ilif ilili~i · hall callccl tllc.' con1:re1,:mlon mun of i l~ion 10 the co,1grega ln10...

) IAe new UNI U)/\ ll 11111 of 1e1v1'te lo 1l11tle11l1, f1t11IIJ, 1t/111i111il11lio11 ~l, 1894 ~NS SERIES VIII , VOL. X One Who Was 'Wide Awake' Thl' fo ll owlnJ; is II talk J;in•11 b\' Hl' \', TheodoN' Sch\\'ar17., l' uslor of St. Paul's ~irthod\st churth, at the Turi.du.,· a rt1·rnuu11 111e111oriul i.t· lecs held fnr Prrs ident J :mw s II . All.1t• rl l,011. ho!~~ ~: ~~ :1~ ~.r:; 1 ~r t~ .\ ~i~:f 11 ~v 1~,~~l ~;:i 1 t1~'t\ . ~i: man of \' is ion ? 1 11 lhc fl rst place, a mai1 of t rue , •is ion is one who is true to himself. D,1 1,: ll nmmun,.kjohl on1·,• Jl('!I· -----~-- n('(I thl'st' wo rd~. unit unit':!-.\ ,om:ilt 1lrc,1111~ must 1 1" s;u:rl- 1 inrlk1111' othl'1-w1 .<f' in 1111.< iu\. flt'1•,l. ,,~. llut 1, i1huut i i. lhl' 111 ilif ilili~i 001 (_)Illy 1t h\t• tu lum,,df. hut know hu,,· 1/mr 1 ,- ,\od t1> duub1 ~o l_us world as wl'I I. Tu say l h<'lr own cflJ\'lCily 10 t11cklc )•'~ "'. hft- b Ill ~w _m._l t h,• u. ,111,• mu,., h, ... ,. uur httlc ~1 1' 1~ !>lime ume 1U NI.) ) ,.,. to unc.•- for tllf'm to l" hmh one 111 11 ~l'lf. ' \' t'~: i:'1<'11 h> 1h,,t _ ,•l1•nwm tinw Tiw) 1 .11,w ln:·~h cuurap· m 11hkh b 11\Ul'I un111lhni;. 1,, 11 t«-n e1,·ntually th,•)' ha,·,• bct'n let 1l,,t'lf h,.• 1r1111,forowd lru1~~ ;ihl<' lo l"limt., u~ hn:h as \he a ll'tn!)lahon 1 n10 11 ,,1n:n,.: th. olhl'r . J im Alh<'r tson cou ld The andem {;odh(' 1<:1hl 111.11 h<'ll• lw" 0111 1hr link- sh']"' life ,s "IIU l r ou'r<' nh1e to. for 0U1rr fl('Oph•, but hi' cuuldn't 11 i,. not o,,I~ hll'. hm hrl';ul ,lo u lnr all Tiwre just wn~n·1 To ,.._. ah,,• onl~ lu 11p11C'tlte. l'noi.n;h !\ml'. pl<'a,,ul'r, 1m1te. mon,•.,,makim.:. Tik' PtVllle "ho pht)' it i,,1ft• und 001 to goodnc,.~ Hr1'1 k1~1:i rl' not t hos<· 11·ho gi\·e their nes;;, μurl l> _.anil lo\<•, hl,tory. li\r~ hl 1·isioni. Thosr- who pre, ll()(' lry. mu~ 1c, lkl\11•1 -s. ~t,1r1<. fer 1o i,:o through Hfe with mine· GOO 11nd l'1<'ma! .IUI>(', ,~ to ini,:. ,. 111811 hes lrn !l ug ~tep:<. they bt• 1111 bu! dr111\ 1i(fn't li k<' it when Mimebod)' Th<" :11'1 ,11 lh Im: ril;hll> i~ ,·1•111,•, b~· who is a man or hkl.' all nr1,.: it mu• t he ll'arnl',I ,·!~ion. Tii;;,,y ahn1)'s w;, 111 lo 11nd J) r,tctico:d \\Ith inn•s,,.1111 i,:o fn,.kr th. in " '-' " ,mt 10 i:o. l':l 'I', And llll'l'I' nre those who 11A mi,11 ul 1i<i,,n 1, tllk' tu 1,·,.~·,. tr~ aml l>t1•1, 1111 on the h1 m,.clf und ali1·1• to 1,1,. 11orl,I ,:u;II 1 ,.lb ..i tlwy cun rifle :,lonl! ,\ nd. tll<' rdorc. h,· IS lrt.'I' Ill "i1huu1 do,ng 11ny1 hi ni; tillou t g11·c him,.clf 10 n i;n•,,t 11"ion, ,1one " hich rou can IL, }our Th,• 1m111 ol 1•[,.ion. yoo se<'. h1',1rt upon a" well n" yuUr se,:·~ Thi' 1Jimornm11 and tll<' hod- 1'} i:'S and )"Our dfona ,,,.,. \ mHk<' 'I.on 11hile th'-' rt'st 01 us Sei! }'OJ ' life count. n,,.hop EMll'y only II f<' " feel ahl'a<I. And one..• s11id lhl' IIH} lo m,,kl.' 11!(,y l'lSI' ll'II\C !hi' O\'l'rlOI H'S )'OUr lifl' count 1.s lo ha1'1' ;, of lift' 11hil'h most of us do gn>,d idt'a and l h;:n m,irr~ it nul ht•;-,r bt-caose w<' 'rl' just ,11,ful sen le dO\,n and robe a not tunt.'<I [n to this bigg<'r vis- famtly . ion Hnmmm-skjoltl s:tid "~t'\'er Again I quote from Hammar· look do,., n to t;;,,.t llw i,:ruu11'\ ~kjold. ··l"hl, morl' laithlully )'OU brfore you take the next ~tel) Hst<' n 10 lhe 1·uice within you. On ly h(' 11 ll(I kt'<'llS hi~ I')'<' the bt• th•r you ,1i11 he:,r what Jixl'II on lhe for horizon wilt is suUniling oolsid<.', a nd on ly !ind his rk h1 ru;od. L1!1• uni}' ho: "ho listens c;,n si)(.'ak." Is d<.' tn1t nds from ~·ou tho: i-1rem;1h 1h,,. the startin1; pomt of your d mt yu11 do 1,u,,,.;-s~. Only un•' ll\o dro:arm,' Tu be ;,llowed tl1{' f~1t is 1ivssible. not to h,ll'c.' cl,,l'itr uf mind. to mir ror life run H\\ a}'. Thi,; is uni• or the um! 1m11Url1y o/ heu rt to mold lhini;s that divides ;md Sl' J >ll r• it. \\'ell . this Is how the man WI SCONSIN STATE UNIVERSITY, STEVENS POINT, WISCONSIN, MARCH 30, 1967 University Mourns James H. ol people, 11 0d tha1 is the fo ci 11 •11nt to lil'e an eusy l _ifc: if (Photo credi t • Don w arne r Studio) that some l)l'Of)le h:11·1' 1: re11t you want to teke lhl' m1nc1ng, 6 PAGES NO. 20 Albertson Wist.-onsi n St11t~ Univer lly k'II b)' Monsignor James P. Fin- has gone Into mournini fol' Its ucun, SI Joseph,. Church l11tc J >rCfhlent , Dr. J ames H. '01{' Uni1·ersl1y 01Uir clo5ed Al beruon. as students, !acuity, out lhe srrvice \\ith "Bt•11Cdlc· Slll ff lf'nd Hllminls1n1u,r1 aUrnd tui- and 11&.ianna.'' m<.'moriul ICl'l'ices this week. In ntldltlun to Pr<.'~ident and Ch11Huom halls litood sllen1. :>. E u. Albertson's lamilies, U.S. ad111inl!llrllth·e oflice w c re C.mi:u·~smun l..aird. and Stale clo!ied l'-"l serv\ct'11 "ere hckl Senlllor ll nnM'n. In the Unl\·e111ity Fieldhouse on Bite~ 11ere hr>ltl nl SI Pnul'1;,y mornlm:. :>.1t•11ll.l(ti SI Omrch on Tu<-Miay Aller an organ 11relude, (IIAY· 11h,•1noon 11,N·e R,•v. TI1eodore ed by John Tilomes, WSU Mu· 1 Scbwa rtz, f)lllilor of th(! church, i;lc departme nt , Rev. ll nrrls T. destrihM Dr. ,\lbcrtt;On 11s 11 Hall callccl tllc.' con1:re1,:mlon mun of I l~ion 10 the co,1grega- ln10 JlrB)'l'r. T he Uni l-'ers il y 1 lon 11hio:h crowded the church. Choir san1: 1he onU11' m. "Th,• Thruui,:hotn his speech, be Eye!I of All Wul1 Upon TI1ce.'' u~ed quuh·~ h'um lh<' J11te D:.g AcllnJ,; 111'e,,ident or the Uni• llan11011r~ kjoll1, U11i1ed Nation~ 1·e r~il > ·, Gordon lh•lr rbl.'Cker, Seereo,ry Gl' nl'l'.il. who nl!'<O rend 1 ~n·1s of J 11mes II. Alhe rt- mCI hl5 1lt•111h in :, pla ne cras h. !Wn's inn1:uri1l mldreu In which 'f1u, ;,f ltw Prcsirlent's broth- u1111eo1ri- his tlo:dication lu lhe t'nt, Robert, of Tacoma, WHh .. s1Uden1,,. "l11e prlmnry func1 iu11 :i,ut Gl'ne, of Portlund. Ow, uf lhl~ coll1•i.;I' Is to h• 1td1 ,1u, 1,ior·hch1;1!rd in thr 11flernoon do:nti-," 111111 lo the fueul ry ~•·nl\'4' Th,•) 1u hu1h :\lrl/11),, 1,hlrh he 11'11 •H' t'{' nt'l'df'<I ru dM mml' lrni. build u :,,\l'V!II: unhrn;ny. Il l' 1lul1'•r1 Allv-rt....m rrarl lrom l 1.1d un ly fuur 111 111 one-hall tlw ,.c ri111ure, 011,t'Jl'd pruyers : )'(';1n. to 1 1111ke hh1: tll't'11mscome G<'n<' ,\lht•rtYJrl told of Jan1es l rUI' ful hll' hi~ d1·l':. nh Al11'.•1L·,011·s 1\rram~ 11:lferbeckl'r -1111 1'(1 tha t "The "Jim. u u r hrother. yoor wutld. the n111mn. \\'1<nJn,i11, r, 1l'nrl. 1,•111 one .... 110 sough! in and Ste\·en!I Puinl h.1\ •e lo:.t hh !ifl' tu make Christ rea l,'' 11 i:reat educat10n11I I Ndl'r" anti hl' said. a~ked " M11y Got! gl\'<.' to cuch ii<' 1ll'scribt.'d his brother u. 11. h11l Clill b(', wme of his <k>dl, a mun "1lh It spccrnl Jove for cn li.un tu princl1•le, 11nd liUml' the i,e,1 Alhl'rb.on h.>d sfl('nt hi~ ol hlli love !or hi,, fellow nmn" youchful yea!'$ OIi the shores Warren Kostrm.k1. Studt•nt of Pui:l'I Sound in the slalC Scn11tl' prt.~ltlent. expre~"l'II his of Wbhingtoo. O\\ n 1)('r!i0nal rl'llec1i< m" 11h1ch It "'"s on the olher side of he ~umma,·izcd in 11,rt.-e wonls the oceiln he so lo,·ect tha t he - respect, a1hmraho1 1, i,Heclion. n\l'I hi~ 1lc;1th. ln dying. Gene •l fo dt•scribcd hint a~ A mun ~,ud. he und his lbsociatrs gave to bl' res11t:.'1:led, 001 JU~I be· e1 lcknee !hilt there nre people c:mse of his lugh po,;i1ion. but In thr United St;ues suivi ng because of his 11olse, conli· for reconstruction and peace. dcnce, educa tional lrlll nlng, sln- ":iul't'ly their e fforts. will lead cerlt )I, a nd gro:u t pl."rsonul lo cons('qocnces thu l are unend· 11 1, rmth. lni:. Enrl ,Snuth. \\'SU SJ!t's.'Ch and ,\ h,o rnklng part In the ser- Dr11ma ma,01·. r('ad i;elcctions I ice 11 as John l\l . Thomas, WSU ol llllt' l r)' The.')' lntluded Psalm mu;;ie dt•p..,rtment, "ho played 139 - "l11c Searcher or llearls e..11C'ci,1lty ,,l'lected music on the is Th) :>.hiker:" p .ort ol "Murk- m'{:an. mgs" by D11g ll amma!'llkjold- In addl11on to the members "Tumorro" "l' sh«II lllt'N, ol the PrC':>ldl'nt and Mrs. Al· Ch.-a th 11nd I - b.::-IIM!f1's lamilies. members of And he liihall lhrust hh1 lill'Ord the unil·l'r~it)' 'community, and Into ooe "' ho is awake.": ~o·,••n>1le0!1le, 'the !it'rvices were " Llnculn. :>.tun uf the.' Pl'l.llile" 11uendt.'d h}' cduca1 ors from t.,y Ed"·m ;\larkham - ,\;,hland, Eau Cl.tire, La Crosse.· " ... As 11hl'n' " lordly l"rdnr. MadlilOn, :\ lenornonle. Oshkosh, green "Ith boughs Plau e,llle. River Falls, Superi· Coe, fW\\n .... 11h a gl't'III 1hou1 or. and \\"hi1ewu1er. u~nd 1 ~11,~~lsa lonesome pleee r qu~cd':~~t:n 11'!.~~; !as~~ ~);ainst the .• :·: lnstl'ad. ;iflll n1ay be sent to 11nd II poem wri11e n by Preii- the James H. Altx-1·1,son Memt> dent Altiertson·1 f 11 1 h er. a rl<1I F'unl.l, in care of WSU~ Methodist mim~1l'r - " .. • let S1e1·ens Point Foonda1ion, Inc. nil' follow the tr,1\1." I or to St. , Paul'ii Methodist i,/-~' m~::raj,i sl~~:~: ~~ 0 :; ;~ I ~:J~c\ 111st;:e"U:ec1p~~~ .. ed:: ~ 11 ]lrayer fur the u1111·e~it)' "illl tlonul purJJOSes. "I Couldn't Say No . .. " att'S IIK>lic /ew Iron\ the must lof vision uffecL'i other:., If you OUR LATE PRESIDENT - Dr. Jomes H. Albe rt son visions and cen g11·e their \i l'es s<1fe step,; through life, the n I Men of ,·isfon are not rerpeI A year ego. Prcsldem J a mH l li il)' of lllioois. Chicago. 10 them. ,\nd it literally i<tlcks l don't e,·er marry l'ision. Don't bt' rt.'d fo r \\ hat tht'y·1·e done, w '( I ' d . H. Al btr tson, wu asked hy lhf The tr.teic accident did not . ~:/:tt:e :d' ~~; ~ " lllf\~~ )~·. 1 h~ ~ ~::~: ~ :. )': ~a 1 ~~~ :rh!~r h: ~:: n~?,ok~.m~r J:~ He as A omer In E ucat1on ~ :(' 1~ : t {~:-o/ "t~r:~t": ~ :=~ -~· tho$e or us who are satis fi ed let go. for what they are to us, when educat loMI .li l U(iy mission 10 ery report 11. •as filed iocludlng with drea ming smnll - w (' run A mun of vision Is reme m- they are nt•ur und whut thc.' ir President Albertson was re- In 1 962. the st11 te' lo ng,runge 11:e,;. HI' was a leader lo other South Vietnam. their recommend11tiom for !he ~~t. ~t;,cdn ~:: 11~ " J\~ s ~: ::a1 ; ·~nd:C. d!~!·n n;:IOU' :~ · : ~ ~io;O: ~Hns to u,i, when they ~ : :io:slie ;d~ : r:eh::: :re;:~~1 1:~~~:~:~ 0 ;c::. ;; ; ::ea ~::~:~ ~:i::ti= m:~ w:::eto~;!s~ C: ~cat~~ ':~":: :~:a~:~.e u:i;·e~!ti;s~:·h~ : fo~o!'.~ee . does a man of ~. l'~t ;: ;·e i ° : :e der!!; .. ~\~~.U~~m: ~?l~g s::! olfenl from larger unh• ersi~ies. Sludent llOJKl]~llon J)ii~ th!' Olht'r special pro_\l'e1$. :~~~~j~nt: =l~~;;:; ~o:~ ~u:~~nj~y:~m~lion S highc ~ \'i • ion a ffect ,..othe rs. \\1'11. In kn o wn for whnt lhey knew. 11cquiring are less free. And He Wlllii R leader lo !he fight 5000 mark laal fu ll nnd UI ex• On c11mpus, Dr. Albertsoo for a peaceful fu cure . The ~port . approxiamtely :!00 : p~rs ii~ 13 ~·e:~~;r ~ :!:: ~ :!~ .~~~"°me~~ 1 ~"!°~a i~ 1 ~~ ::e,be~ ;~ J~thUea 0 ~. ~ ~ ;1a°:. ; ~t ~: ::; ;'1~:~~~ ;::; ~ :;'.ed 10 exctttt 6(00 by nex' l ;:;aa ie~:~r~ : o~e:r:~:J ;: he1:i;i!~rc:1·;~ 1 ~ ·1 ':n~~·~~ ~7~~11~r!t:t ... : 1 !ra 1 1~'11 1 7!: ;~pt :' 11~ ~\:1o~is~~; ~: ;i "f.i';:'e~i:!e:rt ~ :: = ~e ~ ::: 1~: ~s "!!: : Is 8 syst(' ~ of two-year insllt~- w~~m': kept , O:: ! ~;cJ~~ic!:a:;;g 51 :::n: o~ !a:,. , ':~ :'i\~a: 'f: \ ~~::~ ·~ those who ma ke life li terally They foci tht'mseh•es to be so envisloo all d rcumstanc:Cli a ll 1 '°!U olfering bol~ ,academtc body. ~ . Science.~ CJ:i u- He strengthened the faculty in aboul m11klfti !he trip, Al~ rl· olhl'I' re11rt"ffn1a1h•e will go lo =~:r: : ~fle ~o~h;::o: : ~g: ~~~n!:! ~'?ypr:i':nd:n~·~,!~ = ~~::' ty. !~~1 1'~ :: 1 .:: onol ur : w~ nbr: ec ~~~:~ ain~ "!;ied lay ~:e::;ld:;:~~r:~~~~l'h~~t f;. 1 18 ~=~ lor lhe ~ ·th of :~ge':.p!: ·th: ;:~;e/ w11a t :~:~ r ,ic1::.,:.~.: rkl~~; :~ !fm~ y do O~ ~!';n:~:~ ~~et~· ;!~~:-: ,: :. ~~:t :rte o~~·ei::g~;· ! !"'~~ ~: f~u~ o :~~~o:a~r~l'desc:: 7 t: ~fe~jY d: c.' r~:r ;, ~re,\ ., ~r=~ Ori· Al~rl~ hn t f~:: :a th ,~ Th~e ~~!!t~:. ~ ::l: n~.;~ : r;:. ol the Vielnamese unh't'niwe ll a de1·otlon to such a vas t puules them. Men ol vl!i ion them. And when we lose them, e,iN15lrueted h<.' TJ' a t WSU-S P. terfl as pres ident. q~l'St ,on 1 ° "' 15 11 th bas~c b- to have ended ln April. , Copies of this report 11.ill be ;~s~ ~~ °::~: ~~~~~ = !; n~: :~ :y k~o;;: w 9 ~ " ~:e ::;.: . ~hr! 1 :: o;rl~ :. our: · t~r 1 1 ~~: in \\!~~. h; am ~a:~ :~~= U~~rs~:~ii!,a! " :i:s:;,.,:, Ir~ ~i t} 0 cii:th~ c;~ e: :'.:::~ th~ 1 U~r1!er:lty '::1 1~~: o:=-! Sc.';~~ d~\~~U. Al ben son had tt- ~al ;~ s ;~etJ::.. ~ ~:1on:e\\': :e: ~. :!y· ~:°""r:i kf ;; . nw~: a:e11 ::~; 1't~r;~k r:rve:;;; :~ ; .• 37 ... : r:rt: ,e:~d~:!!'. ~u~ n~:~:; ~:', :;m;~ ~l{' i:~ 0 :i 1 ;u-;":· i~: n-:-i~ :~:~~ l~ le,: s tr:e ~~ 1 ;~edt.: i ~s h~:v~!g~ a ~ .(.'~l!~~i"'~~: ti 1 ~ :~r;i; 1 1/~! ; ~!a 1 ~ (' ; ~:~$ :~: hns literall y de\·oted his life what they koow. They re not ger /vls lon which most ol us 2000. Duri~ his yea rs .as 11 resl· properly. President Allx;rtson's long run for I the student and pllot when l hl'1r pla~ crashed sending of a sPCond 1 e11m 10 lo a vision - a big vb ion .even knovm for what ha 11pen ed ly t:~t II gli m]).!le or. ,... dent. the Jverslty grew more t' rfOrlS to join the two sei: mentll lhe lJ . ' ty H Imo I mountain during a tur- Vlemam to ti ludy thc'lr second· kint~r 1 ~h~:S~a~~-us along, ~~ei~:,;, ': t r=: =rheA~:i: m~~l Al bertson wa s such a = n ~ t ha during the prevl· ;; :: ft ~!~n~~~.t: t~~: l ta ntly 11 ;~~ed : :s :'ci ;:~ s~:U.:.rth of Da :;; m t>e!;,s ' ~i ed Th ~. _1homas Cnrlylc.' uld " ,\ man dead on the streels ol Nl'w . · · a nd ck:l!llng city itlrCC'lll, :e~;:c~f~m~~/~ 1 thU:ti~~!~ V\c1lms of the crash. besides bassador Henry Cabot Lodge :t b: y d:~~~:i 0;o::~rn ~ !:,k ~tyfor:~~e:ia~V~:~t ~1: A rood friend will not return, and yet hls dreams w1U w:::·a A~~~~il!~l t h~~ll \ 0 I~: slty. 1 ~ ~d;~~lt l~~'7'e:~~; : ll~ri• ~g:::n;r,.:ehe c:; :al ~:: :r~ about meny things." Oh. what pens to you in the long run remain with us . In !ael, to 1he extent we a re able to per- I . • Co ln his Inaugural nddress Dr. culture at River i, ~a lls Sta te Unf- United Stales: and the South 'would happen to Wisconsin 11 immateria l .. u ·s whethe r you 1. --eive his \1slon, we sha ll be able lo watch his dreams become ~7~:i for t~t 1 :!, ' ~~~ , ~~t:r th: Albe~n said " In. ,my dgc.'-, c,J~ Vlemuml'M'. State Unll-'en lty-S tev<'ns Point follow your vision, regardless reality. was '!mellm~ difll euh l>i-Nl- mcnt It is lm1 >era ti\ e , . Dr:-i'loward Johnshoy. de11n of - ~c~e;: ,!,oo~aft! had this ·otN~';e t !~ bcforf' he met In h i~ inaugu~ addreu, President Albertson ~ den~ Al bel'W.ln had ,aikoo of :~r ~~l.lde ;:p~~'= ~1;:i::;::~ ~ Television One ol the ttasons that men his lntimely death Ha mmarsk· Spencer s q uestion. "What knowledge Is of most worth'?" His d osmi parts of Franklin and 11.·estern world: Latin America, MiM o r vision elve the rest of US jold ),Vl'Ole this in h1s Markings: responses 10 thls query clear ly lndlocated his breadth of ~:z~e~ i~itiu 11! ::::o, 'e,-:. Africa, Ult' Nf'ar. and Far ~ l, 0r: Beatl1e, dc.' an or the To Honor a di! It timf' Is the fact that ''To be frtt , 10 be able to knowledge. his ability to organize and art iculate complex 5 . 1 topl loday a nd command an wldf' rs~~ Sehool ol Bullineu and ec:onom· ~is . n l ~I~ n:; 11~~1:: : h 1nd up ~ ~~ ea:k~; ;r:v : ~k ~ Ideas, and his sense of commitment to hleher education : but '~ c fou; hl td p;e\·ent ~lop- ~ry ~ lfvs~~~ha •, "'!J:' ~:: at \Vhltf'll.'a ter Sta te Uni\•er- Alb t . obiiga to sacrHlce hls .leuer IO uy \ •es,' he who has placed l ~y also out lined a path for U.S 10 follow. l'Tl(' OI ol a ahopping ei!nter in lilhed a major in t.. tin Ameri- ~. Ban;s bcrg, ptt1ldc.'nt of er son drums the Jlttlellffl of me: himself In God's hands, it.ands At this sad ti me when we tum 10 consider what memorial "? area which he ft"lt would, can Studies and a mloor In Bemidji State and former 11s- A Tele1 •ision Memorial Pro- and lf they are In a pl ace free vis-a-vis men. He's enl1ttl)' ls of most worth, the thoua:ht keeps N!Cllrring that the disrupt campw1 expemlon. Russian, and East European sistanl to the director of the gram will be held for Prf'sl- j ~lb ::!e~· t 1! ~1s 1: ~et ran~th th°:mm th~ai: 1 ': Unh'ers lty l~f may bec:Om1;_ a !Mna and pf'rpclural memori· di:~~ ~ ~= ':d ~g~~r:. 11 : ~ Mt>eiuon's ef!Wb in in- ~~::.Onsln state univn-slty 1)'5- :;11 6 l\ ~~ is to be kept alive, then the judge. Hammank.:: r detlned al U only v.: e can catch his vision, lmplemf'nl h1s plan.s. and ti l-'ely In guiding the Unlver- temational l"ducation carried Dr. Vincf'nt F'. Conroy, a Ice- ning, A1 1r. 3. J.esser drea ms and the little- ma turity among thlnp emulate his commitment to those thin&• which are truly slty's expansion, and 10 ease him 10 South Vietnam where turer and director ol fi eldfatud· Teletron Corporation aod MD- neues of the people who work !IS a l1f'W lack bf aelf conscklus- of most wo rth • • • lhe problems ol gro,,.•th. he wu heeding a study of hli:h- In In aHrvard'1 C.enter for Re- waokN''s WT1\1J·'IV station . will ;l:: '!m ==>' ~=~ i :i;, !;~ }= =,; :"en~ l'AUL A. l'AMBEBT, son Las.!a:o :; :r, 10 D~c A=: ::a~u~tion· ne 1!1:ly ~-o;:m~e!: : : :n:i~~ e:!n-::.en1 on Ed· =b:m ~ r below hlmmaket no difference, Jy lndllferent to )'OUnel1 to an DE.AN OF APPLIED ARTS ol dlrecton of the Anocla tkln when a tragic plane =nsti Dr. Arthur D. Pickett, i1irec- the pro,ram, the film will be lbeic lltilenusa and · tbt1r ablol.ute uce:nt to )'OW' fate. , AND SCIENCE ol State c.oJ.le&:es and Unl.YCt&l- claimed tbclr: li,.'l'I , tor ol. boDOr ~ ' Univer- donaled to WSU-Slevens Point. ._ :-_ - ,. " I ( .

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Page 1: ilif ilili~i · Hall callccl tllc.' con1:re1,:mlon mun of I l~ion 10 the co,1grega ln10 JlrB)'l'r. The Unil-'ersily 1lon 11hio:h crowded the church. Choir san1: 1he onU11'm. "Th,•


IAe new • UNI


ll 11111 of 1e1v1'te lo 1l11tle11l1, f1t11IIJ, 1t/111i111il11lio11 ~l, 1894



One Who Was 'Wide Awake'

Thl' fo llowlnJ; is II ta lk J;in•11 b\' Hl' \', TheodoN' Sch\\'ar17., l'us lor of St. Paul's ~ir thod\st churth, a t the Tur i.du.,· a rt1·rnuu11 111e111oriul i.t· n ·lecs held fnr Prrsident J :mws II . All.1t• rl l,011.

ho!~~ ~: ~~:1~~.r:;1 '~~~·;~ ~r t~.\~i~:f11~v1~,~~l~;:i1t1~'t\.~i: man of \' is ion ? 111 lhc fl rs t place, a mai1 of t rue , •is ion is one who is true to himself.

D,11,: llnmm un,.kjoh l on1·,• Jl('!I· -----~--

n('(I thl'st' wo rd~. unit unit':!-.\ ,om:ilt 1lrc,1111~ m ust 11" s;u: rl -1 inrlk1111' othl'1-w1.<f' in 1111.< iu\. flt'1•,l. ,,~. llut 1, i1huu t i i. lhl'

111 ilif ilili~i 001 (_)Illy 1th \t• tu lum,,df. hut know hu,,· 1/mr 1,- ,\od t1> duub1 ~o l_us world as wl'I I. Tu say lh<'lr own cflJ\'lCily 10 t11cklc ) •'~ "'. hft- b Ill ~w _m._l th,• u. ,111,• mu,., h, ... ,. uu r httlc ~11'1~

!>lime ume 1U NI.) ) , .,. to unc.•- for tllf'm to l" h m h one 111 11 ~l'lf. ' \' t'~: i:'1<'11 h> 1h,,t _,•l1•nwm tinw Tiw) 1.11,w ln:·~h cuurap· m 11hkh b 11\Ul'I un111lhni;. 1,, 11 t«-n e1,·ntually th,•)' ha,·,• bct'n let 1l,,t'lf h,.• 1r1111,forowd lru1~~ ;ihl<' lo l"limt., u~ hn:h as \he a ll'tn!)lahon 1n10 11 ,,1n:n,.: th. olhl'r . J im Alh<'r tson could

The andem {;odh(' 1<:1hl 111.11 h<'ll• lw" 0111 1hr link- sh']"' life ,s "IIU l rou'r<' nh1e to. for 0U1rr fl('Oph•, but hi' cuuldn ' t 11 i,. not o,,I~ hll' . hm hrl';ul ,lo u lnr all Tiwre just wn~n·1 To ,.._. ah,,• onl~ lu 11p11C'tlte. l'noi.n;h !\ml'. pl<'a,,ul'r, 1m1te. mon,•.,,makim.:. Tik' PtVllle "ho pht)' it i,,1ft• und 001 to goodnc,.~ Hr1'1 k1~1I· :irl' not thos<· 11·ho gi\·e thei r nes;;, µurl l> _.anil lo\<•, hl,tory. li\r~ hl 1·isioni. Thosr- who pre, ll()(' lry. mu~ 1c, lkl\11•1-s. ~t,1r1<. fer 1o i,:o th rough Hfe with mine· GOO 11 nd l'1<'ma! .IUI>(', ,~ to ini,:. ,.111811 hes lrn !lug ~tep:<. they bt• 1111 bu! dr111\ 1i(fn't li k<' it when Mimebod)'

Th<" :11'1 ,11 lh Im: ril;hll> i~ ,·1•111,•, b~· who is a ma n or hkl.' all nr1,.: it mu• t he ll'arnl',I ,·!~ion. Tii;;,,y ahn1)'s w;, 111 lo 11nd J) r,tctico:d \\Ith inn•s,,.1111 i,:o fn,.kr th. in " '-' " ,mt 10 i:o. l':l 'I', And llll'l'I' nre those who 111·

A mi,11 ul 1i<i,,n 1, tllk' tu 1,·,.~·,. tr~ aml l> t1•1, 1111 on the h1 m,.clf und ali1·1• to 1,1,. 11orl, I ,:u;II 1,.lb ..i tlwy cun rifle :,lonl! ,\ nd. tll<' rdorc. h,· IS lrt.'I' Ill "i1huu1 do,ng 11ny1hini; tillou t g11·c him,.clf 10 n i;n•,,t 11"ion, ,1• one " hich rou can IL, }our Th,• 1m111 ol 1•[,.ion. yoo se<'. h1',1rt upon a" well n" yuUr se,:·~ Thi' 1Jimornm11 and tll<' hod-1'} i:'S and )"Our dfona ,,,.,. \ mHk<' 'I.on 11hile th'-' rt'st 01 us Sei! }'OJ' life count . n,,.hop EMll'y only II f<'" feel ahl'a<I. And one..• s11id lhl' IIH} lo m,,kl.' 11!(,y l'lSI' ll'II\C !hi' O\'l'rlOIH'S )'OUr lifl' count 1.s lo ha1'1' ;, of lift' 11hil'h most of us do gn>,d idt'a and lh;:n m,irr~ it nul ht•;-,r bt-caose w<' ' rl' just

,11,ful sen le dO\,n and robe a not tunt.'<I [n to this bigg<'r vis-famtly . ion

Hnmmm-skjoltl s:tid "~t'\'er Again I quote from Hamma r· look do,., n to t;;,,.t llw i,:ruu11'\ ~kjold. ··l"hl, morl' lai thlully )'OU brfore you take the next ~tel) Hst<'n 10 lhe 1·uice within you. Only h(' 11 ll(I kt'<'llS hi~ I')'<' the bt• th•r you ,1i11 he:, r what Jixl'II on lhe for horizon wilt is suUniling oolsid<.', a nd only !ind his rk h1 ru;od. L1!1• uni}' ho: "ho listens c;, n si)(.'ak." Is d<.'tn1tnds from ~·ou tho: i-1rem;1h 1h,,. the startin1; pomt of your d mt yu11 do 1,u,,,.;-s~ . Only un•' ll\ o dro:arm,' Tu be ;,llowed tl1{' f~1 t is 1ivssible. not to h,ll'c.' cl, , l'itr uf mind. to mir ror life run H\\ a}'. Thi,; is uni• or the um! 1m11Url1y o/ heu rt to mold lhini;s tha t divides ;md Sl'J>ll r• it. \\'ell . this Is how the man


University Mourns James H.

ol people, 11 0d tha1 is the fo ci 11•11 nt to lil'e an eusy l_ifc: if (P hoto c redi t • Don w arner S tudio) that some l)l'Of)le h:11·1' 1: re11t you wa nt to te ke lhl' m1nc1ng,

6 PAGES NO. 20

Albertson Wist.-onsin St11t~ Univer lly k'II b)' Monsignor James P . Fin­

has gone Into mournini fol' Its ucun, SI Joseph,. Church l11 tc J>rCfhlent , Dr. J ames H. '01{' Uni1·ersl1y 01Uir clo5ed Alberuon. as students, !acuity, out lhe srrvice \\ith "Bt•11Cdlc· Slll ff lf'nd Hllminls1n1u,r1 aUrnd tui- and 11&.ianna.'' m<.'moriul ICl'l'ices this week. In ntldltlun to Pr<.'~ident and

Ch11Huom halls litood sllen1. :>. Eu. Albertson's lamilies, U.S. ad111inl!llrll th·e oflice w c re C.mi:u·~smun l..aird. and Stale clo!ied l'-"l serv\ct'11 "ere hckl Senlllor llnnM'n. In the Unl\·e111ity Fieldhouse on Bite~ 11ere hr>ltl nl SI Pnul'1;,y mornlm:. :>.1t•11ll.l(tiSI Omrch on Tu<-Miay

Aller a n organ 11relude, (IIAY· 11h,•1noon 11,N·e R,•v. TI1eodore ed by John Tilomes, WSU Mu· 1 Scbwa rtz, f)lllilor of th(! church, i;lc department , Rev. llnrrls T . destrihM Dr. ,\lbcrtt;On 11s 11 Hall callccl tllc.' con1:re1,:mlon mun of I l~ion 10 the co,1grega­ln10 JlrB)'l'r. The Unil-'ers ily 1lon 11hio:h crowded the church. Choir san1: 1he onU11'm. "Th,• Thruui,:hotn his speech, be Eye!I of All Wul1 Upon TI1ce.'' u~ed quuh·~ h'um lh<' J11te D:.g

AcllnJ,; 111'e,,ident or the Uni• lla n11011r~kjoll1, U11 i1ed Nation~ 1·er~il>·, Gordon lh•lr rbl.'Cker, Seereo,ry Gl'nl'l'.il. who nl!'<O rend 1~n·1s of J 11mes II. Alhert- mCI hl5 1lt•111h in :, plane crash. !Wn's inn1:uri1l mldreu In which 'f1u, ;,f ltw Prcsirlent's broth­u1111eo1ri- his tlo:dication lu lhe t'nt, Robert, of Tacoma, WHh .. s1Uden1 ,,. "l11e pr lmnry func1 iu11 :i,ut Gl'ne, of Portlund. Ow, uf lhl~ coll1•i.;I' Is to h•1td1 ,1u, 1,ior·hch1;1!rd in thr 11flernoon do:nti-," 111111 lo the fueul ry ~•·nl\'4' Th,•) 1u ,· hu1h :\lrl/11),, 1,hlrh he 11'11 •H' t'{' nt'l'df'<I ru dM mml' lrni. build u :,,\l'V!II: unhrn;ny. Il l' 1lul1'•r1 Allv-rt....m rrarl lrom l1.1d un ly fuur 111111 one-hall tlw ,.cri111ure, 011,t'Jl'd pruyers : )'(';1n. to 11111ke hh1: tll't'11mscome G<'n<' ,\lht•rtYJrl told of Jan1es lrUI' ful hll' hi~ d1·l':. nh Al11'.•1L·,011·s 1\rram~

11:lferbeckl'r -11111'(1 tha t "The "Jim. u u r hrother. yoor wutld. the n111mn. \\'1<nJn,i11, r, 1l'nrl. 1,•111 one .... 110 sough! in and Ste\·en!I Puinl h.1\•e lo:.t hh !ifl' tu make Christ rea l,''

11 i:reat educat10n11I INdl'r" anti hl' said. a~ked " M11y Got! gl\'<.' to cuch ii<' 1ll'scribt.'d his brother u. 11. h11l Clill b(', wme of his <k>dl, a mun "1lh It spccrnl Jove for cn li.un tu princl1•le, 11nd liUml' the i,e,1 Alhl'rb.on h.>d sfl('nt hi~ ol hlli love !or hi,, fellow nmn" youchful yea!'$ OIi the shores

Warren Kostrm.k1. Studt•nt of Pui:l'I Sound in the slalC Scn11tl' prt.~ltlent. expre~"l'II his of Wbhingtoo. O\\ n 1)('r!i0nal rl'llec1i<m" 11h1ch It "'"s on the olher side of he ~umma,·izcd in 11,rt.-e wonls the oceiln he so lo,·ect tha t he - respect , a1hmraho11, i,Heclion. n\l'I hi~ 1lc;1th. l n dying. Gene •l fo dt•scribcd hint a~ A mun ~,ud. he und his lbsociatrs gave to bl' res11t:.'1:led, 001 JU~I be· e1 lcknee !hil t there nre people c:mse of his lugh po,;i1ion. but In thr United St;ues suiving because of his 11olse, conli· for reconstruction and peace. dcnce, educa tional lrlllnlng , sln- ":iul't'ly their e fforts. will lead cerlt )I, a nd gro:u t pl."rsonul lo cons('qocnces thu l are unend· 11 1, rmth. lni:.

Enrl ,Snuth. \\'SU SJ!t's.'Ch and ,\ h,o rnklng part In the ser-Dr11ma ma,01·. r('ad i;elcctions I ice 11 as John l\l. Thomas, WSU ol llllt' lr)' The.')' lntluded Psalm mu;;ie dt•p..,rtment, "ho played 139 - "l11c Searcher or llearls e..11C'ci,1lty ,,l'lected music on the is Th) :>.hiker:" p • .ort ol "Murk- m'{:an. mgs" by D11g llamma!'llkjold- In addl11on to the members "Tumorro" "l' sh«II lllt'N, ol the PrC':>ldl'nt and Mrs. Al· Ch.-a th 11nd I - b.::-IIM!f1's lamilies. members of And he liihall lhrust hh1 lill'Ord the unil·l' r~it)' 'community, and Into ooe "' ho is awake.": ~o·,••n>1le0!1le, ' the !it'rvices were

" Llnculn. :>.tun uf the.' Pl'l.llile" 11uendt.'d h}' cduca1ors from t.,y Ed"·m ;\larkham - ,\;,hland, Eau Cl.tire, La Crosse.·

" ... As 11hl'n' " lordly l"rdnr. MadlilOn, :\lenornonle. Oshkosh, green "Ith boughs Plaue,llle. River Falls, Superi·

Coe, fW\\n .... 11h a gl't'III 1hou1 or. and \\"hi1ewu1er.

u~nd 1~11,~~lsa lonesome pleee r qu~cd':~~t:n 11'!.~~; !as~~

~);ainst the .• :·: lnstl'ad. ;iflll n1ay be sent to 11nd II poem wri11en by Preii- the James H. Altx-1·1,son Memt> dent Altiertson·1 f 11 1 h er. a rl<1I F'unl.l, in care of WSU~ Methodis t mim~1l'r - " .. • let S1e1·ens Point Foonda1ion, Inc. nil' follow the tr,1 \1 ." I or to St. , Paul'ii Methodis t

i,/-~' m~::raj,i sl~~:~: ~~0:;;~ I ~:J~c\ 111st;:e"U:ec1p~~~ .. ed::~

11 ]lrayer fur the u1111·e~it)' "illl tlonul purJJOSes.

"I Couldn't Say No . .. " a tt'S IIK>lic /ew Iron\ the must lof vision uffecL'i other:., If you OUR LATE PRESIDENT - Dr. Jomes H. Albe rt son

visions a nd cen g11·e thei r \i l'es s<1fe step,; through life, then I Men of ,·isfon are not rerpem· I A year ego. Prcsldem J a mH l li il)' of lll ioois. Chicago. 10 them. ,\nd it literally i< tlcks l don' t e,·er marry l'ision. Don' t bt' rt.'d for \\ ha t tht'y·1·e done, w '( I ' d . H. Albtr tson, wu asked hy lhf The tr.teic accident did not.

~:/:tt:e: d '~~; ~"lllf\~~)~·.1h~ ~ ~::~:~ :. )': ~ a1~~~ t~~ ~~n~ : :rh!~r h: ~:: n~?,ok~.m~r J:~ He as A omer In E ucat1on ~ :('1~ : t {~:-o/"t~r:~t": ~ :=~-~· .~~~~y~r e;~~~:~,~~

tho$e or us who are satisfied let go. for what they a re to us, when educatloMI .li lU(iy mission 10 ery report 11.•as filed iocludlng with drea ming smnll - w (' run A mun of vision Is reme m- they a re nt•ur und whut thc.' ir President Alber tson was re- In 1962. the st11 te' long,runge 11:e,;. HI' was a leader lo other South Vietna m. thei r recommend11tiom for !he

~~t. ~t;,cdn ~:: 11~ "J\~ s~: ::a1 ; ·~nd:C. d!~!·n n;:IOU':~ · : ~~io;O:~Hns to u,i, when they ~ : :io:slie;d.·~ : ~· r:eh::: : re;:~~11:~~~:~:~ 0;c::. ;;; ::ea~::~:~ ~:i::ti= m:~ w:::eto~;!s~ C:~cat~~ ':~":: :~:a~:~.e u:i;·e~!ti;s~:·h~:

fo~o!'.~ee . does a man of ~ .l'~t ;:;·e i ° : :e der!!; .. ~\~~.U~~m: ~?l~g s::! olfenl from larger unh•ersi~ies. Sludent llOJKl]~llon J)ii~ th!' Olht'r special pro_\l'e1$. :~~~~j~nt: =l~~;;:;~o:~ ~u:~~nj~y:~m~lion S highc~ \'i • ion a ffect ,..others. \\1'11. In kn o wn for whnt lhey knew. 11cquiring are less free. And He Wlllii R leader lo !he fight 5000 ma rk laal fu ll nnd UI ex• On c11mpus, Dr. Albertsoo for a peaceful fu cure. The ~port. approxiamtely :!00

: p~rs ii~13~·e:~~;r ~:!:: ~:!~ .~~~"°me~~

1~"!°~a i~

1~~ ::e,be~ ;~ J~thUea

0~. ~ ~ ; 1a°:. ;~t~:::; ~ ;'1~:~~~ ;::; ~:;'.ed

10 exctttt 6(00 by nex' l ;:;aaie~:~r~: o~e:r:~:J; : he1:i;i!~rc:1·;~

1~ ·1':n~~·~~ ~7~~11~r!t:t ... :



17!: ;~pt:' 11~ ~~~ ~\:1o~is~~; ~~n~~or~~~ ~ : ;i"f.i';:'e~i:!e:rt ~ :: =~e ~::: 1~:~s "!!: : Is 8 syst('~ of two-year insllt~- w~~m': ~~~~i kept ,O:: ! ~;cJ~~ic!:a:;;g 51:::n:o~ ~~~~Sk! ~~d~~d !a:,. ,':~ :'i\~a: 'f: \~~::~ ~~ ·~ those who make life li terally They foci tht'mseh•es to be so envis loo all d rcumstanc:Cli a ll 1'°!U olfering bol~ ,academtc body. ~ . Science.~ CJ:iu- He strengthened the faculty in aboul m11 klfti !he trip, Al~ rl· olhl'I' re11rt"ffn1a1h•e will go lo

~·=~:r:: ~fle ~o~h;::o: : ~g: ~ ~~n!: ! ~'?ypr:i':nd:n~·~,!~ =~~::'ty.!~~11'~ ::1.::onolur: w~ nbr:ec~~~:~a in~"!;ied lay ~:e::;ld:;:~~r:~~~~l'h~~t f;.118~=~ lor lhe ~ ·th of :~ge':.p!: ·th:;:~;e/w11at :~:~ r ,ic1::.,:.~.:rkl~~;:~

!fm~y do O~ ~!';n:~:~ ~~et~·;!~~:-: ,: :. ~~:t :rte o~~·ei::g~;· !!"'~~ ~: f~u~o:~~~o:a~r~l'desc:: 7t: ~fe~jY d:c.'r~:r ;,~re,\ .,~r=l·~ Ori· Al~rl~ hn t f~:: :ath ,~ Th~e ~~!!t~:. ~ ::l: n~.;~ :r;:. ol the Vielnamese unh't'ni• we ll a de1·otlon to s uch a vas t puules them. Men ol vl!i ion them. And when we lose them, e,iN15 lrueted h<.'TJ' a t WSU-SP. terfl as pres ident. q~l'St ,on

1 ° "'

1511 th bas~c b- to have ended ln Apri l. , Copies of this report 11.ill be

;~s~ ~~ °::~:~~~~~=!; n~: :~:y ~~ k~o;;: w9

~ "~:e ::;.:. ~hr! 1:: o;rl~:.our:· t~r 1

1~~: in \\!~~. h;a m~a: ~ :~~= U~•~rs~:~ii!,a! " :i:s:;,.,:, Ir~ ~i t}0

cii:th~ c;~e::'.:::~ th~1 U~r1!er:lty '::11~~: o:=-! Sc.';~~ d~\~~ U.Alben son had tt­

~ a l;~s;~etJ::.. ~ ~:1on:e\\': :e: ~. :!y·~:°""r:i kf;;.nw~: ~~- a:e: ·11

::~; 1't~r;~k r:rve:;;; : ~; .• 37

... : r:rt:,e:~d~:!!'.~u~ n~:~:; ~:',:;m;~ ~l{'i:~0:i1;u-;":·i~: n-:-i~ :~:~~ l~ le,:s tr:e ~~1;~edt.: i ~s h~:v~!g~ a ~.(.'~l!~~i"'~~: ti1

~ :~r;i;11/~!; ~!a1~· ~(';~:~$:~:

hns literally de\·oted his life wha t they koow. They re not ger/vlslon which most ol us 2000. Duri~ his years .as 11resl· prope r ly . President Allx;rtson's long run for I the student and pllot when lhl'1 r pla~ crashed sending of a sPCond 1e11m 10 lo a vision - a big vb ion .even knovm for what ha11pened ly t:~t II glim]).!le or. ,... dent. the Jversl ty grew more t' rfOrlS to join the two sei: mentll lhe lJ . ' ty H Imo I mounta in during a tur- Vlemam to ti ludy thc'lr second·

kint~r 1~h~:S~a~~-us a long, ~~ei~:,;, ' : t r=: =rheA~:i: m~~l Albertson was such a = n ~ t ha during the prevl· ;;::ft ~!~n~~~.t:t~~: l ta ntly 11;~~ed ~~ : :s :'ci ~~;~ ;:~ s~:U.:.rth of Da :;;m ~~ t>e!;,s '~ied Th~. ~~~~

_1homas Cnrly lc.' uld " ,\ m an dead on the s tree ls ol Nl'w . · · a nd ck:l!llng city itlrCC'lll, :e~;:c~f~m~~/~1 thU:ti~~!~ V\c1lms of the crash. besides bassador Henry Cabot Lodge :t b: y d:~~~:i 0;o::~rn~ !:,k ~tyfor:~~e:ia~V~:~t ~1: A rood frie nd will not return, and yet hls dreams w1U w:::·a A~~~~il!~lt h~~ll \0

I~: slty. 1

~ ~d;~~lt l~~'7'e:~~; : ll~ri• ~g:::n; r,.:ehe c:;:al~:::r~ about me ny th ings." Oh. what pens to you in the long run remain w ith us . In !ael , to 1he extent we a re able to per- I . • Co ln his Ina ugural nddress Dr. culture a t River i,~a lls Sta te Unf- United Sta les: and the South 'would happen to Wisconsin 11 immateria l .. u ·s whethe r you 1.--eive his \1slon, we s ha ll be a ble lo wa tch his d reams become ~7~:i for t~t

1:!,'~~~,~~t:r th: Albe~n said " In. ,my dgc.'-, c,J~ Vlemuml'M'. State Unll-'en lty-Stev<'ns Point follow your vision, regardless reality. was '!mellm~ d ifll euh l>i-Nl- mcnt It is lm1>era ti\ e , . Dr:-i'lowa rd Johnshoy. de11 n of -

~c~e;: ,!,oo~aft! had this ·otN~';e t!~ bcforf' he met In h i~ ina ugu ~ addreu, P residen t Albertson ~ den~ Albel'W.ln had ,a ikoo of :~r ~~l.lde;:p~~'= ~1;:i::;::~~ Television One ol the ttasons that men his lntimely death Ha mma rsk· Spencer s q uestion. "What k nowledge Is of most worth'?" H is d osmi parts of Fra nklin and 11.·es tern world: Latin America, MiM

o r vis ion elve the rest of US jold ),Vl'Ole this in h1s Markings: responses 10 t hls q uery clear ly lndlocated his breadth of ~:z~e~ i~itiu 11! ::::o,'e,-:. Africa , Ult' Nf'ar. and Far ~ l, 0r: Beatl1e, dc.'an or the To Honor a di! It timf' Is the fac t that ''To be frtt, 10 be able to knowledge. h is abili ty to organize and art iculate complex 5. 1 topl loday a nd command an wldf'rs~~ Sehool ol Bullineu and ec:onom·

~is . n l~I~ n:; 11~~1:: : h1nd up ~ ~~ea:k~;;r:v: ~k~ Ideas, and his sense of commitment to hleher education : but '~ c fou;hl td p;e\·ent ~lop- ~ry~ lfvs~~~ha•,"'!J:'~:: ~~ a t \Vhltf'll.'a ter Sta te Uni\•er- Alb t . obiiga to sacrHlce hls .leuer IO uy \ •es,' he who has placed l~y also out lined a path for U.S 10 follow. l'Tl('OI ol a ahopping ei!nter in lilhed a major in t.. tin Ameri- ~ . Ban;sbcrg, ptt1ldc.'nt of er son drums the Jlttlellffl of me: himself In God's hands, it.ands At th is sad time when we tum 10 consider what memorial "? area which he ft"lt would, ca n Studies and a mloor In Bemidji Sta te and former 11s- A Tele1•ision Memorial Pro-and lf they are In a place free vis-a-vis men. He's enl1ttl)' ls of most worth, the tho ua:h t keeps N!Cllrring that the disrupt campw1 expemlon. Russian, and East European sistanl to the director of the gra m will be held for Prf'sl-

j ~lb::!e~· t 1! ~1s1: ~etran~th th°:mm th~ai:1 ': Unh'ers lty l~f may bec:Om1;_ a !Mna and pf'rpclural memori· di:~~~~= ':d ~g~~r:. 11

: ~ Mt>eiuon's ef!Wb in in- ~~::.Onsln state univn-slty 1)'5- :;116 A~~~m~ l\~~ ~ is to be kept alive, then the judge. Hammank.:: r detlned al U only v.:e can catch his vision, lmplemf'nl h1s plan.s. and ti l-'ely In guiding the Unlver- temational l"ducation carried Dr. Vincf'nt F'. Conroy, a Ice- ning, A11r. 3. J.esser drea ms and the little- ma turity among ~ • thlnp emulate his commitment to those thin&• which are truly slty 's expansion, a nd 10 ease him 10 South Vietnam where turer a nd director ol fieldfatud· Teletron Corporation aod MD-neues of the people who work !IS a l1f'W lack bf aelf conscklus- of most wo rth • • • lhe problems ol gro,,.•th. he wu heeding a study of hli:h- In In aHrvard '1 C.enter for Re- waokN' 's WT1\1J·'IV station .will

;l:: '!m ==>' ~=~i :i;, !;~}= =,;:"en~ l'AUL A. l'AMBEBT, son Las.!a:o:;:r,10 D~c A=: ::a~u~tion·ne1!1:ly ~-o;:m~e!: : : :n:i~~e:!n-::.en1 on Ed· =b:m ~ r :~~~~'! below hlmmaket no difference, Jy lndllferent to )'OUnel1 to an DE.AN OF APPLIED ARTS ol dlrecton of the Anocla tkln when a tragic plane =nsti Dr. Arthur D. Pickett , i1irec- the pro,ram, the film will be lbeic lltilenusa • and · tbt1r ablol.ute uce:nt to )'OW' fate. , AND SCIENCE ol State c.oJ.le&:es and Unl.YCt&l- claimed tbclr: li,.'l'I, tor ol. boDOr ~ ' Univer- donaled to WSU-Slevens Point.

._ :-_ - ,. " I

( .

Page 2: ilif ilili~i · Hall callccl tllc.' con1:re1,:mlon mun of I l~ion 10 the co,1grega ln10 JlrB)'l'r. The Unil-'ersily 1lon 11hio:h crowded the church. Choir san1: 1he onU11'm. "Th,•

Poge 2 Morch 30, 1967

If ·You Ask Me Complll'd by UI I.L !IrlHll ,l.t~N and BOB t"1t:11wt;n

"!hey should be home"


Ann z.i 111l.1t, 19, m11lurlng In psyd10Jogy, 3H Ro;wh ll ,1!1. trrshman from Appleton.

• I think the new dr11f1 Juw will be good 1111 farm; gcnlug lhci

bor~~.~0:!ut~: l~~~c8t~~~~f 1::~e':~~11:

11~"be 1m1c1l('l.'d. lq

~:d f~!~~ac:j~h!~e s~~~l:h~l:a~~e s~~~~nl 1~!u~~7 t~h~:1 ~~ adequate Job. They should, hoWC\er, volun1eer for help 1hey may be able 10 ah·e to the men In i;e~vlce.

Page 3: ilif ilili~i · Hall callccl tllc.' con1:re1,:mlon mun of I l~ion 10 the co,1grega ln10 JlrB)'l'r. The Unil-'ersily 1lon 11hio:h crowded the church. Choir san1: 1he onU11'm. "Th,•

Morch 30, 1967 TH! N!W POINTEk Page 3

" , , . As when a lordly cedar, green with bought Goes down with a great shout upon the hills and leaves a

lonesome place against the sky." - Edwin Markham ~:::;:;;< .,;::'":;.. ':':;, .. :: Placement Oppertunities lo be irreat foundations In lhe

THE PODIUM reasonlng proceuea, the klni;: The lollowlnf companies and achools will be lntervlowlng of which 11 phllOIOphy, the ~ lnteresled senlon: ble 1r1 of riedd!ni whether a Apr. 4 Flint, Mich., from I p.m. to 5 p.m.; K • Gr. 6. J r, H. 1Plrlt Is 11llve or dead. ni, sci., Jr. H. math. elem. vocal music, elem. lns1rum. music, re11&0nini;: proceues, 1 do no1 elem. art, Ene-.. math., PSSC physics; speech, homo ec., wiah to totally belllUe for they llCience, secondary vocal mualc, 5ee'lndary lnstrum. music. ue 1h11 tool• of the creative Lineoln, Mich., from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.: ;-lrla; phy. ed., mind, but lhey tuch you only art (elem.I, elem. ar1. elem. vocaJ. 11lrls' phy. ed <Hl11h SJ,

R ,. • I M Dr. Faulkner Student Senate ~ n ~ev::~~~~elns,!~:!~;~ ~:.~0::,u-::~,

1~~.t~1s::c: Ap~-'.



~ :1\~~r:~1::~;r:· ~l~~\t~;n~:~;a:~~=r~acan• 0 tltca aueuvering ,, , Ind IW.tke atude"U tO C()(Ulidtr peals ltlit ll ls no lorq:er the cles U above. TT . Commends Needs Cleaning n.inntn, for• potltlon on Stu--,. It,. rlllher _ tht txce~ ~wartz Creek. Mh::h .. lrom 8:30 11 .m. to 12 noon. Uncovered In Senate I dtnt Senatt. lion. The old argumenls will Flint, Mich., {not the same as above I from 8;30 a.m. to

And Corrects De;:. ~:;;:~1 irean ol Student de~t ~n::i:~~ll~a~~he r!!,':i l\01 11 lw11ys ,ufllce today any. ~ry:~:ri.:~/r~~s In secondary ed. Most sl udcnts do not realize how important the of- . irovemment nttd cleanlr111 and the &ean in their political mR· more than they did twenty-fo•e, T I d f · 9 · 4 . I l :~~;l of Student Se111~te. pres~dent ta .. Among other ~a;~i!'~~ke to commend both ~~~~~·16-ni.~ ;easSt~~n~i~~~ ~!~~c~~hr~ !~C:::~'an~ !~:~ ~:~ h~;:~ed, °'" a thousand ::,:c;;~e; .. rom a.m. to p.m., pos' ons as sales repre-

gs, the Senate Pl cs1dcnt 1a a voting membe r of Miss Wrcu inski writer ol the meet!ni: There the President 11()811 of the Unh•ersity and I Phil h . d Apr. 6 - VU111 Park, Ill .. from 9 a.m. to •I p.m.: K • Gr. 6, the WSU Foundation through which enormous amounts New Poinfer rc~•icw 01 the re-- moved ·to 1111 lour vacanctu democratic aoclety, or rip out OllO() ~rs, use your mm I elem, special arells (music, ut. etc.I, En11llsh. F'rench. math,

;i~to;~cy ua~~ channeled, he ~peaks for the Student c('nt Unh·crsity Tiicatre produc• !~it:f~~nii;~!~~{v!u~f:~ !~: 0~aff~~c•11~~at a~~e ~~~!~! :,;r:~i'th \h: a::";~ s:° r::~ :~en,,,re, soc. studies. music. &"Iris' phy. ed._. home ec .. llbrary, . ) P b c events, he presides at all Senate meet- tion. "Dark of the Moon," and presidents, lhou&:h the Senett them with new and bettl'r ones. split rcl!1,:ious splits (and their . · . mgs, he .may help choose the "Pointer '' editor and he MiSll Sandr11 Slone. who con· Pre 1iden1 had 1c1ua lly recom• TOM GOLTZ w11~). and ,odal injustices. Stouehton, Wis .. from IO a.m. to~ p.m . ; Gr. 5. 6 . represents the school a l various con1munitv and 11tate trihuted a lettt'r 11 bou1 the P. ended the.e people. Senior Clas1 Vice..Prcsidcnt Sclenti!IIS, slop mun from de- Oconto, Wis, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Gr. 7 Lan(:". arts, governmenta l a nd' socia l affairs. · and audicncl' lo The p ium Thi• move ol the Senalr pres- J EFF BARSCH destroying your works and him. Gr. 8 sci. & ma th, Gr. 7 poll. science . . ~ ecause of the importance attached with this office, of lhe ,March 16. tll67 l~sul' ~~~:\:.:1ea:1!.uc:'~~~: wl:h~; Senior Cl11ss 'J'reasurl'r :1~!\e~"t~:'he: t1~lll h:;;~/'ind ~:~~o~ :t· from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .; vocal music. home tt.,

It IS necessary that the person in officc ·be responsible, 01 lhe J ointer. 11 Is es~crnlly states \•11cancles will be lilied s h f llis1oriHns. dwell not on Iola; Wis., from 9 1.m. 10 12 noon: home -.;., English, art. informed and fa ir: I qu:~tion whether such a pcr~on ~:~

1~/:;i~:.~~k);~t~!e;_';'t~~ t

0~~~~l;/c11~;:i:t~r'~~~d earc es or whc1her Julius Cae111 r was a Gr. 1-6.

presently holds this pos1t1on, because or the followmg not p;1rticul11rly mat1er wl\Clhc1· to ll' t lht' Prcsidtnt's Illegal G k Th ht ~~=~1·~n~~r 11J:~!herec~~r: Sign up for these Interviews as soon : s posslhle in the haJI. CXR lllpl('s : !ht• work Is atta~ked nr cl.e!l'nd• aclion 11ass and chll llCnied it. ree oug inches l~II . Rnther find this· way lo lh8 Admlsslo11~ O ffi ce, Room 231.

Last spring. when \\la rren Krn;troski ran for re. I'd . . hut . lo hr 1i,;uor<.'I! is Ill(' n 1e Preiident did not allow Dear E:tli ior. ll'hlll feri 1hr r m hr y O which Sign up for lhc followlna lnten•leW!I the week after spring elect ion as Sena 'd . unkmdes, cu.~ 0_1 .Hll . Tiil' rrfo~ d<'ba te llfl his decision, but a Wh111 hapl)t'ncrl 10 the n1 11i,:nl· 111mcd into 1his •.tiseasc which wwatlon.

I l e prcsi ent ... Th.e date or elc.ctions less bol.h •hr n-qri~ '\nr\ ;he lettrt \"Oll' w111 called for and his fk11 nce of Grl'ek 1hough1 be· stagnate5 creatlvuy and frtt· Apr. 10 - San Jose. CaUf., from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; vacancies t l~n two w~ks before. ~he votmg ~ate. J do n~t feel ~1~~~11 ~s 11; a

1;:;.~m~~ ~n~-:;s~~~ decision wu drf~a tcd. The vote fore . 8.A.'ll, M.A.'1 , and dom: now k00\1'11 a~ educ11tion. in a \J 11 reas.

this a l101,·ed the opposillon much ome to organize an I intclleci~nl 1/fc. · was to decide 1f the students Ph.D. 1? ,\ 1lme 11hcn one Educulors cre111e a system Au, ota m IEasO from 9 am to 2 30 pm, Gr K 6,

effective campaign At the s.inlt! hnw I lcl'l ( ~~ :;~s~:u:':~:!, '7he 5~11r~c:i. :!~r~~d ;~1 s:t!~~g~:rn~~e:\:~~ I~·;:~~ ;::::cr"~~l~h d:ug hi::;;? math Library euldance

To brmg ourselves more up-to-date, Tuesda) before should coricct a m'.stuken im dcnl decided that the ~tudcn1s an mcur11hle dr11f1 A time when Aro~, ~ aclur~ [lOCts and 811ldwln Wis from l Pm to 4 Pm, Eng 9 & 11 Gr 4,

sp.t1g v~cation. Wat rcn Kostrosk1 submitted an Ar· 1 ['/;s::~:u;~bo~11~~:~~r~~~1'!:1s";~ ;1nh<'~uect:,n ni:io:~:) ~hoo~l~ : ! rr:1:wf~~cn~n~l ,1~:: •lt'ili,;f' 11 cre 11r1~rrs I contlfucl - uny1cldm7 ~:;h~~:~o:~~tional Insurance Co ' from 9 a m to 4 pm' tic e to t e Pomter which annou nced th,tt class preSI· ! 1n llhu Wreunsk1 s 1l'11c11 ,is I seated The \\ Orld cii tli t>UL for an 1:: t~~ri ~~:8Ti/ ;:;ef()U shnve G1ou p J-Jeld Rep

~~~~~ll~a~e~~t:111~~1 :~~~:a~o t~~ ~:;i;ci;:11:: ~~~ 11011

~\~11 so11 \ 1h111 t,,~1m1: and I 1d~t·~11; ~~;;;11~:~:~;n:h~a~rcl~; ~;,~:: t:1

1: 1; 111~~:i~~ 0i~*eo;:~; MICl l,\FL 1:ARPER A~r !1a1h Madison Wh, ' from

9 30 am to

4 P IJ1 K Gr

with the stor,· and with an editorm l quest ioning a J)OS· E.iil S~utl,s 1lctc1~matlo11 to l1u su~1~ml 1h~ con~utu11w1 11n~I w~1ch full. tlll'lr i:~nrr1 1lon ~11d H • f w k A 1l1 12 -.G1amon, Wls, ~rom 9 a.m. to <I p.m Engl,1sh &

Sible \'Ote-sl:t0

ck ing in the Senate. Among othi r th ings, r:~~ ~·;:~i,~/~;~ \~;~~:'.!, anotht•r .;;~·~~~l('./r~:k~111

,:~~/,~:f' ,;,~e~~ ~~'.i~a~~<'~u~:~::~:·~n~ n~n~~i erome O ee ~~h~:%,;~r5e~.v~c~to:rC:~n~./:.:~ :'-.i p.m.; positions for the ed1t01 ial speculated upon the reasons behmd the 'fhl' u,m~r~i1) n 1e, ,ti(' up<' r [ hll Sen ,te \au ndl'S Thi• \\U,; •\Inch Is mudt' h um 1,•,us ul riiaJors in eriuca uon economics. engineering business adm, sudden hurr~ to fi ll the \ong-,acant seats immediatC' IY a l('S 0 11 8 pohc\ of open tr) · rlum and thr stu,lrnts In que~- weqou~ l:l'rM 'H1on~ \\ r te1ch Thi' -. 111d<'n1 ,1ho houi;h! hip. I ;ind llbern l arl s ptecNhn_g Senate , ot mg upon several crucial ISSUC'S ~~1!1.s,J,h;~/1;0;~~ \1~~i~nt"t~ r~ ,: c;;ul:-1~1~.11 thcv \Join· ~~r :t\:nr~ ,'~ o~ ~1 c~~ :; :~~ ~:~\~o t:~i~1,~:~~~:1,:~: 11ud· ~~~1!~~ Oil Co from 9 am to <I pm, Manager Trainee

Thursday, Tom J ohnson, scmor class president read 11elcoml'd ,md cncou1 ,1,l'il 10 terl :a nm.JOI goal of ow um• There 1s nuth1ni,: ,, well rounrlcd i'-"'---===;:;:;;;==a;;;;=aaaa============;::;:; t he story m th~ papc1 and demed havmg appointed anY,· ~~\:~~~n11~or,;~:a1~~rc~:;,~r ;/! ~i:~1~~ .~~

1~11:\,r~=~r;:;ic;,•; ~~~~~at~~1\;1~co~~ e~:'e ~~~:'.1 ,

one Warren Kostroskt then composed a letter or a p- ducti~ nie i\elcome 19 c:1;tcnd· ~oc1.11 Jusllce or iO into tcachmg We are po111tment, and backdated it.· ed through ihe Ne,\ Pomler, The) ha\c usurp~d _po-.,cr !aught to read memorize .1e· J u N I O Rs 11

WarrC'n KostrosKi denied "Senate stacking," yet. the :~tei!cu~!~~~bul~~ild/~s/01~~:! ~~i.7e, i~l'Y ~1~\\ ;::r~~~~~~o~~::r. ~;~ 1~:C1~~~:,~td i~~:::~·t. '';;.

1~··1 · !~:~~: ~\~:: r~:~:::~d:a~:1 h~~tb;h~\f=~:~ll~O~~ ~:il:h toa alrpc:i:\ e:;~:~ct~~~ ;~~I!~ d_::IC~ns~i~~~~~'.Jy SUS- ',~~UreltC~~~ati~~a1t:':'tl(/od~~ • • tr k" tcrest in It. Scripts for the \how . Followm£ arc ~me: su£i::es- youth? . .

os 1_ are in-ailuble from the~re~toP hoos. to l)l'C\"Cnl reoccurcnces Unllorn~our nunds are be,. YEARBOOK PORTRAITS

In what appear$ to have been an attempt to avoid prior to tryouts, and cv ry el· of tlllj\on 11nd to improve e~ed to rciison in some l ·

an incident and _the bad pubUcity resulting from it, ~~:t ~~~::i~ 1~r=g 0~. i::; 111; 1 °~;t•:11.~~'.,u~! ~:~t\ot ::~~~::ur:~,~~S:~1;

\Varren Kost rosk1 went ahead and seated the four new scheduled sessiollli. The casting stipul11te a ~imc period In which written by crrativc pcuplc who senators at the Thursday night meeting. Making a brief I process is completed only after the vacancies must be _filled . rose against lhelr society'~ I

· am10unce~1ent of their appoi.ntments. he w~nt on to ~~s t~,·~~~/.:001~c~~:. ~~1:c~r~:r :~1:r~an~t~~·~~ !rn,~! s:~d:n~

;~~:~~~;'~~:~ic1,~g::\~~ta~~~~l:~;,~~t~/n~tat:r:~~ :~at,}·~u~! ~·~t ~::~::0!~ t: ~;' s'i:U1~ s~t~1n~) b;ac:~ MAJN STREET

u nc~nstitution~I for the Stu~ent Senate Constitution I ~~:~~'~nt\:~~~c t;h~1/I ~~; ;::r<~.t body wilhln a two-week (Af E : ~.\~;l~)l~:e::~~~g~\~~~;:~. state that vacancies are ~~~;:. t::~in~ ;:ii;t:~101~:J~ rn~!t 1:;f~!es~fgu~~ ;;e~~~!~~

Warren _Kosl roski said he justified his actio1~ by the ~~~~i~~ghtly outrus~ othl'n; who :;m: 1~c~{ra~i:ccf:,d~~~ ~ fact .that m th.e U.S. go_vernment. representative~ are 1 • ~ELOON FALU i NER proposed constitution. 5_uppor1cd

While Shopping Stop for a Snack!

apJ)Otnted to fill vacancies. Some senators questioned . by the present e11ecu t1vl'l! and , yie validity of applying this t~ the Student se.nate and Oiairm;~~'i!~;taa;~n~n;mo~ ~:;~,~n!;x~:n°:cdbyr!,: . Homemade rPies, requested debate on the subJect. The'- Pres ident re· ers of the prl'Sfdcnt. If the most fused to allow debate and when a vote'"bn the consti- C n-cent acllons 01 the presidl'nt Cookies tutionality of his act ion W~S taken, he ins isted t hat orrects ! ,:1(f:see~:;i:~~)ll~~c:;:;.c~~ Open Doily

~ ej;~wil~~:t:o:~~:;il:e:~: ~:~c;ia:i1:~1~ a~~o; ; ~ Comment ·1:e1h:ug;:!111~t~n:in~~.~~~gi: S:JO AM . . 2:oo A.M.

set up. his action was ruled unconstitutional in an ex· Dear Edilor. j~e <i::;:!~cnt should be studied Closett ~ ~~io~.:.ights · t rcmely close vote. My te\•iew of ··Dark of the ll Better polltica\ cduc:atlon


This Will Be The ONLY Opportunity To Have Your Pictures In The 1968 , Iris! ! !

Later in the meeting, Peter Jushka, vice.president of Moon" in the las t New !'ointfr of S('nators L, needed. It seems And All Day Sunday

th~ ~enate. h.eir-apparcnt ~o the p~sidency, and Senate f~~i;::sio~. f'1~;~Y ~ '::i1!!~k~~ :~~er~~~ s~::~~t/~/011~~f0r'; \~=======~==================~====~

pa rliamentarian . W!?nl agamst parliamen ta ry procedure sugi;est 1h111 t;arl Smi1h had did not challenge any or his

in wha_t appeared to be an attempt. to find a legal ~ eans ~f ~~~~bo~h:~:: a.~; o:~:r ~~ ~w: i:g~~mm~~~ :~:rin;:::c~

: ~t;rh~c!s~~:~5!!eodu~~ ~;e~~~1;n;ft!h:h: pro::~~:i~ :: 1:~c ~:::-11~\tt~~ ~:u~~ ~1:i· c~~~ :~;~ i:,c c:~1~:!

tion to permit appointees to fill vacancies. A vcte was !or any of the plays prcsen1ed the cxecutil·e or arc unfamiliar

called for. :: :::1e::!~ivi:n;ndpa:1~Y· ;!~~la:~l~t:;'" :;::~~~ ~~~

According to t he Senate constitution proposals for COLLEEN WRZESINS KI suggest a leaderJ1hlp workshop

:::t~::~:1th~:,. =~b:i:dvo~~d ~:On~e;:tot~~r 1;~:~ ;;===============~II

·dent senators. accepting the word of their parliamen­tariall went ,along with him. The amendment was ac· cepted and the appointees reinstated. In this uncon. s titutional manuevering, J ushka"ignored the principles of democratic piocedure which he, of all people, should be welJ.acquainted with. ·

lt should also be noted that similar actions prompted one representativ~ to walk out during the meeting, d isgusted with what he termed "pettiness .. , a great deal of ugliness . a personality club."

Such leadership is not in line with the democratic aims of this University. Such actions are not in ac­cordance with the responsibility given to these 11tu. \ dents. It is time for the Student Body, as well aa the -' 11tudent senators to awake to the political maneuvering behind the scenes.

lb fish

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,,..,~, ~~;,,~ ., ,o ........ l!lt. , .. l.i ·- ,. . . ... . ~ . .

Page 4: ilif ilili~i · Hall callccl tllc.' con1:re1,:mlon mun of I l~ion 10 the co,1grega ln10 JlrB)'l'r. The Unil-'ersily 1lon 11hio:h crowded the church. Choir san1: 1he onU11'm. "Th,•

Page 4

Stevens Poiht Welcomes Council Of Presidents ----=-~ :~'.~~:",':::1n~::c~1~!r1


Joins Project . In Nigeria

John E. Bnltm, a 1953 gTadu­,alC or WSU-St('\'Crul Point re­cl'ntly ucccptcd a 1wo-ycar up. polntmcnt with the Unh·cnity or Wisconsin's Northern Nii::c ria Teach Ecluca.tlon Project. l ie 11ill ,..,ork as muthcmallcs con­sult iml a , the col\tgc at Kat­'>ina . Ni1::cri11.

Mr. Bruh a is 11rcscntly a mcm~r of the ricpartmcnt ol malhcma li~ at the St11 tc Col­lege of low11. C«lar Falls.

f,•r,•nc,· wnutri ,·onsisl or: Neil Dl•\'n>)' nnd P<'lt'r Ckmlchen -Puhlic Rl'lnlion. \\'il11;1 n1 Volm - lki;bari,lion. J :mc ll a. rri s -i,·0\11,,r , Tom'rnluk Ml'n's llouslni: : Harb lhllchinson, St'c· r1•1ury :md Mnry Lou Ber1::. Wo­lllf'n's llousin~. Oc\•ruy will also h,• rc)ll',•,-cmin J,: Ill(' Viet• Prcsl­dt•nt or Publ ic Rt'lntions . Gall llwhl, WSU-La Cr0:<st· ut the






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Dr. Vogel Announces Student Casts

For Contemporary American Operas


nocron ZHM.GO OONE OW'JN · m /HCG.lff$ . SKBWl O,Wl9W\fi,sOW'001 ROBERT.BOLT·DAV'iDL~~w':'W..1"':'~~ Fox II P!\t :SunlPM, liP!\l ll:•ll5

PM; Pri. &: ·SaL 11,7:S, S un.· Thuni. SUO. Weekd.ays al A Pi\l .

Beauty Contest Opened To Girls

C ~ A TIE l,.AINa • • l"ROM $150

0 1/I/ , •

tite·rlee's I, I// ..... -

~~J E.WELERS 1116 MAIN 344-2584


Page 5: ilif ilili~i · Hall callccl tllc.' con1:re1,:mlon mun of I l~ion 10 the co,1grega ln10 JlrB)'l'r. The Unil-'ersily 1lon 11hio:h crowded the church. Choir san1: 1he onU11'm. "Th,•

Applications Available For • Alice· Contest

Girls IJctwccn the uges of 19 11nd 2S from Uncoln. T11ylor, i

LAWRENCE KRAUSKA ~~~iei l\::.:'~;e :1~en~'OC::

··s1r11ighten up 50 )'our t()£a a Uni\·enl1y ure in\•ltcd to en­fa lls naturully." The' lhout ter the regional Ali~ In Dairy­echoed through the · audhorlum land contest to be held at Mer­at the l\.lllwaukee Institute or rill , Saturday, May 6. T4.•,:hnology as WSU • Su•\•em, Applicants must be i;ingle, Point liCnk>r Larry Krauska be- have n-acht'd .tht!lr 19th birth. g;m the dirN:tlon of his 11h1y, du.y by Mar. IS of this ye11.r '"M1t• F1tll of the Rumu.n Em- 11.111.1 11111.~l not have n.-ached her pirt'." 25th blrthd11.y by that dt1tc. Gir ls

Kr..111.~ku, m11j,oring in E!ti· Jrom 01her ~·01.mtks In the slate \i,h , \\role the pl11y, which he must enter cont~sts in u,elr dl-scribes ns "a s11. tlrlcal farce n!1tlons. All entries - name, on the Great Socleiy," durlng home addreu, city, county, lu,.t' seme1ter a nd Is directing school address, day and year 11 for u 11,rlnJC 5ha.\· at MIT. of birth and . signature, mull

Tiic play. financed by the Af. be sent to Ahce In Dalcylnnd, ;>Im Nu Dc111 frntl'rnity at MIT, Wisconsin. State Dept. of Agri· will Include ,uch extravagant culture, HIii Farms · otn;e kt' nCS 85 the entrancr o( Cleo- bulkllng, Madi.son, Wisconsin. µ;,tra into the Roman Forum. 1llC entry dudllne Is Apr. IS. a,;, .. '()ln11anletl by a proce$Slon One girl wUJ be selected from or 30 attendant.I, costumed In each ttS:k>n for the finals in goldKe, 5aun, a nd c,i;;trlch Green Bay June 7-10. 1llC Alice plu ,es. "This," commented winner must ~ able to devote Kra . "Is meant to drh•e full time to 1erve the Wlscon­homc ti extttme mater ialism ,in Department of Agriculture >Ahlch t i our Great Society for a yur u a paid employee. ""'Ith that ol Rome." Applicants will be judged on

Another scene will be In a thelr appearance, trainln& and modem (Otttt in which the rod experien«, personality, pobe, Pan, through an invocation to health and photogenk qualltles. ' ~LI! and a series ol amall ex· I PIOIIOM, ta k e: ~ the: audience Students' Headquarten

':~~ 10

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SupPOs.!.1\.lsttoruample,you wanted to be ,m,olved ,n E!ec-11on1cs This area .tlone: ,ocludes Communica11ons•Electron,cs, M,s. s ile Electromcs, ;.,,.1omcs. and others And lhMe:. m turn. mvotve: adm,mst raltve.research.andOlhe: r technical .ispects

That's 1ust a 1,ny pan ot the whole: A, r Force picture. Just onebrtU,ant opportun,tyarea among many.

You·11en1oyi;oodpa1,promo­hons.Wncetotra,el.ac1, .. esoc,a\ hie . f,ne:· re1,1ement bene!11s And you·ll be:!.t'r,,.mg~ourcountty too.

Orma,t,e youwanttot11'lnat's g,cai TneAuForce1scerta,n!y1hl p1ace to do,1

Asa college g,attuJtt )OU want sometn,nge, tr.aout othte-to.t m .atanexc,t,nggoal So send in tn,scoupan

Make sure youdon'1 ce1s1uck v.he renoth,ngmuch,shacpening.

Page 6: ilif ilili~i · Hall callccl tllc.' con1:re1,:mlon mun of I l~ion 10 the co,1grega ln10 JlrB)'l'r. The Unil-'ersily 1lon 11hio:h crowded the church. Choir san1: 1he onU11'm. "Th,•

Page 6

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REED & BARTON'S SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION TO CLOS~ MARCH 31 There 15 only one week le:fl in Reed I:. Barton's ""Slh·er 011lnlon" 5:<"-ho lanhlp Competition. The CompeLltion. in which W.S.U • .Stenn.s Point hq been a,elected to par· liclJ)ale. UI open lo all underp-ad11Mte won,en on lh l11 c11m p1u1 and offeni O\'U $7,000 In ScholanihlJlfl and Awardll. T he 1o,n1t Grl.lld Award l~ a ~ cash scholar• 1hlp ; Second Gnuid A~-ard a SSOO 11eholaii!hlP: Thlrtl 1 $2~ 11eholanihlp: lo"ourth, 1o,rth, and Sixth award1' ' S!OO M'holanhlPI each; and Sennlh. Eighth, Ninth, and

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In the "'SUver Opinion Competition" twch / ~detilrn.s of 1terllnJ" and el,rht deslKJU or both china and .cl')'lltal &1"11

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1'hown. Sc:holanhlpa and aw&roA wlll t,,e made to . th~ entrlea rn.tchlnc or c:oming clo6elt lo the unanim­

ous ldecUons or tabL&.etUnr edllo" from three or the nation's leadinl'

Jlllu Ann Jllar1e Knuepel and Miu s~ Porter are lhe Student Repretlofflf&U\'S eonductlnc the ConipeUUon for Reed & Bar1on at Stevens Point. Those Interested in tn1ertnc ahould contact. Mias Knuepel or MW Porter at Roach BUI for entry blanks and for complete detalh c:oncernlnc the comp/1,UUon rules. Thf'y also hne =~ ~:: !m~;~ :U~~ ':: how thelM: .stedlq actualb" look.

!u':::'1 wo~':':~ ~~;"~~=~ ~ : r 6:':!: = a vllluable library or expreu1ona