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  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    Community Action Guide

    Food, Inc.

    Brought to you By

  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    Food, Inc. is a eature-length documentary that oers a unique glimpse inside the highly

    secretive U.S. industrial ood system, while exploring the very steep health and environmenta

    consequences o seemingly cheap ood.

    This guide a resource rom the Inediens Cane Campain can generate

    meaningul discussions about the flm and help draw tangible connections between its

    complex themes and the specifc ood access and nutritional health issues that most impact

    many communities. It is meant to help audiences sit through these issues, understand their

    interplay with the sharp rise o obesity rates among children and adults, tell their own stories,

    and strategize pragmatic solutions that will engage and activate their communities.

    While Food, Inc. only touches on obesity and ood access issues per se, the flm examines

    the many consequences that the countrys industrial ood production has had on the

    American consumer. It is important during your post-screening discussions with community

    members to clearly connect some o these crucial themes rom the rise o agribusiness to

    government subsidies o commodity crops and the widespread availability o cheap junk

    ood to obesitys dramatic rise within the last 30 years.

    When you have fve or six times more ast ood restaurants and convenience stores than you dogrocery stores and places where people can buy resh ruit and vegetables, when mostly everythingthat is being sold is unhealthy, what kind o choice is that? That isnt a choice.


    usin Food, Inc. Addess obesi and Fd Access

    usin Food, Inc. Addess obesi and Fd Access

    te Pblem Defned

    Me Ab e Film

    Film temes and Discssin Qesins

    Pe/Ps-Sceenin Discssin Qesins

    teme 1 Discssin Qesins: Cn

    teme 2 Discssin Qesins: Fd Access

    teme 3 Discssin Qesins: Indsial Aicle

    teme 4 Discssin Qesins: Alenaie Fd Ssems

    obesi Fas Facs

    Addiinal resces


    tABLE oF CoNtENtS













  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    3Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    We hope you will customize and localize your event in ways that encourage dialogue about

    realistic strategies or change and help advance plans to propel these conversations into

    advocacy and action. Depending on what you deem most eective, you can screen the

    flm in its entirety or select the themed chapters that are most relevant to your audience.The guide is designed to accommodate either ormat. I you do screen the whole flm,

    we recommend posing some overarching questions to your audience, in addition to more

    specifc questions that seem most pertinent and stimulating.

    Suggested uses or the flm and the screening event:


    ood is exacerbating obesity and other health problems.


    geared toward helping residents have healthier ood choices.


    nutritious ood and create healthier living and working environments.

    WhAt FILM CAN Do

    A well-orchestrated screening o a strong flm can serve as a powerul organizing opportunity

    But simply showing a flm without acilitation or ollow-up is generally not enough to urther


    flm and is provided clear ways o taking action a screening event can eectively mobilize

    members o your community to tackle crucial issues.

    While your organization will decide on the specifc desired outcomes o the event,

    the IFC Campaigns objective is clear: to help urther eorts in reducing childhood obesity

    and other nutrition-related health disparities in your community. When reviewing this guide

    in the planning process, please consider how best to harness the energy rom your event

    and convert it into real change in your community.

  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    4 Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    te Pblem Defned

    Why is it that you can buy aMcDonalds cheeseburgeror 99 cents and you canteven get a head o broccolior 99 cents? To eat wellin this country costs morethan to eat badly.


    Obesity is defned as an excessively high amount o body at in relation to lean body mass. Obesity increases

    the risk o a range o potentially lie-threatening illnesses in children and adults, including type 2 diabetes,

    heart disease, stroke, asthma, and certain types o cancer. Body mass index, or BMI, is a measure expressing

    the relationship o weight to height (weight/height in inches x height in inches). Adults with a BMI o 25 to

    29.9 are considered overweight, while those with a BMI o 30 or higher are considered obese. Children andyouth at or above the 95th percentile or their age and gender are defned as obese, while children at or

    above the 85th percentile but below the 95th percentile are defned as overweight.

    At the simplest level, obesity is caused by an energy imbalance when people consume more energy

    (calories) through oods and beverages than they burn through physical activity and everyday body unction.

    Over the last 30 years, as cheap processed ood has become a major part o the landscape, obesity rates

    have skyrocketed. The average American is now 23 pounds overweight, eats signifcantly larger quantities o

    meat, and consumes 250 more calories per day than s/he did 30 years ago. What was once a small exception

    has reached epidemic proportions, and obesity is now one o the nations leading preventable health

    problems. According to data taken between 2005 and 2006 by the ederal Centers or Disease Control and

    Prevention, two-thirds o American adults 20 or older, and one-third o all children and adolescents, are obeseor overweight. I this trend is not reversed soon, experts warn that todays children will live sicker and die

    younger than their parents generation or the frst time in history.

    The costs o treating obesity-related diseases in the U.S. have doubled in the last decade, with

    approximately $147 billion annually now spent on obesity-related care (more than nine percent o all

    U.S. medical expenditures). And while obesity aects people o every race, ethnicity, age, and class,

    lower-income communities can be especially vulnerable. These communities are oten characterized

    by a lack o retailers selling aordable healthy ood sometimes reerred to as ood deserts and

    access to sae public recreational acilities. Yet they typically have an abundance o ast ood chains

    and convenience stores that oer highly processed, high-calorie oods.

    Source: Centers or Disease Control and Prevention Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    5Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    While the inormation put orth here and in the flm presents a rather gloomy outlook about our

    ood system and diet-related health problems, the intent o the IFC Campain is as much to

    raise awareness o the issues as it is to encourage and inspire your community to fnd practical

    solutions and impact real change. It is important, when presenting these acts, to make sure

    that audience members leave the screening with a real sense o hope that concrete solutions

    do exist, and that creating a healthier community is well within reach. Like the successul fght

    against smoking and the tobacco industry, many o these health problems are preventable

    with a combination o smart changes in policies and community environments to encourage

    better eating and healthier liestyles. While it is obviously shortsighted and unrealistic to urge

    people neverto eat another ast-ood hamburger or drink another soda, providing accessible,aordable alternatives is imperative so that the healthy choice becomes the likely choice.

    In order to turn the tide on obesity, especially among children, individuals, communities,

    and governments need to understand the root causes o these issues as well as the most

    eective remedies and take constructive action now.

    Cmmni-based and plic-

    leel besi peenin saeies


    oadable, eal ds

    in d deses through

    new grocery stores, more

    resh produce in existing

    corner stores, armers

    markets that accept oodstamps, and community

    garden programs.

    Serveonlyniis ds

    and beeaes in scls.

    redce access neal

    ds in public institutions

    and communities.

    Cane picin to make

    unhealthy oods more

    expensive and healthy oods

    more aordable.

    Edcae cnsmes

    about healthy ood choices

    and publicly promote these

    options, while reducing

    marketing o unhealthy choices.


    community resources that

    encae psical acii,

    including sae parks, walking

    and bicycling routes, and gyms.

    Empwe and spp

    to take leadership

    on these issues, and to

    positivelyinuencetheirpeers and community.

    Weve skewed our ood systemto the bad calories. And its not anaccident. I mean, the reason thatthose calories are cheaperis because those are the onesthat were heavily subsidizing. The problem is too many calories.


    My husbands diabetic. Were really tight rom eitherpaying or his medicine to behealthy or buying vegetables

    to be healthy. So which oneshould we do?


    Source: www.mmnebl.cm

    Source: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation National Health Examination Survey,National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    6 Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    Me Ab e Film

    In Food, Inc., the hit documentary rom Participant Media, River Road Entertainment,

    and Magnolia Pictures, flmmaker Robert Kenner lits the veil on our nations ood industry,

    exposing the highly mechanized underbelly thats been hidden rom the American consumer with

    the consent o government regulatory agencies. The documentary shows how the ood supply

    is now largely controlled by a handul o corporations that oten put proft ahead o consumer

    health, the livelihood o the American armer, the saety o workers, and the environment.

    Food, Inc.. explores how sot drinks and highly processed oods are responsible or Americas

    expanding waistline, and why these oods are so much cheaper and more accessible than

    resh produce and other nutritional ood sources. It encourages audiences to vote with their

    pocketbooks to change that paradigm. Featuring authors Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation)

    and Michael Pollan (The Omnivores Dilemma), along with orward-thinking social entrepreneurs,

    such as Stonyfeld Farms Gary Hirshberg, Food, Inc. reveals surprisingeven shockingtruths

    about what we eat, how its produced, and why it can make us sick. For flm inormation and to viewthe trailer: www.dincmie.cm.

    Film temes and Discssin Qesins

    Depending on your audience and the logistics o your event, you can decide whether it makes sense

    to show the entire flm (90 minutes), or just select chapters. This guide breaks the flm into our main

    themes (with the corresponding flm chapters noted) and provides a list o suggested discussion

    questions or each.

    Under each theme, the ollowing is provided: te Facs: Some background inormation about the topic.

    Discssin Qesins: A list o suggested questions to use during or ater the flm to inspire

    conversations among your audience.

    Small gp Aciiies: One or more suggested interactive activities or break-out

    groups or individuals.

    Wa We Can D/Acin Seps: A list o suggestions mostly selected rom the ederal Centers

    or Disease Control and Preventions recommended strategies list and real examples rom across

    the country o eective community action. For these, we recommend leading a discussion with

    your audience about which actions would be most eective and realistic or your community to

    replicate. During the screening event, we also encourage your community to develop new ideas.

    Defniins y Mi Need: A list o relevant terms defned.

    Central themes in the flm include:


    U.S. ood supply









    F flm inmain and

    iew e aile:


  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    7Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide


    Beore showing Food, Inc.at your event, we recommend briefng your audience about the

    flm and the IFC Campaign. Depending on timing and circumstances, it may also be useulto pose a ew ice-breaker questions and activities that help rame the most relevant issues.

    It is oten useul, in leading group discussions, to write down responses on a board. Some o

    these questions may be worth revisiting as you begin your post-screening discussion:


    soda? Why is that? Has it always been this way?


    have to travel to get to a ast ood restaurant or liquor store?


    (e.g. cost, distance, time, etc.)?


    grandparents might have eaten 50 years ago?

    Whataresomeofthemostserioushealthproblemsinyourcommunity(promptbylistinga ew potential examples)? Raise your hand i you have one, two, three, or more amily

    members or close riends with diabetes (or who are very overweight, although the latter

    may be a bit too personal).


    mind when you think o a arm?



    who is responsible?


    geneal qesins ein e cnesain saed ae e cedis ll Whatcharactersandissuesfromthelmwillyouremembermostandwhy?


    flm that you disagreed with?



    who is responsible? (Same question rom pre-screening)

    Everything weve done in modern industrial agricultureis to grow it aster, atter, bigger, cheaper. Imaginewhat it would be i as a national policy we said wewould be only successul i we had ewer people goingto the hospital next year than last year. How boutthat or success? The idea then would be to have suchnutritionally dense unadulterated ood that people whoate it actually elt better, had more energy, and werentsick as much. You know, now see thats a noble goal.


    Theres somethingthats going on in theway that we live our

    lives and where weplay and wherewe buy our ood,in the types o oodthat were able tobuy, thats causingthis epidemic.


  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    8 Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    te Facs

    U.S.farmersplantmorethan90millionacresofcorneachyear,accordingtotheNationaCorn Growers Association. Our country is currently the number one corn-growing nation

    in the world, with more acres devoted to it than any other crop. We produce more than

    12 billion bushels o corn annually, up rom our billion in 1970.


    productive, high-yield crop. But less than one percent o this is the sweet corn we can

    actually eat. Most o it is feld corn - a commodity crop thats bred or its high starch

    content and harvested when kernels are hard and inedible.


    some o the most common ingredients in the typical American supermarket. From breakast

    cereals, syrup, margarine, and baby powder, to glue, batteries, and uel ethanol, the number

    o products that contain some orm o corn-based ingredient is astounding.

    ThetypicalAmericanmealofacheeseburger,fries,andshakeincludes severalcorn-based ingredients: the patty (corn-ed bee), the cheese (corn starch), the bun

    (high-ructose corn syrup), the ketchup (high-ructose corn syrup and corn syrup),

    the ries (corn oil), and the shake (corn syrup solids and cellulose gum).


    a large number o corn-based byproducts, including a low-cost sweetener known as

    high-ructose corn syrup. Recognizing corn as a hearty raw material, the U.S. Department

    o Agriculture began in the 1970s oering direct payments or subsidies to armers

    who grew more corn. Over the last decade, the ederal government poured more than

    $50 billion into the corn industry.



    production increased by nearly 40 percent, according to the USDA. Supermarkets

    suddenly were and continue to be flled with corn-based, high-calorie processed ood

    products that contain little nutritional value but are generally much cheaper than resh

    ruits and vegetables.


    30 years, as has consumption o meat (made more aordable because o the corn diet).

    In the same period, obesity rates have also risen dramatically.

    Cespndin capes:

    Film In 2 (A Cornucopia of Choices)

    4 (The Dollar Menu)

    5 (In the Grass)

    thEME 1Why IS thE CorN So ChEAP?: A Look At our CurrENt FooD SyStEM

  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    9Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    Discssin Qesins Shouldjunkfoodbemoreexpensiveandhealthyfoodcheaper?Ifthathappened,doyou

    think people you know would eat healthier oods (or would they just pay more or the same

    stu)? What other steps might be necessary to get people eating healthier diets? Whatkindoffoodismostreadilyavailableinyourcommunity?Whatarethebiggestobstacles

    to eating healthy ood where you live? How easily can you fnd such ood in your community?


    why soda is so much cheaper than broccoli, and he links cheap soda to obesity and other

    nutrition-related health problems in this country. Do you agree that there is a link with obesity?

    Why or why not?


    What are some impacts on health in general and, specifcally, on obesity?


    oods? Which had raw or cooked resh vegetables or ruit? Which meals were more

    expensive? Where did you eat them? Which did you enjoy eating more?

    Howmuchdoyouknowabouttheingredientsinthepackagedorprocessedfoodsyoubuy? How oten do you read the labels? Are they easy to read, and do you trust them?

    Wa We Can D/Acin Seps

    Increase the availability of

    affordable, healthy food in

    school cafeterias, community

    centers, government worksites,

    and other public institutions.

    Example: In 2008, New York Citybecame the frst major city in theU.S. to set nutrition standardsor all oods sold or served incity agencies, including schools,senior centers, homeless shelters,child care agencies, ater-schoolprograms, correctional acilities,public hospitals, and parks. Thestandards require agencies toinclude two servings o ruits and

    vegetables in every lunch anddinner, phase out deep rying,lower salt content, serve healthierbeverages, and increase theamount o fber in meals.*

    Tax sodas and other

    junk foods.

    Example: A growing number o

    policy leaders and medical expertsare pushing or a ederal soda tax.They believe that such a tax coulddecrease consumption and havea signifcant impact on obesityrates. According to several studies,increasing the price o sodas andother sugar-sweetened drinks by10 percent would result in an 8percent to 10 percent decreasein consumption. A small numbero states have taxes on soda,including Arkansas and Missouri.San Francisco is considering levyinga tax on sodas sold in retail outletsand would be the frst such cityto do so.

    Provide incentives for local

    corner stores to sell

    affordable healthy food.

    Example: In Hartord,the second largest city inConnecticut, there is only onesupermarket. In response, theHartord Food System led theHealthy Food Retailer Initiative,in which store owners whoagree to switch fve percento their shel space rom junkood to healthier items getassistance with direct marketingand grassroots publicity thathelps distinguish their stores ina very competitive climate.To remain in the program,owners must switch anotherfve percent o their shel spaceto healthy oods each year.Starting with six stores in 2006,more than one-quarter o allstores selling groceries nowparticipate in the program.

    Start a school garden program

    with curriculum that teaches

    students about food production

    and nutritional cooking.

    Example: In 2006, in the wakeo Hurricane Katrina, the EdibleSchoolyard program beganat two public charter middleschools in New Orleans.The program includes a campusorganic garden, and integratesgardening and resh seasonalcooking into the schoolscurriculum, culture, and oodprograms. Students are involvedin all aspects o tending thegardenalong with preparing,serving, and eating the ood.Once a month, students sellproduce and other productsrom the garden at an outdoorarm stand.

    *Source: Centers or Disease Control and Prevention, Recommended Community Strategies and Measurementsto Prevent Obesity in the United States: Implementation and Measurement Guide July/2009

  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    10 Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    Small gp Aciiies Atthebeginningofthelm,MichaelPollansays:The way we eat has changed more

    in the last 50 years than in the previous 10,000. Describe a standard dinner that your

    grandmother might have eaten 50 years ago. How was it dierent rom what you eat

    today? Is it still possible to eat the way that she once did?


    within 100 miles o where you live, what could you buy/grow during each season o the

    year? I unclear on what produce is seasonal, just take your best guess based on what

    youve seen at armers markets and on local arms.)

    Defniins y Mi Need

    u.S. Depamen Aicle (uSDA): The ederal agency that executes governmenpolicy on arming, agriculture, and ood.

    Aiclal sbsidies: USDA payments to armers and agribusinesses meant to


    Fam Bill: A major bill that Congress debates and passes about every fve years that set

    the course o U.S. arm and ood policy, including crop subsidies.

    Cmmdi cps: Crops like corn, soy, wheat, and rice that are common raw

    ingredients in our ood supply. Farmers typically receive subsidies or these crops, which

    keep the cost o them low.

    hi-cse cn sp: A highly processed corn byproduct that is typically used as

    a sugar substitute and, since the 1970s, has become a very common main ingredient in

    processed oods and beverages, including sot drinks, yogurt, and salad dressing.

    Pcessed d: Raw harvested crops or slaughtered animal products that have beenengineered and transormed into new ood products, oten with the intention o

    increasing their marketability and shel lie. Soda, chips, candy bars, cereal, hot dogs,

    and TV dinners are all common examples.

    Cild Niin and WIC reaizain Ac (CNr): Federal legislation that authorize

    all public school meal and child nutrition programs, including the National School

    Lunch Program. The current act, which expired in September 2009, is currently up or

    reauthorization and will play a large role in determining nutritional standards o oods

    served in public schools across the nation.

  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    11Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    te Facs Currently,thefederalgovernmentspendsroughly

    $35 billion each year subsidizing commodity crops,

    making them so cheap and abundant that ood

    producers have ound a wide range o uses or them,such as hydrogenated oils, high-ructose corn syrup,

    animal eed, and uel.


    store are oten highly processed oods made up o

    refned grains with added sugars and ats that are flled

    with empty calories and have little nutritional value.

    Like most ast ood meals, they are so cheap because

    they contain at least one main ingredient that is heavily

    subsidized by the government.


    has had the greatest impact on lower-income amilies

    with tight spending budgets. While the real price(adjustedforination)ofsodahasfallen33percent

    over the last 30 years, the real price o ruit and

    vegetables has risen more than 40 percent.


    adopt a diet o mostly calorie-dense, at-rich oods that

    lack greater nutritional value.


    one-third o children are either obese or overweight,

    making us the heaviest nation on earth. One o every

    three Americans born in 2000 will contract diabetes

    a rate that is even higher among Arican Americans,

    Latinos, and American Indians.


    children will live sicker and die younger than their

    parents generation or the frst time in history.

    Sae-Specifc Pealence obesi AmnAdls Aed 18 yeas, b race/Enici

    You can fnd candy thats cheaper. You can fnd chips that are cheaper.The sodas are really cheap. Sometimes you look at a vegetable and say,okay, well, we can get two hamburgers over here or the same amounto price.


    Cespndin capes: 1 (Fast Food To All Food)

    2 (A Cornucopia of Choices)

    4 (The Dollar Menu)

    9 (Shocks to the System)


    Source: Centers or Disease Control and PreventionBehavioral Risk Factor System, United States, 2006-2008

  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    12 Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    Discssin Qesins Isobesityasignicantprobleminyourcommunity,especiallyamongchildren?

    Do you think most people understand the health risks o being overweight or obese?

    MariaAndreaGonzalez,says:Were really tight rom either paying or his[the athers]medicine to be healthy or buying vegetables to be healthy.Can you relate to the

    dilemma that her amilyaces? What would you recommend they do when deciding what

    oods to buy?


    Does it have to be one or the other? What are some ways to make healthy ood available

    and aordable in your community?


    Rosa Soto was doing in the movie, is an eective strategy to get people to eat healthier

    diets? Are there groups like that in your community? Where else can these conversations

    take place? What are other helpul strategies?


    The consumer does not eel very powerul, but its the exact opposite. When werun an item past the supermarket scanner, were voting or local or not, organic or not.

    Do you think this statement is true or you? Do you have these choices to make?


    some reasons or and against this?

    Small gp Aciiies On-the-spotrecipes:Comeupwiththreecheap,quick,healthymealsthatuselocal,

    or readily accessible ingredients and NO processed oods.

    Shouldhealthyeatingbearight, a responsibility, or a privilege? (I easible, place three

    signs in dierent corners o the room or each category, ask the audience to go to the

    corner they think is right, and then have them discuss with each other and present their

    argument to the group.)

  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    13Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    Restrict the number of fast

    food restaurants in your

    community and attract

    more businesses that serve

    healthier food.

    Example: In 2008, theLos Angeles City Councilapproved a one-yearmoratorium on any new astood restaurants ina lower-income area o thecity where rates o obesity

    and other nutrition-relatedhealth problems are high.The measure was intended toencourage restaurants servinghealthier oods to move intothese neighborhoods.

    Empower youth to take

    leadership on food access and

    healthy lifestyle campaigns

    Example: The Youth PhotovoiceProject, launched in 2007 bythe Central Caliornia RegionalObesity Prevention Program(CCROPP), trains youth in theSan Joaquin Valley to researchand take photos o their owncommunity environments, defnehealth problems, and identiy

    opportunities and solutions orhealthy ood access, sae play,and recreation. Participantsbecome health advocates, and theirwork has been presented to keystakeholders and decision makersthroughout the region.

    Wa We Can D/Acin Seps

    Improve geographic availability

    of supermarkets in underservedcommunities.

    Example: The PennsylvaniaFresh Food Financing Initiative isa state program that increases thenumber o supermarkets or othergrocery stores in underservedcommunities across Pennsylvania.The initiative provides fnancing tosupermarket operators that planto operate in these underservedcommunities. It has become amodel or communities nationwide

    committed to combating obesityand improving ood access.

    Improve transportation links

    to healthy food sources.

    Example: In Hartord, CT, anAdvisory Commission on FoodPolicy studied the local oodsystem and launched an initiativeto improve bus service routes togrocery stores and to reduceood prices in lower-incomecommunities. The commissioncreated a special cross-town busroute that cut travel time in halor residents to reach the citysonly major supermarket.*

    Create community farmers

    markets, farm stands, or mobilemarkets that offer fresh,

    affordable produce to residents.

    Example: Five days a week, thePeaches and Greens truck drivesthrough the streets o lower-income neighborhoods in Detroit.Set up as a mobile grocery store,the truck oers subsidized reshproduce to amilies on publicassistance, homebound seniors,and residents who dont havedirect access to well-stocked

    grocery stores.

    Make fresh produce more

    affordable to lower-income


    Example: The New York CityDepartment o Health operatesthe Health Bucks Program tomake ruits and vegetables moreaordable to residents with oodstamps. For every fve dollars in

    ood stamps spent at armersmarkets, individuals receive atwo-dollar Health Bucks couponthat can be redeemed at morethan 30 armers markets citywide.*

    Defniins y Mi Need obesi: A medical condition in which excess body at has accumulated to the extent that

    it may have an adverse eect on health and lead to reduced lie expectancy. An adult is

    considered obese when his/her body mass index (BMI), a weight and height ratio, is greater

    than 30 (or roughly 20 percent over ideal weight). Obesity increases risk o many diseases

    including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types o cancer.

    Diabees: Diabetes is a chronic (lielong) disease marked by high levels o sugar in the blood.

    Type 2 diabetes, one orm o this condition, is directly linked to obesity. A diet o refned

    carbohydrates (i.e. most processed oods) can lead to insulin spikes in the bloodstream and is

    a common cause o diabetes. Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult-onset diabetes until the

    recent dramatic increase o diagnoses among children.

    Fd dese: A community or neighborhood with little or no access to resh, nutritious oods.

    *Source: Centers or Disease Control and Prevention, Recommended Community Strategies and Measurements to Prevent Obesityin the United States: Implementation and Measurement Guide July/2009

  • 7/28/2019 IFC Community Action Guide Final Low Res


    14 Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    te Facs Americasmodernfoodsystemisdesignedtoproduce,process,anddistributeenormou

    quantities o ood as cheaply as possible. Since national ood shortages during WorldWar II, production levels have been consistently increased through the use o agricultural

    technologies like chemical ertilizers, pesticides, genetically modifed seeds, and animal

    growth hormones and antibiotics.


    succeeded in producing an abundance o cheap ood, there have also been signifcant

    consequences: nutritional health (obesity, diabetes), consumer saety (increases in

    salmonella, E. coli, and other oodborne illnesses), environmental quality (water and air

    pollution), and workers rights.


    country have largely been overtaken by huge industrial actory arms owned by large

    corporations. While prices or commodity crops like corn and soybeans have remained

    constant since about 1970, costs or uel, seed, ertilizer, equipment, and land have risen

    steadily, wiping out many small arms and transorming the majority o U.S. agricultural

    operations into big businesses.


    dropped to two million arms. Some o these arms are huge industrial operations, and now

    about three percent o all arms produce roughly three-ourths o the nations arm output.


    rom where it was produced to your plate.


    which relies on a constant supply o cheap meat and commodity crops. To meet demand

    CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) have emerged, wherein animals are

    packed together as tightly as possible. They are commonly ed corn and other cheapcrops that are not part o their natural diet and typically administered growth hormones

    and antibiotics to prevent illness.


    other sector o the economy. 10 million tons o chemical ertilizers are used to grow

    industrial corn in the U.S.; 23 million tons are used or all crops. These ertilizers,

    coupled with massive amounts o animal waste rom eedlots, have resulted in major

    air and water pollution problems, and caused signifcant health problems within

    communities near industrial arming acilities.


    generates, globally, an estimated 18 percent o total greenhouse-gas emissions induced

    by humans.

    Cespndin capes: 1 (Fas Fd All Fd)

    5 (In e gass)

    7 (Fm Seed Spemae)

    thEME 3FArM or FACtory: A FoCuS oN INDuStrIAL AgrICuLturE

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    15Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide


    up production, and grown exponentially larger through consolidation. The Smithfeld

    plant, depicted in the flm, processes 32,000 hogs each day, or 2,000 per hour. Just fve

    companies now control more than 80 percent o the bee-packing market and 66 percento the pork market.


    cheaper and attier than is used to be. The average American consumes signifcantly

    more o it roughly 200 pounds per year which has directly contributed to rising

    obesity rates and other nutritional health problems.

    AsauthorEricSchlossersaysinthelm: In the 1970s, there were literally thousands

    o slaughterhouses in the United States. And today we have 13 slaughterhouses that

    process the majority o bee that is sold in the United States. Through this system,

    he notes, one hamburger can contain meat rom thousands o dierent cows. These

    changes have prooundly aected the work orce. What was once a good-paying position

    is now one o the lowest-wage jobs in America and also one o the most dangerous.

    Discssin Qesins Whatcomestomindwhenyouthinkofafarm?Whatwasyourreactiontotheindustrial

    arms in the flm?

    RichardLobboftheNationalChickenCouncilsays:What the system o intensive

    production accomplishes is to produce a lot o ood on a small amount o land at a very

    aordable price. Now someone explain to me whats wrong with that?Do you agree

    with this statement? Why or why not?


    suggests there are hidden costs. What do you think are some o these costs

    particularly related to health and obesity and which ones might have a direct impact

    on you?

    UnionorganizerEduardoPenasays:We want to pay the cheapest prices or our ood.

    We dont understand that that comes at a price. What does he mean by this? Is it

    something that we, as consumers, should be thinking about every time we go shopping?


    treat animals more humanely?

    Small gp Aciiies Createafoodbillofrightsforyourfamily(besuretoexplainwhatthismeans).Whatare

    some actors you think should be guaranteed in the way your ood is produced (rights o

    workers/animals, use o chemicals, oods produced locally, etc.)?

    Defniins y Mi Need Indsial aicle/ac amin: The industrialized production o livestock,poultry, fsh, and crops to produce the highest output at the least cost.

    CAFo: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations are industrial agricultural acilities

    where animals are raised in closely confned areas meant to maximize production and

    minimize land use. An average CAFO can contain more than 1,000 head o cattle, or tens

    o thousands o chickens or pigs. Rather than grazing in felds, animals are largely inactive

    and attened as quickly as possible.

    geneicall Mdifed oanism (gMo): An organism whose DNA has been altered

    using genetic engineering techniques. GMO seeds are engineered to possess desirable

    growing traits like durability, rapid growth, and resistance to pests and herbicides.

    Wa We Can D/Acin Seps

    Increase the amount of

    nutritious, locally produced

    food in school cafeterias.

    Example: In 2005, Jeerson

    Elementary School, in Riverside,

    CA, launched a arm to school

    salad bar program that provides

    a daily salad bar stocked with a

    variety o locally grown produce

    rom two amily arms located

    within 30 miles o the school. This

    is an alternative to the standard

    hot lunch. Based on its success,

    the school district has expanded

    the program to our additional

    elementary schools.*

    Limit demand for unhealthy

    food by restricting advertising,

    especially in schools.

    Example: In 1999, San Francisco

    County passed the Commercial

    Free Schools Act, which prohibits

    the San Francisco Unifed School

    District rom entering into

    exclusive contracts with sot

    drink or snack ood companies,and restricts advertising o

    commercial products.

    Increase opportunities for

    consumers to purchase

    affordable, locally produced food.

    Example: The Food Trusts

    Farmers Market Program operates

    a network o 30 armers markets

    serving more than 125,000

    customers in Philadelphia,PA. Many o these outdoor

    armers markets are located in

    neighborhoods underserved by

    supermarkets, grocery stores, and

    other resh ood outlets. All o the

    markets accept ood stamps.*

    *Source: Centers or Disease Controland Prevention, RecommendedCommunity Strategies andMeasurements to Prevent Obesity inthe United States: Implementation and

    Measurement Guide July/2009

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    16 Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    Cespndin capes: 5 (In e gass)

    6 (Hidden Costs)

    9 (Scs e Ssem)

    thEME 4othEr FooD oPtIoNS: A Look At ALtErNAtIvE FooD ProDuCtIoN SyStEMS

    te Facs Whilefarmersworldwidehavebeenproducingfoodwithouttheuseofman-made

    chemicals or genetic engineering since the dawn o agriculture, the modern organic

    movement began relatively recently as an alternative to the nitrogen ertilizers and

    pesticides that were being increasingly used in conventional agriculture. It gained

    traction in the 1960s and 1970s in response to growing public concerns that agriculturalchemicals were polluting water and causing serious environmental and health problems.


    o chemical pesticides. Organic meat and eggs are produced rom animals that are

    given organic eed and access to a minimum amount o outdoor space. Until airly

    recently, organic oods were still on the ringe, representing only a tiny segment o the

    ood market. They were produced primarily on small arms and rom independently

    owned businesses.


    the last two decades, the industry has expanded signifcantly, attracting large mainstream

    ood producers and retail outlets into what is now a $46 billion market.


    converted to organic production and less overall use o pesticides and GMOs,

    as well as more humane treatment o animals.


    weakening o organic standards and a ailure to uphold the original environmental

    and ethical ood production principles on which the movement was ounded.

    Organically certifed products are generally more expensive and oten unavailable in

    lower-income communities.


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    17Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    Discssin Qesins Ifyouhadtheoption,wouldyoupurchasemeatandvegetablesfromasmallfarmlike

    Joel Salatins? What are the pros and cons o buying rom him? How much more money

    would you be willing to pay or meat or a dozen eggs produced this way than what younormally spend at the store?


    Are there ways to fnd out this inormation?

    Salatinasksustoimagine what it would be i as a national policy we said we would be

    only successul i we had ewer people going to the hospital next year than last year.

    What are some major changes that would need to happen or this to be a reality?

    What other goals should we have or our ood system?


    GaryHirshberg,theCEOofStonyeldFarmorganicyogurt,says:When we started out,

    you know, we were a seven-cow arm. We wanted to prove that business could be part

    o the solution to the globes environmental problems and, at the same time, we had to

    prove that we could be highly proftable.What is your reaction to this philosophy?What are the potential benefts and consequences o working with a business like Walmart?


    sell ood and goods at very cheap prices? Do these stores have a positive or negative

    impact in your community?

    Small gp Acii Brainstormandcreateaguidetonutritiousgoodfoodinyourcommunity:

    Where can you buy it (be specifc), how should you choose what to buy, how can you do

    it on a budget, etc.?

    Defniins y Mi Need oanic aicle: A orm o agriculture that uses little to no synthetic ertilizers or

    pesticides, and relies on crop rotation, compost, and biological pest control.

    Lcal d ssems: An alternative to the industrial ood system, these are part o

    an eort to help consumers know the source o their ood and to support regional

    economies by buying directly rom local growers and producers. Local ood systems

    reduce the shipping distance between producer and consumer, thereby minimizing

    environmental impact.

    Wa We Can D/Acin Seps

    Set up a local Farm toSchool program.

    Example: The New North FloridaCooperative works with the NationalFarm to School Network to acilitatethe sale o locally grown produceto school districts in the countryssouthern region or their school lunchand breakast programs. The programprocesses and delivers produce romlocal arms to school districtsat competitive prices so that schoolsarent paying more to buy locally. Todate, it has served resh ruits andvegetables to more than one millionstudents in 72 school districts.*

    Create a local farmers marketthat offers affordable, farm-direct produce to lower-incomeconsumers in food deserts.

    Example: In 2008, D.C. HungerSolutions began a Washington,D.C. project, unded by the USDAsFarmers Market Promotion Program,to enable city armers markets toaccept ood stamps. Markets weregiven training, application assistance,wireless Electronic Beneft Transer

    (EBT) machines, stipends, andoutreach materials. Nine armersmarkets throughout the city nowaccept ood stamps. The program isadvertised in bus shelters citywide.

    Faith-based local foodaccess programs.

    Example: Several churches inlower-income communities inChicago, IL are recruiting localgrowers to sell their produce at

    small weekly armers markets inchurch parking lots. Some churcheshave also spearheaded localcommunity garden projects.

    *Source: Centers or Disease Controland Prevention, RecommendedCommunity Strategies andMeasurements to Prevent Obesity inthe United States: Implementationand Measurement Guide July/2009

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    18 Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    obesi Fas Facs

    Morethantwo-thirdsofU.S.adultsareobeseoroverweight.Theadultobesityratealoneis 34 percent, compared with 15 percent in 1980.


    In the last our decades, the obesity rate or ages six to 11 has more than quadrupled,

    rom 4.2 percent to 17 percent. In that same period, the obesity rate or ages 12 to 17

    has more than tripled, rom 4.6 percent to 17.6 percent. Even among ages two to fve,

    the obesity rate is now 12.4 percent.


    Among adults, 35.7 percent o non-Hispanic blacks are obese, compared with 28.7

    percent o Hispanics and 23.7 percent o non-Hispanic whites.

    Among youth ages two to 19, 38 percent o Mexican Americans are obese or

    overweight, compared with 34.9 percent o non-Hispanic blacks and 31 percent o

    non-Hispanic whites.


    in 2008 more than nine percent o annual U.S. medical spending, compared with

    6.5 percent in 1998.



    including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, asthma, sleep apnea, and certain

    types o cancer.


    have adult rates o 30 percent or higher.


    overweight: 32.5 percent o adults are obese, and 44.4 percent o children are obese or



    poverty rates.

    Source: Centers or Disease Control and Prevention, Trust or Americas Health,and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Center to Prevent Childhood Obesity

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    19Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide

    Addiinal resces

    U.S. Health and Human ServicesPhysical Activity Guidelines:www.eal./paidelines

    Scl Lnc/Niin Plic,resces, Bacnd

    Child Nutrition and WICReauthorization Act act sheet:www.ac./pd/ac101_cild_wic_acpime.pd

    Interactive caeteria nutrition activity:www.dincmie.cm/n--cane-caeeia.pp

    Center or Science in thePublic Interest school nutritionstandards act sheet:www.cspine./new/pd/scl_niin_sandads_ac_see_2009.pd

    CSPI school mealrecommendations:www.cspine./new/pd/cn_ecmmendains_2009.pd

    Soda tax analysis:www.wj./fles/eseac/20090715beeaeaxeseacbie.pd

    New York Timessoda tax article:www.nimes.cm/2009/05/20/bsiness/ecnm/20lenad.ml

    Graph showing changing costso soda versus changing costo resh ruit and vegetables:www.nimes.cm/


    CDC guide to eating reshruits and veggies, withinteractive recipe tools:www.fruitsandveggiesmatter.gov

    United States Department oAgriculture nutrition guidelines:www.mpamid.

    Inexpensive, nutritiousood recipes:www.cd.cm

    Cmmni Acin/Bes Pacices

    CDC recommended communitystrategies and case studies:www.cdc.gov/obesity/downloads/community_strategies_guide.pdf

    Leadership or HealthyCommunities ActionStrategies Toolkit:www.leadesipealcm-mniies./imaes/sies/


    Promising Strategies orCreating Healthy Eating andActive Living Environments:www.cneencepanesip./a/c/%7B245A9B44-6-DED-4ABD-A392-AE583809E350%7D/CP_Pmisin%20Saeies_pined.pd

    Case studies o healthy communities:www.acieliinbdesin./sies/deal/fles/hEbD_Lessns_m_cmmniies_FINAL2.pd

    Pennsylvanias Food TrustFresh-Food Financing Initiative:www.eds./pp/pams/spe.mae.campain.pp

    Steps or starting acommunity garden:www.cmmniaden./lean/sain-a-cmmni-aden.pp

    United States Department o

    Agriculture ood securitygrant program:www.csees.sda./nea/d/in_cs/ne_i_cmpeiie.ml

    Tips or starting a armers market:www.ces.pde.ed/exmedia/EC/EC-739.pd

    Farm to School programs:www.amscl.

    USDAs Know Your Farmer,Know Your Food:www.be.cm/sda

    Food, Inc.Film-relaed resces

    Film website with links to trailerand action campaigns:www.dincmie.cm

    Participant Medias action website, withlinks to campaigns, resources, and blogs:www.taepa.cm


    Inmain, Sdies,Fac Sees

    Centers or Disease Controland Prevention map andracial disparities:www.cdc./besi/daa/ends.ml

    Robert Wood Johnson Foundationlinks to studies, programs, andadditional resources on childhoodobesity and obesity prevention:www.wj./cilddbesi

    Robert Wood Johnson

    Foundation Center to PreventChildhood Obesity acts, news,resources, and events:www.eesecilddbesi.

    F as in Fat 2009: A state-by-state obesity analysis andpolicy recommendations:www.ealameicans./eps/besi2009/

    BMI calculator or adults and youth:www.cdc./ealwei/assessin/bmi

    The Washington Postobesity healtheects interactive graphic:www.wasinnps.com/wp-srv/health/childhoodobesity/besieecs.ml

    Center or Science in the PublicInterest childhood obesity ratesact sheet:www.cspine./new/pd/ids_die_and_eal_2009.pd

    Time Magazine Fat Fiveinteractive site:www.ime.cm/ime/ces/1101040607/afe/5.ml


    Weber, Karl (2009). Food, Inc.New York, NY: Public Aairs.

    Pollan, Michael (2006). TheOmnivores Dilemma. New York,NY: Penguin Group (also nowavailable in a version adaptedor adolescent readers).

    Schlosser, Eric (2001). FastFood Nation. New York, NY:HoughtonMifin.

    Schlosser, Eric; Wilson, Charles(2008). Chew On This. NewYork, NY:HoughtonMifin.

    Nestle, Marion (2002). FoodPolitics. Berkeley, CA: Universityo Caliornia Press.

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    Ingredients or Change Campaign: Community Action Guide


    Spp e Inediens Cane Campain was pided b a an m e rbe Wd

    Jnsn Fndain. www.wj.

    Acie vice Sa




    Maii James




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    Debbie ZambeiCOPY EDITOR

    Active Voice uses flm, television, and multimedia to spark social change rom grassroots to grass tops.Our team o strategic communications specialists works with mediamakers, unders, advocates, andthought leaders to put a human ace on the issues o our times. We rame and beta-test key messages,develop national and local partnerships, plan and execute high profle, outcome-oriented events,

    repurpose digital content or web and viral distribution, produce ancillary and educational resources,and consult with industry and sector leaders. Since our inception in 2001, Active Voice has built adiverse portolio o story-based campaigns ocusing on issues including immigration, criminal justice,healthcare, and sustainability. www.acieice.ne

    Participant believes that a good story well told can truly make a dierence in how one sees the world.Whether it is a eature flm, documentary or other orm o media, Participant exists to tell compelling,entertaining stories that also create awareness o the real issues that shape our lives.

    The company seeks to entertain audiences frst, then to invite them to participate in making adierence. To acilitate this, Participant creates specifc social action campaigns or each flm anddocumentary designed to give a voice to issues that resonate in the flms. Participant teams with socialsector organizations, non-profts, and corporations who are committed to creating an open orum or

    discussion and education, and who can, with Participant, oer specifc ways or audience members toget involved. These include action kits, screening programs, educational curriculum and classes, houseparties, seminars, panels, and other activities, and are ongoing legacy programs that are updatedand revised to continue beyond the flms domestic and international theatrical, DVD, and televisionwindows. To date, Participant has developed active, working relationships with 112 non-profts reachingover 60 million people. www.paicipanmedia.cm