i'm in-love with an unbeliever

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  • 7/25/2019 I'm In-Love With an Unbeliever


  • 7/25/2019 I'm In-Love With an Unbeliever


    Copyright 2016. Content written by Patrick & Antonettean, oringally appeared at www.melancholeric.blogspot.

    com. I you have any eedback contact us at [email protected].

  • 7/25/2019 I'm In-Love With an Unbeliever


    Im In-Love with An Unbeliever! 1

    The Go-To VerseOne day, a student asked me this: What are your

    thoughts about a born-again Christian having a relationship

    with someone from a different faith?

    Beore I got serious about my relationship with my

    to-be wie, I went through the awesome season o crushes

    and courtship like every young person. Growing up in

    church, I was taught about one o the most popular verses

    about romantic relationships: Do not be yoked together

    with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14). I even dare to say

    that every person who grew up in a church youth groupwould know this verse. Its a verse thats so over-used and

    sometimes abused that young people would ofen equate it

    with the word killjoy.

    As a young person, I used to admire girls or their

    personality and looks but didnt care much whether they

    have a personal relationship with Jesus or not. Afer all, it

    seems discriminating or me not to love someone just

    because their aith is different rom mine. Te younger me

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    would think how overly strict the command was. I would

    even play scenarios in my mind that would justiy breaking

    this command. But looking in hindsight, I am thankul

    that by Gods grace He led me to know and marry someone

    who also loves God. And so, I stand by the counsel o Gods

    Word in 2 Corinthians 6:14.

    So whats the deal about 2 Corinthians 6:14 anyway?

    But looking in hindsight,I am thankful that byGods grace He led me toknow and marry someone

    who also loves God.

    As young people, we ofen gloss through instructions

    that begin with do not because we think it automatically

    takes the un out o lie. Its

    like were already

    programmed to skip

    sentences that begin with

    do not.

    Moreover, our leaders

    are sometimes guilty o justlaying out the do nots without giving our young people

    the whys. odays generation wouldnt just take your

    instructions at ace value, they need to understand why that

    instruction is relevant to their lives.

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    Im In-Love with An Unbeliever! 3

    So this is 2 Corinthians 6:14 in context:

    Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For whatdo righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or

    what fellowship can light have with darkness? What

    harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what

    does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?

    What agreement is there between the temple of Godand idols? For we are the temple of the living God ... (2

    Corinthians 6:14-16)

    When you read this, you will discover that the apostle

    Paul is not exclusively writing about romantic relationships

    but about a Christ-ollowers relationship to others. And

    interestingly, Paul compared human relationships with that

    o arm animals.

    A yoke is a arming tool that is a long bar made o wood.

    It is astened over two beasts o burden (horses or bulls)that pulls the plow together. So i two animals are astened

    together by a yoke, they dont have a choice but to go on a

    same direction. I one decides to take one direction while

    the other takes the opposite, it will hurt both animals and

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    ruin the field. Tey would accomplish nothing. Ultimately,

    one will succumb the other to go to their direction.

    Similarly, a boy and a girl going on different directions

    when yoked together (i.e, pursuing a romantic relationship)

    would be a tensioned, destructive and unproductive

    relationship. Am I exaggerating? No, because its all about


    Its all about valuesWhat are values? Google defines it as a persons

    principles or standards o behavior; ones judgment o whatis important in lie. It can be synonymous with ethics,

    moral code, standards, and code o behavior. Organizations

    and companies use it and they call it their core values.

    Values are a set o principles a person or an organization

    lives their lie by. Every person lives by a set o values,

    regardless whether they are aware o it, or not. But most o

    the time, most o us are not aware o it. We are molded to it

    growing up as we see it in our amily and the environment

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    Im In-Love with An Unbeliever! 5

    around us. For example, i you value time, you strive to be

    punctual all the time. I you value amily, you consider your

    amily in every decision you make. I you value integrity,

    you strive to do everything without deceit.

    Values determine yourpriorities. Prioritiesdetermines your habits.Habits determine yourlifestyle. Lifestyle

    determines your future.

    As you can see a persons values are quite powerul.

    Values determine your

    priorities. Prioritiesdetermines your habits.

    Habits determine your

    liestyle. Liestyle

    determines your uture.

    Values are like seeds living

    inside o you. You may not

    see it immediately, but or

    sure it will grow out o your lie.

    So what are your values? And what do you value as

    a ollower o Christ? A ollower o Christ would valueaithulness to His Master. Christ-centeredness is a value.

    I we would predict how that value affect a persons uture,

    we would be able to determine what kind o lie they would

    have. For example, a Christ-ollowers relationship with God

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    will be committed and aithul. A Christ-ollowers career

    would be excellent and honest.

    If I have to choosebetween certain

    relationships and thefulfillment of my purposefor God, Id readilychoose the latter.

    How would a Christ-ollowers uture look like in the

    realm o courtship and

    marriage? A Christ-ollower

    will not just live his lie or

    the now. He lives knowingthat everything he does has

    uture implications. A

    Christ-ollower has a

    purpose and a calling rom

    God. You have a purpose

    and calling rom God. And i I have to choose between

    certain relationships and the ulfillment o my purpose or

    God, Id readily choose the latter. A persons direction

    determines his destiny.

    So going back to Paul, he throws in a rhetorical questionafer his command,

    ...what do righteousness and wickedness have

    in common? Or what fellowship can light have with

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    Im In-Love with An Unbeliever! 7

    darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and

    Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an

    unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple

    of God and idols?

    Imagine yoking yoursel with a person who doesnt

    have aithulness to Christ as a major lie value. It doesnt

    matter how religiously good and pious one may seem to be.Without Christ in that persons lie (without acknowledging

    their need or Christ as Savior), you and that persons lives

    are going on two opposite directions, here and beyond.

    How do I know this? Because values turn into priorities,

    priorities into habits, habits into liestyle. Again, its all

    about values.

    Tink about it, i Christ is everything to you, then you

    wouldnt have anything in common with a person o

    interest who has not made a decision to ollow Christ. I

    have seen many hearts swayed away rom the aith tryingto win them to Christ while at the same time trying to win

    their hearts. In other words, doing evange-ligawis not

    really wise. I didnt say do not win them to Christ, all people

    need Jesus, but do it with the right and godly motives.

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    Paul goes on to say that we are the temple o the living

    God. Gods temple is sacred, and it must be honored and

    kept clean. You are Gods temple, dont do anything that will

    compromise your relationship with God.

    So with that, let me conclude:

    I you are a student, your task in this season is to honor

    God and your parents by studying hard.I you are old

    enough, then go to the next one.

    Make friends.Friendships are the best platorm to

    find the one. Tey are the best launching pad or godly

    relationships. By first making riends you are able toknow what a person is like, and they are able to know

    you as you, no-filter. In dealing with other people, as

    ollowers o Christ we relate with compassion, love, and the

    transorming power o the gospel.

    Its a values issue.Know what values you hold dear in

    your lie, not just a human being, but as a ollower o Christ.

    Set them as a standard or making decisions about romantic

    pursuits (at the right time).

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    Im In-Love with An Unbeliever! 9

    My prayer is that you will have a clarity o purpose and

    values so that you will be able to make wise lie decisions

    and honor God with them.

    Reflection Questions1. Have you thought about the things that are

    important in your lie? I you are to list down yourtop 5 what would they be?

    2. I you are to order them rom highest to lowest

    priority, what comes out on top? Does your answer

    reflect the amount o time and effort you investon it?

    3. I habits determine your destiny, what are the

    negative habits that I should let go?

    4. What non-negotiable traits are you looking or in agodly partner? Are you going to commit to wait or

    the right time when God makes both o you ready?

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    Im In-Love with An Unbeliever! 11

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    Im In-Love with An Unbeliever! 13

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    Im In-Love with An Unbeliever! 15

  • 7/25/2019 I'm In-Love With an Unbeliever


    About the AuthorPatrick & Antonette an are

    a husband and wie team rom

    Makati City, Philippines.

    Patrick graduated B.S.

    Architecture at University oSanto omas in 2004. Afer that

    he went to Asian Seminary o

    Christian Ministries where he

    finished Master o Divinity in

    2011. He served as a youth pastor

    or six years. oday he leads Chi Alpha Philppines, the nationa campusministry o the Philippines General Council o the Assemblies o God.

    Antonette graduated B.S. Dentistry at the Centro Escolar University

    in 2004 and is a licensed dentist. She runs her dental clinic in

    Makati City.

    Both passionate to seek Gods will in their lives, Patrick and

    Antonette met each other at a young adult conerence in 2006. And

    the rest, they say, is history. Tey got married in 2010 and today they

    continue to serve God through youth and campus ministry where they

    speak to young people about their finding their true purpose in Christ.

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  • 7/25/2019 I'm In-Love With an Unbeliever

