IDEA). “We have a lot of work to do, but we’re feeling very positive.”

Good Economic News in 2011The area welcomed major successes in 2011, Iacconi

says. In October, Fortis Manufacturing, a subsidiary of Canada-based Betatech Inc., announced plans for its first American manufacturing facility in Glasgow. The 80,000-square-foot plant in the Highland Glen Industrial Park is a $5 million investment that will bring 100 new jobs to the area.

Akebono Brake Corporation planned a $20.6 million, 66,000-square-foot expansion of its manufacturing plant, adding 200-plus new jobs. Sitel, a call center, expanded its workforce to more than 700. AtCorr Packaging Products opened in Glasgow in 2011, bringing 10 new jobs. And Med-Care Pharmacy, a pharmaceuticals provider, moved its 100 employees to an expanded facility.

“The location is very convenient for us, in the medical community near the new loop road and T.J. Samson Hospital, which is growing,” says Med-Care human resources manager Cindy Garrett. “We’re pleased with where we are. Barren County has very good prospects.”

Balancing Barren’s Existing and New Businesses

The key to growing the local economic base lies in serving the needs of existing businesses

while attracting new businesses, Iacconi says. “It’s critical to strike the right balance between

the two,” he says. “Existing industry is the backbone of our local economy.”

What keeps existing businesses and newcomers alike happy is a combination of improved infrastructure, outstanding location and transportation, a well-trained workforce, education and the community’s health care including a community-owned hospital.

“We are centrally located within a day’s drive of half the nation’s population,” Iacconi says. “We have put in the Veterans Outer Loop, which will complete a large, four-lane corridor that encircles our entire area. We have cutting-edge industrial parks with 5- to 150-acre lots available, and warehousing facilities from 5,000 to 343,000 square feet.

Education and InnovationEducation is a critical part of the economic picture,

Iacconi says. IDEA works closely with the Glasgow Regional Center, home to WKU-Glasgow and the Glasgow Technology Campus to meet the needs of area businesses.

It also actively seeks to diversify the local economic picture with an eye toward agriculture-related businesses, biomass and renewable energy, pharmaceuticals, and other high-tech industries.

“Innovation and creativity are what the world is about these days,” Iacconi says. “You must be able to out-innovate your competition.”



“Existing industry is the

backbone of our local economy.”



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Fortis Manufacturing facility

An employee makes a call at Sitel.

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scorecardBUSINESS AT


456 millionAnnual retail sales

32 millionretail sales

per capita

38 millionAccommodation

and food sales

1,676Total number

of firms

source: u.s. Census QuickFacts


Biz BriefsbusinEssEs – both LArgE And sMALL – thAt hELp dEFinE

gLAsgow And bArrEn County’s EConoMiC CLiMAtE

LAkESIDE rECyCLING INC.Biz: Recycling service providerBuzz: Lakeside Recycling Inc. works to meet the Barren County area’s residential and commercial waste disposal needs by offering services such as trash pickup, paper-shredding services, and waste and recyclables removal. The company also operates the county’s only full-service recycling center where residents can weigh and sort their recyclable

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BArrEN rIvEr ANImAL wELfArE ASSOCIATIONBiz: Animal shelter and adoption centerBuzz: Founded in 1991, the Barren River Animal Welfare Association takes in Barren County animals and works to find each creature a new home. The shelter also provides obedience classes, pet supplies, dog licensing and other

STELLAr HOUSEBiz: Meeting place and banquet facilityBuzz: Located in the former Ashley Rae’s building on North Race Street in downtown Glasgow, the Stellar House is a restaurant and catering service and also offers meeting space for private parties, corporate events and meetings. The facility is split into two rooms and can accommodate 10-120 people. Future plans include dinner theater, children’s events and live entertainment.(270) 629-2209

mAry wOOD wELDON mEmOrIAL LIBrAry’S BOOkmOBILEBiz: Community serviceBuzz: The bookmobile has been delivering free books to Barren County residents since 1952. It travels across the area eight to 10 days a month fulfilling special requests and making community and outreach stops at certain locations. Visit the website for the full

GLASGOw rAILwAyBiz: Railroad companyBuzz: Glasgow Railway donated No. 109, which is known as a “Jim Crow” car. The Louisville & Nashville Railroad passenger and freight car will be on display at the Historic Railpark & Train Museum/L&N Depot in Bowling Green. After an extensive restoration process, the car will be added to the museum’s collection of railroad cars.(270) 651-8861

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chamber reportgLAsgow/bArrEn County ChAMbEr oF CoMMErCE bLEnds businEss And CoMMunity in south CEntrAL kEntuCky

Every year, more families and businesses come home to

Glasgow-Barren County. World-class agriculture, small-town hospitality and an outstanding education system make south Central Kentucky an ideal place to live, work and play.

Bringing new business to the region – and strengthening existing ones – is one job of the Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce. the organization has played a major role in the business and community development of scenic southern Kentucky since 1929.

south central KentucKy Business exPo

the Chamber hosted its second

annual south Central Kentucky

Business Expo in february 2012.

Located in the 24,000 square-

foot Cave City Convention

Center, the event included

keynote speakers, community

leaders and representatives from

more than 70 local businesses.

“the expo serves a number

of different purposes,” says Ernie

Myers, executive vice president

and chief operations officer for the

Glasgow/Barren County Chamber.

“it allows businesses to show

themselves off to the public,

but it’s also a business-to-

business function.”

agriculture in south central KentucKy

Building on the success of

the business expo, Myers plans

to add a regional agricultural

expo by 2013.

“Agriculture is possibly the

leading single business within

the community,” Myers says. “We

already have events such as dairy

day and the Cattlemen’s festival,

and we hope to consolidate and

bring all these farmers together in

one place, so they can show their

wares and the public can better

understand farming. We’re in

favor of anything the farmer

does and try to support it highly.”

in the communityEvery two months, area

businesses participate in the chamber’s small Business Roundtables, bringing business owners and community leaders together to share ideas and collaborate on future growth. small business programs and ribbon cuttings also are works of the chamber, and staff plan year round for community events including the taste of Barren County, ice cream socials, the Christmas parade, and the crowd-drawing, bagpipe blaring fun of Highland Games and Celtic fest.

“Glasgow-Barren County is an easygoing, tip-of-the-south community that is incredibly friendly and accepting,” Myers says. “We’re definitely open for business.”

– Melanie Hill

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ECONOmIC OvErvIEwBarren County sits halfway between Louisville, Ky., and nashville,

tenn. – a central location that provides one-day access to major

markets in the southeast and Midwest. Barren County has

historically been a manufacturing center for this region. it has a high

concentration of manufacturers and manufacturing employment,

with more than 40 companies ranging from 20 to 1,300 employees.


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A state sales tax is levied at the rate of 6% on the purchase or lease price of taxable goods and on utility services. Local sales taxes are not levied in Kentucky. All locally taxed property is subject to county taxes and school district taxes. Property located inside city limits may also be subject to city property taxes. special local taxing jurisdictions (fire protection districts, watershed districts and sanitation districts) levy taxes within their operating areas.


$27,721per Capita income

$43,794Average Annual household Expenditure


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20,379total workforce

70%white-Collar Jobs

30%blue-Collar Jobs


18%Associate degree

8%bachelor’s degree

5%graduate degree


Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce 118 E. Public square

Glasgow, Ky 42141

(270) 651-3161


Glasgow Barren County Industrial Development & Economic Authority 200 s. Green st.

Glasgow, Ky 42142

(270) 651-6314

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T.J. Health Partners was created to provide an integrated network of health providers offering an array of comprehensive services. The formation of T.J. Health Partners will bring resources together that will medically benefit the people of south central Kentucky.

Primary Care

Phillip Bale, MD | (270) 629-54331320 N. Race St. | Glasgow

Karen Small, MD | (270) 651-6292218 Columbia Ave. | Glasgow

Richard Clouse, MD | (270) 651-67911330 N. Race St. | Glasgow

Scott Gilson, MD | (270) 651-67911330 N. Race St. | Glasgow

Brad Mallory, MD | (270) 651-67911330 N. Race St. | Glasgow

Melenda Miller, MD | (270) 651-1305507 L. Rogers Wells Blvd. | Glasgow

Linsey Neuhaus, MD | (270) 651-1305 507 L. Rogers Wells Blvd. | Glasgow

Patricia Spears, APRN | (270) 651-67911330 N. Race St. | Glasgow

Melanie Isbell, APRN | (270) 651-67911330 N. Race St. | Glasgow

Beverly Mortimer, APRN | (270) 629-54331320 N. Race St. | Glasgow

Laura Reed, APRN | (270) 678-32782345 Happy Valley Rd. | Glasgow

Jessica Stinson, APRN | (270) 678-32782345 Happy Valley Rd. | Glasgow

inTernal mediCine

William Travis, MD | (270) 651-67911330 N. Race St. | Glasgow

Andy Turner, MD | (270) 659-3163 218 Columbia Ave. | Glasgow

Ashley Norris, DO | (270) 651-6791 1330 N. Race St. | Glasgow


Venkata Reddy, MD | (270) 659-3322 104 Hippocrates Way | Glasgow

Harikrishnan Nair, MD | (270) 659-3322 104 Hippocrates Way | Glasgow

Susan Stagner, ACNP | (270) 659-3322 104 Hippocrates Way | Glasgow

Lori Doolin, APRN | (270) 659-3322 104 Hippocrates Way | Glasgow


Olivia Coiculescu, MD | (270) 651-37291330 N. Race St. | Glasgow

Pain managemenT

Vivek Jain, MD | (270) 651-3729 1330 N. Race St. | Glasgow


Bogdan Marcol, MD | (270) 651-8348 1012 Glenview Dr. | Glasgow

John Nesbitt, MD | (270) 651-83481012 Glenview Dr. | Glasgow

Ryan Turpen, MD | (270) 651-83481012 Glenview Dr. | Glasgow


Ray Gibson, MD | (270) 651-3377 1214A N. Race St. | Glasgow


Sudheer Nambiar, MD | (270) 651-1305 507 L. Rogers Wells Blvd. | Glasgow

HemaTology & onCology

Victor Guardiola, MD | (270) 651-1082 102 Physicians Blvd. | Glasgow

Asha Karippot, MD | (270) 651-1082 102 Physicians Blvd. | Glasgow

obsTeTriCs & gyneCology

Karen Lyons, MD | (270) 651-1033 120 State Ave. | Glasgow

sleeP disorders

Klark Turpen, MD | (270) 651-1888 1301 N. Race St. | Glasgow

Amy Thornbury, APRN | (270) 651-1888 1301 N. Race St. | Glasgow


William Thistlethwaite, MD (270) 629-3331 1008 Glenview Dr. | Glasgow

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Health & Wellness

residents can relax knowing they have plenty

of choices in health care in Barren County.

the area provides a number of services and

facilities to treat and educate patients.

t.J. samson creates more oPtionst.J. samson Community Hospital is a 196-bed,

acute-care facility that serves the southeastern

Kentucky region, and the hospital and staff are

dedicated to the health of the community.

Groundbreaking began on the t.J. Health Partners

Clinic that will house 30 new physicians in 100,000

square feet of space. other additions include

t.J. Health Pavilion ambulatory care center in

an old Walmart store and a 10,000-square-foot

community center for health education.

in January 2012, the partnership between

Walmart and t.J. Health Partners LLC resulted in

the Clinic at Walmart, which will serve patients’

basic health-care services. the clinic is the first

walk-in health clinic in a Walmart that is owned

and operated by t.J. Health Partners.

in addition to facilities, the hospital’s specialties

include oncology, family medicine, pediatrics and

orthopedics, and more. t.J. samson also offers

a cardiac care center, a sleep disorders center,

and women’s and children’s services.

cardiac care close to homein the cardiology department of the hospital,

cardiovascular procedures, such as cardiac

catheterization and emergency coronary

angioplasty, are performed by highly specialized

physicians who can also implant pacemakers

and defibrillators.

through a working relationship with Jewish

Hospital in Louisville, the hospital’s telemedicine

clinic allows cardiac and thoracic patients to receive

continuity of care via an interactive audio/video

system and real-time sharing of patient data.

healthy Progresst.J. sAMson sErvEs rEsidEnts wELL

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G e n e r a l D e n t i s t r y

Tooth replacement therapy has enhanced the quality of life for

hundreds of thousands of people, providing them with tremendous benefits.

Long-term financing available on major dental work.

Crown and Bridge

Dental Implants

Cosmetic Dentistry

Removable Dentures

Teeth Whitening Dr. James C. Thurman

Dr. Steven Welborn

Dr. Amy Norris Cassady

… EAT whatever you like!

… SMILE with confidence!


101 State Ave. • Glasgow, KY


Gilman P. Peterson Jr. M.D., R.V.T., F.A.C.S.

General & Laparoscopic SurgeryBoard Certified by American Board of Surgery

Robotic SurgeryTrained on the daVinci Surgical Robot

Breast SurgeryMember of American Society of Breast Surgeons

In-office Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsies

W. Patrick Klapheke M.D.General & Laparoscopic Surgery

Board Certified by American Board of Surgery

Adjustable Gastric Banding (270) 651-8328

109 Bravo Blvd. • Glasgow Emergencies: (270) 651-4444

Office Hours by Appointment

• EnjoyGOODfooddaily!

• Otheramenitiesincludecleaningandlaundryservice,activities, assistanceasneeded,transportation,medicationreminders,24-hour staffaccessandemergencycallsystem.

• Comesitaroundthefireplaceinthewinterandtheporchinthesummer.

• Temporaryand/orPermanentChildorElderCare• HouseSittingServices/VacationChores• NursingHome/HospitalizationSittingServices• RespiteCare• HouseCleaningServices• Transportation• MealPrep• AllServicesAreAvailable24/7/365


Call Judy Evans soon for more information or to arrange a personal tour: (270) 659-2548 or e-mail: [email protected].


1407 N. Race St. • Ste. 3 Glasgow, KY 42141

(270) 651-2989 (270) 651-7690 Fax

Your Health, Your Choice!We offer a full range of clinical lab services in a friendly atmosphere,

serving doctors’ offices, nursing homes and individuals.

You have a choice of where to get your lab work done!

Southern Medical Lab

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◗ Tenyearsofservicetothecommunity

◗ Proudparticipantincommunitymedicalcare

◗ Advancedfacilityutilizinganelectronic medicalrecord

◗ Proudtoserveasyourmedicalhome

◗ Nationallyrecognizedfacility

◗ Diversepatientpopulation

Health & Wellness

sleeP disorders centerAt the sleep disorders Center, patients

ages 6 and older with a host of sleep problems – from insomnia to sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder and even narcolepsy – undergo observation and treatment that make restful slumber a reality rather than just a dream.

heal the Whole Bodythe entire hospital operates with

a patient-friendly atmosphere and philosophy. it is an affiliate of Planetree, where a holistic approach to medicine encourages healing in all dimensions – mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual. t.J. samson is one of fewer than 100 hospitals in the nation – and the first in Kentucky – to have officially adopted the Planetree model.

the progressive hospital offers

community services including screenings,

health education classes and materials,

support groups, home health and

hospice care, adult and child day care,

and a rural health clinic. it is also home

to a family practice residency program

in conjunction with the university

of Louisville school of Medicine.

community medical careCommunity Medical Care is a charity

assisting Barren County’s low-income

seniors with prescription medication,

prescription glasses and hearing aids.

CMC also assists low-income, working

uninsured adults of Barren County

by providing primary health care,

prescription medication, emergency

dental, optometric and hospital care,

and specialist consultation.

For more informationT.J. Samson Community Hospital

1301 North Race St. Glasgow, KY 42141 Phone: (270) 651-4444

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What’s online Read more about Glasgow’s food scene at Click “Things To Do,” then “Food.”

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The plentiful food options in

Glasgow-Barren County can

please even the pickiest of palates.

from authentic Mexican favorites

to traditional steak houses,

there’s always something to try.

step into Los Mariachis

Mexican Restaurant and you’ll

think you traveled south of the

border. Los Mariachis’ menu is

stuffed with traditional Mexican

cuisine including tamales, fajitas,

tostadas and some of the cheesiest

quesadillas, tacos and enchiladas.

you can pile on the steak, chicken,

shrimp and fish or choose

from several of their tasty

vegetarian dishes.

if you still want more, head on

over to Puerto vallarta. Although

the authentic Mexican restaurant

has only been on the scene for

a short time, manager Rodrigo

Alonso says they’re already

raking in customers. their delicious

steak fajitas are one of the many

delicious dishes that keep people

clamoring for more.

Business is goodthe Applebee’s in Glasgow

hasn’t been around long either,

but manager Wayne Pence says

business couldn’t be better. When

searching for a new location to

add to the popular franchise,

Pence says the company looks

for places that have a hometown,

neighborhood feel.

“Glasgow fit the bill perfectly,”

he says.

over at Colton’s steak House

& Grill, another popular franchise,

customers can choose from

excellent steak and rib dinners,

Food FavoritesALwAys Find grEAt Food in gLAsgow-bArrEn County

savory Caesar salads and

homemade yeast rolls. Colton’s

also serves a variety of seafood

including fried catfish, mesquite-

grilled salmon, pan-seared tilapia

and grilled or fried shrimp.

art, music and mealsif sandwiches, clubs and

burgers top your list, then George

J’s on the square is the place to

be. George J’s has been serving

breakfast, lunch and dinner in the

Glasgow community for more

than 100 years, and prides itself

on being a part of the town’s

historical tradition.

Gourmet hamburgers, rib-eye

steaks, salads and sandwiches

are a few of the menu items that

keep customers coming back

year after year.

But daniel neukomm, who

co-owns the place with his wife,

Angela, says there’s one particular

dish that stands out among

the rest.

“the chicken salad is by far

the most popular,” he says.

on friday and saturday nights,

customers can listen to local and

regional bands while they eat.

At fine Arts Bistro, which

serves as home of the Arts Guild

of the Barrens, you can enjoy fine

food and fine art. Customers can

eat their portabella wrap and

chicken fajita soup or a grilled

chicken Cobb salad while enjoying

the artwork of local artists.

other local favorites include

A Little taste of texas and

Garcia’s Grill.

– Tiffany Williams

right: Complimentary peanuts accompany a meal from Colton’s steak house and grill. Left: An entree salad from the Fire Arts bistro

Local flavor











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28 gL Asgow

Glasgow and Barren County

are a regional hub for arts

and culture, thanks to the

community’s abundance of

attractions featuring music,

theater, art and history.

Plaza theatreGlasgow’s renowned Plaza

theatre continues to impress

visitors with its grand architecture

and performances by national

acts. Local performers and

comedians also grace the stage

of the Plaza theatre, and an active

community theater group called

the far off Broadway Players

presents three productions

there each year.

the Plaza theatre first opened

in 1934 and was restored to its

original grandeur with a $1.8 million

renovation that began in 2001.

it reopened to a sold-out crowd

for a Patty Loveless concert

in 2005.

arts district oF glasgoW

in november 2011, a steering committee made up of business owners, community volunteers and representatives from the City of Glasgow, Plaza theatre and far off Broadway Players submitted an application to the Kentucky Arts Council to create a certified cultural district in Glasgow. Pending approval in 2012, the result will be the Arts doG (district of Glasgow), a state-recognized cultural district that will benefit from increased tourism marketing and economic activity.

glasgoW historic attractions

Get schooled on local history

and have fun while learning at the

south Central Kentucky Cultural

Center, a 30,000-square-foot

museum packed with fascinating

artifacts that tell the story of the

people, places and events that

make up the geographic area

known as the Barrens.

the cultural center is located

in the old Kentucky Pants factory

in downtown Glasgow and offers

a Harvest of History tour every

september. the tour takes

place at the Glasgow Municipal

Cemetery, and costumed actors

bring history to life by portraying

local historical figures.

“the first Harvest of History

tour was in 2010, and we feature

eight or nine prominent people

of Barren County who are buried

in the cemetery including a

photographer from the 1800s,

a farmer who took care of horses

for the Jesse James gang, music

and art teachers, and war heroes,”

says Gayle Berry, director of

the south Central Kentucky

Cultural Center.Another place overflowing with

history is fort Williams, the site of

cultural PearlsgLAsgow’s pLAzA thEAtrE, Arts distriCt And historiC AttrACtions MAkE it A hub For CuLturE

Above: the plaza theatre in glasgow right: the glasgow scottie band participates in the glasgow highland games.

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28 gL Asgow

a union Civil War fort that was attacked by Confederate soldiers in october 1863. visitors to the site can read historical markers and see cannons and a replica of the fort.

annual eventsGlasgow is named after

Glasgow, scotland, so it’s only natural that one of the Kentucky city’s largest cultural events is

scottish in nature. Each year, the Glasgow Highland Games draws more than 10,000 spectators the weekend following Memorial day and has been a local tradition since 1985. the energetic festival features a pipe and drum competition, harp competition, Celtic music, dancing and traditional sporting events by professional athletes such as the

caber toss, hammer throw, wrestling and more. the games are recognized as one of the Commonwealth’s top 10 Annual Events by the Kentucky tourism Council. two other events that bring the Glasgow community together and draw lots of visitors are the Glasgow Renaissance-Main street Cruise into fall Car show and the Roller Coaster yard sale. the car show happens the second saturday in october in downtown Glasgow and attracts more than 350 motor vehicles of all makes and models. the event celebrated 10 years in 2010.

the Roller Coaster yard sale began in 1985 and happens the first weekend in october. the yard sale spans 150 miles from Cave City into northeastern tennessee, around dale Hollow Lake and back to Kentucky. shoppers can find great deals on crafts, antiques and local produce while enjoying colorful fall foliage.

– Jessica Mozo

Arts & Culture






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recreation adventures await you in Barren

County. the area is full of caves and caverns

just waiting to be explored, and there are plenty

of parks, lakes, swimming pools, sports complexes

and camping areas for outdoor fun.

mammoth cave national ParKBarren County is probably best known among

outdoor enthusiasts for Mammoth Cave national

Park, the world’s longest surveyed cave with

365-plus miles of mapped passageways. it draws

millions of visitors each year with its fascinating

formations, vast chambers and sheer size –

hence the name Mammoth.

visitors to Mammoth Cave national Park can

embark on their choice of 16 cave tours led by

trained guides. the tours range from an introduction

to Caving experience for beginners to the Mammoth

Passage tour, the Historic tour and the frozen

niagara tour.

diamond Caverns in nearby Park City is another

natural wonder that shows off nature’s sculptures.

Barren county ParKs and trailsAnother popular attraction is Barren River Lake

state Resort Park, which offers 1,500 acres of hiking,

cycling, horseback riding, tennis, volleyball, golf,

fishing, swimming and more. if you can’t get enough

of the park, spend a night or a week camping at its

99-site campground, or book a room at the park’s

51-room Louie B. nunn Lodge. there are also 22

nature’s Playgroundoutdoor rECrEAtion inCLudEs CAvEs, pArks And MorE

mammoth Cave National park

weldon park











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sports & Recreation

contemporary cottages equipped with

tableware, cooking utensils and linens.

At the park’s driftwood Restaurant,

diners enjoy hot meals featuring salmon,

trout, crab clusters and juicy burgers.

Walkers and joggers get some

exercise on Glasgow’s Renaissance

trail, a 2-mile path through town that

highlights historic sites. it connects

to the Liberty street Walking trail,

a paved, lighted, half-mile trail that

circles the historic Liberty street

Campus downtown.

the Beaver trail softball Complex is

another place to walk or jog on its paved

half-mile trail. A playground and four

lighted ballfields are also part of the

popular complex. Runners enjoy the

rustic nature trail at the 23-acre Weldon

Park, which has half-mile and 1-mile

lengths. Weldon Park is also home to

a Little League Baseball field, a picnic

shelter, playgrounds and public restrooms.

golFing in Barren countyGolfers have plenty of courses

to choose from in Barren County at

affordable rates. Barren River Lake

state Resort Park has an 18-hole course

that runs along the lake and through

the park’s woodlands.

fox Hollow Golf Club is another

18-hole course that features Bermuda

fairways and bent-grass greens. it is

owned and operated by the shipley

family, who are longtime golfers. the

course incorporates ponds, streams,

sand bunkers, wooded areas and

natural grass areas.– Jessica Mozo

What’s online Read more about getting out and active in Glasgow by visiting Click “Things To Do,” then “Outdoors.”

Page 34: Images Glasgow-Barren County, KY: 2012

Glasgow-Barren County knows the importance

of a quality education. for the second year in

a row, the county has been chosen as one of the

nation’s 100 communities for young people by

America’s Promise Alliance and inG foundation.

the competition focuses on communities that work

to reduce high school drop out rates and deliver

strong support and services to the area’s youth.

Barren County will receive a $2,500 grant, official

signage for displaying the accolade and access

to America’s Promise Alliance’s community

development resources.

Barren county PuBlic schoolsthe Barren County school district is one of

the fastest growing school districts in Kentucky.

its 10 schools have a total enrollment of more than

4,500 students and employ 500 staff members.

Barren County schools have been recognized across

the state for their success in academics, athletics

and school clubs, and are known for innovative

approaches to education.

additions and imProvementsnew construction and renovations are underway

at the new Glasgow High school. the project began

in 2011 and the school will be a 125,000-square-foot

building equipped to meet LEEd certification

standards. the gym and band room will be

preserved and renovated, and additions include

classrooms, a kitchen, cafeteria, media center

and more.

glasgoW christian academythis nondenominational private school was

founded in 1990 and serves students in seven counties.

Glasgow Christian educates, equips and empowers

students through a solid curriculum, athletics and

extra classes. the school’s enrollment is around

150 and all faculty are certified by the Association

of Christian schools international.

glasgoW and caverna PuBlic schools

Glasgow independent schools includes six

schools with a total enrollment of about 1,900

students and 300 staff members. the district

belongs to the Kentucky High Performing

districts Alliance, an organization composed

of the top 10 school districts in the state. Glasgow

independent schools prides itself on its faculty

and staff, supportive community, parent

a class actgLAsgow-bArrEn County sChooLs rAnk AMong thE stAtE’s bEst

32 gL Asgow

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involvement and talented student body.

Caverna independent schools is a smaller district

based in nearby Cave City and is made up of one

elementary, one middle and one high school.

glasgoW regional centerHigh school graduates in Barren County don’t

have to leave the area to further their education.

the Glasgow Regional Center offers four-year

and two-year degrees close to home.

the center comprises two schools – Western

Kentucky university’s Glasgow Campus and

the Glasgow technology Campus, an extended

campus of Bowling Green technical College.

the two institutions unite on one campus to

offer undergraduate, graduate and certificate

programs such as nursing, welding and

electricians’ certificates.

the Glasgow Regional Center caters to both

traditional and nontraditional students with

programs for working parents, adults pursuing

a second career and full-time students.

– Jessica Mozo


right: western kentucky university’s glasgow Campus Left: glasgow Christian Academy P



s B

y A



y B




32 gL Asgow

• New state-of-the-art high school opening in the 2012-13 academic year

• New student initiatives

• Innovative student learning

• All day preschool and kindergarten

• Celtic Academy offers an enriching hands-on, problem-solving-based curriculum to qualifying students in grades 3-7

• Now offering Celtic College Honors Program for high school students Glasgow Board of Education

1108 Cleveland Ave. Glasgow, KY 42141

(270) 651-6757 (270) 651-9791 Fax

Guide. Inspire. Succeed.

Page 36: Images Glasgow-Barren County, KY: 2012

see the County

34 gL Asgow

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The rolling hills of Barren County are partially shrouded in fog at sun rise.

Photo by Antony Boshier

What’s online Visit to see more award-winning photography of places and people in Glasgow.

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see the County

36 gL Asgow

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A child enjoys Kentucky Action Park in Barren County.

Photo by Antony Boshier

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visit ouradvertisersA.F. Crow & Son Funeral

American Materials Inc.


Barren County

Barren County



Citizens First

City of


Dr. James C. Thurman, Welborn &

Farmers Livestock

Farmers Rural Electric

Four Seasons Country

Gilman P. Peterson Jr., MD

Glasgow Independent

Glasgow Water

Glasgow-Barren County Tourist

Hatcher & Saddler Funeral Home

Highland Ridge Assisted


Mark Miller

Richardson, Gardner & Alexander


Scott, Murphy &

Southern Medical

T.J. Health

T.J. Samson Community

The Bale Center for Prevention of Heart Attack, Stroke &

The Narrow Way Bed &

The People’s

U of L Family Medical


WKU – Glasgow

The Peoples Bank is a small community bank offering all the products and services of a larger financial institution with a more personal, one-on-one approach.

Our services include: individual and business checking and savings accounts, a debit card with cash back rewards, online banking and many more services to help manage your finances.





96,246 Visits in 2011270-651-9622 1 YMCA WayGlasgow, KY 42141

Barren County Family YMCA

Glasgow Sales Center 605C Happy Valley Rd. • Glasgow, KY 42141 (270) 629-5626 •

Visit us on Facebook

Terry L. BunnellChairman, President and [email protected]

38 gL Asgow LivAbiLit y.CoM/gL Asgow/k y 39

Page 41: Images Glasgow-Barren County, KY: 2012

COmmUNITy OvErvIEwWith its rolling farmland, excellent health care, affordable housing,

quality education and abundant cultural and recreational opportunities,

it’s no surprise that Glasgow was recognized as one of the 100 Best

Communities for young People by America’s Promise Alliance.


Integrity Accountability Innovation Commitment to Community

(270) 651-2191 •

this sECtion is sponsorEd by


Glasgow and Barren County

have warm summers and cold

winters, with the average

annual temperature reaching

about 60 degrees. Barren

County averages 54 inches of

annual rainfall and 11 inches of

annual snowfall.


July Average high


January Average Low


$40,233Median household income

$114,149Median home price

$528Median rent for a two-bedroom Apartment


14,272total population

38Median resident Age


40% single

25% Age 19 and under

47% Age 20-54

28% Age 55 and over

92% white

5% black

1% hispanic

2% other


15 minutesMedian travel time to work


nashville international Airport


1 terminal dr.

nashville, tn 37214

Louisville international

Airport (sdF)

600 terminal dr.

Louisville, Ky 40209

Sources: Onboard Informatics,,

38 gL Asgow LivAbiLit y.CoM/gL Asgow/k y 39

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Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce

40 gL Asgow LivAbiLit y.CoM/gL Asgow/k y 41

A.F. Crow & Son Funeral Home • 651-2080

Aaron’s Sales & Lease Ownership • 678-5056

ABC Finance Company • 659-9800

Advance Auto Parts • 659-0045

Affordable Insurance • 651-1044

AJ Photos • 404-2001

Akebono Glasgow • 678-1765

All In Bloom Florist • 651-7673

Carla W. Allen • 773-3999

Alliance Corporation • 651-8848

Alliance Counseling Associates • 678-4801

Allstate Insurance • 651-6655

Amedisys Home Health • 651-7640

American Cancer Society • 745-1967

American Eagle Lift Truck Service • 590-0933

American Engineers, Inc. • 651-7220

American Heart Association • 842-5700

American Materials • 651-2178

American Red Cross — Barren County • 659-2050

Amneal Pharmaceuticals, LLC • (866) 525-7226

Andrew Parsley & Associates • 651-2795

Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar & Grill • 678-3325

Armstrong Appraisal Service • 651-7580

Arrow Exterminators • 629-2011

Arts Guild of the Barrens, Inc. • 579-1737

Atmos Energy • 651-8989

Audubon Area Community Services, Inc. • 901-0760

Automotive Parts & Shop, Inc. • 651-8393

Awards, Inc. • 651-7255

AWS Human Resource Consulting • 453-4978

Backyard Party Creations • 646-6551

Bailey & Grissom Realtors • 651-2717

Bailey-Gibson Buick, Pontiac, GMC, Inc. • 651-8851

The Bale Center • 629-5433

Barren Co. Board of Education • 651-3787

Barren Co. Circuit Court • 651-1575

Barren County Area Technology Center • 651-2196

Barren County Attorney • 651-8766

Barren County Business Supply • 659-2061

Barren County Chiropractic • 651-7465

Barren County Clerk • 651-5200

Barren County Community Early Childhood Council • 651-3818

Barren County Conservation District • 629-6811

Barren County Extension Agent • 651-3818

Barren County Family YMCA • 651-9622

Barren County Health Care Center • 651-9131



Barren County Health Department • 651-8321

Barren County Judge Executive • 651-3338

Barren County Networking Women, Inc. • 651-2265

Barren County PVA Office • 651-2026

Barren Information Technology Systems • 651-2145

Barren River Animal Welfare Assoc. • 651-7297

Barren River Lake State Resort Park • 646-2151

Barren River Realty & Auction • 618-4663

Barren River Regional Cancer Ctr. • 651-2478

Barren River State Boat Dock • 646-2357

BB&T • 651-6141

Johnny Bell, Representative • 651-7005

Bellview Proective Services, LLS • 629-2118

Benefits Resource Group, LLC • 842-8110

Betsy Anne Fashions • 651-3557

Better Quality Business Systems • 843-3400

BHI Assisted Living • 659-9167

Big Meadow Oil Company • 432-7081

Big Moose’s BBQ Smokehouse • 651-1913

Big O Tires • 651-7236

Bishop & Bishop Insurance Co. • 651-5135

Bluegrass Advertising, LLC • 843-2100

Bluegrass Cellular • 651-1400

Bluegrass Dairy & Food, LLC • 651-2146

Bluegrass Place I & II Apartments • 651-5399

“The Book” Store • 659-0565

Borders Monument Co., Inc. • 651-7625

Botts Plumbing, Inc. • 678-1970

Bowling Green Hot Rods Minor League Baseball • 901-2121

Bowling Green Technical College-Glasgow • 659-6900

Boys & Girls Club of Glasgow/ Barren County • 629-3871

BR Retreading Auto, Truck, & Farm Tire Svc. • 651-5153

BRADD • 781-2381

Britthaven Duplex Rentals • 646-2908

Betty Brogan • 678-5636

Bill Brogan • 678-5636

Pam Browning • 678-3112

Builders Association of South Central KY • 781-3375

Burchett Law Firm • 651-3131

Burkmann Feeds of Glasgow, LLC • 651-8000

Calton & Associates, Inc. • 651-1567

Campbell Medical Group • 629-3772

Charles Campbell • 646-4860

Campbell, Myers & Rutledge, CPAs • 651-2163

Cannon & Cannon, Inc. • 843-2744

Cardinal Office Systems, Inc. • (866) 853-5858


Cardiology Associates of So. KY • 651-9611

The Carpet Bargain Barn • 651-9228

C. Robert Cary • 678-7889

Cave City Convention Center • 773-3131

Caveland Environmental Authority, Inc. • 773-2887

Center For Women’s Health • 651-1843

Century 21/ Barren River Realty • 678-6773

Christian Family Radio 89.3 FM • 781-7326

Chuck’s Liquors – Three Springs • 781-5923

Chuck’s Liquors – Veterans Memorial • 846-2626

Chuck’s Liquors – Louisville Rd. • 842-6015

Chuck’s of Hartland • 393-7077

Circuit Judge • 651-2744

Citizens First Bank • 651-2265

City of Cave City, Mayor • 773-2188

City of Glasgow, Mayor • 651-5131

City of Park City, Mayor • 749-5695

Classic Tile • 239-8453

Clayton Homes • 678-2460

Coldwell Banker Legacy Real Estate Group • 629-6683

College Street Service • 651-5018

Colton’s • 629-2255

Comfort Inn • 651-9099

Commonwealth Broadcasting • 659-2002

Commonwealth’s Attorney • 651-3838

Community Action of Southern KY • 651-8171

Comstar Systems of Bowling Green, Inc. • 781-7076

Cook, Downing & Underwood Ins. • 651-2194

Copy Depot • 651-5753

CPC Feed & Farm Store • 651-5189

Crossroads Pregnancy Center • 651-2299

CRS Construction, Inc. • 678-2876

Curves • 651-6821

Dairy Queen • 651-3864

Dana Corporation • 651-6711

Days Inn • 651-1757

Debbie’s Family Barber Salon • 651-8122

David DeSpain • 629-3637

Diane’s Cakes & Catering • 678-6732

Dick Thomas Car Sales • 651-5066

Benny Dickinson • 651-8469

Doggy Days & Cat Nap Acres • 678-5830

Downing/McPeak Vision Centers • 651-2181

Drobocky Orthodontics • 651-6862

Terry Durham, OD • 651-3466


2012 Membership directorythE FoLLowing inForMAtion wAs providEd by thE gLAsgow/bArrEn County ChAMbEr oF CoMMErCE. thE ArEA CodE is 270, unLEss othErwisE notEd. For CoMpLEtE Listings by businEss CAtEgory, pLEAsE rEFEr to thE businEss guidE on pAgE 43.

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Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce

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Eastern Hills Developers • 651-3245

Edmonton State Bank • 659-0171

Edward Jones Investments • 678-3630

Elmore Real Estate • 651-5202

Ely Drugs • 651-8359

Enterprise Rent-A-Car • 651-6682

ETA Media dba Eye Targeted Advertising Media • (866) 777-4467

Express Logistics, Inc. • 651-1662

Extreme Fitness for Women • 651-3036

Factory Connection • 659-2924

Family Auto Source • 629-6296

Family Options • 629-4888

Family Video • 659-9728

Farm Credit Services/ FCS of Mid-America • 651-9425

Farmers Energy Propane Plus, LLC • 678-2444

Farmers Livestock Market, Inc. • 678-2118

Farmers RECC • 651-2191

Felker Brothers • 678-4143

Fine Arts Bistro • 629-2209

First Choice OB/GYN • 651-2229

Anthony W. Flannery, MD • 651-8185

Ford Furniture Company • 651-3755

Forever Communications • 843-3333

Four Seasons Country Inn • 678-1000

Gale & Dale’s • 651-2489

Garmon & Goodman Law Firm • 651-8812

Cecile Garmon • 651-3274

George J’s on The Square • 651-2161

Gerald Printing • 651-3751

Randy Gibbons – Coldwell Banker Legacy Group • 646-0429

Gilbert & Gilbert CPAs • 651-3013

Gillie Hyde Ford-Lincoln-Mercury • 651-2125

Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana • 842-8138

David Givens, Kentucky Senator • (502) 564-8100

Glasgow Airport (Moore Field) • 678-4469

Glasgow Animal Clinic, LLC • 651-2154

Glasgow Area Career Center • 651-2121

Glasgow Baptist Church • 651-2186

Glasgow Board of Education • 651-6757

Glasgow Building Supply • 651-8339

Glasgow Business & Professional Women’s Club • 646-2151

Glasgow Christian Academy • 651-7729

Glasgow Coin & Jewelry • 834-1441

Glasgow Daily Times • 678-5171

Glasgow Electric Plant Board • 651-8341

Glasgow Golf & Country Club • 651-2014

Glasgow Health & Rehabilitation Ctr. • 651-6661

Glasgow Highland Games • 651-3141

Glasgow Housing Authority • 651-3859

Glasgow Ice Company • 651-3922

Glasgow Insurance Agency • 651-8824

Glasgow Lions Club

Glasgow Pediatric Associates • 651-9696




Glasgow Prescription Center • 651-8889

Glasgow Radiology, PSC • 651-9120

Glasgow Railway Company, Inc. • 651-8861

Glasgow Self Storage • 629-6404

Glasgow State Nursing Facility • 651-2151

Glasgow Surgical Associates • 651-9408

Glasgow Tire & Auto Center • 651-7075

Glasgow Urology Clinic • 651-8348

Glasgow Water Company • 651-3727

Glasgow-Barren County Tourist & Convention Commission • 651-3161

Glasgow/Barren Co. Industrial Development Economic Authority • 651-6314

Glass Aggregates • 651-6645

Glenview Health Care • 651-8332

Goodman Chevrolet- Cadillac-Nissan, Inc. • 678-1300

Goodnight Inn • 678-4165

Goodwill Industries • 781-4930

Goody’s #5106 • 651-0313

Governor of Kentucky • (502) 564-2611

Graves-Gilbert Clinic • 651-1082

Gray Construction • 842-2424

Great Onyx Job Corps • 286-4514

Green Market Cooperative, Inc. • 404-5423

Green Mechanical Construction, Inc. • 651-8978

Greer’s Auto Service • 651-8225

Greer’s Florist • 651-2390

Brett Guthrie, US Congressman • 784-2741

Habitat ReStore • 629-5775

The Hair Studio at Downtown • 651-5056

Hall Place • 651-3176

Ledean Hamilton • 651-5760

Happy Valley Barns • 678-1805

Hardee’s • 651-3756

Keith Harlow • 646-0261

Hatcher & Saddler Funeral Home, Inc. • 651-8821

Heers Duplex Rentals • 678-3567

Heffron Family Eye Care • 629-2015

Hensley Hearing Aid Center • 651-7800

Herbert, Herbert & Pack Law Offices • 651-9000

Herzog Salvage • 834-8260

Highland Computer Services • 659-9489

Highland Couriers • 651-8992

Highland Ridge Assisted Living • 659-2548

Highlander Bowl • 651-9020

Hilliard Lyons, Inc. • 651-2663

Home-Towne Suites • 846-3311

Hosparus of Barren River • 782-7258

Hospice of Southern Ky • 782-3402

Houchens Industries • 843-3252

Hurt Auto Sales • 678-1180

HVAC Services, Inc. • 651-3841

IMI-Irving Materials, Inc. • 651-8771

In Touch, AT&T • 651-6657

Inman & Baldwin Orthodontics • 651-9386



J B Distributors, Inc. • 843-4583

J-Mar Properties, LLC • 781-4055

J. L. French • 651-8334

Jeff Lee’s Automotive Service & Sales • 651-5185

Jerry A. Botts Construction, Inc. • 651-1592

Jobe Publishing • 659-2146

Journal Communications, Inc. • (615) 771-0086

Judge • 651-9839

Junior Achievement of S. Central KY, Inc. • 670-4576

Kafe Tapaz • 651-5001

KATI & Bowling Green Technical Colleges • 746-7461

Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese • 434-3204

Kentucky Dermatology Clinic • 651-0344

Kerley Construction Co., Inc. • 659-0033

Debi Kirsch • 678-5198

Kirt Lyon Trucking • 773-8700

KORT-Glasgow Physical Therapy PSC • 629-5678

Dr. Mark Kuzma • 651-2638

KY Association of Manufacturers • (502) 352-2485

KY Transportation Cabinet District 3 • 746-7898

Lakeside Recycling, Inc. • 646-5202

Land Shark Shredding, LLC • 793-0880

Leonard Johnson Electric Service, Inc. • 651-2362

Liberty District-Ralph Bunche Community Ctr. • 834-8537

Liberty School Apartments • 361-2939

Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky • (502) 564-2611

Life Skills, Inc. • 651-8378

Little Caesars • 629-5900

A Little Taste of Texas • 659-2441

Long John Silvers Seafood/A&W • 651-8005

Los Mariachis Mexican Restaurant • 651-3229

Lowe’s Home Centers, Inc. • 659-3700

Lyons Company • 651-2733

Lyons Service Company, Inc. • 781-8793

M & L Electrical, Inc. • 781-0123

Madison Smith Machine • 678-1080

Mammoth Cave Hotel • 758-2225

Mammoth Cave National Park • 758-2180

Mancino’s • 651-6500

The Map Group, Inc. • (859) 647-4000

March of Dimes • 746-5411

Mark Miller Marine • 678-3324

Marquee Highland 8 Cinema • 678-1613

Mary Anne’s Hallmark • 651-6004

Mary Wood Weldon Memorial Library • 651-2824

C. A. Massey, Associates • 428-5336

Harold T. Matthews • 651-3330

Mitch McConnell, Senator • 781-1673

McDonald’s Restaurant • 651-9200

Medical Arts Pharmacy • 651-7030





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Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce

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Mid State Waste • 651-2599

Mid-State Recycling • 651-5107

Miller Physical Therapy • 651-7882

Dr. Bharat Mody • 651-8789

Montessori Academy of Glasgow, Inc. • 651-9440

Monticello Banking Company • 659-0080

Barbara Motley • 651-3072

Bambie T. Myers • 651-6049

W. Mark Myers, DMD • 651-3709

W. Mitchell Nance, Circuit Judge • 651-9923

The Narrow Way Bed & Breakfast • 646-2957

NCS HealthCare of Kentucky • 651-6188

Neurology Clinic • 651-3729

Eddie Joe Newberry II, DMD, PSC • 651-2979

NHC Health Care • 651-6126

Nich-Chem • 678-5245

Peggy Bunnell Nims • 678-9686

Norris Well Service, Inc. • 651-8737

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network • 782-8280

Ogles Exterminating, Inc. • 678-6334

Oliver-Williams & Company • 678-6980

Papa John’s Pizza • 651-7775

Park Avenue Pharmacy • 651-5156

Park Mammoth Resort • 749-4101

PBI Bank • 651-3543

Pedigo-Lessenberry Insurance Agency, Inc. • 651-8837

Peninsula Marina, LLC • 646-2223

The Peoples Bank • 629-5626

Personal Finance Company • 629-4732

Pet’s Supplies • 629-6293

Gilman Peterson, MD • 651-8328

Pharmacy Express • 651-7948

Phillips IGA • 453-2641

Dwayne Pierce – Coldwell Banker Legacy Group • 590-0295

Pioneer Credit Company • 659-0118

Ply-Tech Corporation • 678-2941

PMC Jewelers • 678-1510

PNC Bank • 563-2941

Polson & Company, PSC • 651-1188

Pools of Leisure, Inc. • 651-7211

Precision Driveline • 678-2659

Pride Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc. • 651-8311

Puerto Vallarta Mexican Restaurant • 678-9897

Quality Personnel • 651-7277

RBS Design Group • 683-1158

Re/Max Highland Realty & Auction • 646-7772

Redman’s Dugout • 651-2308

The Reserves Network • 651-8432






Richardson Design Studio • 659-2028

Elaine Richardson • 651-9541

Richardson, Gardner, Alexander Attorneys • 651-8884

Melba Richardson • 651-3181

Richie Pharmacal Co. • 651-6159

RKM Development, Inc. • (815) 685-6680

Ann K. Rodgers • 651-5636

Ross, Sinclaire & Associates, LLC • (502) 695-7353

Rowland Insurance Agency • 629-5010

RR Donnelley • 678-2121

Sam’s Club • 781-7775

Sanders • 670-7770

Dr. Julia Schooler • 651-3823

Scott, Murphy & Daniel • 781-9944

Scotty’s Contracting & Stone, LLC • 781-3998

Serenity Salon & Spa • 834-8333

Service One Credit Union, Inc. • 651-6611

ServPro of Allen, Barren, Hart, Green & Taylor Cou • 659-0067

Sherwin Williams • 651-2061

Shockley’s Transportation System • 651-7334

Sign World • 651-1180

Joe Barry Simmons • 678-6763

South Central Bank • 651-7466

South Central Kentucky Cultural Center • 651-9792

South Central Kentucky Monuments, LLC • 629-3700

South Central KY Assoc. of Realtors • 651-7322

South Central KY Orthopedics • 651-9390

South Central Regional Pain Management Clinic • 651-3729

South Central Rural Telephone Company • 678-2111

Southern Kentucky Collision • 651-6413

Southern KY Computer Parts & Repair • 629-2667

Southern Medical Lab • 651-2989

Southern States Coop, Inc. • 749-4501

Southern States Glasgow Coop • 651-6167

SpanTech, Inc. • 651-9166

Spencer Benedict Stables, LLC • 678-1301

Square Deal Lumber • 749-2731

St. Helen/Lady of the Caves Catholic Church • 651-5263

Staples #1836 • 651-3030

Star*Tel Systems, Inc. • 651-5597

State Farm Insurance • 651-5433

State Farm Insurance • 651-3608

State Farm Insurance • 651-6025

Bob Stone • 678-4410

Suburban Propane • 651-2437

Subway of Glasgow • 651-9669

Sustainable Glasgow, Inc. • 361-2888

Sweetheart Bakery • 659-2172

T. J. Health Partners, LLC • 651-4114

T. J. Samson Family Practice Center • 651-4797

T. J. Samson Resource Center • 651-4745



T. J. Samson Community Hospital • 651-4444

Tank Chiropractic • 651-2203

Bud Tarry • 678-1728

Taylor, Polson & Co. CPAs • 651-8877

Temple Hill Lions Club • 427-4304

Thomas, Gardner & Wood Attorney at Law • 361-2773

3A Composites • 651-3822

James C. Thurman, DMD • 651-5939

Toshiba Business Solutions • (502) 303-7967

Two Eds Screen Printing & Embroidery • 651-1122

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • 646-2055

Unique Gifts, Inc. • 651-6882

United Way of Southern Kentucky • 843-3205

US Bank • 659-3200

USDA Service Agency • 629-2081

The Vance Store • 651-9740

Vann Healthcare Pharmacy- Customized Prescriptions • 651-7627

Venture Contracting • 651-1110

Veterinary Medical Center • 651-5444

Joseph A. Wade • 651-1090

Wagner Eye Care Center • 651-8323

Wal-Mart • 678-1003

Walbert Trucking, Inc. • 651-6784

Golda Walbert • 651-3886

Walgreens #7712 • 659-0146

WBKO-TV • 781-1313

WCLU/Royse Radio, Inc. • 651-9149

Western Kentucky Coca-Cola Bottling Co. • (800) 633-7686

Western Kentucky University • 745-5405

WGGC • 651-2142

White Castle • 659-0773

Philip Whiteside, DMD • 651-6471

WHSX/WLOC Radio • 786-1000

Wilson ENT, PSC • 651-2433

Jennie Wilson • 651-2499

Windstream • 651-8558

Wininger Oil Company, Inc. • 678-4582

Witty’s Muffler & Alignment, Inc. • 651-3800

WKU Glasgow Campus • 659-6900

WKU Small Business Development Center • 745-1905

WNKY/NBC CBS • 781-2140

Women and Children’s Clinic, PSC • 651-9755

Wright Implement • 651-8900

Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resort • 773-3840

Zaxby’s • 629-2445

ZTM Petroleum, LLC • 670-9666






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Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce

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Campbell, Myers & Rutledge, CPAs • 651-2163410 S. Broadway St., 42141

Gilbert & Gilbert CPAs • 651-3013501 W. Main St., Ste. A, 42141

Polson & Company, PSC • 651-1188P.O. Box 2128, 42142

Taylor, Polson & Co. CPAs • 651-8877101 McKenna St., P.O. Box 1804, 42142

ETA Media dba Eye Targeted Advertising Media • (866) 777-4467P.O. Box 2006, 112 S. Public Sq., 42142

Barren County Conservation District • 629-6811207 YMCA Way, 42141

Barren County Extension Agent • 651-38181463 W. Main St., 42141

Burkmann Feeds of Glasgow, LLC • 651-8000100 Georgetown Ln., 42141

CPC Feed & Farm Store • 651-5189721 W. Main St., 42141

Farmers Livestock Market, Inc. • 678-21183031 Bowling Green Rd., 42142

Sanders • 670-7770100 Georgetown Ln., 42141

Southern States Coop, Inc. • 749-450131W N., P.O. Box 248, Park City, 42160

Southern States Glasgow Coop • 651-6167300 Samson St., 42141

Spencer Benedict Stables, LLC • 678-1301345 Matthews Mill Rd., 42141

USDA Service Agency • 629-2081207 YMCA Way, 42141

Wright Implement • 651-8900220 Kentucky St., 42141

Glasgow Airport (Moore Field) • 678-4469390 Airport Rd., 42141

Bluegrass Place I & II Apartments • 651-5399800 Cleveland Ave. (Office), 42141

Britthaven Duplex Rentals • 646-290877 Certain Ln., 42141

Glasgow Housing Authority • 651-3859106 Bunche Ave., P.O. Box 1745, 42142

Liberty School Apartments • 361-2939307 S. Liberty St., 42141

RBS Design Group • 683-1158723 Harvard Dr., Owensboro, 42301

Fine Arts Bistro • 629-2209143 N. Public Sq., 42141

South Central Kentucky Cultural Center • 651-9792200 W. Water St. P.O. Box 1714, 42142

Accounting & Tax Services

Advertising & Online Services




Architects & Architectural planners

Art Galleries & museums

BHI Assisted Living • 659-9167201 Trista Ln., 42141

Highland Ridge Assisted Living • 659-2548180 Scottie Dr., 42141

Carla W. Allen • 773-3999558 Sells Ln., Cave City, 42127

Assisted Living facilities


Barren County Attorney • 651-8766107 E. Main St., 42141

Burchett Law Firm • 651-3131107 N. Public Sq., 42141

Commonwealth’s Attorney • 651-3838221 S. Green St., 42141

Garmon & Goodman Law Firm • 651-8812139 N. Public Sq. P.O. Box 663, 42142

2012 Business GuidethE FoLLowing inForMAtion wAs providEd by thE gLAsgow/bArrEn County ChAMbEr

oF CoMMErCE. thE ArEA CodE is 270, thE City is gLAsgow And thE stAtE is kEntuCky,

unLEss othErwisE notEd.

Modern Amenities

relaxed Atmosphere

A Great Value

All private baths • Wireless Internet

Deluxe continental breakfast

Corporate rates available

Perfect for parties, meetings and retreats

4107 Scottsville Rd. • Glasgow, KY 42141

(270) 678-1000 • Toll-free: (877) 806-6340

E-mail: [email protected]

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Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce

44 gL Asgow LivAbiLit y.CoM/gL Asgow/k y 45

Herbert, Herbert & Pack Law Offices • 651-9000135 N. Public Sq., P.O. Box 1000, 42142

W. Mitchell Nance, Circuit Judge • 651-9923202 Court House Sq., 42141

Richardson, Gardner, Alexander Attorneys • 651-8884117 E. Washington St., 42141

Thomas, Gardner & Wood Attorney at Law • 361-2773133 N. Public Sq., 42141

Bailey-Gibson Buick, Pontiac, GMC, Inc. • 651-8851306 Happy Valley Rd., P.O. Box 1237, 42142

Gillie Hyde Ford-Lincoln-Mercury • 651-2125610 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Goodman Chevrolet- Cadillac-Nissan, Inc. • 678-13001003 Happy Valley Rd., P.O. Box 487, 42142

Dick Thomas Car Sales • 651-5066319 Green Acres, 42141

Family Auto Source • 629-6296535 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Hurt Auto Sales • 678-1180819 W. Main St., 42141

Advance Auto Parts • 659-0045806 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Automotive Parts & Shop, Inc. • 651-8393704 E. Main St., P.O. Box 1775, 42142

Precision Driveline • 678-2659505 Industrial Dr., 42141

Enterprise Rent-A-Car • 651-6682501 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

College Street Service • 651-5018206 E. College St., 42141

Greer’s Auto Service • 651-82252159 Scottsville Rd., 42141

Jeff Lee’s Automotive Service & Sales • 651-5185312 YMCA Way, 42141

Southern Kentucky Collision • 651-6413203 Industrial Dr., 42141

Witty’s Muffler & Alignment, Inc. • 651-3800211 Rogers Rd., 42141

Sweetheart Bakery • 659-2172228 Shane Dr., 42141

BB&T • 651-6141301 W. Main St., 42142

Citizens First Bank • 651-2265760 W. Cherry St., 42141

Edmonton State Bank • 659-0171909 W. Main St., P.O. Box 1149, 42142

Monticello Banking Company • 659-00801414 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

PBI Bank • 651-35431006 W. Main St., P.O. Box 549, 42142

The Peoples Bank • 629-5626605C Happy Valley Rd., 42141

PNC Bank • 563-2941111 N. Main St., Smiths Grove, 42171

South Central Bank • 651-7466208 S. Broadway P.O. Box 667, 42142

US Bank • 659-3200200 S. Green St., 42141

Automobile Dealers – New

Automobile Dealers – Used

Automobile parts

Automobile renting & Leasing

Automobile repairs & Service


Banks & Banking Associations

Debbie’s Family Barber Salon • 651-81221511 S. Green St., 42141

The Hair Studio at Downtown • 651-5056216 W. Washington St., 42141

Mark Miller Marine • 678-33243581 Scottsville Rd., 42141

“The Book” Store • 659-0565210 Shane Dr., 42141

Western Kentucky Coca-Cola Bottling Co. • (800) 633-7686KY Division, P.O. Box 988, Bowling Green, 42102

Highlander Bowl • 651-9020110 Park Ave., P.O. Box 2098, 42142

Alliance Corporation • 651-8848116 E. College St., P.O. Box 1480, 42142

Builders Association of South Central KY • 781-3375859 Lovers Ln., Bowling Green, 42103

Gray Construction • 842-2424537 E. 10th St., Ste. 100, Bowling Green, 42101

Kerley Construction Co., Inc. • 659-0033101 Maple Ave., P.O. Box 632, 42142

Venture Contracting • 651-1110100 S. Broadway, P.O. Box 10, 42142

Glasgow Building Supply • 651-8339515 S. L. Rogers Wells Blvd. P.O. Box 354, 42142

Lowe’s Home Centers, Inc. • 659-3700208 S. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Square Deal Lumber • 749-2731P.O. Box 187, Park City, 42160

Big Meadow Oil Company • 432-7081P.O. Box 2099, 219 Industrial Dr., 42142

Oliver-Williams & Company • 678-6980736 Mt. Pisgah Rd., 42141

Glasgow/Barren Co. Industrial Development Economic Authority • 651-6314P.O. Box 1703, 42142

WKU Small Business Development Center • 745-19052355 Nashville Rd., Bowling Green, 42101

The Carpet Bargain Barn • 651-9228205 N. Green St., 42141

Diane’s Cakes & Catering • 678-6732398A Lecta Spur Rd., 42141

Goodnight Inn • 678-41653059 Hiseville-Branstetter Rd., Cave City, 42127

Bluegrass Dairy & Food, LLC • 651-21461117 Cleveland Ave., 42141

Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese • 434-32042033 Thomerson Park Rd., Austin, 42123

Barren County Chiropractic • 651-7465209 E. Main St., 42141

Beauty Salons & Barber Shops

Boat Dealers & marine Supplies

Book Dealers – Stores



Builders, Developers & management

Building materials

Bulk Oil Storage products

Business & Development Consultants

Business Development

Carpet & rug Dealers & Cleaning


Cheese & Gourmet Shops


Tank Chiropractic • 651-2203215 N. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Glasgow Baptist Church • 651-2186401 S. Green St., P.O. Box 489, 42142

St. Helen/Lady of the Caves Catholic Church • 651-5263103 W. Brown St., 42141

Center For Women’s Health • 651-18431214 A N. Race St., 42141

Glasgow Urology Clinic • 651-83481012 Glenview Dr., 42141

Kentucky Dermatology Clinic • 651-0344120 State Ave., 42141

Neurology Clinic • 651-37291330 N. Race St., 42141

South Central Regional Pain Management Clinic • 651-37291330 N. Race St., 42141

Glasgow Golf & Country Club • 651-2014350 Country Club Ln., 42141

Liberty District-Ralph Bunche Community Ctr. • 834-8537301 Bunche Ave., P.O. Box 1136, 42141

Audubon Area Community Services, Inc. • 901-07602530 Scottsville Rd., Ste. 2 Bowling Green, 42104

BluHorse • (877) 373-2973613 Columbia Ave., 42141

Highland Computer Services • 659-9489P.O. Box 2037, 42142

Southern KY Computer Parts & Repair • 629-2667413 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

IMI-Irving Materials, Inc. • 651-8771532 Reynolds Rd., 42141

CRS Construction, Inc. • 678-2876139 Joe Marshall Rd., 42141

Green Mechanical Construction, Inc. • 651-8978P.O. Box 1869, 42142

Jerry A. Botts Construction, Inc. • 651-1592217 Columbia Ave., 42141

Scott, Murphy & Daniel • 781-9944P.O. Box 2520, Bowling Green, 42102

Cave City Convention Center • 773-3131502 Mammoth Cave St. P.O. Box 518, Cave City, 42127

Copy Depot • 651-5753512 N. Race St., 42141

Alliance Counseling Associates • 678-4801104 Reynolds Rd., 42141

Crossroads Pregnancy Center • 651-2299P.O. Box 236, 42142

Hospice of Southern Ky • 782-34025872 Scottsville Rd., Bowling Green, 42104

Life Skills, Inc. • 651-8378P.O. Box 1539, 42142


Clinics & medical Groups

Clubs – Golf

Community Centers

Community Services, Child Care, Head Start & Counseling

Computer Services & Sales


Construction Companies

Convention Centers

Copy Services


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Family Options • 629-4888108 Ensminger Dr., 42141

Service One Credit Union, Inc. • 651-6611116 Ensminger Dr., 42141

Highland Couriers • 651-8992P.O. Box 1450, 42142

Drobocky Orthodontics • 651-6862203 Professional Park Dr., 42141

Inman & Baldwin Orthodontics • 651-9386207 Professional Park Dr., 42141

Dr. Mark Kuzma • 651-2638501 W. Main St., Ste. B, 42141

W. Mark Myers, DMD • 651-3709207 Professional Park Dr., P.O. Box 1508, 42142

Eddie Joe Newberry II, DMD, PSC • 651-2979400 S. Broadway, 42141

James C. Thurman, DMD • 651-5939101 State Ave., 42142

Philip Whiteside, DMD • 651-64712 Forest Hills, 42141

Factory Connection • 659-2924211 N. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Goody’s #5106 • 651-0313356 N. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Wal-Mart • 678-10032345 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

J B Distributors, Inc. • 843-4583930 Searcy Way, P.O. Box 51085 Bowling Green, 42102

Nich-Chem • 678-5245P.O. Box 536, 42142

Richie Pharmacal Co. • 651-6159197 State Ave., P.O. Box 460, 42142

Ely Drugs • 651-8359415 Happy Valley Rd., P.O. Box 1778, 42142

Glasgow Prescription Center • 651-8889615 S. L. Roger Wells Blvd., 42141

Medical Arts Pharmacy • 651-70301220 N. Race St., 42141

Park Avenue Pharmacy • 651-5156131 Park Ave., P.O. Box 39, 42142

Pharmacy Express • 651-7948415 S. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Vann Healthcare Pharmacy-Customized Prescriptions • 651-76271220 N. Race St., P.O. Box 275, 42142

Walgreens #7712 • 659-01461001 W. Main St., 42141

Leonard Johnson Electric Service, Inc. • 651-2362920 W. Main St., 42141

M & L Electrical, Inc. • 781-01236060 Scottsville Rd., Bowling Green, 42104

Glasgow Area Career Center • 651-2121445 N. Green St., 42142

Quality Personnel • 651-7277204 N. Race St., 42141

The Reserves Network • 651-8432948 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Counseling – Outpatient & mental Health

Credit Unions

Delivery Services

Dentists, Dental Labs & Dental Care

Department Stores


Drug Stores & pharmacies


Employment Agencies

American Engineers, Inc. • 651-722065 Aberdeen Dr., 42141

Pride Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc. • 651-8311402 Samson St., 42142

Cannon & Cannon, Inc. • 843-2744730 Fairview Ave., Ste. C1, Bowling Green, 42101

ABC Finance Company • 659-9800117 Columbia Ave., 42141

Personal Finance Company • 629-4732409 Happy Valley Rd., P.O. Box 454, 42142

Farm Credit Services/ FCS of Mid-America • 651-9425215 Rogers Rd., 42142

Pioneer Credit Company • 659-0118802 W. Main Plaza, P.O. Box 235, 42141

Calton & Associates, Inc. • 651-1567P.O. Box 7, 42142

Barren County Family YMCA • 651-96221 YMCA Way, 42141

Curves • 651-6821946 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Extreme Fitness for Women • 651-3036135 Myrtle St., 42141

All In Bloom Florist • 651-7673201 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Greer’s Florist • 651-23902158 Scottsville Rd., 42141

Green Market Cooperative, Inc. • 404-5423P.O. Box 1593, 42142

A.F. Crow & Son Funeral Home • 651-2080201 E. Washington, 42141

Hatcher & Saddler Funeral Home, Inc. • 651-8821801 N. Race St., 42141

Ford Furniture Company • 651-3755213 N. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Aaron’s Sales & Lease Ownership • 678-5056200 Max Wagner Dr., 42141

Mid State Waste • 651-2599202 American Ave., 42141

Farmers Energy Propane Plus, LLC • 678-2444P.O. Box 1704, 42142

Suburban Propane • 651-2437420 Kelly Ln., Clarksville, TN 37040

Awards, Inc. • 651-7255136 E. Public Sq., 42141

Mary Anne’s Hallmark • 651-6004360 N. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Unique Gifts, Inc. • 651-68821101 Cleveland Ave., 42141

Barren Co. Circuit Court • 651-1575Circuit Clerk, P.O. Box 1359, 42142

Engineers – Civil & Environmental

Engineers – Consulting

finance Companies

finance, mortgage & Loan Companies

financial & financial Advisors

fitness Centers


food products, Services & Supplies

funeral Homes


furniture & Appliances – Lease or Sale

Garbage Disposals – Household & Commercial

Gas – Bottled, Bulk & Cylinder

Gift Shops

Government – County

Barren County Clerk • 651-5200117-1A N. Public Sq., 42141

Barren County Judge Executive • 651-3338117 N. Public Sq., Ste. 3A, 42141

Barren County PVA Office • 651-2026P.O. Box 1836, 42142

Johnny Bell, Representative • 651-7005108 N. Green St., 42141

David Givens, Kentucky Senator • (502) 564-8100State Capitol Annex, Rm. 215, Frankfort, 40601

Governor of Kentucky • (502) 564-2611700 Capital Ave., Ste. 100, Frankfort, 40601

Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky • (502) 564-2611The Capitol, Rm. 142, Frankfort, 40601

Circuit Judge • 651-2744300 Courthouse Sq., 42141

City of Cave City, Mayor • 773-2188103 Duke St., P.O. Box 567, Cave City, 42127

City of Glasgow, Mayor • 651-5131126 E. Public Sq., P.O. Box 278, 42142

City of Park City, Mayor • 749-569525054 Louisville Rd., Park City, 42160

Judge • 651-9839P.O. Box 605, 42142

Brett Guthrie, US Congressman • 784-27411001 Center St., Ste. 300, Bowling Green, 42101

Mitch McConnell, Senator • 781-1673241 E. Main St., Rm. 102, Bowling Green, 42101

C. A. Massey, Associates • 428-53363266 Nobob Rd., 42141

Houchens Industries • 843-3252700 Church St., P.O. Box 90009 Bowling Green, 42102

Phillips IGA • 453-264166 E. Hiseville Main St., P.O. Box 226, Hiseville, 42152

Amedisys Home Health • 651-76401216C N. Race St., 42141

Barren River Regional Cancer Ctr. • 651-2478103 Trista Ln., 42141

Barren County Health Department • 651-8321318 W. Washington St. P.O. Box 1464, 42142

T. J. Health Partners, LLC • 651-41141301 N. Race St., 42141

Hosparus of Barren River • 782-7258101 Riverwood Ave., Ste. B, Bowling Green, 42103

Hensley Hearing Aid Center • 651-7800101 State Ave., Ste. E, 42141

HVAC Services, Inc. • 651-3841400 E. College St., P.O. Box 153, 42142

Lyons Company • 651-2733308 Samson St., P.O. Box 393, 42142

Lyons Service Company, Inc. • 781-87932721 Pioneer Dr., Bowling Green, 42101

T. J. Samson Community Hospital • 651-44441301 N. Race St., 42141

Government – ky

Government – Local

Government – U.S.

Grant writing & research

Grocery Stores

Health Centers, Equipment & Adult Day Care

Healthcare maintenance

Healthcare Services

Hearing Aid Specialists

Heating & Air Conditioning


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Barren River Lake State Resort Park • 646-21511149 State Park Rd., Lucas, 42156

Comfort Inn • 651-9099210 Calvary Dr., 42141

Days Inn • 651-1757105 Days Inn Blvd., 42141

Four Seasons Country Inn • 678-10004107 Scottsville Rd., 42141

Hall Place • 651-3176313 S. Green St., 42141

Home-Towne Suites • 846-33111929 Mel Browning St., Bowling Green, 42104

Mammoth Cave Hotel • 758-2225P.O. Box 27, Mammoth Cave, 42259

The Narrow Way Bed & Breakfast • 646-2957554 S. Lucas Rd., Lucas, 42156

Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resort • 773-38401002 Mammoth Cave Rd., Cave City, 42127

AWS Human Resource Consulting • 453-49782245 Peterson Rd., Cave City, 42127

Glasgow Ice Company • 651-3922701 E. Main St., 42141

Betty Brogan • 678-5636109 Clarksdale Cir., 42141

Bill Brogan • 678-5636109 Clarksdale Cir., 42141

Pam Browning • 678-311262 Oscar-Gilpin Rd., 42141

Charles Campbell • 646-48601014 Comanche Cir., Lucas, 42156

C. Robert Cary • 678-78891650 Oil Well Rd., 42141

David DeSpain • 629-3637204 Windsor Ave., 42141

Dick Thomas Car Sales • 651-5066319 Green Acres, 42141

Benny Dickinson • 651-8469107 Trigg Ct., 42141

Cecile Garmon • 651-3274605 S. Green St., 42141

Ledean Hamilton • 651-5760111 Maplewood Pl., 42141

Keith Harlow • 646-02613587 Finney Rd., 42141

Debi Kirsch • 678-519880 Thoroughbred Ln., 42141

Harold T. Matthews • 651-3330106 Norris Ct., 42141

Barbara Motley • 651-30721777 N. Jackson Hwy., 42141

Bambie T. Myers • 651-6049203 Windsor Ave., 42141

Peggy Bunnell Nims • 678-96861439 Glenview Dr., 42141

Elaine Richardson • 651-95414 Forest Hills Dr., 42141

Melba Richardson • 651-3181406 Brice Ave., 42141

Ann K. Rodgers • 651-5636716 E. Main St., 42141

Dr. Julia Schooler • 651-3823104 Hatchett Ct., 42141

Joe Barry Simmons • 678-6763137 Golf Course Estates, 42141

Hotels, motels, Cabins, B&Bs & Campgrounds

Human resource Consulting

Ice Companies


Bob Stone • 678-4410150 Longhunters Trail, 42141

Bud Tarry • 678-1728725 Lick Branch Rd., 42141

Golda Walbert • 651-3886313 Leslie Ave., 42141

Jennie Wilson • 651-2499106 St. Charles Ct., 42141

Joseph A. Wade • 651-1090311 Industrial Dr., 42141

Affordable Insurance • 651-1044932 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Allstate Insurance • 651-6655103 W. Public Sq., 42141

Benefits Resource Group, LLC • 842-81102530 Scottsville Rd., Ste. 109, Bowling Green, 42104

Bishop & Bishop Insurance Co. • 651-5135116 S. Public Sq., 42141

Cook, Downing & Underwood Ins. • 651-2194217 S. Green St., 42142

Glasgow Insurance Agency • 651-8824318 S. Green St., P.O. Box 397, 42142

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network • 782-8280548 E. Main St., P.O. Box 9727, Bowling Green, 42102

Pedigo-Lessenberry Insurance Agency, Inc. • 651-8837103 Pin Oak Ln., P.O. Box 1899, 42142

Rowland Insurance Agency • 629-5010201 E. Main St., 42141

State Farm Insurance • 651-3608209 Rogers Rd., P.O. Box 1897, 42142

State Farm Insurance • 651-5433305 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

State Farm Insurance • 651-6025308 S. Broadway, P.O. Box 997, 42142

Richardson Design Studio • 659-20281508 S. Green St., 42141

Edward Jones Investments • 678-3630110 Reynolds Rd., 42141

Hilliard Lyons, Inc. • 651-2663102 E. Wayne St., P.O. Box 483, 42142

Ross, Sinclaire & Associates, LLC • (502) 695-7353400 Democrat Dr., Frankfort, 40601

Glasgow Coin & Jewelry • 834-1441101 N. Public Sq., Ste. B, 42141

PMC Jewelers • 678-1510307 Reynolds Rd., 42141

Great Onyx Job Corps • 286-45143115 Ollie Ridge Rd., Mammoth Cave, 42259

Betsy Anne Fashions • 651-3557139 W. Public Sq., 42141

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • 646-205511088 Finney Rd., 42141

The Vance Store • 651-9740402 S. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Mary Wood Weldon Memorial Library • 651-28241530 S. Green St., 42141

Industrial maintenance products


Interior Decorators & Designers

Investment Counselors


job Training

Ladies Clothing Stores

Lake & management Control

Lawn & Garden Equipment


American Eagle Lift Truck Service • 590-0933204 American Way, 42141

Chuck’s Liquors – Three Springs • 781-5923386 Three Springs Rd., Bowling Green, 42104

Chuck’s Liquors – Veterans Memorial • 846-2626575 Veterans Memorial Ln. Bowling Green, 42101

Chuck’s Liquors – Louisville Rd. • 842-60153513 Louisville Rd., Bowling Green, 42101

Chuck’s of Hartland • 393-70771640 Scottsville Rd. Bowling Green, 42104

Express Logistics, Inc. • 651-1662195 American Ave., 42141

Madison Smith Machine • 678-10802601 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Akebono Glasgow • 678-17651765 Cleveland Ave., 42141

Amneal Pharmaceuticals, LLC • (866) 525-7226118 Beaver Trail, 42141

Bluegrass Dairy & Food, LLC • 651-21461117 Cleveland Ave., 42141

Dana Corporation • 651-67111320 W. Main St., 42141

Felker Brothers • 678-4143125 Beaver Trail Rd., 42141

J. L. French • 651-833420 Prestwick Dr., 42141

NCS HealthCare of Kentucky • 651-6188835 N. L. Rogers Wells Blvd. P.O. Box 1268, 42142

Ply-Tech Corporation • 678-2941845 Industrial Dr., P.O. Box 757, 42142

RR Donnelley • 678-2121120 Donnelley Dr., 42141

SpanTech, Inc. • 651-91661115 Cleveland Ave., P.O. Box 369, 42142

3A Composites • 651-3822205 American Ave., 42141

Barren Information Technology Systems • 651-2145126 E. Public Sq., 42141

Barren River State Boat Dock • 646-2357P.O. Box 1131, 42142

Peninsula Marina, LLC • 646-22231261 Peninsula Rd., 42141

T. J. Samson Resource Center • 651-47451060 Glenview Dr., 42141

Southern Medical Lab • 651-29891330 N. Race St., 42141

Clayton Homes • 678-24601398 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Borders Monument Co., Inc. • 651-76251532 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

South Central Kentucky Monuments, LLC • 629-3700109-C E. Front St., 42141

Lift Services

Liquor Stores

mailing & Shipping Services

manufacturers – Tool, machine Design

manufacturing – manufacturers

mapping Services



medical Labs

mobile Homes

monument Companies

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Glasgow Daily Times • 678-5171100 Commerce Dr., P.O. Box 1179, 42142

Jobe Publishing • 659-2146P.O. Box 453, 42142

Barren County Health Care Center • 651-9131300 Westwood St., 42141

Glasgow Health & Rehabilitation Ctr. • 651-6661220 Westwood St., P.O. Box 938, 42142

Glasgow State Nursing Facility • 651-2151199 State Ave., P.O. Box 189, 42142

Glenview Health Care • 651-83321002 Glenview Dr., P.O. Box 1507, 42142

NHC Health Care • 651-6126109 Homewood Blvd., P.O. Box 247, 42142

Barren County Business Supply • 659-2061201 Lincoln Rd., 42141

Better Quality Business Systems • 843-34002530 Scottsville Rd., Ste. 103 Bowling Green, 42104

Cardinal Office Systems, Inc. • (866) 853-5858530 Corvette Way, Bowling Green, 42102

Staples #1836 • 651-3030204 S. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Toshiba Business Solutions • (502) 303-79672530 Scottsville Rd., Bowling Green, 42104

Wininger Oil Company, Inc. • 678-4582100A Reynolds Rd., 42141

ZTM Petroleum, LLC • 670-9666200 Columbia Ave., 42141

Downing/McPeak Vision Centers • 651-21811507 Bravo Blvd., 42141

Terry Durham, OD • 651-3466218 S. Liberty St., 42141

Heffron Family Eye Care • 629-2015507 S. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., Ste. B, 421 41

Wagner Eye Care Center • 651-8323115 Columbia Ave., P.O. Box 638, 42142

American Cancer Society • 745-1967952 Fairview Ave., Ste 4, Bowling Green, 42101

American Heart Association • 842-57001212 Ashley Cir., Bowling Green, 42104

American Red Cross – Barren County • 659-2050200-A S. Race St., 42141

Arts Guild of the Barrens, Inc. • 579-1737118 E. Public Sq., 42141

Barren County Community Early Childhood Council • 651-38181463 W. Main St., 42141

Barren County Networking Women, Inc. • 651-2265P.O. Box 323, 42142

Barren River Animal Welfare Assoc. • 651-7297175 Trojan Trail, P.O. Box 171, 42142

Boys & Girls Club of Glasgow/ Barren County • 629-3871301 Bunche Ave., P.O. Box 1935, 42142

BRADD • 781-2381177 Graham Ave., Bowling Green, 42102

Community Action of Southern KY • 651-8171413 Happy Valley Rd., P.O. Box 787, 42141

Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana • 842-8138901 Lehman Ave., Ste. 7, Bowling Green, 42101


Nursing Homes

Office – Supplies, Equipment & furniture

Oil & Gas Operators & marketing


Optical, Optometrists & Opticians


Glasgow Business & Professional Women’s Club • 646-2151P.O. Box 293, 42142

Glasgow Highland Games • 651-3141119 E. Main St., 42141

Glasgow Lions Club343 Winners Cir., 42141

Junior Achievement of S. Central KY, Inc. • 670-4576113 W. Public Sq., Ste. 300, P.O. Box 866, 42142

KY Association of Manufacturers • (502) 352-2485609 Chamberlin Ave., Frankfort, 40601

March of Dimes • 746-54111043 Pedigo Way, Unit 2, Bowling Green, 42103

Sustainable Glasgow, Inc. • 361-2888P.O. Box 1654, 42142

Temple Hill Lions Club • 427-430478 Temple Hill Rd., 42141

United Way of Southern Kentucky • 843-3205P.O. Box 3330, Bowling Green, 42102

Sherwin Williams • 651-2061403 S. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Scotty’s Contracting & Stone, LLC • 781-39981522 Burkesville Rd., 42141

Arrow Exterminators • 629-2011808 W. Main St., 42141

Ogles Exterminating, Inc. • 678-6334P.O. Box 1105, 42142

Doggy Days & Cat Nap Acres • 678-58304670 Tompkinsville Rd., 42141

Pet’s Supplies • 629-6293206-A N. Race St., 42141

AJ Photos • 404-2001129 Pleasant View Dr., 42141

KORT-Glasgow Physical Therapy PSC • 629-5678102 Hippocrates Way, 42141

Miller Physical Therapy • 651-78821410 N. Race St., 42141

The Bale Center • 629-54331320 N. Race St., 42141

Campbell Medical Group • 629-3772303 Professional Park, 42141

Cardiology Associates of So. KY • 651-96111004 Glenview Dr., 42141

First Choice OB/GYN • 651-2229507 S. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., Ste. C, 42141

Anthony W. Flannery, MD • 651-81851008 Glenview Dr., Ste. A, 42141

Glasgow Pediatric Associates • 651-9696301 Professional Park Dr., 42141

Glasgow Surgical Associates • 651-94081216B N. Race St., P.O. Box 818, 42142

Graves-Gilbert Clinic • 651-1082102 Physicians Blvd., 42141

Dr. Bharat Mody • 651-8789201 Professional Park Dr., 42141

Gilman Peterson, MD • 651-83281505 Bravo Blvd. P.O. Box 694, 42142

paints – Dealers

paving Contractors

pest Control Services

pet Grooming & kennels

pet Supplies


physical Therapy & rehab

physicians & Healthcare Services

physicians & Surgeons

South Central KY Orthopedics • 651-9390106 Columns Plaza Dr., 42141

T. J. Samson Family Practice Center • 651-47971325 N. Race St., 42141

Wilson ENT, PSC • 651-2433102C Physicians Blvd., P.O. Box 1088, 42142

Women and Children’s Clinic, PSC • 651-97551411 N. Race St., 42141

Botts Plumbing, Inc. • 678-19701330 New Salem Rd., 42141

Bluegrass Advertising, LLC • 843-2100P.O. Box 51903, Bowling Green, 42102

Gerald Printing • 651-3751105 E. Water St., 42141

Journal Communications, Inc. • (615) 771-0086725 Cool Springs Blvd., Ste. 400, Franklin, TN 37067

The Map Group, Inc. • (859) 647-4000541 Buttermilk Pk., Ste.100, Crescent Springs, 41017

Bowling Green Hot Rods Minor League Baseball • 901-2121P.O. Box 929, Bowling Green, 42101

Glass Aggregates • 651-66452870 N. Jackson Hwy., P.O. Box 836, 42142

Christian Family Radio 89.3 FM • 781-7326P.O. Box 539, Bowling Green, 42102

Commonwealth Broadcasting • 659-2002113 W. Public Sq., P.O. Box 1505, 42142

Forever Communications • 843-33331919 Scottsville Rd., Bowling Green, 42104

WCLU/Royse Radio, Inc. • 651-9149229 W. Main St., P.O. Box 1628, 42142

WGGC • 651-21421727 US 31-W Bypass, Bowling Green, 42101

WHSX/WLOC Radio • 786-1000P.O. Box 85, Horse Cave, 42749

Glasgow Radiology, PSC • 651-9120102 E. Wayne St., P.O. Box 1537, 42142

Bailey & Grissom Realtors • 651-2717220 W. Main St., 42141

Barren River Realty & Auction • 618-46639451 New Glasgow Rd., Scottsville, 42164

Century 21/Barren River Realty • 678-67731000 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Coldwell Banker Legacy Real Estate Group • 629-6683204 Calvary Dr., 42141

Elmore Real Estate • 651-5202605 N. Race St., 42141

Randy Gibbons – Coldwell Banker Legacy Group • 646-0429112 Highland Park, 42141

Dwayne Pierce – Coldwell Banker Legacy Group • 590-0295886 Megan Ln., 42141

Re/Max Highland Realty & Auction • 646-7772108 Reynolds Rd, 42141

Andrew Parsley & Associates • 651-2795207 N. Race St., 42141

Armstrong Appraisal Service • 651-7580301 Happy Valley Rd. P.O. Box 1085, 42142


printers, publishers, Typesetters & Graphics

professional Sports

Quarries – rock & Stone

radio Stations


real Estate

real Estate Appraisers

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Eastern Hills Developers • 651-3245100 N. Liberty St., 42141

Heers Duplex Rentals • 678-3567511 Old Scottsville Rd., Loop 2, 42141

RKM Development, Inc. • (815) 685-6680140 Pinnacle Estates, 42141

South Central KY Assoc. of Realtors • 651-73222185 Scottsville Rd., 42141

Herzog Salvage • 834-8260P.O. Box 26, 42141

Lakeside Recycling, Inc. • 646-52027197-A Scottsville Rd., 42141

Mid-State Recycling • 651-5107109 Springdale Dr., P.O. Box 1807, 42142

Backyard Party Creations • 646-65513891 New Salem Rd., 42141

Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar & Grill • 678-3325100 Max Wagner Dr., 42141

Big Moose’s BBQ Smokehouse • 651-1913525 W. Main St., 42141

Colton’s • 629-2255206 N. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Dairy Queen • 651-3864130 N. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Fine Arts Bistro • 629-2209143 N. Public Sq., 42141

Gale & Dale’s • 651-2489405 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

George J’s on The Square • 651-2161144 E. Public Sq., 42141

Hardee’s • 651-3756205 W. Cherry St., 42141

Kafe Tapaz • 651-5001106 Shane Dr., Ste. 330, 42141

Little Caesars • 629-5900751 W. Cherry St., 42141

A Little Taste of Texas • 659-2441303 S. Broadway, 42141

Long John Silvers Seafood/A&W • 651-8005713 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Los Mariachis Mexican Restaurant • 651-32291005 W. Main St., 42141

Mancino’s • 651-6500302 Rogers Rd., 42141

McDonald’s Restaurant • 651-9200101 Smith Rd., P.O. Box 721, 42142

Papa John’s Pizza • 651-7775603 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Puerto Vallarta Mexican Restaurant • 678-98972387 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Subway of Glasgow • 651-9669111 N. Public Sq., 42141

White Castle • 659-0773924 W. Main St., 42141

Zaxby’s • 629-2445810 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

ServPro of Allen, Barren, Hart, Green & Taylor Cou • 659-0067P.O. Box 1054, 42142

Serenity Salon & Spa • 834-8333106 Shane Dr., Ste. 330, 42141

real Estate Developers & Investors



rentals – parties & Equipment


restoration repair

Salons & Spas

Barren Co. Board of Education • 651-3787202 W. Washington St., 42141

Barren County Area Technology Center • 651-2196491 Trojan Trail, 42141

Bowling Green Technical College-Glasgow • 659-6900500 Hilltopper Way, 42141

Glasgow Board of Education • 651-67571108 Cleveland Ave., P.O. Box 1239, 42142

Glasgow Christian Academy • 651-7729600 Old Cavalry Dr., 42141

KATI & Bowling Green Technical Colleges • 746-74611845 Loop Dr., Bowling Green, 42101

Montessori Academy of Glasgow, Inc. • 651-9440100 Montessori Way, 42141

Western Kentucky University • 745-54051 Big Red Way, Bowling Green, 42101

WKU Glasgow Campus • 659-6900500 Hilltopper Way, 42141

Redman’s Dugout • 651-2308313B YMCA Way, 42141

Two Eds Screen Printing & Embroidery • 651-1122447 N. Green St., 42141

Bellview Protective Services, LLS • 629-2118214 Shane Dr., 42141

J-Mar Properties, LLC • 781-40552530 Scottsville Rd., Ste. 21, Bowling Green, 42104

Land Shark Shredding, LLC • 793-0880P.O. Box 51332, Bowling Green, 42102

Sign World • 651-1180101 Rogers Rd., 42141

Glasgow Self Storage • 629-6404908 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Happy Valley Barns • 678-1805980 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Pools of Leisure, Inc. • 651-7211111 E. Washington St., 42141

Bluegrass Cellular • 651-1400241 S. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

Comstar Systems of Bowling Green, Inc. • 781-7076944 Searcy Way, Bowling Green, 42103

In Touch, AT&T • 651-6657509 S. L. Rogers Wells Blvd., 42141

South Central Rural Telephone Company • 678-21111399 Happy Valley Rd., P.O. Box 159, 42142

Star*Tel Systems, Inc. • 651-5597200 N. Liberty St. P.O. Box 515, 42142

Windstream • 651-8558301 W. Washington St., 42141

WBKO-TV • 781-13132727 Russellville Rd., Bowling Green, 42101

WNKY/NBC CBS • 781-2140325 Emmett Ave., Ste. N, Bowling Green, 42101

Schools, Colleges & Education

Screen printing

Security Systems

Shopping Centers

Shredding & processing – paper


Storage & Service Buildings

Swimming pool Contractors

Telephone Communications

Television Stations

Marquee Highland 8 Cinema • 678-16131628 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Classic Tile • 239-8453577 Veterans Memorial Hwy., Scottsville, 42164

Big O Tires • 651-7236209 Smith Rd., 42141

BR Retreading Auto, Truck, & Farm Tire Svc. • 651-51531037 W. Main St., P.O. Box 399, 42142

Glasgow Tire & Auto Center • 651-7075602 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Park Mammoth Resort • 749-410122850 Louisville Rd., P.O. Box 307, Park City, 42160

Glasgow-Barren County Tourist & Convention Commission • 651-3161118 E. Public Sq., 42141

Mammoth Cave National Park • 758-2180P.O. Box 7, Mammoth Cave, 42259

Glasgow Railway Company, Inc. • 651-88611010 W. Main St., 42141

Kirt Lyon Trucking • 773-87005869 Whitney Woods Rd., Cave City, 42127

KY Transportation Cabinet District 3 • 746-7898900 Morgantown Rd., Bowling Green, 42101

Shockley’s Transportation System • 651-7334515 S. Green St., 42141

Walbert Trucking, Inc. • 651-6784101 Pin Oak Ln., P.O. Box 1403, 42142

Goodwill Industries • 781-49301806 31-W Bypass, Bowling Green, 42101

Habitat ReStore • 629-5775506 W. Main St., 42141

Atmos Energy • 651-8989200 N. Broadway, 42141

Caveland Environmental Authority, Inc. • 773-2887508 S. Dixie Hwy., P.O. Box 426, Cave City, 42127

Farmers RECC • 651-2191504 S. Broadway, P.O. Box 1298, 42142

Glasgow Electric Plant Board • 651-8341100 Mallory Dr., P.O. Box 1809, 42142

Glasgow Water Company • 651-3727126 E. Public Sq., P.O. Box 819, 42142

Glasgow Animal Clinic, LLC • 651-2154719 W. Main St., 42141

Veterinary Medical Center • 651-5444629 Grandview Ave., 42141

Family Video • 659-9728621 Happy Valley Rd., 42141

Sam’s Club • 781-77753200 Ken Bale Blvd., Bowling Green, 42103

American Materials • 651-2178206 Industrial Dr., P.O. Box 1598, 42142

Norris Well Service, Inc. • 651-87372141 Scottsville Rd., 42141

Theaters & Cinemas

Tile Companies

Tire Dealers


Tourism & Information


Used-merchandise Stores



video rentals

warehouse wholesalers


well Services

Page 51: Images Glasgow-Barren County, KY: 2012

Ad Index C3 A.F.Crow&Son FunerAlHome

C3 AmeriCAnmAteriAlSinC.

22 AmneAlPHArmACeutiCAlS

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19 BB&t

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C3 rrDonnelley

C3 SCott,murPHy&DAniel

Page 52: Images Glasgow-Barren County, KY: 2012

Ad Index (cont.) 24 SoutHern meDiCAllABorAtory

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Page 53: Images Glasgow-Barren County, KY: 2012

LivAbiLit y.CoM/gL Asgow/k y 49

AMERICAN MATERIALS INC.Proudly supports the

Glasgow-Barren County, Kentucky community

P.O. Box 1598 • Glasgow, KY • (270) 651-2178

Right here in Glasgow, we produce and distribute millions and millions of magazines and catalogs a year.

Laid end-to-end and side-to-side, they’d blanket an area larger than a town the size of ours.

Glasgow, we’ve got you covered!

For more information, visit

RR Donnelley is an AA/EEO employer.

126 E. Public Square Glasgow, KY 42142-0819

(270) 651-3727 tel(270) 651-1651 fax

A. Follis Crow III ~ President

201 East Washington StreetGlasgow, Kentucky 42141(270)

“Our Family Serving yOur Family Since 1928”

Bobby H. Richardson • Woodford L. Gardner Jr. T. Richard Alexander II • John B. Gardner

(270) 651-8884 • (270) 651-2116 • Fax: (270) 651-3662

117 E. Washington St. • Glasgow, KY 42141 [email protected]

2335 Barren River Rd. • Bowling Green (270) 781-9944 • (888) 720-2826

• Design/Build Construction• Construction Management Services• Renovations/Conversions/Expansions

“From Conception to Completion, We’re Your Road To A Successful Project”






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