ignition five 15.10.12


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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Page 3: Ignition five 15.10.12

We’ve showed projection mapping from Contrex before, but here, they are taking it to the next level, this time using real strippers.

Females are invited to get involved and move the abs spectacular experience up a notch by jumping on the steppers themselves, and seeing what happens.

It’s all about making exercise more fun and choosing Contrex as your slimming partner! I expect we’ll see more stunts from these guys in the future.


Page 4: Ignition five 15.10.12

A simple idea - Launch a QR code which is seen as one of the most innovative technologies of the 21st century, that are made out of the famous Portuguese cobblestones, one of the most ancient Portuguese traditions.

From the fusion between technology and historical traditions a new and innovative way was born to promote Portugal abroad and to provide relevant cultural content for tourists visiting Chiado in Lisbon.

QR CodePortuguese Tourist Board

Page 5: Ignition five 15.10.12


We haven’t seen many examples of brands using tablet devices as part of their advertising campaigns, but here’s a nice one from Lexus, who have combined the power of a print ad with an ipad ad.

The ad appears in a print magazine, and prompts the reader to use their ipad to bring the ad to its full effect.

The ad only properly comes to life when you put the ipad behind the printed page that’s displaying the ipad edition.

Very cool results!

Page 6: Ignition five 15.10.12

“Filming the sun, using the sun.”

To demonstrate Panasonic Solar Energy Solutions the company used a once in many lifetimes opportunity.

The annual solar eclipse crossed the Japanese archipelago for the first time in hundreds of years. This remarkable event was broadcast live, using only the solar energy, from the closet place to the sun, the summit of Mt. Fuji, the symbol of Japan.

All of the power used for the live broadcast was generated from Panasonic's solar energy system.

Solar Energy SolutionsPanasonic

Page 7: Ignition five 15.10.12

Election ProtectionJetBlue

A very clever marketing stunt from JetBlue.

A common threat during election season would be for someone to say that they’re leaving the country if their candidate doesn’t win. Now, JetBlue is offering voters a chance to fulfill the typically empty threat with their Election Protection 2012 program.

Voters can declare their support for a candidate on the website and if their candidate loses, they will be entered into a contest to win one of 1,006 round-trip tickets–that’s 2012 seats–to one of the airline’s 21 international destinations.

The website has a heat map of the country that keeps track of people’s candidate choices and a map of the top destinations potentially disappointed voters want to go to, including the Bahamas, Costa Rica and Turks & Caicos. The company emphasizes that they “encourage everyone to do their part on November 6″ and vote.