ii · " tn.mtiir.t: ctam" en"" s.nlc,,,ioinnij). from ii..1. anew, nt...

14 ii : .V t r .. ii m m m. till ) t ?9 J T t S 'V ff'ff- - m r- - v-- jj p' ' . l . '4 J if? W srjsrsxrxmsTstmza.TcsR' -- LJr.MLUUliaM-aBX3SXamilUlUtlXttaitt Vol. TIL Xo. HG2. HONOLULU, II. J., FHIDAY EYENIIVG, MARCH G, 1S85. SUD6CRIPTION 60 CENTS PER MONTH TFS DAILY BULLETIN STSAM PM.VTING OFFICE. ' cjm'Dti Street, ";ipil'B W '( CitI ij fuctitry. 50 cents per Month. AH business communications to lio ml. tl'wicil, Minagor Dally Bulletin, Post Odloo 15u. No. 14. Telephone -- MS 0N Inns Elitor WuevTvYi.oit I.iuil K i iitiet .Ias. U. Oi.r.viou Mmmput Commission Merchants. BHEWKK i: COMPANY, J, (.LiuiH.U) GEXEIUi MSllCAXTILU ASD COMMISSION AOKKTS. LIST OF OKKICKV.S: T. C. Jokes, .Ir Ptcsident & Manager .1. O. Uaiiii.11. TitasUier & Sccietarj UIULmOUS: Hon. 0. It. manor, Hon. II. A. P. CAitrEit y;w ly Geo. V. Mntfaikmo H. H. Maciarhiuo. " G. W. HAC?AHLAKE & Co. IMPORTERS. COMMISSION MER- CHANTS ajjd Suyar Factors, FircProof Building, 52 Queen sticct, Honolulu. II. I. aoiums for The WiilkapuSug.ii Plantation, Maui, The Spuiotr Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Hooia su'g.u Plantation, Ouliu, lluelo Sugar Mill, Maui, lluelo sugar Flnutatiuu, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co , Hawaii, J. Fowler A. Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tiamway Woi ks, Lewis., Mirrloos, Watson & Co'.s Sugar Machin ery, Glasgow, Qlas,row and Uouolulu Lino of Packets. 1H5 C O. BEBQSR, U4 MUIICIIANT SrilBET. General Agent for The N. Y. Luc iusuiuucu Company, The City ot London Fire In. Co(limit't South Uiitishaul Nuioail Fiiu &Mi-liu- u liisui.iuoc Co. Macnealo & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Spriuglicld CJas Machine Oau Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 38 J. LYON'S, L. .1. LliVKY. & LKVKY, LYO:l5 Auelio.iuei'r and Ueueiul Ciiiumlaiou JIcilIkuiIs Heaver Block, IJuccu at., - - - Honolulu. bulea ot Fuiuituio, sioi-k- , Heal hstau aud uunurul Mueliaudioe pruiuptly at tuiidtd to. sole Ajsuts for Aineritau and Em o pcau ineicuaiuiioc. 31b GlUNBAUM es CO , MS. liiiniiteia ol Ueiiorul Mer- - cii.tiulNutiiid iJoimiiisiRiu MercliunlH, Honolulu. 1 M. S. GHW3AUM U CO , , CoiuiuiEiJioii Alercliunts, 121 Clilmui.. stii'ul, i toun Fliinelbco, Cul. Claua hiTi-ckils-. Wm. U. Irwin, "T G. Irwin & Company, Y sugai F.ietois una Commission AgcUs, Hoiiululu. 1 OLEUlIOUN & CO. AS. liiipuileis and Commission MuiuhanU, deuleia in Geueial iMerchun due, Queen and lv.uihuiuiiuu sis., Houo-lulu- . TO T,f A. GONSALVE3 Itt, CO , J.tX No. .'j7 lliitul alieui, Honolulu, importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancj GooiU, Inlaid Work, Kmoioidery, 281) A:e.. fce.. Ac. JOHN T. V7ATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Qtn.cn t., Honolulu. 1 S. N. t'uellu. J. U. Atl.trton. CASTLE & COOKE, Slnppiiif,' nnd Commission Merchanla. Iiuporteis and Dealers in General Meiihuuijise, No. HO King st , Ilunoluiu. 1 WO TAI & CO , ImpoitJi.s mi 1 G uuiiil Doilcis in Englltli, Ameiicin ami Chiuuiit PI initition Ton and General Supplies. Also, Whilo & Colmcd Con. tract .Mulling, all qualities and prices. Ni). Ul Nitiiuiiu ntreet. oj piiaile .Mr, ( , Afoug'i,, fl'.'3 0m J. 31. OAT & CO., HAZMIAKIUIH. Loft in A, F. Conkes New 1'iio Proof Huiimiig, foot of Niiiiniiu Street. Honolulu, II, I. ringi of all made nnd lepiiiinl, ly 1) T. RHOADS, w co ;i'incron aij'iildek Shop on Queen Mievt, ne.u A'alau tin dm .... . p ii...i.j i.i.i "" & PHILLIPS, BROWN PliimboiH, Aim Fitters nnd OoppQr-sinitli- No, 71 King HI., Honolulu. V?r llousii and Ship Job Work promptly oxeeuti-d- . 17 ftirvriii'i G. II. ROBERTSON, L Drayman best suxnv OlUce, Q.iton nt. Ii R-r- i C m 7" : :i 'o,on Profosslonalc DR. S. ERNEST ORADDOOK. (.iilu S licl ir aud Pl'cmm Sn ui i.nd Mc.lciix, Kiig'-- i CnlU'i'f, London) I'b.M-iein- nnd Miigion, 10 Fori S kc, oppi3i c l'enon & Mnilli'.. Olllt e hour '.! In 2 n iw., VI to fi ni.il 7 V 8p in., or ai II iwnl un Hotel. 0 .1 Mm ,R S. ERNB&T CRADDOCIC, Mi-i- l C.i Oirui'l'in, 01 h cut Mini. Ai: ii -- i cm cii-i- i, il.m II lion s up meb (I in. Ii.im (J linias'u- clni'", ed m 7 hn n n olio, i ft in do e de noi'c no Unw ilimi Hotel. r'ollii o i oituguc. l'A (ini Dr. Emerson, lteisldeiice and cousiiltntlou rooms at Ko. 2 Kukul 8t., cotuei of Foit. Telephone No. 140. 50 2rc A ROSA, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Nolao l'ulilii. Ofllru wllli the Alloriii' Ceneial, Allio laui Hale, llmiuliilu. ' i)J L J OH.N RUSSELL. J AI I (JUNKY AT LAW. Olllcc, on Meu'l'iuit btieel, (lieM (loot to l)i. hliuijiuiwnlil.) A'.hi lj OIOHARD P. BICKERTOH, Xti AUoiuey uuu L'ouik-i.ll- m at Law Money to lend on Muitgago ot Flee holds.. Unite. No. 14 Muichaut t. 1 CECIL BROW1I, . and Counsellor nt Law Nowry Public, anil Aent for taking Ac Miuuludgmciiw ot lntiiiiiieiils lor llu lsliuul oi U.iliu. No. 8 Kuaiiumaiiu st Honolulu. JM. HONSARRAT, AriuUNET AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in iinj part ot the Kingdom boughl, bold am. lcascd, on coiniiin-s,ii)n- . Luans uegotih ted, Lugal Docuiueulb Uiawn. No. 'i Merchant st. (Uaeitu Rluck), Honolulu, U.tuaii.ui lbl.niilh Ittu WILLIAM &.ULD, to take Acknowledgment lo Contiutts for Labor for the District ot ICoua, Lilnud of Oahu, at the ollice ol the Honolulu Water Works, toot ol Nuu inn street. lb. JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agout lo take Ackuowlcdgmoiil' lo Contiacio ioi Labor. Interior .ltllce Honolulu. WO. AKANA, and Hawaiian Trnnslntni and Intel pi eter, No. 7 King stieet, mar tlie Biidge. Tiaiislaiimis, of either of the uuow languagcb made with uccuiacy uud dis pinch, and on reasonable tonus. 2Ws ".fl Honolulu Iron Works, sJJjSSai'aitiiiii engiiica, sug.n mill-- , boil i m, Lunlers; iion, bni-- s mid lend cast inga; iiiachineiy ot evciy duiunptiui. made to Older, l'uiliiiitlur ullLUtluu pain to ship's black iinilhiug. Job woik exe cuted at dhort notice. ) CHR. GEKTZ, ft No. 60 Fort sticct, Ilonolul. mpor'cr and Dealer m Gent's, Ladies' and Chihli m's boots, shoes and slippers. H. S. TREGLOAN, Tailor, .01 FORT ST ttobcrt Li . ors, I!. I',. Cooke. L EWERS iz COOKE, (sULLcssors to Lcvxrs C Dickson,) (mportuis mill in Lumber uml all kinds ol UuilaiiijT Mutermls, street, Honolulu 1 WILDER ,5j CO , Dc.ileic in Lumber, Pnintf., Oils, Nails, Salt uud Building Material' of eteiy kind, tor. Fon and Queen sts., Houululu. IIOLLISTEH li CO. DruygisLs & Tobncconisi.s, V II JLKSALK and retail, 59 Nuiiiinii Street, Honolulu, and Cor., SU7 Foil an. I .Meiiluul t- -. i tf b WoSfe & Edwards Grocery and Feed Stcro, Corner King and Niiunnu streets. Fresh Giocerionnd Proiiioiib received by ociy Steainer. P.O. Box 130, Telephone 349. SOI Oin No. 0 Queen sti eet, 1'lsli Market, Dealer in choicebt Kerf, Veal, Glutton, t'lHh, ic, &.c. Family and Shipping Orders cu refill I) nttcmldl lo. Live siock fiirnlhhed ti vessels nt short notice, and Vegetnble-o- l nil kinds Bupplieil lo nider. til! 1, PIONEER STEAM AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectionct, Pustry Cook and linker. No. 71 Ilntnl ml Tolopinr 74 I'Jnxtcru Pine Nnmrar Iej;Hr IiiShookaoi Setup, also Eastern Pino Barrels for Molasses, Hoops lion ?, J6, Hn., 2 x Lie, 2 x , 2 . a. 10. For Mule by 030 3m 1) J. II. BltUNS, Senior. Q4 FORT SJ., TI-IT-S v- Ladies' (( u Tirtfcfftr.rtCTrRT.wTT'yn'i . i iwr JAMES BKODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. 01 F.C& and ic idiuci, i ti I u -t ma Hiuel nml .MilC.bb n l.m . Oillie ho. r- - Ikuii 7 ti 0 n , un 1 1 i . J p.m. O.dtislt-f- t at the P.uiiiitxu St -- ule-. will be pit 111,1th a tui.dtd to. P.O.Box tC. tt3tf llmi.ig leased Iho Tn.Mtiir.T: CTAm en " " "" J). from II. .1. Anew, nt s.nlC,,,ioinni l'il.. T ., uuu ptcpaiu.l id tike 1 orb"s lu.rtiu, nd i- - pile them 101 ihu tomiii F..li jii the lull of June utxt. Eroakinp and Educa'ing Young Horses a specialty. It Ua point of inipoitun e to nil own-i- s ot II 11 j Jijiing tolls uoi to b. Ve lhe 11 jammed or haintncHd otr Hie hod .o.uls, ml 10 git ihi-- piopeily hi.udiC I 01. the lllsl kssolis aim the uliLStI1.1t make the horse. Alto in (.oiintction with my Ti.iinitig Stibl-h- , 1 will Mi vr .1 u 11a ii iHiiiil.Li ol thoite maits with m Vo .r)g H 1111. bil.oni.in S ullion " APTOS lliiLF. ' Ho win s led by Eltc ion el, o. ned b Uo. S a lioul. 'Ihesiieor El ciiouei'r was RiM.eke'o Ilambeliontau. Tue dam d Ap ns (Jliii-- t v. ii.s sunt by bpe ula ttoii; be l3' Iti de'it's llimb'el onitu. o it will be sien tint A, tos is an 1.1.. hi nd tf Iliinljdtuiii.il) '1 tor el 11 c f Aptn- - Chic', ."0 Kir the sea on, piynle ill the time 01 eivite; mid nil nuits f tiling 10 le niili loal v ill hue tue seiviceof the nofsc the hum ieasi)ii fjte ot Hmi c-- JIEnRY KEll'H. Knpiohni P r!, Jan. .2, l:oo. U- - 0111 rjpi e woii-unow- ii nous.: TiUineii JL nnd HlfhAICKK iiuow picpnel, at the old li.iimi ; slablca of C.ipi C.u-ney- , coinei Puiiiubowl mil Q 11 11 !, (iJ11e.1L ill ilid letd Imr 0 for iJ'Jj. N( rc'pun ibil.iy, hut cvci) o.iiu tuLi n. .".Hurai-tlipjitng- si ttially Oli Sin LF.VY & WOOLHAM, Elor.-i- C Ui-caker- s nnd Worsu Clippcrfi. rpiIEa'.ove lliiiiwt.l brim; hoiscs In JL r'uule nml (1 un lc h 1111 a, id be- ing vol kn w'ii na caitiputii hone iiiuikern, tin-- nti'd no furiliii' lotom ininiliUioii-- . a Ihcj gunriulee all woik in ibeir Hi e. CIIi)jjlne: UoiH) In tlio Mlost AWIslle Wlylc, All or en 1 ft ..t 'heir ollli 0 oppoilu he Ko .s i c Wiul ou-e- : or m ilia (Ji ll 0 if .1 E. Wisum in, Villi bo ptompily fililiil to. 9.7 lint A. Good iafi tire Tor Horses, - A few hot po will 1,c (?5 tnken to p.tMure nl M 1 WN'r' ll'ill VllllllV. PilSIUIDM- - nH-- 'tl fintlv ftmol. r3TFoi .'.. tt.-'.wa- i turns iii ,1 pi 10 .1. j:mmi;luiii, OIO o II Nuuiinii Si. Ornno ai Liuion Trees, Theso Trees &ro cl the Very Ccjt Klnis. "1 2SrtCll. SyTOH SALK IJY .7. KIDWELIi, 012 tf HONOLULU NURSKHY. FRANK HUSTACS, rviiinii. (Successor to C. P. Waul.) All orders for carluye promptly nt tended to, tit tlio lov.cit rates. Alfo for .ilu: IlnUatiUo Hnlt, Flio t onil, Wlillor.uit Hindi Maud 111 quantities to Mi, nt lowe-i- t prices. CCJ ly v Mr AT THE MILL1IEEI EfrJ? two citiini fiBS. WEEK SPECIAL SALE orcr 8 IW 'O'IDSE'WEAR Chemises, '50 els, Tocts and upward. bkirls, To els, 1.00 and upward. jSTight Gowns, 1.00, i?l-.2- 5 and upward. MmM POSfiPAIMY 'ill L1WH FFFm Hay, Grain and Canter of Queen and Edinburgh Streets ralr-n'- ! orders aollcltcil, anil soads clcUvoro-- I prouijitly. u. 11. ui::;son, BENSON, SMITH & CO. iiMiactBi'ii & Disieisii Plnaciisls M 113 & 115 FORT 8TBBDT. Depot for Boericke & Schreck's Homoepsthic Medicines, Ricksoclcer's Perfumes And Toilet K 'quisiti.s, The Co.ninon Seiito Nursing Rotlles, And Allairj Woudwiirdtb Oo's Phnrmnceiitical Products. iMzxvttnxmetxiwzAM-jitjv- t jumgimjaaTiwiw. GEORGE LUCAS, ,..k., ,. " Conn actor ms$M&. and Huildcr,iSl Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-liad- e, Hoiiolulu. Maiiufactincs all klinb, of Mouldings, Htaekuts, Window Framus, Winds, S isbes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-woi- ilulsh. Tinning, beioll and bund aawitig. All kinds ol hnwuig uud i'Piu-in- Moitifiug mil Ten.tiftlug. Uidernpiouipth al'umled to and woik giiar.tiiteed. Ordei.s from the other solicited WILLIAM HILLEll O jjii 1 I it o i: ski sa Ic g fi )Bwl And rtJjjhoJerus', No. C,i iluiel clrctt, Opposite Inteu.iiuonul Hotel, Canes and Walking Sticks, Made of ier kind of NATIVE WOODS IL.icktt . Oiinlii's, Cuiiiiin Poles, iirp. ill ill CO I llll! l.ltLst iltsius aj ill Fob! Messrs'. S. T. Graham & Co. T.iltu ple.tsit'e in iiunouiicing to their old fi lends mid puton. tluit tin J have a frcish lot of o,wl ullll If, Wlilrh they ofTer M Tlio jLiOwo&L -- Murlcet XlntoK. ZW II iy and Fied dJieicd lo tiny pail of tie t'bv. n. v. cnAteA3i i Co., So.HJ Klng-tie- tt Telephone Nr 167. 6'J' liu ALVJN II. ItASBaiANN, BooL"B nder PAPUR-RULRI- I .ml RLANIC1100K Miintifiirtiirfr. Hook Rinding of all doscilp'iun neatly .fid pi'niptly o.M'outuil, Giizettc Riilldlug . '. Mtrcliunt btieit u'J lv fft dsi a ra Has K $ HOUSi 01 -0 HONOLULU, OF rrrK3.-- i Chicken Feed. a. w. SMIIII, i .UONOLULU, Prussian Wattonai Insurance Compy l.STAUI.lSllliO loll, Capital, 9,000,000 rtcichsmarlis, 'piIL undciiigncd, having lnen ap JL poiiittdugentol thu abui Cnnipuii foi Hie Hawaiian Island, is pupnud to accept iigiiinsjt Flu-- , on Hiiililliig.-- , Piiruitiiie. M rob mills , Produce, hugnr Mill- - ftp., 1111 thu 1110-- 1 Fivorable Ttiins Losses Promptly Adjuster and Payable in Honolulu. II. RIL.MLNbf'IINl'.inLR, 070 lyb ni WiliIir.tOi)'. Oti!. TO BUTCHEH3, GEAZIS3L nml nil whom it inn outiin. .. .- - ,m--r iiu oiioi isigneu iiuini .. "N'TPJlll'l p alteration-- . iii!ilillonf fnleHl111111 ""P oMiiient- - in Ida tL..a SUAB FACTORY, I. now prejured in ghc The Higlujiit GjihIi Value for any iju.miiiy of And fuinish ( ontiiiniTh for the sunn fim of ito.il to any onu wiio may (ksirc. TJIOS. IV. KAWUSH, llonolttlu Soup Workb Oillca in Uilclt Hulliling, KingMretl, l.dio. .)f)n li r "fdtoZW Ml &sz&: Tlio Bost Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours Tlio lineal Ib.inds of Ciprs and Toimcpo, always on hand. THE OASEWO at int: r. jii-I- S OPEN EVERT DAY. C3TTI q only sen.sldo mnrl in lhe Kingdom. H..J.NOLTE, Proprietor J- - 6ULOATJr-.&Co- . Denlers In all kinds of rji'X" ATION13 LI V, Tho I.ntosl Foreh.'ii Paper always on luiiid at the Oaxttte Ulock Merchant Street ,y MISCELLANY, I Imve often wondered horr eTery man loves himself more tbnn all the lest of men, yet sets less value on liis own opinion of himself than on tho opinion of others. Apollo dorus. Billingsgate, tho gtetit mnikot tluouuh wliicli London buys her puncipnl fisli supply, delivers month- ly an iiveinc of 1 1,000 ton. Dur- ing Doi-ciiihe- there wai lirouglitiiito Ihu maikct 9,f!00 pounds of fish that ttas beized ns unliL for food. Although nee is tho chief article of consumption in Siena Leone, not. one pint is grown on the peninsula, and the pi ice of this food staplo is tcgtilated by the facilities of tiansit and Hie number of inteinueini! ton-llie- ts of the adjacent tribes of baviiges. An cxtraoidinaiy case of lonccvity is that of Putio d' Andrea, who i3 120 years old. lie lives nl Roem-bctatdi- .a ullage of the common of PoMoiteelihniio, near Cilta Ducnle, Italy. He is stilMn the full posses- sion of his mental faculties, nnd is able to walk long distances. Considering the number of child- ren who are thrashed within in inch of their lives, generation after pen-ciatio- n, in consequence of the "rod" dictum of the "wisest of men," Air. Luboucheie wondeis that no one bus pointed out how sadly the s stern of that "wise'' patent tailed in Iho case of his own son Rchoboam. In Japan, where a ridiculous aud injttiiotis custom prevail a of having lhe eyelids daily lurued inside out, ai d then nibbed over, titillated and polished with a smooth patula, the intio of the blind to the whole popu- lation is one to four hundiid. In tlie city of Yeddo, it is said, theic aie no fewer than SG,000 persons without bight. Alexander Mason, of New Yotk, upon coming out of his residence a few mornings ago, met a paily of iriends. who wete about to enter in a bod'. They slatted back 011 seeing him, and on his asking for an ex planation, they 1 end Irom an even- ing papei a notice of the death of Alexander Mason at a house only iwo duois aw a j'. The dead man had been a neighbor of Mr. Mason for years, and the tuo weie entirely unknown to each other. This illus- trates one phase of life in laige cities that a man does not know how his next-doo- r neighbor lives. A correspondent of the New York ieod has compikd fur that paper a list of the divoiee ases now pend- ing in the court of Chicago, with the names ot the parties tin rcto. It appears th-i- t theic are no less than s x bundled and seventy-fou- r suits' for divoicu now in the touit iccords of Unit city. Saturday is "divorce dn" in the courts, and the cham- bers of justice aud the halls leading theieio an thronged on that day with' parties interested in thcte ensos, their fiiends, witnesses, etc. As many as forty or fifty cases aie often disposal of in n day's session. A bad stale of affairs seems to ex- ist in New Oi leans, which can bald- ly be belter stated than in the words of the Piuiy ,c, of thai city, which says: "There aie no Ic-- s than twiiity persons thtii we can call to mind who tire now awaiting tiial for mur.'er in this city. Theie aie at pieseiit fun-tee- persons in tho paiish prison chuiged with murder, all of whom have been ancsted since September. Bulashoit lino shit'Q four of our city police ofllcira were ainiigncd In onu day under the t lunge of murder, and three of them remanded without bail. lieie is a 1 coord that is indeed appalling. It is idle for good citizens 10 close their eyes to such facts and leftite to re- cognize the diift of affairs." Tho lost and staiviug dogs in London 1110 cuicfully collpcle.il and tal.tn to a "home," wheie, to tho iiumhtT sometimes of a hundred n day, they aio killed by a pioeess than which uouu could be more humane. Aftei being given n hcnity meal, they are plated in cages, graded ncioiding to size asneaily .is possible, and with thu vicious dogs by themselves. Tho cages are then Minounded with an atmosphere charged with chloroform and of cat bon. In fiotn one to two minutes sleep falls upon the animals, often stertorous, like that of men in unein-- y attitudes or when dreaming. They begin breathing latuier and lninler and in six min- utes are dead. Their bodies aie then buried in heaps of hog moss, so prepared that dciompositiun ii completely perfected within 11 week ftom interment, V. 9 I 4

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Page 1: ii · " Tn.Mtiir.T: CTAm" en"" s.nlC,,,ioinniJ). from II..1. Anew, nt l'il.. T., uuu ptcpaiu.l id tike 1 orb"s lu.rtiu, nd i--pile them 101 ihu tomiii F..li jii the lull of June utxt

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srjsrsxrxmsTstmza.TcsR' -- LJr.MLUUliaM-aBX3SXamilUlUtlXttaitt



' cjm'Dti Street,";ipil'B W '( CitI ij fuctitry.

50 cents per Month.

AH business communications to lio ml.tl'wicil, Minagor Dally Bulletin, PostOdloo 15u. No. 14. Telephone -- MS

0N Inns ElitorWuevTvYi.oit I.iuil K i iitiet.Ias. U. Oi.r.viou Mmmput

Commission Merchants.





T. C. Jokes, .Ir Ptcsident & Manager.1. O. Uaiiii.11. TitasUier & Sccietarj


Hon. 0. It. manor, Hon. II. A. P. CAitrEity;w ly

Geo. V. Mntfaikmo H. H. Maciarhiuo."




Suyar Factors,FircProof Building, 52 Queen sticct,

Honolulu. II. I.

aoiums for

The WiilkapuSug.ii Plantation, Maui,The Spuiotr Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Hooia su'g.u Plantation, Ouliu,lluelo Sugar Mill, Maui,lluelo sugar Flnutatiuu, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co , Hawaii,J. Fowler A. Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tiamway Woi ks, Lewis.,Mirrloos, Watson & Co'.s Sugar Machin

ery, Glasgow,Qlas,row and Uouolulu Lino of Packets.



U4 MUIICIIANT SrilBET.General Agent for

The N. Y. Luc iusuiuucu Company,

The City ot London Fire In. Co(limit't

South Uiitishaul Nuioail Fiiu &Mi-liu- u

liisui.iuoc Co.

Macnealo & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Spriuglicld CJas Machine

Oau Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.


J. LYON'S, L. .1. LliVKY.& LKVKY,LYO:l5Auelio.iuei'r and Ueueiul

Ciiiumlaiou JIcilIkuiIsHeaver Block, IJuccu at., - - - Honolulu.

bulea ot Fuiuituio, sioi-k-, Heal hstau

aud uunurul Mueliaudioe pruiuptly attuiidtd to.

sole Ajsuts for Aineritau and Em opcau ineicuaiuiioc. 31b

GlUNBAUM es CO ,MS. liiiniiteia ol Ueiiorul Mer- -

cii.tiulNutiiid iJoimiiisiRiu MercliunlH,Honolulu. 1


, CoiuiuiEiJioii Alercliunts,121 Clilmui.. stii'ul,

i toun Fliinelbco, Cul.

Claua hiTi-ckils-. Wm. U. Irwin,

"T G. Irwin & Company,Y sugai F.ietois una Commission

AgcUs, Hoiiululu. 1

OLEUlIOUN & CO.AS. liiipuileis and CommissionMuiuhanU, deuleia in Geueial iMerchundue, Queen and lv.uihuiuiiuu sis., Houo-lulu- .


T,f A. GONSALVE3 Itt, CO ,

J.tX No. .'j7 lliitul alieui, Honolulu,importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancj

GooiU, Inlaid Work, Kmoioidery,281) A:e.. fce.. Ac.

JOHN T. V7ATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Qtn.cn t., Honolulu. 1

S. N. t'uellu. J. U. Atl.trton.

CASTLE & COOKE,Slnppiiif,' nnd Commission

Merchanla. Iiuporteis and Dealers inGeneral Meiihuuijise, No. HO King st ,

Ilunoluiu. 1


ImpoitJi.s mi 1 G uuiiil Doilcisin Englltli, Ameiicin ami Chiuuiit

PI initition Ton and GeneralSupplies. Also, Whilo & Colmcd Con.tract .Mulling, all qualities and prices.

Ni). Ul Nitiiuiiu ntreet. oj piiaile .Mr, ( ,

Afoug'i,, fl'.'3 0m

J. 31. OAT & CO., HAZMIAKIUIH.Loft in A, F. Conkes New 1'iio Proof

Huiimiig, foot of Niiiiniiu Street.Honolulu, II, I.

ringi of all made nndlepiiiinl, ly 1)

T. RHOADS,w co ;i'incron aij'iildekShop on Queen Mievt, ne.u A'alau

tin dm.... .p ii...i.j i.i.i ""

& PHILLIPS,BROWN PliimboiH, Aim Fittersnnd OoppQr-sinitli- No, 71 King HI.,Honolulu. V?r llousii and Ship JobWork promptly oxeeuti-d- . 17

ftirvriii'i G. II. ROBERTSON,L Drayman best suxnv

OlUce, Q.iton nt. Ii

R-r- i Cm

7": :i 'o,on


DR. S. ERNEST ORADDOOK.(.iilu S licl ir aud Pl'cmm Sn

ui i.nd Mc.lciix, Kiig'-- i CnlU'i'f,London) I'b.M-iein- nnd Miigion, 10Fori S kc, oppi3i c l'enon & Mnilli'..

Olllt e hour '.! In 2 n iw., VI to fi ni.il 7

V 8 p in., or ai II iwnl un Hotel.0 .1 Mm

,R S. ERNB&T CRADDOCIC,Mi-i- l C.i Oirui'l'in, 01 h cut Mini.

Ai: ii -- i cm cii-i- i, il.m II lion s up meb(I in. Ii.im (J linias'u- clni'", e d m 7 hn nn olio, i ft in do e de noi'c no Unw ilimiHotel. r'ollii o i oituguc. l'A (ini

Dr. Emerson,lteisldeiice and cousiiltntlou rooms

at Ko. 2 Kukul 8t., cotuei of Foit.Telephone No. 140. 50 2rc


And Nolao l'ulilii.Ofllru wllli the Alloriii' Ceneial, Alliolaui Hale, llmiuliilu. ' i)J L

J OH.N RUSSELL.J AI I (JUNKY AT LAW.Olllcc, on Meu'l'iuit btieel, (lieM (loot

to l)i. hliuijiuiwnlil.) A'.hi ljOIOHARD P. BICKERTOH,Xti AUoiuey uuu L'ouik-i.ll- m at LawMoney to lend on Muitgago ot Fleeholds.. Unite. No. 14 Muichaut t. 1

CECIL BROW1I, .and Counsellor nt Law

Nowry Public, anil Aent for taking AcMiuuludgmciiw ot lntiiiiiieiils lor llulsliuul oi U.iliu. No. 8 Kuaiiumaiiu stHonolulu.


and Notary Public. Real Estate in iinjpart ot the Kingdom boughl, bold am.lcascd, on coiniiin-s,ii)n- . Luans uegotihted, Lugal Docuiueulb Uiawn. No. 'iMerchant st. (Uaeitu Rluck), Honolulu,U.tuaii.ui lbl.niilh Ittu

WILLIAM &.ULD,to take Acknowledgment

lo Contiutts for Labor for the Districtot ICoua, Lilnud of Oahu, at the ollice olthe Honolulu Water Works, toot ol Nuuinn street. lb.

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agout lo take Ackuowlcdgmoiil'

lo Contiacio ioi Labor. Interior .ltllceHonolulu.

WO. AKANA,and Hawaiian Trnnslntni

and Intel pi eter,No. 7 King stieet, mar tlie Biidge.

Tiaiislaiimis, of either of the uuowlanguagcb made with uccuiacy uud dispinch, and on reasonable tonus. 2Ws

".fl Honolulu Iron Works,sJJjSSai'aitiiiii engiiica, sug.n mill-- , boili m, Lunlers; iion, bni-- s mid lend castinga; iiiachineiy ot evciy duiunptiui.made to Older, l'uiliiiitlur ullLUtluu painto ship's black iinilhiug. Job woik executed at dhort notice. )

CHR. GEKTZ, ftNo. 60 Fort sticct, Ilonolul.

mpor'cr and Dealer m Gent's, Ladies'and Chihli m's boots, shoes and slippers.

H. S. TREGLOAN,Tailor,


ttobcrt Li . ors, I!. I',. Cooke.

LEWERS iz COOKE,(sULLcssors to Lcvxrs C Dickson,)

(mportuis mill in Lumber uml allkinds ol UuilaiiijT Mutermls, street,Honolulu 1


Dc.ileic in Lumber, Pnintf.,Oils, Nails, Salt uud Building Material'of eteiy kind, tor. Fon and Queen sts.,Houululu.


DruygisLs & Tobncconisi.s,V II JLKSALK and retail,

59 Nuiiiinii Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,SU7 Foil an. I .Meiiluul t- -. i tf b

WoSfe & EdwardsGrocery and Feed Stcro,

Corner King and Niiunnu streets.Fresh Giocerionnd Proiiioiib received

by ociy Steainer.P.O. Box 130, Telephone 349.


No. 0 Queen sti eet, 1'lsli Market,Dealer in choicebt

Kerf, Veal, Glutton, t'lHh, ic, &.c.

Family and Shipping Orders cu refill I)nttcmldl lo. Live siock fiirnlhhed tivessels nt short notice, and Vegetnble-o- l

nil kinds Bupplieil lo nider. til! 1,


AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectionct,

Pustry Cook and linker.No. 71 Ilntnl ml Tolopinr 74

I'Jnxtcru Pine Nnmrar Iej;HrIiiShookaoi Setup, also

Eastern Pino Barrels forMolasses,

Hoops lion ?, J6, Hn., 2 x Lie, 2 x ,2 . a. 10.

For Mule by030 3m 1) J. II. BltUNS, Senior.






Tirtfcfftr.rtCTrRT.wTT'yn'i . i iwr

JAMES BKODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.01 F.C& and ic idiuci, i ti I u -t

ma Hiuel nml .MilC.bb n l.m .Oillie ho. r- - Ikuii 7 ti 0 n , un 1 1 i . Jp.m. O.dtislt-f-t at the P.uiiiitxu St --

ule-. will be pit 111,1th a tui.dtd to.P.O.Box tC. tt3tf

llmi.ig leased IhoTn.Mtiir.T: CTAm en" " ""J). from II. .1. Anew, nt

s.nlC,,,ioinni l'il.. T .,

uuu ptcpaiu.l id tike 1 orb"s lu.rtiu,nd i-

- pile them 101 ihu tomiii F..lijii the lull of June utxt.

Eroakinp and Educa'ing Young Horsesa specialty.

It U a point of inipoitun e to nil own-i- s

ot II 11 j Jijiing tolls uoi to b. Ve lhe 11

jammed or haintncHd otr Hie hod.o.uls, ml 10 git ihi-- piopeily hi.udiC I

01. the lllsl kssolis aim the uliLStI1.1tmake the horse.

Alto in (.oiintction with my Ti.iinitigStibl-h- , 1 will Mi vr .1 u 11a ii iHiiiil.Liol thoite maits with m Vo .r)g H 1111.

bil.oni.in S ullion " APTOS lliiLF. 'Ho win s led by Eltc ion el, o. ned bUo. S a lioul. 'Ihesiieor El ciiouei'rwas RiM.eke'o Ilambeliontau. Tue damd Ap ns (Jliii-- t v. ii.s sunt by bpe ula

ttoii; be l3' Iti de'it's llimb'el onitu.o it will be sien tint A, tos is an 1.1..

hi nd tf Iliinljdtuiii.il)'1 tor el 11 c f Aptn- - Chic', ."0

Kir the sea on, piynle ill the time 01

eivite; mid nil nuits f tiling 10 leniili loal v ill hue tue seiviceof thenofsc the hum ieasi)ii fjte ot Hmi c--

JIEnRY KEll'H.Knpiohni P r!, Jan. .2, l:oo. U- - 0111

rjpi e woii-unow- ii nous.: TiUineiiJL nnd HlfhAICKK iiuow picpnel,

at the old li.iimi ; slablca of C.ipi C.u-ney- ,

coinei Puiiiubowl mil Q 11 11 !,(iJ11e.1L ill ilid letd Imr 0 for iJ'Jj. N(

rc'pun ibil.iy, hut cvci) o.iiu tuLi n..".Hurai-tlipjitng- si ttially Oli Sin

LF.VY & WOOLHAM,Elor.-i- C Ui-caker- s nnd Worsu

Clippcrfi.rpiIEa'.ove lliiiiwt.l brim; hoiscs In

JL r'uule nml (1 un lc h 1111 a, id be-

ing vol kn w'ii na caitiputii honeiiiuikern, tin-- nti'd no furiliii' lotomininiliUioii-- . a Ihcj gunriulee all woikin ibeir Hi e.

CIIi)jjlne: UoiH) In tlio MlostAWIslle Wlylc,

All or en 1 ft ..t 'heir ollli 0 oppoiluhe Ko .s i c Wiul ou-e- : or m ilia (Ji

ll 0 if .1 E. Wisum in, Villi bo ptompilyfililiil to. 9.7 lint

A. Good iafi tire Tor Horses,-

A few hot po will 1,c(?5 tnken to p.tMure nl M 1

WN'r' ll'ill VllllllV. PilSIUIDM- -nH-- 'tl fintlv ftmol. r3TFoi.'.. tt.-'.wa- i turns iii ,1 pi 10

.1. j:mmi;luiii,OIO o II Nuuiinii Si.

Ornno ai Liuion Trees,

Theso Trees &ro cl the Very Ccjt Klnis.




(Successor to C. P. Waul.)

All orders for carluye promptly nttended to, tit tlio lov.cit rates. Alfo for.ilu:IlnUatiUo Hnlt,

Flio t onil,Wlillor.uit Hindi Maud

111 quantities to Mi, nt lowe-i- t prices.CCJ ly

v Mr



EfrJ? two citiinifiBS.WEEK SPECIAL SALE


Chemises, '50 els, Tocts and upward.bkirls, To els, 1.00 and upward.jSTight Gowns, 1.00, i?l-.2- 5 and upward.


'ill L1WH


Hay, Grain and

Canter of Queen and Edinburgh Streets

ralr-n'-! orders aollcltcil, anil soads clcUvoro-- I prouijitly.

u. 11. ui::;son,

BENSON, SMITH & CO.iiMiactBi'ii & Disieisii PlnaciislsM

113 & 115 FORT 8TBBDT.

Depot for Boericke & Schreck'sHomoepsthic Medicines, Ricksoclcer's Perfumes

And Toilet K 'quisiti.s, The Co.ninon Seiito Nursing Rotlles,

And Allairj Woudwiirdtb Oo's Phnrmnceiitical Products.iMzxvttnxmetxiwzAM-jitjv- t jumgimjaaTiwiw.

GEORGE LUCAS, ,..k., ,."

Conn actor ms$M&.and Huildcr,iSl

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-liad- e,

Hoiiolulu.Maiiufactincs all klinb, of Mouldings,

Htaekuts, Window Framus, Winds,S isbes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-woi-

ilulsh. Tinning, beioll and bundaawitig. All kinds ol hnwuig uud i'Piu-in-

Moitifiug mil Ten.tiftlug.Uidernpiouipth al'umled to and woik

giiar.tiiteed. Ordei.s from the othersolicited

WILLIAM HILLEllO jjii 1 I it o i: ski sa Ic g fi

)BwlAnd rtJjjhoJerus',

No. C,i iluiel clrctt,Opposite Inteu.iiuonul Hotel,

Canes and Walking Sticks,Made of ier kind of

NATIVE WOODSIL.icktt . Oiinlii's, Cuiiiiin Poles, iirp.

ill ill CO I llll! l.ltLst iltsius

aj ill Fob!Messrs'. S. T. Graham & Co.

T.iltu ple.tsit'e in iiunouiicing to theirold fi lends mid puton. tluit

tin J have

a frcish lot ofo,wlullll If,

Wlilrh they ofTer M

Tlio jLiOwo&L --Murlcet XlntoK.ZW II iy and Fied dJieicd lo tiny

pail of tie t'bv.n. v. cnAteA3i i Co.,

So.HJ Klng-tie- tt

Telephone Nr 167. 6'J' liu



Miintifiirtiirfr.Hook Rinding of all doscilp'iun neatly

.fid pi'niptly o.M'outuil,Giizettc Riilldlug . '. Mtrcliunt btieit

u'J lv


dsi a ra Has K $

HOUSi 01




rrrK3.-- i

Chicken Feed.

a. w. SMIIII,



Prussian Wattonai

Insurance Compyl.STAUI.lSllliO loll,

Capital, 9,000,000 rtcichsmarlis,

'piIL undciiigncd, having lnen apJL poiiittdugentol thu abui Cnnipuii

foi Hie Hawaiian Island, is pupnud toaccept iigiiinsjt Flu-- , on Hiiililliig.--,Piiruitiiie. M rob mills , Produce, hugnrMill- - ftp., 1111 thu 1110-- 1 Fivorable Ttiins

Losses Promptly Adjuster and Payable inHonolulu.

II. RIL.MLNbf'IINl'.inLR,070 lyb ni WiliIir.tOi)'.


nml nil whom it inn outiin....- - ,m--r iiu oiioi isigneu iiuini

.. "N'TPJlll'l p alteration-- . iii!ilillonffnleHl111111 ""P oMiiient- - in IdatL..a SUAB FACTORY,I. now prejured in ghc

The Higlujiit GjihIi Valuefor any iju.miiiy of

And fuinish ( ontiiiniTh for the sunnfim of ito.il to any onu wiio may (ksirc.

TJIOS. IV. KAWUSH,llonolttlu Soup Workb

Oillca in Uilclt Hulliling,KingMretl, l.dio. .)f)n li

r "fdtoZW Ml&sz&:

Tlio Bost Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursTlio lineal Ib.inds of Ciprs and

Toimcpo, always on hand.

THE OASEWOat int: r. jii-I-


OPEN EVERT DAY.C3TTI q only sen.sldo mnrl in lhe

Kingdom. H..J.NOLTE,Proprietor

J- - 6ULOATJr-.&Co- .Denlers In all kinds of

rji'X" ATION13 LIV,Tho I.ntosl Foreh.'ii Paper always onluiiid at the Oaxttte Ulock MerchantStreet ,y


I Imve often wondered horr eTeryman loves himself more tbnn all thelest of men, yet sets less value onliis own opinion of himself than ontho opinion of others. Apollodorus.

Billingsgate, tho gtetit mnikottluouuh wliicli London buys herpuncipnl fisli supply, delivers month-ly an iiveinc of 1 1,000 ton. Dur-ing Doi-ciiihe- there wai lirouglitiiitoIhu maikct 9,f!00 pounds of fish thatttas beized ns unliL for food.

Although nee is tho chief article ofconsumption in Siena Leone, not.one pint is grown on the peninsula,and the pi ice of this food staplo istcgtilated by the facilities of tiansitand Hie number of inteinueini! ton-llie- ts

of the adjacent tribes ofbaviiges.

An cxtraoidinaiy case of lonccvityis that of Putio d' Andrea, who i3120 years old. lie lives nl Roem-bctatdi- .a

ullage of the common ofPoMoiteelihniio, near Cilta Ducnle,Italy. He is stilMn the full posses-sion of his mental faculties, nnd isable to walk long distances.

Considering the number of child-ren who are thrashed within in inchof their lives, generation after pen-ciatio- n,

in consequence of the "rod"dictum of the "wisest of men," Air.Luboucheie wondeis that no onebus pointed out how sadly the s sternof that "wise'' patent tailed in Ihocase of his own son Rchoboam.

In Japan, where a ridiculous audinjttiiotis custom prevail a of havinglhe eyelids daily lurued inside out,ai d then nibbed over, titillated andpolished with a smooth patula, theintio of the blind to the whole popu-lation is one to four hundiid. Intlie city of Yeddo, it is said, theicaie no fewer than SG,000 personswithout bight.

Alexander Mason, of New Yotk,upon coming out of his residence afew mornings ago, met a paily ofiriends. who wete about to enter in abod'. They slatted back 011 seeinghim, and on his asking for an explanation, they 1 end Irom an even-ing papei a notice of the death ofAlexander Mason at a house onlyiwo duois aw a j'. The dead manhad been a neighbor of Mr. Masonfor years, and the tuo weie entirelyunknown to each other. This illus-trates one phase of life in laigecities that a man does not knowhow his next-doo- r neighbor lives.

A correspondent of the New Yorkieod has compikd fur that papera list of the divoiee ases now pend-ing in the court of Chicago, withthe names ot the parties tin rcto. Itappears th-i- t theic are no less thans x bundled and seventy-fou- r suits'for divoicu now in the touit iccordsof Unit city. Saturday is "divorcedn" in the courts, and the cham-bers of justice aud the halls leadingtheieio an thronged on that daywith' parties interested in thcteensos, their fiiends, witnesses, etc.As many as forty or fifty cases aieoften disposal of in n day's session.

A bad stale of affairs seems to ex-ist in New Oi leans, which can bald-ly be belter stated than in the wordsof the Piuiy ,c, of thai city, whichsays: "There aie no Ic-- s thantwiiity persons thtii we can call tomind who tire now awaiting tiial formur.'er in this city. Theie aie atpieseiit fun-tee- persons in thopaiish prison chuiged with murder,all of whom have been ancstedsince September. Bulashoit linoshit'Q four of our city police ofllcirawere ainiigncd In onu day under thet lunge of murder, and three of themremanded without bail. lieie is a1 coord that is indeed appalling. Itis idle for good citizens 10 close theireyes to such facts and leftite to re-

cognize the diift of affairs."

Tho lost and staiviug dogs inLondon 1110 cuicfully collpcle.il andtal.tn to a "home," wheie, to thoiiumhtT sometimes of a hundred nday, they aio killed by a pioeessthan which uouu could be morehumane. Aftei being given n hcnitymeal, they are plated in cages,graded ncioiding to size asneaily.is possible, and with thu viciousdogs by themselves. Tho cages arethen Minounded with an atmospherecharged with chloroform and

of cat bon. In fiotn one totwo minutes sleep falls upon theanimals, often stertorous, like thatof men in unein-- y attitudes or whendreaming. They begin breathinglatuier and lninler and in six min-utes are dead. Their bodies aiethen buried in heaps of hog moss,so prepared that dciompositiun iicompletely perfected within 11 weekftom interment, V.




Page 2: ii · " Tn.Mtiir.T: CTAm" en"" s.nlC,,,ioinniJ). from II..1. Anew, nt l'il.. T., uuu ptcpaiu.l id tike 1 orb"s lu.rtiu, nd i--pile them 101 ihu tomiii F..li jii the lull of June utxt





WATEK NOTICE.Owing to tho scarcity of water, tlio

houri for irrigation will be limited to4 hours per dny, from C to 8 n. in., unil

rrom4 to 0 p. m., until further nollee.gOHAS. B. WILSON,

Supt Water Works.Approved: CnAH. T. Qoiick,

Minister of Interior.January 80, 1885. 2 tf


Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.Draw Eschango on tlio

ISivnlc oi Calilbrnin, S.And their agents In


Messrs. N. 31. Rothschild A; Son, London.The Comtnerclul Bunk Co., of Sydney,

London,Tho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney.The Bank of New Zealaud: Auckland,

Chrlstehurch, and Wellington.The Bank of British Columbia, Vie.

tnrla, B. C. and Poitland, Or.and

Transact a General Banking Hitpinnss.GG0 1v

I'loJgoJ to neither Sect tor Fatty.Bat established for tho benefit of nil.

FRIDAY, MARCH 0, 1885.


' Skating, 7.Roller Coaster, 7.Imp. Order of Red Men, at 7:150.Morning Star Lodge, K of J. 7 :J)0Polynesia Encampment, 7:30.



E. P. Adams will sell at 10, atresidence of F. E. Carpenter, houso-bol- d


E. P. Adams will sell at 1, atSalesroom, valunblo lands.


Following up our remarks upon" Homesteads" in yesterday's issue,wc would recommend that some or-

ganization be formed to promote thesettlement of the country with an industrious peasantry. The exampleof the State of California is one thatmight be utilized to great advantagein this country. Anyono arriving inOakland by the overland route is atonce made acquainted with the factthat an intelligent and patriotic sys-

tem of land settlement is in vogue inthe State. Uniformed officials of animmigration organization meet thetrains at outlying stations, and bythe time the Bay is reached theyhave ascertained the occupations ofall immigrants, found out those whoarc desirous or willing lo engage inagriculture in the State, and dis-

tributed printed information regard-ing the advantages of the countryand the lands available for settle-

ment. Agents of the same organiza-

tion or bureau we are not certainwhether it is under State control ornot go upon expeditions to theolder communities cast, propagatingsimilar information, that bears, fruitin large colonies of the. best class offarmers coinc: to California. Theresult of this organized and intelli-

gent effort is shown in the monthlyannouncement of accessions of thou-

sands to the productive populationof tho State.

Hitherto the Government of thiscountry has borne the responsibility,and a largo part of the expense, ofproviding immigration for laboringpurposes. It is now, we submit,high time that a policy was inaugu-

rated for inducing a flow of immi-

gration to inhabit tho waste placesof the country. Mu'oh of the ex-

pense of immigration for labor hasproved in the end a waste. Thedominant idea of the planters seemsto havo been to keep the labor marketglutted so that wages could not goabove certain ratC3. Yet there wouldseem to havo prevailed a chronictendency on tho part of labor todefeat the gauging of it, as the silvercurrency appears to evade all at-

tempts at an agreement over thoamount of it actually required incirculation. It seems the Chinesehavo held the key of the labor situa-

tion, producing a scarcity wheneverthey found it to their interests to doso. The Government or the plant-ing guild has never been ablo towholly checkmate them by an equallycheap labor clement, so that muchof the expense incurred with thatobject has been nugatory in results.

Ooo would bo ratlicr bold who should J

ndvlse an immediate ccssntlon of thopolicy of procuring immigration nt ,

Government expense for tlio plantlions. Yet wo bopc tbat once tliocountry is fairly supplied withJapanese labor, if tho experimentproves to bo the success it promises,the Legislature may sco tho wnyclear to letting tho planters find theirlabor for themselves. In tho mean-

time, it would be wisdom on thepnrt of the Government to take intoconsideration the formulation of apolicy of promoting immigration forthe purposes of populating the coun-

try. A Government policy wouldnot, however, preclude the advisabi-

lity of a colonization associationbeing formed at once. Such an or-

ganization could pave tbo way forenlightened legislation upon thematter at the next session, by col-

lecting information and agitating thepublic upon the question. It couldalso, with more or less capital, begintho work of settling farmers uponnvailable land, by buying up areasnud dividing them into homesteadsfor people now in tho country who

could be induced to take them up.There ought to be profit in such anenterprise: there certainly is patriot-ism in it, and we hope what hasbeen said in this and other writingsupon the subject will not be lostupon public-spirite- d capitalists.


The Guide published yesterday anarticle having reference to raidsupon opium dens and gamblers. Itsays :

Wc are sorry to chronicle thofact that discrimination against theChinese portion of our populationappears to be the distinguishing traitexhibited so far by our police ; thatin many instances unnecessarilyrough handling has been the shareof poor John Chinaman, while othersof a very bad class appear to havebeen, almost, if not quite, for-

gotten.Italics ours. Our reporter has

had an interview with the Marshal,which justifies the following remarks :

Tho Guide is entirely wrong' in

making such a statement as thatabove, that indeed is false. TheMarshal has asked Mr. Alec andother gbod Chinese citizens to assisthim in arresting wrong doers. Thepolice have their orders to arrest allChinamen, as well as anyone else,who offend against the law. TheGuide should prove its assertion lymentioning any act of discriminationagainst the Chinese. It furthersays, that,

Several instances have come fromreliable sources to our knowledge,where dwellings of Chinese havebeen entered and searched by thepolice, without warrant of law, andwhere nothing of a contraband na-

ture has been found.The Marshal can only call to

mind one instance, and that was in

the country. The search that wasmade on Maunakea street wa3 per-

fectly legal, and not otherwise asstated by the Guide. And further,the contents of the packages werereplaced, 'but the boxes were not

The man whose premisesthese goods were on is notorious tothe police as an opium dealer, nudm'ohablv onium could bo found onhis premises to-da- What other I

curses there arc to the peace andwell-bein- g of society, referred toby the Guide, wc arc unable to say.This much w'e know, that the Mar-

shal and his assistants arc doing agood work in our city, and arc to becongratulated on the results thusfar shown. As far as the workingof our police force goes, it looks asif the editor of the Guide knew asmuch about it as an 03'stcr doesabout Euclid.


For unmitigated hcnrtlcssness thofrequenters of the Bleating rink mayappropriate the doughnut. Lastnight the writer, after safely circum-navigating tho arena some times onthe deceptive rollers, .Btiddenly bitthe dust with his coat tails, kickedthe wall with n "lurid glare" thatmight have been heard in tho Guideolllec, and had his eyes tilled with u"dull thud" that would have mindedan owl. Yet all the sympathy ex-

pressed by spectators was in theform of audible Cheshire eat grins.Some took a bcrious view of thocatastrophe, imploring tho foremanof the paper, who was present, totake tho editor away, or gross dark-

ness would fall upon Ihe community

by tho BcLttUN's light going outfor n scnson. llowovcr, tlio objectof such divided concern was nblo loascertain, without surglenl assistance, that neither his knowkdgocase nor any other of his bones was

broken, so Hint tho country was safeand his ante-morte- m obituary notlcoin tho last Saturday Press was rob-

bed of nil prophetic import. So,straightening himself out again andscorning both sorts of Interest which

had centred upon him, he stiuck outagain and travelled something lessthan a thousand miles without anymishap to himself and no injury tothe building beyond loosctiing a few

boards in the wall in coming to anoccasional rest. Haxing completedtho main dilllculties of the recrea-

tion, wc can endorse roller skatingas a cool and pleasant pastime forthe tropics. The only improvement n

our experience would suggest is theattachment of an automatic air braketo each skate, and a spiral mattress tothe back of each beginner to preventdamaging concussions to the build-in- s

and ndlrtinins property. '1


The shrewdest business men arcthose who advertise their goods in

dull times. They arc certain thusto get the cream of whatever customis going.

It is a long time since a word hasbeen said about that debating socie-

ty. The prevalent idea here seemsto be that the press, besides advo-

cating useful measures, should scurryround and execute them.

Thero is a swimming club in Ho-

nolulu, only it lacks organization. Itcomprises a reporter, a jeweler, sev-

eral clerks, and a few sharks. Thelatter are expected to move in an actof incorporation. By the lime theyhave done so, the other members will

have retired from the club, and thesharks will be fatter be bloatedmonopolists, in fact, and a numberof lucrative situations in town maybe vacant.

The bank of England now coversthree acres of ground.

HOUSBllOld Fiiritu IBAt the Residence of F. B. CARPEN-

TER, M. D., No. 19,1 Nuuanu Avenue.

On Saturday, March 7lh,At 10 o'clock A. if., on account of de-

parture, will be sold, tho entire

Hoiiseliold FurnitureParlor Table, Rocker, Tete-a-Tct-

Chandelier, HtncTaM, Chairs,

Bedroom Sets !

Mattresfc, Pillows, Curtains, Blankets,Mosquito Net", Rugs, Veiandnh Chairs.


Wi ilng Desk, S'udent Limp, Tumblers,Diniiig Sets, Eto , 1 .Sewing Machine,

Wardiobe. hingle Bcds'c ids,2 oil'ce-Desks-, 1 Sccreiiiry,(i titar,

Invalid Chair, Malting, Bmvc,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.


1 Phaeton & Harness,One Doublo'lI.inieiS, Side Ruddle,

Hay Cutler,

302 It E. P. ADAMS, Aucl'r.

Attfflimsirator's Sale5 By order of II F. GLADE, Administra- -

iooi uio Jisiuiooi .nermann ncimc- -

vcr, deceased, I will Ooll atPublic Auction,

On Saturday, March Tlh,At 1 o'clock P.M., at my Salesroom,

TJiul; Cci'ttiln V(iluullePIECE OF LANDIn Nuuanu Valley, with tho Building;!and Improvement thereon, oppoMto toQueen Emm i'.s, and wull kuou ns Ihefcchiiuver Iloineblead, containing nilarea of 1 SfMOO iieie ns per Royal Pn.tent 12. Tho iilcuanl tlluatlon of thispiopcriy and its healthy loeiility mnl.eit vuliiitblii for a lodduace or countryhome for the waiiii woaU.er. Alno, ihat

Valuable Piece of LandOn King Street, adjoining the Betheland foimerly occupied by .1. Welk, withtlu Buildings and ImpiovemeuH there,on, containing an area of 01 fathomsand 27 feet more or less, as per RoyalPatent 208. Aho, the Leano of thatCertain Pieco ofito w"At Kaukahoku, Honolulu, Oahu, for tho

term of ouu year with tho privi.legu of renown!.

Deeds at the Expense- of Purchaser.

Honolulu, February 7th, 1883.

008 It E. 1 AUA2MLS, Aucfr.

The "Dally .Bulletin"Is for sale immediately after publioaHon, at tho following plaoes:

Messrs. OAT & CO.'S, Morchant St.;

Mr. THRUM'S, Merchant St.;Messrs. WOLFE & EDWARDS', corner

King and Nuuanu Sis.;Mr. HINGLEY'S Soda Stand, King 61.;

Mr. DONNOLLY'B, "Tlio Fountain." Fort


NOTICE.rpilE ADJOURNED annuul mcellngJL of the II noliilu Ico Works Co.

will lie ld .it t'n office of Wilder A:

Co., on MONDAY, March Dtlt, at 10

o'clock A MP02 2t A. MoWAYXB, Sccrct.vy.

STKAYEDthe residence of MR. W. S.

LUCE, yllu S .. Nuuanu Vulli y,IVaoi c',t aid two Pc.ihcns. Anyoio

returning them or giving informationof tlielr whereabouts will be sulia lyrcwaided. B0 lvCottage to Rent and Furni-tur- o

for Sale.

ON VINEYARD ST., off Nuunnu St.,10 mliiihus wills fioni Post-OHlc- c.

have a Charming Cottngo of 5 roomsand bath with good blzed lot, fluo gar.uen and sn.uio tieos. Furniture cum.plctc and new, coi--t over $103. A go m1

opportunity for iiriiiiiII family to inct.The Furniture will be hold rcisonably.

CSV Reutul of prera:s.'si, $20 a montn.Apply to J. E. WISEMAN,

General Business Agent.QC1 lw Campbells Block.

FOR (SA1.ASTEREOITICON with 12:) view,

Bags, &c. incomplete working order, just the thingfor a College or school, can be boughtfor one-thir- d of i's vi Inc. Apply to

AVERY & PAl.il CR,Genera) Business Agents, liO Fort si

!)o!) lv

NOTICE.rpiIE UNDERSIGNED requests thatJL all iiccouut-wlu- him be settled by

the loth iu-t- ., all parties havingagainst Mm will oblige by'leav.

Inir same at office of lho P.n.llic Haul- -

ware Compinv (Dillingham & Co.)SvML'EL NO IT.

Honolulu. Mni-c- 2d, ISS.'i. P;9 id

Building; tots for Sale.SEVERAL burding lots for sale or

Knp.ilamii, near theNiulie.luwai bridirc, on the Eua side of thelane lcadim; to Au.-tln- 's eslaie. Ka-- y

terms. Applv lo W. C. ACHI,Law office ofV. It. Castle. 837 tf

Iw-elliii- g; lo Let.Hii a The promics now occupied

raSa by Judge McCully, on Bcre-BSgaf- ei

iunl.1 street, in Kuloakahua,will be i enlcd after ihe 1st of Febnuiry,

, at icHMjn.ible lales. The house iscoininodiuiM. and the outhouses con-

venient. The giounds arc well hintedwiih trees and shrubs. Enquire offlOi tf S. B. DOLE.

At Pfllnma, near Reformatory'School, a now and commodiousicottnuc. Suitable for a lamily.

II.is never been occupied. Easy termsto u good tenant.

Good stabling, servants' rooms, and alarge urnl.

JOHN ROBELLO,On Hie premise":, or J. F. Wiseman, 27Meichaut st. Honolulu. 838

TO ET,A Four.Room.'d COTTAGE,wiih cook house, and ecryconvenience, to let ; and Fur.

iiilure lor hale. Apply on the piemiscaat No. 187 Nuunnu Struct. !)1U tf

Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y23 and 230 Foit Street,

Honolulu, . - . - Hawaiian Is.W. II. PARE, PropiiUor.

QSQ ly

WANTJKW.MAX COMPETENT TO DRrVEA hoisc and attend to garden, is a

German by bitth, aged about 25, strongand healthy. Apply to

.1. E. WISEMAN,fl.'iS lw Gen. Business Agent.

mm hale,OF WROUGHT IRONAPAI't 12 feci !J inches wide.

.Apply to F. A. bOHALFER.or.;; iw

Estate of Kennedy & Co.


THE assignees aro prepared, to re.sealed bids for the Slock,

Book Accounts and genual of thoabove to as u whole. Bids will closeMONDAY, Oth March, nt 13 noon AnyInformation to am ouuiers win uo win.lnj!ly L'len by the undersigned.

M. GREEN.W. F. RI.YNOIDSlfAhil''"us

Olllec of M. Phillips & Co. UfS lw

Election Xotivc.

AT the Regulir Annual Meeting ofthe StouKholdeis ot the iwiwiillon

Bunch Company, hell tit ihuollleoofMessrs, I ijhup & Co., on Friday,27ih, ISS.'i, the follow lug oil cers wereelceied for the ensuing year:President John II. PalyAuditor James G. SpencerSec'y and Trcasuier J. II. FisherMauugcr M. Dickeon

DlrcdlorHiJohn II. Pnty, James Q. Spencer, J. II.Fisher, M. D'iek&on and J. O. Cuilcr,

J H.FISHER, Secretary.Honolulu, Feb. 28, U8V 1)"7 lw

T3 P. GRAY. M. D.,1 . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,Olllce, first door west of Library Build-ing. Hours, from 1) to 11 a m., and 2 to 4urn! 7 lo K p.m. Sundays, 1) to 11 a.m.

Residence, cor. Kiunu and PcutmcolaBtrccts. 018 ly





Refused !


Coiling Friday, Bill, 1885

In order to make room for our unsurpassed stock to arrivewithin tho next month.

ij3r Prices Eeduced in all Departments below cost. T3

No Reasonable



Hardware, Agricultural Implemonts, House FurnishingGoods, and General Merchandise- -

Tlio combined stock of the two fltnn gives us a very full and complete lino ofgoods, at lowest maikct rales. All aiders suit lo the undtr-igne- or lo Mr.S.imuel Nott for specialties in the eh'Sid good-- t formerly sold by him, will atpiesent receive his pcisonal attention and supervision.


LEWIS & CROCERS,07" ana (JO Hotel (Sired-- ,

JUST RECEIVED, EX MARIPOSA, On Ice, Quill, Cala Fresh Salmon, CalaF.oundcrs, Caulillours, Celery, Eistcrn Oysters, in tin and shell j

nud Red Cabbngc.

ALSO Boxes Table Rnisin, Boxes Cain Dried Fie, Cn'c Duiet Salad Oil, pintsand J pinis; Cii'-e- s Lueca Salad Oil, Kegs S It Wn'or Cm limbers, Kecs ofMixed Pickle-'- , Kits Salmon Bellies, Let Ruwinn Caviar, C'RloDupieHams, Dried PeiichcF, Dried Fiiiit of all k nil- -, 2 lb tins Cain Buttci, nilkiiBls Canned Meats Fics-- Cala TVihle A) i Us, Cuses Eagle Cond. Milk,P it M Yiast Powder, Sucks D.iiiy Suit, HnNet Aldcn Dried A pies, LigsSoused Pigt-'Feel- , Kits Mackerel, Cases Siu-e- d Miicketel, Ca-k- s Slur Hums,Dupee liaton, Fu-- h Gcru ca, i d l'oiatots, all kinds dinned Vejiiti bli-s- ,

all kinds Canned Fruits, Flesh Giound Konn Coffee every day. Our Pi icesare low. Goods delivered to all parls of the city,

Island Orders foliclted. Telephone No. 240. P. O. Box 297. (7C2





The Corner Harness Store

Still to the Front !

Large invoices of Grc's (of nil having bicn luceived ly ir.e,lhey

WILL BE SOLD AT L0"WIE IBICES,Than tlio same quall'y of (G-o- d enn be purchased in T'onolu'ii and

satisfaction I'liiuanlcrd. My sloe k ron'-i'-t-- : i f all kinds of AMEI.IUAN,ENGLlfcH AND SYLNLY MAN L FA CI U RE,

Saddles, Belts, Pouches, Legging?, Saddle Cloths, School Sags, &c,Sits, Spurs and Stirrups, &c, in Nickel and Silver Plate

Tho reputation of my HOME-MAD- E IIARN-E'- for superiority ti wrrkmnnshipand material leinuins i.tichnllenged (lining my six y nrs' residence heie.

Thankful lor the gcnoious patronage of tho pi. si, lib tomincance and incieasc inthe future is mpectlully solicited at ll.o old stand.

CHEEKS. xx.:;2xe:9880 3m Corner


of Fort, and King slreels, lie noliilu, II. I


Mieiis. Cuilos. Lavai wauled to all parts

. ?l?

The Only Recognized General Business Agent on the Hawaiian Islands.

KSrX'A.I3ISIlEr 1879.Offices in Camp cell's lire-proo- f Building, 27 Met chant St., Honolulu, H. I

P. O. Box .'tin t : : , 'JL'clcphono 178.DEPARTMENTS J

REAL ESTATE AGENT I'uys and sells Rial Ettate In nil parts of the King-dom. Rents Uflleib. Hi usis, Cottages and Roi in .


isu nud thu'iinc!iig Public will apply to mo lor'llckets and iuloiuinlluu tothe Volcano.

SOLICITING AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEWOKK The Largest, Grandest and Sounded Institution of ilb kind in the


Till- - Route excels all other mines gulag E.iK, ihe kci cry loing tl.e gr.iin o t,the meal i lie choicest and the Palace and iJii.iug Cms thu JiumltoinuBi and mottciiiuliiriable. i

EMPLOYMENT A GENT Finds Employment for nil locking woik In the vari-ous brunches of ii di stiy on the (

SOLICITING AGENT FOR THE ( 1TY OF LONDON FIRE INfcUIIANOE CO.The last known Company in ihe l&hinds. j

CUSTOM HOUSE BROKEN Entcis Goods at Custom House, pays and dischargesFn Ight mid Duly B11U under power of Attorney. S

MONEY BROKEU Loans Money at all times onGENERAL BUSINESS AGENT-Le- gal Pnpeis of every dcscripiion drawn. Bills

Distiibuied nud Collected. Broks and Accounts kepi mid; adjusted. RecorrsSearched. Rents Collected. Tuxes and Iiieuiiiiicii on Fr,o er y leokul alter.Copying and Fugros-in- done. Advertisements, Newspaper Aithlo', Corirs- -poi.i'hiiRo and Common iul Business of every nature pronipily and aceuiatelyait-i)dc- to. ' m

AGENT FOR THE NEW MUSIC HAIL AT HONOIA'LTJj-Cninpa- nie abioadwill eon ejpnnu Willi mu lor lerius, etc. uiucr lor imiuiuSpecimens, Nalivu Views and Photos carefully filled andSfciiof tho World.

3" Information appertaining to the Iilnnds given and all correspondence faith,fully nnswercd. f': i

JOSKPH E.f TfrMJJMAX, (873 Goneral Businots Agent, Honpljuiu, Hawaiian Islandi. '


IfekimMdUkjM:mi$'.l mM$$i&&ks4 yLJyBiiMLgi..ii'...


4. --fa

.. :



Page 3: ii · " Tn.Mtiir.T: CTAm" en"" s.nlC,,,ioinniJ). from II..1. Anew, nt l'il.. T., uuu ptcpaiu.l id tike 1 orb"s lu.rtiu, nd i--pile them 101 ihu tomiii F..li jii the lull of June utxt




t "..

. y



S)u giillj) rtUita.FRIDAY, MARCH 0, 1880.


All ttnio from noon of to-d- Mar. 0.h in.

SitnSet. n G.

Suit Kliuft 18 111.

Moon Klf.cs 10 :il).IllgliTlilu (lnr,ie) 8 00.High Tiau (small) 20 30.

WIND AMI WnATJU'.nUcoord from nuun of yuitoidny

I 41) I li Silt Oh I Ml I lSli I tnlSIi '

I 3J.92 2I.M S'l.TOl! 8J 073 l)10 u.WWlu J, W. light J Sky, cloudy ;Scn, in .derate. I


Ss'.tr Jcniils Walker from Fanning IsHark Hope front Port TovuijundStmr O It Ills-ho- from KauaiSclir Emma from KoohuiBclir Milk: Morris from La milt tun- - Moko'H from Windward PortsAm sclir .las-- Hamilton from S 1

Bk D C Murray from Now Castle, X S W


Bgtne J D Sprcokels for San Francisco

VESSELS LEAVINGKtmr Mokolll for Windward PortsStmr C 11 Bishop for Uahu and ICiutalSclir Mil o Slorr s for f.analS-'- Nettle Merrill for Lnhaina

Amulia for Port TownscndBk Ceylon for s unii. mo

VESSELS IN PORT.Or Ilk Meteor, (J issenBk Ceylon, IJu stowBk C O Whltinorc, CalhounShip Melrose, .

Whaler Andrew IlinksBktuu W IJ Uinion.1, lloudlettBktnc Euicku, LeeAm sclir .las A Hamilton, RyderBk Hope, Pcuhallow

PASSENGERS.From Kauai and way ports, per O It

Bishop, March (I (Japt J W llattluld, UM Iiuiibitn. .T L Rlcli.it (Non, ,r II Put-,- ,

Major Wruughion, S W Barnes, uud 23deck.

4jminnui BHiuinniwiBi


Sclir Emilia btoiightluCO hags biigar.The hktne Amo la was lowu ed lioui

tlie Marine Itallwny this murulug.Messi'M 11 ackf elds' steam scow was

employed tins morning in taking thesugar brought by the Mokolll out to thebark Meteor.

Stmr Mokolll brought C30 lags ofBUgar, 10 head ot cattle, 1 horse, 73sheep, IfiO sheep skins mid 10 hides.Sa had bad weather.

Sclir Mlllu Morris brought 170 sheepfrom Laual.

Stmr C It Bishop brought 1328 bagsof sugar. Sue will sail at 8a M for Wulanac, Waialua, Kilauea andUanalci.

Sclir Nettle Merrill brought 1230 bagsof Miliar.

Four whalers wore telephoned offport tills uiorulng.

The J D Sprecuels sailed tills v M forSan Fraucisco, with 7,GS0 bags of sugar,valued at S40,',S0..(i.

The whaler Jacob A Ilowland arrivedoff port last evening, 8"J days lroiu SanFrancisco.

The bark Ceylon, Captain Barstow,cleared this morning at the CustomHouse for Xanaluio, Ji. 0., in ballast.She has I ecu bought by Mr Allen otAden & Itobiuson, tor a linn in SanFraucNco. Sh sails

Tue bark Mope, Captain I'eiihallow,airivecl this uiorulng, !U days ront PortTawu-en- with 4iW,041 feel ot toughlumber, 1.0,000 feet ot surfaced lumber,10,000 pickets, 10 in laths, 130 m shingle:-an-d

200 sks of oats, to Letters X. CooUe.The Am schooner .fas A- Hamilton

ni rived this morning, 13 diys from SanFraucNeo, and docked near the FishMarket.- - She ill sail on or about Tues-day next for the Arctic as tender to thewhaler Heirlmait now due.

The stmr Jas Makeo Is expected toarrive morning.

Tne schooner Jennie Walker, CaptainHolland, lelt Honolulu Feb Otli for Fa li-

nings Nland, first night laid becalmedoff Diamond Head, next morning a lighttrade wind sprung up. When live daysout and 100 ml es off Fauuings Islandgot b calmed for 'M hours, had heavycross sea from the south waid. Feb 1 tlisighted Fauuings Island about 10 milesott, laid off all i iglit,' thick and rainyweather, uont into the harbor, on theloth left again for Washington, oil thefollowing day rrived there, the nextniorulug. tlie ISth, took In 111)0 bags orcobra, and received about 00 nativewont n and clii dreu to be returned toF.i nines Island. Left WashingtonFelt 20th at S r m for Fauuiugs Island,arrived there on the 22nd, sail, d for

on the- -' ith at i v 31, experi-enced heavy trades and head sea, up toM'trclt 3id when off the Island of Ha-waii was becalmed for two i.avs. Made

yesterday, from theio to port WN W winds, ui lived off Honolulu at &

a m. Passenger-- : G IJ Greig, Jr., Mr BAndeison, Thomas Dayling, wife andchild.


The ro'ler coaster will be running

. .

Tiicnn will bo music at the skatingrink this evening.

Tiiuitu has been plenty of rain onKauai during tlie past few days.

The steam tug Alert was hauledup on the Murine Railway this noon.

Youno people's prayer meeting atthe Bethel Union Church this even-


Tut: Mutual Telephone Co, ishaving a line of posts erected out toPalama.

The Royal Hawaiian Band willgive its usi'.al concert at EmmaSquare afternoon at 4 :30o'clock. The programme embracesBeven entirely now beleclious.

"W tt 'Vls

Mifiiouta imc) surgery In ludlfi, '

nnrt other selections on our flrUand fourth pages.

Mn. Attains held. his regular cashsale this uiorulng, n large quantityof assorted goods being sold.

Tun adjourned annual meeting ofthu Honolulu Ice Works will ho heldnt the olllee of Wilder & Co., on

Monday nt 10 a. ji.

At Koolau, the other (tide of thisIsland, they had seven hours ofsteady ruin on Tuesdny, and yes-

terday four hours moie.

A l'ottTcarjEsi: woman living atKilaiicn, ICntini, had her arm para-

lyzed Ivy lightning during the thun-

derstorm the early part of this week.

Tut, bark Ceylon has been boughtby Mr. R. C. Allen for putties in

California. Thu price is private.She sails on Saturday for Nannimo.


Wall pockets, paper racks, lelterracks, lint and clothes racks, orna-

mental and cheap, at King Bros.'Art Store. 9G0 3t

A mekt.iko of the hacknien i3

called for this evening at the houseof Engine Co. No. 2, at 7 :30 o'clock,for the purpose of organization.

A meeting- of Polynesian Encamp-ment, I. O. O. P., will be held thisevening nt 7:30, when a full attend-ance is requested. Business, 2ddegree.

A special Lenten service will beheld in St. Andrew's Cathedral thisevening at 7:30 o'clock. TheBjsbop will deliver an address 'on"The Repentance of Judas."

The trustees of the HonoluluLibrary and Reading Room Assoc!ation held their regular meeting lastevening, Dr. Hyde in the chair. Theordinary routine business was trans-acted.

The Managing Committee of theRoyal Hawaiian Agricultural Societyheld a meeting last evening at theBritish Club, relative to the holdingof a Horticultural Show. Nothingdefinite was arrived at.

The Police Court calendar con-

tained only two cases this morning.John "White, for ' drunkenness, waslined S5 and SI costs, the othercase being that of Alii, for keepinga ferocious dog, mentioned else-


K.vpoxo, a member of Engine Co.No. 4, died last evening at his resi-

dence, Palama. He was one of thelate'Princess Ruth Keelikolani's re-

tainers, and about sixty years ofage. His funeral will take placethis afternoon

Capt. Macaulay, of the C. R.Bishop, reports that a terrific thun-

derstorm prevailed on the windwardside of Kauai, from Sunday nightuntil Monday night. Most of theflumes at Ilanalei were butsted, andthe streams much swollen.

' At 10 o'clock morning,Auctioneer Adams will sell thehousehold furniture at the residenceof Dr. Carpenter, No. 105 NuuanuAvenue. Besides the furniturethere will be offered one phaetonand harness, one double harness",side saddle and two horses.

nt 1 o'clock, p. si., byorder of Mr. II. P. Glade, adminis-trator of tlio estate of HermanSchrciver, deceased, Mr. E. P.Adams will sell at auction, valuablepieces of land on King and Nuuanustreets, with buildings and improve-

ments thereon, and the lease of kaloland at Knukahoku, Honolulu.

The elegant display of Ladies,Misses and Children's boots, shoesand slippers now on exhibition in

the Foit street window of M. 's

store, will well repay avisit. They are simply superb. Weadvise all our lady friends to go andsec them. See his advertisement.

0G2 3t

Mit. William Adams died at Nitton this Island last evening. He wasa son of the late Alexander Adams,who was a pilot at this port from1817 to 1840, and the liist man toily thu . Ilnwuiian Hag in Chinesewaters. The deceased waB a wheel-

wright by trade, but ha9 been agreat sufferer from asthma duringthe last few years, consequently un-

able to do much. He was a charter

LiAg-aA- - 'tOt ''iK1 ''UJtJi.atuiJiAiivrf t .... , .;Ai.,kj.4 .T..j. ,. .3...- - , .u

tnetnW of finjjlrtii Co. No. 2, i

remains will be brought In todnyand the funeral will tnko place to.morrow.


JuttRMEST for plaintiff was givenlate yesterday afternoon by JusticeAustin in the case of Mrs. Rose vs.II. Smith, ejectmeuj. Mr. Prestonfor plaintiff, Mr. llnrtwcll for

This morning, the ChiefJustice gave his opinion in the caseof Wilcox vs. A. G. Elds. It wa9in favor of the plaintiff.

Am is a Chinaman who can talkhis own language as fast as we everheanl it. He also owns i veryferocious dog, which bit a littlenative girl the other day, and hasbeen in the habit of (lying at people.Alii was brought before JustiioBickcrtoti this morning and lined S7and costs, S3. 20, for keeping such adog, and moreover the dog .wasordered to be destroyed. OllleerMehrtcns went into the station houseyard and at once shot the ferociousanimal.

Ox Alakea slrect at the rear of theLibrary building, there is an oldbuilding which has been used byContractor 'JLhomns as a kind ofstoreroom. The attention of DeputyMaishal Dayton was called to ityesterday, and he found underneaththe building a smnll heap of twigsand oilier things, which would leadone to believe that the intention was

to lire it. . He thinks that childrendid it while playing. However, tlierubbish found was removed, and assoon as the building is emptied itwill be pulled down.

Mn. Z. K. Meyers gave an exhibi-

tion of the Harden Hand Grenadein the Government House yard thisforenoon. A large frame was erect-

ed near the new Kapuaiwa building,against which was piled a lot 'ofsplit wood, and all was well saturat-ed with coal oil and tar. It wasallowed to burn up pretty well,when Mr. Meyers threwin a Grenadewhich tit once checked the fire, midhe entirely put it out by breakingtwo more in the flitncs. His Majes-

ty the King arrived a few momentslaterMr.Meyors gave another cxhibi-tiotnit- h

a liotterfire,butstillthe sameresults. The Grenade astonishedeveryone present. The price of theGrenade is $18 per dozen, and no

one should be without them.


The quarterly meeting of tlioBoard of Trustees of the Queen'sHospital was held this morning.Mr. S. M. Damon was elected a J

trustee-- in place of his father thelate Rev. Dr. Damon. Tho otherbusiness was of the usual routinecharacter. The following is Dr.McKibbin's report:

Honolulu, February 28th, 1885.

To the Trustees of the Qnucn's Jlus- -

pilnlfGentlemen: I have the honor to

submit the following report for thequarter ending February 28th, 1885 :

The total number of patients atpresent in the hospital is 03, viz. :

35 Ilawaiians, 20 males, 15 females,4 Chinese and 24 of other nation-

alities; 2G paying.,The number of admissions dur-

ing the quarter was 102, viz. : 34

hawaiians, 17 males, 17 females,10 Chinese and 58 of other nation-alities.

Discharged 98, viz: 43 Hawaii-

ans, 21 males, 22 females, 8 Chi-

nese and 47 of other nationalities.Deaths 10, viz: 4 Hawaiians, 2

males, 2 females, 3 Chinese and 3

of other nationalities.The causes of death were as fol-

lows: Accident 1, Beriberi 1, Col-

lapse 1, Consumption 2, Disease ofHeart 1, Dropsy 1, Fever 2, Pneu-

monia 1.

The highest number of indoorpatients was 71), 'lowest 58, dailyaverage 05.

Number of precriptions 2,53(5.The number of patients treated in

tlio Hospital was as follows ; De-

cember, 1884, 88; January, 1885,100 ; February, 1885, 105.

Calls at the Dispensary, 507.Respectfully submitted.

Roueut McKiusin".

The Philadelphia Pi-cm- s thinkstriplets should be baptized in theTiinitariau faith.

American apples sell on tho streetstands in London at from 8 cents to12 cents apiece.

LCjttett .


--rWO REDUCTIONThoro nip thirty-tw- o milvated railway in aqw lork

Rit wnv inntcrit s 40 ner cent.cheaper now than il vns t no yearsago.

If thou art wise thou kuowestthine own ignoianco; and thou artignorant if thou knowest. not thy-self. Ltiihor.

The chief Ingredients In the composition of those qualities that gainesteem and praise, ate good nature,truth, good sense ami good breed-ing. "Addison.

All tlio Sicilian sulphur ore Iscarried to the surface of the minc9on boys' back, consequently it docsnot paj to work below about fourhundred feet, llcnie the depositslying below that horizon ate un-

touched, and as many of the bedsare neatly vertical, and do notdiminish in yield as tin y descend,the resources arc still very great.Various estimates have been madeas to the period for which the sup-ply will last at the present rate ofconsumption ; these range from fiftyto two hundred years. Theie arc2,10 mines in the island, and no lessthan 4,3G7 calcaroni were reportedin operation fifteen years ago. Theaverage yield does not exceed 14

per cent. .


California Lime I



'.)"! 1w

WANTED,FOU GENE HALAOIItt, Applv tliiciug'i

i.fo iw i'. o mxu.S. M. CARTER,

AOKNT to takeAcknowledgments to Ubor Contracts.

Cniceuith Mr. I'Mihoi.rni-- . D0i:ini

I POI IYi'ilrox'u 3Xar!iInc liSnde.

Families and o'lii's lit want of Good,Fie h, (J'cau,

Machine RfiacJe Poi,Can blin the sumo in qtt ntit'nt to

by le .vintr oid. s a.id ion- -

Uiimis with

XT. X5. OAT,At P.tcifle Niuij.-itio- Co.' Duiliiinp.

Cl Queen sttee'. tf

LA5S5E & CO.Have a Large Siock of the


Which is oll'eied nt I oo-- i Market PriceAND

Dolivcrcd Froe to any part of the City

AGEN1S I OS THKPacific Mutual Lif3 Insuranco Co.


Agents for the Hoo er Telephone.

Commissioner of Deeds for CaliforniaT.'l. pho'ic Xo. 147. 701!




BEVERAGE,According to tho hihcl and best mcdl

c.il testnn ny.Manufactory, s : : No 13 Llliha St.

P. O. Hot:, H7D. Telephone, 281.

6SfAM nrnYrt. ru'r-lv- e ptomp' attention

c. j. McCarthy,OF 'I HE ASTO.t IK U K

BILLIARD ROOM7fi llool Strict

Ha just receive I, p r A timed t, tl o fol.lo.tiug e .oicti hr nils of

American Cigars !

Beanlv's Bower. Ifeniy (.'lav,S mi pi r, w u '. I'lnnc, Wo Billoll i t To O I ornln I tu Nin.us,Full Moon H ow Dio;i,Tiawleii' Comfort,J;x il e Me.

CTf Thrsn Cicftrfl nro miinuf.ictureilfrom the rholeel of Aiicrican and Ha-

vana Filler . i

Cuiiii! Jiiul try tliom I',83

miiwnrifiiiii'1 imirn

But rTootl Honest Yalue for Efery Dollar!

MY BOOT & SHOE DEPARTMENT,Since the arrival of the " Alameda,''

WILL BE FOUftiD VERY COMPLETE.In all my usual fine variety of fine llools, Shoes and S'ippers. '

BJCeii'tsJ Boots, lioe said. Oaiters;In Great Variety.

THE LADIES' DEPARTMENTIs as usual very complete.

As to the good qualities of 1113-- Goods the Ladies of our

Islands, who have patronized this Establishment, for 18years, will bear willing testimony to them as well astheir perfect fitting.

Boots and Shoes always found in this Establishment. Ihave no inducements toGoods, which will be sold


Honolulu, March 6th, 1S85.wianmizKXMrt.riiMuiniynniiynxxMjivsKrttyw ui yii

iacMe k Mn Safes ! !

H niolulii, Jan 11, ;HS5.C. O. BERGEH, Esq.,

Agent Maciuale & Uihnn Safe.Deau tut,

It is wilh great pleasure HintI add my testimony to il,o Firi-I'to- oi

qualitio' of toui S.fe.-i-.

I hmi ii small binj;le dtor Mnciieale &

Uilun Sufu in hist ul;hi'ti ten ihlu flic,uud, on opening the si.me ihi morning,found iu coutunt conrUtiug of bonkx,papers, and money to lie amount olSUMO IN P'tSIJIEOrC ND1TKX.

I urn bo well gatitlled wiih tl.o Kbullthat I wnnuipolhei No, ii Safe 111 onee.

Yours 1 uly,13E0. H IIAUI'1',

0'il Maihet.

O. 1). KliCCTll. IV. C. I'KACCCi;


Freeth & Peacock,ii'.i h'uuuiiii Afreet.


WINE & SPIRITMerchanits,


At the I.otv:n 3IniUct ICatCM

Oco O itikt Chnmi'agtie, pints & quurtp.Chns Farro " " '

Carlton Ficro " . " "Fine old California Brtimly, in hulk,Tuio Virginia While Hjo U'liUley,Iluthvels.'r I.igir Beer, pints, and qunrts

A large and well selected itock of





&c, &c, &c,Always on hand and for pules nt pilrcUnit defy competition. Country orderssolicited. All goods gunntnti id.

'loleuhoao 10. P. O, Box ECO.7D3 Out.

L.i.,v .jtaa&Littaif Miri.thlVifjtoW. r .-- v icjatiiiiia, .






offer but the guarantee of Al

M.- - MoUSERNY.962 2w

ttjifjrrjvttr I! Tv "'W


H. & CO.

IT IS tho Rrrond fchsoii thi rrci is ini line inio iii'cilnii with the I.i.hulusMil, 111, d Upiovig a gieit siKTu-B- . I

the tavinj, at almut !i orcent.if tic cmp. 'I lie tunny advutitagesill- s I'ribc lave over the v.ioilruciuui-l- Htu 1111 tlifte IahnuU are iih fol.lowh: Tlu'v are inueh monger, being

hie to it.uid-- pret-.uroo- ion ptnindsof tit mn, il o rkiinm ii.'b are titer, foie,It.retd ihiiugh niuili quicker ui d con.eittei.tly uu.ie work i in-I- , g tli.tio with

tl.em. A- - ciich tiiniic I ;ii, a h pannei.ilu'.it U um niio-1- 1 y to stop woik.

Iig the 1'ie-- s feiiliu- - thiiuld oner.-- el.ith he kakl ig; n i mUleienl to

s itt tliu ouillo''. ol the le.ik is fr.inie.I he Pus .chili cm I eel anted nun h

quii.-k-i ni. mi i ii(i.iied. 'Jbot'lbhs Mill liiot l'oieior, it never can getout of older.

Liliiiiuii, 1'obrunry, 1S--'

' lv K. .MQl-LLEI- t

WEOTER & CO.ui roirr sirixt,

Have 0.1 lia.ii t N iw 1 o tigu utnl HomeJluile Jevelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lookcts, Clocks,

Ail Oi nuiied'-- . of ill Kindr.Silver and Gold Plato.

Elegant Solid Silver Tea SetaSultiihlu for 1'1'om illation.

Kncrnviiis ami Vntln Jew IryA Speciilty.

Uepnlri ig In nil Its branches.I3f" Solo Agents for King's Cyo Proicrven.

h 7 itui

Jnst Received, .

A .Small l.ot of Elra Quality

French Claret!In Half Bnricls.

For Sale, in Bond ordu'y ptid, ty


lJ1m Queen Street,

SViR. VJ. C. PARKEHAS AN Ol- - PICK over 1 1 hop & Co.'i

Hunk, and u III he hi piy to utlendto UL,y bu.luua i'iiiiii o 1 to IAs cure.

8 Urn


WuV M "W"J-- urn... t'.' ..

As as Consistent with Prudence.'






.' s





Page 4: ii · " Tn.Mtiir.T: CTAm" en"" s.nlC,,,ioinniJ). from II..1. Anew, nt l'il.. T., uuu ptcpaiu.l id tike 1 orb"s lu.rtiu, nd i--pile them 101 ihu tomiii F..li jii the lull of June utxt


ijBggggyjL'iasgamWit finH,ii gtiiifiin.

PJllUAY. SLMtCII 1885.


correspondent thus writes "Re-Rnrcliu- g

the native treatmentdisease India, one the mostciuious things ever witnessed was

half-cla- d native shouting throughthe streets country town 'Docsany one want back his sight? onerupee only he were hawkingfruits sweetmeats and, myastonishment, patient soon piescnted himself operated forcataract. There and then standing

the bazaar, the itinerant oculisttook out his penknife and performedtho operatiou few minutes,bound up the man's eyes, lollinghim keep tho dark for fort-night, received his fei vnr.ee.

fe' and shouted his war-cr- y for morepatients. operation was almostunvaryingly successful one instanceamonff niv servants boinsr

eighty, who had charge myP fowl-hous- e, and had for many a day

been sinrhtlcss. excent distinguishlight darkness, whoway was successfully operated upon.

l jueniucs mis operator inure none- -

j' setters, and medical rubbers, maleami female, especially represented

S i$V-

SWf .'V5p'TV


- 3







A :

ofin of


ftof a ;

1' as ifor ; to

ato be on


in aand

to in aof one


si womank of of

m tofrom and in this


E'uy the hereditary Iowcastc uccoucte-us- e

of each village, whose skill inshampooing is such au aid in herlowly calling as the native regardit as to supplant much of the use-less medicine and enforced rest ofmore civilized countries, and saveendleps mischief and suffering to hersex. What skill they have is of

'course almost purely traditional.None of the science of the woild orBritish usage has yet altered in theslightest degree either the customsof tho native or his horror at tbc ideaof male physicians for womau es-

pecially in certain ailments andtheir wonder at our obtusencss anddisregard of propriety on so delicatea point. To supply a vacancy solong unfilled, lady-docto- rs have nowappeared on the scene, who, it ishoped by reaching the zenanas, mayreach the real source through whicha higher enlightenment in India ispossible. An immense field is opento them along with every encourage-ment; and were but some of themany young ladies at homo who arestraining licalih for a futura pittanceiu one or other of the spheres ofteaching, to turn their attention inthis direction, they would find anopening of wider and greater utilitybefore them, and a prospect of largeand rapid emolument. Chumbtr'sJournal.

A CONSCIENTIOUS JURYMAN. .In anti-slave- days in the United

States a man was charged with hav-

ing aided in the escape of a runawaynegro. The negro had been carriedinto Canada by means of a horse andwaggon, and the connection betweenthe defendant and the escape wasdistinctly proved. The case was inthe United States' Court; the judgewas, to say the least, not impressed--with the strength of the defence, and

'' everything seemed to be going fatallyagainst the accused.

At length the judge charged thejury, and they retired to considertheir verdict. Greatly to the sur-

prise of Mr. Dana, who was engagedin the case, they did not come back

: at once with a verdict, but remainedout a long time.' The day went on,and the judge sent them a messageasking' whether they wished anyfurther instructions, but they didnot think instructions necessary.

The delay irritated the judge, andhe sent them word again that ifthey did not agree they would belocked up for the night. They werelocked up for tho night, but in themorning they were as far from agreo- -

ment as ever, and at last, a verdictbeing evidently out of the question,they were discharged. No explana-tion was given bj' anybody of thecause of the disagreement, ana thewhole case died out of the publicmind.

Years afterwards Mr. Dana wastrying a case in someplace, and, as ho was walking downthe steps of the court-hous- e, he wasaccosted by a man who looked likethe ordinary New England free-holder. He inquired whether Mr.Dana remembered him. Mr. Danadid not. lie then asked whether Mr.Dana recollected the fugitive blavocase. Of course Mr.'Dana had nodilllcnlty in lecalling the circum-stances.

"Well," said the maij, "I was onthe jury in that caso."

Mr. Dana's curiosity was nowaroused, and he asked the manwhether he could tell him why thejury found it impossible to agree.

The man gave a peculiar smile."Well," he said, "I'll tell you.

I was the man that disagreed. Thurest of the jury wanted to bring in uverdict of guilty, but I couldn't doit. 1 stuck it out. It was hardwork all that night; but I couldn'tdo it."

"Why," .said Mr. Dana, "whatwas the difllculty? Didn't the evi-

dence satisfy you?""Well," the man said, "the fact

was, I was tho man that drove themftf - across tho border."

MHtXsr, k. .

wmmiamMtttwmrV' ' .U W'MH.''.iWMWPyI


rlMIK I'mlcMenctl Proprietor nf tho'



desires to inform his patrons ami (lie publie generally tlmt notultliMnnillng thorecent DISASTROUS FIRE, lias erected


Ou u much more Extensive Scale whichis now la Fuu. Oi'Miatiox, aud whichwill be in complete working order by unEarly Arrival of new Muchlnery andTools: and Is now again prepared to



and'wlll alwnys have on hauil Ida deli,clous Fresh Made



CREAM CANDIES of great vailUy OKT


Gmn Drops, and Gum Fruitj3on Bono

Of all dcciipllbns. All thos-- HomeMade Fresh nnd Pure Confections, 1 jellat 50 cents PEll POUND.

RICK WEDDING CAKEOf the Fincl Flavor, in all sizes always

on hand nnd rrnamented in themost artistio style.


always fresh, us also

Home Made Mince Meatfor sale at CO cents per pound.

Will receive per Consuelo the balanceof my new macli'.ncty of tho newest de-

signs for manufacturing all descriptionsof plain Candies; thanking the publicfor previous liberal patronage and

a continuance of same.

Very respectfully,

F. IIOKJf,Practical Confectioner and Pastry Cook.

TJIR OLD STAND. 71 lldtcl Street

P. O. Box No. 75;. . . ..Telephone No. 74572 ly


. My Bcolc of Instruction,


Give nil necessary iufoimatinn.

Price, Twenty-Fiv- e C'cntH icr copy.

Silk Worm Eggs, llech, Trees, Cut-ling-

Seeds, &c7, for sale at thoerylowest market latcs.

Thcrmoniolcr and Barometer Combined

For use of Silk Kaisers, free by mailonly 75 cents.

I will he iIeacd to give infounationto correspondents who apply by letter,inclosing two-cen- t stamp lor reply.

Spi'ClitK'n HSnvci or Cocoons SL Heel-ed Villi. XX Cents.;

None hut ailichsof the flrstqualily sold

Address all communications to

Miss Nellie Lincoln Rossifer,Practical Silk Cultuii&t,

New Li-- 1 on. Eutlington Co.

NEW JERSEY.AIo ucent for the " Kaleidoscope,"

only R0 cts per year in advance. !l 14

Frank Hertz- -


SrilZ"?!?'to inform hln numerous custo.BEOS and the public that ho is


In thu store

Adjoining Treglo&n'sTailoring Establishment,

J-Iot- ol teStveet.1)25 tf

Risen from the Aslies !


LOVE desires to intimate toMRS. numcioiih old' customers amithe public generally, Unit her bakery,

IcMtro.ycl ly ITlre,Has been lcstorcd In handsome, sub-stantial and convenient form. She Isthcieloro prepaicil to Mipply the largestcustom wltli ,

Plain and Fancy Breadof the best quality, aud manufacturedby tho most approved methods.

Everything In the lino of a first-clas- s

bakery will no carried on with greaterfacility than before the lire.

Tho Lunch & Coffee Roomis also i cstorc.il in moro elegant stylethan ever, aud at uitcs that cannot bounderbid by any restaurant.

Brick Building, 73 Nuuanu Strcoi.Honolulu, Dec. 12, 1881. 802



The disease loinmciu-- c ,vilh a sllthtderangement ot Uir stomach, hut, ifneglected, It Iu time Imolvei the wholeframe, cmbraiitig the kidneys, llur,paneienx, and, in tact, the cntlioglandu.iar syMini, aid tho nlllictcd din us out ainlsciablu csUlctico until death givesroilcf from suffering. Tiio disease isoften mUtaUcM lor other compliiuisihut if tho reader will asked himself thefollowing questions, he Mill bo ahlo todetermine whether he himself is one ofullllcted: Ilavo 1 distress, palu, or diffi-

culty iu breathing after eating? 1 theren dull, heavy feeling attended by drow-siness? Have tho eyes a yellow tingetDoes a thick, stleliy, mucous gatherabout the gums aud teeth In the momlugs, aicomp.iiiied by a dlsagioeabletaste? Is thu tongue coaled? Is tht-i-

pains iu the tide and back IstlwrciiluliH'S') about the right Mile as II Hieliver were enlarging I UieiucoMluniss? Isthereo)tlgoor dlr.r.ltie.'s whenlislnii sudiiinly iioni a huriziutitl po--- i

lion? A'c the secretions from thu kid-

neys scanty and highly culuiucd. with adeposit nllir standing? Dues food forincut, soon after eating, accompmled byflatulence or a belching of gas from the-- tumacli? Is Iheio frequent palpitationof tbu heart? Then) various symptoms,may not be ptcsent at one time, butihcytoiuipui the sufferer In turn as the dreadful disease progio-sc- . if the cite beone of long Handing, thcic will be a dry,backing coach, attended niter a time byexpectoration. In very advanced stagesthe skin assumes ri. diity brownish up.pcArnnce, and tbu hands and feet, aiecovirvd by a cold, Micky peispliatlon.As the liver and kidneys Income ir.treuii.1 moro rheumatic pains up.pear, nmUhe usual iLatineiit iocs

unavailing against this latter ngo-ntztn- g

disorder. Tneorig'n of this mala,ly is indigestion ordysptpsia, aud a small

quaniilv of the pi'opcr medicine willremove" the disease it taken in its inci.plcncv. U is mot Important that thodisease should be promptly aud pioperlytreated In its flrs,i stages, when a littlemedicine will effect a cure and evenwhen it has obtained a strong hold theuoirect remedy should bo peiseived hiuntil every vcligo of the disea-- o isciudicated, until the appetite has re.turned, and the digestive orgiuii restoredto a healthy condition. Thu mu est nndmo.--t effectual remedy for ihisdhlic-siu- g

complaints is "ScigePo Curative Syrup,"a vegetable prepaintion sold by allC'henustsand Medicine VendoisUnough-outtli- o

wo Id, and by the pioprietors, A..1. While Limited, 17, Faringdon Koad,London, E. U. This Syrup sliikes at thevery foundation of the disease, anddrives it, root and branch, out of thesystem.

Market Place, Pocklington, York,October 2nd, 1882.

Sir, Ueing a suffcicr for years withdyspepsia in all its worst inrms, andafter, spending pounds in medicines, Iwas at last persuaded to try MotherSeigcl's Curative Syrup, aud am thank-ful to say have derived moie benefit fromit than any other medicine 1 ever took,and would advise any one suffering fromthe same complaint to givo it a tiial, theresults they would soon lind out forthemselves. If you like lo make utc ofthis testimonial you are quite ai libertyto do so.

Yours respectfully,(Signed) II. Tunxnn.

Seigcl's Operating Pills arc the bestfamily physic that has ever been dis.covered. "Tlicy cleanse the bowelsfrom all iriitaling substances, aud leavethem m a healthy condition. They eurocostivencss.

Ilcnsingham, Whitehaven, Out. Kith, 'S3.Mr. A. .1. White. Dear Sir, 1 was

for some lime afllicted with piles, midwas advised to give Mo. her Seigel'sSyrup a trial, I did. 1 nm nowhappy to slate that it has icstomt me tocomplete health. I lunula, yours re.speetiully, (bigiiLii)

John II. Liainroor.15ih August, 1883.

St. Miiry-streu- i, Peiei borough,.November li'Jth, 1881. )

Sir, It pives me gieat plcasuiutoyou of ihe benefit I have icccivid

fiom Sulgel's Syrup. 1 have I ecuDoubled lor yems v.iili ly pupi-ia- ; butafter a few do?e, of the Syiup, I foundrelief, and after taking two buttles ofIt I fell quite cured.

Iain, Sir, vours truly,Mr. A. .T. While. Wim.iam Hiikst.

Dear Sir, i write to t-- you 'hat Mr.Henry llillier, of Yate-burg- , Wilis,

me tint ho sull'ircd I una a severefoun of indigestion lor up'.uiids of fouryuais, and took no end of doctor's medi-lin- o

without ihe sligbteil benellt, anddcclaies .Mother Scigol' Syiup wiiichliegot from me lias saved bis life.

Yours truly,(Signed; N. Wkuis,

Mr. White. ChcmM, (Julne.Septeinhnr8th, ia-:- t.

Dear Sir, I find the sale of Seigel'sSyrup steading increasing. All who havetried it speak very highly of its medi.ciimi viituesjono customer describes itas a "Godsend to dyspeptic people." Ialways recommend it with confidence.

Faithfully yours,(Signed) Yi.scr.NT A. Wim.h,

Chcinist.Dentibi,To. Mr. A. J. W.hite. Merlhyr Tydvil- -

Preston. Sept. 21st ISS'l.My Wear Sir, Your tiyiiipnnd I'llls

are still veiy popular with my customers,many siying they are the 'best familymedicines possible

Tho other day u customer came for twobottles of Syiup ami said "MotherEcigcl" had saved the life of his wife,anil he added, "one of thceo bottles I amheading fifteen miles away to a friendwho is cry ill. I have much faith init."

The sale keeps up wonderfully, iu fact,oiiu would fancy almost that the peoplewere beginning to hicakfast, dine, andsup ou Mother boigeiySyrup,thii demandis so constant and tho batisfactiou sogreat,- -1 nm dear Sir, vours faithfully,

(Signed) I!owki:k.To A. J. AYbilu. Esq. fi(17 ly

Cleopatra's Needle, in 'CentralJ'aric, is grnduully crumbling away.Can't stand the climate.

An apple most people can't getalong very well without and yetcan't cat, js the apple of their eye.

There are 7f2 miles ofstieetearlines tramways tlioy are called overthere in Englaud,


Tolfpliono Ailmm nm iw i mtm


lluhcti, Jit'ar itf.'!!! Ml.

C. .1. H Annul:, Propiicjor.

Contracting & BuildingMouldings and F nlsh always on hand.

E3j Oidois promptly attended to. "CJa

von uAi,Bffnrd and SSt.ft Store Wood,

03t Cut ami Split 1y



Central & Commodious Stabloswo tiro prcp-tre- to furnish flnt-clii- fs

tuiiiuls with rciKle kor.'O, with orwiihnnl chlvprs, A lino wagonette inconnection.

day inci night. Horses taken to boardby day, wiek. or mouth, on reasonablete'rms." Saddle horses to let,

Horners Botagvlii tiucl Sold,Satisfaction g ar.mtccd.

0 W. MCFAKEAXE, ) Pr,E. It. MILE- -.!)2t) Urn ,PS 'J'cleplif'r.e JNn. 3'J.



-- .


ft KM fl




i.C 99

Cornel' ot I'oi't nnd Hotel Win.?!)

Wilson Brothers,.A

-- e . 7

GENEUAL nLAOKBMiTUS.ilor.-- o Shoeing a specialty

A first-clas- s man being specially engagedfor thai work.

Skip and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. IIoppcr's.20--

JOHN NOTT,Tin, CopDor and Sheet Iron "Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &o.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

. House Furnihliing Goods,77 Chaniloliers, Lamps, &o.

WILDJSlt'S S. S. CO.J.lniKed.

ftStoamor Einau,aSc; King, Commander,

Ixiaveri Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at I.uliaiiia, Mua-lau- a

Bay, Makena, Maliukonn, e,

i.aiipalioeliou mid Hilo.Hetiirnlng, will touch at all the

alove portu, arriving at Honolulueach Fatunlay iifii'iiioim.

jfat FOIt KOI.OA & WAI.MEA,1

The Clipper SchoonerWAIEHU,

J?. Kibhlln.-r-, .... Master,Will run regularly to thu polls ofKOIOA, IIANAPl:PE WAIMEA,KAUAI. For fi eight or paspago applylo tho Captain on board, or to thu

Pacii'ic Navigation Co,,8C0 llm Cor, yuutuiu & Queen MR.

t3-- . TJIU VAST HAIMKam Schooner EHUKAIS3WJS. will inn leguiarlyTO WAIALU.V EVEEY MONDAY,

Hemming on Thursday, weatherpermitting.

For freight or passage apply to theCaptain ou hoard, or to

l1'acivio Navigation Co.,181 Agents.


Oiloi' X'oi fertileTiir. foi.i.owino

un nn TiitUDfinaTTiTtiilioi ur

Ox Carts,

Light E.iprciM Wagons,

Es Top Carriage.

STE AEV2 O ALCumberland Coal,

Com. Wood Chair,


Fine MnlaMCi Hho ilis,lo;in, Soap,

, kc Chcst;, Koi, '.',", and fl,Hoe Handle,

i Lob.slers, lib Ins; Eoan,nlb tnsSpiuro Plank.

Hay Cutters. Hos. 1. 2, & 3.

Axle Grease,' Fail-bank'- s Scale, No?. T,S,10& 11'

Leather Belling,Centrifugal Lining, 1'. Inch;

Comp. Nnilr,, 1'jj, L1J Inch.

MAMMOTH ItOCEESS,Ealeislixcclsior,

Manila Cordage, Assorted;Excelsior Mattresses,

Galvanized Fence Staples,


Sipal Koj o, Assoitcd,Ash Plank,

. Dump Enrrows,Allied Shovels,

Y. METAL SHEATHING111, 18, 'CO, L'2, 24 and 20 oz'.;

Hair Mattresses !

Grindtone-!- , Rubber lloc,Hide Poison. Barbed

Wire, llelined Iron,


Galvanized Screws aud AVashers.



Business DirectoryAuctioneei'K.

E. P. Adam Queen stLyous & Levey, Queen st

Mimicry.Alvin 11. Iiascmunu.... Gazette Uuilding

ISunkerK.Bishop & Co., Merchant st

liutclicr,W. McCandlcss, Fish Market

Boot uml Hlioes.L, Adlcr, Nuuanu stClir. Geitz, Koit stTemple of Fashion Foit st

IClIIinrtl HulootiHNol I c Fort stMcCaithy '.".... Uoul st

Clothing.Gonsalvc.4 & Co Hotel stTouijdu of Kiliion toil st

Cabinet Makei-tj- .

W. .Miller Hotel M

Lycan k Co, V ji 1 1

arrlar;c MaKcm.VT.n. Page,----..- : Foil siIliwailau C.nri.itc Co., Queen si

Uicui'H mill Toljni'co.0 McCinliy Asior Billiard 3 aloonXolies Eeaer fcaloon Fort st

Cider,Fisher's Champagne Cider Lililia st

Caitdy Factory and lialtcry.F. Hoin, .' Hotel st

Ciii'iiciitcrs anil Itnllilern.P. Wilhulm King siG. Luea,..t Fmt siVT llhiaiU Queen M

Dry anil fancy oortn.N. S. Saelis Fort ttI. T. Wiiteiluiiiie, Queen siJ.T. W..t l'hiius , KingbtI. T. i .'iteihnuii Foil st

15. F. EhleiM; Co FoitstM. A. Uen-nh- o & Co Hotel MTemple of Fathion Foi t nt

Bill Heads


Ball Programs

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work




Draft Books

Delivery Books




Queen Street,

..:-tr VflltHKtl

L, ..LWV'J'T I UUIJDH.IJW'iitrclMw,

ll'r.ton, limlili vV C'i ,,.. .HKpiMttillulllsttr i: l i., Am niiu tHolli-ur- Co..

OrnjnKO ami t'nrtnse.Frank IluMnie .Queen stQ. Hubliisoii Queen st

I'lli'lilMhi'd Itill'llin.Mrs, Turnei,. .Elngst

Fire tntiiiiuni'e A;inl!i.H. Ilieinciischncidcr,..at lit er vV Co'e.C. 0. liurgcr, Men h utst

Jent'n FimiNlilun triooitn.Ehlcis V Co,, I'oit stN. S. Sachs Fun st

(injalvcH A Co., Motel stHSTicgloan FurtA. llmcl tls

Urucerlev and t'rovlstouu,A. S. Clugliiirit &, Co Queen stWolfed Liluar la,. ..Foil eo Nuuanu sitLewis & Co, Hotel st

Ilni-M- ! l51:oirliiK .Slmiis.Wilson In o-- ., Fort st

Hih-hc- . Trainers, it c.11 Rcilh l.Mdulaiii P.ukI. Hnuuliiu Qiueu & l'ut.c blLevy Jc Wii.uiu.iin.uiilera ut H U. nun's

Hay mill Feed tstoi-ce- .

Wolfe & Li(imls....Kii:g it Nuuanu etsUnion Feed Cj, Quiun tLalnc AiCo, .., foil H

tliu'iii-i.!-- ! SillierG. E. irhe.iinau. Kiug (t

Jim it ware.Dillingham & Co., Fottst,1. T. aterliuu-e- , Quetii bt

Jiaijiovtcrs ,i: Cniu.DCerclimitu.G. . Miieliiiiaiie it Co., Fort stC. Hi ewer Ai Co., Quteu t

L (ins it Lev o. , Q ieen stM. H. (iiliiliuuui it Co , ucen ttu.G liwiiiitCo Fort stA. H Cleghoili A. Co , QlReli StJ.T Miici1i,pUm-- , Q.ieeli stHCi'th il P.aroek iNnu.ii u slC istle it Coi.ke King stWhig Wo.'l in it Co., .SuUiiiiust0. O. ijeiger, Meiolmut tIonian uros., Moi chain it

JoAVeJeraWeansr & Co Fort st

X.r.lior AscntM.W. Au'd, mur Woiks ORlcc.1. A. llasl!ii;er Interior Ullluo

. C Alitina King .st

S M Cui tuiLumber itculut'H.

f cwcwifc C kc Foil stWihhr it .di Fort si

3imiiicr.v uiul 1rOM4 atuliln;;.Mis. A. M. Meili-- , . torlst

.lleiilcul.I Dr. Emerson, Kukui st, X(!H' DcaleiH.

J. M. Oat Ji. it Co Merchant s--

I'limiliers nnd t'nliitciH.K. C. Howe,.... King stDimili it Piiillip'. King bt.1. Xott, Kaahutuanu stMax Koliin, ...t-orts- t

I'liotOKrnnlici'H.Williams it Co., Foitst

l'aslti resA Hcrbett ICalihi ValleyJ Emmeluih M noa Valley

Tuning & EuKieal Iin,!k'uineiit.Li can it Lo, Full st

Noltcs Ecavei Saloon, Fori ttWindsor licMiiuianl, li ing tCasino, Kit iolani l'ii.kTouiist'sHitriat,.Honua)o,Kau)nawaii

Itenl Khlate Asents.J. 13. Wiaeinan, Merdiant st

HoIIcitoi'H.A. S. Hnmvell, over BankJ. ii. U.ui'lhoa Kaahumuiiu stA. Eu.--a liov't liuihlitigW. A. Whiting, Knahumauii ttI. liussell Meiehunt stS. B. Dole, Kiuhiiituti u stF. M. Hatch, Kaabumuuu stli. F. Buki'iton Meiehau stC. oil Blown ... ..Meiuhanl stI. M. Monsaiiat Meichaut st

Koaii Factory.T. AV. lluwliiio, King si, Leleo

ttlationeis.J 31. Oat Jr. it Co 3Ierel.aut st

Nail niulierH.J.M. Oat & lo Queen tt' Mhiii Uhauillcry- -

Pierce & d., Queen storiiiNinitfiH.

J. Nott, Kaahumanu sT.llIoi'H.

II. S. Ticgloin ;..FonstTra- el.

Intcr-Tslan- d S. N. Co Esp'unadoWildei's S. i?. Co Fin it Queen tHP.icillc M S C Fort & Qui en s.sO. h. S. C.i Foil & Qui en stPacific Naijjaiini 0, Qi.em tt

Veterinary MurgcoiinJas Biodie Bietr.nii st

Vi'iiml ami Coa! JJealern,Fiank Hu-iiic- u Queen st

WIiicm anil hijiiiil is,

0 V,r. Miei'nilane A' Co ,.Kaabum-in- ttVf etli it Peacock Nuuaiiu stBrown & C Merchant tt

ivntfii 3TnlccrN.AVciiiicr it Co , Forlst

Letter Iloadlngs-Label- s

Law Eeports

Notu Headings

Plantation Book



It ports

Show Cards

Shipping Hcce'ts

, Statements


EfuiTSesGriDMofJalPiitoiExeeiitctl with neatness and dispatch,


Daily Bulletin. Steam Printing Office,








i' M'MH' ' i&ifc. ?&.. ' i)4i. tjj!& . '"tjtfx 1 1j v uj ' '!i .yt,T tm t .;ii i.u-'ms.iiJ,itmdt&ac,-

tk, i- - V jm A!iilaiafekii Jt.sjua