if we don’t use the quantm system we won’t get the best alignments queensland department of main...

If we don’t use the Quantm system we won’t get the best alignments Queensland Department of Main Roads, Australia

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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If we don’t use the Quantm system we won’t get the best alignments

Queensland Department of Main Roads, Australia


• Constructing a new road or rail, or realigning an old is expensive, with costs very sensitive to the alignment.

• The least cost solution of following the natural surface, is often impossible as the alignment must satisfy geometric, environmental and social constraints.

Current Practice

• Largely intuitive, and the weakest link is the planner’s capacity to consider all the data and constraints.

• Contractors can usually reduce costs by 5 – 10% when a project goes out to tender for design and construct by adjusting the alignment.

• Contingency allowances also add substantially to bids.

Agency Attitudes

• Agencies know they are not extracting the greatest value from their data, but do not realize the extent of the shortfall.

• Government agencies have accepted this status quo because of the uncertainties involved.

Status Quo

• Agencies do not locate alignments as precisely as possible because the data quality does not justify the precision; whilst the quality of the alignments does not justify spending more on better data.

• When current practice cannot make the best use of existing data, it is hard to justify paying more for better data.


• The Quantm system is the product of CSIRO, the Australian Government Research Agency.

• The system was developed specifically to address the complex issues of route alignment planning.

• Quantm Ltd was established in early 2000 to commercialise the software.


• The Quantm system is designed to locate alignments to within centimetres horizontally and vertically.

• It is a planning tool for route selection not a CAD system that is concerned with engineering design.

• The system can optimize horizontally and vertically whilst accommodating both broad based and localised issues.


• Terrain

• Geometry

• Geology

• Unit costs

• Linear features

• Special zones


• Bridges

• Fill and Shallow Cuts– Culverts– Retaining walls

• Deep Cuts

• Tunnels

Structure of the Software

Modes of Operation

• Optimization - starting with fixed end points, bearings and grades, and searching the entire study area.

• Refinement - starting with an existing alignment and conducting a concentrated search in its vicinity.


• Robust and Extensible

• Fast

• Flexible

• Reliable

• Scaleable


• Cost millions of alignments while searching for low cost solutions.

• 10km of road takes one or two minutes for each solution accepted, compared with a week for a CAD operator.

• Quantm clients have documented alignment construction cost savings of as much as 30%.

Toowoomba - Plan

Toowoomba - Profile

Implications for Data

• The magnitude and consistency of the cost reductions are beginning to change the way the road agencies view the quality, scope and timing of their data collection.

• Quality data can now provide an immediate payback by giving agencies lower cost routes and a better grasp of the contractor’s costs, thereby reducing substantially the allowance for contingencies.