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m i Th« at Ortob»r U-IS M "Poetry Weak" cap« th« Itet of "weclu" tatelHffrat fof* a n Mp- pooed to oboonrc. Alro^jr thor* ore more -week#' proelolmH tboa there are weoka la a rear. * * * William ChrteiianMn purrhosed the Mofflt* BnlMlaf (preoeat loca- tion of the Leoaartl Camera Shop) at pobtie auction In circuit court In Qrand Rap Ma on Tttesdajr. The high bid waa roportad to be la the nt-lKh^orhood of 13,500. Three in every tW ^children In faro rolla coollac the atate OJOO OOO per moath. Iflchiitaan population la officially MT1.7W. ranhlac Mr- oath anoa# the atatao. * * * I iW nifnl pvfrCv rvpon nii> m* found twtcr as mwny doora left open In the paat two weeka than during the preetoua period of re- porting. Abo. according to the law enforcement officera' report Mon- day night to the CouBcli. the riola- tloaa are on the up trend. What's wrong with us here in Lowell f Are wo getting lax in oar efforts to make it hard for erimlfials? * * * A report Aino to Lowell police ^onday morning that thieree bad airtsrod the raaHwirr of Loo Poar- aao at the ooraer of Wroh'.nstnn dad Kent streeta. A bonk waa bcek- en open and approximately 938 waa taken aoraetime during the night. * * * George Halo will re- Uda for carrying the United States Mafia (including par- cel-post mails) on Mai) Meosenger Route between the poet office at Lowell and the Grand Trunk West- ern Railroad, each way for trains arriving at 4:*) am. and 1:00 p.m.. bids to ho In the hands of •.he poet master by Oct. K. 1M1. Nero is an easy Job with short hours. Get application blanka from the postmaster, fill out and mail in a sealed envelope. * * * All who attended the Mlch'gan- Indiana football game at Ann Ar- bor last Saturday were thrilled as 6,300 bandsmen from M Michigan High School bands, with Lowell among them, played In massed formation between the halves of the game. • The football field which measures 100 yards by 83 yards, one foot, al- lowed each musician leas than a square yard of space. Chaperoning the group were Mrs. Jessup. Mrs. White, Mrs. Burrh. and also Bob Perry. Lowell fans wore justly proud of their hand. * * * Jcktk. Jests. Jaha and JC^oa. Just by Jeff: Practically everyone we have heard talk lately knowa at least one good remedy for the pres- ent disorder or world conditions. .. Honesty Is stiU the beet policy, but strange to say some people feel that they Just cant afford the beat. . . . The old saying, "It Is an III wind that blowa no one any good" must be true. Within the last week th^ radio announced a ten per c*nt increase in the coot of newsprint and we immediately reached for the aspirin, which of course helped the aspirin business. Everything is bound to help some- body. . w ftlSrtkf ^ ^ in mcrrenucK •otn Prank Stephens three escaped patients from the State Hospital at Oaro last Thurs- day morning when he received a call from Mra. Joe Mstternkk staling the trio had stayed in tha barn the prevtous night to hiaharn In tha atartod lor Lowell and found the three hitchhiking near the Hilton orchards. He oblig- ingly gave them a ride and they told him their story, Identifying themselves as Richard Burton. 94. who gave his home addroas aa Bellevue; Clifford Trim. 18. Che- boygan; and Bernelce Burgod, 18, They Mid they loft Jaro Tues- day, Oct 8, at about 8:00 p.m. and headed for Saginaw, hot arrived la Oraad Rapids. Instead, about 5:00 pooct Wednaoday. After about aa hour m the city they itarUd east on U816 i{Ot wore not sua as— ful la letting ridoo m> entered the barn for the night Tha trio waa held for from the state hoopltal. The annual Weot M . ^ aale will be held at the 4-H Fair grounds In Lowell Nov. 8. at which time about 40 bead win he con- signed. This Is am open gilt and boar sale and the salo starts at one o'clock. The following Saturday at the ••me place the first sale of the W. Michigan Angus Breeoers wu* w« held where thirty head win he con- signed. These sales are of special interest to all 4-H and FFA work- ers. a meat cutting at. onatrathm at their store Wednesday ereaing, Oct. 84. at T}88 to «Msh everyone is luritod. The Kroger Oo. k furnishing the personnel for the meat cutting demonstration, and tbe wrapping in preparation for the deep freexe will be in charge of an International Harvester Co. economist. Guests are Invited to bring along a quarter or a chunk of meat which will be ca». and wrapped f«e while they are being taught (he proper methods of preparing msata for tmrteg. , IHllliflll llfl LOWELL, MICH.. THUASOXY. OCTOItR 18. I?5I Numbtr 25 Paii&HeffMn ToSpNkOct.19 OnWoridAfMrs More than 78 community organ- isations will Join the Grand Rapids Council on World Affaire la pre- senting the Acnnal Vandeaberg Memorial Lecture, with Paul O. Hoffman aa speaker, on Friday. Oct. 18, at 8:88 p. m at fountain Street Church In Grand Rapf da. Paul a Hoffman The Vandeaberg Memorial Lee- tare Is a new project of the Coun- cil named In memory of Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg and tks principles for which he stood. Each year the Council plana to bring a person as lecturer who has wide experience In the field of foreign affairs as a means of providing a "living memorial" to the Michigan Senator who was a member and liter chairman of the Senate's com- mittee on foreign relations. V.F.W. Auxiliary Completes Plans Bazaar. Dinner The regular meeting of the V. F. W. Auxiliary was held on Tluun day, Oct. Uth. at 8:80 p. m. wttn n members present. Presllipt Ayrea preotdtag. With the conclu- sion of opening ceremonies, the meeting proceeded to the main bua- Ineea of the evening, the coming baxaar and ham dinner to be held Thursday. Nov. 8th. Plans were completed and final committees ap- pointed. A report was made by the Rum- mage Sale chairman and another by the card sale chairman and a discussion of the coming visit of the Muskegon V. F. W Auxiliary on Oct 18th was held. Becauoe of this visit members are urged to at- tend the next meeting which will begin a t T:80 instead of 8. Mem- bers are also urged to get their contributions in for the basaar. The meeting was adjourned at 10:80 for a lunch of cake and cof- fee. The next meeting will be held Oct. 15th at 7:80. place to be an- nounced later. loni« Pomona Grange Ionia County Pomona Orange will meet with Ronald Orange on Saturday eveaiag. Oct. 10th. The meeting will be called to order by W. St Braaot Sherwood at 8.-80 p. m. Officers will be elected for the two-year period. Reoolu- to h» seat to State Orange ho prsoaatod ht this meeting. win ha served by Ronald Grange with visiting strangers bringing own service. Mildred Wlttenbach, Pomona Lecturer. BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs. Jake Canter, Oct U at Blodgett hoopltal a 8- pound 11-ouncc girl, Elisabeth Cor- rine. To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edwards of Lansing, at St Lawrence hoo- pltal Oct 18. a daughter, Vickie lomn. weighing 6 pounds and 11 ounces. Mra Edwanla U the for- mer Arisen Roth of LowelW To Mr. and Mra. Edward Storm- sand. Oct 18. Butterworth hospital, a • 8-4 pound daughter, ETliaabeth Am. Mrs. Stormxand la the for- mer Joyce Jean Hennana. To Mr. and Mra. Richard Warner. Oct. 1, at Reed CKy hoapital. a daughter, Mary Ann. Mr. Warner la a son of Mr. and Mra. Royden Warner formerly of Lowell. Chest Service Far and Wide Lowell Police reported to the eouncil Monday night that during the period October 1 to 18 thero were 188 miloa of cruiser operation. Violailona aa foUowat Runnlag vio- 88. 18 tummons. 18 .ram- Par king violatkma. U. 18 18 warnings; Defective 18. 8 summons. 8 warn- ings This shows an Increase over pre- vious reports. Duck Hunter Shot As Season Begins Injuries Serious The first hKntlng accident of the season was reported Saturday when Gordon Hunter. 10. Lowetj factory worker, waa accidentally ahot in the leg while hunting ducka with three companions. Hunter was rushed to Ionia Mo- morial hospital where It waa found he had a tractured right leg and severe muscle damage. The accK dent occurred whlki the young men were duck licnting-hbout two milea south and east of Baranac. The gun Is said to have belonged to Kcnaeth Shaler. in. of Saranac. for- merly of Lowell. The other com- panions were Dick Kelly and Jun- ior Link also of Saraaac. According to Sheriffs officers the group were preparing to return home from the day's hunting and as they stopped to uaload their guns. 8baler's gun which was point- ed toward the ground caught an his coat and waa diacharged. To H o v t C k d k Tdk Mi 3f7trvKI9 Vfvtr% The Alton Bible church will con- duct five nights of special services beginning Tuesday. Oct. 23 to Sun- day, Oct. 18. except Saturday. Mrs. Esther Frye. of Grend Rap- Ids, win present a chalk talk each evening. Mrs. Woolpert. Jr. of Gd. Rapids will bo guest pianist. Rev. Paul Roger, pastor of Clarksville Congregational church, will be the speaker. AU of these folks ;ire known to the Alton people. The public is invited to all of these meetings. The time, 7:48 p. m. Lowell Boy Scout Troop is spon- soring the drive for the Crusade for Freedom in this locality to help fight communism. It Is a big un- dertaking—this getting signatures on the scrolls and processing the OCntributlOBfl into the right chan- nels. Boy Scouts are organised to handle projects of thla kind. The 1881 Cruaade Goal la to add more freedom-otatlons which are badly needed to overcome the enor- mous propaganda might of tbe Kremlin. You have an opportunity now to help to stop the spread of Communism In the Far East Scout Sika Hika , Last Saturday with Adult Leader, James Droogan. In command, the Boy Scouts made an overnight trip to Fallaaburg Park over back roads and on bicycles with the only two slight accidents. One tire blew out and one chain broke. Scouts, be- sides the leader, making the trip were J. Baird. J. Batey, R Craft. J. Claus, J. Laux, T. Plnckney. O. Potter. R Rutherford, R Shaler. h. Wlttenbach and M. Wood. Another bicycle Jaunt la being planned for next month. Papor Drive Saturday Also another paper drive is be- ing planned for Saturday. Pleaae save your old papera for the Seouta. If you have not been called upon and do have papers you may con- tact any Boy Scout or leader and they will be glad to pick them up. Okihi Camp Fire Group The Okihl group was called to order Tuesday. Oct 8. 18SL We elected oCflcen aa follows: Presi- dent, Barbara Court; vice-president Patty Wlttenbach; secretary, Ro- berta Thompson; treasurer Brenda Rankin; ^crfto. Virginia Lewie. A short buainesa meeting waa hold. This year we also have new leaders. Mra. Richard Court and Mrs. Jade Manrow. We discussed money- making plana. New members are Marcia Keech and Mar^t Oehringer. Oct. 84 we will have a candy oale at school Campbell Farm Bureau The Campbell Lake Farm Bu* reau will meet Thureday evening. IS Trfth S£r. Mro Jim Sher- PINK AND RUT* HONORS MBS. R. OTBTB Mra. Bert Myers and Mra. Ftora Blrhop eu'Mrtiined wtth a ptak and Mae shower, honoring Mre. Richard Cttrtk Wednesday evening, O c t 10. Btsteen ladiea wore preasnt and gifts presented to the guest 0( honor were very daisty and lovely. Refreshments we Pa served and a pleasant evening enjoyed. D o o t F o r g o t The Egypt Grange dances, Sat- urday, Oct. 10. R pays to advertise in the Ledger wish. HALLOWE'EN DANCE St. Patrick's Han, Parnell. Wed- nesday, Oct 81. Everett Sparks orchestra. Come In costume if you Varganntt Farm Bureau The Vergcnnes Farm Bureau win meet Friday, Oct. 18 at the home of Mr. and Mre. George Johnson. Mra. Fay Clark. Pub. Chrm. MR. AND MKt. L CHAMCCM CELEBRATE BOTH WEDDING Mr. and Mra. I-eroy Chambers who are imuilae their ber.lt ««h their son and daughter-in-law, at 486 Manafleid, YpsilanU. win cele- brate theii- Golden Wedding An- niversary on Tassday, October «8. Opeu House will be heM in their honor on Tuesday afternoon. Their Lowell friends extend con- gratulations. MRS. LULU HAFER CARIKVt . DIES WHILE VISITING NIECE Mrs. Lulu Hafer Cariker of Hen- derson, Tex., a former resident of Lowell, and an active worker in the Methodist church, passed away Oct. 8. from a heart attack, while visiting at the home of her nelce In Detroit. She is survived by her husband. Frank and several neices. Interment was In Henderson. Aoctioo Solot Saturday, Oct. 20, George Tucker of South Boston, proprietor, will hold an auction sale of farm equip- Proof that services Included Jb Community Chest of Kent Coun- ty's annual drive for funds are'Spread far and wide ia in thia picture which was taken in Great Falia, Montana, last Labor Day. Sgt. Roy W. German, al left of Ada R-8, volunteered to appear on a USO float In a Labor Day parade there bWMse the USO had done so much for him. Sgt. Gorman typed a lettdr during the parade which he mailed later at the club. - The USO. two other agendee dfeing aervlcemen and women. 27 Kent county services, and 90 stat* groups assisting in the nation's defenae effort are part of the UnRed Feather drive being conducted Oct 18-88 la Kent county. The goal la t88U18. Heading the drive for Lovall village are King Doyle and Gould Rivettc. Ada chairmen are.Mra..^*eil A. Weathers. Jr., and Mrs. Robert Groves. Lowell's goal seems to have been flaced rather high and to date only BOft has deen subscribed. TVi committee askt those who have not contributed as yet do so sooi* for even the small amounts will help toward a worthy oduoe. T Bruce Tower, Injured In Break Bruce Tower, guard at Michigan Reformatory at Ionia, was serious- ly injured on Saturday night when he was struck over the head with a piece of pipe by a prisoner In an attempt to escape. Mr. Tower battled with the prla- oner after being struck from bo- hind and managed to gel to where he could call for help. He treated la the prison hoopltal and brought to his home on Sunday af terhoon, his condition is reported as good and he will be up and about in a few days. Mrs. Eva J. Higgias, 82. well known resident of Keene township, passed away Thursday, Oct 11, at her home arter a long Illness. She was the widow of Norman E. Hig- gins. Mre. Higgins was cared for In her last Ulnese by her daughter-ln-law. Mre. Haxel Conner, who with the grandchildren and great-grandchil- dren survive. Funeral services were held In Saranac Sunday afternoon and burial was In the family*lot in Eaaton township cemetery. W5.C5.PI M Ht AOTOMA ActhHties The Women's Society of Chrio- tlan Service met at the W.S.C.S. hall for an all day meeting Oct. 8rd. Dinner waa aerved at noon. wtesaea were: Mary Vreelahd, Alms M lab lor, Masy Brew and Al- verden Dyke. The business meeting opened with the group "Wnglng "Heavenly Sunahlne." Mra. Bolltho conducted devotions speaking on the subject •"Week of Solf-Donlal and Prayer." I Thurxie Thompson, reporting on supply work, reported the layette nearly completed and It win he sent lo the Metbodisl Community House in Grand Rapids. Ada Beify gave a report for the Improvenbent C o m m i t t e e . Mr. Fiiher of Freeport will do the dec- oratibg of the downatalrs hall. Laura FTynn gave a report of the Seminar which die attended at the Haatinga Methodist Church. Francos Porritt and Ada Bergy gave a reading, which was enjoyed. The meeting adjourned following group singing and prayer. There will be a Fall Festival and Auction Sale at the W.SCJS. Hall Tuesday evening. Oct 80. Potluck lunch following sale. Armrs Lose Game But Score Against Unbeaten Godwin After successive wins over Ionia. Wyoming, East and Grandville the Red Arrows ran into an upset at the hands of a strong Godwin out- fit on the Wolverine's gridiron Fri- day night. 33 to 6. Godwin had ^rerythlng—alxe. speed and decep- tion plus a winning smile from dame fortune, who seemingly grant- ed the Wolverines all the breaks of the game. This was Godwin's fourth victory of the yea?, and from here it looks as though the Grand Valley champ- ionship wil! rest in the Wolverines trophy case. Thfey have only to hurdle Lee thla week and they're In. The Godwlnltes lost very little time in prcving their superiority when they crashed to a 20 to 0 half- time lead. Just when the Lowell attack would start to roll a wol- verine would snatch a Lowell pass and either score or set up a touch- down. The Godwin lads Inter- cepted five Arrow one lead to a T. D. NELSON BROTHERS MEET SEPARATED 44 YEARS Mr. and Mra. Emil Nelson were pleasantly surprised last week when his brother. Fritx Nelson and his wife whom he had not seen for 44 yean erriwad from Robson. B. C.. to maae to em a x Uit Mre. Nelson left on Monday to spend a year with her parents in Norway whom she haw not seen for 13 years. All Village Taxes which are not paid on or before Oct. 31 must be turned over to Kent county as de- linquent Esther M. Fahmi. C25-26 Village Treasurer. MOORB DANCE Dance Saturday, Oct. 20, Moose. Lodge Oeheetra. 8:80 till 1:80. c23 Important things to do to assure sucoesaful summer seedings are having weeds under control, pre- paring a good seed bed, and apply- ing lime and feriiliiers if needed, Michigan State College farm crops specialists say. Ftrat Score Against Godwin The Arrows gave a much better account of tbemselvea during the second half when they held God- win to two touchdowns aod scored one on a 85-yard pass Roth to This waa the first point scored ty a conference team againat Godwin this year. Tommy Davis waa Godwin's scor- ing ace, going over for four of his team's touchdowns, Faulkner and Roth accounted for most of Low- ell's gains while Topp, Marks and Brown worked well on defense. The fact that the Arrows have lost a game does not mean that they should not have a successful season. The Godwin game Is water over the dam and with a little luck the Arrows may win meet If not all of theii* remaining contests. Wednesday Lowell traveled to Belding In a conconference tilt, then comes the Ng Homecoming game with Lee and the Arrows" final homa game. Friday Lev: downed East by exactly the same score as the Arrows accomplished the feat 18 to ll, oo this shouM be a whale of a ball game. The Ar- rows boast the largeot following of fans in the conference. Keep fol- lowing the Arrows. iCompbeSI lostols Offkors For A ir. Lo9ioa AwriHory The American Legion Auxiliary met at the club rooms last Monday night for Installation of officers with Mrs. E. Judson Campbell of Grand Rapids acting as Installing omcer. The new corps of officers are: president, Hattic Rloo: first vice- President, Anna Sibilski; second vice-president, tSmma Quigglo; sec- retary, Doris Ellis; treasurer, Anna Ems; historian, Nancy Dennick; chaplain, Anna Pottef; sergeant-at- arma, Pauline LaDuc. Refreshments were served and a social even'ng enjoyed after the businsa was completed. BARN DANCE Barn Dance will be held at Free- port Saturday, Oct. 20 at Linden Bryan's farm 1 mile east and 1-4 mile north of Freeport on N. Broadway, or 9 miles straight north of the Hastings monument. Music by Red Raber. Chuck Hauaer, caller. Sponsored by Freeport V. F. W. cl8 The annual Halloween party sponsored jointly by the Lowell Board of Trade. Amtrican Lagkm. and Rotary Club for the chiMren of this community will be held as usual at Recreation Park. Wednes- day evening, Oct. 81. Committees In charge of the ar^ rangements are Gerald Rollins and A. H. Stormaand representing the legion: Butch Thcmpson and 1* E. Jchnaon, the Board of Trade; and Jerry Roth, the Rotary club. P.T.A. Sponsoring Membership Drive October ic the month for an all- out drive for P. T. A. membership Women will be calling at your home to ask you to Join, so please sign up this year and let's all Join and come to the meetings. If you would know your school and Its working? better. Join your local P.TA. Welcome the P.TJL member who will call on you to en- list In this effort. K o o t C o . F o m i To Ammal Dfamor O c t . 2 9 The Honorable Gerald E. Ford, Jr., will be guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Ken; County Farm Bureau to be held Monday evening, Oct. 28th, at the Fountain Street Baptist Church in Grand Rapids. The meeting will start with a banquet at 7 o'clock. Tlcketa are 11.90 per person and may be pur- chased from any community group secretary, board member or the county secretary. Reservations must be made by noon Oct. 26th. Tlirot members to the Board of Directors and Delegates to the State Annual meeting will be elec- ted at the business meeting. Mrs. Chas Timpson, Pub. Chair. Lowol Party o n T o w Visit Historic Spots Mr. and Mrs. Austin Byrne of Delton and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Havens of Lowell toured several states last week visiting Cincinnati. Ohio; Illinois, Louis- ville, Foit Knox and Mammoth Cave, Kentucky; American Museum of Atomic Energy at Oak Ridge, Tenn.; Cllngman's Dome, Smoky Mountalns, Renfru Valley, Grand Ole Opry at Nashville, Chattan- ooga, Tenn Chlcamauga National Park, Ga., and Bryson, N. C. Rotary Club Procjran^Sy Lowell Rotary club program for Wednesday of this week was most interesting as Bill Lee told the club some of the "AdvantaTea of Small Towns to Industry". Fire Prevention Week was ob- served last week when Samuel Gray of Grand Rapids was guest speaker and who also brought a film to Ulusirate his story, "Service Beyond Contract." This story is really meant to be an inspiration to all in the continuing battle against fire in this country- human carelessness still Is the ma- jor cause of fire which kills over 10,000 persons each year—Injures over 40,000 and accounted for $387.- 441,000 damage in the first six months of this year, said Mr. Gray who Introduced the film. » * ****** ****** Berwyn Kloosterman, S. N., who spent the week end at home, re- turned to Philadelphia. Pa., Sunday p. m. by train, leaving his car at home, aa sailing orders are in the near future. Pvt. Richard Bibbler has now completed his basic training at Ft. Benning, Ga., and has been re- turned to Fort Bragg. His address is. Pvt. Richard J. Bibbler, RA 18371378. Co. B 504 Air 82A Abn. Div.. Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. Senion Sponsor Homecoming On Friday. Oct. 26 The annual Homecoming festiv Itles for Lowell High School opens Thursday evening, Oct. 28 at 7:00 o'clock when the snake-dance will start at the high school and wind ita way through Lowell's Main street to the field at Recreation Park. Here the pupils of all ages will group aroend the hege bonfire and hold a real pep sesaion. singing and rehearsing cheers. At this time the Homecoming Queen will be announced after waiting from voting time on Mon- day for the verdict. The Queen who wli; -elgn over the Homccontlng festivities chosen from the following candidates: Marcia A It ha us, Nancy Gee. Cheryl Nelliat and Jill McMahon. will be crowned at the half, Friday night. Members of the Court will be Jill Ostrander, Norma Helm and Polly Do ran. Loweil-Lee Game Friday The Red Arrows will play hoot to the Lee Hi football squad and a real lively game is promised o>- the local field. Friday game starting at 7:30. Preceding the game a parade headed by tbe high school band will leave the high school at 7:00 o'clock with the Queen and her Court and many decorated floats forming the line of march to the football field. Homecoming Ball Following the game at ten o'clock the Seniors will sponsor the Home- coming Ball at the high school gym where all students, friends and es- pecially the alumni are Invited to attend. aa— ai-ist^ w i C, 1, r » i 5 R ' f; • - _ — — pyrwrv* f i i i i WMiay Funeral services were held at Roth Funeral Home Tuesday after- noon for Mrs. Nellie Townsend. 71. who passed away at the home of her son. Ralph Townsend Saturday night. Burial waa made in River- side cemetery. Hastings, the Rev. Norman G. Woon officiating at the services. Mrs. Townsend waa not well known in Lowell as sne had been here only since last July and has been 111 all of the time. Surviving besides her son. Ralph, is one daughter. Mrs. Dorothy Johnson of Detroit who came here with her mother and has stayed and helped to care for her through- out her illness. Also there are sev- eral grandchildren. Cyclamen Chapter OES a 1 gt—— noras Annual civcnQR W l l o s t a l F r i d a y At the regular meeting of Cycla- men Chapter No. 84 Order of East- ern Star held last Friday evening the following officers were elected: Worthy Matron, Esther M. Fahr^ ni; Worthy Patron, George DeGraw Associate Matron. Evaglne Lester; Associate Patron, Richard Lester; Secretary, Lylla Johnson; Treas- urer. Florerce Snay; Conductress, Bertha Jessup; Associate Conduc- tress, Clarice Leonard. The installation ceremonies will be held at the Temple next Friday night at eight o'clock. TIRE BLOW OCT BLAMED FOB AVTOifOBILE CRASH Sunday morning about 1:15 a car driven by Mrs. Evelyn Wacha of Lake Odessa, went out of control as a tire blew out and the car was demolished when it crashed Into the railing on lower bridge and turned over. Mrs. Wacha waa. taken to Blod- gett hospital In Roth's ambulance but was found to be suffering mostly from she. a and waa later returned to brr home. Her husbai d, Thomas Wacha, who was with vsr was uninjured rigrtcuiture In mokiag final arrangeimats tw oar farm management tour Wa looked over a seeding on the Lyto Hunsberger farm. We saw a nice seeding where Lyle uaed only 8 of alfalfa per acre, 1 lbs. brome H lb. lAdino Thla la a far from the ordinary rate of seeding. A good distribution is necessary U such a small amount of seed !• used, but it appears that at a time when seed is high priced this would be an economy no one could afford to miss. Lyle however, says 4 I bo. of alfalfa per acre would be a bit better. Bruce Nickless of Gaines ToW»> ship has a bull which has boea given the approved rating by tha Ayrshire Breeders' Associatkm. This bull has 9 daughters that mr- praged 11.013 lbs. of milk and 441 lbs. of butterfat. We have a report from the Mich. Dept. ol Agriculture on the Apiary inspection work which might be In- teresting to rural folk. There wore 298 apiaries inspected with 1818 colonies. The figure which Is In- teresting to us la the small amount of disease with a 1.3* for thla year. Are you intercoted in eetablloh- ing a lawn before winter sets In? Don't seed now because the plants will be weak and will not winter well. Tou can however get a goOd early start next spring seeding on or about Nov. 10. The seed can bo covered with a light lay^r of straw and will start growing in early spring. Due to an error on our part wa would like to repeat two newa ar- ticles which were slightly confused last week. Don't forget the West Michigan Swine Sale on November 3 at the 4-H fair grounds at LowelL A total of 40 head will bo consigned This is the annual open gilt and boar sale. Sale starts at 1 o'clock. The following Saturday the first sale of the West Michigan Angus Breeders will be held at the 4-H fair grounds. Thirty beai'. to bo consigned—20 of which are 8t« Here's a good chance to buy local steers for 4-H and F. F. A. work. 4-H Club News 4-H leader training meet- ings are scheduled for October 14 and 25. October 24 at Oakdale Christian School gym. October 25 at 4-H Lodge. Bout wick Lake. Mario Wolf and P. G. Lundin. assistant state club leaders, will be at both meetings. All (^adere should plan to attend. Hugh Kegc re is of Caledonia, and Gordon Sm'tli, Grand Rapidt, report a very good tractor main- tenance school conducted at Kal- ariffoo last week. Theae two young men will lead 4-H tractor maintenance classes this winter. Winter club enrollments are flooding Into the office these days. Oakdale community is In the lead, so Tar. with 14 organlxed clubo. Southeast district ranks next with 9 organised clubs. If this enthu- siasm keeps up. we are bound to have a bigger and better program this year. Keep up the good wrrk. UttW Arrows T< The sun shone through on the Lowell football horison last week when the Lowell second team reglo- tered a 13 to 7 victory over tbe Godwin second team at Recreation Park. Stark accounted for the firot Lowell touchdown when he plunged over. After trailing most of the way the Little Arrows forged ahead In the final minutes when a long poaa Stark to Hoag set up a touoh- down with Shepard going over for the score. C. A. SIMPSON PICTURED IN RECENT COLLIER ARTICLE Friends of AHhen Simpson of Gd. Rapids were surprised to find his picture In one of tha. tthtttratlons of the article in the Oct 18 Colliers entitled "Our First War With the Russians" by Major Gen. Edward E. MacMoriand. WINDBREAKER America'* most femooo Jacket, tailored to really fit 81&81 up at Coons. Rosenberg, Kutschinski, Kropf Shine in Spite of Defeat Smallest, cheapest, busiest work- ers in Lowell—Lodgvsr Want Ada. The Red Arrows suffered their firot defeat of the yesr Mat Friday night at the hands of Godwin.. The Grand Rapids boys were able to capitallxe on two breaks in the first pert of the game and wara never threstened again during the game, the Arrows weren't able to get rolling and as a result it was a one-elded score. The three bdys above played good ball in spite of the count. Larry Rosenberg (left) Is a senior from Alto and does the centering on offense .... his centering has been very reliable during all tha games thus far. Karl Kutachinskl (center) plays offensive quarterback and halfback on defense. He M a good rugged back and has shown particularly well on defense for the Arrows. Karl halls from Cm- cade and has one more year after this with Lowell. Big Phil Kropf (right) ia m e of the makistays In Lowell's line.. playing both offense and defense Phil is a rugged competitor. Phil has p«ayed brilliant tackle In all of Lowell'j gtmes and should be one of the deciding factors in I AWCU'S chances of flolshlng the rest of the season undefeated. t

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Page 1: IHllliflll - KDLlowellledger.kdl.org/The Lowell Ledger/1951/10_October/10...completed and final committees ap-pointed. A report was made by the Rum-mage Sale chairman and another by



Th« at Ortob»r U-IS M "Poetry Weak" cap« th« Itet of "weclu" tatelHffrat fof* a n Mp-pooed to oboonrc. Alro^jr thor* ore more -week#' proelolmH tboa there are weoka la a rear.

* * * William ChrteiianMn purrhosed

the Mofflt* BnlMlaf (preoeat loca-tion of the Leoaartl Camera Shop) at pobtie auction In circuit court In Qrand Rap Ma on Tttesdajr. The high bid waa roportad to be la the nt-lKh^orhood of 13,500.

Three in every tW ^children In

faro rolla coollac the atate OJOO OOO per moath. Iflchiitaan population la officially MT1.7W. ranhlac Mr-oath anoa# the atatao.

* * * I iW nifnl pvfrCv rvpon nii> m*

found twtcr as mwny doora left open In the paat two weeka than during the preetoua period of re-porting. Abo. according to the law enforcement officera' report Mon-day night to the CouBcli. the riola-tloaa are on the up trend.

What's wrong with us here in Lowell f Are wo getting lax in oar efforts to make it hard for erimlfials?

* * * A report Aino to Lowell police

^onday morning that thieree bad airtsrod the raaHwirr of Loo Poar-aao at the ooraer of Wroh'.nstnn dad Kent streeta. A bonk waa bcek-en open and approximately 938 waa taken aoraetime during the night.

* * * • George Halo will re-Uda for carrying the

United States Mafia (including par-cel-post mails) on Mai) Meosenger Route between the poet office at Lowell and the Grand Trunk West-ern Railroad, each way for trains arriving at 4:*) am. and 1:00 p.m.. bids to ho In the hands of •.he poet master by Oct. K. 1M1.

Nero is an easy Job with short hours. Get application blanka from the postmaster, fill out and mail in a sealed envelope.

* * * All who attended the Mlch'gan-

Indiana football game at Ann Ar-bor last Saturday were thrilled as 6,300 bandsmen from M Michigan High School bands, with Lowell among them, played In massed formation between the halves of the game. • The football field which measures 100 yards by 83 yards, one foot, al-lowed each musician leas than a square yard of space.

Chaperoning the group were Mrs. Jessup. Mrs. White, Mrs. Burrh. and also Bob Perry.

Lowell fans wore justly proud of their hand.

* * * Jcktk. Jests. Jaha and JC^oa. Just

by Jeff: Practically everyone we have heard talk lately knowa at least one good remedy for the pres-ent disorder or world conditions. . . Honesty Is stiU the beet policy, but strange to say some people feel that they Just can t afford the beat. . . . The old saying, "It Is an III wind that blowa no one any good" must be true. Within the last week t h ^ radio announced a ten per c*nt increase in the coot of newsprint and we immediately reached for the aspirin, which of course helped the aspirin business. Everything is bound to help some-body.

. w • ftlSrtkf ^ ^ i n m c r r e n u c K • o t n

Prank Stephens three escaped patients from the State Hospital a t Oaro last Thurs-day morning when he received a call from Mra. Joe Mstternkk staling the trio had stayed in tha

barn the prevtous night

to h iaharn In tha

atartod lor Lowell and found the three hitchhiking near the Hilton orchards. He oblig-ingly gave them a ride and they told him their story, Identifying themselves as Richard Burton. 94. who gave his home addroas aa Bellevue; Clifford Trim. 18. Che-boygan; and Bernelce Burgod, 18,

They Mid they loft Jaro Tues-day, Oct 8, at about 8:00 p.m. and headed for Saginaw, hot arrived la Oraad Rapids. Instead, about 5:00 pooct Wednaoday. After about aa hour m the city they i tarUd east on U816 i{Ot wore not sua as— ful la letting ridoo m> entered the barn for the night

Tha trio waa held for from the state hoopltal.

The annual Weot M . ^ aale will be held at the 4-H Fair grounds In Lowell Nov. 8. at which time about 40 bead win he con-signed. This Is am open gilt and boar sale and the salo starts a t one o'clock.

The following Saturday at the ••me place the first sale of the W. Michigan Angus Breeoers wu* w« held where thirty head win he con-signed. These sales are of special interest to all 4-H and FFA work-ers.

a meat cutting a t . onatrathm at their store Wednesday ereaing, Oct. 84. a t T}88 to «Msh everyone is luritod.

The Kroger Oo. k furnishing the personnel for the meat cutting demonstration, and tbe wrapping in preparation for the deep freexe will be in charge of an International Harvester Co. economist.

Guests are Invited to bring along a quarter or a chunk of meat which will be ca». and wrapped f « e while they are being taught (he proper methods of preparing msata for t m r t e g .


I H l l l i f l l l llfl L O W E L L , M I C H . . T H U A S O X Y . O C T O I t R 18. I ? 5 I Numbtr 25

Paii&HeffMn ToSpNkOct.19

OnWoridAfMrs More than 78 community organ-

isations will Join the Grand Rapids Council on World Affaire la pre-senting the Acnnal Vandeaberg Memorial Lecture, with Paul O. Hoffman aa speaker, on Friday. Oct. 18, at 8:88 p. m at fountain Street Church In Grand Rapf da.

Paul a Hoffman The Vandeaberg Memorial Lee-

tare Is a new project of the Coun-cil named In memory of Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg and tks principles for which he stood. Each year the Council plana to bring a person as lecturer who has wide experience In the field of foreign affairs as a means of providing a "living memorial" to the Michigan Senator who was a member and liter chairman of the Senate's com-mittee on foreign relations.

V.F.W. Auxiliary Completes Plans

Bazaar. Dinner The regular meeting of the V.

F. W. Auxiliary was held on T l u u n day, Oct. Uth. at 8:80 p. m. wttn n members present. Presl l ipt Ayrea preotdtag. With the conclu-sion of opening ceremonies, the meeting proceeded to the main bua-Ineea of the evening, the coming baxaar and ham dinner to be held Thursday. Nov. 8th. Plans were completed and final committees ap-pointed.

A report was made by the Rum-mage Sale chairman and another by the card sale chairman and a discussion of the coming visit of the Muskegon V. F. W Auxiliary on Oct 18th was held. Becauoe of this visit members are urged to at-tend the next meeting which will begin at T:80 instead of 8. Mem-bers are also urged to get their contributions in for the basaar.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:80 for a lunch of cake and cof-fee. The next meeting will be held Oct. 15th at 7:80. place to be an-nounced later.

loni« Pomona Grange Ionia County Pomona Orange

will meet with Ronald Orange on Saturday eveaiag. Oct. 10th. The meeting will be called to order by W. St Braaot Sherwood at 8.-80 p. m. Officers will be elected for the

two-year period. Reoolu-to h» seat to State Orange ho prsoaatod ht this meeting.

win ha served by Ronald Grange with visiting strangers bringing own service.

Mildred Wlttenbach, Pomona Lecturer.

BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs. Jake Canter,

Oct U at Blodgett hoopltal a 8-pound 11-ouncc girl, Elisabeth Cor-rine.

To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edwards of Lansing, at S t Lawrence hoo-pltal Oct 18. a daughter, Vickie lomn. weighing 6 pounds and 11 ounces. Mra Edwanla U the for-mer Arisen Roth of LowelW

To Mr. and Mra. Edward Storm-sand. Oct 18. Butterworth hospital, a • 8-4 pound daughter, ETliaabeth A m . Mrs. Stormxand la the for-mer Joyce Jean Hennana.

To Mr. and Mra. Richard Warner. Oct. 1, at Reed CKy hoapital. a daughter, Mary Ann. Mr. Warner la a son of Mr. and Mra. Royden Warner formerly of Lowell.

Chest Service Far and Wide

Lowell Police reported to the eouncil Monday night that during the period October 1 to 18 thero were 188 miloa of cruiser operation. Violailona aa foUowat Runnlag vio-

88. 18 tummons. 18 .ram-Par king violatkma. U. 18

18 warnings; Defective 18. 8 summons. 8 warn-

ings This shows an Increase over pre-

vious reports.

Duck Hunter Shot As Season Begins

Injuries Serious The first hKntlng accident of the

season was reported Saturday when Gordon Hunter. 10. Lowetj factory worker, waa accidentally ahot in the leg while hunting ducka with three companions.

Hunter was rushed to Ionia Mo-morial hospital where It waa found he had a tractured right leg and severe muscle damage. The accK dent occurred whlki the young men were duck licnting-hbout two milea south and east of Baranac. The gun Is said to have belonged to Kcnaeth Shaler. in. of Saranac. for-merly of Lowell. The other com-panions were Dick Kelly and Jun-ior Link also of Saraaac.

According to Sheriffs officers the group were preparing to return home from the day's hunting and as they stopped to uaload their guns. 8baler's gun which was point-ed toward the ground caught an his coat and waa diacharged.

T o H o v t C k d k T d k

Mi 3f7trvKI9 Vfvtr%

The Alton Bible church will con-duct five nights of special services beginning Tuesday. Oct. 23 to Sun-day, Oct. 18. except Saturday.

Mrs. Esther Frye. of Grend Rap-Ids, win present a chalk talk each evening. Mrs. Woolpert. Jr. of Gd. Rapids will bo guest pianist. Rev. Paul Roger, pastor of Clarksville Congregational church, will be the speaker. AU of these folks ;ire known to the Alton people. The public is invited to all of these meetings. The time, 7:48 p. m.

Lowell Boy Scout Troop is spon-soring the drive for the Crusade for Freedom in this locality to help fight communism. It Is a big un-dertaking—this getting signatures on the scrolls and processing the OCntributlOBfl into the right chan-nels. Boy Scouts are organised to handle projects of thla kind.

The 1881 Cruaade Goal la to add more freedom-otatlons which are badly needed to overcome the enor-mous propaganda might of tbe Kremlin. You have an opportunity now to help to stop the spread of Communism In the Far Eas t

Scout Sika Hika , Last Saturday with Adult Leader,

James Droogan. In command, the Boy Scouts made an overnight trip to Fallaaburg Park over back roads and on bicycles with the only two slight accidents. One tire blew out and one chain broke. Scouts, be-sides the leader, making the trip were J. Baird. J. Batey, R Craft. J. Claus, J . Laux, T. Plnckney. O. Potter. R Rutherford, R Shaler. h. Wlttenbach and M. Wood.

Another bicycle Jaunt la being planned for next month.

Papor Drive Saturday Also another paper drive is be-

ing planned for Saturday. Pleaae save your old papera for the Seouta. If you have not been called upon and do have papers you may con-tact any Boy Scout or leader and they will be glad to pick them up.

Okihi Camp Fire Group The Okihl group was called to

order Tuesday. Oct 8. 18SL We elected oCflcen aa follows: Presi-dent, Barbara Court; vice-president Patty Wlttenbach; secretary, Ro-berta Thompson; treasurer B rend a Rankin; ^crfto. Virginia Lewie. A short buainesa meeting waa hold. This year we also have new leaders. Mra. Richard Court and Mrs. Jade Manrow. We discussed money-making plana.

New members are Marcia Keech and M a r ^ t Oehringer. Oct. 84 we will have a candy oale at school

Campbell Farm Bureau The Campbell Lake Farm Bu*

reau will meet Thureday evening. IS Trfth S£r. Mro Jim Sher-


Mra. Bert Myers and Mra. Ftora Blrhop eu'Mrtiined wtth a ptak and Mae shower, honoring Mre. Richard Cttrtk Wednesday evening, Oct 10.

Btsteen ladiea wore preasnt and gifts presented to the guest 0( honor were very daisty and lovely. Refreshments we Pa served and a pleasant evening enjoyed.

D o o t F o r g o t

The Egypt Grange dances, Sat-urday, Oct. 10.

R pays to advertise in the Ledger wish.

HALLOWE'EN DANCE St. Patrick's Han, Parnell. Wed-

nesday, Oct 81. Everett Sparks orchestra. Come In costume if you

P »

Varganntt Farm Bureau The Vergcnnes Farm Bureau win

meet Friday, Oct. 18 at the home of Mr. and Mre. George Johnson.

Mra. Fay Clark. Pub. Chrm.


Mr. and Mra. I-eroy Chambers who are imuilae their ber.lt « « h their son and daughter-in-law, at 486 Manafleid, YpsilanU. win cele-brate theii- Golden Wedding An-niversary on Tassday, October «8. Opeu House will be heM in their honor on Tuesday afternoon.

Their Lowell friends extend con-gratulations.


Mrs. Lulu Hafer Cariker of Hen-derson, Tex., a former resident of Lowell, and an active worker in the Methodist church, passed away Oct. 8. from a heart attack, while visiting at the home of her nelce In Detroit. She is survived by her husband. Frank and several neices. Interment was In Henderson.

A o c t i o o S o l o t

Saturday, Oct. 20, George Tucker of South Boston, proprietor, will hold an auction sale of farm equip-

Proof that services Included Jb Community Chest of Kent Coun-ty's annual drive for funds are'Spread far and wide ia in thia picture which was taken in Great Falia, Montana, last Labor Day. Sgt. Roy W. German, al le f t of Ada R-8, volunteered to appear on a USO float In a Labor Day parade there bWMse the USO had done so much for him. Sgt. Gorman typed a lettdr during the parade which he mailed later at the club. -

The USO. two other agendee dfeing aervlcemen and women. 27 Kent county services, and 90 stat* groups assisting in the nation's defenae effort are part of the UnRed Feather drive being conducted Oct 18-88 la Kent county. The goal la t88U18.

Heading the drive for Lovall village are King Doyle and Gould Rivettc. Ada chairmen are.Mra..^*eil A. Weathers. Jr., and Mrs. Robert Groves.

Lowell's goal seems to have been flaced rather high and to date only BOft has deen subscribed. T V i committee askt those who have not contributed as yet do so sooi* for even the small amounts will help toward a worthy oduoe.


Bruce Tower, Injured In Break

Bruce Tower, guard at Michigan Reformatory at Ionia, was serious-ly injured on Saturday night when he was struck over the head with a piece of pipe by a prisoner In an attempt to escape.

Mr. Tower battled with the prla-oner after being struck from bo-hind and managed to gel to where he could call for help. He treated la the prison hoopltal and brought to his home on Sunday af terhoon, his condition is reported as good and he will be up and about in a few days.

Mrs. Eva J. Higgias, 82. well known resident of Keene township, passed away Thursday, Oct 11, at her home arter a long Illness. She was the widow of Norman E. Hig-gins.

Mre. Higgins was cared for In her last Ulnese by her daughter-ln-law. Mre. Haxel Conner, who with the grandchildren and great-grandchil-dren survive.

Funeral services were held In Saranac Sunday afternoon and burial was In the family*lot in Eaaton township cemetery.

W 5 . C 5 . P I M Ht AOTOMA ActhHties

The Women's Society of Chrio-tlan Service met at the W.S.C.S. hall for an all day meeting Oct. 8rd. Dinner waa aerved at noon.

wtesaea were: Mary Vreelahd, Alms M lab lor, Masy Brew and Al-verden Dyke.

The business meeting opened with the group "Wnglng "Heavenly Sunahlne." Mra. Bolltho conducted devotions speaking on the subject •"Week of Solf-Donlal and Prayer." I Thurxie Thompson, reporting on supply work, reported the layette nearly completed and It win he sent lo the Metbodisl Community House in Grand Rapids.

Ada Be i fy gave a report for the Improvenbent C o m m i t t e e . Mr. Fiiher of Freeport will do the dec-oratibg of the downatalrs hall.

Laura FTynn gave a report of the Seminar which die attended at the Haatinga Methodist Church.

Francos Porritt and Ada Bergy gave a reading, which was enjoyed.

The meeting adjourned following group singing and prayer.

There will be a Fall Festival and Auction Sale at the W.SCJS. Hall Tuesday evening. Oct 80. Potluck lunch following sale.

Armrs Lose Game But Score Against

Unbeaten Godwin After successive wins over Ionia.

Wyoming, East and Grandville the Red Arrows ran into an upset at the hands of a strong Godwin out-fit on the Wolverine's gridiron Fri-day night. 33 to 6. Godwin had ^rerythlng—alxe. speed and decep-tion plus a winning smile from dame fortune, who seemingly grant-ed the Wolverines all the breaks of the game.

This was Godwin's fourth victory of the yea?, and from here it looks as though the Grand Valley champ-ionship wil! rest in the Wolverines trophy case. Thfey have only to hurdle Lee thla week and they're In.

The Godwlnltes lost very little time in prcving their superiority when they crashed to a 20 to 0 half-time lead. Just when the Lowell attack would start to roll a wol-verine would snatch a Lowell pass and either score or set up a touch-down. The Godwin lads Inter-cepted five Arrow

one lead to a T. D.


Mr. and Mra. Emil Nelson were pleasantly surprised last week when his brother. Fritx Nelson and his wife whom he had not seen for 44 yean erriwad from Robson. B. C.. to maae to em a x Uit

Mre. Nelson left on Monday to spend a year with her parents in Norway whom she haw not seen for 13 years.

All Village Taxes which are not paid on or before Oct. 31 must be turned over to Kent county as de-linquent

Esther M. Fahmi. C 2 5 - 2 6 Village Treasurer.

MOORB DANCE Dance Saturday, Oct. 20, Moose.

Lodge Oeheetra. 8:80 till 1:80. c23

Important things to do to assure sucoesaful summer seedings are having weeds under control, pre-paring a good seed bed, and apply-ing lime and feriiliiers if needed, Michigan State College farm crops specialists say.

Ftrat Score Against Godwin The Arrows gave a much better

account of tbemselvea during the second half when they held God-win to two touchdowns aod scored one on a 85-yard pass Roth to

This waa the first point scored t y a conference team againat Godwin this year.

Tommy Davis waa Godwin's scor-ing ace, going over for four of his team's touchdowns, Faulkner and Roth accounted for most of Low-ell's gains while Topp, Marks and Brown worked well on defense.

The fact that the Arrows have lost a game does not mean that they should not have a successful season. The Godwin game Is water over the dam and with a little luck the Arrows may win meet If not all of theii* remaining contests.

Wednesday Lowell traveled to Belding In a conconference tilt, then comes the Ng Homecoming game with Lee and the Arrows" final homa game. Friday Lev: downed East by exactly the same score as the Arrows accomplished the feat 18 to l l , oo this shouM be a whale of a ball game. The Ar-rows boast the largeot following of fans in the conference. Keep fol-lowing the Arrows.

i C o m p b e S I

l o s t o l s O f f k o r s F o r

A i r . L o 9 i o a A w r i H o r y

The American Legion Auxiliary met at the club rooms last Monday night for Installation of officers with Mrs. E. Judson Campbell of Grand Rapids acting as Installing omcer.

The new corps of officers are: president, Hattic Rloo: first vice-President, Anna Sibilski; second vice-president, tSmma Quigglo; sec-retary, Doris Ellis; treasurer, Anna Ems; historian, Nancy Dennick; chaplain, Anna Pottef; sergeant-at-arma, Pauline LaDuc.

Refreshments were served and a social even'ng enjoyed after the businsa was completed.


Barn Dance will be held at Free-port Saturday, Oct. 20 at Linden Bryan's farm 1 mile east and 1-4 mile north of Freeport on N. Broadway, or 9 miles straight north of the Hastings monument. Music by Red Raber. Chuck Hauaer, caller. Sponsored by Freeport V. F. W. cl8

The annual Halloween party sponsored jointly by the Lowell Board of Trade. Amtrican Lagkm. and Rotary Club for the chiMren of this community will be held as usual at Recreation Park. Wednes-day evening, Oct. 81.

Committees In charge of the ar^ rangements are Gerald Rollins and A. H. Stormaand representing the legion: Butch Thcmpson and 1* E. Jchnaon, the Board of Trade; and Jerry Roth, the Rotary club.

P.T.A. Sponsoring Membership Drive October ic the month for an all-

out drive for P. T. A. membership Women will be calling at your home to ask you to Join, so please sign up this year and let's all Join and come to the meetings.

If you would know your school and Its working? better. Join your local P.TA. Welcome the P.TJL member who will call on you to en-list In this effort.

K o o t C o . F o m i

T o

A m m a l Dfamor O c t . 2 9

The Honorable Gerald E. Ford, Jr., will be guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Ken; County Farm Bureau to be held Monday evening, Oct. 28th, at the Fountain Street Baptist Church in Grand Rapids.

The meeting will start with a banquet at 7 o'clock. Tlcketa are 11.90 per person and may be pur-chased from any community group secretary, board member or the c o u n t y secretary. Reservations must be made by noon Oct. 26th.

Tlirot members to the Board of Directors and Delegates to the State Annual meeting will be elec-ted at the business meeting.

Mrs. Chas Timpson, Pub. Chair.

L o w o l P a r t y o n T o w

V i s i t H i s t o r i c S p o t s

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Byrne of Delton and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Havens of Lowell toured several states last week visiting Cincinnati. Ohio; Illinois, Louis-ville, Foit Knox and Mammoth Cave, Kentucky; American Museum of Atomic Energy at Oak Ridge, Tenn.; Cllngman's Dome, Smoky Mountalns, Renfru Valley, Grand Ole Opry at Nashville, Chattan-ooga, Tenn Chlcamauga National Park, Ga., and Bryson, N. C.

R o t a r y C l u b Procjran^Sy

Lowell Rotary club program for Wednesday of this week was most interesting as Bill Lee told the club some of the "AdvantaTea of Small Towns to Industry".

Fire Prevention Week was ob-served last week when Samuel Gray of Grand Rapids was guest speaker and who also brought a film to Ulusirate his story, "Service Beyond Contract."

This story is really meant to be an inspiration to all in the continuing battle against fire in this coun t ry -human carelessness still Is the ma-jor cause of fire which kills over 10,000 persons each year—Injures over 40,000 and accounted for $387.-441,000 damage in the first six months of this year, said Mr. Gray who Introduced the film.

» * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Berwyn Kloosterman, S. N., who spent the week end at home, re-turned to Philadelphia. Pa., Sunday p. m. by train, leaving his car at home, aa sailing orders are in the near future.

Pvt. Richard Bibbler has now completed his basic training at Ft. Benning, Ga., and has been re-turned to Fort Bragg. His address is. Pvt. Richard J. Bibbler, RA 18371378. Co. B 504 Air 82A Abn. Div.. Ft. Bragg, North Carolina.

Senion Sponsor Homecoming On

Friday. Oct. 26 The annual Homecoming festiv

Itles for Lowell High School opens Thursday evening, Oct. 28 at 7:00 o'clock when the snake-dance will start at the high school and wind ita way through Lowell's Main street to the field at Recreation Park.

Here the pupils of all ages will group aroend the hege bonfire and hold a real pep sesaion. singing and rehearsing cheers.

At this time the Homecoming Queen will be announced after waiting from voting time on Mon-day for the verdict.

The Queen who wli; -elgn over the Homccontlng festivities chosen from the following candidates: Marcia A It ha us, Nancy Gee. Cheryl Nelliat and Jill McMahon. will be crowned at the half, Friday night. Members of the Court will be Jill Ostrander, Norma Helm and Polly Do ran.

Loweil-Lee Game Fr iday

The Red Arrows will play hoot to the Lee Hi football squad and a real lively game is promised o>- the local field. Friday game starting at 7:30.

Preceding the game a parade headed by tbe high school band will leave the high school at 7:00 o'clock with the Queen and her Court and many decorated floats forming the line of march to the football field.

Homecoming Ball

Following the game at ten o'clock the Seniors will sponsor the Home-coming Ball at the high school gym where all students, friends and es-pecially the alumni are Invited to attend.

aa— ai-ist^ w i

C, 1, r » i 5 R ' f; • - _ — — pyrwrv* f i i i i W M i a y

Funeral services were held at Roth Funeral Home Tuesday after-noon for Mrs. Nellie Townsend. 71. who passed away at the home of her son. Ralph Townsend Saturday night. Burial waa made in River-side cemetery. Hastings, the Rev. Norman G. Woon officiating at the services.

Mrs. Townsend waa not well known in Lowell as sne had been here only since last July and has been 111 all of the time.

Surviving besides her son. Ralph, is one daughter. Mrs. Dorothy Johnson of Detroit who came here with her mother and has stayed and helped to care for her through-out her illness. Also there are sev-eral grandchildren.

C y c l a m e n C h a p t e r O E S a 1 g t — —

n o r a s A n n u a l c i v c n Q R

W l l o s t a l F r i d a y

At the regular meeting of Cycla-men Chapter No. 84 Order of East-ern Star held last Friday evening the following officers were elected:

Worthy Matron, Esther M. Fahr^ ni; Worthy Patron, George DeGraw Associate Matron. Evaglne Lester; Associate Patron, Richard Lester; Secretary, Lylla Johnson; Treas-urer. Florerce Snay; Conductress, Bertha Jessup; Associate Conduc-tress, Clarice Leonard.

The installation ceremonies will be held at the Temple next Friday night at eight o'clock.


Sunday morning about 1:15 a car driven by Mrs. Evelyn Wacha of Lake Odessa, went out of control as a tire blew out and the car was demolished when it crashed Into the railing on lower bridge and turned over.

Mrs. Wacha waa. taken to Blod-gett hospital In Roth's ambulance but was found to be suffering mostly from she. a and waa later returned to brr home.

Her husbai d, Thomas Wacha, who was with vsr was uninjured

rigrtcuiture In mokiag final arrangeimats t w

oar farm management tour Wa looked over a seeding on the Lyto Hunsberger farm. We saw a nice seeding where Lyle uaed only 8 of alfalfa per acre, 1 lbs. brome H lb. lAdino Thla la a far from the ordinary rate of seeding. A good distribution is necessary U such a small amount of seed !• used, but it appears that at a time when seed is high priced this would be an economy no one could afford to miss. Lyle however, says 4 I bo. of alfalfa per acre would be a bit better.

Bruce Nickless of Gaines ToW»> ship has a bull which has boea given the approved rating by tha Ayrshire Breeders' Associatkm. This bull has 9 daughters that mr-praged 11.013 lbs. of milk and 441 lbs. of butterfat.

We have a report from the Mich. Dept. ol Agriculture on the Apiary inspection work which might be In-teresting to rural folk. There wore 298 apiaries inspected with 1818 colonies. The figure which Is In-teresting to us la the small amount of disease with a 1.3* for thla year.

Are you intercoted in eetablloh-ing a lawn before winter sets In? Don't seed now because the plants will be weak and will not winter well. Tou can however get a goOd early start next spring seeding on or about Nov. 10. The seed can bo covered with a light lay^r of straw and will start growing in early spring.

Due to an error on our part wa would like to repeat two newa ar-ticles which were slightly confused last week.

Don't forget the West Michigan Swine Sale on November 3 at the 4-H fair grounds at LowelL A total of 40 head will bo consigned This is the annual open gilt and boar sale. Sale starts at 1 o'clock.

The following Saturday the first sale of the West Michigan Angus Breeders will be held at the 4-H fair grounds. Thirty beai'. to bo consigned—20 of which are 8t« Here's a good chance to buy local steers for 4-H and F. F. A. work.

4-H Club News 4-H leader training meet-

ings are scheduled for October 14 and 25. October 24 at Oakdale Christian School gym. October 25 at 4-H Lodge. Bout wick Lake. Mario Wolf and P. G. Lundin. assistant state club leaders, will be at both meetings. All (^adere should plan to attend.

Hugh Kegc re is of Caledonia, and Gordon Sm'tli, Grand Rapidt, report a very good tractor main-tenance school conducted at Kal-ar i f foo last week. Theae two young men will lead 4-H tractor maintenance classes this winter.

Winter club enrollments are flooding Into the office these days. Oakdale community is In the lead, so Tar. with 14 organlxed clubo. Southeast district ranks next with 9 organised clubs. If this enthu-siasm keeps up. we are bound to have a bigger and better program this year. Keep up the good wrrk.

U t t W A r r o w s T<

The sun shone through on the Lowell football horison last week when the Lowell second team reglo-tered a 13 to 7 victory over tbe Godwin second team at Recreation Park.

Stark accounted for the firot Lowell touchdown when he plunged over. After trailing most of the way the Little Arrows forged ahead In the final minutes when a long poaa Stark to Hoag set up a touoh-down with Shepard going over for the score.


Friends of AHhen Simpson of Gd. Rapids were surprised to find his picture In one of tha. tthtttratlons of the article in the Oct 18 Colliers entitled "Our First War With the Russians" by Major Gen. Edward E. MacMoriand.

WINDBREAKER America'* most femooo Jacket,

tailored to really f i t 81&81 up a t Coons.

Rosenberg, Kutschinski, Kropf Shine in Spite of Defeat

Smallest, cheapest, busiest work-ers in Lowell—Lodgvsr Want Ada.

The Red Arrows suffered their firot defeat of the yesr Mat Friday night at the hands of Godwin.. The Grand Rapids boys were able to capitallxe on two breaks in the first pert of the game and wara never threstened again during the game, t h e Arrows weren't able to get rolling and as a result it was a one-elded score.

The three bdys above played good ball in spite of the count. Larry Rosenberg (left) Is a senior from Alto and does the centering on offense . . . . his centering has been very reliable during all tha games thus far. Karl Kutachinskl (center) plays offensive quarterback and halfback on defense. He M a good rugged back and has shown particularly well on defense for the Arrows. Karl halls from Cm-cade and has one more year after this with Lowell.

Big Phil Kropf (right) ia m e of the makistays In Lowell's l i ne . . playing both offense and defense Phil is a rugged competitor. Phil has p«ayed brilliant tackle In all of Lowell'j gtmes and should be one of the deciding factors in IAWCU'S chances of flolshlng the rest of the season undefeated.


Page 2: IHllliflll - KDLlowellledger.kdl.org/The Lowell Ledger/1951/10_October/10...completed and final committees ap-pointed. A report was made by the Rum-mage Sale chairman and another by


HOMECOHING FESTIVITIES Under sponsorship of Lowell High School Seniors

Friday, October 26 Lee —Red Arrow Football Game



Startfaq at 10:00 o'clock

Tickets from Seniors 6Sc per person, 75c at Door

Thursday evening—Snake Dance and Pep Session, starting at school

Friday evening, 7:00—Parade with Band, Queen and Court and Roats, starting at school




(Except Saturday)

To See ood Hear ^

Mrs, Esther Frye, Chalk Artist STIRRING G O S P a MESSAGES



people The «

"The Ladies Aid met Thoraday afternoon with Mrs. Mart Poalma. Theic was only a small crowd prw*nt. After the usual business meeting the hostess served a love-ly lunch. It is planned to have a potluck dinner for November at Mrs. George Linton's. Tbe ladies are to brln« carpet rags to cyt and sew, to be made into n g t later on.

Mr. and Mrs. Wllkenson of South Shore showed colored slides of the church Sunday evening of t h e Laurel Mt. Missions of Kentucky and the Southland Missions of Mis-sissippi They were of the colored

'e and their ways of living, colored schools consisted of

two rooms and two teachers for sixty pupils. The buildings were what we womd term sheds with no conveniences and poor ventila-tion. Teachers receiving salary of SS5 per month. Seeing those pic-tures should make us all appreci-ate the good homes and schools we have here.

Whitnsyvills Locals

PTA will be held at the school this Friday evening. There will be pictures taken on Oahu. These should be very interestinjt as well as educational. Everyone welcome.

Whitneyville Grange will be held this Saturday evening at the BUI on «Kh St Potluck so supper at 7:30.

L«»k Par Tfcg v

isif TMb TsKi

Tbs F M I

Thrill t f . . .

Valltf L M ChtMlaU Milk

I r s w a


All members urged to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buys

ed a lette. from their son, Sgt Jack Buys of the U. S. M. C stat-ing he waa leaving Japan Oct 6 for home and that he win be dis-charged and will arrive here in about S we?ks. They are busy get-ting his new home ready for him and his family to move into. They will an bi slnfring "Happy Days Are Here Again".

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winslow and family have moved from the Clark tenant house to a farm on Kraf t ave

Mrs. Laura call from her grandaoa. P e t Ray Gilman in California Svaday May-ing he sxpeota to be laavtaf IMS week for overseas duty.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flynn family were Sunday evening call-ers of Louis Luneke and CpL Rich ard Luneke and wife at Ostodrmia Dick returns to camp M

LL and Mra. Richard daughters

n e s t s of his parents, Mr. aad Mrs. George Linton and Jack. Tuesday. On Wednesday they vis-ited Mr. aad Mrs. Richard Raw) ings aad family in Grand Rapids and Friday left for his new astign-

nt in Mrs. Georgia Ctook had a very

enjoysfcle week-end with sort of open house Saturday aad Sunday celebrating her SSrd birthday. She received a nice lot of cards and appreciate! them very much. She had two birthday cakes and was dressed on Sunday the first time since last March. Her caUers were

Mrs. Miner Cook and 48th S t and vicinity, Myrnia kins of Campau Lake. Mra. Ulna




T M E L A O E S - M E A R




Fo* and Mrs. Grace VanderHp of Alaska. Mrs Onre Kellogg of Ada. aad Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Psst and daughter of Grand Rapids and

Wood, local Kathryn Cook Sunday with her grandma. Ml Mra Leonard Schalk and

Douglas also called. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ostrom at-

tended Grand Chapter of O. E. S. in Grand Rapids Tuesday a a d Wednesday and Mary and Mrs. John K r u m attended Thursday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. George Lane, Bar-bara and Jerry spent tbe week-end in Benton Harbor with his brother Martin Lane and family, and sister and brother the Wlllard Kalina family.

There %as a squash picking bee at the Untoa bum Monday, with ten working. Mr. and Mrs. L C. Bestrom and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Bestrom, Mary Linton of Alto and Mr. and Mrs. George Linton. There was a nice lot of the var-ious kinds.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph family of Jackson were dinner guests of Rcr, and Mrs. G. Bailard and fami.y.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bates of Grand Rapids were guests of their son Don and family at the farm from Wednesday till Saturday. Mrs. Bates also visited her sister Mrs. Henry Slater of AXo who is on the sick l ist

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buys called on her parents Mr. and Mra. Henry Sytsema of Grand Rapids l a s t week Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young and family of Grand Rapids were Sun-day afternoon and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lopez and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carlson and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Link of Snow Ave. and attended the Jack Shuler meeting ic Grand Rapids later in tbe afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. James Don and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fredericks and family of Cadillac were Suit, day evening lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. VanStrien.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zoet visit-ed her a u n t Mrs. Wm. Tasker of Lake Odessa Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cross of Grand Rapids were Sunday after-noon and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. John VanderWerf and Mary.

We understand Jack Rockefellow received some nice birthday cards and was pleased to get them.

• called mm Mr Mra.

Mr. aad Mra. #Waltsr FTrna. utch, called an Mr. aad l b s .

Vera LoHng Friday evening while Terry, JaioM Raao J r , aad Jack Linton attended the faotban game.

Mrs. Jarold Raab took Joyce Bates. Maxiae Miller and Caryl to a Jr . C K. Rally at the Galaes U. B. Church Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mra. Guy Wert and family were Sunday dinner and nftamooa guests of her brother, Wm. Kootmaa aad family of Hoi-

brother Robert*Kooim»n and fam-• of Zeeiand also oa a stater,

. Walter Lawton and husband at the Trailer Gamp oa Beak Rd.

Sunday callers at tha CampbeJW Wood home were Mr. and Mrs. GUbert Sutnhen. Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Geraltf Kimberly, Miss Eva Giles all of Belding, Paul Kimber-ly and saa of Washington. D. C.. and Mrs. Tonl Warner and chil-dren of MMdlevUle.

Mrs. Beatrice Flero and children of Battle Creek and Mrs. H a u i d Parriab and children of Rockfoid helped their dad. U M Douglaas celebrate his BMh birthday on Sun-day. Grace brought duck and ice cream for the dinner and Beatrice making the cake. He also received some nice gif ta

Mrs. V e r n Aid rich of Grand Rapids is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aldrich aad family for a week to help ia the care of the new baby girl, Kristiann, who arrived Oct 5 abd weighed 8 lbs. 4H osa

Mr. and Mrs. RuseeU Baker and son of Sardis, Miss., were Monday caUers of Mrs. Stella Warner. Don-

Warner and Bernadlne Mo-

and cake. Mr. Baker is an^arxny engineer and has been to Chicago for special training.

Meedames Walter Clark and R. T. Williams eajoyad having Mrs. Frank Eardley, Mrs. Verle Bard-ley and daughter Jean aU of Grand Rspids as their Friday caDers. Mrs. Verle Eardley stayed over for

dinner guests were Mrs.

Wood local aad of Campau

ind Mrs. Verle Eard-ley of Grand Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson and children of Grand Rapids were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin DeBruyn aad family. Mra DeBruyn is just up from a bad

Earner of Os-

DeBruyn is Just ase of tbe flu. T. a i t Robert Wi

coda was a guest of his Mr. and Mra. Frank Waxmsr. with Delton visited Mr. and Mra. R. Svje of Leslie on Sunday. T. Sgt Robert went to Cedar Springs Sunday night to return to his base with one of Ifis buddies.


Mnwili iw S^W^WWyi wTWOHWaCKiy

Phone 156


FOODS Plsflse hftve orders in by 12:00 o'clock Noon on cMivery days — Thank you!



Siny lili APPLE MICE MkNh SWEET PEAS 2 M * 2 e - 2 5 c 2 No. 303 coat 25c

U m k HTTEI UNAS Ckarwi TOILET TISSIE 2 No. 303 can 25c 4 - 3 9 c




CaTif.Grapes 2 ^ 25c

Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Wbltacre and Mr. and Mrs. M VanStrien went on a color tour to Hardy Dam Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Russen Scott of Sunday guests of

their parents Mr. and Mrs. Don

Bales and Joyce. Mr. aad Mra. Peter . ^

on his brother FVank Buy*/ in Grand Rapidt Wednesday evening. He is on the sick l ist

Mrs. Henry Hoffman " babv and Mrs. Jarold Raab and Elaine

met with Mrs. Vera Bates the president of P. T. A. to make plans for the year's sctivities on Friday afternoon.

Try «•*.


FirePower FREE V - 8 F A M I L Y !


Demonstration 7:30 P. M.

Wednesday, October 24 Learn from experts

the best cutting and

handling of meat.

Complete demon-


a * *

M i l l 11J cu.ft.iizs Hold-. 389 !bi.

. . . f o r freexing is just

s s important as the

cutting. For the most

rssthedi cf wrapping in the finest

quality materiala, see

this demonstrstion.

Designed around Chrysler FirePower, the finest and most powerful engine ever put into an American passenger car . . . thesf can bring you to enjoy today more forward-looking features than have ever been combined in a single new car line.

1 8 0 H O R S E P O W E R . . . performance . . . even on Don-premhua grade gasoliiie... wfaacfa no other Ameri-can passenger car engine can mstrht

P O W E R BRAKING . . . quickness and ease of braking such as you have never 4elt Seduces foot plea-sure by as much as two^hirdi!

P O W E R S T E E R I N G . . .

aaw Isaai e • s sf ? • — - — • — — il ^ • 5ci%ei car « • • nyaraui->r yower proviaes four-fifths at the steering eoeegyi (Hy-

ver steerixig regular oo Crown t extrt cost on aU other Fire-


pace to FSrdPower's 180 hormman formance. (Regular on Crown at extra cost on aU other \ m o d e l a )

ORIFLOW R I D E . . . new type abode atwoibefs ( b e sod new rougb-road stability, greater rl comfort aad safety ia Qsyrier cars.




Pun- Refreshmenft- Everybody Welcome

W I T T E N B A C H S A L E S ft S E R V I C E

Safety Rim Wheeb IMn* • r 1 r t m wmiaproo i J Brake Linings . .

TTai r a a-in n lb • tl * - ^ • • • u n a c r c o a i r a v j u m b a • • ^onsrant Speed Electric WindriiieM WipMs . . . Independent Kasi-Lock Parking Brake . . . All "out of tha lab" and ready for you now at your Chryrier Dealert

el lbs

MCQUEEN M O T O R CO. 222 KsmtttsnBr . . . UBBL,

P h o n e 2 1 2 West MAUI St Lowel


America'i Mo* Fcmoui


The Perfect Compenhe

For All Outdoors I Jm ciommt pml f a w r r t

tertfM. W.ter


, I11L31 to 922J61


Mra. Sunday wtth a dinner honoring the birthday e( her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Goff of Saraaac. Other guests wara Mr. Goff aad Marilyn aad Mrs. Arthur Nichols and soa Cbarles of Ada.

Mra. S ta t in & Pecaaasa of Gd. rtepM^ — n n w.Hha and Agnes Perry

Mr. aad Mrs. E G tbe weak end at their cottage at Wwngfcfna T lra

Mr. aad Mrs. Harold Hilar of Ionia called on friends in Lowell

Local Happenings Miss Agnes Perry

Phone t l

Mr. sad Mra. Keaaeth Pletcher and two children were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Steva-cek ta

Mrs. Arnold FalrchUd, Mra Ma»-vtn Lewis, Mrs. KenneUi Bryan, Mra. Bemle Bedell aad Miss Char-leae Koch attended the Michigan-

liana game a t Ann Arbor Sat-urday and enjoyed the massed

sds between halves. Lowell was la the band formation.

S g t Kenneth W. Haaey of Fort Custer spent the week end wtth his pareats. Mr. aad Mra Clareace Haney.

Mr. and Mra. Arthur White and two sona of M t Pleasant spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Havens and other relatives here.

Sir. and Mrs. John Hartley of De-troit have been spending several dayu with Mrs. Nina Hartley, Mias Hallie Devoe and Mr. and Mra. Clyde Klnyon.

Mrs. Ina Potter was called to Saginaw Saturday because of the aerious illness of her daughter, Mra Aaron Eaaton, formerly of LowelL

Mr. and Mrs. Prad Blaser aad their son-in-law and daugbter, Mr. and Mra. Don White and daughter Bonnie of Grand Rapids, spent Sun-day with Mr. aifd Mrs. Walter Wlt-tenbach near Grattan.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haney spent Sunday afternoou in Ionia with Mr. and Mrs. Tad Bennett and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curtis and two daughters of Alto have moved into their new home at 132 Pleasant S t , which they have recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. N. Klooeterman. ' Tevry Smith of Grand Rapids spent the wuek end with his grand-parenta, Mr. and Mra. H L. Kyaer.

Mra. E T. White returned Friday from Ionia where she spent the summer with uer son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Hil-ton.

Mrs. Edna Marshsll has resigned her position at the Ent Air force base s t Colorado Springs, CoL, and will make a tour of the Western States before returning to LowelL She will visit friends at Salt Lake City, Utah, Saa Diego, Calif., and Coos Bay, Ore.

Mr. and Mrs. Loul# Kingsley of Berkley called on her sister, Mrs. Neil Blakeslee and husband Satur-day.

Mrs. Reva Benson of Hastings was a Sunday dinner guest of Mra. Alice Wlngeier.

Sunday caDers s t the homes of Mr. and Mrs. George Boyenga and Mr. and Mra. Arte Leeman were Mr. and Mrs. M L. Kronemeyer aad Mr. aad Mrs. Charies Boyenga of Kalamazoo.

Mr. aad Mrs. Paul Jones and two daughters of larurfng speat Sunday with his parents, Mr. aad Mra. Lewis J ones.


W M / M


i u . e w M w e e s / r /

Several teachers In the Meth-odist Church school are attending the Leadership Training classes sponsored by the Kent County Coun-cil of Churches which are being

1 at Park Congregational Church In Grand Kapids Monday evenings.

Mr. and Mra James Topp, Sr , of tranac called oa Mra. Hattic

Walker. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Starhard

Called on relatives la Clarksville and Lake pdesaa Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas LaDue and children and Mrs. Bessie Kyser at-tended open house In observance of the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. El win GrinneU at their home near Fen wick on Sun-day.

Mr. and Mrs. Jules Erler aad children visited relatives In Grand Rapids Sunday afternoon and eve-

H. L. Brlggs and Patty at-tended a baby shower for a uiece of Mr. Brlggs* Sunday in Gra^d Rapids.

Mrs James Gee Is visiting friends In New Mexico for about t weeks.

Mr. R E. SpringeU is spending a week with his son Wayne and fam-ily In Ferry.

Mr. and Mra. Orrin Sterken took a color tour through Northern Michigan Sunday.

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. Ben Snyder were Walter Rab-bage and Mr. and Mrs. LeVerne Wenk of HowelL

Mra J. E. Bannan spent Wednes-dsy with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Ford In Grand Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Brlggs and guests, Mrs. Alice Graham and Roy Myers called on Mr. and Mrs. Hil-ton Brlggs in Grand Rapids Sun-dxy-

The Flat River Four sang Sun-Oay evening at the Knapp Road Reformed Church, after which they and their wives were entertained to a luncheon by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clack at their home on N. Monroe.

Monday afternoon guests of Mrs. Ben Snyder and Mrs. Karl Fry were Mrs. Ethel Shot well and Mrs. Aaron Edgerly and son of Green-ville.

Mr. sad Mrs. H V. Wslah of De-troit were week end guests of Mrs. Ralph Sherwood.

Mr. aad Mrs. Theron Richmond and Mr. aad Mrs. W. A. Roth speat the week end with Mr. and Mra. R. B. Borgersun s t their cabin at Hig-gins Lake.

The Bob Biahop family of Grand Rapids visited at the H. L. Kyser home Sunday.

Mrs. Bert Purchase attended the funeral in Cadillac Sunday of her cousin, Mrs. Lottie Mofflt

Mr.-r.nd Mrs. Grant Balkema and baby of Grand Rapids visited Sun-day at the Charles Young home.

The Book Review Club met Mon-day evening of this week In the home of Mra. Ann Roth. Mrs. Ed-ward Reynolds is the newly elected president Mrs. Byrne McMahon reviewed "Lucy Carmichael" by Margaret Kennedy.

Mr. and Mra. D. M (Dutch) Langworthy of Grant's Pass, Ore., arrived Friday to spend a couple of weeks with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Langworthy, who recent-ly paased her 90th birthday. Mr. Langworthy is an old Lowell res-ident and is enjoying a visit with each of the group of old "boys" he used to know and play ball with. He would like to see them all, but says he "finds many are missing around the old home town.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Juhl of Smyrna, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Faulk-ner and Mias EUie Lee of Grand Rapids were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Billlnger and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dygert of Caledonia were Sunday dinner guests of their daughter, Mrs. An-ton Kropf and family.

Mr. and Mrs. George Whitfield of Jackson were Saturday night ahd Sunday guests of his mother. Mrs. Florence Whitfield. After-noon and evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cowles and Ted of Belding.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bozung vis-ited Sunday a t the home of Glenn Bozung near Portland.

The Misses Florence Anderson and Helen Mauhok of Owosso and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geary were Sim-day dinner guests of Mrs. Hattie Wise in Grand Rapids.

Friday callers on Mr. aad Mra Elhs Rollins were Mr. aad Mra. Stanley McKenny of Byron Center and Mr. and Mra. George Tucker of Clarksville.

Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Court of West Lowell were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mra Ellis Rollins.

Mr. and Mra. Charles Whorley of Grand Rapids spent Monday with her sister. Mrs. Harvey Haysmer. Mr. Haysmer and Mr. Whorley spent part of the day in Eaaton hunUng small game and visiting Wm. Whorley.

Mra. Gladys Hartley and Mr. and Mrs. James Collins attended a par-ty celebrating the 25th wedding an-niversary of the former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mra. Lor-on Rusco at their home in Grand Rapids Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin called Sunday on Mrs. Jeanette Ward and children of Benton Harbor who were visiting at Mrs. Martin's cou-sins, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ver-planck In Edmore.

Howard Buttermore of Grand Rapids called on Mr. and Mra. Wm Collins Sunday. Mrs. Buttermore is in Butterworth Hospital recover-ing from a recent operation.

Robert Cramer of Milwaukee was the week end guest of Mrs. F. A. Gould.

Mrs. Maude Hart of 9t John, N. B., was a guest at the Gould Ri-vet te home several days of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Collins of Grand Rapids were Sunday dinner guests at the Collins-Gaunt home.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Dlckerson spent Sundsy with Ms a u n t Mrs. Chauncey Lowe in Big Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Davenport called Sunday on her niece, Mrs. George Dinkel, and husband in Al-pine ' Mrs. S. R Crabb and Mra. A. L Duell visited their niece, Mrs. Wm Lyndrup and family

Mrs. Leon Seeley

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore and family spent the week-end in De-trait

Mrs. Lee Eiser of Lancaster. Cal-ilfornia. Is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buttrick and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ofbeck of Grand Rapids called on Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bultendyk and Gladys, Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. James Purvis of Belmont called at the Bultendyk home, Monday.

Mrs. J a k e Bultendyk spent a few davs last week In Blodgett hos-pital for treatment and has Im-proved some.

Harold Richardson Is In Mary Free Bed Home and has improved slightly. He enjoys cards.

Mr. and Mrs. George LaRue of Munifelng were Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Qulg-gle.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Qulggle at-tended the funeral of Mrs. Nina Verhil at Caledonia.

Lowell Locals

vllle Sunday afternoon. Week end guests of Miss Jane

Barber were the Misses Nancy Al-drich of South Board man, and Viola Nelson of Eaton Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boyce were Sunday dinner guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Hag-strom in Cadillac.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haner of Kal-amazoo called on Mr. and Mra. J. C. Hatch Saturday. Thursday eve-ning callers were Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Williams of East Lansing.

Mrs. Neville Da vara of Pewamo spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Ellse Kropf. In the afternoon they called on Mrs. Kropfs sister, Mrs. Fanny Smelker at the Peet Nursing Home.

Mrs. Marion Schneider Kendel submitted to a major operation at Blodgett Hospital Friday. Her many Lowell friends hope for her speedy recovery.

Mrs. Dora Pletcher spent Sunday with the Wm. Roth family In Ver-gennes and accompanied them on a color tour through Northern Mich-igan.

Mrs. S. R Crabb and Mra. Albert Duell were dinner guests Wednes-day of Mr* Lena Aellck and

near Green-' mother, Mrs. Elmer Cook near Bel-




WHAT? He wfl play. f « i of Christka HOMO leaqee, cMd show a beovtifd pk twe of a fcMiiy

WHERE? L o w e l l a p f i s t C h s r c h

WHEN? S « * d a y M o r w M q S o n r i c e a f 11 .*00 o ' d o c f c

WHY? Come asd fiad o«t

10:00 A. M.: Sunday School now having a contest 7:30 P. M.: Evangelistic Service

Saturdays—3:30: Girls' Club

7:00: Boys' Brigade

ding. Mrs Agnes Watson and Mra.

Thelma Page were delegates from the Lowell Lodge, to the Rebekah Assembly in Grand Rapids the fore-part of the week. Other members sttending were Mrs. Minnie Huff-man, Mrs. Sarah Chrouch and Mrs. Minnie Hawk.

Mrs. Flora Balcom and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Smith and children, Judy. Barbara and Kenneth of Lansing were visitors Sunday of Mrs. Nora Long and Mr. and Mrs. Ware Story.

TUE^ OCT. 30 H n SUH. NOV. 4


THE B & O STORE 209 W. Main St. Lowell, Mich.

TunaRsh 2 ' " 49c Del Farm Oleo Oatmeal * f c k C - k l - " - ^ l l c HUHrs Barflett Pears 2 V 2 49c Tomato Soup 2 " " 23c

George Tucker of South Boston has purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koewers in the north-east section of Lowell and plans to move there in a couple of weeks. The Koewers have purchased a place in east Lowell.

Mrs. Ira Marshall and Mrs. Dor-othy Ottom of Grand Rapids were Thursday luncheon guests of Mrs. Oscar Nelson. '

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aiexandar and two daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conant near Cedar Springs.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wingrier vis-ited Sunday at the home of their son, Kenneth, in DeWItt

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Haysmer spent last week with their son Bill and wife at Shelter Bay in the Up-per Peninsula.

A. B. C. Dog Food 1 0 " " ^ Breakfast Maid Coffee lb 77c

C « a p l » t e L m e o f F r e s k P r o d K * o r i O d d M e a t s





Choose now while selec-tions are complete. Bigger, better, imported Holland Bulbs give yov the most satisfacHon for

Give your Lawn,


with our

lm Tww ' ' 1 T /"N I r TOOLS

I GEE'S [Teleplwe f lowe§, Mich.

Roth & Sons Co. R N t N n V R E N N B U L D B E C T O R S

Phone 55 W. Main Sf - Lowell

OF 1952 tti'M—ilnaA/ikMJ / PUfl9iinOA fjC/rlPQf/


m o n n w E R EVERY EVENING AT 8:30 \



^5O-42j0O-«tJa-#t25 SAT. MATINEE ONLY (Nov. 8}

Adults 51.50—Children 75c MAIL ORDERS TO

The Stadium, Grand Rapids 4

Ricemor Coats

m m Priced from

*35 Sheen Gabardine

This coat is a perfect axsmpls of Ricemor artistry

and neodlecraft; no superfluous trimming, just deft

tailoring. A coat with great back interest and

beautiful saddle stitching. Just the right weight

for every

$ 4 9 9 5

Swing Back and Zip-Out Lining

A swing back beauty that is In style every season.

Superbly tailored by Ricemor in exquisits pure w>ol

sheen gabardine. The collar fits smoothly, the

shoulders are snug, the rest of the coat swings


$ 5 9 9 5


Page 3: IHllliflll - KDLlowellledger.kdl.org/The Lowell Ledger/1951/10_October/10...completed and final committees ap-pointed. A report was made by the Rum-mage Sale chairman and another by


n m at tM

similar t© the one hr started thia c o m m u n i t y . ! Mra. Edna Taylor

Hunting t r ip . . . sickness • •. pay

up past due bills. We can help you,

no red tape • . . quick, efficient

service J }



Howard Rittongar, Mgr. 2K) Wart Main 8 t

Don't be CAI16HT

Mr. and Mra. Charlla Stlnaon ot Grant and Mr. and Mra. Robert Hemingaen of Newayfo ware San-day frueati of Mr. aad Mra. A. E. H«minpten.

The Youth Fellowship will hare their October party on Tharaday

D McPharaon farm.

Sunday wlth hla slater Mra. r ? Onrl

lag- at the I t1U< Auatln

of Odai!

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. TarJor Rockford, Ohio, were Thureday overnight j ruesta of Mr. and Mra. Sherman Taylor.

Dean Trtchler of Wichita. Kaaaaa waa a Wednesday dinner jruest of Mr. and Mra. U o j ^ Stanffer. He waa on hla way to Great Lakes Training station where ha will en-ter the N a . , .

Konnylaenbart of Grand Rapids spent Sunday with Lester Bailey.

Mm. Charles Collar entertained the following guests: Mra. Juha Crum. Mrs. M. L Bailey" Mm M B. McPherson. Mrs. O. J . Odell and Mrs. Prank Ryder with four o'clock tea Wednesday p. m.

Miss Freda Bailey of Grand Rap-ids spent the wees end with her mother, Mra Florence Bailey and brother Lester.

Mr. and Mrs. Adalbert OdelTs baby was brought home from the hospital In Grand Rapids Thurs-day 8«me better. She ia atill Ing casts on both legs.

The Vergennes W. S. C. S. will meet with Mrs. Haten Wi{cox on M-91 in Keene township Thureday night

have the new addition to They hat. . — the Boyntcn School nearly com-pleted. which will be a big im-provement.

Mr. and Mrs> Lloyd Stauffer and children and her father. Ernest Alt-haus were .Sunday dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Klerk in Kal-r>.mazoo.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Collar accom-panied by James Dowries and Mr. and Mre. Nugent Byrne of Grattan went on a color tour Sunday to Newaygo and Muskegon Counties.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth spent the week end In Lansing and called on their new granddaughter who was born Oc t 12 at the S t Law-rence hoapital. She win answer to the name of Vickie. Mother and daughter are doing f i n e

Mr. and Mrs. Tate were Saturday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lioyu Stauffer and children.

Mre. A. Odell Mra. Frank Ryder, Mra. Chaa Collar and Mre Flor-ence Bailey and Freda attended open house at the new addition to the Cascade School Friday evening where Leste/BaOey is prl .

Mr. and Mre. 8. V. Taylor called on Mr. and Mre. K Kinsey near Sidney 3nn3ay evening.


§ I


* • ta^WMiUl

ra awl fa n^t It j.tlju U utca c b p n q m e n d orrery

• Otck hydro* bn*e

• Sofaty drnk—Kplrts

Mr. and Mra. John Hanaon, Mi»-toari, visited their cousin and fam-ily. Mr. and Mra Gottlieb Roth.

Mr. aad Mra. Henry London (Doria Roth) Diamondale, were Sunday dinner guests mt tha Oott-llef Roth heme.

The school fair waa attended by a good crowd with splendid exfclMta and displays. Many priaas wara exhibited and there waa also a farm market with frutta, vegetables, eggs, etc.

Warner Nash and Harry Seellg spent the week end here a t their homes and left Monday for Fort Wavne. Ind., to begin work there.

Mra. Darwin Roth enjoyed a two days visit with her sister and fam-ily from California.

Mre M P. Lenhard aad Mrs. Marian Beat tie enfoyed a color tour through the north Sunday.

Mr. and Mm Leslie Rlcknar aad Marilyn of Grand Rapids vlattod Mr. and Mrs. John T. Baattto and boys Sunday evening.

Born to Mr. and Mre. Robert Lb-Fevre Sunday morning a baby girl at the Pennock hospital In Hast-

' " S r a d Mre. Ivan Blough and family, and Mrs. Mike Stuart and children attended a family gat-to-gether a t a cousin. Mr. and Mra. Nick Kloosterman'a home In Lowall in honor of Mra. Blough's and Mra Stuart's mother. Mrs. Ethel Yeltaf, who will be married soon aad go to California to live.

Mr. and Mre Alfred Bedell have sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fawley.

Mr. and Mre. Randall Brooka and Mrs. Sadie Hershberger spent Sun-day at White Cloud.

Mr. and Mre. Clare Roth had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mre Irwin Howard In Hastings.

Mre. Max Osman of near Char-lotte and Mre. Bert Hanaon. Sr-attended Grand Chapter in Grand Rapids Wednesday and Thursday.

An epidemic of intestinal f in haa been going through the aehoola. Many have been absent and aeveral have been akk in school

Mr. and Mra. Bert Hanaon caQad on Mra. Chaa. Tranane, who Is HI In bed, Sunday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Manard H u n t a baby girl. Friday

Mra. Charlaa Comatoek. Grand Raplda, apant the week end wtth Mr. and Mra. Charl

est Mr. and Mra. Delton Stahl and

A a r o a wara Soadagr guasta of Mr. and Mre. Clifford Rogers near Sun-flaM.

Mr. aad Mra. Floyd OaskUl. Hast-ings, viaited Mr. aad Mrs. Seymour Heaven Sunday.

Guy WUiette la Improving aad can now walk to tha barn aad bartt.

Mr. aad Mra. Roy Bkmgk apant Sunday wtth Mr. aad Mra. Richard Blough in Grand Ledge.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bfough aad children of Fliat were Smfdav caD-ers at tha Roy Sco vllle boraea.

Mre. Richard home from the night

ICr. aad Mra Marvel Church, Mrs Edith Dackar aad Mra. UlMan Penville were Sunday guests of Mrs. Charles Harris and sco at Roflfcford. \

Mr. aad Mra. Wm. Swlger aad family had supper Saturday night at the Richard Swigar home.

Mr. Mark Troyer, Grand Raplda, former raatdect bora died of a

Livingston wer bur Livingston Raplda. Mr. as



Butterworth hospital. She WM nod Barbara Jean aad weighed

7 pounds, 15 ouncea. Mrs. Edna Bowermon, Lake

Odessa, had sapper Sunday eve-ning with Mr. &nd Mra. Herbert Knapp and spent the evening there.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hanson were Sunday guests of Mr. aad Mrs. Chris Walters In Sheridan.

Sunday dinner guests of Austin were Mr. aad M n . WD-

, and Danny of Gd-Rapids, i f r . and Mre. Adrian Cobb of Ionia, Bud Livingston of Lake Odessa and Pfc. Larry Cobb. Mr. and Mre. Sheldon Mesecar of Mul-liken called In the evening.

Mrs. Clarence Kime, Mias Kime and Mrs. Lioyd Liv and Ross were shoppers In ville Thursday afternoon and hmd dinner with Mr. and Mrs. MHo Towne near there.

Mrs. Walter Willison entertained the West Campbell club Wednes^ day. Plans were made for the hmch to be sold at the Hefflebower auction sale and It was also voted to donate |10 to the Youth Center.

Mre. Carrie Swlger has been at the home of Richard Swlger while his wife U In the hospital for an operation. ^

Sundav dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Livingston were Mr. and Mre. Milo Towne of near Greenville. Mrs. Donna Belcher and children of Cboks Corners and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Towne.

Larry Cobb Is a t his grandfathers home, Austin Uvingxton, enjoying a furlough. He had Just recently been transferred to California from Washington.

Mias Vera Hewlett and Charles Walters were united In marriage Saturday night a t Greenville.

Mr. and Mrs. LeaUe Shaede. Breckenridge. spent the week end with Mre. Anna Mick.

heart attack late Monday night. Mr. aad Mn. W m Spalcher, Ionia

were Sunday dinner gueats at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swlger.

Mre. Mable Whltker aad Mra. Myrtle Taylor returned to Gull Lake after a two weeks visit with Mr. aad Mre. Roy Blough and Mra. Lillian Scovllle.

Mrs. Edna Woodland, Grand Raplda, udled at the Roy Blough home Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taicott Sar-anac, had Sunday night supper with Mr. and Mra. Jjirh.-ird Swlgers and Tommy and Mrs. Carrie Swlg-er.

Mrs. Hattie Shafer, Gowen, and Mra Ethelyn Van Maaatrlcbt of Muskegon had dinner Tuesday with Mr. aad Mre. Albert Towne. Mre. Lloyd Livingston, Ross and Gary also ware gneata.

k New poles ware sat through Main St. last week and pn Tuesday the new street lights were pu t up.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Neuckoop visited Mra. Caafaabi Martinez aad Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brlseno and family Sonday.

Jimmy, son of Mr. aad Mrs. Wayne Rose, had his wrist broken Tuesday at school and was taken to a Grand Rapids hospital for x-rays.

Mary Jane, John and Terry Hunt

A few jnaag n n of this InMT# started painting the root of the W. a C 8. ban Saturday afternoon aad if weather permits, a painting bee I win be held next Saturday to fln-- - the Job. Come wtth your lad-

ders and paint brushes. Mr. aad Mra. Charlea Qulggls of

Gove district spent Friday after-noon with Mr. and Mra. Claade Claude Cole aad Saiturday after-nooa canere a t the Cola boas Mr aad Mra. Ray Towasand aad daughter Helen of Grand RapkU.

Pv t Clifford Dalstra who has been In training af Camp Oarson, CoL, haa now baea tranaferred to Camp McOoy, Wis., aad was given a week end furl * parents, Mr. and tra.

Mr. aad Mra. Ray Gelb of Far-wen spent tha weak end with Mr and Mra. Shermaa Rsyaolda. Other

•Mlars at the ReyaoMa Mr. aad Mra. Ward

Gelb, Mr. and Mra. R. R Ro-breekt and Mrs. M l t h Hawes of Grand Raplda aad Mr. aad Mra. Ralph Brown of Caledonia. Mr mad Mra. Olek RatS^rford

and children of Lowell wara Sun-day dinner gucsta of Mr. i Lester Antcnldas. Other caUsrs at the Antonldes home were Mr. and Mra. Abe MlBar ot Cal-ifornia, Mrs. E!Iaa Monks and son Jim of Saraaac.

Mrs. Clayton Mote vara Sunday dinner guests of their coo-sin. John Mote and family, of Laa-

Mr. aad Mra. Rbaaen Friend ited her brother. Glenn Pierce wife of Carson City Thursday.

CallSrs the naat week , day at tha home of Mr. and Mra. Bert filaak were Mra. Delia Seott, Mra. Clayton Mote, Mr. aad Mia. Rcaooe Cfcatar of fcn.iew; Mr. aad Mra. Floyd Oaafcfi of Qutmby, Mra. Ammon Miller. S r 9 Rev. and Mra. D. H Osgood, Mra. Ortd Miller. Mra. Dalton Stahl of Clarkavir.e, Mra. Jay Erb and Mrs. Rotot. Erb. Carolyn Brb spent the week with Grandma Blank.

Herbert Gelgar aad Marvel Neab vlatted tha lat ter! brother, Clayton

t Kalamazoo Saturday. Mr. aad Mrs. Marvel

by his n o I la Oraad Raplda, the

aad Mra. Co-

r j


and w f f a f lonis Mr l_ Uoyd Cod aad Det.-.s of Gd, Mr aad Mra. Floyd

Uoyd Ml immimnf yi

Tort Wayne, Ind. "rtmrsday aha started her Journey to merr Leone. Africa.

WE PAY FOR D«ad or DttobUd


_ _ Violet Vlvarburg Friday untfl Sunday at the home'felks at South

Callers of Joha Brake aad fam-' r a . sa. wars his brother, i

Mra. Bewood, Sr. aad their soa Elewood, Jr.. aad family, all of loala.

Mr. and Mra.

rr TArxa t w T W


from Friday > . with their daughter. Mr. aad Mre 1

momrr s e r v i c k

Elmer Walters aad family, tie Creek

John Dean Stadel aad wife had supper Saturday night with her parente, Joha Brake aad family.

I t o f ' t h f C h r i s S j S f S i S S r f i ^ day whOa their pan

Valley Chemical Company

ttmytngwltb their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H u n t while .their mother is In tha ht pttal

Mra .





Friday and Saturday October 19, 20

SPECIAL FAMILY NIGHT PROGRAM Fighting where no moo have fought before I

Damon Ranyon's story of the rallrad school taachar and a

gang of thiovea!


r o / H %



Sun., Mon., Oct. 21, 22 Cont. Sun. from 3 P. M.

Tues., Wed., Thuif. Oct. 23. 24, 25

R O S W T S O N - O A Y N O S - K T E R S

The Sweet Community Farm | Bureau met Wednesday evening-at the home of Mr. and Mra. Rudy Wlttenbach. Mra. Dale Shade waaj co-hostess.

Mias Kathern Murphy of Kala-mazoo is vlr 'tlng her sisters. Mre.J

1 Charlie Rlttenger and Mrs. F r a n k ' [ Rittenger.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rlttenger aad family were Sunday dinner guests of Mre. Harley Taylor of I Lake Odessa.

Mr. aad Mra. Russell Taylor aad sons of Saranac were Sunday eve-ning callera at the Harold Rtttea-I ger home.

Guests arriving Monday at the I home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mo-Dlarmld are the letter's father, Mr. T. F. Pile her of Oak Park. Rl., and Mrs. Jennie Padgett of Chicago, | a frl*nd of long standing.

Donald Yelter was a Sunday din-ner guest a t the George Wlelandj home.

Marie and Marlon Wieland at-tended a shower Tuesday evening | a t the home of Helen Bryan t In honor of Mre. Gordon Sterzick. | Wednesday evening Marie and | •Marlon attended the mother-daugh-j t e r banquet at Alto.

Mr. and Mre. Walter Wieland and Marlon were In Battle Creek Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. ^ Emerson Colby.

Harley Merriman .and son Bobby of Dedwrville. Mich., aad also Mr. aad Mra. Geo. Wieland were early I Wednesday evening callers of Mr. aad Mra. Walter Wieland.

Mr. aad Mrs. Rudy Wlttenbach j aad family enjoyed a drive and family picnic Sunday.

Mr. and Mra, Albert Johnson of Battla Creak aad David Hagg of

N. Y., w a r e raests alght of Mr. aad Mrs.

• r l c Straad. Mia. Oep. Eatea, Mra. d y d a

aad Mra. Mahkm Eatea at-a dinner and club meeting

. at the home of Mra. Hudnut of Blue Lake.

Mr. a n d Mrs. Al Carlgan of Grand Rapids are the proud par-ents of a baby daughter born Tuaa-jday morning, and little Ray Don Carlgan Is spending the week with his aunt Gladys and uncle. Dale Shade.

Mr. «uid M n . Pete Rcociur and Lyle were Thureday evening caU-

• t TVlU flhade hmtv® etwl Mr. and Mra. Marlon Shade. Yvonne aad Ruth Ann were caCors Sunday evening.

Mra. Spcaor Johnaon of Logaal was the guest of Mra, Clara Bran-I debury last Tucaday,

• Fall F a r m machinery ia In g n a t

demand. Sen what you can't usa through Ledger Want Ada.

Sooff ' BETTY GRABLE m 'Meef Me After the Show



»i"« mmm S M i a n u u •> a .

Eata fei tka eUr mt Oraad Ksa-Ifl saM eooaty, as tha Ut day «( Oe-r, A. D. 1WL

Praosat: Boa. Mm DaHaa. Jadgt mt Probata. la Wm acattes rt flw Mais rt C M s s Darta. P i i s a s o i .

. DofU bartag A M to saii assrt h u pKWob rruiag that tta — — Uoa of aatd wtaU fea greaM Dorto ar to MOM aCbsr * d U l

n la OrOeiad, that tha s sa Mar af mmn A D. IBS!, at lm cfeioek la tta fcronaa. at aaM probala ortka. M aad » baraby ai-poirtad tor ——— — —-t tUaa:


G w w ) Stef

t H c

^mokdl Woics

b . A t


POUSH S A U S A C I a 69c W A W S - M K H K A N G U A M M O . 1

f t f S H OVSTERS pw $7, KKOGB










M A S No 303 can 10c PAOCOS STANDARD ^

I ^ O B K 4 i l A M S N o 303canlOc KROG« - SUP« SOFT - If S FRBH

l>OYATOiI No, 2 can iO< SPOTUCMT COfFR fc.77c 5 S f T ^ W H ( 5 f ^ KROG81 - HOT-DATH)

KIDNEY BIANSNO 3 0 3 c a n l O c J O A N O F A R C H O T - O A T H )



M I E M l Irapr'i M I m M N t t U M i !

P O T A T O E S mwocam IDAHO F 6 T A T O B S O ft* $1.7f

C R A M S mm 2 ^ 2 f c FIAMJNG RED

O t A N G I S M M 4ss.4fc O D f t 9 ^ 49c CAUFORMA-300-220 SKE Have plarfy oa hand fcr Haloweaa


5 0 * * 1 1 9


TUNA FISH - 3 1 / STAR n s r - J l i e b r a n d p n < a n a d 3 t o 1

w a x n m ° * * 2 3 / tOTOW CHASM

POPCORN >»« <0-16/ Y H L O W - C R E A M O F THE C R O P


M H i

We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities None Sold to Dealers

• •rtAii pi

l O W j l l L » » > WAHT . I t S - M I N I X E S U I T S

It Is rated as a anmbsr one boy by Coaauman Golds to Batter R iryta* Dsa t hsaMate to call B.

r a. * Lowel

WATCH REPAIRDfO by aa sx-par t Frae eatlmetes Avery Jewtlsn . , c m t

FOR SALE—Good Northweatera, light weight.

heifers; /otocheoa aad Norton's Stockyarda, Olfvat, Mich.

•1 • 1 — : — 10% DOWN, IB moatha to pay. la-

atan a Warm Air Hsallng ment in your home. Ideal Ptamb-Ing ft Heating. Lowsn Ph. TTIFS

n gdL stea tmm. yaar warranty. Idaal Pfumbt ft Hactlag, Low-in Ph. fTl-FX

TAXES ARE HK3H—on gaaoUae hat huadrads of our caa-

era aavtag up to 4o a Wa oarry top grade mot-

Stop at MaOary'a Ssrrlca Stetloa, 1 mile wast of Lewan oa M-SL

HAND MADS CERAMICS by Kaas Zehm, 772 N. Jefferson Phone 3 o f n . q i r ttems for Chrlstmaa and an occasions. Claasea to start soon, p 9 - K

ACCORDION LESSONS la home. Free trial plan for bagfn-ntre. Can Accordion Center. Gd.

AT m WAL TRACK nmmn snmns t MH'T CCmi BACH •



CARPENTER aad repair work oa Howes Freak Foldeaaaer, Low-afl phono IfT-Fll.

HIGHEST PRICKS paid for old Iron aad automobllea. Gould ft Rogen, Phone Grattan «77.

FOR TOU* FARM— If latsrsatsd la

adWag. write W m A Anaatrong, Ada, R I or phone Rockford TtXA. cld-tf

CALEDONIA LOVESTOCK SALE evary Monday at S o'clock. dMtf

•r—• FOR SALE- Mclntoah, Wagner,

Jonathan, Talmaa Sweete, Spies, Greenings and DeUdoua Apples. Anjow Pears. John Potter, % ml. north of US-M on M-tl. Lowell phone 236-F1 , pM-»

FOR SALE—Appkea, Mclntoah, Cortland Red Delicious, Golden DeUdoua aad Spies. Leonard Kerr, 1008 Ballev Dr., N.E. Low ell phono 0S-F21 c-M-B-M

GREEN AND YELLOW Hubbard Squaah for sale. Alto phone


FC RENT—New modern upstair a a t m a n t Three rooms and ha k . LowaO phono 483. I f t f

FARMERS—Now get your alio trlpla^asal bay. Can 40-FJ, LowelL

C ft B is the


TRUSSES. Trained fitter, surgical appHances. ate, Koss RexaS Drags, Saranac, Mich.


nacm. Wapai la Aapa aa dritor saw aaace. Iriag eacfts m as

WITTENBACH Sales & Service

W. Mala St, Lowall Phone 212

APPLES Pick your owa at 11 a bushel. Wm. Klaha, R-2, LowelL Alto phoae 3474, c34tf

W A N T E D - W h i t e Oak Timber. Write Bo* 147V In care of the Ledger, giving name and location.

NEW 1961 Chevrolet H ton Pick-up truck dahverad In Lowell, fUMJO McFall Chevrolet, LowelL 1


NORGE—oil burning space heater aa la $13.00. Lowell Ledger, Low-elL C34-38

EAT MORE APPLES FOR LESS No, 1 Spiea, 11.00; Jonathans, 90c 30 oa, Pip pens t l per bo. Fine cooking apples t tc . Theae low prices at the farm, bring contain-ed . Austin Coooa, Forwnan S t phone 150F11 c34-35

FOR SALE—Corriedale rams. Hor-ace Myers, phone Clarksville 3801. p35

LOOT oa Mala S t . chela wKh keys attached. Return to LoweH Ledg-er office. Reward. p35

33 Inch Home Furnace, cast Iron, excellent condition. 980 caah. Al-so large wood range |13. 706 N. Monroe. Ph. 563-FS, p38

SPECIAL—You can stin boy a a 1961 Bulck a t the pre-ndaa price. A saving of up to |1PL McFan Chevrolet, Lowell. c35

For Sal*—Us«d Cars: I960 Plymouth Club Coupe 1941 Chevrolet 4 Door ' 1941 Chrysler 4 Doo. 1941 Chevrolet 3 Door 1S40 Chevrolet 3 Door lt37 Pontine 3 door. 1938 Oldsmobile 4 Door

Mc Queen Motor Co. 323 W, Mala 8 t , Lowell phoae 134


ATTENTION. Now la tha time to have your water wells repaired for winter. See me about It to-

day. Free estimates. Orson Melle. 410 N. Jackson St, Phone LowaH 181 p-as-as

FIRE INSURANCE la mora Im-portant now than ever before with pricca continually rlaing. Our polidea give you the protec-tion you need. See ua today. Peter Speeretra, General Insur-ance. Lowell phone 289. c25

FOR SALE—Used Television Set, reconditioned and guaranteed— $39 JO - $59 50 - 189 50, Williams Radio ft Television Servlca. 833 Lafayette S t , Lowell Phone 530-F2. p3S-3S

FOR SALE—5 4 months--M pigs. James Wheat, * mile •est of Ware School on 38th S t p35

FOR SALE—4 to S room sise oil burner. Duo Therm; F f t sire electric refrigerator, both In gord working condition, $40 each; M sise boys sui t $3.00; 2 fingertip coats size 38, $1.00 and $3.00; girl's coat 8 yr., $1.50, Ray Heacbe, Lowell phone. c25

{1250 win protect your entire family for 3 years. Baker Insur-ance. 8907 Cascade Rd , 8, E, Phone GL-40481. c-35-38

HOUSE TRAILER for rent En-quire Fred Ryder. Phone 30-F2.


Dependable Used Cars— IfloO Plymouth Club Coupe 1960 Chevrolet Dbt Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Dht CL Coupe 1941 Chevrolet 2 Dr. Chech 1940 Chevrolet Coach 1949 Bulck Super Sedan 1960 Hudson Club Coupe 1980 Ford Dtx. 2 Dr. 1949 Ford Custom Club Coupe 1949 Dodge 3 Dr. Sedan 1948 Dodge Club Coupe 1948 Dodge Custom Sedan 1941 C»iryslet "8" Sedan

MTENDABLa: TOED T B I KB 1948 Dodge I Ton S f k a • 1999 Dodge 3-4 Too Pickup Each one of the above units are conditioned as only Gould's Gar-age conditions used c a n . Worth thinking about Isn't It?

Gould's Garage Your Dodge ft Plymouth Dealer

Phoae 389 Lowall

J ' Get Set For

Egg Productioa Getting full production of eggs from your flock through the high price sea-

son insures a profitable poultry year for you. Seldom can a flock show a profit

for the year if they miss the boat during the high-price egg season.

Naturally you want your flock to maintain high egg production not only through

the coming season of highest egg prices, but also through the rest of the laying

year. So you'H have to help them along. Feed

Blue Ribbon Laying Mash Here's why. Our laying Math U a high nyalify, bsltnced mash tf.st wfll pro-

mote maximum egg production while helping your hens maintain thrifty bodily

condition so necessary to sustained egg output. The formula includes all of the

essential vitamins, minerals and proteins necessary to promote high egg output.

Not just one or two essentials . . . but all of them . . . blended in the right pro-

portion to each other fo secure the maximum usefulness of each one. Here's a

mash that is proved in the laboratory and on the farm. Here's a mash that can

help your hens lay more eggs. . . give you more eggs from every bag. That's

why it will pay you to faed

Blue Ribbon Laying Mash


2 4 2 1 to** C l o c t o v B t 3 4 1

ft O O l f F L m FLOOR Natal servlca. Our new High-Speed Floor Bender do lant work, low rates. Complete

floor flnlsbtag materials, te, varnishes. shaUacs, fillers

etc, Lowell Lumber ft Goal Co DnMhec,

WE'VE GOT THE "KNOW-HOW' Our good Mobile products plus our unfailing service Is a comMn-atloa bard to beat for you and your ear. Give ua a trial! Al-lan's FrWadly Service. Allen Las-by, 688 E Main, Lowell Phoae 183


HALLMARK GREETING CARDS. Your frleads and dear ones win treasure a Hallmark Card from you for It says you cared enough te sead the very best! So, re-member others this thoughtful way at glad Umea. sad times, all times. Available at Chrlatlan-

Drug Store, LowelL c25

PUPS FOR S A L E - P a r t English Setters, ten weeks old; mother good hunter. $3JS0 each. John Baan, Ada 5323, c35

F O R S A L E — Chrysanthemum dumps and cut flowers. Open avenln^s and Sundays. Godfrey's Blrchwood Gardens, north on Yergennes to oil tank, turn left one block. Lowell ph. 439-F4.


DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT for rent. Children allowed. Lowell phone 489-F3. c28

BOYS HARD ON SHOES sho-jld • t ry Wolverines, soft as buckskin,

r d tough as a rhino for longer Coons. c25

FOR SALE—Estate oil burner, In good condition, $40; also Ladles Chaderfield winter coat, never worn. $10. Piano cbeap. Mrs. Raymond Pitsch, Alto phone 3382.


B R E I M A Y E f T S Used and New

Farm Machinery Allia-Chslmere Modd ObTractor,

Power Mdwsr and Cultivator. Equipped with starter, lights, baH pulley, power take-off, hy-draulic system, hydraulic sea t auringing drawbsr snd 13x24

. rear tires. Completely recon-ditioned snd gusranteed.

Farmall Model A T rade r snd Cultivator, equipped with belt pulley, power take-off. swing-ing drswbar and wheel sedghts $415

John Deere Model B Tractor and Cultivator in Al condi-tion, Almost new tires... $819

Farmall Model BN Tractor, eq-uipped with starter, lighta, belt pulley, power take-off. wheel weights, swinging drsw-bar, almost new tires....$785

Allis-Chalmsrs Modd B Tractor, bean used a few hours for demonstrator, at a big dia-counL

Allis-Chalme's and New Idea 1 and 2 row mounted and trail typo Corn Pickers available for immediate delivery.

Co-Op 1 row trail type Corn Picker, can hardly be told


New Idea 1 row Picker with I roll husking bod. In Al condi-tion. A good used machina at a low dollar.

McCormlck Oeering single bot-tom 19 In. Pickup Plow for Farmall Modal BN tractor, in Al condition • 3 5

Cardinal IS t t . Elevator, can hardly be t d d from new for only ^

Several used Plows, singls bot-tom and 2 bottom, from |15 up

Allia-Chalmers I f t Power Mow-ar for Allla-Chslmare Modd B or C tractor. In Al condition for only • 8 5

Several goad used Slds Odlvary Rakes, from F60 UP

Allis-Chalmers Modd 40 Com-bine, bin mschlna In • « d l e n t condition. — ***

New Idea M f t Oeubla Chain Elevator with raising winch, for balaa, corn or grain.

AlliS-Chalmere and Pspee For-sg t Hsrvastars snd Slowecs available for immediate dallv-ary.

Allis-Chalmers Rote • • ' • r — ] still avallaWa fa r Immediate dsllvary.

S, 7 snd I f t Double Discs, from - y - • » "•»

N « , U m C - W t«A. UA .nd 14A Spreaders available for immediate delivery.

Jus t received—e shipment d New Idee Side Delivery Rskos and Power Mo were. Take ad-vantaea of rfdivary and beat rising prices.

McCulloch 8, 6 and 7 hp. Sawa svsllable shout October 17. Order Now.

Hinman Milker Parts snd Ser-viea.

Louden l a m Equipmsnt

Binder Twine still available by the ball or bsle.


A Small Down Payment And Two Years To Pay

BREIHAYEIt Chevrolet Sales

Your Allis-Chslmers. New Idea and Papec Dealer

Phone 106 Belding Michigan

FOR SALS—Nalsoa t m u r deny. THE LOWELL LEOOER. LOWELL. MICM, 6cT. 18. Ska new Cost m . ase for $86. Can 48F3 Lowell. KM V e m n n a s l i — — I I p Rd.

FOR SALE OR TRADE Remlng ton hammcrless double barrel 13 gauge gun. Two partly broke rabbit dogs, one bird dog. one part beagle and blue tick. Cheap Can after 5 p. m. Lowell phone 155-FS. .25

WANTED—Used cement mixer, without motor. Call 5884 Ada.


WANTED—Riders to Grand Rap-Ids, working hours 8-5, Call Low-ell phone 331F3, c35

FOR SALE—Suffolk ram 8 months d d . Mre. Marian Carlson, Alto phone 3407, p25

THROUGH MANY YEARS where-ever corn Is grown In the U, S. tbe name of Pioneer Hybrid seed corn is well and favorably known. In the Michigan Official Trials the highest yield ever recorded was made by Pioneer and K has been a consistently high yldder on thousands of Michigan farms. To avoid disappointment next spring, place your order now with Clarence Klahn. No down pay ment required. Alto phone 2473, 9898 Cascade Rd. e36

USED CARS— 1990 Chevrolet 4 dr. Sedan; 1949 Olds 4 dr. 1948 Olds 4 dr.


Your Oldsmoblle Car and Inter-national Truck Dealer

Cecil Bibbler, Salea Mgr. Phone 227 Lowen


FOR SALE—1948 Chevrold Panel. In very good condition. Orson Melle, 410 N. Jackson S t , Lowsll.


FOR SALE—Bantam Chickens $1.50 per pair. Lowell Phone 572 F l l . c-35

FOR SALE—Davenport and chdr, $25.00. B. G. Zoet Alto .phone 2194. P25

FOR SALE —4-room house. at-tached garage. 1 acre ground, 2 chicken coope, located on M21, 1 mile west of Lowell, May be bought with furniture, dishes, and linen. Call Grand Rapids 88079, c28

Guaranteed OK Used Cars 1980 Chevrolet Deluxe 4 Door

with Powergllde, 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe 4 Door 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe 2 Door 1919 Ford 4 Door 1948 Nath 3 Door 1948 Chevrolet 2 Door 1948 Ford H Ton Panel Truck All Care Winterized for your Comfort

McFall Chevrolet Lowell phone 298 c29

THOMPSON'S S A N I T A R Y M A R K E T Phone 233 G. /L (Butch) Thompson ' 20 | L Main



STEWING CHICKENS lb. 39c Vnnmn riiimn " 1 ounc j , n u m p


R o a s t i n g Chickens lb. 49c

Fryan ar * e w m

Golden Beauty Ducks lb. 59c A Had Tract

Choice Rabbits Iba 69c

Oraa Dressed Weight


HcadCheese Iba 49c Pork Butts Iba 55c

• Who*, h n Daly

Southwest Bo waa Mre. L. T. Anderson

Mr. and Hrs, Leon Anderson, Claire and Miss Klein of Grand Rapids were Sunday dinner guests last week of Mr. and Mre. Roger Pitsch and little son.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bowman and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Rogers of Dutton.

We are sorry to hear Mre. Kate Curley had a heart attack at the Frank Brew home Saturday, She was taken to the P e d Nursing home at Caledonia as Mrs. Brew Is confined to her home with Illness. We wish both ladles a speedy re-

Mr. and Mre. John Troy and daughter Miss Julia were Sunday afternoon and luncheon guests of their daughter. Mr. and Mre Giles Hefferan and family of Cannona-burg,

Mr, and Mre, Harold Pence n e n t Wednesday evening at the Keith Bowman home.

Mr, and Mre. Wm. Johnson of Grand Rapids were Wedneaday din-ner guests of their cousins. Mr. and Mra, Leon Anderson. Mre. Zetha Anderson and little eranddaughters Rita and Bd ty Anderson were af-taraAon guests.

Mr. and Mra. Louis WIerenga of Carlton Center n e n t one evening l a d week with Mr. and Mra, Dorr Glldden and aons,

Dick McDiarmld of Grand Rapida Is staying with his grandparonta, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis McDiarmld and attending school at Harris Creek

Mr. and Mre. Leon Anderson, son Clalte and Mias Oarollne Klein were Sundav dinner guests mt the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Thomas Griffin in Grend Rapids, Mre Zetha Anderson waa alao a guaat

Mr. and Mre. Everett Keitsman, Grand Rapid,*,

lests of were

her parents. Sunday after-rants. Mr, andl noon p.

Mre, F Sbeehan. M n , Mkhael Shechan and

mother. Mra. Celesta Dutcher call on the tatter's husband nearly every day at St. Mary's hospital. He haa been confined-there the l a d ten daya f*r a H»»lr {!•«£•"

Clara M. Brandebury

Friends report Alford Custer, who has been very 111 fur several weeks In Butterworth Hospital as b d n g very low at this writing Mon-day. His wife Is with him con-stantly and his brotbsr Roscoe of Sunfleld visits him ddly.

Ernest Battlea of Hastings was a visitor at the John Keller home

Hastmas Livestock Sales Friday, Oct 12. 1961

Calves, good, choice $88.00441.75 medium $34.00438.00 light $2250-$34.00

Lambs 428.75452.00 Sheep $10.0041500 Steers and heifers 13085429.50

Cows, beef $20,00-125 50 Bulls, light $24,00426.00 Hogs, top .$20,70421.45 Roughs and heavies ...$17.0042') 00 Feeder Pigs $ 8.50424.00


TODAY'S EGG PRICES Nest Run At the Farm,

Large 62c dozen*

Brown Eggs—2c less

If f£$inKoir col ITrtr- aJ /SVM9#»A

Alto Phone 2193 McCords. Mich.

last week. Mrs. John Mishler Is visiting her

niece. Mrs. Baail Thompson and family of near Pontiac this week

Mrs. Earl Glldden was the s u e d of her brother Wedey Helntxelman and family to dinner Sunday, She reports her nephew, Lao Heintael-man, who met with a serioua acci-dent recently and was confined in Butterworth Hospital for aome weeks. Is home and around the house some.

Ernest Battlea and John Kelle^ visited Alford Cuder at Butter-worth hospital l a d Thursday.

We are glad to report Mrs. Bert Kelm as having Improved so that ahe ia able to be about tbe house again.

Frank Martin and wife with Mr, and Mrs. John Bowers enjoyed din-ner with Mr, and Mrs. Rene Bow-ers In Kalamazoo Saturday night

i They alao attended a shower given by a friend for Mr, and Mrs, Bow-era.

Mary Kay Martin was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth

Folkers over the week-end. Friends and old cchoolmatea of

Bowne and vicinity will ha sorry to bear that Andrew Blough of Elk-hart. Ind., la confined to hlo bed, having suffered a stroke on his right side In August He la soase better but confined to hie bed and unable to move his right side. We know he would enjoy hearing from hb Michigan friends. Hla sddrses is Shady Brook Trailer Camp, hart. Indiana.


r . . J .I. Ts i • a • ^ — - J — r^oeroi-jiaTe vjrovivs Large, Grade A —91 Medium. Grade A. Small, Grade A. .


Large, Grade B .53 Brown Eggs 2 cents leas

B E R G Y I R O S . U i V A T O R Alto, Mlihigan

Prices Subject te ahange

' —

We Are Passing This Savings




Urn M l

AH porceknn . . iHCBslva, efficicat LoveC

wringers with oversize roHs

Model 501 $99.00

KRICK AUTO S A L E S ^ Open evenings 'til 9:30 Phone 58^

'/i mile West of Lowell on M21

B E T , W<

G A I N S : « S | | with «U S MASTER


t r I


Come la mud I d Mt HII you h o w you cam get yovr b r o M w

M a i l e d off ond to moifcd fas ter e n Hm Moitar Mix Broiler Moih feed ing

BERGY BROS. Elevator A L T O . M C H W A N n M M 2 3 2 1

Page 4: IHllliflll - KDLlowellledger.kdl.org/The Lowell Ledger/1951/10_October/10...completed and final committees ap-pointed. A report was made by the Rum-mage Sale chairman and another by

iiyiihpwiiriiiii 11 ••tr





i i!

M i I r I: sn I I I I

1 1

Ada News Mr*. Kathryn Sytsma

Ada Ph*n« 4t11

Tha l 0 l BUPt Valley Orange elect-

ad officers at their maating Fri-day night aa followa: Maatar, Ken-nath Anderson; Overseer, Richard Thomet; Lecturer, Jeanne Houll-han; Steward, Bob Hlcok; AasX Steward, Oaorga VanderWarf; Chaplain, Lena Cram ton; Oate Kaeper, Al Thomet aecretary, Mra. Eknogena Oates; treasurer, Flor-ence VaniePaarle; Oraa, Shirley Andcrnoiy Pomona, Jeannno Rou-hldota; Flora, Nellie VandaPearle; Ijady Aas't. Steward, Mra. Oeorge YanderWarf; new member to ex-ecutive committee Is Merle Cram-ton.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson were chosen as delegates from the •ffypt Valley district to the State Orange to be held at Cadillac from Oet. 23 to 29.

Ada Library

The Ada branch of the Kent County Library in the town hall received Its October decoration last

Friday when a number of atudenta of the lower graoca of the Ada high school and their teacher paid a visit to the Ilbrarr. The pupils very appropriately decorated the windows with corn a talks, pump-kins and all that brings thoughts of Hallowe'en. They did a very nice Job of I t Be sure to look when you make your ylalt to the library or as you paas by the windows.

Fade VMfen Dtea Mrs. Nila Verhil. 26, paaaed away

Friday after-noon at Blodgett hos-pital following an emergency oper-ation in an effort to save her un-born aon. Mra Verhil has been confined to the hospital since Slept. 4, as a polio sufferer and haa spent most of that time in an iron lung.

She is survived by her husband, Matthew, a Kent county road com-mission employee, a daughter, Julie Kay, her parenta, Mr. and Mra. Floyd Kingsley of Caledonia, a brother, Nriaon Ki ernal grandmother

S M n t f M T E S ifimeral aervloea were held Motv-

day 2:00 p. m. at Cross Millar Chapel In Caledonia

We extend our deepest sympathy to the family in thair sudden be-reavement

[ingsley, her pat-r, Mrs. Ella King-

N e w ! B e t t e r !

ItSi G u a r a n t e e d } FW yew craekme wMi new M p M Heavy Defy M . Try K far Im dey*-er ep i t 1,000 a l e s . H It deetal sethfy yw

' fear Phttpa M Deelar wfl m m * far eH yee weal ef ear trpeese.

The reason we dare make this i is simple. We are sure 1 impnttJ Phillips 66

Heavy Duty Premium Motor Oil will please you- It gives you a new high in Lubri-tection.

M M MfVMTIOMf Yes! It keeps corrosion and f r ic t ion from harming your engine.

surpasses man facturers* specifi-cations for all makes of cars. It's truly a "Heavy Duty" motor o i l -will do an outstanding job in trucks as well as passenger cars; Try it! We putntnit satisfaction;

HtOncriOHT Yes! Adds are neutralixed—protecting bear-ing surfaces from pitting.

AUUTYt Yea! And • engine means more power

line consumption.

ot tomumnoMr Yesi it racists decomposition—so fewer make-up quarts ate needed over thousands of miles of operation.

It's because of important fea-tores like these (hat Phillips 66 Heavy Duty Preauum Motor Oil

t -

Mra. Eugene Morris and

Mr. and Mra Walter Afton Sr. attended a allver annlveraary cele-bration of Mr .and Mra Loren Rusco in Grand Raplda on Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mra Tom Morrla and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Morris spent Saturday evening In Lowall wtth Mr. and Mra. £u family.

Mr. and Mra Norman Wrlda and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mra Wm. VanAllan.

Mr. and Mra. Arthur Wllaon and children were Sunday callera of Mr. and Mra Webb Ward

Walter Afton Sr. accompanied Alfred Slater of Grand Raplda to a road meeting at Alma last Frl-d a 3 r . and Mra Hubert DeVrlea and children were Sunday au; guests of Mr. and Mrs. Webb

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hooker are enjoying their aon Francis who ia home from Camp McCoy. Sun day visitors at Rookers were Mr and Mrs. Gene Rooker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rooker and family all of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Rooker and family of Battle Creek. In the evening they drove to Rockford to Inspect the new homo of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rooker.

Mrs. Webb Ward and Mrs. Don Ward and children spent Monday afternoon with Mra. Haael Ortow-skl.

Suuday callers of Mr. and Mra. Orvle Kellogg were Florence and Helen McCormlck.

Saturday callers a t the home of Mrs. Ira Teeple were Mr. and Mra. Elmer Allen hf Lansing and Mrs. Vern Furner of Grand Raplda

The chicken dinner sponsored by the Egypt Valley Grange last Sat-

Mra Melvln Ooort

Egypt \ urday night was hearty thank you

a big success. A to all for the fine

cooperation. Sunday visitors of Mra. Ira Tee-

Ble and Mra Jennie Grant were [r. and Mrs. Loren Shipley and

Loren, Jr. of Jackaon, and Mr. and !ra Larry Grant and family. Mrs. Alice Miller of Grand Rapids

Mrs. Grant and famil.

Mra Katie


L Gef Now, Improved luhfi fSCtion

PfiWps 66 products art dbtributtd in Lowtl end victniry oy


For Quality Phillips 66 Products . . . Stop at

R E L L E T ' S S E R V I C E

Lee Tires — Auto-Lite Batterlaa — Auto Aceasoriaa

Greasing — Washing — Groceries

1002 W. Main Phone 9109

spending a Ada visiting her daughtei Alice Mesa more and Mias Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sytama Grand Rapids called on Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sytsma and family and Mra. Katie Sytsma Sunday after-noon.

Monday opened the hunting sea-son but being a hot day moat of the hunters around Ada didn't have much luck.

Sundav afternoon Mr. and Mra. Robert Morris called on LeRoy C. Morris In Grand Rapids.

Mr. and Mra Robert Morrla and Mra Dorothy Weaver attended the wedding of Mlaa Phyllis Morrla daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Morris, Beechwood Ave., to Rev. William Bilk at the West Cannon Baptist Church on Friday evening.

Mrs. Walter Afton, Jr., returned home the last of last week from tha hospital hut Is confined to bed for three weeks. Mra. Ver-non Blgelow, her aunt, Is now tak Ing care of her and Mr. and Mra. Walter Afton, Sr., have now re-turned to their own home.

Mr. aad Mra Sheraa Rowland entertained company from Pontiac and Lansing Sunday-

Mr. and Mra Karl Wheeler. Clar-ence Wheaton and Ruth Bylenga of Grand Raplda were Friday din-ner gueeta of Mr. end Mra Melvln Court.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dewaoe enter-tained company from Detroit Mon-day.

Dr. aad Mrs. M. J. Court and two daughters of MarceUos and Rich-ard Court and family of Lowell were Saturday supper gueata of Mr, and Mra. Melvln Court.

Mr. and Mra Marvin Huver apent the week-end with relatives la De-troit

Mr. and Mra. Ray Heacbe were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Deli Scott near Belding.

Mr. and Mra. Marvin Huver en-tertained Mr. and Mra.John Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Huver of Low-ell and Mr. and Mre. Ed Smlt and daughter of Weat Olive, Sunday, in honor of Mrs. Leo Huver's birth-day.

The Mapes Farm Bureau enter-tained the Onow Farm Bureau at the Grange Hall Thureday evening.

Mrs. Gordon OverhoH and aon of Fowlervllle spent Monday and Tuesday with her parents. Mr. and Mra John Baker.

Rev. and Mrs. Logan of Grand Rapids were Tuesday supper guests of Mr .and Mrs. Bob Dawson.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonald and Mra. Mary Stlnton spent Fri-day and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Green of Ann Arbor.

Mra Co*

Mr. and Mra Loala Qulggle of Willow Run .pent the week-end with their parents, Mr. aad Mra Fred Qulggle.

Mr. aad l i r a Joha Cos and eon Fred vtaMed at thair ana's home Friday evening In Grand Raplda

Lee Katotnlng la gaining nleely at hla homa ^

Mr. and Mra J. Co* called oa Mra Mand Cooper Sunday, who haa been sick.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wiener and aon of Grand Raplda called on Fred Wianer the past week.

Thoae who viaited at the J. Cox home Sunday were Mr. and Mra Bert Baker of Yergennes, Mra Etta Vernier and Johnle Bnobar and Robert Cox and daughtera of Grand Rapida. Other callera thla week were Mr. and Mrs. A. Houseman, Mr. and Mra Fred Houaeman and Mr. and Mra. Henry Kaufman.

Mr. and Mra Fred Qulggle en-tertained their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Carlson of Ionia a n d Mrs Wayne Qulggle and daugbter of Ann Arbor.


aaM eonrt. biM at tbe

BTATB Or MICHiaXN—tba Court for Um Oooaty <* At a MMlon of tibaU of net ta Um dty of

Ma, In aaM eooaty on Um Sad Oay A. D. 1961.

HON. JOHN DALTON. JMf* of Probata.

b Mm Mattar af tbe Male ef JUwk. *

It appaartac to tha eoort that Iba tkaa for prsaantaUuit of d a t e aeatawt aaM •state abmkt be limltad. an! Oat a Um* aad place be appotatad to and adMat all daisM aad

n la OrtkraZ Tbat maaad are raqulrad to pnaaat latane ta eald sooit at eald Piebete

oo or before tbe Ua« dayell D. IWt. at tta o'doek la tba


Mra Mary Potter

Curtla School alao Saylea and Day aehoola will be closed Thure-day and Friday for tha M.BLA. meeting in Grand Raplda so that Mra Weeiu and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith can attend.

I made a mistake last week: K should have been Jackie instead of Patty Hale who broke her ankle. Also my Item should have rend Mrs. Fred Nummer Instead of Mr.

Marilyn Rlckert of M.S.C. spent the week end at heme.

Mr. and Mra Paul Smith end family apent Sunday at Blanchard with Mr. and Mra Guy Smith.

Mr. and Mra. Dick Boone and family were Sunday dinner gneets of Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Flint and family in Ionia

Mra Cella Boss and aon spent Sunday In Wayland with Mra WU-ma Czarneokl and eon.

Sunday p. m. gueata of Mr. and Mra James Baird nn< and Mra. Chea-

Saturday In Grand ames

Baird spent Rapida. Ervln Blough and family. Monday gueata were Mr. and Mra Beck, and family of Deaifcorn.


The easlsir wcy to figure out the cost of living is to take your In-come and add 10 per cent

C L A R K P l u m b i n g a n d

H e a t i n g


Ph. 7 1 - 3 0 9 E. M a i l Lowell (D. Clark, Prop.) Mich.

Having sold the farm I will sell at Public Auction at tht premises located 2 miles

north and one mile west from Clarksville, or One mile south of US-16 at Nash Road (Clarksville Road) and one mile west.

S a t u r d a y , O c t . 2 0 , $ 5 1 Commencing at One o'clock sharp.

1939 Ford Tractor, overhauled in 1950 also i-bot. 12 in., l-bot. 16 in. Tractor Plows and Tractor Culti-vator


Side Rake Cultipacker Mower Rubber Tired Wagon Hay Loader Hercules Gas Engine with Drag Saw Electric Motor with two Emery Stones 600 Baits Hay 75 Bushel 2 yr. old Corn 7 White Shoats 4 months old

22 Ft. of Line Shaft with hangers and pulleys

Tractor Pulley

Grain Drill with Fertilizer Attachment

Platform Scales 800 lb. Capacity Three Section 8 ft. Drag Grain Binder Manure Spreader DeLaval Cream Separator No. 15

.with electric motor 110 ft. Hayltape & Fork About 100 Bushels of Oats 75 Bushel I yr. old Corn 12 ft. and 18 ft. Log Chains Some Household Goods

TERMS: Cash, Nothing to be removed until settled for and everything to be settled on day of sale. Not responsible for accidents.

G E O . T U C K E R , D M

Mate of tba County of XmL

At a aaaataa ot aald eoort, bdd at the probata of not, la tba dty ef Omad » Ida, in aald county on tba 3ttb day of eaptrabcr, A. D. IWU

Praaant. Hon. JOHN DALTON. JOdfa of Probata.

l» tba Matfer af tbe Male ef M. Tbamaa Wart.

II appaartag to t for praamtitloB of tate BhooM b« limited, aad tbat a Uae aisd place be appotatad ta reeatve, adMat all datete aad aid i1ir>iiMl br It te Ordarad, Tbat and)tors of st

eeaaad are raqatrad te prerait tbate to aatd codrt at said Probate Office oa ec before tbe «tb day af Deeember, A. D. 1MI. at tan o'clock ia tbe forenoon, aald ' end place belac baraby appointed for tba exealaaUoa aad adjuattnent of all




W t



L y l e C o v e r t RESIDENCE PHONE Sit

mm? baby e T H n e e a were gueeta ot Mra Leona Bala aad nmlty. Aunday dinner gneets were Mr. and MtsTp. Hale and family.

Mr. and Mra Glen Oonroe of near lAke Odeeea were Friday gueeta of Mr. aad Mra Roy Gage and fam-ily and Saturday evening the laUer

I f c . - S T B - u n « . . ^ •neat ad the Elmer Bale homa The latter family ware Sunday sup-per gueata of the former.

Tueeday eveaiag gueeta of Loulee and Geneva Berkley were Mr. and Mra. Walter Vandenhout and fam-ily. Thur!*Jay gueeta were Mr. and Mra John Barkley of Owoeao. Fri-day dinner gueata were Mr. aad Mra. Dell White. Friday gueata were Mr. and Mra Homer Thornton and Mr. and Mra James Baird. Saturday guest was Fern Gardner r>jr i j M » aa or uetrott.

Mr. aad Mra D a l m e r l

ef Graa i Racida Darwin

Potter aad Kitty were Wedneaday evenlnt guests at the Ed Potter, Sr. home. The latter wae M years old that day. They alao called at the Paul Potter home.

Rlckert Bectric COMPLITE


H u m s — T i

Water H t o f t i

PAUL MCKERT Phone Mt t i t N, Hudeen t t

H e n d r k k a ^ - r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r . ^ .

Do It Todayl A fdMtPOUOl

Your entire familv can be ere-tected t years fer only | 12J t



Phone 72711 — Ada, Michlgen


o ' , v! ¥OD(RATION •

h Michigan, forming Is a Number 1 octhrity at this time of the year. And after a hard day in the fWd$ "The American Way" is to enjoy a glass of ooJd, refreshing, Michigan brewed beer.

For beer belongs.,. to pleasant living, to good fellowship, to sensible moderation. And our right to enjoy it, this too, belongs . . . to our own AiMricon h.htage ^ ^

B Ay Michigan Brewers'Association 717-11 Francis Palms Building • Detroit 1, Michigan

Allt Brewing Co. • EAR Brewing Co. e Frankimuth Brewing Co. • Goebe/ Brewing CdT Pfeiffer brewing Co. • Sihmdf Brewing Co. • Sebewoing Brewing Co. • The Stroh Brewery Co.

aadi dec It ia Furtber Ordered, n e t public notice

thereof be fhrea by pabUeatta of a mm of tbla order for tbree aBoeaashre v.tka pmloua to aald day of beaitag. la the Lowall Ledger, a Dawspaper printed circulated to eaid county.

JOHN DALTON, A tree copy: Jadge <

ntXD ROTH. Ragtetar of Probate.


Bute of Michigan, the Probate Court for the County of Kent.

At a aeaelon of nld curt, held at tbe probata office, in the dty of Grand Rapids, in aald county on the lOth day of October, A. D. 1931.

Preaent: HON. RICHARD W. BRYANT, Judge of Probate.

Ia tbe matter ef tba Eatate af VaaDyka. Deeeaaed.

It appearing to tbe court that the time for preaentatlon of dalou agaUut aaM eatate abould be limited, and that a time and place be appointed to recelre, examli and adjuat all oaJma and demanda agate said dacaartd by and before aald court:

It "a Ordered, That creditor* of aald de-eeaaed are required to preemt their clalas to aald court at aatd Probate Office oo or before tbe Mtb day ef December. A. D. IMt, at ten o'dodt In tbe forenoon, said Upie and place being hereby appointed for the examination end adjuitmant of all

alms aad "*• againat aak It It Further Ordf-red. Tbat public notice

thereof be given by pubUcaUon of a copy of tbte order tor three eucceaaive wades prenoua to aald day of hearing. In tl LowaU Ledger, a newipaper printed ai ciivui.^: IZ «NwntT.

RICHARD W. RRTANT. A true copy: Judge of Probate.

FRED ROTH. Register of Probate. C-2M7


tba County of Al e scstica of said court, fedd at the

probate office, in the dty of Oraad Rapida, A, r i S r y ' 0 6 ^ ^ ( U y ^ October,

Preeeot: HON. RICHARD Wl RRTANT, Judge of Probate. *

la tbe Matter ef tbe Eatate eg Maris

«a A. Wingeler having filed la saM court hla final admlaiatraUoB account, sad hie petlUaa praytag mt Q» aOowaaas thereof aad for tbe asdgasaal aad dlatrt-tmuoo of tbe residua ef aaM sstats»

I t t e Ordered. Aat tbe atb day e( ail . A. D. ISII, at ten o'clock In the

' noon, at said probata offiee, be aad te hereby appointed for ersistntiec aad al-

ut iJ? * * * * * * * It Is further Ordered. Tbat pob&a aotiee

thereof be gtesa by pabtleatlca of a eoey of thla order, for tbree suuoMdee weScs prevtous te saM day sf bsarias, ta tts Lowell Ledger a newspaper prtated ead circulated te —^ ca-int*.

RICHARD W. RRTANT, A true Copy Judge ef Probata.

FRED ROTH, Regleter of Prsbate. c-as-r

Symptoms of DfetraM AHelng from

S T O M A C H U L C E R S "WTO E X C E S S A C I D QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Ask Aboof ]5-Day Trial Offer1.

Over four mnBoa boMss of tbe Wiujlmi . a a a t w r have been eold for relief et

due to Cassss AcM. Ask Mr

Charlet 1. Colby. Cleric WATSON'S DRUS STORE



(as ter t r i j K !

Balanced Weight Dittributio* enablee yoato haul bigfer pay loads on a Dodfe "JothRattf truck. Becanaa Che engine bee bean moyed forward and front axle back, yon cany more without oyer.

\ Z J loeding. Right proportion of the load is carried on eocfe — — — aik . Aad abortv wbaelbeee meane eaaiar handling.

Feeler Tripe I High-Compression Engine givea you plenty erf power. Tnnraaeid hocaapowar-ln combine, tkm with the right trenamieaion and rear axle ratio— meene faster tripe! Four-ring pietone with chrome-

m plated top ring and other outstanding valuea eesure — perfbnnenoa thatmyea dimae and doUars on your joh.

I J b arji #t i jji, n r f U n g e r Ufe l Husky Chassis Unite ere one reeaon why m n i M i r l l f O I 1 F 1 1 1 " l i n i n g e Dodge truck end l-^a. You g e t . H # E l U 6 J | H H i l ^ rugged frame of hot-rolled, high-carbon ateeL Springs

J i • • W § am of apodal alloy a^el-extra tough, yet reeilientl • Axle shafta ere shot-peened for added durability. And

— — — eyery chaesia unit ia "Joh-Rmtef' to fit your job!

gyrei FLUID DRIV! available •« V4-, and l-ten models This Dodge "exclusive" gives you emoother starts . . . easier han-dling . . . lower upkeep costs . . . longer truck life. Ask for a dem-onstration—today!

Whet o "Job-*at*d" A "Job-Rated" truck ia engineered at the factory to fit a specific job.. .provide the best in low-cost transportation, save money, last longer. Every unit that SUPPORTS the load-fniDe,*xle&, springs, wheela, tiree and others—is

Truck Mgcmt to Yov engineered right to provide the atj«igth

needed. Every unitthat MOVES the load—engine, d u t c h , transmiaBon. propeller ehaft, rear axle and others—is engineered right to meet a particular operating condition.

A$k any owner! He'll tell you that he hauls bigger loads at lower eostsi


G o u l d ' s G a r a g e Phone 269 31* E. Main St.

• P e t e r S p e e r t t r s Lowell


Doerr, minister for the Cascade Christian Church, returned to church last Sunday after a etx weeks abeence dne to illneas. Mr. Harold Chambers of Grand Rapids has been subetttuting for Mr. Doerr who will be beck In the pulpit next Sunday.

There will be no school Thursday

Watch This

Space for

Coming Event 0-35

aad ef tkis wmk dee lo TeeeberauMtttate.

The RaO Mothers _ meeting last Tuesday at Mra. J. Briedenfleld'e oa Spaaldtng Rd.. with a putluck luncheon. The whole dey wea apent working on their Carniral project The neat meeting will be Tuesday, Oct 2trd et Mra Helen Werners, starting et 9:10 a m. ^

The Christian Women's Fellow-ehip of tbe Caacada Christian Church la haying a clothing drive. The clothing ia to be eent to Korea The deadline ia Sunday, Oct 21st Call Mrs. Faith MacOregor. 9U674 for pick up.

Miaa Ardith Bishop flew to Chi-cago with four friends for a four day vacation aad shopping trip.

Cascade School No. 4 held open house laat Friday night An esti-mated crowd of 250 people came to see the now school and enjoy the music of the children's orchestra conducted by R. Middleton. Re-freshments were aerved by the Mothera Club of the achool.

Bear cubs are surprisingly small at birth, being about eight inches Inng, and weighing from nine to twelve ounces.

T r a Mra I


Consign Your Livestock TO T H I

Lake Odessa Livestock Auction E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y

w p v i u T v Q Uj a

• • • • » - e. A m a a — • - S J — i o t v f o i v e i u m arocxyaras v>o. ranfi A a o n w r a w r

4 3 6 1

Dr. end Mra. John Hepemen ot Leneing were Saturday afternoon callera of Mr. end Mra. Roy Sniutx

Come at least one evening next week to Alton church and aee Mra Bather Frye, chalk art ist who will be there each evening Oct 2MB, except Seturday evening.

Mr. and Mra Carl Junkin end children of Akron, Ind., and Mar-tha Bernbouse of Pierceton, Ind., w e r e week-end guests of Julia Condon and called on Mr. and Mra. B. P. Huffman of Oreenville.

Mr. and Mra. Floyd Condon entertained Sunday for their par-ents Mr. and Mra. BUI Bucking-ham of Belding and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Croft ot Grand Rapids. Other callera were Mr. and Mra. Delos Buckingham and children, Billie aad Penny and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Condon.

Sgt. and Mra. Tom Read and children Sharon and Hike came home from E l Paso, Texaa Sunday. Tom has been transferred to Chan-ute Air Baae In Illinois.

Johnle Engcman fell while pick-ing apples and broke his leg and Is In Blodgett hospital. Harry Ford and Albert Blaser were down Bun-day to call on him

Mr. and Mra. Bill Condon, Nancy, Patsy, and Bob were Sunday visit-ors of Mr. and Mra. Merrill Colby at Sparta The Colbys son waa home on furlough from El Paso, Texas.

Leon Weeks bought the building at the Talbot school and has moved it to Crooked Lake. He ex-pects to build it Into a little home there.

Mr. and Mra. Vern Armstrong of Lowell have bought a lot at Murrey Lake from Mra. Eithel Meyers and Lake of Mra. Eithel Meyers and already have their cottage moved onto it and are painting and re-pairing.

Mra Fred Pettieen Phone tttl

Are you having troubles? Let a Want Ad help you solve them?




Customers^ Corner Food tastes and needs change with the seasons of the year.

In "the faD, for instance, moit family menus begin to feature more hot and filling diihea

We strive always to tee that our stores are stocked with the food our customers prefer..

If your A&P fails to keep pace with your c h a n g i n g seasonal tastes, please let us know. Pleaae write:

cvnoio h u t m m s d o t : A&P Food Stores

420 Ledfgton Are.

Raw T o * 17, N.Y.

Tomato Soop HflWI

2 23c

Heinx Ketchup NfW PACK

U oi. beMe 2 6 c


Chicken 'n Rice Dinner I B S THAN Mc A SRVMO


Chicken Fricassce 52c

Uncle Ben's Rice U-ea.H* 18c

Dnrkoc's Margarine

in miow

^ ^ 32c

Beechnnt Baby Food

ITlAINfO jar IQe

otomo jor 15c

Garden Sweet Peas


N a n c e s ICfe

Tomato Juice tnsrs

- 30c

Lima Beans ussrs o i i m

tea-cos l i f e


ONIONS lb. bag

Sweet Cider


Green Peas



MIcMfsa — U.l Ne. I — White

UfcbT i rmk

Ubbr'i Fredi

" 49c

50 $1^9

2 39c




2 ,b ^ 87c

Frankenmuth Cheese " 62c

Tangy links ^ 29c

BordeiTs Cheese Spreads 4 * 1 23c

gmue Parker Mmlsed GLAZED D0NUTS

pkfl. * U 2 9 c

Jane Parker White Bread * 16c

Plain Brown .V Serve Roils ^ , , u 18c

Caramel Pecan Rolls 39c

Sandwich Bread 18c

Vm Camp's Srmded LIGHT MEAT TUNA

2 45c

Sure Good Margarine * 24c

Ann Page Baked Beans — 10c

lona Peas *

Broadcast Redi-Meat u ^ - 48c

Tomato Soup ^ ^ - 11c

Facial Tissues 2 - - » • 27c

Waldorf Toilet Tissue S - 23c

Dole Crushed Pineapple n * 1 - 28c

Chocolate Thin Mints 45c

Nabisco Saltines 29c

8 o'Clock Coffee ^ ^ 77c

'4. ' : lib* "iJ- 1 A*' •*- '

There waa a good attendance at the Mother-Daughter Banquet a t Alto Methodist church Wednesday night. As ws marched down into the candle-lightcd dining room, there were murmurs of approval at the beautiful table arrangements, tbe unusual dahlias which had been In cold storage since tbe frorta, were from Mr. and Mra. John Behler's gardens of Cascade, inter-laced with beautiful roeea from Mrs. V. L, Watts and theae were cleverly arranged by Mra. Glen Yelter, who gives each bloom Its rightful place to enhance Ita beauty.

Mra. Val Watts was dining room chairman and each mother and daughter had miniature candles. After devotlonals by Mra. BolMho, our hostesses served the delicioua food. The program followed with our President, Mrs. Maudie Scheldt introducing the program chairman, lira. Merit Roeenbarg, # h o wel-comed all, then asked Mra Jamea Green, who gave a grand toast to the mothers, and her mother, Mra Beulah Hayward responded and complimented our daughtera. Mus-ical numbers by Carol McWhinney and the VandenHeuval sisters were greatly enjoyed.

Mrs. Rosenberg then Introduced our guest speaker, Mrs. Herman Hoek of Grand Rapids, who In her gracious manner spoke to both

Mr. and Mra. Leo Bloomer and Rev. and Mra. E. F. Lux saw the football game at Caledonia Friday night between Middlevllle and Cal-edonia, score 7-7.

Mrs. Myrtle Alexander of Lowell spent a few days a t the Glen Love-land home.

All are glad to have Mrs. Gary Dalstra home from the hospital, es-pecially those fine twin girls.

John Tinipeon. Chairman of the State Apple Commission, attended a dinner at the Fort Shelby Hotel. Detroit, Thursday.

Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Law-rence Richardson and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Ernest Richardson of BHmdalc visited the latter's nephew Mr. Guy Willett and wife of Clarksvilie and found Guy slowly Improving, sitting up a little more eech day. They also called on Mr. and Mra. Claud Hughson.

Sunday afternoon callers at Mr. and Mra. Ira Frylings were Mr. and Mra. Nick VanHoven of Home Acres, Mr. and Mrs. R. Luikes and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. Luikes of Grand Rapids.

Many friends of Mrs. Bob Slater are glad to hear she is recovering nicely at Butterworth Hospital, af-ter her recent operation.

Mesdames Macy Ellis; Rosette Champion. Lillie Ellis, Dorothy Jonsma and Matilda Demmsr have enjoyed e several days trip to In-

t ^ 1 n ABM A \£ rt # K Ae» a f -Kmciuun lusuanuvi wpvseo ew —'• VL a mothers and daughtera and all dependence. Mo., where they at-• m A -.a A A«k ' 4 • W» A were pleased to meet her again. - declared a very r and all expressed appreciation to the committee who made it the success It ^es .

Auxiliary Newa Tuesday evening, Oct 8 nine

members of Alto American Legion Auxiliary gathered at the home of Mra. Anna Falrchild for their reg-ular monthly meeting. Following a short business meeting which wee presided over by our retiring pree-ident, Mra. Gladah Andereon, Mra. Florence Richardeon who wee the first president of our unit Installed the following newly elected offi-

^Pres ident Mra. Irene FalrchUd; vice-president, Mra. Gladah Ander-son; secretary, Mrs. Nellie Fryllng; treasurer, Mra. Marie Aehley; hla-torian, Mra Florence Richardson; chaplsin, Mra. Jennie Vanden Heu-vad; sergeant-at-arms, Mra. Anna Erickoon

Henceforth meetings will be held the first Tuesday Instead of the second Tuesday evening of each month. Mra. Marie Ashley will en-tertain the November meeting. All members please trv to be present. Bring gifts you hav purchased for the 'Gift Shop" and something for potluck lunch.

Baptiftt Church News Next Saturday night is the night.

Rev. Charmlcal will be with the Baptist Young People to bring the message and to answer your ques-tions after. Mr. Charmlcal has Just spent three years on the Gold Coast, West Africa After the meeting there will be time of fel-lowship and refreshment. The Young People will entertain the Young People from Alaska Baptist Church. Time and date: 7:80 P. M., Saturday, Oct. 20.

Thursday, Oct. 18 ia the date of the Ladies Missionary Society. The meeting will be held at tbe Baptist Parsonage at 2:00'p. m. Don't for-get. ladiea, bring all your old Cliristmaa cards. Mrs. Jones will bring a devotional message.

The members of the Baptist Church enjoyed the solo brought by Mr. Leonard McMillan last Sunday. Pastor Jones spoke on the text: Yo shall kno* the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.

Family Night at Methodlat Church Family Night will be held at the

Methodist Church Monday evening. Oct. 22nd. A carry-in supper will be served promptly et 7:30 o'clock with rolls, butter and coffee being furnished. Bring own table ser-vice. All members and friends are cordial lv invited to enjoy an eve-ning of social fellowship.

Community Get-ToaeUier The Mothers Club of Alto will

sponsor a community get-together at the school on Thursday, Oct. 25 at 8:00 p. m. A beauty contest will be the highlight of the evening. Come end help pick the winner. This promises to be tots of fun. Slides will be shown and a com-munitv sing will be enjoyed.

Lunch will be served after the program and a free-will offering will be taken to use to further our hot lunch progrem. Everyone is welcome.

Alto Locals Well, the weather man is giving

us our Indian Summer now and it's beautiful, as October usually Is.

ippy to receive news Saturday that Mra Lula Pat-tison Hetherington of Cellfornia is ctiroute east to visk Ye Scribe and | husband and other relatives.

We are sorry to hear Mra. Elmer | Dintaman (H^iel as she is affec-tionately known to ua) Is awaiting a caU to Blodgett Hoapital for sur-gery. and It's more than her share, as this will be her seventh opera-tion Mra Ida Brown, her sister, who haa been at the Dintaman home bee entered the Esther Fahrnl convalescent home at Low-ell.

iln, Tlllle Hovanier of Hestings called on her cousin, Mra Minnie Bouck at tha Pattlaon home Fri-

tended the Womans Institute and to Lamonl, Iowa, to see the Grace-lend College Home Talent Play; alao visited historical places at Neuvoo, III., arid saw the ewful re-sults of the floods in many places.

Mrs. Otto Meyer of Alaska at-tended Lhc Mother-Daughter barv-quet here We^newlay night.

J . J . Haggai waa among the 17 Grand Rapids Herald Carriers to receive a certificate of award "for honesty and integrity" and his pa-trons heartily agree he deserves i t

Mrs. Mildred Castle of Prairle-vllle spent Saturday night with Beulah Hayward.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fryllng were


Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mra Ray Fryllng of Grand Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baker and


aon of Missouri and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roark and grandson, Ger-ald Roark. ot Ada were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim San-born of Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Roark spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ryder of HQme Acres.

Mrs. Emerson Stauffer is with her mother, Mrs. Ray Lacy, much of her time, due to her illness, but wt hope for a better report next week.

Miss Georgia Bunker entertained her school mate, Miss Nancy Smllh over the week end. Georgia spent Monday with Miss Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. James Courier of Morse Lake have a new son born at Blodgett hospital Thursday, Oct. 11th. r.amed Steven Greg who haa two teeth. No wonder Jim has decided a trailer not large enough and haa bought the John Willis home at Elmdale and is moving there, when they erow that fast. Congratulations! The Couriers a", so have a tine daughter, Jerri.

Mrs. R. D. Seigle and three daughters spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Lor-ing of Laborge and the children got a lesson in old fashioned apple but-ter making, outdoors in a brass kettle, which holds about 50 gal-lon. Believe It or not, they fin-ished with 13 gallons and what a wonderful day It was for such out-door work or play? Y6 ScrJbe can see a busy little lady In Calif, read-ing this item and wondering if they want to sell that brass kettle.

Mra John Hoevenair of Hastings was a guest at the Watta home several days last week. While In the village Mrs. Hoevenair called on Mra. Minnie Bouck. Mrs. Verle Lacey. Mr. and Mra. Frank Mac-Naughton and Mrs. Charles Rad-ford of Lowell.

Mra Ella Purehaee end Mra. Fred Pattlaon accompanied Mr. and Mra Arthur Hlliey and Mra. Bertha Moffltt to ChdlDac Setur-day to attend the funarel services for their coualn. Mra Lottie Mof-f l t t Othera from thla way attend-ing: Mr. and Mra. Nate Moffltt of Heatings. Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Frey-er and daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Win-ters and Sue Ann, Mrs. Lloyd Seara and Edith Sanborn. Mrs. Sanborn remained for a few weeka visit

Mr. and Mra. Phil Crowley and family of Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mra. Frank Dyer of Lansing were Sunday dinner gueata of Mra. Myrnia Hasklna of Campau Lake.

Dr. and Mra. R. D. Seigle. Mr. end Mrs. R. D. Bancroft and Mr. and Mrs Merle Rosenberg were 8 o'clock dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Campau on M21, Sun-day.

Mrs. Leo Blocker has been carl for her sister, Mrs. Eari Ebert an new daughter of Fowlervllle for over a week.

Mrs. Ernest Bates of Grand Rap-Ids cared for her sister, Mrs. Henry Slater several dfeys last week and made a fine nurse, as Mrs. Bates Is up and gainiug.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richard-son spent Sunday with the former's brother, Forrest "nd wife and Mra. Grace Craig, who Is recovering slowly from her recent operation.

Mrs. Paul J. Averill and Ralph Loveland and family of Grand Rap-ids were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Loveland.

Mr. and Mrs. Merle Rosenberg visited he.- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan of Ionia Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blocker spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Jake Hoover of I^>wel!.

Mr. Ed Hlllen, our postmaster, attended the football game In De-troit Sunday.

Mrs. E. L Timpson had dinner with her son John Timpson and family of Lowell Friday night In honor of Donald Timpson who left for Great Lakes Training Station Tuesday. His brother, Kenneth Timpson of M. S. C. and Charles Cronlnger were also guests.

Mr. and Mra. Russell DeGood of Grand Rapids were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Tom For-ward.

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Metternic Jr., weat of Alto, are the p: oud parents of a new son, born Sathr-day, Oct. 13th, at Butterworth hos-pital and named Steven Lee. Both mother and babv doing fine. Con-gratulations.

Mrs. Mildred Tobias spent Sun-day with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tobias and family of Willlamaton.

T H E L O W I L L L I D O C R , L O W E L L , M I C H , O C T . I I . m i —

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday--Oct. 18,19,20.21,22


Elmdale Mrs. Ira Sargeant

Mr. and Mrs. Verccl Bovee and niece Aria Bovee all ot Lowell, and Mrs. Ellen Seese and daughter, Mrs. Ashael Thompson of South Bowne. were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Keim and Semi^h Seese.

Regular meeting of the Roseh-berger community club meeting of Friday evening, Oct. 26th. The new president. Dan Kauffman has plans well under way for the eve-ning's entertainment Refresh-ment committee are asking each family to furnish one pumpkin pie and some doughnuts. Notice the change of date from Oct. 19 to 26. The invitation of welcome ia ex-tended to ell.

Jay Seese who has been unable bo work for over a week, wv - taken worse Monday and is now m slod-gett boapUal.

Mr end Mra. Austin Miller and family and cousin Clifford Kauff-man of Grand Rapids enjoyed a scenic drive to the locality of Lu-ther and Brethren Sunday.!

Mra Bernice Miller and family of Grand Rapids spent Surdey at the nomes of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stahl and Mr. and Mra. John Lott.

DO YOU DO RXPAIR WORK of any kladT Inform Um pabUc. People want I

Use a to about It. Want Ad.

^ j r ^ """r

ASPIRIN No lasttr xlini is-ptrnt nude! 5 pain IOat.INi.Kc 2*SS 2-OT. VICT0*1 A HOT WATIR BOTTIE

GAIOfN SPICI STICK COLOGNE CooctnlratH, it * . f g t cee't i»H let, jl J i f v l


uviMxr S H A V l C R E A M


\ConUmj landm tni enter-lo'lfnmj Klewor. m f y b Iwece-let 7» jfefOlr UffSHMtt l ANTISEPTIC Mouttmnh ml lit-


M S r . k A w # # ' (^ADHESIVE tape

I" i 5 ydt. let IUC 2*,Jt gffifr THIATIICAl C01D CREAM 2*,/*'


P O U N D PAPER «et 75c 2hr7$*


*f SfcPlet

pmoroi ll Oil [ M I N E R A L O I L V W

ROUU SACCHAM lOWi let |I» 21*1.27 BOMY PUIS Wert Of brow*. 24 »»| 10c 21* 111 HousHoto wmomw-.-iti IOCMC* ihriie bircira sorfosnwws in utt oe 2 iw * KXULAM COUCH STWT *1 Mc 2f«rMc a o n Mremic i tu f l . . . . . t * prt 2 ht * IMMEIUTN FIRKI9M....feg li2S2laIJI BH.IF0LDS men t md todftt' lt| $100 2fir1.ll PUSTK VIMS Zcoioc. be tlyti.. lit SOe 2 fir Sic MiIIUSHCSWewo. In ll00 2lirIJI roxn KNIVIS Iroqeen. 2 b«<4ei...let 60e 2liruic PLASTIC SCOFFS etwutd um ... .let Me 2firilc

M O N E Y S A V E R S ! mi or oio FACIAL TISSUES|

woeoun lifts liuitt. Kmbo liri 2 hr I7e CJWOI WPS Ter Tot ckntrr d 7 2 tleiten lit ANAUBIC BALM Reiill Puftltst.. I ounce tube 2 fir Mc IU SUmi HUIirinf leblftt.. .PickJgi of 25 2 ler Mc UEN20 TOOTH IIIKIKS nylon brisllei. .3 itytti 2 ler 41c CM UVU OA Reull Pur,Int. hitfi polwcy. Pint 2 fir 1.41

I !«**( le To. li|M rtwned le I-.I QBWW.n.

6 5 9 BEEF, WIRE t [ M X i r o n t o n i c

gg^>PU«tTtST . M I N E R A L OT.

f ' iw 2fsrt$e


M ' s HO. i j M - m t s r - H — BBM AMMONIAIID TOOTH P A S f l 1 IQc a « • . MraM h m U M « . » l > 1 3

^ ^ Q U I K - B A N D S OO. Choice of rtfuUr or eUslie ilytev m. LL

JANI WINUOW WHIPPfD C R E A M S Q Q C ChocoUtf coMnd; 6 fleroa 2-i. ka UUu

$1.00 VAIUI1 COLOGNE DUET OQe Apple Btaiom . Gardenia Mk br Oj

I A G O' POPS 9 1 1 . tartrd tlivon; ctflo bjp of 30. m. Clr

"$4$0" OATMIAl C O M P L E X I O N S O A P ^ JouKfcakn IwHI t U

"Cfdlally V#»r»" WRITING PAPER CQC Fnhionfd thetUandmtloptt. kn U U

Chip-B»il»lonl Idgti GLASS TUMBLERS QCC In popular ihapev Reg. 10c each. Ihf «JJ

CHRISTiANSEN'S Drug Store The IfasS store

U d g t r Want Ads Brwg Results — Try C M

c/ffa"' 0 driv/ftyt & joy/

— e n d Mra. George Wellfare of HaaUnga viaited their parents. Mr. and Mra. Peter Tllklna Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Nela Laraen and fam-ily were Sunday callera.

Mlaa Olive Merriman and ntphew Harley Merriman and aon Bobbie ot Deckervllle spent Tuesday and Wedneeday nights with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby and visited other relatives In the vicinity. Mrs. Mer-riman and mother were attending the Eeatern Star meetings In Gd. Raplda.

We were sorry to hear Grace Hale of Detroit, formerly of Alaska was injured in an auto accident re-cently, but is recovering nicely.

Mr. and Mra. Lloyd HouRhton of Ionia were Sunday evening supper guesta of Mr. and Mra. Ernest Roe-enfcerg.

Mr. end Mrs. Eerl Colby were Sunday dinner gueata o! Mr. and

i. O u l Freyermuth of Lowell. Mra.


i . 'n ' i Choriti I. Cofcy Office: 3231 Clarksville

Eari V. Colby — Alto Office: 2421 Res.: 3151




It's so easy! Just set the lever to "Drive," press the accelerator, and you're off— swiftly, smoothly, without effort.

Forget the clutch pedal—there isn't j y . Forget shifting - Powerglide does away with it. You just "sail away" at a touch of your toe!

Only Chevrolet offers Powerglide-teamed with a big, special 105-h.p. engine.

Your "discovery drive" is waiting for you. Come try i t . . . soon!

_ _ _ _ _ Automotlc Transmission* • Extro-Powerful

105-h.p. Vqlve-ln-Heod Engine e EconoMlser Rear Axle


•Combination of Powerglide Aulomaiic Transmitsion and lOi-hj^ Valve-in-Head Engine optional on De Luxe models at extra coif.

Mo FALL CHEVROLET 508 W. Main St. Lowell, Michigan Phone 298

Page 5: IHllliflll - KDLlowellledger.kdl.org/The Lowell Ledger/1951/10_October/10...completed and final committees ap-pointed. A report was made by the Rum-mage Sale chairman and another by

- ... •ftftfitiJeMAnHtfaiH -i v ••• >. .

A f f r ft"!!

1 Jl i > t ; v l

• • ••




^ •

j ^

1 1 ^

ji if U . i mm f f t P ? A < VJ V


and we'll work well

• for you"

The South Boston Farm Bureau will meet Friday. Oet l l ai tha home of Hlllla Sttiart. "TCpfe for aiscuHion: "Re-apportlonlnar the M rRe-apportlonlng State Legiilaturel

It fakes good Teed fo bring high

producfion and fop markef prices —

fhe •Wfo^t ta f make the profifs for

livesfock farmers. Science is confin-

ually finding ouf more about livestock

nutrition. Formula feeds are constantly

being improved to speed up growth,

increase production and better the

health ^f your flocks and herds. When

feeding trials prove that new found

elements will make feed more product-

ive and profitable, these ingredients

are incorporated in the mixing of the

feeds we offer you. If you will furnish

good stock and provide fhe right kind

of care, we can furnish fhe feed that

will enable you to make money from

your flocks and herds.

King Quality Feeds


"Better Feed

"Better Results"

King Mil l i ig Compuy LOWELL — MICHIGAN

The W.8.C.3. of tbe Metkodlet church will me«t Friday at 2:80 p. m. in the Womens Lounge of the church.

The Child Study Club will meet Thureday, Oct 18 at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. V. L. Clement, 830 W. Main St. Mra. Harold Naah will be^the co-hoatess.

The annual Church Supper of the Congregational Church will be held Tuesday, Oct. 28 in the church din-ing room. Tickets for adults will be 11.50; children under twelve, 7Bc. Supper served country style from 5:80 on. Everyone welcome. c25

The Daisy Garden Club will meet on Thursday, Oct. 25, with Mrs. Le-ona Hale

The V. F. W. all games party wiU be held every Monday night at 8 o'clock at the V. F. W. Hall.

V. F. W. regular meetings are held the first and third Wednes-days of every month.

Vesta Chapter O. E. S., Ada, will hold their installation of .officers Monday, Oct. 22.

Peter Hsleh, a Chinese ftudent of Western Theological Seminary of Holland, Mich., will speak at Snow Church Sunday morning, Oct. 21 at ten o'clock. Mr. Hsieh is known in 4-H circles and ft is hoped that a large number of young people as well as adults, will come to hear him.

The Extension class will meet in the home of Mrs. H. A. Peckham Thur«day, Oct. 26, at eleven o'clock. PotlucK luncheon.

The South LoweH Extension Club will meet with Mrs. Ucyd Yelter Oct. 28rd al 1:80 o'clock. Lesson will ba cn Furniture Aro^Upft^nt

Rep. Mr. Vernon Prelton.


Bob Buffham, formerly a saxo-phonist in a dance band, will tell at the work of the Christian Home League Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, in Lowell Baptist Church. He will bring with him a beautiful picture of a family circle.

The Chrletian Service Brigade, a boy's club, met at the church Sat-urday night and the boys enjoyed games and saw pictures shown on Mr. Roller's opaque projector. The Girls' Club met at 3:30 Saturday afternoon.

Put Pep In the pocketbook by putting profitable want ads on the job.


Mrs. Mahlon Estes of R. R. 2, Lowell, after winning the Kent County Farm Bureau speaking con-test, haa also won the district con-test held recently at Allegan.

Mrs. Estes will now compete In the state contest which will be held Nov. 7 at Lansing. Our best wishes go with her.

CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and

neighbors for the beautiful cards, flowers and gifts sent to me at the hospital and since my return home.

Mrs. Paul Rlckert. c26


Monroe's Food Market PHONE 14 LOWELL m E. MAIN

Stewing Chickens

1 ,39c J u l

BACON Ends and Pieces

lb. 21c


Come In and See Our


Ending Saturday Night

October 20

Lowell Seventh Grade The Junior American Citizenship

blub had a meeting Oct. 12 in hon-or of Columbus Day. After the business meeting the president turned the meeting over to the pro-gram committee chairman, Sally Winks, who Introduced the an-nouncer, Virginia Lewla,

First on the program, Collins, read a poem "Christopher Columbus." Baird sang "United Nations on the March." Then Sally Winks read the story "Columbus and His Son, Diego." Then a poem entitled ' Columbus Day" waa read by Ger-ald Jacabl. The final number waa harmonica music by Bill Bewell.

The next meeting will be held Oct. 81, Halloween. i

Reporter Barbara Court.

Bernard entitled Shirley


We I'Ish to thank our neighbors and friends for their sympathy and kindness shown us in our recent bereavement, and to Rev. Woon for his comforting words.

Mrs. Dorothy Johnson and family

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Townsend and family.


A FAIR EXCHANOI1 Try a want ftd.


* DO YOU NEED IT? • Fence, 20 Rod, 1047-6-11 $25.95 roll

Fenc Posts, 6V2 ft. 82c ea.

Wire, .lo. 9 Gdvoniied $8.95 roll

Metal Roofing $13.45 sq.

Chonnoidroln Metd Roofing $13.95 sq.

Slo Fencing $9.75 roll

Rol Roofing J L . . . .$2.31 roll

Fumoce Tberomstots $25.95 ea.

White Asbestos Shingles $12.45 sq. rotion Rockwool -$1.25 bag

u i w l l Liwinr & C«tlC«r Phone IS BRUCE WALTER Lowell, Mich.

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Horn* Mad* ChBi

Soups — Baked Beans

Hit lest of Sandwiches

Garden Lore Club The Garden Lore Club met Tues-

day afternoon of this week hi the home of Mrs. Wm. Wachterhauser with 34 members and friends pres-ent.

Election of officers was the bus-iness of the day, and the slate of-fered by Mrs. John Taylor, chair-man of the nominating committee was accepted with the following re-sults; President, Mrs. O. Sterken; 1st vie/? president, Mrs. D. Warner; 2nd vice president. Mrs. M. Mycko-viak; secretary-treasurer, Mip. R. Sherwood. After the business meet-ing Mrs. A. L Duell pleased all by her offering of two songs VSan-shine of Tour Smile" and "3yiv4a." Mrs. Wachterhauser played "f" companiment

Mrs. J . E. Bannan gave an Inter-esting description of her trip to Los Angeles this summer, her talk ac-companied by pictures and maps of scenes and places, giving each one an idea of the enjoyment of the trip.

Tea and dainty refreshments were served from a table decorated with mums in rust and gold. Mra. Frank Battlstella poured. .

The next meeting will be held Dec. 4th in the home of Mrs. Phil-Hp Glotfelty.

Kent Co. Farm Bureau Mrs. Alvin Wells of Lowell was

elected Chairman of the Women's Committee of the Kent County Farm Bureau at the October meet-ing of the Committee held last week In Grand Rapids. Othet of-ficers elected were: 1st vice-chair-man, Mrs. Leon Alberts; 2nd vice-chairman, Mrs. Don Yelter; and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Bert Pur-chase.

Delegates to the State Annual MeeUng to be held In East Lan-sing November 7th were named as follows: Mrs. Alvin Wells, Mrs. Chas. Timpson, Mrs. Marvin Huver Mrs. Harold Aldrich, Mrs. Bert Purchase, Mrs. Oliver Kraft, Mrs. J. E, Brown, Mrs. Harm Voren-kamp and Mrs. George Herman. Alternates are Mrs. Albert Bolt, Mrs. Wilbur Burr as. Mrs. Inr ln Merriman and Mra. M. F. Mycko-vlak.

The Women's Committee meets the'first Friday o4each month in the Red Room of the T. M C. A. in Grand Rapids.

Mrs. Chas. Timpson

Vital news Is found on the Led-ger Want Ad page.

a shirt wilh a soft collar thot


Van Heusen

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McMahon & Reynolds • PALACE CLEANERS

1 Main St Phone 406 Lowell, Mloh.


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KIEL'S PLOWIR ft GIFT SHOP Phone 228F-2 817 E. Mein St

Lowel Womons Clob To Attend Federation

At Sparta October 25 The Kent County Federation of

Women's Clubs will hold Its Fall Meeting In Sparta on Oct. 25 at the Methodist Church.

The day's program begins at 10:00 a. m. with coffee and regla-traUon preceding at 9 : ^ a. m.

Highlights of the morning will be an explanatory talk on "Girls Town" by Mrs. G. Nordhouse of Grand Haven. Tho West Central District President, Mrs. Manning Bross of St. Johns win be a guest and give district news. The lunch-eon will feature Glimpses of Ha-waii by Mrs. Charles Mlllej of Gd. Rapids.

In the afternoon the cl'ib women will hear Prof. C. Irwin of Mlch-Igap State College on "The Near Look and the Far Vision."

President of the Lowell Woman's Club, Mrs. Don Dlckerson, Mra George Johnson and several club members are expecting to attend.

Local Happenings

Mr. and Mrs. f. O. Altenburger, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Roth and Mrs. Charles Reynolds visited Mr. Rey-nolds in Alma Sunday and had.ipJn-ner In Frankenmuth.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clack are spending a few days In Washing-ton, D, C.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ford and Ida Jean, Mra. Minnie Zylstra were Sunday dinner guesta of Mrs. Ida Staal. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Iva Linton and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Staal and children.

Mrs. Helen Eyke left on Wednes-day for Florida to spend the winter with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bartlrtt at Lake Come.

Mra. Clarice Leonard and Mra. Helen Eyke were dinner guests Saturday evening of Mias Helene Rawllngs in Greenville.

Ben and Frank Soger of Trenton, Ont, Mrs. Al Gruno of Detroit, end Mrs. Lawrence Green and Mrs. Howard Green of Belding were last week end guests of Mrs. B. C. Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Kropf enter-tained a number of friends Sathr-day evening. Cards were played and refreshments served.

Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Rlckner en-joyed a trip through northern Michigan Saturday and Sunday.

Elmer Schaefer was a guest of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Frater-nity at the Univeraity of Michigan last Saturday at the football game and at a Father and Son banquet held that evening on the annual Father's Day. Mra. Schaefer also attended the game. Their son, Hadley, Is a member of the fra-terhity.

Week end guests of Mrs. Laura Dawson wero Paul Dawson and-family of Garden City; Sunday Quests were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Her-ald and children of Carson City.

Mrs. Merle Dawson, Mrs. Laura Dawson and Mra. Sylvester Bibbler spent Monday in East Lansing, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bergy nnd son Don and Mr. and Mra. Lee Pitsch were gueata of Larry pitsch at Uonr Pine Inn Tuesday evening In honor of Don's birthday.

Eighth Grade The eighth grade is selling maga-

is to go for the collaapable bleach-zlncc again this year. The money era the school has ordered.

Tbe eighth grade had a party last Wedneeday night. Games and dancing were enjoyed by everyone. Refreshmenta of cookies and cider were served.—Secretary, Kay Wood.

| 4 MEMORIAM In loving memory of our husband

and father, V/arner Spencei, who passed away October 22, 1960.

Mrs. Warner Spencer Children and Grandchildren

Are YOU Worrying Yourself Siekf Doctors are finding that head-

aches, udcers, heart troubles, skin ailments, diabetes and other mal-adies often are emotionally caused Illnesses. Learn how psychiatrists are curing such victims of worry. Read "Charting Loves and Hates That Really Make Tou Sick," In this Sunday's (October 21) issue of The American Weekly, exclusively with Detroit Sunday Times.

CARD OF THANKS I wish to give my sincere thanks

to all my neighbors, friends and relatives for the cards, flowers and all other kindneues shown me dur-ing my accident. p25 -v Rert Ford.

Play for P. T. A, Miss Nell Curry, who won thai

recent Univeraity of Michigan Hop wood award for her essay oa Constance Rourke, will collaborate with the Village Playere In the production of "Scattered Showers", a lively one-act play to be present-ed at the P. T A. on Wednesday evening, Oct. 24.

'Scattered Showers" by Nora Stirling, deals with three mothera and their little pre-school boys. Although the play Is highly enter-taining, it also penetrates deeply •nto the psychological methods of handling the problems presented by pre-school children.

The play la rsleased by the American Theatre Wing Commun ity Plays, and has been used ex-tensively throughout the country for P. T. A. presentation. For In-stance, the Hedgerow Repertory Theatre group, to which such not-ed actresses aa Helen Hayes and Ann Harding belong, has played Scattered Showers" to P .TA ' s all

over the state of Pennaylvahia. In this play, ths Lowell Village

Players will be trying an experi-ment in Inter-group relatlona—one group fuiystionlng through another for the benefit of the communlly.

The three mothers are played by Donna Jean Ford, Sarah Erhler and Blanche Mullen, and the parts of the little boys should afford a complete surprise to everyone.

The discussion Which follows the play will be directed by Miss Curry, who 'seems to be the Ideal person to handle such a discussion, having done graduate research work on Intor-Group Education w i t h Dr. Hilda Faba of' tbe Unlveraitv of Chicago.

Miss Curry has much In common with everyone participating with the P. T. A.. She is a 6th grade teacher In the Congress School in Grand Rapids, is deeply Interested In the lively functioning of the Arts In the community and Is Chairman of the Arts program of the American Association of Univeraity Women. For years Miss Curry has been active in a play-reading group In Grand Rapids which waa sponsored by the late Myrtle Coon Cherry-man.

Possibly the high-point of Miss Curry's drama experience was the attending of tho Edinburgh festival in Scotland last summer, where she enjoyed one premiere aa the guest of the distinguished actor, Roger Livsey. A

We urge everyone who Is Inter-ested In children to attend the forthcoming P. T. A. It should furnish a stimulating and enter-taining evening for everyone.

The average man haa five senses: touch taste, sight/amslt aifd hear-ing. The suq^essful man has two additional senses, horie and com-mon.

What would you

quick inventory of the furnish-ings and other possceaionfl in jour home will tell you how far your fire insurance lags behind the cost ef new purchases. Ask us for one of North America's handy Inventory Books. It's free, and carries no obligation. While re-minded, phone iu today.



835 W. Main — Lowell PfeoM 404P2

The Rollins Agency

Her* Is news'fbAHoie wh-i draw their water supply from springs or wells. These sourc«r -may -easily become contaminated, we know; and to guard against the unknown, a simple device can be fitted to t i e i water system. It is an ultraviolet, tube, surrounded by baffles tha t ! cause the water to be exposed to the aseptic rays aa it flows by. The tubes—four In number—are con-stantly aglow.



DOWN YONDER Harold Carmsck


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BLUE FEDORA Guy Lombardo


HOW HIGH THE MOON LJs PstU sad Mary Foei ' f f

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T h e Store Where Yeu Feel At Homf"

R. O. CHROUCH Loweil, Michigan

208 E. Main I t Phone 206

T H I nmi

(nner Party Honors and Groom<To4e

, and Mrs. N. Klopstarman en-tertafAeff with a chicken dinner Sunday in honor of Mra. Ethel TtMar and Mr. Adrian VandenHout whose marriage will take place In the neaa future;',; ,

They were pleasantly surprised If the afterpoon when about fifty relatives came to greet them and wish them good luek.

Refreshments of cake, ice cream, coffee, candy and nuts were served. As tokens of devotion, they were presented with a waffle iron, and two pieces of luggage.

f j A j

Hudsonvllle Ag. .class af our last meeting. The purpose tfio to show* the boys how to oonducta meeting beoaxMe Hudsonvllle plana to form a chapter of their own. f At the meeting we made arrange-ment to go to the football game between Michigan State and Mar-quette.

After the meeting we showed slides of our trip up north and had refreshments.-Reporter Doug. Antonldes.

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