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IM 215 Operators, Conditions and Loops

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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IM 215Operators, Conditions

and Loops


• Nature of Javascript

• How to include Javascript on a page

• Declaring and assigning variables

• Commenting code


• Operators:allow you to perform mathematical operations in your codecompare values of different variables

• Loops:allow you to control program flow, performing segments of code multiple times

• Conditions:another method of program flow control, allows you to perform segments of code conditionally

Operators• Perform operations on one or more variables or

values in your code.

• Operand: value or variables being operated on by an operator

• Result in a value that can then be assigned or combined with another operator in a more complicated statement.

• For example:var addVar = 1 + 1;var concatString = “Beginning “ + “ and end”;addVar = addVar + 3;

Operator Types

• Mathematical: Perform mathematical calculations

• Assignment: Assign new values to variables, as with the basic assignment operator (=)

• Comparison: Compare two values or variables – evaluates to true or false

• Logical: Used to compare the result of two conditional statements – also evaluates to true or false

Mathematical Operators

• Used for mathematical calculations

• Can be used on any combination of values, variables or evaluated values of other operations

• Some examples:var aNumber = 1 + 1; // evaluates to 2

var anotherNumber = aNumber + 2; // evaluates to 4

var yetAnotherNum = aNumber + anotherNumber;aNumber = 1 + yetAnotherNum * 3; // evaluates to 19

Available Operators• + Addition – Can also be used with string


• - Subtraction

• * Multiplication

• / Division – Divides left operand by right operand

e.g. divideResult=10 / 2; // results in 5

• % Modulus – Divides left by right and gives remainder

e.g. modResult=10 % 3; // results in 1

Available Operators, cont.

• The following operators operate on a single variable.

• ++ IncrementAdds 1 to a variableShorthand for: incrVar = incrVar+1;++varName is different to varName++

• -- DecrementSubtracts 1 from a variable

• - NegationNegates the value of a variable


• Retrieve mathematic_operators.html from Sakai (

• Modify lines 24 and 25 to utilize the ++ operator. Use both forms (before and after the variable) to see the difference in operation.

• Modify line 29 to perform a modulo operation instead of division. Note the difference in result.

Assignment operators• Assign a new value to a variable

• For example,assignVar = 1 + 2; // assigns 1 + 2 to assignVar

• Includes the direct assignment operator (=), however the other operators incorporate simple calculations.

Available operators• += Adds the right operand to the left prior to

assigninge.g. addVar += 3; // results in 3 being added to


Shorthand for: addVar = addVar + 3;

• -= Subtracts right operand from the left before assigning

• *= Multiplies left operand by right before assigning

• /= Divides left operand by right before assigning

• %= Divides left operand by right, then assigns remainder to right operand


• Retrieve assignment_operators.html from Sakai

• Modify lines 16 and 22 to experiment with the different assignment operators.

• Modify line 21 to use an assignment operator other than = or +=. Note the resulting outcome in the output text.

Comparison operators

• Compare two values or variables

• Return true or false based on the operator being used and the values being compared.

• For example:compareVar = 3 > 5; // results in false

• Commonly used with loops and conditional statements

Available operators• == Returns true if both operands are


• != Returns true if both operands are not equal

• > Returns true if left operand is greater than right

• >= Returns true if left operand is greater than or equal to right

• < Returns true if left is less than right operand

• <= Returns true if left is less than or equal to right

• === Returns true if both operands are strictly equal

Logical operators

• Used to compare two conditional statements.

• Return true or false based on the operator being used and the results of the two conditional statements.

• Useful for checking multiple conditions at once, simplifying your code.

Available operators

• && (AND) Returns true if both conditionals are true

e.g. andVar = 1 < 3 && 2 > 0;

• || (OR) Returns true if one conditional is true

e.g. orVar = 1 < 3 || 2 > 5;

• ! (NOT) Returns true if the conditional evaluates to false

e.g. notVar = !(3 < 1);

Combining operators

• Multiple operators can be combined into one statement, streamlining your codee.g. combVar = 1 + 2 * 8 / 3;

• Order of operation rules needs to considered in these cases to ensure your statements evaluate how you intend.

• Parentheses override order of operation and aid in readability.e.g. combVar = (1 + 2) * (8 / 3);


• Retrieve final_operators.html from Sakai

• Modify the values and comparison operators in the first script block to experiment with the different comparison operators.

• Add a fourth variable declaration to the third script block and assign it a numeric value. Modify the statements on lines 67 and 72 to include this new variable and another mathematical operator. Experiment with different operators and parentheses to gain a better understanding of order of operation.

Conditionals and Loops

• Conditionals and loops allow greater control over program flow, beyond simple sequential execution of statements

• Combined with statements constructed with logical and comparison operators, conditionals allow you to execute segments of code only when certain conditions are met

• Loops allow you to execute segments of code repeatedly.

Defining conditionals

• Conditionals consist of the condition to be checked against, the code to be executed if it evaluates to true and, optionally, code to be executed if false.

• if (condition) {…statements to be executed…

} else {…statements to be executed…


Using conditionals

• Useful, for example, to display output depending on the value of a variable.

• For example:var inputAge=25;if(inputAge <= 9) {

alert(“You were born in the 2000’s”);} else {

alert(“You are older than 10”);}

Combining conditionals

• Conditionals can be nested in order to create more complicated scenarios. Nesting means to put a code structure inside a structure of a similar nature.

• For example: if(inputAge <= 9) {

if(gender == “male”) {alert(“You are a young boy”);

} else {alert(“You are a young girl”);

}} else {

alert(“You are older than 10”);}

Conditionals, cont.

• Else if allows you to add branches to an if / else conditional:if (aNumber < 10) {

alert(‘The number is less than 10’);} else if(aNumber < 20) {

alert(‘The number is between 10 and 20.’);} else {

alert(‘The number is 20 or above’);}

• Switch allows you to perform different actions based on the value of a single variable or the value of an expression.

• Can be used as shorthand for an if / else if / else construct that examines one variable.

Conditionals, cont.

• myCountry = “United States”;switch (myCountry) {

case(“France”):alert(“You live in Europe”);break;

case(“China”):alert(“You live in Europe”);break;

case(“United States”):alert(“You live in North America”);break;

default:alert(“I’m not sure where you live”);



• Retrieve conditionals.html from Sakai

• Modify the if statement in the code to check for a value of Chicago and output a different message if detected.

• Further modify the if statement to output another different message if neither Peoria or Chicago is detected as the input value.

Defining Loops• Loops take two forms: the for loop and the while loop.

• The for loop executes a segment of code a certain number of times:for (intializer;stop condition;control) {

…code to be executed…}

• The while loop executes a segment of code while a conditional statement evaluates to true:while (condition) {

…code to be executed…}

Using Loops

• Loops aid with streamlining your code, allowing a single set of instructions to be executed multiple times without having to be typed out repeatedly.

• for (var count=0;count < 10;count++) {document.write(‘Looping, count is: ‘ + count);


• var inString=“”;while(inString!=“quit”) {

alert(“Entered string is currently: “ + inString);

inString=prompt(“Please enter a new value”);}

Loops, cont.

• Alternative form of while:do {

…code to be executed…} while (condition)

forces code block to be executed at least once

• Loops can also be nested

• break and continue allow you to explicitly stop processing of a loop prior to the end of the block


• Retrieve loops.html from Sakai

• Modify the structure of the for loop and the values of the count variable to experiment with how the for loop functions.

• Modify the for loop so that it counts to 20 in increments of 2.

• Currently the while loop will not show any output if ‘quit’ is entered as the first value. Modify the while loop so that the first entered value is always shown.


• “JavaScript: A Beginner’s Guide” by John Pollock