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    T h e e - e d i t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . i e i n d i a . o r g


    Data Mining Techniques and

    Recent Trends

    Sustainable Technology for

    Cleaner Environment

    Retrotting and Upgradation of Age-old EHVSubstations and EHV Transmission Lines

        A   p   r    i    l    1    2 ,

        2    0    1    6

    2 4 15

    Number 1Volume 66

    From the

    President’s Desk...

    NEA Convention and FEISCA

    Event 2016 at Kathmandu

    Contd. on page 2 Contd. on page 3 

    I.E.I NEWS

    Very often engineers who are employed in different industries don’t goin for research and technology development, even though they mayhave a talent for it. Further, industry is also not keen to invest in R&Dunless its innovations are adequately protected and rewarded by wayof assured Return of Investment. This has now become critical in the

    era of globalisation. Alvin Tofer the famous American writer, knownfor his work discussing the digital revolution and communicationrevolution said that “Yesterday, violence was power, today wealth ispower and tomorrow knowledge will be power”. It is of no doubt thattechnical knowledge and the ability to develop and adopt technologyis now dominating the market. Industry investment in fundamentalR&D undertaken in academic institutions is crucial for establishingrapid product development cycles and for introducing new products.Many companies have re-engineered themselves to full thisobjective but are worried about how to transform the knowledge andthe ideas generated into rapid product development, since immediateassistance from academia is not always available for the latter.

    A radically new approach is required to correct this trend. To get a directbearing on their business results, the industries should give emphasison using academic institutes to undertake research on their behalf.Academic institutes, on their part, must get ready to face this challenge.Undoubtedly, in India, there is little doubt that knowledge, which is notavailable anywhere else, exists at least in pockets. However, suchknowledge in isolation cannot be used due to lack in communication –to be precise technology communication. The National Laboratories,the Universities, IITs and even some local level NGOs and Artisansare storehouses of technical knowhow. This type of expertise needsto be nurtured and encouraged, if it has to be converted into wealthi.e. by closing the loop and making the results of research applicable

    to the society as well as industry. There is no doubt that in this area,industry has a signicant role to play. The establishment of adequate

    The IEI delegation, led by Mr H C S Berry, President IEI and consisting

    of Mr S L Garg, President FEISCA and Past President IEI; andMr Navin B Vasoya, Member, FEISCA Executive Committee and Past

    Vice President IEI, participated in the 14th Annual Convention of Nepal

    Engineers’ Association (NEA) on the theme ‘Engineering Excellence :

    Impetus for National Advancement’, which was held during February

    17-19, 2016 at Kathmandu, Nepal.

    Mr Kishore Shakya, Past President NEA and also Past President

    FEISCA, along with Mr Dilip Kumar Jha, Senior Vice President of

    FEISCA, graced the occasion. Representing the host organization,

    Mr Dhruba Raj Thapa, President; Mr Kishore Kumar Jha, General

    Secretary; and Mrs Anuradha Sharma Adhikari, Past General Secretaryof NEA, respectively, were present at the event along with a galaxy of

    practicing engineers and students of Nepal.

    The FEISCA Regional Seminar on the theme ‘Regional Cooperation on

    Knowledge Management for Innovation’ was also held on February 18,

    2016 concurrently with the NEA event. The India country paper on the

    topic ‘Clean and Affordable Energy : Challenges before Indian Power

    Sector’ was presented and discussed at the FEISCA Seminar. The

    other FEISCA member countries also presented their country papers

    on varied subjects.

    Apart from India, delegations from other FEISCA member organizations

    in the neighbouring countries, namely, The Institution of Engineers,Bangladesh (IEB); The Institution of Engineers, Pakistan (IEP) and

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    ????Data Mining

    Techniques and

    Recent Trends

    2April 12, 2016

    communication channels between scientists, professors, technology-developers and industry is the need of the hour. To begin with, it may bebenecial to identify product and technology based expertise available inthe country in different institutions and other corners of the country andmake this known to industry. Industry, instead of having a self-motiveand product-centric approach should encourage wider coverage andhave the genuine desire to promote R&D infrastructure developmentin laboratories/educational institutes. Enhancement of industry’s R&Dinfrastructure both in the private and public sectors, would add to the

    effectiveness of the industry’s involvement in the total programme. Thismay lead to Centres of Excellence emerging in selected disciplines anda “win-win” situation for the nation.

    In this regard, the basic point, which we from The Institution of Engineers(India) would highlight that a national policy should be created, so that,the working engineers employed in the industries are deployed by theindustries to different R&D Institutes and Universities to undertakeapplied research on product and process development. The engineersassociated with the industries, who have the best and up-to-dateknowledge about the requirement of their respective industries, mustbe involved along with their counterparts in the academic institutes inthe form of collaborative researches, so that, the outcomes are testedon real-time basis and there is no hitch between the developer andthe user. Even when a technology is imported, academia expertise

    should be utilized by industry for technology assessment, upgradation,and absorption to ensure that the acquired technology is suitable forindigenous raw materials and indigenously fabricated equipment.

    30th National Convention of Computer Engineers, Salem

    Salem Local Centre  of the Institution in association with theDepartment of Information Technology, Sona College of Technology,Salem, organized the Thirtieth National Convention of Computer

    Engineers and National Seminar on the theme ‘’Data Mining Techniques

    and Recent Trends’’ during February 18-19, 2016 at Salem. The Chief

    Guest, Mr C Valliappa, Chairman, Sona College of Technology, Salem,

    appreciated the efforts of the Salem Local Centre, IEI for organizing

    National Convention on such an essential and indispensable topic.

    Mr Suneel Grover, Chairman, Computer Engineering Division Board,

    IEI, presided over the inaugural session. Mr Grover, in his address,

    spoke about the modern day engineering and science with the ancientknowledge of India. He mentioned that the computer engineers have

    lot to do for the development of the country through data mining not

    only using recent sources but also various sources of ancient India. He

    stated that capability and applicability of computers are to be utilized

    to its fullest extent to full the dream of a common man. ‘Knowledge

    discovery and data mining are necessary for the betterment of the

    people of our country’, opined Mr Grover. The Guest-of-Honour, Mr K P

    Ramanathan, Chairman, Tamilnadu State Centre, IEI, spoke about data

    mining and how to transfer data for productive use. Mr R Periasamy,

    Council Member, IEI, highlighted the importance of data mining in the

    present day scenario. Mr P K Kulkarni,

    explained the signicance of ComputerEngineering for the budding engineers.

    Dr V Jayaprakash, Principal, Sona

    College of Technology, Salem, in his

    address appreciated the role of IEI

    for organising such type of technical

    activities throughout the country

    where engineers can share their

    views and experiences in a common

    platform. He also requested the engineers present on the occasion

    to join this esteemed organization. The prestigious ‘‘M S Ramanujan

    Memorial Lecture’’ was delivered by Dr P Santhi Thilagam, Associate

    Professor, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.

    A Proceedings of the Convention was brought out on this occasion

    which was released by the dignitaries. Earlier, Mr K Pandian, Acting

    Chairman of Salem Local Centre, welcomed the august gathering and

    Prof (Dr) J Akilandeswari, Organizing Secretary of the Convention,

    elaborated the theme of the Convention. On this occasion, four eminent

    engineers namely, Mrs V Vasanthakumari, Deputy General Manager

    (Communication & IT), SAIL-Salem Steel Plant; Prof N P Gopalan,

    Department of Computer Applications, National Institute of Technology

    Tiruchirappalli; Prof Narendra Kohli, Computer Science & Engineering

    Department, Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur, and Prof

    S K Gupta, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian

    Institute of Technology Delhi (in absentia) were felicitated for their

    valuable contributions in the eld of Computer Engineering. IEI Young

    Engineers Award in the eld of Computer Engineering for the year

    2015-2016 was presented to Dr Sriparna Saha, Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute

    of Technology Patna; Mr Shriram K Vasudevan, Assistant Professor,

    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of

    Engineering and Mr Mohammad Ahsan Chishti, Assistant Professor,

    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute

    of Technology Srinagar (in absentia). Mr K Thangaraj, Immediate Past

    Honorary Secretary, Salem Local Centre, proposed the vote of thanks.

    A large number of papers embracing the theme of the National Seminar

    were presented and discussed by the experts in the eld during various

    technical sessions.

    From the President’s Desk...Contd. from page 1

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    Food Processing

    Industries: Their Impact

    for Ensuring Food Security

    03April 12, 2016

    Delhi State Centre of the Institution organised a two-day All IndiaSeminar on ‘Food Processing Industries: Their Impact for EnsuringFood Security’ under the aegis of Chemical Engineering Division,IEI during February 13-14, 2016 at New Delhi. The Seminar wasinaugurated by Mr H C S Berry, President, IEI, as the Chief Guest. Inhis inaugural address, Mr Berry outlined the challenges and bottlenecksin the food sectors. He also highlighted the dimensions of food security.The inaugural session was graced by Mr Pradeep Chaturvedi, CouncilMember, IEI; Dr K M Chacko, Director, Shriram Institute for IndustrialResearch, Delhi and Dr R S Sangwan, Chief Executive Ofcer, Centreof Innovative and Applied Bio-processing, Mohali, Punjab, as Guests-of-Honour. Mr Pradeep Chaturvedi emphasized that for ensuring foodsecurity there is a greater need for developing agriculture and industry.He suggested that the post-harvest losses should be reduced at leastfor selected food and vegetables. He also spoke about the presentlack of modern technology for food processing and suggested variousparameters to be adopted by the industries for ensuring food securityin India. Dr K M Chacko spoke about various technologies to beadopted to prevent food toxicity and adulteration. He highlighted majorchallenges in the food sectors and advocated that legislation should beimplemented strictly in food processing industries to ensure manufactureof contamination-free balanced and healthy food for the mankind. Dr R

    S Sangwan elaborated the urgency of food securities in India. He stated

    that the food security can be achieved if research and innovations arecarried out in the right directions. Earlier, Mr J K Gehlawat, Chairman ofthe Centre, welcomed the dignitaries and participants. Mr H R P Yadav,Director, HQ Cell, New Delhi and Convener, spoke about the themeof the Seminar and its importance for ensuring food security. Mr P CMishra, Honorary Secretary of the Centre, proposed the vote of thanks.Papers on various sub-themes were presented and discussed duringtechnical sessions.

    The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL), actively participated in

    the NEA Convention and the FEISCA event.

    The 49th Meeting of the FEISCA Executive Committee and the 14thFEISCA General Assembly, conducted by Mr S L Garg, President

    FEISCA in presence of Md. Abdus Sabur, Secretary General FEISCA,

    NEA Convention and FEISCA

    Event 2016 at Kathmandu

    were also held on February 18, 2016. During the General Assembly, the

    elections to the FEISCA Executive Committee for the term 2016-2018

    also took place, wherein Mr Jayavilal Meegoda of IESL was elected

    as President FEISCA; Mr Dhruba Raj Thapa of NEA as Senior Vice

    President; Mr Khandker Manjur Morshed of IEP as Vice President; Mr

    Mian Sultan Mahmood of IEP as Secretary General; and Mr Navin B

    Vasoya of IEI as the FEISCA Representative to WFEO. Mr S L Garg,

    Immediate Past President FEISCA; Mr Md Abdus Sabur, Immediate

    Past Secretary General FEISCA, and the Presidents of all FEISCA

    member organizations shall be the Ex-ofcio members of the FEISCA

    Executive Committee along with ve more nominated members, one

    each from all FEISCA member organizations.

    The Valedictory Session of the Convention was held on the third day in

    the afternoon. There were presentations by the Session Chairmen of

    the Plenary and Technical Sessions. A presentation on the Resolutionsof the Convention was also made, followed by the closing ceremony of

    the event.

    Contd. from page 1

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    Recent Trends in Applied Sciences

    and Humanities and its Utility in

    Environment and Engineering

    Sustainable Technology for

    Cleaner Environment

    Durgapur Local Centre  of the Institution organized a two-dayAll India Seminar on ‘Recent Trends in Applied Sciences andHumanities and its Utility in Environment and Engineering’ under theaegis of Interdisciplinary Coordination Committee, IEI during February19-20, 2016 at Durgapur. Prof H B Goswami, Past Chairman of theCentre, welcomed the august gathering and explained the themeof the Seminar. The Chief Guest, Dr Chinmoy Samajdar, Chief ofCommunication, DSP/SAIL, spoke on business strategy, impact oftechnology and effect of technology on business strategy. He explained

    the difference between creativity, innovation and invention. He felt that itis necessary for the rms to adapt their strategic process as technologyis pervasively important as a part of business function. Dignitaries,namely, Dr R Goswami, Chairman, Ideal College of Engineering; Dr D KBanerjee, Director General, Rahul Foundation; Dr P K Sinha, Principal,DIATM; Mr K Roy, General Manager, Rahul Foundation and Dr S NMondal, Advisor, Rahul Foundation, graced the occasion as Guests-of-Honour. Dr R Goswami elaborated the applications of applied sciencein our daily life and relations between applied sciences and engineering.He mentioned that engineering has its own body of knowledge thatis distinct from the natural sciences. Dr D K Banerjee stated that thescience is not the sole basis of technology development. According to

    him, science is one of the several tools thatan engineer uses in creatively developingnew products and processes to solve real-world problems. Dr P K Sinha stated thatapplied science and humanities are the baseof all engineering subjects. Dr S N Mondal

    deliberated on the issues of environmentalrules and regulation and impact of appliedsciences and its utility in environmental

    engineering. He also touched upon Environment (Protection) Rules andStandards for emissions or discharge of environmental pollutants. DrMondal also presented an overview of contribution of applied sciencesin the areas of engineering and particularly environmental engineering.A Souvenir was brought out on this occasion which was released by thedignitaries. Mr R K Roy, Honorary Secretary of the Centre, proposedthe vote of thanks. Papers on various sub-themes of the Seminar werepresented and discussed during technical sessions.

    Rourkela Local Centre  of the Institution organised a two-day AllIndia Seminar on the theme ‘Sustainable Technology for CleanerEnvironment’ under the aegis of Interdisciplinary CoordinationCommittee, IEI during February 13-14, 2016 at Rourkela. Mr S Das,Executive Director (Projects), SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant, gracedthe occasion as the Chief Guest. Mr Das in his address, dened themeaning of sustainable development stressing preservation of threebasic components viz. environment, economy and society. The Guest-of-Honour, Dr G K Roy, former Director, NIT Rourkela, reiterated the

    appeal of Secretary General of UNO proposing sustainable developmentshould preserve ecological balance emphasizing harmony with nature.

    The Chief Patron, Prof S K Sarangi, Director, NIT Rourkela, spoke aboutupcoming technologies that can create same amount of energy fromminimum resources with zero negativity effect on the environment. DrR K Singh, Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Rourkela,opined that manufacturing industry should redesign their technologicalsystem that have minimum effect on environment. Earlier, Mr S S Bhue,Chairman of the Centre, in his welcome address spoke about reliance ontechnology to solve present environmental problems and expectationsbeyond 2016 towards innovation of sustainable technology. Prof MPanda, Organising Secretary of the Seminar, proposed the vote ofthanks. On this occasion, Souvenir and Proceedings of the Seminarwere brought out which were released by the Chief Guest. Papers onvarious sub-themes of the Seminar were presented and discussed

    during technical sessions. Keynote Address and Guest Lectures werealso delivered by eminent personalities from reputed academic institutesand industries during the technical sessions.

    4April 12, 2016

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    Environmental & Economic

    Impact on Sustainable


    Hosur Local Centre of the Institution organized an All India Seminaron the theme ‘Environmental & Economic Impact on SustainableDevelopment’ under the aegis of Environmental Engineering Division

    of IEI during February 12-13, 2016 at Hosur. The Chief Guest, Mr DHarsha, former Additional General Manager, BHEL, Tiruchirappalli

    and Past Chairman of Tiruchirappalli Local Centre,

    IEI, inaugurated the Seminar by lighting the lamp.

    In his inaugural address, Mr Harsha stated that it

    was essential for every individual to safely transfer

    the natural resources to the next generation without

    exploiting them for their present needs. While speaking

    on environment, he highlighted the contribution of a tree,

    such as, generates oxygen, recycles fertility, facilitatessoil erosion control and air pollution control,

    etc. He mentioned that when one tree falls or

    is felled, we lose something worth more than

    Rs 32 lakhs. Mr Harsha pointed out that many

    things on which our future heath and prosperity

    depend, are in dire jeopardy due to climate

    instability, the resilience and productivity of

    natural system and biological diversity. In

    order to improve the situation, he stressed on

    energy conservation and management; use

    of clean fuels (5% from coal to gas); use of

    renewable energy resources; management of

    resources, etc. Dr G Ranganath, Chairman of

    the Centre, presided over the function. Earlier,

    Dr N S Badrinarayanan, Chairman, Technical

    Committee, welcomed the dignitaries and

    the participants and Dr N G Ramesh Babu,

    Convenor, Technical Committee, briefed

    about the Seminar. A CD of the Proceedings

    of the Seminar was brought out and released by the dignitaries. Dr J

    Arivudainambi, Honorary Secretary of the Centre, proposed the vote

    of thanks. A large number of papers on various sub-themes were

    presented and discussed during technical sessions which evoked keen

    interest amongst participants.

    Engineering for Life


    erala State Centre of the Institution in association with the Department

    of Mechanical Engineering, Heera College of Engineering andTechnology (HCET), Thiruvananthapuram, organised a two-day AllIndia Seminar on the topic ‘Engineering for Life’ under the aegis ofInterdisciplinary Coordination Committee of IEI during February 12-13,2016 at Thiruvananthapuram. The Seminar was organized to providea platform to the researchers, engineers, academicians and industrialprofessionals to share their research activities. Dr Venkitakrishnan PV, Deputy Director, VSSC, inaugurated the Seminar. In his inauguraladdress, Dr Venkitakrishnan called upon the engineers to develop newtechnologies for the benet of mankind. Dr A R Babu, Chairman, HCET,requested the faculty members and students to strive for excellencein their elds of activities. Dr Ruben Deva Prakash, Principal, HCET,stressed on the importance of research and developmental activities.

    Mr V Vijayakumar, Chairman of the Centre, highlighted the role ofIEI in engineering education in India. Dr V Manoj, Head, MechanicalEngineering Department, HCET and Organising Chairman of the

    Seminar, presented a brief outline of the Seminar. Mr KSarat Kumar, Honorary Secretary of the Centre, proposedthe vote of thanks. Papers on various sub-themes werepresented and discussed during technical sessions. On thisoccasion, poster presentation and quiz competition werealso organized.

    05April 12, 2016

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    IEI DIARY Aerospace Engineering Division

    Thirtieth National Convention of Aerospace Engineerson ‘Aerospace Technology : Future Trends andDevelopments’ Hosur, November 25-26, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Hosur Local Centre, No.69,Kamaraj Nagar, Kumudepall, Near Adhiyamaan Collegeof Engineering, Tamil Nadu, Hosur 635109 [e-mail:[email protected]]

    Architectural Engineering Division

    Thirty-second National Convention of ArchitecturalEngineers on ‘Environmental Planning throughArchitectural Engineering’, Bhubaneswar, November26-27, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Odisha State Centre,Sachivalaya Marg, Unit IV, Bhubaneswar 751001[TeleFax: (0674) 2390630; e-mail: [email protected]]

    Chemical Engineering Division

    All India Seminar on ‘Environmental Impact Assessmentof Chemical and Allied Industries for SustainableDevelopment and Climate Change’, Kolkata, May 06-07, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal State Centre,8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020, [(: (033)22238914;Fax: (033) 22233140; e-mail: [email protected]]

    Thirty-second National Convention of ChemicalEngineers on ‘Bio-process Application in ChemicalEngineering: Opportunities & Challenges’, Kochi,September 09-10, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kochi Local Centre, HomeoHospital Road, Pullepady, PO : Kaloor, Kochi 682017


    : (0484) 240 3838; TeleFax: (0484) 240 3993;e-mail: [email protected]]

    Thirty-third National Convention of Chemical Engineerson ‘Clean Development Mechanism in ChemicalIndustry’, Jabalpur, September 09-10, 2017The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jabalpur Local Centre,Visvesvaraya Marg, Civil Lines, Jabalpur 482 001[TeleFax: (0761) 267 8929; Fax: (0761) 404 5625;e-mail: [email protected]]

    Civil Engineering Division

    All India Seminar on ‘Innovation Techniques inSubsurface Investigation’, Madurai, April 12-13, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Madurai Local Centre, T MJambulingam Bhavan, 1 Vivekananda Nagar, 100 FeetRoad, Surveyor Colony, K Pudur, Madurai 625 007 [(:

    (0452) 256 1783; e-mail: [email protected]]Workshop on ‘Ground Improvement Techniques’,Roorkee, August 12-13, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Roorkee Local Centre,IIT Campus, Roorkee 247667 [(: (01332) 284 416;TeleFax: (01332) 272 589; e-mail: [email protected]]

    Computer Engineering Division

    Thirty-first National Convention of Computer Engineerson ‘ICT Applications for Healthcare, Education andRural Development’, Shillong, February 03-04, 2017The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Meghalaya State Centre,Barik Point, Shillong 793001 [(: (0364) 2503203;e-mail: [email protected]]

    Electrical Engineering Division

    One-day Seminar on ‘Modern Trends for theDevelopment of Electrical and Electronic Devices’,Kolkata, April 16, 2016

    The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal State Centre,8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020, [(: (033)22238914;

    Fax: (033) 22233140; e-mail: [email protected]]One-day Seminar on ‘Research & Innovation inElectrical Engineering’, Kolkata, April 19, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal State Centre,8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020, [(: (033)22238914;Fax: (033) 22233140; e-mail: [email protected]]

    All India Seminar on ‘Sustainable Development &Renewable Energy’, Kota, May 14-15, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kota Local Centre,Engineers Bhawan, Near ESI Hospital, Jhalawar Road,Kota 324 005 [(: (0744) 242 8250; e-mail: [email protected]]

    Thirty-second National Convention of ElectricalEngineers on ‘Sustainable Developments in IndianPower Sector for the Next Decade’, Pune, November

    11-12, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Pune Local Centre, TheHonorary Secretary, IEI, Pune Local Centre, 1332Shivajinagar, J M Road, Pune 411005, [(:  (020)25533376/25520239; Fax: (020) 2553 0150; e-mail:[email protected]]

    Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. Division

    Thirty-second National Convention of Electronics &Telecommunication Engineers on ‘Intelligent Systemfor More Connected World: Internet of Things’,Vijayawada, October 24-25, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Vijayawada Local Centre,Dr K L Rao Bhavan, Governorpet, Vijayawada 520002[(: (0866) 257 4217; Fax: (0866) 257 6822; e-mail:[email protected]]

    Environmental Engineering Division

    Thirty-second National Convention of EnvironmentalEngineers on ‘Challenges in Environment Managementof Growing Urbanization’ Pune, August 05-06, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Pune Local Centre, 1332Shivajinagar, J M Road, Pune 411005, [(:  (020)25533376/25520239; Fax: (020) 2553 0150; e-mail:[email protected]]

    Mechanical Engineering Division

    All India Seminar on  ‘Boiler Tube Failure: Causes,Effects and Remedial Measures’, Tiruchirapally, May27-28, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Tiruchirapalli Local Centre,

    BHEL Main Office Road, Tiruchirapalli 620014 [(:(0431) 255 4285; Fax: (0431) 252 0383 / 252 0775;e-mail: [email protected]]

    All India Seminar on ‘Make in India’, Chennai, June 24-25, 2016The Honorary Secretar y, IEI, Tamilnadu State Centre, 19Swami Sivananda Salai, Chepauk, Chennai 600005 [(:(044) 25360614/64998729; Fax: (044) 25369433;e-mail: [email protected]]

    Metallurgical & Materials Engg. Division

    Thirtieth National Convention of Metallurgical &Materials Engineers on ‘Challenges and Opportunitiesto Produce 300 MTPA Steel by 2025’, Ranchi, January28-29, 2017

    The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Centre,Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, Ranchi 834002[(: (0651) 2491344/2490655; e-mail: [email protected]]

    Production Engineering Division

    Thirty-first National Convention of Production Engineers

    on ‘India Emerging as a Manufacturing Hub of the

    World by 2020 – Prospects and Pathways’ Bangalore,

    May 06-07, 2016

    The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Karnataka State Centre, 3

    Dr B R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore 560001 [(

    : (080)22264698 / 22207402; Fax: (080) 22256191; e-mail:

    [email protected]]

    Thirty-second National Convention of Production

    Engineers on ‘Futuristic Tools for Improving

    Competitiveness in Manufacturing’ Ranchi, May 25-

    26, 2017

    The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Centre,

    Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, Ranchi 834002

    [(: (0651) 2491344/2490655; e-mail: jharkhandsc@]

    International Conference on ‘Evolution in

    Manufacturing: Technologies and Business Strategies

    for Global Competitiveness’, Ranchi, November 11-12,

    2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Centre,

    Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, Ranchi 834002

    [(: (0651) 2491344/2490655; e-mail: jharkhandsc@]

    Textile Engineering Division

    All India Seminar on ‘Latest Development in Technical

    Textile & Marketing of Technical Textile & Apparels’, 

    Chennai, July 22-23, 2016

    The Honorary Secretar y, IEI, Tamilnadu State Centre, 19

    Swami Sivananda Salai, Chepauk, Chennai 600005 [(:

    (044) 25360614/64998729; Fax: (044) 25369433;

    e-mail: [email protected]]

    All India Seminar on ‘Intervention of Frontier

    Technologies in Textile and Jute Sector’, Kolkata,August 26-27, 2016

    The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal State Centre,

    8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020 [(: (033)22238914;

    Fax: (033) 22233140; e-mail: [email protected]]

    Interdisciplinary Co-ordination Committee

    All India Seminar on ‘Why Coal, If Not, What?’,

    Ranchi, April 11-12, 2016

    The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Centre,

    Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, Ranchi 834002

    [(: (0651) 2491344/2490655; e-mail: jharkhandsc@]

    Oneday Workshop on ‘Disaster Mitigation & National Build-

    ing Code’, Udaipur, June 18, 2016The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Udaipur Local Centre, 128,

    Hiran Magri, Sector 11, Near Seva Charitable Hospital,

    Udaipur 313002 [(: (0294) 2583702; e-mail: udaipurlc@]

    All India Seminar on ‘Smart City’, Jabalpur, September

    16-17, 2016

    The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jabalpur Local Centre,

    Visvesvaraya Marg, Civil Lines, Jabalpur 482 001

    [TeleFax: (0761) 267 8929; Fax: (0761) 404 5625;

    e-mail: [email protected]]

    All India Seminar on ‘Towards Sustainable Development

    in Engineering Sector in Next Decade’, Pune, October

    15-16, 2016

    The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Pune Local Centre, 1332Shivajinagar, J M Road, Pune 411005, [(:  (020)

    25533376/25520239; Fax: (020) 2553 0150; e-mail:

    [email protected]]

    6April 12, 2016

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    4(f) A Member of the State/Regional/District/Local Centre who does notattend three consecutive meetings of the Committee in a session willautomatically cease to be a Member of the Committee from the date ofthe fourth Meeting. However in genuine cases on the recommendationof State/Regional/District/Local Centre Committee the President isempowered to exempt the Member from such regulation and allow himto continue.

    4(f) A Member of the State/ Regional/District/ Local Centre who does not attend threeconsecutive meetings of the Committee in a session without valid reasons  will

    automatically cease to be a Member of the Committee from the date of the fourthMeeting. However in genuine cases, the Chairman and Honorary Secretary of theState / Regional / District / Local Centre Committee are empowered to exempt theMember from such regulation and allow him to continue.

    Ex-ofcio members stand exempted from the provisions of this Regulation.

    Existing Regulations Proposed Amended Regulations

    4(g) If within thirty minutes after the time appointed for a State/Regional/ District/Local Centre Committee meeting or at any point of time duringthe meeting, the requisite Quorum is not present or for any other reasonthe meeting is adjourned, the adjourned meeting shall be held withinthe next seven days to discuss and take action on the Agenda of theAdjourned Meeting. At the adjourned meeting, members present shallform the Quorum and decision should be taken on the Agenda items.

    4(g) If within thirty minutes after the time appointed for a State/ Regional/ District/ Local Centre Committee meeting or at any point of time during the meeting, therequisite Quorum is not present or for any other reason the meeting is adjourned,the adjourned meeting shall be held within the next seven days to discuss and takeaction on the Agenda of the Adjourned Meeting. At the adjourned meeting, memberspresent shall form the Quorum and decision should be taken on the Agenda items.

    23(g) Any member aggrieved by any matter arising out or of in connectionwith conduct of election under Regulations 24, make a representationnot later than 15 days of the declaration of the result, to the President.The President shall examine or may get it investigated and communicatethe decision to the member within thirty days or receipt of the grievanceat his end. The decision of the President will be nal and binding on all


    23(g) Any member aggrieved by any matter arising out or of in connection with conductof election under Regulation 24, will make a representation not later than 15 daysof the declaration of the result, to the President. The President may examine ormay entrust to the Election Grievance Redressal Committee for necessaryinvestigation and report to the President within sixty days of receipt of thegrievance. The President in turn will communicate his decision within ninetydays from the date of complaint. The decision of the President will be nal andbinding on all concerned.

    23(h) The Council shall constitute an Election Tribunal. The Tribunal shallconsist of four members, one from each zone, North – South – East andWest. The term of the Tribunal will be three years. In any meeting, twomembers will form the quorum.

    Any member aggrieved by any matter arising out of or in connectionwith conduct of Elections under Regulations 25 and 26 may make arepresentation to the Secretary & Director General within 15 days ofdeclaration of the result, for being placed before the election Tribunal forits consideration.

    The Tribunal shall investigate/conduct an enquiry/interpret the Bye-Lawor Regulation, etc as the case may be and communicate its decision

    to the aggrieved member within 30 days from the date of receipt ofgrievance by the Secretary and Director General.

    The President will be the Appellate Authority and his decision will be nal.

    23(h) The Council shall constitute an Election Grievance Redressal Committee. TheCommittee  shall consist of ve  members one from each zone. The term of the

    Committee will be for two years. In any meeting, three members will form the quorum.

    Any member aggrieved by any matter arising out of in connection with conduct of

    Elections under Regulations 25 and 26 may make a representation to the Secretary and

    Director General within 15 days of declaration of the result, for being placed before the

    Election Grievance Redressal Committee for its consideration.

    However, the Election Grievance Redressal Committee members shall not take

    part in the election in question.

    The Election Grievance Redressal Committee shall investigate/conduct an enquiry/ 

    interpret the Bye-Law or Regulation, etc as the case may be and communicate its

    decision to the aggrieved member within 30 days from the date of receipt of grievance by

    the Secretary and Director General.

    The matter will be appealable within fteen days from the date of decision of theCommittee. The President will be the Appellate Authority and his decision will be nal.

    24(e) The Board of Scrutineers shall publish in the IEI News and/or a regularpublication of the Institution circulated to all Corporate Members, a notication

    inviting Corporate Members to nominate names of candidates for the

    election, indicating exact number of representatives from each division under

    provision of Bye-Law 4(a)(iv). The notication shall direct that a member

    attached to a Division shall be eligible to nominate Corporate Members onlyfrom his Division, numbering not more than the number of representatives of

    that Division under provision of Bye-Law 4(a)(iv). The last date for receiving

    nominations shall not be less than thirty days from the last date on which the

    copies of the said publication are posted. The nomination shall include the

    name, the class of membership, Division and the Membership number of the

    Corporate Member nominating and the Corporate Members nominated. The

    proposer shall also submit, an acceptable proof of his identity, viz PAN cardor Driving License or Photo ID Card issued by State/Central Government

    bearing is signature or Photo ID Card of The Institution bearing his signature

    or rst page of his passport duly self attested.

    24(e) The Board of Scrutineers shall publish in the IEI News and/or a regular publication ofthe Institution circulated to all Corporate Members, a notication inviting Corporate

    Members to nominate names of candidates for the election, indicating exact number of

    representatives from each division under provision of Bye-Law 4(a)(iv). This particular

    issue will be sent by post. The notication shall direct that a member attached to

    a Division shall be eligible to nominate Corporate Members only from his Division,numbering not more than the number of representatives of that Division under provision of

    Bye-Law 4(a)(iv). The last date for receiving nominations shall not be less than thirty days

    from the last date on which the copies of the said publication are posted. The nomination

    shall include the name, the class of membership, Division and the Membership number of

    the Corporate Member nominating and the Corporate Members nominated. The proposer

    shall also submit, an acceptable proof of his identity, viz PAN card or Driving License or

    Photo ID Card issued by State/Central Government bearing is signature or Photo ID Cardof The Institution bearing his signature or rst page of his passport duly self attested.

    The Institution of Engineers (India)8, Gokhale Road, Kolkata

    Notice of Special General Meeting of Corporate Members under Bye-Law 32 (b) (i)

    Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting of the Corporate Members of The Institution will be held at 1430 hrs on 15 May 2016 at the premises ofThe Institution of Engineers (India), Himachal Pradesh State Centre, Victoria Place, Nigam Vihar, Shimla 171002 for the following purpose:

    To consider the recommendations of the Council proposed at its 689th Meeting held on 02-03 Apr 2016 at Ahmedabad relating to amendment of Regulations as

    given hereunder:

    12 April 2016

    07April 12, 2016

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    24(f) Members retiring from the Council shall be eligible for re-election and this factshall also be stated in the notication.

    24(f) Members retiring from the Council after completion of three full tenure at a stretchshall not be eligible for re-election. However, they shall be eligible for re-election

    after a break of one term. The rst term will be considered effective from 2020



    Electronic Voting

    While paper ballot shall be sent to all eligible Corporate Members, those

    Corporate Members who have registered their mobile numbers and/or e-mailID on or before 31st March of the year in which election is due shall also

    have the facility of voting through web. Such corporate Members shall be

    sent a computer auto generated unique password and login ID by SMS and/ 

    or e-mail to their mobile number and / or e-mail ID on day the voting starts. A

    voter can use his password to vote only once and having used the password

    to cast his vote, the password shall become inoperative and cannot be used

    for further voting in the same election. The web site for electronic voting shall

    close on 2400 hrs on the date specied for return of ballot and thereafter no

    voting on the web can be done.


    Electronic Voting

    While paper ballot shall be sent to all eligible Corporate Members, those Corporate Members

    who have registered their mobile numbers and/or e-mail ID on or before 31st March of theyear in which election is due shall also have the facility of voting through web. Such corporateMembers shall be sent a computer auto generated unique password and login ID by SMS

    and/or e-mail to their mobile number and / or e-mail ID on day the voting starts.A voter can log in using his / her password issued to him / her in his / her registered

    mobile / e-mail on the starting day of the election. However, while casting the vote,a system generated One Time Password (OTP) shall be sent to his / her registered

    mobile / e-mail. Voter has to use that OTP for casting his / her vote. The validity of theOTP shall be for fteen minutes only or t ill its rst successful use whichever is earlier.

    A voter can use his / her password to vote only once and having used the password to casthis / her vote, the password shall become inoperative and cannot be used for further voting

    in the same election. The web site for electronic voting shall close on 1700 hrs on the datespecied for return of ballots and thereafter no voting on the web can be done.

    24(l) The Postal Ballots shall be returnable, by the voters by post only and notby any other mode, to the designated Post Box or Post Bag and not to theHeadquarters of the Institution or to any member of the Board of Scrutineers or

    the President, by not less than forty-ve days from the date of posting of the lastlot of voting papers to the voters.

    Use of stationery other than the stationery ofcially supplied by the Board ofScrutineers shall invalidate the same. The voter while returning the paper ballot

    shall also submit, an acceptable proof of his identity, viz PAN Card or DrivingLicense or Photo ID Card issued by State/Central Government bearing hissignature or Photo ID Card of The Institution bearing his signature or rst page

    of his passport duly self attested.

    In case the name in the specied document is written differently from the identityslip e.g (full name vis. a vis. initials), a certicate that both names belong to

    same person is to be provided on the photocopy by the voter.

    The signature on the photocopy shall be compared with the signature on theidentity slip during scrutiny.

    The envelope containing sealed ballot envelope, identity slip and signed photo

    copy of “proof of identity” document shall be returned to the BOS by post in theBusiness Reply Envelope for which the postage shall be paid by the Centre/TheInstitution. The voter, therefore, need not afx postage stamp on the envelope

    returning the ballot in the specied envelope issued to the voter.

    Duplicate ballots shall be issued against written request whenever receivedby convener of BOS and shall be sent on recorded addresses of the voter(s)by speed post or registered post as the case may be. Record of such issuesshall be maintained. It shall be duly marked as “DUPLICATE” on detachable

    identity slip.

    24(l) The Postal Ballots shall be returnable, by the voters by post only and not by any othermode, to the designated Post Box or Post Bag and not to the Headquarters of the

    Institution or to any member of the Board of Scrutineers or the President, by not less

    than forty-ve days from the date of posting of the last lot of voting papers to the voters.

    Use of stationery other than the stationery ofcially supplied by the Board of Scrutineers

    shall invalidate the same. The voter while returning the paper ballot shall also submit, an

    acceptable proof of his identity, viz PAN Card or Driving License or Photo ID Card issued

    by State/Central Government bearing his signature or Photo ID Card of The Institution

    bearing his signature or rst page of his passport duly self attested.

    In case the name in the specied document is written differently from the identity slip e.g

    (full name vis. a vis. initials), a certicate that both names belong to same person is to be

    provided on the photocopy by the voter.

    The signature on the photocopy shall be compared with the signature on the identity slipduring scrutiny.

    The envelope containing sealed ballot envelope, identity slip and signed photo copy of

    “proof of identity” document shall be returned to the BOS by post in a pre-printed reply

    envelope issued to the voters by the Headquarters / Centre as the case may be forwhich the postage shall be paid by the voter.

    Duplicate ballots shall be issued against written request whenever received by convener

    of BOS and shall be sent on recorded addresses of the voter(s) by post as the case may

    be. Record of such issues shall be maintained. It shall be duly marked as “DUPLICATE”

    on detachable identity slip.

    24(k) The voting papers shall be posted, only to addresses of the Corporate Membersas recorded on 31st March of the preceding year.

    The envelope containing ballot papers etc. shall be dispatched to eligible voters

    on their recorded address by speed post or registered post as the case may beand record of all such dispatch shall be maintained. In case of large numberof such envelopes, posting may be done from multiple post ofces in the city.

    24(k) The voting papers shall be posted, only to addresses of the Corporate Members asrecorded on 31st March of the preceding year.

    The envelope containing ballot papers etc. shall be dispatched to eligible voters on their

    recorded address by post as the case may be and record of all such dispatch shallbe maintained. In case of large number of such envelopes, posting may be done from

    multiple post ofces in the city.

    25(e) The Board of Scrutineers shall invite nominations, through a notication in

    a publication of the Centre circulated to all Corporate members attachedto the Centre. In case such a publication is not available in the Centre, the

    notication shall be sent by ordinary post. The notication shall indicate exact

    number of representatives from each division under provision Regulation

    3(a)(v), and direct that a member attached to a division shall be eligible to

    nominate Corporate members only from his division, numbering not more

    than the number of representatives in that division under provision of

    Regulation 3(a)(v). The last date for receiving nominations shall not be less

    than fteen days from the last date on which the copies of the said publication

    or the letters are posted. The nomination shall include the name, the class of

    membership, division and the membership number of the Corporate membernominating and the Corporate members nominated together with the written

    consent of the nominated member to serve in the Committee of the State

    Centre or Local Centre, if elected, and declaration required under Regulation

    23(b). The proposer shall also submit, an acceptable proof of his identity,

    viz. PAN Card or Driving Licence or Photo ID Card issued by State/Central

    Government bearing his signature or Photo ID Card of The Institution bearinghis signature or rst page of his passport duly self attested.

    Members retiring from the Committee shall be eligible for re-election and thisfact shall also be stated in the notication.

    25(e) The Board of Scrutineers shall invite nominations, through a notication in a publication

    of the Centre circulated to all Corporate members attached to the Centre. In case sucha publication is not available in the Centre, the notication shall be sent by ordinary 

    post. The notication shall indicate exact number of representatives from each division

    under provision Regulation 3(a)(v), and direct that a member attached to a division shall

    be eligible to nominate Corporate members only from his division, numbering not more

    than the number of representatives in that division under provision of Regulation 3(a)(v).

    The last date for receiving nominations shall not be less than fteen days from the last

    date on which the copies of the said publication or the letters are posted. The nomination

    shall include the name, the class of membership, division and the membership number

    of the Corporate member nominating and the Corporate members nominated together

    with the written consent of the nominated member to serve in the Committee of the StateCentre or Local Centre, if elected, and declaration required under Regulation 23(b). The

    proposer shall also submit, an acceptable proof of his identity, viz. PAN Card or Driving

    Licence or Photo ID Card issued by State/Central Government bearing his signature or

    Photo ID Card of The Institution bearing his signature or rst page of his passport duly

    self attested.

    Members retiring from the Committee after completion of three full tenure at astretch shall not be eligible for re-election. However, they shall be eligible for re-

    election after a break of one term. The rst term will be considered effective from

    2020 election.

    8April 12, 2016

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    Electronic Voting

    While paper ballot shall be sent to all eligible Corporate Members, those

    Corporate Members who have registered their mobile numbers and/or e-mailID on or before 31st March of the year in which election is due shall also

    have the facility of voting through web. Such corporate Members shall be

    sent a computer auto generated unique password and login ID by SMS and/ 

    or e-mail to their mobile number and / or e-mail ID on day the voting starts. A

    voter can use his password to vote only once and having used the passwordto cast his vote, the password shall become inoperative and cannot be used

    for further voting in the same election. The web site for electronic voting shall

    close on 2400 hrs on the date specied for return of ballot and thereafter no

    voting on the web can be done.


    Electronic Voting

    While paper ballot shall be sent to all eligible Corporate Members, those Corporate

    Members who have registered their mobile numbers and/or e-mail ID on or before 31stMarch of the year in which election is due shall also have the facility of voting through

    web. Such corporate Members shall be sent a computer auto generated unique password

    and login ID by SMS and/or e-mail to their mobile number and / or e-mail ID on day the

    voting starts.

    A voter can log in using his / her password issued to him / her in h is / her registeredmobile / e-mail on the starting day of the election. However, while casting the vote,

    a system generated One Time Password (OTP) shall be sent to his / her registered

    mobile / e-mail. Voter has to use that OTP for casting his / her vote. The validity of

    the OTP shall be for fteen minutes only or till its rst successful use whichever

    is earlier.

    A voter can use his / her password to vote only once and having used the password to

    cast his / her vote, the password shall become inoperative and cannot be used for further

    voting in the same election. The web site for electronic voting shall close on 1700 hrs on

    the date specied for return of ballot and thereafter no voting on the web can be done.

    25(l) The voting papers shall be posted, only to addresses of the CorporateMembers as recorded on 31st March of the preceding year.

    The envelope containing ballot papers etc. shall be dispatched to eligiblevoters on their recorded address by speed post or registered post as the case

    may be and record of all such dispatch shall be maintained. In case of large

    number of such envelopes, posting may be done from multiple post ofces

    in the city.

    25(l) The voting papers shall be posted, only to addresses of the Corporate Members asrecorded on 31st March of the preceding year.

    The envelope containing ballot papers etc. shall be dispatched to eligible voters on theirrecorded address by post as the case may be and record of all such dispatch shall

    be maintained. In case of large number of such envelopes, posting may be done from

    multiple post ofces in the city.

    25(m) The postal ballots shall be returnable, by the voters by post only and not byany other mode, to the designated Post Box or Post Bag or to the Centre’s

    address printed on the envelope, and not to any member of the Board of

    Scrutineers, by not less than forty ve days from the date of posting of the last

    lot of voting papers to the voters.

    Use of stationery other than the stationery ofcially supplied by the Board of

    Scrutineers shall invalidate the same.

    The voter while returning the paper ballot shall also submit, an acceptable

    proof of his identity, viz PAN Card or Driving License or Photo ID Card issued

    by State/Central Government bearing his signature or Photo ID Card of The

    Institution bearing his signature or rst page of his passport duly self attested.

    In case the name in the specied document is written differently from the

    identity slip e.g (full name vis-a-vis initials), a certicate that both namesbelong to same person is to be provided on the photocopy by the voter.

    The signature on the photocopy shall be compared with the signature on the

    identity slip during scrutiny.

    The envelope containing sealed ballot envelope, identity slip and signed

    photo copy of “proof of identity” document shall be returned to the BOS by

    post in the Business Reply Envelope for which the postage shall be paid by

    the Centre/The Institution. The voter, therefore, need not afx postage stamp

    on the envelope returning the ballot in the specied envelope issued to the


    Duplicate ballots shall be issued against written request whenever received

    by convener of BOS and shall be sent on recorded addresses of the voter(s)

    by speed post or registered post as the case may be. Record of such issues

    shall be maintained. It shall be duly marked as “DUPLICATE” on detachable

    identity slip.

    25(m) The postal ballots shall be returnable, by the voters by post only and not by any othermode, to the designated Post Box or Post Bag or to the Centre’s address printed on the

    envelope, and not to any member of the Board of Scrutineers, by not less than forty ve

    days from the date of posting of the last lot of voting papers to the voters.

    Use of stationery other than the stationery ofcially supplied by the Board of Scrutineers

    shall invalidate the same.

    The voter while returning the paper ballot shall also submit, an acceptable proof of his

    identity, viz PAN Card or Driving License or Photo ID Card issued by State / Central

    Government bearing his signature or Photo ID Card of The Institution bearing his

    signature or rst page of his passport duly self attested.

    In case the name in the specied document is written differently from the identity slip e.g

    (full name vis-a-vis initials), a certicate that both names belong to same person is to be

    provided on the photocopy by the voter.The signature on the photocopy shall be compared with the signature on the identity slip

    during scrutiny.

    The envelope containing sealed ballot envelope, identity slip and signed photo copy of

    “proof of identity” document shall be returned to the BOS by post in a pre-printed reply

    envelope issued to the voters by the Headquarters / Centre as the case may be for

    which the postage shall be paid by the voter.

    Duplicate ballots shall be issued against written request whenever received by convener

    of BOS and shall be sent on recorded addresses of the voter(s) by post as the case may

    be. Record of such issues shall be maintained. It shall be duly marked as “DUPLICATE”

    on detachable identity slip.

    26(e) The Board of Scrutineers shall invite nominations, for the representative ofthe State Centre in the Council, through a notication in a publication of the

    Centre circulated to all Corporate members attached to the Centre. In case

    such a publication is not available in the Centre, notication shall be sent by

    ordinary post. The last date for receiving nomination shall not be less than

    fteen days from the last date on which the copies of the said publication or

    the letters are posted. The nomination shall include the name, the class of

    membership, Division and the membership number of the Corporate member

    nominating and the Corporate members nominated together with the written

    consent of the nominated member to serve as member of the Council ifelected and declaration required under Regulation 23(b).

    The proposer shall also submit, an acceptable proof of his identity, viz. PAN

    Card or Driving Licence or Photo ID Card issued by State/Central Government

    bearing his signature or rst page of his passport duly self attested.

    Member whose retirement from the Council causes the vacancy shall be

    eligible for re-election and this fact shall also be stated in the notication.

    26(e) The Board of Scrutineers shall invite nominations, for the representative of the StateCentre in the Council, through a notication in a publication of the Centre circulated to all

    Corporate members attached to the Centre. In case such a publication is not available

    in the Centre, notication shall be sent by ordinary post. The last date for receiving

    nomination shall not be less than fteen days from the last date on which the copies of

    the said publication or the letters are posted. The nomination shall include the name, the

    class of membership, Division and the membership number of the Corporate member

    nominating and the Corporate members nominated together with the written consent

    of the nominated member to serve as member of the Council if elected and declaration

    required under Regulation 23(b).

    The proposer shall also submit, an acceptable proof of his identity, viz. PAN Card or

    Driving Licence or Photo ID Card issued by State/Central Government bearing his

    signature or rst page of his passport duly self attested.

    Members retiring from the Council after completion of three full tenure at a stretch

    shall not be eligible for re-election. However, they shall be eligible for re-election

    after a break of one term. The rst term will be considered effective from 2020


    09April 12, 2016

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    Electronic Voting

    While paper ballot shall be sent to all eligible Corporate Members, those

    Corporate Members who have registered their mobile numbers and/or e-mailID on or before 31st March of the year in which election is due shall also

    have the facility of voting through web. Such corporate Members shall be

    sent a computer auto generated unique password and login ID by SMS and/ 

    or e-mail to their mobile number and / or e-mail ID on day the voting starts. A

    voter can use his password to vote only once and having used the passwordto cast his vote, the password shall become inoperative and cannot be used

    for further voting in the same election. The web site for electronic voting shall

    close on 2400 hrs on the date specied for return of ballot and thereafter no

    voting on the web can be done.


    Electronic Voting

    While paper ballot shall be sent to all eligible Corporate Members, those Corporate

    Members who have registered their mobile numbers and/or e-mail ID on or before 31stMarch of the year in which election is due shall also have the facility of voting through

    web. Such corporate Members shall be sent a computer auto generated unique password

    and login ID by SMS and/or e-mail to their mobile number and / or e-mail ID on day the

    voting starts.

    A voter can log in using his / her password issued to him / her in h is / her registeredmobile / e-mail on the starting day of the election. However, while casting the vote,

    a system generated One Time Password (OTP) shall be sent to his / her registered

    mobile / e-mail. Voter has to use that OTP for casting his / her vote. The validity of

    the OTP shall be for fteen minutes only or till its rst successful use whichever

    is earlier.

    A voter can use his / her password to vote only once and having used the password to

    cast his / her vote, the password shall become inoperative and cannot be used for further

    voting in the same election. The web site for electronic voting shall close on 1700 hrs on

    the date specied for return of ballot and thereafter no voting on the web can be done.

    26(k) The voting papers shall be posted, only to the addresses as recorded on 31stMarch of the preceding year.

    The envelope containing ballot papers etc. shall be dispatched to eligible

    voters on their recorded address by speed post or registered post as the case

    may be and record of all such dispatch shall be maintained. In case of large

    number of such envelopes, posting may be done from multiple post ofcesin the city.

    26(k) The voting papers shall be posted, only to the addresses as recorded on 31st March ofthe preceding year.

    The envelope containing ballot papers etc. shall be dispatched to eligible voters on their

    recorded address by post as the case may be and record of all such dispatch shall

    be maintained. In case of large number of such envelopes, posting may be done from

    multiple post ofces in the city.

    By Order of the CouncilSd/-

    Dr Anil Kumar

    Secretary and Director General-I/C

    Note : If a Corporate Member is unable to attend the meeting, he may ll the Form of Proxy with name of his representative. The Form of Proxy is to be signed onRevenue Stamp of Re.1/- and to be returned to the Secretary and Director General, The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020 to reach

    him not later than 1200 hrs on 12 May 2016.

    The Institution of Engineers (India)SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING


    I, ............................................................. of ....................................................... being a Corporate Member of the above Institution

    hereby appoint ................................................................... of ................................................... or failing him ....................................

    .....................................................................…………………….of ................................................................... as my proxy at Special

    General Meeting of the Institution to be held on the ___________day of ___________ 2016 and at any poll held in connection


    As witness my hand ............... day of .......................................... 2016.

    Re. 1/-Revenue



    Class of Membership of IEI............................... No...................................................

    0April 12, 2016

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    The Institution of Engineers (India)8, Gokhale Road, Kolkata

    Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of Corporate Members under Bye Law 32(c)(i)Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Corporate Members of The Institution will be held at the premises of The Institution of Engineers(India), Himachal Pradesh State Centre, Victoria Place, Nigam Vihar, Shimla 171002 on 15 May 2016 immediately after the Special General Meeting for the followingpurpose:

    To consider the recommendation of the Council proposed at its 689th meeting held on 02-03 April 2016 at Ahmedabad relating to amendment of Bye-Laws as given


    12 April 2016

    11April 12, 2016

    Existing Bye-laws Proposed Amended Bye-laws

    1(d) ‘The Council’ means the National Council of the Institution constituted underthese Bye-Laws.

    1(d) ‘The Council’ means the National Council of the Institution constituted underthese Bye-Laws.

    (e) ‘The President’ means the National President of the Institution. (e) ‘The President’ means the National President of the Institution.

    (p) ‘Region’ means Territorial Area covered by the grouping of few Districts. (p) Deleted

    (q) ‘District’ means Territorial Area identied as District by Government. (q) Deleted

    (r) ‘Organ’ means an Autonomous Body of IEI through which capacity buildingprogrammes are conducted by practicing Engineers.

    (r) ‘Organ’ means an Autonomous Body of IEI through which capacity buildingprogrammes are conducted for practicing Engineers and Associates

    (s) ‘Foundation’ means an organization so established for promotion of researchand development.

    (s) Deleted

    (u) ‘NDRF’ means National Design & Research Foundation (a research wing

    of IEI).

    (u) Deleted

    3. The government and control of the Institution and its affairs shall vest withits Council and the Council shall exercise all the powers of the Institutionand do all duties of the Institution with intent to give effect to the provisionsof the Charter and the Bye-Laws for the time being of the Institution exceptso far as the same are by the Charter or by the Bye-Law for the time beingexpressly required to be done in General Meetings of Corporate Membersor by the President or the Secretary and Director General of the Institution.

    3. The governance and control of the Institution and its affairs shall vest with itsCouncil and the Council shall exercise all the powers of the Institution and do allduties of the Institution with intent to give effect to the provisions of the Charterand the Bye-Laws for the time being of the Institution except so far as the sameare by the Charter or by the Bye-Law for the time being expressly required tobe done in General Meetings of Corporate Members or by the President or theSecretary and Director General of the Institution.


    The Council shall constitute a Legal Affairs Committee:

    1. To examine whether the Institution is working strictly in accordance withthe laws of the land.

    2. In case there is any variance between procedures being followed and thelaws prescribed, suggest remedial actions.

    3. Review the working of all departments once in a quarter on the pointsmentioned above.

    4. Examine in particular, labor laws wherever applicable and suggestsystem for a better corporate understanding between management andlabor for efcient working of the Institution.

    5. Identify legal inaccuracy, if any, in Bye-Laws in relation to law, andsuggest needed modications.

    6. Review periodically the litigations pending in various Courts and ndways and means for early disposals in Courts.

    7. Advice needed legal opinion on any issues.

    The Committee shall have three members with a term of three years andquorum for a meeting will be at least two members.

    17(b) Deleted

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    April 12, 2016

    75 Every person who has ceased to belong to the Institution shall be called uponby the Secretary and Director General to return immediately his Diploma or

    Certicate to the Secretary and Director General, and he shall not be entitledany longer to make use of any designation implying past connection with theInstitution.

    75 Deleted since already included under 74(iii) as above

    75 Earlier Bye-Law 75

    This clause was in the earlier Bye-Laws and Regulations of the Council. Itwas deleted by the earlier Bye-Laws Committee while making revision.

    75 The Council shall also have the right to take any disciplinary actionagainst any member who shall have, in the opinion of the Council, actedin such a manner as to warrant disciplinary action, but not expulsion. Theprocedure laid down in the Bye-law 74 shall be followed in such cases

    also, and the decision of the Council shall be nal and binding upon themember concerned.

    76 Earlier Bye-Law 76

    This clause was in the earlier Bye-Laws and Regulations of the Council. Itwas deleted by the earlier Bye-Laws Committee while making revision.

    76 The Council shall constitute a Standing Committee for dealing with thecases of violation of Code of Ethics. The Standing Committee shall frame

    necessary rules for processing such cases and these Rules shall be widelypublicized for general information of all concerned.

    81 Establishment of District Centers

    1. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Byelaws or Regulations, if thestrength of members in a Territorial District attached to any Local Centreis more than 300 members, Council may establish a District Centre by

    needful transfer of membership from the Local Centre to any DistrictCentre. The District Centre will be on par with the existing Local Centersfor all purposes.

    2. Council may also establish new District Centers having membership ofnot less than 300 members having the territorial jurisdiction of the Districtand for all purposes the District Centre will be treated on par with the LocalCentre.

    3. The existing Local Centres will be renamed as Regional Centres. TheCouncil may re-organize the District Centers/ Local Centers in any Stateto be in convenient administrative regions and the District Centre locatedand named in the region will be identied as Regional Centre instead of

    the District Centre. The State Centre at the capital of the State will alsoact as the Regional Centre to the neighbouring Districts attached to theState Centre.

    4. Council may also establish new Zonal Centers at zonal levels in each ofNorth, South, East and West Zones for proper coordination of Centers inadministrative matters, technical activities etc.

    81 Deleted with the provision that the District Centres already created shall berenamed as Local Centres.



    Ethics Control Board will be the authority to implement the professional

    ethics amongst the Corporate Members. The Council shall frame necessaryrules for the purpose. The Board will deal with the cases of violation of ethics.The Term of the Board will be for a period of three years. All Complaints / Allegations against any member of having acted in contravention of theCharter, Bye-Laws, Regulations or Rules in force from time to time or who is

    alleged to have been guilty of violation of the Code of Ethics as framed by theCouncil or such conduct amounting to indiscipline or misconduct in dischargeof professional ethics shall be referred to an enquiry by the Ethics ControlBoard. The Board shall examine the allegation. If the allegations appearprima-facie true, then the Board will obtain response from the Member onwhom the allegation is made and conduct an enquiry, if needed. The Boardmay drop the allegation if found to be false or for any other reason or inictpunishment if the allegation is proved. The Board is empowered to imposeminor punishment including suspension of membership for not more thanthree years. In case of minor punishments, the aggrieved may appeal to the

    President who will be the Appellate Authority. The decision of the Presidentwill be nal in such cases. However, if the allegation is serious and deservesexpulsion or other stringent punishment, the matter will be referred to theCouncil. The Council after discussion may decide to :

    (a) Drop the charge if the allegation is not proved

    (b) Impose a minor punishment or(c) If the allegation is found to be serious, appoint a Committee of threemembers including President as one of the members to examine therecommendation of the Board and take a decision.

    The Committee, if necessary, may call the member on whom the allegation ismade for clarication. The committee is empowered to inict any punishmentincluding expulsion commensurate with the allegation and proof available forthe charges framed. The decision of the Committee will be nal.

    74 (i)



    The Council shall have the right to expel from the Institution any memberwho shall have, in the opinion of the Council, willfully acted in contraventionof the Charter, the Bye-Laws, the Regulations or Rules from time to timein force under the Bye-Laws, or who, in the opinion of the Council, shall

    have been guilty of violation of the Code of Ethics as framed by the Councilunder the provision of Regulation 29 or such conduct as shall render him

    unt to remain a member of the Institution, provided that :a) The meeting of the Council at which the resolution shall be passed

    shall be specially convened for the purpose, and the personconcerned shall have been given clear thirty days’ notice thathis conduct is to be enquired into, and is given an opportunity ofstating his case to the Council, in person.

    b) The resolution shall be passed by a majority of two-thirds of thosepresent.

    Upon the resolution of expulsion being passed, the name of the personconcerned shall be removed from the Roll and he shall cease to have anyconnection with the Institution. Neither the Council collectively nor anymember of the Council individually shall be made liable for anything doneunder this Bye-Law. Every candidate applying for election to the Institutionshall be deemed in so applying to agree to accept as nal any decision of

    the Council under this Bye-Law.

    Every person who has ceased to belong to the Institution shall be calledupon by the Secretary and Director General to return immediately hisDiploma or Certicate to the Secretary and Director General, and he shallnot be entitled any longer to make use of any designation implying pastconnection with the Institution.

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    April 12, 2016

    100(a) The Council may establish an autonomous Forum for specic purposesas determined by the Council such as the National Design and ResearchFoundation (NDRF), the Rural Development Forum (RDF), the Safety &Quality Forum (SQF), the Sustainable Development Forum (SDF) and theWater Management Forum (WMF). The location of such autonomous Forum

    shall be as determined by the Council.

    The Council shall, from time to time, review the activities and necessity ofa forum and if deemed necessary, may abolish a Forum or merge one ormore Fora.

    100(a) The Council may establish an autonomous Forum for specic purposes asdetermined by the Council such as the National Design and Research Forum (NDRF), the Rural Development Forum (RDF), the Safety & Quality Forum(SQF), the Sustainable Development Forum (SDF) and the Water ManagementForum (WMF). The location of such autonomous Forum shall be as determined

    by the Council.

    The Council shall, from time to time, review the activities and necessity of aforum and if deemed necessary, may abolish a Forum or merge one or moreFora.

    118 A member whose recorded address is not in India shall not be entitled to any

    notice, and all proceedings may be had and taken without notice to such amember in the same manner as if he had received one such notice.

    118 Deleted

    5. The Council shall work out details for formation of District Centres/Regional Centers/ Zonal Centres for their working and other details likestaff/responsibilities, etc including the relationship between Districts/Local/Regional Centers to State Centers and State Centers to HQs inadministrative, nancial and other matters.

    6. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Bye-laws, the Rules,Regulations applicable to the State Centers will automatically apply ifspecic Rules / Regulations have not been mentioned in the Bye-laws forRegional /District or Local Centres.

    By Order of the CouncilSd/-

    Dr Anil Kumar

    Secretary and Director General- I/C

    Note : If a Corporate Member is unable to attend the meeting, he may ll the Form of Proxy with name of his representative. The Form of Proxy is to be signed onRevenue Stamp of Re.1/- and to be returned to the Secretary and Director General, The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020 to reach

    him not later than 1200 hrs on 12 May 2016.

    The Institution of Engineers (India)EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING


    I, ................................................................ of ................................................... being a Corporate Member of the above Institution

    hereby appoint ............................................................. of .........................................................or failing him .......................................

    .......... ................................................................................ of .................................................................. as my proxy at Extraordinary

    General Meeting of the Institution to be held on the ____________ day of _________ 2016 and at any poll held in connection therewith.

    As witness my hand ............... day of .......................................... 2016.

    Re. 1/-



    Class of Membership of IEI.......................... No.......................................

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    Andhra Pradesh

    L Venkata Krishna Iyer, K V Srinivasa Rao and M L Swamy Sixteenth Endowment

    Lecture on ‘Gurvasthakam by Sankaracharya’, delivered by Prof (Dr) Sarma V S N

    Rachakonda, Cardio-Metabolic and Chest Specialist, Adjunct Professor, Dr M G R

    Medical University, Chennai, on January 22, 2016.

    M Thirpath Reddy Fifth Endowment Lecture on ‘Water Resources in India – Challenges

    and Concerns’, delivered by Mr R K Gupta, Chief Engineer, Central Water Commission,

    Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, on February 15, 2016.

    Dr J Purushottam Eleventh Endowment Lecture on ‘Conjunctive Use of Surface and

    Groundwater in NSP Command Area – A Case Study’, delivered by Dr S V N Rao,

    Project Director, WAPCOS Regional ofce, Hyderabad, on March 1, 2016.


    Lecture on ‘Advancement of Engineering in Eye Care’, delivered by Dr Subhash Prasad,

    Eye Specialist, on January 31, 2016.


    Lecture on ‘Disaster Management in India – Lessons Learnt and Future Challenges’,

    delivered by Prof (Dr) Arun Goel, Civil Engineering Department, NIT Kurukshetra, on

    March 12, 2016.


    Technical Visit at ‘Sikidri Hydel Power Plant’ on February 14, 2016.

    Seminar on ‘Optimization of Existing Irrigation Schemes in Jharkhand for Irrigation,

    Drinking Water and Industrial Use’ on March 5, 2016.


    Fifteenth Prof Bhubaneswar Behera Memorial Lecture on ‘Government Initiatives

    & Quality Systems’, delivered by Prof (Dr) S K Bishwal, Professor of Operation

    Management Area, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, on February 14,



    Lecture on ‘Nonlinear Dynamics in Power Converters’, delivered by Ms R Geetha,

    Assistant Professor, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, on January 30, 2016

    Workshop on ‘Construction Failures – Causes & Remedies’ on February 6, 2016.

    Lecture on ‘Fertilizer Manufacture in India’, delivered by Mr R Ravichander, Committee

    Member, Chemical Engineering Division, Tamilnadu State Centre, on February 17,


    Lecture on ‘Requirements of ISO 9001:2015’, delivered by Mr G Venkataraman, Chief,

    Quality Services International, Chennai, on February 27, 2016.


    Awareness Programme on ‘Contamination by Polychlorinated Biphenyls & Environment

    Pollution Control Measures in India’ on February 15, 2016.

    The following is a brief account of Technical Activities

    organised by various Centres of the Institution

    NEWS-IN-BRIEFWest Bengal

    Seminar on ‘Modern Trends in Power Generation with a Focus on the Eastern Region’

    on February 4, 2016.



    Seminar on ‘Food Safety Issues for General Public’ on January 31, 2016.


    Technical Visit to ongoing construction work of Saideep Hospital, Ahmednagar on

    January 31, 2016.

    Two-day Science Exhibition during February 27-28, 2016.

    Awareness Programme on ‘Making way for Make in India – Let’s Talk Business’ on

    March 14, 2016.


    Workshop on ‘Water Management & Irrigation Projects of Northern Karnataka’ on

    January 8, 2016.


    Workshop on ‘Application of RS, GIS and GPS in Advance Surveying’ on March 4, 2016.


    Lecture on ‘Earthquake Effects on Buildings and Industrial Structures’, delivered by Dr

    K G Bhatia, former president, Indian Society of Earthquake Technology, on February

    27, 2016.


    Seminar on ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Clean and Waste Water Management and

    Treatment Technologies’ on February 27, 2016.

    Seminar on ‘Network and Cyber Security with Hands on Network Implementation’ on

    February 28, 2016.


    Workshop on ‘Data Analysis’ on February 25, 2016.


    Lecture on ‘Grid Collapse in India on 30th and 31st July 2012’, delivered by Bapuji S

    Palki, former Vice President (Technology), ABB, Bangalore,on February 12, 2016.


    Lecture on ‘CSP Technologies & Biotechnology for Agro Forest City for Developing

    Smart City’, delivered by Dr Kyoji Kunitomo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan andDr Masaaki Kurimura, Tokyo Institute of Technology and Clarendyne Institute, Tokyo,

    Japan, on February 1, 2016.


    Lecture on ‘Green Building in a Warming World’, delivered by Mr K Jayachandran,

    Assistant General Manager (Technical), FACT, Kochi, on January 30, 2016.


    Lecture on ‘Managing Projects’, delivered by Mr N Jagadeesan, former General

    manager, BHEL, Tiruchirapalli, on February 13, 2016.

    North Bengal

    Seminar on ‘Technology Adopted for Separating the Solid Particles from Gas Solid

    Mixture’ on February 26, 2016.

    4April 12, 2016

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    Retrotting and Upgradation of

     Age-old EHV Substations and

    EHV Transmission LinesAndhra Pradesh State Centre  of the Institution organized a two-day All India Seminar on the theme ‘Retrotting and Upgradationof Age-old EHV Substations and EHV Transmission Lines’ under theaegis of Electrical Engineering Division of IEI during February 20-21,

    2016 at Hyderabad. The objective of the Seminar was to provide a

    common platform for power developers, transmission experts, equipment

    manufacturers, research organizations, utilities, research institutions and

    professionals to exchange their views on the emerging technologies to

    devise the appropriate schemes for the retrotting and upgradation of

    EHV substations and EHV transmission lines. The Chief Guest, Mr T L

    Sankar, former Chairman, APSEB, stated that retrotting of substationequipment and transmission lines are essential and for this there should

    land for substations and lines comparedto the situation existed four decades ago.

    The Keynote Speaker, Mr D K Thakur,

    Executive Director, BHEL, Hyderabad,

    highlighted the efforts being made in

    the manufacturing sector to meet therequirements of power sector. Mr M

    be change in the mind set who ought to

    endeavour to keep the power system

    always in t condition. He opined that

    non-conventional energy sources, such

    as, solar power systems should be

    installed on large scale basis. The Guest-of-Honour, Mr K Balarama Reddi, former

    Chairman, APSEB, spoke about the

    difculties being experienced to acquire

    Gopal Rao, former Director, A P Transco, also addressed the gathering.

    Dr I Satyanarayna Raju, Council Member, IEI, presided over the function.

    Earlier, Mr Tayi Krishna Rao, Convener of the Seminar, welcomed the

    dignitaries and participants. Dr P L Panda, proposed the vote of thanks.

    A large number of papers on various sub-themes of the Seminar were

    presented and discussed during technical sessions. Eminent speakersnamely, Mr V Ramakrishna, former Member, Central Electricity Authority;

    Dr Arunachalam, Ex-BHEL and expert HVDC Transmission; Ms.

    Neelam Bhogal, Addl. General Manager, BHEL, Bhopal; Mr Jitin Sunder

    (represented by his colleague) BHEL R&D and Mr Srikanth Iyengar,

    Toshiba EPC Division, T & D Systems, delivered invited talks duringtechnical sessions.

    15April 12, 2016


    Lecture on ‘Manufacturing for Global Competitiveness’, delivered by Dr M K Balakrishnan

    Nayar, Retired Professor, Government Engineering College, Trissur, on January 29,


    Lecture on ‘Stress Management’, delivered by Prof (Dr) Raghunath Parakkal,

    Consultant-Counselling (Phychology), Rajiv Gandhi Cooperative Hospital, Palakkad, on

    February 18, 2016.


    Seminar on ‘Green Technology’ on March 3, 2016.


    Lecture on ‘Advance Construction Technology’, delivered by Prof S K Agrawal, on

    February 15, 2016.

    Workshop on ‘Building Construction’ on March 1, 2016.

    Workshop on ‘Advanced Timber Frame Technologies’ on March 3, 2016.

    Workshop on ‘Motivation for Development’ on March 5, 2016.

    Seminar on ‘Renewable Energy, Conservation and Efcient Use of Electricity’ on March

    9, 2016.


    Lecture on ‘An Overview of Food Processing Sector in India’, delivered by Dr RamaChandra Pradhan, Department of Food Process Engineering, NIT Rourkela, on

    February 24, 2016.


    Workshop on ‘Water Conservation through Participatory Irrigation Management’ on

    January 13, 2016.


    Seminar on ‘Advanced Manufacturing Trends in Mechanical Engineering’ on March 5,



    Lecture on ‘Remote Sensing & GIS’, delivered by Ms R Saraswathi, Assistant Professor,

    Tagore Engineering College, Chennai, on February 2, 2016.

    Lecture on ‘National Instruments Lab-View Software’, delivered by Mr S Syed Saf,Associate Professor, MAM College of Engineering, Tiruchirapalli, on February 9, 2016.

    Lecture on ‘Water Democracy’, delivered by Dr A Renganathan, Research Associate,

    PWD Irrigation Management Training Institute, Tiruchirapalli, on February 16, 2016.

    Lecture on ‘Contract Management’, delivered by Mr Jagadeesan J, former General

    Manager, BHEL and Visiting Faculty of National institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli,

    on February 23, 2016.

    Lecture on ‘Interconnection of Engineering and Biology’, delivered by Mr Arun S,

    Research Scholar, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, on Ma