iglesia ni cristos denial of the deity of christ

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  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ




    Pastor Larry Dela Cruz


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ





    !G""# $%$&'& I *+ * ,"-& **'& C-'/0'*&. W 0$ I2$/'* N'C-'/0" ,$2'$%$ 0*0 0$ L"-# J$/3/ '/ * +*& * &"0 G"#. I/ 0'/0$*'& 5-'00$& '& 0$ B',2$67


    I0 '/ &"0 "&2 "3- /0*0$+$&0 "- "8'&'"&. T$ L"-# J$/3/ C-'/0 H'+/$28-"2*'+$# 0*0 H$ '/ * +*&:

    J"& :4; NKJ

    cle"rl sho( th"t He is indeed di))erent )ro! *od+ These "re so!e o) those st"te!ents:

    Let us go to the te$t "nd see the conte$t+

    Jn .:/0 12ut "s it is, ou "re see#ing to #ill &e, " !"n (ho h"s told ou the truth, (hich Ihe"rd )ro! *od3 this A'r"h"! did not do+

    /4 1You "re doing the deeds o) our )"ther+1 The s"id to Hi!, 15e (ere not 'orn o)

    )ornic"tion3 (e h"ve one F"ther: *od+1/6 Jesus s"id to the!, 1I) *od (ere our F"ther, ou (ould love &e, )or I %roceeded )orth

    "nd h"ve co!e )ro! *od, )or I h"ve not even co!e on & o(n initi"tive, 'ut He sent &e+

    It is true th"t Jesus ("s s%e"#ing there "s " !"n )or He too# the )or! o) " !"n+ 7otice thene$t verse, Jesus s"id He %roceeded "nd c"!e )ro! the F"ther+ He c"!e do(n )ro!

    He"ven (here *od ("s+

    Jesus ("s not hu!"n 'e)ore He c"!e do(n )ro! He"ven+Jn 8:84 1He (ho co!es )ro! "'ove is "'ove "ll, he (ho is o) the e"rth is )ro! the e"rth

    "nd s%e"#s o) the e"rth+ He (ho co!es )ro! he"ven is "'ove "ll+


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    Jn 9: 8. 1For I h"ve co!e do(n )ro! he"ven, not to do & o(n (ill, 'ut the (ill o) Hi! (hosent &e+

    96 15h"t then i) ou see the Son o) &"n "scending to (here He ("s 'e)ore9/ 12ut there "re so!e o) ou (ho do not 'elieve+1

    5hen He ("s t"l#ing to the Je(s He ("s s%e"#ing "s !"n+ He too# the hu!"n )or! 'ut

    (hen He ("s (ith *od the F"ther (ho! He s%o#e (ith Jesus ("s in the )or! o) *od+ He is"'ove "ll+

    Jesus con)ir!ed His %re;e$istence+

    'ut e!%tied Hi!sel), t"#ing the )or! o) " 'ond;serv"nt, "nd 'eing !"de in the li#eness o)

    !en+. 2eing )ound in "%%e"r"nce "s " !"n, He hu!'led Hi!sel) ' 'eco!ing o'edient to the

    %oint o) de"th, even de"th on " cross+

    J"& 1>1 * ? NKJ

    Jn 4>:4 Jesus s%o#e these things3 "nd li)ting u% His ees to he"ven, He s"id, 1F"ther, thehour h"s co!e3 glori) Your Son, th"t the Son !" glori) You,

    6 even "s You g"ve Hi! "uthorit over "ll )lesh, th"t to "ll (ho! You h"ve given Hi!, He!" give etern"l li)e+

    8 1This is etern"l li)e, th"t the !" #no( You, the onl true *od, "nd Jesus Christ (ho!You h"ve sent+


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    / 1I glori)ied You on the e"rth, h"ving "cco!%lished the (or# (hich You h"ve given &e todo+

    < 17o(, F"ther, glori) &e together (ith Yoursel), (ith the glor (hich I h"d (ith You 'e)orethe (orld ("s+

    According to Jesus (h"t is etern"l li)e

    Th"t the !" #no( You, the onl true *od, "nd Jesus Christ (ho! You h"ve sent+-

    To h"ve etern"l li)e (e !ust #no( the F"ther "nd Jesus Christ (ho! He sent+

    4+ The F"ther is the onl true *od; (e 'elieve th"t+

    6+ Jesus Christ is the Son o) *od (ho ("s (ith the F"ther "nd c"!e do(n )ro! He"ven,(ho ("s in the )or! o) *od "nd too# the )or! o) !"n, He is the e$"ct re%resent"tion o) the

    F"ther, He is the i!"ge o) the invisi'le *od, He is "'ove "ll, through Jesus "ll things (ere!"de+

    8+ The F"ther is the true *od so is the Son+The Christ is true *od "nd etern"l li)e+


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    He c"lled u%on *od "s Eloi re)erring to the F"ther+

    Jesus c"lled the F"ther "s *od:4+ He ("s in the )or! o) " !"n so He (orshi%ed the F"ther+ He c"!e to )ul)ill the L"(+ He

    "'ided ' the L"( to (orshi% *od+6+ It is custo!"r th"t the F"ther "nd the Son c"ll the!selves *od-+

    He' 4: < For to (hich o) the "ngels did He ever s", 1You "re & Son, Tod" I h"ve

    'egotten You1 And "g"in, 1I (ill 'e " F"ther to Hi! And He sh"ll 'e " Son to &e1

    9 And (hen He "g"in 'rings the )irst'orn into the (orld, He s"s, 1And let "ll the "ngels o)*od (orshi% Hi!+1

    > And o) the "ngels He s"s, 15ho !"#es His "ngels (inds, And His !inisters " )l"!e o))ire+1

    . 2ut o) the Son He s"s, 1Your throne, O *od, is )orever "nd ever, And the righteoussce%ter is the sce%ter o) His #ingdo!+

    1You h"ve loved righteousness "nd h"ted l"(lessness3 There)ore *od, Your *od, h"s"nointed You 5ith the oil o) gl"dness "'ove Your co!%"nions+1

    40 And, 1You, Lord, in the 'eginning l"id the )ound"tion o) the e"rth, And the he"vens "re

    the (or#s o) Your h"nds344 The (ill %erish, 'ut You re!"in3 And the "ll (ill 'eco!e old li#e " g"r!ent,46 And li#e " !"ntle You (ill roll the! u%3 Li#e " g"r!ent the (ill "lso 'e ch"nged+ 2ut

    You "re the s"!e, And Your e"rs (ill not co!e to "n end+148 2ut to (hich o) the "ngels h"s He ever s"id, 1Sit "t & right h"nd, ntil I !"#e Your

    ene!ies A )ootstool )or Your )eet1

    J"& :4 NKJ

    He c"!e do(n )ro! He"ven to e"rth (here He ("s 'e)ore+

    Jn 8:48 7o one h"s ever gone into he"ven e$ce%t the one (ho c"!e )ro! he"venGthe Son

    o) &"n+

    Jn 9:8. For I h"ve co!e do(n )ro! he"ven not to do ! (ill 'ut to do the (ill o) hi! (ho

    sent !e+

    Jn 9:/6 The s"id, Is this not Jesus, the son o) Jose%h, (hose )"ther "nd !other (e #no(Ho( c"n he no( s", I c"!e do(n )ro! he"ven-

    Jn .:68 2ut he continued, You "re )ro! 'elo(3 I "! )ro! "'ove+ You "re o) this (orld3 I

    "! not o) this (orld+

    Jn 4/:6. You he"rd !e s", I "! going "(" "nd I "! co!ing '"c# to ou+ I) ou loved!e, ou (ould 'e gl"d th"t I "! going to the F"ther, )or the F"ther is gre"ter th"n I+

    Jn 49:40 in reg"rd to righteousness, 'ec"use I "! going to the F"ther, (here ou c"n see

    !e no longer3

    Jn 49:6. I c"!e )ro! the F"ther "nd entered the (orld3 no( I "! le"ving the (orld "ndgoing '"c# to the F"ther+-

    The st"te!ent o) the Lord Jesus Christ s"ing th"t He is " &"n- is "lso " %roo) th"t He is

    not *od+ 5hen He s"id th"t He is " !"n- it is "lso li#e s"ing th"t He is not *od 'ec"use*od e$%licitl s"id th"t He is not !"n:

    5hen Jesus is s"ing He is " !"n He never !e"nt th"t He is not *od+ It does not )ollo(+ He

    indeed too# the hu!"n )or! so it is correct th"t He s%e"# "s " !"n+ He is the Son o) *od"s He is the Son o) &"n+

    H"/$* 119 NKJ


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    0"3 *-0 +*& * &"0 G"# A 0"3 '%$/0 "30 0 $*-0 */ 0$$*-0 " G"#.7

    It is cle"rl (ritten in the 2i'le th"t *od is not !"n "nd !"n is not *od+ And 'ec"use theLord Jesus Christ e$%licitl s"id th"t He is " &"n,- thus, He is not *od+

    Yes *od is not !"n "nd !"n is not *od+

    2ut *od c"n t"#e the )or! o) " !"n+ He c"n do this (ithout viol"ting His divine "ttri'utes+2ut to te"ch th"t *od co!!"nded us to (orshi% " !"n- "nd !"#ing hi! lord "nd s"vior

    (ithout 'eing li#e His n"ture (ill viol"te His (ords not to (orshi% other gods (orst (orshi%" !"n or 'o( to hi!, "nd not to h"ve other lord or s"vior+ Jesus Christ ("s "lso (orshi%ed,

    ("s "lso c"lled the Lord "nd S"vior 'ec"use He is not %urel " !"n 'ut o) the s"!e n"ture"s the F"ther 'eing the Son o) *od+

    In the Old Test"!ent *od too# the hu!"n )or!+

    *en 4.: 4 7o( the LORD "%%e"red to hi! ' the o"#s o) &"!re, (hile he ("s sitting "t the

    tent door in the he"t o) the d"+6 5hen he li)ted u% his ees "nd loo#ed, 'ehold, three !en (ere st"nding o%%osite hi!3

    "nd (hen he s"( the!, he r"n )ro! the tent door to !eet the! "nd 'o(ed hi!sel) to thee"rth,

    8 "nd s"id, 1& Lord, i) no( I h"ve )ound )"vor in Your sight, %le"se do not %"ss Yourserv"nt '+

    / 1?le"se let " little ("ter 'e 'rought "nd ("sh our )eet, "nd rest ourselves under thetree3

    < "nd I (ill 'ring " %iece o) 're"d, th"t ou !" re)resh ourselves3 ")ter th"t ou !" goon, since ou h"ve visited our serv"nt+1 And the s"id, 1So do, "s ou h"ve s"id+1

    9 So A'r"h"! hurried into the tent to S"r"h, "nd s"id, 1uic#l, %re%"re three !e"sures o))ine )lour, #ne"d it "nd !"#e 're"d c"#es+1

    48 And the LORD s"id to A'r"h"!, 15h did S"r"h l"ugh, s"ing, Sh"ll I indeed 'e"r "child, (hen I "! so old

    4/ 1Is "nthing too di))icult )or the LORD At the "%%ointed ti!e I (ill return to ou, "t this

    ti!e ne$t e"r, "nd S"r"h (ill h"ve " son+14< S"r"h denied it ho(ever, s"ing, 1I did not l"ugh13 )or she ("s ")r"id+ And He s"id, 17o,

    'ut ou did l"ugh+149 Then the !en rose u% )ro! there, "nd loo#ed do(n to("rd Sodo!3 "nd A'r"h"! ("s

    ("l#ing (ith the! to send the! o))+4> The LORD s"id, 1Sh"ll I hide )ro! A'r"h"! (h"t I "! "'out to do,

    The Son o) *od ("s given " 'od+

    He' 40: < There)ore, (hen He co!es into the (orld, He s"s, 1S"cri)ice "nd o))ering Youh"ve not desired, 2ut " 'od You h"ve %re%"red )or &e3

    ?hil 6: 9 (ho, "lthough He e$isted in the )or! o) *od, did not reg"rd e@u"lit (ith *od "

    thing to 'e gr"s%ed,> 'ut e!%tied Hi!sel), t"#ing the )or! o) " 'ond;serv"nt, "nd 'eing !"de in the li#eness o)



  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    . 2eing )ound in "%%e"r"nce "s " !"n, He hu!'led Hi!sel) ' 'eco!ing o'edient to the%oint o) de"th, even de"th on " cross+

    Jn 4:4 In the 'eginning ("s the 5ord, "nd the 5ord ("s (ith *od, "nd the 5ord ("s *od+

    6 He ("s in the 'eginning (ith *od+4/ And the 5ord 'ec"!e )lesh, "nd d(elt "!ong us, "nd (e s"( His glor, glor "s o) the

    onl 'egotten )ro! the F"ther, )ull o) gr"ce "nd truth+

    *od is not !"n 'ec"use *od is s%irit in st"te o) 'eing John /:6/, "nd " s%irit does not

    h"ve )lesh "nd 'ones:

    Ag"in (e h"ve discussed "'ove herein th"t Jesus too# the hu!"n )or!+ 2e)ore He too# thehu!"n )or! the Christ e$ists "s " S%irit+ He ("s (ith Isr"el "nd the %ro%hets+

    In the Old Test"!ent

    4?et 4:44 see#ing to #no( (h"t %erson or ti!e the S%irit o) Christ (ithin the! ("sindic"ting "s He %redicted the su))erings o) Christ "nd the glories to )ollo(+

    4Cor 40:4 For I do not ("nt ou to 'e un"("re, 'rethren, th"t our )"thers (ere "ll underthe cloud "nd "ll %"ssed through the se"36 "nd "ll (ere '"%tiKed into &oses in the cloud "nd in the se"3

    8 "nd "ll "te the s"!e s%iritu"l )ood3/ "nd "ll dr"n# the s"!e s%iritu"l drin#, )or the (ere drin#ing )ro! " s%iritu"l roc# (hich

    )ollo(ed the!3 "nd the roc# ("s Christ+< 7evertheless, (ith !ost o) the! *od ("s not (ell;%le"sed3 )or the (ere l"id lo( in the


    In the 7e( Test"!entRo! .: Ho(ever, ou "re not in the )lesh 'ut in the S%irit, i) indeed the S%irit o) *od

    d(ells in ou+ 2ut i) "none does not h"ve the S%irit o) Christ, he does not 'elong to Hi!+

    Lu#e 6/:8.;8 7JMAnd He s"id to the!, 5h "re ou trou'led And (h do dou'ts "rise in our he"rts

    2ehold & h"nds "nd & )eet, th"t it is I &sel)+ H"ndle &e "nd see, )or " s%irit does noth"ve )lesh "nd 'ones "s ou see I h"ve+-

    The conte$t here the disci%les )e"red the s"( " ghost+ The didnt 'elieve th"t Jesus h"srisen )ro! the de"d+ He "s#ed the! to touch Hi!+ He ("s not t"l#ing here i) He is *od or

    not+ In )"ct in those "%%e"r"nces Tho!"s 'elieved "nd con)essed, & Lord "nd ! *od-+Jesus "cce%ted Tho!"s )"ith "nd not re'u#ed hi! i) he is in error+

    L# 6/:89 5hile the (ere telling these things, He Hi!sel) stood in their !idst "nd Ns"id to

    the!, 1?e"ce 'e to ou+18> 2ut the (ere st"rtled "nd )rightened "nd thought th"t the (ere seeing " s%irit+

    8. And He s"id to the!, 15h "re ou trou'led, "nd (h do dou'ts "rise in our he"rts8 1See & h"nds "nd & )eet, th"t it is I &sel)3 touch &e "nd see, )or " s%irit does not

    h"ve )lesh "nd 'ones "s ou see th"t I h"ve+1/0 And (hen He h"d s"id this, He sho(ed the! His h"nds "nd His )eet+

    Jn 60:6/ 2ut Tho!"s, one o) the t(elve, c"lled Did!us, ("s not (ith the! (hen Jesus



  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    6< So the other disci%les (ere s"ing to hi!, 15e h"ve seen the LordB1 2ut he s"id to the!,1nless I see in His h"nds the i!%rint o) the n"ils, "nd %ut ! )inger into the %l"ce o) the

    n"ils, "nd %ut ! h"nd into His side, I (ill not 'elieve+169 A)ter eight d"s His disci%les (ere "g"in inside, "nd Tho!"s (ith the!+ Jesus Nc"!e,

    the doors h"ving 'een shut, "nd stood in their !idst "nd s"id, 1?e"ce 'e (ith ou+16> Then He Ns"id to Tho!"s, 1Re"ch here (ith our )inger, "nd see & h"nds3 "nd re"ch

    here our h"nd "nd %ut it into & side3 "nd do not 'e un'elieving, 'ut 'elieving+1

    6. Tho!"s "ns(ered "nd s"id to Hi!, 1& Lord "nd ! *odB1

    6 Jesus Ns"id to hi!, 12ec"use ou h"ve seen &e, h"ve ou 'elieved 2lessed "re the

    (ho did not see, "nd et 'elieved+1


    (1) C-'/0 H'+/$2 /*'# 0*0 H$ '/ * M*& (J"& :4;).He s%o#e to the Je(s "s " !"n'ec"use He too# the hu!"n )or!+ 2ut "t the end o) His !inistr (hen "s#ed i) He is the the

    Christ, Son o) *od "nd He s"id, Yes-, the "ccused Hi! o) 'l"s%he! "nd #illed Hi!+


    () T*0 C-'/0 +*#$ +*& /0*0$+$&0/ 0*0 /"5 0*0 H$ '/ '$$# #'$-$&0 -"+G"# ($.. J"& 1>1 * ? M*-= 1?4 * J"& :4).He is the true *od "ndetern"l li)e+ 4Jn

  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ



    Although )or us the Lord Jesus Christ is not *od, ho(ever, (e 'elieve th"t Jesus is the Son

    o) *od, the Lord, the S"vior "nd *ods gre"test !essenger+ For us, the true *od is the

    F"ther o) the Lord Jesus Christ 'ec"use this is (h"t He hi!sel) t"ught to us:

    J"& 1>1? NKJ

    According to Jesus (h"t is etern"l li)eJn 4>:8 Th"t the !" #no( You, the onl true *od, "nd Jesus Christ (ho! You h"ve


    To h"ve etern"l li)e (e !ust #no( the F"ther "nd Jesus Christ (ho! He sent+4+ The F"ther is the onl true *od; (e 'elieve th"t+

    6+ Jesus Christ is the Son o) *od (ho ("s (ith the F"ther "nd c"!e do(n )ro! He"ven,(ho ("s in the )or! o) *od "nd too# the )or! o) !"n, He is the e$"ct re%resent"tion o) the

    F"ther, He is the i!"ge o) the invisi'le *od, He is "'ove "ll, through Jesus "ll things (ere!"de+

    8+ The F"ther is the true *od so is the Son+The Christ is true *od "nd etern"l li)e+


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    ON JOHN 1;?;


    J$/3/ *#+'0/ #'%'&'0 5$& H$ /*'# '& J"& 1;?; !I * M F*0$-*-$ "&$.7


    !O&$7 N"0 I& N3+,$-

    7o(here in the verse th"t Jesus s"id I "nd & F"ther "re one I7 7&2ER+- Actu"ll, the

    inter%ret"tion th"t (hen Jesus s"id I "nd ! F"ther- !e"ns the "re one in nu!'er-contr"dicts the ver (ords o) the Lord Jesus in John .:49;4.:

    J"& :11: A+82''$#!Y$0 $%$& ' I #" 3#$ M 3#+$&0 '/ 0-3$ M #$'/'"& '/ -'0"- I *+ &"0 *2"&$ '& +*='& '0 ,30 0$-$ *-$ 05" " U/ I * 0$F*0$- W" /$&0 M$.!I& "3- "5& L*5 '0 '/ 5-'00$& 0*0 0$ 0$/0'+"& ($%'#$&$) "05" 8$-/"&/ '/ -$2'*,2$ * %*2'#. D$30 191.!I *+ O&$ " 0$ T5" ,$*-'& 0$/0'+"& "&$-&'& M/$2 *M F*0$- W" /$&0 M$ H$ *2/" 0$/0''$/ *,"30 M$.7

    Here, it is cle"r th"t Jesus "nd the F"ther "re not one in nu!'er+ Jesus e$%licitl s"id, )or

    I "! not "lone Pin !"#ing itQ, 'ut Pthere "re t(o o) usQ I "nd the F"ther-

    One- 7ot in St"te o) 2eing

    It is "lso (rong to s" th"t (hen the Lord Jesus s"id I "nd & F"ther "re one- the "re onein st"te o) 'eing+ The 2i'le cle"rl tells us th"t the F"ther is s%irit- c)+ John /:68;6/, h"s

    no )lesh "nd 'ones c)+Lu#e 6/:8, (hile the Lord Jesus h"s )lesh "nd 'ones:

    L3=$ 4?:?9 NKJ

    Jesus is the one re)erred to "s the &"n "t *ods right h"nd:

    C"2"//'*&/ ?1 NKJ

    J"& 1;>?; NKJ

    T"#e note th"t (hen the Lord Jesus s"id I "nd & )"ther "re one,- He is not t"#ing "'out

    His st"te o) 'eing or his true n"ture+ He is t"l#ing "'out ho( He "nd the F"ther (ill t"#ec"re o) His shee% th"t i) the (ill he"r His voice "nd )ollo( Hi! no one sh"ll sn"tch the!out o) His "nd His )"thers h"nd+

    Other Tr"nsl"tions o) John 40:80

    2"sed on the conte$t o) the John 40:6>;80, it is cle"r th"t the Lord Jesus is t"l#ing "'outho( He "nd His F"ther "re one in t"#ing c"re o) His shee%+ Further strengthening this

    %osition, !"n versions o) the 2i'le su%%ort our %osition th"t (hen Jesus s"id in John40:80, I "nd & F"ther "re one,- He is not re)erring to His divinit, 'ut r"ther on ho( He

    "nd his F"ther "re one in t"#ing c"re o) His shee%+

    The &ess"ge I "nd the F"ther "re one he"rt "nd !ind-:

    J"& 1;>?; T$ M$//*$!M /$$8 -$"&'$ + %"'$. I =&"5 0$+ * 0$ "22"5 +$. I'%$ 0$+ -$*2 * $0$-&*2 2'$. T$ *-$ 8-"0$0$# -"+ 0$D$/0-"$- "- ""#. N" "&$ *& /0$*2 0$+ -"+ "30 " + *. T$F*0$- 5" 830 0$+ 3$- + *-$ '/ /" +3 -$*0$- 0*& 0$


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    D$/0-"$- * T'$. N" "&$ "32# $%$- $0 0$+ *5* -"+ '+. I* 0$ F*0$- *-$ "&$ $*-0 * +'.7 (E+8*/'/ M'&$)

    Conte!%or"r English Mersion I "! one (ith the F"ther-:

    J"& 1;>?; CE

    J"& 1;>?; W3$/0!T$ /$$8 5' *-$ +'&$ *-$ '& 0$ *,'0 " 2'/0$&'& 0" + %"'$

    * I =&"5 0$+ , $8$-'$&$ * 0$ 0*=$ 0$ /*+$ -"*# 0*0 I0*=$ 5'0 +$ * I '%$ 0" 0$+ 2'$ $0$-&*2. A 0$ /*228"/'0'%$2 &"0 8$-'/ &$%$-. A &" "&$ 5'22 /&*0 0$+ , "-$"30 " + *. M F*0$- 5" *%$ 0$+ 0" +$ */ * 8$-+*&$&0 '0'/ -$*0$- 0*& *22. A &" "&$ '/ *,2$ 0" ,$ /&*0'& 0$+ , "-$"30 " 0$ * " + F*0$-. I * 0$ F*0$- *-$ "&$ '& $//$&$.7

    T$ G-$$= T$0 S388"-0/ "3- P"/'0'"&

    Our %osition th"t (hen the Lord Jesus s"id in John 40380, I "nd & F"ther "re one,- He is

    not re)erring to His divinit, 'ut to ho( He "nd His F"ther "re one in t"#ing c"re o) the Hisshee% is "lso su%%orted ' the *ree# te$t o) John 40:80+

    There "re three e@uiv"lents in *ree# o) the English (ord one- '"sed on gender:

    eis !"sculine

    !i" )e!enineen neuter

    The e$"!%le in the 7e( Test"!ent o) the used o) these three *ree# ter!s is in E%hesi"ns


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    T"#e note th"t the (ord used in the *ree# Te$t o) John 40:80 (hich is e@uiv"lent o) one-

    in English is en- the neuter "d=ective-+ Thus, in the *ree# Te$t o) John 40:80, thee@uiv"lent o) the English (ord one- the *ree# en- doesnt re)er to Jesus "nd the F"ther+

    I) the (ord one- re)ers to Jesus "nd the F"ther, the verse should used the !"sculine eis-inste"d o) en+-

    In the 'oo# The ?ill"r 7e( Test"!ent Co!!ent"r: The *os%el According to John, in %"ge8/, the "uthor D+A+ C"rson "greed th"t i) the !"sculine eis- is used this could re)er to

    Christ "nd the F"ther "nd could !e"nt th"t Christ "nd the F"ther "re one in st"te o) 'eing

    or n"ture+ Ho(ever, 'ec"use the neuter en- ("s used inste"d, it sho(s th"t Jesus "nd theF"ther "re one "ccord- or one in o'=ectives "nd "ctions+ This is the re"son (h in I

    Corinthi"ns 8:. the *ree# ter! en- is "lso used:

    I C"-'&0'*&/ ?: NKJ

    Jn 40: 6/ The Je(s then g"thered "round Hi!, "nd (ere s"ing to Hi!, 1Ho( long (ill You#ee% us in sus%ense I) You "re the Christ, tell us %l"inl+1

    6< Jesus "ns(ered the!, 1I told ou, "nd ou do not 'elieve3 the (or#s th"t I do in &F"thers n"!e, these testi) o) &e+

    69 12ut ou do not 'elieve 'ec"use ou "re not o) & shee%+6> 1& shee% he"r & voice, "nd I #no( the!, "nd the )ollo( &e3

    6. "nd I give etern"l li)e to the!, "nd the (ill never %erish3 "nd no one (ill sn"tch the!out o) & h"nd+

    6 1& F"ther, (ho h"s given the! to &e, is gre"ter th"n "ll3 "nd no one is "'le to sn"tchthe! out o) the F"thers h"nd+

    80 1I "nd the F"ther "re one+184 The Je(s %ic#ed u% stones "g"in to stone Hi!+

    86 Jesus "ns(ered the!, 1I sho(ed ou !"n good (or#s )ro! the F"ther3 )or (hich o)the! "re ou stoning &e1

    88 The Je(s "ns(ered Hi!, 1For " good (or# (e do not stone You, 'ut )or 'l"s%he!3 "nd'ec"use You, 'eing " !"n, !"#e Yoursel) out to 'e *od+1


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    5here the F"ther "nd Jesus "re O7E4+ One in 5or#

    6+ *iving etern"l li)e8+ ?rotecting 'elievers

    Jesus ("s doing "n "ct o) *od giving etern"l li)e+

    5hen Jesus s"id th"t He "nd the F"ther "re O7E "nd the *ree# (ord is henen- in neutr"lgender "nd not heis- !"sculine gender, Jesus !ent O7E I7 ESSE7CE (ith the F"ther+ I)

    He (ould use heis- th"t is nu!eric"l one th"t (ould !e"n He is the F"ther 'ut He is not

    the F"ther r"ther He h"s the s"!e essencen"ture (ith the F"ther+ The )"ct is He is doingthe (or# o) the F"ther giving etern"l li)e+ Onl *od c"n give etern"l li)e+

    5h"t ("s the re"ction o) the Je(s (hen Jesus s"id th"t He "nd the F"ther "re one

    4+ The %ic#ed u% stones to stone Hi!+6+ He "ccused Hi! o) 'l"s%he!+

    8+ The understood He is !"#ing Hi!sel) e@u"l (ith *od 'ec"use the 'elieve He is onl "!"n+

    One- here there)ore is "'out the Divinit o) Jesus "s the Christ+ The #ne( Jesus ("s 'orn"s " !"n; lived, sle%t, drun# "nd "te (ith the!+ To %rove this the @uestioned Hi! in verse6/ to tell the! %l"inl i) He is the Christ+ The High ?riest #ne( th"t the Christ is the Son o)

    *od; DIMI7E+ At the end o) Jesus !inistr this ("s evident in the 'elie) o) the Je( (ho isCHRIST is+

    &t 69: 98 2ut Jesus #e%t silent+ And the high %riest s"id to Hi!, 1I "d=ure You ' the living*od, th"t You tell us (hether You "re the Christ, the Son o) *od+1

    9/ Jesus Ns"id to hi!, 1You h"ve s"id it oursel)3 nevertheless I tell ou, here")ter ou (illsee the Son o) &"n sitting "t the right h"nd o) ?o(er, "nd co!ing on the clouds o) he"ven+1

    9< Then the high %riest tore his ro'es "nd s"id, 1He h"s 'l"s%he!edB 5h"t )urther need do

    (e h"ve o) (itnesses 2ehold, ou h"ve no( he"rd the 'l"s%he!399 (h"t do ou thin#1 The "ns(ered, 1He deserves de"thB1

    Jesus con)ir!ed this th"t the CHRIST is the Lord "nd not " !"n+

    &t 66: /4 7o( (hile the ?h"risees (ere g"thered together, Jesus "s#ed the! " @uestion:

    /6 15h"t do ou thin# "'out the Christ, (hose son is He1 The Ns"id to Hi!, 1The son o)D"vid+1

    /8 He Ns"id to the!, 1Then ho( does D"vid in the S%irit c"ll Hi! Lord, s"ing,// The Lord s"id to ! Lord, 1Sit "t & right h"nd, ntil I %ut Your ene!ies 'ene"th Your

    )eet1/< 1I) D"vid then c"lls Hi! Lord, ho( is He his son1

    /9 7o one ("s "'le to "ns(er Hi! " (ord, nor did "none d"re )ro! th"t d" on to "s# Hi!"nother @uestion+

    The CHRIST is the Lord o) glor+ 7o hu!"n c"n 'e the Lord o) glor+

    4Cor 6:. the (isdo! (hich none o) the rulers o) this "ge h"s understood3 )or i) the h"dunderstood it the (ould not h"ve cruci)ied the Lord o) glor3


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    There)ore (hen Jesus s"id th"t He "nd the F"ther "re O7E he !e"nt o) His essence "ndn"ture+ The Christ is not hu!"n+ He too# the )or! o) " !"n "nd this con)used the Je(s "nd

    so (ith the Iglesi" ni Cristo+ The Je(s onl s"( the hu!"n )or! o) Jesus 'ut (hen Jesuscon)ir!ed th"t He is the Christ the Son o) the Living *od (hich the F"ther h"s reve"led to

    ?eter "nd the A%ostles, the "ccused Hi! o) 'l"s%he! "nd #illed Hi!+ The *ree# used("s henen- in neuter gender re)erring to the essence or n"ture o) the *odhe"d+ I) Jesus isnot the Christ (ho is Divine ho( then c"n He give etern"l li)e "nd r"ise unto li)e the s"!e

    !"nner "s the F"ther Jesus is the etern"l li)e+

    Jn 4: / In Hi! ("s li)e, "nd the li)e ("s the Light o) !en+

    Jn 6: 4 Jesus "ns(ered the!, 1Destro this te!%le, "nd in three d"s I (ill r"ise it u%+1

    Jn to the onl (ise *od, through Jesus Christ, 'e the glor )orever+ A!en+



    D"$/ C"2"//'*&/ 11 0$* 0*0 0$ L"-# J$/3/ C-'/0 -$*0$# *220'&/6 T$ %$-/$ 2$*-2 /*'# !F"- , '+ *22 0'&/ 5$-$ -$*0$#*22 0'&/ 5$-$ -$*0$# , '+ * "- '+7 (C"2. 11 NI

  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    !F"- , '+ *22 0'&/ 5$-$ -$*0$# 0'&/ '& $*%$& * "& $*-0%'/',2$ * '&%'/',2$ 5$0$- 0-"&$/ "- 8"5$-/ "- -32$-/ "-*30"-'0'$/ *22 0'&/ 5$-$ -$*0$# , '+ * "- '+.7 (C"2. 11NI

  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    For in hi! (ere "ll things cre"ted, in the he"vens "nd u%on the e"rth, things visi'le "ndthings invisi'le, (hether thrones or do!inions or %rinci%"lities or %o(ers3 "ll things h"ve

    'een cre"ted through hi!, "nd unto hi!+- Colossi"ns 4:49 ASM

    For I7 hi! (ere "ll things cre"ted- is !uch "%%ro%ri"te rendition o) the )irst %"rt o)Colossi"ns 4:49 th"n For 2Y hi! "ll things (ere cre"ted+-

    5h"t does )or in hi! (ere "ll things cre"ted- !e"ns The l"st %"rt o) colossi"ns 4:49e$%l"ins this+ The l"st %"rt o) the verse s"id, "ll things h"ve 'een cre"ted through hi!, "ndunto hi!+- T"#e note o) the di))erence 'et(een 7IM "nd ASM+

    7IM "nd "lso JM rendered the l"st %"rt "s "ll things (ere cre"ted 2Y hi! "nd )or hi!+-5hile ASM rendered it "s "ll things h"ve 'een cre"ted THRO*H hi!, "nd unto hi!+-

    This %"rt o) Colossi"ns 4:49 is 1t" %"nt" di "utou1 in the *ree# Te$t+ According to the 'oo#

    Le"rn to Re"d *ree# 7e( Test"!ent, %+ 449, (hen the *ree# (ord di"- )ollo(ed ' "*ree# (ord in genitive c"se, "lthough it c"n 'e tr"nsl"ted "s ',- ho(ever, the (ord

    through- is !ore "%%ro%ri"te "nd this !e"ns inter!edi"r+-

    The *ree# di "utou,- the *ree# (ord "utou- is in genitive c"se, "nd di is " contr"ction o)

    the *ree# (ord di"+- Thus, the ASMs "ll things h"ve 'een cre"ted THRO*H hi!, "ndunto hi!- is !ore "%%ro%ri"te rendition th"n 7IMs "ll things (ere cre"ted 2Y hi! "nd )orhi!- o) the *ree#s 1t" %"nt" di "utou+1

    A%%ling the *ree# rules, di"- in di "utou- through hi!- !e"ns inter!edi"r+- The

    (ord inter!edi"r- !e"ns !edi"tor- "ccording to &erri"! diction"r, %+ 699+ Indeed,Christ is the !edi"tor 'et(een the one true *od "nd !"n:

    For there is one *od "nd one !edi"tor 'et(een *od "nd !en, the !"n Christ Jesus+- I

    Ti!oth 6:< 7IM

    Even 2i'le Schol"rs "ttest to this+ This is (h"t the 'oo# 2i'le #no(ledge Co!!ent"r


    The third ch"r"cteristic o) Christ is th"t ' Hi! "ll things (ere cre"ted+ In )"ct "ll things(ere cre"ted ' Hi! di "utou, instru!ent"l C"use "nd )or Hi! eis "uton, )in"l C"use,

    "nd in Hi! en "uto; the hold together He is the constituting or conserving C"use+Christ is not onl the One through (ho! "ll things c"!e to 'e, 'ut "lso the One ' (ho!

    the continue to e$ist+ T(o other 7e( Test"!ent verses %"r"llel this descri%tion o) Christ:

    1Through Hi! "ll things (ere !"de1 John 4:8, "nd Christ the Son is the One 1through(ho! Pthe F"therQ !"de the universe1 He' 4:6+ The F"ther, then, is the ulti!"te Source

    e))icient C"use, "nd the Son is the !edi"ting C"use o) the (orld+- 2i'le no(ledgeCo!!ent"r7e( Test"!ent Co%right 4.8, 6000 Coo# Co!!unic"tions &inistries+

    This is the re"son (h 5uest rendered Colossi"ns 4:49 "s )ollo(s:

    2ec"use in Hi! (ere cre"ted "ll things in the he"vens "nd u%on the e"rth, the visi'le

    things "nd the invisi'le ones, (hether the "re thrones or lordshi%s or %rinci%"lities or"uthorities+ All things through Hi! "s inter!edi"te "gent "nd (ith " vie( to Hi! st"nd

    cre"ted+- Col 4:49 5uest

    Thus, Colossi"ns 4:49 does not te"ch th"t Christ cre"ted "ll things, 'ut th"t "ll things (ere!"de through Hi! "nd )or Hi! "s "n inter!edi"te "gent- or "s the !edi"tor 'et(een *od

    "nd !"n+


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    Let us stud Col 4:49 "nd the verses in conte$t including other 'i'lic"l te$t th"t con)ir!through Jesus "ll things (ere cre"ted+

    49 For ' Hi! "ll things (ere cre"ted, 'oth in the he"vens "nd on e"rth, visi'le "nd

    invisi'le, (hether thrones or do!inions or rulers or "uthorities;;"ll things h"ve 'een cre"tedthrough Hi! "nd )or Hi!+

    The *ree# used is di"+

    For ' Hi! "ll things (ere cre"ted Col+ 4:49 Jn+ 4:8

    2 through di" *ree# (ord ; theinstru!ent or inter!edi"te c"use th"t

    (hich intervenes 'et(een the "ct o)the (ill "nd the e))ect, "nd through

    (hich the e))ect %roceeds, !e"ningthrough, ', ' !e"ns o): di" re)er to

    the "uthor or )irst c"use, (hen the

    "uthor does "nthing through hi!sel) inste"d o) "nother+

    "+ sed o) *od Ro!+ 44:89 He'+ 6:404Cor+ 4:

    '+ sed o) Christ Jn+ 4:8 Col 4:49

    Let us de)ine the (ord THRO*H- ' (ith )irst 'e)ore (e %roceed+

    4+ ' the !e"ns o)6+ ' the !e"ns or "genc o)

    8+ ' virtue o), (ith the "ssist"nce o), "s " conse@uence or result o)/+ ' instru!ent"lit o)


    co!%leted, concluded, done, do(n, ended, )inished, over, over (ith, ter!in"ted, co!%lete,


    Snon! Stud2, through, (ith indic"te "genc or !e"ns o) getting so!ething done or "cco!%lished+ 2

    is regul"rl used to denote the "gent %erson or )orce in %"ssive constructions: It is done' !"n3 destroed ' )ire+ It "lso indic"tes !e"ns: Send it ' "ir!"il+ 5ith denotes the

    instru!ent usu"ll consciousl e!%loed ' "n "gent: He cut it (ith the scissors+ Throughdesign"tes %"rticul"rl i!!edi"te "genc or instru!ent"lit or re"son or !otive:

    Col 4: 4< He is the i!"ge o) the invisi'le *od, the )irst'orn o) "ll cre"tion+49 For ' Hi! "ll things (ere cre"ted, 'oth in the he"vens "nd on e"rth, visi'le "nd

    invisi'le, (hether thrones or do!inions or rulers or "uthorities;;"ll things h"ve 'een cre"tedthrough Hi! "nd )or Hi!+

    4> He is 'e)ore "ll things, "nd in Hi! "ll things hold together+


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    4. He is "lso he"d o) the 'od, the church3 "nd He is the 'eginning, the )irst'orn )ro! thede"d, so th"t He Hi!sel) (ill co!e to h"ve )irst %l"ce in everthing+

    4 For it ("s the F"thers good %le"sure )or "ll the )ullness to d(ell in Hi!,

    Through' Christ "ll things (ere cre"ted+ The verse is ver cle"r (ithout the "genc,instru!ent"lit, !e"ns or "ssist"nce o) the Son o) *od nothing sh"ll 'e cre"ted+ All things

    "re not cre"ted onl in Hi! or )or Hi! 'ut 2Y or THRO*H HI&+

    5h"t should (e consider )or Christ to 'e "n instru!ent )or cre"tion

    4+ He should 'e there or e$ist "t the ti!e o) cre"tion+

    6+ He should %ossess the %o(er "nd (isdo! )or cre"tion to t"#e %l"ce+8+ He should 'e nonetheless *od in n"ture+

    5h"t "re the 'i'lic"l "ccounts th"t the Son o) *od too# %"rt in cre"tion

    ?rov .: 66 1The LORD %ossessed !e "t the 'eginning o) His (", 2e)ore His (or#s o) old+

    68 1Fro! everl"sting I ("s est"'lished, Fro! the 'eginning, )ro! the e"rliest ti!es o) thee"rth+

    6/ 15hen there (ere no de%ths I ("s 'rought )orth, 5hen there (ere no s%rings "'ounding

    (ith ("ter+6< 12e)ore the !ount"ins (ere settled, 2e)ore the hills I ("s 'rought )orth369 5hile He h"d not et !"de the e"rth "nd the )ields, 7or the )irst dust o) the (orld+

    6> 15hen He est"'lished the he"vens, I ("s there, 5hen He inscri'ed " circle on the )"ceo) the dee%,

    6. 5hen He !"de )ir! the s#ies "'ove, 5hen the s%rings o) the dee% 'ec"!e )i$ed,6 5hen He set )or the se" its 'ound"r So th"t the ("ter (ould not tr"nsgress His

    co!!"nd, 5hen He !"r#ed out the )ound"tions o) the e"rth380 Then I ("s 'eside Hi!, "s " &ASTER 5OR&A73 And I ("s d"il His delight, Re=oicing

    "l("s 'e)ore Hi!,

    ?rov 80:/5ho h"s "scended into he"ven "nd descended

    5ho h"s g"thered the (ind in His )ists5ho h"s (r"%%ed the ("ters in His g"r!ent


    Surel ou #no(B

    Jn 4:6 HE 5AS I7 THE 2E*I77I7* 5ITH *OD+


    Col 4:49

    49For 2Y HI& ALL THI7*S 5ERE CREATED, 'oth in the he"vens "nd one"rth, visi'le "nd invisi'le, (hether thrones or do!inions or rulers or

    "uthorities;;ALL THI7*S HAME 2EE7 CREATED THRO*H HI& A7DFOR HI&+

    Rev 8:4/ 1To the "ngel o) the church in L"odice" (rite: The A!en, the )"ith)ul "nd true

    5itness, the 2E*I77I7* o) the cre"tion o) *od,

    4Cor 4: 6/ 'ut to those (ho "re the c"lled, 'oth Je(s "nd *ree#s, Christ the %o(er o) *od"nd the (isdo! o) *od+


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    J"& 14>11 NIThe F"ther is doing His (or# in Jesus 'ec"use the F"ther *od %er)or!ed !"n !ir"cles,

    (onders "nd signs THRO*H Jesus Christ+ Thus, this is the re"son (h Jesus s"id th"t He(ho h"s seen &e h"s seen the F"ther+- 2ec"use the !ir"cles, (onders "nd signs seen in

    Christ, it is *od (ho %er)or!ed it through Hi!+ Indeed, the 2i'le "ttests th"t the invisi'le*od c"n 'e seen through the things He !"de:

    R"+*&/ 1; TE

    *od did !"n !ir"cles, signs "nd (onders THRO*H Jesus Christ+ Thus, (hen ?hili% "s#edJesus to sho( the! the F"ther, He re%lied Anone (ho h"s seen !e h"s seen the F"ther+

    Ho( c"n ou s", Sho( us the F"ther Dont ou 'elieve th"t I "! in the F"ther, "nd th"t

    the F"ther is in !eit is the F"ther, living in !e, (ho is doing his (or#+-

    Jn 4/: > 1I) ou h"d #no(n &e, ou (ould h"ve #no(n & F"ther "lso3 )ro! no( on ou

    #no( Hi!, "nd h"ve seen Hi!+1. ?hili% Ns"id to Hi!, 1Lord, sho( us the F"ther, "nd it is enough )or us+1

    Jesus Ns"id to hi!, 1H"ve I 'een so long (ith ou, "nd et ou h"ve not co!e to #no(&e, ?hili% He (ho h"s seen &e h"s seen the F"ther3 ho( c"n ou s", Sho( us the

    F"ther40 1Do ou not 'elieve th"t I "! in the F"ther, "nd the F"ther is in &e The (ords th"t I

    s" to ou I do not s%e"# on & o(n initi"tive, 'ut the F"ther "'iding in &e does His (or#s+44 12elieve &e th"t I "! in the F"ther "nd the F"ther is in &e3 other(ise 'elieve 'ec"use o)

    the (or#s the!selves+

    Jesus Christ is indeed not the F"ther+ He is the Son o) *od the F"ther+ 5hen He s"id

    (hoever h"s seen Hi! h"s seen the F"ther 'ec"use He is the i!"ge o) the invisi'le *od "ndthe e$"ct re%resent"tion o) His n"ture+

    Col 4:4< He is the i!"ge o) the invisi'le *od, the )irst'orn o) "ll cre"tion+

    He' 4:8 And He is the r"di"nce o) His glor "nd the e$"ct re%resent"tion o) His n"ture, "nd

    u%holds "ll things ' the (ord o) His %o(er+

    5h"tever the F"ther does the Son "lso does in the s"!e !"nner+ He "nd the F"ther "re o)

    the s"!e n"ture+ He is honored in the s"!e !"nner the F"ther is honored+ All th"t theF"ther h"s is o) the Son+


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    ON IJOHN ;


    !W" '/ 0$ 0-3$ G"# +$&0'"&$# '& 1J"& ;6 W$ =&"5 *2/" 0*00$ S"& " G"# */ "+$ * */ '%$& 3/ 3$-/0*'& /" 0*0 5$+* =&"5 H'+ W" '/ 0-3$ * 5$ *-$ '& H'+ 5" '/ 0-3$$%$& '&H'/ S"& J$/3/ C-'/0. H$ '/ 0$ 0-3$ G"# * $0$-&*2 2'$.7 T$ %$-/$2$*-2 /*'#H'/ S"& J$/3/ C-'/0. H$ '/ 0$ 0-3$ G"# * $0$-&*2 2'$.


    S"-- ,30 "3 3/$# * 5-"& 0-*&/2*0'"& " I J"& ; ,$*3/$ 0'/-$$-'& " 0$ %$-/$ "&0-*#'0/ '0/$2. T$ %$-/$ 2$*-2 /0*0$#0*0 0$ L"-# J$/3/ C-'/0 '/ 0$ S"& " G"# 5" *+$. N"5 ' J$/3/'/ 0$ 0-3$ G"# +$&0'"&$# '& 0$ %$-/$ 5" '/ 0$ !J$/3/7 0*0 0$/*+$ %$-/$ +$&0'"&$# */ 0$ !S"& " G"#76 T$& 0$-$ 5'22 ,$ 05"!J$/3/$/7 0$ T-3$ G"# * 0$ S"& " 0$ T-3$ G"#. T'/ '/ "5Y"3&/ L'0$-*2 T-*&/2*0'"& (0*=$ &"0$ 2'0$-*2 0-*&/2*0'"&) -$$-$#0'/ %$-/$

    I J"& ; YLT!* 5$ *%$ =&"5& 0*0 0$ S"& " G"# '/ "+$ * *0 '%$& 3/* +' 0*0 5$ +* =&"5 H'+ 5" '/ 0-3$ * 5$ *-$ '& H'+ 5"'/ 0-3$ '& H'/ S"& J$/3/ C-'/0 0'/ "&$ '/ 0$ 0-3$ G"# * 0$ 2'$*$#3-'&7T$ S"& " G"# 5' 0$ /*+$ %$-/$ $82''02 /*'# !'& H'/ S"&J$/3/ C-'/07 *+$ 0" '%$ 3/ +' (3$-/0*'&) 0*0 5$ +*=&"5 !HIM WHO IS TRUE.7 T'/ 0$ %$-/$ +$&0'"&$# !H'+ 5" '/0-3$7 '/ &"0 J$/3/ ,$*3/$ 0$ %$-/$ *2/" /*'# !'& HIS /"& J$/3/C-'/0.7

    The Son o) *od, Jesus Christ, c"!e to !"#e #no(n Hi! (ho is true- (hich the verse

    re)erring to (hen it s"id THIS O7E IS THE TRE *OD+- Thus, the true *od !entioned inthe verse ("s not the Son o) *od, not Jesus Christ, 'ut the one Hi! (ho is true- th"t

    Jesus c"!e to !"#e #no(n to us+ THIS IS O7E OF THE &ISSIO7 OF THE LORD JESSCHRIST, THE SO7 OF *OD, TO &AE 7O57 5HO IS THE TRE *OD+


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    5ho is the true *od Jesus !"de #no(n to !en This is (h"t the Lord Jesus st"ted in John4>:4 "nd 8:

    J"& 1>1 * ? NI

    Thus, the 1True *od1 !entioned in I John

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  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    There)ore i) the Iglesi" ni Cristo onl 'elieves th"t the F"ther is onl the true *od "nd theSon is "lso not the true *od then the (ill not h"ve etern"l li)e+ Jesus Christ is the true *od

    "nd etern"l li)e+ The den the Son "nd the den the F"ther+

    The Son o) *od c"!e do(n )ro! He"ven "nd too# the )or! o) " !"n "nd ("s c"lled theSon o) &"n+

    6Jn > For !"n deceivers h"ve gone out into the (orld, those (ho do not "c#no(ledgeJesus Christ "s co!ing in the )lesh+ This is the deceiver "nd the "ntichrist+

    . 5"tch ourselves, th"t ou do not lose (h"t (e h"ve "cco!%lished, 'ut th"t ou !"

    receive " )ull re("rd+ Anone (ho goes too )"r "nd does not "'ide in the te"ching o) Christ, does not h"ve *od3

    the one (ho "'ides in the te"ching, he h"s 'oth the F"ther "nd the Son+


    5h the Lord Jesus Christ is not *od 2ec"use there is onl one true *od, the F"ther, "ndthe Lord Jesus Christ is not the F"ther 'ut the Son o) the One True *od+

    The Lord Jesus Hi!sel) cle"rl s"id th"t the F"ther is the onl true *od:

    J"& 1>1? NKJ:8 the etern"l li)e

    Jn 4>: 4 Jesus s%o#e these things3 "nd li)ting u% His ees to he"ven, He s"id, 1F"ther, the

    hour h"s co!e3 glori) Your Son, th"t the Son !" glori) You,6 even "s You g"ve Hi! "uthorit over "ll )lesh, th"t to "ll (ho! You h"ve given Hi!, He

    !" give etern"l li)e+8 1This is etern"l li)e, th"t the !" #no( You, the onl true *od, "nd Jesus Christ (ho!

    You h"ve sent+/ 1I glori)ied You on the e"rth, h"ving "cco!%lished the (or# (hich You h"ve given &e to

    do+< 17o(, F"ther, glori) &e together (ith Yoursel), (ith the glor (hich I h"d (ith You 'e)ore

    the (orld ("s+

    According to Jesus (h"t is etern"l li)eTh"t the !" #no( You, the onl true *od, "nd Jesus Christ (ho! You h"ve sent+-

    To h"ve etern"l li)e (e !ust #no( the F"ther "nd Jesus Christ (ho! He sent+4+ The F"ther is the onl true *od; (e 'elieve th"t+


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    6+ Jesus Christ is the Son o) *od (ho ("s (ith the F"ther "nd c"!e do(n )ro! He"ven,(ho ("s in the )or! o) *od "nd too# the )or! o) !"n, He is the e$"ct re%resent"tion o) the

    F"ther, He is the i!"ge o) the invisi'le *od, He is "'ove "ll, through Jesus "ll things (ere!"de+

    8+ The F"ther is the true *od so is the Son+

    There)ore i) the Iglesi" ni Cristo onl 'elieves th"t the F"ther is onl the true *od "nd theSon is "lso not the true *od then the (ill not h"ve etern"l li)e+ Jesus Christ is the true *od"nd etern"l li)e+ The den the Son "nd the den the F"ther+

    Even A%ostle ?"ul "lso s"id th"t the F"ther "lone is the rue *od:

    I C"-'&0'*&/ : NKJ NKJJ$/3/ /*'# 0" $- D" &"0 2'& 0" M$ "- I *%$ &"0 $0 */$$#0" M F*0$- ,30 " 0" M ,-$0-$& * /* 0" 0$+ I *+*/$'& 0" M F*0$- * "3- F*0$- * 0" M G"# * "3-G"#.

    Thus, (e )ir!l 'elieve th"t the Lord Jesus Christ is not *od 'ec"use His F"ther is the onltrue *od+ Hence, (hen (e s" th"t Jesus is not *od, (e onl !e"n th"t the Lord Jesus

    Christ is not the F"ther, 'ut the Son o) the One True *od+

    Indeed Jesus is not *od the F"ther 'ut He is the Son o) *od; " 'l"s%he!ous cl"i! the Je(s

    "re "g"inst+ The Je(s understood i) one c"ll *od His F"ther or s"ing he "nd the F"ther "re

    one th"t (ill t"nt"!ount to !"#ing oursel) e@u"l (ith *od+


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    Jn Jesus s%o#e "s " !"n+ He too# the hu!"n )or! "nd ("s dut 'ound to o'e

    the L"( "nsd there)ore (orshi% *od+ He c"!e to )ul)ill the L"( "nd not to 're"# it+

    Although the Lord Jesus is not *od, 'ut " !"n, 'ut He is " ver s%eci"l !"n "s cle"rl(ritten in the 2i'le:

    A0/ NC

    5"$-/ * /'&/ $ #'# 0-"3 J$/3/. Y"3 *22 =&"5 0'/ ,$*3/$'0 *88$&$# -'0 $-$ *+"& "3.7

    The Lord Jesus Christ is " ver s%eci"l !"n- 'ec"use:

    4 This !"n ("s the Son o) *od-:

    M*-= 1?9 NI

    c"lled Jesus (ho! the Je(s onl see+ He is Divine "nd the Lord in the 'eginning+

    In 'i'lic"l conte$t the Son o) *od is "ddressed "s the Lord th"t is divine+

    4Cor 6: . the (isdo! (hich none o) the rulers o) this "ge h"s understood3 )or i) the h"dunderstood it the (ould not h"ve cruci)ied the Lord o) glor3

    4/: 94 2ut He #e%t silent "nd did not "ns(er+ Ag"in the high %riest ("s @uestioning

    Hi!, "nd s"ing to Hi!, 1Are You the Christ, the Son o) the 2lessed One196 And Jesus s"id, 1I "!3 "nd ou sh"ll see the Son o) &"n sitting "t the right h"nd o)

    ?o(er, "nd co!ing (ith the clouds o) he"ven+198 Te"ring his clothes, the high %riest Ns"id, 15h"t )urther need do (e h"ve o) (itnesses

    9/ 1You h"ve he"rd the 'l"s%he!3 ho( does it see! to ou1 And the "ll conde!ned Hi!

    to 'e deserving o) de"th+

    &t 66: /4 7o( (hile the ?h"risees (ere g"thered together, Jesus "s#ed the! " @uestion:/6 15h"t do ou thin# "'out the Christ, (hose son is He1 The Ns"id to Hi!, 1The son o)


    /8 He Ns"id to the!, 1Then ho( does D"vid in the S%irit c"ll Hi! Lord, s"ing,


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    // The Lord s"id to ! Lord, 1Sit "t & right h"nd, ntil I %ut Your ene!ies 'ene"th Your)eet1

    /< 1I) D"vid then c"lls Hi! Lord, ho( is He his son1/9 7o one ("s "'le to "ns(er Hi! " (ord, nor did "none d"re )ro! th"t d" on to "s# Hi!

    "nother @uestion+

    He' 4: 40 And, 1You, Lord, in the 'eginning l"id the )ound"tion o) the e"rth, And thehe"vens "re the (or#s o) Your h"nds344 The (ill %erish, 'ut You re!"in3 And the "ll (ill 'eco!e old li#e " g"r!ent,

    46 And li#e " !"ntle You (ill roll the! u%3 Li#e " g"r!ent the (ill "lso 'e ch"nged+ 2ut

    You "re the s"!e, And Your e"rs (ill not co!e to "n end+148 2ut to (hich o) the "ngels h"s He ever s"id, 1Sit "t & right h"nd, ntil I !"#e Your

    ene!ies A )ootstool )or Your )eet1

    6 The &"n *od h"s !"de 'oth Lord "nd Christ:

    A0/ ? N$5 C$&03-

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    48 2ut to (hich o) the "ngels h"s He ever s"id, 1Sit "t & right h"nd, ntil I !"#e Yourene!ies A )ootstool )or Your )eet1

    8 The &"n *od e$"lted to His right h"nd "s ruler "nd S"vior:

    A0/ ?;?1 H"2+*& C-'/0'*& S0**-# B',2$!T$ G"# " "3- *0$-/ -*'/$# 38 J$/3/ 5"+ "3 *# +3-#$-$# ,*&'& H'+ "& * 0-$$. G"# $*20$# 0'/ +*& 0" H'/ -'0 * */-32$- * S*%'"- 0" -*&0 -$8$&0*&$ 0" I/-*$2 * "-'%$&$// "/'&/.7

    The hu!"nit o) Jesus ("s e$"lted 'ec"use He is the Son o) *od )ro! 'eing in the )or! o)*od He hu!'led hi!sel) "nd too# the hu!"n )or! to die )or our sins "nd there)ore *od h"s

    e$"lted His Onl Son+

    ?hil 6: < H"ve this "ttitude in ourselves (hich ("s "lso in Christ Jesus,

    9 (ho, "lthough He e$isted in the )or! o) *od, did not reg"rd e@u"lit (ith *od " thing to

    'e gr"s%ed,> 'ut e!%tied Hi!sel), t"#ing the )or! o) " 'ond;serv"nt, "nd 'eing !"de in the li#eness o)!en+

    . 2eing )ound in "%%e"r"nce "s " !"n, He hu!'led Hi!sel) ' 'eco!ing o'edient to the%oint o) de"th, even de"th on " cross+

    For this re"son "lso, *od highl e$"lted Hi!, "nd 'esto(ed on Hi! the n"!e (hich is"'ove ever n"!e,

    40 so th"t "t the n"!e o) Jesus ever #nee (ill 'o(, o) those (ho "re in he"ven "nd one"rth "nd under the e"rth,

    44 "nd th"t ever tongue (ill con)ess th"t Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glor o) *od theF"ther+

    / The &"n Jesus Christ is the &edi"tor 'et(een the one true *od "nd !en:

    I T'+"0 NI

    4Ti! 6: 8 This is good "nd "cce%t"'le in the sight o) *od our S"vior,

    / (ho desires "ll !en to 'e s"ved "nd to co!e to the #no(ledge o) the truth+< For there is one *od, "nd one !edi"tor "lso 'et(een *od "nd !en, the !"n Christ Jesus,

    9 (ho g"ve Hi!sel) "s " r"nso! )or "ll, the testi!on given "t the %ro%er ti!e+

    2eing !"n "lone Jesus c"nt 'e " !edi"tor 'et(een *od the F"ther "nd hu!"nit+&edi"tion in 4Ti!oth is "'out our s"lv"tion+ S"lv"tion is o) *od "lone+ The 'i'le decl"red

    *od h"s shut "ll !en under diso'edience "nd sin )or "ll h"ve sinned "nd onl Jesus (ho isthe Son o) *od (ho too# the hu!"n )or! ("s sinless "nd %er)ect+ There)ore He "lone (ho

    c"n 'oth !edi"te to *od 'eing the Christ the Son o) *od "nd o) the s"!e n"ture (ith theF"ther "nd !edi"te )or !"n 'eing " Son o) &"n+


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    He' 40: < There)ore, (hen He co!es into the (orld, He s"s, 1S"cri)ice "nd o))ering Youh"ve not desired, 2ut " 'od You h"ve %re%"red )or &e3

    9 In (hole 'urnt o))erings "nd s"cri)ices )or sin You h"ve t"#en no %le"sure+> 1Then I s"id, 2ehold, I h"ve co!e In the scroll o) the 'oo# it is (ritten o) &e To do Your

    (ill, O *od+1. A)ter s"ing "'ove, 1S"cri)ices "nd o))erings "nd (hole 'urnt o))erings "nd s"cri)ices )or

    sin You h"ve not desired, nor h"ve You t"#en %le"sure in the!1 (hich "re o))ered"ccording to the L"(, then He s"id, 12ehold, I h"ve co!e to do Your (ill+1 He t"#es "(" the )irst in order to

    est"'lish the second+

    40 2 this (ill (e h"ve 'een s"ncti)ied through the o))ering o) the 'od o) Jesus Christ once)or "ll+

    44 Ever %riest st"nds d"il !inistering "nd o))ering ti!e ")ter ti!e the s"!e s"cri)ices,(hich c"n never t"#e "(" sins3

    46 'ut He, h"ving o))ered one s"cri)ice )or sins )or "ll ti!e, s"t do(n "t the right h"nd o)*od,

    48 ("iting )ro! th"t ti!e on("rd until His ene!ies 'e !"de " )ootstool )or His )eet+

  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    /9 7o one ("s "'le to "ns(er Hi! " (ord, nor did "none d"re )ro! th"t d" on to "s# Hi!"nother @uestion+

    He' 4: 40 And, 1You, Lord, in the 'eginning l"id the )ound"tion o) the e"rth, And the

    he"vens "re the (or#s o) Your h"nds344 The (ill %erish, 'ut You re!"in3 And the "ll (ill 'eco!e old li#e " g"r!ent,

    46 And li#e " !"ntle You (ill roll the! u%3 Li#e " g"r!ent the (ill "lso 'e ch"nged+ 2utYou "re the s"!e, And Your e"rs (ill not co!e to "n end+148 2ut to (hich o) the "ngels h"s He ever s"id, 1Sit "t & right h"nd, ntil I !"#e Your

    ene!ies A )ootstool )or Your )eet1

    There is One Throne in He"ven; the Throne o) *od "nd the L"!'+

    Rev 66: 4 Then he sho(ed !e " river o) the ("ter o) li)e, cle"r "s crst"l, co!ing )ro! the

    throne o) *od "nd o) the L"!',

    Although the Lord Jesus Christ is no( in he"ven, the 2i'le %roves th"t He re!"ins &"n inn"ture+ He is the &"n 1se"ted "t the right h"nd o) *od+1

    The Divine n"ture ("s never lost (hen He too# the hu!"n )or! th"t is (h "ll the "ngels(orshi%ed Hi! "nd "ll !"n "nd "ll sh"ll #neel 'e)ore Hi! "nd con)ess Hi! "s Lord+

    ?hil 6: < H"ve this "ttitude in ourselves (hich ("s "lso in Christ Jesus,

    9 (ho, "lthough He e$isted in the )or! o) *od, did not reg"rd e@u"lit (ith *od " thing to'e gr"s%ed,

    > 'ut e!%tied Hi!sel), t"#ing the )or! o) " 'ond;serv"nt, "nd 'eing !"de in the li#eness o)!en+

    . 2eing )ound in "%%e"r"nce "s " !"n, He hu!'led Hi!sel) ' 'eco!ing o'edient to the

    %oint o) de"th, even de"th on " cross+ For this re"son "lso, *od highl e$"lted Hi!, "nd 'esto(ed on Hi! the n"!e (hich is

    "'ove ever n"!e,40 so th"t "t the n"!e o) Jesus ever #nee (ill 'o(, o) those (ho "re in he"ven "nd on

    e"rth "nd under the e"rth,44 "nd th"t ever tongue (ill con)ess th"t Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glor o) *od the


    The O7E 5HO IS ASED TO SIT "t the Right H"nd o) *od the F"ther is the Christ, Son o)

    *od, the Lord (ho !"de the he"vens "nd the e"rth+

    He' 4:10And, "You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth,And the

    heavens are the works of Your hands;11 They will perish, but You remain;And they all will become old like a garment,12 And like a mantle You will roll them up; Like a garment they will also be changed.

    But You are the same,And Your years will not come to an end."13 But to which of the angels has He ever said, "Sit at My right hand, ntil ! make YourenemiesA footstool for Your feet"?

    &t 66:42 "hat do !ou thin a#out the $hrist, whose son is He?" %he! &said to Hi',34

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    "The sonof (avid."43 He &said to the', "%hen how does (avid in the )*irit call Hi' +ord,+ sa!ing,44 +The Lord said to my Lord, "Sit at My right hand, ntil ! put Your enemies beneath Your feet"+?4- "f (avid then calls Hi' +ord,+ how is He his son?"4/

    o one was a#le to answer Hi' a word, nor did an!one dare fro' that da! on to asHi' another uestion.

    Jesus resurrected in " s%iritu"l glori)ied 'od+

    4Cor 4 The )irst !"n is )ro! the e"rth, e"rth3 the second !"n is )ro! he"ven+

    /. As is the e"rth, so "lso "re those (ho "re e"rth3 "nd "s is the he"venl, so "lso "rethose (ho "re he"venl+

    / Just "s (e h"ve 'orne the i!"ge o) the e"rth, (e (ill "lso 'e"r the i!"ge o) thehe"venl+


    I) "ll %eo%le (ill rel solel in the 2i'le in their 'elie) "'out the n"ture o) Christ, no one

    (ould h"ve )"llen into the )"lse 'elie) th"t Christ is the true *od 'ec"use the 2i'le cle"rl%roves th"t the Lord Jesus Christ is di))erent )ro! the Lord *od+


    7u!erous verses o) the 2i'le cle"rl st"te th"t the F"ther "lone is the true *od+ Ho(ever,

    Jesus e$%licitl %roves th"t He is not the F"ther (hen He s"id th"t:

    J"& 14: NKJ


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    Th"t is correct Jesus is not the F"ther+ He is the Son o) the F"ther+ His F"ther sent His Son)or " !ission; to s"ve !"n )ro! his sins+ He is "'ove "ll "nd c"!e do(n )ro! He"ven to

    e"rth in hu!"n )or!+

    The Lord Jesus Christ s"id th"t & F"ther is gre"ter th"n I+- thus, it is (rong to s" th"t

    Jesus is "lso the F"ther, the one true *od+ Jesus is di))erent )ro! the One True *od, )ro!the F"ther, "nd He hi!sel) testi)ied to this truth (hen He s"id & F"ther is gre"ter th"n I+-5ho then is the Lord Jesus:

    M*00$5 11 NKJ

    The 2i'le cle"rl te"ches th"t the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son o) *od o) the living *od+

    Thus, *od is the F"ther "nd Jesus is the Son o) *od+ Hence, the Lord Jesus the Son o) *od

    is di))erent )ro! the One true *od the F"ther+ T"#e note th"t "lthough (e 'elieve th"tJesus Christ is not *od, 'ut (e )ir!l 'elieve th"t Jesus is the Son o) *od+

    Th"t is correct Jesus is not the F"ther "nd the F"ther ("s gre"ter th"n Hi!+ In rel"tionshi%the F"ther is gre"ter 'ec"use Jesus is His Son 'ut in *odhe"d the "re e@u"l+

    Jn 2ut He "ns(ered the!, 1& F"ther is (or#ing until no(, "nd I &sel) "! (or#ing+1

    Jesus E@u"lit (ith *od

    4. For this re"son there)ore the Je(s (ere see#ing "ll the !ore to #ill Hi!, 'ec"use He not

    onl ("s 're"#ing the S"''"th, 'ut "lso ("s c"lling *od His o(n F"ther, !"#ing Hi!sel)e@u"l (ith *od+

    4 There)ore Jesus "ns(ered "nd ("s s"ing to the!, 1Trul, trul, I s" to ou, the Sonc"n do nothing o) Hi!sel), unless it is so!ething He sees the F"ther doing3 )or (h"tever the

    F"ther does, these things the Son "lso does in li#e !"nner+60 1For the F"ther loves the Son, "nd sho(s Hi! "ll things th"t He Hi!sel) is doing3 "nd the

    F"ther (ill sho( Hi! gre"ter (or#s th"n these, so th"t ou (ill !"rvel+64 1For =ust "s the F"ther r"ises the de"d "nd gives the! li)e, even so the Son "lso gives

    li)e to (ho! He (ishes+

    66 1For not even the F"ther =udges "none, 'ut He h"s given "ll =udg!ent to the Son,

    68 so th"t "ll (ill honor the Son even "s the honor the F"ther+ He (ho does not honor theSon does not honor the F"ther (ho sent Hi!+



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    *od is )ro! everl"sting to everl"sting-:

    P/*2+/ 9; NI

    !en+. 2eing )ound in "%%e"r"nce "s " !"n, He hu!'led Hi!sel) ' 'eco!ing o'edient to the

    %oint o) de"th, even de"th on " cross+ For this re"son "lso, *od highl e$"lted Hi!, "nd 'esto(ed on Hi! the n"!e (hich is

    "'ove ever n"!e,40 so th"t "t the n"!e o) Jesus ever #nee (ill 'o(, o) those (ho "re in he"ven "nd on

    e"rth "nd under the e"rth,44 "nd th"t ever tongue (ill con)ess th"t Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glor o) *od the


    Jn 4: 4/ And the 5ord 'ec"!e )lesh, "nd d(elt "!ong us, "nd (e s"( His glor, glor "s o)

    the onl 'egotten )ro! the F"ther, )ull o) gr"ce "nd truth+4< John Ntesti)ied "'out Hi! "nd cried out, s"ing, 1This ("s He o) (ho! I s"id, He (ho

    co!es ")ter !e h"s " higher r"n# th"n I, )or He e$isted 'e)ore !e+-

    His 7"!e is the 5ord o) *od+

    Rev 4: 48 He is clothed (ith " ro'e di%%ed in 'lood, "nd His n"!e is c"lled The 5ord o)



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  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ




    The F"ther on the other h"nd c"lled the Son *od "nd Lord+

    He're(s 4:, /

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    1YO, LORD, I7 THE 2E*I77I7* LAID THE






    A7D YOR YEARS 5ILL 7OT CO&E TO A7 E7D+1482ut to (hich o) the "ngels h"s He ever s"id, 1SIT AT &Y RI*HT HA7D,



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  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    HEAME7 IS A2OME ALL+8615HAT HE HAS SEE7 A7D HEARD, o) th"t He testi)ies3 "nd no one

    receives His testi!on+

    At the end He sh"ll reign (ith the F"ther "nd there (ill 'e onl one Throne+

    Lu#e 4:84, 88841And 'ehold, ou (ill conceive in our (o!' "nd 'e"r " son, "nd ou

    sh"ll n"!e Hi! Jesus+

    88"nd HE 5ILL REI*7 over the house o) J"co' FOREMER, "nd HIS

    I7*DO& 5ILL HAME 7O E7D+


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    Jesus is c"lled the Son o) &"n 'ec"use He too# the )or! o) " !"n+ He too# it )ro! the virgin&"r+ He is the Son o) the &ost High+ &"r 'ore Hi! through the %o(er o) the S%irit+

    &t 4: 4. 7o( the 'irth o) Jesus Christ ("s "s )ollo(s: (hen His !other &"r h"d 'een

    'etrothed to Jose%h, 'e)ore the c"!e together she ("s )ound to 'e (ith child ' the HolS%irit+

    4 And Jose%h her hus'"nd, 'eing " righteous !"n "nd not ("nting to disgr"ce her,%l"nned to send her "(" secretl+60 2ut (hen he h"d considered this, 'ehold, "n "ngel o) the Lord "%%e"red to hi! in "

    dre"!, s"ing, 1Jose%h, son o) D"vid, do not 'e ")r"id to t"#e &"r "s our (i)e3 )or the

    Child (ho h"s 'een conceived in her is o) the Hol S%irit+64 1She (ill 'e"r " Son3 "nd ou sh"ll c"ll His n"!e Jesus, )or He (ill s"ve His %eo%le )ro!

    their sins+1

    He is not the son o) " hu!"n )"ther 'ut the Son o) the &ost High+

    L# 4: 86 1He (ill 'e gre"t "nd (ill 'e c"lled the Son o) the &ost High3 "nd the Lord *od (ill

    give Hi! the throne o) His )"ther D"vid388 "nd He (ill reign over the house o) J"co' )orever, "nd His #ingdo! (ill h"ve no end+18/ &"r s"id to the "ngel, 1Ho( c"n this 'e, since I "! " virgin1

    8< The "ngel "ns(ered "nd s"id to her, 1The Hol S%irit (ill co!e u%on ou, "nd the %o(ero) the &ost High (ill oversh"do( ou3 "nd )or th"t re"son the hol Child sh"ll 'e c"lled the

    Son o) *od+

    In Jesus te"ching the Son o) *od is Lord "nd not hu!"n nor ("s " descend"nt )ro! !"n+

    &t 49: 48 7o( (hen Jesus c"!e into the district o) C"es"re" ?hili%%i, He ("s "s#ing His

    disci%les, 15ho do %eo%le s" th"t the Son o) &"n is1

    4/ And the s"id, 1So!e s" John the 2"%tist3 "nd others, Eli="h3 'ut still others, Jere!i"h,or O7E OF THE ?RO?HETS+1

    4< He Ns"id to the!, 12ut (ho do ou s" th"t I "!149 Si!on ?eter "ns(ered, 1You "re the Christ, the Son o) the living *od+1

    4> And Jesus s"id to hi!, 12lessed "re ou, Si!on 2"r=on", 'ec"use )lesh "nd 'lood did notreve"l this to ou, 'ut & F"ther (ho is in he"ven+

    &t 66: /4 7o( (hile the ?h"risees (ere g"thered together, Jesus "s#ed the! " @uestion:/6 15h"t do ou thin# "'out the Christ, (hose son is He1 The Ns"id to Hi!, 1The son o)

    D"vid+1/8 He Ns"id to the!, 1Then ho( does D"vid in the S%irit c"ll Hi! Lord, s"ing,

    // The Lord s"id to ! Lord, 1Sit "t & right h"nd, ntil I %ut Your ene!ies 'ene"th Your)eet1

    /< 1I) D"vid then c"lls Hi! Lord, ho( is He his son1


    *od is s%irit h"s no )lesh "nd 'ones:


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    J"& 44 NKJ

    2ec"use the Christ too# the hu!"n )or! (hen He c"!e )ro! he"ven to e"rth th"t is (hHe h"s )lesh "nd 'ones+ The 2i'le testi)ied He is S%irit 'e)ore He c"!e+

    COL 4:4> He is 'e)ore "ll things, "nd in Hi! "ll things hold together+

    J7 4:4< John testi)ied "'out Hi! "nd cried out, s"ing, This ("s He o) (ho! I s"id, He(ho co!es ")ter !e h"s " higher r"n# th"n I, )or He e$isted 'e)ore !e+ -

    4Co 40:6 The (ere "ll '"%tiKed into &oses in the cloud "nd in the se"+

    4Co 40:8 The "ll "te the s"!e s%iritu"l )ood4Co 40:/ "nd dr"n# the s"!e s%iritu"l drin#3 )or the dr"n# )ro! the s%iritu"l roc# th"t

    "cco!%"nied the!, "nd th"t roc# ("s Christ+

    J7 .:

  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    There is no contr"diction in the 2i'le+ This te"ching o) the Hol Scri%ture th"t the F"ther"lone is the True *od !ust not 'e contr"dicted+ Thus, i) " 'elie) contr"dicts this te"ching o)

    the 2i'le th"t there is onl One True *od, the F"ther, th"t 'elie) !ust 'e re=ected+ The"%ostles "d!onish the Christi"ns to re=ect the gos%el- di))erent )ro! the one the


    Let us go to the te$t "nd see the conte$t+

    Jn 4>:4 Jesus s%o#e these things3 "nd li)ting u% His ees to he"ven, He s"id, 1F"ther, the

    hour h"s co!e3 glori) Your Son, th"t the Son !" glori) You,6 even "s You g"ve Hi! "uthorit over "ll )lesh, th"t to "ll (ho! You h"ve given Hi!, He

    !" give etern"l li)e+8 1This is etern"l li)e, th"t the !" #no( You, the onl true *od, "nd Jesus Christ (ho!

    You h"ve sent+/ 1I glori)ied You on the e"rth, h"ving "cco!%lished the (or# (hich You h"ve given &e to


    < 17o(, F"ther, glori) &e together (ith Yoursel), (ith the glor (hich I h"d (ith You 'e)orethe (orld ("s+

    According to Jesus (h"t is etern"l li)e

    Th"t the !" #no( You, the onl true *od, "nd Jesus Christ (ho! You h"ve sent+-

    To h"ve etern"l li)e (e !ust #no( the F"ther "nd Jesus Christ (ho! He sent+

    4+ The F"ther is the onl true *od; (e 'elieve th"t+6+ Jesus Christ is the Son o) *od (ho ("s (ith the F"ther "nd c"!e do(n )ro! He"ven,

    (ho ("s in the )or! o) *od "nd too# the )or! o) !"n, He is the e$"ct re%resent"tion o) theF"ther, He is the i!"ge o) the invisi'le *od, He is "'ove "ll, through Jesus "ll things (ere

    !"de+8+ The F"ther is the true *od so is the Son+

    The Christ is true *od "nd etern"l li)e+



  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    Did ou #no( th"t the 'elie) th"t the Lord Jesus is *od contr"dict the te"ching o) the 2i'le

    th"t the F"ther "lone is the true *od

    There)ore i) the I7C onl 'elieves th"t the F"ther is onl the true *od "nd the Son is "lso

    not the true *od then the (ill not h"ve etern"l li)e+ Jesus Christ is the true *od "nd etern"lli)e+ The den Hi! the den the F"ther+

    The Son o) *od c"!e do(n )ro! He"ven "nd too# the )or! o) " !"n "nd ("s c"lled the

    Son o) &"n+

    6Jn > For !"n deceivers h"ve gone out into the (orld, those (ho do not "c#no(ledgeJesus Christ "s co!ing in the )lesh+ This is the deceiver "nd the "ntichrist+

    . 5"tch ourselves, th"t ou do not lose (h"t (e h"ve "cco!%lished, 'ut th"t ou !"receive " )ull re("rd+

    Anone (ho goes too )"r "nd does not "'ide in the te"ching o) Christ, does not h"ve *od3the one (ho "'ides in the te"ching, he h"s 'oth the F"ther "nd the Son+

    The "re %re"ching "nother Jesus th"t the "%ostles h"ve not %re"ched+

    6Cor 44:

    8 2ut I "! ")r"id th"t, "s the ser%ent deceived Eve ' his cr")tiness, our !inds (ill 'e led"str" )ro! the si!%licit "nd %urit o) devotion to Christ+

    / For i) one co!es "nd %re"ches "nother Jesus (ho! (e h"ve not %re"ched, or ou receive" di))erent s%irit (hich ou h"ve not received, or " di))erent gos%el (hich ou h"ve not

    "cce%ted, ou 'e"r this 'e"uti)ull+

    And the re"l gos%el %re"ched is s"lv"tion through )"ith in Christ "nd not through enteringthe Iglesi" ni Cristo 'uilt in 44/+

    Act 69: 4> rescuing ou )ro! the Je(ish %eo%le "nd )ro! the *entiles, to (ho! I "!sending ou,

    4. to o%en their ees so th"t the !" turn )ro! d"r#ness to light "nd )ro! the do!inion o)S"t"n to *od, th"t the !" receive )orgiveness o) sins "nd "n inherit"nce "!ong those

    (ho h"ve 'een s"ncti)ied ' )"ith in &e+

    4Ti! 4: 4< It is " trust(orth st"te!ent, deserving )ull "cce%t"nce, th"t Christ Jesus c"!e

    into the (orld to s"ve sinners, "!ong (ho! I "! )ore!ost o) "ll+49 Yet )or this re"son I )ound !erc, so th"t in !e "s the )ore!ost, Jesus Christ !ight

    de!onstr"te His %er)ect %"tience "s "n e$"!%le )or those (ho (ould 'elieve in Hi! )oretern"l li)e+

    He th"t h"s the Son h"s etern"l li)e+


  • 8/13/2019 Iglesia Ni Cristos Denial of the Deity of Christ


    46 He (ho h"s the Son h"s the li)e3 he (ho does not h"ve the Son o) *od does not h"vethe li)e+

    This Is 5ritten Th"t You &" no(48 These things I h"ve (ritten to ou (ho 'elieve in the n"!e o) the Son o) *od, so th"t

    ou !" #no( th"t ou h"ve etern"l li)e+

    He (ho receives the Son through )"ith in the onl gos%el Christ died )or our sins is s"ved+

    Ro! 4: . 2ut (h"t does it s" 1The (ord is ne"r ou, in our !outh "nd in our he"rt1;;

    th"t is, the (ord o) )"ith (hich (e "re %re"ching, th"t i) ou con)ess (ith our !outh Jesus "s Lord, "nd 'elieve in our he"rt th"t *od

    r"ised Hi! )ro! the de"d, ou (ill 'e s"ved340 )or (ith the he"rt " %erson 'elieves, resulting in righteousness, "nd (ith the !outh he

    con)esses, resulting in s"lv"tion+44 For the Scri%ture s"s, 15hoever 'elieves in Hi! (ill not 'e dis"%%ointed+1

    46 For there is no distinction 'et(een Je( "nd *ree#3 )or the s"!e Lord is Lord o) "ll,"'ounding in riches )or "ll (ho c"ll on Hi!3

    48 )or 15hoever (ill c"ll on the n"!e o) the Lord (ill 'e s"ved+1

    4/ Ho( then (ill the c"ll on Hi! in (ho! the h"ve not 'elieved Ho( (ill the 'elieve inHi! (ho! the h"ve not he"rd And ho( (ill the he"r (ithout " %re"cher4< Ho( (ill the %re"ch unless the "re sent Just "s it is (ritten, 1Ho( 'e"uti)ul "re the

    )eet o) those (ho 'ring good ne(s o) good thingsB149 Ho(ever, the did not "ll heed the good ne(s3 )or Is"i"h s"s, 1Lord, (ho h"s 'elieved

    our re%ort14> So )"ith co!es )ro! he"ring, "nd he"ring ' the (ord o) Christ+

    T$-$"-$ 0$ I2$/'* &' C-'/0" (1914) 8-$*$/ *&"0$- J$/3/ &"0 0$ S"& " G"#5" 0""= 0$ 3+*& "-+ * *+$ #"5& -"+ H$*%$& 0" $*-0 0" #'$ "- "3- /'&/.

    T$ 8-$* *&"0$- J$/3/ * *&"0$- "/8$2 0*0 /*2%*0'"& '/ &"0 0-"3 C-'/0* , *'0 '& H'+ *2"&$ ,30 , $&0$-'& 0$'- 3-. E0$-&*2 2'$ '/ , ,$2'$%'&0$ "&2 0-3$ G"# 0$ F*0$- * H'/ S"& 5" '/ 2'=$ H'/ F*0$- 0$ 0-3$ G"# *$0$-&*2 2'$. S*2%*0'"& '/ &"0 , $&0$-'& 0$ 3- ,30 0-"3 *'0 '& C-'/0.