if i hrm scnl broadway. i€¦ · years to tbeso specialties. pupils are taught separately;(and may...


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Page 1: If I Hrm Scnl BROADWAY. I€¦ · years to tbeso specialties. Pupils are taught separately;(and may enter the collec at an) tma. There ara aep--Mate aulta of rooms for the laillca


' IHr N gjwrtnirfion.





H Rend afnmp ftir picture of" Pretty menacr-pher- ."

I HARLEM COXLEGE.b ii.'.tii st. ani park av.

, open entire tbab,BnORTllANl) nil.) Hu.lnei's iTilnratlon. Separate In- -

(traction, day nil neiilng. Kxperlencn supplied. Dl- -

.torn as conferred, situations rioe to oil graduates whonesira them Ituxr'l tor stranger procured at 88 perw ek. Heporat Ladles' Depnrthieht.,but no cheapwomen teacheraarii emploeil.

Thousands nf graduate 111 profitable positions. IUgraduates command 850 tn .r. pir lunnlli from thestart. Tha only Walworth school In Ilia city.,

Herenry dollars rnr the Mx Mnntlis'flraduotlngConraIn either tho Commercial or lli Shorthand Ucpartment.Ho charge for Typewriting In the Shorthand or for Pen- -

' manshln In the tfninmerclal Course.Rooms occupy cntiro floor of large llnrton Building,,i having (levator. college elulit years In this building.!H . IFrom The. Pun. Jan 5M, 18lm!( HV'tUNESH COLI.EHE,-one- nr tho most ii.eful

I Inatltllllona In llin city la llie Walworth Business anilmenogrophln roltea at lUM ami lin l:a.t ISijtb at.Stenography, typewriting, bookkeeping, penmanship.

! arithmetic, commercial law, ami correspondence arai taught, and piltitla lira qualllled for prolltahla porta.

rraalilant ii. A. Walworth liaa devoted mora than thirtyyears to tbeso specialties. Pupils are taught separatelyand may enter the collec at an) tma. There ara aep- -;( Mate aulta of rooms for the laillca' and gentlemen's de- -

H partmenta, but tbo course of Instruction In each Is theSBB same.tB Call or wrtta for large Circular and apeclraen "Hun- -

B son Monthly News." published here.K . A. WALWORTH. IX. B. Prssldsnt.



'B For -- I year on Uth at..SBt mOTd to the Lure and Klegant Huildtnr.H 118 P.tHT 1SITII MT.,.sV ItKTWKF.N 4111 AV AMI IKWNO PLACE.

Branch Entirely Separate and Distinct from allSo Muslo Schools which lunula Ita name andafaTaTB Biathods.


WELL AS advanced PUPIL3.HT The Emerson I'lftno la uted.

"IF YOU SEE IT INaB TTTB RUN, IT IS 81)." WATSON'S Mnalcal Conserva- -

8 tory, 2(48 West 4.1d st. Oldest and BEST appointed "

B atcal Inttltntlnn In America. Ntrlctlr private leaannam Day and livening. Piano, ilultar. violin, Kliite, Hanlo,

H ,i Mandolin. Sinning. No faluc prom!e No patent meth- -

H dl. No nonaenao. 1II!ST Iji.lv and lientleman teach- -M ara. Pleasant uinitc rooma. Modorata and accommo- -

B tfittss tcrm& Clrcula free.J. JAY WATSON. Mua. Dlraetor.

1 A NEW ART.CltATON DUAWINO; cany method; any ona can

m draw portrajta. aketcii from nature or un canvaa. oB for painting. Ill thrro leanona: a child can learns aeaM pnplla work: teachers wonted; clrculArs malted.SB F.L'UH.NK PEAIHS Studio. 23 Union mnara.

BB M aTaTI I fal l'rtvalelesaona.AUoBai " HllllVlailiw IMann.Vloltn.nnltar.BB Unto. Banjo, ftlnglng, &c. AToON'S. 2tMi West d :.

I OLE BULLjrWiviMoslcal Leader; im...pl4 copy free. Ailitrcasor call at

Tm WATSDN'H Mutlcal Conservatory. 2fJ West M at.A CTINU. ELOCUTION. Kesture. recitation, and every

. J art pertaining to the dramatic stage thoroughly; and practically taught by experienced and competent

Instructors In class nnd privately: new classes nowforming for both day and evening meeting; fully

. agulpped atagA for use or pupils; send for descriptive' errcular. LAWKKNL'Ii SCHOOL OF ELOC0T1ON AND

- ACTINI1, 10U West a2d St.

BANJO, mandolin, and gnltar tuition, S5 per course;at all prices: song and dance. Jig

' ajid clog dancing for tho stago or amusement; lessonaprivate; satisfaction guaranteed: call or write.I - J. DEAN. C-- 3d v., near B8th at.


BANJO PI.AYEI'.S. ATTKNTION!-O- ld banjos madeat reasonable rates, heads, strlnga, Ao.; repair

tug a specialty., ,


BANJO, gnltar, mandolin; instruction private;guitars, tnnmlollns.

RUWAKI) Donao.N. M'-'- ri liroadway. near 40th at.DANJO AND UUITAIl instruction; private lessons;

- JL patent silver bell banjos.i; IIENKV 0. nOBSON. 1,370 Broadway.

BANJi). noun, gnltar. mandolin: ladles taughtIS a course: line mandolins.

lloltTQ.V. 1ST West 28d st,

BANJO INSTRUCTION. Ijtdies taliKht privately.mailed. EDWAIIIJ UIIIISON, Orchestra,

Chime Banjos, 1,428 Broadnay. near 4UtU at.

BANJO, song and dance. Jig and clog dancinr taught;inallcd. .1. IIOOAN, 2i)0 Bowery.

BANJO, mandolin, and guitar instructions: tarmaCHAD. llltlji-LE- . 5 West 11IHU st.

PIANOKOR.Tr.TUITI()N"liy an "expert teacher,tointrodiici. hit' mctboil from llrst beginning to

toiRlti a perfcctlrn. L d P Pot Ofllce, New Vork.

fl .TICMK. tlAPI'IAM returned from her summer 'nomaVm' llvX and rcstitned lair cmirat of vocal Instruction atM- - 'her residence. "Tho Mystic." 1211 West 8th st,

EW IIAPIO METHOD or learning the frenoh e

In three rnonlhs: lessons given by Prof.' Addroas HOSaitAND'H BUREAU. No. 23S Bihar

B Iteferences.


Prlnrlpal. Spencer lla.ll. 114 West 14th st.B 'DltOKE.SSOU L.B --T DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES,B , K" WEST A'TII ST..fJI- - Opens Oct. r. Tim study of French will ba tha tflattis- -

cfaaractrrlsttc.English Department In charge of a gradual as tha

B. Harvard Aunvx.B ' r

v Pnplla prepared for college.B A class In French for ndulta la now formlar under t&a

direction uf the principal.aaaf'r TJROr. ANTON DAIII. guaranteea to tsaoh you to playH x the piano In ilvo weeks. Including harmonri tenna,

. .10. 144 West st,

I STAMMERING.B ' Oauaa and cure Circulars free. Call on X. BOX,

' apoach specialist, 24t Throop av Brooklyn.

Br OEND HTAMI'rorthe "Pretty Typewriter." to bTIORT--

" HAND AND TYl'I'.WHITl.NU COLLKOE. Bid Broad-B- jway, N. Y.

B. , Private lessons br teacher with experienca;i I. boys preferrad; reaauuanle. Address TUTOR, 448

B VVatMthst.V" 10LIN AND BANJO taught onannick plan; tarma

reasonable. CIIAS, CROSBY, 241) Bth ar.

" rhool? nnd CoIIcqw.t


' 7 West 42(1 St., near 5th Ave.

;' Hupartor Instruction from lieglnnlngtohlgbaitparfeo--' tloo to amateur nnd prorisilunalson

B. IANO. NINRI.VR. TIOI.IN.$- OltOAN. II Mil', llANnOLINT' oui'iiAn, zi'riiuu, Jtcv' :i.oi;u-rio- .

Balf' lautruotlon aqual to Enropeaii conssrratorlM by Matperlenced, successful professors (uiala).

Bl'i Classes of Iwo. 111). 1A. 1'ilvats lessons. .18. 0.Quarter, Including music, bnrinony, sight singing.

Bfltf Msmal As notr lllnwtrutfcu

PAItfE'S. t .

H . 9 wn knoirn fur forty ycart, U tbo bft pUc

, BUSINESSiWAVI'. daeAtlon at tint i4- tjxtwtnte t.ad kbortut tta.bbmV BookkMplnir. wrtllnif, Arltliuietlu, corrcipoodaDM.BBM'. " HptlUof Uufht iU'liviilutllyinlio itrletly prtraU. .LtvbbB'' alti' dtpartniint riiari.te. Tli

COLLEGEM ' rooms ftra open day and !v ening. A thorough eottxaa In

Bai phonography In HO prtrata lessons; typewriting (theBat inovement). correspondence, manifolding, and


; SHORTHAND-GRAHA- M'S SCHOOLB tboroughjy quallflaa ladtea and gentleman for

p ttosltlons In the abortest possible time: a three months'1 ioortaln both BUORTIIAND 4ld TVPEWHITINO, lJ;Bai' ens mouth, (12; evening class after Sept. L 744Broadway.

aVJ:i 'DE8T INETRUOTION In shorthand and typewriting atH D tha MUNBON HTKNOGltAPUIO INSTITUTE, B34

aaB Broadway. Circulars sent free.

C' OLLEOE LArAYBTTE.'Ecbool of Mnguagea.-Na- wYork. 125 rth av.; Boston, Uass., 17 Boylsfon place;

af, AH LANOUAOES taught bv Native Teachers" only:Bh."- - classes Just forming. Bend for circulars. French playsBl , and Icdurts every Saturday 1U.II,aaB. "nVriSSES MARY E. AND IICTH MKRINOTON (succet- -

Ba! Am aors to tha Mlssaa Falconer l'errln), French andBJy English school; rcopsus Oct. 1, 1B3 Leuox av., N. Y.:

BJ boya' classes,

Br OHUftH'AND. typewriting, bookkeeping InstructionsBM s? dally, and Tuesday and Friday evenings, at NewBai, York Bcbool of Ben, pitman I'bonography, 124 WestBJ 3Mst. L. ALE.A.SrDKK.'rrHlclpaL

"ClairvflptttflsCLAIHVOYANT. TelU everything fromHIXDOO to grava; bidden mvstsrlss isvtaladi long I

BJ upaalaii toouglt togstbsr. aiotlthav. J



.Srlrrt SJontdImhI Mlrte.

LIVINORTON PLACE. 14. facing Sturreiantto'imsi every convenience: superior

I, .1 I'." 'en . 'II ui.1 .,'. .i.j.i si.", iier 4ith St. HandsomeXJ ii.oiik. vm. imard. In a new bouse Just opened;

is exchanged.MM.WM.

NltT.f.V "FURNISHED ROOMS to let and boarderinn quiet Herman family: gas and Bra In

IU..IHH. Innulrrat 141 IstavRooJI AM) 1 A D for a few mechanics,

Mrs wn;(iM:s.lfHUtT.riiHHKP. coNNKCTIMI lliniMS on second noor; firA and gas, v,ltlibonrdi for young mrn, 284 al av.

(Trent with pomid atTn cast noth u secondT Hour front iinnni references exchanged,llMIK) Vhas"rnomanl lotri tnr gentleman; pries

"ivi.ra e. nEVXnl.D" lU'Kast 12ltt,' i..uu,isiitd ineehamca' board-

ing4- lm,iMi loriiulet. respectabla working ladles andgents: tn M to weskly. .fiTII AV., (W17. Handsome second floor front suites;) private batb: drawing room suite; private table;optional

Til ST., M EAST, near Broadway. Nicely furnished9 rooms and l.o.irili tablo board; terms reasonahla.iTvriT ST.. ;i P.A.-t- 7 between Brondway and Uni-- I

J versltr ptn.'i'. I'lcas&nt. warm, aunny room; ex-cellent tabic; every convenience; terma moderate,

lliril ST.. ailEAST. near Broadway. - Single andAir double n'cely Inmlahed rooms, with board; tablebonders wccounuoilaled.YfiTHST.. Hl EAST, private block, near 3d

rooms, superior board; table board $3.o0tip; limine hented.

1 (.Til ST., S.17 EAST.-lJi- rge front room nicely far-J-

nlshcd. suitable tor two; excellent board.Q'-J- ST., 222 EAST. Urge nicely furnished rooma,&y with excelle t board: terms moderate.slTII tT.. 2ii, between Madison and 4 lb avs Nicelyot rumlslicilliHCk parlor, with board for two, $13;v. Iihout board, .

OQTII ST..T20 EAST, between 4th and Lexington avi0 Nicely fnrnlahed rooms, with superior board:

terms vary moderato. j

sJkTII ST., .12!) EAST. Private neighborhood: front0t parlor and connecting bedroom; also single room)bosrilir desired. tJQ'i ST'STrast. Handsomely furnished rooms,

fa with excellent board, en suite or singly: trailsl-- nccommo'lated: terms mo lerate.4 ii r.. 1AH EAsr.-Ba- ck parlor, suitable fordoo-1- f

lor, and other lurnished and unfurnished rooms;lK...ld.

ntini ST ail EAST, ihlnl floor. Wanted, two menUU to board In a small Catholic family."RQTII ST, 003 EAST. Handalom largo rooma. solta-t-

ble for two or three gentlemen, with nrst-cla-

l.oiirdi terms reaaonable

61 ST ST?. 177 furnished thirdstory bark room to rent, with board; gentlemen

Weil Wide,


1,207 Broadway. Room 7, near 82d at. BiUbM 1878.JOHN nENRT BARKER, Manager Open till B.

Entire floors, suites, doctors' niTlres. single rooms. Ao.14tn to mith at with and without board, all prices.All classes at'coninio.lated: correct Information free.Every housekeeper Invited tn register at once. Writ.ir,o tumlsbeil rooms wanted every week; true.

ht.. 22. between 12th and Bank, privateBI.TIIUNHNicely furnished rooms and board: So.donnle rooms, with board;

table boarders wanted. 167 West 84th at.

CIIAHLKS ST., II'. between Ureenwlch ar. andplace. Hall rooma with board $5; donbla

rooms, board for two. 10: all conveniences.ST, 17. batwren' Oreenwlch ar. and

place. Hall rooma with auperlor board SO;double rooms 112; all conveniences.

CHARLES ST.ri5.near 8th at. L station. Large andfor gentlemen: table board.

GENTLEMEN desiring luxurious surroundings,elegant private house: parlor dining

niujnrTiWcst B2d st.

1. 1 ALL ANI)llijn ARE ROOMS, newly furnished, with1 board; tsruis reasonable: private houga. 448

West 8411) st.ST.. &. between Hudson and Oraanwlob

sts.. convenient to 14th st. station. Rooms andbosrd.t.l.

HORATIO BT. 49. near 8th ar. convenient to 14th st.with board; terma moderate.

MUIISON AfTl44 an snltaianltes. and single rooms.

PKltkVST.. 12. ona block below lltu, nerrooma with board for two and Are. 811.

PKRRY sfi. 70. nno block from 11th. near Dleecker.rooms and board 85: also table board.

4T?i"AV.. 255. near 20th St. single and handsomeall conveniences; terma moderate; board

II ileslreo

9Til ST 88 WERT. sunny nicely furnishedroom; also smaller room; excellent table; desirable


9Til r 54 EAST, near Broadway-Sin- gle and doublerooms with board: married couple or gentlemen;

table board.

HTII ST 84 EAST, near Broadway.-8ln- gl andnicely furnished rooma; all conveniences;

board If desired: references.

11 Til ST.. 283 WEST, near nieecker. Single rooma.with good board, 84.50; double rooms, with board

for two. to.1 QTII ST.. 837. near Otb ar. Two nicely rural shedAtj connecting rooms, with board for two, 813; with-out board 84.CO.

14TII ST, 232 WEST. Largs and small rooms, withJ good tablo nnd service: references.I RTII tT.. 21U WEST. Largo and small handsomsly.11 furnished rooms, with excellent board; house Just

oHMied; table board.

1 Or"T-- 1 WEST. A room for light bonsekeep-l- aIng. or board If desired. Call Sunday.

QlT ST.. 138 WEhT. near 6th ar. Furnished rooms,Ax .loi-io or connecting, for gentlemen or couples;

board: tablo boardera accommodated.OQI) nT 240 WEST. In select rabidly boarding house.AO large front parlor, with dressing roomialso secondhom; smaller rooms; with all conveniences and board:moderuto ter'.ri n r good accommodations; highest ref-erences exchr ned.QKTil ST.. 221 WEST. Pleasant rooms, running

ti" be tied, excellent board; table boardersmoderate.

017111 m.M AND 25B WE8T. oood board, with allO I ciynvenlences. nt moderate rates. Call all week..4)iVsT.. 28H WEST. Ijirge square rooms, nicely fur--

ninhed: running water; ample closet room; break-la-If desired.

"A CTlf ST.. 207 WEST.-Deslr- rooms with board;ije m'o table hoard: referencea.ex u m .4 WEST. Handsomely furnished rooms.OO with cr ivl'li nt board, to gentlemen and theirvl es. crs'nr'ag ntle-nen- .

K 1 " ' " ' I4i t ),B I'. Large double furnished rooms;Ul prices reasonable; auperlor tablo board; highestreterences exchanged.lOlTII ST., 71) WEST. 2d Bat. Nice room to let,J i4 with board: private family: gentlemen only."l Of-STl-i BT. 251 WEST. To let, on parlor Moor, threeXJ rooms, en suite, for gentlemen; running waterand bath; board optional.

tttt ggartl gtooMBB.

BOARD AND NEWLT FURNISHED BOOM 1Igood cooking: use of piano. 888

Cumberland at near Fnlton at.; convenient to cars andL station.

oitti. SautedCOM FOBTABLB ROOMS with good board waatad try

wife, two Infants, two nurses, withinhour City Usll; healthy location.

8 Tost omee box 2.828.

LADY employed desires warm, neat room and boardprtrata family: waabtug privileges;

42d St.; 85; references. L box 170. Bun office.

YOUNO MAN wishes board with private family834 and 42.1 sts West. Address, with terma,

A. A Sun n onlca, J.2tsr, Broadway.

ttirnTiJltr4oon.5 (. putim-pt- ji Eo tl--


ROOK AND BEDROOM nicely fnmlshsd;FRONT for two gentlemen, 848 East 18th st,

I'.VKIli: HOUSE, corner Broadway and Houston St.Comfortable ruoios for 50c. per ilay upward.

CfUYVESANT BT. 25. near Dth at. elevated. Larg0 room, nicely furnished, suitable for two; termsreasonable.VtlNDLEAND iTdUSEEREriNO ROOMS-Cle- an. quiet,J and v, arm, 81.50 and 83 up, 84 Clinton place,

1M'ST., 4, near Bowery. Nicely furnfshad rooms for81 per week upward,

OD ST.. :to east, near 2d rga front room, firstej floor, nicely furnished, suitable for two gentlemen!heated,

5Til Av.. 510. near42d at.-L- and small rooms;handsomsly furnished, an suit or singly.

7" Til HT., 87, near 2dav, Two nicely furnishedrooms; also ona large room; pries reason-

able; -8Til BT. (St. Mark's place). furnished frost

parlor, folding boa, suitable tor two; 84.50., PORTER.

If.T" ST., 77, near 4th gle and double nicelyXV furnished rooms; terms reasonable; board If de-sired.

lfiTH ST.. 85 I'.ABT.-Nlc- ely furnished rooms from 88XV to 82; nice baok basement, two rooms, 82 60.lejrilSTTsM. nTs'r"2cTiiiv"-Nlc- ely furriiahed backIU parlor: suitable married couple orgentlemen. 88.50.

nfll ST.. 310, i.pp. Ntuyvesant Park. Furnishedto set, heated; very moderate rent; gentle-

men only,OsTirflT 210 EAST. Large front room; connecting&J hall room: private house, with owner; gentLemen; references exchanged.OKT".HT" 11! EAHT.-So.u- are room and connecting

.U bedroom; frout hall room; also front or baekparlor.

OfiTll ST.. 88 EAST (Madison fqaarel.-IIandto-

mAj furnished rooms, southern exposure; reference.07TI1 ST., 140 EART.-Sm- all and targe rooms nicely4V I furnished: bath: gas; gentlemen only: 82 up.

Ql ST ST.. 828 WEST.-Lar- go and small furnished01 rooms for on or two gentlemen or light house-keeping; bath; gas

SJQO HT24HTKAST.-Lnr- ge handsomely furnishedejl room: alllmpruvrmrnts; near elevated station;with or wllhout boards 84;

3" OH ST am KAhT. J'rtrate house: nicely furnishedhall room, 81.50; 111 convenltiices.

J17TII ST.. 4H rurnlshed Urge andO I small rooms In let, with board,

tOTIIur., !43i;AbT. Five liglit rooms; elegant or--

iler: top tloor; private bouse; owner; attractlvhuuic; 824.

AiYtH ST.. 184 EAST, near Grand Central Depot.iJ Large parlor, (ultable for two or three gentlemen,til; also other rooms: all conveniences.

(Til dT 100 room for gsntl-t- Jman; soutbsrn sxposuis; Dear hotsls: private


,f oova 'jVpatimtnt'. i5a "get

rat Sld'e.

AliO 8T 820 BABT.-Kr- ont parlor, tsntleman or4C married couplet also housekeeping rooms; hallroom 81.50.

rJTIl'RT.. 118 KA8T. Snnny squsrs room, secondIP story: running water: 84; another 88,

tOTII HT 7U WEST. Newly furnuned rooms for3Q gentlemen enly; referanops required.ilhT 8T210 EAST. Two adjoining rooms, suitable0 1 for three gentlemen: will let singly; terms rea-sonable; private house.

ROD ST.. 181 RABT.-ln- gls and donbl rooms, nicelyeiw furnished; ll conveniences; terms moderata.'RAT iTSt 162 80. front parlor.04 handsomely furnished; all conveniences; 84 Ifpermanent.VTTH HT 408 BAST. Dsslrable .front room, sultablaOl tor one or two gentlemen; private house: reason-able.

Rrrtn ST, 201 BAST.-Sle- ely fnrnUhe square roomOi onparlorn:buted:gM:baihjfRUTH 8T 401 RART.- -A nicely furnished back parlor00 to a respectabla gentleman; references.ROTH ST.i 47 EA8T.-F1- rst floor, handsomely fur-O- lf

nlshed, private bath) also small room; privatebouse. .

334 EAST. A rerr large front room, newlytJl7 furnished; bath and all conveniences; privatebuuis,yVTilST244 EAST. Neatly furnished parlor and1 4 small rooms, with or without board; private

L station.ryerTII ST., 180 EAST, Handsomely furnished large1 and small rooma In private family; near h Uf

tloril references.QAtU ST 241 BAST. nearLetatlon.-Lar- ge and smlOl rooms; all conveniences: gentlemen or lighthousekeeping.

CMT1I ST., 848 EABT.-Lar- ge. nloaly furnished room:C4 suitable for two gentlemen) gas, heat; rent mod-erate.

' VPcssJilde.rUBMSTIED sonny room for two


or housekeeping; 88.50 wsek. 228 West 18thst. HERTHOLF. second Boor.

A" BISODON SQUARE, 17, near 12th at. and 8th ar.single and double rooms; light houstkeeplag or

gentlemen: 82 np.

NEWLY furnished room, suitable for two adoJU;A private family. 101 West 82d st. Bell P.RT 02. near Bleockrr. Front and back rooms:BANK furnished for housekeeping: 82.00 up; also


BANK ST, IB. near Waverloy placa and Qreenwlchfurnished largo roojis: private famUy;


BANK ST.. IB. Large furnished room: allsuitable for two gentlemen: reference!

PARI'.OW 8T. 46. Nicely furnished parlor suitableaJ furuoctor'aomce.

BARROW ST., 46. Nswly furnished rooms; large andsmall. .

8T- - 57, between 4th st. and WavsrlsyCHARLESHandsomely furnished double rooms. 84nnd 85; every convenience.

ENTIRE rARLOrTrLOOrt, or divided to suit,or unfurnished. 167 West 84th at.

GROVE ST.. 24. Two rooms. 2d tloor. furnished forhot and cold water; gas; 3 beds If

8T 875. near Christopber.-8- 2: nicelyGltEENWICII room In quiet house; 9th ward.BT. 688. near 10th St. single andGREENWICH furnished rooms. 82 and 83. v

HANDSOME RACK PARLOR, furnished ordoctor or dentist; private house: terms

moderate. 855 West 82d st.

H ANDSOMELY FURNISHED square rooma; steamheat: near L station; 82.50 np; gentlemen. 67

West 271b st.

HUDSON ST. 889. near 14th st. station. Nicelyparlors for gentlemen: 85 and 88.

OHATIO hT Jl, near 14th st. and Bth av.Ball and donble rooms. 81X0 up.BROADWAY, 42DBT AND 7TH AV Nicely

furnUhed rooms: hath and all conveniences: destr-ul- e

house and location. 83.00 to 85.00. 604 Seventh ar.JANE ST., 8, ona block above 12th at near Ureenwlch

Largo double rooms; housekeeping or gentla-me-

83.50.AT 412, near 42d St. HandsomelyLEXINGTON convenient to Orand Central Depot;

terms moderate.LKXINOTON AV 238. Newly furnished bachelor

with attendance: reference.FRONT U00.M3. also small room forLARQB every convenience, in house with owner. 227

est 88th at.

FURNISHED ROOM in prtrata house, near Latation. Call 813 West 12thst.

XIEWLY FURNISHED IfOOMS; bona thoroughly.LI renorated: hot and cold water; ample closets: onebiock from L station: references. 152 Warerley placo.

PERRY BT. It, between Greenwich ar. and WarerleyHalt and double rooma; light housekeeping

orgentlemen: folding beds: 81.50 up.

SMALL FRONT ROOM in new flat; rerr comfortable;per week. LEROY. 260 West 17th st.RLE Y PLACE, 118. near WashingtonWAVE handsomely furnished rooms, running

water, every convenience,

PLACE, 112. near 8th ar.-La-rgsWASIU.NOTON 85; also other rooms for light house-keeping orineiitJhimen;

WASHINGTON PLACE. 127. near 6th arToWEST front parlor In prtrate bouse; On block;In house.

2 NICELY FURNISHED front rooms, steam heated.83B West Both St.. 3d flat east.

4Til ST.. 816 WEhT, near 14th st. sutlon.-II- aU anddouble rooms; gentlemen only; 82 and 84; bath. gaa.

1 n 8T 158 WEST, near 6th gVs and doubleXUrooms newly furnished; all conveniences; 81.75 up.

liTTIl sf243WEST. Large front room, runningXJ water, suitable for two. 80.

UTH BT 268 WEST, between 4th and Bleecker sts.front room, nicely furnished, light

stlso small room.

1"i Til ST. 244 WEST, convenient to all cars. Singleand double rooms, all conveniences; house heated;

terms moderato.

nTH ST.. 62 WEST. Hall room: also second story largeroom, nicely furnished: gentlemen only.

1 QTH ST.. 287 WEST., near 8th ar. Nicely furnishedlw rooms; all conrenlences; housekeeping or gentle-- n

ien; 81.75 np.

lOTIl HT 810. near Hudson. Nicely furnished large14. double room: all conveniences: 83. If permanent.

I nits ST., 248 WEST. $2.50; a sunny trout room;1 one flight np: gaa. closet, bath, owner.1 OTII HT 821 WEHT, closo to 14th st. stallon. RaUXU room; running water: for two. 83; for one, 82.

1 evni BT 211. near.7th arlJargeTnlcely furnishedJO front hall room. 82.

1 CTH ST.. 151 WEST.-La- rge and small rooms. 82 up;X tPalso front bascmcnt.Ught business or housekeeping.

1" KTH8T B53 WEST. Lu-g- furnished room; alsoeJao.Qariroo o; convenient to L atation.

nril ST 82d WEST, near 8th furnishedbath, Ao with private family; third floor

In nat. N188IN.nCVtft'BT 804 WEST. Two hardsomsly furnishedjCfXJ rooms, sultabla for one or twojrentlemen: everyconvenience; one flight op: terma 877 PKYKB.

0 i W ST. 447 WEST -A large furnished room, steamy X heated: all Improvements.OIBT ST.. 148 WEST.-Furnl- haU room to let;

X gentlemen; references.QOD BT., 283 WEST. Newly furnished rooms; quiet

fcVAV neighborhood: terms rcaaonable.QRTII BT. 234 WEST.-La- rge and small furnishedfci moms for gentlemen; 82 to 15 a week.Qy'TII ST., 855 WE8T.-Fr-ont parlor, nicely furnish,I suitable for two or light business: conveniences.QQTiPsT., 820 WEST.-Ne- at. pleasant room, with

C? homo comforts In prtrate house; moderate price;referenceu

'1A XT e08 WEST. - Handsomely furnishedel rooms, from 83 np.

OCTIIST.. asawRHT.-Nlo- ely furnished rooms from- 82 up; also for light housekeeping; two large par- -

QKTII BT 147 WEST, second flat Elegantly fur-Ot-Jnlshed rooms by the day or week. Mrs. (IEORHB.

Q7TII ST.. 67 furnished rooms;ej) one for doctor's office; large closets; modern

enients; breakfast If desired.eJeYTII BT.. 213 WEST. A large, pleasant front room,0 1 furnished, first floor.JQTII HT 253 WKBT --Comfortably furnished andOO large and small rooms; terms reason-

able.yffTII8T2inwEST.-Mldd- le room: light, airy, andU water: newly papered: near Broadway; 82.f ftfll ST.. 838 WEST.-Nlc- ely furnished rooms; de-'-

slrable location: private family.4 UTH ST.. 102 WEST. Handsomely furnished largtJO anil small rooms; axcellent bouse and location:

reasonable to gentlemen.,4 QTH BT,287 WEHT.-Pa- rlor Boor, furnished or

furnished, sultabla for family or physician; alioother desirable rooma.

QTH ST.. 387 furnished rooms;ft7 hot and cold running water; large closets; 82 up-a- r

no BT 228 WEST, near Broadway.-Furnle- hed

V rooms, with folding beds, sic; references required.gJfsTII 8T 48 WEST.-rar- lor and bedroom In cornerOV flat: breakfast If desired, ALLEN'H beltfiQlfST 161 WEST-Nlcsl- y furnished front ball bed- -00 room: bath. flLAKE.

1Uini ST.. 110 WB8T. Hsndsom. aunny rooms;1UU housekeeping or dressmaking privilege; neareleaied and parks.1 A CTH ST.. 82B WEBT.-Nic- ely furnished room InXXJ private house; all conveniences; near L station,

tjjuroiiflefl gaoami. ga JEtt gtaoltitt

iri DRNISHED ROOMS to let on second and third floors,togetberur separately; centrally located; gas, bath.

heat: all Improvements. 845 Franklin ar ntartlreensnr.

HACK PARLOR, also small room on 2dfloor, In cottag bous,8 blocks from bridge. 78

Tlllary at. Brooklyn.

rfumiirttfA gmtftK gq gg tt.

NOMINAL RENT for furnished bonse at Tarrytown;barn, Ao. Boom 166, Times


EVNAyrjoTAOAiland all tha new dances taught rapidly; classes form-lu-private lessons all hours. Scud fur circular.

MR. AD NEWHEIitlElt. Lenux Hall. HIS East 72d at- .-alls, all fasblouable and fancy dances; circulars.

WALTZ and all fashionable dances taught rapidly;and class lessons.

CONSERVATORY, 44 West 14th St.

WALT, guaranteed for 88; Monday. Wednesday,.vsnlngs and Sunday aiurnootu. 287 ad

Sctl East Uoustoa st,

. I

' "lte-!,$i- .; i, .....

cflAtj.1 m& SiwrtmetttfJ So Xet.

HOTErENblCOTT,Columbus av., 8 1 st 8 82d sts., N. I

The nest complete unit !hotel In New York. Sullen of two to clitbtrooma, with elegant bsthrooL.HUMS, $50 10 m) l'KR. A10MII.InOndlnc all km, electric! Ilsht. oneateara beat, Mpneloiis ana moat elesantdining moms for sneatai nrt-lJ- .t matt,

int nnsl eol, manaired 1j Mennra.l.slHI t!ilHIZZOLAltl, the well-knov.- n fATKIt.KRrit rereptlon rooms, narlora. anal mnklaajroomai nnst-claa- a barber ahopi elevatorsrua all nlEhti L. atation Rial U

CI1ARX.EH A FIILI.EU, Proprietor.

162 West 103dst.Five and 7 large and light rooma, with bath and all Im-

provements, steam beat: elegantly decorated) first-clas-s

finish and fins neighborhood, ona block from 104th

st. elevated railroad station.Rent a 121 to 888.





nrst-elas- s fireproof apartment hoot. Two tmfnr-ni- l

had apartments to let from Nor. 1.



CHELSEA,Central location: Ihorongtily rl re proof; comfort, correnkuce, and elepanc with perfect culitne mndappolntuienti: iultenof apartmentu, turnlihetl and untaxpUbed. by the year.

855-88- 3 WEST B8TII ST.Nswly decorated; seven rooms and bath;

RENTS, 830 to 850.0FF10E: 910 llth ar corner 88th St.

A.-COR- NER FLATAT TIIK cinMiono.North-re- at corner loild it. nnd Amsterdama, (loth). Choice apartments, -- even rooma

and bistli, Meant heat, pnaaenner elerator,haUboya, eS:c, 81SO, iIVr-GJ-- Iik.T8.

184TH BT 61)3 TO BD6 ntly decorated,haued; all light, large, airy rooms; half block from L

station: 817 to 820. Janitor. '


Renlfrto Nov. 1: elegant apartments of 8 lightrooms, hardwood mirrors, mantels, doorservice, Ac; 851.

Inquire Janitor' or F. A. DUORO. 88 Tark Bow.CltOlCT APARTMENTS or androoma each, with Improveaneata, In the aew

house 7Q aiit 4tli nt.( near 2dav, Oreprooratalra sate, tsiee tlanltor. or

Ii Jb HON,88 d ar,

FREE TO NOVEMBEK 15.Good apartmenta In complete order, nlca

entrance: 816 to 817 monthly. 2.487 Bth ar Janitor,or MEAD i SON. 3.405 8th ar.KEKT FKEE TO XOV. 15.

Nice apartments tn perfect order; goodentrance: 815 to 817 monthly: 2,441 Bth av Janitor, or

HEAD A SON. 2,405 8th ar.I RENTINO FAST. The choicestATTENTION the west side, southwest earner 78tn st.

and Amsterdam ar; eight nnd nine rooms; superiorcabinet finish: bigb-clas- s neighborhood; steam heated,open plumbing, tiled bathroom: parquet floor In diningroom; stately entrance; hall boys; rent from 1600 to8050. C. K. BILL. Mnnarcr.

62 Liberty st,

APARTMENTS tn the Imnrored dwelling 3H4 East 72dthreo, ana four rooms; all tight, with

bath, laundry, hot and cold water, nnd halla heated;rent 8(1.2.1 and 814.

M BROTHERS, 826 Broadway, cor. 12th st.

At SM1.S40, andSAS F at (7th at. are tineapartment, Inelndln huthroom, to let toquiet, reaueetauto fUmlttea onlyt rent only

to .. ;THREE-STOR- BROWN-STON- private residence,A near Uth av below 34tb st.; price 815.000; terms

to suit. T, C. ROBERTSON. 40 Chambers st.

A 77TH ST.. 100 WEST.-Cho- lce. steam-heate- cor--ner apartments, from 83H to 840.

c. K. BILL. Manager. 62 Mberty st.

APARTMENTS. Newly painted, 3 rooms; cheap rent;Inquire housekeeper, 48 and 60

lroy st.A FEW DESIRABLE FLATM for respectable colored

XI. people: low rents. 204 west "8th st.

BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS. Physicians occupyinghandsomest appointed private residences

In the city (34th st near 61b av.) will let to select par-ties second and third floor, single or In suit, on leaseat reasonable rates: solid mahogany cabinet tlntsh;new Axmlnster carpets throughout; otherwise un-furnished; beat, light, and tirst-cs- service. For fur-ther particulars addn ss

W. H. STEVENS. 2 Tribune building, city.AIR FLATS. 114 TO 122 WEST 01ST fors

deciding look at thcte cosey tints; only a few va-cancies; two blocks from Central Park and tith and Dthavs. "L" roads: refined and genteel: rent about 835.Inquire office, lis, basement,

N. B. Pleaso note above numbers.

BALTIMOllE-1- 33 and 142 East 40th st 7 andreasonable rents.E. II, LUDLOW A CO47 Liberty St.

BEST AND CHEAPEST' APARTMENTS in th city;halls: latest Improvements: 88, 810.

STAB A A1IEI1N. 1.600 3d ST.

YOU EVKttt First-clas- s modern Hats, with allimprovements; rent free to Nov. 1; 811.60 to

7.60. 600 East 84th St.

EI.EOANT SINGLE FLATS, opposite East River Park;rooms; rents 821 to 820; all Improvements.

oasEsjtBtthst.FLATS AND APARTMENT, unfurnished and

all parts of the city,FOLSOM BROTHERS. 826 Hroadway. cor, 12th st.

1LAT. Ball-lig- rooms, decorated and steam heat:be seen to bo appreciated. Apply on premises.

nollTON'S. 802 Columbus ar.IOIVE. BIX AND SEVEN ROOMS: bath, steam heat, hotAv water, all improvements; 810 upward. Janitor, 687Amsterdam ar cor. 03d st.

HENRY BT.. 1(16. near Jefferson Handsome flats, 7batb, tee box, and all Improvements; 835,Inquire Jan'tor or W1TTNKH. 42 Bowery.

HUDSON AND WEST 10TII 8T8.-T- hre and four lighttiewly decorated. In five new flata.


Handsomely decorated Hats, 6 all light rooms andba tli, with all Improvements, to small families only;rents 828 and 824. Apply to Janitor,JARQI! ASSORTMENT of cheap rooms: 2, 8, 4. and 6

86 to 820 per month; near this omoe. Ap-ply at 160 West 28th t, t. - w

"PRETTIEST FLAT IN ITAJILEM.All outside rooms.Only flat on block, and only four families.Decorated, hardwood, heated, and new,Rent 835. Apply at 268 West 130th st.

THK "AFTON," CORNER B8ULKVAHOlCDth Nt. lliindsntne, comfortable,homelike apartment, three and lire rooms

and liatlti renin SIO nnd S4 all modernconvenience wplendld loentloni the heitllh,tent In Iheelty. Apply on pre mle,or ilOIINN. FARUUItARriON. JttU ColumUu are.,Chan. Ilueksfc Coa offlre."TIIE'OAKI.EY," SIS WEST 14TII HT,

File apartments only, handsomely decorated andJust ilnlshed: three different styles of apartments;strictest referencea required; rents 875 to loo; a rarechance to get Into a carefully managed bouse.

TWO Oil THREE Itooiis. second or third floor,house; rent 810 or 811.

.Mrs. QUAY. Park ar between lOOtfi and 101 st sts.

Till: RICHMOND." 103 EAST 88TUST. Uenteel apartments fur quiet, respectablo rami-lie- sonly; one at 830. one at 831.

THE UEMHRANDT, 162 West 67thapartment to let; elevator and heat;

rent 81.200.PLACE. 60, between llth and 12th sts.

Flat, 6 rooms, hath, and all improvements; alllight.

VICTORIA FLATS. 63 to 68 West llth St.; recentlyrangea, boilers, baths, wash trays,

Ac; handsomely decorated; rents from 830. Janitor,on premises.

WASHINGTON HT 771). Three large, light rooms onin perfect order; Hnineiltata posses-s- i

onjejtonly8 lApjrJtciL3D AV. CORNER 110TII decorated,

large flats, G rooms and bathroom; stationaryrefrigerator and all Improrements; renta only 820;immediate possession,

Inquire Janitor. 203 East llDth st.AD 3.058, opposite L station at 166tb

uppor part of house over store, 0 rooms, with bath,range, stationary tubs: Baltimore heater; large garden;rent only 820. Apply In tbo store,

AV., COIt" 115TH 8T.-L- ook at these desirableflats, consisting of seven rooms and bath; steam

heated; decorated, private halls, Ac; low rents.for Janitor,

6 NEW LARUE ROOMS: all Improvements: halt blockfrom L station. 2j7 East Both st. Rent. 818 and 810,

6Til AV 881. opposite 50th at. L statlon.-Fl- rat andtblrd flats; four large, handsomely decorated rooms;

suitable for small fatnllles; rents, 822 and 825. Applyjanitor; Immediate possession.

TnTH AV.. 62D AND LSD BT8.-8- 14 upward: steam-X- Jhealed flats, 4 and 6 rooms; hot water and ail Im-

provements,Apply to janitor. 502 West 53d st,

VktH BT 113 WEST. Three sunny rooms on topX i floor, front. In good order,"l Qni BT 227-22- 0 WEST, between 7th and Bth avsJ a? Elegant apartments; 8 largo rooms; ranges; all

Improvements; fireproof balls: rents. 816 and 817.Q 1 BT ST.. 26 EAST, near Broadway. Large, mediumVJ and small apartments, newly and elegantly rur-

nlshed; private hatha and breakfasts if desired; per-manent parties can bar their apartments furnishedto suit,OIBT bT 817 BIO, 821 apart--

X ments.fuor rooms and bath; rent 821 to 824. ,

Oilil ST.. 847, between 8th and Uth avs. Three andAit four elegant all light rooms; all Improve .tnts:814.60. 818.ORTH BT 810 AND 812 to let) 4svtr rooms) all Improvements; real tram 81 to 118.


,f.ati? ant. g.j)rttnenoi gfr tt.n MORTON BT. Handsomest new hons tn Ninth

8 ward: elegantly decorated; portico stoop: privatebaths and closets: only four apartmenta left: 822 to828; open Bunders.RTTII ST :ifH.A8T. Basement, 8 nice light rooms;P I washtubs, gas; 80; private neighborhood,KQTI1 ST 511 WEST.-Kl- ght "large" roomsT all lm-"- J

nrorements, 8noper month; also 6 rooms 823 pertnonlh. Apply at 160 West 2mhst.

Q!) ST., EAST. cofneTPark ar.VO One llabttotner Flat, 148...Apply on premises or to T.J. KILPATRICK X CO 640ln.lfon ar comer 6Pth t.CrVril ST.. 51 AND 58 EAST, near Madison ar withinOf one block of Central Park. six rooms and hath;decorated: rents 830 to 833; to small, select families.Apply on premises.

lOlTIl ST.. 105-10- EABT.-Eleg- ant flata. u rooms.Jul and Lath room; On neighborhood; halls heat-- 'ed; 8X1. 825.

10 1ST ST. 72 EAST, halt block from Mount Morris11 Park. Flat of 7 rooms and bath, all improve-mciit- 'i

til).IsjKTIIhTh 61 KABT. Elegant apartment of 8 per- -

light rooms, front and back parlor laidwith Wilton carpet; only 3 families In house; all Im-provements; 830.

Inqnlro Janitor or P. A. DUORO, 88 PattTtow.QQQ-2- 25 6TII BT. between 2d and Dd avs. Nsw

&i flats: four rooms and bathroom, all Improv-ement. 822. 820: also ft rooms, 815, 817.

C 1 0 S'X rooms, hath, decoratedj oil lighted; nearliyitatlon and Park. 311, 813 West 117th st.

COi --BIX ROOMS, bath; well lighted, decorated;ip-i- near station and Park. w. 117th at.

cf.atfl nuil i)nrnnetg .roohl,tt.



THE MARGARET,Corner of Columbia Heights and Orange st

BrooklynThe Margaret Is th most perfect building tn Brooklyn

for light and ventilation, with magnificent outlook ofthe river and bay.

Apartments contain from 7 to 12 rooms, furnishedwith electrlo and gas fixtures, steam heat, and noise-less dumb waiters. Descriptive pamphlets may be badat tho building or nt tho nttlce of


jittfllinn IfleruMS o Set.FAmOFTORrrADULT their "fur- -nlsbod house. 32d at between Bth and 7tb avs to

family ot not over Ova adults and board with them.L 1.227 Broadway.

AT HIGH BRIDOB. Queen Anns cottag. B rooms!Improvements; low rent.T. B. ATWATER, 88 Nassau St.

DESIRABLE HOUSES, unfurnished and furnished. Intha city.

KOI.BOM BROTHERS. 826 Broadway, cor. 12th st,

Houses Hi5th st Mott, near Jerome ar.; 10 rooma:all Improvements; 820 month. .

McADAM. 61 Chambers st or premises.

TO LET In 161st rt five minutes from Melrose sta-tion or elevated railroad, a y oottag with

modern Improvements, arranged for two families; rent812 and 1.1 L. V. CONOVER. 602 East 161st St.

--rrii ST., SI EAST.very stylish medium-size- d house; new and handsomelydecorated; rent 82.000: permit not required. Owner.room 60. 78 Cedar St.. 3 until 8.

BOTH ST.. 14 EASTSClose toelevatcd railroad. Desirable roomy cornerbouse; de'eorated: rent 82.0DO; can be had torn termof years at a bargain; permit not required.

OWNER, room 60, 70 Cedar st 3 until 8.

Co gtt for gjuffiutgij gurpofltrfj

ATTENTION, DRUGGISTS.Fins corner to lease for Pharmacy.

PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MEN.Stores In Bloomnold and I.lttl. West 12th St.


fitorosonBth ar. to let.OHBALD H. BROWN.

Equitable Building,120 Broadway.

A" --LOW RENT.-LI- ght lofts, with steam elevator,J X with or without steam power. GEO. B. EDDY,Nu. 308 Madison st near Junction of Orand at.

BROOME, 61, near Cunnon st. Store and roombutcher, tailor, br any business: 828.


lofts, and offices to let In oil

FtlLSOM BROTHERS. 826 Broadway, corner 12th tt.

DKSK ROOM to rent, double or single desk; low rent.Murray st third Boor.

' RENT, very reasonable New factory building,50x160 feet, at Ellzahethpnrt. N. J.: good light. Call

or address Room 27. Ill Broadway. New York.

FACTORY properties to let and for sale: railroad andT. S. ATWATER, 89 Nassau su

ONE OF THE BEST CORNERsTor liquor or any otherof business: large store, corner of 27th at. and

Seventh ar. Apply 160 West 28th at.BUILDING,

Warren and Chnrch sts. Corner office; would sellcarpet and furniture; adjoining omc can be had. Ap-ply roijmsrf.

TO LEASE. VACANT LOT8 on 18tb. lpth. and 20thsts., between Ar. A and East Rirer; also smalt

brick building on 10th st. and four lots on 1st ar cor-ner Oth st. Aprly to II. D. or JOHN V. BROOIULAN. 43Exchange pls.ee.

TO LET Ton loft. 60x00. with power, steam best,use of elerator; fine light; low rent. Apply In

Storo 88 Walker st.m t.i?i RtntiAnna a nisia envnfiLET Two lofts and comer store, 71 Varlck at.

formerly ealoon; renovated and In exoellentC. II. SIMMONS. 110 Centre at.

To 14CT Ground tloor. near Broadway: entrancea ontwo streets; excellent locatton for wholesale busl-nes-

186 Orand st, N. Y.

DESIRABLE stares and floors to let (nswbuilding). 84 East otb St.. near Broadway; rents

reasonable. FOLSOM BROS. H28 B'way. cor. 12th st,



Brery selection original and out of the beaten track.Entertainment Includes songs, whistling solos: also thone-ac- t sketch. " Saved from Himself." For terms,dates, Ao address

F. R. flAWKINS,164 West B3.1 st New York city. N. T.

LOVELY WOMAN. You can certainly pos-sess a beautiful ami bust by using

one bottle of Eugenie; price 82: send stamp for circu-lar. Mrs. II. JOHNSTON, 2 West 14th at.

TO PCBLISHERS. Send me your address and I willit to your advantage to give me your work.

PlflCli PRINTING HOUSE. 63 Rutgers St.

?11,000 FOR ITS, F.OUAI. AS A DIHIN-ectanta-

INSECT KILLER for sofa beds, A o.The Magln Mosquito Bite Cure and Insect Exterminator.Also Maglo Roach Food. Ballade A Co.. 53 W. 24th et N.Y.

jgogt niiO jutttt,PERSON who has found a red ssttsr. with a

nickel-plate- collar and padlock, will pleass bringliiin to 71 Park st,; there will he a reward given.

FOUND. Party who lost pocketbook on MadisonSunday, Oct. 4, about lOo'elork P. M please

communicate with KORAN. 138 West 2Ulh st. fFIRE KEY i:7 lost on the 18th Inst. Th flndsr will

suitably rewarded by leaving the aama at 81Great Jones st. PIRB PATROL.

LOST Fur cape, between 61st and 67th sts. andBoulevard, 8tb and Otb avs.; liberal reward.

C1IA8. E. DIEFE.NTHALEB, 26 West 61st St.

effltte gtmT,

FRAMES FOItT CHEAP PICTTTRJ--J,Carda, dlplomaa, Ao 6 cents up: 1 or 10.000; framealngold leaf, allrer. bronte. ivory, natural woods, Ao,

WILLIAM LEVIN, manufacturer. 87 Dey st N. T.

grgonai Qmtott.I"ViticnABD NEWTON VosTwiiualiat M8 Nortrand

ar., Brooklyn, N. T., he will hear from bla people.

ENOINBS, 1 to 100 b. p. proven and acknowl-edged after years of service In all Industries to be

th moat reliable and economical power in th market.Sole agents.

A. U. MANNINO X CO. 18 Vesey st,

SelJijioujJ .jjirt.ttj);I1M8TAOTLPHUN ECCLEHIA. corner nudson andChristopher sts. Dlscoureoat 10:80 A. M.

gttttigttH.,.oot nvmuai, wiuvr JSIM Bl. J3.SSA . Teeth (8. No more asked or taken. Volume of

business makes our low price. To pay more la to throwgood money away. Oold flluugs. tl up; soft fillings,60c. up; extracting, 26c; with pure, fresh gas. 50c.Teeth made while you sleep. Open all night, day, andSunday. Look out Don't mistake next door forHANKB'S.

ABET OF TEETH, 84; teeth extracted. 26c; gas,fillings, tli gold crowns. 84. 278 Urandst.

DR. L. J. 1I0YT. DENTIST. 450 Fulton St.. near Jayopposite Morton's. Brooklyn: Teeth extracted

without pain. Beautiful sets of gum teeth. Ail worka arranted.gold fllllngs, guaranteed; moderate price.

Dr. Fuller's Dental Parlors. 74 Varlck st. cor. Cans.PERFECT FITTING TEETH. 86 and 88: plates

MOLONEY. 131 Bd av near 14th st.

siiisWsiSstskrNseWNSN-Wrf-rf-lsXrXsWtrNrAsvVss- s

CTHICTTJHES CURED permanently by pain--0

less application of medtctisia past 42 rears. Manybad been cut 20 times; olLerslbtured with sounds. 104Eost20that. Dally, evening uni Sunday forenoon.irABICOt'CUl CURED. II years, wltbpain":T less medicines, after surgical operation, clamps' andelectricity failed. Offices, 104 East 20th st. 10 to 0.


PATENTS for Inventors procured promptly: low rates.A UltlKBEN. 83 Nassau St. N. Y. fcst'd 1853.

THOMAS DREW STETSON, patent soUcltor and exbest work al a fair price, 23 Murray st.

THIRTY-TW- YEARS' EXPERIENCE with 'dogs:and cured and for sale.

Dr. MULVEY. 1,770 Broadway.

J?wl & to t SxrtiRttfltT

BROOKLYN FLATS to exchange for farm or countryBand particulars to u Wall st room 61.


- 1

Scnl tBjjtnte ot $at .rooM.

The moat accessible aobni-bofth- tvroettle.

THE .5TH AV. ELEVATED R. R.connect ,1th

the nrooklyn, Itnth nnd TVeat End R, R,,and mill land you on the property la

thirty mlnnle from the Hrldce,LOTS ON TERMS 8IOST ATTlt ACTIVR,


ORDER,with main already littd, fttrnlsh runnlnc

water to each realilencc.

QUEEN ANNE HOUSES,wlih nil coiiT-tilenc- now

For Hte on cxceptlonntly en.T trrmc.AcentM on the proinlMCH. Apply ftir para-plilet- a.

mnpw, and free pnaaca tuGEOllOC A. AILlN.Hecrtnry,

OO Liberty nt., New Tor.FOR HALIMllROAIN.

Tba handsome twontory and bnretnrnl brown-ston-

horjta, In cleirHiit location, arranged for tro fmillei.and flttad with every latest Improvement! 11 rooms andbath. Owner coin? n. Till cheap. Terms to suit.

MAltTIN AjCIIAMI 1BU Ralph av.


Tha and basement brown-ston- tbotise, IB.i4.xl(K): 0 rooms and bath; handsome. pacered anddecorated; artistic cabinet mantels and pilrrors, nndatery modern timtrnri-ment- j nrlca ftl.TOO; very easy

MAltTIN tfa CIIAHK, JBOlUlph av.TOR 8ALE-T- he B story brick flats. 20x5x100; 17

rooms; baths; soapstnne tobti electrlo bells; balls car-peted; papered and decorated; prlco only JIVXH);mall cash payment will secure ona. and raaUce biff

profit on Investment,HI A Jj TIN A CnABr, 186 Balph at.

FOR BALK OR EXfllANAK for small farm-T- habrick flat, 18x55x100; rcfrltTcrator. furnaoa,

laondry; handsomely papered and decorated; good lo-

cation; nays 12 per cent, un Investment; prlee, 1(5,600;will du belter for ruh buver; terms to suit.

MARTIN A CIIAME, 1U(J Ralph ar.FOR SAUa-ETO- nB ri:()l'i:UTY.-Fi- ne inveitmsnt

business property; the handsome corner building, 2Ax86, extension 15, 4 stores and dwellings: located onone of the finest avenues In llrooltlyn In brown-ston- e

district; rentals, (3.100 a year; pays over 12 per cent,on Investment; sell on easy


FOR PALFU-T-he and basement frame hoM,17x42k1U), arrnnRed for two families; two bathtahakuu nil uiivssv ii iintvcmrUkS; - cii lucnicu nu coutcuient to surface and elevated pars; price only $0,200;tmaU cash pnymrnt and only S.V) qmirterly.

atARTlN A CIIAHE. 180 Ralph t.AQRKAT itAHdAl.N'.-Hl- Rht botiscs. fntir stores. and

corner store; situated within 10 ruinateswalk of Hamilton Ferry: In which there ara sixteensuites of apartments; will exchange for vacant prop-erty; very little cash required For full particulars ap-ply to owner

JOHN CURRAN, 118 3d plaee. Brooklyn.

FOR BALK OR UXCIIAMJK. In New Haven, Conn.,Oothlc rottnges; Ona location, (rood

urder; both rented to reliable ttnants; pay 10per cent,on Investment. Price 93.000 uacli; worth 13.780 oach.Mortgage to suit. A rare chance; owner preparing to goabroad. Address, for foil particulars, .

K. LBMTO.S. 1W Oates av Brooklyn,

FOR SALE. We offer some of the best bargains In thaward. Tw.h story and bHsemr-n- t brown-ston- e

bouses; Haley. Macon, and Ucatur sts.; all Improv-ement; some decorated; iT,00O to $t),500. Terma tooil: Instaimenta. Full particulars with

OEO. IV. BROWN A CO..103 Broadway.

FOR BALE The best bargain In Brooklyn fourbasement brown-ston- front houses; all dec-

orated. 824 to 328 Oreene av., between KranMIn andClasson avs. Open all day and Sunday. .Susy terms.

4 LEFT OF THE brick tlata. everyImprovement, heat era in parlors, cabinet trim, au

done In handsome oak graining, beautiful eourts infront, yards drained by newer connections: must baeentobe appreciated: 16th St., between 4th and 5th

avs., half block from 6th av. L station. Inquire onpremises or of owner. OEO. KEYMER, 2P8 18th st.

1 7C The only lots in tho city of Brooklyn with-- 0

1 I tf In short distance of Kings County ElevatedKtuiriirui, and In a high, healthy location, that can bebought for less than $500; $5 monthly. Call and seathese lots.

ROBERT WTIEELAN, Atlantic and Van Sickle, art.ttQ flf 1A ELL-BUILT COTTAOE, twoy90VUVf lots; no reasonable offer refused thisweek; IKcash. Apply to my agent.

KO it K HT U'HEELAN. Atlantic ami Van Slckten avm.

AC t.ft-B-Ki BARGAIN. only $2,500 cash re-s-

I UvJ quired; 1'hlladolphla-brlc- singleHat; urown-ston- stoop and trimmings: size. 18.tx47x100; pays 15 per cent.; balls and stairs carpeted; sit-uated on l'rospect Heights, only two blocks from 6thar. elevated. JAMKS m. CORRHIAN. 212 5th av,

Near Union st. L station. Brooklyn.


I cJvr story Phlladelplua-brlr- and brown-ston-

tlugloilBt: size. 20x48xlfH): 20 ruoms; pays 13 percent.; aUlmpruvcmenu: heatera In parlors; mirrors,cabinet trim; halls and stairs carpeted; altuatad Invicinity of Proanect Heights.

JAMES S. CORRIOAN. 212 Bth ar- -Near Union st. L station. Brooklyn.

CT ORn-- ri TO SL'IT.-H- ore lsacbanoa yonyB I 4wUJ will never have again. I am offeringfur Saite at the above figure four handsome

Phtladelphla-bric- single Hats, trimmed withbrown stone; size. 20x52x100: flats contain all Improve- -UllUW BUI4 BIOFHUnkUU BIS s twsyvv UWUS( nVHV4lconvenient to 6th av, eloated.

Call early and exam ine the bouses.JAMKK 8. COURIOAN, 213 Cth av

Near Union st. L station. Brooklyn.

got $nlt ox Sa ;et SrooWjjtudo a large exchange basinets. WbatA have yon to offer tJ. N. KALLET A SON. 160 Broadway.

LET 112 Held av.. and basement brown-- 1TOstone; 10 rooms: tlrstclans order; U station ipos-- fsession now; open Sunday, 10 to 4. Apply -


3&ral (Stntt .for alt Conn glattOej


Not In tbe swamps nf FLORIDA or In tn wiiasofTEXAS, but rlcbt on tbe BEAU1IFUL QARDBN BfOT,


nearJUVURIIKAI). rountr seat nf .suifnlk Co, 88 mflsfrom CITY HALL. IIHDOKLYN.


apply at once FRANK H. TYLER,

i.i na riiLTON st..COR. BFBKCElt UlloOELTN,


CORONA Two lots, central location: aldewatksiAtfenced and cleared, ready for bulldln a bargain.O. PRENTICE. 707 lOtb ar.

I. I.; 810 each; 81BDILDINO deeds by maiL J. S.LEWIS. 13 Pari row.

BUILDING L. I.i 810 each. 80 etadeeds by malt J. 8. LlttYia. 13 Para: row.

SALE A handsome bonse at Bay Rldce, 88FOR from New York City Halt; 11 rooms; fnrnare In cellar; batb, ranee, gas, bot and cold water,with plot of ground. Terma easy. Apiily to KIUiD. O.COOPER. 11)1) Montague st Hrouklyn.

FLL'tTTllNil, N. Y. Cosey cottage and trronnd. 87x100.order, f 2,000. Intinire U. 1IARTIN, 848

Broadway, N, V.; P. -- ASTKK, llnsblng.

gtrnil&tate &x 5ale Jtatcn IgVlnnd.

STATTrNT8LAND'FURNISIIED'lIOt?8E8 for winterBngbton.

atUnfurnished nouses to least), npeclallv desirable resi-dences and building sites for sale, AU locations mostdesirable and easy vt access.

PHILIP 0, BUS,873 Richmond Terrace, New Brighton.

gsWHoa ffoticrg. "

The American Art Association,MANAGERS.


THE FAMOUSvpRMTfirTARiM nnuifmnw


On Exhibition Beginning Hondqat th

AMERICA!. Alt! GALLERIES.8 East 23d at., Madison Square.


Illustrated Catalogue, revised edition, now ready,mailed on receipt of prlre, .Sc,



Madison Square. Sontb.JAH, H. M rtj V1 iTl.tiS, Auetloneer,

H.I'llir.MX IMlltlHAU ACO..Will sell al auction on the premises,sa to cuii wr.sr ubtii ht..

ON TU1MDAY, OCT. HO. al,'AT 10 A.M.,

tb following described assets ofTIIK MIMO.VIrH HOAI mUPANTlOood will nf business of siiuonil. hoap Company,

license to use trademark, rtOUllKNK. Machinery,tools, and dtis, wrappers, bosrs, sl.ns, Ac. used Incouiitctlon wllh scourm. Soap. Iron snap frames, andother soap utensils, oils, tuo good bursss,trucks, wagons, harness, ottire furultui", Ac,

by order of Villlam rleveusou, Esij., lleiM)lrer.Henry Stanton, hso . Attorney, 16 ilrnuil st.Catalogute at the oillce of tbe auctioneer, 78 Cedar st.Building open fur Inspection ot Hi goods.

JAMES P. hll.O, Auctioneer, 43 Liberty stsale of the famous Benjamin U. atlllwell

t i

r ;'. . J.... f ,t


RID0i;W0fl IIKIGiTO.Ri;n, .ppprtutilty to hnr beantlfnllr rttnt.4lots, in plats to suit, on Palmetto st date's a, tj.den.iiroe, Ralph stj, On.l.r.lnnk and Woodwardavs, but tno blocks from Myrtle and WyckoS

L stat on: also Myrtle, Oates, Buibtetck, and Otisn:avs

point horse cars.

RDKIifflOD lll.lti'll ISLots tntist be seen to b appreciated; many of thsmhave already been sold to parties who willhandsome Oueen Anno cottages. Urns making thisproperly n desirable inrestment to those looking forsure rise In value.

Easy terms and titles guaranteed by the TitleOuaranteo and Trust Company, 2d Conrt st.Apply tn Long Island Ileal Estate I'.irhsnrs andInrestment t'o., ill! tirahsm ar corner VarstBrooklyn, N. Y, """


8. II. CARR, Secretary.


ever otlereil, sltnated within TEN MINUTES' walk ofHAMILTON FKIlllY on Hamilton av. and llnnllngtonft. ONE LAIM1K corner hTOltE WITH I'LATI. ULAb3WINDOWS with three stores adjoining on avenue; alsoihreeonlluntlnitnnst.

14.Ta HAMILTON AV.Six suites of apartments with stores.

MO.-i7- UAlIII.roN AT.14 suites or upartmeuts. Including two store wetsliving apartments.ieOO-liO- A HAMILTON AT.12 suites of apartments, two stores with a ln "apartmenta.

S(l IsAMIl.TON AV.8 suites of ari'irtments; one large store.OO. Ol IIU.VTINftTON HT,

18 snllcs nl apartments, eight house In all; winfor arant property; very little cash required.

Further particulars can be ascertained of the owner.Apply or address

JOHN CURREN,118 8d place. Brooklyn.

rnuor-- ui nciunio.

$10,000For a firt-clas- B dwollinp;. Must besold this month. Terma to suit.Call any time.

f 487JFirstBi, near 8th av.,Brooklyn.


C. IV. MOODY & CO.,187 Ifont-KT- ie at, 881 flth T.

Honses In ehotce locations in all parte of tbe oity.Also dstached and Queen Anna houses, with sit ,

gronnds and stablea. Lots and plots in deslrabls loc-ations for Immedlato Improvement or for Investment,Fine lots with liberal tonne to good responsible balldtn.Exchanges ot property a specialty.


ar?:fr5en?-tlri?e,.P.,a- ,.. I ."Ed-LTT.

441 -- uiimer ar., corner McOonoagh St.,llrooktyn.

Kzotaslrs and entire charce taken of props rtr.references both In Nevr Vork and Brookljm,

Clients wlshlnir to leavo the city can safely Intrust alltheir business Interests to my care.

only ao iiiijti:sFROM NEW YORK CITT.Lots, plots, acreage, and wnter front property for

sale cheap; also several nice bouses, containing allImprovements, at -Bay Ridge and Fort Hamilton.


HOlIi: S200 DOW. HOME$200 do-- m will bay handsnme new cottage, 4

rooms, raoce, tubs, lot 25x100; near station; $26monthly pays every expene,

C1IAHLE8 II. ail ITU. 75VanR!riltnaTl. - II...! TIAII 04,ikt.uu tituuaii a J ivniii


REAL ESTATE,Call on or malt description. sto t

JAS. CURLEY,68 Court St., Brooklvn.


ACIIANCE.-830- O cash; 81R monthly:house; lorooms and bath; arranged

tfortwofamUies.. -; .WILLIAM W. UKllBliBU,i1.802 Fulton st., near utlca av. L station. Brooklyn.

BAKER. Confectioner, Delicatessen, Hutclior. urorerav.; only locution in Ifruoklynlwuere

there Is no opposition; bargain to quick buvers; savecommission; terms easy; owner; now buildings. Bushwick av.. Madison stM Brooklyn. Also two line single

vflats on Bushwick ar.BARI1AIN-BA- Y RIDOR IX1T8. Tomer 76th St. and

surrounded by beautiful homes. This plotot H lots. Including comer, can bo bad by qntck buyerfor $8.8(X); will nearly double when elevated Is extend-ed- !

HJr.MAX, 1111 Montague St.. Brooklyn.

BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE of every description forand to let; some tine Investments.

I'. J, URACE.3H1 Kulton St.. Brooklyn,

COMFORTABLE and brick basement booses,st ; never been occupied; newly

painted; price only 82,&oi; easr terms.K. UHIS1IOLM. 8t) Nassau St.

COSTS NOTHING to examine pretty andbonse; all Improvements; easy terms;

King County L to Saratoga av. 2,148 Atlantic ar.

EI.EOANT brown-ston- houses; rock bottomeasy terms; all Improvements. OIBSON.

builder. Thruob av, and Qulucy at., Brooklyn; Tompklusav. L station.

HALi: Splendid comer store, 2 floors abovs.with Improvements: splendidly laid out; would

make good corner for nny business: price fH.r.00.Also for sale a lot nf frame and brick of any

kind: prices range from 82,000 to 84.7UU for frame and84,000 to 87.000 for brick.

Also for sale a lot of frame and briek of anykind; prices tn suit buyers. This Is no humbug. Tusmeans business. Also a brick house; latest Im-

provements; location unsurpassed. If you wont yourmoney's worth stnit tn and see

KEHEHN. tlSl 6th ar.. nrooklyn.BALE. 28TII WA 111). Tivo-- f lory and basement

frame houses, I rnnuis and tiaili; all Improvements;8200 up cash: ! It I (;'.. i,r.OO) also acottago on Arlington av.. I0.Mx4t)xl(V): u rooms, all lm- -

bay nlndow. and balconies on escafiroveuieuts. hearths, purtlere trimmings, and heaters;ruicn, su,?,o. Apply to

jxo. .n;ii!s & so.v,MANHATTAN JUXLTION. I.I'M') HROADWAY, B'KLT".

SALK-Elag- ant 2J4 story front. rssr,bascuieutnnd cellar, brown-ston- front dwelling,

II rooms and hath; liaii'isouieiy drcoratod: every mod-ern Improvement; s nelgliborliwid; low pries,easy terms.

TOWNHOW A OEDRLU 102 Broadway, Brooklyn.

two story and batementFOR stono lioum Chniinrry (.. 100 feet eastStuyvrsHiitav., nortliaiiles, ralilnut trim. fin-

ish, mirror mantels, bells, stone tcihs.B. HWEIiT. o ner, on prinilfces, qlnaysopen.

or hAi7riiorsi:s-2.- wi in, Ispecial bargain, in ilv.rllliigs.

a ii. lillfiilKf' (successor to HytkiiltUros.).Ii'i'.' tutluisb nv.. opp.lte L. I. R. R. Depot.

Telephone, l.f.tti llr...lsl.011 HAI.I.'-lloii- ses from :).()0 to ri.7fiO In 18th.I 24ih nurd.: 2il to j4ix)cash, baUnoe

qsv terms: stnii for full nurtieulors; cash inrestorsmay secure bargains. 204 Montagus st.

KALK-I- I4 Hell ar., nnd b. b. s. 10FOR terycasy terms; order: Let-lion- :

can be ... at nny time: on, ounday 10 to 4.

Tf'Jsa l.ll-- ln the 2Bth word, a three-story- , baseinent,

' cellar traine house; 12 rooms; plenty closets! aU

luprovcinentt; one block from elovulor and cars, ap-

ply ilil) Henry sL. Houth Hronkl)i, 'ilANIiSOMn, ARTIHTIC 1IOSIEM.

Two-.tor-y and basemeut brown atid rod sfoaeten-roo-

dolling; all tho latest Improvements: must be

seen tu be njiprerlateils rrlio tMl.Oi'O: vvsy terms;st.aiuno Saratoga nv., oiitiihiitidsys.

KIIIIIY. Arcuitcct and Builder, Brooklyn,

OUT FOR OLD AHC-S- atn rents and pay oft

homes, airani'i'd for one end two ratnllies, at pricesto suit all, by paying small amniinls iluwn, remainderaircnt orlorcash; hue nelfiiburli'iiilt ,"). W,'l","'vincuts br mall A llh.MIAt.II.

1.047 lluncock St., Holsey t. L station, Hrooklyn

HOW THIS RH.UiS.-Tlir- ei' left of alorgn row ofIOOIC brick flat., brn n stone and lerra cot a

ttlin tn front. Just handsomely il. crated and Pperr?III complote order, all linjiri.ieiii'iits and prliutol.aon caili I'o.ir; tiii-.- t are J t right n r a home and rentthe balance; iliM. MJ, OSt lfltli st .. " nrnlfor or cull on owner. iil.il, KIUMI.K. 2IH Jeiih .1

"prospect iir.itsiiTS, ti"' ""j1 ''".','' 'BriTltl)n,47 Istst. uwirMli ,iv . a.fory ;"'"private rtsldcnco, pneo JHMM), terms toany lime. Apply to n ner on piciinsus

A 'nUYIHM,REDHEAD lll!L KMATR niini.i:i,

J.il) ruitutl ot., Ilrniikoii. . .We hare setiral good lmestmiuis for tuici csiu

bUoriinl.e a specialty of evrlmnliig. an 1 nave somegood things to nflcr, either i ity "r ivunlry

STOIIKl'IIOI'KRTY for silo, Ilrouk'jii, Broadway anl

10VVMttlH-AI)i:i)lil.L-. KCHroaduay. Hrobki)!).

Two-stou- bsi:mi:xt for s, ,''nlll7, V,i,rV.Hat. ali Improiciein.. .i "'.',corner siore, l.argi.lu vi". J "rr ,".'''' ,",

rlageunv and sinble. chtsi rybrown "(one. tlrt-cl- s luca.it a argai n. t

WIII:KI.;K IlltOf.. Ilnadimyau'll 'u.liamav"wTrrTuTtYTTAI.hMENratidcellsrbTlc '""!;T" rooms aud bslh: all Imprint men s . ',Jgood trade for seaiskfn Neainarkjt. (.all r

S o'clock, E. N. DU.NMSl V, J.808 st,Iroy ar. nroolUya. ,
