ii, i hi, e w yne hera ld 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/wayne herald...

II, I I Ray Larson, jr.. stuck'nl at Wayne State Teachcrs college I,lst year, IS attending the UIllVt·! slly of Southern Califprma. Los An· geles, thIS term. , Officers Elected By Parent Group Moisture for Seftember Reaches Higher- Total Than Is Customary, Ground Soaked By Recent Rain I T Ships Are Damaged in- Des Moines Performance Held Last Sunday. The all' show planned In Wa}nc next Sunday and Monday was Can- celled thiS week after the pCt- formers, Danny FoWJle of Mmne- apol1s and Jesse Bnstow of Fort \Vorth. v.recked one ship and dam- aged another last Sunday In the Des Momes show 'NeIther man ""LlS hurt Delay In getting replace. ments, due to the demand of fense \\-ork, made It ImpOSSIble for the two to ha\e their comple'e show ready by Sunda} 'They als0 called off a sho"" at Wichita K<ln and may have to cancel another fore they are able to get back (In schedule Their bdokrngs are maljr· up until ThanksgIVing. The plane which the men v. reck- ed at Des Momes is a 1910 Curll:-.s pusher type whIch was a curiosIty m contrast to modern shIps On/' of the other planes had a molor burned out when it was ma dl\ e from an altitude of 12 000 fcct Th" men ha\c lwo cuh planes but could not gl\e the entIre show v.l!h these Fa"" he and Bnstow y, ere hl'fP last FrIday They planned to rt- turn thiS \\eek to complete Jl-r- rangcments WIth the Chamber uf Soakmg rams Monday afternoon Commerce but called off the pel- and night brought the September formance after Sunday's mOisture total to 4.85 mches, an In Des Momes. exceptIOnally high mark for the __ _ month accordmg to the gauge at S k the' State :'-ratIOnal hank The tro e Is Fatal amouot 'ccorded Munday "as .6 and Tuesday 29 TH J P The "_"01 ra,"fall for September '0 I odoll \arlCS from 1 to 3 Inches In thIS .1- area, accordmg to the bank's rec- ord kept smce 1911 The onl) re- Former AAA Chair:man of cent years that ha\e approxImated Wayne County Passel At Home Monday. 509 1934 wllh 439 and 1938 \\Ith Herman J. Podoll. 55, formel' 474 The Icas.t mOisture recorded \Vayne county AAA chaJrman, for September In the period of 27 passed away Monday evenmg at i fell in 1919 when only 22 was o'clock at hiS home near WInSide Iccel\cd for the month Last year's I fOllowlllg a stroke which he SUl- .37 ""as second Jow [eled Sunday afternoon. Funeml Each o[ the several rams m the services wJ11 be held thiS Thursday month came gently and soaked afternoon at 1 30 at the home ami well mto the ground. putting the at 2 from Winside Trimty Luthcl' SOIl 111 excellent condition before an church with Re\'. H. G. Knaub the wmter freeze. In charge. The church chOIr, WIth MISS Alma Lautenbough plaYing the organ, "ill smg. Bunal will be in WinsJde cemeter;y. Herman John POdoll was born July 15, 1856, m Cass county Atlanta, Ncb. He came tq county \\ lth hiS Mrs Ferdmand P9d.oij,:,,1p-«l i \'Vest and four half soul:fl of Wmslde Deceased was confIrhlcll at St Paul's Lutheran church ,It \Vmslde 30. 1902. Mr Podoll marned Joy DUI- ranee. a natl\e of 10\-l>a. Marl:h 1'), 1913 The Podolls ha\e h\ed 1m thelr farm \\hlch IS' mIJe.:; .... of Winside slllce l)"Iarch, Mr. Podoll was a member of Trmlty Lutheran church and !J,Jd been a member of the t;hurcil council fo. a number of yeaIs J Il' had scr\ cd as chairman o[ W,L,} county AAA from 1938 to U)lO. was \Ice chairman In 19;), und 1937 and county commIttee dldll· man III 1935. In 1931 he \\.1.'; fll:.t named precinct commltteCfT1eHl BeSides hiS \\I[C. dece<t.SI d IS \ ncd by three sons DO!hlhl of Omaha, Haney of Fall" City allli BIllIe at home There are [I\l! sisters and one brother, :\11':' Gh- trude !\"eltzke of Hoskln:-i, :'>lrs. Chas Hoffman of York, \\ m ,J. Podoll of Fort Colo, :Vii s. ElJzabe'h E\ans of Nor[olk, :\Irs. Amanda Anderson of PJCI"CL', ilnd Mrs,! Venus Ruhlow of Wausa, Mr. Podoll was preceded In death hy two sons, Kenneth and Dale, whrJ dIed 10 mfaney. two brothers. one sJSter and his parents_ Pallbearers will be the oliler church council members, Carl Rltze, Robert Johnson, Frunk Bronzynskl, Frank Krucbcr Hnd Charles Unger, and al.so J:;r.I. WCJ" ble. .1 ',. , I I i. I': Takes Its Place with A.sur- . 11",,1- E W YN E HER ALD 14 ance of Frost and 'lighted HI, Pages 1 to 8 Foliage-F8:ith in 'Human =-: Values Stimulated - Re- Y;EAR " ----- - I - -- "VAY , NEBRA:;3KA, TKURSDA Y, OCTOBEffi9U---- -- ---- -- dueing Railroad Service, 'Wilh October duly m'l.lIed. we Let n Tr- I' Maky·Partl·CI·pate Do Fini.sh USKING IS - Can'cel AI·r Show' will expenen!'" frcqucnt Irosts and ay orners 0 e I pOL t C L 11 increasmg need of arlifIClal heat. I I or to uftrse At Municipal Park NEXT IN ORDER ON Tree' WIll ,oon surrender their F' N w Churcl!. Flt m mstruclion Will slart thIs In Fail'Openl·ng IIca,y gradmg on the ne" mu· FARMS OF COUNTY Scheduled Here i leaves to the JI11 cxorable clenlQnls, or e n week fOr the Cl\ill Pilot TrainIng I nlclpal park north of Wayne IS and ll"!e flowers and rICh green '111') I THE ED. farm, one cour$e The Inspector Was here t 11 1 ted bl MATURING corn hereabouts ttfut have heightened the beauty Rev. Us ..If mile east 'and two and one- Tuestlay to examine- the cJeld and Marchink and IS In good shape to stand of the l,mdscape will disappear be- I miles, south If Wayne, has planes and gave to Concert Open this fall to finIsh the golf com:se frost, as \\(' are assured In fact, [Ole the JCY touch of a season. In Charge of Ceremony. b en selected f 1 r the county start E Hansen Who ""as '''''"5 greens and tees Trees WIll be It IS said a freeze would help But October surpassmgly agree Conducted Sunday cQrn husking co test Monday, an alte nate IS bi!mg Here This Evening. Iplanted on the grounds this fall the crop and put It m condltlOn able m of weather--Is I qctober 20. It IS estimated the for VIC or Gronau III the course a-ls for plckmg wh h 11 b warning that winter IS on the way Cornerstone for the new field WIll yield b tween 65 and ' About 65 Wayne bUSiness fIrms 0 In order We He' I rl · ng on Bus BI·ds. Pavl·ng s feelings. mjn nlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1 ccord attamed I In Irngated program Includmg mdrchlng' ('x- penenced 0 b s er\ e r suggest dom suggests' geUmg ready for Jt. cUurch serVIces, about 'pOD mem- areas The IS to,be held S . IS hJllltlon Hnd con<:t'rt, \\mdlJlw un- productlOn In excess of that of -k ,x, .}.. lhe (;ongregatlOr1 and under the auspices of the agn- S et and contCl'I, style s.h'ow and Below EstilDafe SC\'eral past years An ad\an- 'vVlth advancmg season the c m f t tee f of I Wayne high school hand WIth . tuanglfeowrmhllCyhgWOOedappPrroecspelatcet'sls tAhle! Uy PC!;t will decrease but fol' a JOla,nmTerBoresosmle",eISrcechoaIWrmaICn'. L J bncf time Irt will be supplanted by and Contractor Karl Otte r- ComPfny Makes AppHcation <: D Hanson dlrcctor prespnls Protection for Children sectlOns of thiS area Will share another nUisance, the box elder ed the COl'nerstone Mayor M L. RUlger and Farm Extension of Line :'::<,lI a 'h t ,n s g 3u an,d\I Crossing M;in Street about equally lo satlsfactoryt re- bug, FlgullOg relative IntellIgence, The copper box In Agent Chet Walters have '-been ' - '-- '-- ., suits none blasted by drouth the fly kno\\-s enough t9 antIcipate cortlerstone contams the folJbwmgl appomted to arrange and handle Wayne to Wisner. o[ the flrp SIren dnd lU1nmg on o[ \ Is Being Sought. hall ;:-msects As a danger and try to escape, whereas Bnef history of the congregatlonl the county event. The ground Nebtaska raJ!way comtl1lSSIQn BIds on pavmg III dlstnct No 13, pcople should be able to buy the lOgy box elder creatlOn has no list of officers of congrcgatlOn, of- chosen IS level and Ideally SltU- wJlII hold a heanng In Norfolk ducted m thl" connectIon In ooeh oOlth\\est of Bressler park. open- more of the thmgs tt:w} want sense of teal' and WIll hght tny- fleers of Ladles' Aid, officers of Y. alted, The contest starts at 1.30 auditOrium Wednesday, wmdov,. '" III IDC SOO1C <ll t I ed by the cJly councll Tuesdu} eve- and necd. Improved coodltlOns wherc oncl', staYing 4ntl1 mvIted P. S, officers of Men's club, dctbber 22 at 10 a m on the ap" nmg werp all below the estlimate will be a welcome change from to 1110\e by an swat, to oltSdnday teachers, number 01: of the Arrow Stage hnes sold III the store Those "'ltl1 most so contracts wue dlvld d the lean years that Imposed un- t ' I S hd h I ,i state contest mear Franl<lm p('rfcct results In df'slgn<ltlng these , ' , (' among comfortable restraints and self- -it· * * 0 PUPI S III U ay sc 00 an...... October 28,1 'Pfospectlve en- of Norfolk to operate busl servIce Carh'HI s Fullerton sand J N Among pests wlt.h which the Saturday schoo\' accompamsts at beiwet'n Wayne and 'llso lor The (listnct Includes four =======__ ' .. w'add has been abundantly sup- the SerVIC{'l';' aonductor and trants are urged to make Imown between and Collumbus R 0 clock at t hI' audIt onum dnd blocks, one block on Douglas be- plied. v...e recall With satisfactIOn pamst of chOir, names o[ members theIr mtentlons early so that P v q1 1 th hearing was s >t for t lOti d 11th 10th b that have been too of the bUlldlmg committee, name suffiCient wagons may be pro- w:s chang('d the and b:= 1ew the pust year to do <lny dam- o[ architect. name of contractor, vlded and other plans made ac- appllcdtlOn \\as In furmshmg mUSIC thiS t\\cen 8th and 10lh on Shermdn agp. It IS a leasonabJe name of Preslden:t of th€! cordmgly. 1 mcluqed. slon Entertainment features "'III and on 9th betwcen Douglas and that these U1sCCt Imps do not a{;- USA, namc of ... =::::::::::::__J C B k hi P t r f the Sh P d WPA 1b In l,llgC and DWight Giiswold of Nebraska,1 A IS IS btU·s dunng pfj'rJods of nOlmal )lame of Mayor M. r. Rmger of C ttl Fill de bou" buses leavmg WaYl1c at 11 g to progress soon. m0·lsture, dnd IlJ..we dl'€.' to have a Waync, a catechism, a new hymn- a e 1"e l log a, m'l and 515 pm, arrlvmg In A committee from the college cyell' of \H't years, a!:'i confidently al, a Lljthcran Witness, a Luther-I I at 11 ,35 a m dnd 15.50 p N bEt d P,lfent-Teclr,her assocmtlOn Visited plcdrttcc!, \\e arc assured of dner, copy of The 'Wayne HelaJd" Looks ProtDl"SI"ng m The nortlhbound um er xpec e the counCil Iclatl\l> to provldmg dom from one crop pellI. copy of Th(\ Wayne Nc\\s copy ofl schedule would call [61' Ipa\- protectiOn lo chlldren crossmg .)(. ·x· * the Omaha Worfd-Herald, copy on Ing WIsner at 11 5, a m ar d 8 05 'B Wa e Ch ch north MaIn streel a1 10th. 11th and An orgalllzed onslaught on rats H. M. Conway of Chicago, Is pm, reachmg Wayne at 12 30 and y yo ur l:2th streets Parent-Teacher Scoro,'\,c s ' tl'lCt Mf'!-:scnger. ConcordlU Sundau Speaker at Meeting in 840 respectJvcly group WIll write to the hIghway ""'- "'-- ..3: Request for bus SC1\-ICP Hclv...el'n Gifts Will Be at patrol to gGt Ito "'hlch products Wayne Friday. Frc- Anniversary Service n Construct on of the church lsi The long·tlf1Jc cycle and Imme- Sunday Evening. Ul y Ordlll<lncc:-, \11' Mann expects i\S they galhl'l to help the farmer progresslllg ell and It IS hoped the! dlate demands, stImulated by dc- Itt N I 10 haH' the v;ork completed In consume what he has tOlled 10 save structure ""1111 be complcted by thel md;eate cat- 11$ rile ors 3lue£ , book form by Janua! y arid HHn to pro[It, Unlike gra:;s- holidaYs Wprkmen haW' finished I H '" ,,, -, '- f:ngm('I'r Douglas McKnight dS- hOPP9I'S, rats and nllce are not the wa)ls and arp nowl the coming year, according to H 11 nslltule ere for S('r\ICl'S ne",t Sundd} ob"en- slstlng the local commIttee ""nh M of ChIcago, marketing Teachers of Wayne ¢ounty \vork In about shades Will Convene at Court I})l f · - --- ---- * "",_ S d day Mr, Conway anticipates that House Next Weel;t. tors hel(', \\111 "pldh: <it th, 1U YJ Conser, Il'ilnl J(pmcmhf'l'illg Obligations. College ttl Prof F G Ddlf> o[ \Vayne (01- dn' pl.ln- Shb\\ Jl for Ki\\anis When one IS found gomg far out Prep1are f(jt Year elence III the prices cattle Will lege, PrinCIpal MJlton Blcl1:-mdn of ncr! ilt the muniCIpal audJlOlJUm <it -l dls- Delegates Are Elected Here IntenllOl1S 01 poopl(' Is greatly stun· Many Sc ools Re.,resented and demand mflu- office, will Instruct at Waync members [OJ lemlnlSU ncr.., DI I To Attend Convention tlhltpd A \\omun settled a four-j By Yo ng Folks Here cnces 0 the cattle county teachers' IOstrtute to be Jess Leamer of Columbu", one 01 I In Fremont Soon•• YCdr fUbsCJ lpllon claim some years P ttl t df 1 h held at the court house FrHtlay Oc- I th(' earliest memhers. \VIII be prcs- 'afterher nc""spaper had been j Fo New Term. a C tober 10 Plof Delle speaks onlcnt Mr" Fettero!f\\J!Jaccompa,ny' More than 400 mIllIOn tons o[ She had contmued bene- W<lyne 81 t@ 'feachein' college teachmg thc geography o[ Europe H.e\ Fl'tterolf top s01l are lost yearly mto ,the (wls oj the l-ief\ll!le through the sub- student co ncll held Ithelr first and also on applyIng the prmel- Dr. J C pfl'sldent o[ Gulf of MpXl('O through the Mls- meetmg Mo day even mg. WIlham Jer, Jr., chalnnan, and Agent Chet pleslof geography to teachmg Mr the Synod of Np!Jl,l"ka, IS speaker SISSlppI \\atershed, accordmg to McI{a,y sell or from Ellgm who W I rvi dd h d f Beckman's wIll deal WILh J:'f the c\cnmg serVl-Ce at 8m the flgun:s m the fllm, "The Rl\er," credIt durmg Ii time of drouth and had cI by the ;tudenL a tels se e f nuts.an co - anthmetlc Mr. Slipsk) will speak DedIcatIOn will be sho\\n Monday for Klwaruans by lean ret UI'OS, and Rhe acted accord- body eHi he to head tbe council,: fee at close 0 t e ISCUSSlon. on oonsenallOn As <! speCIal fea In (;harge of Re\ GIeschen The Ed Stlpskj. COrLSen atlOnJst, who lOgly Slw dId not· want somethmg, 0 her offlcets elected W II S d ture Supt F B D(cker \\]11 pre- young- people ha\e Oldcrcd dn lH- \\as presentea by Agent Chet for l10thmg and as soon as she W,lS are, Doroth NyqUIst, ::;enJOi flom Wayne i ell scnt MISS Vlrgmlrt Troutman of Inch hrass cross fOI lhl' altar ters. The motion pIcture gJH'S a Group to Norfolk Propose Safety Patrol for man' and more to bUl dte \\as dp- er lhstruc:lor mil) dlso be s('cur('d Llghtmg f!x1ures' Cor th,' church mg. contour farmlOg ancl other Protecting Children on twls of ---P-OmlC'(! to a tentatl\1.' conslJ- Dr. J. Anderson to Take - - bought h} a used to consene :::;011 and North Main Street.. IIdrd gOIng tends \0 make onc tutlOtl (oll/;gp Part in Discussion on Wayne l.r..; Wi.,l nel" 1'0 Attpnd I\1I.pt1l11.{. Winne tr<tllling school P.-T A. {Iorlge ohllg'l.l110ns r One IS IncJlOcd \\',lVIl\ ,(",," I S \Va'·ne club v...J11 bp rtllIl'spl1ter] m('l Monday e\pnmg In the kmder- ,I II fill I II ... Panel at Meeting. 11 l'llll"ll ('alll(' ' to ( ll' C 0\\ It\lO\\CS (() 1(' bUl1l 133 rllIT{prpnt hIgh schools Uf k (. -' ; dl the 10\\,1 Npbl,lskd (on\-enllon g<lrten room \\lth_35 Mrs \\ O"I.i Ill!.; 1l'1 1tw OJ} \ \\ 110 hos 1.1' 11 I I 1() NI I 1)1 Joseph i\-I AI tman of ChI of Kl\\UnIS Ol'lober 16 to ]8 111 John Ahern \\ as named preSIdent \OTl'U hll11j IlgUlC' ouL IUl\\ he Cdn l('S\, S .. <pc In. f')IUS{,ij -- J f h 1\1 AD Le . mand 'c \"lthout due repayments (dIJtornld, C'OlOI,ldo, IO\\i:l, (dgO I('cturer dnd editor. .second Local High Seilool to Meet I Fremonl selected at 0 t c group I rs WIS \Ice Wl g d d South Ddl,qtd WyomlOg abol \ ICC pa'sldent ot the NatJoncd Monday s mcetmg dre B. \v. pre;,;Jdent and Mrs Llo}d Mitchell l'epre"cllte'd, W,ljllC hll;h school C'Ollglcss of Pe\rents and Teachers, Hartington at Wright, Dedtl Clarence l\-IcGmn treasurer Mrs MItchell I Field on friday. I I , ! b t y 11 I hIgh, Wdvnp colleg(' lllgil clnd Us· and Tcaehcl's ('onvenes In Norfoll, Wd}or> !U()tlldll lldm L Blair tary (0 It, lL'b('ont II u ets \ Ita YAIO I ' lh e mond III tilt. O! df'! 01 I ()ctobcl 8 to 10 Wayne city and ed I!>; second \ I( t01 Y of the S(',I- The club extended a hearty Mrs Mitchell, Mr:> L E Brown fiber of Illi egr1lt y .I l'cnsenldtJ\.l.s T\\cl\(' high schools college UllItS Will be represented at son FneJa) {'\('nmg by dcfeatlOg come to :VIr Blair who v...as back and Mrs Frank Korff v.ere ap· , pl,lne lor llC' 01'( 1.'1' (epen S m'lud 1 I lid' the meetmgs and Dr J T And' Stanton IG to 0 <t1 St dnton Th,' Monday for the fIrst tIme since he pomted as II committee to mect II J n 100el faIth 'lnel t he Inn c 109 Ie 1\ e (J reel( y ndmc 'I" cr- half ended \\ Itll vi dyne leadm!! 7 ,lrgl'} 0 fg e Id 1 • t- have Sl,\ell f 01 mOle membels In son IS on the program, \\-ent to Rochester II} Jul} l\1r \\Ith the CIt} councl! to propose IS 'lSi :: BlaIr rc,p'Jnded W E John- studen1s h l\(' suhmItted d.d\dnte He also madc good on tJie extra Schoolmen to IJleet DJ' Ra} I3lyan. trammg school "on \-\ \\t1(' lliOcluct IS lecltnmg cIl'thts P,ll led In other coJlegt's e . y y gao, n pOInt Stul! mHde of I W hi superintendent. spoke on the ob- tH a:l',lllPldlle a.nd \\IJI soon be These studr'nts come hom 3:2 eol· dnd In the futUlc. Waynes' A play III n uyne OnlY Jectl\es of the school In a democ- cl lullfle(],2;('d I her t I',l\. rl !teges In 10 states Fourteen of ,DI Al tman, eclllOl' o[ eha] acter I the last half Wd" 1hat of joe Kes- Theodore SkJllstad prinCIpal of racy th,\t \\111 aId m hl!-j. polltl- thes(' colleges cliP m Ncbruskd and sIc!' who ran lor a Norfolk hIgh schoo!, wlil gl\C Prof H H I:-Idnscom led group cal ... l. del} mornntg and down a.ftpr JIltPI'('(\p)lng a pass NIelsen, Z\1r.-> Joe , , " :\lmn(:so11 i\ll ui thaI aftclnoon <It 1'13 "'-hen Stanton hdrl til{' IMII on held .It Nor[olk fur Jlahercr. l\Irs Kent Hall and Mrs. " PIH'asant Sellson LtH)lllS. I :lI1d SOU1)1 Ddkot<l ' Npbl\a'ska IS on "Charactel an Inner DelC'nsp , W<lYI1{' Sl 12-y'lld Iln( In the :;,Il11e j hl open Sl,lson [0\ plll'aSdllts IS \\'l'll J(\pte"l\l1tNl but thl' coll(\ge IS ASSIsting hlln on the pdllel \\'111 he pl.ly Don ILll\('Y (\11(1, did an ex- j \V R served Itl 1l1e otfmg <lnd It \\J1llast longPl l'lisO Sl'1 \ lllg [rom 10 MIS A. A Fengcl. Orndhd, slclte ccll(ln1 J(J'l of blo(klng Hanson wtll prOVIde musIc. plan- Doctor Is Detained t h cl n usual AccOldmgly, the er states. chairman o[ chal'aeter and pld}s hell' The Rc\'. C. Luthcr Stager. nmg d clarinet triO and p18no solo pheasant du·t Will be to ,. ual educatIOn, Attorne} Lynn Hut- Friday f ,,'nlng Hus \\eck. To TesttOfy tOn Case the lOy of some and La the dJstilste (nmo('atum Program, ton of Norfoll" Dr. J T Anderson Among formpr pastors of St. The group Will elect a Vice presl- of others, ,!,:'e,' . .'tYI,o,n e oCfolll;glo"f of Wayne, sl'\'enth Vice p 1 e Sl dCl1t, Re....dglls Position Pdul is Re\. COy L. Stager who dent to succecd N Thorpe and Dr W W Lippold. en route home ;\- ;< *' ' M Ed J I fL I succeeded Re\' Fetterolf, comll1g secretary to succeed El""ood [rom the Phllippmes, has been de- Some \\110 Sl'(' wcaknt'sH III IJuh- \'\'111 pres('nt d concert IH'xt In Clerk's Qffice from Indmnopohs October 19, 1924 lIS, who mo"ed away Herman tamed In the Hawallan Islands to pO)IC1('S do not eXpl'l'SS day mOl nlng at 10 0 clock In the state department, and John l\lIss TWlla Bergt res.lgned her Dunng hiS pastorate the new Baehr IS actmg as secretaIJ-l The serve as a "Itness at tnal of a cus- ¥e-lves bl'CdUSC It IS caSlCr to keep WIIl?w bowl III the per· Mool'e, Y M. C. A dIrector at Nor- pOSItIOn In the county clqrk's of- church basement was bUilt at a program foJlo""s dmner at the toms guard who IS charged With The pU )llc IS lll\ lied to at- folk the banquet October 9 flO', cdmpletmg her wort< Tues- cost of $4,800 Rt'\' Stager was cafetena. shooting a young army officer -x- * 7:. , 1. ,I. Dr, Ar man speaks on 'What arq day evening She has hcel1lemploy- here untIl Apnl 25 1927, when he shortly after the shIp from Mamla Rt'r\-'ice. A O1usl(,1I progrc1m \\as prlCsent- ""C de ndIn and what can P ed full time lfl the olflce t\l,o years ""l'nt to St Mark's E\angehcal Home from Hospital \ docked at Honolulu. 1 1'0\\ ns <lIang the Burlington I'd d ent-TeIcher g aSSOCiatiOn and had been there pa 1 t time Lutheran church at Omaha He IS Following Operation The all' corps offIcer was leaVing SiOUX City to O'Neill are up mg, ro lls.se n err n ute?" preViously. She \\ III be t homc 00\\ pastor ,11 Ada, OhIO I the .ship when the guard challeng- arms dyer the prospect of the the group lfl Ipmgtng J th ; 'Alma Particlpatmg ma panel Thu;s- With her parents. thC' Hrrhcrt _ - - --- (I F L Blair arrived home Satur- cd 111m and a!:'ikcd to sec a package Clmpany abandoning It::; passenger ,Matel and oltWr song1 Oene\lt:'\e day mornmg on how to aId In Bergb; MISS Amy Pearl 1-'- I3al nee; Priest Is Honored ddy from Rochester. I\Imn, where he was carrying The officer said a If people were a building health WIll be MiSS Mar- takes MISS Sergt's IposltlOP In the, B M F _ ° "ds he Ildd undergone 1\H) major op- the package had been mspected t king mhantage of the serVice, City sung a Evelyn garet Fedde. Dr'. Ruth Le"erton, office I I _y allY J lelll eratlons MI BlaH went to Ro- and an argument ensued between t e company would not apply for Pt' k f!VI 1 1 I MISS Nma Lambkin, Mrs, George I ThL' 3;)th annl\C'I·sary o[IRe\ <:hester In July He IS [eellng much the officer and guard The pack· p to dIscontinue It. Trav- tl a rIC 0 aPl..e p Thurtlc and MISS Clara Slade or As Officers I \Vm I{cdrns' pasloratc 51 llnpIO\('(l Wm Beekenhaupr drove age pro\-ed to be A cannot afford to llsC tram$ d Lmcoln Dr. Geo. ,smaha of Gland s Ca1i'loltc church \\a$ ob- to RochestL'I' F'·lday and brought shot was fired and the officer fell BRIEF INDEX 1v len thcy can selVe con\CJ1Icnce JI1 1 alne, d lC e Kit Of Isldnd Wm. Thompson of Of Dental sencd Sunday b) il Idrgc nurlbe,' hJnl home Mr BlaIr IS able to be Dr Lippold happened to be a S t1 0 t 'own can;. No one could be 0 en g-€'. an I er en 0 Dr and Mrs L B Young Dr of llallshioners and other frJpnds at hIS slore part of the lIme.5cn- WJtness to the inCIdent and IS to Page De f leave car In a ga- 'I Dr. Archer . Burnham, C. A. and Dr L F A at, the ,ludllonum l was ator W A and Joe Beck- testify at the tnal of the guards- Page Three - Way nee It Y . gc and bbnrd a tram 10 tra\chng tal'Y of the Nebraska Teachers ry whre m Norfolk Monday attended by 250. Rev Keal (('·1 l'nhauer took charge for him whde man SchooL Sholes,' Brenml. LtJ. 0 d h f faculty adVisers for remamder Y d h' I h W w Mrs Lippold who IS here WIth fl ort dIstances. utSI e t e .10Y 0 r th I soclatIOn, spea;ks on Nebraska's Nort Nebraska Dlstrlct Denta c('lwd [lowers an ot cr rerrlcm- e as a ay. ..' cals. Southf:ast \Vaync. elOg passenger trains and () e I educational problems. DiscUsSJOn society convened. Dr. Young ser\-J brances. , ' her parents. the .J. J Aherns, plan- Southeast WalteCleJd. me and the sntJsfactlOn o[ col- ----j- will foHow with Miss Chloe ed preSIdent the past year Dr - -- -- Brother of Teacher ned to go to San Franclsco thiS Page Four-Editorials. cctlllg taxes from the ral]roads, It Auto Is Dflma ridge of Lincoln. Earl WIltse of Perry IS newly c1ect ..d '\owe prcsi Suffers Fracture P . Ill. . I week to meet her husband but dId Page Flve--Society. 'O(8)not make sense to try 10 I S d ,•. h Yprk, Mrs. Paul Bradley of Lin- dent. Dr Weber of Norfolk, IS new asses In tnOlS not leave after hearmg that the Page Slx-Wakefleld_ Korth· l'orcl' selllVl(;e contrary to the stal'k n ap <:01n, Mrs. Ruth Warren of Ogal- president. Dr. Young remamed In Fall at Librflry MISS Verna Eidson was called doctor WIll be detamed perhaps SIX west Wakefif1d. fact of madcquate retJ.trns, In MI' and \VaYI e Bornhoft lala, and Supt. 4J1en Burkhardt of over Tuesday for some speCial 1-1J.ss Warnock ::iuffeted a to Mohne, Ill, Monday by the or seven weeks. Southwest of compehtion by privately {md haby daughter an Mrs. J. C. Norfolk, tak:ing part. demonstrations. fracture of the nght leg a Iltttle death Sunday of her brother, Har· Page I wncd CUI'S It would SE!{'m 'that the .Tensen or Pasapena, 1) were Any wishing a ride to Norfolk --'-----_ abO\ e the ankle last Thursday aft- \cy Funeral services were Second Page Eight-Unusual Concord. ecd of' passenger trains on branch hut! but Mr Bornhof's car Was and any having extra room in their Parents of Wagne crnoon when she tripped feU held Tuesday With bur,,1 at La- Goes to Oalifornia Locals. ; mes IS dlsappearmg.. evcm gm an ac- cars are asl;:ed to notify Mrs. L. F. at the city iJbrary. MISS Warnock monl,Ia Dr and i\1J"S. J R. John- SecUoDt-T\\O --- ------ cidcnt a nlllc sOdth of ebron The PerlY so accommodatIons may I' M q,n in Accident IS 111 a local hospitaL She as- son took MISS Eidson as far as Second Lieutenant Douglas Page football four had left herb that ay on their be arranged. Elmer A. Jensen, CouncIl Oak Slsting at the ltbrary for Mrs. E SIOU.X City. nmg. \-\ ho was graduated and re- Game&- WeddiDg Service. .so- way home A drunken trver turn- manager, and family were called S Blair who tent to Sterlmg, cClvcd hls commiSSion at Kelly pety. i ed a ear directly mto the path of to Emmetsburg, la" Sunday by Colo, to VISIt her Mrs Will Ente,. Calves fJeld, Texas, last Fr,day, has been Pa,ge Days. I'orth- I maChinlr4lMr. B l-nhoft ap- word that Mr. Jensen's parents, G F Hodgson. Mrs. BlaIr ar,Tl\ed I 0 ha C t aSSigned to 35th pUr:sUlt group at West war' INortheast, plied the bl'ak S and I s!;ened the !IIr, Mrs" Hans ,,Jej1sen, home Sunday return,ng as n rna on est Hamilton f'eld, Cal" where!,e will Wayne, I impatt but the I c r dama:ge InJured when two cars at soon as she had word oUi MISS I Leland Herman, Lester Lutt. report OCtober 12. ThiS ne.l· loca- Page SChools. lp Geo, Born- a rural mterseclIon, senIOr I Warnock's accldcnt. I Merlm Albers and Billy Hoffman lIOn IS about 15 mtles from Sari Page Four-iW ide, and Eud were in eoron Sun· Jensens suffered cuts a,nd brUIses. I have one calf each, Carl BIermann, FranCISCO. The Wayne .,youth ar-- Page Five It night and a . ':rhe Cali- Mrs. Elwood Fergus0I1-. 26. Em-I Undergoes Operation. I Berneal and Faith Gustafson two rived here Monday trom and Southwest Wa 'forOlEt folks w a 18" to go on J ,------------ !tlets!tIurg was fatally .n· , Osburn undenvepl an' calves each m the Ak-Sar-Ben is on leave until. he goes to hiS new Page _ "Fe RuraI 'from' Hebron t "t elr car be- and r'S. Colson V(ent Jureu. The remamed operatIon for appendICitIs Synday I baby beef show .WhICh opens .Ill PQSL He IS Vlsltmg the 'V. P. Can- Schools. repaired. I I Lincoln a /ew .... at 11 local hospital. I Omaha next Sundaj. Jnirlgs and other relath'es here; 1- 1 ,1 r ; /' I I 11,li\ ,1 t;l ':1,1, I I, I" I I t.. t

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Page 1: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I


Ray Larson, jr.. stuck'nl atWayne State Teachcrs college I,lstyear, IS attending the UIllVt·! sllyof Southern Califprma. Los An·geles, thIS term. , ~

Officers ElectedBy Parent Group

Moisture for SeftemberReaches Higher- Total

Than Is Customary,

Ground SoakedBy Recent Rain


Tw~ Ships Are Damaged in­Des Moines Performance

Held Last Sunday.

The all' show planned In Wa}ncnext Sunday and Monday was Can-celled thiS week after the pCt­formers, Danny FoWJle of Mmne­apol1s and Jesse Bnstow of Fort\Vorth. v.recked one ship and dam­aged another last Sunday In theDes Momes show 'NeIther man ""LlS

hurt Delay In getting replace.ments, due to the demand of dc~

fense \\-ork, made It ImpOSSIble forthe two to ha\e their comple'eshow ready by Sunda} 'They als0called off a sho"" at Wichita K<lnand may have to cancel another blC~fore they are able to get back (In

schedule Their bdokrngs are maljr·up until ThanksgIVing. •

The plane which the men v. reck­ed a t Des Momes is a 1910 Curll:-.spusher type whIch was a curiosItym contrast to modern shIps On/'of the other planes had a molorburned out when it was m a dl\ efrom an altitude of 12 000 fcct Th"men ha\c lwo cuh planes but couldnot gl\e the entIre show v.l!hthese

Fa"" he and Bnstow y, ere hl'fPlast FrIday They planned to rt­turn thiS \\eek to complete Jl-r­rangcments WIth the Chamber uf

Soakmg rams Monday afternoon Commerce but called off the pel-and night brought the September formance after Sunday's accldent~

mOisture total to 4.85 mches, an In Des Momes.exceptIOnally high mark for the __~ _month accordmg to the gauge at S kthe' State :'-ratIOnal hank The tro e Is Fatalamouot 'ccorded Munday "as .6

and Tuesday 29 T H J PThe "_"01 ra,"fall for September '0 • • I odoll

\arlCS from 1 to 3 Inches In thIS .1-area, accordmg to the bank's rec-ord kept smce 1911 The onl) re- Former AAA Chair:man ofcent years that ha\e approxImated Wayne County Passel:~~~e~e~:l~nl~ t~~e~~;~h.\~~;~ \el~~ At Home Monday.509 1934 wllh 439 and 1938 \\Ith Herman J. Podoll. 55, formel'474 The Icas.t mOisture recorded \Vayne county AAA chaJrman,for September In the period of 27 passed away Monday evenmg at iYCdr~ fell in 1919 when only 22 was o'clock at hiS home near WInSideIccel\cd for the month Last year's IfOllowlllg a stroke which he SUl­.37 ""as second Jow [eled Sunday afternoon. Funeml

Each o[ the several rams m the services wJ11 be held thiS Thursdaymonth came gently and soaked afternoon at 1 30 at the home amiwell mto the ground. putting the at 2 from Winside Trimty Luthcl'SOIl 111 excellent condition before an church with Re\'. H. G. Knaubthe wmter freeze. In charge. The church chOIr, WIth

MISS Alma Lautenbough plaYingthe organ, "ill smg. Bunal will bein WinsJde cemeter;y.

Herman John POdoll was bornJuly 15, 1856, m Cass countyAtlanta, Ncb. He came tqcounty \\ lth hiS paren~Mrs Ferdmand P9d.oij,:,,1p-«l ~ i

=I~~ t'~h~~\~o~~ ~lt~iS':~ ~:~:\'Vest and four and~a half soul:fl ofWmslde Deceased was confIrhlcllat St Paul's Lutheran church ,It

\Vmslde ~Iarch 30. 1902.Mr Podoll marned Joy DUI­

ranee. a natl\e of 10\-l>a. Marl:h 1'),1913 The Podolls ha\e h\ed 1mthelr farm \\hlch IS' t\~O mIJe.:; .... (C~Lof Winside slllce l)"Iarch, 19~6,

Mr. Podoll was a member ofTrmlty Lutheran church and !J,Jdbeen a member of the t;hurcilcouncil fo. a number of yeaIs J Il'had scr\ cd as chairman o[ W ,L,} ll~

county AAA from 1938 to U)lO. II'~

was \Ice chairman In 19;), und1937 and county commIttee dldll·man III 1935. In 1931 he \\.1.'; fll:.tnamed precinct commltteCfT1eHl

BeSides hiS \\I[C. dece<t.SI d IS ~ur·

\ ncd by three sons DO!hlhl ofOmaha, Haney of Fall" City allliBIllIe at home There are al~o [I\l!sisters and one brother, :\11':' Gh­trude !\"eltzke of Hoskln:-i, :'>lrs.Chas Hoffman of York, \\ m ,J.Podoll of Fort Colhn~ Colo, :Vii s.ElJzabe'h E\ans of Nor[olk, :\Irs.Amanda Anderson of PJCI"CL', ilndMrs,! Venus Ruhlow of Wausa, Mr.Podoll was preceded In death hytwo sons, Kenneth and Dale, whrJdIed 10 mfaney. two brothers. onesJSter and his parents_

Pallbearers will be the olilerchurch council members, CarlRltze, Robert Johnson, FrunkBronzynskl, Frank Krucbcr HndCharles Unger, and al.so J:;r.I. WCJ"ble.

.1 ' , . ~ , I I i. I':

Takes Its Place with A.sur- . 11",,1-E W YN E HERA L D 14 ~1i~ ~n~ance of Frost and 'lighted HI, Pages 1 to 8

Foliage-F8:ith in 'Human R;~~R~~~~==t~~=:I':=;:F-==:~·::::::~='f't,.-:'=~;u~t~~~~~;~UJ~;;~~;;;;;;:;~;~~~::~:':~:~::~:~::::~:::::=~~;~~~~~~~~.~I=-:Values Stimulated - Re- :;3.~IXTIETH.Y;EAR " -~------ - I - - - "VAY , ~- NEBRA:;3KA, TKURSDA Y, OCTOBEffi9U------ ---- -- ~

dueing Railroad Service, ~~~-;-===~~~~~~~~~~~~E~~~~~~J;!:~:::_~::~-'o::=~;~~~;:~~~.:...:;~~~~t~:--;;::~::=1~=:==:======~~~N~U~M~B~E~R~T~W~E~N~T~Y;-T;-~W~(~)'Wilh October duly m'l.lIed. we Let n Tr- i!-'in;t~-si~r I' Maky·Partl·CI·pate Do Fini.sh Gr~di~~----C-O-R-N-H-USKING IS - Can'cel AI·r Show'

will expenen!'" frcqucnt Irosts and ay orners 0 e I pOL t C L 11increasmg need of arlifIClal heat. • I I or to uftrse At Municipal Park NEXT IN ORDER ON

Tree' WIll ,oon surrender their F ' NwChurcl!. Fltm mstruclion Will slart thIs In Fail'Openl·ng IIca,y gradmg on the ne" mu· FARMS OF COUNTY Scheduled Here ileaves to the JI11cxorable clenlQnls, or e n week fOr the Cl\ill Pilot TrainIng I nlclpal park north of Wayne ISand ll"!e flowers and rICh green '111') I THE ED. FREV~RT farm, one cour$e The Inspector Was here t 11 1 ted bl MATURING corn hereaboutsttfut have heightened the beauty Rev. Walte;--B;~cken5ick Us ..If mile east 'and two and one- Tuestlay to examine- the cJeld and Marchink E~hibition and f,~aec~~:d~;o~B~:dO~~S~ye~:n~ IS In good shape to standof the l,mdscape will disappear be- I h~lf miles, southIf Wayne, has planes and gave permJS~lOn to Concert Open P~ram this fall to finIsh the golf com:se frost, as \\(' are assured In fact,[Ole the JCY touch of a n~w season. In Charge of Ceremony. b en selected f

1r the county start ~lmer E Hansen Who ""as '''''"5 greens and tees Trees WIll be It IS said a freeze would help

But October surpassmgly agree Conducted Sunday cQrn husking co test Monday, an alte nate IS bi!mg s~sbtuted Here This Evening. Iplanted on the grounds this fall the crop and put It m condltlOnable m comf~~ts of weather--Is ~ • I qctober 20. It IS estimated the for VIC or Gronau III the course a-ls for plckmg wh h 11 b

~ warning that winter IS on the way Cornerstone for the new Grac~ field WIll yield b tween 65 and ' About 65 Wayne bUSiness fIrms 0 In order We h~\ce h;~rds~~~re~

~I~~[~~a\~~)~:~~l~~to~eI~el~~e~l~Y ~Jt~th:~~n~~~;~h::~nfal~e~~endd:~ ;~O~lu~~~IS~~x:~~~c~e;o~~~t~:~ He'~'Irl·ng on Bus ;jr:l'b~~~t~';ea~I~~r~n t~~: ;~~In~~;n;~~ BI·ds. o~ Pavl·ng ~~ct~~~e:~a;~e~er~~c~~ y~~I~:~,advcJ~c s feelings. 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjn nlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1 ccord attamed I In Irngated program Includmg mdrchlng' ('x- penenced 0 b s e r \ e r suggestdom suggests' geUmg ready for Jt. cUurch serVIces, about 'pOD mem- areas The conte~t IS to,be held S . I S hJllltlon Hnd con<:t'rt, \\mdlJlw un- productlOn In excess of that of

-k ,x, .}.. b~rfitof lhe (;ongregatlOr1 and VISI~ under the auspices of the agn- ~rvlce S et ~~~~~\g and contCl'I, style s.h'ow and Below EstilDafe SC\'eral past years An ad\an-

'vVlth ~hC' advancmg season the ~::c~~~~~CI~r~~~~ct~ttheW~~~e; ~~tur~1 c ~ ~ m f t tee fof h~h~ I Wayne high school hand WIth . tuanglfeowrmhllCyhgWOOedappPrroecspelatcet'sls tAhle!

Uy PC!;t will decrease but fol' a JOla,nmTerBoresosmle",eISrcechoaIWrmaICn'. L Jbncf time Irt will be supplanted by and Contractor Karl Otte adJust~ r - ComPfny Makes AppHcation <: D Hanson dlrcctor prespnls ex~ Protection for Children sectlOns of thiS area Will shareanother nUisance, the box elder ed the COl'nerstone Mayor M L. RUlger and Farm Fo~ Extension of Line ~~~:~I~"~I:'::<,lI

a' h



an,d\I Imll,~s_~Ocunon(1 Crossing M;in Street about equally lo satlsfactoryt re-bug, FlgullOg relative IntellIgence, The copper box de~slted In th~ Agent Chet Walters have '-been ' - '-- • '-- ., suits none blasted by drouththe fly kno\\-s enough t9 antIcipate cortlerstone contams the folJbwmgl appomted to arrange and handle Wayne to Wisner. o[ the flrp SIren dnd lU1nmg on o[ \ Is Being Sought. hall ;:-msects As a consequenc~danger and try to escape, whereas Bnef history of the congregatlonl the county event. The ground Nebtaska raJ!way comtl1lSSIQn ~~:;1\el~g~~ea~o7nt:~~d~:~~ 1~~,ll~o~~ BIds on pavmg III dlstnct No 13, pcople should be able to buythe lOgy box elder creatlOn has no list of officers of congrcgatlOn, of- chosen IS level and Ideally SltU- wJlII hold a heanng In Norfolk ducted m thl" connectIon In ooeh oOlth\\est of Bressler park. open- more of the thmgs tt:w} wantsense of teal' and WIll hght tny- fleers of Ladles' Aid, officers of Y. alted, The contest starts at 1.30 mU~lclpal auditOrium Wednesday, wmdov,. '" III IDC SOO1C <ll t 1C'le'-~ot I ed by the cJly councll Tuesdu} eve- and necd. Improved coodltlOnswherc oncl', staYing 4ntl1 mvIted P. S, officers of Men's club, name~ ~lntuhteesa~~ren~~l1nearngdO~~St~t~~ dctbber 22 at 10 a m on the ap" nmg werp all below the estlimate will be a welcome change fromto 1110\e by an lIldlg~ant swat, to oltSdnday ~chool teachers, number 01: plicat~on of the Arrow Stage hnes sold III the store Those "'ltl1 most so contracts wue dlvld d the lean years that Imposed un-

t' I S hd h I ,i state contest mear Franl<lm p('rfcct results In df'slgn<ltlng these , ' , (' among comfortable restraints and self--it· * * 0 PUPI S III U ay sc 00 an...... October 28,1 'Pfospectlve en- of Norfolk to operate busl servIce Carh'HI s Fullerton sand J N

Among pests wlt.h which the Saturday schoo\' accompamsts at beiwet'n Wayne and WISrl\'~r, 'llso ar~~~e:t\~:~1 ~'~~: ~:csg~;de~l(>d lor Elnu~g The (listnct Includes four ~d_e_n,-:a=1=======__'.. w'add has been abundantly sup- the SerVIC{'l';' aonductor and ~ccom- trants are urged to make Imown between Llm~oln and Collumbus R 0 clock at t hI' audIt onum dnd blocks, one block on Douglas be-

plied. v...e recall With satisfactIOn pamst of chOir, names o[ members theIr mtentlons early so that P v q1 1 th hearing was s >t for t lOti d 11th 10th bthat gr<1s~I,Oppel's have been too of the bUlldlmg committee, name suffiCient wagons may be pro- V::y~eU~~t w:s chang('d v...lw~ the "'~OO~e~~1 gi:(;>~ t~~t (~I~:: ';')~~/u~~~;~ t:~~~ D()~g~an~ and Sl~enrman, b:=1ew the pust year to do <lny dam- o[ architect. name of contractor, vlded and other plans made ac- ~meojn-columbus appllcdtlOn \\as In furmshmg mUSIC fo~ thiS occa~ t\\cen 8th and 10lh on Shermdnagp. It IS a leasonabJe conclusI~n name of Preslden:t Roosev~lt of th€! cordmgly. 1 mcluqed. slon Entertainment features "'III and on 9th betwcen Douglas andthat these U1sCCt Imps do not a{;- USA, namc of Go\erno~ ...~--:::==::::::+. =::::::::::::__J C ~ B k hi P t r f the Sh P d WPA 1 bPc;~u· In l,llgC and dcva~tatmgnum~ DWight Giiswold of Nebraska,1 Arr~\ s~;~e~,' p~o~~:e~ ~outh- ~:~;~P\~~~leC~~~lu~~~~~e ;~:~~~, A IS ~~:;~~bIC, t~~\~~~~ IS cxpc~t~~btU·s dunng pfj'rJods of nOlmal )lame of Mayor M. r. Rmger of C ttl Fill de bou" buses leavmg WaYl1c at 11 g to progress soon.m0·lsture, dnd IlJ..we dl'€.' to have a Waync, a catechism, a new hymn- a e 1"el log a, m'l and 515 pm, arrlvmg In A committee from the collegecyell' of \H't years, a!:'i confidently al, a Lljthcran Witness, a Luther-I I Wlsn~r at 11 ,35 a m dnd 15.50 p N bEt d P,lfent-Teclr,her assocmtlOn Visitedplcdrttcc!, \\e arc assured of Jrcc~ dner, copy of The 'Wayne HelaJd" Looks ProtDl"SI"ng m re~pectl\'ely The nortlhbound um er xpec e the counCil Iclatl\l> to provldmgdom from one crop pellI. copy of Th(\ Wayne Nc\\s copy ofl schedule would call [61' bus~s Ipa\- protectiOn lo chlldren crossmg

.)(. ·x· * the Omaha Worfd-Herald, copy on Ing WIsner at 11 5, a m ard 8 05 'B Wa eCh ch north MaIn streel a1 10th. 11th andAn orgalllzed onslaught on rats ~~~ ~~~~c~fb~I~~i~ ~~~)~:i~~m~I~~ H. M. Conway of Chicago, Is pm, reachmg Wayne at 12 30 and y yo ur l:2th streets Th~ Parent-Teacher

~r'I,,,~~~Ploll'V~e'dd",'slnofScoro,'\,cs' aqlludargtrearns~ tl'lCt Mf'!-:scnger. ConcordlU Sundau Speaker at Meeting in 840 respectJvcly group WIll write to the hIghway""'- "'-- ..3: Request for bus SC1\-ICP Hclv...el'n Gifts Will Be D~dicated at patrol to gGt ~uggestlOns

~llj-es Ito "'hlch ~he %e~r's products ~~I~~o~fr~~I~th~l'~o~Uaa:l~e~lY an~ Wayne Friday. ;1~~:I:aa;~e:~;~ye(~n~~y,of Frc- Anniversary Service n Tl\~~~~Ut~c~:~:~~~~~l'~n:~I~~~~~~l~~~e/~~: ~~~slb~l~ '<lSc~~~~o;~~~ Construct on of the church lsi The long·tlf1Jc cycle and Imme- Sunday Evening. Ul y Ordlll<lncc:-, \11' Mann expectsi\S they galhl'l to help the farmer progresslllg ell and It IS hoped the! dlate demands, stImulated by dc- Itt N I 10 haH' the v;ork completed Inconsume what he has tOlled 10 save structure ""1111 be complcted by thel ft~ns{' purc~as~ds, md;eate tha~cat- 11$ rile ors 3lue£ , ,S,):,n,ls'a,U.II,L"Uml,I)',{:~d,n'f' ~(J,~!f,',r,'(:dh' ,'~,I,l> book form by Janua! yarid HHn to pro[It, Unlike gra:;s- holidaYs Wprkmen haW' finished tuern~el~ ~h~~r f::~I~~e opge~~tI:~~ I I· H .~ '" ,,, -~II -, '- f:ngm('I'r Douglas McKnight dS­

hOPP9I'S, rats and nllce are not the baserne~t wa)ls and arp nowl the coming year, according to H 11 nslltule ere for S('r\ICl'S ne",t Sundd} ob"en- slstlng the local commIttee ""nh

:~~~~~ ;~~] ~~~('~\IC~~l~~~tl:%de\~ ~~at~t~I~~ ~Iell ~~e~~I~'~~~~\~~Cb~~~ M Com~ay of ChIcago, marketing Teachers of Wayne ¢ounty ~~~r~~ep~~thJ dl~nlr~~'~;~rr~lf(~f ~~~ ~~~~~~~sJ:~agn~a;l~i~~~~~II~~IS\vork

~~ ~~~c~pt~e~~~' ~~OJ~~~/~~'alamltles, In about Sl~ shades ~~~~~~~~t\~~yan~d~~S~I~~r~~~u~;I~ Will Convene at Court ~::;~Il~il I})lf · «)I;~{,~~\ f~~m;~ ~)~~_l~ - --- ----

~~ * "",_ I~S d day Mr, Conway anticipates that House Next Weel;t. tors hel(', \\111 "pldh: <it th, 1U YJ Conser, at~n Il'ilnlJ(pmcmhf'l'illg Obligations. College ttl el1t~ ~1~ey~e:Sn;:\~leb:ls~h~~~~~s~~th~~n~l~ Prof F G Ddlf> o[ \Vayne (01- sC8i~~(,~n a1~~' ~)~l~~~,~m dn' pl.ln- Shb\\ Jl for Ki\\anis

When one IS found gomg far out Prep1are f(jt Year elence III the prices cattle Will lege, PrinCIpal MJlton Blcl1:-mdn of ncr! ilt the muniCIpal audJlOlJUm <it

~~dl~~~I~(~nl~~: \~~~ It:lt~I~~I;~l:l~~~~ -l br~;t~:rtl~e:~:m;fy~~:~oln. dls- ~~Y6fet~~g~0~~~~(~olt~~n~'~\;l\I~~ :1I~~~) \\~lr;\ca~1 (;~Il!;C~1~'~11~~I;lor;r~'e:~~~ Delegates Are Elected HereIntenllOl1S 01 poopl(' Is greatly stun· Many Sc ools Re.,resented CUSSC~UPPlY and demand mflu- office, will Instruct at Waync members [OJ lemlnlSU ncr.., DI I To Attend Conventiontlhltpd A \\omun settled a four-j By Yo ng Folks Here cnces 0 the cattle markct~e county teachers' IOstrtute to be Jess Leamer of Columbu", one 01 I In Fremont Soon••YCdr fUbsCJ lpllon claim some years P ttl t d f 1 h held at the court house FrHtlay Oc- I th(' earliest memhers. \VIII be prcs-

'afterher nc""spaper had been j Fo New Term. ~t~e~gth~~ed~h:n~arte~ns a C tober 10 Plof Delle speaks onlcnt Mr" Fettero!f\\J!Jaccompa,ny' More than 400 mIllIOn tons o[~topp('~l. She had contmued bene- W<lyne 81 t@ 'feachein' college teachmg thc geography o[ Europe H.e\ Fl'tterolf top s01l are lost yearly mto ,the(wls oj the l-ief\ll!le through the sub- student co ncll held Ithelr first tu;~~~~~e~I~:C~o~~e~~eT~~1s~~ and also on applyIng the prmel- Dr. J C I~elsl1(>~ pfl'sldent o[ Gulf of MpXl('O through the Mls­,:~~~fllyIO~I~~ ~~~:~~g:h~yC~)~er~~ta~~d meetmg Mo day evenmg. WIlham Jer, Jr., chalnnan, and Agent Chet pleslof geography to teachmg Mr the Synod of Np!Jl,l"ka, IS speaker SISSlppI \\atershed, accordmg to

McI{a,y sell or from Ellgm who W I rvi d d h d f Beckman's messagf'~ wIll deal WILh J:'f the c\cnmg serVl-Ce at 8 m the flgun:s m the fllm, "The Rl\er,"~ credIt durmg Ii time of drouth and had bc~n cI os~n by the ;tudenL a tels se e

fhOY~ nuts.an co - anthmetlc Mr. Slipsk) will speak r~hurch DedIcatIOn ofpJIt~ will be sho\\n Monday for Klwaruans by

lean ret UI'OS, and Rhe acted accord- body eHi he to head tbe council,: fee at close 0 t e ISCUSSlon. on oonsenallOn As <! speCIal fea In (;harge of Re\ GIeschen The Ed Stlpskj. COrLSen atlOnJst, wholOgly Slw dId not· want somethmg, prc~ilded 0 her offlcets elected W II S d ture Supt F B D(cker \\]11 pre- young- people ha\e Oldcrcd dn lH- \\as presentea by Agent Chet \Val~for l10thmg and as soon as she W,lS are, Doroth NyqUIst, ::;enJOi flom Wayne i ell scnt MISS Vlrgmlrt Troutman of Inch hrass cross fOI lhl' altar ters. The motion pIcture gJH'S a

::~;~~~c.n~r ,~~~td'd,~;'.;~he ~~e~~ ~~~:~a~o~~~~;;~~~I~~~~ ~~~u~I~~: Group to Norfolk :~~~~d~Il('II:a[~g~\I~a~~\i~~:t~\~~~[~~ ~;~:~l~gSO~O~I~~'1('c~~,:~~e7~~~J~~~7;~~~t~~n~~s~~~~~~J~c~~ :;;~ ~~~~vl~ Propose Safety Patrol forman' and more to bUl d t e essen~ ~ccretary ~ commlttU.~ \\as dp- er lhstruc:lor mil) dlso be s('cur('d Llghtmg f!x1ures' Cor th,' church mg. contour farmlOg ancl other Protecting Children ontwls of honest~ 1~:ld*c0l1hdence. ---P-OmlC'(! to (~raft a tentatl\1.' conslJ- Dr. J. ~. Anderson to Take ~ - - -~ 1~~~~~~~tU~e'I~~e~~.lng bought h} a ~~~~t~~ used to consene :::;011 and North Main Street..

IIdrd gOIng tends \0 make onc tutlOtl (oll/;gp EIlI,'ulllJl~.nt Part in Discussion on Wayne l.r..; Wi.,l nel" 1'0 Attpnd I\1I.pt1l11.{. Winne tr<tllling school P.-T A.{Iorlge ohllg'l.l110ns

rOne IS IncJlOcd \\',lVIl\ ullll'~" Illt'''hmpl~ ,(",," I S \Va'·ne club v...J11 bp rtllIl'spl1ter] m('l Monday e\pnmg In the kmder-

, I II fill I II ... Panel at Meeting. 11 l'llll"ll ('alll(' ' ~to ( ll' C 0\\ It\lO\\CS (() 1(' bUl1l 133 rllIT{prpnt hIgh schools Uf k (. -' ; dl the 10\\,1 Npbl,lskd (on\-enllon g<lrten room \\lth_35 pre~ent Mrs\\ O"I.i Ill!.; 1l'1 1tw OJ} \ \\ 110 hos 1.1' 11 I I 1() N I I 1)1 Joseph i\-I AI tman of ChI of Kl\\UnIS Ol'lober 16 to ]8 111 John Ahern \\ as named preSIdent\OTl'U hll11j IlgUlC' ouL IUl\\ he Cdn l('S\, ~C10(J S .. <pc In. f')IUS{,ij -- J • f h 1\1 AD Le .mand 'c \"lthout due repayments \~Ith (dIJtornld, C'OlOI,ldo, IO\\i:l, (dgO I('cturer dnd editor. .second Local High Seilool to Meet I Fremonl Dclegat('~ selected at 0 t c group I rs WIS \IceWl g d d South Ddl,qtd ,~nd WyomlOg abol \ ICC pa'sldent ot the NatJoncd Monday s mcetmg dre B. \v. pre;,;Jdent and Mrs Llo}d MitchellII~ll~~~:1m~~ ~~~I~l~m~'sc~~mg)~lorl"~~ l'epre"cllte'd, W,ljllC hll;h school C'Ollglcss of Pe\rents and Teachers, Hartington at ColI~ge Wright, Dedtl Clarence l\-IcGmn treasurer Mrs MItchell s~ceeds

~:I'I~h,cI~ '~~\l~~b~\~I~~h~~~lhCI)~~~~~n~)~' ~~~~11 t~~:JUI~IP~~I~t~~:~~~llt:~~.~~~~~!~~ ~~11~1 ~~btr~ll~~,~(~~~~~~~c~~<e;a;e~et~ I Field on friday. tndpl~kcVtt,T~~~t~~~~t:~;~r~ci ;~~~ J~~~~ ~h~t~S ;ao;:~gl~os~~~~:I I

, ! b t y 11 I hIgh, Wdvnp colleg(' lllgil clnd Us· and Tcaehcl's ('onvenes In Norfoll, Wd}or> hll~h !U()tlldll lldm ~C()l- L Blair tary(0 It, lL'b('ont II u ets \ Ita YAIO

I' lhe mond n('~t III tilt. O! df'! 01 I ('p~ ()ctobcl 8 to 10 Wayne city and ed I!>; second \ I( t01 Y of the S(',I- The club extended a hearty \"el~ Mrs Mitchell, Mr:> L E Brown

fiber of U~lI1l'SS Illi egr1lty. I ll~ l'cnsenldtJ\.l.s T\\cl\(' high schools college UllItS Will be represented at son FneJa) {'\('nmg by dcfeatlOg come to :VIr Blair who v...as back and Mrs Frank Korff v.ere ap·, pl,lne lor llC' ~OCI<l 01'( 1.'1' (epen S m'lud 1~ I lid' the meetmgs and Dr J T And' Stanton IG to 0 <t1 St dnton Th,' Monday for the fIrst tIme since he pomted as II committee to mectII J n 100el faIth 'lnel the Inn c 109 Ie 1\ e (J reel( y ndmc 'I" cr- half ended \\ Itll vi dyne leadm!! 7,lrgl'} 0 fg e I d 1 • t- have Sl,\ell


01 mOle membels In son IS on the program, ~ \\-ent to Rochester II} Jul} l\1r \\Ith the CIt} councl! to propose

IS :~"I~'~llOOI:u::::.~,:~'U:~'llC:: 't:~,,' th~~~~~~";,,~ cl~;~crd.lSsmen, 'lSi WI~hZo!~~~ra~:~~s'~;t~af';;~~~~~ ::$;~:~:u~\r~nc:u(7~~~!~~~~;';~~eC BlaIr rc,p'Jnded IJncf~j, ;~~t~~~~;'ni~~~~~t Jl~r:;::n:jstcm1~lL'lltl'ndnl-Go\C'rnor W E John- studen1s h l\(' suhmItted d.d\dnte ~~ngd 1:~~e~(ll~ttJ~~~hea~dth, tdlOrao~~ He also madc good on tJie extra Schoolmen to IJleet DJ' Ra} I3lyan. trammg school"on \-\ \\t1(' lliOcluct IS lecltnmg cIl'thts P,ll led In other coJlegt's e . y y gao, n pOInt Stul! mHde no~her of I W T· hi superintendent. spoke on the ob-tH fl~ a:l',lllPldlle a.nd \\IJI soon be These studr'nts come hom 3:2 eol· dnd In the futUlc. Waynes' ~corcs A IJtllle~antl play III n uyne OnlY Jectl\es of the school In a democ-cl lullfle(],2;('d Iher ~d t I',l\. rl ta~ !teges In 10 states Fourteen of ,DI Al tman, eclllOl' o[ eha] acter Ithe last half Wd" 1hat of joe Kes- Theodore SkJllstad prinCIpal of racy~J1lty th,\t \\111 aId ~llm m hl!-j. polltl- thes(' colleges cliP m Ncbruskd and ~d~~at\~~no;e~~~~I~<;e, spea~ ~rle[- sIc!' who ran 9:~ YaJd~ lor a toueh~ Norfolk hIgh schoo!, wlil gl\C hlgh~ Prof H H I:-Idnscom led group

cal d~plldtlon... l. ~ ~~hl~lth~~~I(;~.I:~d~n i;~71;t~~dS, I~~~l: del} mornntg and h~s~~~s dep~~~l down a.ftpr JIltPI'('(\p)lng a pass ~~~~~er~fass~~~atl~l~~)~'~~~~m~~at~~ sml\-1Ir~g:ChrJS NIelsen, Z\1r.-> Joe, , " :\lmn(:so11 i\ll ~OUll ui llllon;~ (1Jscu~slOn thaI aftclnoon <It 1'13 "'-hen Stanton hdrl til{' IMII on held .It Nor[olk fur f(}ur~county Jlahercr. l\Irs Kent Hall and Mrs.

" PIH'asant Sellson LtH)lllS. I:lI1d SOU1)1 Ddkot<l ' Npbl\a'ska IS on "Charactel an Inner DelC'nsp , W<lYI1{' Sl 12-y'lld Iln( In the :;,Il11ej hl open Sl,lson [0\ plll'aSdllts IS \\'l'll J(\pte"l\l1tNl but thl' coll(\ge IS ASSIsting hlln on the pdllel \\'111 he pl.ly Don ILll\('Y (\11(1, did an ex- j ~~,~~~I~ll~~lJll~~h~:~IS ~!~~}nJn;1C~t ~~ \V R Shult~CIS served

Itl 1l1e otfmg <lnd It \\J1llast longPl l'lisO Sl'1 \ lllg slludcnl~ [rom 10 oth~ MIS A. A Fengcl. Orndhd, slclte ccll(ln1 J(J'l of blo(klng Hanson wtll prOVIde musIc. plan- Doctor Is Detainedt h cl n usual AccOldmgly, the er states. chairman o[ chal'aeter and splnt~ l1artlll~lon pld}s WaYI~e hell' The Rc\'. C. Luthcr Stager. nmg d clarinet triO and p18no solopheasant du·t Will be pro~ongcd to ,. ual educatIOn, Attorne} Lynn Hut- Friday f ,,'nlng Hus \\eck. To TesttOfy tOn Casethe lOy of some and La the dJstilste (nmo('atum Program, ton of Norfoll" Dr. J T Anderson Among formpr pastors of St. The group Will elect a Vice presl-of others, ,!,:'e,'..'tYI,o,ne oCfolll;glo"f b'Jl~hdo' UROd'J"~Clt,hll¢ of Wayne, sl'\'enth Vice p1eSldCl1t, Re....dglls Position Pdul is Re\. COy L. Stager who dent to succecd N I.-~ Thorpe and Dr W W Lippold. enroute home

• ;\- ;< *' ' ~'" • M Ed J I f L I succeeded Re\' Fetterolf, comll1g secretary to succeed El""ood Mor~ [rom the Phllippmes, has been de-Some \\110 Sl'(' wcaknt'sH III IJuh- \'\'111 pres('nt d concert IH'xt Thuls~ pe:~:ls~r"~f 'c~Ca~:~e~' ('d~nceaOtl~'n s~~ In Clerk's Qffice from Indmnopohs October 19, 1924 lIS, who mo"ed away Herman tamed In the Hawallan Islands to

~IC pO)IC1('S do not eXpl'l'SS tlwm~ day mOl nlng at 10 0 clock In ttll.~ the state department, and John l\lIss TWlla Bergt res.lgned her Dunng hiS pastorate the new Baehr IS actmg as secretaIJ-l The serve as a "Itness at tnal of a cus-¥e-lves bl'CdUSC It IS caSlCr to keep WIIl?w bowl III the w~athcr per· Mool'e, Y M. C. A dIrector at Nor- pOSItIOn In the county clqrk's of- church basement was bUilt at a program foJlo""s dmner at the toms guard who IS charged With~l.JiI. ~~~;~ The pU )llc IS lll\ lied to at- folk J~t the banquet October 9 flO', cdmpletmg her wort< Tues- cost of $4,800 Rt'\' Stager was cafetena. shooting a young army officer

-x- * 7:. , 1 . ~. ,I. Dr, Ar man speaks on 'What arq day evening She has hcel1lemploy- here untIl Apnl 25 1927, when he shortly after the shIp from Mamla]'Il~S('ngf'r Rt'r\-'ice. A O1usl(,1I progrc1m \\as prlCsent- ""C de ndIn and what can P rI~ ed full time lfl the olflce t\l,o years ""l'nt to St Mark's E\angehcal Home from Hospital \ docked at Honolulu.

1 1'0\\ ns <lIang the Burlington I'd a~ e~n~ocatl~~ Tdues~<lYd mornd~ ent-TeIcher g aSSOCiatiOn contr~o- and had been there pa

1t time Lutheran church at Omaha He IS Following Operation The all' corps offIcer was leaVing

f~otn SiOUX City to O'Neill are up mg, ro lls.se n errn I~('cte ute?" preViously. She \\ III be t homc 00\\ pastor ,11 Ada, OhIO I the .ship when the guard challeng-~Ji arms dyer the prospect of the the group lfl Ipmgtng Jth; 'Alma Particlpatmg m a panel Thu;s- With her parents. thC' Hrrhcrt _ - - --- (I F L Blair arrived home Satur- cd 111m and a!:'ikcd to sec a packageClmpany abandoning It::; passenger ,Matel and oltWr song1 Oene\lt:'\e day mornmg on how to aId In Bergb; MISS Amy Pearl 1-'- I3al nee; Priest Is Honored ddy from Rochester. I\Imn, where he was carrying The officer saida cOmmOq~lt1ons If people were ~O~~~~~l~~np~~~ee~r~~~~{'~[a ~:~~~ building health WIll be MiSS Mar- takes MISS Sergt's IposltlOP In the, B M F _° "ds he Ildd undergone 1\H) major op- the package had been mspectedt king mhantage of the serVice, City sung a s~o ""lltJ~ Evelyn garet Fedde. Dr'. Ruth Le"erton, office I I _y allY J lelll eratlons MI BlaH went to Ro- and an argument ensued betweent e company would not apply for Pt' k f!VI 1 1 I MISS Nma Lambkin, Mrs, George -~ ---C-~--t- I ThL' 3;)th annl\C'I·sary o[IRe\ <:hester In July He IS [eellng much the officer and guard The pack·p nnls~lon to dIscontinue It. Trav- tl a rIC 0 aPl..e ~n~~, p a~\?g Thurtlc and MISS Clara Slade or Se,~ve As Officers I \Vm I{cdrns' pasloratc ~ll 51 llnpIO\('(l Wm Beekenhaupr drove age pro\-ed to be photograp-h~ A~I \~S cannot afford to llsC tram$ ;\;-ecompa~lnrnd ~ ~er I~ Lmcoln Dr. Geo. ,smaha of Gland l\1al~ s Ca1i'loltc church \\a$ ob- to RochestL'I' F'·lday and brought shot was fired and the officer fell BRIEF INDEX1v len thcy can selVe con\CJ1Icnce JI1 ~ 1 alne, dlC l~rlb e Kit Of Isldnd ~ndh'Wm. Thompson of Of Dental ~roup sencd Sunday b) il Idrgc nurlbe,' hJnl home Mr BlaIr IS able to be Dr Lippold happened to be a S t1 0t ~Ir 'own can;. No one could be 0 en g-€'. an I er en 0 Omatl~ Dr and Mrs L B Young Dr of llallshioners and other frJpnds at hIS slore part of the lIme.5cn- WJtness to the inCIdent and IS to Page Tw~~~S.De

f ~u~l1cd ~Q leave h~s car In a ga- ~~~~~~~~nP~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~l~ t~~~;, 'I Dr. Archer . Burnham, st.'Cre~ C. A . ¥CMaste~; and Dr L F Pl'r~ A dln~eT at, the ,ludllonuml was ator W A Crossla~d and Joe Beck- testify at the tnal of the guards- Page Three - Way nee It Y. gc and bbnrd a tram 10 tra\chng tal'Y of the Nebraska Teachers a<::~ ry whre m Norfolk Monday Whe~ attended by 250. Rev Keal ~s (('·1 l'nhauer took charge for him whde man SchooL Sholes,' Brenml. LtJ.

~. 0 d h f faculty adVisers for th~ remamder Y d h' I h W w Mrs Lippold who IS here WIthfl ort dIstances. utSI e t e .10Y 0 r th I soclatIOn, spea;ks on Nebraska's Nort Nebraska Dlstrlct Denta c('lwd [lowers an ot cr rerrlcm- e as a ay. ..' cals. Southf:ast \Vaync.

~elOg passenger trains g~ and () e _~~ur~__ ~_I I educational problems. DiscUsSJOn society convened. Dr. Young ser\-J brances. , ' her parents. the .J. J Aherns, plan- Southeast WalteCleJd.

• me and the sntJsfactlOn o[ col- ----j- ~ will foHow with Miss Chloe gald~ ed a~ preSIdent the past year Dr - -- --~-- Brother of Teacher ned to go to San Franclsco thiS Page Four-Editorials.cctlllg taxes from the ral]roads, It Auto Is Dflma ~d ridge of Lincoln. Earl WIltse of Perry IS newly c1ect ..d '\owe prcsi Suffers Fracture P . Ill. . Iweek to meet her husband but dId Page Flve--Society.'O(8)not make sense to try 10 I S d ,•. h Yprk, Mrs. Paul Bradley of Lin- dent. Dr Weber of Norfolk, IS new asses In tnOlS not leave after hearmg that the Page Slx-Wakefleld_ Korth·l'orcl' selllVl(;e contrary to the stal'k n unr,.aY~'J.lS ap <:01n, Mrs. Ruth Warren of Ogal- president. Dr. Young remamed In Fall at Librflry MISS Verna Eidson was called doctor WIll be detamed perhaps SIX west Wakefif1d. H~klJ1s.fact of madcquate retJ.trns, In MI' and Mr~ \VaYI e Bornhoft lala, and Supt. 4J1en Burkhardt of over Tuesday for some speCial 1-1J.ss Elsj{~ Warnock ::iuffeted a to Mohne, Ill, Monday by the or seven weeks. Southwest W~ne.

~ICW of compehtion by privately {md haby daughter an Mrs. J. C. Norfolk, tak:ing part. demonstrations. fracture of the nght leg a Iltttle death Sunday of her brother, Har· -------,-~ Page Seven-W~nt-Colwnn.

I wncd CUI'S It would SE!{'m 'that the .Tensen or Pasapena, C~ 1)were un~ Any wishing a ride to Norfolk --'-----_~ abO\ e the ankle last Thursday aft- \cy Elef~on Funeral services were Second "f;ieut~ant Page Eight-Unusual Concord.ecd of' passenger trains on branch hut! but Mr Bornhof's car Was and any having extra room in their Parents of Wagne crnoon when she tripped an~ feU held Tuesday With bur,,1 at La- Goes to Oalifornia Locals. ;mes IS f~st dlsappearmg.. damag:cd'Sunda~evcm g m an ac- cars are asl;:ed to notify Mrs. L. F. at the city iJbrary. MISS Warnock monl,Ia Dr and i\1J"S. J R. John- SecUoDt-T\\O ~

--- ------ cidcnt a nlllc sOdth of ebron The PerlY so a~ accommodatIons may I' M q,n in Accident IS 111 a local hospitaL She w~s as- son took MISS Eidson as far as Second Lieutenant Douglas Can~ Page One----A-A.lJr.~V.~ footballfour had left herb that ay on their be arranged. Elmer A. Jensen, CouncIl Oak Slsting at the ltbrary for Mrs. E SIOU.X City. nmg. \-\ ho was graduated and re- Game&- WeddiDg Service. .so-way home A drunken trver turn- manager, and family were called S Blair who tent to Sterlmg, cClvcd hls commiSSion at Kelly pety. i ~

ed a ear directly mto the path of to Emmetsburg, la" Sunday by Colo, to VISIt her da~ghte!"1Mrs Will Ente,. Calves fJeld, Texas, last Fr,day, has been Pa,ge Two-Ear~ Days. I'orth- Ith~ir maChinlr4lMr. B l-nhoft ap- word that Mr. Jensen's parents, G F Hodgson. Mrs. BlaIr ar,Tl\ed I 0 ha C t aSSigned to 35th pUr:sUlt group at West war' INortheast,plied the bl'ak S and I s!;ened the !IIr, ~nd Mrs" Hans ,,Jej1sen, wcr~ home Sunday evemn~, return,ng as n rna on est Hamilton f'eld, Cal" where!,e will Wayne, Iimpatt but the I c r dama:ge InJured when two cars leomd~d at soon as she had word oUi MISSI Leland Herman, Lester Lutt. report OCtober 12. ThiS ne.l· loca- PageTh~R SChools.amoUnt~ lp nbo~t ~ZOO Geo, Born- a rural mterseclIon, ~he senIOr IWarnock's accldcnt. I Merlm Albers and Billy Hoffman lIOn IS about 15 mtles from Sari Page Four-iW ide,hO~t and Eud were in eoron Sun· Jensens suffered cuts a,nd brUIses. I have one calf each, Carl BIermann, FranCISCO. The Wayne .,youth ar-- Page Five Itfda~ night and a . ':rhe Cali- Mrs. Elwood Fergus0I1-. 26. Em-I Undergoes Operation. I Berneal and Faith Gustafson two rived here Monday trom Te~ and Southwest Wa ~'forOlEt folks w a 18" to go on J ,------------ !tlets!tIurg woman~ was fatally .n· , ~rnest Osburn undenvepl an' calves each m the Ak-Sar-Ben is on leave until. he goes to hiS new Page Si.~ _ "Fe t~., R u r a I'from' Hebron t "t elr car be- JSII~. and r'S.~n Colson V(ent Jureu. The 'Vayn.~ fOlli~ remamed operatIon for appendICitIs SyndayIbaby beef show .WhICh opens .Ill PQSL He IS Vlsltmg the 'V. P. Can- Schools.

repaired. I I Lincoln Wedrte5~ay., a /ew day~. ~_ .... at 11 local hospital. I Omaha next Sundaj. Jnirlgs and other relath'es here; 1'~--77fi~ljjITfrrm~';r::~J~lf-i~ll(r~~I<I'-II[" ,~lr1U'~!~I"';~JC~LILI;!II*1~\jll~'II'I"" 1-1,1 ,~'Ully" '~I r ; /' I

I 11,li\ ,1 t;l ':1,1, I I, I" I I t.. t

Page 2: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I




('asUf" (·rf'..t, Chui("p,Halves or SJ,ieps





Juice~tHln.\· Dawn. f:lIH'.\'

46-oz. ISc('l1n



JuiceI.Il>l>y', lanc

46~oz. ('lin "

1'~f~~~;:{il~'~I"~ 3 r;::~~ 25c('h;;IIJlh/:~;;nll 8e

SyrupJluhinlrpr. Guld-n-S\H'f't (dark)


':\"ahis('o, Prrminm.., ...••.. :!·Ih. Bux

Busy Baker. dri-hak('{l.,.... '!-lh. no'\'

.Julia LeI' Wri~ht's. '''hitf>or \HII'Il!, ~4·oz, Loaf

Wondf'T. Whitf'•..•••• 26--01:. loaf


Wilsco brand,cellophane wrapped __

Skinned, 14 to· "Sc16-lb•. , whole or half Lh. II


Lh. 2JcFor patties, loaf, .. Lb ~l2,.or Salisbury .teak 11 s. ~~" .

Lh 15c,











~:~art IOc

:.t;~. 21c~~~I>. 20c


51.1". 39cii~~' ISc

2:'-,'::;.2Sci~;- 22c


4&01" ISc


hlfll.JaiI"iJ..._,( ftvt,tfwI,.fdtf,.,

....,·,••rII "......"""' .

the many good things to be :==-:.­found at your ,neighborhood ~-::;:-::::Safeway_ A streamlined store - ---offering a wide variety of fine - ­foods at the lowest prices •••with a money-back guaranteeon everything you buy.

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Orlf'd.Si:l.l' 90 to 100

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Candies .~::l~I~~~r:~~:;I~~if.psRitz ,~l~rl;~'~':ra('kers

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Georgie PorgieWheaties Whol.' whf'at nak£'s 2 ~-~;~. 19c .*Cake Flour S"an"'"wn

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Cocoa P('C'rlf''''' Brand

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Peanut Butter :~:~t,

Apricots*PrunesMustard S"n,", Brand

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Pork Chops Center rib cuts

I · S k Ideal forSir OJn tea larger families

Beef Roast ~~::chuck

,Ground BeefSliced Bacon


2lf2CLBtS. 23c




Saf~way is co-operating

Sale of National Defen.e Stamp.in its Store.


-a granulate!) soap \yjtb ahand-lotion In~dlent

50-oz. '29cPkg. ~

Pt1GSoapFor extra ht"il)Qn thoRe

t>spt><'inlly dirty SI)ots

5 Giant 19cCakt>s



28!--oz."I·" 69-oz. 59cPkg • .,... Pkg.

. 1< M,y be purcha.ed with Blue Food-Order Stamps

-thl' Hspet'dy-mlx" Short(>njn~

Bo,a1 Satin



3-.'h. 55"('an ....

Purt'. '\-'hite

4-11>. 47cCarton


5-11>·I'2cn3~ ~


2·lh. ,"'C('an 'I

Mammy Lou, ""hitf' or ¥pllo"

PrN'reltmed ... ready to mix

Edwards hrand,ri('h, full-hodi("d



KitdwnCraft-,48-lh. R.ll~

in the

Harvf':'It Blo~:'Iom.4R-m. 8a~


1O-pound 25c.... mesh bag

.... 6 LBS.




46·oz. 23Can e



... 3 ~t~~: 2Se

lJ. s. No. 1 grade,washed, Triumph....

U. S. Fancy and Extra Fancy,Jonathan, from Idahoi ..

Early Blac~ variety..

iU. S. No.1 Grade, Iyellow, from Idaho .


*tabbage Holland variety


*D ea·rs Bartlett var.iety,r:- from Washlngton._ .

Or~nge Juice Polk'.

G f -t Glenn Aire, ')·No 2rape rUI Fane>:, ..........,..·Ca~.

P k·& B j Honesty . 1-lb.or eans Brand..... Can

Sauer Kraut ~;:~day..... ....T~males Hy-Power Brand

)S Betty ,~OCker Veg-_ O~p etable-N ,Odie Ingredient



e;,J.~with Safeway's eJ(lra


Dress VpForFall Now!


Otlr 8t,oek df Suit.~ andCoots is no,:\7 COml)Iete.

Yon will fin~ a vast as-

::I:~=~~ :~J~~:~t~a:~o~~:\ latest, styles ~nd colors toehoos~ from~Our clothi0Jit, i8 mad~ blvnationally f rnpus tailorsand is ~uarantte() to fitperfectly and Ki\'e entiresatisfaction.

,in !o9pite of ri~ing prices 'westill are Sen~lg our d()th~

log l)faetle,rlly at lastyear's pricesr Come in and

look tllS'J;ts$1950 : $2450


:~~~l;:NOW .tYle~J new color. to.'

.... W~LTER : . ,JilAN .fit! your perf-0nallty,

PIDGEON - BENNETT .$1.95 ,to $6.50

;.. GEORGESANDERSi Ba··m.I~ Stark', DW«ted &1' F,if}t. tong ',.. \ e1

i;iiiAi2OT~Hici·NT~ui,Y~.,~o~xi'i,ci'Uii·~·iiiiiill".'......,I >. 1. '

- <11:->0-

,.; night clubgoes to col­r~ge ond the

coll&9_ gO" AND HIS

gaily """'.'}\\ BAND~,~'t'&-..M;\ A ~O~UM~'A.=_-~~~~tt PICTURE 1

Sun"ay • Monday - Tue.dayOctober 5 - 6 - 7

l\fatinee- Sunday at 3:00Early Show :Uonday' at (j:OO

Page 3: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I



Pound ....27c



CRISCOPound 23'Can ..•••• C

3 ~:~ .... 59c

2 ~~~ ... ,. 52c

!\'lay be had il1. re.;:''ular ·or ckip· gr~in'd.

Packed in fln or glass.

Case $3 '>424 cans ." .*;

SUPERBLare-e Sweet.

PEAS2 No.2 27

Cans.. C

Dime Pkg. 8c


Giant . L 57Paokage ... ....... C

Small Packare ." ~ ... u ••• ft.Lars;e Paekfl~e _•.••••••.. »-] ~

LUXTOILET SOAP3 ~o~ke.s 19c

LUX FLAKESLarge Pkg., 22c; 9cSmall Pkg...... _..

, F AGE TliREil. =., ,

cam~ from Omaha !'I'uesdey"eve..ning and visited i~ the Ed. ,Gustaf­son home until F1I)iday forenoon.Ed. Gustafson and family, ·Mrs.·Josephine Gustafson, Mr. and l\Jrs.\lC'rnie Linder were entertained atdinner Wl'dnesday evening in th.eSwan Pearson home. Mr.·and Mrs-:Linder called in the John Mc­Corkindale home Tuesday.. in theMilton Gu..<;tafson home~ThU'rsday

afternoon and in the home 'Of Mrs.Ludwig Linder Thursday evC"ning.·

Whol.. Ript'SUPERB

~~~~~~n~t •••.• Pound ....".J5c


A little later you'll be well pleaBed ifyou ha•...e 0'1 hand a case or more ofSuperb Vegetables bought at our spe~

cial price.

CANDYCOOKIES ('oooa I,d ') lb•. 29c

. \ Dainties ....•••.•.•.•••... ~ for

CORN FLAKES ~n~:~:~rreg 15c

SA.LADA £72" Lb. Black, 36c~ 34C. 7: Pound' Green ...


October Breakfast0001 snappy October mornings bring an4ntense yearning. for. a hearty brea~asthuilt around Robb·Ros, Buoltwbeats.Oouncil Oak ·Coff.e and your preferredPa'lcake Spread. Don't forget the ba·con. aausall'~ Qr bam t<l fry.

Superh Extracted Ounre I ?'5cHpNEY.45 Jar .....~+ ~


44c 5cI





Assorted Flavors i

MaBrownWhole Wheat


EXPERIENCED FOOD BUYER$!or every ~ Council Oal, Shoppers, YOU'LL BE GLAD!THREE are women of some years' ex'"perience in providing the best possible

food for their families at Mon.y Saving

prices. Most of them' have been our cus­

tomerg for many years. These experi.

enced shoppers have cboBen Council Qakas Food H2adqt~arters because they'know Council Oak to be dependable for 2 ~~~ls2Qu.~liiy and Low Pricen.

Per 4Pkg, .... ,... C

Belly Brite


215-ft. 15

folds.. C

"'Enriched by Nature"

Our EveryFriday Feature


Z ~~n~nce 17C

2 ~:~unc. 29{"2 ~~;,.2Y, 49c

SUPERB MINCEMEAT ~;,eC~~j~~;'. Red"e







8 59,191.91

!1: hS.OOCJ.OO

nOLLIF. W. LEY, Prpsi(]('nt

II. D. Arldi~;on, Notary Public



Reserve District N 1"). 10


I The Sta~e National Bank of Wayne'In the State of Nebraska, at the close of ~usine~s on Septembflr 24,1941,

published in response t call made by .comptroller of theCurrency, uncjler S c. !'i211, V .. S. R.evis-ed ~tatutcs.

TOTALSf'('ured liabiliOf's:

Deposits :'j('curen by pJrd~~rn nssptf' pm·sunnl toquirrn:l('nt:'i of law

!State of Ncbraslm, C'ounly or Wayne, ss:I, Rollie W, Lf'y, president of the ahove·namRd bank, do solemnly

swear that the abm'p slatemC'nt is Irup to thp hest of my know!eng-eand belief.

: r I l'

.<\~. NEBRASKA; THlJRSDAY. OCTOBER 2. 194<'=~=!::~~~~~~~~:;;;;;;:~~~~~=.=.'--=~~'='j~••~~~-~--.

Lettie Harmon,' Mrs. Howard Ictalf>' Mr. andlMrl". Rnv OWPl'll" ,.,fCreamer were Norfolk visitors Emerson, Dmisil Uwens of LosTu£'!'day.· ,Angeles, Cal.; :we-re entertained at

Mr. and Mrs. :Bert Harrison and Sunday djnne~ and supper in U:IC'Marilyn attenqed the football Wilton McCorkIndale home.game at Pender Friday evening. 1-11". and Mrs. Richard Barbey of

BuMer Wallace went to Center, Hayward, CaL, 11r. and I\lr:", Carl·Neb., Saturday evening for an Sundell; Mrs. Lettie Harmon andover·Sunday visit with his sister. Glenn Sandahl \vere entertained

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sundell and at dinner Friday evening-in theDorothy were Sunday dinner and GE'orgc ll. Abitrope and Dan Lamb

627,637.40' ~~~h~~~e~UQst8 in the Art Holl- ho~~: and Mrs. G. B. Ai"trop£',

Mr.' and Mrs. Nels BjorKlund. Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Lamb visited

~v:~t~~ ~:1to~~nj~~ \~~:(' ~uet~~ ~~ t~~t;·S~·n~:~:~t~~o~~~.~~~~ Mr. ~~s:rvr:;r:n~;~e~~~r~:lorinCtMagnwiOn home npar Laurel. Sandahl ac("ompaniNI thf'm amI Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nelson, Mr.

Mr. and Mrs. Russel! Harrison, visited his hr:other, ForTe;,;t San- and Mrs. Otto Nelson, Mrs. AntonTommy and Billy wprp Sunday dahl, and family. Holmberg and Joanne arove toafternoon visitors and lunclleon Mrs. \Va~r OUf' was rf'mf'm- Carthage, S. D., Saturday to at-

gU~;;} ~~dth~r~.r~e~~a~~~~~O~O~f'd~;~~~ aon~~~rp ~[trart~~s .~~~~~~~~ ~~~ t~fa~;li~er~~~d~n~~~(~~:3~~chilrlren vLsjlC'd in the Will Korth in her homC' in the aftC'rnoon anrt!rlllUrnf'C! home Monday.home MondatrVrning nnrl in the Ser\'fl(j a cDo[lprativ(I hirthrhl.y _V.prdrl L4nd oml' Thurs~lay e\,('-, ]unc~('on. Fivp coufllps spC'nt thC' ]J1l\'~ Cooperatl\'f" Dinuf'r. .nmg., I C'\,C'nll'lg thflrE> plaYing cards nndI Comphmf'ntary to Earl Davis of

Miss Marjor!C' RohC'Tts spertt:' served. Petaluma. Cal.. Mr.~and Mrs, Wal-Suncla¥ with Miss Lenora Ring, Mrs. Josephinf' Gu:;tafson, \vho tf"r Carlson and Teddy, I\lr. andThe Lf'nus Rings brought ·hPf accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Elli::; ·lMr.s. MC'lvin .I.-{enry, Mr. and 1\.lrs.homp and were' evening visitors in Johnson and G. Alfred Johnson to C. Lf'n DaVIS enjoyed a Cooper­til{' Mortf'nson home. OmRha Saturrday aftf'rnoon, \"isit- atl\'{' dinner m the Fred Harnson

Mr. and Mr.s. C. A. Kinney wC're pel in the Harry Gustafson, Vprnie home Sunday. IVlr. Davis, who hadSunday dinnf'r and supper guests Linder and Chan Quists hOl1)es attended a barbers' convention Inin th(' Walter Otle homC'. Mr. and until I'vlomlay noon when she re- Indiana, stopped here for a w('ek'sMrs. Floyd Clough and Bobbie turnr-(J home with Mr. and Mrs. vacation enroute homC'. He' was aWprf' afternoon visitors and joined Carl Swanson, Sf'ybNC and Th'Iiss ~o.nda~ overnight and Tuesdaythem at sup[1C'r. MargarC't. \·lsltor 10 thf' Frl?d Harrison home.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter l\Tillpr of A group of r('lativE's planned aDakota City, \ver(' Sunday dinnpr Icoope.rati\!C' dinner in the Melvin CompUmf'nt Former Tf'a('hl."T.

guests in th(' Vern Carlson homf'. Larsen home Sunrlay for the 5th The ladies of the Lineoln schoolThf'~ called in the R. A. Nimrod weddmg anniversary of Mr. and entertained at a birthday· partyami Carl L. Anderson homes dur- Mrs. Ellis Johnson and for Mr. and miscellani;'ous shower for Mrs.ing 1he afternoon. IJohnson's birthday. The Johnsons, Lorence Fischer. their teacher for

Mr. and Mr!'. R. A. Nimrod and who had gonC' 10 Omaha to attend the pa~t three years, at the schoolDan-\'in were Sunday afternoon the \,,·edding of Miss ElsiC' ,Io Ed- house Friday afternoon. The pu_v)sitors and luncheon gUN,Is in the holm and Franklin A. StOrf'y at pl\s and prespnt ¥achf'r, MissC. J. Nimrod home. Miss V... rna the Lutheran church Saturday Norma JC'an Harrispn, prcsf'ntedAndprson spent thr afternoon f'\!f"ning, W('I·[' unilhl(' to get back an at>propriate progmm. Lunchf'onwilh "Grandma" Anderson. for the dinner. 1 \ followPd. The recent bride r{"cpiv·

Mr. and Mrs. John McCorkin- 1\'lr. and Mrs. VC'rnie ·Linder I ed many beautiful gift:=;,

$1 00



. "(~ tHere is a glove tha"t really is at­

tuned in shade, in style, in

every last detail to your

newest .clothes! Sweet harmon}'. j

inJced, in the season's ~mart- 1

at sl1a.lcs. Bantlex f:lYon.



ay?e HiSh ru!,ils S~own EI~gllsh period. Togelhe all learn-I ..----+-:--..,..-!----.. I I 1. 5011 Conservahon Film eel' many JIljoreslmg boo (s. , I tl ASSETS .

j . M d" Af ' Fourth Ornde Rlom. Loa.ns and cliscounta: (includi g'.$35?3G overdrafts) ~ $

I,on «Y terno~n. i ~hc 4th gmders are enjoyi'llg' United States GovernmeTJt '0 ligations, direct and guaran-

.: . Wayne high school stu(knt counr study ~f 11w AmH.7.0n h .sin. teed ~ _ 1 ·.······_- .'I (iil mf'\ .FrWay 10 complete dedi' .Each drewan.ilJustratlon for the The Victor -Ie,ns~n family spent Qbligations of Statqs and political suhdivisions.

I Uon ot'oJficcr:-i amI to discu~s plans frJez~.on cle-anlll1c:-i':'. ! S d . ~ , Other bonds, notcs,~ and debqnturefi : .,I, for ttl(' 'ypar. Joe J{~ssler, el{·ctc·(. Margie Conry went t~) Martimi- U~j:: ~ner~~ ux·c~~d spent othe Corporate stocks, i~cJuding s~OCk.of f't>~eral 'Res@rve I)ank! hy till' stUC\(iht ho(ly last. spring:. is 'lmrg l~t wecl{ to_ attcn~l school. wcek-('nd wit, her pa~ents at Pen- CaSha'nbdal:anSch,sl't~milshl·IOnlhpCrro~~~k~i~~W~~\~;~~~e~~.~alanc~1 ))I'('sitil'nt. pnn 1I1l1'\,(?y is viell PI'C!!i· Th0 scj('ncC' proJ('ct for thf~ week d '-' "'", idt~IH' and Myla June 'rhomas is is how things In the wo*ld :HC' [lut e~el.mHn Jo~1C~ of ~i1ger, was a Bank$(nPor.nme>iae.S....o.W..r.~d... ~_~.~.,~p.. O'~' fu~ni1ur(> an~ fixtures, !>l'cr·(·tary. I·~uch. homl' room picks ·in groups.' ~ S d II' 1 eh ~~ C be I.

qn(' 1'01' tlU' ('oundl. this giving each Good V./ol'k( I'S cluh m 'I. Mond~y r~~. ay C:l er ~i, , a,,' rusen, r- (Bank: premises owned ,arC' SUhjN'1 to $1 non!') li!'ns,: (-~Iass two. 'fhl"' ,·eprp,s('ntH. tivps are wH.h Loi>: llus.,;.C'l1, pr sidon I In Mr, and Mr • Chas.ICruscnbQrry not assumed by bank) I· i.,' '

,I Myla JUfl{' Thomas. Don Harv~>" <;h,urg(·. \\'t'rc al 'V. 1. Moscs' !Sunday eve. -----I Tom Johnson, Norma POWC'I:~, Dc- ' Fr{)~n 'fhirl! GrJle. ning. I ~ ,/ TOTAL ASSETS. . *1,12:l,R72.76I 10n's Pdel's, PitHy Thomp:;;on, IScit' n<.;... class is sket(' li~g trees. NC'lsC' Gran ~ist spent Thursday 1...I.4.BJI... ITIEfi;

Opal Penn, Patricia BeDlwtt, The Pupils will go out to l'X mme 1r('('s R.ftC'rnoon in he Arthur Odegaard "'Demand deposits of individu:k!s, partnC'rshipli, and corpora-council spon:-;orlid .the first high and leaH'S 1hb \Vl'ek. . I' ,~chool dan·('l~ In the acliviti('~ room In a study of OrChC~[ra IfiRtnI" Wille. : d 'I L tions.. ··············1····· ..- $ R56,043.04

D I I ell MrH. Raym6n Nicho s, avonna Time deposits of ;ndividual~. partncSh.ip.s,. and corporation~l· 79 ~09 50~e~~~'~s~~~:::~ti,ngel~~:~~~'on~. Wo~~ ~~;~~;'sol~lii~l;l~\h~a~~S'Ih~~'~ay~ and Joan spfO'~1 Fridar in the Will Deposits of States and poht cal ~ubrllvlslOns ... ... 75',268·.99." t d' IIlh (I '-['{'st home. t 'Ol"-r depQ.",·ls (c"rl,'f,'ed anA cashiel"S ch(>cks. e.tc.) . 1023682rooms will sponsor utll('r sl:lch oc- Till' VIO 111 liUS Htu ll'( a.( ay. Mr. and M s, Carl i Thies and '1.CTOTAL·" DEP'-O-SITS '1 $1.020)758.35 . ,'.~asions, ~ I~'o i!"l(':(~ond Gra~et family were ThUr1ay evening r


:S1.udents war(' in\'jlf'd to t.h(' au~ Janf't J(~hnson br.ou#ht e~ndY callers at Al in Vag I's, -----~ _(Htorium Momlny <lith'noon for one hal'S S('pl~mb('r 2!) lor, hl'1' blrth~ Kc'nneth aird, ho at.litmds1)"(:~rio(1 to l:i('(~ a nlOt~()n picture on tidy., i . school in Lin~Oln, spert the week- TOTAL LIABILITIES I' ~1,020,75R.3~·~o(l and \vat('l' cnnfP[·valion. Thl; ,l~hHdl"l'~ ha;c been ~i:~kl?g ~u~ns 'Cmrin thE' Fled Baira home. ,C:AP!lTAL A('('OUNTS

I film shmVf'd how dmsC'l"vatinn al carmg f.O~ the room canalY· r ~y Mr, 1-nd M's. Arthur Odegaard Capital Stock: t'~ individual LlrtnS lJh'\"('nt s much lelll'O('d. t ,e ~an' of t.he canary In amt daughter' called! Sunday eve- SurpclUSommo..n s..t.O..C..k, total .p r $50,000.00 $ 50,000.00

loss. . . . . cOA~~~)t\:~~ Q::~~~n~ ~~l~~ L~{,~e~~ld('. ning last wc('~ at RayIGamblc·s. 33.800.00Mr. Segrlst, nlaglcwn, appeared First, Grade Nel\.S. Mr. and Mrs. Fretl Hurd' and Undivi"ded profits 12,100.71

I T I i family were tunday 4lnner guests Reserves (or cdntinge~~i~~· ..... 721370~11 tI:(' :'1,'1:00 Llf'S( ay, ~ ('mon· Ruby Bramhall.of fiw ~nd grade, . th Alb t K . h 1 t week __.__. _._. _slratl.ng luI' .th(~ .gJi,ad('s .l~l the n'~\d H. salf'ty story to the In Mr~.· LO~"S *hi~~~fa~i.nSide:morlllllg al~d 101' 11l~h !;chonl lh ttw Mon,day. i came to the Alvin ;~Ogel home TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .... ....$ 103,114.41af~('I'I~oo.n. lI(,.pxplaln(>t! how many :nll' c},il:is went 10 the dark room Thursday nVr!!ning tal visit a fcw I strIcks 01 'mGglc arc done'. TUf'~day lifor 11 p~ctUl'C show on days, -C TOTAL LIABILITIES fAND CAPITAL ACCOUNT. $1,123,872.76

Attnu-!ive S<'\\' Books. .sal"I".,' I " ,y M"'MORANDAJ Mr. and Mrs. Clarepce Beck and .....More than 10() new 1iIJl"i.H'~ book.. Letun~ Rribold 1ransfcrrru to tI

! II !I~)r~~ ..~~~~;~;~;' ~;~i:~~~~;~th~~a~;~;OI:~n~~\~~~ ~~l:: ~~)i:.r~gn·~~~o~~('tJ~~~ family ha\·R ~~I~~~IS i~v~~1 ~~~;;y ayGr~~:~~~ Pledten4t:~<;c~~~t~~d~~cv~;~~~~~a~~~:g~{j~~~.v~i~~~~ and1\'tl:-in cllllclrl'll (';In un(ll:r:-iUlml i\a\'ld'!1al'hl', JJlnmy Hflmnllng- homr. guarantecd, plr{jgcd to secure dcposils and othrrtll\'ll1. Tlw)' flt'al With sucll sUlJ.it'Cl:i son and·''f{.onnH' LIIIH'I;!and IHlllt a 1\1i". and Mrs. Martin Lage and liahilities , $ 60,000.00

I j' Irw ' II \1 I (]aughtrl's anti Mr:i ~rnjJ Pf'terson 0111('1' ass(>tR pl0dgN} tn SP('Urt' d(,PO~lts and othpr Iialldi-

:::;III:I:::,:~~:<:~·I~~:~:I!::i~i:'~',II~:~:~;~o:h~:;; ";~;::::;.~~:::t;"'"':'.~:,. onl ay ;r:~\)I~~~~::;:'.CV0~;ng Jl1 jhe' Ray :~e~~':i~7~:u:~I~FU~~l~~'r~~~":;~;:~er~'~I;~~7~;I:;;1 'Inri<ll\ tnn;l! ' Collin.'i is h&'<:111 h chirf for Mr. aIjld Mrs. Crorge Bruns spent

Fll'''l fl\'(' 01" tIll' li'I'llI'\\',J~ ('")as.'i and Paul John- from Thursd!ay 10 Sunday la~'t

l\10tlll:!y. 'I'll(' !l1i1in o!J- [ll(' iLf1<'rnnon group, ~~~<;~~ka~~~ 5~;~~'~~. ('ounty for bma.

j('~~;~:' )Jiltll:t:d(,:·l\l~::~~~:d by I{. P. tahl('. 1:)\' Ir:II~~':-;~:~~ Mr'. <Inri Mr>;. Louis Test andHan.'ioll, plil~.'i lor IJI(' filiI PP('tlJnI; hOllSl', papr'l' :InrI family \\"pr'r Sunday qftC"rnoon and

~ supper gu('st~ laf;t wC!f'k in the Ar-

11'~'~i~~;('~~!~~;()1 c1a~:-;(':-; will clwoJ-;C' c1'tail~ -__ 1.1l~:~I<~c1~~agr~n~~~~rs, Ida Sanw

~;~\il~I:'1\~h:ll:~;[111~(;,~~~I~~;·~~\~I';~;~(~lt:\i~1 ~:~t~:; ~,,-+=~~"~- -="=-~'~~-J--'-1 hnrn anrl M,trgarct IIarpC'r spent

~,\~:'~~:.:I.(;~~./)l~(~';~~::~~'I~(,~~I~;\)U~~ni~·~~~:::~~. SIIOI~F:S i~~~'~I~~s~l~~(l(r.~~llb~rg1;~ tile, John

ning a \\WIH'l' roa'il for th~' foot- by n~~:~II~~~l~dM~'~be~~~~]~ya~~r:~~bfl~('lt~~)(~;~~ :IJ'l' r('ading Macbpt.h. Mrs. G1pn Burnham Omaha Sunday. Russell remained

I-ligh.,s.(·hool al't clas:; is ,woddng --:- __-:-:=-.~~--==-~_ _ to ~~~f'~~da~~~~n~I:~~~~~ Baker, CORRE~Je-;~~~e~~ndh('rg0fllanrbci:lp.l' c.ompOl:iitlOns i~ ehl1l.'- Henry E. LeycOla I n]"(l'l' f'ompleling std·1 Ide MI'. (in(~ Mrs. Adolph HlIlf'r of G(~rald a.nd Jeannette spent last Fred S. Berryt r Carroll,: wl('rp Sunday ('aHf'l'~ III the Wedne~{\ay in the Will Test ho .

S 1I( II';'. ,Junior lIi~h Nm\'s. J. L. f)~I\'ls homf'. E''':elyr"!.,..}rf'st accompanied tho Sworn 10 nnr~il:l~I\~~~'~h('fl('tl;~~IJI)~~:lli\l)t1sgl~i:;t1('I\~-lf'i{l.I'('gr~)~~l~~:~~ Mrs.;1. P. Timllin will ('nlprtain 11O~~. f;~::,;l ~~~.d~~~J Thun a bel', 1941. I

whi(I' lo!' a)'!. 'FlIL' b:!ll gradel's will 1\1(~1~1/)~:~~~':.~I\a~r~~~~~';~~~~n.al h('r daughter." spenl Sunday nftl.'l'O on _(S_e_al~ --+_______ .r-

palllt thl'lI· llJ."\oI'Y mural I Ill:; ]\'11', ;~nrl Mt·~. Emil Tietg~n of ~~~('~v~~. ~~d ~~s. :~~~~r Pet~~~ in the Wm. Mart('ns home! [II Sih- supprr gu('sls in 111(' Carl Eichel~t\'~(, ;~~::;~;II~:(t:~~lll(;·~I~~,l1~~w :itlldy Can})ll,; wC't"(' Sunday dmnl'r and family Wf"re evening guests. Icy, Ia. homC'.

Till' 7th ,1l'llIlIlWIIl' class is gut's\:; iln 11l(' I-Ian>; TiC'lgpn homE.'. Mr. and Mrs. George PuIs of .- ._ .~_ Ben Nissen and family spf'nt~ ](',n.t1IIl.L: ,!l)()lll tIH~aS-t.lt·f'tlj('llts llSI'd EUgPlw Mtlkl', who hilS bP('1l Anahc'im, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. Fredl:- -'-__ Sunday last w('pk in the Frcd Mar-

al hnn]htl' :.'I«II',·ln{~.sl*)·l.<.(l\(r".lllj',;:ns~d s~~~~~;'r la~\l BrunK and Larry, and Miss Adeline I -I tins homp at North BC'nd.;\ ,~) ,. Larsf'n of P(>ndpr, WC'r0 Tu(>sday I SOlltllea!ii\t Wavne Mr. al')d Mrs. Don Lull and La-

IIjS\og)'~:;II~~~:~I~:s~:~~~~(·t;adifllflg- Wf:;~~~e IMumm, wl10 has bC'pn liv- ("\'('ning guests last' wC'fi>k in the .. +,' vanne, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Blee-

inar-y visit s 1() lan(ls of long ago, ing Ih~er I11ile:" south of Sholf's, G(~:~Pa~~u~l'~~n~;'JJ Test sppnt I!.__lB_y_S_t"_f_C_c_or_r_e_sp_o_n_dd_n_l_>_-! I~~~,~~~d I;;~r~.('\~~r~n ~~~d~t~i~~~~I\lpsojl(l\ntllJ:l. n:lllylnnl:l and As- mo\"ed into Ilw .Mrs. En,lma Land· w('pk-end h('fore last week in the hoo1('.

S~TIa. !Jf'I'g hous(' Saturday. John ,}('nscn and Nick Ketelsen WI'~hr~rL:l~.('~r;a~qCu~~t.n~Friday Mr. and Mrs. WoodrO\v Lutt nndT('(ls('r~ IW\'l' bp('!1 givE'n during Mrs. J('nny Jon('s and Mrs. Anna homC's at Bloomfield. Beatrice Ann F.stC'lIc of Chadron, and Mrs.

---.--------~.-.--~.~ Carbo~ \\('l1t to Wal1sa S<ltunlay· J('nsPtl who is attending Wayne rin ~r~~~~~y ~:;Ja~n~~~t~~~~,;;rc Otto Lult callpd Tuesday afternoonto:ispeljd th(' \\,('('k-C'n.d with theIr coll(tge, accompan!pd them. last \\'C'pk in tIl(' F. C. Hnmnwrfrienel. Mrs. Etlfl Moslwr. Mr. find Mrs, S. L~ Hawktns and sp;natrIS~I~C~'yel~\,(:~~~g~;li~l~::~n(~~homp.

Mr. ,~nd I\lrs. Will ()hlln ,Inn ~()n f I f pte I M F B 1\1 ct 1\1 J I n Benjaminof GOI'rlon, camC' \VI'<!nl'srlny to ~(~~~~'If an,(;C s~;n ~~t'Den~:r,' ~nd Arthur Dram,('lka's. r. an rs. 0~ S h b

al lend Itill' lunl;l:al of l\l [':; .. /\lh('r! ML"s HrlpT\ Coley of Scottsbl.U~r. Fr~~/;~e~~~·i~~~eC~~~~~~~~~~ ~;~~td~~~~~e;,a~tnc~n;~~('la~~~e:~N('I.<;Olli ~is\('r oj Mrs. Ohll1l. ~I'[t SaturdaY for home- afte: VISit· sen home at Wisner. in We Henry ObcrmC'yer home at

Mr. ~lnd .:vIrs. 'Wall('1" Ti('l[~('n Illg ;11 ,'tlw Chas. Crllsonherry and, Mr. and Mr~. Harry I<Jay and Hartington. ) laf'('nm~1'llli.('<! t1wlr daughtl'r. Mil· L. 1,,, Coley homes, , '. family were Friday cvening guests Mr. and Mrs. John B£'njamm anddl'('d, jo C'olurnbus Monday whrn MI'. and Mrs. Ra!~ond Florme In the Ben Ni$sen home. daughter, and Gene Schaber spent:'jhL' to~l{ till' bus fOl} her new home an.d son left ThursdlIY for Hector, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hicks and Sunday evening last week in thein Riclm1Ond, Cat. Mmn. They went 10 Carthag.e S. Mary spent Monday eve*·ng last August Brudigam home for Mar-

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tictgen and D., S~tu.rday to atten~ the sliver week in the ~mil Dtte ho e. cella's birthday.son, I)arry, of Springfkld, accom~ wpddmg of Mr. Florine s .uncle and , Mr. and Mrs. Fred T un and Mr. and Mrs. \Voodro\\' Lutt andpan1fq Mr. and ~rs, Wilhs Burn- aunt, !VIr.. and Mrs. :fv!artm Nerson. daughters welTe Sunday evening Ann Estelle returned to thcjr homeham til Sholes SU"l1.day to spend the Th(' F10rlO('s· returned home Mon- guesL<; in the Carl Dammel home. at' Chadron Sunday afternoon aft-nay '~\1 Ow !lank Tielgen hOlTIe. day. Mrs. Adolph Henschke 4nd Erna er spending a \\'cek in the Otto

Mls~ lTC'no rrj('tgen. rrturllNl Mr. and Mrs. 7Cha~, Crusen1?err;y were Tuesday morning callers iasl Lutt, home. Otto Lult 'lIltl Lf>sl.eFSundl'y from Springfi('ld, wl'here en~ertaincd. ~t 0 Cl.ock dmnfr week in the Carl Frevert home. took them horne.she h~H~ been visiting qle past Fn?av evenmg l~onorlOg Mf: an Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Wert and Mrs. Wm. Nichols. Romaine.threeI'teel<s ·in the home of, her Mrs, S. L. HawkinS and faml1y f family were Thursday evening RatHe Mae and Junior of Norfolk,~:rrotll,~l, Grant Ti('tgen, and larn~ P('('t~, Colo.,' ~rs. ;F. B. RbdweU guests i~ the Arthur Longe tq)me. were Sunday dinner guests lasti1y. , an.d son, DlcklC. of Denver, and Mrs. Earl' Bennett and Mrs. week in the Raymond NichoLs"I - MISS Helen Coley pf Scottsbluff. Ral h Ausdn he} ed Mrs. Adpn home, All called in the Otto Ro-

~c \'l('(~s for Mr~, N.f'lson. Other guests wC're i Mr. and Mrs. 'Au~in cook Ifor Si~ fillers Frida . sacker horne in the afternoon.A ·Tljrge 'group of friends and E. L. Coley and Fre;d Herschlag of M d 1\I IJ B " I Y Mrs. Henry Bruse returned hpme

J I r . I r· . r. an rR. "].cnry r n {man Hrela\lv ,'s atten(]c'd t 1(' unera. 0 P1Iger, MISS Bcrtha Carle, Mr. and and Elaine ~pent Sunday evening Saturday last week from oop~rMI:s. r IbC'l't. Nelson at R~ndolp~ Mrs. L. E. Coley and Wm. Coley last week in the Ernest Grone where she visited in the HenryFnd'.Yi1aftel'nuon. Mrs, Nelson was and Robert. h Schroeder home and at Scribner ina sl.sil'" of Ott'? Pplf'r,,; who lives .. -. I O~~.. and Mrs. Harold Frese and the Mrs. Freda Nast homc. Mrs.norql Jf Shalf's., Pwm<' Held FrJ(~ay. Janice June were last \yednesday Bruse] had been gone two weeks.

I . -. . .J.l,0. B. cl~h members and fanjl- evening ,guests in the Fr{'d Victor Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Lutt and1 ~ Family R('.llmofl· Illes lt1wd a Wiener r<;>ast and water- J1 daughter of Chadron, Mr. and Mrs.

A Ifa ily reunion ~as ,h~ld Su~- m010n fee~ Friday ~vening at tlie o~~~ and Mrs. Henry Schroeder, Otto Lutt. Lester·and Delores wereday,al t.he Earl l\ll11eI' ~lOme In Everejt Lmdsay ho.me, The? oCfa... M d M R C H' hlb k t Tuesday supper guests last week~lon~r of Eugene Miller, ~\'hO has sion was .for the bitthd~Ys_.of IVJ;r? la:t ~edncr:day'e~enrng :~ R~b~~t in the Don Lutt home. They w(>rcJust! ·('turned from Mmnesota. Frank Lmdsav an~ Dickie Wprt N I . Thursday supper guC'sts at JohnTho;c prescnt wijrc Mrs. LaRue which fall in Septe~ber. ~on s·d MAth M d Grimm's and Friday suppcr'at \Vil-LCiffi· nd chilc~reh, ~,rs. Mii~er - I , Ifami~Yanwerers.SU~da~ a~i:;'n~~n lard Blecke's.unci ',:i n, M('l\'Il~, fl[ I ('ndet.'_ ~1r. At Bud ~tt R. I' sts last week in the Will F. MI'. :and Mrs. James Benjaminand ,M s, Rex MIller o[ \Vmsldc, MI'. and Mrs. Bud Lutt celebr~~- ~Q.C h and fami,ly. Mr. and Mrs, Wm.andlGII il of til(> CCC camp at \Vin- ('(1 their 5th wedding annivers ~y ~er 0:r~ H R th . h Benjamin' and family and Mr. andsnlf'f I Tuesday, Septetnb~r 23. Even ng I:tnd ~:.nand ~rs. ~;;;'en~e ~~n Mrs. Irving Doring of Laurel. Mr.

i~-:. gue~ts were l Mr.! and Mrs. 111 were last Wednesday evening and Mts."Max Brudig"m and fam-

, II \\er for l\'llIcIl'etl Tlctgen. Test and d~Uhtcr~, Mr. and s. bo t t E '1 Ott ' ily of Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Henry. ' I IS Glady~ TI0tgen and Mrs Raymond N· hols ~nd tam~ly, r. pues s a fi1 e.s. - d Doring and family of Winside. and

Apparel for I\lel1 aOll "'omen K' n0 \1 Eddw (>ntertamed a sn..l M's . erbert Barelman d ,M.r. and Mrs. Irwm Bartels an Mrs. Mary Doring were Sundayc f . ". 1. . M Cl famJly and Mr. and Mrs. Harry h__==- ~=-===_== ~~ glo ~ ~_~t~ends ~~~_~elailv('s at ~~~~~~~~~1~ M:.s~nd~~~cK ~: llartels't;pent Monday evening last ~~~~~ ~~~~~hoe~~.~~~;~~n~rs~

.............................. II .11••••••••••••••••: neth Baker an'd~ Billie, Mr. ~ nd feek at Fred Victqr's. Fred Damme and family of Win-·.€ \ .Mrs. Russell Lutt a,nd Dwaine. r, t M.r, and Mrs. ~lmer Baker and side. were also afternoon andl: It· a d M Harvey Ji..utt and, Ga Ie amlly 9f WakeflCld, were SU~day luneheon guests. 1

: W· ~ INo Hji Is Difficult: : A.~n. M.r::: and MI'S'~'JOhr. J,.utt d a.flemoon an.d evening gu.~sts in I'll• : Ardycco, Alex Suhr nd Myrtle, the Carl Damme h.ome. . l.Tndergoe!'O Operation. ~1 3;,:' ~, t and Mrs, August Bru/:1igam, M,r- apd ~rs. EmIl Barelman and d ••• _.••••.•• _... '"~• J ~ ",-3 'I, t:o~ ave at d M Marvin 1Brudigam family aprl Mrs. Henry Bruse ;Vere Mrs. Emmett Baird un e~.nta. 1• i ," 1 ~n J ra, Suqllay1dlnner'gu.sts In the John major operation Thursday at a BIG JUICY 1• a;.o; I "--'-' l D"'RS' us aeger. Rieck hbmc.at'Hoskins, local hospital. SUNKIST LEMONS Per 25c= /11 :~ t: AL NEWS '~Mrs_ Otto.Fleer attended a "ar- Doze;' ....•.. '.

S ~ r, ~ I. LOC Ya~d ~ti~~~~g~a~~te:rno~a1~1,\,-----.,.,--------;-\. OREGON LONG SHANK• Onct ne have 't\etermlned Whet~r your I;!alr is soft. baby Dt.::. f· T. Gillespie went to 0 a- h .• I fur" Y Southeh.sfWakefield .J bo 25• fine .. heavy and coarse, your p obI IDS are lfolved because ~~dTr~~~~'~daWed~~f;bUSl ess e Fretlll\.ICkson home. ~ rASCAL CELE..RY 2 .p~TkS .... c; \\C I now Just 1,hat solution~ to \1." '" Plef\~ing ~sults: . S h h .M~,,:m~,:~s. ~ej~a~a~.musd (ByMts.EllisJohnson) ..",1l: P n ~ , p from $250 I Mrs., Jen~ie c rumft went to Q, ...,r1 ~~ ,l)l•. "all flS an I!..--_....:. -' I NORTHt:RN WAXEJ>~. - 1.' erma en s 1_ • J _. [ • " Omaha FrJdjay to VIS~ I In the r. ilUe \\jere Friday evening guests [ , d 21:.1 Shampoo and Way!' -.........._.. _,75c I A, J. !'oy Cross hom _a few dars, n the l' f.,Ircland homc•. : Mr, and Mrs. Swan Pearson RUTABAGAS, Poun .. . . . 2C

11 =I Boys' Rnd Girls' tI".ir uls ._:...25.c [ Shc also hclped h.r g andson, B/'. i Mr. a,,~ M~s. Grovcr Lal"!l~n and w.re Tuesd~y evening visitors In

• , . i ) lie Foy. celebrate Is birthdjly ~amilY pfl Gurley, and Mrs.' Ber- the Ed. Gustafson home, FRBSH DUG JER8BY , ! ,;.:' ,. 'd" B" I " Shce·, Saturday. J I ard Meyer Were F;riday afternoon Mr. aM Mrs. Lawrence Carlson SWEET SPUDS. 10 1~8·.. for ..15C '3 Cakes 19c•. Lue ers i e~ Mr. and rs. H. C. Barelmap Bfld nests iUi'the John (1rimm home. and Larry visited In the Vern f.or ..

'.: 'I . family and [Mr. and Mrs. ~en,ry I Mr. ar: Mrs. Grover Larsen and Carlson home FrIday even!ns· :.II.I~~iiiii~~i~~~ii.riiiii'....iMg~::::=~~!;.:.,,'1rl··· Phon~ ~7 .. ' . I· 21 Logan Frev~rt spent Sunday ~n the Ceo. amUy iO GurJey~ anq Mrs. Ber~ Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Alstrope,. • ••••,. 1.......... • ~........ Martens home at Ashtbn, 10., tl q. ard MeY~rwere Thursdaf, e.ye~ Mr· aog M{,s. Pm ~. w,mb, M11l.

~I}t;~\ ·'1 '')"'j,1!,,\ iI~j !f.~~;"I!HI;~f'i'I·i,j(~, h" '~j'~:)Jg'~ '.. j "II,-jl Ii nW l,t 1ilj~l"'i; J 1 ~ ~ 1,111 ~.. ~ 1"1~ 1M' 'f!.! ' l;l~ffi ~ '>f:li'l j;jo~ :r Il1l" l;1\h~W, ~I'f; >/it ~~~~1' fl:l.j",,:,\i, H~4~\mj'~;t ll' ;;:1'" '" ~ t~ '-}~"!*illl:;' "-', r' ,! l' ~ t I~~~r MwnMlrii 1~:,:r,J!'I:1"" ,'r',A~' I 1 J, ~ • It :'.II'[ '~:;;'lj '~ :l'~h'R'~ I~ <It "1 1'1: ~ 'if r~"",;, "' , •

Page 4: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I



r ~Hill WAY SpAY, OCTOBER 2, 19U ~

~ndPr~e ent of his part 's ~om!nees d rng (I eURTAILlNG, T·' .' S h I !Doctor in China I I I Ivmt illS ~l~, Mrs-~u-;;-'he firs World WI'r, t e result prov a !M k sulltvan, colummst, 'le- raining e 00 F'nd It P 'bl SouthwestWakkfield dell, and other relat,ves The ,Joe

J oomer nt, • , lIthe ff rt f ew mem I I EI 1 8 0881 e C Johnson family attended a fam-~e~~ of t : ~YA o~n~ cec I~ Counel· eets To Meet S't t' , ( y Mrs, Lawrence Ring) ,ly dInner WIth Mrs Sundcll and-----w- I -- I t I ua tOn Helen Tuesday c\enmg

IC4ai'man Marrinm S. Ecc~es of h~ VieW f t e need for ,enlIstments. l

d 1 b d '1. ' d h 'h d d f I I Dr. Frank Gracey Instructor m f,d I Mrs DICk Sandahl and Nelle er reserve oar +las a VIse 10 t nayvy an army an or th t h d . Jum r Stauffer VISI Da e \\'ent to the Gus Swanson home

~b k ' commt't e that ;wages nd help In prIvate endeavors The Commi tees Are Named to e ar , SPCCC , e ucatlOn and hls- Bard o"er Saturday mg t


I an mg e ~ l'olu mst points out that the Ha've Res'pons,'b,'!,'ty of tory departments of WaynQ State EdJsandahl trucked t feeders Thursday evening I The nexta aries should be limi ed in p ice co ro\ -y- Tcachers college has a~ hi.' hobby f - k I W d d mornmg they left V>I h Mrs SWdn-, 1 t- 'th ccc IS deSIgned for young men V· p' rom t mson ast e cs aye 1S a IOn as assurancf agalns ~ an betw en ~he ages o~ 17 and 23 at'lous rOJects. "collectIng' frIend~ He receIVes An la Sandahl was a Tuesda son and t:\erctt fOl Mltt'hell S J),

1'8 of in£Jartfon. A ceiling ver t er who arc lunemployed, and the Wayne trammg school sludent letters from Chma, England and overnfht guest of Delorbs Hall y to sec til{ l:orn palael' ,wd \ ISlth 'ugs, not wages, woull manif sUy c ate NYA for persons of both sexes counCil has named commIttees for Bermuda Excerpts from the letter M d M B b N It; t d Mr~ Ann<l Mortcnsun unlll Sun~ -

pel1ilously one-sided conditi n. EI les out f school and unemployed th.lS year Jacquel,ne Helleberg IS Written by a doct~r, June 10, 1941, al ~l ~; Lon~:'s ~und~;e~ev~~~: daysks for f?uspension ofIthe 40-hour w rk Doubtless notmg the eagerness presl~nt of the group, Gregory In Chma follow Mrs Charlotte Lund hi sent A numl)f'r of OUI )OUll.-g folk~eek during the defert e emermrncy. I t is for eermts. Pau' V, McNutt, Stuve vlce.presldent, William Ing- Ycnplng, Fuklen China. 'Before Sunda wlth Mr and Mrs cP

R attlnded the gam( ,ll Stdnton F 11-

vddent that employe's cann t sur ive adrm Istrrtor, ISsucl1 a recent.......... ~ b II the loss of Foochow conditIOns Ash : day l'\entng Enrl LclIson plaYf'dfw~,ge advances withou a boos in sel ing orde agaJflst sohCtta~ions to ~:;f:~c::~~an nna e e War· here were very acute because of Mr~Art Borg attenhed Mrs with the \Vayn(' tpam Olhers en-~t.1Ices. ~ add t eitper non-dc(ense group The commIttees are, Pep, Fr- . the lack of food, and needless to Max oe s birthday party Tuesday joyed lhe ('onlf'st nt Pl'nd-f'r dl the

IJ Colu ms~ Sullivan thmks a bll~ ces Ahern, 'chairman, Jean A n say they have nol ImprQ\,ed 10 thiS aftern on same j Iml' \\ he n GO! don B,lnl

------~---!r ~--r-~, I han ollars a yearl could be Sharer, RuthJean PhiPPS, Rhea respect We have not sUffcred as M Henry Nelson ~ d Mr \"ent .Ill Ihf \\ Iy \\llh \\dktfll IdIn a current ~ubhc' ion, Ch' nUlng 0...1 save to the govern1i1ent by re- Kal, Prof. A F. Gulhver sponsor: muchJs the natl\-e popUlatIOn, be- Bob

rselson were m S~~ux elt

SBoth \\erl' on \\mnlng tl Inh

I IO~k empha,;;;izes the fa t that h nesty ~ay& ductl ns I In the NYA. CCC assembly, Jacqueline Helleberg, causc he exchange IS goof! and last T esday y Mr dnd :\ll<; L \\\I( no 1{lll~in dolla)'s as well as n self-respect. -I He wpA[ and other Isetups for chairman, KermIt Stuve, Emelyn th~ng can be had for a PflCl' ThCf:mll Lund famllv \\ele Jln- ~~ Lall) JOI lel',mpdnlld by <

m ntlOns examples 0 failure throltgh I pcaco-tlmt! erne r g e n c y lIe Cllfflth, Margaret Costerl~an Mr After the fall of Fodchow many t S I t1 f d R a (' Hal d dlll\! 10 ()m,1I1tl Sunt! IV, TELEPONE 130 c eating pr-actlCes-th ough trymg to get thlnUs other new d¢al admml!-i- Gulliver sponsor, lockers, Wilham peoplc were much dll'itulli'Jed and ~~~c~ ('~~~neUn«IY III l' Ie m0111lng \\hl It'llJt\ Ill( t 1\,11 Illil

__________'_ -,.-_ '---- aWay with fraud III H aU and bIg ways. trators could weill follow the Ingram. chairman, Jack Dale. frantically moved hlthel <lnd y-on Aile Jane Bocl:k{ hdUlr of ;\:]y" A "_ (l!'>I)O lnd 1,llhll I" 'I'hulSday October 2 ~941 The effort devoted to reapinQ" a few im- lead of l\fIr MeNu(t m action Warren Noakes, Kenneth I Echlen- We dcclded to stay. come IAhat Emers n, spent Sunda With EIi- ]{,dll of LlIlloln 1lll \ I1lfl rhnn( 1

_-_I ' ,~vq.L -i- m~dIate dollalS dishone tly wolIld, if rii~ht- that would curtaillinnecessary kamp, Gregory Stuve. Prof. M C might and were all prep<lrcc! for S d b Y \\Ith 1\111\ }ollnor Rlll,.. In 111, r')I-, SATISFAC ION ,[, I d' e t dId t . g t § I d costsJand modify mflatlOn dan- Bloss sponsor, athletlcs. Erville a turnover which has not come nO'~hej ~~a~rgFrye fa~llY \\ere tclg(' \\hC'rp she dnd rOll I (11""-To Preserve ~ ov rr I y 11' C e ,ea 0 growlll suc e s a ,a gers It IS plam to £ost obsen- Dunng thIS perIOd we had many S d d 'h W matt s hnve bel'n 11\ Illg tm ( r( \\•• n umerous governrnept.~ colntented state of mill . Pollock says er- ers that <til non-de ense spend- Buck, chaIrman, MarvII1I SmIth, :;llr raIds and one bombmg across un ~rl 13ner ~uests In t e ar- \\e('b. The gIrls left llH f;d 1\ t \(_

Capztalzsm benefactiol S bestow~d SOps who try to harves ueasy money" hit mg shoUld be stop cd durmg ~r~~~~~l~ w~~~~n'A~d~oll~o~~~ the nver, a mile or so away ne~lr aan~ S~"rs ~%erry \Vert and nm~ for lIdstmgs 1<1 I,d,,! 10111

on communities during pa!3t yea~s should thf rocks sooner or late. J defense bUildmg " embers of sponsor, SOCIal, Betty \V~ren, "I ha\e bcen keenly II1tl'rcsted Joan.:.! \\ere Sunday dmner guests mO[lths <;ptclal \-\{:Ik II Ihl '-I tIl'

be modjfied by contemplatIOn of Increased ~~~~~~ - the adml111~tratlOnl talk about chaIrman Ivadelle Johnson, Fm- In the e[fect of thIs type of erner- m th'J I\lel\m Wert home IhOspItal In lrastJn,.,"taxes. The burden of bureauc~atiCgovern- I The pluck of an Itahan whose wife die In f 1a tiP p, spe* warnmgs ley Helleberg, Mickey GIllespie, gency on me personally I thmk Mrl and Mr!'; La\\rencp Carlson \ll( ndlng Pallrm" (11\ 1'1 \11<;"ment had gro'''ll amazingly be ·ore.defense an[d left ~lm With two I ttle gIrlq; !TIakes a!1i agaInst ItI' says t columnJst MISS Lettie Scott sponsor, library, that 1 calc less fOl the thmgs we and Uarrv Gene \Islted Mrs Aicx Gl'mnH'11 s S1 honl \\( rl ..1< '-Ii \ llt'lcosts Iwel'e addetl. In view 0 thIS latest encouragmg story. He vas ,l}..€W 111 Amel'll "But not many alta k the cause Jean Banmster chairman Argean have and am much more unselfish Carlsfl:in Sunday afternoon noon \\ I'~l :\lrs r Ill\.)( 101 ,\11"emergenCj~ which call~ for UI~ "r~cedented I ea"). He had no mon~y, but"" he rh.lde the whlCh IS un their hf::=dR' I Alderson, MIJd~ed Hattlg, Man and charItable than e\er betore G J;t,. Sundell was at the Albert Rudolf K,J,\ :lrs R\.j-., __f If John"ol1approprJ~tions. non-defense s endmg O\lt- ~t~\ep grad~ by becomll1 the best garden~I: ~ I f _ _ Belle James, MISS Beulah Rundle After the first shock of local dlf· SundE:.JU farm all day Saturaay Mrs ( F Sand Ihl 'lIS nil k

I Bl'de of OjJel','ttl"lg '-XlJenSCS C01111:1 be gl-eatly ,Ill the llelghborhood. He sUf1ceeded ml Sid d I I d sponsor· buildmg and grounds flcultles had passed I found that I whdelthey }'\ere fJillOg silo Sanctlhl \Irs Ld.L,d~ I Jl'Son \11""" k e 11 ec u e s n RIc h a'r d Kirwan, c h a I rm a n: was resigned to take \\hat might Mr and Mrs \\m Vlctor and Rollie Long( • and II"" La\\ II m,·

red,uced if not entirely elimjna~ed. I e ,j,pm g and educatmg hIS chI dren. He Of Bermuda Now I I Charles Truby, Gro\er Pcrkllls, come ThIS probably explams \\h)' chJldrbn VISited m the Marlin Rmg ~l<;o vernlf t, \ It till Pn _To lpreserve the capitalIst system, by ga e Amellcan advanta es due credIt. • I John Phipps. I we have been able lo go about our Mc)erl home Sunday e\Q'nmg eilla S.JIldclhl Dle!,\ dt1l1 B,)lJbll'

which the \ country grew andl prospered, I - .... Betng PppU ated Assembl/Program. work m a nanna I way, e'ien \\-hcn Mr and Mrs Al Frederlckspn ~onge School \\<1<; In n ";U]ll "'---

and to avoid the restraints of .qolIectivlsm, II Will Defend Small Business. Dr Franl{ Gracey,~ instructor at I FInley Helleberg told of hIS trip our frIends were lca\.IJg One and fqmlly \ lSI ted In the Ed San. SlOn for a jJt nod 1111 r \\ hH h Iwhich means a sUITendel" of a!llarge mea- (Omaha Journal- toekman) W St t T hIlt b ' t t thi f th mormng, dunng an .ur raid \\e dahl home Sunday aftffi"noon patnotlc progriim moslh tromsure of individual independence, we must [ IAII encouraging pie e of n~WH comesl ce~il~e rec~l~cdeaca9r~e~~eregeir~~ a~seZ~ys ap~ogr:msprI~ed~~sda~ placed a tube In the throat of a Mr~ \V C Rmg attended a P.T language lc's"uns of Ihl' n rmlh \\d~

/get a:~ay from leaning on the overnm~nt out of Washmgton to the eff~ct that a bloc Argyll, Warwlck BrrmUda Wllt- morning Prof I Russel Anderson baby ~uffermg from diphtheria and A commIttee meetlllg 1\I.:Jth l\Irs er!Joyed Th(' m \\ I} 01 ~ Inllt dand :preserve tIle ways of free enterprIse. ]S ~rmIng It1 congress ° gIve some con- ten by a man who retIred seven presented Beryl Nelson. EllwJn unable to breath properly We also Edna INrmrod Saturdayle\emng rhythm hand pl(l\(d "I \1 1 II "(­·Di';'lrou8siug at length in NatiOl'8 Business II side 'ation to lIttle bUSi~ ss in the matter years ago from the third highest Fletcher and Julian Torgeson In set and closed thl' wound of H com- Th~ E J Lundahl farhl1Y VISIted lC'cllonS Luncl1pon of JI iiI) looklP"~'d . '.. t d th f f t U t If" 'h B td I I pound fracture I fmd that If 1 am at \\,Iller Haglund's ~.unday aft- and coffe(' \Va:-- ,('n, rI, 11\ tlH'the nee of makulg SaCrIfICeS guar e I 0 c e el1se program oon ac B. p 0 now 0 Ice I" ~ e C'rm Ian govern- voca so as. desperately busy wah con t U l \ .:0: teach nd Id r I }o t

essentiaJs of capitalism aT,ld tal look cour- the mall business firms el that they have ment, that of secret ry of agrlclIl- In Sc\'enth Grade. s r c J e el nooq and Were supper bUcsts [r a 0 I ':11 -- If"lageously to the future, Paul T. ~herington, not nlyl been n.eglect~d ut have heen dis ture Excerpts from lhe leller fdll~ The Lucky Star club ¢lected of- wlork w~le an ala.rm IS on or the The Rudolf Kay family were month S wOlk \"3S (\1) , .... 1111111 <lnd, b b' t d t d t th tt f . low I flcers and named chaIrmen last p ancs a, out, m~,neI'\CS are better \\Ith 1ihe MelVin Longe:) as dmncr a profltablp 'md pIc ("dnt IJnw IS

I noted writer 011, U;-;ll1eSq ~su J IC s, raws C,'r,lm na e agall18 m e ~a, er 0 prIOr- "w d t thdlId able to take It rhe la"t bombing gue"t" In tl,C Frank Lon~e home reportf'd Tht "dl(JoJI h e I1JU) InA l

t II I 1 t t 'I, c 0 no see lea\ Hl'~ roa week Alan DanIr'ls IS rlresldent b ., ~ 0"this warning conclusion:

1~I I les aH we n~ 111 a JOI1' n s 'Ie IOn8, here H rought us sC'\eral pallCnLs, some Sund~:V ne\\ electnc cJod~

I h d h traffiC, PU! motors pass olir gittc Robert Penn \ Ice pr(,slde~t. Myta f ! 6 I d '""V"Wealth is being'red st ibu ed; contra are many t ousan s of t ese so-called frequently, so our wlllte roads Will Alderson secI'etary-trealurer Rob- 0 ~ 10m \\ere s vere y woun cd Alma Laut('niJou~h "pent Frldav '

is being shifted; 'emergenCie:;;'~ale beIng "small! busme~se:;" throu~out the natIOn pass, I (lllnk (One of the a~trac- ert Penn IS "plogram el:Jalrtnan Mas of the casualtlC'~\\ercdue to mght' at Edgar Larson's and ac- ,~~=--=--------'"--~-==-:.~ II,used to effect SOCIal chwl1ges of omentons a.nd t~eIr comp~alllts tal hell' representa- tlons of BermUda hat been tl18t no Richard Po\\ers enl rtt\lmmcnt, failure to ::;eek proper shelter. comp~llled them to SIOUX Cit) II! Iiicharacter Thi::!,i!i not the tin;e it.her to be tlv~S I III congress ~ue lie innmg' to bear autor:lO~les had be n allowed I Delores Myers bulJetm board, Lor- "Our hO~Pltal \\ork has mcrcas- SatUl!da).' II) ..\LTONi-\. IIfooled or to be flustered. nilS ~ tIme to be fl~Ult.1 The congressIOnal b oc has annOllnc- the Isla ds, and t cit the road<; ('an Boltz and LOIS Weseloh books ed ~t('adlly sInce our return, from VII'glnIa Sandahl spent the:r:ealis.tic, to dig in, to seF the la gel' future, ~d. t~at "bureaucracy m st not be per made b smoolhing ov.n the chor- AnabJl Korff and Bill Martm mu~ IllmOl!-;, and \\lth the fall of Foo- week-end at home The folks took I by I Ito manage wIsel~, to be militan . It is time mitted. to stIfle lIttle buslnf~s.~· al of wYllch the Isla ds arC' made, :-lIC Jannene Gnffilh, Jame,s Her[~ chow work IS ('\cn hea\ler Among her back to Bloomfield Sunday I S~lf_f_corn_spon_d.,nt -_1:


~... were the- smoothcsl and bcst In the kemi and Darrell Hart were ap- the refUgCe~Ommg up the rl\cr afternoon. . . --'

fo be vigIlant a out private e t€1rprlSe if \ t_ ~ t world) '!rhe colony has become pOInted to write the constItutiOn arc some g, Juate nurst:s The;} I\1r and lUIS Rollll' Longe andone believes in it, and to makle a vocates of Human Nature Stin Fa tor. more cr$wded and our oltl free, Sixth Grade Ne"s. . arc more than welcome sons \\ere dmner guest$ and sp£'nt l\lrs Alfred Sydov. and Logl'nQcrack-pottery .justifr their tpr po.sals ~:m I (NatIOn's Bus~ne s) plcnIckmg lIfe IS almost gone Just The pupIls arc makmg bodkcases 'A few weeks ago a small chIld Sunday \\llh hiS parcnts, thc Al- \\l'rt'm SlOUX Ot:, F mla)sqme more sohd baslsithan t e aClle Shlb- The controversy gom on over thel now \\e arc m a state' of adjw,t· flOm apple and orange boNes to \-'as brought In ha\mg been blttcn bert Longes Mrs R If Hansen sppnt ll"lboleth that: 'CapftaliSjm has ro en down.' I wages\ of re~caps in the Ilalgle raIlroad ment pro\lde proper care and c\asslfl- by a :mdkc, and tourmquct had Mr and Mrs EI\ls Olson and \\f'dnpsd:'l.\ dfternoon \\lth 1\r1I:-,.It hasn't unless it has lost itsl p wet' to ad- termlll~ls furnu;hes a practical lesson In "No less Ihdn 11 of our Jomt cation of the many books us!cd for been applied \.... hlch \\,1::; not Je- thc Paul Olson f<tmltv wcre cnter- C.HIII F;('\-prtjust to difficult shifts ~i~e thelse. ' ecopon\Ics U~er the traditional~mpen- relatl\es ha\e becn, dlsposse~sed of reference readlng 1 moved fOl 10 ddYs, m<\klng the leg tamed :lt Sunday dl~ner m the 1\lr dnd \lr'" J II Spilll <;Jxnt

__~~ I satlOn-from-tIp: plan, many.\of the I' dcaps their homes and land at St Da- The chIldren Ire sll1idYIll<T Brit dry and black We tried to explain Art F{'lt home Sum]<l\ dtlernoon lasl \\1..:1 k In theUnion workers' dpmands a1ie so great I made good eafl~l1g,s, A1o\ a gl'OUp the were V1lcls Tllhoy lalre

btt"kmg halt ~n the am looking up f~cts td l!'xpl:ln th~ to the mothel that the.J.i1'lle girl S Mrs Pearl Scott \-\-110 h<t; heen I: P Ca,IU\\e hon1('

1"' 'I.'. • , t" f d II I 1 38 th c 1m a fig 1, U Il rs I~ none dense populatIOn and grteatness of leg would ha\c to be dmputatcd With her daughter MrS La\\ rence Mr dJ;ld ;'\Ir.; R If 1I 'n"f'n ( Ill.that one wonders ho\v big inau trIal oper- Wsa IHaled Hmen~sua y a~l~l· d n . e the IC'sl'i Half way Ibet\\een War- the country The manlufaC'turmg but the molher refused 'After t\\O Carlson has gone to Omaha for ed In thf; Emmett Baird homt Slln~ators have the courage to golOl. The de- ~ge 1n our IV.IsIOn l'l\I e t at red- Wick and the DockYflrd, more land dlstllctS arc being dlsdussed thIS hours of persuaslOn she agreed to an lIidefllllte l'itay day e\cnJng- Jast \\edcmand now is for a closed shop which caps ml\lst be paId mll1Imum....! hourly wages I and two Islands arlgone At thiS week stay m the hospital and allow the Mr and Mrs Rutherford Nlm- Mr and Mrs Alfred S)do\\ andmeans that,an emplo~ermust ~gjree to hire I by the liailroad companIes: ·1i\0 provide this locahty few people a\.e been diS Each pupIl IS IAfltlng a letter to child to receIVe medical treatment rod and DarwIn were Sunday aft- famll) called Sund<l)' e\Pllmg In

only members of .a. [parliculrir I union. If I[ add~d revenue the termma I:i assessed a po::;sesscd, but 150 ere on St Da- some rclalJ\e or fnend thiS week In a few da}s she asked us to am- crnoon and luncheon guesb In the th~ Call Damme hllm{one's membersHip lanses for ahYi reason he straIght fee of ten cents a ~ag to be co11 vlds The letler must be careflllly Plfoof putate She IS noW a strong sup- Clemens Nimrod home Mr! dnd :\olrs C J I nIl hI nis fired A:Iso iincludld is refus~l to work lected by the men and turnea in. r "1 Ita\(! bcC'n enjdymg Ihd' :mm- read before mailIng \ - porter. Truly patience IS a lare Mr and Mrs C L B,trd and \\Crt' Sundd)' ~11l'sl:-. III Illl' I r 1111,

I 'th '.J.,,_ • • t 'th th r h b _ The new system has not proved satis... mer alnd have beenlon many PIC- J"ifth~News. \Irtue and \\e have all too liltle Harle} \\€'re In lSlou:o.; Clly on Llxllinn honll In \\.t\lll·WI nO~l UnlOnlS 8 0 WI OSie woe f t t d '1 d rl bl Th mcs oin Harrmgton Sound But I ']\IalglC Relbold has onrolledl In of It !luslness Mondny dnd \ ,sHed III the ;\:tl" ;'ohl U· Spllll~l'; III I 0] \\ J~-long to rival orgaIizfl,tions. !Employers I ac ory 0 re caps, lal roa s...,1' PU Ie. e do work sometlmcs IFormorethan I r:: I d 'One mOlnmg I passed lhe bus ()f\llle ErIckson home. I f I I t kthus have less and less authol·~ty in han- pubhc o~:Jjected to. the set f~e and many a yea I', I was a member of tHe food t l~~~1~~n~ NIelsen \Islted tillS station and found four dlsc<!l(led MI dod MIS 1\lUl IJ.Jhlgu n ~llllCr \~l:'~;: / ~PJ:~~g('llllll\lI'II;:I::l IIIdling their[ industries and lool{irtg out for more traveler:. carrIed theIr °1vn bags thanl contIdlLJoan.l, dnd f~ted myself be- \v('ek conscrIpts IYlllg 111 the rodd '1\\0 and children \'1<;Jtpd III Ihe \\i,lltl'l !'III :lnt! 1\11::;: I \\ L. hlll],lll Itheir investments. Nation's ~u~Inm;~ BUg- when tho} had tIpped. The ra Il'oads falledi cause 1 IA dS not fi1 agreement \\'11 h LctlCIS at e being \'Y rIllen to had smallpox ami \\ e alr<lIlgrd fol' Hel man home Sunday aftl'l noon slwnl Sund<-l) III I lit' \\ Jil t,l I Ikt It

. gests that the "issue appears to\be whether tf~ collec~ enough hy hundreds of thousands the PO~](.'y followed by the govern- frlC'nds them to ('ntn the IsolatIOn hos- and were supper guest!:) and \\ III Lamhrtl~hl hUIJj,:-, ,d

loyalty to the uniorl. shall t1'a~scend the of dollan; to pay the new wa¥c. Hcale and ment Sine!? a fcV{ weeks before the Nc\\s from Fourth. pltat \Ve took thL' other two 1010 Mrs C F Sandahl and Pnscdla Bloomfltklnational interest." It adds th'at he right to I of course ~ad to make thl~ UJII ~rom o~her war I ha\e bc'en clla:lrman of thiS T .... o selections aiL' mt'monzed OUI" hospllal and found that both and Mrs Lawrence Rmg \Isltpd Adt'n All'-tm and \11 <it'd \It'-worK is important to later gene a.tions. SOUlees of revenue. The le::;~ lIldustnouJ Parlsl1 food pl'odbcbbn eommlUee for readmg a5 a ver~e chOIr group of them had relapSing fe\-cr, a diS-I Re\ P Pearson and daughter.:; In Ralph AU""T1n spt'nt Sunda) 1n Ill<'

-----<1>--""--IJ-.. ' and courteous redcap5 e,lrnedl a:; much ort We held two very successful par- JImmy Sylvanus helped \\ llh the ease caused by a spirochete Similar \Va)ne Fnday afternoon Mrs Maur!l Ausl II humt' .. f Ed~I 1 mor fr ttl 'th' th y h Id f' t' ~ Ish sliows which paid for them- Itbrary books thiS week to that of s)philIS, but spread by The E. W Lundahl famll) \\as POIllt, S f)

1>' We note by ~he )'ecol'd publ hed in the ' h b 9.r wages, an, e. a~, lorn IP8 .. sehes1and contrIbu~ed sums to the In geography art class colored body !Ice One we saved, the other In Omaha Saturday They \-\ere !\Ir and ;\!r...; AI\ln Ddum H,dHeraldthatsomelrura.lschools fthecoun- ~ e ettt: men Jess. As the lu ga¥'e-carry war fund Just now I am a tem- pictures of Pers13n rugs were died We lcarned that they had dInner guests and spent Sunday Mrs Anna f'uc!1:-i(r \'tT( Irldlvty have 'tS few a,s three pupils If one IS mg tr.;lffllJ: fell off, some IORt th ir Jobs. . i pOiary member of tre war sa\ mgs studied The students made some been bought to take tile placc of 10 the MelVIn Lars!?n home ewnmg gm "ll'i In till \\ die I

atisent O~ account of the meml es the at-I Agam, as 111 lI1numerabl~ other 111 committee and agam our pansh deSigns of their own' In language regular conscripts one receIved Mrs C A Bard \\as 10 SIOUX Spllllgeli!n'l hom.tendance is reduced one...third. If simul- H!a;nces, ulplJft regulatIOn, InHt~ltd of bene came out on top alt the recent class letters were wrltlen to Mrs $835, Umted Stales money, the CIty HII da:,r Wednesda>-' altendtng 1\'11" I'JrtnllPlld '11..... II Itldtaheoml1y another iH kept at h~me by an I ~Itl11g thp wOI'keJ'~. haH lIlJ Ul e?- them and. drive 1 am \HIlmg

la 20,OOO-word Clara Heylmun thankmg her for other $222 the Interstate conference of far'In .IIt'1 mdn ' FI<'\('I t of f 11-. I \\ l I I

tt k f th f\ th ' t h t· d all others concerned. book Qn vegetables growmg m Ber- lending an Oriental rug "Bubomc plague and smallpox women at the Ma~falr hotel Thursd<J\ .tflelnoon fIll, I 111 Ill(a a? o. e u, e e~c er us avo~ I v ~~__~_ .______ mudall and have thdughts of other The room had perfect attendance are stIli WIth us, though lhe cam- Mr and Mrs W C Ring dnd C<lrl H I- n'\pr! hOllll

the IneptItude of. addresslu.g th~ school nr I So Very, Very SorrY.1 J mk slmgIng Addl!ts to the car~ the first three weeks. palgn of pre"entlOn IS g<llmng some Merle sp('nt Sund.lY atlernoon al 1\11 <Jnd 1\11<; FII'< min r \JIII,( r-the pl.ural.. A. smgle pupIl ddes all thel (Om ha World-Herald) of nearly two acre of land, (a Eugene Perry's name heads the momentum 11 make~ us sad to see Henn Anderson sandi vlsIled In stpdl .Inti f lllltly \\, I I' SUnrll) dm-marchIng, s1I1gIng and reeltIng. 'IHe h~ls no A I If H t1 r. ,t ld J I!:t C d h large falm for Be udal here In dental honor roll m thiS grade. how soon well-mtended programs the Walter ChulI1 home that eve- ner <Inri luncheon gu"<;!s II<;t \\('~kcOInpaniOll with whom to eng~ge in ~is- th thO h d

1el °rCet' 0 f ~ n d u ah WarWlck~ two hous here and four Third Grade. fall to pJCees \\ hen there IS an op-I mng In till Ov If B10\\ n home

chievous antics. Quietude is uPl)rokel,~lillur-1 a. e .a no In. ~n IOn 0 I fva lIlg t ~ m St, Georges, an other details The story of Hansel and Gretal pori ulllly to profit at the common Mrs DH.~k Sandahl W3!': on the ::'011" I- d Bmns of Sturm J~lkling study periods unless one l~f th'e twoI Umted States.. Pell,sh. the tho,~ ~~. It 'Yar too numprous to m ntlOn has been sclected for the puppet man:; expense when contrailS off, sprvmg committee at Salem Mls- J.l sppnt flam :\londa) 10 \\edpresent happens tOll$neeze. An ieUljollment ah~u.rd.. ~~y It wa~ even a lhtary 1m.. "When thc J\mer cao base came play ConversatIOn for the dlffer- al'i happens When war approaches a slOnary Thursday afternoon and ~f'~C~'~~\,I:ll(~t ~~~~ l~lI:ll~::dJ:~lh~:~of three pupils Iwould seem a eonvilloing I pOS::ilbIlltrl I to 54 Georges, man~ of us lost our ent scenes IS bemg wfltten 10caIJly E\eryone IS out to 'knife also gave a readIng/ for lhe pro-argument in favor pil consolidat ons 1\ir. Cijdahy came lhome to report thai head~ Property val es soared and Eight children were on the spell- everyone else. IAhlch explalOs why gram I I SIS~~';:-- and i\lrs Curl1" Suter and

• reassunng fact to the people of1the Unite (,iVer~bOdY began to bUild Ius shop ing honor roll last week we must stay and carry oQ De"n S"n,lalll an J~nle(' Lund• St t ~ b M"y can be used all M Ot[ V t t d u famIly of SIOUX Cit), Mr <Inc! 'Irs. .. a e~. Igg r on,-- rs 0 Ie or VISl' e InOn· "\Vc hd\e enlarged and ImprO\· \\110 aUend college n rIde \l,lthA te~t carrIed out by the l!thverslty OJ But no:\\ he iH dis,gl'Untled t note tha I rIght, bUl most people fall m its day ~ cd OUI bomb cpllar Doesn t It seem (' A I3dr dddily ete Monday ~~~ sI~~~tt~~~~:~I~lll~lCt':l/~~~ff;.

Ci1hfornlR reaches th'eo.o~clUl::lld:n]th~t the np one pmld any particular atte Uon. Con... proper u!';(', I thmk ,LI~:e IS far too Emmajean Relhold enrolled too bad to spend money so badly OH'llllght gue!';ts m helBard home Erxleben hornemental development of chIldren lis qUICken- gres~ and 'th p I k t . th short £or <111 the pleasant and m- Tupsday as a new pupil needed for other \\-olk to make bceause df bad road conditions Mr and Mrs Enc Bi'Ig-t ,lOtied durhlg winter nl0nths and sl~wed down def i:l f e eop e 'f erh WO~· ~nfft °h

1 ~ terestltlg thIngs to be done In It." The balloons on the good health bomb cellars, but we are II'.mg In M and Mrs Ed Ie Lange and f I S dtIurillg summer Cold w:eathm'! is recom ense p og.ram as I . ey n ear chart go up as the children Im- that kmd of a day? JUnJ~r and Mrs nges parents, d~:;~('~ao~c):~~~~e~~I~~~:~'..;tu\-~l~~kmended as '1 ~ental tonic -j something aWword heJsald .. Even hIS old b~SS' Sumner Recr('ntlon Center. prove their healthf;ablts. "If thiS reaches )ou before Mr and Mrs Ch Lan"'e, and 111 the Helbert Bergt honH ~h"

, II' "Id ~ eILes, g~ve hIm the brush-o f and tOli The checkeI games and dances Grade WOo bfere3nla t y rnl T~emp.~atutesffandottur~ him to come aroudd some other time. \ha\e b~en well attended A. group The..chIldren are earning to SlOg Christmas, plca<;e accept our <;10- chddrcn all of SI x City, !';pcnt J G Rerg-t. MIS." C1ar.! and 'llsso a van ~gr' e ml wes a 0r s ev~ry We dOll't know as we b arne I Joh of boy$ went on a hIke Saturday songs by readmg notatIons cere hohday greetmgs for 1941:' Sunday m lhe Wm VIClor home Flora Berg!. IHr.; Ro) Dal1lels ,HUj

change of climate neede~ to kee~ the m!ndj Oudahy fo~' gettmg mad. People ought t Boys Bind girls attended the craft Dolls are bemg made from white Mrs \Vm Mad!';en of Milliken, Hans Lubben;;te t and Frank JerdJd \\pr(' afternoon calJPl'" Mr.keyed up and th~ bo~y In perfect workIng iP~y attEmtiol) When an ex-~mbaSl'sador class Monday. socks These Will hie used In a play Colo, left Tuesday last ,,\eek for Johnson \\ere dmn r guests at Art ~~d\ I~~~d ~nd~:~~l('~;n~~.and fam-ordet. If anythlng m the weather here ~~meg runI111ng bael f· Eu je 11(' t f First Grade Ne\\s. her home after bemg here for the BOlg's Sunday Icky and Dean Mr and )In;; 1,.\;m Sllllhmannseems lacking today, It is reasonably cer- bJ' th d t II < h10m

ro,?" a ~ou 0 LAND VALUES. " Mrs W G. I~ram and Mrs funeral of her Sister, Mrs C. E returned home 1\1 nda)! evenmg Ul'i d Staill to be providef! tomorrow Jea an e s us e has prt'\tate assur- Lloyd Powers VISl ed the room last their mother ca c from Omuha and Hplen :-ISltC' . unday la<;t

t- !. l~n'vCae~~fron~ Hitiehr tlhjat hte IStn't gtOldng t~o mg~~;r::,,~~~~~Z;~::I~I:~y~~~:~ week ~~~p~~~~~n h~~aCakUl~lc~~o~a~~~~ ~~~ then W('~~~. ~n~h~f::~(~;~~~~cnsll~~~~~A f W h

' ,"" us, we " ou ( ac In e es e an Leland Relbold has enrolled tillS h 'Ir and Mr.; R C HahlbeekSSllrance comes ronl as mgton p . t ~~ W h d I abnormal rise m fann land val- tend school 111 MIlliken t IS yeal I' ~lI1d Lmda Mr. and Mrs George'mat, ~8ntrary to rumors, ~o atte;Upt will ~vJ'~ll~I~~~I~'So H\t1~rOs~ly" hae

t iIAn~f~o~;:" ues-an mflatlOn that pnoved( we:l~;" Jalcla <l:ook bndught the Mrs C \V Melleer returned to ~~~r~e~s~:.;;,~~', o~~o~;:r, ~:I';;'O Hughe' Roberl and Burrell '1",n[

1 bel m~ae to annul :pext year s congressIOnal over here. Well, well. What qI'yuh kno W':~~O~::'OI.i?~lnred:~a~ f~~~ tOY cJepl1ants a~d deer from PJle ;r~~~t~~ll'iIS~:~~ ~tc:~~~:s~~:n~~ave Mr and Mrs ob Nelson spent ~~~~~v~~~e\;~~Ul~l t~{~~ ~~. elecbons on account of the defense emer- about that"" ~ hall for art clasli. The spruce and Fnda" ('''enmg I the IHenry Nel~ Ad 'b 1d "I "III ~ It ' fd ~t' d h h' credit admimstratIon proposes h b ~ aOls lrll a)' l~ I"S• .r1o( .im5 lS


IS; UI ~ S 00, owev;elj, t ~t the But we didn't. We just told the seer ~ now to head off an unhealthy cedar tr€jes!ln t e campus arc e- son home I M~ Hughes' aunt.admllllE!tl'n~lOnwll promote the electJOTI of tary to file 1\1 r. Gld~hY'H int~rview wit farm lana boom by restrt~tlng mg studied for 1r t. d I I Mrs Ray Ag er, Jrl spent la~t Victor Brown nnd Mr .lOcI MI'"sympathetIc house and s~nate members~ !hat othel' thinga~ Hitlel sq.ying, "Thi loans. However, there IS no C"I- In;~~ fl~:ryrent ~c ~efr:r,:;~~;~~~~.s Nortll,,,e~t Waylle \\l'L'k 10 Omah \\Ith her sop, Sc\mour Johnson dnd Leona of

·la1\d. seek the overthrow of .those who are IS my last terrItorial demand.'~, And the dence so far of unwarranted and -m"ers ~I Loren and W~f She \\ent there V,ihsca. la, Mr. and ~J"", OSC<lrcrItIcal nn~ obB1;.ru~bve. It IS recalled that we went bl:\ck to work... I boostmg of real estate prIces P....~nd~rgarten News. (By Staff COiTespondcnt) \\-Ith ilIldred I st Sun aye"emng Bro\\n and Eunice. Mr dnd Mr:-;

I~esldent "illson asked for popular It was rude of liS. here~bouts. A:;; \\C Iecall, prIees The kIndergarten children went and returned i me \\l;th her Frl~ ~;~ro~~dB~~.n~l\~~nS~J~~:n r~a~;::" • I ,t I -+ quot d at thIS tIme are lower to the greenhouse Friday to bUy MI~s Jane Jelfn'y of Blair, was daj" evening


~I than they were 30 years ago, I d d a Saturday dinner gue:;t at C H Donny Cha rs ga\.e a rccIta- Monda} dmner guests last "'I;cek m

" evenmg to VISI a few ~ays m I1he who are Im,oymg homl MadIson ~ long efore the other world iCon- some goldfish. 8MI s an sea wee . Jeffrey's tlOn for the Ju lor .Mls~JOnary pro- the FITeman LublX"f::'tedt homl'I •Robert Jones has Ielurncd flom D~. J: ~' Johns n home~The ladles D. to J6nesboro, ArM, arc li~m I flitt. Increased production land Jrnf.n ~~t'~l~rl tndt~a~ks~~~:on Dean Hupp carne from Man- gram Saturda afternljJOn Angela The 10\\a folks and ~he LubbeI­

II C'rawfo'rd.· I I ale SIS ers. next door t~the Dr .t. E. Brock. mar et demands would seem to b;,)ug e s or e I . , chester, la. last \\t'ck 10 help hIS Sandahl sang In a duet WIth De- __ tt.."dts \\ere Tuesday guests la!';tI ~be~'~ Frahm has I had un 111* ' MIS. Fred hompso, Mrs. EI- formerly of wayne.1 E1 I J Justl y a level above pre~ent Some bIttersweet m the loom IS grandfather. C H JcffIey. dunng lore!'i Hall. and Larry Joe Rmg \\cck III the Clemens Anderson

I feoUon.In I'ns len wnst mer Bugpnha en and RonDle lof Lute Sav ge of maha arld quat tions. Land prIces con- openmg~ I corn pIcking aSSisted \\ Ith rcfrc:;hments. About home The men sl)Cnt.- the day atMISS Gwendolyn B~l:t~m s ·am. Norfolk, Wele undaycallelS In the Raymond C ok ofl latb:i~out~ tinued to ascend lafter World Masks weJ made for the stor;r~ Austin Spahr and son, Bob, of 60 attended.., I Bassett

I,' ed her right wrist la t w kPI

home of Mrs, Oeo, Rollert., I who Were ere on M sonic wor wariO'l hat! closed, and sbme Three B lIy oats, whit:!) ,pup F d supper F A S be dMrs, Stella ChI sit eo" Mr., and Mrs. Andrew Park6r, '''"re Wedn"sdav !Uln1heon gues ' dramatl' e. other Goose PIctureS Anamosa, Ia.. were rl a) Mr. and Mrs '1 u r an

C ester spent "<,; l.',J' buye s beli~ved they Would d th w guests In VlC C H Jeffrey horne. Joann 'Poe-nl lo Omaha Fnday rrol;resshe lIomemali.crs.I SUJ\day ih the Jolm Linds I Mat11~~s 1Ioll, Isr" Mr. and Mrs. In the Burr! R. Dav,s home. I neVe come Idown Often ~ad- have beqn maunte on e ne They catnd that da} for a short mornmg: to attend fundral ser\'lces Plogressl\e H~memakers clubI Miss Barath Vand i:.~ lon,le. John ~IHOl'ostman and Delpha Were Mr, and Mrs. Hen y Schroed to joim g fanns were purchased light ~en ~ckground border~ - stay. 1 that afternoon for r.trs. Suber's meets OctO!>Cl' 9 \Hlh Mrs. Ralph

;A.1ton. 1al, lS ~pend,m~ thIs(>~~:l Sunday guest~ In the Mathie~Holt, of Hooper. Mrs. R~~' Hahlbec, Wit increased mdebtedness. The duIdr n walked to the:~ Mr. and Mrs Paul Soderberg orother'::; \\Ifc Mrs win. Johnson. Austm.m tae CHris Lueders home. Jr., Ihome. I . I Mr and Mr~. Rober Nelson VISI~- d h the slump came h9Jd and gre~n stop bght at th~O~ wand Charles of \v'akefleld. Mr. and aged 51. The) rcmamed until Sun-

MisslM¥mIe McCorkindale spent R~vd ~r:I.?FM~1"S' G ;ud~CITer are cd Supt. H, l? Sch ~r at Albio I, ~:gS \' e~~ frequently wl~d b'rlt~ sout~ ofl~he campus to lea 0 Mrs. F. M. ReIth of Concord. were day to 'Islt relatIves. i For I1cnllan &ldcmJcieni.~\'the' W'i3ek:l:.end With MJSS Marjorle mVI e O~I ~e ont f

n . ay 0 at.. Monday. Mts. Hahl k and M. SatIs action. With Iless aereaige to 0 ey ~ " Sunday dinner guests at C. H. MI~ La',reace F sch"r "asW Beresford S D tend pare ts ay at MIdland col.. Nelson took the c roeders ed Rhythm band Instruments are J ff • ,"" '- Mr and l\lrs Bnmo Splittger!ler

M CI '" lege whqr Ithelr son, Donald, IS a Hooper we~neSdaY.,l wou~ have prevent many being used. eMrey S'd M C I Hageman. honored at a party a her home and daughter" Mr. and Mrs, Walterr5, arence Ross and StUdent "I M' M 'r he a a c h e s, A fellow wh0..j r, an r5, ar Wc'<lnesday afternoon When a Sphttgerber and sons, M~, Mar~

~f Laurel, We~e ~Unday Mrs, iI.~, ~Ie$ton was 'n SlollX land~SS M~, el~ef e~tt~n p~rd tholJ ht his land investm~nt IClub Postponed_ " ,Mrs, ChriS,~~~~~ ~:~ ~~~~.:: large number of ne1.hbors and Sphttgerber and -flUo "ere Sun-t! ,tM A. W, ROSSI home. City Fridl\Y \\lIth Dr, an~ Mrs, daughter, :-[rs, w, A1Howard, f woul make him rich found ~ft- pega'''rhY flUb party which wa~ ~~ Co~ta~ Fran'k Longe's, Other relatives brought lundh to honor day dinner and slip~r guestll in

nald Simpson anp Jackie Kenneth Ijrestlsm, She w:ent there Denver, le1ve tod~y fOl" the r ~F~S~ ~ssl~~~n~a~nh~o~a~b~::i to have been held Tuesday aft~r SU~d~yg guests at Longe'~ were her bJrthda) 1~fmeThllrsdaj. and the Hermanh~llle9~e1eedr~Fe atare spendmg th: last WIth Miss ElSIe Kingston who left homes afte~ bemg Il-ele WIth MI s ~ ... noon In the Herman Steubc, )rd Mr and Mrs Gust Test ~Wake- spent a sOCJ.:l I , 'Visner for t ell" 4 ~.~ w ~ng alP-

F. S IMorgan s. for her teachmg In CrookstonJ, Da\.ey's anltl Mrs. ill ton's siste loan wdl help keep people's home ne r WlOslde. was postpone If Id th R d 1 h K~ a MeI- Clyde sundell came rom Carth- ni\ersar,y. h1rs...rWaIte~ •e Martin and son Minn.. Mrs F. S.IBerry, a d husb d feet on the grounCl inlonother mdefJmtrIy because of the death Ie. e U 0 P i s"'- age S D Monday b~nmg to ber baked a

te, camr ~edtieSdaY ..1 Dr. He9ry Lowsma ~nd lta.np,!y, ne8.l'ly two W~~ , sImiI yo experience. •of He~ Podoll. v.;f Longes: - • ., • t·I 11·, \ I I I I I. I I I

Page 5: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I

" ,

SOCIAL FORECAST",~~. O.y. llK'L'tS today with Ml'~.

lth~ph i\tor~.c. I'. CIl~)t'do dub J)ll'<'ls this 'l'IlUl":';.

.d,~.y wilH Mr·s. Ilanr(~y B\,t'k. 'R., I Mr::;, 1\lm<\ Ny~ en l.iil'l.uins

\\:<w:t1n'T111Ik cluo n('~t Tuesda:>:.1"Olb"('t-!\lL'-Nol clul} mcet~

I !~t'Xl :nl~·su;.d- \VJII1 Mrs: G, l~.1I'u1)y. "

.l\IUH'1'\'a ('lull Im~ll o'dG)~lklu-ndll'(lli l(){by wi Illjlvln;. C. I~.Cudllt, I

lJegn'(' of' llonor l1ll'ptS Ihe('Yl'lllllg of (:klo\)cl" !) I."Jlh Mr,:).l'earl Mal'llll:

(~O;~l:tll(~~:·.I~;I:J/l:;~~YI\~';'~'i:)~{l ~~:~~t~~Si<;lltl'vlwhl.<.;.

. Nu:i,u Illl'(.'\illg \\ltiJ NIl's.Cl;!l ('llee \V'll"ghl h,Ui 1)('('0 pnsL­JJOIlt'd unLJI n('xl wl'el.; .. Call1l'l) tlwrn!Je·rs wdliJe g-U('S~S

of j\,lf·C'. t\lrllil AddIson at St>Plll·

lOll~~)~'.·i;II~~IJ~_{ I~'( 1':l~f)U Jl\~~~~le~~iayI lor 1 ()'do('k luncheon and !Hm·

:-'lllglOtl witll ;Vll'~, J. E. MOlTbol~.

:\'Jl'~: tr..IL IlanscolH l,'111l'rlainsJ ;,l[)l i~l AId ~)~tollcr Q, The wom~('tl \\('I'V gU\'~ts fir lht' l'Jlgl'r AId\V,'l!IH"·;(\a.v this \\('t'k

Hoyal SClghbors nwel I1l'XtTtll'llny ttl till' hall. The lodge<11 ill It',I\1\ r~nl's I(i Homcr Octo·

JlWI !J for IJIL' ll'l·cotlllty conycn·.. lIon,

pre~jdcd.' and presen~ed MIssBel gt wIth an electrical apnli~ance. I

.;;. -x· .y.. :

For Mr., M, S. Mallory. I~BaptH;t women had' warpC"

breakfast Tuc!;day at the hote,of Mrs. Cados Martil\ lor: M s.l\'t· S. Mallory .....ha left Wcdn .::;~dil-y for the ~'cst coa~t. I

,-1.- -x- -Y,.

Honor Mr•. Mallory." HQyal Neighbor lodge ladlies"numbering ::!5 had a fare~ell

,Tuesday' evening in t he TomDunn home for" lVu's, M. S. Mb.l~

Jory who Idl Wednesday lor ~hc

west coa:-h .·x· -x- .,:.


1 ~\t: I


New Hubrite


Drl's~('~ you'll love to weararound the' clock. StyledWith exclusive dress mak­ing details.

$398to $798

A ;-.;e\\ ShiJlment of

5('l'aralcs-rcjuvcnatcs­elevates and gives finnnon-slip support for alll)'pcshust development.Fashioned ofsatin, lace, I

net and batiste.:

Innnallupi E\-. LuUH'ran ('hUrdl.1(Hc\', F, C. Doctor. pastor)

S('rvic{' In tile German languageSunday at 10 a. m.

RC'f;ular quarterly \'olt'r~ mecl·lIlg Sunday al-:t p. 01 .. In the churchbasement. I

The Walther League \\ III meetThursday c\.'cning at 8 o'clock inthe church basement.


Crackers~odn •• r Gruluun

2~~;~;x .. .. 1St;


Baking Powderl-~~... t..·....... 18¢~.~-:--I-------

. <LlUay

lToil~t soa~~,_

38"", 19¢

Wa~lnp~per2 ' 'II' ," ~5c

11,1'11' ""I"

I oulcgn. :'

Cake Flourl25¢

.. 25¢




Green Split



Table Salt IlO~Lh" 2h¢,Ba~' . U

I ~l' "



2 ('~lIIS

3 ('am;

£ityGrocety/lome of Choice Meats and,GrtJceries

" -.-jP~ONE355 -,-Free DelIvery onl qrdera of $1.01> or More

l~ I 4'I.,,,,..,, . BroWin $uga..

pumpkin . a-i'~~ .... .' ,I' . 2W~,7;,-' lO¢

Page 6: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I

..,~t 8:00 o'clock p. m.

~ J I


friday Night, Oct. 3

farmers Hybrid Seed CornDemonstration

: • 1 • •

Order Fllel Oil to keep' your home comfortable.I .


I I \,,l ', ' .1'n~~ \ A¥NF, f/F,R""U,, WAY1VF;, "F,BRA~KA, 'rHTln!lnAY, OOTOBER 2, '941

Rainfall ('corded Here.The ralOfal Monday amounted

to 89 of an I ch accordlOg to megovernment auge at

lLong s 1

...... _.......- ..._...._.- '---'--"-"'-- --" "D 't 't I' W H Id Carlson and Miss Linda Hank The IMr. and Mrs. Sam ulrich and fam-I MD'. Gt:tf Buss, Mrs.

'Lloyd Her- .

,~, ~~I~IAM .n1HUSE

~TTn I --1- ~ ayne era. ho;:.:~~s ~l~~~ee~~~~~~~;rn;JOd infant I~~l~~ ,%~~~i';;'~:;'~t:'[~'::;~~~~%~: ~~~~C:I~i::;,ear~~ ~~~~~rs~~;~~e;;II,I son, Robert Dwaine, rei urned home' and Mrs. Ernest K1lath. and fam- the Sphttgerber home \vcre Rev.Wednesday from thc Coe ho};pital. ily and Mr. and M . Reuben Puis and Mrs. R. F. BIUorf and family,Callers at tht' hospital were Mr. anti famIly. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Splittgerhcr and

.-.:....-..:...._,.-'-------!-,......----I-..:....--, t-- and Mrs. Elmer Fisher and Marlm I - , famIly of Wayne, Mr. anq Mrs.

SI. 1III ~ . f rn ~I rSurlday dm~er gues1s In the Ai- Leary and Jeanette spent Sunday o~ Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Le~and Daughter ~orn. Lloyd Hcrholsheimer, Mrs. George

Ot1,la '1 inenlngs 0 ee I fred Swanson home at, SIOUX City evenmg 10 the Arthur Felt home JeaCt obsMand JelrrMy LeC

Iof SIOUX Born to Mr. and :Mrs. Andy An- Herbolsheimcr, M:. and Mrs. Gu.;;

"1 u! ,.., I y, r. a'f1( . rs. var James, derson of Norfolk. a girl September Bul's, all of PieJ;ce, "and Mr. an,l,Clocinl Fore(~J,"t, , '>$ _ hoMm~"SSVunedrna,ay WarOt~ r:sspernect,uJ.nrg~ecal Mr and Mrs. Robert F. Hanson, Waync" Mr~. Will Wollf'r Rnd !\fj<;s 123. Mr:-;. Anderson was the former MI's. Wm. J\.1uehlmejel' and dallgh,.n ~CHURCH ES "" t::: Miss Helen and Bobby were Sun~ V~rna. Mrs. Anna KohlmP1Pr and Mais Alvira Fuhrman, daughter -of ler.

P. E. 0: chap!cr meets naxt Mon· Iweel< in Norfolk and Battle Crt'ek. day ,Supper guests of Elmer Felt's. MISS Clara, Mrs. Preston Turnpr, Mr. and Mni. Ed. FUhnnan. ._~""day eV('nllOg w11h Mrs. T. M. Gus- Miss Rebecca Carlon and LlQyd Mrs. Bernard Er;ickson spent Mrs. Clyde Gray. Mrs. Ernest I _ I SOUTHWEST WAYNEIafson.· J Newcomb of Laurel visiter! in Ihe Wedvesday afternoon at the par- ~acker, Mrs. Art Mp}'pr, i\lrs. car-I :\Iarrl~d at Stanton.

t'~as~el'n Star chapter wiH ha.v(~ -.. 'I IEel. Carlson home' unday ilfter- 'cnta~ Axql Anderl'ion home at Con- lin Peter'o rl I h M Mr and Mrs. Tom TuchC'k ofa tqgular mepllng n("lxt 'rUl'sday 1\fflthodist Church. noon. I cord.::-.... Virgil Ec~;er:~ M~·SaugL~{'~. r:~~ Miss Ruth Behmer, daughter of Hemingford. Mr. and Mrs. E H.

Wak~field high. sellOol dp'fE'at<'d evening. . !...] • • (Rev. Kent CHfton, pastor) Mrs. GerJ.rude So n~r and Mrs. The Elmer Sundell family of Caw, Mrs. Lp\'Jnus Pa('kpr, Mr. Mrs Mmme BchmeJ' and Mr. J:ss Gla~smf'y('r \J.sltcd al Henry T('rn-Pender in the: football, game at pndge Iclub wl~1 entcr~am their qtJnday serviCcij; Preachmg at A. W. Dolph spent uesdayafter_ Dixon, were Sunday aft£'rl'\oon and and Mrs. FrC'd Ulf'cll1 . .:\11' and LaFollette of N;rfdlk, were mi:1r- me's TU(,:ida) arlNnonn liist week.Pender 18st Fl,jday evening 14 10 hU::;l)unds'ut a 7 a clock, dmnpr thiS 10 u. m. Sunday ~chool at 10:45 a. noon last 'week WIth Mrs. Herman supper'guests of Mr. 3J:'ld ¥rs. Joe Mrs. Jack Engli!>. MI'. and· Mrs. :,l:d at s~n~o~1 n _ay, Septer;'ber Vl~~~~ct a;~~a~~~~ ;;lm~~T~CaU~~~a~~:~

6. Dean Nw."I'nh€>rg(>r and Rnbert Fri-?~;;p~~~r~~~~~o~~~ ~11~~k~~~IS rp·w S. C. S. meclR next Thursday Baker. Er~:::o~"'lc>n' AndC'rson return"d tJaa~(~rnITte~~~l~~·r.~~;l ;~;l;.l" ~1:;~ ~~;d~;;~O~, ~1t~~~r:;;~~erc~urre~ Talm;lge from :'I1ond,ly 10 Thllr~-,--M~~I$qn W('I·~ 1hn eaptaitl~ of the nc'xt Wednesday afternoon With wilh' Mrf3. Erma Brown and Mr~. Mr. ann Mrs. The dore Li1mhert" '- lin tonj(>s. Mr. and !\lr-,;. Wilhur They will mak(' tfwlr home al Nor- day last \\!('I"'k :\lr :md !\1r:-; F \\'

=~f~~dth~~)~~~~ste~~Q~j~~~an~Mrs. Bryan Johnson, Mrs, Pi::lul Jl'rry Turner al-: hostC'!'scs. and family of Gran, ~sland, spent ~~~.Mi~::Yh~~:r~~:isti~~ inp~~~ ~te~l, R(,'V and Mrs. LUI 111'1" noc~ olk. Vah!kamp \\ ho h:lfl !IN'n j he'lf', Erjtkson and Miss Luella Nuern- Sunday and Monda} 10 the A. L. h tor and son. MISS Elalnldlllz)<; a:-;- :thoul a \\C'I"'k, ;l('('omp:lnl<,(l If[('m

made the two touchdown~. W.isoer, ill-! I PospIsil home scven mont s. 1, Shower Is' Ilpld. h"play:> here this Friday aftC'rnoon. bC'["Pr WIll gl\ 11(' ('};son, ('hrJstian ChUf('h. . Gus Schultz is the first to begin slsllng In Ihe \Vol1f'I' honw. omr.

,Class Offi('(~rs Eh,(l1ed. "II >allhfut Junch(ls for horq.e and (Re\'. Harold BucklC>8, pastor) Mrs. John Sehroe c>r was called huskmg corn'that we haw heard I Mrs. E. E. PottC'r and Mrs. W' J Mr. anf-l ~lr·" Tom Tudwk (i)f

schwl." Rkoll call WillI bf',<ln1WeI'Pd Kmg's D~UghlerS will meet to pf'nrl.e,rl

MOO(rlnlY ..vening, b','hthe of. Theron ¢tllton began thf're I I-~~--==~--=- -- --_-II """",, weo ",'e_,", "'~,,. O,m,","O' "" ""'" ""'"",,'

Jack Donelson was ('Jected prcsi- Will boo>; r('cen1 y rl'!J(. ThurHday c flarnnon with Mrs. S(,~I.OUS I ness a ler gram rna er, With a corn picker. i I er glVf'n for Mrs. Lloyd Puis at Alliance, came' Saturdu). and \ 1"'-~dent pf the 8ophomor0 class. Amla -: Chauncoy A ']('1" in till' church par- MIS. Sampson. Mrs Olto Fredrickson, MISS I IIOSKINS I thf' Pul<; home Saturday evenmg I!(·d until \Vednesday 1,IS! \\('('k InPear~on is vke pl'esidplli and I SO('lal H J Lc t t I-hrtm t SIX t<l.hlc>s of cards wl"'rr arranged, lh E II Gl (y I "1'1

, . I;>or()thy !JeYflon spcrplmy-I rr>!Isur- ~ j'. lars. I '., , nz{'n ~en. 0, g on MarlC FredrIckson and Fred we're . h ddt M H C P.. . assm' ('I' 10nw 11'

er, d,1 F(A ~~'~~~r~ ~;'ladf(>s spen't Tu('sday m,S~:~~~l,~~~~~~di!:~(ls~~~~llc:::;~ i~ ~~~~~~7{~ ~~) ~.~C~~~~Pildlc:;~~na7g;:~:li~ ~~~~~yIn ~~:rn~~~~es~nd An~~~~~~ Mrs' WIj Ohlund R;itZl(;~bt~:~ncft~\~~r~rs. °L10~~ P~f-.;: i~la~~~i).he;<;s ;~(~C~;~:l~,~~l'~:~(~I~P0\F I' the fr(>shman class Jim An- afthnod/1 With Mr~. Max Coe 10 Ia. Ol. last W('dn('~day. home ~______ I 1-Irs. Sam Nelson of Omaha, was \ lSlt With HC'nry Gla:;>inw).l'r and

derson I!:! pres¥l('nt. Donald ErIG'k- ho..lor oti hpt birthday. '_ - Mr._ and Mrs. Gqorge Eicl<hoff Mr and Mtg Wilham A. Meyer· _ _~ an out of town gu('.SI. Luncheon In the e\enmg ",pnl nn In T,1I-Bon ilce l},J'esHJienl ,lnd Elton Mll- 'I dE'] '" d d \\olo:; sC'fvcd by the hostesses. 0 !'o1 d y Ih tf! j

lcr srCrelary~tlrcaSurt'l, F(ll\fr~. ",end~~ , '. E(nrf~~v~\v·~ioll.lJ~c,~:¥::·p~~:~:)h. :~d S~p~I;;~~C'~~~ 1~~~l"'a~('d II~~~~ ~~~d~:~,a~11~r\v~~nne:1:;~~eS~~~ MISS Reha HI 1] spC'nl lhr wpek- ~~~~ma~n ~~~!y 'dll~~('l:\ a~'n;;;~_ .

fPep Clull Organizl·s. JJ 1rs f·ul<l Wendel s blrlhday of Sund,{y school at lO 45 a m hortH' al Elllprson. d t II) A Mend Wllh her ]lHrpnts at Pilgc'T. tlli~hIand Woman's ('Iub. hraska City.

Th Pl'fl 'r-lub OIg-,lOlzed last l!'nlay, j,\\ ~s J('!TIeml)('red m the Germdn SCI"'ICPS at 11 30 d m Mrs. H,\ns LU~b('rstPdt and e:Yh~:~:er gups s In e rl Py- MISS Rf'ba Hdl was <l. () o'clock THe Highland \Voman's club metweek W('dlH's(~ay ROllOle Heydon aft '1'001° \\h('o fllends c,'l!ler! Engilsh S<'l'VIc('S dt 8 pin daughll'r rl/turned home Monday Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brownell and dlnm'r guc>sl 10 Ihl" l·ll KoJLlth lat Ihf' G('orge WittIer home EXCHAN(;-.:S "'",":as nan)€'d presldenl, DOllS Lund I - I ChIldlPn's

lclass for IOstrucllOn evpnmg from :Omaha where Ih"y JlmmH" of Sioux <;:ity came Sat- home Sunday. Thursday aftc>rnoon With Mrs.

VIce preSld~~,t, ~unc Sh~llmgton Fb Mr~.•Jnhn!';oll., nwet;; SalUr~ay <1t 130 had ~~('n., VIl>ltlOg a week. Iurday to VISlt at Ernest Anderson's Mr. and Mr,; R. D Lang:f'nhprg \\'lttJer as host('ss. The lesson was Thurston counly \\·om<1n·~ Chlh"secre1ary-tlcdSUlcr Mary JIugpl- glqup of nrlghhors ,mel friends WHlthf'r Lt',q:.. up mf'pls Thur;sday MISS Frulh Nuernbcrgpr \\ho and Ed. Lindberg's unol Sunday vlslted In Ihe 01J\er Kll'"d\\ home led by :i\lrs George Langenberg. mrt at Pendc>r OC'tober 1.man IS headChef'rjleadeil and Mae- SPft jal urddY afternoon Wit h c\ COl 19 Icac1ws at Columb1!l$, spent from afternoon: Tuesday P\ C'nmg. Gu('sts were :-'Irs. Sam CInch and Bloomfield flr('m('n an' ,,1,11'1 tngvjs Scl1roc(JC'1 ,Inc Clll'I'Jrq Lunchn My F Oll'nCt' Johnson Jlll' her' t. _ Fnday p\"('nmg 10 Sunday In 1hel Mr. Hnd Mrs. Bernard Erickson Mrs Er.... ln Ulrich of WmSlde a campcllgn to ral"(' fund" rIll .111

assfst~nls TIl(' Pcp ~]Uh ""'IS m btl hila J~rf''''h~tp;rilln Chure'h. L. C. NUf'rnlwrger 'home. werfl Sunday dmner and supper • Mr and Mrs. Harry. SrJ:\\pde Pn·z·C's ~\\('re award~d to Mrs.· Ar~ oxygpn lent.e~ar~p of HJ311y last l'l'](lly In thl"' j 1 - I Ht'\ Allan McColl, pastor) MI'. and Mrs. Lawrence .Johnson guC'sts the CeCil Warren homt> <It ~~~~"o;u~~~~('~\';nl~~: Ld Stra!e nold W;~I.ll'r, MI"': ~Y1P M~rotz and Dakola county \\1'1"1 l'/',Hll( Illllllassembly plpcC'dmg t/1(' P('lldc;! Wi. h l\frs. !O;(·hroedf'r. Sumlw sqhool at 101m and famIly \vprc SU~day aftl'rnoon !Laurel, observmg Bobby Warren'~; Mrs Rosa FI{'If'llf'r of V'lnSldp. Mlun"'(:h~ln'nl\~,~",~le"s'C~~~dA. tT\\ho:couClrsueh dlstnct has heen Of!.':<JnI/I·d \' Itl]

./ game.. hs lJohr-J Schroc'dc'r en lprtamf'cl/ Cl;flrch' ~el\Ic('s at 11 d m Young nnd suppl'r gUPsh In 1hc Roh('rt 1st birthday of Saturday. ' ".' '"" Ol: ,- Stanle\y Hans(>n ch'llrman

Subst.1I1tm; JhjTe. gll sl" 1<\1 t\vo tablt's 0; bncfge peop]e:i m('c~tJng at 4 p m Johnson homp at WlnsldC'. Mr. and Mrs. Will Klein and sp('nt s('\~'ral da).s ]a"t \\'('('k In Ihe mr>cls Wllh Mrs. Harold Hansen Emerson ltbrary \\111 II!' lTV)\('!!. Mrs Wal1cr Mo(>llel

lof Wdlw- 'Ph r:-;d.IY (\enmg- I'v~rs 1,('11 She'l- ThiS Thu~sday aftf'rnoon. the 1\11' and Mrs F. J. Hoyd(lr Wf'nt Douglas of Battlc Creek, Mrl'. Will w~i::.r~~(~r!~~.~r~~~~f'·Wds(Jn and (}cln])l'r 9 at 1'30 to the former ()Im~(('d !tIIlH' 111"

"field, IS "till substltutlO!g ,IS m<i,lh~ 1111 'Ion had hIgh s<011' Whetl-sfl-('\('i!' SOC1('ty mpcls Mrs 10 MIIC'he'l!, S D., Tuc·sday last Wolter and Miss Verna were Sun- _ properly or: Mrs. C 11 Unl)b"'cinal1C'S tp Ichor '<1 k b I Th family were {) (J'(,Jork dmner, Bnhy ",··h."·er, E C mo,'c"'11 (lui I

. I • I i -~ I A L. PbSP1S!J and Mrs. Ryron Bus~ W/:'e' 10 Se'(' I c corn pa ace. l'y day afternoon and supper guc>sls 1 G '" _merson am ,- ,,< . ] 1:1::;Pro~r~m fiivqn. ]<'0 ~~·s. Salmon.. by aI'(' ho};I/'ssC's. Th<=' socl(',ly has rplul'n('f! homp lasl Wednt>sday. In the ClarQnce Wolter home. 1ursts In 1 1(' JU~ U{'C'..k homc' Sun- '11\10mbers of the Highland \Vom· offered to sponsor Ih(' Dixon ('(IIJn-

:"MJ" Segrist, who IS ~I magician, elgplJOl's ami nendR s~ent liIeen Sf'WlOg: ('very Monday, Wed- MI'. a~d Mrs. Vt'lmar Anderson Mrs. Frank Oak, Mrs. Helpn C <lKi d M IN 1 nf 1 j ~n'<; club entc>rtaJnC"d al a baby t) corn husklng conlf'st Octoh!'!':..!lgave a prqgram for' ~h.c whole Fr daYI aftE'I'noo~ \V'rh Mrs Fred nesday :1I1c! Friday afternoons, and family, Mrs. Lyle Chur~h and Anderson and Ruth spent Tuesday r. a~ ! rs. a lei· 1 un( <;hower for Anna Mane, mfant If tram sPr\·ICf' bel\\(>f'n ()'~·,'illschool in tl~ auditorluhl Monday. S~ moll for her bIrth ay. ~r!';. Nel- maklllg 159 children's dresses. BJI!lp ~pent the wq·ek-end In the afternoon In the Emil Carlson werp 6 0 clock dmner guests In Ihe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norris and SIOUX CIty I~ dlsconlinw'd ,,~• Enters [O:l{·hOb'. s01 ant(\. two daughtC' s of Concord, Roy L{'nnnrt home at F:sthervl1!e, home where Mrs. ehas. Oak and I-larry B('hmcr homp at Norfolk Schroedrr. at the-Schroeder home proposed, a :;tar mall rou{t' wIiI I,.·

·Tommy Thomas G'ntC'r('cl the 7th \....l!~e also gtJ('sls. ' ('ow-narlt MISi'>iOlJ Chln('h, Ia. MISS Nellie Oak were house gupsts. Sunday., Fnday afternoon Mrs. T. C. An· estahhshc>d on the routC'.grade Monday. ,~ f (fin C'. A. TurnqUist, pastor) Mr. nnd Mr<;. OI('lnn MarcoI' and MI' and Mrs. Verne Carlson. Mr. and:vt~ 'Aallcr Bph~er and derson, mothf'r of Mrs. Schroeder Thf' 2;:)(h annual DI:'{on Coml!\For LIL\UI'h('e Collins. MH!-\\l'I'k SNVICf' thIS Thursday Mrs. Gus Anc!C'rsOIn of Om~ha, Frank Carlson and Misses Mmnle famJly of Norfolk. \\f'f\' Sunday of lRxiOgton, was an out-of·lOwn MaSOniC' hanqurt ""lit bf' ht'ld ;1"1Will Be Marr;ed / ~hollt ;JS rc>latJves had a cooper- eVf'nln~ WPrl' SaLurday ('V(1nl~g and Slln- and Opal Carlson drove to Omaha c!tnn{'r gul'sls III till' :\Irs. Minna' guest. The aflrrnoon was spent Allen OClober 7. Gmcrnor D\\ Ig!JI

,~ all·'(' (llnn('r Sunday mathe Mrs. Confirmation cla<;s Satllrday aft. dily g-upslS 1'1 Ill(' F r<tnk Iloim Thursday. rpturnlng Fnday. They BI'hmpr homp makmg a layette for the baby·s GrI:;wold will he sp(':lkp!In East Sdturday H. S. Collins hanw honormg Law~ f'1'!loon al L. home. VISited TI'lall\'I':i :tnd w('nl slghl- ,:\lrs llartha Rohrkl"'. Mrs. LoUls flrsl doll which was also presented Randolph's nev" S::l'l.IjO 11'11) illl-Eldon Nu('rnl~l'rger, ~on of If J rl' cc' COlllllS who }f'turnc:>d hot11() SundHY: SundilY school at 10 a. Mrs. N. P. Br('ss~('r nnd daugh- :-;cC'lOg. Kmus£' and Mrs Aug Sppnglpr 10 thr baby. Pnzps were awarded dllonum IS practtcall} cnJnIJ!i,tl'

NuernbeJ'ger of WakMwld, and a fouple of w('ek~ ago from lhe m. Servlc('s at 11 8. m. and 7;30 p. ler. Hildrad. of Gprdon, w('r~ ',n Mr. and Mrs. Verne Carlson were \\rl'(' gUf'S~lS10 thl' Arnold Jankr to Mr!=;. Oliver KlCsaw and Mrs I\VPA and th(' cJly "Jltln~()J'('d thtM1S~ Alv(lrlC' LOUIse Eqpmger Will atrr~· m. Oma.h3; M?~day 101 sec a childs Sunday dinner and supper guests ho;:r a~J\"'C ld~ ih~rsctaJt M Arnold Wittier. A two-course project whrch \\;IS S!.II'INI tlm'('be marIICd Saturd.ay, Octobel 4. - The "nnull mISSiOn m(>f'llngs sp(,f'Jallsl. Ilw f3n'$slprs Hr(' VISlt~ In the parental Henry E. AndersQn Ad r\ n . I test~a::\l' G

rs. lunchpon was s('rv~cl. years ago.

10 the PlesbytenIJ1 Ichurch at DllU' V. ill M('ptinJ::". l\ill :->t,:rt l';ldliY ('v'enlOg, Octobpl' 109 her0. I homp. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rmg 0 p rugg'man am . rs. ll~ I !'ofrs. Lnl'; H<1rns of Lyn('h, :;1;11,·Chambersburg. Pa H .J Nuc>r _ ). lJ. V, Betsy Hoss trnt No ~ 10 and cnntmue ovpr Saturday amI M.r. and Mr:i L .IM Congf'r and and Merle jOined the group 10 the Anoerson alt('ndNi til(' lead('rs Buss R('tmlon. Rf'hC'kah spcrplary. wa~ p1r('11'o\berger left Wednesday fol' Elgll ha I al'cgulnr rtwetlOg Wedne:-;d~y SunddY Rrv II J Lundgrl'n of family of SlOUX ell Y, and MISii afternoon l~a~nlng mt>C>tlllg al \Vmslde- Mon- Members of the Buss family Ipr('sideni of Rebekah spcretal"l'"rll,~oaccompany'hlsd<kUghtf:'ranrl a~leruoon at the 11dll A group 01 J.Oisex fd, dnd H.C\ Nathan Sund. Darlf'l'ne Killion were Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Robert L Ander- dd)-. hdr! their annual Ireunion at Ta-,at trl(' SO\prrlgn Grand lo(jgp Jt1

husband, Mr and Mrs George url- tn l,ad}(>s w~nt to, Mrs, 1:,1\(' wrg of AUIOld, \\Jll be spc>akers gupsts of Mrs. M!lry Green and son and Verna Eileen and Elmer '1M

I'. and Mrs. AWRIt Wal~rr ~nd Ha-Zouka park af !Norfolk Sunday Dc>s MOlllP;';:derhiJI, 10 1he weddmg.1 Bo g ~ ruesllay aftol noon 10 do rhc progrdm \\ III <lJ1flcc r In the Mls<; Vpn!l. I . Hein('man were Sunday dmner famIly and Mr. and Mrs r.d Kol- With 93 people pr~sent. Those at- Dixon county school men mC't a1

, __ Rt' I C~ss sewmg nl'xl Issue ~ MISS Margar0t f<ohlmcler who guC'sls m the Elmer Peters home lath :Ind r1aughtl"'r were callers III lelidlng from here werEl: Mr. and DIxon and d0cled K"llogg \\",,11:-.

R 1A h C~ t fI - tPaC'h~!'; at Sumner, la., Mr., and and supper gul';.;ls jn lh(> William the Norns Schroedrr !lomp Sun- Mr:-;. Herman Buss, ,Mr. and l\1rs. of Ponca. prrsl()('nt. Jo(' PhIllirh .

... Q,ya,.c ap eJ· II \(1 {'knk SlllMny. Sf Puul's ':01. ('mrf'll. Mrs C"el! WrlC'clt of Cedar ralls, PpiPrs homf'. da). ~ Harry Russ and taml!y, Mr. and Ponca. \IC(' pn'''ldl'nr, ~n,1 \\".tld!jHolds ilfeeti g Here Il.,~ Margarel .Blchel or \\'nynC' (RI'\ W 1\ Gl'ldl 11:l!>!Or) la, 1A11i coml' Fnday 10 "Jlf'nd thf' Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sahs and !\lrs. Lloyd R).an of Da\'pnporl: Mrs. Art Bphml'r and family and .Johnson, 1)IX0I1. "t'('n'r,,~·:.·tn';l"lll-

M 'd M jA' B Cil I no I n1 k I I 1<1 .. canw Monday for a ft'w days ILl r . and Mrs. F:l"neJ.it Fuhrman .and Pl'.Rbyal Arch Iasomc hapt('r had ¥~ r:-;.. "- I C' <l d -1 Fngll"h <;('1'\ 1Ct'<; <ll 1 () d m Sun- WC'I' -('nc lC'rc. Gpn" \\Ierc Sunday dinner guests (K h IV. Ia b~nquet Mo day c cnmg \'lith ,1 , LVII r.,.- and Mrs Hel'b{'rl Grcen. (1.1). q 11001 ,II q IS I 111 \'otl'rs' MI'~.I Gt.'ne Park l and Go\lry ~of at MI.S. MmniE' Miller's, Mr. and \ l"lt 10 ~hr, )livpr. I(';aw. O~P. ff\mily Mr. and Mrs. Reuben "Buss A flo\\ mg v;all'r \\'(,11 \\ ~s dnJlNJabdUt 30 atte dlO EI~ler E l\f _ L~ll~S Kay, ,Mrs. Drllpl l.... a). and m((! 109 at .2 p III M;lson CIt y, leI, ~r. ~nd "!"1rs It Mrs. Paul L('s~rr>.an and Donnie Mrs. ~yan and l\11. ~""I('"aw <lre Iand daughter of Rcavpr Dam. \VIS . Ihy C'hffonl Marx 011 t 1:(' (;('II1:h:d1

"g " M" Ann'l I ay mel r(·ll{j\!'!-'; flom !' W 0:::' 'pnlng 'up .., COUStnS, were those :It!endlhg from thr rar-\SC'hntrr farm n('dl' I"nr!pr' 11wgee of L,ncoin grand Illgll pr,"C,' t, ',' ,:,,' " .' , , ~ ") dn' W(,I'(, .~un ay:\ s ~ Ann wer{lalso afternoon and sup· M I M ~ 1'1 I d ',- I 't I' 1 c' dfir (, T I I ' r. Clnc .rs. 1',1'\'10 "nc 1 an tl,c"t cllstance. Albp!'t Buss \\1"1" \"'<1IPI' "LII·tt'd f1tlWln~ <II ,j 1!<'pl11'w,·" a spec,'al gU"st. ',Daymond C. "t,a, ,a I(mon .:)Ull ay or d PI('- Ralf'm LlItllf~ran ('hun'h. j)('f' gLh'sl" in I 1(' 1,r. ~ . rg l<1m per gupst 10 the same homp. fir W d I '1 I" " , l . I I allli y 0 IOSI 1', all( J' r. anc p!f'clf'd ehall'nmn and I::rnrst FuHr- of 87 fer! and pro{!u{'(·d I" -Jllll l': II·Codk of Platt.s outh. b 'nd mas'ler no' ,( mill']'. ' (R(,\·. Clarcnce P Hall, pastor) hom(' al Wa).IlC'. t Mr:,;. E rna Levene and MISS ~'l E I P I I 'if> ,~ M 1MI"'I K g 1 lV I'S. Jrnes us wl"'rp \ lSI ors 1O man spcrelary for th(' npxl year. lIons a day.

of ~he second ell, Lutl:' Savage of ' . - Thp j)a<;\ol' wl!1 broaclC'a!>t lhC' , r. anc r~.·. ;r ('(',an.anc Ruth Johnson \vpre Friday after- 1hp Reuben PuIs homp Monday _ Stanlon ('ounty schoob ptan 10Omah'L, g"anc] cus'to'","n, J. w. FF'! Mrs.,,!ll('hp,l. • c!c'\'otional :;c'l'VIC(' over WJAG. famIly of Wynot, <lrnC' Satulday noon guests in the Henry Roeber .

Ci , '1'" btl 1 I r oa I J M h II h evenmg. Rahy I .. 8al)tizf'd. oJ)'-.C'l'\(' HlP 7:Jth annJvl'l''':I!'} 01 lh('GiHette of No 'foll<, gl'~rN-l ,master I OU~:J ajlPs spen UC':::;, y Norfqlk, Ihl-; 'l'hul'"day afl('rnoon {'\'('nlng lot, W 1m lie (' ome. hoJlt'!C'. MISS Mane Roeber rc>cently Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Marot7. of Nor- Una F'aye Norma, IOfant daugh- orgamzat IOn oC traming t.Ill'''' , lncl01 ~he lhird ve I, C. (l. u.rnn,·ng, D, ,af ('rnoon last ,wC'cj< With Mrs. A. al 4.1:5 , MI'. Mllc!wll and 01'-' Keegans oW(,I"(' rf'lurnc>d from a SIOUX City hos- r lk d M I '1 (ll K"0 jC B hi h I h b 11dOh S .& 0 • a.::I r. iln( IV rs I\pr 1('· ler of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sp1Jtt- . also to commemorat(' 1·,dUc.lI)onP. ewell and P._ Cavent of Nor- .' IC (' 10 oJ}oJr a ('I' II' 1 ay. Th(' DorCHs soci('ly wtll lwve In m.a a . Unl'll"clY.~ pltal where :ihe had undC'rgone an rl M A I M I I

M~ d M G v L r'c n n I 1\1 I 1\1 e MItch II saw VI,~ t('11 ISS ngC'IOP arotz. gprher, was baptIzed by Rrv. R. F. w('ek With an rlaborate hJslonc~~oJk, T. S. Ho k, !pr, L. J. Kilian') . nn rs. 1'0 er .. a s,' a ,( their a.nnual "oppn housc" mccling "r. <1J1( . rs, c>org e op('ration. who traclws at MorningSide m; Blttorf at the Tlilnity Lutheran pageant m October Counly Sup'-and Dr. W Iter! Benthaek of! f~ nily of. Gurley. Ml.SS Mdrgan t lhls 'fl1ursday 'rught when the and Bdll(' JJl;n of SprU1gviCw, \'ISlt- Mrs. Em~ Levene and sons S C t S f d ~

. Wayne were ther g~~sts 131 hc>l, MISS Edna B<ll0r and MISS m('mhers' hushands Will be gUf'sls eel from FrIday, io TUesd~y In the wpre Sunday dinner and supper I~~~ ,In~' l\;rsur

;;~;ry' Schwede :.~urch Sunday. Sponsors were Bess WarJO~_I~~~I~~n~ _Afte;' th£' anquet ;'hi~'h \\"lS OJ:IIVp Carbon of \Vayne, W('rc' cve- A spN'ml program nnd sorJilI (In· Jim Mlldwll l10nw hpn' Hnd Wlll1 gtH'sh III lhe Aaron Helgren home and so~ and l\lr, and :\ll's. Eel. 11.151••••••••••

served by the ~aster~ SIal' lao.l~~, n;i~g gu(>sls. l('rtailnnl('n~ for lh(' enjoymf>nl of reJatlV('b; at WalC'r!pury. , obsrr\'mg the birthday of Mr. Hpl- Strate and daughter attended thr I_a shari progr m and social time :ttl has !JpC'h pr('pa!'(>(!. 'I Mr and Mrs. Will. KlplD "and gn'n which was Saturday. Mr. Hnrl IIrII"~lon [('"tn ell at the' Chnst Lu- I:followed. . At IJr. quimhy's. Fnday IJight 111(' S.llem Lutllf'r ])(jJlglas (lJ nalllr (;rl.pl<, \\'et"liSun- 1\1rs. Lawrie Munson of Norfolk Itlwran church al Norfolk sunday.j:

Mr. Savage and Mr. Cook were ;Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Madopn of 1.f'aguf'!'s \~ III gi\(' an ('xc!lang(' rlay dmner gllPst ", m Ihp Mrs. Wm. werp also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buss and I.r cbmlucting a {'lltrHI school of irj~ ~ /~~~;~~ ~~~I~~II:a;;n~~lr'a;~~ld ~~:~: pl'ogram al Ih(' Concorc1m church. ~~lt~;'<; ho~~c;. C la~e~ce, f~~~Jtc>rs Mrs. Oscar BlormqUlst, Mrs. I daughtl'r of Rea\ rr Dam. \\·1" I:

slructioll Iii \ aylU-' Tuc'sday an~ C'oneonl 'vVp Ill\\dY~ ha\f' a \'C'I'Y dll( ttl) ,\ 1:-. \\C n d (I noun 11\ an Johnson, 1\11'>; Le\1 Dahlgren, camf' Saturday for d \\c'ek s \ hitWednesday ~ l' Ih\! sUl'l'oum]mg A 1.. PO"Jlls!l werf' .'-3allll·(\ny ('V('- plc'a<;,u11 llH'l'llng \"1111 111(' ('011- gUl'::';~<; ., 1\11'::.;. HJalmer Lund and Mrs. Edna WIth the former's parents, Mr. findtowns. i, nQi Igmdb'ynnheorrngeUEa~lsso'unttbh,cs".oDurx· DC,tPy'. cord LC'agu('l's, so h~' sure to come ~l<ln ForC'st add Pam( la Ann Nimrod and Miss Edna Dahlgren Mrs Hel'ml'l.n nus" ano 01 hpr 1'('11-1-

t With IU~. SpICier returned t~ th('lr home at helped Mrs. Paul Dahlgren cele- tIVE'S.P'izes in brldge wenl to Mr, Pos- Sa~U1·day. 9 30 a m., the regular Milford after vIsltmg In the Rev, brate her birthday Friday after- Mr<;. Sam Nelson of Om<1ha,pisll Wid Mrs. Madden. cOllflrmalJOn class meels a1 church, Allan McColl homc>. Dr. and Mrs noon. A cooperall\'e luncheon was "pc'nt from Saturday untl11\Ionday

I 11 a. m, a new conflrmation class F. B. SpIl?ler came for Ihem last served. In the Lloyd Puis home. Mr. Nel-W AK1EKIELD LOCALS will be orgaOlzed. ' Wednesday. Th Miss Mary Van I,.cnt and MISS son came Sunday ('VC'Olng and Mrs,

A sOlF'~onservatlOn mbetlOg was Se¢vicps n('xt Sunday as follows: Mr. an~ Mrs. ~larence omsen Peggy Allen of Wayne, students In Nelson rdurned home With t1lmUrhler oes Operation. I~ 'ld Tuesday e\l"nmg cit Ca,I1 An- 10 a.!m., Sunday school.and B~hlp and,Mar~1nof F~lrbury, c.~~e Sat- the Slate Teachers college, spent IMonday.

Joyce Mm r, daughter of Clar~ d rson's. clai;>s s; 11 a. m .. worship servI('e; urdclY e~C>Ol~g and VISI e over the week-end with Mrs. Emil Mr. and Mrs. George Langenberg 1\1 benee MlOer 0 Laurel, cmd grand- Donald Messerschmidt of Allen, 7:30 . mi·') Vespe~ sCI:",ice. (Please SundaY,m Ihe Fred Lehma~ ~1om('. Carlson. Other guests for Friday Iand famJly. Mr and Mrs Ernest A t Colson Hatchery, Wayne, e.dalJkhter of rs. W. E. Miher, i-1M derwent a tonsil operatiOn MQn- note the change m:..tl'tne effective ,Other Sunday dmnerJuestsdm~hC supper were the Ed. McQUlstian Lnngenberg and family and Mr. Showl'ng pictures and slides of this highd?·r."":ent an peration for app n~ d y here. I I 1 1 ?cto er 1.) Holy communion scrv~ ,L~hman ,horre ",,:;re r. a~r rs. family of ~ender and the Herman and Mrs. Olh·er· Kle~aw wer~d,e'tlsMonda lastwe.kinaSio x Mr.andMr".PauIUtemtrkwere lee. I R.1Y Jensen of Emerson, . and Stuve fam,'y of Wayne. guests in the Lyle Marotz home yielriing hybrid seed corn. Come andCity hospital. Mrs. V·l. E, Mi~er ,IJr\day (hnner guests 1n the td. Don't forget the' annual Chl1r~h Mrs. Fre,d .Jahrle and Darrrll, and Mrs. Gus Schultz and Leo drove Sunday evemng. ""I

U called on he Saturday evening chwarten home. I Paper week throughout lhe lAu- Lloyd Hludtgam. 10 Norfolk Sunday from wllere Martm StO<'ppl('worth and son, hear all about this corn and \vhat it is. -- • 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klqin ~nd gusl<1nH synod, October 5-12. In ---~-----~ Mrs. Leo Schultz accompanIed Richard. of Indlunapohs. Ind.,

WAKE lELD LOCALS' ouglas of Bable Creek, M,rs. \Mm. ordC']' thai we might h:lV(' an 10- I them to Stanton to the home of spent several days last w('i'k to the doing in Wayne county..j.·Wm. Hug Iman and Will DrlS- olters and Miss Verna Wl}re S~m- tC'llijenl and 1Il1('rpsled Imember-\ W k f' ld her brother, Herbert Behmer. Mrs. Mrs. Martha Rohrki' home. Mr.

IlC~lI went to 'NeIll ~onday. Th,ey ay'supper guests In th(' C]are~ce ship, ou.r goal 1:'; it ch~rcl11 pappI' 111 Nort'BhyWMerSS. two ca,R'lnegj Ie Gus Sc~ultz visited her sister. Mrs StoeppJeworth and son and Mr 1 _ D E ALE R 5 - ) ,WIll attend c' ttle sales in that part oltel'S homel I evcr S~~em home,.. Clthpr Au~uR- Ott.o Lle.deke. Mrs. Leo Schultz re-, Frank Miller also spenl sc\;eral JOhll William Colson •of the state few days. Mr. ~nd Mr,. Fre~l LcsRman dlll~ tana!or )he Lulhelan Compn.nlOn. mam;d In.the Behmer home for t days in Burke. S. D. =

Rev. CIJr nee nali alt~nded rl in the Mrs. Wrn. Wolters home .-J, -~ week S V'SI!. Dmner guests," the Frank Mar· Lllschen. Roggenbach Hatchery •missJ.on 'nwN ngs of the Wakeflt>Id 1 uesday aflernoon last wel'k. ~r. vy AKEFIELD LOCALS N. P. Christensen wa" home over Mr and Mrs. Gus Schultz and tin home Sunday \\('f'e· Mr, and •

1distrIct at tl (> Dallas-Hammil, IS. 'nd Mrs. LCS~'1man and Mrs. \\{ol- LlIns Cillb !lwels next Tuesday the vveek-end. . Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Blattert l\~!J,.s~·IElni'iniLi·liri'clhlalnlclirl"lmIJlI;ialnld••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ii.i.i.i.lI.i.lI.i.li.i·~!~·~·i·i·i·i·i·.·I·ID., parish 1\ onrlily 'through V,rfd~ t I'S wcre in oncn. Friday. I even ng. jf Mis:-> Dorothy Griffilhs spf'nt the and Ra.ncbll attended a party at

IneSdHY. Mr. and M ·R.. L N. HInton and MISS Clanco Ekerolh ho IS {'m- wl'ck-end 111 Carroll. Norfolk Friday evemng for MrI Rev. and . II'S. C. A. TUrt'1ql~i.st ~on of Dougl<s, W¥o.. and Mrs.IN. p10vd'd m 1.1Ocoln. was home o\,('r Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmer Lund and Mrs Alton Fuhrman, newly· FREE"

" returned ho e Monday af1ern~on . BrC'ssler and daughlfT, llildl1ad, ,Sunday. w('re Ponca \'Isitors Mondllv. weds. Tlw bnde wa~ fornlC'l"ly Miss FREE' FREE'.' from Fremo I, la., where I~e\'. d Gon]on, c~lme Sunday t\\'el~Bngl MI":;. \\'. E. Mll'lC'r spC'nl last Dale Anderson was a Sunday Ruth Bauel'mcister. Leo Schuitz ••

Turn,quisl to ,1< part in I?e mission Ito .visi~ a few d~lYS WIth the RaJ: $. wt:'t:'l in Ihe Franli Dun homo at dmoel' guest of Mr. anel Mrs. O;.;~ \ ISlted ~ll's, SchUltz 111 till' home •-mcet~ngs. he TlB'n~lllstg were Iggam~ famIly, Mrs. EveCine Ona\ 'a, lao cur Johnson. I pf her SIster. _ . ./ I

also 10 Oma ,n part 'ol'he time. i&gnins and with ?tber relatives. M ., and Ml's, F. J. Hoyclal' were Mr. and Mrs. Jar!' Engle spent ' Mr. and Mrs. <;:. W, John'on ann Ja"k Frost Gear Lubr.·cant f.or TransmissioniFr!!!!!!~~!!~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 Thursday e\,pning In Ihp Clarenct' Ihree children of Fond!~la., came "

Waiter home. Saturday to viSit her 'ister, Mrs -I Cb d G se JobMI'S, Dersch and ViVian were Joel Dahlgren, and rami y, return' with 01 ange an rea

Saturday aftern09n guests of Mrs. mg Sunday afternoon. r. and IIvan Johnson. .1 Mrs. Axel Fredrickson, my and Take advantage of this special offer coming,right at the opening of

Mrs. Ernc~t A:nderson visited Clifford were also supper guests in fall when your car needs such attentio.n.. Have your era.nkcase, Mrs. George Anderson a1 Concord the Dahlgren home. The Edoff F f I hasThursday afternoon. Erickson family of Norfolk were drained and refilled with Nourse rJCllOn-proo motor 01 ,c -

Mrs. Robert F.1

Hanson visited evening Visitors, after spending thc . reased with Nourse pressure gun grease and differential andMrs. Julia Johnsqn at Laurp! day in the Emmett Erickson home ::::smission drained and refilled with-winter gear lubricant! and

Th;~~d~~u~fri~~?;;'6n family were Rll~~il~;dM~~~n~·~~~~~~rJb~~ then we will give you absolutely free Jack Frost gear lubricant~unday afternoon guests i(l the son and Adeline. Mr. and Mrs. for your tran~,mi!6io.n. ,t,Walter Herman home. Levi Dahlgren and daughters, and 1.

iDelbert Oak, IMl'S. Chas. Oak Thure Johnson were among thoseand Miss N(?llie Oak drove to Oma- enjoying cooperative dinner in theha. Monday for Hie day, Collins home Sunday, eompliment·

s~~:yP~~ne;>~~~:~~~~ ~~~~ ~no~~::e:~ehor~olW;:~e.W~trs~ci~1 the Arthur Felt home. John Anderson and Miss PaHline

The Kenneth and Levinus Pack~ Hypse, A. M. Hypse and Wilbure families were Sunday dinner Peterson family were also present,glflests at Ernest Packer's. Mrs. Reuben Johnsor. entertain·

IMrs, Reuben Johnson and Mrs, ed at a pleasant social Wednesday

A~anda Lindberg .spent Friday afternoon party last \Veek.Gtrl'SlB C 11 Au'to'O'1'1 C'0with Mrs, Ernest Anderson. were Mrs, Delmer Carlson and Jo· orye, .

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnson and }een, Mrs. Everett Hank and Rod-11'alyn were Sunday dinner. guests ney, Mr~. Fred Ruser, Mrs, Max 'JOE III COLLIEi the John N, JOhnson home. Holtorf. Mrs. James Hank. Mrs.

,Robert F. HansQ,.n and Emil Mil- Bob Anderson and Mrs. Verna Ej- Phone 30SW ~ , ~ i . 211l;,o••q. ~",

Ier attended sales in O'Neill and leen, Mrs. Lawrence Hansen. Mrs. 1••••ii.lliiJ••••'••••.,I~~II....III.II••~II~!!!!!~!c,J:,,'~~~=~~:~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiii!iiiiii.iiii;i~eBassettthe first of the week, Pete R,ewinkel, Mrs. Verne Carlson;" ' ,:,M" ~ij~ Mr~, Iirne~t I\n~eI¥9n, and Mip~ Op~1 and !\fiss Minnie __= ' "'c,' ',I """. ::'"'' ,:.........."'"1_,."""),,,·,,...


Page 7: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I


J. W, DREHLDli;\trict Salpo;ntan

Fremont, Sl'hr.


LLOYD )(ORRIS improv(';d159 a('rp~ lo('au~d 3 1"1 mile~

\\f'<;t or Carroll. Lloyd ;\!or­ri,.. tenant.

Mrs. Lena Buckendahl, 67, resi­dent of Pierce ~unt1r' Sinc(! 1884.died Wedn<:"Sday la.st week follow-ing a year's ilIneb, '

Mrs. Chas. Kuhlc of Leigh. un­derwent an oper-aUon in Roches­te[' IQr' removal lot a dead boneCrom one of he['iankles.

Cedar county corn husking can'"test ¥-'iIl be held October 23 on theLeon~rd Kurtzhal rann northeastor Coleridge. .



Wanllo learn 0 trade' There ole filly·odd trades you ccn Je~m in the Navy.Wanl a steady iob wUh no loy·offs~

YOllr. sure of thot in the Na¥Y_ Wontfree meals ••• free board. ~. free m.~dicoland denial card You gel all this in theU,S.Navy. .'

, 'If you ore 17 or over this IS your great

Opportunity. Get 0 free copy of the iIlus­tr~ted booklet, "Life In The U. S. NClVY,"

• from'tIle Navy Editor of this newspaper,

..'~_."!;S£RVe "IOUR.~]'. ~ : BUILO "bJR FUTUREJ"" " 6ET IN "THe NOW



Farms for Sale!

ANTON TRESNAK~at1. Farm L'oan Assn.

D<Hl~e, Xebr.

Th('.';(' farms [Ire pric(ld to s:ell on today's markrt. Terms not

Irs., lhan ~O', down hy datC' of possessIOn. SC'(' or \\'ntC'-

, '!. 1

The Federal Land Bank Of Omaha, has the followingfarms for'.ale through the Dodge Kational FarmLoan Association of Dodge, Nebraska:

<, 'MORRIS CELl'N improved80 IU'rf'S lot'ated 4 miles westof ('arroll. En\'e \Vl1Uams,tf'nant.

RO\' ,JONES impro\,pd 160a('rp" IOl'atf>t1 S milP!'I !oIolith[Lnd I l milt' \\'""t of Sholl'S..'ohn S('hlt>ef·, tpnant.

,J AY '.AVF:NER improved]60 a<'rf'~" 1000atNI 5 mil,,"swest and 2 north of "'inside.,Jay Ha\'f'nf"r, tf'nant.

ll'ayne IUarket!i. October ], ]941.(PMces subject to change)

Corn , 600Barley. 46cOats 35c


WNU Service


At Lit Iwrlltnd IInnw.MarrL('d 1(';\('h('r~ of \Va)'n(' city

school cwd t hL'lr \\ 1\ p.s L'l1joyed co­oper3tl\(, rlmnC't' log('lhl'r Satur­day evel1ll1g In I hr home of Supt.and Mrs. 'John Litherland. Visitmgfollowed.

1 .J' ,:\larried til \Va"n('.

:\TISS (lrl{!jI-IJ('m<:tra of Lc:'vlars,In .. and K("uh L. r .I'J1')('I' (If Kll1g­slp'y, 1'1., \\:!:'j"(' fl,;tlll d :'Ilolldayr\'C'ning hy nt'\. \\' F njpt'J,ing atlh0 PrP'!'hylrri,ln par"onH~(,.

1.A'g-inn in Spssiull.

L('gion po<.;t I11rl 1:1"t r\'rning to,transact husll1rss.

Passf''i at Ph'rep.

Mr. and Mrs. \\'111. Frrdricksonwent to PIC'rcr Wednesday on l;re~CClpt of \vOl"d that the latter'sfather, ::VIr. H('rbol~h('lmf'r, diedTuesday nIght.

BIRTH RECORDA daughter weighirlg 6 pounds

and 13 ounces was born to !VIr. andMrs. John Hash of CoIl' ridge, Sep­temb('r 27 Ht a local hospItal.

A daughter, Sandra Jean, wasborn to Mr. and Mrs. Reo Mparsof Los Angplps, Sf'ptf'mbpr 23. Thebaby IS a greal gr81'1ddaughter of\Vm. Mears of WaynC'.

A daughter weighing 7 pound",was bo'rn to I'vlr. and Mrs'~~ Luttof ncar Wayne, Monday: ~pl('m.

her :29, at a local hospital. Theolher chIld in lhr f<ltTllly IS a son.


tional ~mQrgency as their servi('(l~('an be spared, regardless of thell'ngth of time remaining in their

~;:i~lt:;~n;~;i~(~hOef~~ve(:fa~nZ~ili~~~those ('nro!led in the Naval Rpsel'vewill not be required to complete1Jwir 4 yC'al' term in active service.

Opportunities for advancement,to learn skilled trades, for traveland:adventure are identicalwhether a man enlists in the re~-'111ar Navy or the Naval Reserve,and his pay, food, clothing, nlC'dl­cal nnd. dental care are the same.

Xo, the U. S. Navy doesn'fhavea cavalry unit, but many a sadorstraddled leather bpfore Riving uphis bucking- brOl1cho or plow horsefor the boundinlg main. •

The sailors ith. whites above areseamen in the U.~. Naval ResPI'veon shore leave in Panama. No di!l­tinction is madc bplw{'en sailors i.nthe Naval Resltrve and those in therC'gular Navy, Enbst.lTll'nt In tHeU. S. Naval RieseI'Ve' i'l for fouryenr~, but all n1(>n cnliflting in thpNaval He>;erve will be released toinactive duty a~ soon after the nfl- he .\·erett Roberts famll.v

sp t Sunday at T¢;d Young's,.- ._~~~~-- iss LOIS Crouch spent from

Cir'culating Cooler, boltom by nn "L" and short piece Froday to Sunday at Vermillion,of pipe, and should bc big enough IS. D.

Is Given APprovt1 10 carry thE' full !:>tream from the' The K('nnelh Links fal1Jily visit¥pump or other water source. Be- cd the B{J.~11 Whcclers at Allen,

A cooling tank for milk or cre; m cause warm water rises, the "cool- Sunday.can be made easily wlthout m~ch ing power" of the tank will be in- Miss Dolores McNatt was homeexpense. ]t'11 !be a money-maker creased if thp cold water is brought over Sunday from Scribner ,l,.j:tereright from 'thf;' start because 1 it in at the bottom and the :warmer she teaches. ,~w~U help in prdduction of the high water allowf'ri to drain out trom Mrs. S. A. Lutgen was in Wisnerquality milk OI'rrd'am lhl1t iswo th an outl!'l near the ~op. Monday to confer with Womenmore than ordi~ary prodhct~, s, ys The outlet pipe ~bould be a little from Scribner.Howard Gillin-sr.ie, ('xtl'nsion ag nt higgrr m diametC'r than the inlet Joe Lutgen left Monday for Chi¥for Dixon ·cdunly. It will hr of the pipe' ~C't ill thr opposite ftnd of the cago to begin his new duties incirculating-W<ltrr fypr, WhiCh i~ tank and high enough so (hat the settlement work.IlpprovC'd hyllhe Nf'hrn,skl fJual'ty wat('l' comes to the neck of the "Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Hiscox werecream conmhltte~', of which Dr. P. lnilk can.,. Lock, nuts and sheet Sunday guests in the John ThomasA. Downs IS c~altmn,n. ,packlIlg can be uscll to tighten the home at Madison.

Barrcl~tYrK' ~OQIl'rs Wilh a ca-.[ JOints where {)lpl'S pntel' 3nd leave. Mrs. Frank Erxleben and Misspacity of [lIle lO~gall{)n milk can MI'. Gilla"pic explains that Esther Erxleben were in Siouxapiece, arc, qu t.p .satisfaclory .for crcam cans should stand on cleats City \Vednesday with Lloyd Erxle~

farmers w1th limited" product Ibn, or small framework in the tank bens.but on farms where marc thart a: pprmlttlng water to circulate un- Miss Ardath Johnson who hascrln of milk a :day is produc~d, Idl'r as well as around thf'm. If the bfen employed in federal work atMnk-typ.£, ,coolr:-rs arc preferob1C': lank IS outdoors, it should have a Hartington, transferred yesterdayA practlC

1l wooden coolmg tank tIght CO\'er so hot winds and di- ta Lincoln,

may be m de df 2~inch, plani'd cy- f('ct sun ray...; cannot warm the wa- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rowe of Fre­pr('ss boa ds properly holtod to- t.. r. ('ooll'r:" of Ihi!:> type can be mont. Mr. ahd Mrs. Herbert Smithgether pi inlc<! on thfl olltsidt> nnd Il"pd Ill(' Far round. hill the mill< and Sandra Kay. and Miss Georgia?i1ed. on th& insi~e. A cnnel·"tc lank PI' C!"t>Hm should not be allowt>d to Smith were Sunday all day guests15 0:;;1111 mo~(' ~a1Isfa('tory. Hlthnugh [['('('7". in the Hennan Baehr home.~omewh,'lt 'mOl'r dlfficull to cbn~' W1H'l"l'\,('r possihle th(' waft I' for Mrs. Geo. M. Reed of Portland,struct. I' I ! coolin;:; ~hould he hrought dir('ctly was here from Tuesday last week

\Vhatc\' I' 1~(' style of tank, ;t!1e Ifnm1 a deC'p wL'!1 :--0 that. It will until Sunday with her .si.ster, MPi,U. S. d('pa tmept of agriculturC{laS cool the n1l1k or cream qUickly to Grace Andqrson, and l1Icce, Mrs,found tha the, inlet pipe shaul be 160 d<.'"grees F. or lc~s nnd hold it at F, A, Mlidner. The Mildners metcarried wi hin a few inche~ of I he that temperature, her at Fremont. They took her and-~- I

'.'Fil:c~ Produce

, , , I

I ,::




Fi't:ch Feed1& Pr~duce

Bottle the Tomato, 1,The frost didn't get one fruit.

The rich, juicy, refreshing t~mato!

Because it is plentiful this year, itshOUld 1be put up for IWinte~use,

Good toma~o juice is ~asilY1 ade,Wa.:-;h the tomatoC's well. Re avethe stem end, and cut into $mallpieces. Remove-ESkin or not. asyou please. if ou have a~ther~morneter, heat tomato s' at170°F. until they softEl;n, ,ther­wise, just si~meJ' th9m unt~l they­'re so·ft. puti' the hot to~atoesthrough a sic 'e at once. Add a halfteaspoon to teaspoon of ,salt toeach quart of juice or not, aR you

Pl~~;~t the j~Jicc to just 1bo°F.'Just to boiling and pour it hot intosterilized jarr or bott~es. ~eal. atonce. If yo,u' rappen to be cannmg

Rfle \\ ill J>;tart at t o·t'loC'l~ in tin, pack ,the I julc hot and

~Ii j p-roce.ss cans I 5 minutes in b~iJing

Du1e tb a heavy emalrid at this time l~e Laurel Sales t '

. Co. 'Will Jilold another horse sate on: the W~ftin all; I w~ether cann~d as"b~ve date and1-will have j1;lice,or whole, the toma~~l i.s,a

I rIch and ch~ap sourc~ of :VJiammI .~O to 40 Horses and Mltles c, without''''hich.a person i may. T SUffer from bleedmg ~f the gums.

, in the off~ring 100sJ lcoth, sore joints, loss ~I ap-I I petite and 14s5 ofw~ I

Practically all 01 ,he,o hor,o, art. well brblle and are of tile , --'--'-- ;kind to fill your cprn l)lcking nee(ts. If you are in the market Mr. and ~rs. C. Ej Stra~1;leinfor horses, be sur~ to att~nd this auctioFl: t~ fill your needs at returned Tuesday froJ1'l Siou. Citytl,lc p~es~nt ·time. 9r If yop. have ","ones )fOl:! sale, sons~gn them where the tormer w~s in a hoo-to t~IS ~le no". there 'Will be buye for theltl. .. . pita} seV'era~ days. Th~Y l";ft gain

":I,7~'~~~j~~~~~~:~i;~~~r~~~~~~~~~~lt~j!~llii'4jllli!;i'b~i~}~j~;l~~~I'ml;'I" ~J-i"'~';9 iI', ' I! ': :~:ll.1~1 :·j)H!rl~~1~i~~,:'r;I:J~1 I ,,;I,I:l;i 1;!1~1~41~1:~flb~l.j~ ~', :r(t :,-.,", 1:11 ,\ ,~,", I ~ I ' " I~,'


:i "'!Horse' Sale ~.. J I •

:., naurel, Nebraskd :..~ • ~J •i Satqrday, O~t. 4 a

•ee:•·•·;! ~.,'.e•e,



I" I

.. .. ~£" '-J~t' ·~~fl~_";T:':~:;)':~~_'::W":;A~V~N~~~r:IE=:R:·tIT:.t=~~t==~~;:=T=JIT::R=~:n:.\:y:,O:;(~'Tj:o:n:E:"R=2':1:9':'i:;::::=::=:;:i:=;;;::;;FT:====91.,,1~===..,,·,~I=====~PA~G~'I!~g~E~n;;'N;;''''''',,:' 'II AdViseSCttb Group 'l'HI!1 SPAN OF:LIf; B' 'I, "'rs. Anderson to!we~t Point sun~ tennin~tion of the helr1,and for a - l'orthfHJst 'Wakefl ld ' On Care ul Bltyiflg (By the lar

eFrederick, Br'Y' jr.l ~ U . l:,..-!'~";:;;;;",;;;;;;,,;;a:=~lIf,;,i,,,I-----...l=~". day. Mrs. Reed left' fot Chicag discharge. Hearing will be had on

(rt~~ Mrs. Jewell Killion iClUh hoy::; and girls will be pick- Thl\ ll~~ o;r httle days an:d feeble .... ;..,+__-::; ~ ,..~ I ~:d~~'a:mlersin 7turned here ~~~~t;C~~~~~ ~~~%ti~~~n~~ ~~~ing oyer cHlv('~ ~oon. They'll be I " p~ : d ' Mrs. Pearl BYQ~ ai\d daughter,i bra~ka, on the 17th day of Octo-

" 1\11'. and 1Vfr~, ¥AlfrC'<! MiNS looking for 1h(' animal that, UlCY s s 10~~. ~: jm ~01h(,I"s womb to Mrs. Delbert Wilsion, of Naper, are!1 ber, 1941, at 10 o'clock a. m., when~1)(,l1t Sunday in Omaha will~ Na- hope, will be the grand champion DCdth r dbyss spending th1s werk with the for: all persons interested may appear

1 diqn IMien's, 1 at1l1Pir"countYi~air"the Nebraska A !'-itf'~ oTltwo, So qUeCrlhe life mer's sister, Mrs. Chas. Lapham.' to show cause why the prayer ofMr. and Mrs. PaUl Killion Wpre state fall', AI<-$ar·Sen 91' some ot ma~ Mrs. Donald Mason and daugh~ the petitioner be not granted.

Sun,day 'afternoon visitors in the 01 her great 4-1 f ICIUh sho,:",. Dairy' That neithprl prince nor s'i ain the ter, Sharon, of Newport, Ore., an~ Dated this 30th day of Septem-, Marvin '.l\:illion homc'. club members may he hUYll1g more world lJdes miss. Mr. and Mrs. H. t. Mason of Mea., bel', 1941.

I Mr. nnet Mrs. Norman Ancl'cl'soJl'l eal~'es. When 'Iris 1 cbt:; our· lock, n tear, dow Grove, wer~ here Thursda1l1 (Seal) J. M, CHERRY,'rqr(' Friday ('v0nmg luncheon Of course thl"r~e can be only on(' or kiss with Miss Mary:Mason when enl 02t3 County JUdge~

"'~ glle~ls JIl tlw MdrvlO KillIOn homfl I';l ,wrl chrtmplOn <it r'dch show And, Is 1111 'V(l gOl. "nnw Wf'lI his course I route to Clear Lake, Ia. H. E. Ma~ ',uOTICE OF PROBATE!Vrr norI MIS Gillwrt elllsOIl of i~ s only lh(' top wo or th,H'C baby he rant ' son returned and he plans to be _.. _

RlollX ('11;" \'('fl' Fllday C\'PJllllgfh(>('\('S <11 (,deh s m ... \11<11 \\JIl sell '1'l1e 1hom('l df mnn aloud. The here Saturday with Miss Mason In th(l county court of Wayne

1 ~;~:~}Jt~'~Jl1~:~(lSiS III tlw FLIII'Y Johll¥ ~:' JIg;~,r~~~I~~~C~ldt~)(~~(' ~~::~{('tLVHi¥ silent Pan ~~: ~~e~a7::j}~ ~~~~~n~~et;eu~rJ~ co~~t~h;:~~~::ra'of the estate of

MI and !'ITIS Ilerhpl't .Tohnson IFllSbJ(' sLl1e rl~IH club !C>UdCI, IS May pluck iit .lo~('ly c1irgf'. \Vhat dIe of next week. Mrs. Donald Ma~ Carrie Stamm, deceased,\\(>1 (' Sund IV ,d(PI1100n dlVl IUIlt:h- ('sp('cl,lil} to tlw POllit emply bliSS. son and daughter \vill visit here The state of Nebraska, to all per-~'Oll gw'sts in Ill(' !.('(lIlut'd Olson I "'1'11('1'(' :-;hould ,he mol·C' emphaSIS FI'om fort hi (qlw cosmic later. sons interested in said e:o;tate:hOlllu. ,. Ulan e\('I' on tl1cj Pl'opc'r bUying of do('s ('qmC' 11 "oul -~~~~--- You are hereby notified that

1'11". 4nd Mrs, .T"\\'t'li I'~>iJlj~1O cain'S, IW('ilUSC $£ 1lw high pnc('s Beforf' unrT/i,'iscrl, so ,,0011 unSllng-, Exchanges Ene M. Stamm has filed a petitIOn\\1('1'(> SUf}{lny dinnC!" gllr'sl.'i n li1e of fpC'dll1g HR(l foundatlOll ~tn('k," but stilll in said court, alleging that CarrieDavi(l dlilmhpl's l1on1{' lwin' Frisblt' "ScL{' tllat Ih(' (',-l!v('s Nnt'cissus,lil!«, it Ihink:; it fllls a 't:uming-county plans to partici. Stamm d(lpaHed this life intestateThurs(on, . ' an' righlL and are of Ihe !Jole pate in the statewIde campaign on or about the 13th day of Au-

· ~11" and ]\1r..,..!or Anc1t'rsoh and ngh1 Feedor calvps ,.,hould lw Of adamant inp s1 l'rngth. How against rats HaIlowe'en mght. gust, 1941, and praying- that Eric(~hl1dr('n \V('J'(' SUncl~IY a[(~rnonn hough 1 lhcy c~<ln bc- sold profit~ qUick io kill Mrs. Wm. IVlontgomery, 59. for. M. Stamm he apWinted admil1ls-and 11Il1Chf'on gU(:st~ in the MI·s. ably dS !ned! dl1tllcllS \~h{n the 4· Th" l' . '. " ... mer resident of Laurel, died in trator of said estate. Hearing willEdith J:ohnson Iwnl('. H P10!C'ct IS fl lshed Buy nght, IS l.ttle t\lmg, thIS gropll1g pOOl, Chamberlam. S. n. Mts. Joyce be had on said petition before me

-'" En1('lia Lundahl and '~onald fcod l 19ht, <lnd ell light arc' the < bilnd IT]0le, Schroeder of Allen, is one of her at the county Court room in Wayne,Lundahl C~lmC' from Lincollr,. Fn- lhree 'IIghts' that slill de1ermme Is Fate. ~ll Jjfe .and death's from five children. Nebraska, on the I17th"day of OC-

, day e\'C'ning- and sJ)cnl til(' f,''('(>k- the succrss, fU1~nCJaI ,mel other- a HIgh:(lr Wlli. tober, 1941, at 10 o'clock a. m.end with' home folks. I, ,\\'lS(' of d (Iub p OjNt ~_.~--'~-_._-~._---~~ XOTICE ()~C~~~:MENT OF ~~:;I), J'c~~n~~~:g~:

l'vb;. and Mrs. Hans JRos n qf. visitors at .clarence Baker's. Frl-Sioux eily" \\'('1'(' Saturday: ovt>l'~ I' Iday ('vening 1he Jorgensens and A WHRLE ~(JUNO In the county court ~f Waynenight ,~nd 8ul~day glJ<>Sts ih lh(' L II V II Rak('rs sprnt nt .John Dahl's. county, Nehraska.111')'m;:ln Andel'son honH'. I oga'1 a cy Thursday, alternoon and luneh- OU NANTUCKET The slale of Nebra.'ka, Wayne

: '~~~;~;i,;,\ii:!~~~~~~i~\d:~ii~~21~E£: my M" Al crt AndersOh)' _~0;a~~~t~~~I~E::£~~3!~~~~ ?';f1~~:" ::f.~~~'~;S~I~~~~~~~~t~~c~~~~wlll'n tlH'y worked ,on thPj dub MI'. and l\lrs. 'harlip Flpptwood children wrore Friday evening ~ HUM~N SKULL You are hereo?, notified that on

, (]flill. . wc're SUnday at ernoon vh;itor~ at visitors. ~ WHt(H LOD6ED the 29th day of September, 1941,Mrs. Pelf' Oberg, 1\'1r~. Harry Bel'l SC;011'p. * Mr. and.l\1rs. Virgil Ekbt>rg and Louis Schulte, filed his final ac-

". : Johnson, .Mr". Emil Rogersl wel;0 Mr. and Mrs. -"r€'d MullPT sp('nt Ichildr('n were Sunday visitors at .' .... t1i.~~· . 'iJi1.i4f.... I~,.;~S1:~t7 ~~Ut~~ ~~~Id~;i~(~a~~!'e~~~~,b~t~~~wi:, JlInnng- 1!w guC'st!:> IH'Jping l'vIrt>. S,ltun!ay and S nday vbiling wllh tht> Gust Sqhultz home.· Mr. and WAS NEVER~r Lawrf'ncf\ Fis(!hrJ' r:('I('hr:11p. hC't' rC'la11V('S at SC1'ibnC'r. Mrs. Lawrflhce Blattert and son GOLF /JALL IN U.5E IDEN71FIEO

I"'"', hil'1I1d"ly \\'edf1esday. I I Mr. and Mrs·.: Nels Nelson and \v('n' MondalY evening visitors at ':ABOUT 20~ DA'IS IlI(EIlR .•~'Tr: <lnd/Mrs. Gle~ Marco(, Mrf. daughter!:> .w('re~ F~riday ('vening Ekberg's. I FOR /8 'I!J,ARS ••• OWMEP8o/

;:"b~ MInnl(' An{h'rson 0lf 0/Tlafw. MI'. \'l:~lt{)rs ill [)Pan FrYe's. Sunrlay di 111Cr gursls at IIC'nry 6EDRGE R081IJSOIJ Of:'~~. iliHI :'IIf..,: Franl\1 IIQlm W('/,n Sun· MI'. aml Mrs. aul nengtson and Bartling's '1-'t'I'C' MI'. and :Mrs. LITTLE ROCI(.IIRKflNJAS ..

I'(,~ dllY ;~rlC'rnoon and l1lrl<::heon 1('l1il(In'l1 \\('r'C' Sunday dinn(11' Clarence Bartling of'neHr MarHns- --~-----------,A'lIIf.' glw"1r; In lhe Reuben Holm ~ome. gm's1s n1 John Bengtson s. burg. Mr. ar1~ Mrs. Paul Lessman

" Mr,s Emil Roge" and'Ma garet Mrs, Aaron ,Swan'on was a ,joined theml that "flernoon and UNCLJ SAM'S SAILORS ON "HORSEBACK'/~' ~('c(Jm]laniC'd Mrs. Chris og"t";s. Monday at t('rno~n and luncheon for sUpp(,r'. H ~

1" -ill1d (II to to Council Bluffr.;rSa~~ gUf>st of Mrs. Charles Jo"leetwood. Tuesday fvcning visitors at'fJ'd~Y \\ herp they visited M~s. Mr. antl ITvTrf.l. Emil Muller and Oscar Bjorklund',; were Mr. nnd SEE PANAMA Ii'ROM TlIr SADDLE

, ' '!11'is Hogc'J's' Iwoihf'1' who i.' ill in chIldren we)'c Sunday: dinnt'I' Mrs. John nkhl and Norma Jean 1! or.., . IhoslJilal 1llPre. guc'sts at lht' Lo~ig HansC'n home. and Mrs. Parke. Mr. and Mrs. 1- + --' :...---'

~. MT·. and Mr". V('lm(>r An ers(ln MI'. and Mrs~ Dean Fryr and Axel Smi1 h 9r Win~id(', were Fri-I\,.~j~ ll~(l ramily, M-r:~. Lyll' Church Hlld childrc'n W(>1'(' Sunday (llnnr>r and clay visitors. '",{1~ DJI.JY rlro\(' 10 ~',Slh(,l'\J1k, If~., Sat~ supper guesls at Wal'llf'r El'h\nll- Mr. and },Irs. I1arwy TIas('manti'~~' Ilr;'dqy morn.lng· and \Io,itf'd In 11110 son's. I rInd c'hJldrr'n of Scrilm('t', \\if'reFI~ J{~)y r,('nnnl'l hOJn<', l"('lllrning (ill) IVIr. 011)(1 l\Trs.:Andl'J'.<; .JorgC'ns('n Saturday supper and overnight,pfJ'\:, Sunday pv«ning. -, ,an(l !\:('VH w«l'd' SlllHlny dll1h('r gu('s1., :11 EmIl MullC'I"s They}~~ Mr.<.; .. Ifrl'lnan An(l('lson, 1\Ii's.lgw'sls ;I( tIll' Pl'le .Jorge'ns!'n w(\n' Sunday dinn!'!' guesls at~~; G('r~r ~~(' .I1'11.<.;r'l1. Mrs, Hoy r lolnl !lW!TlP I [('l'In;111 M\lll~>!"s.~.\::' 1'11'.<',. '](,\\(·11 I(Jllion <.;JlPIl( <I i\11' and \Vill Bor'g all11 1\11'. alld MI's. ('!ait(, Anderson~Ii:\ Hft('rllIlOIl \\,ilil \11':-; fl{'U]H'lI llolm MOll'vill \\{'ll' :lft('rnoon nnd SOI1<.;. !\11's John BC'I'g'cson and1~"" Fl'i(lay in bono!' of IH'l' hirt ItddV'1 <lnd a 1 n.{'ul!C'n C'lllldrf'n, IV] I'. and Mrs. Harold':i~J 'I'h~~ glll'"ts s('t'\rr] (,oO}l('I'''tl~'(' IAnt!e['.son and Mr and Mrs. Melvin, " )unc:hl'(m ;\II·. Olll(1 i\!rs. n('rnard Park ancl ,h,n(j{'I'SOn w(~re Sunday c'vening

(>(t~I;~, ~~;:::~'~;tU1_:/llth.,Zr~(,~ll1 :.(;~i;lj:~~I:~~ll:~~\l~\r;ll ~~l(;,n;~u;~:~;~(I;I;:1 rk (l;ll~JI~; \l~; ;)~:s· ;~\ti~~:~n ~~~:~:~~~·Y··"Mr~.h('r' Iwnw Olf('Prnohn, !IWill' Chal'llf' FI('('1\\'oorl and Mrs Elmr>rGuest.s In(lurl{'(l I]f'j]){'ll AI gloup 01 and fIIPllcls!l'I{'l'l\\ood d«(omrMnI('d Mr clndiT()hll~on MIS Lf'Olldld Olson MIS spenl SUndBy al lhp W,II !\lIt., Cen] JohnsOI1 to !\urOid Tucs¥

~ CI.I'f'\1('I' Pe.ltsol\ l\Irs 1\1\JI1[1el G10~(, homl' nlJlnr'll 10 atlend ,I C'o\('ndnt vVom-1~dst«!(' .Inrl MIS J(\\V(\]J Killion (('1('\)1 1I(' hIs hll'lhddY '\U-..:J!ll)\ mo('llng 1lr'ld thoI'('

\ l\ll dllll I\fr<; ()!fl Sln('k011 SUI1{LlY dll1npr gupsts ai \'\1<.;1 _~ .. (nt(l1 j111(f\ II Sundd)- dJl1n~'t <I.m1 \V ...'l1stl lnrl" \\('1(' :i\1r dncl l\Irs R .I lunC'lll'on (m ill!' t,)llm\lng 'Ill<.;t" IRussln \\lllS11~Lll(1 Ml eJnd MI<; e Clpes

:lvl! IIHI iVYr" 1 mIl t\n<!el"ll1 'IndI1vnn(>111 WC'llo,ttlncl Ind T{nv "'-'J h{111 ;'Iir .11)(1 l\11s AlIl(d ~{'l- )\1r <111£1 :'Ilrs C\cllcn('f' p'lkrrll'(j'l df](l J Idll1( JUt dlH1 MI<.; 1,<1\\- dnd e!llldt{JJI \\(')1' \V('dnesr},ly dm-I Stra\\fwrry RollsI'pnc(' N('J~(Jl1 <lnd l\lal'j())'Yj i}nn,lne'1' gUt's1s at \Vill TC'st's. EV01yn (MISS Emma Vlclor)~l!ld Andl'e'\\' Nelson. S Tc'st rC'1unwd ~om(' wIlh them 1o l' k Fl' h ,..I ClIcsls ,in the: Paul KilliOl hlm1C visii untJl Sunqay. 1 CO:! 0 f'~:r~1~'f~~~,!oit~onday 0\'cningl in honor f Ml'!oi Mr and .Mrs Haroln Anderson. ;2 cup :Uke J.

l{jlJi(ll~'s birlhday incl,udrd Inr. and Mr. nnd Mrs. tllblvin AndC'rson and j~ cup. Jutte:, It· I\1r!:>. Ericl, Johnson, Linnea 'and JCecii FredrJckson arrived home l' teaspoon Sd

Teddy, Mr..and Mrs. Rollie Longe Sunday from a two wC'eks' visi1 in 1;2 cup s~ga~ '1find sons. Mr. and Mrs. il)'vin southern California. ~ cup \\ holt ml IeJ<ijIJon and Elizabeth, M. and Velda Park left Tuesdav for a 1 eggs1'\''It'8, J(~wpll Killion and Da leelne, visit wilh h('r ,aunt, Mr". 'PllOebc ~~~ rn~s~ed t~tatoes)

Jerry C"onyne of HinsdailC',' Ill .. St.oaks, II t Tratj>l', Ia. Shp '~pent. D' ~r a o~ . cups{'if;it('d at the IIl'l'man Ant ('rsen'~ TlH~!oiduy night lat 111(' Jack Btay- M ItSO \'~ yt'I-\S ~nl warm wat~r,fmel {'alled i~ th~ ~('(Jl'g(' .Jensen ton h~me ..a~ ~.i()UX ,City. , ,b~~~~r 1~~n;~l~g~s }~~d R~~e~t ~:~I~:

· ~~;~~r ~~;~~a~ f~i:'~~i,ll~:as f~:nd c~v:~: an;::~~ t~~I,~~~l:~upF~e/'t~~~7~~ ;t~~ S~a~d mll~d e~ol ~md da~d :0, rg:

t1il1;ht guest i;l IIw Monic lunc1ahl hplped MI's: Aaron Swan!oion_celc_ ';:~~ u~·~~~ h fff~~r ~h m~i~e l:t~ff~10me. MJ'. Con'ync uSNl t~. work brate h0Y blrthqlay Saturday after- dough tha~ c~n be worked 'with

~~~.Il(' communlty ahoul 1) ~'ears no~r~. :~~c~~:. '~;~<;r~~~v~~~nning_ h~nds. Kne~d iuntil smooth and not

; sen ~nd chlldnen and Mrs. Nels ~~I~,k~~~e~t ~~~r~~s~~S~o:~ti~r~~~:· J I\fr~.~ F:. c-Carhl~os An~ Hpnnll1gsen w(>lre su~Ja.y. after- ble in bulk. ~nead down and letgC'I(,~. wao; lwrp from ~rue, day to noon and supp-pr gu~sts In the rise again. RO~ out on board aboutSa1.urday v,:ith toe CaTha I t fam- Alfred Cook !1iomo,at Laurel. 1/3 inch thi k .. Cut circles with~liC's. She' went to Kans s City Mr. and Mrs. Ahder~ JorgC'n~en cookie cutter about 21/2 inches in

'lfrlo~mihiericitoi'I,Viisiitiaiid.aiugll.t.el.··i.a.r.d.N.e.'i,a.wiler.e.,Tiilhui,rISldaIY.e.ve.n~I~lglldiameter. G ease top slightly,, ." ,. , .Press thum~i ,Center: Make a holein each one, !but don't go clearthrough. Plaae large ripe straw~

berry in eacH hole. Let rise untilllght and bak~ at 400 0 F. 15 or 20minutes, Ma~e a! plain pOWderedsugar icing with butter, cream ahdvanilla ' and '.\'hen rolls are coldgive each one/ a light icing. Makes3 dozen rolls'. This dough makesext:;ellent cinnamon rolls, buns,parkerhouse rolls, raised dough­nuts and just ialmost any kind of aroll.

Page 8: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I

,Jtu'k sprat






Uoh' SHeed,



Ju,('k Sprat COtHlt·U':oL'll.


2 ~o.~J


.Jurl;;: Sprat

JELL DESSERT3 I'adill"es 10¢

. SALT10-~':;~


Leona~ Goetsch, driver of tha.-other car, was unhurt. " ,.,.

~~~nd 1ge

~~~nd35ePer 18Pound. CPer 32Pound e

2 Head•. 15ePer 10Bunch. e

5 Pounds 15e


3 Pounds 10e2 Pounds 1ge

... ~. 6 Pound.25e2 Pound.2ge

PIG Soap27¢

Vitamin Pearls 30:day Per 47·t'IIf)~J.;"·~ -to";, Supply.. Pkg, ~ e

BRANFLAKES P' k· Yellow_stone 2 No.2 17eump In Brand. Cans.

2 ~:~~;: rl{~~. 23~ S p CamJbell's 3 25eou Tomato Cans('hm'olntt' lJaintil'S

Starch Staley's 3-Lb. 23eCOOKlES Gloss • Box

"l'r 19(' S S Pure White, 2 Reg, lieI'ound wan oap Floating Bars

Ch I I Hershey's Bitter. 2 7-oz'25cRo~' oco a e sweet Dainties .. Pkgs.PEAS ~.- B Large 2 23e2 ~~~; 19¢ eans Lima Lbs,

Chit-i-Mix For Making Per 10e,...;tall'.V·~ Home.made Chili Pkg, .SYRUP Macaroni S;;~;helli 2-Lb, 17eBox

(;ultlf'1t Tahll'

10-Jl:'~'i1 49<' Sugar Fine 1O-Lb'5geBeet .. .. Bag

6 LargeBars

,Chocolate Coated Brown ;'\lash's


PEANUTS SUGAR COFFEE15-~~dUlgC ,_ 19¢ 3-l.h, 18¢ 2 I-Ih. 59c

BaJ;' ... .'urs .. ...

Blue Rose lIelnz Sun.l;l)

RICE CATSUP COFFEE3~~~g 17¢ 14~~~~'ttll> 21¢ 2l'm-mtb 33c

Minced Ham BO[OCNAHam Paddies

LeUuee ~:~~eHeads

C I Califo~niaeery ~~scaL'

Sweet PotatoesCranberries ~:~~dre

RutabagasG Flamingrapes Taka,sA I Illinoispp es WealthiesH b

Fresham urger Every DayH Armour's Star,am Center Cuts ...

For Robert '''·arren.Mr. and Mrs. George Magnu,;on

and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Will Schrei­ber and Mr. and Mrs.· GarfieldJohnson and family were Sundayafternoon callers in the Cecil War~ren home in honor of Robert's 1stbirthday,

Card or Thank."1I wi,;h In this \VIlY to exprl'SS my

sincere thanlis to thc many friendswho remembered me with flowers,cards, letters and other gifts dur­ing my recent iIlncss.--LinncaEricson.

I Sew for .Red Cross.Merry Home Makers mct with

Mrs. Reuben Goldberg Thursdayafternoon. Mrs. Geo. :Magnusonand Mrs. Hans Johnson wereguests. The members pian to sewfor the Red Cross this winter.

L. B. McCLURE, Cashier

Celebrate Bi,rthdlt"'·.Mrs. Glenn Magnuson and Ar­

len. IYIrs. C. H. Tuttle and Mrs.Waldo Johnson were guests in theThomas Erwin home Thursday aft­ernoon in honor of Mrs. En\'in'sbirthday. ,1

Ii'or Sewing On·le.

WC~CC~~~~~~~C~lCbYSC\~~~;c~~:~Cleveland last Thursday afternoon.

bc10rc Ole this ~9tlJ U{l§ of Scptl.'m~

_ L. W. Ellis, Notary Public


Reserve nlst1\tet No. 10REPORT OF CoNDITION OF

The First ~ational Bank ofeWayneIn the State of ~ebraska. at the close'of~usinesson September 24,1941,

puhiished in response to call made by Comptroller of theCurrency. under Sec. 5211. U/ S. Rcvi~ed Statutes.

, ASSETS,Loans ahd discounfslincluding ~256.39 overdrafts) $100,203,91

Unit~:e~t~.~~~..~~~'.~~~~~~.~ .. ~.~.~~~~.~~~~~::.~.~~.~.~.~ ...~~.~...~~~.~~t 127.969.22corpora~, stocks. j eluding st~k of Federal Reserve banU.. 2.100.00Cash. ba ances wi other banks. indu<Dng reserve balane I

'. and ash items ~n process of coll~tion ~ : _ t 191,651.56Bank pI' mises OW; $11,000.00, furniture and fJxllrtes $1.00 11,001.00

(Ba k premi c owned are sUbpcct to $(nonc) lic~s

not s.sumed bank) t! _. _

..........' ..$732,925.72T0'f,L A.SSf S .....LlABJl,ITIES

?cmand idcposits 0 individuals, partnerships, and corpora·

+im~i~~~~i~··~f·i·~·\~i·d~~i~:··j;~i;;~~·~h·i·P~·:·~~·d·~;p.;~~ti~~~$~~i:~~~:~~Deposits of Unite States Government (induding postal ':. savings) . . .:1~... 489.22Deposits of States nd political subdivisions 97,663.970thcr deposits (cer ificd and cashier's checks, etc.) 420.03, TOTAL DEPO ITS ,.. ,. . ,..$639,484.76

TOTAL ~.. .$ 62,100.00'Secured liabilitie.. :

DCPOSi;S sec red, by pledged aSficts pursuant. to require· •mcnts 0 law _............ ...... _.$ 62,100.00

~-I.$ 62,,00.00

e\~ning. R;u~~'~~~rJY . ~Si- j va~~er,; Sunday.: October 5, in the

~.css meeting Sunday arternoon a~ ~~~e~~~~~s(~~~u~i~h~;~~~~~e:~Catechism. instructior at 9 Sat- We. hope all will renew and t~at LOCAL NEWS

ur,day mornmg. ! there will be many new subscrtb- Wayne Cleaners..l?hone 41, ~1141f .'

The E\'allgt~llcaJ Frf~l~ Churf'll. ~i~'hL~itn~~e:~c:~~ ;~:e:ea::.~·assers County board meets next Tues-

(Rev. Oran W. Swab~tk, pastor) W. M. S. district rally meets this daK1:rs. Marie Brittain was in Nor-The young people .ill go in a year at Wakefjeld, October 14. folk Sunday. ~ . .

~~~i~r~~ t~~~n~lt; ~\;c:~ca~n~\~:~ of~~j~~~, ~11~~i:Ssp~~~~rna~~rs~ Mr. and Mr,;, John Kyl of Oak~


land, spent the week-end ~l'-'rl".gospel singer, ilt the :\'angcllcal sionary gath~ring at Concord. She Milton Beckman, high sehol11Free church. The ';l.'n ICC \v111 he al'fio visits With the Luther Anns. principal, moved last week to 1~(Jheld Friday, October at 8. . the newly organized young worn- Shennan. .

sc~g~~i~~SIb~rmo~~~~~Y\~'Or~~i~d~~ en> gr~ou_p_. ~__ Kenneth Petersen of Omah<.l.

11; prayer groups meet at, 7:30 p. Deeds Are Rf"cordN.I. ~C~~t~~~p~\'~~~-c;~~tttl1 :\lrs. C.

m.: evening s£'rvicc at H. Property deeds filed in Wayne Mr. and Mrs. Marion Schuler ofAll are welcome to attend these county are the follOWing: Laurel. and Glenn Granquist were

servkes. Emma Kremke and husband to Sunday guests in the Frank Lar-Ella Drevsen, September 24 for sen home.

!OnCOrdia J..utheran (.'hurcll. d' .d d . h' t t'( eY. Wm. T. Chcll, pastor,' $592.50. un tVl e Slxt In eres 10 Mr. and Mrs. 11. S. Mallory \\en.:

• S nday school and Bible classes S"-2 of sE%, of 30-26-2. Tuesday supper gucst$ in the Tommeet. Sunday at 10 a. ·m. We had Sheriff to City of Wayne, Sep- Dunn home. The Mallory:-. lella good start on Rally day of last tember 26 for $300. lots 2~, 23 and Wednesday morning for thL' we"t

Sunday. Sunday i~ the first Sunday ~~' \~}~~~e.l0, College Hill additiOn CO~~: and I\lrs. Detler BaIl(](' ic­~il t~~m~~ndaS<. school year. Let us Harvey G. Gnirk and wife 1.,0 turned home \Vednesday I01,;t week

Morning worphip senl(~es Sun- ~~l~~~oot?~~~ao~'s~c~~e~~el: ~~ ~z::~~~n~[~i~~~:' f~' \\~I~~re ]~l~;~da~:o\/~~~~h~~u~:d~;o~~:eningS27-25-1. Bahde home.for practice. Anna Fisher to Purl R. Fisher, Mrs, Dora Da\'is and two chi!-

Cradle roll rally will be held this September 29 for affection, SW1,-t. dren of Oakdale. ~lr,;. Carl DIL,tlITIES ...$639,484.76 Friday, 2 p. m., at the church par~ of SEI,~ of 17-26-2.. and daughter of We~t POln1. WCrt'

CAPITAL ACCOUNTS I lors with Mrs. Hall of WakefIeld Sunday guests in the R. L. Lar-Capital Stock: -I as the speaker. Injuries Pron Fatal. so~~~:e'a~~Cr-.;vr~~~~.l~ln~~]i~~~lll:~r

'10000 . bl 1 The Wakefield Luther LCCil!UC Harry Benne. 53. Stanton im-Class A prele cd, total par.!" .00, retlra c ~ ~ M d of Chariton, la.. \'isLted friends' I will gi\'e the pr0/iram Friday cve- plement dealer, died on ,ayvalue $(R

1Qa'tO O·fOOdi~·i'd··~·n··ds·"···o··n···r"e··t··l:r··a··b··I·~ .. r' .50,000,00 ning at our church. ThIS IS the mormng m a Norfolk hosplt,al here Saturdav. l\Ir:-;. A)lf>nd('r IS

......... regular mceting of the League. \\he1'e he \\as taken Septembe: 21 the' former ~iiss Audrey Burge;;,;,value is 3%) I A special notice is given to all after suffering a broken neck m a -music Instructor in \Vaynr' h)gh ..

surp?~sm~.~~.~.~~r: .~.~.~~~..~~~ ..~~,~'.~'.~.~.:........ . :J.. ,000.00 members of the Concordia LUlher-j car accident. :;"'Irs. Benne .and ~er ~~~~~~sa~po~~tl~h~{'~\:~~~,~~~~~r~~ :;ll~an congregation and all Its friends father. Carole Hoehne, ridln~ \\:Ith

Undivided pr.ofits l· h -.................... 20.582.28 to await the Luther League can- Benne. had only minor inJurles. Har)"Y Miller ~o~.:.~Sta~_Reserves (and ret~r,ment account for preferred stock) 2.858.68 ~i.iiii••••i •••iiiliiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil

TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .. ... $ 93,440.96 iI


, MEMORANDAPledged assets (a'nd securities loaned) (book value):

united Statrs Government obligations, direct. Hndguarantepd, pledged to secure deposits and otherliabilities' $ 62,000.00

Assets plcdgqd to qtrdlHy for exercise of fiduciary or I

~~~~~~a~1~fi~i~~s' ..~.~.~ ..~~~..~~,~~.~.~~s other tl1.~.~ t~ 100.001

conRECT-Alt~, t:Robert . MarekWalter cnlhackDurr rt. Davis

DirectorsSworn to arid subscribedber, 1911.(Seal)

State of Nebrask , County of Wayne, ss: ,I, L. B. McC ure, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly

swear that the a ave statement is true to the best of my knO\.... lcdgcand belief.

antecl! ualityLEggs. We wiupav 30c ~ dozen,

resh; ctban eg s t!hat· '!veigh 23 oh. per dozen or QVl/" i" I i I

Wm. Lockey~ 53, went to ,enlist.in the navy bec/:!-use his daug~ter

was' a naval nurlse and both sonswere in the mivy. But he was re­jected because of his, age.

Poult y CODcentra, e, \3Z ~~Ib, ,. ,..$J.lp, , I I .

We Have a Li'*~ted Nl~mber of Poultry Feeders,t\:-ok ll~ how you (:ar~ get one o[ tlmsc feeders FREE .•. Value $4.00

PAY Hid H E'~ TeA 51 H P RIC E S FOR P 0 U L TRY,ealize More from: !Your ,Eggs I. '," , Sell Thelm to Ur on Grade

. . I errY,~~!~~:uy~~cel.West 1.s St. I Call' 206 for' ountry service Wayne, Ne~..," :! ',,. ~'" L 1-

f Dercndanl Gruen wa~ grc('n (in­:nocent).~Thc defendant figeled\~hilc the ca~c of Annie Grcf'n \'~.James Grcc~ was prescntj:.'d. 'Afterhe-aring Annie's story that James

. had left her', James went to thestand and s~outCd: "I never 'sawthese folks cforc," Deputies sub·pocnaed the wrong James Green.

,j. l~rcslon Rum~cy's rooster cancr<iw from now (~l\ !Jut not at home.Ramsey. WI\S anIloycd when u 1\'0051­cr kept pecking his ic.'gs. So. hethought he'd end the whole bw~J­

ness by giVi~g the _roost.er a, quick

~~~c~ ~~ ~~c i.ta~~~ 4~c~~~'1'~:~n~~\painful wounds, patched.

Page 9: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I

Pinkham'. Veg. Comp.­$~.50 Size ....... __ ...... 1.29

SAL HEPA-TICA-60c Size .:', 49c


For Easiest' Motoring and for protection toyour car, it is import:ant to change NOW towinter grease and OIl. Let us check yourstoday.

S. M, A. Baby Food­$1.20 Size ,.., 98c

DRENE SHAMPOO­60c Size ' 49c SOC Size .. 47e

~~~~%;HAMPOo-590 I~~S~;~N~.~~~~o_ni63cT AMP.;\X- IHALIVER OIL Cap..Box of 10 ." . Z9c 100 C<!-p.u1e•. ------.... 1.29 -



HammerlellS model ",ith polc;hed, c~se hard~frame. Selectedwalnut $tock with c-'cckered grip and (oreartn. Sclccteq, for~ed

.~('JcI.baltrela:. Lvm..an Iivory Si2ht'l. RecoiJ pad. i $Z195Ntodified al'ld fu choke. 20 or12 gauge•. , , . ", ."""",'., _...••..•. , '



Take down mode with rebounding hammer and autob1atic ejector.Pistol grip. Am ican walnut stock. Selected, $930forged steel. full choke barrel. 410, 20. 16,or 12 gauge,. ,. . , ..

-Trip Will Be Complete Without FirstStocking Up With


GAMBLE'S ACE SHELLSMClxi"um Load, 12 Gauge,


TIle fi.nest shot gl\Jn shell money canbu)'. Long _range, Ihard hitting. Highbras:'J II base. Dupont or He-:cu1es !pro~grcssi(Ve burning smokeless powder.Fines~ chilled shot, wa,dding and 5 plywaterproof tube. >I

Double Your Money Back, Guarantee

Btl}' slkJl~ now and be certain of cbUPllly 'I~nr your hunting requirements.Shells M'ill be harder to ~et, liD buynow wHtle prices are ,8tiU low. ,


1;11 ,I': Ii ~ ',1, I' ""I II I ,~ " It 'I

-.1'11,1 ,[I'] I : 1'1 I~id:bs~<; -gewill~)' "! :!""I" l'Iearly 1"It W ~H~ " 17


. Wl~~~('.~\';,~dfl~~ll('!.~~~'~I~1 c~;r;~~~~~e .'",.' .I:,E'" ' AYNEERA LD 'Se~~~~~~woler will h"l't."~ Cllal"g~: of ~('\\'ing, in!' y

.~~~~ .;;~~i~~ t~:~~~l~~ ,~;T~:~~~~:~'t~~:~=, i " -- ----------.--- --':)hi)'i;';:ArT:1n~!,\~Si~~~:d;61;;~~ISl!X'fiET---YEA .,'__~ ~ I_~~ ~~-' WA~~~~!~ATSKA, THU~~DAY:-OCT«b~~~~~_~=-~=_-~ =~~-_-~~--~_~- ~I~IefWENTYfW{)

".ti..C.iP.a."c. . .' -'-.....• '. IH-:T~:::-:-.B-~- -,~ l. ft .

1Ro..dio Entert.ain. r. 'I' Gr ups'Organized Goes t.o.san Diego 'i p.ower Lines BO.ught luncheon elosed Ih, ,V,nmg IJ" iD k t EI

.j' n' d'f.J. . ea\ICI -rncro J. \' T E t ." .. ". coffee committee ,nclunm" 'I" a 0 a evenfilinounce rYe ul g r" 1" L!~. jl" , On Omaha p,.0llram F r Wa nc Branch . 0 Il el" mannes By Pierce Consumers £Ihel Ph,PP' ~Irs Anna Lerner, •Of Early Se'pte be,. I canl alUc"salll!. Kenneth Carlson of fanl& City., Y Hamid McPherran. son of Me, At a special election Friday, and Mes. Elma Baker The lodge Defeats W'aylne

I, , , : , " ' __1 ,an occasional yisitor in t l' horne' -,--- and Mrs. Adam !).-1cPherran of Pierce voted 32.... to 52 In favor of meets again October lu. .r-.lrs

J.' .. LIO~'d.H~.a.h ~:. ~\.. a~.n.e COl~~.{,. '.'tu.- Iw t..n Colle e Hi .h Will of 'Mrs. \V, B,.yail., was on of the Int rn~ti~na.I R.elati.. ons \\.I~:r.,.ne, .I.e.ft the: la.t. ter part. O.f last purchasing from the Consumers Alice Mabbott b delegatc to Re-,.i'.dent three ~e,dl_::', .and MIss. I~a l' ay q, &,. g i principal cnll}.rtaincrs S turday Meeting Is Arranged V:cek for .Sap DI~go, Cal.. to be sta- Public Power district the distribu- bekah assembly' in Grand Isla:ld Wildcats Take Early LeadJIl,nda 0[, ~I<ll k;q~~, ,\~('re n arrle~, M, e.i. Dakota (:tty Here I' 'and Sunday ~ when midwes magi- For This Month. tIo.ned ,wlt,K th~•. marInes. He 100~ tion system and tran:)mJSSlOn 1ine~ Octobcr 15 and 11;.SeptcmQC:'r L dcco~dJng t an I IFrlday Afternoon. Clans met in Omaha Carls n, now hIS phYSical exammatlon In Oma- in Pierce for :5S9,:WO. It was also flut Fail to Score innout'lc£.'tm.>nt rec('lved ,b)-: th, ,A., T., th KMBC an amatcu magl- \Vayne branch of the A. A. U. W. ha last \vcek Mond~ !\/Ian'in voted by 326 to 5~ that Pierce buy Lutheran Aid Meets. Vermillion' Game.GRvFlnaugh~.,.lV~I,",Hahn IS .I,.Vllh, th,e Wltn two outstandmg playe~!l ~l~n an~ Pro'f~~5IOnalventr loqUist held the first mct"lling of the j-'car StU,H" abo of \~ayne, to~k the power from the Conswners corn- 51. Pauu Lutheran women met

, l!SA,and hd.!'. If'Ce.ntly been tr,ans-., Kenneth Echtenkamp and Bur He has appeared In vaude\dlle and last Thursday evening 10 the ac- ph:-:;Ical cxammallOn but failed to pany and resell It 10 CJty consum. at the pansh hall last Thursd8~ The L-!li\lT\lty of SOUlh Ddk,,-1t'I·rE~.d to ImpeTlal.. Ncb" from if!ugh~s, Injured early In pw Codt. radiO S Veral ears 'Fhe young tivities room of' the student.~union pa~s, ers, WIth ::\Ill's. Emil Hack!-trom.. Mrs I,a th:.'\·C'n ·u.";l'd a new 'IT' fomw-N~rth PlaUe Iball $amc <It Bancroft FrIday man e;formed 10 Wa ne on ~e\- with 40 attendmg piCniC dinner. ~------"-- .John Bush. !vIr:,_ Archil..' CollinS [1On Salunlay to tak(> a 13-0 \'1(' _

_ --_ _ - VlaytJ:l.:! college high lost 19 to 3 1 eral ~ccasion~ ). I ,Study groups wen' organized after l\larriage R i t, ~ H ---I~~d~~~'", Fi~-g(~::'- ana :\lrs. Otto Lutt ho;.;'tcsses lory ()\l'f \\';j\"TU' \\'lldcat.s al \/1.:1"-

L Ithe ~~rBt conte:>t of t~e Seclt;iOn __... ,. .----'---_. ' I the dmner. The. mternatlOmll.reJa- Emma Jf/an. Illtle daughter of Two comfortE.'rs ....·£'r•. made for million ~

~' :1- iVv-ayn'c lect l3to 0 early In tb,e ,g~m Bl t C b' d tlOn.') group. WIth MlS.s Grettal II Id t P Mr. and ;\1rs. Ceo_ Reibold. ft"ac- TabJtha home. Re\_ G_ Glesch!~n The flr~t ljUarter opened with

..• ' " 'i ..... '1'.1.. ' IbUl: t~'c hell. \Ier Bancroll la~s T:'l ues em om l e Hackenberg as ~halrman. WIll have e a arsQnage tUr('d' thrl'l' fIngers on her right ga'\"(, the Bible les-"on and r(-- Wayne ha\'Jng a bIt the best of tIl"" 1·1 I.'I':"dv.,~nif:age I,.after the two \'o'·er~'. m, In. Vic.inity of· amp charge of the October meeting of _ ..__ ,han.d last wcek when plaYIng with \ Icwed thl' chapt£'r on "\\'hat';: sl1 uatJOn_ Thl' \\'ildcats carned Ih ..

"I ':Jun!cl and. unable to play mosu of " - the branch and Will meet the sec- M· F ' E' k J.-I B'd w the C~(' of !...IlssJOnanes" from ball tn Dakota's-16-yard linc un-O' "lthl;'lg~m~. , Nat!\'e ~Hg ?lue:)tem gra'~ ::;eed and Thursday 01; each month start- ISS ranees a e s n el,a .agon, Ihl' book. "Stand bv fck ChlO<J.:." oj a forward pass of PUrtzer was

'I Burl I-lug/H..'s and Warren Finn m. bemg (;omb~l1ed by thf:'s)ll. con~ ing 10 1\"o\'l:'mber. Mrs, John A. Of Ge~re-e Habryck at '1: ~llj)p~~es Are ~'('edf'd, ).-lrs. Esther Tho~pson :-,11':';, lnlt'rcepH'd uS' Jack C'rbach. Purl-are th(' only veterans from l.as1' se~\'~.tH~n ..,e.~VJce 10 t.he VlC I1 Y,.Of '.1".100re was.' nam.ed Chi1lrma.n of t.he ServIce WednesHay. I _ Two bed....preads and matlrl's.... l'S Frank Obsl, T\lrs. ?\IatJlda Harm" zer· .... puntmg and passJng \\Ct ...;

Year who were in the ltneup thl, Wmsldc. tht combm~ng b 109 ar- Idrama group 'whJch \"'"ill meet the" k' I'SU""IJeS which Mrs John l'lnch andl1\lrs. CLau.c; Rushman crrter- outstaodm;:; for \\·ayn('.fall. Kenneth had played at Wake1 r<:tnged b~ Elverne C. Con ad, r('~ flrst Monday or each month, the .~IJ.'is France:- Ba er, daughter of " - ". tiJ'-lIi (Jctoher 9 Flr"t SCOrf' ea'me in the "econ I

GET'ER RE1iDY FpR. field last year.. Others on the gumal nurs~ry managp: ~f Lm- ,fir::;t meetlng Ubtober 6 WJth MlSS Mr. and .Mr"s. Herman Baker of .'would rl'Cel\lng from '--Juar1<'r \\-h('n Bobby Burns inlr'!.

11Th 1 . I rt v )"" Wakefield, became the ftJnde of I'anyone. thes(' to. Spi:J.r{'. Sh,:, j \V f d


iWaY.he team were Richard .Kirwan; I. co n·

b· 'd(.' :-;h

Olheonbsll'na 10 setrh I"t'e Lenore H..ams.t'}I" '.The educatIOnal george Habrock, son o. f 1\1r. and "also need:; lor bo}~ 11 and 1.2 Pupils in Recital. 'F-~'PtPfr-rt ayne on~:ar on til,· -t-,.

J acL- Dale, Eddie Denkinger,l!com. me (P, Ig.~ut's.I,em 'J 1::; :group. With ,'1\1IS'; lda FJsher as I' f our,uyol,--...,alternatedatciI'rn_''i 1 1 ..1 . Mrs. B. H. Habrock of Emerson, at years 0 a~". __ . Plano pupil" tlf :\'1ro: Paul th b 11 h 1 d]' .

MiCKle yillespie, Jim :;'v1ornson andlio\\n cqulpmcn U., Ylur. , chaIrman. mel'ts the second TUb- a IJl'etty ~1OgJ(> ring ceremony p --- ii'" ~ -~ lIarnng,onig:l\c.1 n'Cl1a] a1 bel' : ~-~;rn~(:~::. acJ:';I~del?a~\'e;.ne .~.~~,.~It b uuport1l.ut! that ,,( II John Pt)IPPCS, \1' h 'llilf~or:lbJ~Jh~.t' .~:CJl~ I~~~e o~l l~l~ IdHi:i YkOf ea~l ,mo~nth. t11~. T. .~\ formed 'b~ EI \ \\ A Gf'rdlS e,,~~ II ('Illfll! of Thank:,,; huml' Thurida) !:'",,'nln:c:. Sq)-- : placement wa:- perfect.

I Dakota .ity play~ ~~'ayn(' eW a -ms ,0 . 0)'. s . 0,/ ~Ii 00' I~ C awn an o· t. e socia 81 Pettil parsonagt :,ou'th dl \\-dkl- 10 cd I v. no remembered \Ir lember ~:J. }.Ioth~ r .... of I hl' puplb I Second and fmal score 'camc' inh:l\l till «(Jrrt~ft \H~I~ t FrIday at the college fll'ld and the iiJ nsan and Ernest F hrman. !sludws group, 1 e time of meetmg f ld 1 t \\ d d It \lanlp\ \\Ith \ISlt... laId .... <-Ind <-Ind a fcw, oT.her- gue~t" heard011 tor (old I \Hath.- ( Wayn~l' ,i)O')-s are determmed to W; Iter r\. Carpenh'r: CC camp inot yet de~lnl:t.ely deCIded. ~;Pt{'f'~~E'r ':1.4 t· m;" ay a el noon. \ flo\\-t'I~" durmg hi:' sta) ln the ho~- thl' follO\\~I;1g program The i the thIrd qua~!l;-'r. Burns tm;....I',j111 t U.. Cht"ll\ 'llUr~ 110\ ! show some good footbalL .cq pera1.or. ha.s been ,sf'cur d to do I The c.'halrm."1 for thl.~ Year. were The bride ChOSl a ::;tr{{~t len"th pJtal cdso to thosf' \\ ho~e help \\ 3" Fal'~" Harp, hy Thompso.n, ::'tlary !from Ihe 3,s-) aId lme to Oil' Sol-

, -.~_..._------- th combmmg an~l I.S. _~h >. ~Jrst a,1so Introduced at. the meetmg, dress of soldlCr blue trimmed'" in so \\elcomc on the farm during hl' Ali~~ Hellebefg; (In my Pan). I bf'rg on thc 15 and the latt'<:'r shoo:'-t I Seeds Are Gathel'ed Ifarmer 1.0 do.so m t.his \ICI11t.). !lhE'.Y arf>: Art. I\'1JS5 .Ruth ROO.S: sll'er and net S'le carrled a bou- labsence \\0 \\I~h to express our iOff thr('p t;tcklers and Went acro....s

-TELErlioXE SIt"':,'RY)CE 486 'b. b' 1 '-d t 'lId F h t" ' k \1 d \1 J k and :'vIy Fm:t \\",t!t.z, by P..0J::,eth. , for a touchdownB' C E' II Big bluestem IS el,ng c m me., ". uca Jon, ]v ~::;s . a IS e.". m ..r- quet of pink roses Carr).mrr out IsIncere than s -. r an ~ rs ac '-'1 F t'l C . t \1 K1t ' .

I Y amp nro eelS, from tht' second cutlmg 0 after- :natlOnal rel~twn~. 1\:lSS Grettal the tradHlOn of something old she Manle\ ~)~l.~;~, ~l~~h~ ~~,~na;,~('~~,', h::'~ Th{' llnr'Up:... • I : 'Enrollees of CC:C camp have math. The' farmer :vhol. a.s big iHackcnheT~, S~CIa~ ~tudle::;, Mrs. ",ore a string of pearLe; belongmg I - B!,(.tho\'en. ,'DarlJara L..y: E'>la- I s. D. t (13) Wa:~i1)f' (fI)

I i been. gat.hering some grass and blllcstcrn m~'adows, in HIs \\~teri rr· S. Hook, fet,o.WShI P, Mrs.,Jo~,n to her grandmother <;oml'thmg SOCIETY I{)gu~'. hy Orlbru. ;lnd Sund:ay ,S(Jlhrrg Lf-: . SmlllLt I tree seed 'for the soil conser\'at~on ways may secure t.wo ha. ~rops [!', Bressler, J~.; econo,mlcs .. MI~ Ine..... a brooch glft of 1he brJdc~ , • :'\.llJmmg. It' \\"ab:ne.. >.,s, \\"Jlhr'l- II Pe[ranpk L T F]l"~l

./ J.. ' sen'ice. About 200 ~,ound5 of Can- and a seed crop when .s'3sonal RU.th ,~ear.s~n, ,.h?rar)., MI.5S LOIS groom somethmg bOITo\'.l;:d a lacl' IKmg s Daughters. mlfla Bent ack, frdnce of t.fw TfJllcfson LG StekellwlL:Mobilgas Ir.lobil,?~15 ada w'ild rye sped a~d 100 pou~ds rams an' ample. Meactov.. to be ~:OUCh' membershIp. Mrs. D. ~. handkerchief helongmg to her' KJng·,..; Daughter" nll't Friday l!LJurs. by PnnchIelh. !'ianey II' Wlczon·k C eil:':"

i ' of Bur Oak acorns were- collectl~d :l~ft fo~' ~("{'c1 crop ~h?Uld h \'~ the I ,I.ghtn:an. legl.sl~uon, ~1r~. ~~, \\-. tnother, and som(~~hlng blue, her I afternoon to clean thf' porsonagl'. Perry. n3J'l> of the \\'omkn POlak RG Coryr>1!.f'armer.f! .& J'.. '!!. recently. Enrollees! aIT a~slstmg In, 'fl.rst tla). crop,. r,cmo.vcd ~h j~ttc.r ;be.rg

: PU~hC~t. l\t;.s, p HoC af.~~ dress. H('r acccssorlC's were black. Thl' group meets agalO October Shoe" lw lacGregor. Eleanor i ~:;:l~~~~on ~~ ~~~;~::~':;combining laf'id CUriijg the natIve part of "unt' or carl). Jul). hl scc- \ltt. ::;oCJa. -l rs. ~. . u, The bride wa.... attend('d by her I 9.-\';ith ;,\lrs_ E_ C Rhoadt'~_ 1\lr" ,.:\1;1":: Ka,:.-~: );lOee vf til!' Goblm.... i Rumsbig bluesleh, seed being harvested opd hay crop j:-; cut ,101m dlately !=ou:le.s~'. ,M.iSS ,Beulah Rundle: hl~~ si~ter. Mis,..; Darlene Baker. She i True Prl'"cott ...~,.. l!l ha\'e ttll' lcs- tl\ Anlbon . Tom Bahc. ;";one i C~rmody ~~ ~~:;;,":1'Mercha'DtSJOil 0 in the camp area for soil conser\"a~ fpllo\VlOg- the combining )f the ~onan, MISS MamIe l\-IcCorkmdaj~, wore a str("ct-k'flC'lh dre"s uf win'e : son, IJut thl: Lory('ly Hl'arl. _hY Tschal-

'" I' - I· t-ion "en'lee, Seeds eoUeeted for! s~ed crop. program. :;'<;11"s Rut.h Paden who IS trimmed in whJtl~ lIer acce>.,sone::; [, kll\\ sk\-. anld Lu 1he r~\crbluom- i~~~~/~': ~~ Gat~v.~(~,f;;I'. (,', ]"l~EL "ERTJI i tiN>; ~cf\'iCt' are used fot n'se:arch! ------t als°T\"Lce Pt'SJ(1C'h

nt. ~I~s. H1./?, were black. Her shoulder corsage: With Mrs. Nelson. mg H.~s"_ ~lY Praf'tOrlu:-. Phylll>, Snulh D;.lkota substitution;..;: JilT!

" Bt~die" or for d('monsn~atlOnall ~If'tl's Club Meetin~l Gnt In J~.s, )]"anc_ preslQcntd ~/:s was of Johanna Hill ro"cs. Thc: \1. I. H nwmb(.'r' "I .. r, \1r- Fo:-'t('r; Santa LUCJ(-l Clnd Lon;.; : Bf'W'fli,t. Charles Jackson. TI.;Ij-

I k plantings on famos '" wh'ch the, Wayn" ~It'n', club held egulllr ii:I~~eG;',~~:~(,~~~I'~;:;;u~,~r. 15& bCldegroom w,,, anended hy h" L· J Fu,,;I,'r and l\i". \\'~Ill'r A"o. arranrd hy R",hll'" 1>a\ld ~l,'d",lI. Pon ,Smith, Jae~ Ball'.'iayne, ~I, ~b. owners cooper-alc In consenatlOn ~ii(~~~~"';ln~~~e\~~;g~~1-:I~t~~i~~ ~t~~~~ The commi\tel' In charge of the b:other. Roy lI;.Jt~n~Ck BO~h men Phipp" .....en' guests of ~lr:,. fJ. G ~~r~~~~'r~~:~I.n~la:~n~\ll:'U;~~;~~ J;l:> S\q~lwr

i I \Vo~_____ dinner was Mr,:.;. R P. Cuff. Mr~. \\on' dark :;U,Jb 'v\lt 1"0,,(' Jouton- ~('Js(Jn \\'~'dn{'sday last wepk at . C1Jmhln;::, by :\-hcLadl\jn \\-avn(' .... ub.. titutions: Weinb(I""-

: ~l IR. B.. Smith: MilSs Lenon' ,Ram....cy , nl~~·l'~·l.Cl'Pllon \\"<1' held at Jhc ;·~l~~;' l';The club mel't~ again CJc- Bn'~ ... l('r Kl'r11UCky: in:\ \: .I'leo!)_... Pe1c Kozisck"Bub~r.'i. J. A. Moore and ':\II~S Leltle hornl' of Ihe hndc·_... parl'nb ilt {j * 7'- IJIJ!1l", an,jn;..:t.d h:> Rlchlo'r. and i \\·!·hh 'Scott. th<.Jt l'\-('nmg. ::\1I.-;~ ),'orma ,leanne and Ther~IUb.; Til.> .... Iolm. If\ Blak(· Dolon· ... I ()fflclal:- LJ\lng"ston. South D:l~

~--- -- -- ._._,~.- lTd \1' 11 Jd P d TIf'horl lh.... h_· J·:ngll .. h and Am- kfJl.:l. ft'!I'f('C: Galvm, SI. \'w-Ior's,TRAINING MEETINGS f (,(~~~J'n:nof "th1:\ritllc as('r:;'~. J,}~;;. 1!('~(' "nd 1'h(,1'( clull rrwl \'I"lCiln Am,. ill"l"ilnp.{j loy P.lch- urnpln :'\.'Iurphy. Lombard, 11',';1<\


I· . . \V!'cJf"\i' .... (];ly ;l.flr'rnoon la ... [ \\l'l'k 110 nl' n

, won_' white apron.... 1nmml'U In leI'. lJonnd \tll_' S(J!'t'nq'n S1,H~ F' .... d! Leaders' tr.amlng m('('\,mgs for pml\ and hlul'_ A lhn'{'-[]{,I" W('u- ;~~~lf~ '~I(~:i1l,J~~n~..~" I;.:{~al~~' p~~: lH.:hl \\";lItl.. lJy BralOcrd. l!uro- \\'ill Rf"turn Homf',~vomen's projl'ct clGbs were held dint' cake baked by an aunt :vIr-; in ;)I)I! \',;cnl 10 I\'lrs. Berl Surber th) SJ("--t'f!~ TJ-:ruugh I-he. All',ivlonday in vVmsidc ¥nd Tuesday in W~. Lon~l'. ilnd t!("cor<-lt('(J f;y an~ and iVlr~. Harold Qumn. The club hy Kern. ,l);-J\'ld Carhart. DL~- ,', 'I~',','.~" fh:J",pP"I'a"'Ys'e""·~rao Ih~'~e~Kk·'.L:n,~~~v.':ayn<;. Miss Helen ,Rocke of Lill- Olher aunt. Mr~. LoU!.c; Te_"!. Wil;, 0 he 8 ti~nl Bcll'. hv Str('ah~. and ~ ,-" <- ,..

coln, t'ondut'l('(], Hj(' ,les;,on nn USl'd <I" <I centvrpiecf'. Thl' bl'ide·'" ~~:;:~l ~;-~~~: ~~e~lta d~~'ml.'l~'.to I' ;"llnUl'l. hy r;;lCh. Tom Bdlle; from a broken hip, (.~>lunches for home anb schooL cvlors of blul' and pInk Wt'1'l' car- 7'" ... To Ch..r:rfui. b,:.- Schylll', and p',I)~. Iw <Jhll' to be mo\·,·t! 1'1

II John~clJ~~~~esldlnt of UIX' i ~:~~s{Jut In hDme and table dccura- Board M·eets. ~;~~-:~:/ J~ilt1. ~~Yll~~c~,'os~e~~ Gjll:,~:,f'\~~I~\~:~e~~'I~r~~~omaHI"~on count) 60 YJCar:, (lied at ChIno 1 ~Ut"l<.. II JIll Ir{(ptJ(Jn \,q~rt gU~~;~\fB~~;~ ~:~I~cr~Jl~'~:~~ Trumercl. ,by Schumann, J,dl:- _ - -- ~----Cal, Mond,.)! IRSI \\i'Ck IRl;\ dnd :Vlr<.. \\ '\ C( nil'S dnd qUl'IIOl' Hellcl>e~g. AfLer the Stanton _ county . chos~. l-:.,.loyd--~- ~ - - - -r- -- ........ Itmrl) 1\11 dnd .tv's B 11 lla- ~l~~~~~~Pt~;,f!~;~~Oo~irs.;\-~:·rl'~~~~ program. ~·1.n'. Harrington ......'f"\"- Dnty chamnan of AAA rdr tll'~ , ;

V 11I(Jck and fdmll) of Emlr;.;on 1\-It J ed light .....Ifre::;hmenb. commg year. __ ._._ .,... ~

I.. won high ~C:Ol'es 10 'contract aor ''-1 --- - -

ENJO PROGRAMS- I<\tvl i\lr ' Diln Dolph ,tnd son" Mr Ill(' iloslf'."S Sf'['\'rt! luncheon :• .-••••• ~.II•••".li"••• II.- "-•••••••••••••••••,•..,!., , ',..FIX UP YOUR RADIO dnd j\.trs Augu"t Kdl Jl and :'1rs. Nus~ cntcrtain~ in two ~

~dH.ug-htcr Mrc; Rudolph Long( v;cck.-;. 0 d

' ' Illddd BrudJgetnl t\onna JtannlC ~+ 't: ~.:. - ~ er' ,- I

I ~.<.'.~,\,~'C:::J,j;, ':':;;:;::E;i":':'~:::~·:,;:: ~~;f5~?[~:1~E:ii;::::: I:. ~rl~M·,·A7,-/.t~:~~J._~..,'_•.~:.~.C"I",....... Fu:1 Oil I"I. rC:" ':/l~~:' ~~(.JlJ~ n~,~~~\~. I~~ t~:;~~; \~t~~~ r.lr~. I)ps~ Lewl"'; had charge of ,I \\: \ .- NOW' to be prepared for

-II Ca1"l,lman,li1 Clill'cncl' ';11"1('(\ pnlgram gJ\-en mem-LlO'rs <lnd ;J.L.... o ut!l"r -.. I':>.? that sudden eold $nap that('ll'marlc 'J .qf'l'r>., heJler)'>. L·)

• 'II . t cnlertalnmcnt CO\'l'red dish - . ~ . d'nll /..:"1'1 mort' "IlJOyllll'll I hOh": :\-1. (' H.abtun.:!i !log". John I 'd..'~ is sure to strike any ay.0111 of llw' llIallY fillf'. IW\\ S('I·\'lTH:, :..!..: s1Cl'I ..... I IWJ[,.l JacolJ : ..,. __11_' .~l lr.wrum" on lh" air )\'itb ' - h r '''h • - ,I ~ ..::::r--

.. i Knelf!. 4 sleer>.,.:) f!l crs; v~ Ill' S _: '0 --J---~~V"'/ I~____ •IINf,·.'t r\,('l'ptioll. ('all IL"l I Bro>., .. :20 slcers: Bernard l\1. Koch. BOOT '"0 ~/~ '"'-

and \\t"11 IUlt )-our radio in J pIgs. 1':1. hogs: Martin Koch. 9 REPAIRED •

shall(' atpl~:~~O~~7 ~:g~.' ~8"OI~·~;".stecl's: Albert Lun· ,5,I :_

~lm~~~~J{t~ I K~~:~a~::~~e~~;-~l~ SI~~J~~h~ll ~·a~. !:Wt'st 1st St. Wayne, ~('b, idolph_ )lIr. Kunzman is depol agenl

, I at Craig. D-X Lubricating ,llotor Fuel: : Diamond 760 Oils and Greascs

i5 Household Goods il Firestone Tires': A A' .•. f or Cars, Trucks and Tractors

mm= t" uctlon i. I, for hunting and E I ~ h 1.corn husking. ar . ere an-.;;

..::·1' White shoes dyedAs I am moving to Colorado, I will sell all my house.. , CON SERVICEElectric PHONE 99 FOR TANK WAhold goods at public auction at the residence at 921 I ANY TIME _ ANY PLACE

'OS;t~rday, OCt. 4 II; s_h_o_e::liQn:;;;..~;:~·;~;::;·;·;:~~: ..·....·····l·oF:","c W,:~:O;:~~: :~"HO'WW,"C' I: CUT PRICES r

;i-fnut LFriJ.:"ic1air,'. Natur:ll /..:"11" ran~l'. ;S-t'\\' pr('ssurr ....prlly, : i(1uflll st.udin ('IIUI'lL Kih'ht'n ('ahinl'1. Fruit ... I1I'ln'_... _I BAYER ASPIRIN-~hr(~t' pJ{'kC"rs, 3 kih'hl'n tahlt,s, Fruit ja.rs, 5} 7St: Size 59cflnd tU(l!l'. 4 Idtdll'n (·hair~. Ston.' jar... _I __...;.._=-===- _~mI.rY talhle, 5- h~d", ('on\PI~tt, Lawn nllJ\\-I'L :! ALKA SELTZER-

fBj.I.,lo(~ti,(:·\,·.'u'~,'.~~'..U"... :;~~~Ih s~~~i~:~SM'S ~~::~::~:: (~::~':~'alur. :•• '1

160c Size 49c'0.0 ., dressers, 50 Ie'" 01 'hm",. LlSTERINE~

I .1 75c Size 5geD ~..,k, (:hl'",t of drnwc'rs ~ wash h('JH'hrs, -I'


..5:: Ftl~;~(~~i~·~~g a :~~:(~yn~~~;;~, ~~:~~~~a~~~~'Il~~Y-:.i.: I" ~~S~~~IA-'~diO tahh~, Hull t r("c. Lar~e hah)-' hed,B net.., i Lam()s. JliKh (~hair, BROMO-QUININE-5·J in" dillih~ tahh', Bl'Vac (~J{'d-rk 2 ~'oulh~' ('hair~. 60c Size 49ci: 1 din1nJ:' :(\hairs, fj S\\·ccper. Mcdkinc ("abinet. • ! I

I.:: I \·itilleathcr scats. l\laytag washer, 6-(lt. ire cream :.1, LYSOL-

Selwing ca:binet. Bird cage and stuuf1.. freezer, $1.20 Size 98c

, •• noly.bed. 1 2 6tepJadde~ 2 ""thr~m s'auds. =:1 I T HIS .W E. EK O'.N L Y ! 'ttnd ·mrmy' other arti~les too nUuterous to mention

; :1 ::K~;O~~:;~R~~~~ot;i~~~fi.OO;~1>I~t~i~r::;::: T EMS: Cash, ,1000 prol~rt~' to be l'emm:ctl until' ",clUed for :! I

t~~.,;:~~~~..~~~~~:;;::::JL~ .....:.H:;;f~J~.·.:~.:ELB=L.:E::.RB...:an~d~E.:W~AL~R:..:_E_~-;-F_E ..LP_B_E_RH_,·_p_f~isc_·_~_IP_T_M=IO..N_A_D_R...~_G-:-G-:!::S.....7'~'t '~":~~I 'r 'I, '1 .' ~,;,' " I 'I': , ;1" I I

Page 10: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I




!I .~



Phone 376 or 27-W


is your best protectionagainst tragedy

... a home gone up in srnpke-ever~'­

thing lost. To protect youl's"lf from thera.>,'ages of fire, carry adequate insur-·anee and keep yOUr ynluables safelystO'redrin a safety deposit box. R~mem­

ber, fire never takes ~ \'acation.

A Careless Mal:ch

G. A. Lamberson

.,Fir~t National Bank

I Wayne, Nebr~ska

Safeguard your home and property from

destruction by fire ... Insure today. We

represent old, reliable companies and can

furnish dependable protection at minimum




Insurance ...

Wayne, Nebr.


This Was a Home

L B. M('('lufP, Prf'sidf'nt

Now It's a Heartache

Phone 81

Instead of a warm, comfortable home 10 }ook for­war-d to thi!: winter" this unfortunate family muattry to'salvage wh~t they can-and start all over.During Nat~onal Fire Prevention Week, ch~~ov~r your b,oDle--rnake sure it is ~afe from fire.And, very important, see to it that it is adequatelyinsured by ~ reputa"le company.

We're out to c,ut down fires-we're out to pre­

vent lives being lost-we're out to bring down

the terrific cost due to damage by fire. Fire knows

no boundaries. It can and will attack anywhere­

it can attack you. Make a genuine effort to pre­

vent fires and save needless suffering a:ftd1 ex­

pense.. Make sure your home is not a fire.t~ap!To help you in preventing damage and loss by

fire, the firms listed below stand re\.dY to Kive

you expert service and advice. Patronize these

public..minded merchants.


Fire ... Our Bigg~tEnemyDuring National Fire Prevention Week do your part to wipe outfires by pr-eventing them. Don't take chances. Don't do cleaning

with dangerotA fluids. Don't attempt amateur electrical work.

See to it that your home is not a fi.re-trap, Join in t~e drive against


Wayne Volunteer Fire Dept.


Is O.tr Business!


Fire Insurance

Protect Your Investments With Insurance!




There are hu:odred of ways to prevent fires butthere is o,nly one way' to rprotect yourself againstthem , .. and that is 'with insurance, Investigateyour insurance completely ... be fully cover-'edwti-h- insurance!

,'. :.rj.'·~"I~'i;,.;""!,li"'::'I'I';I".".'H'-I~"r'···',\1.I?I'II' I ' ,,-,----'~' ','I: "---""'-'-",-,'',i"II," I ' , ' '"", 1\ ' I. ,. 'f

P1\(J C'lfuo .. 'I', , , , 'rIlE W VNF: ITBRAT.n. WAVNF:, NBBRMIKA, 'rfJlmflnAY. fl BR ~. H"l .. I- ..,:,-,-- .. I-o-'-."~--'i'- ..-~._...",..,-"_.._ ..•.__.-"""~--_ ...--.-- ""-"--'-""---~-,..-_._.-..,." -""---". - --"',---' . . ..c., ·~.C~__~ ,.".--C+----.-''" ",,__

.', :. ',:", ,·.'·1.. '., :8·,'. ,... ,"1:'... .. ..,.,'d·, 'ha, Bp(>r;I,~ thC'. week-end in the Matt 'I M.l. Roberts h. amp., Mr,S~ Rand?) and ited at Elmer Nelson1,'~ at LaUrel!' teTs of. Carroll, s~ent Tuesday la:n Will-:,ISO~-i-~;~.~~~- d1~g~t~~i~a'n. Yo(f)lre hereby notifi~d that -on

U' e· 'S "r W" ,. Fl~nn home. . II ch~Jdren callep. ~u..J'ltlaJi morning at Tuesday afternoon. week 10 the Albm Carlson home. who is iry college here. the 17th day of SePtQ~ber, 1941,· ..., ' Mr. ;:mel, Mrs. Grover'Larsen ,~nd E~er~tt Roberts '" I Mr. ';lnd Mrs. Walfrr:-d Carl~on I Mrs. Hi1rold, Gunnarson and M~. Fred Flege, M~. Ernest Adolph H. Korn," filed hiS finaLac·

"" , I ,famil!, of Gurley, ''''ere Fri~ay !l\1"r; !ind Mrs. ..veo[g,e I-f:JrdC'f entertalOC'd' a~ 'dinner ,Sunday last daught('rs. of (oncorrl" wrrC' Fri- Echtenkamp and Mrs. Frankli~ count and petition for distribufH:m

P . "r'.' ,I'" '.ht· ,morning callcl's 10 ,the r{(1nn

j(llh sPtnt fhursday ~n th~ Elmcr .week for AlVin whQ .10,ft Mon,daY.. day gU{'!!IS In, .111(' Al,hm Carlson Fl(>g(', and daughter, spent Thur,s- of the residue of said e~tate, a de-or owe 8 ' Baker home. H rdflr home at 0 Nc II. flw J-Iar- last week for Fresno" Cal.. where. home. . day afternoon in I the Everett termination of the heirs and for a

, ",! '''', Mr. and Mrs. George R£> te,r de 9 mow>ci 1'0 O'N(>i1l about t~o hE'"' is to be stationed' at an air Mr. and Mr.s. Fran.klm F!pgp and Kirchner home.: dlscharge. Heari.n~wilJ be had onwerE> Thur>:d.1Y dmner and lu ch~ wepks ago: Mr. Hard(+ i~ wOI'king field. Othet guests were Marian daught0r helpC'cl Ddllf' Kraemer M . d M F: ~ tt H k d said account and pdiUon" at the

<!>'_.- _ eon gul?!-!l~ In the Ceol'W' R Re ter -in> a 10cl(E>r planf. I Iand Margnret Pumphrey of Rock- celehratp his lJJrthday Thursday R 'd r. an R r;, .~el':- 't and ~ county court room in Wayne, Ne-"Prairie Fire Cau$e C~ea~ Ihome at Laur0] ~M.r. and Mrs. Kirnb{ljll Smith and ford, II)., Mr. and Mn;. C. E. No;>I- cvening. > a~d n;:r~s. ~~E'd ~u~e/~e~en Tue~ bmska, on the 4th day of October,

I:.osfr'~t- rea D,urinli' N th .6 W Mr and Mrs ArnlP Ebker of family, 1V!r. and Mrs, Arthllr KUh.1 son and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Gl!s I_Mr. a'~d Mrs. W. H. :!\1f'?"er and da evenin uest"" :last week a ]941' at 10 qJelock a m when all. ~d' or weft a!yne, Oakdale, were Sunday dinner and family. M.r. and I M~S .. M(lcs I Nelson of Randolph, Mr. and M.. rs, .MYrO~ spent s.und<l-Y pV('nlng last. Er~(>st. ECh~(>;kam '~." ' t pers~nJ'; intetested ~ay"appear to

Early erlo. (~St ff C t d) guests last wpck In thf' Will Reese and family, all of Rilndo]ph, IRussell Pryor and daughter, Mr. week In the Mrs. Anni-t LUhbcr-1 . p show cause why the pray('r of tfie. Early Duys f m the Wayne a 0 respon ent Schroeder home were Sunday dinner ducst.s In' the and M.ts. Gilbert Dangberg, Mr. stedt home. . XOTICE OF; RETTLEMEXT OF petitioner he not granted:

H0ra,ld for Octo er 1. 1925: ~ . Mr~. v\'-'alfred t?al'lson, Mrs. R:us- Raymond Ellis home.' . , ~n~ Mrs. Donald Carlson and fam w M.r. and Mrs. John SIP\,(>rs and " • AC·CO{!NT~- ~- Dated this 17th day of S('pfcm-W '1 Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Longe VI~- sell Pryor. M!.'lr'lIIn and Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Lavcrry Hardf't' n.nel lly and IMarcclla Frevert. ' IfamlTy ,,:,cre Tucsday evenmg, ber, 1941.

aYine power p ant ran out of ited in :Ule Ed. Grubb home Friday Pumph~ey slwnl' Friday. afternfjon Mrs. Wm. HardC'r sp.~nt Monday "'_ < .£{~e.sts lasl wC'('k In t h.e C(>orge Ka·I' In the county COlllrt of 'V'Qyn<: (S _ Ilcoal and the C\lY was obliged. to evening. ' with :vir". Henry Mall, ir.. wh(il is II af:ternoon.last \\,(>ek. in thf' Al'1 hur Goldpnrod (;Iuh. biRCh home. . county, :'febra~ka: ' '1;; ,J. :'VI.,: CHERRY,borrow from, :t~ college to tide Miss BQtty Hanks ot' Sioux City, ilL , ,Heitholct hom£> at Norfolk., Thf'Y Goldenrod club moets thiS Fri- i ,Mr. and Mrs. ~artJn \-T<::,yer and I The st.~te of Nebraska, \Vayne 1st . County JUdge'.over the delay j arrival bf orderM s~.nt the weekwerd in the y\!. E. 1 Mr. uno Mr;';. Mph'in Longe ~lnd visited Thursday aftctnoon In the' day aflernoon with Mrs. ~larcnc(" Norman were Sundny afternoon jcount:, ss.. . -------ed shipments, Th Iplant uses seven FlaGk home. I.daughter of Wisn0r, Mr_ and Mrs. M.rs. Blanche Hinnerifhs l1Onlf' at Beck' I goue"ts l3"t wf'('k In the Simon I To all persons mterested In the I Eugene DO"d IS <h'<l.Irm::tn (,f

~:~r~)~:C:b~~~'5~ to~~,r:~:i~~~, CJ'~~~ Austin Spahr a~!d Robert of Ana-! Rudolph !<<IY :lnd w(>re Wakc(j(>ld. " ~ IL(>~sman hornp Iestate of Kasper KOTn decc>ased Cumlng county AA.Amosa, Ill.. , called Saturday in the sund.,.,y dlnl1('r' ill Frilnl< :\11". <In.rl Mrs. ('llhonl I r,:md \lrs hml"''-' ll~nk ann I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

hI time to be u ed after the bor- L M J' ld K h . I •1 f I J. H. Spahr hom'f onge s. '. and ramJly. dncI T'vLlIldn I I I SId Ire npr o! (oncoro, I : •1'0~~I'kU~nl,1.~a~~v ~~:~~ed~ains in Mr.a.ndMrs .. KfnnethBit.kC'r.'.lnd 1\-11'. and 1\1r'-"; 1'.1,(,(1 Storw, .,.Sl'.,. PUrn~}h.n-,y,w('.n' •. i Northt'aSl Wayl1f' 1\:(11' fhUl"irll\- (\(l1ln~ ";U(~ts <ttl. IT'S DOUGHNUT MONTH :'R 'I k' d Billie wdre Sund y dinnl~r gu('~ts Mr..and Mr~. I, rt'd SIOIl(', Jr., <~nd ('yenlng <hnnpr gu('sls at I r f('d .'\f'\( rmann "i : •

,oo.!l:€ve t par n on a box cuI· at LOUie Hanson'. I I family of Laur!'], w('n' Monday I}angberg's. Th(' Carlsons dnd (By Staff Corn>sponrl('nt) Mr and Mrs G(,Qrgp \\-fsChhof, • •Vcrt in the- sout est part of town d' I d~ G \\'lth the rpturn of ('risp fall "t'athf'r, p,prv nwmllPr of \-our •

Mr. Hnd Mrs. ay Robl'rts and lOner gUt>sls la~t \\'I'('k in Ihe th.(>ir g\J('sts find M1' ar,rl Mrs h('n- ]I. an onn<1.. ely \'('.1'( SundHY·. f I III •h> pl'ogressing. C I V' I f I ami y \\- P"Joy fre"h dOllKhnuts fOf an". nlf~al fir for hUH ill ..Wayne will s nd about 75 men family wel'e Sunqay gue~t.'i In the ,ar Ictor, .ir., homC'. n('th Ram.'iey spf'nt T lUrsday ('V('. . ., j- a I~~rno guests <ist \\ ('('k In the .• :

J. M Roberts home Mr. and Mrs. Fxl. Sur!Jf'r, Mr. njng at Donald Cl-lrlson'~. Bo.nOll? ~~<;~rytan.~p('n~, r~ur~PkY AI"ln Ro('lwr home. ,-;: ... TRY DOrGH~{;T!O;- TODAY! •

;,7, bh~a~:~ional egion convent!ion M~.s. Henry Reth'~isch and Mrs, and Mr~. Richard I-IoJlllliln .;lnd Marian and Margaret Pumphrf'Y evenmg Wit era, me re er_Jc !'. II'Mr., and Mrs. Harry B('ckn(',r and • Baked Goods and Pasties Fresh Every Day :J. H, Beverid e of Omaha, Miss Ed. Grubb caqed on Mr". Harold Colleen, Mr, and Mr!". Sam Nny£>s of Rockford. Ill.. came Sunday last Mrs. A~na LU,bber~f('dt spent famlly and :Mrs. M<Jl'lIIH Tlhbl(>s : •

Alice Henigan and I. N. Clark of Frese Friday a'ft~rnoon. ~pent. Sunrlay last Wl'l'k In tho w('ck rron~ 0rr:'aha whlcrr tll!'y had I last we"'k.m the BllgE'r ;\/(cyer home werf' Sunday guests 1;'1:-1 \\'r'('k In • PHONE 35 FOR SPECIAL ORDERS :'.Mr. and Mrs. August Lonn-e MarVIn ThomA.s homro at Varina, heen visiting In.thf' Lponard )."Pl_l. at Wakefield. the S. J. Hale home>. •• •

Lincolh, will in, truct,~n teachers' ... I •institute in Wa ne. were Sunday dinner guests la>;t a.. , !'on and Einpr Nelson home,", :mel Mr. and Mrs. ~Idor Lubh(>r~f(>cit :\1rs. Mprlr> ;\JIllIon of Long Pinf', • J h 'B k .

\<"eek at O"car Ramsey's. Mrs.. 'VIlII(')' H'lndol. and ehil- \·i."ltpd lInt II S:~tu-"dilY al \V,IJrr('(! \~'pr(' .Sunday dmn('r gW'."ils I.a;;t IC'lmi' Fnd<lY ('Vf'nJn.£; to ,"pl'nd a : 0 DSOD S aery .St~~~~a~~iVae~d b~ss ~~~'rl,~~w~i Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Knoll were dren of Soulh SlOUX C'lly. spf'nt Carl!'on·!'. l'vlrs. Carl~on and hf'rlwef'k In the BasJl OsbUirn homt'., few days In thp H"rry :\1c.\'lillan • :collided with sli ht damage. "Ia~.!';t we-dnp'''day1~eVf'n.in.ggupsts in from Friday 10 TUP...,dilY in 1he J. guests and Mr!'. RU!'SE'.II Pryor \'is- Mrs. RC'ubcn Carlson .<lnd daugh- and Mr...;. Anna .J111111n hnmf''-'. ShC' :.................... " •

lvIiss Enid Fo tz of \VaynE'. and. tht> F,rv.'ilO Vahl amp homp. -1


'-1---.----- .-.....,--~~ ------C- - •••••••••••••••••11••••••••••

Elvin. Stolten1b of Carroll, were ·sp~neto~~nJ~~faf~~n~~~ f~~~g~,~C~~ r-~~ -~llm~;~:;~~dA~(>~~e~ ;~ ~~' ~;~~fielld. in Ow Gerhnrt \ ackel' homf'. I :':;'~',;3??'m "'irlind Mrs. Emly .swun of Wausa, Mr. ancl Mrs. '~fln1(>S 1\,1al1(>n flnd ' ,','::':- rw{'re marrle'd S ptember 29 ]925. family werpSunri y evening gw'!'ls 'i

\VByne high s hOQ! clas"cs' eleqt- last ,'w>rk a1 Dill ,BI'ug~(>I'~'" 11. 1

,('<1 officers wil Maurice Wright. . M.I'· H.nd M;rs. d. G~'u~I'i and II,pre.-:;idf'nl of se idrs, Cyrus Jones J Llmlly sppnt fupsHRy .e\·enlng lHst1'01" juniors, Blai Ie Ellis for sophr- . W.PCk!_ J~ t.he Del Id K,~I home. I,mOrL'S and Ric 'ard F<lmll{{> frr 1 M .. cillO i\.. 1rs .. Meh 10 LOng.(l an."l'rpshmcn. dau~ht(,l' o[ ,\VlsO!>r, spent Thurs- I, \Vayne count ,Farmers Union Iday !:I: 1:1<:' l' I:anl~ Long(" homl'.cllos{' David H, mer. W, E:. Rd-- Ml.<;. lI~n~} KJ~po::'~ <-lncl Mrs.gf'nhach and 1\'11". Anna Jl'n.'1(>n li- I-Tenty \VH'llI1g ,hOlpe(l Mr,'" Fn'dficNS. i Reeg cook ,for SIlo men Fnday.

A 'son -t\'ns b rn Sf'ptembeJ' 30, Mlr. and Mrs. H.~L. Spall!' of nPRr1. 91 r:: t:;\1 .0 1\1'" t.' f" I 1\11 R.".nl:to1Ph, Were I' rlday aflf'rnoOl.'~'in.·)' 0 j r. an J s. Jrn 1J(. - gue~s in tJ1(' ,f. H., Spahr home.

A son. Leslie~ jr.. was born ,to M., and Mrs. 1·,I..haI'dt Pn"pishllMr. and l'vIr.s. Le-ii(> Welch of K~n-I andJ f~~ll_JY w~re SundRy _('v('nl~g~as City, Septe bel' 24, 1925. 1 gilt>, t):; Idst w('ck at \V. H. 1< !'eneh s.

M . S' Nbl r::3 1" >d tf Mr· and Mrs. Rudolph r...ay andher ~;~m('\\-~~rthJ...,=~~' ~f' ~E~y ~ Donrl.(l. ani! Mrs. Frank Longe ISeptcmbE'r 29, ~25. I ' wert," 10 Omaha T~('sda~ last wC"ck.

Clarencc Sch oeder of Hoski s Mr. and Mrs. I.d. Hirschman oft u d th 'd I . ·f. th'" . r·, Lau '01, \-"1('1'(' Sunday dinn('r /2:upsls~~I';~Vilh:; ~~w :Uq\<,~:'co~pSa~UfTl~ la!'itl.wl'pk in thl' \V. R. Frp!lch I

yj. homeA> son wa.s b()~n, to Mr. and Mrs. l'

E. E. Erickson ~f:i Wakefield. S~pw. r.' and ,Mrs. Fred Yahlk:m1P~'t(~mber 22,1925. 1, .: Jr., \-\Jere Sunday {'.\'cllln g ('<111('1's

A son was bdl'P Seplember ~8, la~jt w("pk In lhp D:trrr,j lluhhHrrl1925, to Mr. an4 ,1}1:rs. HenrylC. hOI c. , ,'1' ,Nelson of near a/kefield. ]V r. and Mrs. }_r~:ln "ahlkamp

A son was r 'September 25, a~dl daught('rs WCrE\, SundRY, ('\'('-19')5 t R ,. M' St h nmg guests last WE'E'\k al Ceorg-Y(,-~~l ~f ;"~k~ i ld. rs. ep en H~fJman's. "

H('-rman Ech e kamp, jr.. of l~~r, an~1 Mrs. Amos Ed/ltl-'nkamp'Vakefield, and iss Mary 'Kncbht and, .family \-ve.rE' Jast \\ l'dnesday I

of Arlington., \ ere married St'-pw e"e~mg gUE'st~ In thp Arth.ur Hagr-I1ember 27, 1925J rna home.

Dixon co..uritY Sunday scllool lVIr. ,nnd MI>". Leo. FlnJ! :l.ndassociation, me~ting 'in Wakefibld, bab~~l_MiSS Ellen ~m~~)[ _~~ma­('kcted as officlel's Rev. SteppenYcmm and Mrs Stina Johnson of\VakefI:ld, and rRev. R. E. H.a~ge,l'.]er of },mcrson. j •

Winside I?ad 124 on a special:('x­CUr"ion tram td Sioux City. !

1r,~~r~'~lJs~o:~ It~t;n an excurrion

J. E. Hancoc. traded the tlclc­ph,ohe cxchang at Carroll to E.C. Hunt of Walthill, fqJr exchall.gesItt sergeant. BIlff and Salix, I.la . I

Early Way e Happenings,.From \VaynelHerald for NO\!(.'>Bl- ,

brl' 9, 1905: W*yne county i.'1 Ipul_

~"fc ~;t:t~~:f:;ET s~~~~~,'t~::: ~;;:·j--r;;-J;;;~);:;;;::;:;,:;-T;:;··:.:::·-:'H:-'~-:::.:J:o:.. :~=e:s:;:":-:'lH'SS shop ... A. G. Powers 'soldhis farm i,mpletcnt business th D. Ost~oIJathic Physician '

~";.' ~<~~~~~S~b~g':;'~pu~:~~~~1 DU~ I E(Ves Ex~mi~ed - Glasses Fitted]'()(' Jers(>y hogs for his herd I" .. 1 Wayne, Nebraska

;J;>nk Davis, 'tV1+n., H~g~es and ~1~~~~~;:;~;:;:===:llllilI homas James are bUlldmg new ~"'"

barns in Garn~ld precinct ... ~ohn

~:)w~~~I~~i~P:'ije~~sh~r~?/l~gb~i~(~fi: Fro Ao ,Lambersongrade for thet'railroad ..• :.1. J. 'Real,Estate and All Kinds ofGildcr:'i'leeve h ,s been. appointed Insurance Ex:cept tAie

~~~~.y superi tcndent at Aitken, Wayne, Nebr.

an~hoa:;~.~~oh~l'~h~~r~~P~:~o~:h~~: c;:----~fi"" Lulu N"i ardt, Wayne college I CAVANAUGH1eacher, has part in a prQgramfO".. HI<' ",ale~eaChers' as.sodation ,INSURANCE AGEiNCY10 LlO~oln , .. Henry WetzIick and All Kinds of InsurahceMiss Clara arotz of Hdskins, ' JWere married November 4,1 1905 hone 84 Wayne, Neb.

, , . Woml'n of Wayne plan ~·o or- E;;~;;;;;;~;;:;;;:;~~~~~~I,IIIIIganize to beau,tify the cemett?I'Y. .. ....,j;:.------------~IH. S, Welsh fa·oved his Jewelry Dn.• E. YeT. D('~"onslack into th. millinery room of .Ill lfll Ji'lL~

}\'Tiss Temple and will la fer havelhe room of lk Gamble.,. Harry ;EYESIGHT SPECIALISTArmstrong is home from Siouxf2.-'~ty.. to r~.:cov(>r from bu.rns on 0.ne. Wayne, Neb18ska Iof hiS hanns J' J. T. Bressler, C.M! 'Craven, p, H, Kohl, S, R. Theo. ~--------b~tldl Thea. uerig, Dr. W. C. ~ 0

Wightman ~nd Henry, Kellogg' MartIn L. RInger \~~~;:i,~t~~~~~u~~~~sN.~..I~~~l~~ IbEAL ESTATE FARM LOANSMtjke. store in Wakefield' was enw Wntes every kmd of Insurance

'. 1ered b.y.. two~men Wh.O ble.\\' open e.xcept 1.1fe SpeCial atten.bon to. the safe and took $30. The top of )Farm and Automobile. Insurance

the safe bro e a window, th~ cl'ash 1rous~d ortiCejh and the two Were . :t.aken to Ponca for trial .. , Wood- n E L Hmen of the World held a district Vr. . . al1veycO,nve.ntion i-, Wayne and: George' Veterinar,an i

" ':R." WIltt;lT W.~s. ele.cted president. ~ 1.22 East Second Streetbon eont:Jty' Events. ' Wayne Nebr

From Pon a JourlJIal for Octo· D' Ph '1'- > .

her 17. 1878 Why doesn't p.rri.I;~~a:y=;.=5;-=N;;ig;h;I;P;II;.;46;O;;:I~!111gou~ or ,Pro essor B'tewer· go on a·Plc-Slos.au.rUB~'hunt a'nd. give us asensation? '. Mr. Cr.ain of Logan IB 'th k H . IG,ove, l~st 00 tons o~ hay in a ,. en· ac· Ospltaprairie fIre j' _ . :9.estructive fires I

have "!ged QP and down the Elk- I Phone 20-hom and Ld.~an va~eys 'this w.eek 3"· lin 'I 51d ' ." L co n. Wayne, Neb.an ca~sedi ucb- 1 ss '; .. Dixon j, .. ! ,I,:.. .. ..•. I I,,c~unty mCl! ,sed i.~ the, past! year ~ijl~~==:=;::=~:;;;iHIII',: by 600. mall M a totaI ,,£4000 ~ , , . ..:In Ohio a emocrat was 'elect'e'd' rIS' L . & L' .f tl f" I, r" .·.c.~fl.'O"pIRsACTORSe.. WIS.,,or lell'sll time in 28 y~~rs. and j ~...In In,dlana %"r~pubncan:'was"ele~t,;.', ' . ,: I I

,ed,for the ,·r.st tIme'in ,~b years~ :,,<., '~; ;.~euro~~~~~;~erVlc'e .'

e~~~~~;3ia::w~ i!~I)II:~i4~1~:7t ..~~F.e, Neb:

Page 11: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I



lC JI,tlllll"oJ "n I'>JI-;"e :-;I\.)

fIj-,., ",

'I- . .. --'--'-

Uistrid 33.(Clllnl'\e~e Lyngen, teachl'rIOtto JUl1lor. Test, Harold Mei­

er, Johnny Kay, Verna Mae Mei­er" Elaine Test. J-.ester Meierand Glem ille FreYert had per­fect attendance for the fIrst

IJistrid 28, Suuth.(I !cit'n Osbul"n, teacher)

Good English and Good Man­ners club has been organized.

Sevcn pupil:> had perfect at­1endance for the month.

A rhythm band has been 01'-aganlzed. , ,

School has becn deeora ted in ,autumn motlf the pasl month.

Safely and citizenship postersarc bemg made'by 6th, 7th andljth grades.

Jim Nissen and IOl~ae'Baierbrought flowers to school.

Jim' Nissen IS the news 're­porter.

lIappy 1I0ur is the name votedfor the dub, A constitution wasmade, and colors. of pink andgrcen were chosen. Jim Nissen,Lois Wieland and Dorothy Bru­liigam were appointed to cd'm-­pose yells.

Lois Wieland had a perfectspelling record. fon the month.

The 1st and 2nd grades fin­ished their farm in the sandtable.

Pcrfeet atlendanec recordsfor Ihc llHmlh wcre eurned hyEugene Baler, . Evcrett Barer,Junior Baier, .!Juane Erxleben,LorraJl1l' NIchols, Dorothy Bru­dlgam and Wauneita NicholS.

Safcty first ......as the Uleme oftillS week's club program. In acontest on safety rules EyanBennett. Duane Erxleben, LoisAnn Wieland, Jim Nisscn andlola Mac Baler won prizes.

for expert shoe, repair., It'stime lo hay€' those wornshoes renewed for winter.


We are open e"*enings 7 to 9 durin"husking season.


It's a great life in the Navy! Red-blooded, he-mansports, ashore or afldat! Boxing, wrestling. swimming.h.'lscball, football! Free movies. And you get frequentshore leaves at home and in such exciting far-flung placesflS Hawaii. Alaska, r..atin America. the South Seas, NewYork-places moat men only read about.


1'olail coupon for your frcc copy of "Life

!Fc:ll,~c~~~: ~:ovri;~;i~~~~5~da~~J~i~~~ "1:~'" .)ou can <.'xpect ... how you can retire on f/.J:~~l;;....a life income. DC'SCripcs how you can. 'F41!f1'.~~~~a~;f~b~,;;p~~::a~7·~~: '.".from Navy life show}~sporL. and garqea '''''''.you may play, excltmg" ports ~·ou may It.visit. 'I'C'lls enlistment rC"C}ulremC'ntE.

l~~:dh~~ /~oa~~~;;~~IU ~~~ this free book now. Noobligation, Ask the Navy~ItoroC thIS p_aper for a_-co~y. Or(dephonC" him, Or mailpun the coupon, You can paste It- on.penny postal card.

The"'11 look like lIew and wear like new after ourmodern service.

---, Ipaper was brought by John Suehllfor use on the library table, [

Gilbert a.nd' Virgi1 Foote andiHarry HO\'.~ard Suohf broughtplants for the room.

Safety has been the importanttopictin health this month. Muchmtcrost has been shown In theWOI·k. Traffic sIgn5 were madeby the 7th and 8th gradersjThese were placed in the hall­ways and stairs leading to thbasement. Manan Skovscndcwas selected by the school as aid..ing patrolman for MISS Johnson1The purpose of t hIS work hasbeen to make safety foremost Ifltile nlll1ds of pupils. ,

Dolorl's Dalnl hroughl Ihl;hook, Polly Anna, from 11K' Ii­hrary and it is being read fornoon opening exercises. Dolorcsalso brought mangolds amI flyribbon.

" A sparrow hawk, v. hlch }ladbeen lI1Jurl..'d, was found antbrought to school by Leo anMarian SkO\'scndl'. BIrd sheltl'r'

~'~'~'t~'a~~~~nhtl~(I,t~~p;~~~~~'~~~I~LexhlbJl at the fair. KenndhSphttgerbcl' reccl\ed 1\"0 fm4tprizes on bird house and bIrdsheller. Leo SkoYse,nde, fIrst onIllrd ~lOuse and ShIrley Mutt,;third on bird house.

Tht> ;~rd and 4th grades ha\\:'hel'n constructing \"·eath('r vanesIn connpctJOn With a study OrdirectIOns.

Kenneth Spllttgerher retu"I1l't!.to school after rcco\enng froma tonsil operatIon. i

1 Distrid 3-1, 0-

(S6tJhlc Damme. teachLT)\\'auneita ::\lae Nichols eeld'­

br~ted:ll('r hlrthday by treatingall to c.ndy bars. ,

Evert Baler. Evan BennetJt.0-~-~~- ~- - -----'--~---






OWEAR THIS BADGE OF HONORllfafter....dmglbo

K: free booklet >OU decide to apply for a place in tht~~ Nav)' yo-i will receive this smart lapel-emblem.

NAVV It 15; badge of honor )OU will be proud towes.n• 1,.....-. -----·r---------------------.......-,

c __~~J- - ""I Tear out and ~ke or se~d this coupon E1 I' -;;-. I'to, the Navy Edit~r of thIS newspapelj _ . f~.~ I I \Vlthout any obltgatlon on m)' part. whatsoever, please I

.!!~~:&~~~~l j', ~I send me free booklet. "Life in the Navy," giving full de.- I

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'---...--------------_.._..-- --~--,------ - --1' ;'~':rm!:~:i!\.:;'Ij!,

Mrs. Melvin C~iChesterl andchildren who are moving to\Wichita, Kan. Games were pJay­dd and luncheon servi:'d by the~others. T~ose pres'ent were


t~~. ~~~~:;I:, MM':'ryW~~'::h~~~~IfJ'hestCI" LaVerna Wacker" 1\'1rs.lrcne Hoffer, Mrs. Don MiIlil{cn,Mrs. Albert Milliken, Mrs. E.pangberg and Mrs. Herman Bru­tligan. A gift WiiS presented tobuane, Carolyn and Joan from~h(,lr clu:;smates. -

I Dislril" :f~.I (!toJlald Greenwdldj h'ill'lH'r\

, A ~ch(l(ll I~~'ll [(lPeoralcs Ihecover of thJ four-pagc pape!',The Bells Toll, )·SSUCd by pupllsof the pistr;ict. Students chosethe name.

In the enrollment of 13, GaryLee Schulz IS H) the 1st grade,

,Russel Barclman' and P<lul Bier-'mann In :2nd, Freddlc Dlnklagcand J rarold Schulz In 3n.l. KayBowser and Ellen Bit'nnann JI1

,11th, .Jad,;: Bowser in 5th, HerbertBIermann, Herman D1I1klagc andl\1anlyn Barelman 111 6th, Jerry1\1LcGuir'e and George BiermannIn 8th,

Pupils ('njoy soft bull'leIt noonand rl'Cl'S.'i.

In a Good Enghsh'club, all arC'trYll1g to kcC'p MrL Bnd Engli<.,holf the top of their desks.

- Thc :3rd and 4th graders arcbusy \vlth hobbles,

HOldl IS being read for opcn­1I1g exercises.

Two turtles brought by ~hc

teacher and Little Boy Blue: ~I­

Justrated by 1st and 2nd grades,decorated the sand t.able.

MarJlyn Barclman and KayBowser had lO() in speUlI1g thepast month. .

SwC'ct potaloes haw' heen1 Jllanted In Jars of water for na­, tUre study,

Color whep!:", IlIipl'r trumpl''tsand elephants and Chlne...e lan­tel's ha\ (' I)('('n made

The bt gr;lders arc cllmbmgn palm tre(' on 111<' hlacklJonrcl Inreadll1g. They must know the\f.'onl on each step hefore theymay ha\c a cocoanut.

LJ Aerographer

U Diesel Enginee,

LJ Fire Controlman

LJ Fireman

o Diver

o Parachutist

o Welder

LJ Water Tender

o Storekeeper,0 Hospital Apprentice


rJ Musician

LJ Commissary Steward

Li Gunner

o Signalman

I J Torpedoman

L i Radiomal.U Boilermaker

[J Aviation Metalsmith[J Turret Captain

o Seaman

o Carpenter

o Horizontal Bomber,

o Ord'nancemah

o Molder

o Yeoman

o Steward I

o Bombsight Mechanic[J Boatswain

, 0 Quartermaster

IH!';trid xx.I .\1r~. Ella I-Iololl's. 1cacher)I\lr~. Ralp~ Bf'ekenhaucr and

Sally Wf'rc f.irst visitors thiSterm. Mrs. F:mll Lueders andEmIl. .ir., Mr. and Mrs. ArthurMagdanz also \ ISlted,

H::lrry and Margaret SWInneYbrought potted plants.

Good English club elected Har­ry SWinney pre~l(knl, Dale MJI­lcr secretary and .Joan Becken­haul'r treasurer.

Shf'ldon E\Jen attended schqolone week before moving to Mad­isoh. Pupils and parents spentFnday evenmg, September 5, atthe Carrol Evjen homc for afarewell. I

BettYI Ann and DonaldSchwmdt enrolled September :ca.

District 5.r,NormCl; M~cr,' ,1eacl1r'r)

TIl!' sellool wa:-; nitely clcClncclfor 1he term. -........

Gonion Nds('n. Logi'nl' Syuow;I]lc! ,'Itlwa Pflu{'gpr are till' PU-

~;:~(~'~J~,~~I~~t' :t~[~l(~~lr~~n~J·f~:.tl~~~month.

All hoC! PfJUl'ger had a gradeof 100 for the month In spelling.

My I-IQbby club has heen or~

ganlZl..'d and each IS worl{mg on ahobhy.

IIl'ill!!l hahl1 charts and goodEnglJ.'ih club :..tre functioning:smouthly.

of Mother Goose rhymes. Theyalso made coloring."and penman_ship hook lets.

Gcrald Barg-stadt trcatcll. allto candy bars and suckt!l"s on hisbirthday.

The 3rd and tJlh graul'S eOnJ­plel!!rJ a' J;tudy of the pQ,em, TheLand of Stor'yb"ooks. '

VJsilors last mont)l Wpre Mar­JOM!' Thompson, 30 Ann Meyerand Supt. 'F. B. Dccl~cr.





['l Aviation Machinist

['1 Printer

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o BandmastertJ Painter

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'1=1t£E TRAINING worth $1.';00.1,; tradrs and ­.~'ocationB to choose fWIll, "

~tOD PAY with regular incrqas{'s,E cn YEAR )-·ou nrc (,Il.titlrd t.o 1\ genIJwUS

, acation period, with futl pay.FCIOD FOODIa,nd plenty of it. I""EE CLOTHING_A C'ompldc outfit of r)oH1-i n~g when ~ ou first enlist. (Ovrr!1 OU wc'!rt II )

FREE MEDICALeatc, fcgulardrntul altf'ntion.

trNESTSPORTS nnd cntl'rtainllH'nt. Bnxing,

,t~~I;;~=~:: ~:~~;:;-~o'can'tI' beat tho Navy for them!'B"'COME AN OFFICER, Many can work for'II ran appointment to tho Na¥al AC".n.dcmv or

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;'Fr~:~S:o~~~~~:;~~:r~b~:;a;~~.i:W:~,~d':r'RE.,EN!"PAY for rcgt+la.r NBVy men,

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How you can get steady pay with regular increases up to$:1.26 a month (and keep) guaranteed by the U. S. Navy.


TODAY. the Navy ofiers you the chance of a lif~timeto get to the top in a job of your choosing. What's

your hobby? Radio ... flying, .. meehanics?The Navy canmake you an expert in your fifd through free trainingworth $1500 a year or more, . , training" that pays bigdividends whether or not you remain in the service.

You don't need money, You don't ne~ experience.The Navy gives you both, And it guarantc~you regularcash pay plus allliving expenses while you lcar~.

If you can qualify, promotions will come your way reg­ularly. And pay increases go with them. After only fourmonths you get a raise in pay. And by the end of yourfirst enlistment you may increase your pay seven times,

As a Navy man. your future is assured, You embarkon a life of travel, adventure. thrills. !\tlany may rise tobe commissioned officers. If you complete 20 years ormore of service, you may transfer to the Fleet Reserve'with a substantial income for life. If you return to Civillife, YO\rr skilled Navy trallllng makes It easy to land aIg~,paying job.

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'~tiVeNaVYdutYthroUgboutthcper- travel, train4Jg. pro~ohons, P,:\Y In;.'; -odofthenationalemergcncy,but they creases. Physlc{l1 reqUlrenil'bntsl1F~hd'I ' be released to inactive d~ty as Naval Reserve are morc I ern, 10

800D after the emergency as thelrserv_ out all about the Naval Reserve. Send, ,'ices~ be s~. reg8rd1ess of the ,f in the coupon nowJ

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\ '

J)btr'id [ilL(1\.1111.l l'rl'(\nt'ksoll, 1('dCller)r\tll~:-' I Fn'drlcl<sun brought

III tJI~'I'~I)i;!/111 ~,;; :~~ Is 0:1;;.'(, I~,},:~::;::;,~ Ir;~;1lt'lllth ~'hal'l;"; <Inri lIve rUI('~ arc,'i('Il'1 lee! ,101' ('dC/1 month A goldsIal' IS't'Hl'ncd for ('ach flay arlll" IS oln;{'l'vcd and a blackmark f~ll' f,lII 1I1'l', ,

Summer Issues of Tht' Amel~­

ican 1301)-', TIl£' Ampncan GIrl andChild llJte are being t'n,Ljoyed.

Cat lails and flowers m pots'!lavc been made IrJ cblored IJa­per for: a bulletin border.

In uic Health and Si.lfety clubRuth dWl>ns i~ president, l-Ja'y(~nOv\,'cns VIce presidc'nl, Lowe1!Owens 1 :>e'cl'('tary. Meelmgs areheld l\\'lce ;l l11onlh.

I';:cllrWlh lJalllcr anr! Slanl('y(hV('llS, ::!nd gI'dl!('t"S, an' r('a(llngHound About, '

l\-Ial~ Faith {J)wen.'i has n'adIh&- Im,st books for 111(' rnonlhDooks urt.' l"l'corded on a l't'adlOgchart. ,

MiltdJn, Lowell, JI:lydn and

~(,~l~~Oler~~~~~ \~~otI~ni~~>i~~~ ~I~:I~~~ment. i

The ~('\'('n cnroll'cd had perfectattendance the first month.

!'!ayne C~titntyII ~ 'I' '

lRural ScfuoolIII 1 I

, ~il • i .-~':'-,~,- ---~ -~',' ---"T----'-- '''~',' ~--,,----------.----.------~. .1. _

'.FI~~ures C.om"ptete ~~5e:poanyeSp$a4Y:' I ,50; 19 p~y $50; Eleelrit'lly Inslallell. I DistrIct 73._ . - \All. y. L t 1 r t' I fj t (Charlene Haight, teacher)

. ~ , Figures ar from byiletlmi bCi:g cisn'sl~l~~d'lf: thCX~~~c~~l~~~ ,

a 1 1 I anFd' riddra:wa,~lln"d'oC:(!,{Jcu,dCC('ln aa cg,'crcuuu~~O' R ' I'S h I 'r"cpaced by S "t. F, R Ded,,)' districl . \ , - ",ura COS for all schobl oard members I' 'flt'h,,'y 11l~"c('"P",UPifl)sa' rDlc'cc,'nk Kf~~nig,'I,~(I',-,'I unf! tcaclH~I·!'i. I nc!udL'd m Ihe ~s IVisitiuJ;' St'lluots. G ,~' . ,~. . - bullel in arc nh es of teachers. Supl. If. B, Uecker b inil~in'g' Boh IIhnsJn,' Joy RrpssJcr, Ma- i

Largest 'Enrollment Is.2;5 and lI1('il'teilchihgJ Iddresses, hpme his I'egulp" fall visltutlOn lo bel· II'I'lns}n, Sharon Englbh'I'111~tnaIl,est Is 3 AmQ!n&, ;:,J(l<.Irel-iscs, ye' . of experichce, schools or .the counly. Darrol Ja de and LOiS English,


'County Districts.. s~lhll'J('S, cf"\'roll: ent PCI' g~aue enjoy I m rchmg around the I' ' and totall e'nro~lmcnl, tjat(~ Is ChIUI/.:"I'd. r room at; In, a circus parade.

Wayne counly's largest: onc- 'I} !: ~'I' h r I I 13C'cau~h of a conflict wllh Ihe ' 'Iroom, :-;~ho(J\ has :2:") pUpl $, J is J Irl Hays' of ,'l.l.mous J'("ol,lll. tCHchcrs,l- conventions" the date 1"'lllel FI'c).ids,f,rei<I{'~{,!nH,' '("~Cllerl

i~dll1g distl'i~t 81. In this c~~Crkl , October 1 $' AnnlC llesant, . I..' U

If J 1f foJ' count~ contcsts in ~helyoung,;:,~,I ,grades <lre r('pre,j;ent ;ex4 theosop!llst, ,1 7. ~. citizens' (>\'ent has'been changed The 51hl and 6111 grades arL'flip'ling til(' 2nd. Foul' other Octobe.:L,;2 en. f erdmand to Noverhber 1. makmg h('lalth posters. and 8th:;;d~lOOb ha\"e :20 or 0101'('. ~n this FOell, 18:)1. 'J. I graders ar\! makll1g constitution

!~I}'I!~)lIP <ll'l' dlslrict 15 \VI h 23· October' 3-

wancroft, histor- ! J)istrkt 13. post('·r~. I I I

lUplls, all grade::; repl'C, cn1ecJ, ian, 1800. (LucillL> 'rl. Wesselmal1"', teacher) Th;> 3rd land ,11 h, grades ate I

Ii:-tl'lct. 'I,) with ~O, all 'ra~lcs pctobe\l4-. B. Hayes, lwesi- '" t' ~1' sfue]y;ng American Indians·, ' I~ ~ All h~ perfect atteqdance for, ·(.'presVtlh'd, Tril1lty LUlhdran at de. 1822. U the mont, I The Bthl gl'ader~" completed In I

ltona wil h 22 l. ([:nroJlea, al[ , ctober 5.-q A. ArU~ur, pres· The 1s graders hhard the \ unit o~ Ellirope as la whole aQcL~1'adC1J !1ul the 3rd, and Trimty ident, 18ao. It: slory ofi the GIngerbread Boy are no'f ~tudying Oreat Brilair,

t'dUUH' :an a,t Hoskll1s, with all ,Oc.tober 6- cl~n WiI"ls, tcn- and eachl made a gmgerbread Eight tjad perfect attendancerude, but the 1sL, nlS, 1906. boy for 4hc bulletin boai'd. ,for the! month. i

' 'Amo-q;:; thf county's 78 rural "Octoher 74 ames Wl'1itcomb Earl Uundahl brought water- BE'UY Kenny broUght treats oftChoOIS I . and two parochml RJlcy, author, I; 853. melons 1i'1hursday to tr'~at all. candy ~ar~ September 16 for her

·1 chools,1 the :-,matlest cnrollml.<nt Octob~r 8-


ohn Hay, slate:::;- Joan Lundahl, CUlhiss Lee 9th blrlhday.~ s 3"thls being the total in dis- man, lS~8. I Helgren,' Gerald MYler, Earl

j l"j~~~iI5 i~ne~cf12·~t;~~~~tgJaSe~~ lIistOlal if;vents, LLndahl,; Donald c?hamfers, Lor- (EI~an~:i~t~~~\~:~'ea('h{'r) IIlP 4tl1, 6tl1 and 8th. DIstrict 42 October 1 German troops ,raine Ba~kstromand D an Back- The term opened WIth the' Distrkt 4;0.

·l~S 1 in Ule lsI and 2 ,in the cross Czech b rd~r, 193R. strorn wbn prizes for follOWing h I (Jcandte Stuve" teacher)'I () tic 2 II 'b A d 1 health r~le~ for the minth. school cleaned and 1 e <1\'''n Th(' IIohby club orgamzed by>th. F~\e ~chools have mJy ·1' I ](~~O) '1' - 'OlJ r n rc 13ng~ The 41,h graders ar learning nIcely mO\ved. I e]('('tlng Charles Rolwrt WII(lel'Jllplls, tl1('s(' hplng distrtlclS 4, ('( 0 t I· .~ 11'1 S mulllplicallon with vo-flgurc JOJ]Yd' Elghl cluj) l1a'" )('cn 01'-1 IJrc,,,idcnt. Co]Jccllng stam!l,",~G, 4~), fiH and 7,L Six di ·tnd!', co Jet' ,-- 1 cr enters u- :mulllpliejrs. I I ganlze. ~

l:t, 50, 59, G:),. 71 aq,.d 8l, h:wc c1ctC'nlaryd. ]9$ . 1n the eiglll ('nrolled an' lv: baby pIctures, trinkels.· napkins,I) 'pupils l'I1l'olled, J October 4 ~. attic of German- I Distrh't 20,1 : lsi graders, E\·a M~e ""!lIs am hox tops. candy bar wrappers

'I I, ~ 10wn P"l 17- 'I I J d IJ V' I King IS]l--l and nmtch books are some of thc,TotrH uf pupils 111 the I'ural 0t l<., r:: Cjl dlscov- (Mrs. Evir'a Sullivan, teacher) 1. 0 can, ones. lrgl '~lInd parochial schools is 23 or c ~ )CI' ,)- a ~m, JU~ BC'tty iFinn and LOIS Temme ~ the 2nU grade, Herberl WIllS

ihohhll'S. .

~ln average of 10 plus. T~is jn- (,I~d Costa R a, ;)02 brought :flowers to schooL This Hubert Nettleton and Rett C'<l;~~~:lmt~~1 ;;~~'·'i~~~i~IJ~~,g~'~;~ (BlandH>D~:~~~(~~~~'teacl1er)ludes 1)8 in 1st grades, '9K III f Ic~obl'r 1

6M r1~~3 chuah week white, pink, lavcmder and June James in 3rd grad~, E~al Ann Hoeman, Lois Brudigam, ~'lid, 92 in 3rd, 89 'in 4th, '312 III O~)J t\PO ~g ~y d I 1 f purple asters in-a white vase are Sweigard jn 4th grade an n Duane G'hichestcr and Donald A'f1ag ro[JC has I)('('n ac('d on

h, 11:2 lt1 6th, 108 In 1th, 1Vl .c 0 :~r ~~ eon )alt C (J used, A !;Jig bouquet of marigolds Mae Krci 111 8th. I the flag pole ancl 11)(> ag for

n 8th, . Sa::/~Otcl, IS' ~B' III f P js also in the room. 1)1"I'I"'11~_ I. Iw~;~~:r~~~~'graders arc making thl' schbol room has been clcan-1'otul~. By Distrkts!, 'II' (K' "1- a' C 0 erry- Victor Mann and Dcan Finn .... __.. cd. Marian Sko\'sende and Do~

VI c y 8 fB~rnice Meyer lc'J(;l1er) I I<:Jolh d[Jg:-,. Posters a;1wmdowiSnrollmenl In distl'ict-? ot the . , ., ha\e mastered 28 words. \They , , , dc'co"al,'un- "'cre al,o dc. lares Baird ga\l' a dumons.tra~, 1 . Perfect attendance record, ,., ....

C0unty and some unusual facts .l> Goo,] I' nl'o for C""I,'. know the meanmgs of 1. :2, 3; I The 7th grade drew. a marl of lion of the proper way to fold a:,1 about thiS fol1o\...·: Distrlc 2, has - "... . and -1 and can wnte these num-

I, wcre earned by LOlS Bauer, Mli- . flae: when it iSlPut "way. N R'S' Sh & SHOP

, For sa!e-"... chulmann piano, l!1 J "dred Bargstaclt Dale RlUer Europe and lhe Sth gradets ~, LEn E oeL 9 Ptlpi!$ \\'il"h all grades b~l 31'd; bel'S \) <,. <, A ltbralY ta Ie has been con: ."\ H

~1, 13 puplls; district 1. with ,1 good eonditi Mr~, S. A. LUI- J){:lmar Vahll{:->mp and Dar-, G.erald Bargstadt, Ilene amI Ron- made maps of Norlh America. ~l,ucted from four o,ange boxe- ' I arnessgell 02t1 Bauer A farewell party was given '" .,P

U!llls;clistrict5,wlili3pupils; ~]., '~I lrne~~hwl~h~ngiveallad- ,n:e~~~·~:~:~::~~~~~~~:~~~~I~~~~a:~I~a~:'~"1·p~:f~~'.~'~I~b~0:~d~.~W:~~111~~=~~=~~~==============~j , I Tilt g d' m dc book!C'ls Wednesday in schoo in 10nor . , "c1i:.-;~rict n, With 7 pupil~, 1 in ])~'trid 2. ditlOn SlIm:> whrch do not exceed _ 1C _~_~ l a _. ._;-____ -----r----. ("etch og"l'wlc ('x('cpling tll(' :'llh; IArll'lilldL' Buh!, te:!('/ll'r) 1() In :2 minul('s. Thr'y ('an also -~

, ,dis1 r,ict 7, WIII.l l~ Pll,J)JlsJ~istrkt E.nl'Olll1ll.'lltjt. con:.;ists of nJnI'. give thp c.orrespondll1g combina-

I':' ~'Il \\~:'~:~I~'~; /(J'~~I~~,~(;,ln~:~i; t::,~~ r~(~l: ;~ljf:~~~J~r~af~:~;, h;~\:~)f~,;i~~;(~~IHlld tIO/~~lll~~a~~;lt~~~'.llI'Ollglllgpld-

~\Il~' \\1(11 I;, dl'ill'wl I:',. ~~111l17 Nflrm;l HHIIlt'1 ('~'kb]"atcd Iwl' l'lll·od j(r~clll)()l.(1l~lll('t II. 11'1 jllJ]lIh: dl'itl'll'( hll'!lldOlY S<'J! ('mht'!' HI hy Ilrlllg- LOI~ Tl'l1lfllt', ILllpll JV1Jllil,('1I\\'1111 ~',~ ,Ill ~:I',pl(,''i, Illg;1, jn'dt, I . and Lll\\('ll n{'th\Vl~clJ have had

I 11')('1 Hi, \\ Ii IJllptl-.., ] 1111 (''1\ 1.1 ,!nycv I1,c!l I Irealeu all on !leI' 100 JIl ~l't'lllng c'-ery Friday.I gt'ade ('\:C('lll1ng llw (iih 'Ind Htlh; bIrthday ~el~ ('miler 2:2. Grades ~-7 madc !l postel' uf

di.'ilrlcl l,~ \1.1111 11, ;111 gl':llf!".; '1'111' 71Jlial(iHlh gl',Jd('r'~ COOl- ll'llih Fnda)-,hIll dl":I'1('1 I~l, \\',1)) S: dl',- pll'11'd billdd( Is nn ."arety. ('111"1"('111 !H'\\s11'1('1 \\~)111 II, rll,".!t'II('( :.!J, W('('kly

n \\111l S Jill IqdlllL: 'I 111 Sill, :2 III Hbt"id fiX. I·Ililll ,Hul 1 III hlil grdd('; r11"lrwl (I)OlllIIJy Mar(y, I('oll'lll'r)

,:1:;. H'J(h H, dlsln('t :2:3. \ Ill) 1(J; S('hool 01 t'ned Seplt'mlJl'1' 1(11'ill'i('( :)1, \\1111 I:J, III :111 t~J';Hlr',,--; \\ilh fOlll' pu III:;. NaotJli.1ollllS11Jj

; htU 1st. ilislricl 2~\ \\111 h 7; dls- IS in t IH' 3r gnlcle, Fern Mohr:tnel :lli, \\·Il!l 13, Hil !~nl.l('s !Ju( In 11)(' 1111,/Neal Snlllh 1I1 theill!l; dJ.'ilr]('1 :n, \\'1111 l~l.' :11h ,lnt! Alhlll ,Johnson III the, ])Islrl('! :2:-1, nOlth, wltl li-;- (1I>i- 7111 Ilr'lel ~0, ~()lllh, Willi 10, all Tlnl' :\l'd <l11(1 <1111 gl',l(h'~ aI{'gltldl'~ hili ;)111, dlsll'i!'1 :~l, \\,il[-l 11Jalcmg IJ;JlIl!I,IY hooks In lw,luI'Y:

1 ,Il~ all gl'ild('s hui 7111; dlsln('l) I\. Ilobl{ ell h hns hcr'n slal'lerl.:ll. Willi J 1, ill! gl<lt!('S lui ,llll; f' Accordmg j till' llllml)('r of

'I cli~1 rlcl ;~2, wit h I :~, n 11 grndt's J !looks 1'(':10 1)1 tw pupil <I(l\'anccsI h,il'l 7111; di~Il"l('l :n, WIll 9, all t I I'

gJ'lI(]es InJi ]:';t: dlstriC'l : 1,~wilh t IC ~ame [lSI 1(' army ran <mg.

, 1.1,; dl,'iII"1('1 33, with 1:1, all u~'strl~t n.gra(I('s JJ\II l-;Ih; dislrlct ~{), with ILy"nllal ifford. teaclll'r)

-, ·1: dl:-ill'wl :~x. \'-"llll R; dlst"wl Rnpicl Rd: dcrs' clul) was 01'-

[!I(,). \\\11J ]1, clisldcl,41, wilh 8, ganized Wi~ ClairQr"ylnn presi-

Iln,\1 gr;.ld('~ (,:,\,'('pl~l~:lnd; dl.~!ril'l (j~'nt, Billy < va~s vice presidl'nl,

t ';li~l~~·~.I/1 ;~I:, {~:,~:;;r\~; ~~~!~.~'~~1]4~: JlmmylBus .s~(']'etary and Dat-

I ~\·jl1h :20, ,JlI hJ',lfll'~ l"l'pr SPilled: ~~I~'l' a~~~~"~~ n f~il~1rl~~~:2·r:p~l~t~~

I{j'l-flne( \\1(11 H: dlstrlt'l 17, curl'('nt (,\'~IIIS' s]ll'cial I'('porls\\'I(!l 1(1: 1('( ·l:j, \\'JII 13, ;i1! and for l'('atl ng adclUlonal books

,'~t':j(l('.'i 1',"lln'~('II!_I,d: diS ricl 1~). I II I sm ~ I J'. 1'<1(' 1 mOll r 1I, P ('0\ leI' < lm-rWllh I;, lll.'illl(·t ,)(J, \\'1111 S. my Dush ~'jve a ;.u rent event.

I J)lsll'i.<'l SI, \\'11\1 H; dlstrict ancl Darl!'1 e Pl'~el1sb~l, Billy E\-1 'i3 \\1111 q disllICl :11jWith 7, ans and COJlre Finn gave bookdlstll(1)j ~\llh 10 dISllC!")b reports.\nth 7, rhstl'lC! '57, wltl 6, dls- The 1st IJdde sang "LittleIll'lCt 51-:. \\Ith 10, dl~t l\et 59, Tom TinkJr"r for the' 6th, 7th ::lncl

,\Villl:1; (li~ll'i1.'l u(), wilhl?l; dls~ ~th grad€,Sllfst week. I'l.ricl '6.1, \\ lth 13, all gr'licl()s bUl iMcmbf'rR of 1he school \\'el'(>H\I1; dl~tnl'( ti:.!, wilh D, 'all~. tll'Plllt'd 1o, luncheon by 1\1rs.gh-Hlt'S hut :lrd: di~lrict 103, with ,John Find mel 1\1rs, Julia Per-5; dlslf1'ct til, wlth 13;tl.lJS1I:ic'l due. ,

1 ()5, with It:;, (ll~ ~racles rcpr("~~nl- Jeanettd f''i~n brought bir~h~

,~~~lld~~~:;\~t~~;~.c~;:,)~t ('~~/t~iS ,;f~t ~li~~ day t rents! lIst '......eek. " ( M rs. sa~iS:;~~~,s~' teacher)

with I), wll!l 1 in e(Jch 1'01" the I 1strid 43. Pt'I'f,,<'l altl'ndancl' records fol'arc!. <1111. :'Illl and 7th grades; (Mrs. DQiI'(Ihy Mau, teO-cher) lht' f1~st month were earned byd'lstricl 6H, with 4. Mt>rlin Eli \'er~, 3rd grader, Kcnne,th and Charles Peters,

IIDlstrict 6\J, wIth, ](): district has ll1emol'i' ed and made a book- Marddllc and Janet Larsen, Joan, 7), \vith 9; ,district 71


'with 5, let \M the em, "Getting Ready Grimn~ and Doris Mac Mcyer., 1\~lil,h ] in,each of the' nel, 51h, for School," , Hal'Ol~l, Esther and Mildred,

6'lh, 7th and Rlh gra(p~; dls- Thc",2nd ra{]<'rs arc having a Korn ~'lsitqd lC week-end in\;.)~,i{d·I,,-c712I""'~\,'i7thl,7,;,,(,I,'ls,'t~I'i,~t"7,,,3I,' :ti~III" contest in ;: nthmctic, Each pu- Kansaf. ,

" . ,:) pi! has 1a IU lch of grapes to 1201- l!;~ther 1(01' l had alIi perfcct \lsI, 1 jn 6th and 1 in' lh; dis:' or, Ai punl' grape represents a grade'S in spcl'lmg for the first I

1 tFict 7,), wilh l<J; disl'ict 77, grnde of 0, nnd a gr('('n grape month, ,'I WIIIl la; dJ:-!.m;t 7~, vUh 10~ is'R gl'adl1 les:s tlutn 100, Alllhank the NeurasliJl';l CJean~dist I;iel 7H, Wit h 11; dl. trkt 80, A 11ealt11 Ollle~1 is in progrcss. ers «PI' cleaning alnd ljcpairing

, 1\\~ith l~i. all gl'an('s but 11h; dl~- A large b~'o vn heall.h housc is in the sqllOol flag. 1.1'ict 81, with 2:"1. all grides but. the Slmp~ f a shoe. III ea.-ch K~rjneth P~ters l~r ught a

i:j211d: di.:;ll'iet 82, wi1h 12 'district window i' he face of a ch'ild. wall ,piaquc and Jane;? Larsen:: 83, with H~ di~tl'ict 84. Oh 12; 011l~ach.1d of the windows arc lJrOllght flowers and twd pictures

' district Hr), with l'~li, tnct ,g6, }lasted gl' 'f 1 shutters Wl1ich can fOl' t-I~t>ir pal'l in ma~ing the'I ,,\iith 5. wilh 1 in ¥ch 0' th(' 1sl, be cloSf'd) hen a child passes schooj beautiful.

~~rdJ '5t'h, GII1 and 7th 'grudc~; health in~p{cUon in t~lC morning 1%.'ftl'ic Iighls are h~'ing in-Llisll'ict ~8, With 7; '1' 'inity o( he i:) alldw'd to kcep the shut- staIlcfl in t.h(:! school. ,

'I'Altona, with 22; Tl'init 'of Hos"'" tel's openjo hi~ Window all day, JOil~ Gri,nm earned th~ highestklln~with 2:-\. Vlhen he fa Is to pass inspection grade in" the vocabulciry test

,,' i Over [11\1[ Arc N '\\'. ,'the shuttcr' on his window arc givcn!to 2nd graders. Janet Lar-In "Yayne county ,11 t)[ lIw ~O closed. 'sen hh.d the highest record in

t('~l<:hcn,; in rum! {wd K\rochiat A scraphook club has been -or~ n:ithl~cliC lest on addiUon com-

'I~~~n;~~~"f~::cll~~ ~i~~irtl~~~ ~·~~i Sl\~ \~~~~~~d·p~c ~~~. i~~~Cl;Up:t~~ l;lI~~~f~~il and ~th gl'au'cl's IHl\'enumber :n .arc bcginn.il g icach- making ~ }lciure scrapbook to mcm~l'lzCd the poem, "Fairy

I, d,s unill20 others; ll" nsferred be sent \0 ehililr~n who are IlL Foll,'l and made boo1,Jels 10 il-I 1'~'om atller distl'ic~s. , 1'!le clublIn'ets every two wecl\8 ItlSl1'4 tc It. I I

(l ' .'The top salarY' paId 10 W:1~nc 'fotl SI101'~l' b sine" session and J{el'neth Peters, 5th grader, IS

.I" Y rural teachers i $70, "the program learn~l1g names and locations of, , s' $45' an.d. the a ~rag'e "i's Dorat y, LeRoy and Merlm I statE.'s He has coJorea maps

, 11;\ i~;~ ~~~o~;sys ~2,~lg~ ~~~o~s ~ ::ldo~tt~~r:,u~i1~~:~~ ~~ot~in~o~;t~~~;Sst~~n;c:~~I~p~?, $6IOf, one. pa~s $5_;, 18 p~Y, I brought p \';ers to schaol. _ han 9f fractions 111 arIthmetlc,

1lJl!l.liIb~!Illlliiliill.*i!1!1~~lll!IlIiIIlll:jll~l, I I L,Ii,I,',jl~iJlltllmlll!iilul,l. ,I,,' .i,: lil~J ,ih:lli.',lri~~"ll' ,1,;,;,,: I 0;11:; ;, "I :i\'ltr"'I:,:':tl'I,,:r

Page 12: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I

Under Every Condition!


Chevrolet aJooe of all low­pnced (0'" hOi new "L~ad.e-r

line" Styling, dist'l'\(tiv. new"Door-Action" Fender, Cl!'ldSody by f'sher w,ltl No Droft



Chevrolet arone comb1nes 0

powerful, thoroughly pr~ved

Valve-in-Head "Victory" En­gine, Safe- T-Speciol Hy­draulic Broke" Unit;ted'J(n_-ActIon Ride.ard b:trc­Easy Vowym-Power Shift

01 no extra cott,


Che-vrotet Is the mod KOo­namicol of all the lorlile-51­seWng low--priced con fromthe oil-round standpoint .of

;as, oil ond upkeep.

Dependable Equipment far EveryPumping R-equ..iremeftt

Come in and llee us fot Dem~ter Windmill5, water.,.wtemll. ('enlr!fll.l"al pump.. pump ja4~ handpump~. ('ylll1der~, tank,. irrill"lltion ~lump.r,:;~lve tit.llnl's. "alva», lind ll.Ce.elllWn..... Do lll",la)', I

• On thousands of farms ..• under every

'~·~:~~~~Is· :~;n~eaTo~~: Y~~'eDe;l~l:~their oUbtanding dependability. Dcsi;{lll'dwith the lat('!'tt improvements, !lempster'Vindmills pump more water with li.IChft'rwind~. No wo~r! The special l} lie...h~1 I. sdenUJlcally dflli,rned to IPve /;:Idra p{tw~r.Thtn. pr~illilln tnj,tine..nna a-i.u Mlcb 1t(JJ(I<llh ("_ardinatilln of .U "orkillt" paru that )'\>u aduaU,,.,( more pumplnJr hour,! p('r day and lon"er 1j.{,o1

7imLTidiJand PROVED • • •



.... and this new Chevrolet is ~ver.y bit as far ahea~ ~n'/fleet, thrifty, Valve·in·Head "Victory" performance as It .1­

in clean, modern, Fisher Body beauty

Lookin~ ~t this newest and fin~st of all Chevrol..t.from any loint of view, .. lookm~ nolV ~r lookmg

h d Ilte believe yOll will be in.tantly Impressedo eo ....,..... tor Garith the thought that it's the smartest 100w ".

and the smartest "bu~' '" years. .

And matching this advanced st~le leadersh~~ ::he Finest Chevrolet of All Time IS the com 10

Terformance and economy leadership which has made~evrolet America's No. I car for ten of the lasteleven years.

See and drire this hpalltif,1I1 new c~r today!


Ph~RDLL ~~UTO mMPA~!:n~~:,~

1'IW, ,.,~_,_'_'__J.' .,~_ _,. ....: '" J''''''~~'''__NEm<'~' ~""".~ ~~"",~,~ . _ .. ~I '111" ....

_~....J ",,_m-..o, ~ ~ ----, W H 'lidIa De ver hospital where he h~d! Arnold WItt ab Pender The club of~Wakefield. were 'afternoon an~,. 0' rtment·· I ' ·yne e'ra' up~~~f~~~~ ~(' o~~r~at~~n l('~~~c ~~~: ~~ei~ ;~d';r~~,th wIth .pa.~l Mur- su:::~ ~:;~~ Jakr,bs, r ~H:- tI epa 1 M D .move th", first pI Oclob('r to '.heI I 1,_ -,' hOsPit1al Tuesday. r, • ; MihS ~nna D~ngperg, .1S~ E~- Mrs. Christina !=:uehJ hOW-iC :;hc

' " ".; I: .' ' , 10 Mb';'b:~~\~;i~~~'~~1 ~~\I;'°f~,:;,e;\:i ~~~:'&.1J~~~~, ~~;:'it~~~~Ai~i~ purchased, Thebg~~ ;;;:h:~~eYh~~~:I BY MIRlAM HUSE WIT , I Saturday 'hey were io Shenan-I Schmode, Fran~ and Edd,e We'bl~ Ily, ';;h~ ~~a~ to the Gaebler' &j~-.....j---t~-~--'--~----:-----"""-~II----------'---- I ' 'doah, ta., with relatives. They re-, Mr. ana Mrs. Albert Jaeger an move a r. t gouth of th,- , f WINSID LOCALS in the Harry Kahler home at tu;.nOdiorne Sunday. ~ Kennrth p~ters!n called In the Neely hOUS~ JUl' . ,S . 1 U nl· gs of T.I,ne I I, , Pipr"e. • \I1r. nd MI>, A. C. Norton of Chris Weible h, me Sunday after- Brader statJon. . Mr'OCla I.~ap e n t't'~, Jdhh Newma was 10 Norfolk Mr. and Mrsl Samuel Reichert" WaJrne Mr. and Mrs. E. If. Prin-, noon. Mr,. and Mrs, Carl R,tze" '1 •

I ' '$ I FfiJa¥." GlaHys and Willis vlsited in the' \i-er an 'children of 'Norfolk, were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kan~ and and Mrs. Chros weible and fam~:ciSocIal Forecast. ~ 'J. C "1 Lambre ht was 10 Norfolk John Pil, home at Norfolk Friday Sunda evening guests in 'he family Miss Ti lie Kant, tljl> last Mr. and Mrs. Lou Walde

III , II Center Clfcle club meet this land Mr~ H M Hilpert;. tICk ts, Sat raay. i' afternoon. Oscar wansori hom.. I of De';ver, Mr. ~nd Mrs. F. J, Dim- Marian, Mr.. and Mrs. Edgar M~~-' 1

1'C d ed on ~hllrSdaY WIth Mrs Robert raef. M,ss Gladys Re<ehert; tables, Mrs. A tie FIsher as m Wa, n~ Sat- Mr and Mrs Fred Trampe JlOd 'Mr. "nd Mrs. AlIl'llSt Alleman mel, Mr. ami Mrs, Everett ,Witte otz and family, Mr. ~nd Mrs. N . _Debate~ 'I"~e O? uct M. B. club meets th,s r~day R E Gormley, Mrs, Joe Wh,tney urc~y afternoo . , iamlly VISited reIat"es at Ponca and family were Sunday. dinner and Mary, Mr.' and' Mrs. Emil ris Weible and Judy w:"e Flld~~

'VarlC)\ls Sul;)Jects by ft~rnoon wlth !s. Helen e,ble ami Mrs Leonard Nar:lIng, dISHes,/ M and Mrs Dave Lu<kor were Sunday They also aitended a mlS- guest, in the M. B.'Barner home. Dangherg and Paul were Sunday evenmg guests 10 Ihe NormJutlor Groups. IIFpur "o\Jr's el ) meets thl FlI- M", Fred Trampe and Mrs, Em- m otfolk

Friday. . si0'l. fes'lva.j. , The B. 'Grone family of Wayne, supper guests ,n the Wm., Kant Svenson home near Stanlon. ." .. ay afterooon wit Mrs Le JOl- mett Molgaard, pmes, Mrs Frank, Mr and Mrs. Lows Kahl were Mrs EmilRehmus, Shirley Bess calledf' the afternoon. home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gustav BoC'teJ,

. WJnsid~ igh Jichool lJasebaU, an, r, Fleer, Mrs. Ben Benshoof and Mrs at Howells Saturday. Suehl aod M" LOUIS Ehlers spent Mr. nd Mrs. Will Cary. and Mr. and Mrs.1 Ted Sladsky and Mr. and Mcs. Sieglcdorf aod Rich.team d~j"eated th~ Carroll team Nelghbol'mg Circle cluh e~ts N. L. Dltman, ~~~hc~" ~~ss Alm~1 ivl(:SC George Gabler was m Nor- Sunday 10 'he Charles Carr home Nonna Joan and Mr. and Mrs. Michael of Lexirlglon, came Friday lard of Xale, S. D., and ~I ..~. \\m.here Fmlayl afternoon, 16 to 10. ext Thursd"y, OClnl",r 9, wllh Lauleobou~h, !)'lISS V~lgmJa Trout folk F:rlday afternoon.. .. at Wakefield. George I Pinion, the ,last of Fries, to the Burt LeWis home. Mr. and IKoep"e 'VISited in 'he Lmil SI"ffenrr:


was. Winside'S. last game liss ~nna Carsten. ., ' m.an and Mllss,Dorot y Dobson, . M S! A~na Dangherg IS as,ustmg Mr. and Mrs. 0110 Niemann, ~a., we!re Satllrday:mor'nmg CRlI.' Mrs. Siadsky wjnt to Lincoln and Ihome at Wayne Sat urd<1Y after:smce their game WIth Belden o~ Parent·Band association jnec~s .' - 10 the W,ll Cary home. ,Leslie, Marian ami .. Vorda w~ro .rs'in t*e T. J. Pryo< home. to the southern part of the state noon. The South Dakola folksTuesday was ,cancelled. l3<'ld~n IS elober 9. TI", officers will :be m P<lr;ErWln 'T1~,lehs, . MIR~ Gertrude. Bayes was 10 Sunday evelling guests in Ihe Nels Mr. dnd M". ped Erickson Saturday to be gone a week or have he"o \Isiting here ahoul IwoplaY-lOg sJ:x·man football. '. , barge of ent~'t'talnmcnl nnd 1Jll honor of ,Mr, ~nd MI'~' ErWin w.~~nt last We~nGsday. Jorgenson hnme. . were among guests In the Donald ten days. Mlcha&1 remalOed in the weeks and planned 10 I'etu,"" home

-,>ebool boara had a ,egul",' uncheon, . Ulrich's lSfh weddmg anOlversa~y . lei ond HOlbqook spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred LewIS of Milliken homp Sunday Jor. dinner Lewis home. the first of Oetober.mbbtlOg Monday evenmg. Loyal Neighbors club mcett th" Friday <,veOlng gil,,,," In their In the Harry SlIohl home. JOlilio Mo. arrived Monday to and supper honoiing Mr. and Mrs. d M ' C I J h son Mr Ben Voss and Iknrv of~ 'f . tl Anton' I "1 E t Mid M Ed Lindberg were " " :r-.lr an T,_ ar 0 n. , I s. .' Class News, bur",ay a lernoon 'In W hom" W'Te Mr. anr "rs. 'rnes Ylr- an rs. ," '. visit in lhe G. A. LewIS home. The Richard Barhey of Hayward, CaL D'.' dR' M d Mrs Kout Blair brought :Vlrs. Wm. Kuepl<e

The juniors had two debatcs in ol"rson home with MISS Mar· PUI", Mr. and Mrs. Reuben ,Puis in \\fa~ne Satur8ay evonlOg. men are broth.Ji.s. Mr. "-hd Mrs. Arthur Brummond o"s art ~Y'Sit r. tn 'of" Sioux 'hom~ Thursday. Mrs. Koepke had'American his10ry last, w('ck. The raret

Pelc'rsen and Ml'~. Vernon and faml[Y, Mr, an,d Mrs, lj.:,loyd Mj"'land Mrs' C. E. Carlson Mrs. Harry. Lindsay and Maur. and family, Max Ash, Maurice Newman an

sdaneYd'nner aod heen at Blair about two mooths.

class was divided intn 'hree ...nSen 'I' hoste~ses. Puis, Mrs. Mimlle Brue~kner! Mr. werd n Wayne Saturday after· ice, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lindsay Hansen, Charles Jorgensen, JoYce~ CIty, \V~re t u.o ~~ R~bert John- The Blair folks were (j\'l'rnightgroups. In t1


e debate on ~'Resolv. ," --.- and Mrs Ezm Jochem, and :fam~. noon., . and family speht last week with and Dale were Sunday dlOne" abd SUppor gue~~ I~adi:s are nieces of Iguests in the \Vm. Ko('pkp, jr,"d, that Arn~I'iea should hav" heen ,Ro""'1. ily, Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Fal~ an Mrsl Chlls Hansen spent Salur-, relal'ives in Kansas. supper guests in the M. Jorgensen, son/~rr;,"' eM nd Mrs. Law. home at Pilger. They called io Ihe'named Cblumhia.". Ivan FI'e~e, 'Albert .Jae~"r's: ".1 (amlly, Mr< .. Carl Strate and Wal .d~y ~rlternoon With Mrs. Gcorge Mrs. P. C. Jensen returned home home. M~~, ~o~~~~~, ~h:ron and Gary (r"n"""." on 1',,,. F", ~'~... _l\fary Farran and Blil}' Cary _Hfld I~tA group had a dmn0r par!~ FIl ItC'r 01 H(l~klns, MI'. and MrS·kROY Gab/d, '.. . Sunday (n,:enltlg from Ponca where Mr. and Mrs, \Vm. Swanson, Mr. ire c __ _ _th~ a~fit"mative .sjd~!' an~ .l~~~rll ay I'vcniog in t be Alberl JIJI'gcr Nc'ary, MI··I and MI s. S~m"e ,UI. . Mr.jand Mrs. Carl RItz!' vISIled she Had spenl the Week in the and IIIrs, Edgar Swanson ahd fam· lBaird, Evelyn B~lrd ,and Mal\i,l~ OTI1e. . I II'lCh and c1jlughtl'rs, ~rs.Ect ~'c1 m IhelAclolph Rohlff home Sunday Chestl'r Wyh.. home. IIy, Clarl'o!'e illorrl' and ~Ii>s 9"Barner 1he n(>ga~I~{,. Group. thrc.c, r ,- , , UlrICh anil,TvJr~. P,".", UhlCh, 101 aftf'rooon., . . , Mr. and iIlrs. O. M. Davenport Valla Swan":o Vowe afl ....-I R"which acled ;:~s .1,~rJgC's, df'C'd~~l In ('I{:tway (Iuh !\]('('ts, ,.' 'I lJw S;JIlW ODCiIS](ltl, Sunday l'.v(~~Jng MISR Lore \VC'lhlc . of Om;111.~, lofl Sunday for St. Paul. Mum., noon gU1'c;t" ItT thr ()s('ar II!=_-favor of t 11(' al /irma! Ivr. C,rotlp T'('gcl\\ ay clull (In(o} LUIl( ( 1110 '''''('1'(' Mr, and lvII'S, l' reorll spent tIll' 'Neck-end 111 tl)(' (hi IS wh('l'f' 1\11' Da\'C'nport \hl! have a hom(>.two dcball'd W('(]nesday on "H.~'. :'pnft'I' Cm']t' <'lub Tw'sday ; ft~,r'-I dnll Mr. "nil Mrs. Frank Koch W"lblt' homl'. pbysical e,,,m,natiOl;.i"~ Mr and Mrs. Olto "'emaon anel ,~olved, 1I1<lt ';Spain \VilS jUSll!K'rll~III(lOIII in UI<' f"''''''''n S,I,'ul", w, nl ;'urlull<, MI'. anll M". fhas~. Miss Ad"nc Broherg sreol lhe Mr. ;lOd MI's. Mari~n Npary left family, Mr. aod Mrs. Carl SIP,ers, 'I*,I.~.heing morl' prcmd 01 Ule' work .u,l, louw. '~Ic(;ran" 01 M(';Jcluw Gl'Ove" Mrs. weC'k·end w,'h Iwr pare'ols at Friday for Ih"'I' h,,/ne a1 Kid". Mrs. Wm. Vahlkamp '\OcI children ~ _., R·Ott ERS ~Cortpz than de that (If lo]um!Jlls. , - ,1\1111111(' lil'lh'c]Ol( r ;1t1d lvII'S. Lhwsl [Nt,\\nl(1n r:ro\'l~.. .. I",JIll', I\.Io, nf'l"r .<.;ppnding a week were SUNday dinDe.>r ..Inr! sUfJPf'r "MIL S and TOW IFred JorgpnsC'~~l' LC'ona J~)hn:-'I()Jl ('h~lr"" ('nlUW" 'Ice"... ' .. Puis. M,·. and MI·s. MIi<eJOrd~n were io Ih" Roy Neary home. guests io the ,John Sle""s home ' WIND _,' -'~l"", , 'and Dorothy Jr ,J"nS"o 1',1<1 tbel ,sl. Pald.s Lalh"ldO CI,IUlCh, - Tu"sday evpolo~ guests IdSI week L C". Milleishdt anel Mrs. near Wayne. -;. , ",.", 7

affirmativ(" AmC'(' Han<.;('n, LflH<¥' f;llllWi! n1<',1 Sunday r~\,pnm~ lin thrj Parf'nt-Halltl rl~llt(~rtaillS. at T. J. Pryor';;. IAugu<.;ta Srhnfodf' of Norfol~J vis. Mr. and Mrs. Gporgr> Pinion ofHersQ,hej().and ~hilrk<.; :Jnrkson \1':('1 \', r· "angberg l",nll' WlI11 I"" l'arcnJ.l3and association ~ntor- Mrs. Rasmus Rasmussen spent i'ed S"lurd"y in the G. A. Mltl(,]. Fries, \(a, wcre ""turel"y dinn .. r

I' negative, ThE' JudfJes lIed on th:lr - wn~b('r" pn's('nt. II;:liI1Crl trw lnwn board, s{'hool Thur."dilY afternoon \~llh .:'vIr..,'" sl,qr]l ,Inri G('nr Carr home'S. L ucsts in thf' C[lnt TroutmCin,vote"l~eon VonSegg~','n '"'' l'h:nr-, , . -- '''''"'d, !I',(Ohel", hOllrd anI! PI'I!"I' .llllHlbsl'n. > . . s Mrs. Vernun .Jensen ;:nd I,aby, ~o';'e: F~om here the Pioloos wPotman for both debates.. Itnr'(arnl Suo BenslJ(~nf. '. 1""VI'S aod hushanl!s a pro~l'tlm MI·s. AnIon P'I'''sOO and ~!IS. Mr. and Mrs. If. W. \'IOll'r\'eIO to Pl'od"I' Salurday I" ",," h"'ore

Advanced elvics class 's seleel· I MI·s. 8,'n 8enshoo! enll'rlalOcd 10 Ih,' ;II"I""lIllm Fl'lilllY l'vonlOg. M'<I'gal'l'l sl"'nl lfLII'suay lasl WPl'k were Sunday aflernoon gUl'sts in leavin,; for their home.lng p"o],"'ms fo !'" slno,ed. TI", 110 dnldr"n aod ItWII' mollwl's '1'1. a Ahoul '111 !,l'I',,'nl. Tim pro- al Carl ,lI'nsl'n's; . the T c: \\'lIJlfhll'ln lronw at. "'. J HI roh' \\hofU'st list was probl,'ms e~n,"lcred 1al

'IY ~atllrday atleronon lor g"li" Pia"" solo, "PII"'S MI'. and M,·s. Rohl'll n"all,,,g Carl'Oll. MISS Mern':k' ' . 'i, 1 II

tno:')1' imporlllnl. and the ,<;ec.ond (ami SUI"S ::lld hirlhday. 01 Pilll" L;IUl'a .T:JI1P CJlllfJO' 1apland lanJily VISll.'t1 I't'lal1\('.'"i nt] Mis;; fiplm Orr, who i.:;:a <;\wlf'l1t toaches I11t ~t(){ tclm

i3 sP('~J 11C'11w oI1('s tfll'ir·. p~J1'c'nls (,o~sJd~:r , -- (!:JtH'C" 'Shirlr'y \Vad(" Miss ~lma R<Jndolph Sunday.. at \V;lync' COJ)l'gP, Hnd .Tohn Wag~ week-end :nn l~~,s I~~:'nb flr~l:'~important, 'lNd"'hlrd an oul"tlcl s nnyal N,'i~hhnr I><Id~e. , L"ut,'nl""lgh pitlYlOg Ihl' 111'1'010. MI'. IIocl MI·s. Maune,> Haoseo ner "'1'1'1' Suoday 6 o'cloek ~inni'r home. 11r. ad, 'cj accomYanleclviews, Afle'r the' llsl IS eOlnplIl'd, I Royal Nl',ghbor lodge ,,:,et ru~s. I"""n,,'nl: I.np.aet play, "Jl,obbie aod ,ons w~re S'llurday aftl'rnoon g-uesis in till' Chnt Troulman her al Fremon!,,:n pthe dass wiIL'I'

II,;';1 20 of Ihl' pl'"h· dlay <'wniog las] we"k Wllh, MISS tlnd II", Bald.Heacll'd Man."1 Cliff visilorj in Norfolk. hpme. . her ba~k that... . ,

]ems to be SHld]('d. , , qhulys Rf'lcbcrt. After thE' IqgUldrlTm

('1, IVIn;. Mlldrc'd Witte and Shirley Bpss Spehl spC'nt, from, Mrs. ('orn Drorld was <l Friday Mr. and Mrs,. Sam ,RClchprt,Special ro-porls have b"l'n gIven nreellng, luncheon was sr'rvuri. Billl" Will,,; sulo, "Beauliful Fr,day to Suod~y I'venlng In tile dioner guesl In Ihe Ben Lewis Gladys and Willis, Mr. dn~u~'I;;.

in World history class m con~E'c. t ~ f"I'ame,·." Waldon SOlilh, wilh LOUIS Ehlers hon,", home. Mr. aod Mrs. Lewis and Wm. Janke, MISS Martha Kg,tion with t!w ,,,1 wJ,y ,of Anewnl ). Hl'~l\farA"arf't llarJ)('r. 'I . M,·s. W. O. Rmilh playing the tiC' ,Mr. and Mrs. ~ Wm. Rahe woro Mrs. Bro'hl wl're in Wayne in Ihe Mr. and Mrs. August Spengler a2

dEG"YPt. Mrs. Ev('rett JIarpl'r ('ntpl'!cuhC'{ll (' npaninwnl Trlltl1 'u,d 9onse- $nlllrd<JY eVl'~in; ca1!pl's In the 'lfl('rnoon Ruth wpre Sunday dmner gue.lsOriC'mation da~s has b('0n dis- a sUPP('!' Fl'iday [or MargIHI)t'S fj~~l'rH~f's g"m~'s and ('O~t.l"sIS w~'n~ ~I. C. lIans!'n 1101)1('. ' Mr. and :VII'S. Dave' Nct<o;on and in the ~nOJd Jankf' home.

cussing Ill .... fiv(', run~~H1~~'n.taJs 1 til birlhday. GUl'sls w~r'( ~r'l al:o l'nioV"d. Mrs. AI'1 Hl'rsclwld Mr. Hnd Mrs. ':d. Ruwe of Fre· son VoW(' FlIClay dinner gul'sls in Mr. a Mrs. Rasmus Rasmus­~ecessal'Y f"I' hapPln;;;s m ,\hat ahel Mrs. Clyde ~ack:,r: walfn:'lla and Mrs.'!. F. Gaehledwcl!e in monl, SI"'~'1 SU~day In 'hI" Mrs. the Rasmus Rasmussen home. soo, Mna d Mrs. Harvey Pet:rsonJS my outlook on hfe. . ,~IShl'l" Hamid I ,lllas dnd Ii '.Ink charge of tl,,' ,'nterlainmenl.' Mrs. I·lenry BOJens 119me... Connee Sue Troutman also spent and s~ns were Sunday dlOner

Ivan FresC' and All~(, Han~en S IlJvan. IThorv:t1d Jacobs0n, Mr:-;. Artic Mr. and Mr~'~lrWlO MlllP: a~d the day tlwrp. guests m the Dav(' N~bon. homC'.havc mainl"ined a cnn'lSt,~nt r,lt- - "'Islwr and MI·s. Hohert Jloulting daught~r ealled uoday evening m Mrs. Wm. Koepl<e spent from Mr. and Mrs. John Grier, 1r, aneling of A In the first month s work rhel<ah r,otl~e. . . sprvNI tl,,' lunch. the Gene CalT h me. Thursday 10 Sunday in 'he Ferdi. baby called In tile "flernoon.

in economics class. . RelwkHh [odgC' m('l FnddY (,VC'./ . C._ 111'. alld IVlrs. e"rge Gabb and I V'" home Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. ,Lloyd Kallstrom I JIIIEYER & BICHELFrqshmen have hC'en plan.n~ng' nlng. T[l(' annual c1uckl'n Il'qdjfOr CRTI'R ,Hans Fptrrson c.- Ilpd Sunday PVC'- ~~n( ~~." t : rid r:lmily called and Lavern Lf'\vi~ att('nded the +'

welHJtllanced and .pp'·'lZIng Uk memhel's 'md f"mil",si WIS , ning "I H C.Halscn's. f en~y slrsl:,n, .., • Northeast Nehra~ka Radio clull Ph. 30S Wa~'ne, "'ehr.



C'rnlscirnc('clils:-;.. ~)llnn('(lfIJJ'()ctolWI'I;.1\11~.sall . Mr.andM~.,~uritz ~ns('n"o~~~I~e~r~,~~~~~\~~~;~t_i~S~jln~f~D~U~'i~n~g_l~~~s~u~n~~~ry~a~n~ff~n~O~O~ri~'~~h~~~h~m~e~t~v~;i~lli~=~~~~~_==============~~~~~. In a Gprman 11 voc;-loulal'y lest eicher! \Vas pII'ch'el d('legate 10 I \\"('1"(' Sunday c\!(1ning ca!lI'l's In _ arUlCl JJa."it. week Lila M,qy NI:'Hry, Al:lpne Grallel Island mCl'1lng" (J{'tolJ/'1' 15 '. tIll' P. (' ,JI'n.sI'1l homf'.PetC'rs('n, J,C'Roy Ppjprse'n, ShlrlC'y ~Ind Iii. I\ll's. l{r')c!lI'l'l S('r\'('q!. Imlllanlll'l Rf'ru~ Ptl Chllrl,h. T-:d Dt'Ol'km:ln and ClaJ"('ll('(' ofWade and Betty Lou Weib!r' TC'- c -- (H~'\' ('!las. l{u'r[l'Sl'!. p:I~I()1 j \Vaytl(l. (':d[pd Sunday III lhccpivf'd A. Arh'ne Asmus, II'Pll(' "'ith Frank FIN'rs. I SI'f'\'l('r";;1j !):1:> 'l. m, Jamr'S C ,Ir'ns('n home.Damme, nuhy Fiseh,.,. an~l n"'ly, Mr. and '!I·s. Fraok FiI'eq'n'~r- SIInd".\' "",,,,,,1 "I I" IS" m. ilk and ~II": Hiram Wils~nSuehl had B s. , -/ Itl~irH:'d gupsL'i at SIX tablC's S~mddY I \\"el"(' Sunday ;dt~l'noon guests m

lliology Sll\dl'nts s'udwTI Ihe eV('ning-. Ar"'r dlnn"r, p,noehle, 'I,,'hol!is' ('I"",,'h, till' ]-]Ugo FlSchl'n home. . Ilast WN'k amf (1Ie~ra.s<.:.hoPPt'r \\~as played with prizes to

j' rRe\'. (;('01'::':(' Bl'('h(', pae;tor) I\Ir. and Mrs. +. C: Wintcrst:lI1

wc('k, Mr, and 1\ll's, Jf'an Boyd, ;:nd Sllllday schon[ a1 10 H. m. of CaFro]I, railed Friday mornmgShirl~y V::ad~ gavE' a "cry go~dlMrs. JOf' Whilnpy and I.,m-I ('otnnllJnlUll '-;f'IVlc('S:ll 11 a. tn. in 11w Ted Nydal)1 home. '

report III t,ng.hsh X on material Imel t Molga<1 n1. Tkv. Ber'hr' IS ;.;tnying In HlP Dr. Mrs. Mary M:os~ of ~end('r,l'pad in magazIllPs,'. '- S A. Llllg('n !lamp (It Wayn(' while ~p('nt tIll' \~pek-f'nd In th(' },d. and

Freshman elasr. mC'm81'lZPll the Sf)C'Lal 'eirc'll' Cluh. ollll'ndlnt:: \V;I.Y1H' crdll~g('. 1\11'-'- 1-:bl(' l'iornlly homr>.::.chool song liL<;t w('>f'k. 'SoC'lal Circ[t' club m(lt \VPdl1C'S-1 _ _ .1\1)'. and :VII'S, 01 (0 GI'<lC'[ find

Grammar Room, d~lY allc'I'noon last wer'l< Wl.tIl. Mrs. Trinity LutlU'r:w ('hure-h. famJly sw'n( Sunday in Ow LorenNancy Grad', Mary Elh'n Chris.. G. A. LeWIS Mrs. G('orw' PJnlOn of I (lll'\'. I I (;. I\naulJ, p<lstnr) hom" at Nod.o[l.\. .

tensen and Sylvia N('I."on \isill'd ,F~'J('s, IVa., I\1r;;. Pyatt Rhudy al,ldl s([wol;11 )0:1. lll. S(']'\"- T \Vlll'lll'muntl(' IS l111P.rO\)n~the room last \\:,cplc. . lVtr~~, Wm. W~'1i(' W('I'(' gu('sls, A,f.I~1 ict',; al :l Ill. Ifrom his r(>('('n1 dlness a~d Ie; ah[e

Boys wel'e cl('aning 1h(' thlslles c.~' a ~o('jal tmw, lundll'on \~,lS ('I ",11I';lr'"i;(1 FI'iday (lvi'ning 10 Ill' al 1[1(' banl< part tm,...off the basketball cou!'t last we('k ~(r'v('dl' Mrs. '-'ViII (';II'Y .'n!l']'I:11n". _::;)] Jl l\ilSS TJlIII' Kant of D00\'er,

Donald Fishel', Janice IIiIp\'['l, j t\vd w('('ks. ,<11 ~.;~;~~"S' Aid mr'ph October 8 <1t CoIn., alTJ\'ed ,?hm:sday to viSit aRobert ZI:'rs('n, Nanna T~'ampe 1 I -, ~ o'cllwk. , \Ve('k In lilp Wm. 1\.anl hom,,:and Marian Dangbel'g wer~ m U", Crl,'rir ('I"h :If","s, .. ,. I m<'11s Oclohl'r 9 at ,'.10. ,lVIr., and Mrs. George PI.nlo~ ,ofupper t hil'd of the class In gcjo· Cotll'l'll' ('1\11) lIlt't Thul sdat, dfl-


llolll(' 1ruck \\!IJ[ 1)(' h"re l'rlPs, Va., wore. Fr~day O\ernlghtg'rnphy test las! w('ek. 111 the hlS- (,I'IlOOl~ \V1tl1 :rVIl's. Lr>o .Jordan, Mrs. 'lbliUI Ilw [:j<.;( oj" ()('lo\)('r, guosIs III the \Vdl Cary ~ome.tory test, B(>vprly Benshoof, VI'f'- Hpnr?l- Asmus, Mrs. Lloyd Br'hllwr I' Rr>I;'. and Mrs. "tI. 1V!. ~IIpert ~ndnon TIradE'"}' Florine Grap!" Janjce and ~frs. 11- O. Craig Werl~ g~..IPsts·1 Sf P II" I ntlwr'tfi Chunh. Janice at!C'nded a miSSIOn fes1n'alI-IiI)(>rt, NO;'ma 'Tramp!" anci Billie Pf~·iZI'." went 10 Mrs. Cmig df til(' . p', a;I ;1' II Ip~rf pastor) at O.'lmond Sllnd\IY afternoon..\Vit1c W('l'e in tlw Upppr third. ry csl~ an~'MI-s, J'hol'vald J.:l.CIohs('n I d V. , . I, 1 Mrr;. Jam('t; Trolilman and In-

The 7th 'gradc' is sludying ~ th(1 me br'I'S. Thl' club mf'~>ts in ,Laclif's' AId met 1111:-; \Vcdnes<.ay fant Ilaughtl'r returned home Sat-graphs, A w('ckly graph is made 1 '(l 't,('pks with :rVIrs. F. I. 1'.'l(),,('s. :11t('rI100n. t urd:lY from a Norfolk hospital.for ('ach pupil's spt'JIing avC'rag(L I : - ~ Sunday school ~C':l('Jl-('r~ m:l'. I\1r

Js. \Vm. Koepke and Mrs.

Interml'diate (jrade!';. 'UlnsyIBl'(' Club l~arfy. " this ThUl'sd;-JY t'wrung al the jldr- Fr>nljnamL Voss spc'nt Fi'iday aft-Mrs.' John Hicj.:::ey v1sit('d the Busy Bee tJ-J~ club ha(l a party sonagC', PI'n00n with Miss Bl'rtha Koll.

1'0001 Friday morning. S tuJ,day ev('nh~g wiih 1hp leadc-r, ~aturda.y ~cl~~~l <~t.: .~',~', J) MIl';;. Rr'Jl)f'rt Boulting and fam-Art class drew' landsc,apcs on isslGladys ne:)chert. Wam1r Lee Sunday. ,EJn~lish ~C.IVJC(~)~t,9._.0 i]y, Mrs. "Franklil'l .Tone's and Carol

gray paper, 1J.sing charcoal and I oplln of \:\TaYJ1t" Ilnd Laural Jane a, m. Sund'lY. school ,It 10._.) d. rn. Jl'iln' wpn' in Wayne Salurday.white chalk. Jrannp Lf'wis', was uinln Wf'rc~ guj'S1S. R('part~,1 were German ;;('I'\'I('('S al 1(.):40 <1, m, Mt.. and Mrs. Gene Carr' andselected by tl1(' pupils as C'spcci-ally c )m~[et('t1 for he Y('<lr. Games Conj~n'gntl:Jn wJ11 Iw held ViollJ Mill('l' we're Friday sup])('rgood. " \\0,1'(1 piayr'('!. ~Tiss ~~ich('rt pn'- :l!U'l' 1,111', (,('rma~l . " '_ ill lhl' Irwin Miller 1100W..

Donald LongnpcI,(lr drew a ('ow s·'n1 hi l't!ch wdh' Il glf 1. Lun('[won I To[.\' I (lllHlllllll(Hl \\ lI[ [)(,' cl!e :1 nd 1\11's. ITc'rmarr Brockmanon the blackboard to 1[lllstt',ile a \\laslsl'I'\"t'II., i L • 1)]';Jl('d ()clllIH'r 1.:2 al 111(' ""ngll,"[l '-llIlS \\'el'l' F'I'iday ('vt'rJlnggeography siliry. ,. : 1_ \ a~" 1;':1'11",,,1 s,'rvlC:"s: ICI'"::,,:at "l,~ gU"RJS In 1111' W. O. Smifh home.

RobE'rt MillPr lold a very m101·· Alt,1 lfrt~d F,ri('h~on's. I \\ III . b( J1( xt Sunddj- aft<. 1 (IthCl Mr. and Mrs, Hf'rman BrudJgaJ:l1esting story on his visit to his ~1rs. Fr(?d F rickson, Mrs. Carl servICe OJ' Saturd<1y, OCtol~0~ 11. and Lois we're' Sunday suppergrandmother's housE'. S m'd('ll, Mrs. nnw IVIillil\{'nI Mr:-::, Lflagu(' H\l'l'1s Orlnl)!,]' ( Jl1 the guqst:.; in the Ray H4

mmer home.

PJ'tmary News. lo*aId MIlJikcjn and Mrs. f\lbertl churCh parlors. : ]\11'. and Mrs. Ben. Lewis calledThe 2nd gt-a?c pupil,:; jlf'lv(,> mas· Tv i1:1ikC'n pI11pj"lainr'd ~o ~rhool- -. --. • on Mrs. Emnwt1 B~lrd al a hos-

iered.the fil'sl ninf' nddjf10n facls. na1e:-; and t"rll;'nlls :1t a i}J,:r1Y; Cnuniy AllXll~J"Y pitnl in \rVayne Sunday afternoon,Tl10y are starting on 111<' sublrac- .. hprsday aftPltnoon Y1 thf' b-Iek- C n r'llesday Mr ::Inri Mrs. J. H. Brugger andtion facts now. s)~ home for Mrs. Richard Harbl>y OIlVe es. .' ElIIali(~ of Wayne, called Sunday, Language class ;.;tudi2d tahll' 0 IIaY\\'[Jnl, Oal. Prizes m games \V.a~'ne county Am('~'lcan ~eglon afternoon in the T. J, Pryor home,

manner$ last w('ek. l'ree-hand v,ant to Mrs, Olto Fleer and MrsJ Auxilmry meC'ts n('xt rU0sda,y.aft- iI\'Ir. and Mrs. L. E. Barnett anddrawings. were made to illustrate I l'nry Lage. Ltmeh('on W;t:-; ~('rW'd, crnoon at 2 at 11.11' au.chtr,:mum, DiH'Othy of Norfolk, spC'nt Sundaythe manners 'ludied. :1' - . M,S, 1. ,F Ga('blcr IS eh;lIrmnn, ailiernoon with Mrs.. Dora Glandt.

Mrs. Emmet t lVIolgaard anrl '01" (~eorge Pi~llons. ' _. ---- - I'MI'. and Mrs. Will Cary andMrs. Franl' FIN'r visilptl lc"t SOCial Circlel club membel'S anel Former Telephone f,imily '~cI'e Sunday supper guesl~w-c01c husbands had a party Thursday 0 t. M . d i~ the Chas. Cary hom<.' at Pllge!.

The 1st gmuel's arc able to l'r'ad e ening in the Burt Lewis hO!1lC' pera OJ arrle I Mr. and Mrs, George Coulterand write the numbers to seven. f r Mr. and Mrs. George Pinion of }tiiss Leona Juracck, whq was a/nd family spent Thursday after~

, I __L_ 'iil'ies, Va, MrSlPinion was fbl1TIel'- f~'rly II l(1lf>ph~nf' operator rjoon in the E. H. Summers home,WI'NSIDE LOCALS Iy tl l11emhe)'. , om'",,'sel waf play· her,', and nobe'" Wlutc weI''' mar- 'Rt'v. and Mrs. H. G. Knaub and

Mr, and Mrs. Harold Quinn nnd ?d at eight ta 11", with pl"i4es go- "ied Saturday, September 20; at ~Ir. and Mrs. G. A. Mittelsladt1. Mrs. C. E. Bf'nshOQf WeI'(' III Nor- BIg to Mrs_ H. S. Moses ~~dhOscar Lavdah, Ok~a, Mr. ~nd ~rs. ~. ~Ite 'Nf'rc in Pcn!lpr \Vedne-sday 1<


folk Friday, . R;amscy, Mr. n d Ml's. Pmib were Were on their wcddmg trIp .Vlsltl,ng )vcek.LeRo~ Herscheid spent Sunday also given " "1ft. Luncheon was al Verdigre. Thoy slopped III Wlll- , Supt, and IIIrs. E. P. Wendt an,d

witt1 h~' grandmothel" Mrs. Emma shvc(1, I side Friday to visit friends. Mr. tlaughters visited Supt. Wendt sBaker, in Wayne. " '1 . i - , , White is in 1he army, Th1y are hrother in Wisner Sunday after-

Mr. and Mrs. Frc>d Wittler call- .I. c.-Host Dinn~r. I I living Ht Lawton, Okla. I


(>d in the August Witll,?r, jr., home '1 l\, no-host d nner was held Slun- I I' Mrs. Walter Gaebler, Mrs, T. F,Sunday aft.ern.oo'n. ~ky in the Fr' ok Martin home for HOD 110; Balltizecl. I ,Gaebler and Mrs. T. O. Brown

Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Lindsay?f ~jrlhdays whi h camo in SI'plt'm- Thc infant son of Mr, anll Mrs, Iwere ,n Wayne I Thursday after-Wayn~, spent Sunday <;lfternoon In libr. 'rhoJ.;~ pl'¢senl: were Ml'. ~nd Jake Miller was baptize.d MOl1day noon.1he eli. E. Benshoof home. . Wrrs. Ernest Puls, Mr. and l',i'Irs. evening in the Jacob MIller home Alvin Schmode of Fremont, and

Mr, and Mrs. Henry Wacker, ir.. ' ReUben Puis and family, Mr. and by Rev, H. M, Hilpert. Rev, a'nd Miss Ruth Seru:eode of Lineoln,.and son, and Harold Pallas spent ~'lrs, Ii:rnest l~ollath and family, Mrs. Hilpert and' Janice 'fere l' spent Sunday In the Gene CarrSunday in t he Artie Fisher home. ~r, and Mrsr Samuel UlrtC~ and o'c.lock supper guests for the occa- home.

DI', ,R, E, Gormley and Dr, C. A'I ~ughters, MI: ~nd Mrs, E~wm UI- sion. I I Mrs. Otto Slender and Mrs.~a:Ma'ler, the last of Wayne, w~re, r eh and faJjllly, Mrs. Augusta Anna Anderson spent ,:Monday e"e-10 NoFfolk Monday for a d,strlct rummels, Mrs, Mmme l3rueck- U Ol",ration~., I' 11 t .eeiI<~'~ T :r !'tyor .,

, dent~l me~tJng,. ',' . , ! I :er.: ' I "I" Teddie' ". 't an~:e.as 'l' , _' .,.;' , ,'I::¥r, and,lilrs, Howard N~~v~ ,o~ , 1',i;1 ' ,-j-' . " Operation " unday, Mr and Mrs. Clifford Johnson

r Denver, leh TburSday after v,s,t· en~!lt Party lIeU . evenmg at a hospItal 10 Wayne. I d i '1 f ayne were Sunday• I ing about a week in the Art Her- Junior Federated Women's club __ > ' an .amJ Y 0 ts 'n ~ W 0 Smith

,scheid anf}. Roy N~ry .. homes_ ~ad a be_nefjt card t!art~ Tuesday lVJ;r~. ¥ao/ice; ~arseJ;l,.an~ .~~n~ bve:P.~g,r~s1' l" I" •• rIThey Went to Superiorl N"ctb.• from !eOiog .lP- t~e" aUdltonurn'1, The Miss Came ltansen, Eni,il slWi ante. I.... »_....... and',he,e to visit In 'he'Clift0'1,Neary 'dimitte"s were, Menu, "Mrs, E, and Gary Ash were Sundar ldintl'f Mr, 'a!,d, M~.,~ ''''g d/Jome ,before going on ho'!'., ".".Wep4\, 1\:1.., Gurney, Benshoof !lUes!s In the·H.'!!. H,a~e,,: h~me:, ,Mr~, ,~~,s Ho~fFn spen' , un ay

ki":'!:Iiilil:'!:>l,,":::CI,:II~:'::I.I',I' ""'i':l,Il"~~li .il~tm:\ ','!ilt'l'd: J: J:, ': ',:, ":1 ',' ,1,,1 1 I" '1'1. ,·1,., '

Page 13: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I

Wayne,,1 Nebr.

M, V. Crawford

Pard Quality DOll Food


¢ent:ral Market:Phon~ 66

• I


I. Servic' Are Corducted at

Ran, ,Iph On Fri~ay forMI' Albert Nelson.

Fun('~f J ri1es were I conductedFriday g' t<'moon at St. John's Lu­theran 'lUrch In Randolph forMrs. Al 'rt Nelson, 46, who elillct ather hOl~h ,ncar' qarroll Tue~clay

~vemn~~1 (lplf'mbel' 23, after being

'n f,tlhnl' !10Hlthl OVpr five yC'Hrs andrillcall 111 $cll':eral month!> Rev.

H, K H rf offlclated and hurialwas In m.hndolph cenwlNy.

,l" Mrs. ;JNclson's m,udcn name-wasClara JJg-U~la PelNS Sl)(' was adaught of Mr, and Mrs.. Ch~rlcs

Peters :I nd was horn in OtilahaDeceml~ 't' 16, 1R95. Wlwn she was2 yead old Ihe family came toMagnetl'l Hel' marriage to AlbertNelson took place DC'cembol' 22,

1915, ~ IAfte~ Jl year at Glbbon, thl' Nel.

sons ca c 10 Sholes and later toRandol~h vicinity. They had bf'enJlE'ar C~rroll smce 1939

Mrs. Nelson leaves her husband,one son, HatTy, her mother, Mrs.Mary, Pieters of Randolph, six SIS­t('I'S and Ihr(>(' hrothprs Hl"'r fath0t·pr(>c('ell:T Iwr ~"-d~a~ h.

Jmqm's pJ'epm'e'.'0 lPrescnl play

H·"""~·-··-!--"-,"'''''"~~~1~i"''""~·:,,,=···,,C,.....:.A.,"•._.~•.•-~:.;:::..2::::.t~:,.::r.:;:;::.:;:::,:;:;,::,::,:,::":~=:,:,::,:,;:,,,:,,,:;:,::,,:::::,::;:':.._fk:,:_ +~T~O~_R~~g<~~_~?~~~94~~~- =,...._~,..._ ~~..,'-=_~,4:~=_.~j_.c.==_=_=_===-~======".,;"!'A~':';;F:';',,:,FIW';;":~< ,


'ayne HerfJ:,111d ~:~~u~~;:,~n~~~I~Sdt';:i~~~e tiJ~ ~~St~~VI~~ ~~sa:;:io~~~:: Ri;· ~~~ g~;~~~:~:~ l~~a~~~~~~ ~~~~n ~~~:silo. Nettleton attend€'d the national craft plant. The Wacker;; r{'lurnrd

Mrs. Anna Schluns and Mrf';. hOspItal' convention at AtlantiC home Tuesday.I • i Julia Perdue spent Saturday with City_ Other! places vi~ited were NJr. and Mr:-;. Han'cy RC'lbold of

I I Mr,-,;. Henry Du,-,;h. The m(')l filled New York IClty , Buffalo, N. Y"I Norfolk, \\ erc Sunday supper'-;'------+'-~~-----~--"C"-+_'-+--_,_--+___---'-'---~--_1..L__ silo. Where lh('y took a boat across guests last week in the Henry

were Tues ay dmner g esls of IFItch 'and soh of W:-tynp. :ralled in M~r~n~rdrv:~,,~'f~~~~~]1~~,~n~!:~Lakp r~:n~~ nd_ ~lJ~agO~ jW~t~~~~~~~~s. Arnold V:-thlkampMrs. Ed K nny. / 111(> l:'flernaon. Mr and ~Irs Ber- Sunday dirlnrr g-UC'Kls In th(' Will ' ~ and ~Irs Wm. Vahlkarnp" sp0nt

Mi s Hannah Mills dray hlime nar'd ~Dalton wcr\, cvcning guests. Lutt homt:'o I JM1nday and TuesGlJl.Y last weC'\{ infrom her teachmg at Newp rt Fn- Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Halliday had Mr and MI's. Willard Blecke and South\\r'est Wayne II0toe county, Iday ~o Visit untJl Sunday m Ihe ~IS Sunday guests MI'. aml Mrs. E. Gary, Earl Sicffer WE'rE' last Wed- Mr. and Mrs.' Harry I3akc>r andWm. Mllls ihome. F Willms and farTllly of Gole-rldge, r¥'>;day evenmg gue>;f~ In the WliJ tEy Starr Corr('~pondC'nt) baby attend..d the Kraemt:r family: M s. Grlqfith Edwards, M~SS Sar- i\lr And Mrs, \Valter Llrjdh~rg of Lt:J.tt home>. reuOlol1 at Johnson park In Nor-

r ~h E ward,'1, Mrs. John Jo es and L.lure), <~nrl ~rs. Werner Golder of Mr. and Mrs Art YounN and folk Sunday la~t week.Pr I t I CI r h Rctl1'lane Jones were In t c Earl (Jsmond. The LH1rlh('rgs <Ire par- f I S d ,.., Mr. and 1\Irs, Jahn Goshorn 1\1 nr! B k d

Sundal:~~r,::l '~~ 1 ~UnJ ~rcach- Dav,· home at Plcrce, Sat rday. (':'" of Mrs. lIall,day ",,-d Mrs. ;::::;t~ ;n"~~~ R:~'~"'~;l ~~~:~:~~ ~;.~n~o~en~~YD~~o~lClIarold Gosh- so~ :;;'.~l~~';;~~ ;:'~~t.~ m~h~r~;r-mg <II J World wld(' communIOn -f M, and Mrs. Eal"~ Davis nd son (,oleicr. I homf' al ]';OI·(olk. l\lr, and }fIrs lI;"lrrv R1ker and man Kraemer home at Concordser\'lcP al L. C f·; al 7 and preach- qf ptrc·e, Mr and Mrs. Reo; Rlch~ The~pd Johnson fam11~ of Hos- ~!r. and Mrs DOll I Iltl dnr} Lu- son sppnt laf;t Wednp~day e\emng Thllr~day l'\cmng for BIllle's

JnL~J~:'~~\~1;~"m0t Wednesday m~:~sfun0~t;~~llet.%0reE~~~C aj:~~; ~~~~'de, :~t t:1~~r;S~a~~~~Cil:J ;;':;~;';;'c ~~«\ 6:;~y n:,l,ln;\~~~d\~~I~~~~ at f~:~OI~a~f:,7;ka~p':SBartelsand Ibl~~d~~d :\'1rs Harry SWinney andthe ('hUlCh parlor'!> WII~l Mrs. Wm. home. ....;unday dmner at LeWIS ,Johnson's, ~ f I M d M L 1 SPntchrnd. Mr;; LOlliS ~ahn;;on and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tho as re- The LoUiS WaJd~ famIly of Wm- nC~l~u~~~ I~ CI\~~~~yL~~S~o~~(,ci ~~~ ~~a~IU:I~~~~~ ~~:. Fnday 1fi n~~la~d f~"~~I~ ~e~srf'l~~i~'~.s f~~~

, 1" 1\lrs ,J" Ilavenpr ho"jessps. turnqd home' Sunddy df!P spend- Sid.., called In the afternoon at Martm Gra\ rholt culled \\.'f'dnr'';;,: ?-lr ::Ind MIS Harold QUInn. Mrs Glflnv.ood Ia. Sunday'at FremontC('nlrdl S01f


1cach hd!> guest , ~.- I. mg ~ dhot~t a, month wllh thClr :'~~ns,on's and also at Wm. Pnt- day ('\Onlng at Allan Pprdue's. J\lr C. E B nshnol and 1-1r and Mrs. for a plCntC dmner.

day me01 mg tIO&c1 Y \\l! h MI S WOl- (" ~1;f';.,atlOllal (bUrl h. daughtr'rs !n f dJrhUl'y nllC Gr,lnd drd s. and Mrs. !<Cil Thompson of Lwrel J h G <1Jh N f Ik F Mr. and Mr". RIchard Barhey ofley B('nshoof IJ1:lld(' ling ,III (I' 13 v.lih ~f'\ C, ISlanr:. 1 1\11' ;'Ind Mrs. N A Warth and called Thursday o>.;enmg. .' ;j~:) n -'o~ orm \\E'rp In. or 0 rl- Hayv..'ard. Cal, Wf'n' Sa.lurday

Loya1 Ne~hbo.rs mc('t today G StC'\ 'ns III ell lI·t('· Sunday Mr WaHl'I' BI'C'dl'mey rand ILlughlr:r wcnt 10 Ol1ilaha Frrday Mrs Fred Stonp, sr, of LaurtfJ, :\Irs Aus~m Erx]obC'n of IJm~- guests In th(' AlbPrt MlIlikC'n homC'.With MISS Ma garc1 P('lel·son Mrs. "chool I J (oIlO\\'. Mrs Don Brmk \\ere m inside dlUl \IS11C'd relatl\eS untli Sunday. ~pf'nt a f("w days 'hiS w('('k m til!' k F d f d The Barbpys 1(>11\(' thIs v.('ek forVE'l'no'n ,J('osc aSsists. The dl)YJby progljam artd (('1- 1,'uP~day 1~V{'nmg to attendl'a b~ne- :\I~s. WClrth's father, F. J Mack, F'rank GrIffith and' Carl VIctor, :~~J~~C~V~~t~"t ~~ ~~f'\;~~~;o~<J~~r homC' -'after \ISltlng r("l~tlv(,s here.

D~,lta Dck eets ~rlday \\Ith lo\\'shlPldmn r Sunday! attracted a fit b~l(]ge ~pom:orcd hy thr \Vom~ \Vlnl \\llh them and rpl1ilamcd m ir., homes She VISlt('d ;VII'S Pc'lpr home ... Mr and Mrs Richard Barbey ofMrs, Otto W gner ['ht' sr)('c1al larg(' nLjmbel'. I an's club. ~ Ih(' cIty for the \\mler Mrs M. W. Hcnk('1 Monday afternoon. l\Ir and :\Irs Herman Vahl- Hayward, Cal, :'!r: and Mrs. Luth.meel mg plan cd lasl Thursday wasI The ~hOlr \\ III go to Col('rJelge Rf'Y and Mr~ C. E. Fre rlck~f'n i\~lC'rn and BlllH> accompanied the Mr and Mr~ Hf'rl)('rt Thun and kClmr; Jr an·d d~Ughter called Frt- ('r MJfllken and famdy of Rar-cancelled, . noxl Sunday ('\(,nlng 10 furnish had tvIond::lY evening dJ ner Cit IVVi111hs and spenl the week-end ldaughters and Mr and MI'<; Er- d~y e'ven;ng U1 the Walter lJlrJch dolph. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest \Vltt of

MC'thocl~st Aid meel!> next Wed- musJ{' or the Ifdl f(>~tl\al belOg John Krell'; al Sholl'S, and Tups- \\llh fncrlds. . \\m Vahlkamp and daughl prs home McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Edgarnesday 1\~s. Geo. Gaskill has bf'en slag('d y R('v Pre~.;[{llder al the day p,venmg dmnrr at IIerry UI-I Mr and 1\Irs. H. J. F1Shf'r of spent from Saturday 10 Tuesday, Blodgett of Tyndall. S. D, NIr andclect£'d preslqent 10 succee~l Mrs. Congrr atlonaJ church'th('rp. rich's n<'ar Beld{'nt P<l~:-tch'na, Cal, spent 'the week~ In the Clarence nO} 1(' home at !lotI'. nnd :VIrs H(>rman Vahlkamp, .:\1r5. Alhert Milhken and family,J;)a\(' Theophllus \\-ho IS movmg 10 I - t' Mr, and Mrs Aug Franzen and f'ne] wllh the latter's siSler, Mrs. Mmneapoils Jr. and daughlpr spf'nt Sun~day Mr and Mrs Jamps Mllllkpn andWayne. " I Mf'thodist (;1111 d1. Dalf' W('TI' Sunday dmner gUPS?Sl at MHlt Jon('s. Othl"r SUnldij.y dmner MiSS LOIS Pierson of Newlon, la.,' f'\enmg last week In the E.mll farruly, Mr and Mrs. Carl Sundell

~Woman's' dup meets Octthf'r 9 I ReV'j C G S!('vpn. pastor) CiJffcJrd Park!"r's Mr and Mrs. g"uests of Mrs. Jones Hmd Mrs. spent Saturda.v afternoon and Sunt RoC'hN home and Mr and .Mrs Fred Erlckson

vlth Mr,<;;. TOlin Robcr1:-:; Mr'. J. H, Suml; y !>chonl al In rWorshlp III ;vlHr\'~n Johansron of PlalriV10W, Mni;{gw Evans Wflr(' Mr~. Ellzabeth Iday In lhe Roy Pierson homp ~ ;\lr. Mrs Mel'. In C'hwh('sfer and 'I "ere Sunday dinner and supper)wi?n~ IS leader on a Coh11l wil ion 1

11 LI'1l 'IW al 7} I.e aIled In t hr' aflf'rnoon ' Willmms, Ml:-:;S Cora Jrnkms and and Mrs. Chas Pu'rson and Dp;-m chJldr('n. ElrtH'r and MISS LaVeme gtlests 10 the Albert MiIlil~f'n home.of the tOPIC, ~vhl11 ihp comrunlty Junlo choll Salurda . 111 L. I Mrl lind Mrs I:. L P('arsoh lind [ \,In \VdlJams. The Fj'lshers !pft of "Vakefleld, wen' ,Liso Sunday \\'ackcr I('ft Salurday morning for . .

we!> 1h(> chIld Good thIn ~s the Adllil cJlOlI' Thlll-.:d'J. l'\('I1Jng at MIS. 1\1]('(' 1lurl])('rt hud SundHy 1\1onddY lor th(' west. I(linner guC'sls. \Vlchlta, Kan., v.here thp i\!elv\n Patronlze the Adverlisers~(jmmunlty n~jghl do for (' Hldr('n H. (lin-ndr\\lth :'\11s I',mma Eddlf' l\lr. :\lrs.J R .Trn;';f'n of' Blair Mr Mr <'Jnd l\fr" \\'nn(\r0\\ LuU and 1I••••• IiII1I1•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a:.II••••~J1llH stl[..geHC'd In Hid 1 I FJ<l)l!-\l1dll'\\S Pl1jl(ldTUd(II!dnd:\lrs PI',Hson\\prl'mthe(<l1 ,iIlc!MIS FI('cl Jpnl-len and thc daughlf'rofChadron,:'vlrandMrs r- •

1 I -- I,wd Bell PPlnn \\JIl JOIn Ihe JlUtll!('rt homp 1hat ('\'rnmg ('hrl" PC'ters("n fnmlly werp Tucs- Otto Lutt, LC'slf'r anr! Delon's, Mr. :Soc·ial. [lhUrrh nrxl Sllllr1dV :\lr .inc! Mt" Henry \\:nckrr)l rldy ('\rlling dlnlwr gUf'<.,js la.';! and -:\ll'S \\'Jil LUll, .:vII <-Ind :\Irs QUALITY •

U;t'\(' Wil'lll'TI Rolt:-01. A S()('llll I()I Ill, "., pl,in- Jnd ~on \\l I( Jl1 Ih( Alllt' nsh('r \ ('/'k (-]1 Ll'n ,](onc;PI1 s :\11 dnd ;\1rs Don LlJ11 ;In(J L;nonnp \~(OI'(' FrI- :

\Vrllltlg Work('l s fwld I \\ II nPI I Jll d I I ) II~ , \, IllrlL' ~ [JIJIlh" IH ()- hlJJl]( II \\ Inslr!(' SunrJ IY <If I, r~ I! L I\'i'l']y oj ViflrlSldl', C'aJlf'd 111 day SUPPl" glll",ls JI1 Illl' \Vdldl'd MEATS' •IO,lst I-rul,,} i\('nrng .II (111'1 'pli <1)( Ill\ilrf[: noon TillY 1Af)f' III till' 11(nly 11l(' f'\l'lling J'vll<; .1 R Jlt1s('n t('- Blp('k" h"nl(' -:

,Johnson's. I \\',\('1(('1" sr IlflllW 111:11 1'\1'11111V IlltJ1,'d !lOln(' \Vl'dn('"d,lj, "flf"'.1 l\.TJ" ,lilt! \11' 110)<1 IJunJ.I,HJ ron- •I -.- - I II,'"t,' III~IUII~ J~:ll"'~'tlll",rrlll.;I~.I',(n.IIII)I.~~.. t,I(·lrl MI' and 1\11" .J()lm Cpllrn:ln Mr \\('('k h('r(' \~J1h I'(,Ll1l\('s. jpltClJl1P(j Sunddy;(1 dJnl1pr' and

Carroll Baseball Team Is For Mrs_ .JiU' Ouffy. I. K',. ".., n Dnd jilrs I\lh,dl' Hop \\'1 rp SunrLty Mr and l\Jrs. Kruse of F0I1 Cal- luncheon for "Irs. II<lzel Lcs::;man ARE ALWAYS MOSTDefeated at Winsh:le Calhollc ~Irl hM] a fal'owpll ]\11'<"; Ivv'allpr R{'rNh'l1wyrr l'ntpr~ dlnne'!' gl1('st~ of MI' dnrll\Irs. John hOlm <lmJ MI.., Rube, t Eddw dnd of Des MOInes, 11r and :'<lrs ,James ECONOMICAL

' . \:V(>dnt:.'~day I-;t we("k Jor Mrk. JOI' lallll'd [LadlP<..;' AJ(l Wt!nec;:rlay Grlf'r MI' dnd Mrs 1ft>nry WackC'r f<tmlly \\('1"(' Thursday chnner McIntosh, Mr. and Mrs. FredLast Friday. j Duffy at het' h(~me Pnz('s In Pl'O- \V,lllbf'I' LI'HgUP ~:eGts thi~ weT(' ('v('nmg- c,dlprs al GnC'r's. gll('sl~ o[ 1\1r:-l. F:mma EddlC'. Mr. Beckman and fnmlty, Mr and Mrs. _

' Jlll1lOll·g of Carroll hig~ school grcsslvc gam s wenl to Mrs lIenry ~~~~~~S~i\~d(y,~,p,~~no~;}o~fI~~~e~~l~o:~ M.r\ dnd Mrs. M I SWlhHI t W0ro and Mrs. Kruse' and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Beckman, ElaJnf' and '('Ie- !\fA Y 'VE SrGGEST for you dinner juicy

, -:'U·C' prar.tlcmg for lheir pJ~J' whIch IIarmC'kr a d 1\11',-,;. .Joc LIL'wer. ~ in Frf'mollt FrJdHy 10 VISI! Ihr' for~ I!('nl'Y Lagf' wC'rp In 1)1(' Emil TH'I- on(> Fr£'clrlckson. baked ham, tender trilb,v roast, fresh fish,I will IJlJprf'Sl'n!C'd October 17 al1d Mrs. Duffy vas prl'$pnl('d 01 gtll age ar(1 ('specially urgekllo attend. mer's slslf'r, Mr<;. Pf'Hrl \Vl!d~. g('n llOm(' Thur.';oay C'\l!"nmg for Mrs Hazpl Les~man camp from

l8, I, Luncheon cl :ied Ih(' dny r~;~~~(~)/(~:t:~~7p~l.skl'(il to· l?rmg Thf'Y al~() wpnl tn RI;:\lr flnd Ar- "upJll'r. 'TfH' C;J1houn folks. rrlllrned D('s Mornes Thursday 10 spend two oyster", home-made R311Sage, home.cl1l'ledCarlJ~lJ losl 10 Winside 16 to 10 ~ lmglon and rC'l11rnpt! Salunlay hotlw FI (ddy nf!pr. s[)(~ndLng ahOUI ~el'k~' \acatJOn WIth hl'r parent.s, corn heef'?

Fl'ldaY~n baseball dt Wmslde. The Cel(>bratl"" Hi thdllY, Churrh poullel! mf' 'Is Fn(lny Mr, amI Mrs. II C Rarlels :1r· d w('f'k III Ihf' TlollPrl BddiP. Hans Mr. and Mrs. James McIntosh, and tlocal t am V.BS to go ta McLean torMtRlln~ndd<'lt rd',nn"'::rm ~,ntJ,nl d~~l"IIJpeC~r~ r\ ~'I~~~ftl~I,:I~~nf~l~.f' {~J~I~~lr:~~g~atllr~ rlv('d ,horr!lf' ~unrlny from a few amj Em!! Tlelg(''h home's. other f€,latlvPs. ,Mrs. Fred Bcck- • I,Tuesd..J this \\cek and McLean "." ".. w(,0ks \1~lt In D;nv('r Th01r son. Mr. and. MIS ,John Gaskl~J and mfln and. Mr. and ~Mrs. RusseJiplans'iJ.., return hpl'p ()(tober 10 Sunday for Illl(>'S /61h bnlhday dny ;It

l!) ,) m Pllrpnl~' are urgpd RA.Y Rllrlf'ls, or Wvommg, broughL fklly,.Mr lino Mrs John R .1fmes, Beckman met /1C'r I SIOUX City.

s lid t Guests WI'le Mr dnd MIS Blair 10 .';('nc1 all ('hddrpn of 1 y('ar;.; or 1hf'm anr) sprnl a 1('\\ days hpr('. Mr rInd Mrs \\'111 Shuff"lt and Mel- Mrs. LRssman was a Idayafler- Variety of cold and canned meats~M~r~'~<~ r~lffc,~n~~hO~ \\~~nefv<:~~~t J0ffrey and Patty of Wd}n!' Mr. {g:;~::~:!,~~~;~~i'\~~olJ~~vt~oa~~u~~~ Mrs .J~hn DaVIS, ;v]rs L. I,:. \In, \·lr~1I Shuf('lt, Mr, and rvrr.'; noon 'gU0st of Mrs Fred BeckmanGTO\ l' fal m Teacher'S w('re Jnvltcd Iand Mrs Ro Lanodngor dnd ,ram- Lmk, :vIrs ~ 1,1 :1ensPI1, Mrs. J. C. Henry SrhmIlz Jr ahrl famJiy and f1ccompanlf>d h('f tn club at the

lly, MISS M~nan WUI kel \ IlgJi honw ,md \1'.. 110 dC'silC' s~ch Jnstruc- Woods. Mrs (,usl Jolm"on (Incl \\('1'(' Sunday guests In 1ho Ed, Elmer LJ'ons homp Mr<: Lpssm-all:Ji LaVernel Bontu, Jlllilor, gave an C;rul1!<c, lIol 'er Elc1hard! IJOn ar~' 1m ItNI 10 Jom IhiS group. Mrs. M. I S\\ lh<1rl wprp In \VaJ'n .. I llrnslead home <I1 Wavn!'. Mr. and spent Saturday nIght ~11 Frrod R(.ck-

mt01'l'Spng Idlk on fmgerprm1mg _ Slln(V()- "elmol Cit 1(~ and ~f'rv- Tuesday fOl' jllojC('1 Iparlers' Ir;.un- \It.'; Jorom0 Knlflcy of Shcnan- man's.for thli s{'nJOr vocatIOns class. LodJ{p. Has arty. Icr" atl (J 1") J\'ole 1h~ change f mg doah, Ia, \\-erc <llso thNC'. Thcy

'PhySICS clas<: \l1"Slted IheeJeyator Rayal N('I,hbors harl a slJrpfls(' lJrIl(' f <.:('I\I('('S ThiS \\J1I])(' II' I\1r nnd Mrs ENman Thu~ and camf' 10 sp('nd llH' \\ock-pnd and \\'iII LPRVP Hospital.and g~r,lgc to examme h/Y'drauhc party Thurs dy ffternooll Jor Mrs worshIp hOUl durrng \\Enlel' Quat- son ralll'd \Vl'dn8~d:w and Sunday lo lak(' hom(' I\1r!> John R. ,lones' Harry McIntosh, who has beenprcsso~ \Vdl Rees explamed that JOE' Duffy a ctMlss Lu('ilk Duffy tPrly 11uslnr's",ml'f'llng

l\\'1I1 ,follr,) III 11w August Thlln homf\ 10 SPC !l1othrr, !\1r" lola Arlkl;;sorr, '-"ho In a D!"s MotTIC'.'; hospllnl Sp\i{"n111he rll":t1'ss <It the 0le\ator W,1S Lhe at thew hont before they 1Q'11 for sc'r\ 1('( s n(''X1 Sunday ~J[ In( mb rs Rolwrl \\ 110 I" r(,C()\(,l"Ing from In- h.ul "fwnl I h0 summh h('I"l'. wC'cks. plans to be ahlc 10 come~irsl of Its kll1d In thl,<;; vlcimty and Burlmg lon.[Ia. PrlZPS In gamC'.'; ar(' }"('9 11I 'Sl('d 10 III' prn~;pnl <l Inl- IUIII'.'; "lllfl r('d \V!len klCkf'd by ;1 hom!' Ilw last of thiS \\P('I~ He hadCi man f1n('c C<lDlC from N('\\ J-Llmp- Went to MiS ·Nolan Holf>kamp tlndIporton, ChillY h tll,l!lfp s Will Ill' hOI s(l WI NSIOV, unrl('I"gOlH' Iwu major 0I)('rCl110ns.shire t.p "C'C II. Mrs. ,Jay r~rak('. The hOI'lorc,(,s CO!lslll('!ld , 11\]1 ilnll Mr~. '-'Vdl Schul II find J'..

TVpl11g ('f.\il."s I" mnkmg two per~ W('1'(' Ilho prpsC'nlf'd wllh gil.... . - Llltlllv, !\lr ,Inri Mrs. WII! LeWIS (( "r~'~~'~.:!~:~_'L_"~' _fect


p,~per!> lon l';~ch lesson on the i-I Is Til ill IIHsl)ilal. l\lr :md Mr" Frank _LpWlS and],eyboa T1 lIalmy "'orJ~prs l\f(>et. I Frelnk BaJi('j WdS I"kC'n to 11 E\o!Yli. ;:wd Art Jidkf'r wprp Slln-

.rum r luslory class is studying Ha'@pyWdrkersm("t Fridav with IWaynll hosPll,ll J 10..;\ wqck and h~IS d,IY dmner' guests at I:d Retll-cOIOnlZofl-lloll CUrt'enl e\enls are MrS. ~'Ilrm Pritchard w11h l1 Lmcm- 1)('('11 \('1) III "'("( I,ll d:jj'i \\jS('h·".gi\,('n 11'kH'h Monday hrrs prf'sentl, [[l!>o Mr~. Jay Iia\cn- \11" ILI)'I" Dpnrsl,'l AT I""

Sop~omol'es are If'al'ning ahout 1'1' and dauglhter, M~s. Alb('J"! ,)('n- l1LII)c!l" dnd \11"" \\"lndJ('r! CIl)·

1he gl"ll~~hopppl' 1n biology kins and da~ghter.';, AIrs [,'!'<1nk lin" \\('1' In S1I111;.; ClIy 10:"'( l' Don· ,Sophomores a]'e Wl'lllng ol'lgmal GriffIth, MilS. EddJ(' Jone" .Mrs. lilt! fll n( <;1 I Inri III 1\";'\\(':1-.:111' III f'

('OmjlO:::i11Ions. DAllas H<l\lflllT lind l\Il"s ,LI'ol.'"! "('( :\-11"" 1-"1 ,Jill 'S I J('IH ~1:1 Till sf[ 1\CIVICS class IS sludying hC'allh ,Johnson Mrs. ('illffllh dnd Mrs 1.1"1 \\"1 j.,

and 1·('('I'paLlOn of Ow commulllly," <l('nkln~ 10lnlel! tfw cl(lh I\11:-, LOUIS f.tL';Hllls dIS("lS('s 1-"11<1-1\ (" II Ihll' 1'11(' J\('h. In Hrammllr Room, .Jcnkm" (,111)"'11 HII1.';,«>t'tohl'l 17. Pol. dlrJ 1('1111 n( rI I(I Ij·PII Ilu]Jlll- dd\:lf 1( I noon In ./ol1n V( l"ln} )_

TIl(' 6th geography clas.'; IS mal\"- -.,.. "f,r! 111 \\1 ~1"Jll :'\!I']II',1s1{d I I)onw nldt \\';IYlll' MIS V( n-ing .';all tind nou,' maps of Alaska, Auxiliary 1\11'f·ling-. 111'i1 11'!lllhr'r1 !Inm ,Illpamllngl!wsewllhwal('rcolorsto Ml's TOl~ RoIH'J'1" Plll('11Hlrlf'd CARROLLLO~ALS ()1J1't!l.! 11\\11(')( "h,'hol,])' Ishow lowlands, p1alc!lllS and l1l0un~' AHxlhary T!Ir"day L1S1 \\('('k \\111'1I 1\IJ" ):. Il II 1111)111,') I lJ IS Il("'ll I ('('I\,'rl (. In' I. --1 ,

1ajn~. ttl(' woml'n ([('cHit'd to knll .';\\('a!- Jil I }1r'\' dl1d ,\11" (' !~ FJ,'rlrwk'iI'n I BURPd'Ffp,rl spellll1g "l'Ol'('S W('ll' I'IS lor nI'11isIlII'lug('I'<' Tlw (otll1- i\Tls Iflll' r~('II1\\hlh \ISII('(I and 1\11" ahd \Irs ;\Ul; Bl'hl','nd WI.-J

('arned Fnday by i\rlf'lJP 1Ial!('pn, 1y con\('nll~m al WmsH!e l1I'xl Mrs All r'IItlolY \\('11' J11 \\,11111111 SunddY \\I1('n rBy Staff Corrf'spondent)Dorothy Jlurlbel'l, LOIS Quast, Tuesday \\IIS ;:~Is() dlscus'i{,(\ nnd I)on,lld \\,IC; IlJOnw fJolll RC'\ FINlllck"('n IJrC'aclwd al d ,, -'-_--!DorIS 13ow('r;;, P.tullno Drill\(', Le-_lmosl of lhd umt \\IIJ alll'lHl Mrs. SIOIIX ('11\ 0\1'1 Slll1ll,l\ mlSSJOn rally. ThC'y also r'dlJcd <111-Hoy GranflCld, MpJba Tu('kt'l' anil F: L Pt'al'~on and 1\11'''. Hl'my l\1r'i W J Lol)('l!-'; anI! family Fnrre"t \\.'dl('rman',-; Wendell Rllltng('r .';pf'nt SundayDonald WhItney. \VUl'dpmanI JOJl1f'd thi' group Mrs, \\f'nl In Wd~n(' Sctl1Jldcl\ ThC' \\'m. SW,'lnsons and Edgar al Yanklon, S D.

TIll' room rccpivcd new,"[Jf'lIJl1g ('hH Sml1h enlertaln:-- (ktullf'I.2S I>rnJo!h;' dnri l~oh/'I I t,ddlf' "penl ISwansons WC)(' <11 Oscar SW!ln- l\Jrs ell I Paul"en called on Mrs.work books. Sal11lll:ty ,It ILlns R('llmls(h·~. son':-:; Sunday afternoon. Thr' \Vm 1Ienry Dush FnddY.

!\l:Call-Crabb ,J('ssa'n tests in Honor t\~iI~rNI Ti~t~(>n_ !)oJ),11d 11m n \\ a,,~ a. Saturday ISwan"on", \1)ss Lr'01a J~hn.';on am~ Jo: 0 T mcct s thIS Thur"dayr0admg we're received ~nd the first Mrs. Ke n('th EdoJ(' and 1\11"S ()\('l'nighl guP.';1 at Ltl !\..('nny S. Clc:lrC'nce Morus \\01 P ,tt VICtO) \\J1h Mrs. John Fmn. i

LOOPS Were given Wedn sday. Only Gladys 'I'l'tgen, l'ntC'r1a1tlf'r] 25 Waltpr BIC'del1leyl'l' was home Johnson's th.at O\f'nllJg. 1\11''' .Jllll~1 P('rduc' calle'd I\Iondayl\Vo in thl' 7th and 8th rades were- guests Sa1prdaJ't at thC' Walt"r fromJLmcoln for tht> wl'E'k-end. Ml;;."; ManorJf' Kqnny and Clal'~ on Mrs. MmOl(' Gral;rerholt.below the grade levOI. Pauline Tl€tgcp home at a lmen shower In 1\10 IIp Mac, Lag<, a Sunday encp Lwghn1l1 of Ilalla;;, T(>XII S, I 1\11 nnc! i\Irs. Howard l'vlau spentDrakd' and LeRoy Gratifl~ld of tny" ~honor bf M~'~s Miltlted-Tietgen who aftt"r oon g'\1cst Margm'l'l who Il'f! W(ll!ni'srldy for Dallas afl- Sunday aiternoon I aL Kf'nneth7th grade were found td have read-, Will b~ mnrricd this week to Sgt. Woodp. cr a visll 1Il t))(' L. E, Kenny home' Dunklau's ,ing abilily of 10th graders. The '~m: Broer of Santa Rosa, Cal. MI'! and Mr" Don nl'lOk and al Sholrs, \\('1'(' Salurday ~lft('r- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Daltonoblect of 1he' lests IS to Increase Mrs Ed Rbthwisch ann Mrs. John nlcce. Jl'dn W('hl'r, \\ITf' ll1 Hosallc noon ahd "llPIJ('r gUC'sls OIl Cd and d,lUgh1PI' callf'd Sund<lY atr('admg rale and Call1prehenslOh. GrH'r, 11', won pn~es 10 contesls Sund,~y 1'\pnn~' s 'I John F'llln·s.Good leadmg helps in kill subjects. and presenlted these to MISS TlPl~ 1'11(' John Dj!' fllllll}1 of T(,j{,)- 1\1r dt1l1 ::\Irs E G. StC'plwns, l\lr. and :!\frs. ,John K}l of Oak~

Supt.lA. II ,Jensen g*\'c inlprdt- g('tl. RrClpi's were wnttf'll for 1/1(' nlah sllPlll SIIl1(h\ In 11lt' ('11[[ 1\1Is" 'v'vlnlfrr'd StrpIH'ns, Mrs. N0-II'lnd. VI.';I[('rl Sunday In till' Franking del'nemstratlOns fhursday m h(Jnorer and lunc!won closed lile Smllll honw lOIn IIqll'kdmp. I\-1r Hnd I\-Il's Jamf''' Gllffllh hooH'cqnnecilon w\lh <ur prossure. They d\IY. Mr, ,md Mrs \; () 1ld\IS h lel ISlr'pIHI'ns <lnd Leo, and MISS Don- l\I1SS In:'np D('C'ks ancll\-lls", Marylparned ahout I1mv grdal an' Ill'CS· I - Sunc!:ly SUPP('l \~ItlJ i\ll ami lVlls nnrll'I,Swnnson ~\('li' Sllnday ('\f'- Thomp~on called Fnda)- on 1\1rs.sure is. I \,-~sfl11~nSf~'r Guild, 1\1 I S\\ Ih lit. nJ11g (!lnnPl gW'''ls of 1\'11'. ,llld Howard Thompson.

Vllrio~s propIe of th~ community \Wcsliml~Slel' GUIld m01 Fndny MI'.'; P. 1\1. \\!('1)('1' and MISS I Mr;; ~(l'nnr'!h EddlC'. Mr. and Mrs VC'T'n Larsen and:t.. havp ghen the room r lanes which 0~\nmg: wl\h Mrs. Da\(' EdwHnis, I RC'l tv I Ionl''> \\ f'n' In (Jmdhn lor I Dl1\r Thf'ophlluc; pillns to mO\'f' Lundy W('fO Fnday evenmg guests ,

ar£' enjoyed. l\ rs. Edwrh Jam's, MIS Rc'os Rlch~ 11 he w/'('k-cnrl / hiS hOll"I'11olct goods till" las1 of this m Ihe Ar t Young hom(' Styled to lead:. b,uiltto last •. engin,',eered to save you money" Jnt~rmedjl\te ~oom. 'a ds and h1:1SS SarahoEtlwards ,11 Mr. and Mrs (\x(·1 ;:';ll'lllil al~dIIWOPk1owaYn(,WheI'ChChasrcnl- MI'. and Mrs. E\"('l'ctt Roberts

Th~ 3rct and 4th g ad~s com- He homC'lor the first namC'd, 30 Frank Smllh W('1'(' 1\1 V,111ey, Slln~ od th G W. ForI no!' })l'Opprly t\\,o <Inll fnmliy were Sunda) dmner THIS bea~tifulI}'fim,.shc~,bril~iant.perform~pleted H Untt oh AfrIe, n lands. An rn mbcl's j~ncl elghl \'Isitor.'; b("lIlg day d.nd block nmlh o[ tlw IcouI'l housC'. gu..<;1'<: al Arthur Young's. ing 1942 ChampIOn is solid and soundAfnc~n \'lJlage has bien made on plcsont "N1ISS Valda Jenkms Jed lvII' \~nd MI'.. Jolmson and Wdl F!.pps has I'pnted Ow Thoo- ':1\-I!' and Ml"~. Fred HPlf'l", jl', and ~'ith the beSt of craftsmanship in e,ery inch.the s~nd table. ~ d \,otlOl1a1f' Mrs Evan Hamel' was ~on \\,('1]'(, <11 John Jolm.';oll's -It phtlusl property l1£'r('. Llmlly \\erl.' Sunday d1l1ner guests

I I d f I I• d SID ff f I 1 1 I F I H I And beca;'se jt'S built in strict accordanceTl 5th graders m de maps to ef er p 1('- ls~on an papers Wakt'!101d, ,_uncay I Thfj' JoC' u Y ,111l1y pannN ,m 11(' 'n'( ('11'1. sr.. 10nK'. ,..i1lHshate Imports of ~c\v England \Vt1'e rbu< by Mrs. Gpo. Ow('ns, MIL and Mrs Arthur Cook \\T{'fp 10 lC'H~'(' ~Y('dnp:-:;day IhlS wcek for I l\Ir. and Mrs FI'Ni V<lhJlmmp fOR AMERICA'S DEfENSE ~wjth (he unique Champion engineering for~states A booklet WIll be made to Mrs. J. H OWP!1f;, MI.';s. ElplUlor 111 Omaha Monday Ilm!.1 Tup<:;day Burlil1gtGn, In, to mal{e th('lr <lnci Mrs. JuJm Perdue called SU?- :~::t';;.k:-.I~::::~r::g:';l=~::: mula of eJiminaring excess bulk, it gives youilh.l!>t a'te the states;. [EdwardS knd Mrs Edwm Jones. hllvlt~g mcrchan(lt''C'. homf'l]\.1r Duffy has he'pn 1!WIC d day IdSI w('l'k at Dar,'C'1 Hubbard s. IICItY trucks ami other mcltiritL remarkable gasoline and oil mileage.

PU~ilS ('~jOY the m1ny beautiful Schooldayl nwnliorif's WPl'E" 1'('latNt surlt. an~dMrs. Hugh ,Lllln and coupli~ of wceks dOing I'I('ctncal l\lr. and Mrs'" \VIlJ Lutt. wcre FOR AMERICA'S TRANSPOIUTlOIl Come in now and drive this top quality carplant~. for roll c~~1. Luncheon was s('rvpd son {f Ln.ur I, \\'('1(' Sunday dll1ner Wll'U1t. Th('y hold a salC' ofl theil' Sunday afternoon gUf'S15 In the Stvdebokw I. building a Ilmlte4 I'of all the lowest price cars. Low down pay'

il In Primary G l.l.dcs. I The OctoJcr mectmg will hI' willi guests <It C > • Lltul's. house old goods Saturday. John LuU l1On1(' fOJ' her birthday. numberc%r:.:,~·:~~~ommef-. I

Th~1 2nd graders::!re m~ki'ngr- Mr". L. E.IJ('nkins, II : IMr. and Mrs. H('nry Wr\.x of Imo- 1\11' and Mrs. Hollis \Vi1!lums, :1\11'. and Mrs. Albdrt \Vatson andI meDt.:-.C.J.~._ terms. ~. 'posteitS for a border nd lst,iirad~' 'iTT 11 -.-- d IgC'n0, la., sl)('nl sC'\'f'ral ~lays WIth Mr. ,nrl Mrs. Gerhard \Vacker Hfamlly spent Sund3iY i"Rthe Mrhs. PJ10ne 486 - h" O'l C·crs a~e making a fn on thC' "and »' ill I e MarJ·ie' rt'lati\'0s in tlll~ VICll1i1y. . " W('l'e untlay dinner guests at Geo. attiC' Muhm home at andolp.. Farmers & Rferc all~s l Q.table, t ' W' t S t'd The Forrest N('ttlC'tons vlsrted Wacl{jer's. Mr: and Mrs. Arlen Mrs. Arthur Cook and Mrs. Julia, The 1st graders are learning new n es It}; ay Sunday aftcrnoon III the .John

'words each day. Mis!=> Mildred Tietgen 1(1 t Mon~ Ha~m home at Hoskins. • ... ...._.~~...' Pe~fect spelling co-res wete dAy fo~ Santa Rosa, Cal. where Mr. and Mrs Geo GaS~ilI w('nt _-------...

earned "by Blllfc A~ern, Lynel she wlil JJe marrJCd nexi ISunday 10 Spwllrrl Sn1urclily anrI fpent IheGemmell, Jamce II lIeeh, l:~van to Sergeant Wm. Broer, Dr., for- week-end therp and m Lmcoln.Hughes and William oberts. merly Ofl'RanqOIPh. Mr. ahd Mrs, Mrs. Jamps Stephens hnd Leo,

I -- Walter TctgNl took theill daugh~ Mr~ Kenneth Eddie t:ll1d ~lrs, An-Here from A~aSkaj , ter as fa as Columbus. The army na ~Chluns were in WaYllc Thurs-

iM\-' and Mrs. Rob rt 'Jone~ of 'officer *s been located in the dIlY,' -Fs.rr~~nks Alaska sp nt the w'eek- west l\vo years. r.,~. and Mrs. GeQ. GaSill::i1l visi-

:. end ih the' ·W. H. Mo I is and Dave . '-- ted he John Shannons at Osmond,Rees I1homes. Tiley \~ele friend~ of 1 ion~ Meet Soon. \Vr- ne"day and Thursday JastMrs. 'MorriS and Mrs. Recs in Lions lub meets agam OCrobc!\ wc(' . IWales. Mr. an,d Mrs. Jones, Mrs. 14. 1 I, r '1\1: '. and Mr:-:; E. O. Richtirds andMorris and Mrs. Rees went ta Red 1 "f -- Von a, Mrs. G('o. \VacJ.ljel' andOal,::, Ia., Monday ,fo~ a visit with Do trds \\-'iIl Convenf', Marli;n wC're in Norfolk Irue:r::dayRob.rt Edwards, b~other of the 8Ch011 hoard meets noxt Molt' last [weekCarrbn women, The 1 Joneses will day an I tillag~ board Tuesday. M~rlil\ and Billie Kenny., Kermitbrin the women here belore Iellv· --- Anckews and Doyle Snuth spenting home. T~1E~, Alaska J:hkl\\vay Is Gravele(t. . Sunflay afternoon \'\Iith Jtihn andfal isitetI a 1number of Grave~ surfacing ~s bemg lald MarVin Paulsen. 'IpI United Stales and are- 'this w~ k on the Wayne-Pierce Mrs. ,}de Duffy. Misi,': I,Lucil~e

to Alaska. sector of l highway 98. DlJf~Y and Mrs. T. A. lHjnnessy

:! \[, ,1"1 ", j '1


) ,; 1 al

.. IK: "I' II I' I J ,~ [I "",j,,;"'I"I:,I'''1,1:'!i',!lf!j"I'!i' !i~l;nl;I~'iid """"i')!!';' ;~~~;d:,V: .",.,.,'!{",i,'Hi '.':"il""'''''''''''', 'ldl,",I,·,hl,'I!"h+I' ,',JI'"I',.J'!::I,'I','"IIW III 1,""",1';'1""'1,'." ,,;!~~~~~f;~jf{1M.~Ah~~H~'~;1 'J,I~t\-J'Jll;,:I~'lt:\lyJ,t, :'~: ,~'I,"", ',~ il,h i I' , I,

Page 14: II, I HI, E W YNE HERA LD 14~1i~~n~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · 'Thererol'C~Ow~s~ mjnnlDg f11 a ceremony follOWing 1ccord attamed I

Wayne, Neb.

Wayne, Neb._


Painter and Decorator

Builder Qnd Contractor'

R. C. Hahlbeck

Paint Protects ...Guards Home Values

Frank Thielman

For safety, :cleanliness an~ efficiency. your furnaceshould be cleaned each fall. lOur electl"ic vacuum fur­nace and chimney cleaner ~emoves all dust and lintfrom: pipes, removing this fire hazard. It also cuts fuelcosts by making your furnace operate more effeclively.and keeps your horne cleaner by removing dirt that isbound to get into your home from this accumulation inpipc~., .

LET us FIX YOUt FVlt:"ACE FOIt WIl'iTElt l'iOW

R'obefts Plumbi.ng &Heatmg

Phone 136


We Guarantee Our Workmanship

Vlhether yOu want tu build a lle\y home or re­model your pre~ent one, we can provide sen'ice

that will please you in every respect. Promptattention to each job enables us to provid~ ~en'i('c

at real savings to you. Let us figure ;'OUI' plan:­

and you will be pleasantly surprised 'at the su\'­

ing you ~an effect on the i~provementsyou 'Y<-mt.

Plan~ and estimates furnished without qhligation .

Phone 98·J

Building ServiceThat Pleases

Get Ready for Winter!

"hone I-1,O-W

H~l\'e your home repainted before cold weathl'r­to beautif)·, to protect it. Fall is the ideal time to

, make 'such impro\·ement~. Let us figure \'IJUi"

Ill'ed:-; no\\' .




Quality Coal Stokersfor, efficiency

Build -RepairRelnod~l


Whether y6u,:'"il~,e plflnning a new home, some remodeling

or minor repairs, we are prepared to eive' you helpful sug·

g~~tions. You will enjoy examining our hundreds of de ..

siarns for' attractive new homes,: also our numerous sugges­

tions for m;odernizing your present home. Let us showYQU these. We'll gladly provide estim~tes without obliga-

Carhart Lumber Co.




ForcJnfort .. ,Storm windows, storm~loors, insulation, roof­Ing.

For Be~uty;...Gliidden paints and Var­nishes, cabinets and oth­er mill work.

4-Square ~umber ...Everything in buildingmaterial'.

"'I---- ..--~_~·~ · __ ··--'---~--··--rN:i1 Sandahl president, Valorcs and Connie. Mr. and ~1rs. Stewart

I~C:==¥1,iE=j====f=;;==='F'===============k============E=====~~ I Vlclor secretary. Each places a Hagan of Sioux City.I :.!, 'I!;" , I i r I· f10wcr in thc club postcr for' Mrs. Raymond. Sala of Dcs

Barner had perfect attendance pn'.primcrs and have almost a'ddcd and "the "'C)100) nl'ce)y progl'anl cons'I'slcd of r""I'tatl'on'" ~ac? w~e~ he tCBCo~pljshles the Moines. came Friday to \'isH untiljor the mQnth.; I .., ...... .., (eslgna c goa. (',"g peasant Monday in the O. G. Nelson home.MD' f I I cor.nplelcd onolher book. cleaned.' and a language play. In the 1at- on, the playground is the goal The Nelsons met her in Wisner.

r. a!vls ixed fht' cistern Report cards went out FrIday, In the enrollment of 10 Theo- t('l' tHe 7th and 8th graders read thiS wcek. Miss Doris Nelson who teaches jn~~~~~ait~~~~s.clcancdland all ap~ All pupils had JPerfect attend- dare Sandahl is in the 8th grade, essays on How to Be a Good All had perfcct attendance Wisner, also came home for' the

Everett Schuetz received an ance for the h1 nth. Valores Victor, ~Ieil.Sandahl, Citizen. ' Jast month. - week-end. ,average of 100 in spelling for the Club met Friday with all an- Marcelline Kay and LeRoy Ham- The 2nd graders arc working Perfe~t health, records ' ...·ere John T. Bressler, jr.. and son.month. swcring roll call. Work of the mer'in 7th, Shirley John!:ion and on a booklet about. the American earned.1Il the first ~ontest by Richard, accompanied by the for·

Animated club included a cat Robert Sandahl in 6th, Larry flag. Marcellme. Kay, Neil Sandahl,. mer's sister, Mrs. A. T. Claycomb.'George I Schuetz visited last tail poster by upper grades, au- Joe Ring in 4th, Donald Kay and Larry Joe Ring, has been Valores Vl~tor. Theodore San- left Saturday by car for Chicago.

month. ' tumn leaf poster by 3rd and 4th Kathryn Sandahl in 2nd. finding how islands and lakes dahl and Shirley Johnson. Mrs. Bressler, who toot-: Patty andHealth examinations were grades and movable cJowns by Mothers of pupils were enter- arc formed and how rivers are John east to attend! school, met

given~ primary pupils. Work for next tained 'at a Patrons' day 'party of use to man. 'weAL NEWS tlhhcemm

"hhce"'la:,nodr ',Vhi"l!rwr~ukr.nh';'"h·i,tlhcMiss P.ohlman and! Virgil week will be a poster in club Wednesday last week. Classes The 6th' history pupils are Wa CI Ph 4 ., "'...... YV

Schuetz brought cahdy treats ~olors. were held until 2:45 when a learning of 'the French and yne caners. one 1. a14tf in the city they arc visiting MissFriday for their birthdays. short patriotic program was giv- Spanish settlements in America. Miss Bernice August and the Barbara Claycomb and others.

Ien.· The rhythm band made its The 7th and 8th history class Fritz Lueders family spent Sun- George Bornhoft and his sister,

nistrict 75 (Wilma ~i;~~:I~,7teacher) .' first appearance, playing Hurnp- is learning of explorers.. They day with relatives in Newman Mrs. J. Jensen of Pasadena. Cal.,'/' r ty Dumpty and S1. Augustine. haw' started booklets in geog- Grove. returned F"riday (rom Minnesota(Opal Jei:ln Mitchell teacher) New curtains were hung, new The group sang I Am an Ameri- raphy. Dr. L. F. Perry, dentist, phone where they had spent' se....eral daysThe ~st ~raders h~ve finished encyclopedias and dictionaries can and America. The rest of the Good Cit izcnship club elected 88·W. n17tf with l'C'lati\·es. Mrs. Jensen, 1\1r.

I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~.~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~I ~r.andM~.D.mallret~edandM~.~YMBornhoftandII the last of thc week: from Lake daughter. who had' been here aOkoboji where they ~...cnt to close couple of weeks in the Bornhofttheir cottage. home. left Sunday' fon,their- homes

Mr. and Mrs. ClydelHalfieJd and in Pasadena.daughter of PlainvieJ" spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Art lIt.."Clurc, thed<:ly with Miss Edi~h and Miss Jal.tcr·l" father. John Frid,l!)', Mis"Maxinc BarFett. Beulah Friday and Flo.rd Black of

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nyberg and Page. :'!lr. and Mrs, R: L. McCluresons of Yankton. spent Sunday and grand::ion, Billy :'o'1urray. ofwith Mrs. August Nyberg, Mrs. E. South Sioux City. were S~ndayR. Love and family. guests in the L. B. McClun:~ home.

Mr. and l\Irl'. L. \V.I Roc were in I The John Jenik famlly plans to

IBcrc.S(Ord, S. D... cram.• Thursd.ay to Ilea\"(' soon. probably next ~1.ondaY!_Monday last w('Ck tp visit their Cor Den\"er where they will makeson,' Frank Roc, andj wifc. I their home. , .

l\lrs. EugenG Halel of \Vichita, i Earl Bruce and hls,daug'lHcr andKan., came last Thlllrsday for a Ihusband, )-lr. and l\Irs. Paul Har­visit wilh relatlvc.s and tncnds. man, o~ Santa ~Ana, Ca1., .visited

TI1~n~~a~~~~k~I~~~~Jea';~~~J;on,l ~~~:~~l~~~t~,~:~~~\;llt~.~:'I tion. J a~d Miss Kate Manders of oeI-I' R Brqce, and Si.~.t,.c.r, Miss Cla.u?ia


I I rlchs. S. D.. spe.nt Monday and Bruce. Mr. Hannon and, Lorramc~ I I II. J " I. i: ,i Tuesday last week with Miss Mary Bruce were marr~Cd last F,e.bruan.

Al ll, B1ltt,ldmn.~Upr.lieS-Q,lwUty _Coal f 0.)' EVery, Need ..... Sherwin-Willia!ns Paints Mason. 1 The Ihree drove to the middle westMr. and Mn;. Fritz H.~cl leftIto make short stops .Wj.t..h.re.. la...tiVcS~

ITuesday for their ho~e .n Seattle a,t several places. They,~ent,fN,lTl

PHONE' F 11 . i b C WAYNE after v~siling se'<eral.tlays with theIhere to .Obe.rl,in,Kan..~.. ,.'.~o ..~.•. e. Nlr1

I' U er on Lum' er 0 'formersparents'Mr~andMrs'Pe- Harmonsfo~ks. .j, :'"i78" 1\' 1 • NEB. ler Henkel. . . . , : •.

I \ DAV THEOPtiILUS, MANAGERl ~" <'jha~r,;.~en~;~~'dfn'n ; ~~~r~i.1 Dr. s°l':IC~~:g~"fJ'~iSOffi'ce~I:,,,;i 1 .0' II ::;:;_;;:;::=,;::,,=.:;:=,.;;;,.;;;,:::::-::::.;;;:;::1:;:=;:;:=.::k=:;;,=======r='==i==~5=F='==::::::'" 7: Mrs. Slanl.: p~. uti MarjO~~ in Ihe~VaYne hospilalPhone61.

ithout Oblilration


~n Ideal Timehive painting and decorating do,je!

Fted lKtemp, .fainter add' De pratori .

5111.~ . Wayne,

••• to

F~.l.lI .we(.~.·t,er :is advantageous for oulsidepamlmg" nd mterlOlt wort done in the fflllenables you to enjoy.. t~e de nlineRR and be,.lu.ty through long willter roo ths.Preserve ~he

value. of y~ur property wit~ paint and pap~r.I I


, ,e It. Spick *nd Span!

Magic }\ire Va.ctl.UlTI Cleaderi $399~ !

pasle I No-Rub a,~dFloor Wax 'QuiJk Dry Jlj'a~

29¢ 10 \5W: I'inls ~9¢ ~ 39¢ ••9¢Fl10r Mops o~ +ll Kinds '

, . ~UkWi~ 'pamel i• • for FURNITUf.E a~d WOODWOR~

Lastin Quality and Btautiful Colors Itsk. FOR FlR~E ~AMPLE ' , '

L. W!McNl1tt Hd~. Get Set for Winter!Phon~ 108 I I Wayn~, Ne~. I .

~~~~~t~~~~t~~~~t~~ .Make sure your home will besnug, comfortJble, livable dur-ing cold months ahead, Now'sthe time to "wke needed im­provements and repairs.

: --.~~-... ,-- --r- --~---

ime ls0pp.h.Hllne ~ Mei.r. was eleelc.d~'I)J'",.idenl'. F I r~~ ,I Ela nc Test vice pre.ident and1 . {)I' mPlf",elllellt Ma ilyn Tcst secrctar .I' Many al~eady·h' ve fouq« ah . tiring art period posters,~,il.l others should I' j.)ize th~t now bas ets of fruit and ra 'nbow col·

.~ a most opportun tim~ to hav¢ or 'harts were ma4e. Pupilg

~,m......• p.r.o.vc..ments ri1a~'I. prope.• rt.

y. is bro ght. magazines pictures to bene of the most d s rable invesl~ usclii on, the walls. I

. en.ts-c6sts'~re v. qr'likely lo ad~ I'anc~and lmpro elmentsi madf ' , . a ..,~!I!!r'Meier andA!rdale Testfn0W.will preserve the valu'e o~ 'We ," Visitors the ,pas~ month.

,r.,E.:rop...erty and f.u.. rni.,h: an. cno.rmou.t ews was wtitten by 5th, 6th,r'i.ount o'f sati~fac ·qn. 7th and 8th language ~upils.

:,...Wayne d~al~fs h ve hundr.eds &' "uggesti th I - I Di!;trict 42. '" ,ons a ar .~vai al?le fo (Ray P()lter, tealcheh,~e .askmg. These esigns fbI' -ne~ ,,tr.uctur.es or ~or r madelin.'g ha,,; I. I tedor of the sqhool waseen worked' out b experts. The pai ted and papered I and new?mbine the moder with'the beau cur ains hung for the [new termfuland useful. ,arcele Barflmar1 in 1st

I,' ..'~'m.~ngotherrea.o~sfOr'1TIa.kin~ gra ,e"Merlyn Kay land Tomrryptpvements jlt ° ce is the fact fla ,rison in 6th comprise the en~h.at. ,the ~~lenda.. r is creeping o~ roll", cnt., Ipward, wirlter'2' So much time i$ ,m ·Harrison trealled all to,~ht inside durin cold month! can, Y, bars for his 11th birthday

, ~at.the ·home sho ld be hS lattrae I Se tember 23. i,'<:i.·.lve. an.d. ',comforfa Ie. as. p~ssible he 6th ,g~lade ma~e safety.

t ...~a.u.ng, plum,bi,ng, electrica~ work) bo lets for nealth. I

~aIP~":J~ a':ld pap, ring' don'c" nowI arcele Barelman i ean print

.....~.rn..... I.•..s.•. l\.. t.h... e ...maXi urn..sa.tjs.f~Cti~9' ~~r n.b~~et~nl~.i~~~I~f,tP :~~~ed~~ge~:.~~~,savmgs. I VOC~buI~ry of 45 war s.

i l-IRlJRAL (cHOOI~ I: th:~~r~~~~~r:~.ct aU ,ndance for

1'.1"."1::'," ",,,<<f0ntlnucd froTlJ lingo Th:l'I;:e) I

.;:,!:.::~:,~ ...!:.:.,!...'.!m.:::..~?.. rith.' Ma,rilYj' Te.$t' and.' tQ:WC.ll \ (Zita- w~~~t~:n~4'I:eacher):;' ::i-)! :f:~~r missed' ,nly.1 half ~ 'drty ! SIx or the nine pupi,s had per-

fect attendance for the month- ":i JQhn.~y Kay treatcd aU· Sl'!>-: . ~hyt.hm band has: I~jl'en work~'rtCffibCl ,5 on h s 8th. bil'lhclay. I I.ng on old songs aJ~t~ will soori

•..'. Ha~'old Meicl.... 3rd grader, und , start '.lew ones. ,'.~ohnny Kay, 4th grader;' arc I All dstudying abou~ Inqians ,in' geog- sp~lin~l'~~'o~'~d)O~;~~. ~~!~I~ h~~c:


:1' r.aP.hY• T.,hey have eOlle9.tcd. pic- large red paper apple and fori ,tu1'CS and rna4e Indian' posters, ea~h grade below Ij a worm-

• I The 7th undJ

8th geography lio.IF is made in d.1C '. pplc.:, :classes arc S\lJ Iyi,ng about Greal . 4 nature clUb is b ,ing organ-

~i Britain., ". i ",' . IZ~fl and the first p~lojcct is '1:: '. Th~ 5t)1 and 6t hgqHkt·s ;U'C t1'l' ' hooklet i C

I::learmng to Bp H ,and l.ocatc the . circ.,lm l;aradc. fla~ of pal.lct'11'48 states.' I leh lOS and autuIlln lC±avcs were

. Otto Junior, csl~ 2nd grader 11"1' de in: art periods. '

las ,been ~Jlust: ling the story 'or I.•'.•..~.,.wil.Ha.m.....~;.on~I'...b.• C.gin.'.n.c,'c~, Li tJe"p:igs:",':; "h 1"" '\Vel;c.~?',¢han'u~ Ii:;,:: ~~,~ercd;,O)O,Wo s 'and: is!'~Jl.!wlire'eji~I" il.r::ln

g,on t~c'pre·p imer.Ii t', ':!" ::]'. "D~st~lkt 31.,:

"I.~dciinePo~l~an, 1\C~Ch~~lli •.•.!;lavis, :Le.~na.rd.. '.J,an.''McCl~I'·,·. t:i>Rby

tiu tz, Bever~


',,' ", I:" , ste~", on":~arner' ~~~gi~~i~~;,~j~,illi~~~~i:!tijn~~]Hi,1!::11 ;\;:!J\1!!tU:·tH,H~W,:Jlt~l·!Wmm~!j'llji1Ih;fl:ii HM:l~I!;:J~!:~iir:\ki,; ir'!ii':jd ::1' r! "t", :,1 :, !!j'l:':]r;',!,: "i