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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl 2018 State Tournament Round 8 1st Section Toss-up Questions Question #1: Social Studies 10 points This country experienced the “coup d’état [koo deh-tah] of public opinion” in 1957, replacing President Gustavo Rojas Pinilla [goo-STAH-voh ROH-hahss pee-NEE-yah] with a military junta [HOON-tuh]. Rafael Núñez Moledo [rah-fah-EL NOON-yez moh-LAY-doh] led this country’s La Regeneración [lah ray-hen-air-ah-see-OHN] movement, which established this country as a republic. When presidential candidate Jorge Eliécer Gaitán [HOR-hay el-ee-ESS-er “guy”-TAHN] was killed in 1948, this country experienced a violent ten-year period during which over 100,000 people were killed. In recent decades, this country has experienced violence between the National Liberation Army and FARC. Name this South American country that used to control Panama. (Republic of) Colombia or (República de) Colombia Question #2: Literature 10 points This person wrote “For fruits are all of them female, in them lies the seed” to open his poetry collection Birds, Beasts and Flowers. A novel by this author begins with two sisters discussing whether marriage is an experience or the end of experience. Those sisters, Gudrun and Ursula Brangwen, were also in this author’s earlier novel The Rainbow. Another novel by this author is about Constance and her love affair with the gamekeeper Oliver Mellors. Name this British author of Women in Love and Lady Chatterley’s Lover. D(avid) H(erbert) Lawrence 1

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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 81st Section

Toss-up Questions

Question #1: Social Studies10 points

This country experienced the “coup d’état [koodeh-tah] of public opinion” in 1957, replacingPresident Gustavo Rojas Pinilla [goo-STAH-vohROH-hahss pee-NEE-yah] with a military junta[HOON-tuh]. Rafael Núñez Moledo [rah-fah-ELNOON-yez moh-LAY-doh] led this country’s LaRegeneración [lah ray-hen-air-ah-see-OHN]movement, which established this country as arepublic. When presidential candidate Jorge EliécerGaitán [HOR-hay el-ee-ESS-er “guy”-TAHN] waskilled in 1948, this country experienced a violentten-year period during which over 100,000 peoplewere killed. In recent decades, this country hasexperienced violence between the NationalLiberation Army and FARC. Name this SouthAmerican country that used to control Panama.

(Republic of) Colombiaor (República de)Colombia

Question #2: Literature10 points

This person wrote “For fruits are all of them female,in them lies the seed” to open his poetry collectionBirds, Beasts and Flowers. A novel by this authorbegins with two sisters discussing whether marriageis an experience or the end of experience. Thosesisters, Gudrun and Ursula Brangwen, were also inthis author’s earlier novel The Rainbow. Anothernovel by this author is about Constance and herlove affair with the gamekeeper Oliver Mellors.Name this British author of Women in Love andLady Chatterley’s Lover.

D(avid) H(erbert)Lawrence


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 81st Section

Toss-up Questions

Question #3: Fine Arts10 points

This composer used a descending arpeggio[ar-PEJ-ee-oh] in C-sharp minor leading into an“Un poco piú vivo” [oon POH-koh PEE-ohVEE-voh] part to open a piece he wrote based on atheme by Baron von Fricken, which he calledSymphonic Études [AY-toodz]. The fourthmovement of this composer’s third symphony islabelled “Solemn” and was inspired by his visit toCologne while he lived in Düsseldorf [DUR-sul-dorf].One of this composer’s favorite compositions wasbased on the E. T. A. Hoffmann characterJohannes Kreisler. Name this composer of theRhenish Symphony who was married to ClaraWieck [KLAR-ah veek].

Robert Schumann

Question #4: Science10 points

This particle’s anti*particle was discovered in anexperiment near the Savannah River Plant and wasbased on collisions with protons to form neutronsand positrons. An observatory in Sudbury, Canadanamed for these particles verified that theiroscillations involving flavor changes wereresponsible for fewer of them being detected inearlier experiments. Because these particles are notaffected by electromagnetism or the strong nuclearforce, they go through almost everything. Namethese extremely light particles that comprise threeof the six types of lepton.



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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 81st Section

Toss-up Questions

Question #5: Social Studies10 points

This law went into effect in 1967 as an amendmentto the Administrative Procedure Act. The SupremeCourt ruled that this law does not apply tothird-party FBI rap sheets in Department of Justicev. Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.This law, which applies only to the ExecutiveBranch at the federal level, was extended by thePrivacy Act of 1974 and the Government in theSunshine Act. Name this law that allows people torequest unreleased documents from any federalexecutive agency.

Freedom of InformationAct or FOIA [FOY-uh]

Question #6: Mathematics10 points

This mathematician is the namesake of twodifferent things called “primes”, one of which is anactual prime number congruent to 3, mod 4, andthe other of which isn’t really a prime number, butis a complex number whose real and imaginaryparts are prime. The class of functions named forthis mathematician are transformations of thefunction “e to the opposite of x squared”. Theprocess of row-reducing a matrix is named for thismathematician, and sometimes the name ofWilhelm Jordan [VIL-helm YOR-dahn] is addedtoo. Identify this mathematician, the namesake ofthe normal distribution that generates a bell curve.

Carl (Friedrich) Gauss


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 82nd Section

Teamwork Questions

Question #7: Fine Arts10 points per part

This painter and Paul Signac [sin-yahk] developedpointillism [“POINT-ill”-izm].1 Name this painter of A Sunday on La Grande

Jatte.Georges(-Pierre) Seurat[zhorzh soo-rah]

2 The bottom left corner of La Grande Jatteshows a man reclining on his elbow and alsoperforming this act.

smoking a pipe [acceptany reasonable answerincluding smoking orsmoke]

3 In this other Seurat work, a woman stands on awhite horse.

The Circus [or LeCirque]

Question #8: Fine Arts10 points per part

There is debate over whether the subject of thismemorial statue is making his initials with hishands in American Sign Language.1 Name this memorial that is across a reflecting

pool from the Washington Monument.Lincoln Memorial

2 Henry Bacon designed the building that housesthe statue of Lincoln, and this sculptor createdthe statue.

Daniel Chester French

3 A Daniel Chester French sculpture of a womansometimes called “Miss Forward” is on the topof this state’s capitol.



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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 82nd Section

Teamwork Questions

Question #9: Mathematics10 points per part

A function named for this mathematician outputs1, 0, or −1 depending on whether the input hassquare factors and an even or odd number ofprime factors.1 Identify this mathematician whose name is also

used for a one-sided surface that can be madeby connecting the sides of a loop with ahalf-twist.

August Ferdinand Möbius

2 Möbius strips have this property implying thatyou cannot use the right-hand rule whenanalyzing them.

non-orientability ornon-orientable surface orequivalent

3 This other non-orientable shape is formed bypassing a tube through its own side and thenjoining the ends, which is not possible for asolid object in three dimensions.

Klein bottle

Question #10: Mathematics10 points per part

If a conditional statement is true, then thestatement with this relationship to it is also true.1 Name this statement formed by swapping the

hypothesis and conclusion, and negating bothof them.

contrapositive [orcontraposition]

2 This type of statement is made by swapping thehypothesis and conclusion but not negatingthem.

converse [acceptconversion]

3 Proof by contrapositive, also called “denyingthe consequent”, is often referred to by thistwo-word Latin phrase.

modus tollens


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 82nd Section

Teamwork Questions

Question #11: Literature10 points per part

This author described his experiences fighting forEngland in World War I in Good-Bye to All That.1 Name this author of historical novels such as I,

Claudius.Robert Graves

2 Graves is one of 16 World War I poets honoredby a slab at Poets’ Corner in WestminsterAbbey. The slab has a quote from this poetwho wrote “Dulce et Decorum est” [DULL-kayet day-KOR-um est].

Wilfred Owen

3 The Robert Graves book The White Goddesswas heavily influenced by this anthropologist’sbook The Golden Bough.

James (George) Frazer

Question #12: Literature10 points per part

In this play, Nick Bottom’s head is turned into adonkey’s head by a mischievous spirit, or puck,named Robin Goodfellow.1 Name this Shakespeare play in which Oberon

[OH-bur-ahn] and Titania [tih-TAHN-yah] arethe King and Queen of the fairies.

A Midsummer Night’sDream

2 In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Theseus[THEE-see-uss] marries this queen of theAmazons.


3 In the first scene of the play, this man tells hislover “The course of true love never did runsmooth” after being rejected by her father.



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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 82nd Section

Teamwork Questions

Question #13: Science10 points per part

Rennin is a protein of this type used in cheeseproduction.1 Give this term for a protein-based catalyst. enzymes

2 John Howard Northrop first isolated thisenzyme that breaks down proteins in thestomach. This enzyme works withchymotrypsin [ky-moh-TRIP-sin] and trypsin[TRIP-sin].


3 This enzyme breaks down peptidoglycans[PEP-tih-doh-GLY-kanz]. It exists in tears andsaliva, and it protects from infections by killingbacteria.


Question #14: Science10 points per part

This sense is part of the somatosensory system.

1 Name this sense based on receptors throughoutthe skin.

touch(ing) [accept tactilesense]

2 These mechanoreceptors[meh-KAN-oh-“receptors”] are especiallysensitive to high-frequency vibrations.

Lamellar corpuscles orPacinian corpuscles

3 These spaces exist where an axon leaves aPacinian corpuscle. In any neuron, these spacesare myelin sheath gaps.

nodes ofRanvier [ran-vee-ay][prompt on partialanswers]


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 83rd Section

Toss-up Questions

Question #15: Social Studies10 points

A few months after this event, a mayor said “Thiscity will be chocolate at the end of the day.” Thatmayor, who accepted bribes from Frank Fradellaafter this event, was Ray Nagin [NAYG-in]. TheU.S. president at the time of this event wascriticized for saying “Brownie, you’re doing a heckof a job” to the director of FEMA [FEE-muh]during this event, Michael Brown. ManyRepublicans stated that Mississippi governor HaleyBarbour handled this event better than Louisianagovernor Kathleen Blanco. Name this naturaldisaster that struck during the George W. Bushpresidency in 2005.

Hurricane Katrina [acceptany reasonable answercontaining Katrina;prompt on a hurricane]

Question #16: Miscellaneous10 points

This group was formed by its namesake singer andits drummer Mark Pontius. A 2017 video by thisgroup delves into the deep dreams that computershave and features a song that was on its extendedplay III [“three”]. That video is for “Doing It forthe Money”, which was the first single from thisgroup’s album Sacred Hearts Club. In anothervideo, this band is killed during a rehearsal but isstill able to perform their song “Houdini”. Namethis indie pop band that recorded the albumsTorches and Supermodel and the song “Pumped UpKicks”.

Foster the People


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 83rd Section

Toss-up Questions

Question #17: Literature10 points

Two characters in this play are arrested for stealingwood from Jim Miller, and the same incidentresults in Crawley getting shot to death. Thisplay’s antagonist’s father died in a boxcar fire afterstealing the central object, which had a carvingdepicting his family. That fire produced the Ghostsof the Yellow Dog, who were credited withdrowning Sutter in his well. The antagonist of thisplay stays with his Uncle Doaker while he andLymon sell watermelons and try to sell the titleobject over the objections of his sister Berniece.Name this play that August Wilson wrote aboutBoy Willie, who wants to sell the title instrument.

The Piano Lesson

Question #18: Science10 points

Organisms in this genus are able to createparamylon [“PAIR-uh-MY”-lahn], which is similarto starch. These organisms have two flagella of verydifferent lengths and structures, only one of whichis visible. Organisms in this genus also have aparaflagellar [“PAIR-uh”-fluh-JEL-ur] bodyconnecting their red eyespot apparatus to the longflagellum. These excavates were among the firstorganisms classified as protists. The model speciesgracilis [“grass-ILL-us”] is in this genus. LikePercolozoa [PUR-koh-loh-ZOH-uh], these organismshave both mitochondria [“mite-oh-CON”-dree-uh]and cristae [KRISS-tee]. Name these protists thathave chloroplasts, and can move and ingestnutrients like animals.

Euglena [yoo-GLEE-nuh]


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 83rd Section

Toss-up Questions

Question #19: Literature10 points

After being given away as a hostage, onegold-loving member of this group was thrown intofire three times but survived. Another member ofthis group owned a ship that could be folded upand fit into a pocket. Upon learning of the trickeryinvolving being sent to Honir, this groupdecapitated Mimir, whom they had received in ahostage exchange involving Kvasir. Kvasir was thewisest member of this group. These residents ofVanaheim [VAH-nuh-hym] were led by Njord[nee-YORD]. Name this group of Norse deities thatfought a war with the Aesir [AY-seer].

Vanir [prompt on Norsedeities or Norse godsbefore “Norse”; do notaccept or prompt on“Aesir”]

Question #20: Science10 points

This star was the first, other than the Sun, to haveits apparent size measured by telescope in 1920.Measurements made in the 21st century indicatedthat this variable star was born in the Orion OB1[“O B one”] association but is a runaway star. Thisstar’s observed mass has shrunk significantly inrecent decades, and in a few thousand yearsastronomers will see it hit a wall of interstellar dust.This star and Antares [“ant-AIR-ease”] are the onlyfirst-magnitude red supergiants known to science.Its name derives from Arabic for its location inOrion’s armpit. Name this star that rivals Rigel[RY-jul] for the brightest star in the constellationOrion, though it has been named Alpha Orionis[aw-RY-uh-niss].

Betelgeuse[“beetle-juice”][acceptAlpha Orionis before“Alpha”]


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 84th Section

Teamwork Questions

Question #21: Mathematics10 points per part

A committee is supposed to be formed from agroup of people that contains three girls and threeboys.1 How many possible committees can be formed

that contain a total of three people?20

2 How many possible committees can be formedthat contain two girls and one boy?


3 If a committee of three people is selectedrandomly, what is the probability that all threepeople selected are boys?

1/20 or 0.05

Question #22: Mathematics10 points per part

Consider the graph of [read slowly] y equals xcubed minus 7x squared plus 14x minus 8.1 Find the y-intercept. y = −8 or (0, −8)

2 The graph has x-intercepts at x equals 1 and xequals 4. Find the other x-intercept.

x = 2 or (2, 0)

3 Give the derivative of y with respect to x. Putthe highest-degree term first, thenext-highest-degree term second, and so on.

y′ = 3x2 − 14x + 14 [ory′ = 3x2 + −14x + 14]


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 84th Section

Teamwork Questions

Question #23: Literature10 points per part

In one story in this collection, Isabella buries herlover’s head in a pot of basil.1 Name this collection of 100 stories told over 10

days by 10 travelers waiting out the plague.This collection was written by GiovanniBoccaccio [joh-VAHN-nee bohk-KAHT-choh].

The Decameron

2 This character in The Decameron generally tellsthe last tale each day. His stories about puttingthe Devil back in hell and turning Gemmata[jem-MAH-tah] into a mare were omitted fromearly translations for being too sexual.

Dioneo [dee-oh-NAY-oh]

3 In the third story, Filomena tells a parableabout a father bequeathing one of these objectsto his sons. Gottfried Lessing retold that storyas “Nathan the Wise”.


Question #24: Literature10 points per part

This novel is considered a thinly-veiled critique ofthe dictator Manuel Cabrera.1 Identify this novel in which Angel Face is

tasked with framing a general for the murder ofColonel Sonriente [sohn-ree-EN-tay].

El Señor Presidente [elsen-YORpreh-see-DEN-tay]

2 El Señor Presidente is a novel by thisGuatemalan Nobel winner. He also wrote TheBanana Trilogy.

Miguel (Ángel) Asturias(Rosales)

3 This Colombian author wrote about theVenezuelan dictator Marcos Jiménez in TheAutumn of the Patriarch and about the Buendíafamily in One Hundred Years of Solitude.

Gabriel (José de laConcordia) GarcíaMárquez [prompt onpartial last name]


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 84th Section

Teamwork Questions

Question #25: Social Studies10 points per part

This person was a federal cashier at the Baltimorebranch of the Second National Bank.1 Name this person who became the plaintiff in

an 1819 Supreme Court case when he refused topay a tax from the bank to Maryland.

James McCulloch

2 McCulloch v. Maryland was a unanimousdecision written by this longest-serving ChiefJustice of the United States.

John Marshall

3 In 1819, Ohio passed a law taxing the Bank ofthe United States, eventually leading to thisOhio State Auditor losing a Supreme Courtcase against the bank.

Ralph Osborn

Question #26: Social Studies10 points per part

This person became president after serving asSecretary of State and Secretary of War underJames Madison.1 Name this president who presided over the Era

of Good Feelings, though it was an economicallydifficult time due to the Panic of 1819.

James Monroe

2 During Monroe’s presidency, the U.S. signedthe Adams-Onís [“oh-NIECE”] Treaty with thisnation, clearly defining our border and givingus Florida.

(Kingdom of) Spain [or(Reino de) España]

3 When Monroe was governor of Virginia, thisslave planned a rebellion in Richmond thatfailed, leading to him and 25 of his followersbeing hanged.

Gabriel Prosser [accepteither]


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 84th Section

Teamwork Questions

Question #27: Science10 points per part

Calcium chloride, which is used to melt ice, is anexample of this class of compounds.1 Give this general term for an ionic compound

that can be formed by a neutralization reaction.salt(s)

2 What salt results from the neutralization ofcalcium hydroxide [“hide-ROCK-side”] andsulfuric acid?

calcium sulfate [prompton CaSO4]

3 This mineral composed of calcium sulfatedi*hydrate [“die-HIDE-rate”] defines 2 on theMohs [mohz] scale of hardness.


Question #28: Science10 points per part

Ethyne molecules are often described as havingthis effect between s and p orbitals.1 Name this phenomenon in which orbitals mix

as molecules form.orbital hybridization [orhybridizing orbitals;accept any reasonableanswer containing hybrid]

2 Molecules with sp3d2 [“S P three D two”]hybridization have this molecule geometry.

octahedral geometry[accept octahedron]

3 The nitrogen atom in these organic functionalgroups is sp2 [“S P two”]-hybridized, which isexplained by pi delocalization[dee-“local”-ih-ZAY-shun]. Amines [AY-meenz]and carboxylic [“car-box-ILL”-ik] acid arecombined to form this group in the nylonpolymer [pah-lih-mur].

(acid) amide [AY-myd]group [or amide]s


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 85th Section

Toss-up Questions

Question #29: Literature10 points

This character loses her father when a child wavinga palm frond causes his horse to throw him. Thiswoman chooses her career based on her childhoodfascination with Prince Rupert’s drops. This wardof Chas Ahearn plays poker on the ship Leviathan[leh-“VIE”-uh-thun] with a minister immediatelyafter confessing her gambling habit. Her flameDennis Hasset is reassigned to Boat Harbour, whereher new lover ventures to deliver a gift from Sydneyto Bellinger to win her inheritance. This womanbets on the transport of a glass cathedral. Namethis character who makes that bet against Oscar ina novel by Peter Carey.

Lucinda Leplastrier[accept either]

Question #30: Social Studies10 points

Part of this country’s capital was taken over at theend of World War I by revolutionaries who woreaster flowers and killed its former Prime MinisterIstván Tisza [EESHT-vahn TEE-za]. OperationMargarethe was the Nazi takeover of this country,whose Jews were deported by Adolf Eichmanndespite Miklós Horthy’s [MEEK-lohsh HOR-tee’z]attempts to protect them. János Kádár[YAH-nohsh KAH-dar] used Soviet help to run thiscountry after the Soviets turned against Imre Nagy[IM-reh nahzh] in 1956. This country is now run bythe Fidesz [FID-ess] Party led by Viktor Orbán[VEEK-tor OR-bahn]. Name this country whoseform of government was once called “GoulashCommunism”.

(Republic of) Hungary[or Magyarország orMagyar Köstársaság]


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 85th Section

Toss-up Questions

Question #31: Science10 points

This compound is a byproduct of the most commonmethod to produce silver iodate [“EYE-oh-date”].Heating a combination of this compound andammonium sulfate yields nitrous oxide and othercompounds. One of the inspirations for thedevelopment of the Haber process was that theAllies had made it difficult for the Germans tomake ammonia by cutting off their supply of thiscompound from Chile. This compound is called“Chile saltpeter” to differentiate it from regularsaltpeter, since this compound does not containpotassium. Name this compound that containssodium and the NO3 ion.

sodium nitrate [acceptsoda niter or nitrate ofsoda; accept NaNO3before “NO3”; prompt onChile saltpeter before itis mentioned; do notprompt on “saltpeter”]

Question #32: Mathematics10 points

A generalization of this theorem uses factorials anddivided differences. An extended version of thistheorem uses two functions and is named forAugustin-Louis Cauchy. This theorem is often usedto prove the fundamental theorem of calculus. Aspecial case of this theorem for horizontal tangentlines is called Rolle’s theorem. This theorem statesthat a given secant line has the same slope as sometangent line. Name this theorem that can beproven using the extreme value theorem andintermediate value theorem.

mean value theorem[accept MVT]


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 8Extra Section

Toss-up Questions

Extra Question #1: Literature10 points

One holiday in this novel celebrates the HundredMartyrs to Democracy. The narrator of this novelcalls the poet Sherman Krebs a “wrang-wrang”.One character in this novel works at General Forgeand Foundry, is inspired by a Marine general whowants a solution for mud, and uses a metaphorabout the different ways to stack cannonballs toexplain one of his inventions. The narrator of thisnovel meets members of his “karass” and stays atthe Casa Mona hotel in the Republic of SanLorenzo, which has outlawed Bokononism[BOH-koh-nahn-izm]. Name this novel by KurtVonnegut in which the world’s oceans are destroyedby ice-nine.

Cat’s Cradle

Extra Question #2: Fine Arts10 points

One painting by this artist shows a man on oneknee having his eyes anointed by Jesus. Thispainter of Christ Healing the Blind depicted Jesuswearing red between a man in armor and a man ingreen with a rope in The Disrobing of Christ.Another painting by this artist is based on a legendof Saints Stephen and Augustine burying a personwho gave a lot of money to a church. Name thispainter of The Burial of the Count of Orgaz wholived in Italy and Toledo [toh-LAY-doh], Spainafter leaving his birthplace, Crete.

El Greco [el GREH-koh][or DoménikosTheotokópoulos]


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 8Extra Section

Toss-up Questions

Extra Question #3: Mathematics10 points

Like a type of paraboloid [par-AB-uh-loyd], one ofthese surfaces can be generated two ways bymoving a straight line, so it is doubly ruled. Thesesurfaces can be generated by setting a constantequal to an expression with three terms in whichvariables are squared as long as one or two termsare added and the others are subtracted. Thesesurfaces are asymptotic to a double cone. One typeof these surfaces is made of one sheet, while theother one has two sheets. Name these surfacesmade by rotating a two-branched conic section.

hyperboloids (of one ortwo sheets)

Extra Question #4: Science10 points

The natural form of this material comes from Heveabrasiliensis [heh-veh-ah brah-seel-YEN-siss] trees,and it is a polymer of isoprene [“EYE-so-preen”].One of the common synthetic forms of thissubstance is made from the polymerization[puh-LIM-ur-ih-ZAY-shun] of styrene [STY-reen]and butadiene [byoo-tuh-“DIE”-een]. Thissubstance can be extracted from latex, and likelatex, it can be used to make gloves. A processpatented in 1845 adds sulfur to this material inorder to make it more durable. That process,developed by Charles Goodyear, is vulcanization.Name this elastic material used to make hoses andtires.

rubber [prompt on latexbefore it is mentioned]


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 8Extra Section

Toss-up Questions

Extra Question #5: Social Studies10 points

This event was blamed for the death of RogerToothaker, who died in prison. Samuel Sewallbelieved that his relatives’ deaths were God’sretribution for his role in this event, and he offereda public apology. This event took place 30 yearsafter a similar but smaller event involving the deathof Elizabeth Kelly in Hartford, Connecticut. Thisevent began when the daughter and niece of areverend started having unexplained fits. Name thisevent in the late 1600s during which women wereaccused of using special powers in Massachusetts.

Salem witch trials[prompt on partial answers;accept any reasonableanswer containing bothunderlined portions]


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Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 8Extra Section

Teamwork Questions

Extra Question #6: Mathematics10 points per part

This property of a graph changes at inflectionpoints.1 Name this property that is called “up” when

the second derivative of a function is positiveand the first derivative is increasing.

concavity or concave[accept concave up orconvexity]

2 Find the x-coordinate of the point of inflectionfor the graph of [read slowly] y equals x cubedplus 3x squared plus 5x minus 2.

x = −1 [accept, but donot otherwise reveal,(−1, −5)]

3 Find the y-coordinate of that point of inflection,which, again, is at x = −1 for the graph of yequals x cubed plus 3x squared plus 5x minus 2.

y = −5 or (−1, −5)

Extra Question #7: Mathematics10 points per part

This method of integration finds volumes usingthe formula 2 pi times the integral of the quantityx times f of x.1 Name this method that is often contrasted with

the disk method.(integration by/with)cylindrical shells

2 Find the volume when the region between thex-axis and the line y equals 5 [pause] from xequals 0 to x equals 3 [pause] is rotated aroundthe y-axis.

45 pi cubic units

3 Find the volume when the region between thex-axis and the line x plus y equals 3 [pause]from x equals 0 to x equals 3 [pause] is rotatedaround the y-axis.

9 pi cubic units


Page 21: Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl Round 8 2018 State ... · Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl 2018 State Tournament Round 8 2nd Section Teamwork Questions Question #7: Fine Arts 10 points

Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl2018 State Tournament

Round 8Extra Section

Teamwork Questions

Extra Question #8: Social Studies10 points per part

Answer the following about the Iditarod dogsledrace:1 The opening ceremony is held in this most

populous city in Alaska.Anchorage

2 The last five checkpoints of the race are alongthe southern coast of this peninsula in theBering Sea. This peninsula, bordered to thesouth by Norton Sound, was part of the Beringland bridge.

Seward Peninsula

3 The Iditarod ends at this town on Alaska’swestern coast. The race commemorates amedicine run to this city during a 1925diphtheria [dif-THEER-ee-uh] epidemic.


Extra Question #9: Social Studies10 points per part

The Antrim Plateau in this place was formed byvolcanic activity.1 Name this area—variously described as a

county, province, or country—where the RiverBann rises in the Mourne Mountain range. Itsnorthern coast has a formation of hexagonalrock columns called the Giant’s Causeway.

Northern Ireland [donot accept or prompt on“Ireland”]

2 There are similar rock columns in Fingal’s Caveon Staffa, an island in this chain off the westerncoast of Scotland. This chain includes the Isleof Skye.

Hebrides [HEB-rih-deez]Islands

3 Similar rock formations form a pavement calledthe Church Floor on the south side of thisisland nation between Scotland and Greenland.

(Republic of) Iceland [orLydveldid Ísland]