idp proposal and -

IDP Secretariat Directorate of Planning and Monitoring SKUAST-K NEP-2020 National Education Policy IDP VISION SKUAST-Kashmir Parallelism between IDP proposal and Draſt NEP SKUAST - KASHMIR National Agricultural Higher Education Project Shalimar Srinagar 190025 | [email protected], 0194-2461394

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IDP Secretariat Directorate of Planning and Monitoring SKUAST-K

NEP-2020National Education Policy


Parallelism between IDP proposal and Draft NEP

SKUAST - KASHMIRNational Agricultural Higher Education Project

Shalimar Srinagar 190025 | [email protected], 0194-2461394

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Higher Education

MERU (Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities.HECI (Higher Education Commission of India)

Holistic UG with 3 or 4 years with

multiple exit options

HECI to be set up as a single

umbrella body for entire higher



Gross enrolment ratio to increase from 26.3% to


College affiliations to

be phased in 15 years towards

granting graded autonomy

Academic bank of credits to

facilitate transfer of credits

MERUs to be set up at par with


NEP-2020National Education Policy

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PREAMBLEAn ethno-culturally diverse country of 1.32 billion people with their rising living standards, and their col-lective dream of joining the league of Developed Nations, is calling for transforming the power of youth into the wealth of skilled, knowledgeable, next gen leaders. Such leaders, who on one hand are tailored to harness the 4th industrial revolution driven by Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Auto-mation, 3-D printing, and bio-economy, and on the other hand are resilient of working in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society. To lead the change, the challenge for such leaders of tomorrow is therefore dual: to contribute to India’s developmental imperatives at regional and national level as well as create a just and equitable society which respects ethno-cultural diversity for national integration. Answering the call, NEP-2020 (National Education Policy 2020) has been unveiled almost after 34 years of the last education policy in 1986, and is aimed to revolutionize how Indians gain 21st century skills. The new ed-ucation policy 2020 proposed overhauling of all aspects of the education structure, its regulation and governance, to create a new system that is aligned with the aspirations of new age citizens, as well as conserve and promote India’s traditions and value systems. It has proposed institutional, regulatory and governance mechanisms that can have far reaching effects.

NAHEP, National Agriculture Higher Education Project of ICAR, conceived much before and released in 2017, addresses the three engagement areas of integration, transformation and inclusion. Through a bottom-up approach, ICAR supports select reform-ready agri-universities for evolving a holistic model to raise the standard of current agricultural education system that provides more jobs and is entrepre-neurship oriented and on par with the global agriculture education standards.

SKUAST-Kashmir successfully competed for this flagship project with its daring and ambitious vision of developing a model agri-education system aimed to “Re-orient agricultural Education to LEED”, and thus to unleash the potential of this sector nationally. Its mission is to groom the students as Lead-ers to take up the challenges of the 21st century for sustainable development; to skill them as creative and innovative Entrepreneurs who will enable the shift from subsistence to sustainable commercial farming, and create jobs for the rural people; built their technical and soft skills for better chances of Employability in the industry; and inspire them as Discoverers of new knowledge and solutions to the problems of agriculture in the country. This would be possible with students from diverse cultures and backgrounds groomed by the best teachers from across the country in one of the most pristine places in the Himalayas – the state of Jammu and Kashmir, working together for this great national cause of building basis for a Knowledge based bioeconomy, and mixing cultures for national integration through education.

SKUAST-Kashmir successfully competed for this flagship project for its daring and ambitious vision of developing a model agri-education system to foster creativity, innovation and inclusiveness, with the goal to generate the next gen human capital skilled in technologies of the 4th Industrial revolution, who can transform the subsistence and low remunerative agriculture into sustainable and commercial farming, to drive the knowledge-based and technology driven agri-economy in the country.

This document is a reflection of the parallelism between the thought process that has gone into our IDP and the broader spirit of NEP-2020.

Parallelism between Institutional Developmental of SKUAST-K and Draft NEP-2020

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IDP-SKUASTK 2018 aims to develop a model agri-education system set to generate Next Gen Human capital who shall steer the knowl-edge based and technology driven agri-econ-omy by transforming the labor-intensive and low-remunerative subsistence agriculture into sustainable commercial farming.

Make SKUAST-K a preferred destination of Agri-Ed-ucation for its Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneur-ship, Leadership, Diversity and Equity (P-3)

SKUAST-K envisions its graduate as:

1. A critical and creative thinker

2. Effective communicator with team-work spirit

3. Innovative and entrepreneurial

4. Future Leader: agri-business executive, Indus-try leader and Policy Planner, bio-economist

5. Global citizen with National identity

6. Socially, culturally, ethically and environmen-tally responsible

c IDP-SKUASTK Student Slogan: DCIDE to LEED

Design your Curriculum for Inter-disciplinary Education for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Employability & Discovery Over and above the core subjects, a student has freedom to choose 6 to 20 credits from cafeteria of courses for scholastic and life skills viz.,• Soft skills courses for learning life skills • Higher Order Skills of the 4th industrial revolution • Business and entrepreneurship skills for

Student Startups • Creativity &Innovation skills building

knowledge-based economy • Computer aided innovations for SMART agriculture

d SKUASTK’s Next Gen Student Transcript: The NGST shall reflect the courses and credits earned through MOOCs and other platforms such as SWAYAM, Coursera, Edex,etc

Towards a More Liberal Education: Move towards a more imaginative and broad-based liberal education as a foundation for holistic development of all students withInnovative and responsive curriculum andpedagogy• Autonomy on curriculum, pedagogy and

assessment• Development of vibrant and rigorous cur-

ricula (P-241)

Recognition and accumulation of credits earned by MOOCs: Mechanism for the recognition and accumula-tion of credits earned through MOOCs will be put in place by (P-248)

NEP-2020 vision of its: 1. Good, well-rounded

2. Creative individuals

3. Intellectual curiosity

4. Spirit of service and a

5. Strong ethical compass. (P203)

The National Education Policy 2020 envi-sions an India centered education system that contributes directly to transforming our nation sustainably into an equitable and vi-brant knowledge society, by providing high quality education to all. (P-31)

Revamp the higher education system, create world class multidisciplinary higher educa-tion institutions across the country (P-201)



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SKUAST-K is already a multidisciplinary univer-sity with seven faculties but is on the path of further diversifying its course portfolio by devel-oping programmes in the areas of AI and ML, Robotics & Drone Technology. Remoste sens-ing & GIS, big data analytics and Computational biology. SKUAST-K is also contemplating to in-stitute faculty of basic and community science.

NAHEP is working at diversifying the portfolio of the university through adoption of the pro-grammes and courses which are highly useful for honing the life, social, high order skills and creative and critical thinking of the students and infuse dynamism, versatility, appreciating ethno-cultural diversity and gender equity.

Assessment module to be based on the holistic and comprehensive understanding

University is in the process of developing an operational framework of reformed assessment mechanism that involves in class, online and out of class assessment with focus on basic, funda-mental and holistic understanding of the stu-dents (Within the standing guidelines of ICAR).IDP-SKUASTK is catalyzing the process by teachers Training and App development for Online Examination system.

The Boards of Assessment will completely re-form and improve the examination system. (P-184)Assessment for development and not judg-ment: The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of the current UGC will be revised and improved, in order to make clear the basic vision while leav-ing plenty of room for innovation and flexibility. (P-243)


To improve quality, IDP- SKUASTK is Creating an enabling environment and Improving

• Domain Area Subjects Knowledge• Soft Skills • Leadership and Personality development, • Stress, Time and resource management• Educational technology and pedagogy • Creativity, innovation and Entrepreneurship

Over 40% of all colleges in the country run only a single programme, far from the multi-disciplinary style of higher education that will be required in the 21st century.

Over 20% of colleges have enrolment below 100, while only 4% of colleges have enrolment over 3000 (AISHE 2016-17). (p-203)


• Ensure that teachers are given the highest quality training in content, pedagogy, and practice, by moving the teacher education system into multidisciplinary colleges and universities;

• Energized, Engaged and Capable Faculty : Empowered faculty with high competence and deep commitment, energized for ex-cellence in teaching and research. (P-255)




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IDP-SKUASTK envisages building a Model Higher Education system in Agriculture

Creating an inspiring ecosystem for outcome based learning where creativity, discovery, innovation and entrepreneurial drive, employ-ability and healthy competition among the students and the faculty Continuous and sustained institutional re-forms through amendment in academic regu-lations and statutes for• Teachers’ recruitment/selection process

based on their special expertise, skills, training, aptitude, and work experience and educational background from the in-stitutions of repute.

• Choice based curriculum and course caf-eteria system

• Mechanism for engaging Visiting, Adjunct and Emeritus professors from national and international institutes of eminence

• Promoting reformed and responsive governance in academics, finance and administration.

IDP-SKUASK has enshrined in its missiontointernationalize the Agriculture education by

• Making SKUAST-K a preferred destination of Agril-Education by invoking academic, institutional and administrative reforms.

• Creating Brand SKUAST-K for strength-ening outreach programmes in India and abroad

• Roping in Premier international institu-tions for student and teacher trainings, ex-posure visits and participation in bilateral/joint teaching programmes

• Establishing a student-exchange cell re-sponsible for facilitating the student inter-national movement and participation in co-sponsored training programmes and collating information on admissions abroad

• Organizing student Alumni and mentors working abroad to facilitate admissions and placements and strength the interna-tional linkage for future

Optimal Learning Environments and Sup-port for Students: Ensure a joyful, rigorous, and responsive curriculum, engaging and ef-fective pedagogy, and caring support to opti-mize learning and the overall development of students.(P-239)

Institutional governance will be based on full autonomy - academic, administrative and financial - for all higher education institutions with financial certainty and backing. (P-312)

Faculty recruitment will be on the basis of academic expertise and depth, on teaching capacities and dispositions for public service. (P-261)

Internationalization of higher Education: Approximately 45,000 (11,250 per year) inter-national students study in Indian higher edu-cation institution. This accounts for less than 1% of global international student mobility, given that globally, nearly 5 million students were reported to be studying outside their home countries in 2014. (P-249)

Faculty mobility: Faculty members at Indian in-stitutions will be encouraged to get exposure to foreign universities, and vice versa. (P-251)

Student exchange: Indian students will be supported to have ‘a global immersion’ expe-rience through short-duration visits to reputed universities abroad..

The provision for credit transfer to such se-lected students with Scholarship and soft loans will be facilitated. (P-251)



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IDP-SKUASK has already initiated the strong programme of entering into MOU with IITs, IIMs, National Institutes, universities and Pri-vate Business Schools in India and many for-eign universities of excellence for training of teachers and the students in specific areas of excellence.These institutions are also involved for consul-tancy on the establishment of SK innovation, incubation and entrepreneurship Centre, Dis-covery Centre, Centre for artificial intelligence and M.L.

SKUAST –K is an institution having conge-nial ecosystem for credible research, with a large number of extra mural funded projects.There is, however, a pent-up need to link the research to discovery and to innovation.IDP-SKUASK has taken the initiatives on it,

• Patronized and inspired students and teachers for innovation. Due to these ef-fortsthe university has earned National Institutional Innovation Award for two con-secutive years competing with IITs and IIMs and bagged patents for the two tech-nologies which if harnessed can become productive innovations.

• Promoted conducive ecosystem by Estab-lishing the SK innovation, incubation and entrepreneurship Centre, Discovery Cen-tre, Centre for artificial intelligence and M.L.

Encouraging institutional collaborations:

Collaboration between foreign and Indian institutions will be facilitated for twinning programmes – a programme of study whereby students enrolled with an Indian educational institution may complete their programme of study partly in India, complying with relevant regulations, and partly in the main campus of a foreign institution, and vice versa. (P-250)

Research and innovation is central to growing and sustaining a large and vibrant society and economy. Catalyze and energize research and innovation across the country in all academic disciplines, with a special focus on seeding and growing research at universities and colleges - create a conducive ecosystem for research (P-265)



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IDP-SKUASK’s mandate is advocating for a strong linkage and symbiotic partnership between the Industries and Academia

• Involve Industry in curriculum development• Introduce industry-oriented course mod-

ules to promote industry relevant human resource development

• Invite industry peers as Adjunct Faculty to engage students in skill development and business management.

• Industry sponsored research projects• Careers, Employability and Enterprise Cen-

tre (CEEC) to help students for their em-ployability, and entrepreneurial aspirations

• IDP-SKUASK’s infrastructural develop-ment plan has created smart class rooms, provided computer hardware to all facul-ties, developed smart web sites /web por-tals for the university, students online class room, Alumni website, promoted and pop-ularized computer and information tech-nology education among the students and the teachers.

• Strengthen student skills through expo-sure to AI &ML, Robotics and drone tech-nology, Big date analysis Remote sensing ,GIS and precision agriculture.

• It is working on developing the Academic management system with M/S Microsoft transition to E-Governance in the University.

Creating beneficial linkages among govern-ment, industry, and researchers (P-279)

Technology in Education:

• Appropriate integration of technology into all levels of education - to support teacher preparation and development;

• Improve teaching, learning and • Evaluation processes;• Enhance educational access to disadvan-

taged groups; • Streamline educational planning, adminis-

tration and management. (P-339)



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IDP of SKUAST-K seeks to

• Link education with employment, entre-preneurship and leadership.

• Redesign the curriculum; foster linkages with institutions across nation and globe;

• Link education with industry and market with focus on building competence, skill development to create a market ready workforce.

• Foster and strengthen social equity and environmental sustainability that will cre-ate enabling eco system with diversity, opportunity and excellence at the levels of content development, delivery as well as governance to make it a preferred destina-tion for bright minds and evolve a model reform system in agriculture education.

Bottlenecks in Agri. Education

Agricultural education is not meeting the demand of trained agricultural graduates required for industry and agri-business despite that the youth are attracted to agriculture profession.NEP2020 recommends setting up of new agricultural universities for agriculture and allied subjects as well as with general education to broaden the education base in agriculture


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