ieema formula

'law IEEMA .t^ (B) For Rotating Machines of Frame size 35Sand above. IEEMA/P:VC/RW00t Ef{ective from: ld Jenuery,.Z00I PRICE VARIATION CLAUSE FOR AC / DC ROTATING MACHINERY 'I r t<J.. c Theprice quoted/confinned is based on thecostof raw materials/camponents, the wholesale price index numbers and labourcost ason the date ofquotalion andthesarne isdeemed to be related to prices of raw materials, index numbers for whofesale prices and all lndiaaverage consumer price index nurnber for industrial workers as specified in theprice variation clause given below. In case of anyvariation in these prices ard+# trLTtrbers, theprice payable shall be subjecl to adjustment up or down in accordance wlth thefollowing formula: (A) For Rotating Machines upto framesize 318. \\.. Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers' Association \E 501, Kak6d Chambers, 132,Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worti, Mumbai400 018. Tel: +91(0)22 4936528, 4S3 6529c Fax: +91(0)22 4932705. E-Mail: [email protected] c website: ,=ft{,u CSISPV *,0 q*ta \*ro,%*BP%* P^{r e s p= "#) IS PV W\ ,%*uP%+2s 4j {'{,,.,L.1 I)L1,,. li' c .)l ld fl wherein' f: ''i "'; 7 '' ' "" I ''- P = Price payableaiadjubteOin accor'rJance with the above formula. Po = Price quoted/confirmed. Co -- Average LME scttlernent ;.rrice cifc<-rppe r wrre bars (refernotes). This price is as applicable for the monlh. hvo rnonths prior to the date of tendering. -^So=Pricgofe|ectrica|stee|sheeis(refernotos) Thls prico ls as applicabls for tlre rrrorrtlr. Errrg rnonths prior to the date of tendering. lSo = Wholesale price index of 'lron and steel" (refer notes). This index numberis as applicable for the 1st Saturday of the month, fquf monthspriorto . the date of tenderino. PV, = Wholesale price index of 'paints, varnishes and lacquers. (refer nctes). Thisindex number is as applicable for the 1stSaturday of the month, fou_f rncinths prior to thedate of tendering Wo = All lndia average consumer price inciex number for industriaf workers, as pubtished by the Latiour Bureau, Ministry of Labour. Govl. ol lrrdia (Base 1982 = 100). This index nunlber is asapplicable fortherrronth. four months prior to th6date of lendering. Forexantple, if the tiitto of lenderinglalls in lv'lay 2001. tlre apiilicableLME average sottement price of coppsr wire bars (Cu) should be for the mort{}r of futarch 200'l . price of electrical steet sheets (So} shoutd bs as on 1st April 2001 and wholesale price index numbers for iron and steel (lSo) and fo-rpaints, vnmlghosaltrl l;rt:rltrats (PV,,) sltortl<l Irt for ttrc 1y1rcft 1r1111i11q 1st S:rtrrrrlrry of rlro rrroltlr of .tnrtrtnry ZO01 alrd oll lrrrllnrrvorirgo(:()nsuntor ;rric<.r lrrrfr;x rrunrt.rer (W,,) strould Lrn.fortlro srolrilr cf Jarruary 2001, whlch would appear in the circutar issued for the month of Aprit 200'f. tEEMMpvc/RM/in

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Page 1: IEEMA Formula



(B) For Rotating Machines of Frame size 35S and above.

IEEMA/P:VC/RW00t Ef{ective from: ld Jenuery,.Z00I


The price quoted/confinned is based on the cost of raw materials/camponents, the wholesale price indexnumbers and labourcost as on the date of quotalion and the sarne is deemed to be related to prices of rawmaterials, index numbers for whofesale prices and all lndia average consumer price index nurnber forindustrial workers as specified in the price variation clause given below. In case of any variation in theseprices ard+# trLTtrbers, the price payable shall be subjecl to adjustment up or down in accordance wlththe following formula:

(A) For Rotating Machines upto frame size 318.

\\..Indian Electr ical & Electronics Manufacturers' Associat ion \E501, Kak6d Chambers, 132,Dr. Annie Besant Road, Wort i , Mumbai400 018.Tel: +91 (0) 22 493 6528, 4S3 6529 c Fax: +91 (0) 22 493 2705.E-Mail: [email protected] c website:

,=ft{,u C S I S P V* ,0 q* ta \ * ro,%*BP%*

P^{ r e sp=

"#)IS PV W\

,%*u P%+2s 4j{ ' { , , . , L . 1 I ) L1 , , . l i ' c . ) l l d f l

wherein' f: ''i

"'; 7

'' '

"" I ''-

P = Price payable aiadjubteO in accor'rJance with the above formula.

Po = Price quoted/confirmed.

Co -- Average LME scttlernent ;.rrice cif c<-rppe r wrre bars (refer notes).

This price is as applicable for the monlh. hvo rnonths prior to the date of tendering.

- ^ S o = P r i c g o f e | e c t r i c a | s t e e | s h e e i s ( r e f e r n o t o s )Thls prico ls as applicabls for tlre rrrorrtlr. Errrg rnonths prior to the date of tendering.

lSo = Wholesale pr ice index of ' l ron and steel" (refer notes).

This index number is as applicable for the 1st Saturday of the month, fquf months prior to. the date of tenderino.

PV, = Wholesale price index of 'paints, varnishes and lacquers. (refer nctes).This index number is as applicable for the 1st Saturday of the month, fou_f rncinths prior tothe date of tendering

Wo = All lndia average consumer price inciex number for industriaf workers, as pubtished by theLatiour Bureau, Ministry of Labour. Govl. ol lrrdia (Base 1982 = 100).This index nunlber is as applicable for the rrronth. four months prior to th6 date of lendering.

Forexantp le, i f the t i i t to of lender ing la l ls in lv ' lay 2001. t l re api i l icable LME average sot tement pr ice ofcoppsr wire bars (Cu) should be for the mort{}r of futarch 200'l . price of electrical steet sheets (So} shoutdbs as on 1st Apr i l 2001 and wholesale pr ice index numbers for i ron and steel ( lSo) and fo-r paints,vnmlghos a l t r l l ; r t : r l t ra ts (PV, , ) s l tor t l< l I r t for t t rc 1y1rcf t 1r1111i11q 1st S:r t r r r r l r ry of r l ro r r ro l t l r o f . tnr t r tnry ZO01alrd o l l l r r r l ln r rvor i rgo ( : ( )nsuntor ; r r ic<.r l r r r f r ;x r runr t . rer (W,, ) s t rould Lrn. for t l ro sro l r i l r c f Jarruary 2001,whlch would appear in the c i rcutar issued for the month of Apr i t 200' f .


Page 2: IEEMA Formula

' Jian Etectrical & Etactrottics Manulactutsts' Association Continuation Sheet IVo. f

IEEMNPVC/RM/2OOI Effective {rom : t"tJanuary,200t

The above prices and indices are as published by IEEMA vide circular reference number TEEMA(PVC)/

81yV_/_ prevailing as on first working day of the month i.e., one month prior to the date of

#*^veraq9LMEsett|emgntpriceofcopperwirebars,,",*,nffi,"for the monlh, three months prior to the date of delivery-

S = Price of electrical steel sheets (refer noles). This price is as applicabfe for the month, fwo

months prior to the date of delivery.

S = Wholesale price index of "lron and steef (refer notes).

This index number is as applicable for the 1st Saturday of the month, five months prior to the

date of delivery.Fl/ = Wholesale price index of "paints, varnishes and lacquers" (refer note).

This index number is as applicabte for the 1st Saturday of the month, five months prior to the

. date of delivery.

!._ W = All lndia average consurner price index number for industrial workers, as published by tha

LabourBureau, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India {Base 1932 = 100i.

T h i s i n d e x n u m b e r i s a s a p p | i c a b | e f o r t h e m o n t h , f i v e m o n t h s p r i o r t o t h e d a t e o f d e l i v e r y .

For example, if the date ol delivery in lerms of clause given belox fafls in December 2001 the applicable

price of copper wire bars (C) should be for lhe month ol Septembet 2A01. prices of stampings {S} should

be as prevai l ing on 1st October 2001 and wholesale pr ice index numbers for i ron and steel ( lS), for.

paints. varnishes and lacquers (PV) and all lndia average consumer price index number (W) should be-i. lor the rnonth of July 2001 , which would appear in the circular issued for the month of October 2001 .

The "date of delivery" is the dale on which the rotaling machinery equipment is nolified as being ready

for inspection/despatch. (ln lhe absence of such notification the date of manufacturer's despatch note is

to be considered as the date of delivery) or the conlracted delivery date (including any agreed extension

therelo), whichever is earlier.

Notes: (a) Allprices of raw materials are exclusive of modvatable excise/CV duty amount and exclusive

of any other cenlral , s late or local taxes, octroi etc.

I - (b) Allprices are as on first worklng day of the month.

\ , \ . (c) T l ro dola i ls of pr icos aro as undor:

l. I lrt l LME grrico of coplror wiro trnrs (in f ls/M I ) is ttro Llvlt i avorago eoltlorneilt prlcc of

copper wiro bars lor ttre rnontlr wlriclr is one monllt prior io the montlr of the c.lrcular

converled into rr.rpees with IEEMA Bankers' exchange rale prevail ing as on first working

day of the subsequent month. This pricg is the landed cost, inclusive of customs duty

only but exclusive of counler vail ing duty.

2 ' The pr ice of e lect r ica l s teel ( in Rs/kg) is thc ex-works pr ico of CRNGo elqc l r ica l s teel

sheets of M45, C-6 coated, pr ime qual i ly sheel quoted by a steel p lant .


Page 3: IEEMA Formula

\ ' \\^

hntinuatlon Stpel fio.iTnrfian deffief & Electruics Manufacturers' Association

t lQQlvl//PVClRtlAMt Ef{ective from : ld January,2AOl

t !. Thelng[g-numbers of 'lron and Steel" and of 'Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers" are as

publishe! Ly tnd Office of the Economic Adviser, Ministry of lndustry Govt. of India in their

weekly bulletin 'lndex Number of Wholesale Prices in India" base 1993-94 = 100. These

wholesale price index numbers are being pubtished weekly, on provisional basis.

However the same gets finalised after I weeks and is normally available after two months.

(Therefore we are considering in our circular only these linal index numbers published

by the economic adviser for the lst Saturday of the month two months prior to the date

- for which the price of steet is published for the corresponding month)'

For tndian Elecfical & Electronics Manufaclurers' Association

, - , l\ , 0l htf iYt.>ANIAuthorised Signatory

\ \ . s



Page 4: IEEMA Formula



lndian Electrica! & Electrenics [vTanufacturers' Assaciatian501. Ka.kad Chambers, '132, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worl i , Mumbai400 018.Tel. +91 (0) 22 493 6528, 493 6529 e Fax: +91 (q 22 4% 2745.E-Mail. [email protected] e website. http://www.ieema org

TEEMNPVC/SWGRQ]|| (R-1) Eftective fram: 1s Jenuary, 2A02


The price quotedlconfirmed is based on ihe cost of raw materials/components and labour cost as on the

date of quotation and the same is deemed to be related to prices of raw materials I components and all

l.ndia average consumer price index number for industrial workers as specified in the price variation clause

given below. ln case of any variation in these prices and tndex number, the price payable shall be subject

to adjustment up or down in accorilance with the foliowing formula:

. z^ Wherein.

P Price payable as adjusted in accordance with above forrnula.

. .-_ . Po Price quoted/confirmed.

lSo = Wholesale price index of 'lron and Steel'(base: 1993-94 = 100) (refer notes).

. This as applicable on the first week ending Saturday of the month, three months

. of tendering.

:o'o : il:."r::::::1;ff:.;HH: i::ffi;)o", o, rire mbnth, one month prior to rhe dateof tendering.

lno = Price of phenolic moulding powder for switchgear and controlgear of mediurn/lower voltage

(upto 650 volts) or price of epoxy resin for HT svritchgear (above 650 volts) {refer notes}

This as applicable on the first working day af the month, one'month prior'io the date

of tendering.

- This index number is as applicable for the month, four months prior to the date of tendering.'

For example, if the date of iendering fatts in May 2001, the applicable prices of efectrolytic copper wire

bars (Co), busbar grade aluminium (Alj'and insulating material (lno) shoutd be for the month of April

2001 and wholesale price index of 'lron and Steel',{lSj shoulci be for the first week.ending Saturday of

February 2001 and all lndia average ccnsumer price ie;dex number iWj shouid be fcr th€ moi-rth of ,,January 2001.

The above pr ices and ind ices are as pub l ished by IEEMA v ide c i rcu la r re fe rence numb'er l'

IEEMA(PVC)SWGR/_/- prevailing as on first working day of the month i.e., pne month prior to '

. the date of tendering.

lS = Wholesale price index of 'lron and Steel'{base: 1993-94 = 10.0) (refer nctes).

This index is as applicabte on the first week SaiurCay of the month, four months prror

to the date of delivery. ' I

C = Price of electrolytic copper vrire bars (refer nates)

This price is as applicable on the first working day of the month, twq months prior to the date iof delivery. i



P^ f l s - c At In w\P= 1oa\r t . tz *-+ru q *roo[ * t t4+'r ,

\ ]

Page 5: IEEMA Formula

lndian Electrical & Electronics lvl anufactu rers' Asseiation Contrnuation Sheel No. I

Effective fram : 1"' January,2002TEEMNPVC/SWGR/aAA 1 ffi - 1 )

Al = Price of busbar grade aluminium (refer nc'tes).This price is as applicable oh the first working day of the month, twq rionths prior to the date

. of delivery.

ln = Price of phenolic moulding powder fgr switchgear and controlgear oi mediunr.tlower voltage(upto 650 volts) or price of epoxy resin for HT switchgear (above 650 volts) (refer notes).

This price is as applicable on the first wcirking day of the month, hruo months priot to the date' of delivery

W ' = All lndia average consumer price index number for industrial wo;kers, as published by theLabour Bureau, Ministry of

'Labour, Govt. of India (Base 1982 = 10S).

This inOex number is as appliciible for the month,'fivg months prior to the date of delivery.

For example, if the'date of delivery in terms of clause given below fatis in December 200'l the applicablepriceofrawmaterialsviz:C,Alandlnshouldbeforthernonihof Octo[er2001 andwholesaldpriceindexof 'lron and Steel' (lS) should be for the first week ending Saturday of August 2001 all lndra averageconsumer price index number (W) should be for the month of Juty 2001.

The "date qf delivery" is the date on which the switchgear equipment is notified as.being ready forinspection/despatch. (ln the absence of such notification the date of manufacturer's'despatch note is to

. be considered as the date of delivery; or the contracted delivery date (including any agreed extension

. thereto), whichever is earlier.

Notes: (a) Allpriced of raw materials are exclusive ofinodvatable excise/CV duty amount and excl.usiveof any other central, state. or local taxes, octroi etc.

. tUl 'All

prices are as on first working day of the month.

(c) Thd"details of prices are as under:

1) The wholesale price index number for llron anO Steet'is as pubtished by the office ofEconomic Advisor, Ministry of Industry, GbvL of lndia" l'.lew Oelhi, with base 1993-94 =

100. This wholesale price index is being pubtished weekly on provisionalbasis. However,the same gets finalised after eight weeks and is normaly available after hso. months.Therefore, we are considering in our cafcu{aticns this final index published by EconcrmicAdvisor for the first Saturday of the months twg rnonths prior to ihe date of which theprices of other raw materials such as C, Al and ln are.published for the correspondingmonlh.

2; The price for electrolytic copper wire bars (in ffs/MT) is ex-godown price as quoted bythe primary producer of copper.

3) The price of busbar grade aluminium (in RslMT) is the average of ex-works price asquotecl by ihe hrvo primary producers for the busbar size 152.4 x 6.35 mm iiai approximately, of grade equivalent to EglE as per lS 5082-1981 (or the latest).

4) The price of insulating material (in R#Kg)' is the'average price of phenolic moulding powder qucte* by three manufacturers.

(for switchgear and controigear of mediumltorver voftage upto 650 volts). or

- .-< is thb price of epoxy resin quoted by a resin manufacturer for their grade CT 5900 or its. nearest equivalent. (for HT switchgear a'bove 650.votts). r

For lndian Electrical & Electronics fi4anufacturers' Association

sA{,,ry itt:

FAuthorised Signatory'