if i ar y e j y skis fenolek- beautify...

w If ry- Y a I Ar 4 f OCALAEVENING STAR WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13 1909 r F tr A > fin e J Skis OCALA QCCURREIIGES r w r Eagles meet this evening Masons meet tomorrow nIghL- Reh t p ° kahs meet Friday evening j r FlUng cases at the Ocala News Co j l I Waukesha Ginger Ale at Ballards- Mr I E It Bliss of Orlando I8 at the r ont zuma- I r Picture puzzle post cards at the r4 Ccala House I Mr John PI Sapp of Sapp Fla la > c guest of the Montezuma r +p- 4t 1 a I ° Call and see the new books nt the the Ocala > ws Co- t + Mr and Mrs J H Hull of inglls ftea re at the Montezuma 4 + A 5 or 6 doses ° 666 will cure any case w x h Chills and Fever Price 25c I Mrs A O Graham of Redick is at r re Montezuma f J z f FOR SALE= Fine walnut roller top t1 r 6 Sk cheap Apply to Dr J W Hood 4 p j- j a i t Mrs Annie E Allen of Orange Park La guest of the Montezuma J if Have you seen the picture puzzl- er r cards at the Ocala News Co r Vlr R H Sanders of Dunn llon Is r juest of the Montezuma J RoseViolet Talcum 25c the bottle h ti the Postoffice Drugstore k r 1 V Mr C E Foy Jr of Belle view li- i rl t Guest of the Montezuma I 3athing caps Just received at the q C urt Pharmacy < I z Mti J M Neely came up from Sum r1 ry r Tfield today rf roRRENTA large pasture close r In Apply at Otis office MM 4 i 0 F Mr Squires from Eastlakc was a v 1 slness visitor In town today i S f ftL IV J 5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any CaRe M Chills and Fever Price 25c Jh I 1 y A new shipment of peroxides cream i Jtln at the Court Pharmacy j + < V If Clarence Meffert came UJ r today ftf + r fhi Oklawaba to spend aevavnl days I lIt f lt town tl I FOR RENrurnlsheil rooms two licks from square modern conven + frces 24 Watula street J Mr anti Mrs Frank Lytlo came up 1 1s morning from Stanton to spend f f tij day In 0- VANTED4or n 5room cottage in valthy neighborhood Apply to X X V A Star office T vTIjf Gober clerk of the cIty of Dun l Mon vas In the city yesterday and TI ado us a pleasant call- r r Tono the Court Pharmacy We- e Id for fill and deliver your pre s Iptions promptly- Tr x > j11 Averett a naVal stores op t r tor of Dunnellon Is a guest at the- i + f ntczuma Tave you seen the new visible Fay + riialqs typewriter RC Davis Co f neral agents- r r and Mrs J J Williams of Ho r < assa are guests of the Montezuma j Itcl Tf the glare of the sun hurts your r 9le1 a pair of smoked glasses- f m us for 25c The Postoffice Drug- Itllre l he Cash brothers of Jackksonvillc- f ssrs J OJ H and L V are all leistered at the Montezuma ake Kodol at the times when you- f 1 what you have eaten Is not digest 1 7 Kodol digests what you eat so yii can eat sufficiently of any good v nlcsome food if you will just let 1 lol digest it Sold by all druggists- The Ocala and Orlando ball teams r struggling for supremacy on the f ith Magnolia street diamond as the far goes to press There is no game law against any on hunting for PLANKS CHILL NIC Its guaranteed to cure ma- L la chills and fever Price 25 cents 1 t r bottle Ask your dealer hell 1robably know i sIr B Goldman leaves tonight for- ty I New York markets to buy fall and v Inter goods loathe Globe Y DeWflta Little Early Risers the jioasant safe sure easy little liver rr A salve you may always depend r nninanycase where you need a- InheIs DeWItts Carbolized Witch Jv zel Salve especially good for piles f let by all druggists DONT THROW AWAY YOUR OLD HATi- ng F it to me and when it has been Cleaned and Blocked it Will be as Good as New- OCALA PRESSING CLUB i W tF Marlow Proprietor c > J I j j I 7 A 1 c 1 FENOLEK- ILLS Mosquitoes Bedbugs Roaches Moths Wa terbugs Ants Fleas Destroys germs and sterilizes the eggs of I all insects CLEANS FnrniturcCarpets Rugs Curtains Etc positively harmless to the good- sDISINFECTS thoroughly- and an absolute pre ventitive of all con- tagious ¬ diseases t o- man and beast KEY NOTE TO HEALTH TEAPOTGR- OCERY LAWYERS THE CITY f The following prominent attorneys from widely scattered points In the state were In town yesterday on bus- iness ¬ In chancery before Judge W S Bullock H W Bishop of Eustis J K Gaines of Leesburg Mr Rheinhart of Axtcll Reinhart Jacksonville and W R Howard of St Petersburg LEON PONCE AT THE AIR DOME Leon Ponce one of the smartest and wittiest blackface comedians in the country will be at the Air Dome this I and every other evening this week Dont fan to see him He is funny enough to make a business man forget the first of the month And there will be three full reels of fine pictures themselves worth the price of tht show i EAGLES ATTENTION I Members of Ocala Aerie 1S14 are re- quested ¬ to be at Yonges Hallat 8IS sharp this evening to attend to busi ¬ ness connected with the state conven- tion ¬ > Mrs R R Carroll and Merrls went to Woodmar this afternoon to spent n few weeks In their little cottage which has just been completed and furnish- ed ¬ Mr Carroll went to spend the night with them I have for sale a fine paying moving picture and vaudeville show In Jack- sonville ¬ a money maker and a bargain Owner has other business that coM llclMhlm to leave city Address or wire Jasper R Walker Jacksonville- Fla FOUNDThe best rooming house in Jacksonville to be the Acme Hotel owned by F V Dunn from Boston and managed by Col V J Shlpman All outside rooms clean beds large rooms All ears from depot pass our hotel corner Bay and Julia streets Call and see the colonel No matter how long you have suf ¬ fered Foleys Kidney Remedy will help you Mrs S L Bowen of Wayne W Va writes I was a sufferer from kidney disease so that at times I could not get out of bed and when I did I could not stand straight I took Foleys Kidney Rem- edy ¬ One dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely It will cure you Sold by all dealers There were 44 arrivals at the Mon- tezuma ¬ yesterday This house has never enjoyed a better summers busi ¬ ness that it is getting this season The 6yearold daughter of Mr and Mrs Sedgewick fell out of a second story window at their home In the thin ward yesterday Dr Dozier was called in and found that the little one was not seriously hurt though she had a severe jar I Mr C H Dame and family have re ¬ turned from their summer outing Mrs Dame and little daughter have been in the North Georgia mountains- but Mr Dame the past few weeks has been in the DeSoto sanitarium in Jacksonville and he Is not entirely I well yet Miss Fannie McIntyre of Jackson- ville ¬ a very pretty young lady Is vis- iting ¬ Miss Edna Culverhouse for a few weeks The Ocala House has 34 arrivals yesterday and with the large number- of guests already In the house the big hotel was tilled almost to overflowing- Mr W N Hunt of Wellborne Fla and little daughter who have been visiting Mr and Mrs C S Strickland at the Palmetto Park Stock Farm re ¬ I turned home yesterday- Mr I Wilbur Smith who is in the I White Mountains of New Hampshire I writes his father Mr E C Smith that It is so cold there he has to wear I his overcoat Gee One doesnt need- an overcoat here the last few days Miss Grace Hatchell went to Worth- ington Springs this morning where she will spend some time l I EAGLES ARE ASSEMBLING- The x delegates to the F O E conven ¬ tion are coming in on every train and are being warmly welcomed by the resident Eagles The room In the Ocala House block between the wine rooms and George Williams shop has been fitted up as headquarters The prospects are good for an Interesting- and profitable meeting DEKLEPERRY I Mr J O Dekle and Miss Zelma Perry were married at the Methodist parsonage by Rev R H Barnett last evening and left for their wedding- trip to Baltimore on the Seaboard train Mr Dekle is one of the enter ¬ prising and jolly young merchants in the big brick store on North Magnolia street and his bride the daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Perry is one of Ocalas prettiest girls The Star joins with their other friends in wishng them all happiness HEAVY RAIL CLOSE TO OCALA The heavy steel rail on the Coast Line railroad is being laid as fast as possible closing the gap between Ken drick where it now reaches on the north to Croom on the south The west coast divsion has been completed- and It will only be a few months more till the gap will be closed The water ¬ melon rush delayed the work or It would have been completed Laying- the heavy rail will give much bet ¬ ter service through this territory I SHOPLIFTER ESCAPED Mary Young the negro woman sent up about a year ago for shoplifting In Rheinauers store escaped from the Marion Farms this morning She came through the city and was trailed- by the dogs until they reached the place where she entered a carriage probably a hack driven by a confed ¬ erate It Is not probable that she can long remain at large This Is the wo ¬ man whose thefts were discovered by- r M M Little ORLANDO IS AHEAD The first game this afternoon result ¬ ed In a score of 7 to 0 in favor of Or ¬ lando A NEW AUTOMOBILE- Mr Richard Hall has received a handsome new 30horse power Cadllac automobile touring car MR SANDERS WILL OPEN- A TAILORING BUSINESS- Mr Brit Sanders of this city whose business is at Hernando left today for Chicago and from there will go to New York city and will be absent for several weeks Mr Sanders will buy a big stock of piece goods and ppon his return will open up a firstclass tailoring business in Ocala as well as Hernando Mr Sanders has been in this business for a number of years and has been unusually successful Mr J G Lege will soon have his sandsome launch ready to float which- he Is building at his home at Woodmar- Mr Lege is doing the work himself and never was a boat built In a better style Dr A R Toph came down last night from Jacksonville and will spend a week or two with his son Mr Guy Toph of the Montezuma The doctor will look on while the boy spends a lot of his money In the substantial improvements that are going to be made on tho hotel Mr S T Sistrunk has returned from- a few days visit to his family at Sea ¬ breeze who are occupying a cottage there for the summer Masons meet Thursday night tR- 1l s t The Proof is in the BREA- DIf If are not using it now its a good time to begin We sell it exclusively in Ocala MARTIN CARN Y r c- r BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN- Have > JiA- XJ i Your Lawn Mower Sharpened Ly e e Latest Methods i We < i- J have just received one of the famous Ideal Lawn Mower Grinders t a machine especially built for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which Sa- A does the work perfectly If yon will favor us with f your patronage we guarantee to give you back the Mower in better condition than the day you bought- it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than the old style way which is usually done by inexpe- rienced ¬ workman with a file or an emery wheel i- i t Next time your Mower nerds Ttiirpratag bring it in or notify us and we alt make it cut so nicely it will surprise yo MARION HARDWARE CO r BREEZES FROM THE BEACH Seabreeze Fla Aug 16Miss Fred ¬ die Foy arrived the Daytona Beach hotel Sunday for a two weeks stay Miss Foy always spends her vacations- at the beach and she has many friends who anticipate her visits The bridge devotees of the beach welcome into their circle Mrs J B Cutler of Crystal River Mrs Cutler has taken rooms at the Seaside Inn for the month of August Mrs A B Efird of Leesburg pleas- antly ¬ known In ocala as an aunt of Mesdames Hocker Duval and Mote has joined Mrs T P Drake at Day- tona ¬ Beach Mrs Efird will remain- at the beach through September 5 Mr R T Adams spent Sunday night at the Daytona Beach hotel with his mother Mrs Dorothy Edwards V V Miss Josie Bullock who has been the delightful guest of Miss Julia Stewart will leave Thursday for Gainesville where she will spend a few days with her brother Mr Harry Bullock- Mr S T Sistrunk Is spending the weekend with his family who ar summering in the Comanche cottag- er Fred Loveil formerly of Ocala but now of Sanford spent the week- end ¬ at the Daytona Beach Hotel- s s William Henry Fuller leaves in the morning for home after a pleasant two weeks spent with his grandmother- and sisters 5 The many Ocala friends of Mr Har- ry ¬ Thompson will regret to learn that his mother died very suddenly In North Carolina Saturday of heart fail ¬ ure The remains will be brought home for burial- A 5 few days ago lightning struck the scrub near Port Orange bridge on the beach side and for two days volumes of smoke issued from the burning brush Though several houses were In danger none were lost One of the largest beach picnics this summer was given last Wednesday at Seabreeze The pavilion under the i windmill was profusely decorated for the occasion and each of the many at ¬ tendants had a jolly time At eleven oclock all went swimming and several snap shots were taken which will be kept as souvenirs of the day Dinner was spread picnic style and was fol ¬ lowed by a very clever contest- Mr MefTert left yesterday for a visit- to his old home in Michigan Mrs Meffert and her two daughters have gone to the lake for the remainder of the summer Miss Mildred Sumner deputy clerk of the circuit court left today for Dado City to spend ten days with her parents Mr and Mrs J D Sumner- Mr G A Carmichael and Mrs Cul verhouse and three children left today for their summers vacation Mr Carmichael will go to Union Springs- Ala for most of the time about six week Mrs Culverhouse and the children will go to Glcnwood Ala and wilt go to Montgomery later on They will bo absent for two months- Mr and Mrs Robert Finkernagel who have been making Ocala their home for the past year have gone to Pennsylvania where Mr Finkernagel has accepted a position Mrs M H Hatchell after a week spent at Worthington Springs recup- erating ¬ has returned home 0 t SIi1 A TO FIT ANY RIMS OLTEDON CLINCHER QDCLINCHER > I1 1 A- pp fffi V WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FISK TIRES AS WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AUTO 4 REPAIRING AND TIRE VULCANIZING DONE t s PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICES I i 4- 1If OCALA IRON WORKS OCALA Fit- s rw- t j c KNIGHT LANGif Leading Vehicle Dealers l > rf of Central FloridaA- D I r iraeise stock of Reliable Wagois liflfes Jarte m aid Carriages carried at all fives Harness Saddles Lap Robes Whips at tH Nero carried by a firstclass house of thisbill bOBffet in qua titles from the factories aid always ii stock af Use very lowest prices We can save YOI money 01 year pirchases be they large or snail Agents for most of the leadtag aid rest Bikes of wagons aid bag- giesKNIGHT fit LANG t North Side of Sinare OCALA FLORIii FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES- Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets r Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions r W R E DVV AR D S e Phone 108 City Market HOUSE TO RENT- On Fort King avenue one of the most modern and convenient residences In the city Apply to 139 Fort King av- enue ¬ Mr Chas T Curry of Bradentown Is at the Ocala House Mr Curry was formerly a citizen c Ocala Mr Fleming who has been superin ¬ tendent of the Ocala Iron Works for several years together with Mrs Fleming and children left Tuesday for Cleveland Ohio where they will make their home Eagles meet this evening Belle Meade Sweets Sugar Fruit aU Cbocolite THATS All These delicious cailies cai fee had tily a- tPharmacy Court 4 + r AT NOTICE FOR BIDS TO REMODEL THE CITY MARKET Notice Is hereby given that on the 7th day of September A D 1909 at the regular meeting of the city coucH 1 ° 3 of the city of Ocala Florida bids for the remodeling of the city market of the said city according to plans and specifications now on file In the city r clerks office of said city will be con- sidered ¬ by the said council said t council reserving the right to accept- or reject any of said bids said bids- to be in writing and filed with the city clerk on or before the said 7th day of September A D 1909 J M Meffert President of the City Council y Attest HC Sistrunk City Clerk of the City of Ocala s SEABOARD AIR LINE w EXCURSION TO FERNANDINA On Monday August 23rd the Sea ¬ board will run an excursion from Ocala to Fernandina and return for Jl for the round trip Train will i leave Ocala at 6 a mand returning- will leave Fernandina 6 p m A Pullman chair car will be attached- and If- J reservations in same can be had by applying to the city ticket agents office H C Baysor City Ticket Agent Oc 1aFlL Three cents will fan you for ten hour Get one of those 8inch We- tlnghouse funs from H W Tucker < n t f p- t > I 1- r I I1F < t- j 1J

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Page 1: If I Ar Y e J Y Skis FENOLEK- BEAUTIFY LAWN-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03248/00320.pdfIf ry-w Y f 4 a I Ar OCALAEVENING STAR WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13 1909 r F tr A fin e J

wIf ry-

Ya I Ar4f


>fin e J



r Eagles meet this evening

Masons meet tomorrow nIghL-


° kahs meet Friday eveningj

r FlUng cases at the Ocala News Co j

l IWaukesha Ginger Ale at Ballards-

Mr IE It Bliss of Orlando I8 at ther ont zuma-


rPicture puzzle post cards at the

r4 Ccala House I

Mr John PISapp of Sapp Fla la> c guest of the Montezumar +p-


1 aI° Call and see the new books nt the

the Ocala > ws Co-

t + Mr and Mrs J H Hull of ingllsftea re at the Montezuma


A 5 or 6 doses °666 will cure any casew

x h Chills and Fever Price 25cI

Mrs A O Graham of Redick is atr re Montezumaf

J z f FOR SALE=Fine walnut roller topt1


6 Sk cheap Apply to Dr J W Hood4


jai t Mrs Annie E Allen of Orange Park

La guest of the MontezumaJ if

Have you seen the picture puzzl-err cards at the Ocala News Co

rVlr R H Sanders of Dunn llon Is

r juest of the MontezumaJ

RoseViolet Talcum 25c the bottleh ti the Postoffice Drugstore

k r1 V Mr C E Foy Jr of Belle view li-

irl t Guest of the MontezumaI

3athing caps Just received at theq C urt Pharmacy

< I

z Mti J M Neely came up from Sumr1

ry r Tfield todayrf

roRRENTA large pasture closer In Apply at Otis office

MM 4 i0 F Mr Squires from Eastlakc was a

v 1 slness visitor In town todayi

S f ftLIVJ

5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any CaReM Chills and Fever Price 25c

Jh I 1

y A new shipment of peroxides cream

i Jtln at the Court Pharmacyj


< V If Clarence Meffert came UJ r todayftf + r fhi Oklawaba to spend aevavnl days


lIt f lt towntl


FOR RENrurnlsheil rooms twolicks from square modern conven

+ frces 24 Watula streetJ

Mr anti Mrs Frank Lytlo came up1 1s morning from Stanton to spend

f f tij day In 0-



5room cottage invalthy neighborhood Apply to X X

VA Star office


vTIjf Gober clerk of the cIty of Dunl Mon vas In the city yesterday andTI ado us a pleasant call-



Tono the Court Pharmacy We-e Id for fill and deliver your pres Iptions promptly-


> j11 Averett a naVal stores op

t r tor of Dunnellon Is a guest at the-


f ntczuma

Tave you seen the new visible Fay+ riialqs typewriter RC Davis Co

f neral agents-r

r and Mrs J J Williams of Ho

r <assa are guests of the Montezumaj Itcl

Tf the glare of the sun hurts yourr 9le1 a pair of smoked glasses-f m us for 25c The Postoffice Drug-


he Cash brothers of Jackksonvillc-

f ssrs J OJ H and L V are all

leistered at the Montezuma

ake Kodol at the times when you-f 1 what you have eaten Is not digest1 7 Kodol digests what you eat soyii can eat sufficiently of any goodv nlcsome food if you will just let1 lol digest it Sold by all druggists-

The Ocala and Orlando ball teamsr struggling for supremacy on thef ith Magnolia street diamond as thefar goes to press

There is no game law against anyon hunting for PLANKS CHILL

NIC Its guaranteed to cure ma-L la chills and fever Price 25 cents1 t r bottle Ask your dealer hell1robably know

isIr B Goldman leaves tonight for-

tyI New York markets to buy fall andv Inter goods loathe Globe


DeWflta Little Early Risers thejioasant safe sure easy little liverrr A salve you may always dependr nninanycase where you need a-

InheIs DeWItts Carbolized WitchJv zel Salve especially good for pilesf let by all druggists


ngF it to me and when it has beenCleaned and Blocked it Will be asGood as New-

OCALA PRESSING CLUBi W tF Marlow Proprietorc


I jj






ILLS Mosquitoes BedbugsRoaches Moths Waterbugs Ants FleasDestroys germs andsterilizes the eggs of I

all insectsCLEANS FnrniturcCarpets

Rugs Curtains Etcpositively harmless tothe good-

sDISINFECTS thoroughly-and an absolute preventitive of all con-tagious


diseases t o-

man and beastKEY NOTE TO HEALTH



The following prominent attorneysfrom widely scattered points In thestate were In town yesterday on bus-


In chancery before Judge W SBullock H W Bishop of Eustis JK Gaines of Leesburg Mr Rheinhartof Axtcll Reinhart Jacksonville andW R Howard of St Petersburg


Leon Ponce one of the smartest andwittiest blackface comedians in thecountry will be at the Air Dome this


and every other evening this weekDont fan to see him He is funnyenough to make a business man forgetthe first of the month And there willbe three full reels of fine picturesthemselves worth the price of thtshow



Members of Ocala Aerie 1S14 are re-


to be at Yonges Hallat 8ISsharp this evening to attend to busi ¬

ness connected with the state conven-tion



Mrs R R Carroll and Merrls wentto Woodmar this afternoon to spent nfew weeks In their little cottage whichhas just been completed and furnish-ed


Mr Carroll went to spend thenight with them

I have for sale a fine paying movingpicture and vaudeville show In Jack-sonville


a money maker and a bargainOwner has other business that coMllclMhlm to leave city Address orwire Jasper R Walker Jacksonville-Fla

FOUNDThe best rooming house inJacksonville to be the Acme Hotelowned by F V Dunn from Bostonand managed by Col V J ShlpmanAll outside rooms clean beds largerooms All ears from depot pass ourhotel corner Bay and Julia streetsCall and see the colonel

No matter how long you have suf¬

fered Foleys Kidney Remedy willhelp you Mrs S L Bowen ofWayne W Va writes I was asufferer from kidney disease so thatat times I could not get out of bedand when I did I could not standstraight I took Foleys Kidney Rem-edy


One dollar bottle and part of thesecond cured me entirely It willcure you Sold by all dealers

There were 44 arrivals at the Mon-


yesterday This house hasnever enjoyed a better summers busi ¬

ness that it is getting this season

The 6yearold daughter of Mr andMrs Sedgewick fell out of a secondstory window at their home In thethin ward yesterday Dr Dozier wascalled in and found that the little onewas not seriously hurt though she hada severe jar

IMr C H Dame and family have re¬

turned from their summer outingMrs Dame and little daughter havebeen in the North Georgia mountains-but Mr Dame the past few weekshas been in the DeSoto sanitarium in

Jacksonville and he Is not entirelyI well yet

Miss Fannie McIntyre of Jackson-ville


a very pretty young lady Is vis-


Miss Edna Culverhouse for afew weeks

The Ocala House has 34 arrivalsyesterday and with the large number-

of guests already In the house the bighotel was tilled almost to overflowing-

Mr W N Hunt of Wellborne Flaand little daughter who have beenvisiting Mr and Mrs C S Stricklandat the Palmetto Park Stock Farm re ¬

Iturned home yesterday-

MrI Wilbur Smith who is in theI White Mountains of New HampshireI writes his father Mr E C Smiththat It is so cold there he has to wear

I his overcoat Gee One doesnt need-

an overcoat here the last few days

Miss Grace Hatchell went to Worth-

ington Springs this morning whereshe will spend some time






delegates to the F O E conven ¬

tion are coming in on every train andare being warmly welcomed by theresident Eagles The room In theOcala House block between the winerooms and George Williams shop hasbeen fitted up as headquarters Theprospects are good for an Interesting-and profitable meeting


Mr J O Dekle and Miss ZelmaPerry were married at the Methodistparsonage by Rev R H Barnett lastevening and left for their wedding-trip to Baltimore on the Seaboardtrain Mr Dekle is one of the enter ¬

prising and jolly young merchants inthe big brick store on North Magnoliastreet and his bride the daughter ofMr and Mrs Henry Perry is one ofOcalas prettiest girls The Star joinswith their other friends in wishngthem all happiness


The heavy steel rail on the CoastLine railroad is being laid as fast aspossible closing the gap between Kendrick where it now reaches on thenorth to Croom on the south Thewest coast divsion has been completed-and It will only be a few months moretill the gap will be closed The water ¬

melon rush delayed the work or Itwould have been completed Laying-the heavy rail will give much bet ¬

ter service through this territory


Mary Young the negro woman sentup about a year ago for shoplifting InRheinauers store escaped from theMarion Farms this morning Shecame through the city and was trailed-by the dogs until they reached theplace where she entered a carriageprobably a hack driven by a confed ¬

erate It Is not probable that she canlong remain at large This Is the wo¬

man whose thefts were discovered by-

r M M Little


The first game this afternoon result ¬

ed In a score of 7 to 0 in favor of Or ¬



Mr Richard Hall has received ahandsome new 30horse power Cadllacautomobile touring car


Mr Brit Sanders of this city whosebusiness is at Hernando left today forChicago and from there will go toNew York city and will be absent forseveral weeks Mr Sanders will buya big stock of piece goods and pponhis return will open up a firstclasstailoring business in Ocala as well asHernando Mr Sanders has been inthis business for a number of yearsand has been unusually successful

Mr J G Lege will soon have hissandsome launch ready to float which-he Is building at his home at Woodmar-Mr Lege is doing the work himselfand never was a boat built In a betterstyle

Dr A R Toph came down last nightfrom Jacksonville and will spend aweek or two with his son Mr GuyToph of the Montezuma The doctorwill look on while the boy spends alot of his money In the substantialimprovements that are going to bemade on tho hotel

Mr S T Sistrunk has returned from-

a few days visit to his family at Sea¬

breeze who are occupying a cottagethere for the summer

Masons meet Thursday night





The Proof is in theBREA-

DIfIf are not usingit now its a goodtime to begin Wesell it exclusively inOcala


Y r c-







Your Lawn Mower Sharpened Ly e eLatest Methods i


< i-

Jhave just received one of the famous IdealLawn Mower Grinders t a machine especially builtfor the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which Sa-


does the work perfectly If yon will favor us with f

your patronage we guarantee to give you back theMower in better condition than the day you bought-it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than theold style way which is usually done by inexpe-


workman with a file or an emery wheel i-

i t Next time your Mower nerds Ttiirpratagbring it in or notify us and we altmake it cut so nicely it will surprise yo



Seabreeze Fla Aug 16Miss Fred ¬

die Foy arrived the Daytona Beachhotel Sunday for a two weeks stayMiss Foy always spends her vacations-at the beach and she has many friendswho anticipate her visits

The bridge devotees of the beachwelcome into their circle Mrs J BCutler of Crystal River Mrs Cutlerhas taken rooms at the Seaside Innfor the month of August

Mrs A B Efird of Leesburg pleas-antly


known In ocala as an aunt ofMesdames Hocker Duval and Motehas joined Mrs T P Drake at Day-


Beach Mrs Efird will remain-at the beach through September


Mr R T Adams spent Sundaynight at the Daytona Beach hotel withhis mother Mrs Dorothy Edwards


Miss Josie Bullock who has been thedelightful guest of Miss Julia Stewartwill leave Thursday for Gainesvillewhere she will spend a few days withher brother Mr Harry Bullock-

Mr S T Sistrunk Is spending theweekend with his family who arsummering in the Comanche cottag-

er Fred Loveil formerly of Ocalabut now of Sanford spent the week-end


at the Daytona Beach Hotel-


William Henry Fuller leaves inthe morning for home after a pleasanttwo weeks spent with his grandmother-and sisters


The many Ocala friends of Mr Har-ry


Thompson will regret to learn thathis mother died very suddenly In

North Carolina Saturday of heart fail ¬

ure The remains will be broughthome for burial-


few days ago lightning struck thescrub near Port Orange bridge on thebeach side and for two days volumesof smoke issued from the burningbrush Though several houses wereIn danger none were lost

One of the largest beach picnics thissummer was given last Wednesday atSeabreeze The pavilion under the

iwindmill was profusely decorated forthe occasion and each of the many at ¬

tendants had a jolly time At elevenoclock all went swimming and severalsnap shots were taken which will bekept as souvenirs of the day Dinnerwas spread picnic style and was fol ¬

lowed by a very clever contest-

Mr MefTert left yesterday for a visit-to his old home in Michigan MrsMeffert and her two daughters havegone to the lake for the remainder ofthe summer

Miss Mildred Sumner deputy clerkof the circuit court left today forDado City to spend ten days with herparents Mr and Mrs J D Sumner-

Mr G A Carmichael and Mrs Culverhouse and three children left todayfor their summers vacation MrCarmichael will go to Union Springs-Ala for most of the time about sixweek Mrs Culverhouse and thechildren will go to Glcnwood Ala andwilt go to Montgomery later on Theywill bo absent for two months-

Mr and Mrs Robert Finkernagelwho have been making Ocala theirhome for the past year have gone toPennsylvania where Mr Finkernagelhas accepted a position

Mrs M H Hatchell after a weekspent at Worthington Springs recup-erating


has returned home



SIi1 A


pp fffiV





i 4-






j c

KNIGHT LANGifLeading Vehicle Dealers l> rf

of Central FloridaA-


iraeise stock of Reliable Wagois liflfes Jarte maid Carriages carried at all fives

Harness Saddles Lap Robes Whips at tH Nerocarried by a firstclass house of thisbill bOBffet in quatitles from the factories aid always ii stock af Use verylowest prices

We can save YOI money 01 year pirchases be theylarge or snail

Agents for most of the leadtag aid rest Bikes ofwagons aid bag-

giesKNIGHT fit LANG t

North Side of Sinare OCALA FLORIii


Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armours PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets r

Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions r


Phone 108 City Market


On Fort King avenue one of the mostmodern and convenient residences In

the city Apply to 139 Fort King av-


Mr Chas T Curry of BradentownIs at the Ocala House Mr Curry wasformerly a citizen c Ocala

Mr Fleming who has been superin ¬

tendent of the Ocala Iron Works forseveral years together with MrsFleming and children left Tuesdayfor Cleveland Ohio where they willmake their home

Eagles meet this evening

Belle Meade Sweets

Sugar Fruit aU Cbocolite


These delicious cailies cai fee

had tily a-






Notice Is hereby given that on the7th day of September A D 1909 atthe regular meeting of the city coucH 1


of the city of Ocala Florida bids forthe remodeling of the city market ofthe said city according to plans andspecifications now on file In the city rclerks office of said city will be con-


by the said council said t

council reserving the right to accept-or reject any of said bids said bids-

to be in writing and filed with the cityclerk on or before the said 7th day ofSeptember A D 1909 J M Meffert

President of the City Council y

Attest HC SistrunkCity Clerk of the City of Ocala



On Monday August 23rd the Sea¬

board will run an excursion fromOcala to Fernandina and return forJl for the round trip Train will i

leave Ocala at 6 a mand returning-will leave Fernandina 6 p m APullman chair car will be attached-and



reservations in same can be hadby applying to the city ticket agentsoffice H C Baysor

City Ticket Agent Oc 1aFlLThree cents will fan you for ten

hour Get one of those 8inch We-tlnghouse funs from H W Tucker

< nt f p-

t >I



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