idioms competition 2009


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Post on 21-Jun-2015




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Collaborative work. Presentation created with contributions from students from different levels. Business English Course. In-company classes.


Page 1: Idioms Competition 2009
Page 2: Idioms Competition 2009

They’re like bulls in a china shop.Why don’t we let our hair go down once in a while and go a bit wild.?

The little girl is the apple of her mum’s eyes. If you are given lemons, make lemonade!!

Page 3: Idioms Competition 2009

Don’t trust her smile. She’s as slippery as an eel.Is that her son? Oh, my God! He’s as ugly as sin!

This is a very stressful job. We’re always working against the clock.The young girl doesn’t know what life has in store for her.

Page 4: Idioms Competition 2009

The killer has gone away with murder. The judge released him for lack of proof.After months of training, the astronauts were eager to put the show on the road.

He’s made a right pig’s ear of his life!Ge rid of your pie-in-the-sky ideas! They’ll never work.

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The boy cocked a snook at the park attendant and walked on the grass.I’m tired. Let’s call it a day!This task is as easy as pie.

I finished it at the eleventh hour but I was able to meet the deadline this time.

Page 6: Idioms Competition 2009

We’re leaving tomorrow, rain or shine.I’m sorry I rubbed your fur the wrong way. I didn’t mean to upset you!We were not talking about anything important, just shooting the breeze.Step on it! The taxi will be here in a minute and you haven’t dressed yet!

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Can you keep an eye on my house while I’m away on holiday?She caught my eye when I saw her for the first time.

Why don’t you ask Mke? He knows the system inside out.He’s a real couch potato. He needs to take more exercise.

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Kids, you’re making too much noise. Cut it out!It was a pleasure. I must get going now

Where do you get all that get up and go?Aren’t you tired of being a yes-man?

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Have you tried these cookies? Yeah, yummy!!I don’t know. I haven’t made up my mind yet.

I wish I could go to the movies but I must hit the books.I’m really tired. I think I’ll hit the sack.

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Losing that game was quite a let-down.When I talk to you, I feel I’m talking to a brick wall.

I hope you don’t have any hard feelings after the result of the match.He feels proud of his country.

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She’s showing off her black rose.The student is fed up with going to boring classes every day.

We made good time in our last trip. We arrived earlier than we thought.Some people are making good money despite the crisis.

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Brad Pitt cuts a fine figure on the films.You never pay attention. Things go in one ear and out the other. The dog saved your neck. His barking helped us find you. I’m sorry.

Put it on paper and then we’ll be happy.

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The players walked on air when Boca Junior won the cup.Martin is very slim because he eats like a bird. Who said life would be a bed of roses?

I’m in two minds whether to come to the class or go for lunch.

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