idn119 june/july 2014

10,000 20,000 30,000 50,000 40,000 SPANISH REGISTRATIONS - Year-to-Date 2013 - 2014 2013 2014 PTWs Motorcycles 39,827 46,607 34,453 41,383 UNITS +17.02 +20.11 NEwS ROOM 6-13, 40 COMMENT: More economic trouble ahead? ....................................................Page 4 THIS year's INTERMOT will see the return of IDN’s popular 'International Night', from 18:30 to 20:00 pm on Wednesday October 1st at the Dealer Lounge Business Centre of the Koelnmesse exhibition centre. The show is open to the media on Tuesday September 30th, with Wednesday October 1st being a Trade Day, and Thursday October 2nd to Sunday October 5th open for all visitors. Since the move to Cologne from Munich in 2006, this is the first time that INTERMOT has promoted a specific Trade Visitor Day, with consumers only able to gain access by invitation. Promoted by International Dealer News, and hosted by INTERMOT and the show's sponsors, International Night is unique - the only 'meet & greet' business reception specifically for industry professionals (of all kinds) and unique in the motorcycle industry. The 'Cologne' Show has always been regarded as the world's primary international motorcycle industry expo, and with the backing of International Dealer News this is your opportunity to meet colleagues from the industry in a relaxed environment as the show closes (at 18:00 hours) on the Trade Visitor special day. In 2012, INTERMOT underlined its position as “the most significant motorcycle industry international business platform” with the number of visitors increasing to 55,000 – with a record proportion of those trade visitors (43 percent) being from outside Germany and an 8 percent increase in the number of countries represented. That year also saw the introduction of the Business District, which was developed to bring together a number of expo initiatives that had been developed for trade visitors in prior years. This year it is once again located between halls 4 and 5, with the Dealer Lounge as the central meeting point. In addition to International Dealer News the business district is being supported by other motorcycle industry trade magazines in Europe such as World of Bike and Bike und Business in Germany, British Dealer News in the UK, L’Officiel in France, Moto Dealer News (Italy) and Moto Taller (Spain). The business district provides exclusive exhibition space for vendors who only want to meet other professionals in the international motorcycle industry and provides facilities for all kinds for professional visitors to be able to make meeting appointments away from the exhibition booths. JUN/JUL 2014 ISSUE #119 TRADE ZONE 36 New Secretary General for ACEM ......................................................................................................Page 6 STAT ZONE Pages 15-17 Polaris' first factory in Europe ..............................................................................................................Page 9 KÖLN · COLOGNE INTERMOT 01. – 05.10. 2014 Continued on page 6 >>> 'International Night' to be staged on INTERMOT's Trade Visitor Day BMW Concept Roadster INDEX 38 Tucker Rocky/MAG "merger" deal completed EXHAUST GUIDE Pages 34-35 Pages 10-11

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Page 1: IDN119 June/July 2014






SPANISH REGISTRATIONS - Year-to-Date 2013 - 2014



PTWs Motorcycles











+17.02 +20.11

NEwS ROOM 6-13, 40

COMMENT: More economic trouble ahead? ....................................................Page 4

THIS year's INTERMOT will seethe return of IDN’s popular'International Night', from18:30 to 20:00 pm onWednesday October 1st at theDealer Lounge Business Centreof the Koelnmesse exhibitioncentre.The show is open to the media on

Tuesday September 30th, withWednesday October 1st being aTrade Day, and Thursday October 2ndto Sunday October 5th open for allvisitors.Since the move to Cologne from

Munich in 2006, this is the first timethat INTERMOT has promoted aspecific Trade Visitor Day, withconsumers only able to gain accessby invitation.Promoted by International Dealer

News, and hosted by INTERMOT andthe show's sponsors, InternationalNight is unique - the only 'meet &greet' business reception specificallyfor industry professionals (of allkinds) and unique in the motorcycleindustry.The 'Cologne' Show has always

been regarded as the world's primary

international motorcycle industryexpo, and with the backing ofInternational Dealer News this isyour opportunity to meet colleaguesfrom the industry in a relaxedenvironment as the show closes (at18:00 hours) on the Trade Visitorspecial day.In 2012, INTERMOT underlined its

position as “the most significant

motorcycle industry internationalbusiness platform” with the numberof visitors increasing to 55,000 –with a record proportion of thosetrade visitors (43 percent) being fromoutside Germany and an 8 percentincrease in the number of countries

represented.That year a lso saw the

introduction of the Business District,which was developed to bringtogether a number of expo initiativesthat had been developed for tradevisitors in prior years.This year it is once again located

between halls 4 and 5, with theDealer Lounge as the central meetingpoint.In addition to International Dealer

News the business district is beingsupported by other motorcycleindustry trade magazines in Europesuch as World of Bike and Bike undBusiness in Germany, British DealerNews in the UK, L’Officiel in France,Moto Dealer News (Italy) and MotoTaller (Spain).The business district provides

exclusive exhibition space forvendors who only want to meet otherprofessionals in the internationalmotorcycle industry and providesfacilities for all kinds for professionalvisitors to be able to make meetingappointments away from theexhibition booths.

JUN/JUL 2014ISSUE #119


New Secretary General for ACEM ......................................................................................................Page 6


Pages 15-17

Polaris' first factory in Europe ..............................................................................................................Page 9



01. – 05.10. 2014

Continued on page 6 >>>

'International Night' to be stagedon INTERMOT's Trade Visitor Day

BMW Concept Roadster


Tucker Rocky/MAG"merger" deal completed


Pages 34-35

Pages 10-11

Page 3: IDN119 June/July 2014

p.15-17 p.10-11



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DISCLAIMERSNo part of IDN may be reproduced or used in anyway without permission. The views contained inIDN are not necessarily the views of the publishers.Every effort is made to ensure that all materialincluded is as accurate as possible, however thepublishers cannot be held responsible for anyerroneous statements, facts, figures or mistakes. Alltrademarks, brand names and other key words areused purely for descriptive purposes. No approval,endorsement of, or involvement in the contents ofIDN is implied by the use of these or any otherwords, names or marks associated with all or anycompanies. All trademarks acknowledged. IDN(ISSN 1354-4074) is published ten times a year, Chapman House, ChapmanWay, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3EF, Great Britain.Send address corrections to us at the addressshown on this page, or e-mail to: [email protected]


PROGUIDE ................................................................19-33




BorileB500 Ricki

Saddlemen acquires Phantom Pad

Italianmotorcycleregistrations up


Page 4: IDN119 June/July 2014


Will Eurozone deflation kill off therecovery in new motorcycle sales

after just six months?

JUST as you thought it was safe to get back into thewater, the surprise fall in Eurozone inflation from 0.7percent in April to 0.5 percent in May is a reminder thatthe economic recovery in the 18 nations that share thesingle currency remains far from robust.

Many commentators and politicians are now beginning to ring alarm bellsabout the possibility that Europe could beheading for a deflationary spiral that could resultin negative interest rates and a moribundbusiness climate of the kind that haunted Japanfor so long.

It is widely expected that the European CentralBank (ECB) will have taken dramatic action by thetime you are reading this – action that needs tobe engineered to reverse a downslide into“lowflation” that will see consumers andbusinesses delaying spending amid expectationsthat prices will fall further still.

Despite the optimism being expressed by politicians and the hype thatinvestment banks would have savers and consumers believe, a sustainedrecovery has yet to take hold in the Eurozone, with growth slowing to amere 0.2 percent in the first quarter of 2014, down from 0.4 percent in thefinal quarter of 2013.

While economic indicators appear, broadly speaking, to suggest thatunderlying factors continue to move in the right direction, especially in termsof labour market statistics, nobody should think that there is recoveryjuggernaut in play, because analysts and economists have actually beentrying to have their alarm bells heard for some nine months now.

It became apparent as early as last summer that producer price deflationin China among other places was more than a response to continued over-supply and sluggish domestic demand (in the case of China).

That deflation was being immediately exported to Europe (and elsewhere)and there were calls for the ECB to fend off the risks of deflation as longago as August 2013.

However, as is so often the case with “inconvenient truths”, those callswent unheeded by a European political elite that has been desperate topaint the pavements gold in advance of electoral judgements that wouldsee them being forced to take responsibility for years or even decades of

inaction and lack of foresight.Fast forward to May 2014 and those votes have not gone in the way that

the established generation of political leaders would have hoped and weare now faced, in the case of the European Parliament, with the prospectthat Europe’s levers of influence are now going to be pulled by the leasteconomically educated generation of so-called politicians ever seen.

Just at the time when Europe needs more thanever to be able to get smart, it looks like we’rejust going to get small again.

At least from our point of view the electoratein The Netherlands had the good sense to electWim van de Camp for another year into theParliament, so we will continue to benefit fromthe realism that he has stamped on EUParliament and Commission negotiations inmatters that affect the PTW industry.

Economically, the risks faced currently willhave very different manifestations to those of a ‘conventional’ recession inthat we will be faced with a long-term period of economic stagnation.

The motorcycle parts and accessory aftermarket in theory would see itssales increase as, again, fewer consumers buy new machines. However, thatwas also the conventional wisdom as we entered recession in 2008, andwe all know how that ended.

As ever, the one primary USP that the motorcycle industry can cling ontois the passion for riding two wheels and the economic, urban andenvironmental advantages that two-wheeled transport continues to havein its favour.

After six months in which new motorcycle sales statistics appear to havefinally shown that we are starting to see genuine and sustainable growth,it is to be hoped that the impacts of a deflationary spiral can be averted andgrowth sustained.

“action neededto reverse

downslide into‘lowflation’”

Robin BradleyPublisher

[email protected]

Page 6: IDN119 June/July 2014

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THE European Association ofMotorcycle Manufacturers(ACEM) has announced theretirement of 10-year SecretaryGeneral Jacques Compagne(61), and the appointment ofAntonio Perlot as its newSecretary General, with effectfrom 1st May 2014. Compagne has seen aremarkable period in his 10years - 10 years in which theregulatory and downturnchallenges have been immense,but 10 years in which the statusand influence of ACEM as aBrussels based advocate for theinterests of the motorcycleindustry has grown massively.His experience will not be lostto the industry though as onretirement he will take on therole of Senior Advisor to theACEM Secretary General andExecutive Committee.Antonio Perlot (43) is an Italian-Swedish national who hassubstantial experience in the

motorcycle sectorand EU interestrepresentation.He has beenACEM PublicAffairs Managersince 2006,advising theindustry onpublic and regulatory affairs. Between 2001 and 2006, heworked for the Federation ofEuropean Motorcyclists’Associations (FEMA), first asCampaigns Officer, then asSecretary General. Prior to that,he worked as an EU publicaffairs consultant representingclients from different industrysectors and, before then, in theNGO sector.Mr. Perlot holds a degree inPolitical Science (specialisationin European integration) fromLa Sapienza University, Rome,Italy, and a Master’s Degree inDiplomatic Studies(International Relations,

International and EU Law,Economic policy) from SIOI,Rome, Italy.Commenting on hisappointment, Mr Perlot said: “Itis a great honour to be giventhe opportunity to serve asACEM Secretary General.Having worked together withJacques Compagne for the lasteight years, being trusted withhis professional legacy is apositive and motivatingchallenge. With the support ofthe Secretariat, I am lookingforward to continuerepresenting the motorcycleindustry and developing furtherthe ACEM presence at EUlevel”.Stephan Schaller, President ofACEM and President of BMWMotorrad, stated: “I amdelighted to announce theappointment of Mr. Perlot asthe next Secretary General ofACEM. He has a great depth ofknowledge and proven

experience in the sector. I amconfident that he will buildupon the remarkable work ofMr. Compagne, who during thelast 10 years has successfullyled and turned ACEM into theeffective association it is today.On behalf of all ACEM members,I would like to express ourhighest appreciation and wishhim all the best for this newchapter in life”.

New Secretary General for ACEM


Additional trade initiativesoperated by INTERMOT include theDealer Card, which provides showaccess privileges and the onlineMatchmaking365 service, which is anexpo visit experience optimiser – itenables trade visitors to gain anoverview of the suppliers of selectedproduct groups in the run-up to thefair, establish valuable businesscontacts and place targeted requests.

Matchmaking365 is a free ofcharge, time-saving service

that helps trade visitors maximise thebenefits of their visit.

This year sees the internationalmotorcycle industry celebrate the50th anniversary of its expoinvolvement with the city of Cologne,and highlights and a timeline frompast shows will be showcased alongwith an “old timer” exhibition.



01. – 05.10. 2014

To get yourinvitation to thefree of chargeIDN InternationalNight atINTERMOT (18:30

hours Wednesday Oct 1st) just emailSara Viney ([email protected])

<<< Continued from Cover

Page 7: IDN119 June/July 2014

BORILE Motociclette hasannounced the launch of itsB500 Ricki, a limited editionscrambler model hand-made byUmberto Borile. Founded in1988 by Umberto Borile, BorileMotociclette is a small volumemotorcycle manufacurer basedin Vò Euganeo, Italy, and thislatest model is built around a

Borile specification GM engine,which was originally developedfor speedway racing. Housed in aframe built from 7020aluminium, the motor is backedby a a classic Norton four-speedgearbox with a dry clutch drivenby a toothed belt. The B500 Rickirolls on spoked wheels; 3 x 21infront and 4.5 x 18in rear. Themudguards and tank that makeup the minimal bodywork on thebike are hand beaten from

aluminium and left raw.The launch of the B500 bringsthe range of motorcyclesavailable from BorileMotociclette up to six, with theselction covering both off-roadand cafe racer models.

BORILE MOTOCICLETTEVò Euganeo PD, ITALY Tel: +39 049 [email protected]

Borile B500 Ricki

HARLEY dealers worldwide sold57,415 new Harley-Davidsonmotorcycles in the first quarter of 2014,up 5.8 percent from the 54,254shipped in the first quarter of 2013.U.S.dealers sold 35,730 units, up 3.0percent (34,706 in the 1st quarter of2013).

In international markets, dealers sold21,685 new Harley-Davidsonmotorcycles during the first quarter, up10.9% (compared to 19,548motorcycles in the first three months of2013), with sales said to be up 20.5%in the Asia Pacific region, 8.2% in the

EMEA region (Europe, Middle East andAfrica), and 8.9% in Latin Americanmarkets. Canada was down by -2.4%.

Polk/IHS research data for 2013 sawHarley post a sixth consecutive year asthe number-one seller of new on-roadmotorcycles in the US to young adults(age 18-34), women, African-Americans and Hispanics (Harley's"outreach" customers) and Caucasianmen age 35-plus (which Harleydescribes as "core" customers) - bothin terms of their 'in-class' 601cc-plusdisplacement market and across allengine size bands.

The Company saysthat compared to2012 it grew its share andalso increased its sharegap to the nearestcompetitor in each of these segments.

Revenue from motorcycles grew13.1% to $1.31 billion ($1.15 billion inQ1 2013) - the Company says it shipped80,682 motorcycles to dealers anddistributors worldwide during thequarter, which it says was "in line withguidance and a 7.3% increasecompared to shipments of 75,222motorcycles in the year-ago period".

Revenue from motorcycle parts andaccessories was $198.1 million duringthe quarter, up 7.7%, and revenue fromgeneral merchandise, which includes

MotorClothes apparel and accessories,was $64.1 million, down 11.1%,compared to the year-ago period.

Harley-Davidson says it continues toexpect to ship 279,000 to 284,000motorcycles to dealers and distributorsworldwide in 2014, an approximate7% to 9% increase from 2013.

Harley shipments up11 % internationally

Launched towards the end of theirfirst quarter and still not yet fullyavailable to dealers, Harley's new750 and 500 cc street models aredesigned to further accelerate brandoutreach

news ROOM

Umberto Borile, President of BorileMotociclette, with the company’snewest model the B500 Ricki

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Sportec M7 RR offers improved milageMETZELER has introduced a newsupersport tyre – Sportec M7 RR,which it claims offers the highest levelsof handling and safety, even on wet,rough and dirty asphalt.

Introduced to replace the existingSportec M5 Interact, the new SportecM7 RR is said to offer up to 20 percentgreater mileage.

Metzeler’s Sportec M7 RR’s treadfeatures a groove layout designed toprovide grip in the dry, while at thesame time offering water drainage andexcellent cornering stability. To achievethis the longitudinal grooves areinterrupted by elements of thecompound to improve the stability of

the tread, the regularity of wear andincrease the thrusts in acceleration.These elements are also said tocontribute to maintaining the grooveswell open when the tyre is in contactwith the raod to drain water.

In the lateral grooves, the depthdecreases gradually toward theshoulder area to increase thecompactness and the lateral thrustwhen cornering at maximum leanangle in the dry; their width, on thecontrary, increases toward theshoulder area to ensure an effectivedrainage of the water at a high angleof bend.

Metzeler has developed a new

range of compounds for use in theSportec M7 RR. The front tyre is monocompound with 100 percent silica. Therear is dual compound, where theshoulder has a 100 percent silica toprovide chemical grip on both dry andwet surfaces, supported by a hardercompound in the substrate for highlevels of stability and corneringprecision.

The radial carcass of the new tyre iscomposed of a special version inrayon. The structure is claimed to be

much more rigid and able to maintainits shape under conditions of greaterstress and deformation from the load,and above the radial structure is a 0-degree steel belt with Metzeler’s‘Interact’ technology with differenttension zones that offers a progressivebehaviour at every lean angle.

METZELER REIFEN GMBHMunich, GERMANYTel: +49 (0)89 14908 0

BMW still shows no signs ofretiring its characteristic boxer-twin engine - it features as thepower-plant in another newconcept bike design, unveiled atthe Concorso d’Eleganza Villad’Este, Lake Como, Italy, in May.The Concept Roadster takes adifferent styling direction to thewell received R Nine T that wentinto production as ananniversary special last year,and both represent differentoffers to the "Harley Beater"LowRide concept unveiled by

former design chief David Robbat EICMA four or five years ago.Ola Stenegard, the current Headof Vehicle Design BMWMotorrad says of the ConceptRoadster that "it is exciting tolook and at least as exciting toride." Citing the “the interplaybetween the fuel tank, seat andradiator" as being "modelled toperfection in flowing style" itcertainly has plenty of urbanergonomic credentials anddesign ideas, but is clearlyaimed at a younger wheelie

popping hooligan torque-beastmarket for which the BMWbrand would be an alienconcept, rather than the riding-demographic mid-point atwhich the BMW brand isgenerally to be found.As such this iteration ofRoadster thinking is a robustConcept , and another tick inBMWs box as they continue toback brand value reinventionwith convincing design andengineering solutions - a street-wise minimalist street fightingbeemer for the stuntinggeneration.Based on a tubular space framewith single sided swingarm, thepower from the 1,170cc 125hptwin makes it the rear wheel viaa Paralever cardan shaft drive,and the self-supporting,aluminium seat/tail section ismachined as a one-piece unit. While the Brembo brakes arelikely to feature on the finalversion (if this concept is tomake it as far as production)the Concept Roadster's nearrace-spec Ohlins suspension isunlikely to be offered asstandard at an entry-level price-point, and while the stylized

exhaust collector and upsweptsingle megaphone look true-to-concept, even BMWs engineersmay struggle to get that designconfiguration through emissionstesting and noise controls.

BMW Concept Roadster



Page 9: IDN119 June/July 2014

MITAS, the Czech Republic-based tyremanufacturer, has signed a multi-yearcontract with BSI Speedway, thepromoters of the FIM Speedway GrandPrix, to be the official tyre supplier andassociate sponsor of the WorldChampionship Series.

Andrew Mabin, Mitas’ Marketingand Sales Director, said: “Mitas’association with speedway spans over67 years since we began manufacturingspecialist tyres for the sport, back in1947. Over the years we have been

dedicated to the development andsupport of the speedway discipline andlook forward to continuing this workover the coming years.”

In 2014, Mitas renewed its FIMcertificate for both the SW-07 and SW-09 speedway tyres. The FIM certificate,issued by the governing body, is toconfirm that the named tyres have metor exceeded the requirements of theFIM certification programme, and thecertification is valid until the end of2017.

MITAS A.S.Prague, CZECH REPUBLICTel: + 386 4 206 58 [email protected]

PANATTONI Europe, a leadingindustrial property developer, hascompleted the first Europeanfactory for Polaris Industries Inc.The 33,000 sqm facility (355,000sq ft) was built in Opole, at theWałbrzych Special Economic ZoneInvest-Park in Poland. Production of vehicles isexpected to commence as earlyas September. The productionhall takes up 25,600 sqm of thefacility (275,000 sq ft), the restbeing warehousing and offices;construction work started at the

beginning of August 2013. "This is the manufacturer's firstEuropean factory. Up to 25thousand quads and small all-terrain vehicles per year will bemade for delivery to Europe,

Middle East and Russia. Some350 jobs will be created initially,with that number expected togrow in the future", saidBoguslaw Dawiec, PlantManager.

“Our Opole, Poland, plant is righton schedule for start up later thisyear”, Polaris President and COOBennett Morgan said duringPolaris’ first-quarter conferencecall in April.

Polaris' first factory in Europe

THE official entry form, rules andclass definitions for the 2014AMD World Championship ofCustom Bike Building are nowavailable online.Being staged at INTERMOT forthe first time, in Cologne,Germany, from September 30thto October 5th 2014, 'Early Bird'competitors can scoop a€100,00 entry fee discount -bikes entered prior to June 30thwill be able to enter for €100,00(fee exemptions apply to 2013-14 Affiliate Show winners andprevious World Championship

prize winners).All competitors also receive theAMD World Championship 2014special edition 'Competitor Logo'for use in all their ownadvertising, marketing, print,website and social mediaactivity, in addition to a free ofcharge studio-grade photo-shootset of pictures of their bike.There will be five classes at theAMD World Championship in2014 - the now traditional andhighly acclaimed FreeStyle classfrom which the 11th annualAMD World Champion Custom

Bike Builder will be chosen, plusfour further classes to recognisespecific sectors of the custommotorcycle market.The Retro/Modified Class willshowcase customs based onengines manufactured before1984.The Modified Harley-DavidsonClass will feature stock framegeometry customs with engines(minimum stock cases) from1984 and up.The Street Performance Classwill showcase custom designand engineering work wherethe primary objective is toimprove the performance andhandling of streetable customs.All new for 2014, a Cafe RacerClass for 50s/60s inspired roadrace bikes.One change from previous yearsis that no run-testing will takeplace at the event itself, sovideo evidence of each bikebeing ridden must be submittedprior to arrival at the CologneExhibition Centre (Koeln Messe)on Monday September 29th(set-up day) for the bike to beeligible to win a prize.

For further information or forany clarifications contact theWorld Championship programDirector Neil Blaber [email protected] enter, follow this

Mitas for FIM Speedway GPs

World Champs entry forms available online

news ROOM


Page 10: IDN119 June/July 2014

FOR the first time since Septemberlast year, and only the eighth timesince January 2012, motorcycleregistrations in Germany weredown in April.At -3.76 percent (15,412 units) thevariance over April 2013 (whichwas itself over 26 percent up onApril 2012) industry analysts aresaying that this is likely to be as aresult of Easter timing, and that theMarch market in Germany includedsome boost as a result of changedEaster timing.For the year to date, Germanmotorcycle registrations arerunning at 13.07 percent up, onvolume of 44,029 units (comparedto 38,940 units for the first four

months of2013). The picture inGermany is broadly similar for lower ccmodels, with total PTW registrationsfalling by -3.72 percent (21,175 units), butthe total for the first four months of theyear (59.550 units) shows the total PTWmarket in Germany running at 13.22percent up.As previously report in MotoWEEK andInternational Dealer News, most ofEurope’s major markets have nowreturned to growth in both motorcycleand total PTW terms, but while growthremains low and inflation higher than ECBtargets in the Euro zone, it will still takesome time for the macro economicrecovery to translate into stability.












+13.22%60,000 +13













German motorcycle registrations upover 13% for first four months of 2014



JAPANESE motorcycle manufacturerexports to Europe slowed down in April,with exports of 250cc+ machines up by 1.5percent (13,847 units) after being up by19.5 percent (19,179 units) in March.This means that motorcycle exports toEurope by the Big Four Japanesemanufacturers have shown growth for

seven straight months. In 2013 annual250cc+ exports of 130,455 were downfrom the 147,377 seen in 2012, but thefinal three months of last year and thefirst three months of 2014 have seenstrong monthly growth percentages.In total PTW terms, exports to Europewere actually down a little in April, at -1.9

percent (14,292 units), also following sixmonths of strong growth. Total PTW Japanese manufacturer exportsto Europe were 147,965 in 2013, and163,533 in 2012; a long way down fromthe peak of 663,662 total PTW importsfrom Japan in 1999 (motorcycle importsfrom Japan in 1999 448,051 units).

Japanese export growth slows in April

MOTORCYCLE registrations havecontinued their upward trend in the UK inApril with 18.04 percent growth (9,024units) compared to April 2013 (7,645units).

April was the tenth month ofmotorcycle registration growth seen in thelast 12 months (July 2013 was only off by-0.51 percent, with February this yeardown by -11.04 percent due to poorweather). For the year-to-date, the UK isup by 15.97 percent at 29,445 unitscompared to 25,390 for the first fourmonths of 2013.

At the present rate of growth, the UKcould see new motorcycle sales edgingtowards the 100,000 unit mark by theend of this year, if the current trendcontinues. Last year, the UKmotorcycle market grew by1.16 percent compared to2012 (81,180 units), havinggrown by 1.07 percent to80,251 units in 2012 – whichmeans that the UK motorcyclemarket had been stable for four

years following the 95,000 units sold in2009.The small cc market in the UK remains low

in terms of volume (approximately 3,000 units for

the year-to-date). In total PTW terms, the UK was upby 16.09 percent in April (up by 18.22 percent inMarch) and is up by 13.66 percent for the year-to-date at 32,470 units in total.

Growth continues in the UK

































+20.25 +18.22

+18.04 +16.09

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SPANISH motorcycle trade associationANESDOR has released motorcycle andmoped registration data for April and Maythis year that shows the growth trend inSpain first seen late last year continuing.Motorcycle registrations in Spain in Aprilwere up by 17.8 percent (9,807 units,from 8,337 in April 2013), and up by 14.4percent (to 11,126 units) in May, with year-to-date market performance up 20.1 percent at 41,383units from the 34,453 seen for the first five monthsof 2013.

While the (surprisingly) small moped marketin Spain remains sluggish (-3.3 percentfor the first five months of this year at5,031 units), there was growth of 6percent in May. The total PTW registration figures forSpain therefore reflect the strength of

motorcycle sales with April being 12.9percent up on April of 2013 (at 10,765

units), and May being 13.5 percent up at 12,399units. For the year-to-date, total PTW registrations are up17.0 percent at 46,607 units (compared to 39,827for the first five months of 2013).Jose Maria Riano, Secretary General of ANESDOR,said that “the motorcycle market continued toimprove in April, and that growth has been sustainedthrough May as the most important sales months ofthe year in Spain. The main reason is the improvedeconomic situation, but better weather so far thisyear has also played a part.“ANESDOR also believes that the time, cost andemissions savings offered by PTWs as a favourableurban transport solution are positive messages thatare gaining increasing recognition with consumers in

Spain, and as a trade association we plan to marketthese advantages heavily in the coming months.”ANESDOR is marketing the advantages ofmotorcycles as a “5 star solution” – pointing to theirfive primary advantages … up to 70 percentreduction in travel time, ease of parking, cost savingscompared to automotive solutions, lower fuelconsumption with greater energy efficiency andreduced emissions.

FOR the first time since the downturn started to bite,the Italian market has seen motorcycle sales grow forthree consecutive months.

In April this year, sales were up by 8.95 percent at20,198 units (from 18,539 units in April2013), having been up by 28.91 percentin March this year (17,997 unitscompared to 13,961 in March2013), and, as previously reported,up by 10.25 percent in February.

For the year-to-date, motorcyclesales in Italy have totalled 56,547units (compared to 50,649 for thefirst four months of 2013), which putsthe market up a total of 11.64 percent forthe first four months of the year.

Like many others, the Italian market started to seethe rate of decline in new motorcycle sales bottom out

in September last year, and while thehistorically most important months in Italy(May, June and July) will determinewhether or not the market there really has

turned a corner, the March and Aprilf igures are particularly

encouraging.In 2013, sales were down

by 25.5 percent for the fullyear, following a 19.04percent decline in 2012. Ifthe market continues to see

an average monthly growthof around 10 percent for the

remainder of the year, then Italy’smotorcycle sales will have recovered fromlast year’s 153,863 units to something inthe region of 170,000 units.









PTWs Motorcycles


















SPANISH REGISTRATIONS - Year-to-Date 2013 - 2014



PTWs Motorcycles











+17.02 +20.11

Spanish market continues upward trend










61 17,9














While it remainsto be seen whatmacro-economicimpacts lieahead forEurope in thecontext of theincreasingconcernssurroundingdeflationarypressures, it is to be hoped thatthese latest Japanesemanufacturer statistics do notcontradict prior analyst forecaststhat their dealers have seen nineyears of decline stabilising.






2013 2014

























+19.46 +17.6

+1.54 -1.86

Italian market sees third month of growth

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ALPHA Technik have been the BituboSuspension importer for Germany since1994 and as a result of that 20 yearcollaboration have now becomeBitubo’s technical consulting centre forEurope.

The partnership consists ofdevelopment and customisation ofsuspension set-ups for race teams,retailers and end users as well asservice of Bitubo products.

Alpha Technik has a track record ofproviding suspension support for manyof the biggest factory race teams in the

world and is equipped with the latestavailable technology, which meansBitubo will certify that set-ups andservice undertaken by Alpha Technikmeet Bitubo’s own internal procedures.

Gianni Mardollo, owner of Bitubo,said that “the long relationship that wehave had with Alpha Technik has beenexcellent for both of us, and this newarrangement is a logical extension ofthe relationship that already existsbetween our R&D departments anddevelopment of ABE homologations”.

BITUBOSelve di Teolo (PD), ITALYTel: +39 0499 903 [email protected]

Alpha Technik to be Bitubo Suspensiontechnical consulting centre for Europe

Gianni Mardollo - owner ofBitubo Race Suspension

BMW continues to see double-digit growthand achieves new all-time high in AprilAfter achieving record salesduring its first quarter of 2014,BMW Motorrad says it "remainsfirmly on course for success"with sales in April up by 12percent on April 2013 at 16,344units (14,587 in April 2013).BMW says that makes April2014 "the most successfulmonth ever in the history of thecompany. All in all, BMWMotorrad has supplied 45,063(previous year 39,319 units)vehicles to customers since thebeginning of the year(compared to 39,319 units inthe first four months of 2013),and 14.6 percent (5,744vehicles) up for the year so far".Heiner Faust, BMW MotorradHead of Sales and Marketing,said that "we have been able tobuild very successfully on themomentum of an excellentseason start. We have seendouble-digit growth everymonth since the start of theyear. Sales results in April evensurpassed the existing record ofMarch this year, making it thebest month ever for BMWMotorrad".The company went on to say

that "this has been achieved onthe basis of ongoing stablemarket developmentsworldwide. In Europe (notincluding Germany) BMWMotorrad had supplied 2,841vehicles more as of April than inthe first four months of theprevious year. In Germany, salesare 672 units above theprevious year's level. BMWMotorrad is also seeingimpressive growth in the USAand Asia".The new R 1200 GS remains thetop-selling model with 9,826units sold. The new R 1200 GS Adventure (5,440units as of April), the new R1200 RT (3,760 units as of April)and the newcomers in the BMW

model programme R nineT(2,024 units as of April) and S1000 R (1,679 as of April) arealso seeing "very strongdemand", according to thecompany. Heiner Faust went on to say that"the excellent sales resultsmean we are very confident interms of how the season willdevelop. Demand for our newlylaunched Boxer and S series

models is especially pleasing.We have started supplying theBMW C evolution this month(from May 2nd 2014), and afterinitial test rides, the world'sfirst electrically powered maxiscooter in the premium segmenthas received excellent reviewsfrom the media - we are verymuch looking forward to theresponse from our customers inEurope".

BMW expect their records sales performance for the year so far to beboosted further from May onwards as the new C evolution electric maxi scooter hits showrooms


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Alternative fuelsDirective ACEM, the Brussels based motorcycleindustry trade association for Europe,has welcomed the European Parliamentvote on the Directive on the deploymentof alternative fuels - describing it as "afirst step towards common standards",but say that "much remains to be done"."The motorcycle industry is

particularly pleased that the final textresponds to ACEM's views regarding theinclusion of L-category vehicles (mopeds,motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles)and the need for a technology-neutralapproach that does not favour anyalternative fuel over the other. "The industry also welcomes

the recognition that L-categoryvehicles running on alternativefuels have the potential tocontribute to meeting the EU'sambitious climate and energytargets for 2020".ACEM went on to say that

while most L-category vehicles are wellsuited for electric power, due to theirintrinsic characteristics of being small,light and specialised, vehicles running onalternative, low emissions fuels such aselectricity and hydrogen still represent alow share of the L-category fleet. "Increasing the availability of public

charging points could change thissituation and facilitate the deploymentof L-category vehicles powered byalternative fuels, particularly in urbanand suburban areas."The adoption of common standards

for electric chargers is of paramountimportance for the industry. Thestandards currently being prepared byCEN/CENELEC under Mandate M/468of the European Commission shouldensure European-wide interoperabilityand guarantee the required safety andsecurity level for the consumer”.CEN (the European Committee for

Standardisation) and CENELEC (theEuropean Committee forElectrotechnical Standardisation) aretwo of the three primary officiallyrecognised European StandardisationOrganisations that develop and agreethe safety and quality standards forconsumer products."ACEM strongly believes that

recharging points for L-category vehiclesshould be equipped with connectors ofType 3A. This solution would avoid amultiplicity of different cables and

adaptors and retrofit costs forswitching to different chargingsystems. Moreover it would helpto create a secure investmentclimate for L-category vehiclemanufacturers and would preventthe risk of stranded assetsresulting from interim solutions".

ACEM points to the risk that "firstmovers in the field of electromobilitycould be penalised by this new legalframework and calls again on policymakers to ensure that L-categoryvehicles already in circulation in the EUthat are fitted with a domestic plug areable to recharge after the entry into forceof this Directive".Commenting on the outcome of the

vote ACEM Secretary General JacquesCompagne said: “The removal ofminimum national targets for rechargingpoints [has] significantly watered downthe Commission’s proposal. "While the compromise reached by

the Parliament and the Council is notperfect, it paves the way for moretechnical predictability, something thatL-category vehicle manufacturersrequire. "The next step now is to ensure that

appropriate standards are approved byCEN/CENELEC and that the necessarydelegated acts, catering for electric andhydrogen L-category vehicles, areadopted by the Commission. Furtherwork at national level will be required inorder to deploy the necessaryinfrastructure”

ACEM Secretary GeneralJacques Compagne:

"While the compromise isnot perfect, it paves theway for more technical


"Mandate M/468 of the EuropeanCommission on common standards

for electric [vehicle] chargers shouldensure European-wide

interoperability and guarantee therequired safety and security level for

the consumer".


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TUCKER Rocky/Biker’s Choice andMotorsport Aftermarket Group(MAG) have announced that theirpreviously announced "merger" hasnow been completed.As planned, the combined

company will operate under the MAGname, with John A. Lacy, Presidentand CEO of Indianapolis based LacyDiversified Industries (LDI Ltd., beingthe majority shareholder of thecombined company) as the ChiefExecutive Officer. Brian Etter will continue in his role

as President of MAG’s "brandedproduct, media and online retailoperations”, with Dan Courtneycontinuing as President of TuckerRocky/Biker’s Choice.The former MAG majority owner,

the Los Angeles based equity investorLeonard Green & Partners and other"legacy MAG shareholders" as theyare being described, will retain a"significant minority interest in thecombined company".Best known as the owners of Vance

& Hines, Performance Machine,Kuryakyn, Progressive Suspension,J&P Cycles and a number of otherhigh profile specialist motorcycleindustry parts and accessory brands,manufacturers, retailers and mediaoutlets, MAG is being touted ashaving "merged" with the Tucker

Rocky/Biker's Choice operation.However, industry talk of an arising

likelihood that the deal implies somekind of upcoming 'integration' planbetween the two aftermarket giantsappears to be wide of the mark.The deal in fact appears to be a lot

simpler at this stage, with TuckerRocky's parent company LDI simplymaking a strategic acquisition which,

in effect, sees them taking anownership position as an alternateinvestor to Leonard Green & Partnersor acquisition by some other equityinvestor.It would appear that Leonard

Green had decided that the interestsof the investors in fund through whichtheir ownership of MAG was held andfunded would now be better servedby realising value at this time, ratherthan continuing with its ownership.In this context industry insiders are

pointing to LDI as being an excellentownership candidate for MAG as thecompany has both the resources andthe pedigree to be a beneficial long-term owner of a power sportsindustry business, as proven by theirestablished track record as owners ofTucker Rocky.At the time that the plan was press

released some seven weeks beforethis completion announcement, LDIstated that it “had been a majorparticipant in the power sportsindustry for 25 years through itsownership of Tucker Rocky/Biker’sChoice", and referenced theirbusiness ownership strategy as beingone of "build and hold".That said, rumours about

consol idat ion and potent ia l"merger" of operations were rife atthe time, fuelled in part, it wouldappear, by LDI also stating that “long-term success for the company will bebuilt by bringing enhanced selection,service and solutions to power sportsdealers in order to drive retail salesgrowth”. A statement that appears topresage leveraging of combinedownership and Tucker Rocky/Biker'sChoice resources in a rather more"integrated" way than a simpleinvestment holding company strategymight suggest.While those rumours have died

down since, and with all concernedremaining tight-lipped about details,there nonetheless is widespread reliefthat MAG ownership will reside"within" the industry and a growingsense that this particular chapter inthe story of aftermarket consolidationbrings opportunity for dealers with it.At the time MAG Chairman,

shareholder and original foundingpartner Arnie Ackerman was quotedas saying that “the strategic merit forthis combination stems from thehighly complementary product andservice offerings of each of these

Tucker Rocky/MAG"merger" deal completed


Motorcycle dealers in the UShave the chance to see theircustomers win a total ofnearly $30,000 in giftcertificates and other prizes,thanks to the Revive YourRide! Spring Giveawaypromotion, sponsored by theaftermarket members of theMotorcycle Industry Council.The twice-per-yearpromotion is entirely free fordealers, and free forconsumers to participate.

BRP is to build a new Can-Amplant in Juarez, Mexico. The45,000 sq m (500,000 sq ft)facility represents an estimated$55 million Canadian(€37m/US$50m) investment.Manufacturing operations willbegin by the end of 2015, withthe project completed by the endof 2017; 900 jobs are expected tobe created. BRP already has afacility in Juarez, on the borderwith the US, and both plants willbe geographically close to eachother. This will be BRP’s thirdfacility in Mexico.

Just as the Orlando, Floridabased AIMExpo announcedthat it has now clocked up its300th exhibitor booking forits second annual show inOctober, Dealer Expoorganiser Advanstar said thatit has "more than 125companies alreadycontracted to exhibit at the2014 Dealer Expo", and that"nearly 2,200 retailers haveregistered for the (Chicago,December) event as well."

American Sidi boots distributorMotonation is to sell the Sidicasual apparel range retail directat break-even pricing in order topropagate brand ID and values.The Sidi Casuals range has neverbeen stocked by US dealers.

Continued in page 16


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RANCHO Dominguez, California based Saddlemen,the leading motorcycle seats and luggagespecialist founded in 1987, has acquired exclusiverights to the Phantom Pad range of products.Based on removable suction cups to provide a seatpad for passengers, Saddlemen will manufacturethe complete line of Phantom Pad products, andthe business becomes the third company ownedand operated by Saddlemen, with All AmericanRider bought in 2012 and American Kargo havingbeen launched earlier this year.“The addition of Phantom Pad has been a step inthe right direction for Saddlemen. With companieslike Phantom Pad, All American Rider and AmericanKargo we are able to give consumers what theywant, more variety and quality products. It’s anexciting time to be here at Saddlemen”, statesCEO David Echert. Phantom Pad's proprietary suction cups are said to

be non-abrasive anddesigned with dualcavity and quick tabs."Unique featuressuch as Neoprenefender liner, an injection mold, ABS base plate andshock-absorbing orthopaedic memory moldingfoam all go to make Phantom the leadingpassenger motorcycle pad design out there", saidEchert. All Saddlemen products are distributed exclusivelyby Parts Unlimited, Drag Specialties and PartsEurope.

businesses".Lacy Diversified is somewhat of an

American institution, certainly anIndianapolis institution, owing itsorigins to a business founded therein 1912 by Howard Lacy. The LacyDiversified name was adopted in1972 to reflect the evolution of thegroup and now, 102 years since itwas founded, it is still owned andoperated by the Lacy family, withAndre Lacy as Chairman and his son,John A. Lacy, representing the fourthgeneration of the family to beinvolved in the ownership andoperation of the group.

Famously, Tucker Rocky owes itsorigins to Texan Ed Tucker's 1967wholesale motorcycle oil businessand subsequent expansion anddiversification following BobNickell's purchase of the business in1972.

The business became Tucker Rocky(TR) in 1986 following the purchaseof Rocky Cycle, and was acquired byLacy Diversified Industries in 1989.NEMPCO, a specialist New Englandbased Harley aftermarket partsbusiness (founded in 1971 by LarryCoppola) was bought by TuckerRocky in 1992 in order to give thegroup strength in a then fastdeveloping custom parts industry

that had already seen the emergenceof several strong specialtydistribution brands.

Tucker Rocky re-branded NEMPCOas Biker's Choice (itself a NEMPOown brand) in 1998, and thebusiness is a strictly wholesaleoperation that claims it sells over100,000 products to all sectors of themotorcycle and wider power sportsmarket, through seven domestic USdistribution centres.

MAG was founded in 2000 byArnie Ackerman and his partners in aSan Francisco based equityinvestment fund managed by DuffAckerman and Goodrich (DAG). Thespecific intention of the fund was toacquire, finance and develop leadingmotorcycle aftermarket parts andaccessory brands and manufacturers.

As the man who had largelyguided the acquisition strategy anddriven development of the Group,Ackerman retained a shareholdingin MAG in 2006 when DAG’sinterest was acquired by LeonardGreen & Partners - a Los Angelesbased equity investor with currentinvolvements in well knownconsumer brands such as Petco, TheSports Authority, J Crew, Top Shop,Lucky Brand Jeans and the PalmsCasino Resort in Las Vegas.

Though details are confidential it

is being assumed that Ackerman andformer MAG company owners suchas Terry Vance, Byron Hines, TomRudd, Perry Sands, John Parham andothers are among the "legacy"shareholders referred to by LDI, thusmeaning, given the deal and holdingcompany structure that has beenannounced, that they now, in effect,have a (albeit modest) stake inownership of Tucker Rocky.

J A Lacy is the fourth generation ofhis family to head up Indianapolisbased Lacy Diversified Industries(LDI) and will become CEO of thecombined company, which willoperate under the MotorsportAftermarket Group name (MAG)

Saddlemen acquires Phantom Pad


Saddlemen CEODave Echert

Arctic Cat has parted with CEOClaude Jordan. Former CEO andChairman Chris Twomey, a 24year Arctic Cat veteran who hadremained on the board, will comeout of retirement to take the hotseat while a permanentreplacement is found. Salesincreases have not prevented thecompany from posting a fourth-quarter net loss and reducedgross profit margins were down.Arctic Cat was sued in Decemberby Polaris for a patent violation.

Husqvarna is returning toSupercross and ProMotocross racing in 2015,after a 14 year absence. TheRockstar Energy RacingHusqvarna Factory Team willinclude reigning 250 WestSupercross champion JasonAnderson on a Husqvarna FC 450.Husqvarna was an integralpart of American motocrossin the 1960’s. The first andlast time the manufacturerfielded a Supercross effortwas in 2001.

PowerSports Business hasreported that a new analysis ofpreliminary state data released bythe Governors Highway SafetyAssociation (GSHA) suggests thatUS motorcyclist fatalities areprojected to have decreased in2013, for only the second yearsince 1997 - by probably 7 percent.

Black Book editorial directorRicky Beggs has said thatused motorcycle prices in theUnited States increasedsignificantly from March toMay, with "prices up acrossthe board by fairly largeamounts for mostsegments".

The controversy surroundingmotorcycle-only check points inthe US continues - according tothe AMA federal, state and localgovernments spent more than ahalf million dollars on them in thelast two years. Some fiftycongressmen and five senatorshave now signed on to sponsor orco-sponsor bills that would endthat funding.

Continued from page 15

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ARNOLD W. Ackerman, chairmanemeritus and founder of theMotorsport Aftermarket Group (MAG),has accepted the appointment ofChair of Motorcycle Industry Council's(MIC) Aftermarket/Allied TradeCommittee. Ackerman will bereplacing the committee’s previousChair, Steve Johnson, who was thePresident and Chief Operating Officerof Tucker Rocky Distributing for 12years before retiring in 2012.

“As we continue to focus onstrengthening our industry’s recovery,we are excited to have a keycontributor like Arnie Ackerman leadour Aftermarket Committee”, saidDennis McNeal, MIC Chair and VicePresident Motorcycle Operations at

Yamaha Motor Corporation. “Arnie’sresume is filled with industryexperience, and he’s no stranger tothe MIC. He’s worked with andsupported the MIC on a variety ofprojects and issues over the years, andwe look forward to Arnie’s leadershipas he takes the helm of this industry-critical committee”.

Ackerman, a lifelong motorcycleenthusiast whose ties to the industryrun deep, founded MotorsportAftermarket Group in 2000.

“Our industry is facing persistentand ongoing challenges and somenever-before-seen threats”, saidAckerman. “A strong MIC is necessaryto combat these threats and at thesame time to be able to offer sensible

solutions. The MIC Aftermarket/AlliedTrade Committee’s cadre of boardmembers represents all aspects of ourindustry and is qualified and ready totake on the challenge”.


Brembo has celebrated theopening of its expandedNorth Americanmanufacturing operations atHomer, Michigan, where thecompany is investing morethan $115 million to expanda facility that housesproduction of brake discsand calipers and assemblymodule manufacturing. NorthAmerica will become thenumber one market for thegroup by the end of 2014 -last year saw a 19.4 percentincrease in US revenue, witha 27.7 percent increaseduring the first quarter ofthis year. The growth is dueto the 2007 purchase of theHayes-Lemmerz AutomotiveBrake Component division,which included the Homerplant, the largest ofBrembo's facilities in NorthAmerica, and substantialgrowth in its US-based OEMbusiness.

Noted for budget priced mini-bikes and go-karts sold through"big box" retailers in the US,MotoVox is set to start sellinghigher value, lower-emission,super-economical smallrecreational vehicles throughpowersports industry dealerships.Parent company APT (AmericanPerformance Technology) is saidto have invested $20m at itsKansas City, Missouri facility since2008, and hopes to score highermargins from a new improvedspecification, higher performancePro-Line product range that willinclude a 150cc on-roadproduction motorcycle - for whichthey are claiming delivery ofbetween 100 and 150 mpg, usingpatented "SmartCarb"technology.

Suzuki say that strong USsales are being driven byavailability of the 2014 V-Strom 1000 ABS and 2014Burgman 200 ABS, with Aprilsales gains in the standard,touring motorcycle, andutility ATV categories. Thecompany believes it isbenefiting from strong raceresults in the US this spring.


POLARIS Industries has reported thatnet sales for the first quarter 2014totalled $888.3 million, up 19percent (from $745.9 m).

Motorcycle Division salesincreased 52 percent in the 2014 firstquarter to $78.9 million due to theshipments of the new model year2014 Indian motorcycles. Consumerretail demand for Polaris motorcycles,driven by strong Indian Motorcycleretail sales, was up about 50 percentduring the 2014 first quarter, whilefirst quarter North American industryheavyweight cruiser and touringmotorcycle retail sales were up low-single digits percent from 2013.

Sales of Polaris motorcyclesoutside of North America increased140 percent in the first quarter of2014 as compared to a year ago,driven by strong shipments of Indianmotorcycles.

International sales to customersoutside of North America totalled

$165.1 million for the 2014 firstquarter, up 44 percent over the sameperiod in 2013. The increase in firstquarter sales resulted from strongsales growth in the Europe, MiddleEast and Africa region with sales upabout 50 percent; over two-thirdscoming from the April 2013acquisition of Aixam, and a 28

percent combined increase in sales tocustomers in the Asia/Pacific andLatin America regions. Both ORV andmotorcycles gained market shareoutside of North America during the2014 first quarter..

Record first quarter for Polaris

Three Months ended March 31,

Product Line Sales 2014 2013 ChangeOff-Road Vehicles $602,843 $541,272 11%Snowmobiles 15,586 14,714 6%Motorcycles 78,867 51,797 52%Small Vehicles 38,483 11,059 248%Parts, Garments & Accessories 152,567 127,067 20%Total Sales $888,346 $745,909 19%

Gross Profit $258,417 $216,648 19%Gross profit as a % of sales 29.1% 29.0% +10 bps

FIRST QUARTER PERFORMANCE SUMMARY(in thousands except per share data)

New chair for MIC Aftermarket Committee

Arnold W. Ackerman

BASED at New Bedford, Massachusetts, with anassembly plant in Wrocław, Poland, Vectrix ceasedall US operations as of December 31, 2013,although at that point it was planned to maintainthe plant in Poland to fulfil obligations under ajoint venture agreement with Daimler AG's Smartdivision.However in April the company's owners, Chinesebattery manufacturer Gold Peak, filed for Chapter7 bankruptcy for Vectrix in the US courts.First introduced in 2006, the Vectrix was a maxi-size scooter, and was said to be the firstcommercially available high performance electricscooter. Plagued by battery and production issues,the company first entered into a sequence of

bankruptcy actions designed to protect it from itscreditors in 2009, with its assets ultimately beingacquired by the ChineseGold Peak battery group atthe end of that year.

At EICMA in November 2013 Vectrix still activelymarketing the brand and promoting new batterytechnology within weeks of Chinese parent companyGold Star Battery suspending operations

JUN/JUL 2014 17

Vectrix Bankrupt

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THE Andreani Group has developed a new cartridge kit for use inthe front forks of Triumph’s modern Thruxton and Bonneville models.

Equipped with a 20mm diameter piston, the cartridge isadjustable in compression, rebound and preload and built with asophisticated hydraulic system said to improve the behaviour ofthe bike in turns and on the brakes.

The kit is complete with springs with the proper setting, basedon the weight and the driving style of the rider.

ANDREANI GROUPPesaro (PU), ITALYTel: +39 0721 [email protected]

Andreani cartridgesfor Triumphs

THE Air Jet from Givi is a new open-face unisexhelmet equipped with a full ventilation system andavailable in a range of high impact colours.With the 10.4 Air, Givi was one of the firstcompanies to offer a demi-jet helmet with truemesh protecting shell ventilation. With the Air Jet,the company claims that it improves on existingtechnology available on the market.

The features and look are the result of a new designwhich creates a summer helmet equipped with afull ventilation system by working on the internalstructure of the shell, which takes full advantage ofthe depression generated by the large slide intakesinstalled in the front and by the two rear extractors. The new helmet includes a new and more protectiveprofile around the neck area, a sun visor and acompletely removable interior lining.Along with classic white and matt black, it nowintroduces Military Green, Purple, Mocha and NeonYellow for its motorcycle helmets.Sizes are XS to XL, and the weight is 1,150 g. The

shell is made from Polymer and the interior is hypo-allergenic. Closure is by micrometric chinstrap buckle.

GIVI SrlFlero (BS), ITALYTel. +39 030 358 [email protected]

BARNETT’S clutch covers for off-road motorcycles and ATVsare machined from billet aluminium before being powder-coated with a textured black finish for increased durability. Thecovers are then finished by having the Barnett logo applied ina machined contrast cut.

BARNETT CLUTCHES & CABLESVentura, California, USATel. 001 805 642 [email protected]

Barnett billet clutch covers

Air Jet unisex open-face helmet





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AGV’s Corsa scoresSHARP 5-star rating SHARP (Safety Helmet and Assessment RatingProgramme), the British certification board, hasawarded the AGV Corsa helmet a 5 star rating. As a result of the award, the Corsa, which is one

of AGV’s ‘Extreme Standard Helmets’, is now listedamong the 321 safest helmets in the world. The 5 Stars are defined by the UK's Department

of Transport, and are widely accepted as the highestmarks for safety. Sharp assigns this important ratingby means of an independent evaluation system,where the helmets are subjected to the safety criteriatests without involving the manufacturers. The Corsa helmet uses four shell sizes, made from

fibreglass, aramid and carbon fibre, to be able to offercorrect fit in sizes XS to XXL. The breathable Lycraand Shalimar with sanitising treatment liner is fullyremovable and washable, and works with the IVS(Integrated Ventilation System) ventilation with largeair ducts on the shell with open/close mechanism. A flat Race, Class 1 optical standard, non-scratch,

anti-fog visor (four layers) with wide field of visionand tear-off strips is fitted as standard and workswith the XQRS (Extra Quick Release System) andmicro lock front-locking and visor micro-openingsystem.

AGVRivalta Scrivia (AL), ITALYTel: +39 0131 853011 [email protected]

Panigale clutch andalternator covers CNC Racing has developed its RPS (Racing ProducingSystem) on race tracks around the world to createparts that are capable of withstanding extreme use.The first components to be launched under the RPSdesignation are clutch and alternator covers for theDucati 1199 Panigale, which have been designed toprotect these parts in the event of a crash. Bothcovers are CNC machined from Ergal alloy and saidto fit without any changes needed to the stockbodywork.

CNC RACING Arezzo, ITALYTel: +39 0575 [email protected]

Urban riding shoe collection REV'IT!'s urban shoe collection is said toprovide the perfect combination of comfortwhen walking, while at the same time providingprotection when riding.The company says they are made from the

finest leather, highly abrasion resistant anddurable. All shoes have a reinforced toe andheel area for safety. These areas incorporatehard plastic parts that have been heated toprovide the perfect shape.There are six different models, with looks

varying from urban sneakers to iconic boots.

REV'IT! SPORT INTERNATIONALOss, THE NETHERLANDSTel. +31 (0)41 269 [email protected]



Ventura luggage system for V-Strom 1000VENTURA has developed a version of itsBike-Pack system to fit Suzuki's new V-Strom 1000.Lighter than hard luggage and more stablethan soft luggage, the Ventura Bike-Packsystem consists of three easy-to-fitelements: L-brackets, pack rack and bikepack. The L-brackets fit securely to the bikeusing existing mounting points, and thenthe pack rack slides into the brackets and issecured by two locking devices. Finally, oneof Ventura's specially designed soft luggagepacks slides onto the rack, held firmly inplace by QL clips.

MOTOHAUS POWERSPORTS LTDOdiham, Hants, UKTel: +44 (0)1256 704 909 [email protected]


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MT-07 parts from R&GR&G Racing has added model-specificparts and accessories for the MT-07,including

insurance approved 'Aero' crashprotectors with removable end caps, tohide the hardware, and a two-piece(leftand right side) engine case cover kit in4mm polypropylene.

R&G fork protectors prevent damageto the forks, fork bottoms and brakecallipers, and swingarm protectors fit tothe rear spindle. The pressed aluminiumradiator guard is available in black or titanium finish, and fits without the need forpermanent modifications.

A rear footrest blanking plate kit covers the rear footpeg holes, includes a rearbrake reservoir bracket, and is available in black or titanium finish.

A replacement tail tidy/licence plate holder includes a rear number plateilluminator in black powder-coated aluminium, which is compatible with the OEMor R&G’s own micro indicators.

A kickstand shoe bolts onto the bottom of the side-stand for a 100 percentincrease in the ground contact area without affecting ground clearance or chain run.

R&G also have a range of universal fitment parts that can be used on the MT-07,including micro indicators (bulb and LED types), bar end sliders, heated grips andmirror extenders.

R&G RACINGAlton, Hampshire, UKTel: +44 (0)1420 89007 [email protected]

Available in black and titanium finishes, the radiatorguard is made from pressed aluminium

R&G’s Aero crash protectorsfeature hidden fittings

R&G’sswingarmprotectors fitto the rearspindle of theMT-07


The R&G tail tidy/licence plate holder for the YamahaMT-07 includes a rear number plate illuminator


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Yamaha MT-07 belly panPOWERBRONZE claims its belly pan for the

Yamaha MT-07 not only reduces air drag, but alsoprotects the engine components from stones andother debris that can be thrown up by the front tyre.The belly pan is made from high impact ABS plastic,and comes with TÜV approval. Supplied with all required fittings, the

Powerbronze belly pan is available in gloss black,white or carbon-look with gold, silver or bluecoloured mesh vents.

POWERBRONZELittlehampton, West Sussex, UKTel: +44 (0)1903 [email protected]

Italian made‘Interceptor’FULLY manufactured in Italy, ‘Interceptor’ isthe latest helmet from offroad andmotocross specialist UFO Plast. Equipped with their sophisticated M.V.S.ventilation system, the Interceptor wasdesigned to match popular neck braces.Particular attention was paid to “internalcomfort, the aggressive and aerodynamicdesign and to weight reduction”, accordingto the company.The exterior shell is available in twodifferent sizes for optimal fit and madefrom a multi-material composite thatincludes carbon, aramidic, fibreglass andpolyester resin layered and woven togetherat specific spots inside the helmet toguarantee maximum protection withminimum weight.

UFO PLASTBientina (PI), ITALYTel. +39 0587 [email protected]

Galfer padsfor MT-07WHILE Galfer is working on developing DiscWave rotors for the new Yamaha MT-07, thecompany has already released a selection offront and rear brake pads. For front brake use Galfer is offering fivedifferent street compounds to choose from,i.e. standard compound through to sintersport compound. The company also has a GPcompound, but this is not recommended forstreet use, only for use on race tracks.Galfer’s rear brake pads for the MT-07 areavailable in three compounds, whichincludes organic and sintered street. All versions of the Galfer brake pads aresupplied with German TÜV (KBA)homologation.

INDUSTRIAS GALFER SABarcelona, SPAINTel: +34 93 5689 090 [email protected]

Freeride urban riding shoeFORMA has designed a technical, practical andfashion-orientated shoe called Freeride, which is saidto be comfortable and easy to wear while riding, butalso for easy walking.The full grain oiled leather upper is perfectly

adaptable, and the personalised double densityrubber sole especially designed for urban use. The fullgrain padded leather collar enhances the overallcomfort, while the reinforced hooks and lacescomplete this practical shoe. A rear reflex insert ispositioned at the back of the shoe to further increasesafety.Internally Freeride features the personalised

Drytex membrane, which assures breathability andwaterproofness, while the internal moulded TPUplastic protections enrich an already safe andcomfortable shoe. The Mid Dual Flex midsole, madein PP with felt covering and padding with memoryfoam, are additional features. The anti-bacterial,replaceable footbed features APS (Air Pump System).The APS System provides exceptional ventilationstarting from the center of the insole; when pressure

is applied during walking or riding, the channelswithin the sole expel air uniformly, providing the userair cushioning that absorbs body weight.Freeride is available in brown and black and sizes

38 to 47. Like all new models in the 2014 Formacollection, Freeride is CE approved, designed anddeveloped in Italy and manufactured in the EU.

SDE MOTORSPORT SrlAltivole (TV), ITALYTel. +39 0423 915 [email protected]


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TORQ Distribution, the sister company ofNetherlands-based V-twin specialist MotorcycleStorehouse, has been established to distributecustom parts and accessories for European-made motorcycles, and is now offering a rangeof parts range for classic Triumph models, whichincludes options from custom firm Biltwell.

Torq Distributions Classic Triumph partsrange begins with its motor mount plates in achoice of clear or black finishes. Designed to fitthe ‘63-‘70 Unit 650 Bonneville, the plates arecold forged from 6061-T6 aluminum, and comewith classic fins and a bronze bushing for thestock brake pedal is pre-installed.

For the modern Triumph ’01 onwardBonneville and Scramblers silver or blackanodized footpegs are available. Again frommade from 6061-T6 aluminum they featurechrome plated, investment case chromolymounting clevises.

The Biltwell range of parts includes a pair ofhandlebar options; the Frisco II or the Keystone.The ‘bars are complimented by the Kung Fugrips, which are available in a choice of naturalor black injection-molded Krayton syntheticrubber.

TORQ DISTRIBUTIONBedum, NETHERLANDSTel: +31 (0)50 303 9776 [email protected]

For use on modern Bonnevillesand Scramblers the 6061-T6aluminum footpegs featurechrome plated, investment casechromoly mounting clevises

The Triumph engine platesfrom Torq Distribution fit

‘63-‘70 Unit 650Bonneville and include abronze bushing for the

stock brake pedal is pre-installed

Natural look Kraytonsynthetic rubber is anoption for theBiltwell grips

Frisco II is one of the handlebar options forTriumphs from Biltwell

Torq Distribution is carrying the Biltwell Keystonehandlebar for use on Triumph motorcycles

Classic Triumph custom parts

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ITALIAN outdoor activity specialist Amphibioussay "versatility and protection" is the name of thegame with their air-free new motorcycle tank bag.

Their "100 percent waterproof" design features avalve that allows the excess air to be removed,making the bag as small and compact as possible -the 25 litre capacity can be reduced to as low as 15litres while still full of the rider’s items.

Doubling up as a backpack, Amphibious say theconcept has been developed from their experiencemanufacturing "professional containers” for severaloutdoor activities (Amphibious are suppliers to theItalian Mountain Rescue Corps and the Italian Navyamongst others), and that their motorcycle-specificdesign incorporates many of the same technicalfeatures that they have developed for extreme use.

Weighing 650 grams, it is made of sturdy yetlightweight TPU, which is not stitched but seamed,using high frequency welding/bonding, withremovable anti-shock sidewalls, a reinforced paddedbase, two side pockets, reflective stripes, D-rings and

PVC handle. The “motorcycle set” created by Amphibious also

includes two different side bags, universal mountingbags, their FLUO range, leg bags, hip bags, backpacksand self-inflating cushions.

AMPHIBIOUS S.r.l.Lesmo (MB), ITALYTel. +39 039 6065 [email protected]

Air-free tank bag

THE 'Sting', from the iXS 2014 collection,is a jacket made from fine cowhide nappaleather said to feature sportiness, safetyand style.Features include Cordura reinforcedstretch parts on the arms for maximumfreedom of movement, titanium-look,highly abrasion-resistant shoulder andelbow caps (with innovative protectorpads), high quality back protector (meetsstandard EN 1621-2, level 2), andventilation holes on shoulders, upper armsand back, which maintain idealtemperatures inside the jacket.A circular connection zipper comes asstandard with iXS. The reflective logoaround the edge offers further safety andtwo interior and exterior pockets offerspace for essentials. Three colourcombinations are available(black/green/white, black/orange/whiteand black/yellow/white).

iXS MOTORCYCLE FASHIONSursee, SWITZERLANDTel. +41 (0)41 926 [email protected]

Shark VancoreFOLLOWING the release of its urban inspiredRaw helmet last year, Shark is continuingthe theme with the launch of its newVancore helmet for 2014.The Vancore shares the same shell shape asthe Raw, but it now includes a fixed chin barfor full face protection. The Vancore isequipped with quick-release goggles, andthere are also various colour optionsavailable for both the goggles and lenses.The interior of Vancore has been designedto accommodate glasses with a recessedpartition of the interior lining, which isShark’s ‘Easy Fit System’. The helmet alsohas a pocket for the company’s ownBluetooth communication system –SHARKTooth.The 1,250g light Vancore is available inGloss BLK and Gloss WHU, sizes XS-XL, whilematt options include Matt KMA and MattGMA, sizes XS-XL.

SHARK SAMarseille Cedex 11, FRANCETel: +33 (0)4 91 18 23 23 [email protected]

Barracuda for Yamaha MT-07

'Sting' leather jacket

BARRACUDA has developed a selection ofaccessories for customising Yamaha’s MT-07, whichit says improve the bike with unique details and eye-catching design which is unmistakably Barracuda.

The company’s range of universal accessoriesincludes mirrors, knobs, pro tec levers, indicators andin addition there are a number of accessoriesspecifically designed for the MT-07, such aswindshield, license plate, frame sliders, levers andgas cap.

BARRACUDA SRL UNIPERSFlorence, ITALYTel: +39 055 412


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Zandona Shark EVCZANDONA’S Shark EVC is a backprotector made in Italy usingspecialist materials such as theultra-breathable S.R.T. (SweatRemoving Textile) 3D textilematerial, which transfers sweatfrom skin to the exterior of thefabric.The Shark EVC is also designed toprovide back protection and tooffer kidney support. Its structureis composed of high-technologydeformable structure, splinter-proof plastic materials and E.V.C.(Evoluted Viscoelastic Cells), an

innovative waterproof anti-shockmaterial with a highperformance/weight/thickness ratio.The plates are joined to a drop wiresystem to guarantee impactdistribution throughout the wholeprotection surface. Shark EVC alsohas an Anti-Torsion system, whichlimits twisting and deformation.It is CE approved to EN-1621-2/03Level 2 and available in anthracite,black and white, and sizes height:x6 – x7 – x8 – x9 and waist: XS – S –M – L – XL.

ZANDONA Caerano di San Marco (TV), ITALYTel: 39 0423 569135 [email protected]


HINSON Clutch Components, throughits European distributor Technical TouchRacing, is now able to offer its Billetproofline-up of products for ‘14 Husqvarnatwo- and four-stroke models.

Each Billetproof component ismachined from billet T-6 aluminum andhard coated for up to five times the wearresistance of stock components. Thecompany states that its precisemanufacturing tolerances allow for atruer spinning clutch inside the engine,reducing heat fade significantly.

TECHNICAL TOUCH RACINGLommel, BELGIUMTel: +32 (0)11 54 9696 [email protected]

Hinson clutch for 2014 Husqvarnas


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'Flare' screen for HondaGold Wing

AMERICAN touring parts specialist Klock Werksoriginally designed its 'Flare' windshield for use onHarley Touring models, but has now introduced aversion for Honda’s Gold Wing and F6B models.In 2006 Klock Werks built a custom Touring

Harley-Davidson for the Discovery Channel's BikerBuild–Off Series, and took the finished bike to raceon the Bonneville Salt Flats. It was during those rides that the idea for a

performance screen developed as Laura Klock, therider of the bike on the Salt Flats, explains: "The fasterI went, the more it felt like the front end of the bikewas lifting up. We wanted to be able to change theshape to add downforce and make the bike morestable. We designed many shapes and wind tunneltested prototypes until we achieved an optimumdesign for production as the company’s patentedFlare windshield". The Flare features 'hips' on the outer edge that re-

route the air and add downforce, which aids stability.The flip at the top is said to send the air up and back

as directed air, which allows it to be cleaner, lessturbulent airflow compared to the effects that a stockshield creates. The Flare for Honda is made from .177in hard-

coated polycarbonate material for lasting durability,and Klock Werks is confident that Gold Wing riderswill appreciate how the Flare will improve comfort,as well as aid performance. The Flare is available in Europe through Parts

Europe and supplied ready to install on a Gold Wingor F6B, using the factory mounting hardware.

PARTS EUROPEWasserliesch, GERMANYTel: +49 (0)6501 9695 2000 [email protected]

Furygan GTOjacketFURYGAN’S 2014collection ofleather andtextile jacketsand trousersincludes theclassically styledGTO jacket. Made fromwaterproof, treatedsoft Italian ‘Donato’leather, which is reinforcedwith a Furygan Skin Protect lining, andareas exposed to tearing and abrasion arereinforced with triple stitching. The jackethas CE homologation and further riderprotection comes through the use of CEcertified D3O flexible armour at the elbowsand shoulders. There is also a back protectorpocket, which is compatible with D3O's‘Central Back’ (level 1) and ‘Full Back’ (level2) back protector, available as an addedoption.Internally, the GTO features a thermalpadded lining with aluminium inserts on thechest, for maximum protection against coldand a connecting zipper mounted on anelastic belt and additional snap claws tolink it to the belt on trousers quickly andeasily. The black and white GTO is availablein sizes S - 4XL and also in a female version(S - XL).

FURYGANNimes, FRANCETel: +33 (0)4 66 38 85 [email protected]

Magura hydraulic clutchfor BMW F series

MAGURA has introduced a version of its Hymechydraulic clutch conversion kit for use on BMW Fseries motorcycles.The Magura kit, which replaces the stock cable

set-up, has been engineered to offer 15 percentlighter clutch operation, improve clutch feel andcontrol. The kit is said to be fully plug and play andfeatures a break away lever in the event of a fall over.The company says that the hydraulics willcompensate for expansion and contraction in theclutch system to ensure a constant pressure point.Included in the kit is a forged lever, with improvedergonomics and span adjustment, while the kit issupplied filled with a specially developed mineral oil– 'Magura Blood' – which is non-toxic and non-hygroscopic.The Magura Hymec hydraulic clutch conversion

kit can be retro-fitted to the BMW F800 R, F800 S,F800 GS, F800 ST, F800 GT, F650 GS and F700 GSmodels.

MAGURA GMBH & COBad Urach, GERMANYTel: +49 (0)7125 153 262 [email protected]



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Liqui Moly re-launchesits motorcycle line with40 new productsGERMANmotor oil and additive specialist Liqui Molyhas completely revised its line of products formotorcycles, adding numerous new oils andadditives to its two-wheel product line.

Industry specialist Carlos Travé, who recentlyjoined Liqui Moli as General Manager for theirmotorcycle and scooter product lines said that "withthese new products we now offer a complete line ofproducts for two-wheelers. No one else offers sucha comprehensive line of products for motorcycles"

The re-launch also includes changing the name ofthe motorcycle line from "Racing" to "Motorbike"."The name 'Racing' appealed particularly to sportyriders, but all motorbike owners can benefit from ourproducts", continued Travé.

Altogether 40 new products have been added tothe motorbike line, including a "complete series ofmotor oils for cross-country [off-road] bikes".Moreover a 20W-50 HD oil and an economical 10W-40 oil have also been added.

"In addition to the motorcycle additives wealready have available, we are adding our 'EngineFlush' for thoroughly cleaning the oil system whenthe oil is changed. In the area of gasoline additives,

we are introducing our gasoline stabilizer to ensurethat the bike starts well in spite of the old gasolinestill in the tank after standing the entire winter.

"Another new product is our Speed Additive toimprove acceleration, particularly in the partial-loadrange; for radiators we have one additive to cleanthem from the inside and a second to reliably sealany leaks. No other manufacturer offers additivesexclusively for motorcycles in their product line.

"Our policy of offering everything in the chemicalsector from one company also applies for themotorcycle segment. This is why, in addition to motoroils and additives, Liqui Moli also offers transmissionoils, air cleaner oil, fork oils, care products, chaincleaner, chain oil and even cleaner for helmet visorsand leather balm for motorcycle leathers. This wideassortment makes Liqui Moli unique in the world oftwo-wheelers.

"With our motorcycle product re-launch we arealso improving message clarity in our line of motoroils. The motorbike line will now be divided up intotwo segments: Street and off-road. The off-roadsector includes Motorbikes, ATV's and snowmobiles.The street sector serves the Motorbikes, scooters andgo-cart segments. Two and four-stroke oils can beidentified by the colour of the container and thecolour of the label indicates at a glance whether theoil is a mineral based, semi-synthetic, fully syntheticoil or synthetic technology oil. This gives the line aclearer presentation at point-of-sale and makes iteasier for your customer to find the right oil quickly".

LIQUI MOLYUlm-Lehr, GermanyTel. +49 731 [email protected]

Carlos Travé, General Manager 2 Wheel


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Digital Multi-languagebattery chargersFORELETTRONICA, the Italian manufacturer behindthe BC Battery Controller brand, has introduced a newseries of “smart, digital” battery chargers and testersfeaturing an LCD display and selectable languages.The range includes their BC BRAVO, BC 3500 EVOand BC 9000 EVO.

The backlit LCD display digital voltmeter helps theuser follow every step of the charging and testingprocess. All the BC chargers automatically execute amicroprocessor-driven 8-step charging algorithm,offering the opportunity to check the battery’s stateof charge and cranking power, as well as the functionof the alternator.

BC chargers are 100 percent made in Italy, andForelettronica say that their technology represents a“complete solution for car and motorcycle batterycare, allowing recovery and reconditioning of deeplydischarged batteries and recharge, desulfate andmaintain all kinds of 12V lead-acid batteries,including gel, sealed and AGM start & stop batteries”.

The company says that the charger can remainconnected to the battery indefinitely, with no risk andno need to disconnect it from the vehicle. Languagescan be selected from English, French, Italian, Germanor Spanish, and the package includes a waterproofbattery cable and insulated clamps.

BC BATTERY CONTROLLERCisliano (MI), ITALYTel +39 02 903 [email protected]

TCX’s motorcycle-specific footwearcollection is fully CE certified to meetcurrent EN 13634:2010 regulations, and thiseven applies to its new casual styled UrbanLine of boots, the X-Rap range.The X-Rap is a sneaker style boot designedto be worn on motorcycles and scooters,and despite the casual appearance has fullCE certification and a waterproofmembrane. Like all of TCX’s boots, the X-Raphas a reinforced malleolus, toe and heelarea, as well as a heat-formed footbed forincreased protection. The sole is highly wearresistant and there is also an ankle locksystem.The X-Rap is currently available in four

colours, black-waterproof, anthracite-grey,brown-grey and a ladies specific model inanthracite-grey-fuchsia. Sizes available are36-48 and 35-42 for the ladies version.More models will be released including theX-Rap Retro, the X-Rap Jungle Waterproof,and the X-Rap Gore-Tex.

TCX SPAMontebelluna (TV), ITALYTel: +39 0423 292211 [email protected]

Protective sneakers from TCX

Rizoma‘AccessoryLine’ITALIAN parts and accessory manufacturerRizoma continues to add to its popularand stylish range with detailingaccessories for Yamaha’s MT-09/07.Products include brake and clutch levers,grips, passenger pegs, headlight fairings,licence plate supports, engine and fairingguards, passenger peg bracket kits,homologated taillights, covers and capsand mirror adapters.

RIZOMA SRLFerno (VA), ITALYTel. +39 0331 242020Fax +39 0331 [email protected]

MT-09 customisedby Rizoma

MT-07 customised by Rizoma


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New Interphone MCBluetooth SeriesCOMMUNICATIONS specialistCellular Italia has added to itsmotorcycle-specific Interphone MCcommunication system serieswith the F3MC, F4MCand F5MC.The F3MC connectswirelessly to a mobilephone, Sat-Nav andmusic player, alongwith being useableas a rider-to-pillion intercom that can be used witha second device (Interphone or another brand). The F4MC allows bike-to-bike intercom togglingwith up to four other riders, within a range of 0.8km.It receives GPS voice instructions and allowscommunication with a pillion or other riders viaintercom and receives phone calls directly into thehelmet. There's a function to listen to music from astereo A2DP connection, or MP2/iPod via cable. TheF4MC also has a built-in FM radio with RDS and apreset memory for up to eight stations, includingautomatic radio muting for incoming calls.Sitting at the top of the range is the F5MC, which hasa range of up to 1.3km, and can connect betweenup to four riders in conference mode. Its multi-deviceconnectivity includes mobile phones, A2DPBluetooth stereo, FM radio, with RDS, and conferenceintercom. The AnyCom feature allows

communication with all types of brandsand intercom devices. It also features an'intercom auto reconnect', where if the

paired intercom device goes out of range theF5MC will automatically try to reconnect to the

device.All the MC Series devices are now availableas single units or as a twin pack, and a

handlebar remote control is available for the entireInterphone MC product range.

CELLULAR ITALIAReggio Emilia (RE), ItalyTel: +39 0522

'Lynx' touringjacket THIS jacket from Germas is said to be wellequipped with variousadjustment possibilities andplenty of watertightpockets.During warmerweatherconditions thedetachablemembrane andthe AIR-VENT-SYSTEM ensurecooling, andoriginal DuPont-Cordura and YFprotectorsguaranteesafety. In theback pocket the jacket also has a reflexbody belt, which can easily be accessed.

GERMASSchwabach, GERMANYTel. +49 (0)911 [email protected]

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Compañero Boreal riding suitTOURATECH’S latest version of its Compañerotechnical riding suit, which followson from the Worldwide and BlackEditions, is the Boreal. Made witha high-quality, triple layeredlaminate with a climatemembrane, it is designed for allthose who rarely travel underthe tropical sun, and for whomthe double suit system of thepresent Compañero is toocumbersome.The waterproof suit includesan innovative ventilationsystem, trousers fitted withdetachable thermo-lining, aPolartec fleece inner jacket,which can be wornseparately, and a generouslycut triple-layer laminate byGore-Tex. Additional featuresare various reflective surfaces, a practicalbackpack, adjustable arm, hip and waistlengths, as well as a selection of pockets. The

trouser legs are fitted with zippers to makethem easy to get on over boots, and the boot

section is additionally reinforced withCordura to provide maximumdurability. The latest generation SAS-TEC softprotectors provide safety and complywith the highest motorcyclestandards."Riders often asked us for a classiccombination with the same highquality and comfort standards asthe Worldwide Compañero. This isthe group we are addressing," saidTilo Jentzsch, the product managerresponsible for the CompañeroBoreal. Development was oriented moretowards classical bike travellersthan globetrotting adventurers,

and was created in collaborationwith German clothing outfitter Stadler and ismanufactured in the EU. It consists of blacktrousers and a jacket which is available in

black or black-grey-yellow. The CompañeroBoreal is available in the men's sizesstandard, short and long, as well as in aladies’ cut.

TOURATECHNiedereschach, GERMANYTel: +49 (0)7728 [email protected]

DUTCH specialist DPM International has updated itspopular GoRider range of GPS rider technologyaccessories with the launch of the Biker-Extensa asa third model.

The established Biker-II and Excalibur remain onsale, but the Biker-Extensa features a faster 800MHzprocessor, increased memory (8GB) and a built-inwaterproof speaker.

It shares the popular 480x272 pixel 4.3 inch largeformat clear screen seen on the Excalibur andstandard range features such as “accurateGPS with fast GPS fix”, IP57 certification forall weather use (water and dust resistance),glove-friendly touch screen, 4 hourrechargeable battery, support for Bluetooth,detailed maps for all of Europe andinteractive PC route software.

The GoRider Biker-Extensa ships as acomplete ready-to-go kit which includescradle and sun shade, 12V power supply,handlebar mount, protective pouch, wallcharger and USB cable.

DPM are looking for newimporters/distributors for selected marketsfor the GoRider range.

DPM-INTERNATIONALOude Pekela, NETHERLANDSTel: +31 (0)597 613 [email protected]

AiRider jacket for summerTHIS new jacket from Rukka called AiRideris made completely from the extremely air-permeable and very soft Cordura AFTknitware. The wind can easily get throughits wide mesh, cooling the body while sweatcan evaporate freely.Passive safety is ensured by the highabrasion resistance of Cordura AFT, thereinforcements on the elbows and by the CEcertified Rukka D3O Air joint protetcors,which are said to be very comfortable, butmultiply their crash protection during animpact. Thanks to a rear protector sleeve,the jacket can also be upgraded with acentral back protector.The collar of the AiRider jacket has amagnet closure, and adjusters on the lowerarms ensure a perfect fit. Four pockets withzippers offer storage space, and thanks to a

long connective zipper on the waist, thejacket is easily connected to any pair ofRukka trousers.The AiRider jacket is available in sizes 46 to62, either in black with red graphics or ingrey with orange graphics.

L-FASHION GROUPLahti, FINLANDTel. +358 (0)3 [email protected]

Biker-Extensa GPS features faster processor


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Puig parts for MT-07

PUIG is now making a range of parts for the 2014 Yamaha MT-07. Among the new parts selection are two heights of screen, whichhave been especially designed for the naked bike. Both the Sportand Touring screens are manufactured from 3mm high impact acrylicand available in dark smoke, light smoke, black and clear. To help prevent damage to the MT-07 in the event of a fall Puig’sR12 sliders are made of nylon with a rubber topping to protect therider’s knee from accidental knocks. They sliders are available in avariety of colours. The license plate support from Puig for the MT-07 is adjustable forits mounting angle and has mounts for separately available turnsignals. The licence plate light is included. Puig’s Racing footpegs are rotational to allow user adjustment andavailable for both rider and passenger.

PUIGGranollers, Barcelona, SPAINTel: +34 938 490 633 [email protected]

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OptiMate lithium 0.8Afeatures specificprogrammeTHE OptiMate Lithium 0.8A is a LiFePO4battery maintainer that “protects thebattery in the most effective way”,according to manufacturer TecMateInternational.

Designed as an affordable single or 4-Bankoptimiser that has been specified forprotection and maintenanceof low voltage, LiFePO4battery technologyfeatures include a specificprogramme that rechargesand balances ce l l sefficiently and safely and amaintenance programme thatdelivers current to the vehicle circuitry“protecting and keeping the battery at100% charge”.

TecMate CEO Martin Human explained that“LiFePO4 starter batteries are becoming more andmore popular as an aftermarket replacement.However, those batteries need special care toperform at their best, so we have developed adedicated charger/maintainer for their regularmaintenance.

“The OptiMate Lithium 0.8A is the perfect

solution to make sure that theoften expensive Lithium replacement

battery will remain charged at 100%at all times, with all 4 of the 3.2V

internal cells balanced – thanks tothe exclusive OptiMate Lithiummaintenance programme thatwe have developed”.

The company says that forquick charging and saving

discharged batteries, the“bigger brother”OptiMate Lithium 5A

remains available fromTecMate – with 5 amps of charging current availableand advanced recovery features.

TECMATETienen, BELGIUMTel: +32 (0)16 [email protected]

TecMate CEO Martin Human

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GILLES Tooling has expanded its productrange to include not onlyuniversal parts but also model-specific itms for the new YamahaMT-07.

Among the parts being offeredby Gilles Tooling through Yamahaare billet aluminium adjustablerearsets, which are a derived fromthe company’s existing Factor-Xrearset line. This version offers a widerrange of adjustability with six differentfootpeg positions, and titanium anodised andYamaha racing-blue anodised parts.

The Gilles Tooling front and rear axle protectors, aswell as its chain adjusters, incorporate the same colourschemes, and the chain adjusters also featureembedded bobbins.

Previously available for the MT-09, the Factor-Xlevers, now also available for the MT-07, offer 35-stepreach adjustability and a slim construction, whichmakes them suitable for riders with small hands or forfemale riders.

In addition to the parts listed above, which will beexclusively available through Yamaha, Gilles Toolingwill also be offering machined 1D.GT risers forhandlebar conversions from 22mm to 28.6mmdiameter. They mount on top of the original handlebarclamps and lift the handlebars 25mm, and the MT-07

is the first bike for them tobe available for. Matchinghandlebars with 28.6mm diameterare also new to Gilles Tooling. The GTOaluminium handlebars will be offered in two differentgeometries (low and medium), in black or gold.

GILLES TOOLING Wecker, LUXEMBOURGTel: +352 267 893 1 [email protected]

MT-07 equipped byGilles Tooling

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EXHAUST GUIDEMaxi scooter exhaustsTECNIGAS, the Spanish exhaust manufacturer, hasexpanded its product range for maxi scooters andnow has options for the most powerful stock Vespa,the GTS 300i.e., with the introduction of the NewMaxi 4 and 4Scoot exhausts. Both exhausts arehomologated according to the 97/24EC Directive.

The New Maxi 4, with a similar design to the OEMexhaust, is a high performance muffler that alsooffers high strength and durability, while the 4Scootis Tecnigas’ sporty model for maxi scooters. It hasstainless steel internals and an aluminium outer foran overall weight reduction, which is claimed to bealmost half of the stock exhaust. This particular

version of the 4Scoot exhaust is fitted with a newend cap in black to offer a more aggressive look,which reflects the exhaust performance, technologyand sportiness.

TECNIGAS PARTS Crespià (Girona), SPAINTel: + 34 972 57 09 88 [email protected]

GPR slip-onsfor BrutaleGPR has introduced a new range of slip-on exhaustmufflers for the MV Agusta Brutale 800. The newrange incudes homologated silencers and shortracing slip-ons, all with a removable dbkiller.

The company claims that across the range the newslip-ons offer an increase in performance of 2hp,along with a weight saving of 3.5 to 4kg. The weightsaving is dependent on the material used for themuffler body and there is a choice of aluminium,brushed stainless steel, coloured steel or titanium.

A feature of the new slip-ons is the supporting kit,which eliminates the traditional strap or weldedbracket. Instead a new patented bracket kit is usedthat is said to be better looking and easy to assembleand install.

GPR ITALIA SRLRiozzo di Cerro al Lambro (MI), ITALYTel: 39 02 98112058 [email protected]

REMUS has launched a range of Hexaconeslip-on and complete exhaust systems for the2014 BMW R 1200 RT, and its Hypercone slip-on mufflers for 2014 KTM 1290 Super DukeR, and 2014 Ducati Monster 1200 and 1200 S. Both the Hexacone and slip-on rangesinclude the option of muffler bodies madefrom a choice of stainless steel, carbon fibreor titanium, and all versions have carbonfibre inlet and outlet caps. Remus’ Hexacone complete 2-into-1 exhaustsystems are also offered with the samechoice of muffler bodies, and in additionfeature a carbon fibre heat shield.The Hypercone mufflers are available with achoice of bodies made from stainless steel,black stainless steel or titanium. With theHypercone there is also the option to replacethe stock connector pipe with a stainless one(with or without a catalytic convertorincluded for the Ducati option).

REMUS INNOVATIONBaernbach, AUSTRIATel: +43 (0)3142 6900 [email protected]

2014 BMW R 1200 RTHexacone mufflerRemus exhausts

Ducati Monster 1200S Hypercone muffler

GIANNELLI is now able to offer full exhaustsystems for the recently launched YamahaMT-07. The new systems from the Italianmanufacturer, which include the option ofsilencers in aluminium, carbon fibre ortitanium, are said to provide performanceincreases. All of the systems are street legal,and both the titanium and carbon fibresilencers have carbon fibre end caps, whilethe aluminium silencer has the choice ofcarbon fibre or stainless steel end caps andcarbon fibre end caps only on the blackanodised version. Giannelli also has a street legal catalyticconverter available for use with its systemsfor the MT-07.

GIANNELLI SILENCERSSelci di San Giustino (PG), ITALYTel: +39 0758 [email protected]

Giannelli forYamaha MT-07

KTM 1290 SuperdukeHypercone muffler


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New exhaust optionsfrom Arrow ARROW has created the Reflex 2.0 range of exhaustsfor use on scooters as an alternative to its existingReflex line. The new Reflex 2.0 features a black-painted cover and rear end cap.The key features of the Reflex exhaust remain as

the 2.0 version, and these include stainless steel alloyused for the collector, silencer body and internalparts, lightweight, quick and easy fitment thanks tothe mounting shaped-plate (securing the silencer tothe swingarm), and reduction of vibrations by meansof silent-block bushes. Alongside its selection of replacement scooter

exhausts Arrow also makes exhausts for motorcycles,and the latest additions to the range have beencreated for use on the 2014 Honda CBR1000. Theexhaust selection available for the CBR includes fullsystems, slip-on silencers, collectors and mid-pipes. The street legal Indy-Race slip-on for the

CBR1000, which is available with a titanium, carbonfibre, aluminium, or black anodised body, all with acarbon end cap, will only work with Arrow’s ownmid-pipe.Designed to work with the Arrow collector, the X-

Kone nichrom is a street legal silencer with a carbonend cap.The Competition full system from Arrow for the

CBR1000 only works with race pegs and bodywork,and is made up of a low-mount version with stainlesssteel headers and mid-pipe, and a titanium Trophysilencer; a low mount, full titanium system; a high-mount version with stainless steel headers andmid-pipe, and Race-Tech silencer in titanium; and afull titanium high mount system.

ARROW SPECIAL PARTSSan Giustino (PG), ITALYTel: +39 0758 [email protected]

The X-Kone nichrom street legal silencer with acarbon end cap can only be used with Arrowcollectors

The Indy-Race silencer is available in a choice ofaluminium, titanium or carbon

Arrow’s Gp2 titanium silencer includes stainlesssteel mid-pipe

Arrow has created the Reflex 2.0 range ofexhausts for use on scooters as an alternativeto its existing Reflex line

Mivv Speed Edge BlackORIGINALLY launched by MIVV in 2012, the SpeedEdge exhaust muffler was designed to meet stringentregulations imposed on aftermarket exhaustmanufacturers, while at the same time offeringperformance benefits to motorcycle riders. Now themanufacturer has reworked the Speed Edge for useon the latest generation of maxi scooters. The newly revamped Speed Edge exhaust now has

an all back look, which is obtained by means of achemical process that modifies the surface molecularstructure of the stainless steel sheet, followed bybrushing to further enhance the result. Other

changes include rotating the end pipe 180 degreesand redesigning the end cap and the anchoringband, both manufactured in carbon.

MIVVSant' Omero (TE). ITALYTel: +39 0861 8120 237 [email protected]

Exan Black Evo Xfor Z1000EXAN has created a version of its Series X for the2014 Kawasaki Z1000 with the introduction of thenew Black Evo X exhaust.The dual exhaust is available in a choice of stainless

steel or black stainless steel, with both optionsfeaturing a carbon fibre end cap. The replacementexhaust silencers are said to offer improvedperformance as well as reduced weight. Thehomologated exhaust is supplied with a removableDB killer than can be taken out for track use.

EXAN Lissone, ITALYTel: +39 0392 782 [email protected]

Page 36: IDN119 June/July 2014


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Page 38: IDN119 June/July 2014


ABM (DE) syntoEvo levers............................................................................................13Amphibious (IT) 100% waterproof luggage ................................................................27Andreani Group International (IT) Suspension Center School........................................18Barnett Clutches & Cables (US) Clutch upgrades, distributor network ......................39,36Calzaturificio Antis (IT) Stylmartin boots ......................................................................14DID Europe (IT) Chains and wheels ..............................................................................18DP Brakes & Clutches (US) Brakes & clutches ..............................................................29DPM International (NL) Ultrabatt multiMIGHTY battery ..................................................3ELSA Solutions (IT) Aliant Batteries ..............................................................................36Fehling (DE) Parts & accessories ..................................................................................36Forelettronica (IT) Duetto battery charger ....................................................................13GIVI (IT) Trekker Outback cases....................................................................................32Grossewaechter Racing Parts (DE) Tornado cams ........................................................36GSG-Mototechnik (DE) Parts & accessories ..................................................................36Hevik (IT) Dry Vision rain suit ......................................................................................31K&N Engineering(NL) High-flow air filters, Wrench-Off performance oil filters ................5Kappa (IT) Adventure accessories ................................................................................21Koelnmesse (DE) INTERMOT Cologne 2014 ................................................................37Locatelli (IT) Airoh Phantom helmet ............................................................................33Magura (DE) Brakes & clutch systems ............................................................................7Motohaus Powersports (GB) Keis heated apparel ........................................................40Motoplastic (ES) Puig Hi-Tech products ..........................................................................4National Cycle Inc (US) Windshields and accessories ....................................................23Remus Innovation (AT) Sport exhausts ........................................................................25Rick's Motorsport Electrics (US) Starters, chargers & ignitions ......................................38SBS Friction (DK) SBS brake pads ..................................................................................2Spectro Oils of America (US) Premium-quality lubricants - off-road oil ..........................39Stylmartin (IT) See Calzaturificio Antis ..........................................................................14TecMate (BE) Optimate3, distributor network ..............................................................14


ACEM (BE) Alternative fuels directive ..........................................................................13ACEM (BE) New Secretary General Antiono Perlot..........................................................6AGV (IT) Corsa scores SHARP 5-star rating ..................................................................20Alpha Technik (DE) Technical consulting centre for Bitubo ............................................12Amphibious (IT) Air-free Tank bag ................................................................................24Andreani Group International (IT) Cartridge kits for Triumphs ......................................19ANCMA (IT) Italian market sees third month of growth................................................11ANESDOR(ES) Spanish market continues upward trend ................................................11Arrow Special Parts (IT) Exhaust Pro-Guide: New scooter options ................................35Barnett Clutches & Cables (US) Billet clutch covers ......................................................19Barracuda (IT) Accessories for MT-07 ..........................................................................24

Bitubo (IT) Alpha Technik European technical consulting centre ....................................12BMW Motorrad Deutschland (DE) Sustained growth and record April ..........................12BMW Motorrad Deutschland (DE) BMW Concept Roadster ............................................8Borile Motorcycles (IT) B500 Ricki limited edition scrambler ..........................................7Cellular Italia (IT) New Interphone MC Bluetooth series ..............................................29CNC Racing (IT) Panigale clutch and alternator covers ................................................20DPM International (NL) Biker-Extensa GPS ..................................................................30Exan (IT) Exhaust Pro-Guide: Black Exo X for Z1000 ....................................................35Forelettronica (IT) Digital multi-language battery chargers............................................28Furygan (FR) GTO jacket ..............................................................................................26Galfer (ES) Pads for MT-07 ..........................................................................................22Germas (DE) 'Lynx' touring jacket ................................................................................29Giannelli Silencers (IT) Exhaust Pro-Guide: Exhaust systems for MT-07 ........................34Gilles Tooling (LU) MT-07 accessories ..........................................................................33GIVI (IT) Air Jet unisex open-face helmet......................................................................19GPR (IT) Exhaust Pro-Guide - slip-ons for Brutale ........................................................34Harley-Davidson Motor Company (US) Harley first quarter shipments up ........................7Hinson Clutch Components (US) Clutch for 2014 Husqvarnas ......................................25Honda Motor Co (JP) Sales up, Vultus in showrooms in June ........................................40IVM (DE) German registrations year to date ................................................................10IXS Motorcycle Fashion (CH) 'Sting' leather jacket........................................................24JAMA (JP) Japanese export growth slows in April ........................................................10Klock Werks (US) Gold Wing 'Flare' screen available through Parts Europe ..................26Koelnmesse (DE) International Night at INTERMOT ....................................................1,6L-Fashion Group (FI) Rukka AiRider summer jacket ......................................................30Liqui Moly (DE) 40 new products ................................................................................27MAG Inc (US) TR/MAG "merger" deal completed ........................................................15Magura (DE) Hydraulic clutch for BMW F series............................................................26Metzeler Reifen (DE) Sportec M7 RR..............................................................................8Mitas (CZ) Official tyre supplier for FIM Speedway GPs ..................................................9MIVV (IT) Exhaust Pro-Guide: Speed Edge Black ..........................................................35Motohaus Powersports (GB) Ventura luggage system for V-Strom 1000 ......................20Motoplastic (ES) Puig parts for MT-07..........................................................................31MCIA (GB) Growth in new registrations continues in UK..............................................10MIC (US) Ackerman named Chair of MIC Aftermarket/Allied Trade Committee ..............17Parts Europe (DE) Distributing Klock Werks Gold Wing 'Flare' screen ............................26Polaris Industries (US) Record first quarter results ........................................................17Polaris Industries (US) First factory in Europe..................................................................9Powerbronze (GB) MT-09 belly pan..............................................................................22R&G Racing (GB) MT-07 parts ....................................................................................21Remus Innovation (AT) Exhaust Pro-Guide: New product round up ..............................34Rev'It! Sport International (NL) Urban riding shoe collection ........................................20Rizoma (IT) New accessories for MT-07/09 ..................................................................28Saddlemen (US) Acquires Phantom Pad ......................................................................16SDE Motorsport (IT) Forma ‘Freeride’ urban riding shoe................................................22Shark (FR) Vancore helmet ..........................................................................................24TCX (IT) Protective sneakers ........................................................................................28TecMate (BE) OptiMate lithium 0.8A battery maintainer ..............................................32Tecnigas Parts (ES) Exhaust Pro-Guide: Maxi scooter exhausts......................................34Technical Touch Racing (NL) Hinson clutch for 2014 Husqvarnas ..................................25TORQ Distribution (NL) Classic Triumph custom parts ..................................................23Touratech (DE) Companero Boreal riding suit ..............................................................30Tucker Rocky Distributing (US) TR/MAG "merger" deal completed ..............................15UFO Plast (IT) Italian made 'Interceptor' helmet ..........................................................22Vectrix Corporation (US) Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing....................................................17Zandona (IT) Shark EVC back protector........................................................................25

This INTERNATIONAL DEALER NEWS INDEX is a complete listing of all the items in this edition.It includes all our advertisers and the product, feature and news items published this month.The INDEX will act as a quick reference guide, and will be useful when searching this and othereditions either for contact details for a particular company, or for a specific item that hasappeared. The INDEX appears in every edition of IDN.


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Page 40: IDN119 June/July 2014

news ROOM

HONDA saw Group motorcycle salesfor its financial year ended March 31st,2014 grow by 9.8 percent, to some 17million units (up by some 1.5m PTWsand ATVs), thanks to a strong fourthquarter in which it sold 4.5m units, upfrom some 4m units in the year-agoquarter, marking a 7th straight quarterof growth.Some 14.6m units were sold in Asia (up+11.5 percent), with North Americansales also growing strongly - up 10.4percent to approximately 276,000units; North American fourth quartersales (the first three months of 2014)were up 20.3 percent at around83,000 units.For the 2013/2014 financial yearmotorcycle sales generated some 1.67trillion Yen in revenue (approx€12bn/US$16bn), thanks as much toimproved exchange rates as to unitgrowth, and overall (includingautomotive, power products etc.)Honda saw profits jump from

Yen367bn in 2012/2013 to Yen574bnin 2013/2014 - approx €4.1bn/US$5.6bn.Honda are projecting further growththis year, with motorcycle sales for their2014/2015 financial year forecast toincrease again, to around 18.2m units(7 percent growth).No doubt the company will be hopingthat some of that growth will comefrom its ongoing new model blitz,including the radically styled 750cc v-twin NM4 'Vultus', which is due to startarriving in dealerships in Europe andNorth America in June.Unveiled at the Osaka and TokyoMotorcycle Shows earlier this year,Honda are hoping that 'Vultus' willcome to define a new class - one thatthe 'Vultus' will populate with a newyoung urban demographic to whomthe edgy, futuristic 'Magna'/"Japanimation" styling speaks in a

way that other motorcycles don't.The NM4 ("New Model" 4) features alow seat height, a Combined BrakeSystem that includes dual-channelABS, and Honda's proprietary DualClutch Transmission (DCT) - anelectronically-controlled ContinuouslyVariable Transmission (CVT).

Honda's Vultus isbeing produced atKumamoto factory

NEWSBRIEFSSlovenian exhaustmanufacturer Akrapovic wasrecently voted 'Best ExhaustBrand' by the readers of PSMagazine in Germany - earlierthis year the companyannounced that it was nowselling its motorcycleexhausts Dealer-Direct inGermany.

From April this year commercialmanagement of ScorpionExohelmets for the Italian marketstarted to be handled by NewWay Marketing Solutions, a salesconsultancy at Chiasso,Switzerland - just over the borderfrom Como, Italy. The ScorpionExobrand is manufactured in Koreaby the giant Kido Sports Co. Ltd.,and represented in Europe byScorpion Sports Europe ofStrasbourg, France.

Michael Dunlop of NorthernIreland won at the Isle ofMan on a BMW, 75 yearsafter BMW Motorrad's lastSuperbike victory there,when German Georg"Schorsch" Meier becamethe first non-British racer towin the Senior TT race whenhe lapped at over 100 mph(another first on a GP course)on a Type 255 Kompressor inJune 1939. Dunlop finished20.5 seconds in front offellow Britton Guy Martin inthe TT Superbike race on aHawk Racing S 1000 RR withan engine from BMWMotorrad Motorsport..

The 750cc NM4 ("New Model") 'Vultus' is a v-twin motorycycle with maxi-scooter technology that is designed to attract riders who may be intimidated by conventianal motorcycle characteristics. The styling is straight out of Japanese Magna culture - no surprisethat Honda chose the London ComiCon event for its European debut in May

Honda sales up, 'Vultus'in showrooms in June