iil)iiiiiiiiliiijiu''i life mi^mm-. - catholic...

mi^mm-. i3MJt&- '*: Tim "S-vr •y«*'.i,'..' ? »'-. •?;«rW« i "*' J **r ***' »*- ;L -** , ^«. i *^"^ 1 - i -' -•••-%- /i^v^-^v i i--^V^.™( r"'" jVi ' p-:v ''TV '^T-i, ;,|«^'-t*^>'sM*'«»i* , <**- •<S. J -v"* -J ' ';& •' "ft- .••'i! ••:/•'• ."•'''' ^'-"'iil)iiiiiiiiliiijiu''i l i f e l^ll^y/;; .'i-- n:-s-i fed 6 -*;-, hurting tod Gaelic football club was held Utely in the factory, lent by P. M. Gallagher, aollcltor. There were prea- A U . THK HAPPENINGS OF INTER- ™V Richard Bonnar, James MvOav "* ' hem, James McGettigan, Henry Mc- «J3<T/8 FBOMIRELAND u>^^fT^"- |^?fl HT IN THE OLD COUNTRY. ta Being Donatoytha Paepla at Heme—-Gossip From Air the $»untiee of tha Emar> aid lata. Ulster ANTRIM.-H.rry J. Shlmmin., wall known it} Irish cycling circles, met' With a fatal accident while cycling •long Donegal place Oct 19. The de-j ceased had been In the city and left on hi* bicycle for his home at Klllowen, Myrtlefleld, Malone Park. While pro- carding slowly along Donegal place,! one aide of which la In the bands of the contractors, another cyclist collided •with him with considerable violence And precipitated him to the roadway. Both machines were upset, bat the un- known jumped to his feet and left the scene, leaving his machine behind blm. It It In the hands of the police. Noth- Caffrey, James Reams, James Weir, Michael Falkiner, Joseph (Jallagher, William Lawn, W. EL McDermott, Pat- rick Oornyu. Thomas caasldy, Fergus Brifton and James MeN'eely. The fol- lowing onVers were elected: I'resl- dent, Right Rev. Mgr. MrtJIyuu, dean of ftapboe; vice presidents. Rev. B. Cassidy and P. M. Oailaguer; treas- urer, Henry McCaffrey; secretary. P. Ooruyn; assistant secretary. J. (jal- lagher; cuptulu, W. Lawu; vice tup- tain, J. Metlabern. It was also unani- mously passed that a caelidb be held, and die following were appointed to make arrangements: P. M. (iailagber. H. McCaffrey. P, Corayn. J. Gallagher. J. McGahern and Uichuid Bonnar. DOWN<-Mra. Elizabeth O'Har* of Thomas street, Newry, died Oct. 3. a few hours after arriving from Eng- land, where she had been for the bene- fit of her health. On. Oct. 24, at tha> Poor Clar<» con- vent, High street, Newry, Sleter Mary , Wlnfred, second eldest daughter of Mrs. Ryan, Bridge street, Newry. bad the happiness of being professed a nun of the holy order. The ceremony was log Ja known as to the other cyclist. George fconey of 17 Salisbury atreet pert^m by MoBt Rev . Dr . O'Neill. witnessed tha trafte occurrence, but blabop ot Dromore, who preached mi w*j not able to give a definite descrip- tion of the misaing rider. A meeting of tha aaHymaoarrett branch of the United Irish league was bald in the National ball, Ballymacar- ratt, on Oct 22. J, Fleming, Sr., vice president, occupied the chair, and there wa« a rery large- attendance. The chairman Mid they would remember that on last Sunday their president, John McMullan, and secretary, 0. B. ;Hackett, were elected on the commit tee of the Selfsat United Irish League Parliamentary Debating society. Mr 'Hackett waa one of the secretaries of tine society, and while holding such of- . . , , , . « . T>~„* flee bl was entitled to be a member of «l° n " w " * b * for ° B»r Pranela Brady FERMANAGH,—At the annual mast- ing of tbo Lough Erne branch of the Gaelic league lately the boya elected Father Tierney president, Mr. MacMa- hon vice president, Joseph Hackett treasurer and Mr. Woods secretary. { MONAQHAN^—Rev. Terence Conlan, pastor of bon&gbnioyne, recently for- warded a considerable subscription' for his people to the trustees of the Irish parliamentary fund. I Patrick Reagin of tha Royal Irish police died in Jorvla Street hospital. Dublin, on Oct. 14. ) TYRONE.—At Qmagh quartsr •••- *.V-" j i t -J. 'the committee; consequently they would require to elect another delegate. Four members of the branch wore nominat- ed for the position, and the ultimate choice fell upon Patrick McGladdery. The chairman,-having explained tbo ob- jects of the society, urged upon all to |oln its ranks. Their president, Mr. McMullan, read a very interesting pa- •j>er on tbo "Battle of Antrim," at tho conclusion of which John Burns pro- posed and Patrick Meenan seconded a ,-Ydte,of' tbanks to the lecturer, who suitably replied. Tho proceedings ter- , minated with the singing of "A Nation Once Again." Rav. Richard Uyttla of Btlfait died 'fndde^lyjn BrJstdl, - England, ^ en w Oct v'JBtilna tfie event was deeply regretted ' "ik'tttjan&r .' ARMAQH^-Prlor to tha opening of S&Xf&Wik Oaciic cJfrsa lately tho pre«« ;i^|nV:Bey. EMcAvoy,* selected the following gentlemen to act fis a com-- nitftee pro tem.: Andrew Donnelly, Da- tl4. JtoConyiUp, Thcopbilug McCnbe, ^trlijig Sweeney, Thomas Doran and Carter, Mcaara! Goarold U* K.C, Miss 8a rub Johnston of Dun tngue sued James Moore of Qlaasmul- lagb for damages for breach of promise of marriage. A sum of $500 was awarded Miss Johnston. I Thara paiiad away on Oot. 23, at tho Hospital LlBnamallard, Samuel Scarlet, compositor, well known locally and throughout the country generally. Munster CLARE.—On Oot 3, at Killaloa, died Mrs. Hurley, aged seventy-seven years. R. J. GtaopooU, Edtnvala, accom- panied by F. F. Culliaflu, solicitor, met tho tenants, at Johu Tbonms O'Brien's, Ennts road, Miltown-Bnlbay. from the town lands of Annagi), CartidufT. etc. The tenants' interests wero looked aft- er by the Rev. E. J. Scanlan and An-' thony O'Dwyer, Annagh. Tho arrange-1 ments arrived at are: The tenants to purchase at nlnctwn and a baif years, J first term, and tweuty-tbreo years, j second term, the banging gule to be forgivou, and any person In arrears, J _^ XJa^NgS"^ <me ^ il ^* year's rent to be added to tiro i*^(^'tcT7cTlirie^taTy and V^am price, white In other in- ; -fahiaaurer respectively. Under tho able tuition of the teacher, Tadg Ua Sullle- abban, Ni T„ tho class is making good '; headway in the study of the national ;V,l|«Bj!u^ge, : , ' ,-A mealing of tha mambara of tha . Pbynispasa branch of the United Irish league was hold on Oct 22 in tho Na- . ^onal hall, Poyntiipass, H. A. Mugln- nlee, president, In the chair. Present: : $fe;$$ucl9tWi P, J, Bafferty, .F. Mon- f > aJh^b("F. Caaaldy, P. Daly, P. Murray, •;•£%:%&• titMpbtsil, M. Mackel, P. McSherry, ; 4 JH* Gatnpbell, j. Byrne, T. Magivernn, rr*^ Kennedy, J. Waddle. The chairman : Vfa^dd fne porposo of thetr meeting waa J:^ wed^taty fund and also to consider tho ^ ^irjaxtlntlons passed by the national di- tfctory on Sept 14 On motion of Mr. Maglnnis, seconded by Mr, Bafferty, the> resolutions were unanimously pass- ed. ^BlijkjfcjUo«*lng resolution was pro» poejad ifr%, JS. Maginnis, aeconded by M Monaghan and carried unanimous- «y; <Tnat we, the meinbers of the jPoyntspass branch, renew our confi- dence; in the pledge bound Irish parlia- mentary party led by John Redmond and renew our pledge of continued sup- port," Collectors were appointed for each district. £AVAN.«~Ori Oot. 20, at tha pasidinca bis slater, Mrs. W. McDermott |trick McCafferty. Killesbandra. , daath of Mrs. Donohoa took . a t Her residence, Ardleny Bouse, -NMflingj took plaoa in tha oatha- rSf'pnVCfctlat Oct 5, when Mlsa Gerty I; iMc^anns, d&aghter of P. McMimus, ;; 3 cbkirman Cavaa county council, waa m TajH&ikUfl&lt CnBen of Str*doae, Ca- vi^ p ?Cbe ceremony waa performed by tmUm. Sator^ck Brady, administrator. L A--illom''v*ae oaat ovar tha town of feelturbet on Oct IS when It became *t»^wn ; that Bernard McGauran, Swan- Jlnbar, brother* of James McGauran, coppber *or West Cavan, died suddenly in lieGanern'a hotel, Belturbet. n Oefe ii tho tad -intal'li- jived, ot the death of ne, building coatractor an of Derry harbor com- """"' *""" ::: " wlio waa i y w r t OTage, belonged to lOaolntown, Tyrone, bnt was proml- bpatly Maotined wlte the public |tfe of (Danry, where be^er^^.stn^ny^of the f iosrtltnUonC|ip||«-'eii^o« oat at wo-kl oii.a lirgf scale In Donegal "•"" v f>0*«aAL. —Rav. Pat^ McDrHtt, r o r o f fcanlck died on Oct, % 4ft Nkfocblftl boos* ^"-- ' > Tha- 4ea«h oceurrad Maty of Charlee ,iUajjt aon of Obarke Foray, »|T—I, BaJlyabannos. "" "- - - «f - stances all arrears to be wiped out The tenants on tho Caniduff would not agree. CORK. — 0 . O'Callaghan, prlnolpal teacher of the Castletownehend na- tional school, has been awarded a Car lylo Blake premium for efficiency by tho commissioners of national educa- tion. On Oot. 22 an ooourranoa of a vary painful nature occurred near Kenrurk. A young girl, Bridget Harrington, while bringing water from a wett-od the farm of T. flulney, Jr., Pulleen. was seised with sudden sickness nnd appears to have fallen In a marshy ' part of. the field face downward, as 7| thl* WM the positiou ia which abe was discovered. Help waa summoned, and the priest and doctor were quickly on the scene, but all efforts to resuscitate her were in vain. Tha annual meeting of tha Literary j and Debating Guild of Cork Young j Men's society was held on Oct. 22. F. Long, chairman, presided. Tho honor- able secretary read die report of tile session, 1904-05, which showed the ad- vance me guild had attained, the de- bates being well sustained throughout The prize given by J. T. Jago for die best essay written by a junior was then presented to Patrick Burke, after which the election of officers took place, when the following were unani- iMain itreet killeahandro, died Blhwh P^Jy.^^LPviJ^ltfej^iMU^ feeth, y o * t g W ^ « i 1 l t e r - - o r ^ ^ Ont^l^^vl^^Baraani'DT J. Murphy honorable secretary; com- mittee, J. T. Jago, T. A . Lynch and J. L. Fawsltt The following members have ottered prices for the coining session: D. J. Coakley, P. O'Crowley and J. T. Jago. A successful aerldhaacht, under the local branch of the Gaelic league, was held lately at B>ockanevln. Contin- gents came from Mitchelstown, Glan- worth, Kildorrery, Ballylanders, Glen- loe, Shanballymore, Balllndangan and MarshalBtown. Raoant Death* in Cork.—O'BRIEN— On Oct. 24, at 2 HJchmond bill, John O'Brien, late of the steamship Glengar- rlff. JOYCE-Ou Oct. 28, at Currl- clough, Bandon, Thomas Joyce, ex-na- tlonal teacher of Laragh school.— M AHONI—On Oct 28, at 26 Prosperity square, Maurice Mahony, late of T. Lyons ft Co., limited. liEHANE— On Oct 2$, at Balllaabina, Carrlgna- Margaret Lshane, aged twenty* —HUMPHRI2S~A.t the convent Holt bill, Birkenhead, Liverpool, on Get 24, Mary Humphries, Pope's Hill House.—-COAKJuBY-Gn Oct 24, at Manch, Timothy Coakley, aged sixty* five years.--—-OAMPBBtJL-On Oct 24, at MlUfleld House, Blackpool, Kate Oampbell.—PABKBR—On Oct 28, at Janevllle, Tallow, Matthew Charles Parker, fifth son of the) late W. H. Parker, eoUciter, late Rosevllle,-— OBAINGiDB>-On Oct 24, at bis wal- sbt^- WAUBH-Oo Oct 26, at Honaevilk Sunday'a Weil. Alderman E. Waisb —BARBY-On Oct, 21. at 64 Btarnej atreet, Daniel Barry, cooper, late a Cork Distillery company.—LOON81 —On a recent date at Chapel Cross, Ma croom. Ha una Lnoney. O'RBGAN- At 10 Queen street. Joseph O'Began painter. Ql'IRKE—On Oct. 26. a t » Batbinore place. Mlcbale Qulrke.— WALSH-On Oct. 2«, at 4»i Oerah Grlffln street. Johaiinub VVulsb.— HOKGAN-On (M. 25. nt K«»umare William Horgau. n^t'd slsty-dve.— NYHAN—On Oct. U<1. nt Moskelgb Thomas Nyhan. MANNING-Oi Oct. 23. I>euln Muniiing lute of I'ppu. Beimount.—HENNKHHY-On Oct. 23 ut Cabir. Balllim-n. MU-buel D. Hen assay. O'CONNELIy-On Oct. 28, a 13 Moore street. Margaret OVouneil, a an advanced age. BHEEHAN—Oi Oct. 27. at un urivanced age. Mar; gbeeban, Itatbcvuiiey. BEVIN—Oi Oct 20. at VI Corporation buildings Miss Kate Beviu. O'STLLIVA?. —On Oct. li). of hemorrhage of tb> brain. Patrick P. O'Sullivan of Dun! manibeen. Klllorglin. aged about sixty! six years.—AM.EN-On Tuesday Oct 24, at Church street, Newmarket Hannab Allen, at the age of nineteen —COTTER-On Oct. 27, at Curra ghesbal. Kllleagb, Jobu Cotter; aget seventyTtwo years. i KERRY^—Thomas M. Qibsor, Lis towel, died recently at the early ag> of twenty-fonr years. On Oot. 22, In Atdsa, a largo and on thusuuttie demonstration was held un der the auspices of the United Iris) league, the principal speakers beini Rev. Father Pierse, parjsb priest; Al derman Joyce, M. P.. mayor of Llm erick; Messrs. Murp&y and Flavts M. P.'s, and Mr.* Byle of the Kerrj People. Tbe different speakers con gratulated the people on the ananlmit. of feeling mat existed between tin United Irish league and tbe Land ant Labor association in tbe district, i vote of thanks was passed to the mem bent of the Listowel brass btftid. I public appeal was ulsu made from th> platform calling on tbe different na tional assuclatluus to reader nct-esaur; financial oiil to procuro instruments Among tbose preHent were: On thi platform-Hev Father Pierse, Bally longford; Itev. J. Dillon, Bally long ford; Hev M. O'FIaherty, Ballylong ford; Alderuiuu Joyce, M. P., mayor a Limerick; M. J. Flavin, M. P.; Johi Murphy. M. P.; M. P. Uyle. Wlllian McMabou, John Coughlan and M. J Nolan. LIMERICK. T. D*n»h.r of th Mount. Bbuuagolden, died on Oct. 10. R»v. Father Griffin, St John'i, Lim erick city, bus been appointed parts) prleat of Ada re, but there has been n< appointment yet to the daanery. Bet Father Murphy, president of 8t. Mun chin's follege, becomes adminlstrato) of St. John's. Very Hev. Father O'Lea ry bos been appointed presidont oi St Muncbln's college. Father Griffli will be Inducted into tile parish o. Adare by the Very Rev. M. O'Donnell Ratbkeale. Mlia Sh?ahan, dauohtar of th* 4at>- Edward SLenban, teacber In Foynet national Bcbool. bas been appointor principal of Foynes national school U succession to Mrs. O'Connor, who retir ed becaase of bad health. Two Limerick atudonta have taourai scholarsblpa under tbo new scheme o' the Catholic scholarships committee Edward J. Cuddy, Christian schools Limerick, wou a first class Bcholnrsbij in tho experimental scienco course and Miss Kosnnna Fitzgerald, Laurel 1111 convent a second class scholarship it the same course. . - John J. Hannasay of Cottage* Houas Klimnllock, nephew of tlio late Arch blabop Hennessy, Dubuqnd, la., lef for the American college. Rome, lately where be Is to complete bis studies fo» tho priesthood. :•-••••'-•- Vary Rav, Dean Flanagan, pastor e Adare, died Oct. 16. TIPPERARY.—John Parker of Beeoh wood, Limerick, died lately at the ex traordlnary age of 101 years. Rev. John Connolly, aon of J. J. Con nolly, Coahel, who was ordained lasi June in St. Patrick's college, Thurles has now been appointed pastor In Lm maculate Conception parish, Spring field and Alton (111.) diocese. 8ept. 21, at the Church of 8t. Nioho las of Myra, Francis atreet, Dnblin, bj the Rev. Father John McUuirk, John fifth son of the late Michael Keating Carraghloss, Borrisoleign, was mar ried to Julia, eldest daughter of tb< Jftfig. RajOei Sflgajrly* Main «tr»«t Bar J rlsoleigh. 8ema man ware working on tha rail- way viaduct Cahir, Oct, 27, when I young man named Patrick Lonergon, shifting planks, lost his footing and fell through tbe ironwork to the rivet bank, fifty feet In his fall he struct the base of tbe stone pier of the brldgi and roiled on to tbe bank. His com pardons descended to die spot and th* doctor was summoned, but life wai found to be extinct Tha handball tournament which earn* off Oct 22 at Lattan's bridge between the Commons and Fethard under th« most favorable auspices terminated la a victory for tbe Commons. Each rub- ber was fixed at tbe best two out oi three games of twenty-one aces each Each of the four contests fell to tha Commons men. The following played for the winners: Boggan and P. Hale*, Mills and D. Hayes, Cleer and a Walsh, J. Healy and T. Ryan. Fot Fethard: Bums and Daniel, Burnt tad Bannon, McCarthy and Watt Rev, Hayee, D. D., patter of th« united parfchae of Banana and Kiloy- ler, died Oct 20 In the Hater Miaer- cordia hospital, Dublin. WATERFORD^A meeting of th* Waterford branch of tbe Industrial De- velopment association wu held ta the town hall lately, the Moat Rev. Dr. Baeahan, bishop of Waterford and Lh> more, prwrfding, for the purpose of enlisting the •osport *a& o>operattoB of die ladana of the city. J. J . Phetan, president of tbe branch; B*v. Demo Hackett, Rev. T. F. Furlonsj. admio latrator; A. Nelsoo and A large numbei of ladies were present. Tbe Most Bev Chalraaan Mr. Pbelan and Destn Back ett addressed tbe meedng, after wbici it waa decided to form a ladies' com mlttee. Tha death of Edmond Rockett, Bat- lyogert>. Kilmactboinas^ happened on Oct- 'JA, at tbe age of seventy-nine years. Friday, Oct. 20, being tha feast of 8t Otterau. tbe patron saint of tbe diocese wai u duy of special devotion at tbe cathedral, Waterford city. The cere monlal was attended by the bishop, tbe chapter and all the available clergy of tbe deanery and tbe professors and students of S t John's college and com menced at 10:15 o'clock a. m. wltb the office of Tierce, Most Bev. Dr. Bnee ban presiding. CARL.0W-—On Oct 11 a wedding took place In the cathedral, Carlow, between Edward Maloney, solicitor, Llsmore, Waterford. and Miss Teresa Bebecca Uourke, second daughter oi I the late George J. Bourke and Mrs. Bourke, Dublin street, Oarlovr. Rev. A. Morpby. Naas. assisted by Rev. James Harris, administrator, Carlow, performed die ceremony. At a raoant meeting of the members ot Carlow Gaelic league tbe following were present: Misses A. Kelly, J. Kirk, M Foley, M. Croke, M. Brennan, M. Corr, Messrs. W. P. Foley. James Ste- phens, J. O'Neill. F. V. Devers, James Lawler. R. McDarby, J. Dwyer, P. Bergin, T. Lawler, M. Parks, J. Flem- ing, W. O'Neill, J. Condren, J. Kelly, P. Kelly, J. King, M. McNevln. M. Corr, F. Byrne, J. Foley and F. O'Duffy. Tbe secretary drew attention to tile fact that a aad bereavement bad hap- pened to Mr. Goveroey, one of the firm- est supporters of tbe Gaelic league to be found In County Carlow. He pro- posed that the most sincere sympathy be tendered to Mr. Ooverney and that die meeting and the usual seancbus be adjourned as a mark of respect to die memory of the late Mrs. Govorney. The resolution was passed In silence by tbe members present Mlis Bridget Mary Ryan died at hsr motber's residence, Ballway hotel, Bag- nalstown, on Oct 16. DUBLIN.—After a very brief illness tbe death of Thomas KIonian, Inspector of postmen, occurred on Oct 20 at bis residence. Oxmanstown road, Dublin. Patrick O'Daly,' gsneral aeoratary 'ta die Gaelic league, on Oct 23 delivered a very Interesting and Instructive lec- ture In the Father Matbew ball. Church street, Dublin, to the members of the Total Abstinence society on "The Gaelic League and Rural IJfe." Rev. Father Aloyslua, president of the so- ciety, occupied the chair. Among? those on the platform were: Very Rerv. Father Angelus. O. 8. F. C : Rev. . Fattier Leonard. O. S_ F, C f & J. Bar- rett, treasurer Gaelic league; Bev. Father Benignus. O. 8. F. C ; Rev. Father Benedict O. 8. F. C : R. J. Kel- ly, B. L.; Joseph Mooney, James Thorn- ton. Mr. O'Farrelly, John Cordeal, J. Costello, J. McShane, J. Scanlan, J. Whltmore, 8. Devoy, T. Devine, J. Lynch and others. Recent Death* in Dublin.—CLERKIN —At biB residence, 2fi Nelson street Michael Clerkln, aged eighty-seven years.— DALY—On Oct 27, at 1 Pile's buildings. Golden lane, Owen Daly, member of the Bakers' association.— FITZGERALD—On Oct. 26. Sister M. Tharsllla (Kate Fitzgerald) of the Irish Sisters of Charity, Lakelands, Sandy- mount, in the thlrty-flftii year of re- llgiouB life,—FLtJIN-On Oct, r 26. Elisabeth (Llotfe) Flymi, widow o f the [late Edward Flynn, formerly of 3 Castlewood avenue. BAND—On Oct. I 27, -at 124 T'pper Dorset street Francis Hand.—MAGAN—On Oct 20, at 80 , Marlborough road, Donnybrook, Au- | gusta Elizabeth Magun of Killyou Maxtor, County Meath, daughter of the late W. H. Magan of Killyou and Clon- eurt.—MAHON-On Oct 10, at St Mary's Dominican convent New Or- leans. Mary Magdalen Mahon (in re- ligion Sister Mary Martha), eldest daughter of Thomas and Catherine Mahon, Kuockmaroon. Cnapellzod.—- M'NttLTT-On Oct 27,- at Baggot Street hospital, John McNnlty, Onagb, Bntdskerry, County Wlcklow.—MUR- late fnapector M. G. W. late Michael Murphy, late of 221 Clon- Uffe road. TIMMINS-On Oct 27, at Violet farm, MiUtown, Sarah Tlmmlns, aged thirty-five years.—BRBSLIN— On Oct 21, In the seventy^fifth year of her age, Anne Breslin, Rlngsend.— CONDON—Oa Oct 19, at Shroamell House,' Tlpperary, William Richard Condon, M. D. BNNIS-On Oct. 28, at Blverstown, Killucan, Jane EJnnls. —FORRlSTAlr-On Oct 28, at Jer- polnt church, Thomastown, Mrs. MAN garet Forristal, mottier or* Bev. J. Fo^ ristal, S. J.—LAWLOR^On Oct 28. at 40 Mountjoy Prison buildings. Mary Margaret (May) Lawlor, aged twenty years.—MURPHY—On Oct 28, a t his residence, 60 Meath street Francis Murphy of 64 Francis street—NAN- NETTI—Cm Oct 28, at the Whltwrorth hospital, James Nannettl, youngest son of the late Joseph Nanneta, Ital- ian sculptor, 8 Great Brunswick street —NOONAN-On Oct, 22, at Our Leo, son o f Thomas Noonan, 44 Bolh/. bank road, late of the Leader office, Longford.—GIBNEY-On Oct 20, at Monumental works, West street, Droarheda, John Gibney.-—KIRWAN- On Oct. 28, at the< residence of his uncle, Christopher Lowe, Kilniac* anosjue, Michael Kirwan, aged twenty- six years.—MOYLAN—On Oct 26, at Ballycushion, Shrnle, Mrs. Mary J. Moylan, relict of the late John Meyian, Esq., Mall Hens*, Tuam.—WHJ8%X>K - O a Oct 2% a( 61 Manor atreet, JoeMpa Wblston. st. railway. KILDARE A «ne»tin 9 of ially> morpby branch of the U. I. L. waa held lately. J. C. Breen, V. P., presid- ing. Present: €. Doran, John J. Mor- pby, Thomas Doyle. R. Doyle, Mlcatel Dalton, J. Breen and Patrick Flood. Tbe resolutions of the national direc- tory came up for discussion, every one of wbicb was unanimously adopted, particularly the one for the pledge bound party. The death is announced o* John Tray- nor, a former member of the teaching profession under tbe national board of e>!uLa lou. At a maeting of th« parishionars hel<t at Caragh lately, Bev. P. Bolger pre- sicllng, it was unaniznoasly resolved to open a subscription list to raise funds for the erection of a memorial to then* late pastor, Father Klusella. A com- mittee was elected, consisting of Rev. P. Bolger (chairman), Major E. A. Mansfield, P. Coffey (treasurer), Thom- as Flood. T. Dawsou, Jobu Fiood, Maurice Motrin,Patrick MaJone,Thom- as Malone, Edward Halligan, Denis Kirwaa. John Kelly and Peter Fnllam, by auy of whom subscriptions will be gratefully acknowledged in the press. The following gave subscriptions at d i e meeting: Kev. P. Bolger, Bev. A Fenelon, Michael Dawson, Thomas Flood, Patrick Coffey and G. Robinson. KILKENNY*—At tha quarterly meet- mac of the Kilkenny county council held lately two applications were re- ceWed for tbe position of solicitor to die council In room of J. Poe, resigned. On a division James Barte was de- clared elected, having receJ-red twenty votes to five given for Nicholas Healy, die other applicant At the same meet- Ins; J. Bunt was appointed an assist- ant surveyor at a salary of £100 a year for the district of Castlecomer. KINQ'S.—George Robert Dunne, sen of the late George Donne, EdendEerry. died Oct 20. ' LCNQFORO. — An interesting mar- riage ceremony was witnessed In Bal- llnalee on Oct. 9. when Bernard O'Far- relt of DernacrosB was united in wed- lock to Miss Ellen Dillon of Castle- bawn. T h e Taffia bauaar in Longford held recently was a success. The general drawing of prizes hi connection wltb the buzaor took place on Oct. 19 nnd the special drawings on O c t 24. The drawings were held in the new hall In the presence of a largo audience and under tbe superintendence of the local clergy and Dr. Mngulre, P. Igoe. Thorn- us King, J. Meiiover. Head Constable Boyd. Constable Smith and others. The winning duplicates and prizes were drawn by Master Con Moiyuire and Master Vln Maxwell. On Oct 25 a grand hall was given by tbe stall holders. It was held In t h e Temper- ance hall. MCATHtf—The death of Bister Mary do Sales of die Convent of Mercy, Nana, occurred Oct 20. lier name was Do I^acy. Miss L. Smith (in religion 8lstsr M. Clatido de la Colombiercj, daughter of Mr", and" 3Trs7 Tbaddeus Smith. K1I- nmlnham, Eolls, was professed lately In tlie Convent of St. Mary's, Naas,i County Kildare. as a member of tho f Community of the Order of tho Sisters of Mercy. The ceremony was perform- ed b y the Most Rev. Dr. Foley, blabop. of Kildare and Lelghlln. I QUEEN'S.—A wedding took place on Oct 18 at Pbibsborough. The contract- lug parties were James B. Bolger, L. P. 8 . I., Maryborough, and Mies Molllo MeeJban, daughter of P. A. Meenan, chairman of the Queen's county coun- cil, also of Maryborough. Tho Bev. Michael Bolger, brother of the bride- groom, officiated. , WE8TMEATH.r-The death ocourred on Oct 15 of Thomas Qavacan, Browns- towa,-_Delvha.-- ..--.• .;..,,-, ;- v . .-;• i The negotiation! for the Bale to the' tenants of Edward K. B. Tlghe's lands, situate near Dei via, was brought t o a satisfactory conclusion. The terms are 25 per cent reduction o n the first term rents and 2 0 per cent reduction On the second term rents. The nonjudicial tenancies work out at twenty-one and one-half years' purchase and the re- mainder at about twenty-three years' purchase, tbe tenant purchasers paying 4 per cent on their purchase money un- til completion of sale. WEXFORD.—A meeting for forming an Irish language and history class was held lately in Monamolin, under the presidency of Rev. J. Maher, and was largely attended. Introduced by Dogrlav Coostnsetad from afcOJaa blew it Is* a splendid specimen of tbe sculptor's art "When started, tbe Work of erecting tbe jpsonument will not take longr, probably about two months, so that tbe unveiling may be expected to take place carry next year. WtCKLOW^-On 0 « t 14 T. B. Doyle, coroner for West Wlcklow, held an In- quest at Blesaington on tbe body of Patrick Johnston of Ballytora, who died suddenly the previous day. The deceased, who was a farmer, attended Blessingtoa fair to sell pigs and while pulling a cover from over them was noticed to fail backward. Deceased neither moaned nor spoke after failing. Dr. Crinion deposed that on examina- tion of the remains be considered that death was due to heart failure. There were no marks of violence. A verdict in accordance wltb tie medical testi- mony was returned. PBTY-On Oct. 20, at 48 Margarulte , ____. road, Olaamertn, M»ry 8 'Widow -oir^tne- - me reverend -chairman, the organtser expounded tbe principles of the Gaelic league, what it was striving to attain; and why all present should become members of it Election of president, secretary and treasurer then took place and resulted as follows: Rev. X Maher, president; Myles Dempeey, hon- orable secretary, 3. Brady, N. T,, wi£h> drawing In fats favor, and Philip Mur- phy, honorable treasurer, beingr propos- ed a n d seconded by T. Mulligan and Sil Dempeey, respectively. Three thousand people aseembled at Ramsgrange on Oct 15 to participate In me laying of tbe foundation to tbe Canon Doyle memorial and to hear die Rev. Father Rossiter, M. S . S., Em- niscorthy, the founder of the Antl- treating league, deliver an address. Tbe proceedings were impressive, the only address delivered Ming that of Father Ros*iter, tn wMch be bore a weir deserved and graceful tribute to the memory of tbe deceased saintly Lady's hoeplce, Haroldscross, Patrick an* patriotic pastor. T"be monument from tiie design of M. Power. Tlntera, will stand thirteen feet high- It will consist of base and pedestal of finely cut Waterford limestone in five parts. Worked in the pedestal will he a mar- ble tablet for inscription, and from tlw ground to the top of tbe pedestal the height will bo seven feet six inches. The surmount Is to consist of a life she (five feet six Inches) statue of tbe late Canon Doyle. The statue bears a very- striking resemblance to "Canon Connaught QALWAY^-Mra. O'Loughlin of tha postumce, Moyiougn, died on Oct J4. Patrick Kearney of Laakagh died suddenly on Oct. 20. The diath of Jamea Leonard occurred at bJs borne, St Brendan's terrace. Wood Quay, Gal-way, on Oct 13. Jefan Oarvey, who waa aaaiatant teacher at Leaxny's school, Limerick, has been appointed principal of Qi9 Beadford national school in Ida native Qalvray. The death of Martin McDonnell ef QlencoTe Bouse, Dunmore and Head- ford castle, occurred in Roscommon town Oct SO, at the age of ninety-Sev- an yeavn. The) diath of Mrs. theridaa, relict ef the bate Farrell Sheridan of Cavan and Oalway, occurred at SalthlO, at the age of seventy-seven. Tha Klllimore political prlaenera were .l«!e»s^ from Gaiway jail Ost 17. The reception at Looghrea was unique, and when they arrived at KiUimore me vil- lago win en fete, every window being illuminated and a large bonfire bused at the entrance from die Loughrea aide. There was scarcely a vehicre within five miles that was not requisitioned to meet them in Loughrea, and as they entered ICililmore amid tbe beating of dnmia aad the cheers of then- friends the sceno is more easily imagined then described. LEITRIM^-The people of Mohill have decided to erect a memorial to die late Very Bev. Canon Oonobua It will be a very beautiful Celtic cross and will cost $500. Sitter M. M. Sirney of tha Convent of Mercy, Bantry, County Cork, died recently, at the age of twenty-nine years. A meeting of the people ef Borna- eoola was held at Clooneagb recently to decide on tho erecting of a memorial to tiie late Father Smyth and as to what form it should take. Tbe result was that it Is proposed to erect In tbe chapel a marble tablet wltb an inscrip- •fJou dedicated to tbe memory of all tiie dead pastora of tbo parish and t o bavo an unnlveraary mass celebrated in the future for the repose of Father Smyth's soul. MAYO.—On Oct. 23 a drowning ac- cident occurred at Brondhaven bay •whereby two young men, named Oaf- ferky and Tighe, lost their lives. There •were a number of "curragbs" band line fishing, and one of me frail craft, In which wore five occupants, Including the deceased, got too close to a breaker and was swamped. Three of tbe men, gp»d swimmers, were picked np by fishing craft. The ottier two were caught In the surf and drowned. Caf- ferky's body was recovered die follow- ing day, and an inquest was held by Dr. P. J, McHale, coroner for North Mayo, when a verdict of accidental drowning was returned. . ' .•'2-"'7heStenareta In Kflgariff> Cappada- : vock, Claddagh, Gurranbawn, Oloon- govnaogh, Neelicfc, Mahanagh, Cloon- bo and Lomonagxt, the estate of J. McDonnell, Taum, situate part in t h e parish of Clooneberne and the remainder in the parish of Toam, have signed undertakings to pur- chase. The terms are twenty-two years on second term rents and a baif year added where a half year is due arid a year added where a year or more is due. tbo estate to be sold to the es- tate commissioners, with two out of three largo grass farms containing 400 acres and oil bogs and cutaway, bogs, a S rights to tbe tenants. The rental ot agricultural tenants is $2£00 a year arid of the two grass tnmmMMfk «W price o f the latter to be paid by tbe ea- ts.te commissioners. A meeting, of the committee of the Westport Gaelic league was Held in tbo league rooms in the town ban lately. The following membera attended: Rev. Father McDonald, president in the chair; Bev. Father Oanavan^ Messrs, P. J, X>orla, Manns Molloy, Michael Barowae, Petrlck Conway, Conor Pat* text and John J. O'Malley, honorable. secretary.' In reply to the chairman, Mr, Conway said the number of ladle* attending the class was nineteen, and that he believed that soon the number would be Increased. Among me items f o r discussion was the appointment of a teacher, and on the motion of Mr, Doris Patrick Con-way was re-elected unanimously. W08GOMMON.—At tha Ballinlough sessions a Castlerea bailiff named Janes Montgomery, was returned for trial to tbe winter assises on,a charge), of embezzling amounts of decreet col-.. lected b y him. The accused Is la Tut-' laxnore Jail. SLIQO^-Hugh Conlon ef Qeavagh h a s been elected master of Boyle work- bouse. There were she candidates to t h e field, and the final vote Waa 41 for Mr. Condon end 24 for Thomas O'Don- nell of Gfurteen. Michael J. McBugh, formerly schoolmaster at the work- honse, was defeated on the fourth polL Miss Annie O'Dovrd of Carrowrlle died Sept 15 it the a g e of twenty-nine years. s\ *&0k.**1**™»*>K-**tJ>i-tot1»-** * >•'!, < * u ,• - ' . K l , ". ,- wmm s . r * i. i «• ' J ,.,T. t , j „ | . . •.,, *t ••n 0* * b*2tog&&sg£& ' U& > V5J r*jST ^"'i ^iV* 1 * 5 **

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hurting t o d Gaelic football club w a s held Ute ly in the factory , lent by P . M. Gallagher, aollcltor. There were prea-

A U . T H K HAPPENINGS OF INTER- ™V Richard Bonnar, James MvOav "* ' h e m , J a m e s McGettigan, Henry Mc-





ta Be ing Dona toy tha Paepla at Heme—-Goss ip From A i r t h e

$ » u n t i e e of tha Emar> aid lata.

Ulster ANTRIM.-H.rry J. Shlmmin., wall

known it} Irish cycling circles, met' With a fatal accident while cycling •long Donegal place Oct 19. The de-j ceased had been In the city and left on hi* bicycle for his home at Klllowen, Myrtlefleld, Malone Park. While pro-carding slowly along Donegal place,! one aide of which la In the bands of the contractors, another cyclist collided •with him with considerable violence And precipitated him to the roadway. Both machines were upset, bat the un­known jumped to his feet and left the scene, leaving his machine behind blm. It It In the hands of the police. Noth-

Caffrey, James Reams, James Weir, Michael Falkiner, Joseph (Jallagher, William Lawn, W. EL McDermott, Pat­rick Oornyu. Thomas caasldy, Fergus Brifton and James MeN'eely. The fol­lowing onVers were elected: I'resl-dent, Right Rev. Mgr. MrtJIyuu, dean of ftapboe; vice presidents. Rev. B. Cassidy and P. M. Oailaguer; treas­urer, Henry McCaffrey; secretary. P. Ooruyn; assistant secretary. J. (jal­lagher; cuptulu, W. Lawu; vice tup-tain, J. Metlabern. It was also unani­mously passed that a caelidb be held, and die following were appointed to make arrangements: P. M. (iailagber. H. McCaffrey. P, Corayn. J. Gallagher. J. McGahern and Uichuid Bonnar.

DOWN<-Mra. Elizabeth O'Har* of Thomas street, Newry, died Oct. 3. a few hours after arriving from Eng­land, where she had been for the bene­fit of her health.

On. Oct. 24, at tha> Poor Clar<» con­vent, High street, Newry, Sleter Mary , Wlnfred, second eldest daughter of Mrs. Ryan, Bridge street, Newry. bad the happiness of being professed a nun of the holy order. The ceremony was log Ja known as to the other cyclist.

George fconey of 17 Salisbury atreet pert^m b y MoBt R e v . D r . O'Neill. wi tnessed tha trafte occurrence, but blabop ot Dromore, w h o preached


w * j not able to give a definite descrip­tion of the misaing rider.

A meeting of tha aaHymaoarrett branch of the United Irish league was bald in the National ball, Ballymacar-ratt, on Oct 22. J, Fleming, Sr., vice president, occupied the chair, and there wa« a rery large- attendance. The chairman Mid they would remember that on last Sunday their president, John McMullan, and secretary, 0. B. ;Hackett, were elected on the commit tee of the Self sat United Irish League Parliamentary Debating society. Mr 'Hackett waa one of the secretaries of tine society, and while holding such of- . . , , , „ . « . T>~„* flee bl was entitled to be a member of «l°n" w " * b* f o r° B»r Pranela Brady

FERMANAGH,—At the annual mast­ing of tbo Lough Erne branch of the Gaelic league lately the boya elected Father Tierney president, Mr. MacMa-hon vice president, Joseph Hackett treasurer and Mr. Woods secretary. {

MONAQHAN^—Rev. Terence Conlan, pastor of bon&gbnioyne, recently for­warded a considerable subscription' for his people to the trustees of the Irish parliamentary fund. I

Patrick Reagin of tha Royal Irish police died in Jorvla Street hospital. Dublin, on Oct. 14. )

TYRONE.—At Qmagh quartsr •••-


j i t - J .

'the committee; consequently they would require to elect another delegate. Four members of the branch wore nominat­ed for the position, and the ultimate choice fell upon Patrick McGladdery. The chairman,-having explained tbo ob­jects of the society, urged upon all to |oln its ranks. Their president, Mr. McMullan, read a very interesting pa-•j>er on tbo "Battle of Antrim," at tho conclusion of which John Burns pro­posed and Patrick Meenan seconded a

,-Ydte,of' tbanks to the lecturer, who suitably replied. Tho proceedings ter-

, minated with the singing of "A Nation Once Again."

Rav. Richard Uyttla of Btlfait died 'fndde^lyjn BrJstdl, - England, en w Oct v'JBtilna tfie event was deeply regretted '• "ik'tttjan&r .'

ARMAQH^-Prlor to tha opening of S&Xf&Wik Oaciic cJfrsa lately tho pre«« ;i^|nV:Bey. EMcAvoy,* selected the following gentlemen to act fis a com--nitftee pro tem.: Andrew Donnelly, Da-t l 4 . JtoConyiUp, Thcopbilug McCnbe, ^trlijig Sweeney, Thomas Doran and

Carter, Mcaara! Goarold U*

K . C , Miss 8a rub Johnston of Dun tngue sued James Moore of Qlaasmul-lagb for damages for breach of promise of marriage. A sum of $500 was awarded Miss Johnston. I

Thara paiiad away on Oot. 23, at tho Hospital LlBnamallard, Samuel Scarlet, compositor, well known locally and throughout the country generally.

Munster CLARE.—On Oot 3, at Killaloa, died

Mrs. Hurley, aged seventy-seven years. R. J. GtaopooU, Edtnvala, accom­

panied by F. F. Culliaflu, solicitor, met tho tenants, at Johu Tbonms O'Brien's, Ennts road, Miltown-Bnlbay. from the town lands of Annagi), CartidufT. etc. The tenants' interests wero looked aft­er by the Rev. E. J. Scanlan and An-' thony O'Dwyer, Annagh. Tho arrange-1 ments arrived at are: The tenants to purchase at nlnctwn and a baif years, J first term, and tweuty-tbreo years, j second term, the banging gule to be forgivou, and any person In arrears, J

_^ XJa^NgS"^ <me^il^* year's rent to be added to tiro • i * ^ ( ^ ' t c T 7 c T l i r i e ^ t a T y and V^am price, white In other in-

; -fahiaaurer respectively. Under tho able tuition of the teacher, Tadg Ua Sullle-abban, Ni T„ tho class is making good

'; headway in the study of the national ;V,l|«Bj!u^ge,:,

' ,-A mealing of tha mambara of tha . Pbynispasa branch of the United Irish

league was hold on Oct 22 in tho Na-. ^onal hall, Poyntiipass, H. A. Mugln-

nlee, president, In the chair. Present: :$fe;$$ucl9tWi P, J, Bafferty, .F. Mon-

f > aJh^b("F. Caaaldy, P . Da ly , P. Murray, •;•£%:%&• titMpbtsil, M. Mackel, P . McSherry,

; 4JH* Gatnpbell, j . Byrne, T . Magivernn, rr*^ Kennedy, J . Waddle. T h e chairman : Vfa dd fne porposo of thetr meeting waa


wed^taty fund and also to consider tho ^ irjaxtlntlons passed by the national di-

tfctory on Sept 14 On motion of Mr. Maglnnis, seconded by Mr, Bafferty, the> resolutions were unanimously pass­ed. ^BlijkjfcjUo«*lng resolution was pro» poejad ifr%, JS. Maginnis, aeconded by

M Monaghan and carried unanimous-«y; <Tnat we, the meinbers of the jPoyntspass branch, renew our confi­dence; in the pledge bound Irish parlia­mentary party led by John Redmond and renew our pledge of continued sup­port," Collectors were appointed for each district.

£AVAN.«~Ori Oot. 20, at tha pasidinca *£ bis slater, Mrs. W. McDermott

|trick McCafferty. Killesbandra. , daath of Mrs. Donohoa took

. a t Her residence, Ardleny Bouse,

-NMflingj took plaoa in tha oatha-rSf'pnVCfctlat Oct 5, when Mlsa Gerty I; iMc^anns, d&aghter of P. McMimus, ;;3 cbkirman Cavaa county council, waa m TajH&ikUfl&lt CnBen of Str*doae, Ca-

vi^p?Cbe ceremony waa performed by tmUm. Sator ck Brady, administrator. L A--illom''v*ae oaat ovar tha town of feelturbet on Oct IS when It became *t»^wn; that Bernard McGauran, Swan-Jlnbar, brother* of James McGauran, coppber *or West Cavan, died suddenly in lieGanern'a hotel, Belturbet.

n Oefe ii tho tad -intal'li-jived, ot the death of ne, building coatractor

an of Derry harbor com-""""' *"""::: " wlio waa

i y w r t OT age, belonged to lOaolntown, Tyrone, bnt was proml-bpatly Maotined wlte the public |tfe of (Danry, where be^er^^.stn^ny^of the

f iosrtltnUonC|ip||«-'eii^o« oat at wo-kl oii.a lirgf scale In

Donegal "•"" v f>0*«aAL. —Rav. Pat^ McDrHtt, rorof fcanlck died on Oct, % 4ft

Nkfocblftl boos* ^ " - - ' > Tha- 4ea«h oceurrad Maty of Charlee

,iUajjt aon of Obarke Foray, »|T—I, BaJlyabannos.

"" " - - - «f -

stances all arrears to be wiped out The tenants on tho Caniduff would not agree.

CORK. — 0 . O'Callaghan, prlnolpal teacher of the Castletownehend na­tional school, has been awarded a Car lylo Blake premium for efficiency by tho commissioners of national educa­tion.

On Oot. 22 an ooourranoa of a vary painful nature occurred near Kenrurk. A young girl, Bridget Harrington, while bringing water from a wett-od the farm of T. flulney, Jr., Pulleen. was seised with sudden sickness nnd appears to have fallen In a marshy ' part of. the field face downward, as7| thl* WM the positiou ia which abe was discovered. Help waa summoned, and the priest and doctor were quickly on the scene, but all efforts to resuscitate her were in vain.

Tha annual meeting of tha Literary j and Debating Guild of Cork Young j Men's society was held on Oct. 22. F. Long, chairman, presided. Tho honor­able secretary read die report of tile session, 1904-05, which showed the ad­vance me guild had attained, the de­bates being well sustained throughout The prize given by J. T. Jago for die best essay written by a junior was then presented to Patrick Burke, after which the election of officers took place, when the following were unani-

iMain itreet killeahandro, died Blhwh P ^ J y . ^ ^ L P v i J ^ l t f e j ^ i M U ^ feeth, y o * t g W ^ « i 1 l t e r - - o r ^ ^ Ont^l^^vl^^Baraani'DT

J. Murphy honorable secretary; com­mittee, J. T. Jago, T. A. Lynch and J. L. Fawsltt The following members have ottered prices for the coining session: D. J. Coakley, P. O'Crowley and J. T. Jago.

A successful aerldhaacht, under the local branch of the Gaelic league, was held lately at B>ockanevln. Contin­gents came from Mitchelstown, Glan-worth, Kildorrery, Ballylanders, Glen-loe, Shanballymore, Balllndangan and MarshalBtown.

Raoant Death* in Cork.—O'BRIEN— On Oct. 24, at 2 HJchmond bill, John O'Brien, late of the steamship Glengar-rlff. JOYCE-Ou Oct. 28, at Currl-clough, Bandon, Thomas Joyce, ex-na-tlonal teacher of Laragh school.— M AHONI—On Oct 28, a t 26 Prosperity square, Maurice Mahony, late of T. Lyons ft Co., limited. liEHANE— On Oct 2$, at Balllaabina, Carrlgna-

Margaret Lshane, aged twenty* —HUMPHRI2S~A.t the convent

Holt bill, Birkenhead, Liverpool, on Get 24, Mary Humphries, Pope's Hill House.—-COAKJuBY-Gn Oct 24, at Manch, Timothy Coakley, aged sixty* five years.--—-OAMPBBtJL-On Oct 24, at MlUfleld House, Blackpool, Kate Oampbell.—PABKBR—On Oct 28, at Janevllle, Tallow, Matthew Charles Parker, fifth son of the) late W. H. Parker, eoUciter, late Rosevllle,-— OBAINGiDB>-On O c t 24, at bis wal-


WAUBH-Oo Oct 26, at Honaevilk Sunday'a Weil. Alderman E. Waisb —BARBY-On Oct, 21. at 64 Btarnej atreet, Daniel Barry, cooper, late a Cork Distillery company.—LOON81 —On a recent date at Chapel Cross, Ma croom. Ha una Lnoney. O'RBGAN-At 10 Queen street. Joseph O'Began painter. Ql'IRKE—On Oct. 26. a t» Batbinore place. Mlcbale Qulrke.— WALSH-On Oct. 2«, at 4»i Oerah Grlffln street. Johaiinub VVulsb.— HOKGAN-On (M. 25. nt K«»umare William Horgau. n t'd slsty-dve.— NYHAN—On Oct. U<1. nt Moskelgb Thomas Nyhan. MANNING-Oi Oct. 23. I>euln Muniiing lute of I'ppu. Beimount.—HENNKHHY-On Oct. 23 ut Cabir. Balllim-n. MU-buel D. Hen assay. O'CONNELIy-On Oct. 28, a 13 Moore street. Margaret OVouneil, a an advanced age. BHEEHAN—Oi Oct. 27. at un urivanced age. Mar; gbeeban, Itatbcvuiiey. — BEVIN—Oi Oct 20. at VI Corporation buildings Miss Kate Beviu. O'STLLIVA?. —On Oct. li). of hemorrhage of tb> brain. Patrick P. O'Sullivan of Dun! manibeen. Klllorglin. aged about sixty! six years.—AM.EN-On Tuesday Oct 24, at Church street, Newmarket Hannab Allen, at the age of nineteen —COTTER-On Oct. 27, at Curra ghesbal. Kllleagb, Jobu Cotter; aget seventyTtwo years. i

KERRY^—Thomas M. Qibsor, Lis towel, died recently at the early ag> of twenty-fonr years.

On Oot. 22, In Atdsa, a largo and on thusuuttie demonstration was held un der the auspices of the United Iris) league, the principal speakers beini Rev. Father Pierse, parjsb priest; Al derman Joyce, M. P.. mayor of Llm erick; Messrs. Murp&y and Flavts M. P.'s, and Mr.* Byle of the Kerrj People. Tbe different speakers con gratulated the people on the ananlmit. of feeling mat existed between tin United Irish league and tbe Land ant Labor association in tbe district, i vote of thanks was passed to the mem bent of the Listowel brass btftid. I public appeal was ulsu made from th> platform calling on tbe different na tional assuclatluus to reader nct-esaur; financial oiil to procuro instruments Among tbose preHent were: On thi platform-Hev Father Pierse, Bally longford; Itev. J. Dillon, Bally long ford; Hev M. O'FIaherty, Ballylong ford; Alderuiuu Joyce, M. P., mayor a Limerick; M. J. Flavin, M. P.; Johi Murphy. M. P.; M. P. Uyle. Wlllian McMabou, John Coughlan and M. J Nolan.

LIMERICK. — T. D*n»h.r of th Mount. Bbuuagolden, died on Oct. 10.

R»v. Father Griffin, S t John'i, Lim erick city, bus been appointed parts) prleat of Ada re, but there has been n< appointment yet to the daanery. Bet Father Murphy, president of 8t. Mun chin's follege, becomes adminlstrato) of St. John's. Very Hev. Father O'Lea ry bos been appointed presidont oi St Muncbln's college. Father Griffli will be Inducted into tile parish o. Adare by the Very Rev. M. O'Donnell Ratbkeale.

Mlia Sh?ahan, dauohtar of th* 4at>-Edward SLenban, teacber In Foynet national Bcbool. bas been appointor principal of Foynes national school U succession to Mrs. O'Connor, who retir ed becaase of bad health.

Two Limerick atudonta have taourai scholarsblpa under tbo new scheme o' the Catholic scholarships committee Edward J. Cuddy, Christian schools Limerick, wou a first class Bcholnrsbij in tho experimental scienco course and Miss Kosnnna Fitzgerald, Laurel 1111 convent a second class scholarship it the same course. . -

John J. Hannasay of Cottage* Houas Klimnllock, nephew of tlio late Arch blabop Hennessy, Dubuqnd, la., lef for the American college. Rome, lately where be Is to complete bis studies fo» tho priesthood. :•-••••'-•-

Vary Rav, Dean Flanagan, pastor e Adare, died Oct. 16.

TIPPERARY.—John Parker of Beeoh wood, Limerick, died lately at the ex traordlnary age of 101 years.

Rev. John Connolly, aon of J. J. Con nolly, Coahel, who was ordained lasi June in St. Patrick's college, Thurles has now been appointed pastor In Lm maculate Conception parish, Spring field and Alton (111.) diocese.

8ept. 21, at the Church of 8t. Nioho las of Myra, Francis atreet, Dnblin, bj the Rev. Father John McUuirk, John fifth son of the late Michael Keating Carraghloss, Borrisoleign, was mar ried to Julia, eldest daughter of tb< Jftfig. RajOei Sflgajrly* Main «tr»«t Bar J rlsoleigh.

8ema man ware working on tha rail­way viaduct Cahir, Oct, 27, when I young man named Patrick Lonergon, shifting planks, lost his footing and fell through tbe ironwork to the rivet bank, fifty feet In his fall he struct the base of tbe stone pier of the brldgi and roiled on to tbe bank. His com pardons descended to die spot and th* doctor was summoned, but life wai found to be extinct

Tha handball tournament which earn* off Oct 22 at Lattan's bridge between the Commons and Fethard under th« most favorable auspices terminated la a victory for tbe Commons. Each rub­ber was fixed at tbe best two out oi three games of twenty-one aces each Each of the four contests fell to tha Commons men. The following played for the winners: Boggan and P. Hale*, Mills and D. Hayes, Cleer and a Walsh, J. Healy and T . Ryan. Fot Fethard: Bums and Daniel, Burnt tad Bannon, McCarthy and Watt

Rev, L» Hayee, D. D., patter of th« united parfchae of Banana and Kiloy-ler, died Oct 20 In the Hater Miaer-cordia hospital, Dublin.

WATERFORD^A meeting of th* Waterford branch of tbe Industrial De­velopment association w u held ta the town hall lately, the Moat Rev. Dr. Baeahan, bishop of Waterford and Lh> more, prwrfding, for the purpose of enlisting the •osport *a& o>operattoB

of die ladana of the city. J. J . Phetan, president of tbe branch; B*v. Demo Hackett, Rev. T. F. Furlonsj. admio latrator; A. Nelsoo and A large numbei of ladies were present. Tbe Most Bev Chalraaan Mr. Pbelan and Destn Back ett addressed tbe meedng, after wbici it waa decided to form a ladies' com mlttee.

Tha death of Edmond Rockett, Bat-lyogert>. Kilmactboinas^ happened on Oct- 'JA, at tbe age of seventy-nine years.

Friday, Oct. 20, being tha feast of 8t Otterau. tbe patron saint of tbe diocese wai u duy of special devotion at tbe cathedral, Waterford city. The cere monlal was attended by the bishop, tbe chapter and all the available clergy of tbe deanery and tbe professors and students of S t John's college and com menced at 10:15 o'clock a. m. wltb the office of Tierce, Most Bev. Dr. Bnee ban presiding.

CARL.0W-—On Oct 11 a wedding took place In the cathedral, Carlow, between Edward Maloney, solicitor, Llsmore, Waterford. and Miss Teresa Bebecca Uourke, second daughter oi

I the late George J. Bourke and Mrs. Bourke, Dublin street, Oarlovr. Rev. A. Morpby. Naas. assisted by Rev. James Harris, administrator, Carlow, performed die ceremony.

At a raoant meeting of the members ot Carlow Gaelic league tbe following were present: Misses A. Kelly, J . Kirk, M Foley, M. Croke, M. Brennan, M. Corr, Messrs. W. P. Foley. James Ste­phens, J . O'Neill. F. V. Devers, James Lawler. R. McDarby, J. Dwyer, P. Bergin, T. Lawler, M. Parks, J . Flem­ing, W. O'Neill, J. Condren, J. Kelly, P. Kelly, J . King, M. McNevln. M. Corr, F. Byrne, J. Foley and F. O'Duffy. Tbe secretary drew attention to tile fact that a aad bereavement bad hap­pened to Mr. Goveroey, one of the firm­est supporters of tbe Gaelic league to be found In County Carlow. He pro­posed that the most sincere sympathy be tendered to Mr. Ooverney and that die meeting and the usual seancbus be adjourned as a mark of respect to die memory of the late Mrs. Govorney. The resolution was passed In silence by tbe members present

Mlis Bridget Mary Ryan died at hsr motber's residence, Ballway hotel, Bag-nalstown, on Oct 16.

DUBLIN.—After a very brief illness tbe death of Thomas KIonian, Inspector of postmen, occurred on Oct 20 at bis residence. Oxmanstown road, Dublin.

Patrick O'Daly,' gsneral aeoratary 'ta die Gaelic league, on Oct 23 delivered a very Interesting and Instructive lec­ture In the Father Matbew ball. Church street, Dublin, to the members of the Total Abstinence society on "The Gaelic League and Rural IJfe." Rev. Father Aloyslua, president of the so­ciety, occupied the chair. Among? those on the platform were: Very Rerv. Father Angelus. O. 8. F. C : Rev.

. Fattier Leonard. O. S_ F, C f & J . Bar­rett, treasurer Gaelic league; Bev. Father Benignus. O. 8. F. C ; Rev. Father Benedict O. 8. F. C : R. J. Kel­ly, B. L.; Joseph Mooney, James Thorn­ton. Mr. O'Farrelly, John Cordeal, J. Costello, J. McShane, J. Scanlan, J. Whltmore, 8. Devoy, T. Devine, J. Lynch and others.

Recent Death* in Dublin.—CLERKIN —At biB residence, 2fi Nelson street Michael Clerkln, aged eighty-seven years.— DALY—On Oct 27, at 1 Pile's buildings. Golden lane, Owen Daly, member of the Bakers' association.— FITZGERALD—On Oct. 26. Sister M. Tharsllla (Kate Fitzgerald) of the Irish Sisters of Charity, Lakelands, Sandy-mount, in the thlrty-flftii year of re-llgiouB life,—FLtJIN-On Oct,r 26. Elisabeth (Llotfe) Flymi, widow of the

[late Edward Flynn, formerly of 3 Castlewood avenue. BAND—On Oct.

I 27, -at 124 T'pper Dorset street Francis Hand.—MAGAN—On Oct 20, at 80

, Marlborough road, Donnybrook, Au-| gusta Elizabeth Magun of Killyou

Maxtor, County Meath, daughter of the late W. H. Magan of Killyou and Clon-eurt.—MAHON-On Oct 10, a t St Mary's Dominican convent New Or­leans. Mary Magdalen Mahon (in re­ligion Sister Mary Martha), eldest daughter of Thomas and Catherine Mahon, Kuockmaroon. Cnapellzod.—-M'NttLTT-On Oct 27,- at Baggot Street hospital, John McNnlty, Onagb, Bntdskerry, County Wlcklow.—MUR-

late fnapector M. G. W.

late Michael Murphy, late of 221 Clon-Uffe road. TIMMINS-On Oct 27, at Violet farm, MiUtown, Sarah Tlmmlns, aged thirty-five years.—BRBSLIN— On Oct 21, In the seventy^fifth year of her age, Anne Breslin, Rlngsend.— CONDON—Oa Oct 19, at Shroamell House,' Tlpperary, William Richard Condon, M. D. BNNIS-On Oct. 28, at Blverstown, Killucan, Jane EJnnls. —FORRlSTAlr-On Oct 28, at Jer-polnt church, Thomastown, Mrs. MAN garet Forristal, mottier or* Bev. J. Fo^ ristal, S. J.—LAWLOR^On Oct 28. at 40 Mountjoy Prison buildings. Mary Margaret (May) Lawlor, aged twenty years.—MURPHY—On Oct 28, a t his residence, 60 Meath street Francis Murphy of 64 Francis street—NAN-NETTI—Cm Oct 28, at the Whltwrorth hospital, James Nannettl, youngest son of the late Joseph Nanneta, Ital­ian sculptor, 8 Great Brunswick street —NOONAN-On Oct, 22, at Our

Leo, son o f Thomas Noonan, 44 Bolh/. bank road, late of the Leader office, Longford.—GIBNEY-On Oct 20, at Monumental works, West street, Droarheda, John Gibney.-—KIRWAN-On Oct. 28, at the< residence of his uncle, Christopher Lowe, Kilniac* anosjue, Michael Kirwan, aged twenty-six years.—MOYLAN—On Oct 26, at Ballycushion, Shrnle, Mrs. Mary J. Moylan, relict of the late John Meyian, Esq., Mall Hens*, Tuam.—WHJ8%X>K -Oa Oct 2% a( 61 Manor atreet, JoeMpa

Wblston. st. railway.

KILDARE A «ne»tin9 of ially> morpby branch of the U. I. L. waa held lately. J. C. Breen, V. P., presid­ing. Present: €. Doran, John J. Mor­pby, Thomas Doyle. R. Doyle, Mlcatel Dalton, J. Breen and Patrick Flood. Tbe resolutions of the national direc­tory came up for discussion, every one of wbicb was unanimously adopted, particularly the one for the pledge bound party.

The death is announced o* John Tray-nor, a former member of the teaching profession under tbe national board of e>!uLa lou.

At a maeting of th« parishionars hel<t at Caragh lately, Bev. P. Bolger pre-sicllng, it was unaniznoasly resolved to open a subscription list to raise funds for the erection of a memorial to then* late pastor, Father Klusella. A com­mittee was elected, consisting of Rev. P. Bolger (chairman), Major E. A. Mansfield, P. Coffey (treasurer), Thom­as Flood. T. Dawsou, Jobu Fiood, Maurice Motrin,Patrick MaJone,Thom­as Malone, Edward Halligan, Denis Kirwaa. John Kelly and Peter Fnllam, by auy of whom subscriptions will be gratefully acknowledged in the press. The following gave subscriptions at die meeting: Kev. P . Bolger, Bev. A Fenelon, Michael Dawson, Thomas Flood, Patrick Coffey and G. Robinson.

KILKENNY*—At tha quarterly meet-mac of the Kilkenny county council held lately two applications were re-ceWed for tbe position of solicitor to die council In room of J. Poe, resigned. On a division James Barte was de­clared elected, having receJ-red twenty votes to five given for Nicholas Healy, die other applicant At the same meet-Ins; J. Bunt was appointed an assist­ant surveyor at a salary of £100 a year for the district of Castlecomer.

KINQ'S.—George Robert Dunne, sen of the late George Donne, EdendEerry. died Oct 20. '

LCNQFORO. — An interesting mar­riage ceremony was witnessed In Bal-llnalee on Oct. 9. when Bernard O'Far-relt of DernacrosB was united in wed­lock to Miss Ellen Dillon of Castle-bawn.

The Taffia bauaar in Longford held recently was a success. The general drawing of prizes hi connection wltb the buzaor took place on Oct. 19 nnd the special drawings on O c t 24. The drawings were held in the new hall In the presence of a largo audience and under tbe superintendence o f the local clergy and Dr. Mngulre, P. Igoe. Thorn-us King, J. Meiiover. Head Constable Boyd. Constable Smith and others. The winning duplicates and prizes were drawn by Master Con Moiyuire and Master Vln Maxwell. On Oct 25 a grand hall was given by tbe stall holders. It was held In the Temper­ance hall.

MCATHtf—The death of Bister Mary do Sales of die Convent of Mercy, Nana, occurred Oct 20. lier name was Do I acy.

Miss L. Smith (in religion 8lstsr M. Clatido de la Colombiercj, daughter of Mr", and" 3Trs7 Tbaddeus Smith. K1I-nmlnham, Eolls, was professed lately In tlie Convent of St. Mary's, Naas,i County Kildare. as a member of tho f Community of the Order of tho Sisters of Mercy. The ceremony was perform­ed b y the Most Rev. Dr. Foley, blabop. of Kildare and Lelghlln. I

QUEEN'S.—A wedding took place on Oct 18 at Pbibsborough. The contract-lug parties were James B. Bolger, L. P. 8 . I., Maryborough, and Mies Molllo MeeJban, daughter of P. A. Meenan, chairman of the Queen's county coun­cil, also of Maryborough. Tho Bev. Michael Bolger, brother of the bride­groom, officiated. , WE8TMEATH.r-The death ocourred on O c t 15 of Thomas Qavacan, Browns-towa,-_Delvha.-- ..--.• .;..,,-, ;-v. .-;• i

The negotiation! for the Bale to the' tenants of Edward K. B. Tlghe's lands, situate near Dei via, was brought t o a satisfactory conclusion. The terms are 25 per cent reduction on the first term rents and 20 per cent reduction On the second term rents. The nonjudicial tenancies work out at twenty-one and one-half years' purchase and the re­mainder at about twenty-three years' purchase, tbe tenant purchasers paying 4 per cent on their purchase money un­til completion of sale.

WEXFORD.—A meeting for forming an Irish language and history class was held lately in Monamolin, under the presidency of Rev. J. Maher, and was largely attended. Introduced by

Dogrlav Coostnsetad from afcOJaa blew it Is* a splendid specimen of tbe sculptor's art "When started, tbe Work of erecting tbe jpsonument will not take longr, probably about two months, so that tbe unveiling may be expected to take place carry next year.

WtCKLOW^-On 0 « t 14 T. B. Doyle, coroner for West Wlcklow, held an In­quest at Blesaington on tbe body of Patrick Johnston of Ballytora, who died suddenly the previous day. The deceased, who was a farmer, attended Blessingtoa fair to sell pigs and while pulling a cover from over them was noticed to fail backward. Deceased neither moaned nor spoke after failing. Dr. Crinion deposed that on examina­tion of the remains be considered that death was due to heart failure. There were no marks of violence. A verdict in accordance wltb t ie medical testi­mony was returned.

PBTY-On Oct. 20, at 48 Margarulte , ____. road, Olaamertn, M»ry8'Widow -oir^tne- - m e reverend -chairman, the organtser

expounded tbe principles of the Gaelic league, what it was striving to attain; and why all present should become members of it Election of president, secretary and treasurer then took place and resulted as follows: Rev. X Maher, president; Myles Dempeey, hon­orable secretary, 3. Brady, N. T,, wi£h> drawing In fats favor, and Philip Mur­phy, honorable treasurer, beingr propos­ed and seconded by T. Mulligan and Sil Dempeey, respectively.

Three thousand people aseembled at Ramsgrange on Oct 15 to participate In m e laying of tbe foundation to tbe Canon Doyle memorial and to hear die Rev. Father Rossiter, M. S. S., Em-niscorthy, the founder of the Antl-treating league, deliver an address. Tbe proceedings were impressive, the only address delivered Ming that of Father Ros*iter, tn wMch be bore a weir deserved and graceful tribute to the memory of tbe deceased saintly

Lady's hoeplce, Haroldscross, Patrick an* patriotic pastor. T"be monument from tiie design o f M. Power. Tlntera, will stand thirteen feet high- It will consist of base and pedestal of finely cut Waterford limestone in five parts. Worked in the pedestal will h e a mar­ble tablet for inscription, and from tlw ground to the top of tbe pedestal the height will bo seven feet six inches. The surmount Is to consist o f a life she (five feet six Inches) statue of tbe late Canon Doyle. The statue bears a very- striking resemblance to "Canon

Connaught QALWAY^-Mra. O'Loughlin of tha

postumce, Moyiougn, died on Oct J4. Patrick Kearney of Laakagh died

suddenly on Oct. 20. The diath of Jamea Leonard occurred

at bJs borne, S t Brendan's terrace. Wood Quay, Gal-way, on Oct 13.

Jefan Oarvey, who waa aaaiatant teacher at Leaxny's school, Limerick, has been appointed principal of Qi9 Beadf ord national school in Ida native Qalvray.

The death of Martin McDonnell ef QlencoTe Bouse, Dunmore and Head-ford castle, occurred in Roscommon town Oct SO, at the age of ninety-Sev­an yeavn.

The) diath of Mrs. theridaa, relict ef the bate Farrell Sheridan of Cavan and Oalway, occurred at SalthlO, at the age o f seventy-seven.

Tha Klllimore political prlaenera were .l«!e»s^ from Gaiway jail Ost 17. The reception a t Looghrea was unique, and when they arrived at KiUimore me vil-lago win en fete, every window being illuminated and a large bonfire bused at the entrance from die Loughrea aide. There was scarcely a vehicre within five miles that was not requisitioned to meet them in Loughrea, and as they entered ICililmore amid tbe beating of dnmia aad the cheers of then- friends the sceno i s more easily imagined then described.

LEITRIM^-The people of Mohill have decided to erect a memorial to die late Very Bev. Canon Oonobua It will be a very beautiful Celtic cross and will cost $500.

Sitter M. M. Sirney of tha Convent of Mercy, Bantry, County Cork, died recently, a t the age of twenty-nine years. •

A meeting of the people ef Borna-eoola was held at Clooneagb recently to decide on tho erecting of a memorial to tiie late Father Smyth and as to what form it should take. Tbe result was that i t Is proposed to erect In tbe chapel a marble tablet wltb an inscrip-•fJou dedicated t o tbe memory of all tiie dead pastora of tbo parish and t o bavo an unnlveraary mass celebrated i n the future for the repose of Father Smyth's soul.

MAYO.—On Oct. 23 a drowning ac­cident occurred at Brondhaven bay •whereby two young men, named Oaf-ferky and Tighe, lost their lives. There •were a number of "curragbs" band line fishing, and one of me frail craft, In which wore five occupants, Including the deceased, got too close to a breaker and was swamped. Three of tbe men, gp»d swimmers, were picked np by fishing craft. The ottier two were caught In the surf and drowned. Caf-ferky's body was recovered die follow­ing day, and an inquest was held by Dr. P. J, McHale, coroner for North Mayo, when a verdict of accidental drowning was returned. . ' .•'2-"'7heStenareta In Kflgariff> Cappada- : vock, Claddagh, Gurranbawn, Oloon-govnaogh, Neelicfc, Mahanagh, Cloon-b o and Lomonagxt, the estate of J. McDonnell, Taum, situate part in the parish of Clooneberne and the remainder in the parish of Toam, have signed undertakings to pur­chase. The terms are twenty-two years o n second term rents and a baif year added where a half year is due arid a year added where a year or more i s due. tbo estate to be sold to the es­tate commissioners, with two out of three largo grass farms containing 400 acres and oil bogs and cutaway, bogs, a S rights to tbe tenants. The rental ot agricultural tenants is $2£00 a year arid of the two grass tnmmMMfk «W price of the latter t o be paid by tbe ea-ts.te commissioners.

A meeting, of the committee of the Westport Gaelic league was Held in tbo league rooms in the town ban lately. The following membera attended: Rev. Father McDonald, president in the chair; Bev. Father Oanavan^ Messrs, P . J, X>orla, Manns Molloy, Michael Barowae, Petrlck Conway, Conor Pat* text and John J. O'Malley, honorable. secretary.' I n reply to the chairman, Mr, Conway said the number of ladle* attending the class was nineteen, and that he believed that soon the number would b e Increased. Among me items for discussion was the appointment of a teacher, and on the motion of Mr, Doris Patrick Con-way was re-elected unanimously.

W08GOMMON.—At tha Ballinlough sessions a Castlerea bailiff named Janes Montgomery, was returned for trial to tbe winter assises on,a charge), of embezzling amounts of decreet col-.. lected b y him. The accused Is la Tut-' laxnore Jail.

SLIQO^-Hugh Conlon ef Qeavagh h a s been elected master of Boyle work-bouse. There were she candidates to t h e field, and the final vote Waa 41 for Mr. Condon end 24 for Thomas O'Don­nell of Gfurteen. Michael J. McBugh, formerly schoolmaster at the work-honse, was defeated on the fourth polL

Miss Annie O'Dovrd of Carrowrlle died Sept 15 it the age of twenty-nine years.



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