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This file contains most of definitions required by IGCSE Business OL students.


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    Chapter 1A Need : is a good or service essential for living.A Want : is a good or service which people would like to have, but which is not essential for living, peoples wants are unlimited.The Economic Problem : results from there being unlimited wants but limited resources to produce the goods and services to satisfy those wants, this creates scarcity.Opportunity cost : is the next best alternative given up by choosing another itemDivision of Labour : is when the production process is split up into different tasks and each worker performs one of these tasks, it

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    is also known as specializationBusiness combines factors of production to make products (goods and services) to satisfy peoples wantsBusiness objectives : are the aims or targets that a business works towardsValue added : is the difference between the selling prices of a product or service and the cost of bought in materials and componentsA stakeholder : is any person or group with a direct interest in the performance and activities of a business

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    Chapter 2 The primary sector of industry :extracts and uses the natural resources of the earthThe secondary sector of industry : manufactures goods using the raw materials provided by the primary sectorThe tertiary Sector of industry : provides services to consumers and the other sectors of industryDe-industrialization : occurs when there is a decline in the importance of the secondary manufacturing sector of industry in a countryA free market economy : has no government control over factors of production, it is also known as market economyA monopoly : is a business which controls

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    all of the market for a productA Command Economy : does not have a private sector as all resources are owned by the stateA mixed economy : has both a private and a public (state) sectorCapital : is the money invested into a business by the ownerProfit :is the surplus after total costs have been subtracted from sales revenueInternal Growth : occurs when a business expands its existing operationsExternal Growth : is when a takes over or merges with another business it is often called integration as one firm integrated into another oneMerger : is when the owners of two businesses agree to join their firms together 0111 4808 454

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    to make one business Takeover or Acquisition :is when one business buys out the ownes of another business which then becomes part of the predator business Horizontal Integration : is when one firm merges with or take over another one in the same industry at the same stage of production Vertical Integration : is when one firm merges with or takes over another one in the same industry but at a different stage of production , the vertical integration can be forward or backwardConglomerate integration : is when one firm merges with or takes over a firm in a completely different industry, this is also known as diversification0111 4808 454

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    Chapter 3 Limited liability : it means that the owners of a company (shareholders) cannot be held responsible for the debts of the company they own , their liability is limited to the investment they made in buying their sharesPartnership agreement : is the written and legal agreement between business partners, it is not essential for partners to have such an agreement but it is always recommendedUnincorporated business :is the one that does not have a separate legal identity , sole traders and partnerships are unincorporated businessesShareholders : are the owners of a limited company , they buy shares which represent part ownership of a company

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    Prospectus is a detailed document issued by the directors of a company when they are converting it to public limited company status, it is an invitation to the general public to buy shares in the newly formed plc.Annual general meeting : is a legal requirement for all companies, all shareholders may attend, they vote on who they want to be on the board of directors for the coming yearDividends : are payments made to shareholders from the profits of a company after it has paid corporation tax , they are return to shareholders for investing in the companyFranchise is a business based upon the use of the brand names , promotional logos and 0111 4808 454


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    trading methods of an existing successful business, the franchise buys the license to operate this business from the franchiser

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    Chapter 4 Inflation : is the increase in the average price level of good and services over timeUnemployment a situation that exists when people who are willing and able to work cannot find a jobEconomic growth : is when a country's growth domestic product increases , more goods and services are then produced than in the previous yearThe balance of payment is the records of the difference between a country's exports and importsReal income is the value of income and falls when the prices rise faster than money incomeGross domestic product GDP : it is the total

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    value of all goods and services in a country in one yearExports : are goods and services sold from one country to other countriesImports : are goods and services bought in by one country from other countriesThe Exchange rate : is the price of one currency in terms of another for example LE1:$1.5 Exchange rate depreciation : is the fall in the value of a currency compared with other currenciesFiscal policy : is any change by the government in tax rates or public sector spendingDirect taxes : are paid directly from incomes such as income taxes and profit taxIndirect taxes : are added to the prices of 0111 4808 454


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    goods and taxpayers pay the tax as they purchase the goods such as Value Added TaxDisposable income : is the level of income a tax payer has after paying income taxImport tariff : is the tax on an imported productsImport quota : is a physical limit to the quantity of a product that can be importedMonetary policy : is a change in interest rates by the government or central bank Exchange rate appreciation : is the rise in the value of a currency compared to other currencies Supply side policies : are used by governments to improve the efficient supply of goods and services in their countryEthical decision : is a decision taken by a 0111 4808 454


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    manager because of the moral code observed in that firm this can include improving working conditions for staff beyond legal requirements, or not producing dangerous or polluting goods, even if these activities are not illegal Industrial tribunal : is a legal meeting which considers workers complaints of unfair dismissal or discrimination at workContract of employment : is a legal agreement between employer and employee listing the rights and responsibilities of workersPlanning permission : is given by a government body to allow a business to build a factory or office in a particular location, this permission can be refused if the site is not suitable0111 4808 454


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    Development area : is a region of a country where businesses will receive financial support to establish there, high unemployment is often a problem in there areas

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    Chapter 5 Constraint : is something that controls or limits the action of a business decisionsExternal constraints : are those over which a business has no direct controlSocial responsibility : is when a business takes decisions that may benefit stakeholders other than shareholders e.g. a decision to reduce pollution of the local environment by using the least and least dirty production equipmentPressure groups : are formed by people who share a common interest and who will take action to try to change government policy or business decisionsCost-benefit analysis : is the valuation by a government agency of all external and

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    private costs and benefits resulting from a business decisionExternal costs : are the costs paid by the rest of the society , other than the business , as a result of a business decisionExternal benefits : are the gains of the rest of society other than the business resulting from a business decisionPrivate costs : are the costs of a business decision actually paid for by the businessPrivate benefits : are the financial gains made by a business as a result of a business decisionSocial costs : is the addition of the private and external costs of a business decisionSocial benefit : is the addition of the private and external benefits of a business decision

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    Chapter 6 Fixed costs : are costs which do not vary with the number of items sold or produced in the short term, they have to be paid whether the business is making any sales or not , they are also known as overheads costs.Variable costs : are costs which vary with the number of items sold or produced, they are often called direct costs as they can be directly related ti or identified with a particular product.Total costs : are fixed and variable costs combinedBreak even charts : are graphs which show how costs and revenues of a business change with sales, they show the level of

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    sales the business must make in order to break evenRevenue : the income during a period of time from the sale of goods and services where Total revenue= Quantity sold X priceThe Break even point : is the level of sales at which total costs equals to total revenuesThe contribution : is the selling price less the variable costsDirect costs : are those costs that can be directly related to or identified with a particular product or departmentMarginal costs : are the extra costs a business will incur by producing one more unit of outputIndirect costs : are those costs which cannot be directly related to a particular product , they are often called overheads or overhead 0111 4808 454


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    costsAverage costs per unit : is the total costs of production divided by total outputEconomies of scale : are the factors that lead to a reduction in average costs as the business increases in its sizeDiseconomies of scale : they are the factors that lead to an increase in average costs as a business grows beyond a certain sizeForecasts : are predictions of the future , for example , likely future changes in the size of the marketA trend : is an underlying movement or direction of data over time , for example, the trend of sales data may be increasingA line of best fit : is a line drawn through a series of points , for example, sales data, which bes shows the trend of that data , it 0111 4808 454


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    can be used to forecast results in the futureBudgets : are plans for the future containing numerical or financial targets

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    Chapter 7 Accounts : are the financial records of a firm's transactionsAccountants : are the professionally qualified people who have responsibility for keeping accurate accounts and for producing the final accountsFinal Accounts : are produced at the end of the financial year giving details of the profit or loss made over the year and the worth of the businessTrading Account : shows how the gross profit of the business is calculated The cost of goods sold : is the cost of producing or buying in the goods actually sold by the business during a time periodSales revenue : is the income to a business

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    during a period of time from the sale of goods and servicesGross profit : is made when sales revenue is greater than the costs of goods soldNet profit : is the profit made by a business after all costs have been deducted from sales revenue , it is calculated by subtracting overhead costs from gross profitsThe profit and loss account : shows how the net profit of a business and the retained profits of a company are calculatedDepreciation : is the fall in the value of a fixed asset over timeAppropriation account : is that part of the profit and loss account which shows how the profit after tax is distributed either by dividends or kept in the company as 0111 4808 454


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    retained profitsRetained profit : is the net profit reinvested back into a company , after deducting tax and payments to owners, such as dividendsBalance sheet : shows the value if a business assets and liabilities at a particular timeAssets : are those items of value which are owned by the business , they may be long term (fixed) or short term (current)Liabilities : are items owed by the businessLiquidity : is the ability of a business to pay back its short term debts

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    Chapter 8 Cash flow : of a business is the cash inflows and outflows over a period of time Cash inflows : are the sums of money received by a business during a period of timeCash outflows : are the sums of money paid out b a business during a period of timeCash flow cycle : shows the stages between paying out cash for labour, materials, etc. and receiving cash from the sale of goodsProfit: the surplus after total costs have been subtracted from the sales revenueCash flow forecast : is an estimate of future cash inflows and outflows of a business, usually on a month by month basis this will then show the expected cash balance at the

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    end of each monthOpening cash or bank balance : is the amount of cash held by the business at the start of the monthNet cash flow : is the difference , each month between inflows and outflowsClosing Cash or bank : is the amount of cash held by the business at the end of each month, this become next month opening cash balance

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    Chapter 9 Start up capital : is the finance needed by a new business to pay for essential fixed and current assets before it can begin trading Capital expenditure : is money spent on fixed assets which will last for more than one yearRevenue expenditure : is money spent on day to day expenses which do not involve the purchase of a long term assets for example wages or rent

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    Chapter 1 0 Organizational structure : refers to the levels of management and division of responsibilities within an organizationJob description : outlines the responsibilities and duties to be carried out by someone employed to do a specific jobDelegation means giving a subordinate the authority to perform particular tasks, it is important to remember that it is the authority to perform a task which is being delegated not the final responsibilityChain of command : is the structure in an organization which allows instructions to be passed down from senior management to lower levels of management The span of control : is the number of

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    subordinates working directly under a managerLine managers : have direct authority over subordinates in their department, they are able to take decisions in their departmental areaStaff managers : are specialist advisers who provide support to line managers and to the board of directorsDecentralised management structure : means that most decisions are taken at the center or higer levels of management

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    Chapter 1 1 Strategic decisions : are very important decisions which can affect the overall success of the businessTactical decisions : are decisions which are taken more frequently and which are less importantOperational decisions : are day to day decisions which will be taken by a lower level of managers

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    Chapter 1 2 Communication : is the transferring of a message from the sender to the receiver , who understands the messageMessage : is the information or instructions being passed by the sender to the receiverTransmitter or sender : is the person starting off the process by sending the messageMedium of communication : is the method used to send a message , for example , a letter is a method of verbal communication Receiver : is the person who receives the messageFeedback : is the reply from the receiver which shows whether the message has arrived , been understood , and if necessary , acted upon.

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    One way communication : involves a message which does not call for or require a responseTwo way communication : is when the receiver gives a response to the message and there is a discussion about it Internal communication : is when messages are sent between people working in the same organizationExternal communication : is when messages are sent between one organization and another organization or outside individualCommunication nets : are the ways in which members of a group communicates with each other

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    Chapter 1 3 Motivation : is the reason why employees want to work hard and work effectively for the businessWage : is the payment for work , usually paid weeklySalary : is the payment for work , usually paid monthlyCommission : is payment relating to the number of sales madeProfit sharing : is a system whereby a proportion of the company profits is paid out to employeesBonus : is an additional amount of payment above basic pay as a reward for good workPerformance-related pay : it is the pay which is related to the effectiveness of the

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    employeeAppraisal : the method for assessing the effectiveness of an employeeFringe benefits : they are non financial rewards given to employeesJob satisfaction : is the enjoyment derived from the feeling that you have done a good jobJob rotation : involves workers swapping round and doing each specific task for only a limited time and then changing round againJob enlargement : it is where extra tasks of a similar level of work are added to a worker's job descriptionJob enrichment : it involves looking at jobs and adding tasks that require more skills and/or responsibilities0111 4808 454


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    Leadership styles : are the different approaches to dealing with people when in a position of authority such as autocratic , laissez-faire and democratic leadership stylesFormal group : is a group designated to carry out specific tasks within a businessInformal group : is a group of people who form independently of any official groups set up within the business and who have similar interest or something else in common

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    Chapter 1 4 Job analysis : identifies and records the responsibilities and tasks relating to a jobJob description : outlines the responsibilities and duties to be carried out by someone employed to do a specific jobJob specification : is a document which outlines the requirements, qualifications, expertise, physical characteristics etc. for a specified jobInternal recruitment : is when a vacancy is filled by someone who is an existing employee of the businessExternal recruitment : is when a vacancy is filled by someone who is not an existing employee and will be new to the businessInduction training : is an induction given to

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    a new employee, explaining the firm's activities, customs, and procedures and introducing them to their fellow workersOn-the-job training : occurs by watching a more experienced worker doing the jobOff-the-job training : involves being trained away from the workplace , usually by specialist trainersWorkforce planning : it is the process of establishing the workforce needed by the business for the forseeable future in terms of the number and skills of employees requiredRedundancy : is when an employee is no longer needed and so loses their job, it is not due ti any aspect of their work being unsatisfactory

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    Chapter 1 5 Trade union : is a group of workers who have joined to ensure that their interests are protectedCraft union : is a trade union which represents a particular type of skilled workersGeneral union : is a trade union which represents workers from a variety of trades and industries, they are often unskilled but also include semi-skilled workersIndustrial union: is a trade union which represents all types of workers in a particular industry White collar union : is a trade union which represents non manual workers, for example , office workers , management and

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    professional peopleShop steward : is an unpaid representative of a trade union at a factory or office levelClosed shop : is where all employees must be a member of the same trade unionSingle union agreement is when a firm will deal with only one trade union and no othersEmployer associations : are groups of employers who join together to give benefits to their members, also known as employer federations or trade associationsNegotiations : is another name of collective bargaining , it is when there is joint decision making involving bargaining between representatives of the management and of the workforce within a firm , the aim is to arrive at a mutually acceptable agreement0111 4808 454


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    Collective bargaining : is negotiations between one or more trade unions and one or more employers or employer associations in pay and conditions of employment.Productivity agreement : is where workers and management agree an increase in benefits, in return for an increase in productivityIndustrial action : is action taken by the trade unions to decrease or halt productionStrike : is when employees refuse to workpicketing is when employees who are taking industrial action stand outside their place of work to prevent or protest at the delivery of goods , arrival and departure of other employeesWork to rule : is when rules are strictly obeyed so that work is slowed down0111 4808 454


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    Go slow : is when employees do their normal tasks but more slowly than usualNon cooperation : is when employees refuse to work longer than their working hoursNon strike agreement : is reached when trade unions and management agree to have pay disputes settled by an independent arbitrator instead of taking strike actionArbitrator : the once who listens to both sides in the industrial dispute (trade union and management) and then gives a ruling on what they think is fair to both sidesLock out : it is when employees are locked out of their workplace by the employersWorker participation : a situation occurs when employees contribute to decision making in the businessWorks councils : they are the committees of 0111 4808 454


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    workers who are consulted or informed on matters that affect employees

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    Chapter 1 6 Market : it is the place where buyers and sellers come together to exchange products for money, this will not usually be a single locationProduct orientated business :it is the business whose main focus is on the product itselfMarket orientated business : it is the business which carries out market research to find out consumer wants before a product is developed and producedMarketing budget : is a financial plan for the marketing of a product or product range for some specified period of time, it specifies how much money is available to market the product or range so that the

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    marketing department know how much they may spendMarketing : the management process which identifies customer wants anticipate their future wants and then goes about satisfying them profitablyMarket share : the percentage of total market sales held by one brand or businessMarket segmentation : it is where the market has been divided up into groups of consumers who have similar needsMass market : is where there is a very large number of sales of a product Niche market : is a small , usually specialized segment of a much larger market

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    ELDCES Business O Level 0450 Mohamed Abdou Etman

    Chapter 1 7 Primary research : the collection and collation of original data via direct contact with potential or existing customers , also called sometimes field researchSecondary research : the process of analyzing a data that has already been collected and is available for use by others, it is also called desk researchQuestionnaire is a set of questions to be answered as a means of collecting data for the market researchConsumer panels : are groups of people who agree to provide information about a specific product or general spending patterns over a period of timeRandom sample : is when people are

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    selected at random as a source of information for market researchQuota sample : is when people are selected on the basis of certain characteristics such as gender or income etc. as a source of information for the market research

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    Chapter 1 9 Brand name : is the unique name of a product that distinguish it from other brandsBrand loyalty : is when consumers keep buying the same brand again and again instead of choosing another competitor's brandBrand image : it is an image or identity which gives it a personality of its own and distinguishes it from its competitor's brandsPackaging : it is the physical container or wrapping for a product, it is also used for promotion and selling appealThe product life cycle : description of the stages a product will pass through from its introduction through its growth until it is mature and then finally its decline

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    Chapter 20 Cost plus pricing : is the cost of manufacturing the product plus a profit making upPenetration pricing : is when the price is set lower than the competitor's prices in order to be able to enter a new marketPrice skimming : is where a high price is set for a new product on the marketCompetitive pricing : is when the product is priced in line with or just below competitors prices to try to capture more of the marketPromotional pricing : is when a product is sold at a very low price for a short period of time Psychological pricing : is when particular attention is paid to the effect that the price

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    of the product will have upon consumer's perceptions of the product

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    Chapter 21 Informative advertising : is where the emphasis of advertising or sales promotion is to give full information about the productPersuasive advertising : is advertising or promotion which is trying to persuade the consumer that they really need the product and should buy itTarget Audience : refers to people who are potential buyers of a product or serviceAIDA model : is a simple way of planning an advert's design , it stands for attention , interest , desire , action

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    Chapter 2 2 Channel of distribution : is the means by which a product is passed from the place of production to the customer or retailerAgent : is an independent person or business that is appointed to deal with the sales and distribution of a product or range of products, the agent will either put an additional amount on the price to cover their expenses or will receive a commission on sales

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    Chapter 2 3 Productivity : is the output measured against the inputs used to create it Job production : is where a single product is made at a timeBatch Production : is where a quantity of one product is made , then a quantity of another product will be produced ,i.e batches , usually as orders come inFlow production : is where large quantities of a product are produced in a continuous process , sometimes referred to as mass productionLead time : is the margin of time between the date when stock is obtained and the date when it is sold onLean production : techniques used by

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    businesses to cut down on waste and therefore increase efficiency , for example by reducing the time it takes for a product to be developed and become available for saleKaizen : is a Japanese term meaning continuous improvement through the elimination of wasteJust in time JIT : is a production method that involves reducing or virtually eliminating the need to hold stocks of raw materials or unsold stocks of the finished products as supplies arrive just at the time when they are neededTotal Quality management TQM : is the continuous improvement of the products and processes by focusing on quality at each stage of production

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    Chapter 2 5 Exchange rate : is the price of one currency in terms of another for example GBP 1 : $1.5Currency appreciation : occurs when the value of a currency rises it buys more of another currency than before Currency depreciation : occurs when the value of a currency falls it buys less of another currency than beforeCommon currency : is the result of an agreement between countries to use the same currency for all business and other transactions , such as the Euro in the European unionMultinational businesses : are those with factories , production or service operations

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    in more than one country, these are sometimes known as transitional businesses

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