ihw rrmnzciaui the greatest ii hartford taud j tjp olijr...

Hartford Republican q IRIDAV AUGtrT aj FON and LON ROGERS Editors lcJhnoc cl CIA == luufd Ftldaiii by thtHatifttri Pub CjJnmrperatcti rtered at Hartford postotflee as seiwli mill matter REPUBLICAN TICKET run iitisiiiiVT J = c = nlo Dl Ohio roil VICK ritlMIIIKv- SJaoo4ero Tiocoorol Ol x w Yorl- tr < lll ovrl0ir o2m VST ITorlcos Ill Iloyle Coiiiuj- KtUCOXUIIISN = c llrfrkf nrnCP CiMiiiijr ExGovernor Bradleys An nouncement TUB publication in the diirier Journal of the 18th instant does m- an injustice There H a rccnul ol my order calling out tho State Guard in Louieville which appears on lle Executive Journal It is not neces ¬ sary to make orders approving pay rolls In each instance where troop were called out by me tho pay roll certified by the Adjutant General and approved bme are on file in the Auditors oflice I do not remember whether the pay roll of State Guard at Louisville was filed before the ex piration of my term December 12th but if it was paul the proper endorse mcnt will he found upon it W O BRADLEY Ir iau outrage is a very com mon aimver to the ijiiostion Who do you thihiikof tho Powers trial = IF any curt ever took the place ot the IrcnccutiohI and jury certainly tin court at Georgetown did in the Pow crs CO8 DID G ebfl and Beckhara get a majority of the votes cast at the No ¬ ember election 1899 Ucrald please answer ONE might well conclude that in Judge Cnnlrills opinion it is a crime to be elected to otlicc hut it iaB right to steal in IF Beckbom did not steal the oflice of Governor how did he come in pos ¬ session of it when the vote stood Tay- lor 1U37M Beckham ISJt 331 IK every Republican Brown Dem- ocrat Populist and Prohibitionist were on trial before Judge Canlrill for cot ¬ ing against Goebel they would be convicted ELECTION November 7th 99W S Taylor 103714 votes William Goo bel 191331 votes Taylors majority 2383 Where is Goebele Herald will please answer If imperialism is the paramount is- sue ¬ in this campaign plea o define it Democrats so we will know where to find you Cholly Wheeler says it is not definable Eh Ax indictment has been icsued in Cantrilla cutlet against every man that voted lor Cable Powers the trial hue been set for November Olh and the people of Kentucky will be the jury KIUIIT years ago the Democratic platform read free tradefour years ago it read free silver now it reads imperialism What will it say four yeais hcncv Democrats please ans werTiii Ilcruld says UIt is slated upon reliabe nuthurity that IInlsix of the twelve men who gave Caleb Powers his life inprm inment sentence voted fur Sooln1 lust fall The Cmmcr Jnuriiul ti the authority Is it ftir Ielhibc Jl IK till bo a Republican form of government in Kentucky the great c unmon people would welcome an tint Iiepuhlicau government The motto ii every man should heuGhe me Liberty or give me Death in the next campaign WIIATS become of free silver Mas hilly Iliiih jo nijiith Johnnie its imperialism thin time free ulcer didnt wiik in I thought it would nail Im awfully tea rod over imperialism the people nk me what it is and I wint tell them Dont askrime any itties ions The paramount iaiiie with the imlpria1i pate and slander we ulnuM like to in ¬ terrogate What have the Democratic campaign managers done with free and unlimited coinage of silver a 10 to 1 T JUIXIB L P LITTM of Owens horn will speak at Fordaville tomor ¬ row in the interest ot civil liberty in I f ffjit4A f fiiift lBlIllIMltILlll4lrltlllltlllttltfll11ltln ttlt ufYttIf + t + ttt Ctf > t r Caleb Powers to the Public i t i1To TII rrmnzcIaui nse lmyopinion concerning and the verdIct of thej2ry Could I tuwe but 1opinion Can any Calrlnlndec nun or woman olthlsE 4 but one That one of the greatest giCarces known in history has been enacted here in my trial under the forums of law no wellinformed man can doubt Innocence is no shield with one hundred thousand dollars Ii I taud the methods ol Campbellism against you The rectU tude of ones past life c3unts fr naught They say Toy i j tor Is guilty because he was n his office and that I am tt iguilty because I was away from mine This has been a e i political trial throughout for political purposes and no greater mistake has been mtde by the DinncrUlc party i sInce they robbed us of the otUea to whld1 we were tiny elected by the people There are good men find nobleIE women In the Democratic pvtynnd tinny ot them are not all bad tar from it A great many of them do not I indorse the theft ol the State offices A great many more will not Indorse this mockery of a trial this prostitution of the courts ol justice for certain ends From time be ¬ ginning of the campaign until now I have stood with + zIwhat little of merit I have hml for the rights nail liberties E of the people That is my crinme That Is tile only offense I have committed This U the only thing proven against me SI swore to that myself in my testimony I have never h id and he not now any apaloy t > make far b1tij true to the trust Imposed upon me by n mijrityof the voters of g of this State History will draw its dirk lines around t those who have outraged me and disgraced the judiciary and blackened the history of the State I am very Ie t spectlully CALKH POWERS II j i OOr fnP Tqr OOT n TrnmT J tr 1 I I IIII Kentucky Judge Little is one of the best informed men in Kentucky Ho is an independent Democrat and is thoroughly prepared to discuss the issues of tIme present campaign Fords villo will give him a large enthusiastic audience and much good will be ac complished SOMI god men say they will never vote so long as the Goebel law is on the statutes Now gentlemen you have permitted yourselves to form a bad conclusion there is no neutral ground for you to take it i just the lawles ngaiust tha law abiding people Mr Goebel origi nated the law for his own eclfili pur pose and he has gone to his reward as a result but the law is slill withII arid every man should lend bu ballot to bury this act with its sponsor for all time Vote for Yet kcs and have i counted as cast or know the rcawi why Father When a man takes thing which belong to another what do you call him Billie DilheI would call him a thief or a robber pa- FatherThem you call Mr Beck ham a thief do you Billie Mr Taylor got 193711 votes while Mr Beckhara only got 101331 and now Bcckham is iu Mr Taylors chair if he didnt steal it how did he get it pa and it he did steal i he is a thief Abuse Gentlemenis not Argu- ment ¬ The IIcraMitB awunJ editor and it comaliner and defamer picrjmtiny to come from Centertoun act in 1 manner very similar to a whipped pup when they are confrontedeither by facts or argument THE KKITII ucAtf has repeatedly made charges against the Herald and its coiwe and without an ell irt to defend his miser able self and wiCKed course plays tin part of a cowardly envious suspicion demagogue and abuses TIlE RKIUBM CAN for making a hold fight for truth and honesty for denouncing thos men who stole the State offices a thieves anti robbers with no attcmp to defend its course or the course ol its men who have accepted stolen oil ccs The Herald man lt aauaied editor and its Gmtertmv anowjmoin who u in reality the aaumed editor selects typographical errors and comment on them lor argument aginst Tin IU rumiCAX and abuse its editors in tIme most shameful manner It those who abuse us had the principle oi n treacherous Spaniard they would argue thu question indisputc and prove to the pub ic the rectitude ol their c mrse Hut for thesu gentle mitcH there is no redemption They have a cause which no living oman can defend Time etilor nail whtttt mid tubeilitori of the Herald tlioiigli densely ignorant as they are arts just as able to defend Mr Houkham and his associates as any other mem ¬ hers of the gang We repeat Nu man can defend thievery for time command says Thou shall not deal and Mr Bcckham hits stolen and in this predicament the Hera4 would defend him Now gentlemen it you wish the public to believe you that your C cmdemuati censure and abuse of THE KKIITIIUCAS is just that you arc in favor of tho nnij rity rule that you arc suppinint a lUau whim you believe to be hummed that your csum is just and righteous take up time accusations against you and argue them like men of intelligence If Mr Becklmm has not stolen his position which wo charge he has prove him clear by now stating to time public time honesty and verity of his title Why He Quits the Camp IICUll IIUIIVK KV AllKIIKt IU HKKI linn J W lliMtun Cliiilriiuin lliKMrullc 1iiiu- mlltii ul Mcl un ILlIItVI lirIll rifilKiitiifr imfoiiiiitltttviiiiui for mmim llruvi 1nHliut nftrr liivhm nrrvn In tliut CM- imiltr fur innrr than twrntv jrwin I H nrt ot the thiitf IIA Chalriitnn nf IV rountyi I iWiu It prop i rtt pdrc NIIIII ivniuii for ivflrfhlnic 14is I hint nut iliiiniM mr ixillrlnil ykwu but mnnhlpr th- oIent of Mr Itt khnm seuury HM n witrnliiir ti- inlltlilHi nut tu trill with tlirrlKliti nf voter In tlw Intiirc lint tu Iw IHIIW MplMt It kliiin- WIIK iimiiliiHtM In H ponvcBtlin Hint wHn llp 110 the iuitt si tfttc rIlui ic Stir nii fmnil mid stter Wlnir iM itMl HI tin iolla frivpi itn oittn toy tutmhi tht ser n UfearMiv tn nnv ifxfntry rlnlwlHtf IlvllliMtlon thiin th iiMintlitir In if tht nifmtr Slut 01k fi Ioy tmrnr- St out mornthrtn liMiirtitiM Iy n iMlfipri fiiii lux wiirhln WHrtHntMl tti mwr lIt N 1I1f ur O i nt nf iirlr None uf the ttilmrn run IN rmvr 11 liv hir lnic ill lh iLilth of WHIInni IiIi- kouctulh w bninihl nlMint liy thimnlviiip toi IPIIMInv the I hc4i lolmli n law nn tbiirll irriiwlHiroHtof It IIPh1 mil Iprkr for llorcrnor is thi limt rinmly W IIII iiiix The above in directly friini the calliI of Uonheliim this gentleman has seer the folly ol following the party am suffering the party lah to drive hm into dishonor Hi > has evidently been reading some journal other than the CourierJournal at any rate he seep the infamy of the party now donomi nated Democratic he vents an ex pression of most honest men while there are many who are thoroughly convinced that Goehclism is fraud and robbery yet they cant leave the name Democracy We take Mr Hardin to be an honorable nina from the life which he has lived in the eer vice of his party and at this time to abandon the cause of accepted theft Certainly this man cannot be called a leatherhead for he has been a con sistent member of his party for most a hie time Usually the very best men in the party are chosen for com mitteemen and Mr Hirdiu has heir yeLreI news as a surprise when they shall have consid parI mire daily leaving No party has ever become any great factor in govern mental aflairs that set forth as its chief Dt11110craticI afFairs but fate has decreed that it should cease to control and at this it has become enraged Unwilling as it- liS to submit to the will ofa majority has become receiver of stolen goods In its course of desperation it haR- driven from its ranks such men as Buckner Lindsay Carlisle Knott i Brown Ilallem Owens Breckenridge othi ¬ Fulton Ioynlz Vomits Woodson Wheeler Hoerlz Caruth and their kind to direct its course Goebel Democrats in Hartford have said that I the Powers sentence was unjust yet they withhold their duty to their party anti Slate They should he as honest I as Mr Ilardin and abondon the cause of dishonor That fcxtra Session Few times in the history of Ken- tucky ¬ has it been necessary fur an ex- tra ¬ session of the Legislature Culling tho Legislature III extra session is unusual It is only done in extraor ¬ dinary times for time purpose of deal- ing ¬ with an emergency which may exist The present Legislature has been callel by Mr Heck ha in in extraordinary sesion for tha purpose ot bridging over an emer gency Vo are unable to under stand the emergency What is it Mr Beckham stated it his proclama ¬ tion that an emergency hail risen over the Goebel law and it had be- come ¬ necessary lo umcnd or nrjdify it How saIl indeed that such a heritage whici Mr Beckham said at Goebeld tonal would ha preserved if in tile power should now be iu the act of annihilation That law that fair and impartial law that law that made a defeated candidate elected that law was created by an inspired man alas that Goebel law has caused an emergency call of the Legislature The people of Ohio county have uot forgotten mow Mr lIngo stepped upon thr troubled waters on tho 25 h of lust October without cause or pio vocation and declared that rmic ole eiic nm mIiiruut the iiwbet i liv lion IHW U to iHrniv tu tli mmmIt Ktnln kv fIr Hiul honwt rlcrtloni Tlint nci n lnw WIIH hI tin hMiili uf cililu ruiinty know will fnoiiwli Tlurry frniiilU only lbrrr ul > mp thief on thifut uf tliiiKi who rnti no lollI ilolmnih I tie mnmmut Fellow countrymen you have been thisI whoI knew it himself for he is too good a lawyer to kuow so little about the possibilities of time act Every hlnI est sensible fairthinking nina know that there was ti great Porsmhuiityof fraud they believed then as they know now that the law was enacted for time purpose of malting Bill Goebel Governor whether time people willed It or not Mr Hiogo to the contrary notwithstanding The acts of Iberia and Caruth iu Louisville on time even ¬ jug before the election assertions ot Gochel Vattcrsou and Blackburn prove conclusively that time intention ot the law was to elect under any andall circumstances Democratic otlioia But this pet measure of Mr Goebels has had its death warrant signed in the call tor an extra session Many who have defended it arc now ashamed of it aud manyare openly denounc ¬ ing it All concede it to lie the fruit ¬ ful source of all our woes I Who do fends this law now IIlelIot even those uncompromising ami unscrup uluu partisans The whole affair is a farce Mr Beckham is a farce himself lIe is attempting to atone for accepting stolen goods by calling an extra cession to amend time law which stole for him time otiice nf nv rnor Non Mr IVckham ymi cannot ntwie f T ymirrriiiie mid hlli- on to the Mnltn gciids Siirriiiip stolen olHcfl to tIme rightful owner Quit time hldIleh ynir hrml of tin infamy which imw civtrs them aini i hen you may ask for mercy and for qivcnca at time hands atsimm niiirasc ainl iuiligimnt people and not t iI then The Powers Trial After six weeks work iu time 1owo 0 trial the jury returned n veidict of guilty anti fixed his punishment at n life sentence in the State piisou The verdict is shocking to every free nnd right thinking citizen Not only 1ms the actions of the jury been declared to be infamous by Republicans antI Brown Democrats but even Goebel supporters say it is unjust There is no doubt of the inuoceuse of time man found guilty nothing was proven on him even by the star witnesses ex ¬ cept that he was instrumental in bringing the mountain men to Frank tort to ask redress for their wrongs and this he admitted himself to have lone The evidence against Powers including that of Weaver who stated that he Vas in Frankfort on time Ilay of the assassination and saw a rifle barrel extending from the winduw 01 the Secretary of States office but who was proven to have been in Grayson Springs on that day was not sufficient to have hung the meanest cur that could have been found any- where yet this evidence was admitted and the commonwealth including Judge Cantrill knew every word to- be false intentionly faUe The jury that passed on this case was composed of eleven Goebel Damn ocrats and one Gotbel Republican to be more specificit was a packed jury it was a jury selected because of the extreme need of a preanaugcd ver ¬ dict This jury which will go down in history as time most biased and par ¬ tisan body of men ever empowered to administer justice was selected in the same manner as the grand jury that indicted Powers The regular jurors who had been selected for the Scott circuit court were set aside a Goebel sheriff was put iu the field to sum moil a jury from a district known to be uncompromising Goebclcrntic and Judge Cantrill permitted this to be done or was really time sole author and mentor oi this unAmerican pro procedure iu court This jury re ¬ mained out of court only a few minu ¬ tes perhaps long enough to sign time verdict which hail been agreed upon Le s then one hour was consumed in this work alter six weeks of extraor tolreturn Secretary of Siae and lor having uikwl hiti coiiuiryinMi to commie in a Iody oiil protest n iiin t tho rubbery living perpetrated in till name of tho ommiif w iilth and absolutely noth i ig else Caltih Pnwr mis tried iiidr flip tirms ot law but nut I lie spirit verdict lId agreed jpou and IhoI I 1II1I1r ilm fnriiis if law1 hut unit spirit Tim pcnccutow it Christ carrful tu do the dUIliuUIIler emI AellhHllrrljlallil it with Caleb Poworx The courts acli ins were partisan timid liinsul Twice hid he fume Cil Owens fir tho defense for doing llrit which he al ¬ lowed Tom Campbell and his co counsel to do unnoticed This case will bo remembered as time blackest ever recorded in American history It IM little short of inftinotif it is dij graceful to say tho least This line nil been ilme in time minnie of 100000 amid time Democratic party which time got ml people tho lawabiding God ¬ fearing clirnlimi people will rebuke at tho polls on time 0thof next Novem ¬ berKentucky stands horror stricken to ¬ duty before these revolutionary times and well she may Site stands disgraced in the sight of every civilized nation Aud yet the sole cause of mill this trouble is thoU infamous anti internal icchellaw That instrument brought about these revolutionary times it brought about tho death of its author the balot nnd civil liberty Another case has been called and the people yet remain passive time persecutors have full sway as they did in Rome One day an cud will come to all this farce and we trust it may not be far distant WILL DROP BRYAN Senator Stowart of Nevada Says Ho Will Vote for McKinley New York Aug 2a Senator Vil iim I M Stewart of Nevada called at Republican headquarters today and lid he hml decided to vote for Prtsi Istit Mckinley lIe made a statement in part as follows The United States went to war with Spain urged on by the Democra ¬ tic party The popularity of the war was such that Mr Bryan joined the army The war was successful P treaty of peace was entered into where- by the United Stutea agreed to pay soverdgntI IhillipiM nichipeligo There wv opposition to the unification of tho trtHty Mr Bryan castle tJ Vishin j ton anti piruirteU his DtKiocMtv III WIUI treaty was originally tutified I i then ueciime tIme duty i f tin UMtr Stutw to tuHirtftin IBW ami order an prntect the iiv4 sal priprfly of nl riiHtt t in tIn iMiiU whethr u I tiv or luifiKti horn Thv t iu > tatts ut the tuiii d the r tifieatii J the treaty luld uiiiury pwie- sion of Manila amid immneiiitiy alUi uch ratification assumed the sever eignty of the blinds The PC pliO- the United Stntes and particularly I the Ificificccvast became entitel t the vast omuurce of the Incifi Oein in which the Philippines for nlihed the key One Auina1do lied raised a re bullion in Luz In ngninxt Spain belnri the coiiimenceineat ot the Spanixt- j xttr with the United Stntes Tlii- i adventurer had sold out or settled the rebellion with SpMn for 5410000 be tore Dewey set Mil Jar Manila and is a part < f the bargain with Spain agreed to leave the islands and uevc- irtturn AID KROM TillS COUNTRY Dewey took the wily agitator bacV to the islands supposing as a mattel of course that Agulnaldo would nat orally he an enemy of Spain and i friend of the United States Ia this Admiral Dewey was mistaken Ajjui naldo as soon ns he landed on his nu tire soil organized a rebellion ngiuns the United States which would hay been of little consequence It he hat not bien able to obtain comfort and id in this country All urganfzmtlon was formed in tin Unn H 3n EM Wealth of hair I- swealth indeed especial ly to a woman Every other physical attraction is secondary to it We have a we will gladly send you that tells just how to care for the hair I If your hair is to- oAWfl t h i n or 10 s- Ing ¬ Its- luster get Hair V1QOF Growth becomes I vigorous and all dan druff is removed- It always restores color to gray or faded hair Retain your I oldbefore 100 n bottle All druggliU 0 I urn used hats Vigor now for about 2J jean and I bate satimfactorylu recommended tbli Hair Vigor to Iherf2d Vigor I ilull certainly recommend to Just am ai I Aycr11am Wn N K lUiiiLTOx Nov 21 mi Korwlcb N Y Vfrlto tho Doctor It you orb n all the tinieSt you iieilre the on ot the Vigor writs the duVII 5OiI IJGHAND E Of the Greatest and Most III ust rious leaJTaa1ce S ale Ever known in Hartford or Ohio county tj Adieu to summer This mouth winds ill the season with g p us No stone will he left unturned to make this the ban nor period in point of getting new customers by our low B prices on seasonable goods We will sell p- I HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS WORTH t Of HIGHGRADE MERCHANDISE less than the S cost of material Remember prices are easy to quote butgf t iits QUALITY only that tells the tale Its quality backed i by low prices that makes furs the model store f- I A LESSON IN MONEY SAVING olijr i fi Sununcr Clothing Straw TInts iEens Lowcut Shoes 3 t Ladies and Misses Sippcrs Organdies Muslins Dimities jjp j Pcrcals Dress Goods of every kind Fans Parasols Shirt Iii Waists in fact everything in Summer Goods in our house gqI b Ve arc determined to carry over no summer goods TIlt fcj 1111C05 you can get these goods at will make this month E one to be hold in grateful remembrance by Ohio county people Dont stay away Yours truly I- QLLIS S HI r ui aGlw v r y I I f I i il T ti IIIIJIIILIIIII IIIIIIIIIiUIiLII I 111111111InIII paacaaVchcp a rJ7 c artStVanaer rp I 2MLBo1 EIOOllEllSillOSS Collhio Southern Normal School VoJL e TWO SEPARATE SCHOOLS UNLIS ONE MANAGEMENT I One Thousand Students Will bo in Daily Attendance During the Coming Year JVfCNnnKDSctlhi leading PaorueAT unttrtmiKr Mate of the e nnr nn 1aAnrATr of tdrnolnilllnilnnii lh fnllowtnKconrw l are taught rrlmnrv Knginh Tmcliin ScnntlrtiM in f miiiun unit li try Vocal Slunlr InttruoirnUI Muile UisTIItulnfM ShortHand TypeWrltlne heiumanehtp Tofrgriiiihy and Civil Snrirr Anjr ituitint HIO rnlrrt the nfUKiM CnLLkUi will hAte mhs rlvllle cit n4rtno the Soethl5Pe OOJlUI IfIIIOL soil lureumnt any literary Manrh or treuched l ught without nit wlisrfm W site two month tuition tree with rrrry ttie month iwhoUnhiti lininl tolhe Doullug ortfn lIuilceM tullrgr 11100Ik II H CIIKRRV Ont tenafwe 11 i4eeiy n Ii = = s = United J> ttes irtliH time Anli itvper inlist Jut uiiicli Ins lur tlic lust twoyc rsco tpit 1 nth Aniiuii ins rtgsl jilntt v him beadqiiaiteia mit Hongkong to iupply latH ture nnd mittriaU of war for AtuniMo 1resicicnt MiMiiiky hd no u thotly to our out Agninaltl is rb Il inn ntfii fl the C iift 9tatM > but was bouiil Ly thf teity which Willi the supreme law iii the lain to maintain law end ni r anti pit uet life sud tcrjuiitdj hundrrri ti miiin nl djlars to put down A uiujJus ubelllon i The Mltnrce and ncotu aenient II a uccivtxl Iroiii time Aitiiinpfmlist- I r ftgue nl1 the ntmies of the United Slates both at home nail abroad made I his b rluou in irregnar wu btoo- dItI expensive Cotixttss however trade nil necessary appropiintions- provitlin the txtcutivc men and money to maintain the authority in the IliilippinesW- IIATTIIBV CArL IMlRRIAUUM II The fiocfciied itti iniftiiili in de ctred that time policy piirsurd by time Government to put clown the rebel ¬ luI territories were acquired was impr iallsm1 anti that any use ot the nrmy to maintain law and order however necessary was imperialism anti giving aid ond cnmfort to rebels in arms agninrt the Uiitol States was mnlntaiiiinp the principles of the De duration ol luclcpendence I Mr Hrynns unparalleled campaign for the principles of the Chicago plat forum and hU itiMstance upon the adoption 01 that pLitform nt Kansas City induced time people to suppose the cimpaign of icyoo would be con ducted on tho issues of 1896 In this it ciems thty were mistaken I HowsThls ti nflr ino llnnilriNl Hiillnn livwunl riniiiv lU ol liilnrrli Unit iiiiiunt lie uirii hy Iliilrn iiI i 111Iuthel ilnllv nltlrt tu iiirrv nut nny oMlKiithniM iiiiiIu Iov tliolrllrm tIT Tuutt IIhIII iuriuiutm rulIII II Vimvii KINXAX A MAHUVWhulmil Hruml l lnlili II IIIIIIIIIIrh Curoln tukin liitoiiinlly iirtlnir dlnitljr iiiun tliiMmnl iiinl miininn urfin s cf IhjIPIII THIIIHIIIIH Mnt fnv Irli j Pnlil In nil liniintlbtii- lliillii Iliiully 1IIU lit tli it- Coal We will t xchinut enlor deivcr from thi D Miller n Ilk for IU yI thiiid JM tlir Dry OiciilH Groceries orI Peed Iin L t llarlfoid prices Tele ¬ phone 66 Jso A Kn MtLLJitl HRRDINH is well admitted to the cure if fevers ofmill kinds because it thoroughly cleaiisch the rtomach and brvvelM ol nl billfus huniora and ex pr is nil impure secrilionn of the body Puce SD cts 1or sale by J H Will lams t For Salo Five Thoustnd feet of good Poplar Weather boarding Dressed ready CorI nailing on Five Thousand feet good one inch Poplar Price 2000 peri thousand CashI Dundee Ky = = = r Unt 1 J laJ a iib 11 I UCTIICTELCP- flO4CtIaUhrtctt1oa by the Southern Electrical Company Nl1LcTil1o Tenn Ad ti cwiicid iiiiit it iS time f eer of Any telephone ON THK MAKKK- TVc make u spocialty of a ONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE IIn Oak Cases Immg Distatico TMiismiltfir bust hard rubber hand pIOIIe With Uttteries C lIIplc for QQS V O U Cars Nashville Write in for prices on all material used in c mnection with tho TKLK PhONE OR ELKCTIHCAL UeSI NESS Wo Are E3oac quarters n WEST KENTUCKY SEMINARY fthDa TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL Beaver Dam Ky FOR LADIES AND GBNTIABMBN Thorough cuircfs in Literature Linguagoi Music Art and Dusinm Evcdcnt homo inllucnccs Kefiucd and pleasant invironmcntg Eight years of successful work has bon completed Next session opens August 28 1900 W G WELBOllNPros J HAM BARNES Vice Pros n NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotoncjr NIglit Cmliiloni Lou ot Mom OTT nu woltm ulceaso DZCOM otfocti and of r Jicro A norvo tonic and blood builder Brings the ptnk cheeks ngoof Clue malln ri PILLS 50CTS 8260 with our bankable gaurantoo to cure or refund tho money tend for circular end copy ot our bankable guarantee bond EXTRA STRENOTII ResultsfELLOW Positively guaranteed euro for Lout of Power Undeveloped or PlirnnVcn Organ Pareilt Locomotor Stasis Ncrrout Prostra thelIeult LIquor By matt tn ptatn package 5100 a bozo 6 500 with out bankable gear Intee bond to cure In 00 daya or refund money paid AddrellI Union Jackson cts CHICAGO ILL Subsmba for i HE REPUBLICS 1 Ileti Rivsr TeliDlion Companft lnorrOIllnto Talk liiinij choipand noocsary yu slnullIl1tro mio homo folks you oan buy your own phonos and Imild your own linos anti 1m in ta1limmg clisliuiro with the wholo county and business pc intH generally It y only nayin flouigiiI thov will IIn HI time wlmohim exhalumso IltllIJrtCtlrll ft connect with all Independent Companies a + p 4- p S e C

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  • Hartford Republicanq

    IRIDAV AUGtrT aj

    FON and LON ROGERS Editors

    lcJhnoc cl CIA = =luufd Ftldaiii by thtHatifttri Pub CjJnmrperatcti

    rtered at Hartford postotflee as seiwli mill matter


    run iitisiiiiVTJ= c= nlo

    Dl Ohio

    roil VICK ritlMIIIKv-SJaoo4ero Tiocoorol

    Ol x w Yorl-tr < lll ovrl0iro2m VST ITorlcosIll Iloyle Coiiiuj-KtUCOXUIIISN= c

    llrfrkf nrnCP CiMiiiijr

    ExGovernor Bradleys Announcement

    TUB publication in the diirierJournal of the 18th instant does m-an injustice There H a rccnul olmy order calling out tho State Guardin Louieville which appears on lleExecutive Journal It is not neces ¬sary to make orders approving payrolls In each instance where troopwere called out by me tho pay rollcertified by the Adjutant General andapproved bme are on file in theAuditors oflice I do not rememberwhether the pay roll of State Guardat Louisville was filed before the expiration of my term December 12thbut if it was paul the proper endorsemcnt will he found upon it


    Ir iau outrage is a very common aimver to the ijiiostion Whodo you thihiikof tho Powers trial=

    IF any curt ever took the place otthe IrcnccutiohI and jury certainly tincourt at Georgetown did in the Powcrs CO8

    DID G ebfl and Beckhara get amajority of the votes cast at the No ¬ember election 1899 Ucrald pleaseanswer

    ONE might well conclude that inJudge Cnnlrills opinion it is a crimeto be elected to otlicc hut it iaBright to steal in

    IF Beckbom did not steal the ofliceof Governor how did he come in pos¬session of it when the vote stood Tay-lor 1U37M Beckham ISJt 331

    IK every Republican Brown Dem-ocrat Populist and Prohibitionist wereon trial before Judge Canlrill for cot ¬ing against Goebel they would beconvicted

    ELECTION November 7th 99W STaylor 103714 votes William Goobel 191331 votes Taylors majority2383 Where is Goebele Heraldwill please answer

    If imperialism is the paramount is-sue


    in this campaign plea o defineit Democrats so we will know whereto find you Cholly Wheeler saysit is not definable Eh

    Ax indictment has been icsued inCantrilla cutlet against every man thatvoted lor Cable Powers the trial huebeen set for November Olh and thepeople of Kentucky will be the jury

    KIUIIT years ago the Democraticplatform read free tradefour yearsago it read free silver now it readsimperialism What will it say fouryeais hcncv Democrats please ans

    werTiiiIlcruld says UIt is slated upon

    reliabe nuthurity that IInlsix of thetwelve men who gave Caleb Powershis life inprm inment sentence votedfur Sooln1 lust fall The CmmcrJnuriiul ti the authority Is itftir Ielhibc Jl

    IK till bo a Republican form ofgovernment in Kentucky the greatc unmon people would welcome antint Iiepuhlicau government Themotto ii every man should heuGheme Liberty or give me Death in thenext campaign

    WIIATS become of free silver Mashilly Iliiih jo nijiith Johnnie itsimperialism thin time free ulcerdidnt wiik in I thought it would nailIm awfully tea rod over imperialismthe people nk me what it is and Iwint tell them Dont askrime anyitties ions

    The paramount iaiiie with the

    imlpria1ipate and slander we ulnuM like to in ¬terrogate What have the Democraticcampaign managers done with freeand unlimited coinage of silver a 10to 1 T

    JUIXIB L P LITTM of Owenshorn will speak at Fordaville tomor ¬row in the interest ot civil liberty in

    I f ffjit4A ffiiift lBlIllIMltILlll4lrltlllltlllttltfll11ltlnttlt ufYttIf + t+ ttt Ctf > tr Caleb Powers to the Public

    i ti1To TII rrmnzcIaui nselmyopinion concerningand the verdIct of thej2ry Could I tuwe but1opinion Can any Calrlnlndec nun or woman olthlsE

    4 but one That one of the greatestgiCarces known in history has been enacted here in my trial

    under the forums of law no wellinformed man can doubtInnocence is no shield with one hundred thousand dollars Ii


    taud the methods ol Campbellism against you The rectUtude of ones past life c3unts fr naught They say Toyi j tor Is guilty because he was n his office and that I am ttiguilty because I was away from mine This has been a e

    i political trial throughout for political purposes and nogreater mistake has been mtde by the DinncrUlc party

    i sInce they robbed us of the otUea to whld1 we were tinyelected by the people There are good men find nobleIEwomen In the Democratic pvtynnd tinny ot themare not all bad tar from it A great many of them do not Iindorse the theft ol the State offices A great many morewill not Indorse this mockery of a trial this prostitutionof the courts ol justice for certain ends From time be ¬ginning of the campaign until now I have stood with +

    zIwhat little of merit I have hml for the rights nail libertiesE of the people That is my crinme That Is tile only offense Ihave committed This U the only thing proven against meSI swore to that myself in my testimony I have never h idand he not now any apaloy t> make far b1tij true to

    the trust Imposed upon me by n mijrityof the voters of gof this State History will draw its dirk lines around

    t those who have outraged me and disgraced the judiciaryand blackened the history of the State I am very Ie

    t spectlully CALKH POWERS IIjiOOr fnP Tqr OOT n TrnmT Jtr 1 I I IIII

    Kentucky Judge Little is one ofthe best informed men in KentuckyHo is an independent Democrat andis thoroughly prepared to discuss theissues of tIme present campaign Fordsvillo will give him a large enthusiasticaudience and much good will be accomplished

    SOMI god men say they will nevervote so long as the Goebel law is onthe statutes Now gentlemen youhave permitted yourselves to form abad conclusion there is no neutralground for you to take it ijust the lawles ngaiust tha lawabiding people Mr Goebel originated the law for his own eclfili purpose and he has gone to his reward

    as a result but the law is slill withIIarid every man should lend bu ballotto bury this act with its sponsor forall time Vote for Yet kcs and have icounted as cast or know the rcawiwhy

    Father When a man takes thingwhich belong to another what do youcall him Billie

    DilheI would call him a thief or arobber pa-

    FatherThem you call Mr Beckham a thief do you

    Billie Mr Taylor got 193711votes while Mr Beckhara only got101331 and now Bcckham is iu MrTaylors chair if he didnt steal it howdid he get it pa and it he did steal ihe is a thief

    Abuse Gentlemenis not Argu-ment


    The IIcraMitB awunJ editor and itcomaliner and defamer picrjmtiny tocome from Centertoun act in 1manner very similar to a whippedpup when they are confrontedeitherby facts or argument THE KKITII

    ucAtf has repeatedly made chargesagainst the Herald and its coiwe andwithout an ell irt to defend his miserable self and wiCKed course plays tinpart of a cowardly envious suspiciondemagogue and abuses TIlE RKIUBMCAN for making a hold fight for truthand honesty for denouncing thosmen who stole the State offices athieves anti robbers with no attcmpto defend its course or the course olits men who have accepted stolen oilccs The Herald man lt aauaied editorand its Gmtertmv anowjmoin who uin reality the aaumed editor selectstypographical errors and comment onthem lor argument aginst Tin IUrumiCAX and abuse its editors intIme most shameful manner It thosewho abuse us had the principle oi ntreacherous Spaniard they wouldargue thu question indisputc andprove to the pub ic the rectitude oltheir c mrse Hut for thesu gentlemitcH there is no redemption Theyhave a cause which no living omancan defend Time etilor nail whttttmid tubeilitori of the Herald tlioiiglidensely ignorant as they are artsjust as able to defend Mr Houkhamand his associates as any other mem ¬hers of the gang We repeat Numan can defend thievery for timecommand says Thou shall not dealand Mr Bcckham hits stolen and inthis predicament the Hera4 woulddefend him Now gentlemen it youwish the public to believe you thatyour C cmdemuati censure andabuse of THE KKIITIIUCAS is justthat you arc in favor of tho nnij rityrule that you arc suppinint a lUauwhim you believe to be hummed thatyour csum is just and righteous takeup time accusations against you andargue them like men of intelligenceIf Mr Becklmm has not stolen hisposition which wo charge he hasprove him clear by now stating to timepublic time honesty and verity of histitle

    Why He Quits the Camp


    linn J W lliMtun Cliiilriiuin lliKMrullc 1iiiu-mlltii ul Mcl un ILlIItVIlirIll rifilKiitiifr imfoiiiiitltttviiiiui for mmim

    llruvi 1nHliut nftrr liivhm nrrvn In tliut CM-

    imiltr fur innrr than twrntv jrwin I H nrt ot thethiitf IIA Chalriitnn nf IV rountyi I iWiu It propi rtt pdrc NIIIII ivniuii for ivflrfhlnic 14is I hintnut iliiiniM mr ixillrlnil ykwu but mnnhlpr th-oIent of Mr Itt khnm seuury HM n witrnliiir ti-inlltlilHi nut tu trill with tlirrlKliti nf voter

    In tlw Intiirc lint tu Iw IHIIW MplMt It kliiin-WIIK iimiiliiHtM In H ponvcBtlin Hint wHn llp

    110 the iuitt si tfttc rIlui ic Stir niifmnil mid stter Wlnir iM itMl HI tin iolla frivpiitn oittn toy tutmhi tht ser n UfearMiv tn nnvifxfntry rlnlwlHtf IlvllliMtlon thiin thiiMintlitir In if tht nifmtr Slut 01k fi Ioy tmrnr-St out mornthrtn liMiirtitiM Iy n iMlfipri fiiii

    lux wiirhln WHrtHntMl tti mwr lIt N 1I1f ur Oi nt nf iirlr None uf the ttilmrn run IN rmvr

    11 liv hir lnic ill lh iLilth of WHIInni IiIi-kouctulh w bninihl nlMint liy thimnlviiiptoi IPIIMInv the I hc4ilolmli n law nntbiirll irriiwlHiroHtof It IIPh1 mil Iprkrfor llorcrnor is thi limt rinmly

    W IIII iiiixThe above in directly friini the calliI

    of Uonheliim this gentleman has seerthe folly ol following the party amsuffering the party lah to drive hminto dishonor Hi > has evidently beenreading some journal other than theCourierJournal at any rate he seepthe infamy of the party now donominated Democratic he vents an expression of most honest men whilethere are many who are thoroughlyconvinced that Goehclism is fraud androbbery yet they cant leave thename Democracy We take MrHardin to be an honorable nina fromthe life which he has lived in the eervice of his party and at this time toabandon the cause of accepted theftCertainly this man cannot be calleda leatherhead for he has been a con

    sistent member of his party for mosta hie time Usually the very bestmen in the party are chosen for committeemen and Mr Hirdiu has heir

    yeLreInews as asurprise when they shall have considparImire daily leaving No party has everbecome any great factor in governmental aflairs that set forth as its chief

    Dt11110craticIafFairs but fate has decreed that itshould cease to control and at this ithas become enraged Unwilling as it-

    liSto submit to the will ofa majorityhas become receiver of stolen goodsIn its course of desperation it haR-

    driven from its ranks such men asBuckner Lindsay Carlisle Knott

    i Brown Ilallem Owens Breckenridgeothi ¬Fulton Ioynlz Vomits WoodsonWheeler Hoerlz Caruth and theirkind to direct its course GoebelDemocrats in Hartford have said that


    the Powers sentence was unjust yetthey withhold their duty to their partyanti Slate They should he as honest


    as Mr Ilardin and abondon the causeof dishonor

    That fcxtra Session

    Few times in the history of Ken-tucky


    has it been necessary fur an ex-tra


    session of the Legislature Cullingtho Legislature III extra session isunusual It is only done in extraor ¬dinary times for time purpose of deal-ing


    with an emergency which mayexist The present Legislature hasbeen callel by Mr Heck ha inin extraordinary sesion for thapurpose ot bridging over an emergency Vo are unable to understand the emergency What is itMr Beckham stated it his proclama ¬tion that an emergency hail risenover the Goebel law and it had be-come


    necessary lo umcnd or nrjdifyit How saIl indeed that such aheritage whici Mr Beckham said atGoebeld tonal would ha preserved ifin tile power should now be iu theact of annihilation That law thatfair and impartial law that law thatmade a defeated candidate electedthat law was created by an inspiredman alas that Goebel law has causedan emergency call of the Legislature

    The people of Ohio county have

    uot forgotten mow Mr lIngo steppedupon thr troubled waters on tho 25 hof lust October without cause or piovocation and declared that

    rmic ole eiic nm mIiiruut the iiwbet i livlion IHW U to iHrniv tu tli mmmIt Ktnln kvfIr Hiul honwt rlcrtloni Tlint nci n lnw WIIHhI tin hMiili uf cililu ruiinty know willfnoiiwli Tlurry frniiilU only lbrrr ul > mpthief on thifut uf tliiiKi who rnti no lollIilolmnih I tie mnmmut

    Fellow countrymen you have beenthisIwhoIknew it himself for he is too good alawyer to kuow so little about thepossibilities of time act Every hlnIest sensible fairthinking nina knowthat there was ti great Porsmhuiityoffraud they believed then as theyknow now that the law was enactedfor time purpose of malting Bill GoebelGovernor whether time people willedIt or not Mr Hiogo to the contrarynotwithstanding The acts of Iberiaand Caruth iu Louisville on time even ¬jug before the election assertions otGochel Vattcrsou and Blackburnprove conclusively that time intentionot the law was to elect under anyandall circumstances Democraticotlioia

    But this pet measure of Mr Goebelshas had its death warrant signed inthe call tor an extra session Manywho have defended it arc now ashamedof it aud manyare openly denounc ¬ing it All concede it to lie the fruit ¬ful source of all our woes I Who dofends this law now IIlelIot eventhose uncompromising ami unscrupuluu partisans The whole affair isa farce Mr Beckham is a farcehimself lIe is attempting to atonefor accepting stolen goods by callingan extra cession to amend time lawwhich stole for him time otiice nf nvrnor Non Mr IVckham ymi

    cannot ntwie f T ymirrriiiie mid hlli-on to the Mnltn gciids Siirriiiipstolen olHcfl to tIme rightful ownerQuit time hldIleh ynir hrml of tininfamy which imw civtrs them ainii hen you may ask for mercy and forqivcnca at time hands atsimm niiirascainl iuiligimnt people and not t iIthen

    The Powers Trial

    After six weeks work iu time 1owo 0trial the jury returned n veidict ofguilty anti fixed his punishment at nlife sentence in the State piisou Theverdict is shocking to every free nndright thinking citizen Not only 1msthe actions of the jury been declaredto be infamous by Republicans antIBrown Democrats but even Goebelsupporters say it is unjust There isno doubt of the inuoceuse of time manfound guilty nothing was proven onhim even by the star witnesses ex ¬cept that he was instrumental inbringing the mountain men to Franktort to ask redress for their wrongsand this he admitted himself to havelone The evidence against Powersincluding that of Weaver who statedthat he Vas in Frankfort on time Ilayof the assassination and saw a riflebarrel extending from the winduw 01the Secretary of States office butwho was proven to have been inGrayson Springs on that day was notsufficient to have hung the meanestcur that could have been found any-where yet this evidence was admittedand the commonwealth includingJudge Cantrill knew every word to-be false intentionly faUe

    The jury that passed on this casewas composed of eleven Goebel Damn

    ocrats and one Gotbel Republican tobe more specificit was a packed juryit was a jury selected because of theextreme need of a preanaugcd ver¬dict This jury which will go downin history as time most biased and par¬tisan body of men ever empowered toadminister justice was selected in thesame manner as the grand jury thatindicted Powers The regular jurorswho had been selected for the Scottcircuit court were set aside a Goebelsheriff was put iu the field to summoil a jury from a district known tobe uncompromising Goebclcrntic andJudge Cantrill permitted this to bedone or was really time sole authorand mentor oi this unAmerican proprocedure iu court This jury re ¬mained out of court only a few minu ¬tes perhaps long enough to sign timeverdict which hail been agreed uponLe s then one hour was consumed inthis work alter six weeks of extraor

    tolreturnSecretary of Siae and lor havinguikwl hiti coiiuiryinMi to commie in aIody oiil protest n iiin t tho rubberyliving perpetrated in till name of tho

    ommiif w iilth and absolutely nothi ig else

    Caltih Pnwr mis tried iiidr fliptirms ot law but nut I lie spiritverdict lId agreed jpou and IhoII 1II1I1r ilm fnriiis if law1 hut unitspirit Tim pcnccutow it Christcarrful tu do the dUIliuUIIler emI

    AellhHllrrljlallilit with Caleb Poworx The courtsacli ins were partisan timid liinsulTwice hid he fume Cil Owens fir thodefense for doing llrit which he al ¬lowed Tom Campbell and his cocounsel to do unnoticed This case

    will bo remembered as time blackestever recorded in American history ItIM little short of inftinotif it is dijgraceful to say tho least This line nilbeen ilme in time minnie of 100000amid time Democratic party which timegot ml people tho lawabiding God ¬fearing clirnlimi people will rebukeat tho polls on time 0thof next Novem ¬

    berKentuckystands horror stricken to ¬

    duty before these revolutionary timesand well she may Site stands disgracedin the sight of every civilized nationAud yet the sole cause of mill thistrouble is thoU infamous anti internalicchellaw That instrument brought

    about these revolutionary times itbrought about tho death of its authorthe balot nnd civil liberty Anothercase has been called and the peopleyet remain passive time persecutorshave full sway as they did in RomeOne day an cud will come to all thisfarce and we trust it may not be fardistant


    Senator Stowart of NevadaSays Ho Will Vote for


    New York Aug 2a Senator Viliim I M Stewart of Nevada called at

    Republican headquarters today andlid he hml decided to vote for PrtsiIstit Mckinley lIe made a statement

    in part as followsThe United States went to war

    with Spain urged on by the Democra ¬tic party The popularity of the warwas such that Mr Bryan joined thearmy The war was successful Ptreaty of peace was entered into where-by the United Stutea agreed to paysoverdgntIIhillipiM nichipeligo There wvopposition to the unification of thotrtHty Mr Bryan castle tJ Vishin

    j ton anti piruirteU his DtKiocMtvIIIWIUItreaty was originally tutified Ii then ueciime tIme duty i f tin UMtrStutw to tuHirtftin IBW ami order anprntect the iiv4 sal priprfly of nlriiHtt t in tIn iMiiU whethr u

    I tiv or luifiKti horn Thv t iu> tatts ut the tuiii d the r tifieatii

    J the treaty luld uiiiury pwie-sion of Manila amid immneiiitiy alUiuch ratification assumed the sever

    eignty of the blinds The PC pliO-the United Stntes and particularly

    I the Ificificccvast became entitel tthe vast omuurce of the IncifiOein in which the Philippines fornlihed the key

    One Auina1do lied raised a rebullion in Luz In ngninxt Spain belnrithe coiiimenceineat ot the Spanixt-

    j xttr with the United Stntes Tlii-

    iadventurer had sold out or settled therebellion with SpMn for 5410000 betore Dewey set Mil Jar Manila andis a part < f the bargain with Spainagreed to leave the islands and uevc-irtturn

    AID KROM TillS COUNTRYDewey took the wily agitator bacV

    to the islands supposing as a mattelof course that Agulnaldo would natorally he an enemy of Spain and ifriend of the United States Ia thisAdmiral Dewey was mistaken Ajjuinaldo as soon ns he landed on his nutire soil organized a rebellion ngiunsthe United States which would haybeen of little consequence It he hatnot bien able to obtain comfort and

    id in this countryAll urganfzmtlon was formed in tinUnn

    H 3n


    Wealthof hair I-swealthindeedespecially to awomanEveryother

    physical attraction issecondary to it Wehave a we willgladly send you thattells just how to carefor the hair

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    It always restorescolor to gray or fadedhair Retain your

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    0 I urn used hats Vigornow for about 2J jean and I batesatimfactorylurecommended tbli Hair Vigor to

    Iherf2dVigor I ilull certainly recommendto Just am ai IAycr11am

    Wn N K lUiiiLTOxNov 21 mi Korwlcb N Y

    Vfrlto tho DoctorIt you orb n all the tinieStyou iieilre the on ot the Vigor

    writs the duVII

    5OiIIJGHANDE Of the Greatest and Most III ust riousleaJTaa1ce SaleEver known in Hartford or Ohio county

    tj Adieu to summer This mouth winds ill the season with gp us No stone will he left unturned to make this the ban

    nor period in point of getting new customers by our low Bprices on seasonable goods We will sell p-


    S cost of material Remember prices are easy to quote butgft iits QUALITY only that tells the tale Its quality backed i

    by low prices that makes furs the model store f-

    I A LESSON IN MONEY SAVINGolijri fi Sununcr Clothing Straw TInts iEens Lowcut Shoes 3t Ladies and Misses Sippcrs Organdies Muslins Dimities jjpj Pcrcals Dress Goods of every kind Fans Parasols Shirt IiiWaists in fact everything in Summer Goods in our housegqIb Ve arc determined to carry over no summer goods TIlt fcj1111C05 you can get these goods at will make this monthE one to be hold in grateful remembrance by Ohio countypeople Dont stay away Yours truly I-

    QLLISS HI rui aGlw v r y II f I i il Tti IIIIJIIILIIIII IIIIIIIIIiUIiLII I 111111111InIIIpaacaaVchcp a rJ7 c artStVanaer rpI 2MLBo1 EIOOllEllSillOSS Collhio



    One Thousand Students Will bo in Daily Attendance During the Coming YearJVfCNnnKDSctlhi leading PaorueAT unttrtmiKr Mate of the e nnr nn 1aAnrATr of tdrnolnilllnilnnii lh fnllowtnKconrw

    l are taught rrlmnrv Knginh Tmcliin ScnntlrtiM in f miiiun unit li try Vocal Slunlr InttruoirnUI MuileUisTIItulnfM ShortHand TypeWrltlne heiumanehtp Tofrgriiiihy and Civil Snrirr Anjr ituitint HIO rnlrrt the nfUKiM CnLLkUiwill hAte mhs rlvllle cit n4rtno the Soethl5Pe OOJlUI IfIIIOL soil lureumnt any literary Manrh or treuched l ught without nitwlisrfm W site two month tuition tree with rrrry ttie month iwhoUnhiti lininl tolhe Doullug ortfn lIuilceM tullrgr11100Ik II H CIIKRRV Ont tenafwe11i4eeiynIi = = s=

    United J> ttes irtliH time Anli itvperinlist Jut uiiicli Ins lur tlic lusttwoyc rsco tpit 1 nth Aniiuii insrtgsl jilntt v him beadqiiaiteia mitHongkong to iupply latH ture nndmittriaU of war for AtuniMo

    1resicicnt MiMiiiky hd no uthotly to our out Agninaltl is rb Ilinn ntfii fl the C iift 9tatM > but wasbouiil Ly thf teity which Willi thesupreme law iii the lain to maintainlaw end ni r anti pit uet life sudtcrjuiitdjhundrrri ti miiin nl djlars to putdown A uiujJus ubelllon

    i The Mltnrce and ncotu aenientII a uccivtxl Iroiii time Aitiiinpfmlist-Ir ftgue nl1 the ntmies of the UnitedSlates both at home nail abroad made

    I his b rluou in irregnar wu btoo-dItI expensive Cotixttss howevertrade nil necessary appropiintions-provitlin the txtcutivc men andmoney to maintain the authority inthe IliilippinesW-

    IIATTIIBV CArL IMlRRIAUUM IIThe fiocfciied itti iniftiiili in de

    ctred that time policy piirsurd by timeGovernment to put clown the rebel ¬luIterritories were acquired was impriallsm1 anti that any use ot the nrmyto maintain law and order howevernecessary was imperialism antigiving aid ond cnmfort to rebels inarms agninrt the Uiitol States wasmnlntaiiiinp the principles of the De

    duration ol luclcpendenceI Mr Hrynns unparalleled campaign

    for the principles of the Chicago platforum and hU itiMstance upon theadoption 01 that pLitform nt KansasCity induced time people to supposethe cimpaign of icyoo would be conducted on tho issues of 1896 In thisit ciems thty were mistaken

    I HowsThls

    ti nflr ino llnnilriNl Hiillnn livwunl riniiivlU ol liilnrrli Unit iiiiiunt lie uirii hy IliilrniiI i111Iuthelilnllv nltlrt tu iiirrv nut nny oMlKiithniM iiiiiIu IovtliolrllrmtIT Tuutt IIhIII iuriuiutm rulIII IIVimvii KINXAX A MAHUVWhulmil Hruml llnlili IIIIIIIIIIIIrh Curoln tukin liitoiiinlly iirtlnirdlnitljr iiiun tliiMmnl iiinl miininn urfin s cf

    IhjIPIII THIIIHIIIIH Mnt fnv Irli jPnlil In nil liniintlbtii-lliillii Iliiully 1IIU lit tli it-


    We will t xchinut enlor deivcrfrom thi D Miller n Ilk for IU yIthiiid JM tlir Dry OiciilH Groceries orIPeed Iin L t llarlfoid prices Tele ¬phone 66 Jso A Kn MtLLJitl

    HRRDINH is well admitted to thecure if fevers ofmill kinds because itthoroughly cleaiisch the rtomach andbrvvelM ol nl billfus huniora and expr is nil impure secrilionn of the bodyPuce SD cts 1or sale by J H Willlams


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