iere regional center brochure

Inland Empire Renewable Energy Regional Center I n l a n d E m p ir e R e n e w a b l e E n e r g y Riverside EB-5 Regional Center Renewable Energy Investment Opportunities

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2012 IERE Regional Center Brochure


Page 1: IERE Regional Center Brochure

Inland Empire Renewable Energy Regional Center


nd Em

pire Renewable Energy

Riverside EB-5 Regional Center Renewable Energy

Investment Opportunities

Page 2: IERE Regional Center Brochure

Inland Empire Renewable Energy Regional Center

The Inland Empire Renewable Energy Regional Center, hereafter known as (IERE) recently won approval from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, hereafter known as (USCIS) to offer investment opportunities to foreign investors who desire to fast track their permanent residency applications through the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program. The headquarters of the IERE are located in Riverside, a growing metropolis with unlimited investment potential. Riverside is well known as the economic and cultural hub of the Inland Empire. We selected Riverside as our headquarters because of its centralized location in the inland empire as well as ease of accessibility to many of the freeways in all of southern California to include freeway 10, 15, 60, 57, 91, 210 and 215.

Our operating philosophy is one in which we dedicate ourselves to assisting you and your family fulfill your dream of immigrating to the United States. The primary focus of our investment opportunities are in renewable energy resources. We like to think that besides helping you realize your dreams, we are also doing our part to make our country a better place to live through our environmentally friendly programs. When looking at our name, we are putting our efforts into renewable energy. At the present time, renewable energy is in its second generation. The first generation

includes stable technologies like hydroelectricity, biomass, geothermal power and heat. We are specializing in second generation renewable energy which includes solar heating, photovoltaic, wind power and the use of environmentally safe light emitting diodes (leds).

There is a cornucopia of uses for solar power, however, as of 2008, less than 0.02% of the world’s total energy supply originated from solar power. The initial drawback is the capital cost for installation. To assist consumers in capturing some of the return on investment, the state of California offers a number of subsidies and incentives to consumers. By investing in renewable energy sources of the future, we can pave the way for a brighter and cleaner tomorrow.

• Los Angeles County




• Orange County

• San Diego County

• Riverside County


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SolarMax Technology, Inc.

SolarMax Technology, Inc. is a Solar Electric Systems

Integrator aspiring to increase renewable energy

awareness. We specialize in design, manufacturing,

financing and delivery of affordable, high

performance solar electric systems for residential

and commercial consumers worldwide. Through the

company’s unique business model and affiliation

with reputable solar companies and government

agencies, SolarMax aims to become a leading solar

integrator by delivering innovative and high- value

solar solutions to our customers. With our robust

client base, we have designed photovoltaic systems

ranging from residential, non-profit organization,

and commercial clients.

At SolarMax Technology, Inc. we understand

the adverse effects of traditional energy production

may have on the health of our planet. In an effort

to preserve our world, SolarMax strives to provide

sustainable and cost-effective solar solutions that

help reduce the effects of global warming and

environmental degradation. With headquarters in the

City of Industry, California, SolarMax was established

with the premise of creating a clean and inhabitable

earth through collaborative global effort in utilizing

renewable energy. Our extensive knowledge and

experience in the design and installation of solar

electric systems allows us to provide clients with

a complete solution to all their energy needs. By

choosing SolarMax, the client is selecting a reliable

company who shares the vision of a greener earth by

integrating clean, renewable energy.

What makes SolarMax an industry leader

in the field of solar technology? SolarMax has an

impressive array of suppliers, factories and financial

specialists whose only goal is to offer you today’s

most advanced design in solar power. SolarMax

offers the consumer many years of solar expertise.

SolarMax Tech., Inc. provides a wide range of services including:

1. Electrical Efficiency Consulting

2. Site Assessment and Evaluation

3. Customized System Design

4. System Engineering and

Equipment Specifications

5. Installation Project Management

6. Rebate Processing

7. Operation and Maintenance

Our engineers and technicians will design the

ultimate solar system for your home, non-profit

organization, and/or business and you can begin to

immediately save money on renewable resources.

We are your solar partner for life.


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Approval letter from USCIS


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Approval letter from USCIS


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With a vibrant population of over 300,000, Riverside is the economic and cultural heart of the inland Southern California region, and is quickly becoming one of the California’s most diverse and successful cities.

Riverside’s historic legacy begins with its citrus heritage. After the city’s incorporation in 1883, it quickly became the economic leader of southern California’s booming citrus industry. By 1885, Riverside was one of the wealthiest cities in the nation. Riverside’s success in attracting national interest and investment during this period left a lasting imprint and is celebrated today in the citrus groves along Victoria Avenue and in the California Citrus State Historical Park.

Fast forward to the 21st century and Riverside continues to thrive, experiencing growth as a university community of more than 50,000 students, as an innovative community of hi-tech and bio-tech companies, and as the Justice Center of the Inland Empire. Its ideal location 50 miles east of Los Angeles and 30 miles north east of Orange County make it an ideal place for doing international business.

Adding to Riverside’s international appeal is the city’s diverse population. The city is home to a variety of different cultures, with a rich Hispanic, African American, Korean, and Chinese presence. Through its diversity, Riverside lives up to its reputation as a world-class city and reasserts its role as an international hub.

The city’s continued development is being secured by Riverside’s Renaissance Project, a $1.57 billion initiative, which is improving infrastructure, cleaning up the environment, and making sure that the Riverside of tomorrow lives up to its rich, historic past.

City of Riverside


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Letter from Riverside Mayor


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Riverside is proud to be one of the California’s most prominent academic centers, with several institutions of the higher leaning including the University of California, Riverside, La Sierra University, California Baptist University and Riverside City College. These institutions enrich the community by providing educational opportunities to all of the region’s residents. They also guarantee the city’ future prosperity by creating a talented workforce equipped with 21st century skills.

Riverside University Community

University of California, Riverside

Riverside’s educational institutions attract international attention, with students from across the globe coming to the city to engage themselves academically and culturally.


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Comparison of Legal Immigrants in the US VS

Studying in the US

With same costs, different resultsPlan your children’s education early

Total Expenses

School Entry Requirements

Time Required To Apply

Condition of Status

Social Benefits

Advanced Degrees & Career Opportunities


$500,000 USD invested into an approved regional center in an Targeted Employment Area

Same as US citizens

• 4-6 months to obtain conditional green card approval• 8-12 months to obtain conditional green card

• Green card for entire family• 8-12 months-conditional green card• 21 months-permanent green card• After 3 years-can apply for U.S. citizenship

• Same benefits for US citizen/US residence.• May apply for government tuition subsidy & scholarship.

Same as US citizens


Tuition, cost of living, estimated at $80,000-100,000 USD, costs are higher for private schools (costs based on California tuition fees).

Depending upon schools, require TOFEL score of at least 80 (highest score 120). Better schools require a higher score to be admitted.

1. Time preparing for the test2. Applying to the school and being admitted3. Applying for Visa (The above processes will take at least 2 years)

Foreign student status(requires further education or employer sponsorship for H1-B visa to stay in the US).

No benefits

Not permitted to work during studying, even if you obtain H1-B visa through work, it requires a complicated and strict process, and the approval ratio is decreasing every year.


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The US government has relaxed the policy on the EB-5 program. “EB-5” has attracted many financially capable investors from all over the world, especially in the past two years and continues to gain in popularity.

EB-5 has a number of characteristics which does not require specific investor’s education, language skills or working experience. As long as you can lawfully prove your source of funds, and also provide at least 10 full time employment positions in the US, you can meet basic eligibility requirements. Once the investment is approved, the investor, his or her spouse and their unmarried children under the age of 21 are all eligible to receive a two year conditional green card. During this two year period, the investor must continue to satisfy all EB-5 requirements in order to qualify for a removal of conditions. If everything goes smoothly, the investor can change the status from conditional green card to permanent green card.

The EB-5 (Employment Based Fifth Preference) immigration investment program was established in 1990, with the goal of attracting overseas investors to invest and create employment opportunities in the United States. Each year the USCIS makes 10,000 visas available to the investors hoping to obtain their permanent residency in the United States through the EB-5 program. According to the immigration law, there are two types of EB-5 programs. They are the Traditional/Standard EB-5 and the Regional Center EB-5.

EB-5 Overview

Self-invested Projects• Theminimumamountrequiredtoinvestis$1millionofcapital,whichmaybereduced to $500,000 if the investment is made in a rural or high unemployment area or;• Thecreationofanoriginalbusinessor;• Expandinganexistingbusinessor;• Investinginatroublebusiness.• Mustcreatefull-timeemploymentforatleast10USworkers.• Investorsmustbeinvolvedwithday-to-daymanagementandoperation.

Regional Center EB-5• Theminimumamountrequiredtoinvestis$1million,althoughthatamountis reduced to $500,000 if the investment is made in a rural or high unemployment area.• CongresscreatedanEB-5PilotProgramin1993anditbecametheImmigration and Nationality Act.• ItfocusesonaspecificgeographicareawithintheUS.• Theprogrammakes10,000visasavailableeachyear,fromwhich3,000aresetaside for those who apply under a “Regional Center”.• Jobcreationcanbeusedin“direct”and“indirect”methods.• InvestorsinaRegionalCenterdonothaveaday-to-daymanagementresponsibility.

Approximately 95% of the EB-5 filed each year is under Alien Investors who are investing in Regional Center-affiliated commercial enterprises. Regional Center EB-5 Program is the fastest approval and least requirements among all immigration categories.

Flow Chart of EB5 Visa Application Process


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Investor signs subscription agreement and provides background information to IERE

EB-5 investor receives confidential offering memorandum of EB-5 investment project

4-6 months after filing of I-526 Petition Upon a USCIS receipt notice is received

Escrow account releases USD$500,000 to partnership account

Two year conditional green card Issued (within 2 months after the interview)

File I-829 remove conditional green card (21 months after conditional green card was issued)

Receives Unconditional/Permanent Green Card( 2 months after I-829 is approved)

Investor is divested of EB-5 investment project(USD$500,000 capital returned after 4 yrs)

4-8 Months, interview with U.S. consulate in Guangzhou

Investor deposits USD$500,000 into secure bank escrow and pays IERE administrative fee

Investor’s attorney submits I-526 application to USCIS


Escrow account returns 100% of USD$500,000 and administrative fee of USD $50,000 to investor

Flow Chart of EB5 Visa Application Process


Page 12: IERE Regional Center Brochure

IERE Regional Center Phase 1 Project

Company Name: Inland Empire Renewable Energy Regional Center (base in California)

Total Investors: 36

InstitutionalFunds: SolarMaxTechnology,Inc.(“SolarMax”)

Project Phase 1: To develop a renewable energy center

Project Introduction: IERE Regional Center plans to fund the development and management of a

“Renewable Energy Supercenter”

Industry Cluster: Retail, distribution, office and education uses related to renewable energy

Target: To develop and manage a renewable energy center

Project Location: 3080 12th Street, Riverside, CA

Project Building Area: Total 165,000 square feet of usable space, divided as 50,000 square feet for office

space, 50,000 square feet for retail space, 50,000 square feet for a distribution

center and 15,000 square feet for education facilities

Estimatedtotalinvestment: $18MillionUSD

Estimated total investors: 36

Jobcreationanalysis: BasedonRIMIIinput/outputmodelwhichhasbeenrecognizedbytheUSCISasan

acceptable methodology. See chart below:

Job Creation Opportunity: 15.6 jobs (by every investor)

Investment Period: Four (4) years

Collateral: Supercenterrealestate,equipment,memberofIERE-SolarMaxCashier’scheck


Office Administration

Business Support


Retail Space




Sq. Ft.








(in millions)












New Jobs














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Located in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area, the Inland Empire Renewable Energy Regional Center LLC (“IERE”) set up a new enterprise in California (Clean Energy CTR LP, “CECLP”) in order to satisfy [the American immigration law] under the EB-5 pilot program. The IERE region center is the CLP’s general partner, the foreign investor is this limited partnership enterprise’s limited partner. The limited partner’s capital funds will be deposited temporarily into IERE’s secure escrow account. IERE is formed jointly by California’s SolarMaxTechnology,Inc.(“SolarMax”)anditsfourmainshareholders.SolarMax Corporation will sign a lease agreement to leasethe renewable energy super center described as the IERE first phase project. The lease also specifically states, when the fouryearleaseagreementisdue,SolarMaxcorporationwillpurchase this renewable energy super center at the market price of $18,000,000 US dollars. By doing so, this will insure thesafetyoftheinvestors’capitalinvestmentfunds.SolarMaxCorporation and its four main shareholders are 100% fully responsible by law to all of IERE’s management and its investment behavior. In addition, if IERE is unable to gather 36 qualified investors within the time schedule, SolarMax Corporationwill take the motion to invest in voluntarily, to guarantee the implementation of the renewable energy super center project.SolarMaxCorporationwillpreparea$10,000,000USdollars voluntary investment fund if EB-5 investment funds are unable to arrive as time scheduled.

Future Home of SolarMaxRenewable

Energy Center

SolarMax Technology, Inc. (“SolarMax”) SolarMax’s Four Main Shareholders


General Partner


EB-5’s 36 Investors(Each holding 2.75% share of CECLP)

Inland Empire Renewable Energy Regional Center LLC. “IERE”

Clean Energy Center, LP “CECLP”

SMX Properties LLC(Owns the Super Center Property)



Limited Partner

IERE Project Phase 1 Business Structure:


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IERE Regional Center Phase 2 Project

Job Creation Opportunity: 11.6 jobs (by every investor)

Investment Period: 4 years

Collateral: MemberofIERE-SolarMaxCashier’scheckandProjectContracts



Monitor & Maintenance


Engineering & Design

Sales & Marketing



(in millions)












New Jobs













Company Name: Inland Empire Renewable Energy Regional Center

(base in California, Great Los Angeles Area)

Total Investors: 90

InstitutionalFunds: SolarMaxTechnology,Inc.(“SolarMax”)

Project Phase 2: Renewable Energy Projects

Project Introduction: IERE intends to finance the installation, management and maintenance of Solar

Energy Projects throughout the Regional Center.

IndustryCluster: Installation,MonitorandMaintenance,Administration,ProjectEngineering&


Target: Construction and facility management of solar energy projects

Project Location: Southern California Los Angeles County and San Bernardino County

Expenditure: No less than $72,000,000.

Estimatedtotalinvestment: $45MillionUSD(90Investors)

Jobcreationanalysis: BasedonRIMIIinput/outputmodelwhichhasbeenrecognizedbytheUSCISasan

acceptable methodology. See chart below:


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InvestmentMethodLocated in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area, Inland Empire Renewable Energy Regional Center LLC., (“IERE”) is formed jointly by California’s SolarMax Technology, Inc. (“SolarMax”) and its fourmain shareholders. This will insure the safety of the investors’ capital investment funds. In order to satisfy [the American immigration law] under the EB-5 pilot program, the IERE set up a new enterprise in California, namely Clean Energy Funding, LP, (“CEFLP”). IERE is the CEFLP’s general partner; the foreign investor is this Partnership enterprise’s limited partner. The limited partner’s capital investment funds will be deposited temporarily into IERE’s secure escrow account. SolarMax Corporation and its four mainshareholders are 100% fully responsible by law to all of IERE’s management and its investment behavior. TheCEFLPfundwillbeloanedtoSolarMax’ssubsidiarycompany SolarMax Renewable Energy Provider, Inc.(“SREP”), to be used in the design, sales, installation and maintenance of renewable energy projects. The repayment of this loan is guaranteed by SolarMax,simultaneously, the total sum of $80,000,000 US dollar contracts already signed by SREP provides reliable and stable safety insurance to repayment of the loan. SREP’s renewable energy projects needs total investment cost of $100,000,000 US dollars, from which $45,000,000 US dollars come from the EB-5 investors, only account for 45% of the total investment.

SolarMax Technology, Inc. (“SolarMax”) SolarMax’s Four Main Shareholders


General Partner


EB-5’s 90 Investors(Each holding 1.1% share of CEFLP)

Inland Empire Renewable Energy Regional Center LLC. “IERE”

Clean Energy Funding, LP “CEFLP”

SolarMax Renewable Energy Provider, Inc. (SREP)

(Renewable Energy Projects)


Limited Partner

IERE Project Phase 2 Business Structure:


Page 16: IERE Regional Center Brochure

SREP will invest the loan funding obtained from CEFLP to commercial and residential

solar energy customers, to help customers with the installation and maintenance of

the solar equipment sold by SolarMax. The implementation of this project will make

the best use of the federal and state governments tax credit bill in promoting the

use of green energy’s and utility companies’ cash rebates and incentives programs.

Accordingly, after the completion of the project installation in about 90 days, SREP will

receive a grant from federal government for 30% of the total project cost, and about a

40% cash rebate from local utility companies, with approximately 30% of the remaining

project cost (including IERE 25-30% gross margin), to be paid by the customer in loan

payments including interest on the loan.

Federal Tax Incentive -- On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed into

law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and through it he also signed into

effect the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit and the Business Energy Investment

Tax Credit. The Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit is described as a personal tax

credit, whereas the Business Energy Investment Tax Credit is identified as a corporate

tax credit. Both are quite different, specifically with regards to the way one accounts for

utility rebates.

Utility Rebates -- In addition to the Federal Tax credit, utility companies in

most states offer rebates and this is treated as a purchase price reduction. This means

that the value of the rebate is subtracted from the total purchase price, resulting in a

net adjusted cost for the purpose of determining the value of the federal tax credit.

Depreciation -- The third major financial incentive is depreciation, which is

only for businesses. Solar projects qualify for a 5-year accelerated depreciation. The

depreciation of these systems can be 50% the first year and 12.5% in each of the

succeeding 4 years.

IERE’s renewable energy project is very clear and simple and does not

involve too many external factors. The founders of IERE are the also ones managing

the specific project., Such an arrangement can ensure the smooth implementation of

the project within two years, which will lay a solid foundation for investors to obtain

the unconditional/permanent green card. The IERE regional center is investing in the

company that has real projects and is operating positively. SREP is involved in solar

projects throughout the process: from the design and installation of solar equipment

for the customers to the maintenance and repair after the completion of project. This

will ensure that the investor’s capital investment is in the operation of solar energy

projects throughout the investment period. IERE will not be lending investors’ money to

other projects that’s managed by a third party investment, which will not increase the

risk of the investor’s capital investment funds.







10 Years


(The utility bill was formerly $250.00)



3.8 Years


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CityofRiversideResidentialFinanceModelSystem Size:

System Purchase Price:

Utility Rebate:

Customer Down Payment:

Federal Tax Credit:

Loan Terms:


System True Cost:

System Revenue:

System Recovery Time:

* Cash rebates may vary by different utility companies.






10 Years


(The utility bill was formerly $250.00)



3.8 Years


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System Size:

System Purchase Price:

Utility Rebate:

Customer Down Payment:

Federal Tax Grant:

Loan Terms:


System True Cost:

System Recovery Time:

* Cash rebates may vary by different utility companies.

200 KW DC





10 Years


(The utility bill was formerly $6,500.00)


2.5 Years


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nd Em

pire Renewable Energy

Inland Empire Renewable Energy Regional Center

17700 Castleton St., Suite 488City of Industry, CA 91748

T (626) 581-8858 F (626) 581-8830