ii 6 domestic policy + intro to brown

Creeping Socialism Ike pushed “Balancing the Budget” more than anything. Only came close 3 times in 8 years. America was becoming too liberal Too Dependent on others for help! Ike cut back on military buildup (10% GDP) Block any new expansion of Social Welfare Programs However, created Dept.

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End of Eisenhower Domestic Policy + Intro to Brown


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Creeping Socialism• Ike pushed “Balancing the

Budget” more than anything.• Only came close 3 times in 8 years.

• America was becoming too liberal

• Too Dependent on others for help!

• Ike cut back on military buildup (10% GDP)• Block any new expansion of

Social Welfare Programs• However, created Dept. of Health,

Education, and Welfare to help those at the bottom of the ladder

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Modern Republicanism• In all things that deal

with people, be liberal. In all things that deal with money, be conservative.• It seemed like Ike just

hovered over issues and never used the power of the Presidency!

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Operation Wetback (1954)• Increasing numbers of

illegal aliens in the 1950’s• US orders deportation of

1.4 million Mexicans• Most voluntarily went

back to Mexico• Others put on boats or

trucks and taken to Mexican Southern border• Ike’s Popularity

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Jonas Salk• Created vaccine for

Polio in 1952• Polio attacks the

nervous system (paralysis)

• Headquartered at University of Pittsburgh• First dose given to 2

million kids aged 6-9

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Baby Boom-Birth Rate Chart from 1933-Present

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Baby Boom• 76 million kids born

between 1945-1964• 94% of men, 97% of

women got married!

• Oldest Boomers turn 66 this year! • Means that they can

start accepting early Social Security• Today, 28% of the


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Civil Rights-Education

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Brown vs. the Board of Education

• 1954-Topeka, Kansas• Linda Brown• 8 year old• Has to walk 2 miles in

order to attend a “Black School”• Wants to attend the

“White” School that is ½ mile away

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Brown cont.• Brown family takes

decision to court• Overturns Plessy v.

Ferguson (1896)• Things can be “separate if

they are equal”• Decision by Warren Court• Judicial Activism-Supreme

Court will solve social issues if someone else won’t

• Schools should be desegregated “With All Deliberate Speed”

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Brown cont.