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if Eeclfek a if I Rminisfflcs I tcries Eminently Worth Telling of Experiences and Adventures in the Great National Struggle fcESTIVCCTION OF THE HATTEHAS Engagement Between the V S S Ilat- - tcnis and C S S Alabama Jan 11 r8G3 The follcm ins is the official report of XieuL Commander H C Blake com- manding ¬ the TJ S S Hattcras as taken from the official Naval Records Vol 2 Series 1 U S Consulate Kingston Jamaica - Jan 21 18C3 Sir It is mv gainful duty to inform the Department of the destruction of the U S S Hatteras recently under my command by the Confederate steamer Alabama on the night of the aitluinst oft the coast of Texas The circumstances of the sad disaster are as follows Upon the afternoon of the 11th Inst at 330 oclock while at anchor in company with the fleet un- der ¬ Commodore Bell off Galveston Tex I was ordered by a signal from the U S S flagship Brooklyn to chase a sail to the southward and eastward I got under way immediately and steamed with all speed in the direction indicated After some time the strange sail could be seen from the Hatteras and was ascertained to be a steamer which fact I communicated to the flag ¬ ship by signal I continued the chase and rapidly gained upon the suspicious vessel IKnowing the slow speed of the Hatteras I at once suspected that de- ception ¬ was being practiced and Iience prdered the ship to be cleared for ac- tion ¬ with everything in Teadiness for a determined attack and a vigorous de- fense ¬ When within about four miles of the vessel I observed that she had ceased to steam and -- was lying broad Bide on awaiting us It was nearly 7 oclock and quite dark but notwith- standing ¬ the obscurity of the night I felt assured from the -- general character Of the vessel and her jnanuvering that f It should encounter the rebel steamer 1 Alabama Beingable to work but four fcuns on one side of the Hatteras two 4 Ehort 32 pounders one 30 pounder rifled Parrott gun and one 20 pounder Tifle gun J concluded to close with her 5n order that my guns might be effec- tive ¬ if -- necessary I came within easy fipeaking range about 75 yards and upon asking What steamer is that received the answer Her Britannic Majestys ship Vixen I replied I would send a boat aboard and immediately gave the order In the meantime both vessels were changing their positions the stranger endeavoring to gain a de- sirable ¬ position foria raking fire Al- most ¬ simultaneously with the piping away of the boatthe strange craft again replied We are the Confederatesteam er Alabama which was accompanied by a broadside 1 at the same moment returned the fire Being well aware of the many vulnerable points -- of the Hat- teras ¬ I hoped by closing with the Ala- bama ¬ to be able to board her and thus -- i rid the seas of this piratical craft The Ship on Fire I steamed directly for the Alabama but she was enabled by her great speed and the foulness of the bottom of the Hatteras and consequently her dimin- ished ¬ speed- to thwart my attemnt When I had gaineda distance of but 30 -- yards from her at this range musket and pistol shots were exchanged the firing continuing with great vigor on both sides At length a shell entered amidship in the hold setting fire to Jt and at the same instant as I can hardly divide the lime a shell passed thru the sick hay exploding in an adjoining compartment also producing lire an- other ¬ entered the cylinder filling the engine room and deck with steam and depriving me of all power to manuver tne vessel or to work the pumps upon which trie reduction of the fire depend ed With thp vessel on fire in places and rteyond human power a hapless wreck upon the water with her -- walking-beam shot away and her engine rendered useless I still maintained an active fire with a double hope of disabling the Alabama and of attracting the at- tention ¬ of the fleet off Galveston which was onr 28 miles distant It was soon reported to me that shells had entered the Hatteras at the water line tearing off entire sheets of iron and that the nvater was rushing in utterly defying any attempt to remedy the evil and that she was rapidly sinking Learning this melancholy truth and observing that the Alabama was on my port bow entirely beyond range of my Runs doubtless preparing for a raking lire of the decks I felt that I had no right to sacrifice uselessly and without any desirable result the lives of all un der my command To prevent the blowing up of the Hatteras from the fire which was mak ¬ ing much progress I ordered the mag- azine ¬ to be flooded and a lee gun to be fired The Alabama then asked if as tUtance was desired to which an af- firmative ¬ answer was given The Hat- teras ¬ was now rapidly going down and in order to save the lives of my otli ccrs and men I caust d tho armament of the ship on the port side to be tlirown overboard Had I not done so 1 am confident that the vessel would have gone down with many hearts and valuable lives After considerable delay caused bv n report that a steamer was seen com- ing ¬ from Galveston the Alabama sent us assistance and I have the pleasure to- - inform the Department that every living being was conveyed safclj from the Hatteras to the Alabama The Hattcras Sank Rapidly Ten minutes after leaving the Hat teras she went down bow first with her pennant at the masthead with all her musKets anu stores or every character the enemy not being able owing to her rapid sinking to obtain a single weap ¬ on The battery upon the Alabama brought into action against the Hat ¬ teras numbered seven guns consisting of four long 32 poundcrs one 100 poundor rifle gun one C8 pounder and 3 2 1 -- pounder rifle gun The great superiority of the Alabama with her powerful battery and her ma ¬ chinery etc under the water line must be at once recognized by the Depart- ment ¬ who are familiar with the con Mruction of the Hatteras and her total unfitness for a content with a regularly liuilt vegg l of war The ditaucc between the Hatteras and the Alabama during the action varied from 25 to 100 yards Nearly CO shots were fired from the Hatteras and I presume a greater number from the Alabama I desire to refer the ffllcient and active manner In which Acting 3Iastr Henry O Porter execu ¬ tive officer performed his duty The conduct of Assistant Surg Edward S Jlathews both during action and after- wards ¬ m attention to the wounded de ¬ mands my unqualified commendation I would bring to the favorable no- tice ¬ of the Department Acting Masters JIate F J McGrath temporarily on duty as a gunner Owing to the dark- ness ¬ of the nisht and the peculiar con ¬ struction of the Hatteras I am able only to refer to the conduct of those officers who came under my special at- tention ¬ but from the character of the contest and the amount or damage done to the Alabama I have personally no reason to believe that any officer failed in his duty To the men of the Hatteras I cannot give too much praise Their enthusiasm and bravery was of the highest order I inclose the report of Assistant Surg Edward S Mathews by which you will observe that five men were wounded and two killed The missing it is hoped have reached the fleet at Galveston I shall communicate to the Department in a separate report the movements or myself and my command from the time of our transfer to the Alabama until the departure of the earliest mail from this place to the United States X am very respectfully your obedi ¬ ent servant II C Blake Lieutenant Commander U S Navy Hon Gideon Welles Secretary of the ISavy Washington D C F G Rundlett West Gulf Squadron Lowell Mass GEX EARLYS FAMILY Something of the Private Side of the Rebel CavaUcr Editor National Tribune During the last few years much has been said of the wily Confederate chieftain Gen Jubal A Early in The National Tribune and other papers thruout the North espe cial- - but I cannot recall that his do mestic or family connections have ever been commented upon Jn view of this fact it might be of interest to some of The National Tribune readers to Know something of that side of one of the most dashing cavaliers of the Confeder acy Gen Earlys family consisting of a wife and four children -- resided at his Jiome at Rock Spring Cottage just outside the city limits of Rocky Mount Franklin County Va His oldest son Joseph is a farmer married and re- sides ¬ in Kentucky The next jn age Florence Anna Early in 1876--whe- n she was 17 mar- ried ¬ Capt Will H S Banks who serv- ed ¬ as Captain CoJC 12th Mich trans- ferred ¬ at his request to cavalry and at the close of the war discharged as Captain Co C 9th Mich To this unionone child a girl wasborn Etta Early who is a school teacher by pro- fession ¬ and when the writer last heard f roimher was residing iwith her mother at Waltewan W Va Capt Banks and his fair Con federate -- wife were divorced about 25 years ago jand have been apart ever since but always have a good word for each other when speak ¬ ing of that little difference in politics that was the controlling factor that led up to their legal separation The third is Jubel A a carpenter residing near the home of his birth Rocky Mount Va Jubel A Early Jr is the father of a cadet or Command- er ¬ Early who is now in the United States naval service JHe is ja gentle man of high standing in the community in wiilch he lives The Early children to a remarkable degree retain the looks and character- istics ¬ of their father and are proud of their illustrious blood but of late years are of strong Union sentiment The youngest of the Early children Robert followed railroading for some years backhand when last heard from wasjn West Virginia Capt Banks who isa man of stren- uous ¬ habits resides mt 304 Parson St Kalamazoo Mich It was he that led the charge up the steep hilLat Saline- - vllle Ohio against the 8th Ky rebel Cav and forced the surrender tof Gen John A Morgan -- and his disorganized army of recruits Will H S Banks Captain Co C 9th Mich Cav Grand Junction Mich Capture of JohnHYIlkcs Booth Editor National Tribune I enlisted Dec 3 1861 in Co E 93d N TT at 18 years of age In this regiment I took part In McCIelians Peninsular Cam- paign ¬ and was also in the battle of Antletam Soon after I was given an honorable discharge because of feeble health and returned home As soon as I was able I re enlisted July 21 1863atPlattsburg N Y as a member of Co H 16 th N Y Ca v My chief objection to Lieut Bakers account of the capture of Booth Is that Baker gives too little credit to his sub ordinate officers We were at Camp Vienna Va 15 mlleTfrom Washington when the news reached us concerning the assassination of President Lincoln I was one of the 29 volunteers to hunt down Booth and Herold Emory Par rady also now In Portland was one of the picked men and he will corroborate my statements Lieut E P Doherty was the man who jerked Herold out of the barn and not Baker himself as his account reads Doherty immediately placed me as guard over Herold which I held for about two hours I talked with Herold when guarding him and he told me how they had made their escape thus far He claimed that he would have left Booth long since had it not been for the fear of death at the hands of the assassin On the way back to Washington with Booths body Baker ind Conger were the first to ferry the Rappahannock Having the body with them they imme diately struck out to leave the remain- der ¬ of the command which was on the other side of the river It has always been thought by many of us that Baker and Conger were trying to get away with the body and thus get the bulk of the reward But luckily Lieut Do- herty ¬ overtook them and held them till the remainder of us had crossed the river and caught up with Baker and his party John W Wellington ICth N Y Cav Portland Ore At Champions Hill Editor National Tribune I belonged to Co D 22d Ky During the Vlcks burir campaign we marched to Hard Times and then to the rear of Grand Gulf The battle of Port Gibson and we made a hasty exit from tbere Grants skill mystified Pemberton He was trying to cross Black River but could not determine Grants strength Grand Gulf was known as Grants base of supplies After the Raymond tight and the cap- ture ¬ of Jackson Grant turned his face toward Vicksburg still keeping Pem ¬ berton In the dark as to his Intentions liven Halleck at Washington couldnt understand what Grant was about and ordered him to Tall back and succor Banks at Port Hudson Haliecks dis ¬ patch was too late Sherman was cross- ing ¬ Black River and McClernand was marching in that direction Pemberton had crossed Black River and wanted to try his generalship He did not have to wait long for Hovcvs Division backed by Carrs Division showed him what they were made of I never saw men fight so bravely Our division was held in reserve Late in the evening the enemy gave away I shall not forget the roar of musketry Artillery could not be used at such close quarters On the evening of May 10 the day before the engagement at Champions Hill we were close to Pcmbertons com ¬ mand but during the night Pemberton fell back Our Lieutenant asked for volunteers to picket s Wufl In our ex ¬ treme front I was one of rnose to go When we reached there wo found the Johnnies in possession They opened THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE P WASHINGTON D C THURSDAY APRIL 7 1910 We Tfpeat Yia aaasatatiiariaM mmhMMB MMMBIMBM 30 Bays Fit Blood Poison can never be cured with mercury or potash Voa might as well know thN lint as last Medical authorities soy so The most these drugs can do Is to drlre the blood poison bact Into the ustcm and smother It for several years Then when you think you are cured pitiful mer cury symptoms will break out and jou And that your bones hare been rotting all the while your teeth will begin to loosen and your tissues Blinds brain and vital organs will enow the terrible destructive power of the mercury and potash Locomotor Ataxia Paralysis Imbecil- ity ¬ and Premature Death nre then almost Inev- itable ¬ Any medical authority will corroborate these statements The remarkable vegetable Obbac Treatment docs not drive in the- Blood Poison tint drives it out It positively contains no min ¬ eral poisons whatever so that once cured by the Obbac Treatment you never run the terrible risk of baring your bones soften your nerves collapse your teeth fall out your kidneys degenerate or your brain weaken The Obbac Treatment Is a marvel producing remarknblc changes in only 30 days This Is why we offer to any blood poison victim living no matter bow bad a casca 30 Day Treatment TREE Vou want to be cured and cured qnick not poisoned with mercury and potash for years K J30 Day Treatment is yours for the asking Yon will open your cjes at what It will do for you In a month We treat you free fora month Just write to us and get the treatment free Then If jouare satisfied It Is the most remarkable treat- ment ¬ you ever took you can continue If you wish Never In jour life will you ever again have such an opportunity for a complete cure as by this Great Obbac Treatment This Jsasquaxe deal You sign nothing no notes make us no promises except to take the treatment The wonderfnl Wasserman Test the only blood poison test known to scientists proics that the bodyJs completely purified by the Obbac Treat- ment and that mercury and potash do not cure blood poison Sit down end write to us glvinz a full history of your case In detail We will treat your letter as a sarred confidence Con saltation and advice free Wo will send yon also the remarkable boot Driving Out iilood rolsoa free THE JOBBAC CO 6834fi80f orJIdg Chicago Illinois fire and we feU flat and hugged the ground uhtil we could find an oppor- tunity ¬ to get back to our line If Ralph Ball who wa3 one of us Is in the land of the living I would like to hear from him A J Jacobs Co D 22d Ky Smoky Valley Ky Vice President Hamlins Reception Editor National Tribune We had suffered defeat at Fredericksburg and at Chancellorsvllle and were making 30 mile marches to intercept Gen Leo and dissuade him from visiting Wash- ington ¬ to pay his compliments to the President We had stopped in a grove near Frederick City Md As the sun was taking a last peep over the moun- tains ¬ we were preparing a sumptuous supper consisting of three courses to wit coffee hardtack and sowbelly A portly gentleman dressed in broadcloth and wearing a silk hat approached from the direction iof headquarters As he neared the company a boy called out Hello mister where did you get the beehive referring to his hat Asinlle lit up the gentlemans face Another asked Do you belong to the turkey drivers or the feather bed bri ¬ gade The gentleman attempted a good-natur- retort but that only added to the merriment of the boys and all kinds of outlandish questions were hurled at him He started down the line appar- ently ¬ anxious to get away but the next regiment took it up and I really felt sorry for him - Just then our Captain Charles Reece approached from headquarters and said Boys you shouldbe ashamed of yourselves That was Vice President Hamlin you were guying I do not want such a thing to happen again J M Doubleday Co D 20th Ind Caldwell Kan Sedgwicks Brigade Theater Editor National Tribune Noticing In The National Tribune of Nov 25 Com- rade ¬ Swifts comment on the rustic church which he thinks Comrade Floyd of the 40th N Y refers to In his arti- cle ¬ I wish to set the matter right In the Winter of C1 C2 while encamped on the old Fairfax road back of Alex- andria ¬ Va Sedgwicks Brigade com- posed ¬ of the 3d and 4th Me and 38th and 40th N Y built a large theater which would accommodate about 1000 It was fitted up with a fine stage and Pites Let Us Send You This 1 CURE FREE Dont expose yourself to needless suf- fering ¬ or danger send in our coupon today and get On Irce Trial Dr Van Theres cry operation acknsc urovfmc that fold Is rect part heals part feeds and nounsnes mem brane the third taken Internally Ii constitutional remov Ins the cauie without which no cure Is manent Cut out nnd send ooujron Return mall will lirini the full it OO treat- ment Then after jou have cnrcfull tried It If jou fully Satisfied with benefit received send us One Dollar If 1 teli us so nnd It costs- ou nothing You erne nnd we take jour word Send no money Name Address Vice ks 3-f o 1 d Absorption Cure which 1ms met vtjth Much phenomenal suc- - in kinds of rectal faxes Tiles Ulcers Fissure Tu- mors ¬ etc It Is cur lnir the innnt fllstrfno Inir cases even tiftfrr 20 to 40 niV and niter niffllrlnr tellrf In Ev- - had filled tin- - - Idea the cor ¬ one One one tne and per ¬ the now ¬ nre tin nut ile- - - nil nnl JPwk mmmm- - Juat this coupon FREE SI COUPO- N- Good for a Jl parkace of Dr Van Vlrrk- - oinpleti- - -- loId Treatment f he sent free on Approval as explained ahoie to Mall thU coupon today to Dr Van Vlerk Co SC IS Mujeitii Hide lutkHon MUli Re- turn ¬ post will brlngr the t lackac on Trial lighted by gas made from grwiso refuse from the brigade We all worked oil5 it and had a number of line plays in it I have a printed bill now franuxl and Hanging in my office of the second nights perform ance which I prize very JUgliiy The following is the program cA play Hunting a Turtle T Minsfrcl scene Ballad by Miss Julia Hudson Fancy dance by Miss LoilarHudsonl Gideons Band by the whole i company Fancy dance by MUs Lolla iHudsono Dashing white Sergeant iliss Julia Hudson Mc nnwnl reel F Wvat nnd H Talbot Concluding with the Sojis of jMalta Mu 1 sic furnished by the Me Band The officers of the Association were President Col J H Ward 3Sth N Y V P Col E J It ley 4Qth N Y Treasurer Capt Sullivan 40th N Y Secretary Lieut Geo Andrews 3d Mc No doubt all members of Sedgwicks Brigade will remember about this J Edwin Nye Co E 3d Me Auburn Me Not So Kind Editor National Tribune I read the article in a recent issue of The National Tribune Gen Martins Kindness It reminded me of an experience the boys of our brigade had one evening after a hard days march down In old Virginia We had just halted and were about ready to stack arms when the General in command noticed some of the boys witli top rails on their shoulders that they had appropriateu tor ruei o cook their evening meal with For this crime the whole brigade was march ¬ ed up and down over a rough stony piece of ground for more than an hour until all of us were exhausted It has been 47 years ago this Fall since that thing happened and I declare to good ness it makes me tnad yet when I think of It I have long ago forgiven the Johnnies who made me travel a num- ber ¬ of times on the double quick when I was pretty well fagged out but I dont think my heart will ever soften enough to forgive that General J Robinson Balsey Co II 14 2d Pa Connellsville Pa 7 A Sad John J3ditor National Tribune John W Gibbs John W Corson and John W Lewis were three boys of the village of Tottenville Staten island All were comrades In war and In the aamo regi- ment ¬ 145th N Y and company K They all went thru the war from time of enlistment Aug 6 18G2 to the close John W Gibbs came home without a scratch hut was crushed between two boats aiul died in a short time John W Corson was slightly wounded He came home In December 1909 he was struck by a train and died in a short time He was a member of Len heart Post All three Johns were at Gettysburg at the dedication of the New York State Monument and now there is only one John left and a sad onp As soldiers we were in 27 battles and for a medal I received a canister shot in my cartridge box which went thru the U S plato and stopped inside I have It yet and value It very much John W Lewis 70 South Grove street Woajdbridge N J Capture of the Confederate Treasury Editor National Tribune I see some- thing ¬ about the capture of the Confed- erate ¬ Treasury and as I was one of the boys that did it I will give my version The money belonged to the State Bank of Tennessee at Nashville I saw the bank officials that were taken with It and a lot of the bank property such as the records and we supposed that the officials were prisoners with1 Jefferson Davis The capture was made near Isaca by Col Pritchard The sin Town Cav belonged to the same brigade My urouier uusscu u stujwell was bugler of Co D 4th Mich Cav nnri W dressed in rebel gray They took the inside circle when we closed in on Ta vlss camp Daviss crowd all thought that wo were rebels John A Stillweli am imva Lav xeim wash Cnrroirs Brigade Editor National Tribune I have been reading your history of the Wilderness with Intense Interest I note that you give Col Thomas A Smyth as com- mander ¬ of the Third Brigade Second Division Second Corps during the Wil- derness ¬ light This was true after Spotsylvania but not before rjnn Sprigg Carroll commanded this brigade uuui ne was wounded Slay 14 AH you say of Col Smyth was true He one of the most gallant and mcrltoriousJ omcers in the second Corps Gen Car- roll ¬ as I recollect was then Colonel of the Sth Ohio and was not promoted to Brigadier General until after he was wounded Col Smyth was also promot- ed ¬ soon after the Wilderness campaign as you are aware William Houo htnn Major 14th Ind Loogootee Ind The 58th Pa Editor National Tribune I think W A North 58th Pa makes some mis takes There were five companies raised in Philadelphia one company In Lock haven and one In Sunbury Col John Itlchter Jones was killed at BacheltlerK Creek N C and Col Cecil Clay was uauiy wounueu tne same day that I cot an ounce of lead thru my shoulder I was In the company from start to finish and re enlisted at Washington D C -- oinraue isorin is right about Maj Charles A Wynn having command a little wliile but he was carried off the field on the eveninir of the first iliiv at Cold lllrbor Dr Xafavette S Wvnn 5Sth Pa Fishers Ferry Pa Heres Sentiment Editor National Tribune This is one of the finest mornings that I have ever een not even a nine lpnf movlnir not a cloud in sight and everything so fresh urn green alter tne nice showers thnt we had night before last and yesterday the orange trees so green and blossoms so fragrant that It makes one think Ts this Heaven or the next thing to It How nice It is here when the moon is iun tne blue sky so full of light stars nnd the moon so bright that we have no use for Haleys comet hero or Its blaz ¬ ing tall either You never sec such splendid mornings as this in Michigan so cool and fresh ir n Perkins st- - UlOUU lIB The lISdTiid suitor rsatlonal Tribune J can tes tily that the 43d Ind fought bravelv at the battle of Helena Arjc July 4 18GJ The last desperate charge of the rebels under 11dlmes and Price was made on Battery D fh the left of the town and the 13d IjiJ1 repulsed the at- tack ¬ and I saw tM m follow them a short distance It whsf certainly a great victory I am amnsedo reailabout the 137th and 138th Wis There were no such regiments Wisconsin wits a young State only 13 years old al she Sent 91000 men to the wavr 54 TCgimenLs of infantry four ofcivalrynnd some light and heavy artiljery Lauren Bar- ker ¬ 2Sth Wis Urookfleld Wis ri rr- - I Editor National TriMine lwant only American stereoscopleVIowsrfor I am a full blooded Atiercanrliyvd in the wool My father was In the State militia and his father before him shouldered an old illnt lock In the War of 1812 If nothing stands in my way I shall at-I-- the National Encampment at At ¬ lantic City where I hopu r may have tin- - pleasure of grasping the hand of the next Commander-in-Chie- f Comrade John MrElroy Mandavllle Hoffman 12Sth X V Amsterdam X Y The 25 a Monlli ltlfl Alfred M Garner 107th Ohio Can ton O wants the bill to pass which will give 25 a month to all who served JO days and arc now suffering from blindness paralysis rheumatism or sim ilar disabilities It Is awful the way the boys are now run from pillar to post In order to get a little Increase In pension picmjHois From Alert Comrades Along the Whole Line A Veteran In Honolulu J D Parsley- - of Coloina Mo sends a letter received from John W Fran- cis ¬ of the 23d Mo who Is now in Hon- olulu ¬ nnd is full of memories of the old war times Comrade Francis wont to Honolulu from St Louis in 1882 had charge of a sugar warehouse and a good position but his wife became dissatisfied as there was no society He then went to Los Angeles where he lived for 14 years and was elected County Ilecorder In 1899 he went back to Honolulu where he has lived ever since and is one of the deputies in the Assessor and Collectors Office He be longs to George W DeLong Post of Honolulu nnd while the islands are wonderfully beautiful he has an affec- tion ¬ for the mainland of the United States and wants to die there The Americans are In a woful minority and no laboring man has a show on account of the competition with the cheap Asiatics A skilled mechanic commands good wages there Veterans In Government Employment Henry M Hutchinson Elfork Ky makes a strong appeal for better treat ment of veterans in regard to public employment The leaders of the Be publican party say that we are too old for employment altho we are not too old to vote There are very many places where fidelity and good hard common sense are more necessary than physical activity and these should be lined by men who have had the train Ing of their military service Among such places are many In the Revenue bervice such as additional storckcep era watchmen etc The President should make an executive order reserve ing these places for veterans and ex empting them from Civil Service exam ination Pairs of Brothers Again George W Mohler Canal Lewlsville Ohio says Co I 51st can beat any company in the United States serv ice for pairs of brothers you who do not believe this get the roster Broth- ers ¬ James John Lewis and JHenry Crooks William and Samuel McCoy Robert and James McFarland Sampson and Isaac McNeai John and Abraham Amnions William and Hiram Sapp Na than and William Buckalew Henry and Gottlieb Hagelbarger Harrison and Lewis Bible Samuel and George Mul let Peter and Jacob Miller Lorenzo and Lyman Dial Isaac and John Liv ingston James and Calvin Stone Jame3 and William Sullivan Harrison and Jesse Walton John and William Barnes William and G W Mohler U B Kinsey father and L B Kinsey son Lincoln at City Point William Ogden 39th N J Ness City Kan says that Alonzo P Lenox of his regiment Is only partly correct In his account as to what Lincoln was doing on the morning of April 3 18C5 About 10 a m and without military escort the President with Grant and staff halted at brigade headquarters where he greeted Gen John I Curtis inside of the former Confederate breastworks Lincoln wished to examine Forts Ma hone and Davis and the rebel forts and lines and went back with the escort which consisted of two officers of Grants staff one orderly and Comrade Ogden Comrade Ogden will never for- get ¬ his looks and the interest he took especially at the close lines of pickets He returned from there and then went on to Petersburg and Richmond Celebrated Ills 83d Birthday Miss Flora Dell Hutchinson 902 North Unlqn street Fostoria Ohio writes that her grandfather William Calllhan late Captain of Co E 49th Ohio has just celebrated his 83d birth day He was born near Ashland Ohio Marcli 5 1827 and on March 11 1852 married Miss Jemima Buchtel and the couple still journey together They had but two children and have only one grandchild There has never been a death in the family Comrade Calllhan has been a school teacher but of late years has been a pension attorney and notary public He received a postal card shower cards and letters coming from 600 friends 65 towns and 18 States He was given a surprise party on his birthday by the comrades of Norrls Post Oldest Comrade L IT Drury Post 467 of Chi cago believes it has one of the oldest veterans as a member This comrade is Edward Hughes who was present at the last meeting on Sunday March 13 it being the anniversary of his 90th birthday He enlisted Sept- 27 18G1 in Co A 3d W Va Cav and served with distinction three years and four months being honorably discharged He joined the Post April 15 1885 For several years he has been on the rolls of the Post as a life member If there Is any older member of a Post L A Pierce Adjutant 742 East 7Cth street Chicago 111 would like to hear Ohio Ex Prisoners or War At a regulnr meeting of the Ex Prisoners of War Association of Ohio nnd Kentucky Iield at Memorial Hall Cincinnati a strong memorial was drafted to Hon Wm Mohihardt mem ber of the House of Itepresentatlves asking that the Ohio Legislature use its influence to haw the ex prisoners of war bill taken out of the hands of the committee and reported to the House I N Skillman Mount Healthy O is Chairman of the committee and the other members are W W Yoiingsoii E Winters and Courtland Smith The Obsolete Class II W Fletcher U S Navy 780 Treat avenue San Francisco Cal says that In all the propositions mnde for getting rid of the wealth of Rockefeller and the other multimillionaires there is no thought of the veterans and their wid ¬ ows and orphans To day they belong to the obsolete class which lived in the early ag of the past and arc unworthy of being mentioned for their acts of 18C1 to 18C5 The 52d III William Boddy Brunswick Mo says that In inakihg up Gen KilpatricVs Division on the Campaign to the Sea we omitted his regiment the 92d 111 Mtd Inf It was in Obi Atkinss Brigade and Atkins was the Colonel of the regi- ment ¬ IIeut Col Matthow Van Bus klrk commanded the regiment and Sherman had no better regimental com mander in liis entire army This is saying a whole lot but it Is true just the same Cook Again Robert Howe of Jersey City N J thinks that Mr Peary is a seven times greaterfraud than Cook He says that Cook gave up his papers to bo examin ed by outsiders but that Peary hid his He says that Peary Is trying to make it appear that ho has found out secrets that God has kept from man since Adam was driven from the Garden of Eden and has no use at all for Mr Peary An ActUc Comrade Albert Baker 141S 23d street Sac- ramento ¬ Cal is an Aid on the staff of the CommajKler-ln-Chie- f and is a Sper cial Aid on the staff of Department Commander W S Daubenspeck His wife lias been a member of the W II C for 20 years The iir t Deserter John F Clark 88 Clinton Ave Brooklyn N Y wants to know who brought la the first deserter who was shot in the Army of the Potomac EYE TRY MY 13 DAYS It will eaat you not hi n- - untssaUNd lannirtvuW mn pwpiakHii wiia wuk I ystte i uraauutrn IJtU Wild Hairs CaUfKtt Vvf n SthOM MMlino SmH UlUfriDj Of MM AAtl All IMuiut fUaU u Dont WlSer lust ante a iLrsrilia ahiv 1L IliuKTa f li J f mr mild trome rrairrtft all ha r niuri th trJaLf nm fir icrfa m AreootutUdedtocootiaue tou ply iwrthiae- - Dont put tWs off Write roe twltr w bwrrcK wept n wiointB ij The Youngest Veteran B Frank Bryant Glens Falls N Y is an aspirant for the honor of being the youngest veteran He was born May 27 1S49 and is consequently in his Cist year He enlisted at the age of 13 years He belonged to Co C 118th N Y commanded by Col John L Cunningham He had four brothers and one brother-in-la- w In active serv- ice ¬ In New York regiments The Rochester Herald puts forward the claim of Watson K Benjamin re ITCH ECZEMA Calfad Rhum UltVPptic Wlji CAN PE CUBED STAY patched ahue before doctors iKy2SEJrtthV JTlUSt aoothurcuarasteed anyone could momha disrasted claims writing enjoy comfort thought world ttllins Dr Cannaday 54 Square Sedalla better notlca Baksiiti Eczema Classified Advertisements GAR RC SPANISH WAR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES- - KINDS VTijLXk Swords Belts Caps Rank Badges Flags Bunting Flass Bunting Parade Flags Complete Flags mounted unmounted Ladles Banners Guidons prices goods material workmanship Wool Bunting Flags fetttiU J1L5X 6xl2fet Parade 6x64 makes prices lowest Bunting Parade Flag Jointed pole eaglo tassels complete 31050 Banner Parade Flag white em- broidered fringe tassels Joint eagle complete 33100 trimmed above complete 13600 GRAVE IXAGS Made muslin printed bright colors number location printed black stripes mounted strong stfeks Inches flSOL Inches incbesper bairross Flags Without Printing Inches 12x13 14x24 COTTON BUNTING IXAOS market purpose absolatly -- colors months mounted stained staffs spear heads 12x18 Inches plain 11050 15x21 Inches 31500 12x18 Inches printing 31300 inches printing 31750 3050 White muslin streamers printed instead flags printed flags OUR NEW BADGE Made black ribbon Inches Incheslong badge number location stamped silver ribbon badge colors Imitation fringe stamped silver bottom silver plated Goods accompany order catalogue other flags supplies COMRADE JOEL Nassau Street York HOMESTEADS IIIAMTrn Soldiers homestead KVHIl ICUrt 1C0 SOLDIERS DISEASES CURED TREATMENT bsfora entitled additional HOMESTEADS SSS qolshed abandoned soldier deadwidow rights these claims Address Comrade MOSEa JacoUon Denver WANTED HISTORY Infantry Glrord Sketch Infantry Taylor Smythe House Block Columbus HELP WANTED MEN WANTED To prepare Railway IntPrnal Revenue Customs Postofflce Ex- aminations 12500 monthly Short hours Common education sufficient Politi- cal Influence unnecessary Preparation Write Immediately schedule Ex- aminations Franklin Institute Dept Rochester OLD 3775 paid quarters J20H hundreds Keep coined before Illustrated Value Book fortune Clark Dealers Le AGENTS WANTED ncsTS ivnnted Native Herbs tablets Melrose Columbus J4irV PATENTS PROTECT IDEAS handbook proced memous description pencil sketch invention correspondence canlldentfal M1LO STEVENS Established Attorneys Solicitors StNW Monndnock imrato F patbvt WaShlnxton PENSIONS BOMMHARDT Attorneys Solicitors Offices Randolph Chicago At Cleveland lAIlCIt WHITMAN Expert Pension Attorneys experience PENSIONS PATENTS CLAIMS sHfully Quickly Obtained JOHN MORRIS WASHINGTON Foote Pratt Block Kalamazoo successor Widows claims specialty HEAL ESTATE Wanted good locality American Investment Asso- ciation Palace Bids Minneapolis LOCATE NEAR THE CAPITAL cll within hours block thirteen pieces ofpropecty purchased figure Property proximity Nations Capital nearly doubled advance BETTER NOW bargan price Interested WEIGLE Estate Agents MISCELLANEOUS BROTHER discovered rootthat tobacco Indigestion Gladly particulars Stokes Mohawk gqr elected Commander ORork Post years old listed age years in Co 118th N Y under Capt II Dlsk and served from Dec 186J participating battles of Drewry Bluff Cold Harbor siege of Petersburg Deep Bottom Farm and Fair Oaks being on picket line with th regiment and among first enter Richmond April 1865 He transferred 96th and serv- ed ¬ with until mustered 1866 AlfiD T - Sail PmIIh CLt --4 t FREE TRIAL r tt iFSPMA TO and when I say cured I mean juit what I ht- - ii not ay up tor to return worse than Now I da not care what all yon hare used ror how many hire told yoa that you could not be cured all I aik ts Juat a what I am talkineabout If you will write me TO DAY 1 will send you a 1KIAI of my mild cure that willcomrince you more a day than else a time If yoi are and discouraged I dare to liye me a chance to prove my By toJa too more real than yoa had eyer this holds for you Just try it and yoa will see I am yoa the truth J E Park Mo lurrncM Third Xitloail Could yon do a act than to wnd this to some poor uf ferr of r W S OF V fl A T OF ALt Grave 511k and Printed Silk and for W R C and of O A It Silk and Lowest tn the U S and the best and Best All 3zS 6x9 feet SS60 8xls feet 3x6 fet 6x10 feet 593 9x15 feet IZ2Z 4x6 feet 301 1M 10x15 fett 1334 4x7 feet 7x12 feet 829 xl8 feet 1454 4x3 feet 381 TXI4 feet 924 10x13 feet 15 84 5x3 feet 440 8X12 fet 88L 10x20 feet 1754 5x10 feet 541 8x15 feet J0M 13x20 feet 2033 stees 4x5 feet 3340 fait f i40 This our the In the U S Best U S 6x6J or 5x8 with belt and Best Slue fast colors 1 1 3x5 1 2 silk ¬ stars silk silk ¬ ed pole belt cover or size 6x6 of In with name and Post In Ink on and on 8x14 per gross tA00 Pr half gross 12x18 per gross 6 00 per hair gross 400 14x21 gross 800 per 500 3x14 per gross 255 300 3570 Best In the for the fast guaranteed not to fad in six on with gilt per gross per gross with per gross per halt gross 3725 16x21 with per gross per half gross with name etc of Post on of on same price as MEMORIAL of fine satin 2Vi wide 7 O A B and the name and of Post In the flag of In In at of badge a fine bar pin at top 15 cents each in lots of 25 or over 17 cents each In lots of less than 25 sent C O D or cash to Send for of and J A CO 83 New Union who gome land but le o than t acres 23 I8T4 to X or If Is or heirs his I pay spot rash for IV li 431 Dldg Colo BOOKS 83d Ohio 1330 47th Ohio 1885 A II Neil O for Mall and ¬ 5000 to ¬ free for of Spring ¬ R 54 N Y COINS for rare date 1S53 for e way u vaau incim um on of old coins all money 18S0 and send 10 cents at once for our New Coin size 4x7 It may your C F Co Coin L B If Roy N to sell 1 box 23U for 50c P O Vrifc 1 nlhai tnrtla nm B Ohio Y00R Our explaining law and ure our terms ana sent jreo vu nuii-f Tn save time send a and of your for free All B CO 1864 and SOD Washington D C 35G uiie mu du tti TfriTtr nrknn- wn niTiDt lrnwe fc Co 800 6ti SL D C CO and 163 St 111 209 10 TUB cade Ohio n A CO X 30 years siaa June have uoiiar mean Washington D C bucce and By D C Geo E 2114 Mich to C E Fonte Co D N Y Cav a Good In Will deal only with owner ¬ 813 Minn NATIONAL 1 can you half ride of Washington D C at Md one lots and one of two lots Both arc and can at a low Lots 25x 125 and town lots in this to our iavc In valuo In a few years and aro on the BUY at a It wrlta BRADFORD Real 903 11th St N W Washington D C Accidentally have both habit and send It Florida 5 of He is now 61 He on at the of 14 O M ason 27 in the Chaplns the the to 3 was to the X Y It It was out Feb 6 in lor in yoa rae will of 260 340 Va as of the are T 11 GOITER Sufferers Cured by Millers Magla Remedy wtthout bad effect Write Henry Miller Cambridge Ohio TOBACCO Habit Cured or No Cost Safe Pfeas-an- t- Permanent Physicians astounded Great est discovery of century Send your address at once- - Ko Works No 1 Wichita Kansas SIRS WINSWWS SOOTHING SYRUP for child dren teething curs wind colic dlarrhaete 25c bot MARRIAGE Paper Free m03t reltable pub llshed Eastern Agency 83 Bridgeport Conn MARRY RICH Big lUt descriptions and photos Free Sealed Standard Cor Club Grayslake 111 Best plan on earth sent free Photos of every lady member THE PILOT Dept 25 Marshall Mich MARRY Catalogue with hundreds of photo mJjJeicrI1- - ns FREE Pay If salted SB LECT CLUB Dept 18 Tekoasha illct MARRY Book of descriptions and photo mailed Free The Exchange Box 82 F E Kansas City Mo MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY Marriage directory FREE Par when married New plan Box 314 M K Kansas City Mo MARRY Photos descriptions and p o ad ¬ dresses at pretty rich ladles and gents want to marry free II Jahn St Paul illnn ADDRESSES WANTED WANTED The comnanv and rlmii I which James P Ferguson served Entered the service In New York Cltv in isi vn at Captain Green Initials unknown Ad- - aress airs nary Fergujon Box 21 New Vienna Ohio WANTED Lieut Charles Kempster Cos C K A and G successively reorganized 2d Mich Inf Vols enlisted at Grand Rapids Mich Aug 16 1864 discharged at Victoria Tex May 25 1366 If living wanted Infor- mation ¬ of bis whereabouts nr if flAal ti and place of his death Please address Allen C Adslt Raptd3 Mich WANTED Information of HenrjvMonroe Co H 137ih N TT Vols HU Captains name was Charles Barger commanded by CoL Island last heard from t Jlanlln N Y Anyone knowing JUs whereabouts either dead or alive address Hiram Monroe 678 Slade Ave Elgin WANTED Address of Charles Llnd fire ¬ man U S S Lackawanna 1872 1S75 or of any member of ships crew of same date Address Geo W Francis Chilton Wis WANTED The address of Dave Rowen a SKtlfr ill an Illinois Resident PiT Coring Miss In 1562 Harry Urlmsly of the IStS In 1861 Also of James C- - Lei ingston Ward Master In Ward C In the Overton HospltaL Memphts Tenn during the months of July and August 1863 where Pearson L Baxter died or the address of any one who can glv any information of the above parties will be gratefully received by Mrs M T Evans widow of Tearson L Baxter of Co O 10th Vol Inf Address Mrs M T Evans 511 Oakwood Ave Huntsvllle Ala MEDICAL WEAK MEN Care Tourself at Home No cure no pay Write today Dr Jay Lock Box 101 Northumberland Pa MEN A womans secret Cure for weak men Let her show you how to obtain vizor ous manhood Everything confidential Wrlta to day Mrs Minnie Watson Galesburg I1L ANY MAN SUFFERING FROM ATROPHY vaiicocle or any form of weakness can ftm a good remedy In Turko Giant Ointment It Is a harmless outward anollcatlon acts dlrectlv on ti ccrvas arm nrasces and gives btrength and vitality to Old anu young men A small box seal ¬ ed In a plain wrapper 20c large boxll W guarantee to give satisfaction or money back DEAN DEAN DeptH C34ThIrdAveNewYork J P Those suffering from weaknesses which sao the nleasniwi nf llf should take Juven Pills One box will tell s story of marvelous results These pills hav more rejuvenating vitalizing force than has ever before beon offered Probably never In the history of medf ctne fn rso short a time have so targe a num- ber ¬ been either relieved or cured of nervous weaknesses shattered nerves Insomnia night sweats falllUj- - manhood failure of memory and old age Our mall Is filled with grateful loners These facts should lead yoa to give Juven Pills immediate trial Sent by mall fh plain packaga only OB receipt of this adv and Jl 1JI Made by their originators C r Hood Co -- XI - TWlf Tirnntev wreneh ornpriua iweil Mass p umoers pijers - MEN ONLY CACTI SALVE iCnmnnnnrt SSrtn1 Llghtnng sol For Debllltj Weakness Lack of Ambition for examination Forshee Co Ml Dayton The common opinion til W 3d farm Bowie containing declrable be cently NI of MARRY sealed Grand 111 III 111 before premature sense way to treat any feebl part oi ne bony Is by direct application Try Cacti Salve It Is absolutely harmless and guaranteed PrttfS f J 0 a larKe box 3 boxes J200 Trial box with UjJirestlng literature booklet by sealed mall 10e iirit A cu tomer writes Had I known of cacti 2T earlier I could have saved hundreds of dollarl spent with quack doctors Dont delay re ¬ member one application positively proves It value Satisfaction guaranteed or money back A B CACTI SPECIALTY CO 5 Thlr nue N Y City FREE SI BOX on trill Th v rf Strong BleiU Nerve Tablets act on the Vital Organs Generate Vital Warmth and Nerve Force Make you feel Strong Vigorous full of Natural VIM If you are Nervous Weak Worn out Lack Strength Snurm iakii Weakness or Pain In Heart side or shoulder no fime ifizzy JspeWS Poor Memory Pain In Kidneys or Liver ari Thin Weak Rda Down try BIELS NBRVH TABLETS Let us send you a fall month treatment on trial When you ore satisfied that they bring back Health and make life worth living then pay us 1 Send name and address and we will mall vou n nnTTAT nn v VT ONCE Diet Mfg Co 413 Barclay Den- - IUIU J350 RECIPE CURES WEAK MEN FREH SEND NAME AND ADDRESS TODAY YOU CAN HAVE IT FREE AND BE STRONCI AND VIGOROUS I Lava In my possession a prescription for nertous decline Jack of Mgor weakened manhood falng memory and lame back ett that has cured so many worn and nervous men right In their own homeb without anr additional help or medicine that I think every man who wishes to regain his manly power and virility quickly and Quietly should have a copy So I have determined to a copy of the prescription rrt a nr 4f a plain ordinary sealed envelope to anr man ThU prescription comes from a physician am convinced It Is the surest acting combi ¬ nation for the cure of deficient manhood and ftvi iftfiuiv cher puv logetuer I think I owe It to my fellow man to send them a copy In confidence sn thai- nnv- m anywhere who is weak and discouraged with rcpeuieu lauures may stop drugging himself with harmful patent medicines secure whut I believe is the quickest acting restorative unbuilding SPOTTOUCHING remedv eve demised and so cure himself at home auletly And quickly Just drop me a line like this ur A tt uouinson 4354 lucic uuildlng Detroit Mich and I will send you a codv ol this splendid recipe In a plain ordinary en velope free of charge A great many doctor would charge 3300 to 35 OD for merely writinf out a prescription Ilk this but I send U entirely free

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Page 1: if a if We Tfpeat Bays Fit Yia CUREDchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016187/1910-04-07/ed-1/seq-7.… · if Eeclfek a if I Rminisfflcs I tcries Eminently Worth Telling of Experiences

if Eeclfek a ifI Rminisfflcs I

tcries Eminently Worth Telling of Experiences and Adventures

in the Great National Struggle


Engagement Between the V S S Ilat- -

tcnis and C S S Alabama Jan 11

r8G3The follcm ins is the official report of

XieuL Commander H C Blake com-


the TJ S S Hattcras as takenfrom the official Naval Records Vol 2

Series 1

U S Consulate Kingston Jamaica- Jan 21 18C3

Sir It is mv gainful duty to informthe Department of the destruction ofthe U S S Hatteras recently undermy command by the Confederatesteamer Alabama on the night of theaitluinst oft the coast of Texas Thecircumstances of the sad disaster areas follows Upon the afternoon of the11th Inst at 330 oclock while atanchor in company with the fleet un-


Commodore Bell off GalvestonTex I was ordered by a signal fromthe U S S flagship Brooklyn to chasea sail to the southward and eastwardI got under way immediately andsteamed with all speed in the directionindicated After some time the strangesail could be seen from the Hatterasand was ascertained to be a steamerwhich fact I communicated to the flag ¬

ship by signal I continued the chaseand rapidly gained upon the suspiciousvessel IKnowing the slow speed of theHatteras I at once suspected that de-ception


was being practiced and Iienceprdered the ship to be cleared for ac-tion


with everything in Teadiness fora determined attack and a vigorous de-fense


When within about four milesof the vessel I observed that she hadceased to steam and --was lying broadBide on awaiting us It was nearly 7oclock and quite dark but notwith-standing


the obscurity of the night Ifelt assured from the --general characterOf the vessel and her jnanuvering that

f It should encounter the rebel steamer1 Alabama Beingable to work but four

fcuns on one side of the Hatteras two4 Ehort 32 pounders one 30 pounder

rifled Parrott gun and one 20 pounderTifle gun J concluded to close with her5n order that my guns might be effec-tive


if -- necessary I came within easyfipeaking range about 75 yards andupon asking What steamer is thatreceived the answer Her BritannicMajestys ship Vixen I replied I wouldsend a boat aboard and immediatelygave the order In the meantime bothvessels were changing their positionsthe stranger endeavoring to gain a de-sirable


position foria raking fire Al-


simultaneously with the pipingaway of the boatthe strange craft againreplied We are the Confederatesteamer Alabama which was accompaniedby a broadside 1 at the same momentreturned the fire Being well aware ofthe many vulnerable points --of the Hat-teras


I hoped by closing with the Ala-bama


to be able to board her and thus--i rid the seas of this piratical craft

The Ship on FireI steamed directly for the Alabama

but she was enabled by her great speedand the foulness of the bottom of theHatteras and consequently her dimin-ished


speed- to thwart my attemntWhen I had gaineda distance of but 30

--yards from her at this range musketand pistol shots were exchanged thefiring continuing with great vigor onboth sides At length a shell enteredamidship in the hold setting fire to Jtand at the same instant as I can hardlydivide the lime a shell passed thru thesick hay exploding in an adjoiningcompartment also producing lire an-other


entered the cylinder filling theengine room and deck with steam anddepriving me of all power to manuvertne vessel or to work the pumps uponwhich trie reduction of the fire depended With thp vessel on fire in places andrteyond human power a hapless wreckupon the water with her --walking-beam

shot away and her engine rendereduseless I still maintained an activefire with a double hope of disablingthe Alabama and of attracting the at-tention


of the fleet off Galveston whichwas onr 28 miles distant It was soonreported to me that shells had enteredthe Hatteras at the water line tearingoff entire sheets of iron and that thenvater was rushing in utterly defyingany attempt to remedy the evil andthat she was rapidly sinking

Learning this melancholy truth andobserving that the Alabama was on myport bow entirely beyond range of myRuns doubtless preparing for a rakinglire of the decks I felt that I had noright to sacrifice uselessly and withoutany desirable result the lives of all under my command

To prevent the blowing up of theHatteras from the fire which was mak ¬ing much progress I ordered the mag-azine


to be flooded and a lee gun to befired The Alabama then asked if astUtance was desired to which an af-firmative

¬answer was given The Hat-


was now rapidly going down andin order to save the lives of my otliccrs and men I caust d tho armamentof the ship on the port side to betlirown overboard Had I not done so1 am confident that the vessel wouldhave gone down with many hearts andvaluable lives

After considerable delay caused bvn report that a steamer was seen com-ing

¬from Galveston the Alabama sentus assistance and I have the pleasure

to-- inform the Department that everyliving being was conveyed safclj fromthe Hatteras to the AlabamaThe Hattcras Sank Rapidly

Ten minutes after leaving the Hatteras she went down bow first with herpennant at the masthead with all hermusKets anu stores or every characterthe enemy not being able owing to herrapid sinking to obtain a single weap ¬

on The battery upon the Alabamabrought into action against the Hat ¬

teras numbered seven guns consistingof four long 32 poundcrs one 100poundor rifle gun one C8 pounder and3 2 1 -- pounder rifle gun

The great superiority of the Alabamawith her powerful battery and her ma ¬chinery etc under the water line mustbe at once recognized by the Depart-ment

¬who are familiar with the con

Mruction of the Hatteras and her totalunfitness for a content with a regularlyliuilt vegg l of war

The ditaucc between the Hatterasand the Alabama during the actionvaried from 25 to 100 yards NearlyCO shots were fired from the Hatterasand I presume a greater number fromthe Alabama I desire to refer theffllcient and active manner In whichActing 3Iastr Henry O Porter execu ¬

tive officer performed his duty Theconduct of Assistant Surg Edward SJlathews both during action and after-wards


m attention to the wounded de ¬

mands my unqualified commendationI would bring to the favorable no-tice


of the Department Acting MastersJIate F J McGrath temporarily onduty as a gunner Owing to the dark-ness¬

of the nisht and the peculiar con ¬

struction of the Hatteras I am ableonly to refer to the conduct of thoseofficers who came under my special at-tention


but from the character of thecontest and the amount or damagedone to the Alabama I have personallyno reason to believe that any officer

failed in his duty To the men of theHatteras I cannot give too much praiseTheir enthusiasm and bravery was ofthe highest order

I inclose the report of Assistant SurgEdward S Mathews by which you willobserve that five men were woundedand two killed The missing it is hopedhave reached the fleet at Galveston Ishall communicate to the Departmentin a separate report the movements ormyself and my command from thetime of our transfer to the Alabamauntil the departure of the earliest mailfrom this place to the United States

X am very respectfully your obedi ¬

ent servant II C Blake LieutenantCommander U S NavyHon Gideon Welles Secretary of the

ISavy Washington D CF G Rundlett West Gulf Squadron

Lowell Mass


Something of the Private Side of theRebel CavaUcr

Editor National Tribune During thelast few years much has been said of thewily Confederate chieftain Gen JubalA Early in The National Tribune andother papers thruout the North especial- - but I cannot recall that his domestic or family connections have everbeen commented upon Jn view of thisfact it might be of interest to some ofThe National Tribune readers to Knowsomething of that side of one of themost dashing cavaliers of the Confederacy Gen Earlys family consisting ofa wife and four children --resided athis Jiome at Rock Spring Cottage justoutside the city limits of Rocky MountFranklin County Va His oldest sonJoseph is a farmer married and re-


in KentuckyThe next jn age Florence Anna

Early in 1876--whe- n she was 17 mar-ried


Capt Will H S Banks who serv-ed


as Captain CoJC 12th Mich trans-ferred


at his request to cavalry and atthe close of the war discharged asCaptain Co C 9th Mich To thisunionone child a girl wasborn EttaEarly who is a school teacher by pro-fession


and when the writer last heardfroimher was residing iwith her motherat Waltewan W Va Capt Banks andhis fair Con federate --wife were divorcedabout 25 years ago jand have beenapart ever since but always have agood word for each other when speak ¬

ing of that little difference in politicsthat was the controlling factor that ledup to their legal separation

The third is Jubel A a carpenterresiding near the home of his birthRocky Mount Va Jubel A Early Jris the father of a cadet or Command-er


Early who is now in the UnitedStates naval service JHe is ja gentleman of high standing in the communityin wiilch he lives

The Early children to a remarkabledegree retain the looks and character-istics


of their father and are proud oftheir illustrious blood but of late yearsare of strong Union sentiment Theyoungest of the Early children Robertfollowed railroading for some yearsbackhand when last heard from wasjnWest Virginia

Capt Banks who isa man of stren-uous


habits resides mt 304 Parson StKalamazoo Mich It was he that ledthe charge up the steep hilLat Saline- -vllle Ohio against the 8th Ky rebelCav and forced the surrender tof GenJohn A Morgan -- and his disorganizedarmy of recruits Will H S BanksCaptain Co C 9th Mich Cav GrandJunction Mich

Capture of JohnHYIlkcs BoothEditor National Tribune I enlisted

Dec 3 1861 in Co E 93d N TT at 18years of age In this regiment I tookpart In McCIelians Peninsular Cam-paign


and was also in the battle ofAntletam Soon after I was given anhonorable discharge because of feeblehealth and returned home As soonas I was able I re enlisted July 211863atPlattsburg N Y as a memberof Co H 16 th N Y Ca v

My chief objection to Lieut Bakersaccount of the capture of Booth Is thatBaker gives too little credit to his subordinate officers We were at CampVienna Va 15 mlleTfrom Washingtonwhen the news reached us concerningthe assassination of President LincolnI was one of the 29 volunteers to huntdown Booth and Herold Emory Parrady also now In Portland was one ofthe picked men and he will corroboratemy statements

Lieut E P Doherty was the manwho jerked Herold out of the barn andnot Baker himself as his account readsDoherty immediately placed me asguard over Herold which I held forabout two hours I talked with Heroldwhen guarding him and he told mehow they had made their escape thusfar He claimed that he would haveleft Booth long since had it not beenfor the fear of death at the hands ofthe assassin

On the way back to Washington withBooths body Baker ind Conger werethe first to ferry the RappahannockHaving the body with them they immediately struck out to leave the remain-der


of the command which was on theother side of the river It has alwaysbeen thought by many of us that Bakerand Conger were trying to get awaywith the body and thus get the bulkof the reward But luckily Lieut Do-herty


overtook them and held them tillthe remainder of us had crossed theriver and caught up with Baker and hisparty John W Wellington ICth N YCav Portland Ore

At Champions HillEditor National Tribune I belonged

to Co D 22d Ky During the Vlcksburir campaign we marched to HardTimes and then to the rear of GrandGulf The battle of Port Gibson

and we made a hasty exit fromtbere

Grants skill mystified Pemberton Hewas trying to cross Black River butcould not determine Grants strengthGrand Gulf was known as Grants baseof supplies

After the Raymond tight and the cap-ture


of Jackson Grant turned his facetoward Vicksburg still keeping Pem ¬

berton In the dark as to his Intentionsliven Halleck at Washington couldntunderstand what Grant was about andordered him to Tall back and succorBanks at Port Hudson Haliecks dis ¬

patch was too late Sherman was cross-ing


Black River and McClernand wasmarching in that direction

Pemberton had crossed Black Riverand wanted to try his generalship Hedid not have to wait long for HovcvsDivision backed by Carrs Divisionshowed him what they were made ofI never saw men fight so bravely Ourdivision was held in reserve Late inthe evening the enemy gave away Ishall not forget the roar of musketryArtillery could not be used at such closequarters

On the evening of May 10 the daybefore the engagement at ChampionsHill we were close to Pcmbertons com ¬

mand but during the night Pembertonfell back Our Lieutenant asked forvolunteers to picket s Wufl In our ex ¬

treme front I was one of rnose to goWhen we reached there wo found theJohnnies in possession They opened


We Tfpeat YiaaaasatatiiariaM mmhMMB MMMBIMBM

30 Bays Fit

Blood Poison can never be cured with mercuryor potash Voa might as well know thN lint aslast Medical authorities soy so The most thesedrugs can do Is to drlre the blood poison bactInto the ustcm and smother It for several yearsThen when you think you are cured pitiful mercury symptoms will break out and jou And thatyour bones hare been rotting all the while yourteeth will begin to loosen and your tissuesBlinds brain and vital organs will enow theterrible destructive power of the mercury andpotash Locomotor Ataxia Paralysis Imbecil-ity


and Premature Death nre then almost Inev-


Any medical authority will corroboratethese statements The remarkable vegetableObbac Treatment docs not drive in the-

Blood Poisontint drives it out It positively contains no min ¬

eral poisons whatever so that once cured by theObbac Treatment you never run the terrible riskof baring your bones soften your nerves collapseyour teeth fall out your kidneys degenerate oryour brain weaken The Obbac Treatment Is amarvel producing remarknblc changes in only30 days This Is why we offer to any bloodpoison victim living no matter bow bad a casca30 Day Treatment TREE

Vou want to be cured and cured qnick notpoisoned with mercury and potash for years K

J30 Day Treatment is yours for the asking Yonwill open your cjes at what It will do for you Ina month We treat you free fora month Justwrite to us and get the treatment free Then Ifjouare satisfied It Is the most remarkable treat-ment


you ever took you can continue If youwish Never In jour life will you ever againhave such an opportunity for a complete cure as

by this

Great Obbac TreatmentThis Jsasquaxe deal You sign nothing no

notes make us no promises except to take thetreatment

The wonderfnl Wasserman Test the only bloodpoison test known to scientists proics that thebodyJs completely purified by the Obbac Treat-ment and that mercury and potash do not cureblood poison Sit down end write to us glvinza full history of your case In detail We willtreat your letter as a sarred confidence Consaltation and advice free Wo will send yon alsothe remarkable boot Driving Out iilood rolsoafree

THE JOBBAC CO6834fi80f orJIdg Chicago Illinois

fire and we feU flat and hugged theground uhtil we could find an oppor-tunity


to get back to our line If RalphBall who wa3 one of us Is in the landof the living I would like to hear fromhim A J Jacobs Co D 22d KySmoky Valley Ky

Vice President Hamlins Reception

Editor National Tribune We hadsuffered defeat at Fredericksburg andat Chancellorsvllle and were making30 mile marches to intercept Gen Leoand dissuade him from visiting Wash-ington


to pay his compliments to thePresident We had stopped in a grovenear Frederick City Md As the sunwas taking a last peep over the moun-tains


we were preparing a sumptuoussupper consisting of three courses towit coffee hardtack and sowbelly Aportly gentleman dressed in broadclothand wearing a silk hat approachedfrom the direction iof headquarters

As he neared the company a boycalled out Hello mister where didyou get the beehive referring to hishat Asinlle lit up the gentlemansface

Another asked Do you belong to theturkey drivers or the feather bed bri ¬

gadeThe gentleman attempted a good-natur-

retort but that only added to themerriment of the boys and all kinds ofoutlandish questions were hurled athim He started down the line appar-ently


anxious to get away but the nextregiment took it up and I really feltsorry for him -

Just then our Captain Charles Reeceapproached from headquarters andsaid Boys you shouldbe ashamed ofyourselves That was Vice PresidentHamlin you were guying I do not wantsuch a thing to happen again J MDoubleday Co D 20th Ind CaldwellKan

Sedgwicks Brigade TheaterEditor National Tribune Noticing In

The National Tribune of Nov 25 Com-rade


Swifts comment on the rusticchurch which he thinks Comrade Floydof the 40th N Y refers to In his arti-cle


I wish to set the matter right Inthe Winter of C1 C2 while encampedon the old Fairfax road back of Alex-andria


Va Sedgwicks Brigade com-posed


of the 3d and 4th Me and 38thand 40th N Y built a large theaterwhich would accommodate about 1000It was fitted up with a fine stage and

PitesLet Us Send You This 1

CURE FREEDont expose yourself to needless suf-


or danger send in our coupontoday and get On Irce Trial Dr Van


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lighted by gas made from grwiso refusefrom the brigade

We all worked oil5 it and had anumber of line plays in it I have aprinted bill now franuxl and Hanging inmy office of the second nights performance which I prize very JUgliiy Thefollowing is the program cA playHunting a Turtle T Minsfrcl scene

Ballad by Miss Julia Hudson Fancydance by Miss LoilarHudsonl GideonsBand by the whole i company Fancydance by MUs Lolla iHudsono Dashingwhite Sergeant iliss Julia Hudson Mcnnwnl reel F Wvat nnd H TalbotConcluding with the Sojis of jMalta Mu 1

sic furnished by the Me BandThe officers of the Association were

President Col J H Ward 3Sth N YV P Col E J It ley 4Qth N YTreasurer Capt Sullivan 40th N YSecretary Lieut Geo Andrews 3d Mc

No doubt all members of SedgwicksBrigade will remember about this JEdwin Nye Co E 3d Me Auburn Me

Not So KindEditor National Tribune I read the

article in a recent issue of The NationalTribune Gen Martins Kindness Itreminded me of an experience the boysof our brigade had one evening after ahard days march down In old VirginiaWe had just halted and were aboutready to stack arms when the Generalin command noticed some of the boyswitli top rails on their shoulders thatthey had appropriateu tor ruei o cooktheir evening meal with For thiscrime the whole brigade was march ¬

ed up and down over a rough stonypiece of ground for more than an houruntil all of us were exhausted It hasbeen 47 years ago this Fall since thatthing happened and I declare to goodness it makes me tnad yet when I thinkof It I have long ago forgiven theJohnnies who made me travel a num-ber


of times on the double quick whenI was pretty well fagged out but Idont think my heart will ever softenenough to forgive that General JRobinson Balsey Co II 14 2d PaConnellsville Pa


A Sad JohnJ3ditor National Tribune John W

Gibbs John W Corson and John WLewis were three boys of the village ofTottenville Staten island All werecomrades In war and In the aamo regi-ment


145th N Y and company KThey all went thru the war from timeof enlistment Aug 6 18G2 to the closeJohn W Gibbs came home without ascratch hut was crushed between twoboats aiul died in a short time JohnW Corson was slightly wounded Hecame home In December 1909 hewas struck by a train and died in ashort time He was a member of Lenheart Post All three Johns were atGettysburg at the dedication of theNew York State Monument and nowthere is only one John left and a sadonp As soldiers we were in 27 battlesand for a medal I received a canistershot in my cartridge box which wentthru the U S plato and stopped insideI have It yet and value It very muchJohn W Lewis 70 South Grove streetWoajdbridge N J

Capture of the Confederate TreasuryEditor National Tribune I see some-


about the capture of the Confed-erate


Treasury and as I was one of theboys that did it I will give my versionThe money belonged to the State Bankof Tennessee at Nashville I saw thebank officials that were taken with Itand a lot of the bank property such asthe records and we supposed that theofficials were prisoners with1 JeffersonDavis The capture was made nearIsaca by Col Pritchard The sin TownCav belonged to the same brigade Myurouier uusscu u stujwell was buglerof Co D 4th Mich Cav nnri Wdressed in rebel gray They took theinside circle when we closed in on Tavlss camp Daviss crowd all thoughtthat wo were rebels John A Stillweliam imva Lav xeim wash

Cnrroirs BrigadeEditor National Tribune I have beenreading your history of the Wilderness

with Intense Interest I note that yougive Col Thomas A Smyth as com-mander


of the Third Brigade SecondDivision Second Corps during the Wil-derness

¬light This was true afterSpotsylvania but not before rjnn

Sprigg Carroll commanded this brigadeuuui ne was wounded Slay 14 AH yousay of Col Smyth was true Heone of the most gallant and mcrltoriousJomcers in the second Corps Gen Car-roll

¬as I recollect was then Colonel of

the Sth Ohio and was not promoted toBrigadier General until after he waswounded Col Smyth was also promot-ed

¬soon after the Wilderness campaign

as you are aware William Houo htnnMajor 14th Ind Loogootee Ind

The 58th PaEditor National Tribune I think W

A North 58th Pa makes some mistakes There were five companies raisedin Philadelphia one company In Lockhaven and one In Sunbury Col JohnItlchter Jones was killed at BacheltlerKCreek N C and Col Cecil Clay wasuauiy wounueu tne same day that I cotan ounce of lead thru my shoulder Iwas In the company from start to finishand re enlisted at Washington D C-- oinraue isorin is right about MajCharles A Wynn having command alittle wliile but he was carried off thefield on the eveninir of the first iliiv atCold lllrbor Dr Xafavette S Wvnn5Sth Pa Fishers Ferry Pa

Heres SentimentEditor National Tribune This is one

of the finest mornings that I have evereen not even a nine lpnf movlnir not

a cloud in sight and everything so freshurn green alter tne nice showers thntwe had night before last and yesterdaythe orange trees so green and blossomsso fragrant that It makes one think Tsthis Heaven or the next thing to ItHow nice It is here when the moon isiun tne blue sky so full of light starsnnd the moon so bright that we have nouse for Haleys comet hero or Its blaz ¬

ing tall either You never sec suchsplendid mornings as this in Michiganso cool and fresh ir n Perkins st- -


The lISdTiidsuitor rsatlonal Tribune J can tes

tily that the 43d Ind fought bravelvat the battle of Helena Arjc July 418GJ The last desperate charge of therebels under 11dlmes and Price wasmade on Battery D fh the left of thetown and the 13d IjiJ1 repulsed the at-tack

¬and I saw tM m follow them a

short distance It whsf certainly a greatvictory I am amnsedo reailabout the137th and 138th Wis There were nosuch regiments Wisconsin wits a youngState only 13 years old al she Sent91000 men to the wavr 54 TCgimenLsof infantry four ofcivalrynnd somelight and heavy artiljery Lauren Bar-ker


2Sth Wis Urookfleld Wis

ri rr--I

Editor National TriMine lwant onlyAmerican stereoscopleVIowsrfor I am afull blooded Atiercanrliyvd in the woolMy father was In the State militia andhis father before him shouldered anold illnt lock In the War of 1812 Ifnothing stands in my way I shall at-I--

the National Encampment at At ¬

lantic City where I hopu r may havetin- - pleasure of grasping the hand ofthe next Commander-in-Chie- f ComradeJohn MrElroy Mandavllle Hoffman12Sth X V Amsterdam X Y

The 25 a Monlli ltlflAlfred M Garner 107th Ohio Can

ton O wants the bill to pass whichwill give 25 a month to all who servedJO days and arc now suffering fromblindness paralysis rheumatism or similar disabilities It Is awful the way theboys are now run from pillar to post Inorder to get a little Increase In pension

picmjHoisFrom Alert Comrades Along the

Whole Line

A Veteran In HonoluluJ D Parsley- - of Coloina Mo sends

a letter received from John W Fran-cis


of the 23d Mo who Is now in Hon-olulu


nnd is full of memories of theold war times Comrade Francis wontto Honolulu from St Louis in 1882had charge of a sugar warehouse anda good position but his wife becamedissatisfied as there was no societyHe then went to Los Angeles where helived for 14 years and was electedCounty Ilecorder In 1899 he went backto Honolulu where he has lived eversince and is one of the deputies in theAssessor and Collectors Office He belongs to George W DeLong Post ofHonolulu nnd while the islands arewonderfully beautiful he has an affec-tion


for the mainland of the UnitedStates and wants to die there TheAmericans are In a woful minority andno laboring man has a show on accountof the competition with the cheapAsiatics A skilled mechanic commandsgood wages there

Veterans In Government EmploymentHenry M Hutchinson Elfork Ky

makes a strong appeal for better treatment of veterans in regard to publicemployment The leaders of the Bepublican party say that we are tooold for employment altho we are nottoo old to vote There are very manyplaces where fidelity and good hardcommon sense are more necessary thanphysical activity and these should belined by men who have had the trainIng of their military service Amongsuch places are many In the Revenuebervice such as additional storckcepera watchmen etc The Presidentshould make an executive order reserveing these places for veterans and exempting them from Civil Service examination

Pairs of Brothers AgainGeorge W Mohler Canal Lewlsville

Ohio says Co I 51st can beatany company in the United States service for pairs of brothers you who donot believe this get the roster Broth-ers


James John Lewis and JHenryCrooks William and Samuel McCoyRobert and James McFarland Sampsonand Isaac McNeai John and AbrahamAmnions William and Hiram Sapp Nathan and William Buckalew Henryand Gottlieb Hagelbarger Harrison andLewis Bible Samuel and George Mullet Peter and Jacob Miller Lorenzoand Lyman Dial Isaac and John Livingston James and Calvin Stone Jame3and William Sullivan Harrison andJesse Walton John and WilliamBarnes William and G W Mohler UB Kinsey father and L B Kinseyson

Lincoln at City PointWilliam Ogden 39th N J Ness City

Kan says that Alonzo P Lenox of hisregiment Is only partly correct In hisaccount as to what Lincoln was doingon the morning of April 3 18C5 About10 a m and without military escortthe President with Grant and staffhalted at brigade headquarters where hegreeted Gen John I Curtis inside ofthe former Confederate breastworksLincoln wished to examine Forts Mahone and Davis and the rebel forts andlines and went back with the escortwhich consisted of two officers ofGrants staff one orderly and ComradeOgden Comrade Ogden will never for-get


his looks and the interest he tookespecially at the close lines of picketsHe returned from there and then wenton to Petersburg and Richmond

Celebrated Ills 83d BirthdayMiss Flora Dell Hutchinson 902

North Unlqn street Fostoria Ohiowrites that her grandfather WilliamCalllhan late Captain of Co E 49thOhio has just celebrated his 83d birthday He was born near Ashland OhioMarcli 5 1827 and on March 11 1852married Miss Jemima Buchtel and thecouple still journey together They hadbut two children and have only onegrandchild There has never been adeath in the family Comrade Calllhanhas been a school teacher but of lateyears has been a pension attorney andnotary public He received a postalcard shower cards and letters comingfrom 600 friends 65 towns and 18States He was given a surprise partyon his birthday by the comrades ofNorrls Post

Oldest ComradeL IT Drury Post 467 of Chi

cago believes it has one of the oldestveterans as a member This comradeis Edward Hughes who was presentat the last meeting on Sunday March13 it being the anniversary of his 90thbirthday He enlisted Sept- 27 18G1in Co A 3d W Va Cav and servedwith distinction three years and fourmonths being honorably dischargedHe joined the Post April 15 1885 Forseveral years he has been on the rollsof the Post as a life member If thereIs any older member of a Post L APierce Adjutant 742 East 7Cth streetChicago 111 would like to hear

Ohio Ex Prisoners or WarAt a regulnr meeting of the Ex

Prisoners of War Association of Ohionnd Kentucky Iield at Memorial HallCincinnati a strong memorial wasdrafted to Hon Wm Mohihardt member of the House of Itepresentatlvesasking that the Ohio Legislature use itsinfluence to haw the ex prisoners ofwar bill taken out of the hands of thecommittee and reported to the HouseI N Skillman Mount Healthy O isChairman of the committee and theother members are W W Yoiingsoii EWinters and Courtland Smith

The Obsolete ClassII W Fletcher U S Navy 780 Treat

avenue San Francisco Cal says thatIn all the propositions mnde for gettingrid of the wealth of Rockefeller andthe other multimillionaires there is nothought of the veterans and their wid ¬

ows and orphans To day they belongto the obsolete class which lived in theearly ag of the past and arc unworthyof being mentioned for their acts of18C1 to 18C5

The 52d IIIWilliam Boddy Brunswick Mo says

that In inakihg up Gen KilpatricVsDivision on the Campaign to the Sea weomitted his regiment the 92d 111 MtdInf It was in Obi Atkinss Brigadeand Atkins was the Colonel of the regi-ment


IIeut Col Matthow Van Busklrk commanded the regiment andSherman had no better regimental commander in liis entire army This issaying a whole lot but it Is true justthe same

Cook AgainRobert Howe of Jersey City N J

thinks that Mr Peary is a seven timesgreaterfraud than Cook He says thatCook gave up his papers to bo examined by outsiders but that Peary hid hisHe says that Peary Is trying to makeit appear that ho has found out secretsthat God has kept from man since Adamwas driven from the Garden of Edenand has no use at all for Mr Peary

An ActUc ComradeAlbert Baker 141S 23d street Sac-


Cal is an Aid on the staff ofthe CommajKler-ln-Chie- f and is a Spercial Aid on the staff of DepartmentCommander W S Daubenspeck Hiswife lias been a member of the W IIC for 20 years

The iir t DeserterJohn F Clark 88 Clinton Ave

Brooklyn N Y wants to know whobrought la the first deserter who wasshot in the Army of the Potomac


It will eaat you not hi n- - untssaUNd lannirtvuWmn pwpiakHii wiia wuk I ystte i uraauutrnIJtU Wild Hairs CaUfKtt Vvf n SthOM MMlino SmH

UlUfriDj Of MM AAtl All IMuiut fUaU uDont WlSer lust ante a iLrsrilia ahiv 1L IliuKTa f li J

f mr mild trome rrairrtft all ha r niuri th trJaLf nm fir icrfa mAreootutUdedtocootiaue tou ply iwrthiae- - Dont put tWs off Write roe twltr

w bwrrcK wept n wiointB ij

The Youngest VeteranB Frank Bryant Glens Falls N Y

is an aspirant for the honor of beingthe youngest veteran He was bornMay 27 1S49 and is consequently inhis Cist year He enlisted at the ageof 13 years He belonged to Co C118th N Y commanded by Col JohnL Cunningham He had four brothersand one brother-in-la- w In active serv-ice

¬In New York regiments

The Rochester Herald puts forwardthe claim of Watson K Benjamin re

ITCH ECZEMACalfad Rhum UltVPptic Wlji

CAN PE CUBED STAYpatched ahue before

doctorsiKy2SEJrtthVJTlUSt aoothurcuarasteed

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BROTHER discovered rootthattobacco Indigestion

Gladly particulars Stokes Mohawk


elected Commander ORorkPost years oldlisted age years in Co118th N Y under Capt II Dlsk

and served from Dec 186Jparticipating battles of DrewryBluff Cold Harbor siege of PetersburgDeep Bottom Farm and FairOaks being on picket line with thregiment and among first enterRichmond April 1865 Hetransferred 96th and serv-ed


with until mustered1866

AlfiD T - Sail PmIIh CLt --4 t


TRIALr tt iFSPMA TO and when I say cured I mean juit what I ht--

ii notay up tor to return worse than Now I da not care whatall yon hare used ror how many hire told yoa that you could not be cured all I aik ts Juat a

what I am talkineabout If you will write me TO DAY 1 will send youa 1KIAI of my mild cure that willcomrince you more a day than

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lurrncM Third Xitloail Could yon do a act than to wnd this to somepoor uf ferr of r


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sent C O D or cash toSend for of and

J A CO83 New

Union whogome land but le o thant acres 23 I8T4


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5000 to¬

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COINSfor rare date 1S53

for e way u vaau incimum on of old coins all money

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Our explaining law andure our terms ana sent jreo vu

nuii-f Tn save time send aand of your for free

AllB CO 1864

andSOD Washington D C35G uiie mu

du tti TfriTtr nrknn- wn niTiDtlrnwe fc Co 800 6ti SL D C


163 St 111

209 10 TUB cade Ohio


30 years






Washington D C

bucce and ByD C

Geo E 2114Mich to C E

Fonte Co D N Y Cav a

Good In Will dealonly with owner ¬

813 Minn

NATIONAL1 can you half ride ofWashington D C at Md one

lots and one of two lotsBoth arc and can

at a low Lots 25x 125and town lots in this to

our iavc Invaluo In a few years and aro on the

BUY at a Itwrlta BRADFORD

Real 903 11th St N WWashington D C

Accidentally haveboth habit and

send It Florida


ofHe is now 61 He on

at the of 14 OM

ason 27in theChaplns

thethe to

3 wasto the X Y

It It was outFeb 6

in lorin yoa

rae will




Va as






GOITER Sufferers Cured by Millers MaglaRemedy wtthout bad effect Write HenryMiller Cambridge OhioTOBACCO Habit Cured or No Cost Safe Pfeas-an- t-

Permanent Physicians astounded Greatest discovery of century Send your address atonce- - Ko Works No 1 Wichita KansasSIRS WINSWWS SOOTHING SYRUP for childdren teething curs wind colic dlarrhaete 25c botMARRIAGE Paper Free m03t reltable publlshed Eastern Agency 83 Bridgeport ConnMARRY RICH Big lUt descriptions andphotos Free Sealed Standard Cor ClubGrayslake 111

Best plan on earth sent freePhotos of every lady member THE PILOTDept 25 Marshall Mich

MARRY Catalogue with hundreds of photomJjJeicrI1- - ns FREE Pay If salted SBLECT CLUB Dept 18 Tekoasha illct

MARRY Book of descriptions and photomailed Free The Exchange Box 82F E Kansas City Mo

MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY Marriagedirectory FREE Par when married Newplan Box 314 M K Kansas City Mo

MARRY Photos descriptions and p o ad ¬dresses at pretty rich ladles and gents wantto marry free II Jahn St Paul illnn


WANTED The comnanv and rlmii I

which James P Ferguson served Enteredthe service In New York Cltv in isi vnat Captain Green Initials unknown Ad- -aress airs nary Fergujon Box 21 NewVienna Ohio

WANTED Lieut Charles Kempster Cos CK A and G successively reorganized 2dMich Inf Vols enlisted at Grand RapidsMich Aug 16 1864 discharged at VictoriaTex May 25 1366 If living wanted Infor-mation

¬of bis whereabouts nr if flAal ti

and place of his death Please address AllenC Adslt Raptd3 MichWANTED Information of HenrjvMonroe CoH 137ih N TT Vols HU Captains name wasCharles Barger commanded by CoL Islandlast heard from t Jlanlln N Y Anyoneknowing JUs whereabouts either dead oralive address Hiram Monroe 678 Slade AveElgin

WANTED Address of Charles Llnd fire ¬man U S S Lackawanna 1872 1S75 or ofany member of ships crew of same dateAddress Geo W Francis Chilton Wis

WANTED The address of Dave Rowen aSKtlfr ill an Illinois Resident PiT CoringMiss In 1562 Harry Urlmsly of the IStS

In 1861 Also of James C-- Lei ingston WardMaster In Ward C In the Overton HospltaLMemphts Tenn during the months of Julyand August 1863 where Pearson L Baxterdied or the address of any one who can glvany information of the above parties will begratefully received by Mrs M T Evans

widow of Tearson L Baxter of Co O 10thVol Inf Address Mrs M T Evans 511

Oakwood Ave Huntsvllle Ala


WEAK MEN Care Tourself at Home Nocure no pay Write today Dr Jay LockBox 101 Northumberland PaMEN A womans secret Cure for weakmen Let her show you how to obtain vizorous manhood Everything confidential Wrltato day Mrs Minnie Watson Galesburg I1L

ANY MAN SUFFERING FROM ATROPHYvaiicocle or any form of weakness can ftma good remedy In Turko Giant Ointment It Is aharmless outward anollcatlon acts dlrectlv onti ccrvas arm nrasces and gives btrength andvitality to Old anu young men A small box seal¬

ed In a plain wrapper 20c large boxll Wguarantee to give satisfaction or money backDEAN DEAN DeptH C34ThIrdAveNewYork

J P Those suffering from weaknesseswhich sao the nleasniwi nf llf

should take Juven Pills One box will tell sstory of marvelous results These pills havmore rejuvenating vitalizing force than hasever before beon offered

Probably never In the history of medfctne fn rso short a time have so targe a num-ber

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weaknesses shattered nerves Insomnia nightsweats falllUj-- manhood failure of memoryand old age Our mall Is filled withgrateful loners These facts should lead yoato give Juven Pills immediate trial

Sent by mall fh plain packaga only OBreceipt of this adv and Jl 1JI

Made by their originators C r Hood Co-- XI - TWlf Tirnntev wreneh ornpriua iweil Mass

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sense way to treat any feeblpart oi ne bony Is by direct application TryCacti Salve It Is absolutely harmless andguaranteed PrttfS f J 0 a larKe box 3 boxesJ200 Trial box with UjJirestlng literaturebooklet by sealed mall 10e iirit A cu

tomer writes Had I known of cacti 2Tearlier I could have saved hundreds of dollarlspent with quack doctors Dont delay re¬member one application positively proves Itvalue Satisfaction guaranteed or money backA B CACTI SPECIALTY CO 5 Thlrnue N Y City

FREE SI BOX on trill Th v rfStrong BleiU Nerve Tablets act on the VitalOrgans Generate Vital Warmth and NerveForce Make you feel Strong Vigorous fullof Natural VIM If you are Nervous WeakWorn out Lack Strength Snurm iakiiWeakness or Pain In Heart side or shoulderno fime ifizzy JspeWSPoor Memory Pain In Kidneys or Liver ariThin Weak Rda Down try BIELS NBRVHTABLETS Let us send you a fall monthtreatment on trial When you ore satisfiedthat they bring back Health and make lifeworth living then pay us 1 Send name andaddress and we will mall vou n nnTTAT nn v

VT ONCE Diet Mfg Co 413 Barclay Den- -IUIU


I Lava In my possession a prescription fornertous decline Jack of Mgor weakenedmanhood falng memory and lame back ettthat has cured so many worn and nervousmen right In their own homeb without anradditional help or medicine that I thinkevery man who wishes to regain his manlypower and virility quickly and Quietly shouldhave a copy So I have determined toa copy of the prescription rrt a nr 4fa plain ordinary sealed envelope to anr manThU prescription comes from a physician

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