idioms matching questions

Match the colour idioms with their meanings. 1 black out 2 green fingers 3 in black and white 4' a white elephant 5 paint the town red( ) 6 red-handed 7 red-letter day 8 blue-eyed boy 9 bolt from the blue 10 once in a blue moon 11 a yellow streak 12 . purple with rage a) conspicuous success b)true nature or character c) very angry d) cowardice e) a rare occurrence f )a sudden and unexpected occurrence g) in the act of committing a crime/doing something wrong h) go on a spree i) a possession that is unwanted by its owner j) write it on paper with ink k) momentary loss of consciousness

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Idioms Matching Questions


Match the colour idioms with their meanings.1 black out2 green fingers3 in black and white 4' a white elephant5 paint the town red( )6 red-handed7 red-letter day 8 blue-eyed boy9 bolt from the blue10 once in a blue moon11 a yellow streak12 . purple with rage13 true colours14 off colour15 flying coloursa) conspicuous successb)true nature or characterc) very angryd) cowardicee) a rare occurrencef )a sudden and unexpected occurrenceg) in the act of committing a crime/doing something wrongh) go on a spreei) a possession that is unwanted by its ownerj) write it on paper with inkk) momentary loss of consciousness1) not well m) skill in gardeningn) the favourite of a persono) memorably important or happy occasion

Choose a colour idiom from the box to complete the sentence.1 Mrs Tan found out her husband's ....... after a year of marriage.2 The orphans only get to eat ice-cream ....3 My grandmother had a ... ..and fell down.4 They are going to .............. after the examination.5 .She entered University after passing her A-levels with ............6 The drug courier was caught............ with heroin in his baggage.7 You cannot deny that you- did-it because there is evidence .................8 On her . days, Ms Wong cannot do her job well.9 The death of her father was a ..............10 In many homes, the organ is ............... because the children are not interested in music.11 Mother has won many prizes for her flowers because she has ...........12 Some employees are jealous of Johan because he is the manager's ..........................13 ., the angry father yelled at his son.14 . On that .. all the grandchildren gathered together to sing 'Happy Birthday'.15 The big bully ran away when he saw a policeman because he was ........................1. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

2. Rome "wasn't built in a day.

3. Burning the midnight oil.

4. Prevention is better than cure.

5. An arm and a leg

6. Back to the drawing board/ back to square one

7. Barking up the wrong tree

8. Do not judge a book by its cover

9. Cross the bridge only when you come to it

10. Curiosity kills the cat

11. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched

12. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

13. Drastic times call for drastic measures

14. Every cloud has a silver lining/ Theres a blessing in disguise

15. Feeling a bit under the weather

16. Heard it on the grapevine

17. Hit the sack

18. It takes two to tango

19. Jump on the bandwagon

20. Kill two birds with one stone

21. The last straw

22. A picture paints a thousand words

23. Piece of cake

24. Let sleeping dogs lie

25. Let the cat out of the bag

26. To make a long story short

27. Once in a blue moonActions speak louder than words

28. Miss the boat

29. Seeing eye to eye

30. To sit on a fence

31. Steal someone's thunder

32. Speak of the devil

33. Take it with a pinch of salt

34. A taste of your own medicine

35. Straight from the horse's mouth

36. The whole nine yards

37. Wouldn't be caught dead doing something

38. Hit the nail on the head

Write a story staring with... IT WAS THE LETTER I HAD BEEN WAITING FOR

STORY FEATURES1. An introduction that intrigues the reader

2. Uses all the five senses.

3. Uses interesting verbs.

4. Uses only a small amount of dialogue.

5. Uses some description.

6. Has a variety of sentence length

7. Correct use of tenses.

8. Correct use of speech marks.

9. Links between paragraphs.

10. Accurate punctuation.