idiom bodyfd

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  • 7/23/2019 Idiom Bodyfd


    Idiom/Saying Explanation Body parts

    1. Give your right arm : To want something very much.

    or example:! "hen I#m in Germany I#d give my right arm $or some decent %acon.

    &. The long armo$ the law : The police.

    or example:! I told him not to do it. 'ou never escape the long arm o$ the law.

    (. To cost an armand a leg: Extremely expensive.

    or example:! )unning this we% site costs me an arm and a leg.

    *. To twist someone#s arm. : To persuade someone to do something they do not want to do.

    or example:! She didn#t want to study English+ %ut the teacher twisted her arm.

    ,. Backto back To %e close together and $acing in opposite directions.

    or example:!British cities are $ull o$ %ac- to %ac- housing.

    . Behind someone#s back. To do something without them -nowing+ in a way which is un$air.

    or example:! I %ought the car %ehind his %ac- and now he#s really angry.

    . To %rea- your back. To wor- extremely hard.

    or example:!I don#t -now why English teachers %rea- their %ac-s $or so little $inancial reward.

    0. To scratch someone#s back. To o$$er to help someone i$ they help you.

    or example:!I$ I give you the planning permission you have to vote $or me on the council. 'ou scratch my %ac-

    and I#ll scratch yours.

    . To sta% someone in the back. To say nasty things a%out someone when they are not there.

    or example:!2e thought they were his $riends until they sta%%ed him in the %ac-.

    13. To go bellyup. To %e ruined or de$eated+ especially $inancially.

    or example:!The company went %elly up soon a$ter.

    11. 4ver my dead body. To %e unwilling to allow something to happen

    or example:"hen she as-ed me i$ she could go to the pop $estival+ I told her she could go over my dead %ody

    She#s only 1,5

    1&.Braindrain.The movement o$ people with education and s-ills $rom their own country to another country where

    they are paid more $or their wor-.

    or example:!The country#s braindrain %egan to reverse as pro$essors returned $rom a%road.

    1(. Scatterbrain/ Scatterbrained 6 $lighty and disorgani7ed person

    or example:!She had to go home to get her hand%ag. She#s such a scatter%rain5

    1*.Brainy 8lever.

    or example:!2e always gets good mar-s+ he#s so %rainy.

    1,. To have a %un in the oven.To %e pregnant.

    or example:!I didn#t -now whether she had a %un in the oven+ or she#d 9ust put on weight.

    1.Calflength. 8lothing or %oots that end at the middle point %etween the $oot and the -nee.

    or example:!She wore a cal$ length dress to the party.

    1.Chinup.-eep your chin up ; Something you say to someone to tell them to have con$idence.

    or example:! A I#ve got my exams tomorrow.

    B 8hin up+ it will all %e over soon.

  • 7/23/2019 Idiom Bodyfd


    10. To not %elieve your ears. : To %e una%le to %elieve something you hear

    or example:!"hen he told me he had won the lottery+ I couldn#t %elieve my ears5

    1. To go in one earand out the other. : eep your fingerscrossed. : To literally cross your middle $inger over your $irst $inger to try and hope $or a %it o$ lu

    or a positive outcome.

    or example:! I#ve got an exam tomorrow at am+ so -eep your $ingers crossed $or me.

    (,. @To not li$t a finger.@ : To %e unwilling to help.

    or example: "hen I $ell over no one li$ted a $inger to help me

    (. To point the finger. : To accuse someone o$ %eing responsi%le $or something %ad that has happened.

    or example:! 2e -new that his next door neigh%our had pointed the $inger at him.

  • 7/23/2019 Idiom Bodyfd


    (. To pull your hairout. : To %e very worried a%out something.

    or example:!She#s got a test tomorrow and she#s pulling her hair out.

    (0. To %e a da% hand. : To %e very good at something.

    or example:!She was a da% hand at drawing.

    (. To %e an old hand. : To have a lot o$ experience in something.

    or example:! 2e#s an old hand at di$$icult negotiations.

    *3. To %e caught red handed. : To %e discovered doing something illegal or wrong.or example:They caught him red!handed as he tried to ro% the %an- .

    *1. ?any handsma-e light wor-. : "hen everyone helps to do something+ it gets done =uic-ly.

    or example: "e $inished in no time at all with everyone#s help. ?any hands ma-e light wor-.

    *&. To %e a %ighead : "e call someone a %ighead i$ they#re acting in a conceited way.

    or example:! Ever since he came top o$ the class+ he#s %een a real %ighead.

    *(. 2ave a heart. : 6s- someone to %e -inder to you.

    or example:!Student: 2ave you mar-ed my homewor- yet

    Teacher: 2ave a heart5 'ou only handed it in yesterday5

    **.Heart%ro-en : Su$$ering $rom or exhi%iting overwhelming sorrow+ grie$+ or disappointment.

    or example:! She was heart%ro-en when she $ound out she hadn#t got the 9o%.

    *,.Heartwarming : Something that causes a $eeling gladness and pleasure.

    or example:! The story o$ the dog who saved the li$e o$ its owner was such a heartwarming story.

    *. "armhearted : Someone who is very -ind and generous.

    or example:!She#ll help anyone who needs it+ she#s such a warmhearted person.

    *. 6chilles heel. : 6 small $ault or wea-ness in a person or system that can result in its $ailure.

    or example:!6lcohol was always his 6chilles heel.

    *0. To cost an armand a leg. : Extremely expensive.

    or example:!)unning this we% site costs me an arm and a leg.

    *. To pull someone#s leg. : To try to persuade someone to %elieve something which is not true as a 9o-e.

    or example:!She was very shoc-ed until she realised he was only pulling her leg.

    ,3. To stretch your legs. : To move around a$ter having %een in one place or position $or a long time.

    or example:! I$ I have %een sitting at the computer $or too long+ I need to get up and stretch my legs.

    ,1. To cross someone#s mind. : To thin- a%out something or someone.

    or example:!Co I ever cross your mind

    ,&. To have a %ig mouth. : I$ someone says you have a %ig mouth+ they thin- you tal- too much+ especially a%out thin

    that should %e secret

    or example:!"hen I told them he had a girl$riend they loo-ed surprised. ?e and my %ig mouth5

    ,(. To stic- your neckout. : To ta-e a ris-.

    or example:!She really stuc- her nec- out expanding the %usiness during a recession.

    ,*. 6 %ag %undle; o$ nerves.: To %e very nervous.

    or example:!Be$ore the exam I was a %ag o$ nerves.

    ,,. To get on someone#s nerves. : To annoy someone.

    or example:! The teacher really gets on my nerves when she goes on a%out correct spelling and grammar.

  • 7/23/2019 Idiom Bodyfd


    ,. To win %y a nose. : To win %y a very small margin.

    or example:!She won %y a nose. It was a very close race.

    ,. >eep your noseto the grindstone. : To wor- hard.

    or example:!I$ you want to pass your exams you#ll have to -eep your nose to the grindstone.

    ,0.A shoulder to cry on :